#How To Know If Your Ex Boyfriend Will Come Back Best Tricks
charlessainzz · 3 months
A request for Lily bringing you to a race to cheer her up after a bad breakup and playing a little Cupid with Charles or Carlos ??
Stupid Cupid
thank you for requesting this! hopefully I did it justice :)
“Lily, I don't want to go to the race! He’s going to be there and think I’m stalking him”, you groaned. It had been two weeks since your boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend Matt, dumped you. He was a mechanic for Williams who had been introduced to you by your best friend Lily. 
“Oh y/n don’t be so dramatic! You’re going to put on your hottest outfit and show him what he’s missing, okay!” she said as she threw you the best form fitting jeans money could buy. Unknown to you she had an ulterior motive. Lily felt bad that she and Alex had introduced you to Matt and they needed to make up for it. Alex had heard through the grapevine that the Charles Leclerc had seen you at a party and mentioned to Alex he thought you were cute. So what better person to match you up with. The plan was to somehow get you two alone but how… that would be difficult. 
You and Lily walked into the paddock, your eyes darting back and forth looking out for your ex. “Lily I feel nauseous, I don’t want to run into him!” you cried grabbing her hand. 
“Y/n don’t worry! We’re not hanging out in the Williams garage today, I’ve got passes to the Ferrari garage”, she sing-songed. A huge smile appeared on your face. How lucky to be in the presence of Carlos Sainz and Charles Leclerc. 
“Someone likes that idea..” Lily joked seeing your big smile. She texted Alex that the plan was a go. It was time to get Charles in place. 
You both entered the Ferrari building and noticed Alex was randomly in the building. “What’s he doing here?” you questioned. 
“Uh not sure, let’s go find out!” Lily said as she dragged you towards him. That’s when you noticed he was talking to Charles. You felt your face go hot. As you both walked up to them, Alex started to introduce you but then like a ghost Charles disappeared. 
“What the-” Alex said shocked, turning every which way looking for Charles. Then he spotted him, he got snatched by his PR person for an interview. “Sorry y/n” Alex said defeated. 
“Haha no worries, I’m not important enough for him to talk to”, you joked. You linked your arm with Lily and walked to your standing area. Lily turned and gave Alex a mad look. Plan A failed, time for Plan B. 
You watched as they went through FP1. You felt like you and Charles kept making eye contact but maybe your head was playing tricks on you. If you hadn't known better you could’ve sworn he kept smiling at you too. 
“Come on y/n, let’s go find a table to have lunch. Alex said he’d join us later with some friends”, Lily explained. You both settle into a table waiting for your guests. 
“Hey man!” Alex said as he patted Charles on the back. “Thanks for joining our lunch!”. Your eyes nearly pop out of your head as you see who the special friend was. “You know Lily, and this right here is our dear friend y/n”. 
Charles smiles and reaches for your hand. “Nice to meet you y/n”, he grins. You shake his hand grimmacing at how sweaty your palm was. 
“N-Nice to meet you too. You did great out there!”, you stammered a bit. The conversation started slow but the more you all talked the better it got. Almost as if Lily and Alex weren’t there and they got the hint. Lily texted Alex that it was time to dip.
“Oh well me and Lily have to uh- we have to leave!” Alex stupidly explained. You and Charles looked at them with confusion and you so more with panic. They couldn’t leave you alone, not with him! Lily gave you a thumbs up and mouthed ‘You got this!’ as they both ran away. 
Now without the presence of your friends it started to get… awkward and silent. Funnily, Alex and Lily had actually hid behind some bushes watching. 
“Alex, we left too early, it looks bad now!” Lily cried. 
“Don’t you worry, I’ve got something to break the ice” Alex slyly says as grabs a tennis ball from his pocket. 
“What the hell is that for?”, she sternly says. 
“Well I don’t have a bow and arrow, so I have to improvise” he giggles. They watch as you and Charles sit there both trying to find something to say. When all of a sudden a tennis ball goes flying and hits your drink glass shattering it to the floor. 
You both jump out of your seats and look around for where it came from. You look at him and fall over laughing. “I think the universe is trying to tell us something” you wheeze. 
“I think the universe is telling us to get out of here” Charles smiles. You give him a confused look. “Let me take you out to lunch in town, somewhere better”, he says confidently. 
“Oh!” you grin feeling your cheeks blush. “I would love that”. He grabs your hand and starts to lead you to the parking lot. 
Lily and Alex jump from behind the bush and silently cheer. “You are the stupidest cupid Alex Albon”, Lily laughs at her boyfriend. 
“Hey! It worked though, look at them… a perfect pair”, he giggles.
You and Charles walked hand in hand down the paddock towards his car. Just then the one person you had avoided all day walks past you. Matt does a double take as his mouth falls open. Turning to meet his gaze you give him a wink and snuggle more into Charles’s side. 
Hopefully this match made by cupid turns out better!
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flowerxbunnie · 7 months
Star Crossed
Chris x Fem reader
Warnings: angst, cheating/breakup, underage drinking, scene involving cigarettes
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“Fuck you Garrett, like actually.” I spat, gripping at the handle of his jeep and threatening to leave.
“What is your problem? You never told me that it wasn’t okay. She’s literally Tristan’s cousin. And your best friend is a guy, I thought you would be okay with this.” he argued, his face plastered with confusion but his voice filled with anger.
“Don’t try to make me feel crazy,” I warned, turning back to face him and pinching the bridge of my nose. “I’m okay with you having friends of the opposite gender. But I don’t care if it’s the Queen of England, since when is it okay to text other girls private details about our relationship?”
“I only do it when we’re in arguments and I need someone to vent to. She told me I could come to her when I was upset. It’s not like it’s an everyday thing.” He throws his hands up in frustration.
“Okay,” I let an angry chuckle out. “I’m gonna call up one of my girls’ cousins and tell him about this right quick then. See if he maybe has some advice for me.”
“That’s not the fucking same and you know it. He’d try to fuck you or god knows what else.” He scowled.
I stare into his eyes, blinking slowly, hoping the hypocrisy behind his words catches up to him. But it doesn’t.
“I just don’t get why you treat me like I’m some horrible boyfriend,” he starts, “I meet my best friend’s cousin at a bonfire, get her number and text her casually and you fly off the handle.”
“You text her about OUR RELATIONSHIP. When we’re at our worst. Why do you need advice from a random fucking girl who you barely know?” I snapped, my cheeks burning and my hands shaking. Tears threaten to spill over, something I hate about myself when I get angry. “Let’s not forget that you went through and liked every single one of her instagram pictures. Every single one. Was that a piece of the advice she gave you? To make your girlfriend look like a fucking idiot?” I fumed, his hands moving to grip the steering wheel with white knuckles. “And how do I know that’s all you talk about, hm? All the texts are deleted.”
His face remains blank as he grabs the gear-shifter and throws the jeep into reverse. His eyes flick up to the rear view and he backs out of our spot in the random shopping outlet’s parking lot, roughly shifting into drive a he pulls out and into the road.
“What the fuck are you doing, Garrett?” I grumble, watching the streetlights lining the road zoom past my window as he speeds down the highway.
“I’m taking you home. I’m not gonna stay with a crazy bitch who thinks she can micromanage my every move.” He spoke, his tone calm and his expression unwavering.
I take a deep breath. I’m done with the arguing.
I close out of her instagram account, still trying to convince myself that my eyes are playing tricks on me as Garrett’s name is plastered under her newest scandalous photos. I toss my phone into the space between my bed and the wall, knowing it’s unhealthy to stalk her and mourn my relationship everyday. It’s been a week.
Somehow I’ve managed to drag myself to class everyday. The lessons don’t click in my brain this week, my notebook is empty and my pen is dry. I’m not even sure I have a voice anymore. I haven’t spoken to anyone unless I had to. None of my friends know what happened, I’m too embarrassed to come across as the crazy ex-girlfriend who got her heart broken because she can’t mind her own business.
Aside from class I’ve been lying down rotting for the past seven days, going back and forth on if I’m in the wrong or if I’m valid in my feelings. Garrett was right, my best friend is a guy, but I’ve known him since middle school. We know everything about each other, he’s like family. Garrett threw everything away for a girl he had just met, deleting text messages and completely failing to ever mention her name in conversation.
My body feels like it’s physically reacting, my muscles aching and my head throbbing. My mind races with questions.
How can someone who I poured so much of my love into take it and wring it down the drain?
How can I even feel angry? He just wanted a new friend.
Why did he like all of her pictures, even the first embarrassing one she ever posted in 2013?
Why are you so controlling?
Why didn’t he tell me?
Why do you care so much? It’s just Tristan’s cousin.
Is it bad for my boyfriend to like pictures of a girl in a hot tub?
I hear my phone vibrating, but I can’t even find the energy to move the comforter off of my body. I put a pillow over my ears and try to wish it away. I’m tired of the questions. I don’t want to explain why I’ve seemed down.
It keeps going off, vibrating against the wall over and over relentlessly. Huffing, I shove my hand down into the gap and dig for it, pulling it up and squinting as the screen beams light into my eyes.
“Party tonight at the same house as last week. Y/n please get off your lazy ass and come!!!”
“yeah y/n i need to see ur pretty face!”
“If Garrett gets mad tell him he can come too”
“its senior year pleaseee we don’t have many parties left :(“
My group chat is flooded with messages from my girl friends. I can’t even reply right now. Maybe getting out would be good for me, but I really want to sit in my two day old clothes and stuff my face with Oreos tonight. How dumb am I gonna look dancing alone?
My mind races for the next hour, contemplating whether going out will make me feel better or become a huge regret. Garrett and I never officially broke things off, we just haven’t talked in a week. What if he’s pining over it like I am? I can’t exactly just dance my feelings away with some random guy when I don’t even know the status of my relationship.
After a phone call from Sophie and a lot of convincing, I decide it would be best for me to get out tonight. I need the interaction, and maybe a couple drinks if someone was able to bum them from their college friends. I need to hear music, I need to speak with other humans. But I can’t go alone.
My phone hovers over Chris’s name, worried I might wake him up since it’s already late. I click it anyway, the dial tone only going off twice before I hear his voice on the other side.
“Y/n/n, what’s up!” he chirps.
I smile to myself, my best friend always cheering me up whether he knows it or not. “You know, the usual. Coming up with a blue print for a new and improved Golden Gate Bridge. You?”
“Fuck off,” he stifles his laughter. “I’m watching some show Nick and Matt told me about. For real though, what’s up?”
“Sophie is begging me to go to a party tonight. You down to be my plus one?” I question as I shuffle through my closet.
“Garrett didn’t wanna go?” he asks puzzled.
I take a moment and debate whether or not I want to tell him. I really don’t want to bring down the mood of the night. I’m supposed to be having fun.
“Nah, not tonight. He’s on some boys trip upstate.” I lie through my teeth.
“Sounds lame. I’ll be there, what time?” He asks and I hear rustling, presumably him getting up off the couch or his bed.
“Uhhhh like two hours….” I trail off, nervous it might be too short of notice.
“Alright, I’ll meet you at your house and we can walk together.”
“Perfect! Thank you Chrissy.” I feel tears well up in my eyes, actual happiness igniting, even if only a small spark, for the first time in a week.
“Don’t thank me, weirdo.” He laughs. “See ya dude.” The line goes silent.
I spend the next couple hours taking everything slow. I eat a meal, my first fulfilling one since that night. I wash my face, do my hair, throw on makeup to look and feel more alive. I decide on a maroon slip dress, silky and comfortable. As I’m saying my goodbyes to my parents and about to walk out the door, my phone vibrates in my hand.
“What color are you wearing?”
I smile as I text him back, knowing he’s gonna wear something to coordinate our looks. As cringe as it may be, that’s just Chris.
We meet exactly where we planned, the chill in the air causing us to walk shoulder to shoulder for any sort of warmth. We don’t talk much, but the silence is comfortable. We never felt the need to force something out of nothing. Nothing is everything with him.
We walk in and we’re immediately greeted by Sophie and a bunch of other people she’s been hanging around.
“Y/n!” She pulls me into a hug. “Where’s Garrett? Hey Chris!” She waves in his direction.
“Boys trip.” I shrug, going into as little detail as possible.
“Oh, well I’m SO glad you came. You haven’t been yourself the last few days.” She says while giving me a look of genuine concern.
“Class has been super stressful,” I lie. “But I’m so glad I came too!”
Chris smiles as he listens in on our conversation, waving at various people who greet him in passing.
He looks so handsome. He’s wearing a maroon sweater with a button up peeking out from underneath and some jeans that fall perfectly over his long legs. I’ve always been so jealous of his ability to throw anything together and make it an outfit, a good one at that.
“Chrissy I love your outfit,” I whisper in his ear, the music too loud to try to talk from a distance.
“Had to layer, it’s too cold for a ratty tshirt,” he jokes. “But I could say the same to you. You look gorgeous.” He smiles and bumps his shoulder against mine.
The night goes on and we drink, dance, take goofy photos in front of a prop wall, and talk to so many fucking people. I’ve went over my social meter for the night, but Chris looks like he’s having so much fun and I would never say anything to ruin that. He makes his way back over to me after a round of beer pong that he absolutely crushed everyone else at.
“I wanna get one more picture in front of the prop wall and then I think I’m gonna call it a night. Gonna walk to McDonalds if you wanna comeee..” he sing songs, giving me a pleading look.
“Thank fuck,” I laugh, relief washing over me. “I was done an hour ago. Just didn’t wanna take the experience away from you.”
“That’s crazy because I was also done an hour ago, but I thought you were having a good time.” He laughs, his nose scrunching up.
We walk over to the prop wall and find someone to snap a photo for us. I grab a pair of red heart glasses, he grabs a bow tie on a stick and holds it up to his neck.
“3.. 2.. 1… and cheese!” The girl slurs before the flash blinds us.
She tosses me my phone and we thank her before slipping out the door, thankfully going unnoticed by Sophie. We giggle and walk alongside each other on the sidewalk, the smell of dewy late night air flooding my nose. The streetlights carve out Chris’s cheekbones as he looks down at me, rambling about nothing and everything all at once. I listen intently, glad to have my mind on anything other than what it’s been rampant with recently.
“It’s fucking cold,” I complain as I cross my arms across my chest and rub some friction onto them.
“Here.” Chris quickly stops in his tracks and pulls his sweater off, his button up left behind. He tosses it my way and gives me a small smile.
It smells like him as I slip it over my head and bring the sleeves over my hands.
“Thank you.”
We make it to McDonald’s relatively quickly. Chris holds the door open for me and we order our food and find a booth to wait in. My feet ache and my hair just feels tangled.
“What a fucking night. I can’t wait to crash after this,” I sigh and lay my head on the table.
His hand comes down to rub my hair, a sweet gesture he loves to do. His love language has always been physical touch.
“Aww, I was hoping you’d hang out with me a little longer. I’ve got ideas!” He whines.
I look up at him with a raised eyebrow. You never know what this kid is going to come up with in the spur of the moment.
“Just wanted to walk around that nature park down the road. Seems spooooky at night.” He laughs and turns his head, standing up as the cashier calls out our number.
We laugh and eat, my mind completely free of any thoughts besides how much fun I’m having with Chris. Ever since we met in 6th grade art class he’s known how to keep a smile on my face. He’s the kind of person you can’t help but be drawn to. His laugh alone is infectious, filling up any room he’s in. He’s such an attentive friend, which is why I’m not surprised when his mood shifts and he starts to question me.
“So what’s been going on, Y/n/n?” He looks down at his fries and scoots them around.
Do we really need to do this right now? I’m prepared to sink back into my sadness once I’m alone. I don’t plan on telling anyone until I’m sure of where we stand myself.
“Uh, nothing really,” I mumble, taking a sip of my blue Powerade. “Just stressed from assignments and stuff I guess.”
“Not gonna fool me, kid. What’s up?” He looks me in the eye this time.
His blue eyes hold so much genuine concern. They flicker back and forth between my own and he blinks slowly awaiting my response.
“It’s Garrett.” I admit.
“What about him this time?” He huffs as his eyes harden, sitting back against his side of the booth with his arms across his chest.
“He… I don’t know. He crossed a boundary and I wasn’t comfortable with it,” I start, breaking eye contact and pushing my hair behind my ear. “And then he acted like I was out of line. He dropped me off at my house and I haven’t heard from him since.”
His gaze softens and he puts his elbows on the table, scooting closer to me with a knowing look. “I figured it had something to do with that. You know I can read you like a book. So is it over, or…?”
“I don’t know. He didn’t say, and I haven’t even tried to reach out.” I close my box of chicken nuggets as my appetite fizzles away.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. He fucking sucks.” He leaves it at that and gathers all our trash. “Let’s go.”
We walk to a nearby gas station in silence, the mood heavier this time. I wander around the snack aisle as he makes his purchase. I hear the bell on the door ring and look over as he holds it open and nods his head at me. The black bag swings lazily at his side as we walk to the park.
“What did you get?” I ask as we settle on a bench under a lamp post.
“Cigarettes. Oh and a lighter.” He says casually as he pulls them out of the bag.
“What the fuck,” I laugh, my eyes widening as I realize he’s serious. “Why?”
He shrugs, “I don’t know, just figured we could try something new. You’re stressed and shit so I kinda just thought it would be nice, I don’t know.” He flicks his thumb across the lighter and the yellow flame illuminates his face before he blows it out.
“I mean.. I guess. I’m probably gonna cough super bad.” I laugh and straighten my legs in front of me, crossing my ankles.
“Eh, fuck it. I probably will too.” He laughs and rips the pack open.
He brings a cigarette between his lips and holds it there, cupping a hand around it to block the wind. His other hand comes up with the lighter and sparks it a couple times before he gets it to light. He holds the flame against the end and draws in a breath, the tip glowing red as it catches fire. He immediately pulls it away from his mouth and coughs loudly, standing up and holding his chest.
“What… the FUCK.” He says between heaving coughs, small puffs of smoke escaping his mouth each time.
I can’t help but laugh, throwing my hands over my mouth and taking in the sight in front of me. He shakes his head back and forth with his eyes closed, his brown waves flopping around. He extends his arm to me and squats down trying to take control over his breath again.
“Good fuckin’ luck.” He coughs out.
I lean forward and grab it between my fingers, his warm ones brushing mine in the process. He looks up and smiles before shaking his head in disgust again.
“So fucking dizzy.” He says as he sits down fully on the asphalt.
“Baby’s first nicotine buzz!” I joke, stopping my laughter quickly as he squints his eyes at me.
I bring the cigarette between my lips and drag on it, my lungs immediately filling with thick, rancid smelling smoke. I cough one big time and try to hold it in, puffing my cheeks out and attempting to hold my breath. My chest starts burning and my eyes are watering, and my body instinctively coughs over and over to try to clear my airway. I see Chris laughing through my blurry vision, smacking his knees and stomping a foot on the ground.
“Oh… my.. god.” I choke out, my head spinning and my fingers erupting with a static feeling.
“Yeah, shit’s no joke. How do people enjoy this?” He stands up and drags himself back over to the bench, reclaiming his spot beside me and grabbing the cigarette from me.
I cough on and off, still trying to rid my lungs of the contaminants. I throw my head back and my hair dangles off the backrest of the bench. Chris’s hand finds its way to me and strokes my hair softly and slowly. I bring my head back up and look at him, shaking my head with disappointment.
“Can’t believe you would do that to me.” I tease through a stifled smile.
“Just wanted to see what it was like..” he giggles and brings it back to his lips, the end glowing again as he takes a smaller puff.
He coughs once or twice as the smoke billows out of his mouth and dissipates into the foggy air around us. He looks at me with wide eyes. “Hey, that one wasn’t so bad!” He holds it back out to me, gesturing me to try again.
“Uhh.. I think I’m good. My lungs feel like they’re collapsing.” I push his hand back.
“You should try one more time..” he looks away in thought before snapping his head back. “What if we shotgun? I’ll take the brunt of the smoke and you can have whatever’s leftover. It’ll be less harsh that way.”
I’m sorry, but shotgunning a cigarette? First of all, that’s nasty. Does not sound appealing in the slightest. Secondly, I can’t fathom bringing my lips that close to Chris.
“Uhhh..” I trail off and shake my head slightly.
“Come onnnn Y/n/n!” He pouts, scooting closer to me on the bench. “I’m not gonna peer pressure you into it if you really don’t want to..” he says seriously.
“Fine. ONE more time.” I say and narrow my eyes at him.
He nods furiously and scoots even closer, our thighs touching and his cologne strong in the breeze. I can see every detail of his face under the light of the lamp post. His bushy but clean brows, his smile lines, his pink lips wet from obsessively licking them. His hair falls over his eyes as he brings the cigarette back into his mouth and takes a big drag. His eyes widen and he grabs my face in a rush, his warm hand against my cold cheek.
He pulls me close and our noses brush against each other. Time feels like it slows down to a crawl. I open my mouth and he does the same, our lips micrometers apart. His hot breath mixed with the smoke fan over my face as his eyes close, his long eyelashes fanning across his cheeks. I can feel heat in my cheeks that I’ve never felt around him.
He exhales as I inhale, the smoke that was once in his lungs filling my own. I take all that I can and he stays for what feels like a moment too long, his icy blue eyes opening to lock onto mine. I feel a weird pit in my stomach and the blood stills in my veins. Why am I feeling like this?
He pulls back and scans over my face, watching as I exhale and a comically small puff of smoke blows out.
“Well, that was lame.” He laughs and brushes his hair back.
“Yeah, little bit.” I agree flatly.
We sit in silence and finish the cigarette together, our lungs adjusting and my mind racing. I try to take my mind off the feeling of his thigh still brushing against mine, but the nicotine doesn’t have any effect at all. I thought these things are supposed to relieve stress.
Once we’ve burnt it to the end, he rubs the bud against the asphalt and flicks it away. It rolls until it hits the curb and we both sigh at the same time. We look at eachother and laugh at our ‘jinx’ moment, not knowing just how different we were feeling internally but thankful that we feel no pressure to be perfect when we were together.
“I’m so thankful to have a friend like you, Chrissy.” I smile and blow some warm air into my frozen hands.
He smiles lazily at me for a second, an almost sad look flashing across his eyes as his hand comes to lay on top of mine and stroke the back of it with his thumb. “Don’t know what I’d do without ya.”
The morning sun comes out from hiding, her rays illuminating his brown hair on his pillow beside me. I watch his chest rising and falling steadily, a calming rhythm that could lull me back to sleep any day. Nothing makes me happier than waking up and feeling warmth on his side of the bed. I feel whole in his presence.
I look around at our bedroom and realize just how far we’ve come. We’ve both left the comfort of our parents homes and have made these four walls our own. Piece by piece we made a sanctuary like a bird collecting sticks and paper straw wrappers for its nest. I could go anywhere with him and build a nest. He makes everything okay.
I take my phone off the charger and scroll around aimlessly, hoping not to disturb his sleep, his pink lips hanging open and his eyes moving under his lids. I go through instagram and flip through recipes, gym videos, and dog compilations before I’m bored and close it out. I try Facebook and my distant older relatives have flooded my timeline with political garbage, so I close it out too. I open Snapchat and see a memory, smiling as I start to click through the photos and videos taken on this day from the previous years.
The first video plays, a snippet from last year of us in his car, lip syncing to one of our favorite songs. The next one is from the same night, a photo of him with his arm around me in front of the door to our then-new apartment. His eyes shimmered with happiness, mine mirroring his own with a huge smile plastered on my face.
I click again and watch as our past plays out on the screen in front of me. I can’t help but feel so thankful for the way everything worked out. So much would be different if the world hadn’t knitted us in the exact pattern it planned, one frayed thread and I wouldn’t be sitting in this room with the love of my life.
My smile fades as I scan over the photo. I reminisce on the night, remembering everything as if it were a movie playing in my brain. They used to be some of the best times of my life. He made me so happy.
It’s strange how well you can know the inner workings of someone, sometimes more than your own. You know the temperature they like to drink their water, their favorite salad dressing, the commercials that make them cry. And you sit together and watch the commercials from time to time, because you know the end makes them smile again.
It’s strange how quickly it can all fizzle out, both of you existing in the world without a clue of who the person could be today. Here one minute and gone the next. I know he’s out there. He knows I’m out here. But who is he?
How different would my life had been if I did end up with him? Would I have had the same opportunities, the same zeal for life, would I be happier? Would it be my single biggest regret?
I wonder if he thinks about me and everything we went through together. I wonder if he remembers the angsty songs we played in his car late at night, or the scent of the air freshener I always bought for him when he ran out. Does he wonder what his life would be like with me, or has he moved on and found his own paper straw wrappers?
I know he was in love with me. I knew I loved him. But sometimes things are star-crossed and confusing and they hurt and there’s nothing we can do about it. Sometimes the right people come into your life at the wrong time. Do we pine about it forever, or do we let the world continue knitting while hoping the strings don’t fray?
I look over the photo once more, our shadows on the ground innocent and unaware of the future.
I look over and the boy beside me stretches his arms above him and takes in a deep breath before turning over to me, his brown waves a mess. He smiles from ear to ear and I can’t help but return it.
“Morning, baby.”
“Good morning, Garrett.”
a/n: i sobbed many times writing this im sorry if you like happy endings
taglist: @lustfulslxt @whotfisade @soursturniolo @recklesssturniolo @lxvlysworld @chrisolivia4l @kiarastromboli @mattnchrisworld @cupidsword @kvtie444 @xplrfear @knowingnothingnoel
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beautifulfuckup99 · 11 months
I NEED a pt.2 to college fvckboy Yoongi!!! ASAP!!!
You know I got you, girl!
Title: Those Damn Lips (Part 2 to 'Those Damn Eyes')
Warning(s): C*cktease!Y/N, Jealousy S!x, Talks of Cheat!ng, D!rty talk, Curs!ng, and FLUFF!
Author's Note: Hope you enjoy!
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"Are you gonna speak, or are you just gonna keep staring at me?" You finally ask as you keep your eyes glued to your textbook. The five-foot two girl with short brown hair and bangs sits up straighter, as if not expecting to have been caught by you.
You finally look up from your studies and eye the girl. "Mm... You don't know me, but my name is Isabella." She says finally, nose scrunching as if apologetic by that information she'd just shared with you. Completely unprovoked, mind you.
"Ok..." You say slowly as you sit back now, crossing your arms. "And that means..." You trail off.
"That means... Yoongi and I... Used to... talk." She says and you find yourself breathing heavy. Not again.
"And? What are you gonna do? Threaten me? Pull the 'he's not gonna treat you good' card? Try and act like you two are still talking?" You ask, unamused by this girl's presence.
Public dating Yoongi meant constantly being reminded of the fact that your now tamed boyfriend once had a past of being a reckless fuckboy. And there was no end to that fact.
After the frat party, you two agreed to actually try dating. Which was easy since you were still roommates as well, but the line of scorned ex-lovers was becoming tiresome for you.
"U-Uh... No! None of that. But... I just... Look, I should tell you-" You cut the girl off.
"Tell me that he's never gonna change, that I'm wasting my time, that night or day you can call him to hook up and he'd come running at the chance..." You recite, knowing the show and dance by heart now. It was messed up how many girls assumed doing this little speech to you would change your mind on Yoongi.
"Would you let me speak?!" She squeaks in frustration before fixing herself up a bit more. "I just thought that... From girl to girl? I should tell you... He's still talking to girls." She says and you snort.
"Honey. I read YA books for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I know this damn trick. You're gonna say this, probably show me a picture, and it'll be something taken out of context-" You're cut off by her showing the picture on her phone.
You pause to examine the picture and see it's Yoongi hugging some girl. They're somewhere off campus and they're in front of a hotel building together. Isabella swipes to the next photo and you see the girl, who you can't see the face of, being kissed by Yoongi on the cheek.
You shift in your seat, but don't let the confusion show on your face. Instead, you snort. "That's his best friend, dumbass..." before getting up. "Better luck next time." You say shortly before walking off, confused as to who the hell that girl was!
When you get back to your shared apartment, you hear just how quiet it is and realize Yoongi must still be sleeping. You walk into your bedroom that he spends every night in now, only using his bedroom to work on projects or new songs.
As you watch him snore away, the anger of being confronted by yet another girl from his past takes over. You knew you shouldn't blame him for having a past, everyone did. But you hated that these girls felt they had the right to bother you whenever they wanted! And who the hell was that girl he was hugging in the picture?!
You shift your weight from one foot to the other as you continue to watch your boyfriend. Finally, a plan pops into your head.
You silently gather the supplies needed and get to work...
You straddle your boyfriend and begin planting soft kisses along his shoulder. He hums, slowly stirring in his sleep and you smirk. "Baby..." You sing softly in his ear, and he hums again, a soft smirk playing on your lips as you begin nipping at his ear lobe.
"Mm..." He murmurs and slowly opens his eyes, smirking as he sees you on top of him in just your underwear. He goes to grab you and pauses as he realizes his hands are tied to the headboard.
"Whoa. This is a nice wakeup call..." He jokes, voice deep from just waking up. You hum in a false pleasant tone.
"You like?" You ask as you rub his chest and he nods fast. You move to his neck and kiss and lick different areas of skin as he shivers in pleasure.
"Baby?" You whisper as you softly grind against his bulge. It doesn't take long to get a full reaction from his 'friend', thank god for morning wood...
"Fuck. Y-Yes, honey..." He pants softly as you go back to playing with his ear, sucking softly on his earlobe.
"Do you like me?" You whisper as you pull back a bit to eye him.
"I sure do, baby girl..." He groans happily as he lifts his hips to press against you. You moan the way you know he likes.
"Yeah?" You pant as you grip his chest and sit up so he can watch you use his bulge, wetting his boxers the more you grind down.
"Oh fuck, yes, baby, get it wet..." He moans as his head rolls back.
"Yoongi?" You pant as you grab his chin. He looks up at you and licks those damn lips. The lips you'd become addicted to kissing, the lips that whispered sweet nothings to you while he played with your hair, the lips he used to kiss that girl's cheek!
"If you like me..." You stop grinding and move to his ear again. "Then why..." You whisper in his ear, voice soft and seductive. "Were you spotted... WITH ANOTHER GIRL?!" You snap in his ear, and he winces at the volume change. You sit up and cross your arms, glaring.
"What?! What other girl?! There's no other girl!" Yoongi says fast as he yanks at the scarves, to no avail.
"Oh? So, you weren't at a hotel yesterday, kissing some girl's cheek and hugging her?" You ask and he opens his mouth before closing it, as if realizing he was caught.
"Who is she, Yoongi? Hm?" You ask before grabbing a pillow to swat at his chest.
"Ow! Hey! Who even told you?" He asks back and you laugh humorlessly.
"Oh, that's the kicker!" You laugh sarcastically. "Some spiteful ex-lover that you played with before running off to me? Yeah, she showed me pictures of you and some random girl. You love messing around that much that you'd hurt ME, Yoongi!? What. The. Fu-" Yoongi cuts you off as you keep swatting him with the pillow.
"That's my sister!" He says and you glare.
"Sister?! That's the oldest trick in the book, Yoongi!" You huff as you get off of him.
"Y/N! I'm being serious! She's visiting from South Korea; I wanted you to meet her tonight!" He rushes out and you cross your arms as you eye him. "She's my twin sister. I swear. I'd never hurt you like that. I-I... I want this. This relationship, you, this... All of this. I love it. I-I love YOU." He rambles and you pause in surprise at the confession.
"I can prove it. Look through my phone. Call her yourself. That's my sister." He says and you keep your arms around your bare chest as you hum slowly, shifting. The original plan was to leave him tied up in bed with a boner, but the thought of you having overreacted kind of... Put a damper on things...
You grab his phone, playing it cool, still acting mad as you put in his pin and go to text messages, seeing the first chat log is labeled 'Sis' with a black heart emoji next to it. You click on the log and read a few texts that make it extremely clear this is his twin sister. Last text was from her asking what your favorite flowers were so she could surprise you with a bouquet when she comes over for dinner tonight.
"Huh. Uh... Well..." You slowly set the phone down as Yoongi watches you closely. "Still." You finally say, not wanting to admit any wrong doings in this moment. "I shouldn't have to deal with your gang of exes always bothering me!" You state and Yoongi huffs.
"That's not my fault!" He argues and you raise an eyebrow and set down the phone.
"It's not... You're fault?" You repeat and he nods.
"That's what I said. It's not my problem that girls are obsessed with me. Now let me out, Y/N." He orders as you hum slowly.
"I... I don't know. I don't think it's my problem." You state.
"Ha-ha. Funny..." He says sarcastically as he tugs at the scarves around his wrists.
"No. I'm serious. I don't think I want you untied just yet. I kind of... Like you like this." You smirk at him as you straddle him. He stops his tugging and eyes you. "You're so right. It's not your problem. I'm just your girlfriend, and I'm just getting harassed by your damn exes, but you're so right. It's not your problem at all." You state.
"Y/N, that's not what I mean-" You cut him off.
"But..." You say and slowly put your feet flat on the bed on either side of him with your legs bent at the knees. "If it's not your problem when I feel upset, then... Why should I make it your problem when I feel... Other things? Like... Horny." You say innocently.
"Y/N... I..." Yoongi pauses to lick his lips as he eyes the wet spot on your underwear.
"Yeah. If I'm feeling turned on... Why should I ask for your help? I can just..." Your hand travels down the front of your body slowly as Yoongi breathes shakily and shallow.
"Baby... Let me-" You cut him off again as your hand dips into your underwear.
"Mm... No. I can take care of myself..." You pant softly as you start to rub your own clit.
"Fuck, Y/N, that... That's not... Fucking fair." He huffs as he watches you closely with dark eyes. You smirk and focus on your own pleasure, grinding down on your hand as you gasp and moan, panting like a dog in heat. You were putting on the best show you could manage, just wanting to break the five-foot-nine, Korean man under you.
"Okay! Okay. Y/N, I'll handle those girls." Yoongi finally says as you remove your underwear seductively and softly press against his lower abdomen with a soft moan. "Fuck, you're dripping..." He groans, head going back into the pillows.
"You're gonna make sure they don't bother me again?" You ask innocently as you make Yoongi look at you.
"Fuck yes. I'm... I'm sorry they've been bothering, baby. I'm gonna make sure they stop." he nods fast as you sigh softly.
"It's stupid. I shouldn't let it bother me so much. You... Have a past. So what. But-" He cuts you off.
"But it does. And it should. But... Those girls were my past. You're my present, Y/N. And... hopefully you'll be my future." He whispers as he gives you gentle eyes. You pout a bit to fight off a smile.
"You're such a sweet talker..." You mutter and put a hand on Yoongi's face. "Fine! Fine, I'll... Be your future. As long as you don't give me problems in the present." You tease and he leans up to peck your lips. You sweetly kiss back before brushing your pussy along his cock, making it jolt a bit at the attention as he groans softly.
"Sweet talkers can get some lovin..." You mutter against his lips, and he groans happily.
"Bless you. Kind soul..." He whispers. It makes you laugh as you grab the sides of his face to kiss him. You slowly sink down on his semi-hard on, feeling it start to harden more as it snuggles between your walls. You shiver at the feeling and start riding him as he pulls at the scarves.
"Y/N... My hands..." He moans and you smirk.
"I said I liked this position..." You taunt as you bounce up and down, making him moan as he gives up fighting against the scarves.
"Fuck, so do I..." He groans as he watches your breasts bounce while you ride him. "Hop on my dick, baby. It's yours..." He whispers and you moan happily at that.
"Who makes you feel this good? Hm?" You whisper as you grab Yoongi's face so he's looking at you. He groans at your dominate side coming out.
"You! Only you!" He moans as he thrusts his hips up to meet yours, making your head roll back as your hands grip his chest, nails digging in. "Fuck, Y/N! Deeper! Dig in deeper!" He grunts out as you comply instantly, scratching his chest.
He hisses and moans at the slight pain all while you fuck yourself on his hard cock. "Mine! Mine! My cock..." You pant over and over as Yoongi moans your name.
"Fuck baby. You use it so good. No one can fuck me like you..." He whispers in a thick voice of pure desire and lust. The praise brings you closer to the edge.
"Yoongi!" You cry out as you cum, riding out your orgasm with a breathless giggle. The pleasure never got old...
"Oh fuck, baby. Little more. I-I'm so fucking close, baby..." Yoongi gasps as he keeps thrusting up and you smirk. You wait till he's right at the edge to pull off and jerk him, making him cum all over his stomach and some droplets hit his chest too. "Y/N!" Yoongi complains, always a fan of cumming on or in you. You laugh and smile innocently at him.
"Now we're even..." You taunt and get up, undoing his hands.
"Nope. Not yet." Yoongi says, grabbing you the second he's free. You squeal and he carries you to the shower. "You're cleaning up the mess you made." He smirks and you blush hard and giggle excitedly.
"Yes, sir!" You tease.
You jump a bit and breathe deeply to try and steady your head. "I'll get it." Yoongi says, getting up from the table where he'd been watching you set up dinner for the past half an hour already. You nod fast. To say you were nervous would be an understatement...
Yoongi had called his twin sister to come over for dinner to officially meet you and you just wanted things to go smoothly. You set down the bread bowl and then walk over to the front door where you see Yoongi hugging his sister. They pull away and the girl looks your way. You have to stiffle a gasp since this girl really just looked like Yoongi in a black bob cut with bangs wig!
You walk over. "It's so great to finally meet you!" The girl says excitedly, moving to hug you and you hug back, giving Yoongi a look over her shoulder and he chuckles.
"It's great to finally meet you... Uh..." You pause as you two pull away.
"Oh! My name is Yoonji." She says with a giggle and you chuckle before you can help it.
"Huh. Parents really had to think hard about the names, am I right?" You joke and Yoonji giggles at that. "Well... Welcome to our place, Yoonji. Come on in." You nod and she does just that. Yoongi smiles and pulls you close to his side as you walk into your apartment together...
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homeofthelonelywriter · 3 months
Celebs - Masterlist
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Tom Hiddleston:
Take the Stage: While once again sneaking out of the Palace, you meet an actor...let’s just say there is something between you two. (Royal! Reader)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31
Romeo to my Juliet: You are a student and a teacher at a college in Lodon, which is the same place a very handsome acting professor is employed. - discontinued
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
New Beginning:
(Part 1) | Part 2 | Part 3
HC - Tom Hiddleston x clumsy!Reader
HC - Tom helps Reader deal with anxiety and stress
HC - Tom loves Reader’s boobs
Forgotten Fears - The Reader had some bad experiences with her ex-boyfriend when he was drunk and is still traumatised by that. What happens when Tom forgets about that fear of hers?
Kinky Surprise - pure smut
Application - When you loose a bet, you are forced to send an application for Loki’s love interest. Who would have thought that they actually want to meet you?
Jealousy - Tom is insecure because of your age gap. What will happen when he sees you with one of your co-workers who is about your age?
Hidden - As an artist, you find a way to tell Tom that you’re pregnant
Bun in the oven - Pregnany reveal and a proposal. What could go wrong?
Drunken Start - After a night out with his buddies, Tom calls you, neither rembering you, nor how he got your number
Trick or Treat - Halloween Special
Best boyfriend in the world - You have trouble sleeping, so Tom decides to help you out
Dance with me - Reader and Tom slow-dance in Paris
Diary - Tom finds your diary while you’re moving and reads it
Christmas Surprise - Christmas Drabble
Let it snow! - Christmas Drabble
Drabble #75
Drabble #3
Imagine while on vacation with your BFF you catch Tom Hiddleston during a photoshoot. Your BFF makes sure he remembers you.
Imagine tagging Tom Hiddleston in a meme and actually getting a reaction.Imagine working on the set of Avengers and instantly crushing on Tom Hiddleston. You are devastated when you find out your BFF Taylor is now dating him.
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Benedict Cumberbatch:
Drabble #69
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Sebastian Stan:
Drabble #46
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Shawn Mendes:
Better that way: When Shawn’s girlfriend finds out that she is pregnant, she decides that she can’t burden the superstar with a child. She makes decisions which may seem stupid, but she knows that it’s Better that way.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Surprise: Walking a Victorias Secret show was an honour already, but being able to see your boyfriend while doing so? Pure bliss. Especially when he has a little surprise for you.
Part 1 | Part 2
Fan Mail: Writing to Shawn every so often paid off when he asked you to come to one of his shows.
Part 1 | Part 2
When you’re ready - Inspired by his song
Guard my heart - You are a part of the security at one of Shawn’s shows and he notices you
Nervous - Inspired by his song
One more chance - Filming an explanation video why Shawn and you broke up, leads to some interesting realisations
In my Blood - Inspired by his song (Triggers)
Late Late Show - You are present during your boyfriend’s appearance on the Late Late Show with James Cordan. Let’s just say it was disgusting.
Sad song - Shawn finds out you can sing during a very sad occasion
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Tom Holland:
Migraine - rl!friend has a Migraine and Tom wants and tries to comfort her
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Back to the Master-Masterlist
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setsugekka · 2 years
❥project d (m)
↳ With a nice enough guy who’s just a little too rough around the edges for your parents liking, and a best friend who put you up to him (albeit a tad unknowingly), surely things can’t possibly get more complicated for the local illegal street racing squad.
Except, between racing for pink slips and bragging rights, there’s Emperors leader, Jeong Yunho.
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kim hongjoong x fem!reader / jeong yunho x fem!reader — Initial D/street racing!au, unresolved romantic tension, exes to lovers, infidelity, angst, explicit sexual content [20.5k wc] cws: themes of smoking, drinking, & cheating throughout. the person getting cheated on is a scumbag!! mild physicality from a man to reader and more than mild physicality between two men ❱ light dom/sub dynamics in the beginning, penetrative sex (no barrier method), creampie, light choking, themes of possessiveness throughout, dirty talk, risky sex, public sex, oral sex (m).
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“Ignore it.”
A simple enough request to oblige as Hongjoong's hand stretches out and over your body towards the side of you where your phone resides, only conveniently tossed there out of haste upon things between the two of you getting the better of you.
History getting the better of you.
Two, three more vibrations of the call alert cycle before it finally quiets, the man next to you hums with his face pressed into the pillow just before turning to face you with a devilish grin — as if a man having just won a prize, of sorts.
Perhaps he had done just that, at least, in this moment in time.
“I can't ignore him forever,” you sigh, back against the mattress and staring up towards the dingy, unpainted ceiling of this particular hotel that you and Hongjoong had become all too accustomed to.
The scent of far-from-fresh linens and a mixture of cigarette and other such smoke cascading through the small room — far from allowed but in a place like this, and for the rate that it goes for, it's what you'd expect. Housekeeping will do what they can, but there's only so much.
It's clean enough, but more than that, it's private. Part of you wishes coming here with him made you hate yourself as much as you think it's supposed to, because maybe then you'd stop.
“He's my boyfriend, after all.”
“He's a fucking tool,” he groans, finally sitting up beneath a single layer of white sheet and reaching to his left off of the side of the bed for his pants — long since discarded and not long after the two of you had arrived, at that. You can only presume the man to be reaching for his cigarettes, and unsurprised when it's precisely what comes into your line of vision as he sits back with his back against the headboard to light it — you watch him, every movement he makes no matter how small or unimportant it may seem. Taking in the details of him: short, platinum bleached hair with his fingernails painted black — two or three chipped, from what you can tell — and most likely from working on his car at some point over the week. “Who cares what he thinks? When are you going to leave him, anyways?”
“It's not that simple,” you answer, under your breath and slightly dejected at the turn the conversation has taken.
Because you know that you should feel bad, and yet you don't, but the fact that you don't sort of does do the trick. You wonder how terrible one has to be to falter morally to such a degree.
“I care about him.”
“The fuck you do,” Hongjoong bites back with a snort through his nose, smoke pushing out and towards the sheet that remains pooled around his waist. “If you did, you sure as shit wouldn't be here right now.”
Rolling your eyes and turning from him finally, it's likely that he's right. Somewhere, somehow, surely that is the only logical explanation.
But as complicated as things may be with your boyfriend, they're just as, if not more so, with the man next to you.
Goodbye's are hard, it's half of the reason people do everything in their power to avoid them.
Even to their own detriment.
“Don't be mad at me,” he adds, noticing the way you pull your eyes from him. “You wouldn't be fucking your ex still if things we're all sunshine and roses back at home. That's just the facts.”
“Do you have to do this tonight?” you say with a groan, turning back and onto your side to face away from him. It's then that you feel Hongjoong stir from behind, putting his cigarette out into a beer bottle on the nightstand and settling back down lengthwise along the bed, with the flesh of his chest pressed against your bare back. With one hand of his trailing down the exposed flesh and settling at the small of your back as fingers curl up and around the dip of your hip, you sigh into the feeling of his touch, once again starkly aware of how undressed you are once again, and how this will likely result in him fucking you for the second time tonight.
“I miss you,” he whispers after a while, lips ghosting gently across your exposed shoulder as he plants kisses there between words. “Leave him.”
“And do what? get back together with you?” you answer suddenly, with a tad bit more snip than you had really intended, but feeling the way his fingernails begin to curl into the skin of your waist, you need not worry about the reception of the response.
Chances are, he probably likes it.
The words come out so quietly that you can barely even hear them over the sound of the long since ignored television, only really used to help drown out the pathetic sounds of you succumbing to this man once again. “Do whatever you want, just not him.”
It's a weird sense of foreplay, the way that the two of you engage in conversations about the man in question — your partner — always seeming to get Hongjoong riled up sexually in some sort of sick, twisted way that you can't quite fathom — possibly the possession, possibly some sense of having won something over the man every time you agree to meet him like this — two competitors who have long since been rivals for far too long, with too much bad blood and no end in sight, either.
So when you left Hongjoong, and shortly after started dating Yunho, it was a punch to the gut and the ego — seemingly only quelled by the joy of having you cum around his dick a couple of times a week unbeknownst to the other party.
Shifting slightly, as if wanting to maintain some air of innocence and coincidence to it all — pressing your behind back and against him only to find that what greets you is a familiar hardness — Hongjoong's kisses into your shoulder intensify, nips and suction against the flesh where he had previously been ever so innocuously been touching.
Giving into him never was difficult, you wonder if you'll ever have control over yourself with him.
Hand slipping down to position himself better against you, the whimper that leaves your lips as he presses back inside of you for the second time that night is pitiful — grin forming across his mouth as he hears the utterance of you once again allowing yourself full compliance for him — his hand comes back up to snake along your side as he gently rocks into you, first settling for a moment atop your breast to thumb over the nub before continuing the journey up and around your throat to hold there tightly as he picks up his pace with a grunt into your ear from behind.
“You're mine, right?” Words echoing from his mouth and into your ear from just next to it, your body involuntarily clenching down around him giving you away more than anything you could say ever could — Hongjoong squeezing tighter around your throat at the feeling of you submitting to him in all of the same ways that he's always liked, that you've always liked — a game the two of you would often play deep within the throes of your romantic relationship. “You always came the hardest when I acted like I owned you.”
“Joong—“ another pitiful whimper at the sound and feeling of him encompassing you, especially given that he's right in his assessment of you.
Hand leaving your throat and continuing up again, two fingers prying between your lips to press into your mouth and lie flat against your tongue, Hongjoong's pace into hastens, fucking you harder than even the time earlier in the night — obviously with something to prove, now — some sort of motivation behind his actions; jealousy, angry, hatred.
The animalistic desire to have and own and need, perhaps.
“He fuck you like I do?” he finally asks in spite of already knowing the answer. There's a reason you keep coming back. “Know everything you like the way I do? Make you cum as hard as I do?”
And with fingers shoved deep into your mouth you can only groan at the words as your body threatens to release you from the contempt of a building orgasm — Hongjoong surely feels it with the way he slows and stills deep inside of you with a whine from you.
“Didn't say you could cum yet, did I?”
It's all you can do to beg for it, grinding back and against him for any sense of friction that will hopefully tip you over the edge that he's not allowing for you. Hot breath scented like cheap beer and cigarettes pressed into the shell of your ear as he holds your body flush tight against his as if to now even allow you the ability to escape his grasp — not that you'd want to, or have any intention to — but rather for what it represents to him.
That yes, this is a game that the two of you engage in consensually, but perhaps deep down for him, a confession of sorts, as well.
Hongjoong pulls his hand from your lips to quickly wrap it against your throat again, ever so slowly withdrawing his cock from you and almost completely before delivering you back an even more tortuously slow drive back inside — so slow that you feel as though you can feel every dip and curve and bulge of his shaft against your walls — the two of you don't play like this so much anymore since the dissolving of your relationship, and Hongjoong's willingness to reintroduce it now feels pointed and a bit like a man rushing to grasp a hold of something that he feels as though he's losing completely.
The break up wasn't on bad terms, and certainly appeared far from devastating to Hongjoong from what you could tell. He did start drinking more, though, and racked up a hefty DUI about a week after.
“You wanna cum, baby?”
You nod quicker than you think the words finish leaving his mouth, much to his amusement. Hongjoong repeats yet another frustratingly slow drive into you as he sets the condition for your orgasm.
“Tell me whose it is,” he groans, the warm hug of your pussy pulling on him equally as much but far more able to maintain his cool. “Who owns it, who does it belong to, baby?”
a sharp inhale, breathing still constricted by his hand keeping you firmly in place and against him, and with a heavy exhale you say the words he's been looking for since the conversation started.
“You, it's yours, I'm yours— fuck, Joong, please—“
You can't see it, but you can feel the curl of his lips against your ear as he grins at the breathy admission, kissing you delicately against your temple twice before whispering how well you've done and how good you are as he picks his pace back up. A handful of hard, pointed thrusts back into you and you come undone around him all over again — the tight squeeze of you subsequently bringing him to his orgasmic demise just after as he buries cock as deeply as he can to cum inside of you.
And one of your favorite things about the man — your too-wild-to-ever-meet-the-parents ex-boyfriend who drives the custom paint maroon RX-7 — is how no matter how insane he is, he's always kind and loving to you. so, as Hongjoong gently pulls himself from you, raining kisses on every inch of exposed flesh he can manage to get his mouth on, the only words spilling from his mouth being those of praise; how good you are, how beautiful you are, how amazing you are — some times, you think he might slip and tell you he loves you in such raw, intimate times.
And sometimes, you wonder why it is the two of you ever did break up.
Phone vibrating again, the screen illuminating to show once again for your boyfriend to be attempting to get a hold of you, you feel Hongjoong still from behind you as he catches notice before rolling back and away from you and most likely, in search of another cigarette.
Picking the device up, with a tone small and shy but with an attempt at playfulness, you dare make the attempt at a joke on the matter. “Can I answer it now?”
But with silence following shortly after as the vibration cycle carries on, you're met with the sound of a lighter flickering once, twice, three times — before an exhale, then a voice laden with smoke and maybe even a hint of disappointment, if you look hard enough.
“Do whatever you want.”
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Getting into the illegal street racing thing wasn't exactly something you had in mind, and truthfully, sometimes you had a difficult time tracing back just when it had started with the way things took off in a bit of a whirlwind.
It's particularly due to the fact that you're not a racer yourself, that sometimes has you standing roadside at meets, contemplating the how's and why's of your whereabouts. With no interest in purchasing a project of your own, it started as a sort of hobby interest of yours and Chaerin's — your best friend of six years with a bit of a penchant for trouble as the years progressed. Never anything substantial or too risky — no drugs beyond the extremely rare instance, no theft — and sure, the illegal street racing thing in and of itself being of legal dubiety, it's not the worst thing a girl in her early twenties could find herself wrapped up in, that's for sure.
Besides, Chaerin had a bit of a respectable eye for partners. Boyfriends leaning far into the realm of honest and endearing, even upon dating within the circle of cars, the sort of 'bad boy' reputation for them that one would likely assume upon hearing of teams of men engaging in such activities in the dead of night — while occasionally true, after two or three tag along’s of yourself with your friend, you'd quickly come to realize that the majority of them were simply guys. Nothing special or out of the ordinary, most working through college and probably a bit more than they have to in order to fund their rather expensive hobby, some rich, trust fund kids with no issues affording whatever it was that they wanted to soup up their cars with — and when the dust had eventually settled, it was of little shock to yourself that you ended up somewhere in between.
You remember the night as if it was yesterday, only a year or so back at most anyways, Chaerin explicitly informing you that he was to be played with, and not locked down.
It seemed easy enough when you met Kim Hongjoong, at least.
A little rough around the edges being an understatement: handsome and from a rich family now a couple of years estranged but still not entirely cut off from the family wallet, sometimes you could swear that you could still make out the ways in which his sheltered, prissy upbringing that he had long since attempted to bolt down under lock and key would come through — a heavy smoker, a lighter drinker, and now stuck living in a ratty apartment just a ways out of town with his teammate, Seonghwa.
So, you had agreed, because most certainly this wouldn't be the kind of man you'd fall for, anyways. A girl has needs, however, and you quickly found Hongjoong to be more than willing to go above and beyond for them in more ways than one would likely consider to be present in a friends with benefits sort of arrangement. His willingness to do any and everything you desired sexually, evolving into exploration of sorts, you found that it happened almost naturally in the way he would begin staying over some nights instead of running home, bringing you dinner before playtime turning into going out together for dinner, and when Chaerin began noticing you showing up to car meets from the passenger side of Hongjoong's RX-7, albeit not entirely pleased with the development, she wasn't necessarily against it, either.
Your parents on the other hand, were an entirely different story.
If Hongjoong came off as rough around the edges to yourself, you could only imagine how he came off to your parents, and after one dinner with all of you together, the imagining was no longer necessary — spending the better part of an hour tearing into you about your choice in men; how Hongjoong was going nowhere in life, a deadbeat with no aspirations, a smoker, a drinker, and despite having not disclosed it, father dearest pulling no punches in just what it was that he thought about the whole illegal street racing thing.
A point of contention in what had naturally and easily transformed into a relationship with the man, more than quick hook ups and take out dinners — but there was romance and genuine caring — something special about the way that Hongjoong looked at you that you knew to be sincere.
And perhaps you were too weak-willed to manage it, the constant barrage of opinions and negativity from your family about the man you had chosen, and perhaps the relationship all too young to really weather the storm as it was, so when you told Hongjoong that the two of you should just remain friends, the disappointment was evident, but it wasn't the end of the world.
It was a little bit the end of the world, though, when Yunho came into the picture.
Moving into town a month before yours and Hongjoong's relationship ending, you had already found yourself rather well acquainted with the man in all of the worst ways: every terrible, off-putting version of Hongjoong that you figured to be buried deep down within him in hopes of never resurfacing, seemingly being all of the defining features of Jeong Yunho; mouthy, loud, and far too into himself for anyones good, really, you had only met him a handful of times at races before calling it quits with your then boyfriend, but Yunho had already long made a case for himself in squirming his way into your bedroom as Hongjoong vented about teammates losing races — and even worse, their cars — to the man in the black EVO and his team, Emperors.
How you ended up here, exactly, on a quiet Thursday night during a meet with Yunho to your right as he talks to one of his friends about a new backseat modification he's been considering for weight to his car, suppose that's where it gets a little murky.
Oh, and also the fact that you were just with Hongjoong the night before, too.
As the thoughts finally fall out of your mind, it's the feeling of a large hand on your bottom that jolts you out from them in totality, first looking down then just as quickly back up to your boyfriend.
A habit of getting handsy in public, like some bizarre expression of property owned and wishing for the entire world to see it, it had been a conversation more than three times by this point, so much so that you figure it best to simply give up on it.
“Come on, I told you I don't like that,” you whisper, it is not lost on you how willing you are to bend yourself as to not embarrass him all the while he cares little about granting you the same luxury.
With a slightly crooked smile, Yunho grins down at you before leaning forward and kissing you on the forehead. “It's just Mingi babe, he doesn't care.”
“I care.”
Yunho rolling his eyes at the snide response, pulling his hand from you entirely as if to withhold affection for your poor behavior, your eyes can't help but find Hongjoong well across the parking lot as he engages with his friends among his own team, Spiral.
Meeting your eyes, the interaction is brief, and guilt ridden all of the same.
In fact, Yunho's disinterest in your boundaries had already resulted in a verbal altercation between the two more than once, and that's not even including everything related to on the road.
Of course, Yunho had charms, otherwise leaving would be easy to do. Earlier on, especially — perhaps you a little too fresh off of your break up and more willing to be swept up and away by the tall, handsome, guy with dark red hair that your ex kind of hated but 'maybe he isn't so bad,' you remember thinking to yourself the first time he catches you out and about one random day — asking you to dinner later that night, paying, and giving you the best dick, perhaps, of your life.
You'd find that it doesn't take much time for the layers to peel themselves back, as people with much to hide typically find it difficult to keep up the ruse for all too long, but perhaps losing Hongjoong in your life — and especially for the reasons as such — a larger hole was left than you had initially imagined, now being filled by the rich guy who lets you pay for everything despite having money, doesn't respect your boundaries, and is often found to be in questionable locations more times than you'd like to really acknowledge.
One of the reasons you sort of don't feel bad when Hongjoong texts you late in the afternoon and asks if you want to meet at the usual spot.
But for whatever reason it is, you find it hard to let Yunho go — that even still, there are times late at night when your hand fits impossible perfectly into his as the both of you lie out on the lawn just outside of town and gaze up at the stars together — him telling stories about where he used to live and what he did before he got into street racing and him actually taking an interest in you and your life beyond just showing you off as the pretty little thing he gets to put his dick into — as it often feels in relation to him.
That makes it difficult, as affairs of the heart tend to be. It's never really so cut and dry.
As the end of the night rolls around, Chaerin comes to greet you with her boyfriend, Yeonjun on her arm — and her belongings diligently being held by him as well — both with smiles on their faces as head lights begin to pop on and engines start revving around them. Yunho plopping into the drivers side of his car, Chaerin leans over the open car door with her arm across to cushion her chin, and much to Yunho's visible disapproval.
“Long time, how've things been?”
A long time because Chaerin hates him and refuses to go to mutual gatherings that you invite him along to.
Yunho's eyes first darting to you before settling back to the blonde girl hanging from his car door window, the man leans forward to grip it and shake it free from her annoying grasp before shutting it and opening the window to continue on the conversation. “Fine. You guys going out tonight or something?”
Much to your surprise, you arrived with Yunho with every intention of leaving with him, so the fact that you now are not comes as news to you, and the shock across your features is not wasted on your best friend and her boyfriend.
“You brought her, you're not going to take her home?” She asks, attitude laden in her tone and no effort to conceal it whatsoever.
Yunho snorts, nodding his head towards you as he answers. “Tell your friend not to act like such a bitch in front of my friends, maybe i'll be more inclined to be nicer to her.”
“What are you even talking—“
“I'll take her home.”
A familiar, pitchy, voice, to you especially, piping up from behind the group of you and the twist in Yunho's features making it all the more evident as Hongjoong steps up between you and Chaerin — black and white leather jacket lazily zipped halfway up across his chest and incredibly fitted, lightly destroyed black jeans hugging his thighs. Brushing a hand through silver hair, he nods to you as if it's no big deal.
And as if he didn't have his face between your legs just last night. “What's up?”
“Nothing,” you answer just as carelessly. “Need a ride home, apparently.”
“Awww, little Joongie is so sweet,” Chaerin pipes up, slinging an arm up and around Hongjoong's shoulders in such an aggressively animated way that it nearly brings the man toppling down on top of her, but Yunho only rolls his eyes at the friendly display while huffing out a “whatever,” as he turns the car engine on with a rumbling vibration.
“We'll talk about this tomorrow,” he adds, flipping the car into reverse and rolling up his window before driving off to who knows where, and leaving you to pick up the pieces of how so many interactions between the two of you end up this way.
You sigh, less of anger or sadness, but rather the exhaustion of having become so used to this treatment — it not being the first time your boyfriend has done such a thing, after all.
Letting go of Hongjoong, Chaerin judges him in the arm with her elbow. “I could have taken her, you know.”
Sometimes you wonder if she knows, if she's caught onto the games the two of you play together when you think no one is looking, or none the wiser.
A relationship ended by word of mouth only, but really, nothing having really changed.
You and Hongjoong picked back up sleeping together only a week after breaking up, and never really stopped since. You can't help but wonder if she can tell in the way the two of you interact, how comfortable it is, how unchanged it is from back then.
“It's fine, she's on the way anyways.”
You're not, and everyone knows it.
“Alright well,” your friend begins, tying long, blonde hair into a tight ponytail and slinging an arm over her lovely partner to pull him along. “Be safe you guys, have a good night. Try to get her to break up with her shitty boyfriend, would you, Joong?”
A sly grin as a parting gift and she's off before you really have a chance to say anything to the comment. Hongjoong opting for silence on the topic himself as the rest of the cars clear and the two of you find yourselves the last ones on the cement — the scent of burned rubber and exhaust still lingering heavily in the air, the man next to you shrugs, looking almost sympathetic of you and your situation — a situation that you could just as easily find yourself out of, but sympathetic nonetheless.
Walking over to Hongjoong's car, he steps around to open the passenger side door for you first before circling back and allowing himself to fall into the drivers side of his own.
“Really wish you'd leave that dickhead,” he starts, ignition growling to a start and the inside panel of the car illuminating a bright blue — all custom work, exactly to his personal liking. “Only reason I still have a passenger seat is for when I have to pick up his slack.”
It feels a little bad when he says it like that, as if he feels the need to stick around, by your side, to play boyfriend #2 because #1 does such a dog shit job of it himself, and rather than abandon you to play with the hand that you've been dealt, Hongjoong stands by to try to make each sting at the hand of Jeong Yunho just a little bit easier to deal with — until you manage the strength to do what you know you need to and leave him once and for all.
“I know, sorry,” you mutter under your breath, feeling it necessary to offer the apology. Hongjoong pulling onto the road and driving off and into the night, one hand on the steering wheel, he glances over at you twice before grinning just slightly. “It's fine, you don't have to apologize.”
Turning to look out of the window, eyes still as glued to you as driving safely might allow, he replacing his right hand on the steering wheel with his left, allowing his right to settle onto your clothed thigh with no intent beyond comfort. “Hungry? Wanna grab something?”
“It's two in the morning,” you chuckle, the lightness of the sound bringing a much brighter smile to the mans lips even in spite of your accuracy regarding the situation. “Okay yeah, we can go back to my place? Seonghwa is there but it's fine.”
“It's late, I should probably just go home.”
You don't mean for it to sound so dejected as the sounds leave your lips, a culmination of so many things stirring around in your head all at once in regards to Hongjoong and Yunho both — you think of all of the ways that Hongjoong has always been so kind and good to you, even in the midst of a purely sexual relationship with him, where Yunho finds himself seemingly unwilling to meet you even halfway on simple things or gestures anymore — a man who won his prize and no longer finds it necessary to carry on. His dues paid, and once again, Hongjoong picking up the slack.
And as if some major cosmic joke, it's not lost on you how much your parents adore Yunho.
Never having learned of the street racing thing, on top of being much more cleaned up and presentable in appearance than the alternative — it's easy for Yunho to pull off the guy next door look, and for all intents and purposes, it is him, but in all of the worst ways, and the worst possible version of it. Arrogant and egotistical and unforgiving. Unloving. Manipulative, and in so many ways, cruel.
Like two personalities swapped from the bodies you would expect to find them — Hongjoong with a mouth on him for sure and probably incapable of uttering a sentence without an expletive in it, still kinder and more loving to you than perhaps Yunho has ever been.
And worse than that, you suspect for more than one reason that Yunho is meeting with an unidentified woman this evening. The unmentionable fact that everyone seems to know about but no one talks about, and no one tells you.
But suppose that may be fair and square, after all.
As Hongjoong's car rolls to a gentle stop in front of your parents home, you know what it will result in in the morning — them chewing you out for once again being out with the man that they loathe so much, but unbeknownst to them, the one willing to get their daughter home safe and sound — you let out a heavy exhale as he turns the ignition off and the both of you open car doors to exit from his and greet the chilly, spring air awaiting you.
Watching as the man settles himself against the dark red vehicle full of labor, love and more than all, money, you can't help how natural it feels to bring your arms up and around his neck — and happy to greet you, his own falling downwards and wrapping lightly around your waist to pull you tighter against his torso as foreheads close the space between them.
“Getting daring,” Hongjoong sighs just centimeters from your mouth, referencing the rather public display of affection despite it being the absolute dead of night and not a soul to be seen within eye shot.
“Thanks for taking me home,” you ignore his words in favor of your own and with a sly tone to them at that, as if hoping that the man may have the audacity to make a move on you like this.
But you know Hongjoong well, and what he's into, and enticing him into this takes little to no effort at all.
Shifting to press the top of your thigh against his crotch, feeling the already blooming hardness beneath his pants, you're able to watch in real time as his expression turns slightly lust-fueled as he pulls the door open to the drivers side once again and seats himself on the side of the chair with his legs hanging out. pulling you along with and down towards his face, it's then that he finally kisses you — as if making enough of an effort to do the best he can to conceal these sorts of rendezvous between you — it's hard and needy, all teeth and little tongue as he devours you while you settle on your knees between his own and his hands turn downward to fumble with the belt and button of his jeans.
“You and your risky sex,” you tease, waiting for him to expose his dick for you, but Hongjoong huffs out a laugh in his haste, as if well aware of it himself.
“I'll fuck you against the car if you want.”
“What if my parents saw?” you answer with a quirked eyebrow as he finally frees his length from the confines of his jeans, hand quickly wrapping around him and delicately stroking him.
“Hope they tell Yunho.”
“You're so annoying,” and with a roll of your eyes, you press yourself forward to wrap warm, wet lips around the girth of his cock. Fingers immediately reaching up and tangling into your hair with the first dip of your head along him, you know that in scenarios like this — Hongjoong's favorite thing being having you in places and situations he has no business taking you — he'll get handsy, and he'll cum quick, and for this, both are ideal.
“God, fuck, you feel so good,” Hongjoong chimes with a groan, fingers tightening in your strands just a bit more along with the noticeable raise of his hips up and into your mouth as you bob along his cock in timed, rhythmic strokes — you think it can't be longer than a minute or two before he's whimpering expletives and praise from between his lips as you take him deep into your mouth to swallow his load down as he comes. Pulling back off of him and wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, the man leans down and kisses you on the mouth — an open mouth kiss, not at all chaste or unwilling to taste himself or what you've just done on you.
“I want to see you Saturday after the race.”
You hate to ruin the mood with the information, but suppose honesty is the best policy even in scenarios where you're watching the man you're cheating on your boyfriend with tuck his softening dick back into his pants.
“Think...I have plans with Yunho that night.”
It's meek, partly because you hate saying the words to your ex, and also partly because with the way that Yunho is, who knows if that will even happen.
But Hongjoong takes it in stride as you pull away from him, standing to clear yourself out of the way so that he can pull his legs back into the car and get ready to see you off for the night.
“Well, think about it,” he begins the thought casually, and you think he may actually end it off that well if not for the sharp inhale that follows afterwards. “I'm sure you could think of an excuse, something like 'oh, I want to get fucked by my ex-boyfriend who has a sexier car and is also way better at driving than you are, you fucking loser.' would do the trick?”
Leaning down once again, you kiss Hongjoong on the mouth — quick, but bringing your hand up and to the side of his head as you do so, the touch lingers long after the kiss ends, the man leaning into it as if offering a newly unlocked form of adoration and intimacy not previously felt tonight.
“Get some sleep,” you mutter, finally pulling from him.
Hand through short blonde hair, he smiles back at you with a nod. “Anything for you, darling.”
And watching him drive off into the foggy night, all you can think is how could your parents be so wrong.
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“Hey sweetness—“
Barely jarring you from your sleep, the words comfort your ears in some strange way, like warmth itself uttered despite not even being sure that you're actually awake, actually hearing them — the dipping on the other side of the bed, however, doing a much better job of making you aware of the fact that this is, in fact, real life and not a dream. Groggy and attempting to bring yourself to cohesion, you roll onto your other side beneath warm blankets — the light from the morning, or early afternoon, which ever it is you can't be too sure just yet, shining through barely pulled apart, black out blinds.
The first thing you notice being how unfamiliar the man smells to you.
Hair damp and gently sticking to his forehead — evidence of a shower taken prior to visiting you, it's something that you've sort of made peace with, gotten used to.
But you've been to Yunho's enough to know that this isn't what his shampoo smells like.
Of course it's not fair for your chest to twist the way it does at the realization, Yunho's hand coming up to delicately press strands of your hair away from your face with a smile before leaning towards you and planting a kiss to your exposed forehead.
“I brought breakfast.”
Your lips curling upwards, a reaction that you can't help in relation to the kindness that your boyfriend extends to you, you're reminded of all of the ways and reasons that you feel for him, and even now, stay with him.
You figure no one's perfect, after all. We all have our faults.
And some of them, you share.
“Mom let you in?” you whisper, voice laden with sleep heaviness as you stretch arms out above you. you already know the answer, because your mother adores him and is ecstatic every time the man makes the effort to show his face around.
“Of course,” he chimes with another toothy smile, proud of himself for the accomplishment in having won over your parents. “Brought them something, too.”
Sitting up in bed slowly, nothing but a loose tank top and panties clinging to your body, you finally glance out and towards your computer — screensaver touting a comforting time of the day for you to see; 9:22, and you're happy that you haven't overslept despite still being tired from being out so late the night before.
Line of thought serving as a reminder of the activities also having taken place.
“We don't have to rush down,” Yunho adds as his hand begins it's slow journey between the sheets and beyond that, between your legs. Long, thin fingers dipping underneath your panties and wasting no time finding their mark between your folds — you sigh into the touch, and you'd be lying if you had attempted to tell yourself you weren't craving some release after the activities of only a handful of hours prior.
Perhaps fucked up on a number of levels, willing to give Yunho the pleasure of getting you off as a result of Hongjoong's hard work earlier.
But that also kind of does it for you, as well.
It flashes across your mind briefly, knowing but not knowing Yunho's whereabouts while you were out and about with Hongjoong, so maybe it was what you deserved — someone's sloppy seconds — melting into the touch your boyfriend offers as he shifts over and between your legs, pulling the sheets from you and beginning the hasty work of his pants button. You reach up, hands gripping at his black t-shirt to pull him down and against you as he barely catches himself with a palm against the mattress before crushing you — both of you laughing against each other lips at the clumsiness of just wanting to feel the other in a rush with little time at your disposal — Yunho kisses you like there's no time at all before dipping down towards your neck and sucking into the sensitive skin just below your ear.
“Lemmie fuck you with your panties on,” he whispers, finally freeing his cock from his pants just enough to grant him the ability to take you.
“Please,” you whine, his fingers already pulling at the sides to give himself access before your answer even rings out from between your lips — the scent of where ever it was that he had been now overwhelming your senses, it feels so bizarre how your body physically reacts to it — the knowledge of him being in places or arms where he shouldn't dare be and now coming back to you — tip of his length already pushing into you with a heavy exhale from both and bottoming out fast despite his length and your lack of prep, it's something that you've never quite gotten used to even after all of these times together, and especially in the circumstances of a quickie.
But god did you want it bad right now.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” another admission from him straight against your ear — breaths hot and humid on your skin, your eyes clamp shut at the feeling of being so filled by him just as he makes his first withdraw and push back inside of you — a hard, rough, snap of his hips that has you reeling and moaning out for him already.
This was typically how you and Yunho worked out your problems.
A few minutes down, your hands wrapped into your boyfriends hair, you whimper against his neck to fuck you harder, and feeling the nearly sinister curl of his lips you know he's happy to oblige the request — two, three harsher fucks into you, Yunho quickly slips the hand not supporting his weight over you down and between your legs to rub into your clit harshly to get you to cum around him.
“Yeah baby, cum for me,” he whispers into your ear, words cut up and jerked out from the own movement of his body. “Cum with me baby, I'm close.”
“Fuck, Yunho—“
Whining out for him as your muscles clench around him, orgasm taking you with the help of his handy work and his words (and perhaps a bit of the memory of Hongjoong cumming down your throat a few hours prior), you cum hard — hands coming down to grip into his shoulders, Yunho pulls up to fuck you harder and faster as he chases his own just behind you — the evidence of your nails digging into his clothed skin evident across his features as a splash of pain flashes across — but it's only seconds later that he groans, burying himself almost painfully deep inside of your cunt as he paints your walls with his release — then two more lazy, shallow thrusts into you before gently lying himself atop your torso with a heavy, contented, sigh.
For whatever reason, it's times like this especially that you want to ask him where he was.
Why he has to go elsewhere — if it's you, him, or a culmination of the two that causes him to do the things he does.
When you hear your phone vibrate on your nightstand just as Yunho slips out of you and pushes himself back inside of his pants, you know it's Hongjoong.
“When are you going to break up with that guy, anyways?”
Not the ideal first thing to hear upon meeting up with your best friend, but not surprising, either, after the events of the night before.
Setting your bag down on an empty chair at the table, Chaerin watches you intently with her arms crossed in front of her chest, one eyebrow perked up as if somewhat judging even though you know she doesn't, not really.
Both of you in lazy t-shirts and jeans, a far cry from the bit of dress up each of you tend to play when it comes to car related events, you realize it's become rare that the two of you meet this casually — with how busy both of you are with your respective lives.
“Nice to see you, too,” you chime back sarcastically as you sit yourself down at the table. grabbing towards a menu, Chaerin pops her hand out to stop you from taking it.
“I already ordered, don't change the subject!”
“I hardly think ordering food at a restaurant is changing the subject...”
“You know he's cheating on you.”
Hearing the words sting, but not as much as they would if you weren't doing the exact same thing, you guess.
Clearing your throat uncomfortably and looking around in an attempt to find any prying eyes or ears that may be listening in on your conversation, you lean across the table towards your friend with a sigh. “I don't know that, Chaerin.”
Sitting back in her chair with a huff, the blonde rolls her eyes. “Give me a break, you're smarter than that, you know. You're fine with it?”
“I mean, I don't know.”
“Beyond that, he treats you like shit anyways, what the fuck was all of that last night? Just abandoning you at the meet?”
“I knew plenty of people there who could take me home,” you quietly offer as argument, much to Chaerin's dismay.
“Gotta be honest with you,” she starts, eyes pulling away from you momentarily as if unsure of the right way to go about the rest of the conversation. “I don't think he really cared all that much about whether you did or not. Let your ex take you home so he could go fuck some other—“
“I'm just saying.”
Silence befalling the table just as wait staff arrive with the previously ordered food, you exhale heavily at the sight of everything sprawled out in front of you, and the suffocating knowledge of everything just discussed.
Hardly much for making an appetite.
“I need to tell you something,” you pipe up suddenly, and much to your friends surprise. you watch as her eyes slowly pull towards your own, waiting for the bomb you have to drop, and boy, is it a doozy, too.
“I've...I've actually been—“
“Oh, what the fuck, hey.”
Once again, piped up out of no where, and you're sort of beginning to curse living in such a small city where so few restaurants reign as the supreme places to go — you already know who awaits your eyesight before ever turning towards him, but it's the sight of him dressed in his Spiral gear that is what takes you by surprise more than anything.
That, and the fact that you were just about to tell Chaerin about your ongoing involvement.
“Now, why are you everywhere?” Chaerin greets with a smile before playfully nodding in your direction. “You stalking your ex?”
“She's got enough problems without the whole crazy ex-boyfriend thing, i'll spare her the trouble,” Hongjoong snorts just before sitting himself into another empty chair at your table.
It's awkward — because you feel as though everyone knows a secret but it can't be spoken. Perhaps that is the case, after all. Too many secrets.
“She was just about to tell me something and now you came and ruined it, thanks a lot,” your friend jokes just before scooping a fork full of meat into her mouth. Hongjoong turns to glance at you — as if knowing fully well what it was that you were about to disclose to the woman — and with a devilish grin and an elbow on the table to cradle his chin: “Oh really? Do tell.”
He definitely knows.
“It's...nothing. Girl talk.”
You make the decision to bring your hands into your lap, for fear of them visibly shaking should you bring them up to eye sight.
“I'm sure it is,” he replies with a tone that you can only describe as knowing. “Anyways, just picking up food for the guys down at the shop — Seonghwa's been working nonstop on the car for tomorrow so he can be ready to beat your shitty little boyfriend.”
Chaerin laughs, a woman with no particular horse in the race aside from hating that man, and with Hongjoong standing back up, you send him off with a hello for Seonghwa in particular.
A race planned for over a month now, and not one that you've been looking forward to, either. Yunho doing what he does — challenging drivers from opposing teams to races for their pink slips, and it's unsurprising that anyone from Spirals would ever turn down the opposition — if you get challenged by Emperors, you have to accept.
Not accepting is as good as losing, anyways.
You wonder why it is that neither Yunho nor Hongjoong have ever challenged one another — bringing it up one evening over a couple of beers with your partner, and Yunho's only answer being that he doesn't even want Hongjoong's 'shitty RX-7.'
The irony being, of course, that Hongjoong and Seonghwa drive the same make.
Phone vibrating from your pocket shortly after Hongjoong leaves, you pull it from your jeans to illuminate the screen and view the notification gracing the lockscreen.
>Aunty H: gonna tell your bestie you're still getting dick on the side? she'd probably be thrilled lmao
Looking up towards your friend across the table for a split second before unlocking your phone to reply — as if she somehow has the ability to know what it is that the man said to you from the back of your device, you feel as though every eye in the entire world rests on you in this moment. Perhaps not the best time for this conversation, after all.
>You: I don't like keeping the secret from her, idk. she hates Yunho for it when i'm doing the same thing.
Hongjoong begins typing back so quickly you believe him to simply be sitting in his car in the parking lot just outside to have this conversation in the moment.
>Aunty H: she hates Yunho because he's a piece of shit and on top of that he can't keep it in his pants either. not the same. speaking of, I want to see you tomorrow night after the race
>You: I told you I have plans with Yunho
>Aunty H: you fuck him since last night?
Rolling your eyes, you pause for a moment to think over your response. It's really none of his business, but given the circumstances — suppose everyone's sexual whereabouts be everyone else's business.
>You: don't do that
>Aunty H: i'll see you saturday
It doesn't feel good, the circumstances you've allowed yourself to fall into, but at the same time — the promise of what Saturday night may hold — after the sounds of tires screeching and adrenaline pumping through every vein subsides, what either man may have in store for you, depending on how the evening turns out.
And perhaps, it's time to get it the fuck together and make an actual decision, too.
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 More than anything, it's the familiar scent of exhaust, fuel, and burnt rubber that you've come to find comforting, a sense of home in the strangest sense.
Dozens of cars lined up on the outside of the road — a long, winding trail of only two lanes, one each way — that is tonight’s destination. a sheen of wetness on the ground from rain much earlier on in the evening, not ideal driving circumstances for most, but for the more experienced drivers — the ones that experience an even higher thrill from the danger, the unexpectedness of it — it's ideal. Hongjoong specifically, touted as a master of the pin hair corner drift, and especially out of Spirals, you know it to be precisely the sort of weather that he wishes to be racing in.
But tonight isn't his night, it's his best friend, Seonghwa's.
A tall, beautiful man with long, black hair and often clad in all black leather, black jeans, and his hair tied up into a half ponytail — he's far from the kind of person most would expect to find at a place like this — currently bent in half and over the engine of his matte black RX-7 making the finishing preparations for his race against your main squeeze.
With the leader of the crew standing just beside him, of which you are well acquainted.
And on nights like this, you belong to Emperors.
Race nights turn into strictly 'friendship aside' events, at least, once Yunho and Emperors started coming around. A group of street racers all intermingling and enjoying one another's company once before, now heavily segregated and pushed apart — the need to choose sides becoming apparent once Emperors began racing people for their cars, and subsequently, Spirals member and long time friend of Hongjoong's, Jongho, losing his to Mingi.
So now, as you with Yunho to your side pass by Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and the rest of Spirals with your own little band of Emperors tagging just behind, a few glances are all that are exchanged between the lot of you, with eyes between you and your ex lingering just a bit longer than some may even notice at a glance.
Yunho's hand slipping down from around your shoulders to your waist only to linger there for a moment before trailing down and to your ass — right in Hongjoong's line of vision, you snap your head up and towards your boyfriend to tell him off for far from the first time for such a grievance—
Only to find his attention far from you, and rather, on that of the man who only a few months prior called you his own, himself.
Following the tall man to his vehicle and settling yourself against the side of it as he settles himself inside of the drivers seat, you spare yourself the bother of looking him in the eye to reprimand him for the behavior, simply looking out and towards the scene before you of people laughing, enjoying themselves — people with nothing to lose tonight, only here to enjoy a show, and hopefully, everyone making it out in one piece.
“How many times do I have to tell you—“
“Yeah yeah, I know, why's it such a big deal to you? a lot of women would like having me show them off, ya know.”
“Yeah? a lot of women?” you say with a snide bite to your tone, finally turning to face him. “Guess you'd know, wouldn't you?”
Raising his eyebrows in surprise at the retort, Yunho pauses before curling his lips into a smirk. “Anything else, princess? I've got shit to do tonight, like take your little pals' friends' car.”
“Why do you have to be like that with him? With them?”
As much of a surprise as it is to Yunho — the sudden aggressiveness to you that you never having displayed towards him before for all of his transgressions — it's just as much a surprise to yourself. Knowing fully well that the outcome of enough of this could easily result in the dissolution of your relationship with the man.
And you wonder, if that's a price you're willing to pay. You also wonder, if this is effectively you slamming your hand down on the self-destruct button.
“I'm not being like anything,” he snaps back, ignition of his car roaring on and gently pushing you out of the way so that he can shut his car door. “Back where I'm from, anywhere where people actually race, people drive for pink slips all of the time. Those are the stakes. It's not my fucking problem that everyone here wants to play carebears and rainbows and no one actually wants to drive.”
“You're such an asshole, you know that? Why can't you just fit in? Assimilate? Why does everything have to be about your fucking ego all of the time?”
“Well babe,” he sighs, pressing his car into drive and effectively communicating to you that the conversation is over — something that you're well aware of already with calls for the drivers to come to the front lines. “You wanted to be with me, and you still are, so what does that say about you?”
Silence takes you, chewing on the inside of your lip — you do wonder.
“Get your attitude in check by the time the race is over,” he adds just before rolling off. “I have a much better use for your mouth in mind than all of this bullshit.”
With that, your boyfriend slowly rolls off and towards the starting line, glancing over and across the cement, you watch as Hongjoong pulls up from Seonghwa's drivers side window for his friend to carry on doing the same, and as if feeling your gaze upon him, turns to meet eyes with your own.
It's ill-advised to be seen mingling in a place like this, during a night like this, so instead, you're barred to stolen glances through midnight fog and cigarette smoke.
Stepping up with your jacket clutched inwards towards your chest, you stand alongside another Emperors driver, Yeosang — a shorter guy with a wicked birthmark adorning his face — as Seonghwa and Yunho meet up at the starting line in the dead of night, awaiting the referees announcements to begin preparation. First, it's a rundown of the rules for the race; very little of them, given that it is illegal street racing, but effectively boiling down to 'don't intentionally do things that put you or others at higher risk of injury or death,' then it's how the countdown to start will begin shortly. You meet eyes with Yunho — the car closest to you — a stare cold and disinterested and lacking any emotional care for you at all, so when he pulls his eyes away and back towards the wet road ahead of him, your eyes wander further out and towards Seonghwa, who also greets you.
A silent nod that the two of you share, as if agreeing on a preferable outcome for the evening.
The truth is that Jeong Yunho's reputation certainly be fitting of him: a good driver, skilled, and with a fast car, at that.
Seonghwa was good, great, even — but technically outmatched — and part of the evil that shrouded Emperors reputation, as well. A sort of 'pick on someone your own size' mentality certainly lost on them.
Yunho had never challenged Hongjoong, and for that, many thought there to be a reason.
With the buzzer sounding for the impending countdown, your hands gripping the steel of the barrier erected between the viewers and the street in front, you inhale sharply the scent of the dewy night sky, and all in all, can only hope for each of them to make it out in one piece.
Then, the familiar scent of a certain cigarette evading your senses.
Three, two, one, go.
Tires screeching, the two pull off lightning quick, and you're disappointed in the fact that from where you stand, you'll see very little of it until the end — people already beginning to move towards the finishing line to have the perfect view of the outcome, you feel the familiar presence of not one, but two people coming up on either side of you: Chaerin, and Hongjoong, naturally.
“You're late,” you nod to your friend, her nodding in response.
“Purposefully, I don't need to watch Emperors all circle jerk each other off pre-race, seen it enough times as it is.”
Hongjoong snorts at the comment from the other side of you before taking a drag of his already lit cigarette as it sits between freshly painted fingers.
“What do you think?” you ask him, tone lower and less playful than the one you had just had with Chaerin a moment ago. The man hums, looking up and into the night sky before stepping back again with intent to head towards the finish line as well.
“Yunho will probably win,” he states, matter of a fact. “But it's fine, we have cars. Paint job on his was expensive though so that'll probably hurt.”
��He has a lot of money in that car,” you sigh disappointingly, and Hongjoong nods. “Yeah, he does.”
“We should go,” Chaerin chimes with a nudge into your arm.
The thought of Yunho taking, and taking from the people and places that mean so much to you without giving much of anything back weighing heavier and heavier on your heart and soul with each passing day, you find.
Seonghwa figures that for a race like this, the fact that it's an uphill track works out in his favor — with the roads wet and gravity defying, top speeds peak relatively low, which means that despite Yunho having far more time and money into his car, what it will really come down to is skill, and knowledge — two things that the man with the ponytail feels he has leaps and bounds of over his opponent. a course he's done countless times, and Yunho, only a handful since moving here, it lends itself to being the course that people test, especially when it comes to the hairpin drift.
It's Hongjoong's favorite, too.
Hitting the shift and snapping his car forward with Yunho just behind, the two take the first turn — not an especially difficult one, but Seonghwa notices that already he feels the road give way a bit beneath his vehicle at the speed in which he's driving as he momentarily loses the back end of the car — it's not a loss, nothing that his opponent can gain on having immediately straightened out for a bit just past it — but Seonghwa takes note of the fact regardless, being well aware of the kinds of twists and turns that await them just a bit further up the road.
For Yunho, however, the turn is of little concern to him, happily trailing behind his opponent for the time being as he grins at the sight of the much lesser experienced driver just ahead of him lose it in the tail end of the corner. 'A good sign,' he thinks to himself, not that he was worried to begin with — considering this to be just another easy win for his team to collect under their belts.
The next corner proves to be much tighter, and much more difficult to navigate — for Seonghwa, at least. Slamming his shift to hit the drift at just the precise moment, heart leaping into his chest as he steals a second to stare back into his rear view mirror to check on how Yunho is handling it, it gives him little comfort watching the way that Yunho navigates the track with his vehicle, and with a lump in his throat, slams his shift once again for the next oncoming turn — a hard right following the previous hard left — and with it being a relatively short track with no long straightaways after the last hairpin corner for Yunho to gain on him with an objectively faster and more powerful car, if he can manage to avoid allowing his opponent the space to overtake in one of the turns, or worse, lose control of his car and give Yunho the race for free — that it should be an easy win for the man on Team Spirals.
Shifting gear, Seonghwa slams on the break just enough to hit his drift just right, this time not losing the back end at all — a comforting sign, glancing back at the EVO behind him and still trailing — a short straight drive before the last sharp left, and subsequently the end of the race — this being the make or break of the entire competition.
Shifting again to hit his drift — tires screeching and the smell of burning rubber carrying so heavy in the air that surely everyone waiting at the top of the mountain can feel the heaviness of the impending end, Seonghwa glances back again to look towards the tall man with the dark, red hair in his rearview mirror—
But this time, he finds no one there looking back at him.
Panic settling hard and fast into his chest, the man looks over to his side, Yunho now having crept up just next to him on the same drift — unaware of how it is that he's able to gain on a hairpin turn such as this one but without the ability to think much of it now — and sure, through numerous races between he and Hongjoong on this very same track, it's not unheard of, and has happened before.
But tonight, of all nights.
Yunho looking over at the panicking driver with a cool and collected demeanor as he slams his shift to carry a straighter drive just a second faster than Seonghwa — the man can't help but let out an exasperated 'fuck!' to no one as he follows suit but all too late in the grand scheme of things — seconds of drive feeling like a collection of years in the moment and the outcomes resulting the same, all it takes it one second — and in situations such as this one, it's the Emperors leader Jeong Yunho who effortlessly shows his skill, precision, and experience. all within one seconds time.
Coming out of the turn, the lights from the awaiting crowd in full view as Yunho rips forward and ahead of Seonghwa who only straightens out his own vehicle just after — and in less than ten seconds, the race is over as the both of them cross the finish line.
Trying to temper your frown at the result, and pulling away from Hongjoong before Yunho can catch you in his eyesight of being with the man, you notice the way he chews on the inside of his cheek contemplatively — disappointed, but not surprised.
As you make your way through the crowd and towards your boyfriend — stepping tall and proud from his vehicle with a smug grin on his face as if the entire world rest in his palm, it's a bubbling feeling of disgust, and maybe even resentment that starts to churn within you at the sight of him.
The cheers from other Emperors members and fans alike ringing through your ears, too loud, too obnoxious to stand listening to for too long, Yunho catches sight of you before you have a chance to duck out of the group of people, stepping forward and taking you by the hand to pull you towards him and into a kiss for the people to see.
When he finally releases you, you catch eyes with Hongjoong in the back of the standing people — cigarette dangling between pretty lips and eyes rolling as he turns back to console the loser of the race.
“Problem, Chief.”
The words come from Mingi — driver, racer, mechanic and closest friend of Yunho's, so you know it's not good when the both of you quickly turn your attention to the man with his attention hard pressed into the windshield of your boyfriends car.
“Man, come on, what now!” Yunho whines as he steps around and next to his friend to view whatever it is that is the issue.
Pointing a finger towards a large crack in the glass — spanning from the bottom right corner all of the way up to nearly the center, Mingi doesn't even really have to say it before the red head starts groaning with his head tossed back. “Give me a fuckin' break.”
“You didn't notice?” Mingi asks with a bit of a chuckle, as if completely unsure how that could be, but Yunho shrugs. “I heard something hit it but I just thought it was a small rock, I didn't think it would be all of this.”
“You can't drive it like this, we'll have to bring it back to the shop tomorrow morning.”
“Yeah, I know,” your boyfriend groans again, the largest inconvenience in the world now being presented just before him. “Good thing I just gained a new car, I guess.”
It sends chills down your spine, only now being reminded of exactly what it was that was on the line for this race.
With a sinister tone and a single corner of his mouth upturning, Mingi chuckles. “Better go collect, then.”
Slinging an arm up and around your shoulders a bit more roughly than you would have liked, Yunho leans down just a bit to plant a kiss on the top of your head as he pulls you forward and towards the group of Spirals only a few feet away.
“Just another pretty little thing I get to take from these bums.”
The words twisting your stomach into knots all over again, there had always been a sneaking suspicion deep within your soul that somewhere in there, at the end of the day, there was no respect for you, no love for you, nothing genuine at all.
Just another possession that Yunho wished to acquire, as he had been his entire time there.
Shouting out and towards the grouping of guys, Seonghwa leaning with his back against his car and quite evidently to you trying to play his loss cool — you've known him long enough to know how much he loves that car, and how badly it stings for him to lose it.
You hate to see it, and more than that, you hate to see it be lost to Emperors.
“You cracked my windshield, fuckboy,” Yunho shouts — the tone is playful, but it's more fuel to the fire you can tell from the way Hongjoong's jaw tightens as he clenches it in an attempt to be a good sport about the whole ordeal. “Time to pay up, I need to get me and the girl home, after all.”
“Yeah,” Seonghwa sighs, turning to lean into his car and popping the dashboard compartment to retrieve the title, it's then that the sound of Hongjoong stepping up from the side can be heard.
“What can I do to keep Seonghwa's car?”
At first a sweeping moment of silence, before a crashing sound and what you can only imagine to be Seonghwa slamming his head against his dash in shock at the proclamation by his friend as the man hisses and is found to be rubbing the back of it upon pulling himself out of the side of the vehicle — but with short silver hair and similarly short in stature — especially compared to your boyfriend, Hongjoong stands firm in front of the man, arms crossed in front of his chest as he awaits a response.
Yunho looking at him with one quirked eyebrow before glancing down towards you with a lopsided grin, he looks back up at Hongjoong through eyelashes before delivering his short-thought response.
“Kind of bad form to beg me not to take my spoils, don't you think?” he asks smugly. “Kind of pathetic, ya know?”
“You don't need it, you guys only drive EVO's anyways, who cares.”
“Hardly the point,” he says, matching Hongjoong's stance as he pulls from you and crosses his arms to stand straight — and even taller — in front of your ex. “We had an agreement, and I won fair and square, the car is mine.”
“What, so you can rip it for parts?” Hongjoong asks.
“No, so I can trash it where it belongs.”
Snorting at the pissy response, the shorter of the two glances away for a second, chewing on the inside of his cheek again before turning back to carry on the conversation, but it's Seonghwa who interjects before he's able to.
“Hongjoong, it's fine, he won.”
“Actually, it's not,” he says, this time more pointed than his previous tone. “I don't think it is fine, actually, so what can I do to keep my mans car?”
Watching the three go back and forth causing anxiety to bubble up in your gut, unsure of the lengths in which any of the men are willing to go to in order to get their points across, you give it some thought yourself — if there's anything that you can do to settle this situation between all of them yourself. the person with the most dealings with all parties involved, now standing by on the sidelines as the two teams attempt to hash it out — and not well, at that, your mind races in an attempt to come to an answer, but before you're able, you feel the discomforting gaze of your partner raining down on you from just above, all before any words even leave his mouth.
“Well babe, what do you think? Should we let the poor guy keep his ratty ol' car?”
You know a set up when you see it — or in this case, when you hear it.
Glancing towards Hongjoong, his eyes pull away almost immediately, you figure as to not attempt to pressure you into making a decision one way or another — and not knowing how much weight your decision holds, that earlier anxiety continues creeping up through your chest, and into your throat.
You know that one thing is for sure: doing the right thing most certainly will come with consequences.
Inhaling slowly, deeply, you make your decision.
“Let Seonghwa keep the car.”
You try not to engage in eye contact with your boyfriend, knowing full well that his gaze remain laser focused on you especially now, but the curiosity getting the best of you as you glance upwards to meet angry, disappointed eyes — the strangest result of an expression of compassion awaiting you — Yunho hums just barely audibly before forcing a grin and looking back up and towards the Spirals members.
“Lady says fuckboy keeps his car, so fuckboy keeps his car.”
One part relieved at the outcome, one part surprised by your word carrying any weight with the man, and the last concerned about the result of this in regards to your relationship with Yunho, slinging an arm up and around your shoulder again, he hurries you off and away from the men.
But regardless of what happens now, you know that you've done the right thing — and maybe for once you'll be able to sleep well tonight.
“We're gonna go to the bar, wanna come?”
Yeosang's voice ringing out as the two of you step forward, Yunho abruptly pulls his arm from you as he carries forward and towards the friends glossy white EVO — and waving a hand up in the air, he bids you farewell in a turn of events that you find not all that surprising anymore.
“Get a ride home with your pals,” he rings out, tone venomous and contemptuous. “In the ratty old RX-7, all used up and past its prime—“ he scoffs as he opens the passenger side door.
“—Kinda reminds me of someone else I know.” He says, finishing the thought before sliding inside of the car and slamming the door shut.
The words don't hurt — not from him. It's an anticipated outcome from a calculated risk that you decided to take.
But they show the mans true colors all the same.
As you watch your boyfriend and his friends drive off to enjoy the rest of their victory evening without you — shooting you knowing glances all the while — you contemplate sending the text message then and there, the one ending your relationship with him once and for all. A break up via text, perhaps precisely what he deserves for his thoughtlessness towards you, anyways, but still extending yourself much further for him than perhaps the man would ever do for you.
Save it for another day, and try to enjoy the rest of your evening.
Sauntering back over towards Spirals, Chaerin now joining the fray, she looks up at you from beneath Seonghwa's popped hood — having been checking out his engine as you dealt with the disaster on the other side of the asphalt.
But as she flashes you with a wide smile, it's all the more indication that what you had done was right.
“You're in big trouble, aren't you?” She asks, already knowing the answer.
Sighing, you shrug. “Looks like I need another ride home tonight.”
Hongjoong popping up from the drivers side of Seonghwa's car, where the tallest man is sat and about ready to head off for the night and overhearing the conversation, he sends you a knowing look from across matte black paint that may now still remain in the company of his teammate, and all thanks to you.
With Chaerin and Seonghwa being the last two to drive off, and leaving only you and your ex-boyfriend at the top of the hill, you place your bag into the passenger side seat of Hongjoong's car before shutting the door and leaning against it with your chest — arms crossed along the top as you wait for the man on the other side to finish doing the same and come up to meet your eyes.
“Surprised you did it,” he says as he does, pulling at the collar of his leather jacket to loosen it just a bit. “Guess I don't have to ask if he's pissed since you're here.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, long since accepting of the outcome of the situation and having made peace with it. “He'll get over it.”
“Why's his car still here, anyway?”
“Crack in the windshield,” you reply with a shrug. “Karma, maybe.”
“Oh, definitely,” he chimes back with a snort. “Lemmie see this thing.”
The two of you walking back over towards Yunho's car, long since abandoned and awaiting it's rescue in the early morning hours (or not so early, depending on how the night out goes), you recall this being the exact spot where you and Hongjoong shared your first kiss — first romantic kiss — past the veil of a friends with benefits arrangement, more raw and exposed and knowing between you both; a much chillier night than this and much windier when he finally pulled you in for it with no other intentions beyond it, and the words that you had secretly been wanting to hear for weeks before then.
'I think we should just see each other, only, what do you think?'
“Oh man, that's a fuckin' doozy!”
High pitched laughter ringing through the night air and straight through the memory, effectively bringing you back to the present, your attention pulls back to Hongjoong, leaned over the side hood of Yunho's EVO to laugh at your boyfriends misfortune. “No wonder he was so hard up for Seonghwa's car, fuckin' scumbag.”
Meeting him at his side to take a look at the damage again, you smile at Hongjoong's joy in it, knowing it's well deserved, and most earned.
“Looks like I got you to myself tonight, after all.”
It's sort of a sudden change, the way his body shifts to pull away from the vehicle only enough to plant you further against it, and underneath him — arms on either side of you, caging you in with little option for escape from the man.
Not that you really wanted to, anyway.
Hongjoong leans in towards your face, lips grazing the skin of your cheek on their way towards your ear — the contact sending a shiver down your spine — some bizarre taboo of being held like this by him against such a prized possession of your boyfriends — but suppose that makes two of them, now well within Hongjoong's grasp currently.
“Have the keys?”
For a second you wonder what he's referring to, before it dawns on you that he's referring to the car, and with a shake of your head to protest. “No, only Mingi has another set.”
“Damn,” he whispers against the shell of your ear as a hand dips down and makes its way between your legs to palm at you. “That's okay, we can make due.”
Devilish in tone, you melt into the touch as he begins pulling at the buttoning of your jeans, face turning upwards and pulling your mouth into his — his tongue tasting of cigarette and coffee in anticipation of a long night ahead, you happily lean into it as your arms sling up and around his neck to pull him harder against you.
Shimmying your pants down your legs, he pulls away from your mouth only long enough to slink down to free one of your feet from the restrictive clothing, hiking your leg up and around his hip as he comes back up to meet your mouth for the second round of devouring you — cool metal greeting your behind as he presses you harder against the vehicle, you moan into his mouth as a finger presses into you slowly, one hand from around his neck falling back and against the car to steady yourself better for what it is that's soon to take place.
A second finger in, slowly prying you open for his cock, Hongjoong's mouth pulls away to trail down your neck, latching onto the skin just below your chin to suck a mark into it.
Just another doing of his that you'll have to cover up, like all of the ones before it. Perhaps if you were smarter, you'd tell him to avoid doing such things.
But frankly, that's not something you want, either.
“Wanna fuck you,” he groans into your skin, a whimper escaping you in response to the admission. Fingers pulling from you to work into his own jeans, you allow your head to fall back to take in the moment — the beautiful night sky, the light breeze, and the lingering scents of the nights earlier goings on. only a few seconds granted to you before you feel the familiar prodding of the tip of him pushing inside of you through the sound of his belt buckle jingling through the air.
“Kiss me,” you whisper out, Hongjoong wasting no time obliging the request as he brings his mouth up from your neck and to your lips, one hand gripping tightly into your thigh to keep it hoisted up his hip as he fucks you against the vehicle.
The angle certainly doing you favors, presenting the perfect ability for Hongjoong's cock to graze the perfect spot with every drive into you, free hand not used to keep yourself somewhat upright now buried into short, blonde hair — the man fucks you hard, but not particularly fast, every thrust seemingly deliberate in his desire to bring you to orgasm as quickly as possible.
Legs quaking around him as you cry out his name, clenching down around him as he fucks you through your orgasm, Hongjoong pauses kissing you long enough to pull from your lips enough to watch you intently as you cum around his dick — forehead pressed to your own as you moan and whimper through your release.
“Fuck me from behind.”
The demand spilling from your lips before you have a chance to think much of it, still reeling from your orgasm, no time lost in taking heed of it — pulling himself from you and turning you around to bend you over the cold metal of your boyfriends car before burying his cock inside of you again and settling into a much harder, quicker pace than before.
You feel him reach down for something briefly, without much thought to it, until you hear the sound of a lighter flickering, and the scent of freshly lit cigarette from behind you.
It's a little charming, in a hilariously degenerate way, you think.
“Rubbed off on you a little bit, huh?” he huffs out between thrusts, one hand settled on the small of your back while the other wraps around the dip in your waist. “Now who likes getting fucked in places they have no business getting fucked in?”
“Joong— feel so good, fuck—“ and it's hardly a response to the questions, although it sort of is with how exquisite the drag of his cock feels against your walls.
“Yeah, baby? Want me to make you cum again? Like me fucking you on your mans car?”
“Yes,” you manage to huff out, the air nearly fucked out of you with every hard push of himself against you.
Feeling the brief loss of one of his hands — presumably to finish off his cigarette and toss it to the side — he brings it back to gently snake up the length of your back, settling at the back of your neck and gripping fingers into the sides to continue his rhythm.
“Rub yourself for me,” Hongjoong whispers, voice faltering every so slightly at the creeping promise of his own release, and you waste no time bringing your dominant hand down and between your legs — first feeling for the way his cock stretches your pussy open with every push inside of you, enough in and of itself to get you that much closer to where you want to get to before circling fingers against your clit to bring yourself over the edge around him — groaning immediately at the feeling of you tightening around him with the additional stimulation, he fucks you that much harder.
Biting hard into your lip in an attempt to stifle your cries, Hongjoong notices, and much to his disapproval.
“No one can hear you, you can scream for me,” he groans, clearly and quickly reaching his own orgasmic inevitability. “Lemmie hear you, tell me how good it feels.”
The instruction does enough of the work, his desire to hear you cry out for him and how good he makes you feel as you cum hard — at the same time, Hongjoong's hips stuttering with a breathy moan of your name as he shoves his cock as deep into you as he can to cum — the throb of his release prolonging your own as you sound nearly pained by the feeling of a long, drawn out, second orgasm of the night.
An airy 'fuck' dropping from him as he attempts to steady himself, catch his breath after his release, Hongjoong only bends forward to lean himself against your back — gentle kisses peppered across your shoulder and back before he settles the side of his head down against you for a moment of reprieve.
As a gust of fresh, night air flushes by and across hot skin, when the words ring out through bitten, red, lips, you think for a split second that you're not sure which one of you they truly come from — long since having been hanging in the forefront of your mind, as it was.
'I miss you. Us.'
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Over the next following weeks, you can't help but notice the acute way in which messages back from Hongjoong dissipate. You figure, at least to some degree, that the relationship between Spirals and Emperors having reached such a boiling point after the last race, that perhaps it's expected — that even in spite of your good deed in martyring yourself for Seonghwa's car, the fact that it ever even reached that point be reason enough to want to distance himself from you.
That's what you tell yourself, at least, ignoring the elephant in the room.
And as the days pass, you find your relationship with Yunho having also deteriorated in such a way that maybe you hadn't anticipated. Yes, you expected him to be mad about the dealing with Seonghwa, and yes, that had been something that you had factored in prior to making the decision — in thinking that with a few days to cool off, things might just go back to normal.
Not that normal was ever even that great, either.
So two weeks later, on a rainy Thursday night just two hours before the scheduled meet up — no races and no thrills given the weather — when Yunho texts you that he's coming over to talk, you're unsure of what to expect. Perhaps the dissolution of your relationship, the thought causing an expected twisting to the contents of your stomach.
Why, you're not sure. Would breaking up even really be that bad?
But suppose the ending of a relationship where there once had been love will always be hard.
Watching Yunho drag himself through the doorway of your bedroom, jacket almost certainly left at the front door of your home and bag slumping down to the floor with a thud, you watch as he avoids eye contact with you for the first few seconds of his arrival — fingers pushing through damp, rained upon hair to remove what's stuck to the skin of his forehead, he sighs heavily as he finally makes eye contact with you — but doesn't press himself further inside of the bedroom, either.
Awkwardness so tangible, it's the first time that you think you've ever seen him in such a bizarre state — not so astoundingly full of ego and grandeur but rather, somewhat impish as a result of whatever it is that he came here tonight to say.
“We should talk.”
Voice deep but almost cracking through the abruptness of the words, it takes you quite a bit back as once again his eyes dart from you — knots tightening in your abdomen at the sight of your boyfriend just before you.
You can't find it in you to respond to him, waiting for the pin to drop, instead.
“You can't spend time with Spirals anymore.”
Wait, what?
You don't say it, not verbally at least, and you suppose you twist of your features in near disgust says everything that it needs to as Yunho rolls his eyes at the quiet display of you before him.
“Don't really want you hanging out with that bitch Chaerin, either, but i'm willing to compromise.”
“'Willing'?” you mirror back, shock laden in your tone. “You're telling me who I can and can't hang out with, now? I've known them all way longer than i've known you.”
“Yeah and I don't think that's doing you any favors,” he bites back, finally stepping towards you in a much stronger stride than the way he had entered. “The thing with Seonghwa was humiliating, you're my girlfriend, why the fuck are you going to bat for him? He lost.”
Scoffing, you reel at the fact that the argument is taking place at all with how asinine it is to you.
“This is stupid, you can't tell me who I can spend time with.”
“I can and I will.”
Standing up from the edge of your bed and pushing past him, you swiftly grab your phone and keys from your nightstand on the way out before turning back to him for the final blow.
You pause, having to think twice before delivering it.
“You feel big, Yunho?” You start, contempt heavy in your voice towards him with eyes equally narrow and cutting. “You feel brave only racing people who aren't on your level? Is that why—“
Pausing again, you watch the mans eyes widen at the beginning of the implication, stepping towards you again. “Say it! Say what you were going to say!”
“—that why you never challenged Hongjoong?”
You turn again to leave, but not before long fingers wrap around your arm to stop you. Not especially aggressive or violent but enough to have your heart beating through your chest at the implications — a man putting his hands on you during a heated argument — You still anyways, just in case.
You don't think Yunho would hit you, but frankly, you're not entirely sure, either.
The two of you locking eyes, rage and disdain painting each one of your faces as you stare each other down, Yunho lets go of you almost just as quickly as he had grasped a hold.
And probably regretting it just as much, too.
“See yourself out,” you say just before turning to leave again, and when Yunho asks you where you're going, the only details you grace him with are “out.”
“He put his fucking hands on you?”
The voice rings out from Chaerin — shrill and shrieky through the echoing walls of the mechanic shop, previously rolled up beneath her forest green RX-8 — but quickly wheeling herself out from under it at the sound of the words leaving your mouth.
Hongjoong only a few more feet away; leaned back in a tattered rolling chair that's certainly seen better days and boots kicked up onto a desk that's now used for very little besides holding water bottles and the occasional wrench — as he attempts to dig out oil from underneath a fingernail with a switchblade he adds commentary of his own. “The guy's a piece of shit, got half a mind to slash his fucking tires right in front of his face tonight.”
“Don't bother,” you sigh. “He didn't hurt me, he wasn't violent, but yeah—“
“A man putting his hands on you in any way during an argument is violent,” Chaerin states clearly as she walks towards you to pull you into a hug. “I'm sorry, my love.”
“I'm okay, seriously.”
“You've got to leave him,” the blonde woman adds after your affirmation of being alright with the circumstances. “I mean, this can't keep going on. It was already bad but things are just getting worse, and worse at this point. The cheating, the controlling behavior, now getting physical with you...”
You can't help but glance to your far right towards Hongjoong in an attempt to assess the way that he's intaking the information, but the man appears to be outwardly unbothered — still picking apart the underside of his fingernail with little more to say on the situation.
“We can find you a nice guy,” your best friend says with a smile and a certain cheekiness to her.
“Like Hongjoong.”
First it's a crashing sound, followed by a pointed 'fuck' and turning to follow where the sounds had come from, the sight before you being your ex planted back to the floor, wheels of his chair having given out from beneath him — and a nasty gash in the tip of his finger from the knife once toyed with.
“Are you okay?” you ask, relatively unbothered by the sight before you as Chaerin jogs off to retrieve the first aid kid.
“What's wrong with your friend?”
“How much time do you have?” you chuckle, implication of 'a lot' heavy in the answer. A playful huff from the man following as the blonde woman arrives back with a large enough bandage for the wound and something to disinfect it.
“Someone's jittery.” She says with a knowing grin, which Hongjoong pointedly avoids looking at.
“I drink a lot of coffee.”
“Why did you guys break up, anyway?”
As silence befalls the mechanic shop, you slowly glance towards the woman next to you, flashing a look that says a thousand words in and of itself, but most importantly being: what are you doing right now?
Chaerin mouths “what?” back to you, as if Hongjoong isn't lying just in front of the both of you and fully capable of seeing the display before him, he finally rolls his eyes with a huff — more than exhausted of the situation already.
“Her parents hated me, okay?” he begins, wincing as the tight bandage wraps around his open wound. “Guess I look a little too much like a guy who does illegal street racing for fun and has a DUI.”
Silence again, and you think for a moment that perhaps Hongjoong's admission a bit too raw and unfiltered for what Chaerin had anticipated — a teasing that had begun rather lighthearted, now seemingly serving as a tool for the mans emotional release. It's not much, but for someone who doesn't talk about his feelings all that much, you know how much it really is, and from the way the words sound on the edge of broken by the end of the sentence, most definitely coming from a place of genuine hurt.
“Well,” she begins, and you figure that she's doing it out of a feeling of obligation — the need to respond to something so open and honest, to not leave him hanging. “Parents can be wrong—“
Her eyes now switching to flash to you as she says it.
“—but anyways, it's a good thing there's no races tonight because that's probably gonna hurt like a bitch for a couple of days. I'd recommend staying off of it and not—“
“We never stopped sleeping together.”
It's Hongjoong that you look at first — the man sucking his bottom lip in between his teeth and eyes widening at the words as he slowly turns to look at you with a face that asks 'right, what's all this, then?' and after, it's Chaerin that you glance towards — hers not all that different from Hongjoong's, although you think that if you look hard enough, you can see a sense of having already suspected as much through her features.
If she had thought as much, she keeps it to herself, opting instead to clear her throat and yank Hongjoong back up to his feet with her as the three of you stand up from the concrete floor.
“Never stopped as in...?” She inquires, curious of the exact timeline in relation to Yunho.
“Think we stopped seeing each other for like—“ you pause to think as you glance towards your ex next to you, still relatively shell-shocked by the whole ordeal. You shrug and sigh simultaneously. “A week, after we broke up?”
“So, you've always...since Yunho...”
Lips pulled into a thin line as you're forced to admit such, you nod gently — far from proud of your misdoings, but acknowledging them all the same.
“Wow,” your friend chimes out, eyes wide still with the gathering of new information. Hands pressed to her hips as another layer of quiet wafts over the three of you — Hongjoong not dare speaking out of turn in events such as this — neither of you have to, not with Chaerin around.
“Thank god! It's what he fucking deserves. Fuck that guy.”
Laughing nervously, you understand where she's coming from, of course: as your best friend, and a friend of Hongjoong's much more so now than earlier, to know that Yunho has been repeatedly done wrong in such a way feels a bit like a breath of fresh air — an understanding that through everything that he's put everyone else through, there is still some semblance of justice — somewhere, somehow.
You don't necessarily agree with the feeling, guilt and disgusting swirling around deep in your chest every time you're forced to acknowledge the fact, but perhaps it's admitting to it out loud that will give you the strength to do something with it.
And everything else aside, you've wondered how much of Hongjoong's truth laid bare for you that night on top of the mountain with his confession to you.
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The least that you can ask of Yunho — and everyone else involved, for that matter, is for one night where nothing goes wrong.
You're thankful that even in never verbally requesting of it, it seems as though the stars aligned themselves all the same — everyone on their best behavior, and a casual car meet night starting and ending without an argument, or otherwise nasty words exchanged.
The looks are unavoidable — Spirals, Chaerin and the like in Yunho's direction — something he most definitely picks up on yet chooses not to comment. Surprising, for him. A man that always has something to say, including and almost especially in circumstances where it's him that's in the wrong.
But tonight? Nothing.
You heed your boyfriends request: not really with intention of actually doing so, that is, allowing him to control who it is that you can and cannot have contact with, but rather to keep the evening smooth and mellow.
It was a conversation that would see reopening.
“Hey,” you whisper, hand reaching over the center console of his vehicle to wrap delicate fingers around his forearm. “We should talk.”
Putting the car into drive and waving off his friends just before pulling off, you study his face as he remains silent from just next to you — jaw tight and lips pressed thin as he stares ahead — it's as if he's driving, sitting entirely still in the emptying parking garage used as tonight’s meeting place.
Sighing, Yunho closes his eyes for a moment as if to collect himself. You brace for impact.
“I'm sorry.”
And you figure that surprising would be an understatement, eyebrows pushing together as you take in the words just as they left his mouth. Foot pressing to the pedal now as the car slowly drives the both of you off, the man sighs again. “I shouldn't put my hands on you. Not ever. I'm sorry.”
You sort of knew that it was well beyond the scope of what even he finds to be acceptable-assholery, not that it excuses the behavior, but an apology for the goings on feels the least surprising of all of the other potential things the man could have been issuing it for.
Controlling behavior is okay, but he draws the line at getting physical. Guess it's something.
Not enough, though.
“Yeah,” you quietly reply back, not wanting to absolve him of it, nor do you really wish to accept his apology for it. Forgiveness for some things feeling well beyond your scope — suppose it would file under unforgivable. Something that Yunho would have to make peace with on his own time.
“That why you were on your best behavior tonight?” You ask, tone playful but sort of meaning it, also.
Your boyfriend chuckles at the words as the car slows to a halt for a red light just ahead.
“Yeah, kind of,” he says quickly, not needing time to mull it over at all. “I feel bad, it's fucked up—“
Pausing, Yunho leans forward to look out and through his windshield towards something a bit up ahead before sitting back again and glancing to his side at you. “—Mind if I kidnap you for a bit?” he asks with a gentle smile.
Suppose Jeong Yunho serves as your own blind spot.
Car parked in a nearby, open, parking lot — only a handful of street lights illuminating the area, but enough so that it doesn't feel secluded — the man next to you sits back against his custom seat more comfortably, head resting back as well just before turning to face you and stretching his arm out now against the center of the vehicle towards you in and effort to request for your hand in his.
You oblige.
Inhaling heavily — you await the words that seem to linger just on his tongue, the vision of a man still thinking through every thought before allowing them to exit through his mouth — you wonder, if perhaps it's the first time of him having done so. Yunho, so quick with words and thoughtless actions and selfishness, now contemplating everything in a whole new way, a way that you think, perhaps, you've never seen from him before.
“You know I just want what's best for you, right?”
Words carrying into your ears and twisting deep inside your stomach as if doused with poison themselves, it's not at all what you had been hoping to hear: it's an explanation for him being the way he is — it's an implication that you should need him to help you make decisions, to act right, to be good for him, because certainly you're incapable of doing it yourself.
For whatever reason, the memories of when the two of you first started dating come flooding back to you. Holding hands while shopping and movie nights late at your place with your parents home (previously uncharted waters, but your mother liked him so much she allowed it for him), a hand on your thigh when he took you out for a ride in his car, but nothing too dangerous — the assumption that he wouldn't be able to live with himself should anything happen to you while with him.
When perhaps he was the danger itself all along.
But it makes it hard nonetheless. It's never easy when there is love there, memories there — a history. You cared for Yunho, in all of the ways that a girlfriend does, no matter how wronged or slighted or for how long — it's difficult sometimes, to do what's best for oneself when knowing it to be the severance of so many others.
“We should break up.”
But you have to, anyways. Above all else.
You choose to stare forward out of the windshield in front of you — a vivid recollection of the way Hongjoong had you not so long ago just there springing up and into the forefront of your mind as if some cruel reminder that you not be the saint you wish to paint yourself as — that you're not a victim in all of this, not completely.
With dark red hair in your peripheral vision, you see the man dip his head down.
Then delicately pull his hand from your own.
But Yunho opts out of a verbal response, instead using his newly freed hand to start the ignition of his car once again and toss it into reverse. Panic sets in, although, you're not entirely sure why.
“I heard you.”
A response curt and lacking any emotion beyond anger, you find it in yourself to finally look towards him fully — jaw clenched hard as you're so used to seeing on him, and eyes narrow with indignation.
Stilling the car again and jamming the shift into drive much rougher than he had been before, he begins pulling off and back onto the road — it's towards your home, that much you are thankful — but you don't imagine the ride there will remain this quiet, either.
“Why?” he asks suddenly, now driving a tad bit faster than before. It's nothing especially dangerous, but you note it all the same. Yunho doesn't give you time to answer, though, before adding onto the inquiry with another thought of his own. “Because I grabbed your arm?”
He sounds stressed, voice pitchier than usual given his typically smoother, deep tone — perhaps panicked at being faced with the dissolution of the relationship.
And just as you're about to answer him, he continues on again.
“Because of him?”
You know who he means without the dropping of the name.
“You can't tell me who I can and can't hang out with, Yunho—“
“You're choosing him over me? Over us? You already broke up with that fucking loser once, how many times do you have to do it before it sticks?”
“It's not about Hongjoong.”
Sort of a lie.
“Then it shouldn't matter that I don't want you hanging out with your stupid ass ex. You miss a guy with a fuckin' DUI? Are you stupid?”
Yunho's tone raising louder and louder, anger bubbling quickly in the confined space of the vehicle, you want nothing more than to be free from the clutches of being there with him.
Sure, you had anticipated the break up to not go over well, but perhaps it was heading into territory you weren't quite ready for.
It's then that the fuel light pops on on Yunho's dashboard — slamming his palm against the steering wheel in frustration at all of these circumstances culminating annoyingly at once, he cusses to himself under his breath before looking just up ahead and on the right for a gas station open.
But what really causes your heart to do a nose dive into your stomach, is the visual of Hongjoong's car pulled up to gas pump three.
“Well, would you look at that,” Yunho sing-songs sarcastically as he pulls in, a man with silver hair just exiting the shop with a bottle of water and keys in hand before briefly looking up just enough to notice the scene before him. “Perfect timing.”
And now you know that tonight is going to be a problem.
Pulling up to gas pump two, Hongjoong slows just to the side of his car before hopping into the drivers seat — as if having some sort of sixth sense of there being a problem — carefully eyeing the EVO as it stills to a halt on the other side of the median separating you.
When Yunho slams the shift into park, the only word exiting his mouth is “out.”
For once, you're thrilled to be taking his direction.
Hopping out of the car with quickness, you shoot Hongjoong a look that says 'there's a problem' that you know has him watching the situation even more intently as he eyes the taller of the two getting out of his vehicle. A loud slamming of his car door — much louder and rougher than he would ever handle his car under normal circumstances — you watch as your ex grits his teeth as Yunho steps towards the two of you and meets Hongjoong face to face with a grin.
Nodding his head towards you, Yunho speaks first. “Ya know this one just broke up with me.”
Hongjoong snorts through his nose at the words, never faltering in his eye contact with the man in front of him. “'Bout time.”
Brave, you think. If Yunho put hands on you then you know he's not above putting Hongjoong on his ass, either.
A slow blink concealing the roll of his eyes as he nods at the words, Yunho keeps his crooked grin plastered across his face. “Big talk for a guy going nowhere, with nothing — you think you're big 'cause you got the girl? Over my dead body.”
You don't know entirely what he means by that. Intention to pursue you in spite of it all? An unwillingness to let the relationship go? A cold chill firing through your blood at the implications of what it means, you warm slightly at the sound of the silver haired man just next to you laughing at the words as he digs into his pockets for his pack of cigarettes — unable to light it due to their current whereabouts.
Hongjoong's eyebrow quirking up at the words as he takes them in — it's a look that almost explicitly explains all of the ways in which he does not take the tallest of the two seriously, in any way. You find it almost comforting, that perhaps he knows something you don't, and thus, you have little to worry about — but with a man known for acting on impulse and making rather poor decisions, who can really tell.
“What're you gonna do?” he questions, cigarette lazily dangling between his lips. “Make her be in a relationship with you, stupid?”
Jaw tense, Yunho steps towards Hongjoong slowly — the movement spiking your anxiety, but cool as a cucumber, the man remains in place with his behind gently pressed against his car and arms folded across his chest.
“If I want something, then it's mine,” he whispers — tone oozing of smugness and superiority.
For the first time ever, you think that Yunho is letting the charade go in full — no more plausible deniability about him being ultimately good or right underneath it all. The real him. This is who he is.
Waving his hand in the warm, late night air, as if evidencing their surroundings to prove his point despite no one else being around. “Maybe you've noticed, with my little collection of your friends' useless tin cans.”
Knowing Spirals and Yunho's propensity to take from them, you know it's a sore spot for Hongjoong, so watching the way in which the leader only drops his chin down to his chest with a grin before cocking his head to the side and glancing back up at the tallest of the three of you — you're unsure of what to expect.
But Hongjoong being so cool about it is probably a bad sign, based on what you know.
“Funny,” he says finally, inhaling sharply before pulling his arms apart again to rifle through his keys for the one leading to his car.
“'Cause if that were true I wouldn't have been laying into her the whole time y'all were together.”
The result comes on quicker than you expect — a fast and strong right hook to Hongjoong's jaw sending him almost barreling across the side of his own vehicle at the contact — Yunho breathing heavily as he rubs at his sore and potentially broken set of knuckles. the man glancing at you and for a second, you worry if you may also meet the same consequence as your mouthy ex, but without a word, and red hair swaying in the wind, Yunho only turns to head back towards his car.
No longer in his sights, you rush over to Hongjoong, delicately touching the place of impact and checking for mobility as he opens and closes his mouth with a wince. “God, he hits like a pussy, too. Unbelievable.”
“Hongjoong.” You whine, because god forbid the man delivering the assault overhear the comment.
“Hey!” Hongjoong shouts, and if you had known him to wish to say more, you'd have done everything in your power to stop him, but with the words already out there, your eyes widen at him, a nonverbal plead to shut the fuck up.
“Race me next Saturday,” he yells, still awkward with his damaged jaw but confident and pointed all of the same. “Not someone in my crew, me. If I win, you leave her the fuck alone and you leave town. That's it.”
You can't see the man, only the sound of him having opened the car door to go off of in relation to his whereabouts, but you hear nothing from behind you for what feels like eons. Then...
“And if I win?”
Pausing to spit out blood and hopefully not a tooth accompanying it to the ground just between his black boots, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, the words come out far too confidently than you'd like them to, especially because you know him to have every intention of keeping his word.
“Then I leave. You get the car, the girl, the team, everything.”
A heavy gust of wind barreling through as silence overtakes the situation, silently pleading with Hongjoong through looks to not agree to this, to not go through with it — looks that you know the man to be purposefully avoiding in his reluctance to make eye contact with you as he asserts the deal — you don't feel any better knowing that the man is willing to put everyone on the line for you, or for whatever this is.
It's reckless, and it's dangerous, and there's got to be another way.
“See you next Saturday.” Yunho says with a tone so matter of a fact, before thrusting himself into his car and taking off just as fast.
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When Saturday rolls around, it leaves you wondering where the time went between then and now.
Riding passenger side in Hongjoong's RX-7, you mull over the the happenings of the week leading up to now: countless hours leading into days spent at the mechanics shop with him, Chaerin and the rest of the Spirals team — testing and preparing his car for the impending race with everything and then some riding on it, the anticipation bubbles in your gut in a way that you're unfamiliar with — a race with far too much behind it, more than necessary, and it leaves you wondering why it is that the man driving next to you is willing to give everything up for what effectively boils down to one thing: you.
But with almost no down time between the declaration and the race — Hongjoong spending many nights at the shop, curled up asleep on the cold, beat up, leather couch inside instead of opting to bother with the travel time home when he knows he'll only end up back there early in the morning anyways — it leaves no time for the conversation.
A silent acknowledgment between you, him, and everyone else on your side of the equation.
Trailing behind Chaerin's RX-8 and pulling into the all too familiar roadside lot of the uphill racing track that serves to be Hongjoong's favorite, you figure that the two of them must have hashed it out unbeknownst to you — or it was some sort of understanding between racers for this to be the place that it would happen. The track. Not the most difficult, nor the one offering top speeds (and for that, it could be raced downhill, anyways), but rather the one feeling just right for the sort of situation.
Yunho too proud to decline the invitation to beat Hongjoong on his home terf, his favorite track, the one known to be his best — and Hongjoong all too confident to feel that he could ever be beaten on it.
Setting the car into park, you dare not speak as Hongjoong takes in a deep breath through the silence — a rowdy crowd of racers and onlookers alike heard easily from all around you outside of the car — it feels almost claustrophobic, suffocating in some way, being surrounded by people and the impending happenings of the evening.
Hongjoong looks calm and collected, however.
One hand loosening from the steering wheel to card through short, silver hair before unceremoniously plopping it onto his thigh with a flat palm, he lies his head back against the rest of his seat, turning to look at you finally with a shockingly soft expression.
“Should probably have a talk, huh?”
You can't help the way the corners of your lips curl upwards at the implications of the words. Delicate and caring. You nod.
“You're really just gonna move if you lose a race?” You ask, tone pointed with resistance in the thought of it, but the man next of you pulls his eyes away, head turning back to look out and in front of him at the passersby.
“To be honest,” he starts, thinking through the words a bit more before carrying on. “If guys like that are going to set up shop around here then maybe my time here has run out anyways, maybe it's time to move on.”
“You sound far more willing than I ever expected. You love this town.”
Hearing the exhale through his nose as if amused by the prospect of it, Hongjoong reaches forward and across you into his dashboard, rifling through papers and an empty water bottle in search of something, finally pulling an envelope with no wording sprawled across it — only an emblem.
Placing it on your lap, he nods for you to open it, but not before point out and into the crowd.
“See that guy over there with the hat? Red jacket.”
Squinting, you attempt to follow his finger with your eyes, gazing out and through the crowding of people for whoever it is that the man next to you is wishing for you to locate, all the while digging out whatever it is from this envelope that you're meant to see.
Hongjoong carries on with the thought before you do. “Those red jackets are special, custom order jackets. No one has those. You can't get them.”
“Okay...” you hesitantly acknowledge, finally landing on the man in question. Arms crossed and seemingly alone, he's looking onward — at the track, at the surroundings, and finally, over to the both of you. Nodding in your direction, Hongjoong nods back at him.
“Ever heard of Project D?” He asks.
“Uh, rings a bell. Think I've heard Yunho or Chaerin talk about it, why?”
Hongjoong snorts at the drop of names before speaking again, as if unsurprised by the ones mentioned as having any sort of interest. “Read the letter.”
A questioning look splashing across your features, you do as advised, pulling from his attention and down towards the piece of paper in your hands. It takes you some time to go through it, and then, another moment from reading it over again — because you're quite sure that you must have read something wrong, must have gone through this with a bit of wishful thinking and a simple wanting so badly of things to go good, and right.
But with the second read through and confidence in your reading comprehension, your attention snaps back up and towards Hongjoong — a wide grin sported on his face.
“This...this is—“ you manage to stutter out, heart threatening to beat through your chest entirely as he turns to meet your eyes again.
“Indeed. Turns out someone thinks this guy can drive a car,” he sighs with a sort of nonchalance that has you so taken aback you aren't even sure what to say or think.
Project D. The upper echelon of street racing. Entirely closed off, and run on a strict 'don't call us, we'll call you' type of basis. It's professional, and the dream for just about anyone involved in the sport. a one way ticket out of here, that much is for certain.
So unfamiliar to the common driver that no one here even recognizes the shining red jacket only adorned by drivers on the team.
“His name is Takahashi Ryosuke,” Hongjoong begins again, lazily having a hand out towards the man referenced only a moment ago. “He's the leader of Project D, he came to see me drive. I'm already in, but it's sort of a formality, plus, he's gotta give me my jacket.”
You pause, thinking it through in your mind again and trying to take it all in.
“In front of Yunho?”
Hongjoong laughs, a full laugh at the question. “In front of Yunho.”
Head lying back once again on the headrest of his seat and rolling gently to grant him vision of you — you watch the way his eyes fan over your features, as if taking all of them in for the first time all over again — as if it were to be the first or last time that he would ever see them, and with the calling to action of the racers needing to line up, it pulls your attention up and away with the abruptness of it, but not his — still watching you intently as if trying to read every thought floating through your mind in that very moment.
You figure it's no surprise that you ended up here, with him, like this tonight — all of his plans, everything he does perfectly in line with something that he has in mind — some sort of grand scheme of sorts, and you can't help but wonder for how long it's revolved around you.
'Racers line up, 5 until green!'
Turning back to look at Hongjoong, small hand with painted black fingernails reaching out and towards your own, he grips tightly atop one of them and squeezes lightly just before pulling it from you and shifting his car into drive again.
“So,” he starts, waving towards Ryosuke again before carefully maneuvering his vehicle towards the starting line of the track for a race that means nothing and everything to the both of you simultaneously.
“Want to take a ride with me?”
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ hope you enjoyed! please check out my navigation for more (´。• ᵕ •。`)
—this is a oneshot, there will be no part 2.
809 notes · View notes
quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Headcanons ~
Modern AU - How they'd react to seeing you working in a strip club (And they have feelings for you)
Inspired by... well me being an ex-stripper :')
Written as if reader is working there just for some extra cash, not as a living - it'll make sense why I noted this as it goes on.
Reiner - Porco - Eren - Levi
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Some music to set the mood 🔥
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Reiner would never wander into a strip club on his own accord, either being dragged in during a bachelor party or doesn't realise what the establishment actually is. As much as he appreciates the female form, Reiner is too respectful and too much of a softy and a blushing mess.
Get this man some water please, for pity's sake. His face is flushed the entire time he's in there, his eye-line erratic as he avoids sights of thighs, asses, boobs and bare stomachs.
When the dancers come to talk to him for a private dance, he'll politely turn them down, his eyes glueing to theirs, his mouth dry and - oh gosh is he shaking?
He doesn't know it's you being called on stage because well, they use your stage name. But when the lights brighten slightly and he sees you - legit thinks he's been spiked for a moment and is seeing things.
His movements all stop, his lips part and his eyes enlarge when he realises this is actually happening.
"Oh, you like her?" The other girls will say. "She's great, you should get a dance from her."
Excuses himself and heads into the bathroom while you're on stage, splashing his face with cold water. Other patrons in the toilets laugh at him. "Yeah, it's tough out there, huh buddy?"
Once he hears applause he knows you're done and swiftly leaves. This is what gives him the incentive to confess his feelings for you and try to convince you to leave.
I know if Reiner Braun told me he loved me, I'd leave and never look back.
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Porco loves to talk big and will laugh and "banter" with the "lads" but under the surface, he's a lot like Reiner and is pretty shy (at first) when it comes to intimacy.
He's respectful and will enjoy the attention of the dancers but I can't see him ever getting a private dance, if I'm honest.
He avoids his gaze like Reiner but isn't having mini panic attacks about it like his blonde friend.
When he sees you, he freezes and his nose burns pink but quickly regains his composure. He'll walk up to you and tell you to get changed, he's taking you home.
He hasn't drunk too much so he's okay to drive as he takes you towards his house.
"Porco, where are we -" "You should have just told me if you wanted some money." "It's not like that, I can make my own mon-" "We'll talk about it later."
You'll go to his where you have a long conversation into the night, where he admits his feelings for you and fucks you into his bed.
Oh god, I might turn this one into a fic...
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I can't see Eren actively seeking out a "gentleman's" club, but he's not fussed about being in one either.
He turns down private dances politely. He'll have friendly conversations with the dancers but if they keep pushing for money he will turn mean.
He will get a dance if he is totalled though, but he'll sit with a blank face the entire time - unless he was my boyfriend, I don't think I would wanna dance for Eren tbh :')
Has no problem approaching you with a smirk when he sees you. "Woah, I didn't know you worked here. I'd be in every night."
Pays you to talk with him all night (he insists) to keep other men away from you and to warm you up for his confessions of feelings later. If any man stares, he'll shoot a warning look. If anyone is disrespectful, he will throw hands.
He stops drinking so he can take you home after your shift. He takes you to his, confesses his feelings, convinces you to stop and gives you the best sex of your life until you can no longer walk.
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There's no way Levi would knowingly go into a club. Let alone a nude one. He's either been tricked or he wasn't aware. "Little black book...? I thought this was a fuckin' Library." "Levi... what library is open at 2am with thumping music?!"
Is not amused. DO NOT try to get a private dance. Oh god, he will make you cry if you try to.
Once he sees you, he'll snarl and straight up grab you and tell you to get changed, he's taking you home.
You have to beg the bouncers not to all leap onto him.
Scolds you, so bad. But explains it's only because he cares. It's not the profession it's the people it attracts.
Again, best sex of your life.
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driversatellite · 1 year
this love | h.s | part one
synopsis: harry and y/n were in a secret relationship for years and unfortunately it had to come to an end, but a year after the split they find themselves face to face once again, maybe they can mend what was once broken. 
harry styles x desi!reader  
part one: y/n finds herself in the most unlikely place 
word count: 2.6k
series masterlist | main masterlist | next part
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Y/N L/N couldn’t believe she was standing in the GA line at the Forum for Harry Styles’ 15 night residency. If you had asked her what her plans for October 24 were months prior she probably would have said a glass of wine and her favorite romcom, definitely not her ex-boyfriend’s concert. But her superfan best friends had begged her to come with them and Y/N really could never say no to them. It was her people pleasing nature, she thought she’d be able to fake being sick to get out of it, but none of her usual tricks worked on her friends, so here she was standing in line with hundreds of others waiting to see her ex-boyfriend. 
It all started on May 5th when Harry announced his residency, Y/N’s best friends Quinn and Zoya were Harry superfans, so as soon as the LA residency was announced they had already made plans to go to as many shows as they could. Y/N on the other hand was worried, she hadn’t seen Harry since their breakup back in November of the previous year, and she really didn’t want to see him, she was still nursing her broken heart and didn’t want any reminders of him. Y/N and Harry had thought they would make it to the end, they really were that couple, but once his tour started up again and Y/N started her first year of medical school, a lot of things started going downhill. The distance put a strain their relationship and neither one of them wanted to tell the other to give up on their goals just to salvage the relationship so they decided to call it quits, it honestly was an amicable breakup, but the fact that they were still very much in love and couldn’t be together was what really broke Y/N. She hoped that they could have worked a little harder to try and make it work, but with their schedules it seemed impossible, so she guessed it was the end of them, but she truly wished he was the one. 
Y/N and Harry had met at one of their mutual friend’s dinner party and hit off immediately, Harry fell for the smart and kind girl and Y/N fell for the down to earth musician who had the purest heart. They had decided to keep their relationship as private as they could, Harry didn’t want the public to ruin it for them, he loved her too much. So, only very few people knew they were together, their families and their inner circles. Y/N wasn’t as close with Quinn and Zoya when her and Harry were together, so she had never told them about the relationship, and seeing as they were superfans Y/N really didn’t want to open that can of worms with them. She had only told her family and her childhood best friend and she liked it that way, she liked knowing that their relationship was just their’s. She knew that romance wasn’t dead if they kept it just theirs, it was other people who ruined it. 
Which is why they didn’t even think when they decided to buy Y/N a ticket for one show, they wanted to drag her out, because after her breakup she had become a recluse. They didn’t tell Y/N about how they were all going to the concert until her birthday, which was only a couple weeks before the show. 
“What?” Y/N was dumbstruck as Quinn held out her phone with the ticket code and a boa in the other hand. 
“We’re seeing Harry Styles together!” Quinn grins and Y/N just stared blankly at her best friend. 
Zoya frowned at Y/N’s lack of reaction, “Aren’t you excited? You can finally have a night out and enjoy some of the best live music.”
Y/N quickly composed herself, trying to find the right words to say, “Yeah, I'm just shocked I guess, I didn’t know you guys got me a ticket.” 
Quinn smiled, “We wanted to surprise you, it’s your birthday gift silly, we’re also buying you your outfit for the show, we want you to have fun y/n/n, you’re always staying in nowadays.” 
“I know, I’m just stressed with school and all, and with all the exams coming up, it’s just been a lot.” Y/N tries to explain, she was trying to figure out the best way to let her friends down, cause she honestly didn’t think she’d be able to step foot into the Forum without breaking down into a complete mess. 
“I know, but you work so much y/n/n, you deserve to have fun, I promise we’ll have the best time, his shows are truly incredible and you get to dress up, and we all know you’re a fashion girlie at heart.” Zoya says. 
Y/N falters, she knew her friends meant well, but she just wasn’t ready to see Harry again, “I appreciate it guys, but I don’t know if I can go, I have a huge exam coming up.”
“I promise to study with you every single day until the concert, I’ll do anything, we just really want you to come with us y/n/n.” Quinn says. 
Y/N looked at the pleading looks on her best friends’ faces and caved, she truly couldn’t say no to them, “Fine, but you better study with me every single day Quinn.”
Quinn grinned as she nodded eagerly before pulling Y/N and Zoya into her arms, “Oh this is going to be so fun.” Y/N couldn’t do anything but muster up a weak smile as she hugged her friends. 
True to her word Quinn did study with Y/N every single day, she also dragged Y/N to every single boutique that she could find to find the best outfit for the concert, but it was Zoya who had ultimately found the best dress for Y/N to wear on one of her thrifting trips. It was a simple slip dress with intricate embroidery and lace detailing, she had also found the perfect burgundy boots to go with the dress. 
The night before the concert was when it really started to hit Y/N, she had a bundle of nerves in her stomach and she felt nauseous the entire night, she couldn’t believe she was actually going to see Harry again, it had been almost a year, and she still didn’t think she was ready. 
Quinn and Zoya had showed up to Y/N’s apartment around noonish with their outfits and numbered wristbands in hand, they had gone and camped out to get their place in line, Y/N had politely declined, saying that she was feeling sick--which honestly wasn’t a lie--and wanted to be feeling 100% for the show. The girls had a great time getting ready together. Y/N had missed this part of going out, she loved dressing up, it was the going out part that she didn’t miss as much. Not too long after they were on their way to Forum, Zoya and Quinn were practically jumping off the walls with excitement and Y/N sat in the back of the car with a jumble of nerves in her stomach. 
Though she was utterly terrified of what the night would bring, there was a small tiny part of Y/N that was excited to see Harry again, it truly had been too long, and even though the break up had been amicable, neither one had reached out to the other. She wondered if Harry had moved on, Y/N had tried to, she went on a few dates that Quinn and Zoya set her up on, but none of them compared, no one could ever compare to her Harry, he truly was her match. Y/N quickly shook those thoughts away, her goal for the night was to have fun and pretend that she was just another fan who had come to enjoy the music, not the ex-girlfriend of the popstar. 
Once they got to the Forum that’s when it all started to sink in for Y/N, she felt like throwing up but seeing the joy on Zoya and Quinn’s faces helped her stay calm, she was doing this for them, she hadn’t been the greatest friend to them, she had always stayed in when they invited her out, it wasn’t that she didn’t want to spend time with them, it was just that she hated going out now, all she did on her nights off was drink wine, eat cookies, and ugly cry to her favorite rom coms. So her going to the concert with them was to make up for that, she wanted to see her friends happy, she wanted to be happy with them, so if this concert made them happy, she would do it for them. 
They got in line, they had gotten decent numbers when they had camped out so Y/N knew that they would be pretty close to the stage and she knew that Harry always watched the crowd and he could pick out a face easily, especially a face he knew. Quinn and Zoya conversed with the other fans standing in line while Y/N pulled her phone out to text her little sister for advice, she always gave the best advice simply because she was very blunt. 
y/n: i’ve made a colossal mistake
kiara: what did you do this time, don’t tell me you bought that dior bag, i already told you, you don’t need it 
y/n: no, i did not buy that bag, but now that you mention it 
kiara: no, you don’t need it, just tell me what you did, i swear i’m not covering for you if it’s something that mom and dad will kill you for 
y/n: honestly they might
kiara: you’re scaring me y/n/n, just tell me
y/n: i let quinn and zoya drag me to h’s show 
y/n: i know, i know, it’s bad 
kiara: no you buying the bag would have been bad, this is terrible, why would you agree to this, wasn’t the reason you two broke up because of his tour and now you’re at the show, y/n/n, even i can’t defend this 
y/n: fuck, i know kie, it’s just quinn and zoya were so excited, they bought me the tickets and like it’s all they’ve been looking forward to and i didn’t want to let them down and i’m definitely not ready to tell them about us, so i caved
kiara: you made your bed, you must now lie in it you dumbass
y/n: i’m so stressed kie, what if he sees me, what do i do
kiara: idk, this is new territory for, idk how to deal with exes who are also popstars
y/n: you’re not helping
kiara: okay, just relax, you ended it as friends right
y/n: isn’t that what everyone says
kiara: unfortunately you decided to do this and now you have to deal with it, yes it is gonna be awkward but just forget about your history with him for a night, you listened to the new album right
y/n: yeah, of course i did 
kiara: wait yeah you did, i have videos of you crying to it, i can’t believe you let me listen to it with you, your biggest mistake honestly, i’m using those videos for blackmail, thanks for that by the way
y/n: yeah, yeah, whatever, ok back to the topic, so i just pretend nothing happened between us
kiara: yeah, you clearly did like the album, so just enjoy the music, i don’t think it’ll be that bad
y/n: you’re right, i’m stressing myself out for no reason, i’ve got this, i’m gonna have fun
kiara: perfect, now what are you wearing it better be hot
y/n: hold on, i’ll send you a pic
kiara: ohhh, cute, remind me to borrow that next time you’re home
y/n: yeah not happening
kiara: whatever, anyways if harry does see you, at least you look hot, he won’t be able to take his eyes off of you
y/n: that’s the opposite of what i want 
kiara: what did we just discuss, we’re going to ignore your guys’ past for the night
y/n: yeah, yeah, i’ll keep you updated
kiara: perfect, i can’t wait to see how this trainwreck of a night is going to end 
y/n: you’re so
kiara: have fun, and remember tonight you’re just a fan 
Thankfully it wasn’t too long after her conversation with Kiara ended that it was time for general admission to head in, y/n/n just kept repeating the same thing in her head the entire time they walked to their spots, “you’re just a fan tonight, no history for tonight”. Because of their place in line, the trio were pretty close to the stage, they weren’t barricade, but they were in the 3rd or 4th row, and Y/N’s stomach dropped at how close the stage was, there was no way Harry wouldn’t see her. But then she kept on reminding herself, “I'm just a fan tonight”. 
Y/N had calmed herself down enough to enjoy the openers and she actually was having fun, maybe her friends were right, she did need to go out more. But as soon as the opening set was over and it was time for Harry to come on Y/N felt nauseous again, it wasn’t too late to fake a stomach bug and go home, but before she could make up her mind the crowd started screaming and she looked up to see the Love Band come from backstage. She could feel her eyes water from seeing her old friends, she really did love them, but she couldn’t bare to even think of anything Harry related after the break up, the only person she talked to was Glenn, but that was because Glenn had made it her mission to continue to be Y/N’s friend even after the break up and Y/N admired her persistence. 
Y/N shrunk back into her friends, hoping that none of them had seen her. She was trying to distract herself again repeating her mantra for the night when the crowd started screaming again, she had guessed that meant it was time for Harry to go on and when the Daydreaming intro started to play she quite literally felt her heart stop. 
Harry rose up from under the stage and Y/N fought to keep the tears at bay, she couldn’t start crying, the show had barely started. She stared at Harry, she really hadn’t even tried to look at a picture of him since they broke up, and as much as she hated to say it, he looked good, no he looked fantastic. She knew how much Harry loved performing, it gave him a special glow, that’s why she didn’t push for him to schedule less shows so they could make their relationship easier, she knew this was what he was born to do and she wasn’t going to get in the way of that. 
Once the initial shock of seeing him had passed, she started to dance to the music, she truly did love the music he made, it made her happy. Slowly she felt her worries melt away as she started to groove along to the music, Zoya and Quinn were having the time of their lives and their joy was infectious. 
Harry had this magical ability to truly capture the audience’s hearts and Y/N had fallen victim to it, she forgot about all her worries for the moment and just had fun. 
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
I call him Joey, just to feel something
so there we go.
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Joe Quinn fanfiction one shots (updated 10 june 2024)
What Else - hurt/comfort Summary: You come home after a long shift, and your feet hurt, and you've got balled up toilet paper in your underwear, and peole are so fucking rude, and Joe is so happy and you're not. Wordcount: 1.8K
I Want To Hold Your Hand - fluff, hurt/comfort Summary: Bookstore!Joe is back for another store visit, and he thinks he wants a lot of things, but really, when he finds you hiding in the breakroom all day, all he truly wants to do is hold your hand. Wordcount: 2.4K
Lost Moments To Keep - hurt/comfort Summary: Bookstore!Joe is leaving for work tomorrow and won't be able to visit the store for a while... but then you take a real bad tumble in the store and hurt your head, so how the fuck can he leave you now? Wordcount: 3K
Little Spoon Reversed - fluff Summary: Anne is grossed out after hearing people talk about being big spoon or little spoon, and Joe loves using it against her. When he asks you which one you are, you throw him a curve ball that makes his brain melt a bit. Wordcount: 2.1K
Not His Thing - hurt/comfort Summary: Joe and his friends go for a fun day out and visit a smash room together, lads on tour. You have the same plans, except yours ends up being not so fun when a shard of ceramics flies right into your face. Big whoops on Joe's part. Wordcount: 1.7K
More Than That - fluff Summary: You hadn't actually thought this through. Hadn't anticipated what it would actually be like to bring Joe, the guy who you had sex with and who tried to feed you pasta a lot, to your cousin's wedding. It's: not the best. But Joe is, so, thumbs up emoji. Wordcount: 2.6K
Funny Story, Actually - fluff Summary: You take the tube to a dinner with Joe's friends, and on your way, you run into your former boss. The one who you'd trusted with your life. The one who then went and slept with your ex-boyfriend. The one whose bag you then pissed into before meeting Joe in an empty tube lift. Wordcount: 1.8K
Drown In You - smut Summary: In the shower with Joe, words get spoken that hold nothing back. This is the cut scene, the one entirely jumped over, from part 5 of Reinvent Love, remastered in full HD for your enjoyment. Full smut, little plot (although, read Reinvent Love because it’ll help)! Wordcount: 1.8K
The Boy Is Mine - fluff Summary: Joe has work and cancels plans but, you know what, you can just come over and help him out, can’t you? It’s nerve-racking and embarrassing but, ok fine, you can come over and help him. Wordcount: 1.8K
Love Languages - fluff Summary: You and Joe try to figure out his and your love language. You're convinced you know his. But then again... do you? Wordcount: 2.2K
Still Love Me? - fluff, hurt/comfort Summary: The holiday prep is just a lot, okay? And you did something stupid and now, here you are, crying over something silly and in need of some extra affection. Good thing Joe's there. Wordcount: 1.7K
Sweet Dreams - fluff Summary: You can't sleep. Joe finds you, still wide awake, when he gets into bed and has just the trick to get you to doze off. Wordcount: 1.1K
Good Girl - 18+ Summary: Joe figures out you have an off-switch. Or, an on-switch. Depends from which angle you approach it. Would be nice if he didn't abuse his power, wouldn't it? Joe disagrees. Wordcount: 1.9K
Heartbeats All Chaos - fluff, hurt/comfort Summary: You suffer through our first panic attack with Joe in the room and whilst you are trying your best to remain calm and practice all your breathing techniques, Joe is freaking out. Wordcount: 2.1K
Girls' Night - fluff Summary: Wedding gang's back! Joe's best friend Poppy and you are starting to become better friends. Joe pretends he hates it, eye-roll, oh my god, you're so annoying, but secretly he loves it so much he can't even think about it without blushing. Wordcount: 3.4K
For You - fluff, hurt/comfort Summary: All the women who are independent, throw your hands up at me. You never ask for shit, because you don't need any help, do you? Until, suddenly, um, yes you do, and Joe gets to fucking shine. Wordcount: 3.3K
Blind Bargain - fluff Summary: You and Joe are sneaking around and you're mortified people will find out, until your flatmate sort of does, and what if she hates you because you lied to her for ages? Joe saves the day. Wordcount: 3K
Touch - fluff Summary: Joe's all grumpy and grouchy and very irritable and so annoyed and, listen, his bones creak now. Shit, he's getting old. Good thing you've got magic hands with magic fingers that hold a magic touch. Wordcount: 2.1K
But, I Love You - angst, hurt no comfort Summary: You want an evening out with Joe. Your soft ruffled mismatched outfit Joe. But you get Joseph Quinn instead and when you voice this, it all kind of... goes to shit. Wordcount: 4.1K
Inside Out & Outside In - 18+ smut Summary: In this prequel to Ground Rules (see blow) you find out what really happened on that one night, where you felt all vulnerable, and Joe was there with soft eyes and kind touches. Wordcount: 4.9K
Ground Rules - angst, fluff Summary: You accidentally fall pregnant. It’s Joe’s, but you’re not together and… so, now what? Together you figure out a system that you have to keep convincing yourselves and everyone around you will actually work.  Wordcount: 4.8K
Mine - fluff Summary: Joe talks in his sleep. Seems kind of awake, but definitely isn't. That's... that's the story? Enjoy. Wordcount: 1K
Love You A Twelve - fluff Summary: Joe has some good news and some bad news. It starts with soft beard scratches on the sofa and ends with shaving foam kisses because Joe's cute and you're cute and, gosh, shut the fuck up don't even LOOK at me right now. Wordcount: 2.9K
Alla ricerca di Cenerentola - 18+ fluff, lil smut Summary: You meet Joe at a rooftop birthday party in Rome, Italy and Joe falls in love whilst you practically inhale a full charcuterie board. You're charming like that, we get it. But then you disappear... so, now what? Wordcount: 3.5K
Soothing Serenity - 18+ lots of TOUCH Summary: Joe just happens to be the type of boyfriend that relaxes after a long day at work by putting his hands on you. And who are you to deny him? Wordcount: 1.9K
Sticky Skies - fluff Summary: You move into a new flat and meet your very cute neighbour out on your balconies when you go for a cigarette. Quick 5-minute before bed smokes turn into long two-hour before bed conversations, and you're very cute as well, so Joe can't help but love you, obviously. Wordcount: 3.5K
Infinite Fizz - 18+ smut Summary: On your last day as a temp PA, there’s no more holding back. This is the cut scene, the one entirely jumped over, from part 5 of In 120 Hours, remastered in full HD for your enjoyment. Full smut, little plot (but read 120 hours, because it'll help). Wordcount: 3.7K
Easier In Greece - fluff Summary: Joe’s in an interesting stage of life when he’s offered an equally interesting project. You whisk him off to Greece and spend eight days together on a boat with high expectations of which none turn out to be true. Wordcount: 7.9K
Saturn’s Eyes - fluff Summary: On your first date with Joe, he suddenly has an idea. He needs to show you something back at his flat. It's not sketchy, he promises. Wordcount: 2K
What's Best For Me - angst, fluff Summary: Joe's in his head and is distant for a little while which quickly has you spiraling because clearly, this is all your fault isn't it? Wordcount: 2.3K 
Forty-seven Days - fluff Summary: You’ve not seen Joe for forty-seven days, and you think he’s coming back tomorrow but he lied and surprises you at your job a day early and he’s all hands and hips and mouth. Anne hates it. Wordcount: 1.1K
Soft Hands - fluff Summary: You come home from a night out at Halloween, absolutely plastered. Joe’s waited up for you and helps you into bed safely. Wordcount: 1.9K
His Glasses - 18+ smut Summary: Um, so, Joe wears his prescription glasses out of the bedroom for the first time. All aboard the struggle bus!  Wordcount: 1.3K
There You Go - 18+ smut Summary: You go to bed way before Joe does one night, and he finds you tossing and turning, unable to stop moving, having all sorts of dreams... and so Joe helps you out, wink wink nudge nudge. Wordcount: 1.1K
What Are You Wearing - fluff, hurt/comfort Summary: You have an awful day and then Joe wears and awful outfit and it's all wrong and why does a grown man not know how to fucking dress himself?! Wordcount: 1.9K
Promise Me Both Ways - 18+ smut, fluff, hurt/comfort Summary: You've asked Joe to be a little... rougher, than he usually is. And you fucking love it, until something goes wrong, and Joe freaks out. It's fine, you LOVE it, but Joe's not so sure... Wordcount: 1.8K
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-> back to home ♥
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rosefinch07 · 4 months
Just imagine being jason in the highschool au
You become friends with a boarder kid on scholarship who wants to become a dentist
Batman seems to have invited blue beetle to gotham for a longer period of time than usual because he's always helping during situations
The guy has his first encounter with seeing a dead body when joker breaks out and blows up a few buildings
Dick fights with bruce that night so you go to your best friend's dorm for the night, he looks like he needs the hand holding more than you do
You cut his hair when he complains about it being too long and thick and an oil sink
You get a bruised cheek during sparring with blue beetle bc he finally landed a hit on you but he freaks out and says sorry a bunch
Your best friend then thinks you have an abusive boyfriend before you say it was just because you were practicing fighting with someone because he can apparently see through concealer that tricks everyone else
one day you fall in love with the guy when screwing around in the rain with him after school
You fight with bruce and go to his dorm, going to his dorm is becoming a pattern
You freak out because you think bruce is going to kick you out, your best friend bets otherwise
The stakes are getting him a pop
You get caught when leaving the dorm
Bruce gets called to pick you up
Your friend SPRINTS down to the office to wait with you, he's half dressed, you're still in your pjs and a hoodie you stole from him
Bruce arrives in all his brucie glory
You end up owing your friend a pop
You go to homecoming together as friends
Your best friend gets insanely drunk after one cup of punch because someone put in vodka into the punch bowl
You file away that he has a really inflamed back right at his spine between his shoulderblades, but he says he doesnt know the reason and you just focus on him being safe
You start patrolling with blue beetle
You fall even more in love with your friend by the day, you get a girlfriend to try and escape because you dont want to mess up your friendship you have with him
He is supportive of you, but something weird flickers in his eyes every now and then
On patrol you confide in blue beetle, he says to tell your girlfriend the truth and wishes you luck with your friend
Your friend almost gets kidnapped when going to the store because he went in his uniform
He says that batman saved him before changing the topic by asking to kiss you
You start dating that day
You ask bruce when you get back to the manor
Bruce backs him up even though there was no mention from the other kids at school that batman was there
You let it go
Freshman year turns to sophmore year
You keep hiding that you are robin and your boyfriend is also hiding something from you, but he assured you that it wasn't dangerous so you let him keep it private
Finals pass, he goes back to texas and his family like he does every summer
He visits, though, so you go on dates with him every chance you get
You want to find your birth mother
You look at leads
You find one and the night before your boyfriend's flight you go to his hotel room and say goodbye
You say "catch you on the flip side, don't miss me too much, yeah?" And he says "if you somehow find a way to die, i'm bringing you back to life just to kill you myself"
It was clearly meant to just be a joke
You ended up finding a way to die anyways
You wake up in your grave, get picked up by the loa, and come back to gotham as red hood
Your (ex??) boyfriend is kneeling at your grave, the stupid capsule prize ring from a carnival on a necklace clasped in his hands that you have the match to
He's singing through silent tears, singing songs that you two used to sing together when doing karaoke
He's older now, he's clearly back in gotham for college, he has his gotham university student id clipped to his shirt
You dont know if you're welcome
You don't know how to begin to explain
So you dont try to
You just stare from the rooftops at the boyfriend you left behind
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starwarsbean · 5 months
Love Against The Odds
Pairing: Tech x F! Reader.
Warnings: Fake Dating! Alternative Universe! Pretend Dating! Smut & Fluff! Sexual Tension! NSFW. 🫶
A/N: Hi everyone!!!! This is my first fanfiction! I decided I wanted to read more alternate universe of the bad batch. So, I took it into my own hands. This is a tech/reader series fanfic. If I make any mistakes please let me know. I hope you all enjoy reading. 18+! <3
Summary: Tech is a successful CEO of a technology company. His commitment to his work has given him success in his career. However, he is not interested in trying love. Tech neglecting the important parts of life. His brothers urge him to give it a shot, as they believe finding a romantic partner will make him happy. Tech comes up with a brilliant idea to fake date to trick his brothers.
Chapter 1
You were at your day job taking care of files you needed. You were a busy lawyer, handling multiple cases a day and juggling deadlines and meetings. You know how hardworking and organized, always striving to provide the best legal advice and representation for your clients. However, you were also valued having a good work-life balance, making time to make dinner every night and catch up on your favorite shows. Although you are focused on work, you also have a soft for romance. Reading different love novels and engaging in romance films. Your compassionate side, always making an effort to understand other people's perspectives and try to help them the best you could. You thought it’s been a while since you’ve been on a date. Remembering the last time you were out with your ex boyfriend Anakin Skywalker. He sure was a great boyfriend in the beginning. It just became to difficult when you both didn’t want to try. Both of you mutually breaking things off. The next time you go on a date it will definitely be a good time.
You decided to clear your mind back to work. You were working on a case, researching relevant laws and legal precedents, drafting briefs and petitions, and meeting with your client to discuss. You were making sure that deadlines were being met and that the case was progressing smoothly. Despite the intensity of your work, you felt fulfilled and satisfied with your role as a lawyer, enjoying the challenge of providing legal representation and helping people navigate tough situations. Realizing the time you see you have two messages from your two friends. Hera and Kanan texting you to meet them for dinner at a restaurant.
You were feeling tired but agreed to go anyway, wanting to make time for your friends and spend time socializing together. You text back saying you’ll meet them there. Before you leave the office you make sure your outfit looks decent. Your black office dress making your hips look amazing. Your breast cevlage revealing a bit. You take off your black flats and put on your black heels instead. You notice the time and hurry along. Thinking of how lucky Hera and Kanan are. They both have each other and are extremely in love. You watched them both fall in love in college. Reaching for the same textbook and their hands touching. Both of them locking eye contact with each other. It was like a scene from a romance movie. You hope one day you’re able to find a love like them.
You arrive at the restaurant. You squeal once you see them both. Hera pulling you into a hug and Kanan standing with his arms crossed. Pulling away from the hug, Kanan gives you a slight hug. Hera shakes her head at Kanan as you laugh.
“Guess somebody missed us?” Kanan said with a sly smile.
“Oh shut up! you know I always miss you both.” You say playfully rolling your eyes.
“Come on you two let’s eat. I’m starving.” Hera says walking into the restaurant.
You order your usual meal, enjoying the company of your friends. The conversation was catching up with work and spilling about the latest tv shows.
“So, Y/N has anyone caught your attention here at the restaurant?” Hera says with a smirk.
You look around the restaurant. The restaurant was filled with people your age but no one stood out to you. It was a crowd of people who just wanted a quick hook up. You turn your attention back to Hera and Kanan.
“Nope not a single person here. Nobody here is necessarily my type.” You say popping a piece of broccoli in your mouth.
“Oh Y/N you should go on a date soon! It’s been a while since you gone out. Have some fun.” Hera says looking at you.
Kanan looks at you both and laughs. Putting a piece of steak in his mouth.
“I do want to go out, but nobody here has caught my attention. If someone interesting comes to mind I’ll make a move.” You say with a smirk.
“There you go! Maybe next time you’ll get luckyyy.” Hera says laughing a bit.
“Mhmm maybe… I hope so.” You take a sip of your water while laughing a bit.
Kanan groans and shakes his head. Hera phone lights up and she rolls her eyes. Her smile drops as she texts back. Kanan looks at who Hera is messasging. He sighs and rolls his eyes. You notice the sense of annoyance.
“What happened? Is everything okay?” You ask worriedly.
“It’s just Heras boss. He’s always making her do last minute changes. Or if something isn’t perfect he makes her redo it. A pain in the ass I have to say.” Kanan says with annoyance in his voice.
“Yeah he’s a real pain the ass. He’s making my work harder, but I really want the promotion. He has high standards and high expectations of our work.” Hera says while typing a long email.
“That sounds pretty tough Hera. You can most definitely do it. Just try to keep a positive mindset on this.” You say taking a sip of your drink.
Kanan smiles at your kind response to his girlfriend and nods his head. He finishes his food and looks back at Hera who is still typing.
“Thank you Y/N. I appreciate you so much. In the email he’s asking so many questions about the dinner event I’m hosting at my place. He wants everything to be perfect.” Hera says.
“Is there a reason why” Kanan ask while raising an eyebrow.
“He just wants everything up to date. Which I understand but I have everything under control. He seriously needs to learn to trust his employees more.”
You remember how you had a boss like that. It was pretty difficult to do any work or have any sense of how to react to their control. Understandably a technology company must be hard to manage.
“ are you free tomorrow night?” Hera puts her phone down and looks at you.
“Yeah, I am. Why?” You ask.
“Can you please come to my dinner event I’m hosting. I need your company and your support. I don’t know how I’ll manage being in the same room with so many people.” Hera says with pleading eyes.
“Hera, you can most definitely handle it. You’ll have me there.” Kanan says while grabbing her hand.
“I know but I really want you to come. It’ll be fun. Please.” Hera says looking at you.
“Of course I’ll be there Hera.” You say.
Hera smiles at you agreeing to come to her dinner. Kanan smiles seeing Hera happy. You finish your dinner. Hera and Kanan paying the bill. You insist on paying the bill, but they beat you to it this time. You playfully roll your eyes.
“Have to be faster than that” Kanan says with a sly smile
You laugh and shake your head. Hera grabs Kanan hand as you both walk outside the restaurant. Hera hugs you and thanks you for showing up for her tomorrow.
“I’ll be there Hera. I’ll make sure we’ll have some fun tomorrow.”
Hera tells you she will send you the details what time the dinner starts. You nod and wave bye to both of them. As you get home you pet one of your cats. Her name was Autumn. A pretty calico cat who most definitely spoiled. She purrs at your feet as you continue petting her. Making sure she has enough food and water. You eventually head to the shower and finish your routine. You lay in bed and get comfortable. Autumn comes in the room and sleeps at your feet. You smile falling asleep.
Thinking of how the dinner event was going to be like tomorrow.
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chuurroez · 10 months
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the day 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘦𝘧𝘵 me
ღ pairing: Sung Hanbin x gn!reader, set in non-idol verse ^^
ღ genre: angst, really bad angst.
ღ warnings: i'm not sure if there is any, if there is, please tell me!
ღ summary: you wondered where it went wrong, was it you? or was it him that went wrong? you wanted to know answers to your questions that you knew wouldn't be answered.
ღ notes: hi! this fic is inspired by laufey's latst release 'california and me', i suggest listening to the song before continuing to read this fic! tysm to the people who voted on my poll. this isnt in order of the actual song and i skipped a few lines for the fic to make more sense. do you guys want a part 2 of this btw? im sorry if this is rpetty short, the lyrics weren't as long as i thought. :(
ღ word count: 970
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''Should've figured that you'd go back to New York Don't consider me when you run back to her"
Sung Hanbin was the perfect boyfriend for you, he was everything you'd want for a partner. He was caring, loving, respectful, kind, affectionate, he was perfect. almost. He became distant from you the past few weeks, you always wondered why. You tried to ask him why he was becoming more and more distant from you but he always said he was just stressed and busy. You knew he was lying, whenever he and problems, he would always open up to you about it. On the earlier stages of your relationship with him, he told you about his ex in New York, the same place he'd be going back to for her. You should've figured that he'd go back there anyways, your relationship has been going downhill ever since he became more and more distant from you. You knew you were just a distraction from her when Hanbin broke up with his ex, a distraction from all the pain he felt when she left him.
"You don't have to hide it, I know why you went Said you needed space, I know better than that"
He tried his best to hide the real reason he went back to New York, for her. He reasoned that he needed space for a while for his departure but you both knew it was a lie. You knew the actual reason of his leaving, he was like an open book that you read very well. He thought you were oblivious to his actions, but of course you knew better than that. You knew he lost his feelings for you, you knew he never truly loved you in the first place. His heart still belonged to her, the woman he first loved and still loved. He didn't care that you were a distraction for his aching heart, he waited and waited for her to come back. I guess she did so after all, huh.
"Could've fought for you but I just let you leave Hurt too much to consider you didn't love me''
You had a choice of trying to let him stay, but you just let him go. It would've been a failed attempt anyways, he never actually loved you. It broke your heart to think that he maybe never for once thought about you for you. He just thought about you as her. You wonder if you looked or acted the same way as she did, you would've been correct after all, right? You stayed speechless the time he waved goodbye at you, it gave you a glimpse of hope that he would come back, but deep in your heart you knew it would never happen. You wanted you to say something, but you stayed with your gut that said to just be quiet for the sake of it. You didn't want to ruin this moment for him just for you.
''I imagine you holding her in your arms Laughing 'bout how I thought that you were the one"
You tried your best to think positive and stay happy without Hanbin, but your mind said no. You imagined him holding her in his arms, laughing about how oblivious you were to Hanbin's plans. You thought how crazy it was for you to fall for his tricks. I mean, who wouldn't? He was charming in every single way possible, who wouldn't be able to resist his charms? Your mind clouded with all the thoughts of Hanbin and his ex living their best lives, especially Hanbin, he got to live his life without you, you were like an old t-shirt that was thrown away because it didn't fit the its owner anymore. You didn't blame him for that, you always thought she was better even if you didn't know what she was like. She should've been better than you for Hanbin to go back to her, right?
''Left me and the ocean for your old flame Holding back my tears, I couldn't make you stay''
Beach dates were Hanbin's favorites, or were it her favorites? Did he force himself to go on beach dates with you because they reminded them of her? You loved going on those beach dates as well, it made you feel as if you and Hanbin were the only people there, it made you feel...free. You tried your best to hold back your tears that were already on the verge of escaping as Hanbin went on the plane. You saw a glimpse of his face that somewhat looked...sad? You didn't care much though, all that was on your mind was the person you loved most in life just left, but he needed space from you, didn't he? You couldn't make him stay, you wanted to but you didn't have the courage to do so. Maybe it was the fact that maybe your were the problem in the relationship? Maybe it was actually you?
"Can't quit this, so damn wicked to leave California and Me"
It was so cruel, so damn wicked for him to leave you behind. He didn't even explain why he was so distant from you, but you didn't need it though, right? He left for her. The person he loved most with you being the next. You met Hanbin in California, in which your relationship with him bloomed more and more, but all flowers have to wilt in the end, California was the same place he left you. Who knew that your relationship with him would start and end at the same place? A part of you despised him for his cruelness, the other part knew he needed this and stayed hopeful that the negative things you thought about would never happen. I guess you were right after all, weren't you?
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likes, comments, reblogs, and feedbacks are greatly appreciated!
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artiststarme · 1 year
My Happy Fics
Here is my ever-growing list of humorous/fluff/happy fics. These should make you laugh and cry happy tears, ideally. Please leave your thoughts in the comments!
-"Get in the van, Steve."
A short, one shot fic about Steve getting accidentally kidnapped. No harm, no foul, am I right?
-"A Little Fruity"
A short, one shot fic about Eddie coming out to Uncle Wayne by accident. (Everything turns out fine).
-Ex-fucking-cuse You
Steve has a hard time vocalizing his thoughts and feelings. But all of that changes when Eddie enters his life. He makes him try and do better.
-It's Fucking Cold
Eddie loves traveling with Steve but the one thing that he can't get behind are the cold-ass hotel rooms.
-Wayne's Unspoken Shovel Talk
Wayne didn't think he needed to give Steve the shovel talk on behalf of his nephew. It was implied and he meant what he meant.
-Van Vandalism
When the people of Hawkins keep vandalizing Eddie's van after Spring Break, Steve takes matters into his own hands.
-A cute little addition/ending to the story (Part 2)
-Oblivious Eddie
Steve realizes that he's bi and immediately starts flirting with Eddie. Now if only Eddie could be more observant and start flirting back!
A soft fic about Eddie not thinking he's a good boyfriend and Steve not thinking he deserves Eddie but then they both realize that they're perfect for each other.
-Eddie Hates Drinking Water
Eddie doesn't hate a lot of things but he's never been able to get behind drinking water. Until Steve tricks him into liking it when they start dating.
-When Life Gives You Lemons...
Eddie has a unique way of dealing with anxiety but you know what they say, when life gives you lemons....
-... You Make Lemonade
Part 2 of the series where Eddie makes up his own idioms and accidentally comes out to Steve in a play on words.
-April Fool's
Just a short story on how I think Steve and Eddie would handle April Fool's Day. Chaos, Romance, and Misunderstandings, oh my!
-Intrusive Thoughts
Eddie is prone to voicing his intrusive thoughts and he accidentally gaslights Steve into thinking they're his when he doesn't remember. Cue panic, protective best friends, and name-calling!
-No Steves Allowed!
Eddie has one firm rule in Hellfire; Steve Harrington is not to be mentioned under any circumstances. It works until it doesn't.
-Steve Has a Minor Fear of Spiders
Everyone is afraid of something. It just so happens that Steve has a debilitating fear of spiders and Eddie has to find out the hard way.
-College is for me but only if it’s us
Eddie and Steve make plans to go to college together. The Party learns some surprising news.
Hopper goes to pick up Steve for a family bowling outing and gets more than he bargained for.
-Goddamn Wheelers!
Hopper is the biggest supporter of LGBT+ as long as it keeps the Wheeler family out of his life. Steve dating Eddie Munson? Fine. El breaking up with Mike Wheeler? Absolutely fantastic! Will dating Mike instead? WHY???
-A Date Gone Wrong
Eddie was never going to let Steve plan an outing for their date again. First hiking, now squirrels? Absolutely not.
-Utter Chaos
Steve would do anything to protect his Platonic with a capital P soulmate... Like outing himself to cover for her.
-Highway to Hell
Steve is a really bad driver in actuality and when Eddie tries to tell people, no one will believe him!
-A Sleepwalking Surprise
A sleepy Steve outs him and Eddie to the kids. Luckily for them, they escape the ensuing chaos.
-Interested or Not?
It takes Steve way longer to realize Eddie is into him than it should. Luckily for him, it all works out.
-Wayne Deserves Way More Credit
Wayne loves Steve for his nephew and he'll do his best to keep them together despite Eddie's stupid decisions.
-A Zoom Call Gone Wrong...
A modern Steddie AU where Eddie interrupts Steve's college course zoom call in the worst way possible.
-Shakespeare? Gay as Hell
The reason Eddie keeps failing English is because he keeps making his essays gay. Wayne approves and Mrs. O'Donnell definitely does not. Based on this post!
-Hellfire Adopts Steve
Hellfire adopts Steve in high school after the fall of King Steve.
-From Alibi to Reality
Steve acts as Eddie's alibi for the cops to clear his name. It only escalates from there.
-Happy Halloween!
Halloween of 1986 is the best day of Eddie Munson's life and he attributes most of that to Steve.
-Baby, it's cold outside
Eddie only likes Winter when he has Steve there to warm him up.
-Unnamed thus far
Will comes out to Steve and Steve just can't figure out why. Things become clearer with time.
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iamvegorott · 7 months
Meeting A Magical Man Pt. 52
Part 1: Link Prev: Link Next: Link
“Lesson learned. I am not trusting Mad alone at a bar for more than a minute at a time. I’m getting him a babysitter for my next shift,” Mare said as he washed glitter off his arms in the kitchen sink. “And I’m kicking my brother’s ass for giving Mad that body glitter.” 
“At least he only got to your arms.” Marvin chuckled from where he sat on the table, combing his hair and trying to get some of the thicker clumps of glitter out that way. 
“I guess I shouldn’t complain. Anti got the worst of it.” Mare knew they could use magic to help get rid of the glitter, but there was always this weird residue feeling left over after using it to clean something off the body, so they were going to be washing themselves regardless. 
“At least Mad had a good time.” Marvin made a face when the comb got snagged on a knot. “But you’re right about fighting Phantom for giving him that glitter.” 
“He just loves to encourage the chaos.” Mare sighed. “I think that’s the best I’m gonna get tonight.” He said about his arms and turned off the sink. 
“Speaking of a subject change, could you do me a favor? Well, two favors?” Marvin asked as he worked out a tangle in his hair. 
“Considering you’re letting me stay at your place for free, I can spare a couple of favors.” Mare grabbed a dish towel and dried off his arms. 
“I’m working on figuring out Mad’s relaxing activity. We have a theory that you might be connected to it. Could you play a video game, let Mad watch you, and tell me how he is? I want him to have something that lets him turn his brain off, and maybe watching you play might be it, or just let’s play stuff in general.” Marvin ran his fingers through his hair after he felt confident it was clean enough. “Anti sent me a few links to some of them he knows, so we’ll try those, too.” 
“I don’t think Anti and Mad are going to have the same tastes.” Mare sat the towel down and leaned against the counter, hands holding the edge. “But yeah, I think I can handle spending time with Mad.” He chuckled.
“I really have to pull your leg for that, don’t I?” Marvin giggled. 
“Any excuse to have it be just me and Mad is welcomed. When we lived in that other place, it was just the two of us most of the time when Actor wasn’t…yeah, but it wasn’t as peaceful as he needed. The puzzles were the closest thing to peace he got, but even then, they’re like a competition to him, wanting to see how fast he could get them done, and that’s not really what you’re looking for when it comes to his relaxing activity. So if what gets him to finally not have that brain of his going at a thousand miles an hour is me playing some games while he watches, I’ll be more than happy to do that. Hell, I’d do anything if it meant Mad could breathe without overthinking it.” 
“Mad’s lucky to have you,” Marvin said with a smile. 
“I’m lucky to have him.” Mare smiled back before asking, “So, what’s that second favor of yours?” 
“Yeah, you know that tone you used earlier when you told Mad to drink his water?”
“I mean, yes, what about it?”
“Could you teach Chase how to use that?” Marvin huffed when Mare started laughing. 
“You want me to teach Chase how to use a stern voice?” 
“Why don’t you just ask Jackie to work with Chase?”
“I am not asking my ex-boyfriend to give my current boyfriend tips on how to be more dominant in bed.”
“He might have some little tricks Chase hasn’t figured out yet. You know, sensitive spots, movements you like, maybe some-”
“Forget it. Just focus on Mad.” Marvin pouted and bounced off the table. 
“You’re the one that started this.” Mare hummed as Marvin left the room. 
“Don’t be a dick.” 
“Good night~” 
Chase hated math. He hated figuring out his financials and couldn’t afford to pay someone to do it for him. It was all too complicated, and the legality of it was messy. He stared at the papers in front of him on his table and held his head like his brain would start leaking out. It was the next day, and he and Marvin went to his place while the others were working on their own things.
“I’m not going to be able to afford this place anymore. Phantom’s paying me fairly, and even then, I’m gonna have to go into savings, and that won’t end well. Stupid bills keep getting higher every year, and now I don’t have insurance and-”
“You could sell the house and move in with me.” Marvin offered. 
“I thought you didn’t like having roommates,” 
“You’d be a lot more than a roommate.” Marvin placed his hand on top of Chase’s, squeezing it. “You’re my partner. I’d be very happy to see you even more than I already do.” 
“I have a lot of stuff.”
“I’ll make room.” 
“Never thought you’d be the one to suggest living together.” Chase chuckled as he leaned over and kissed Marvin. 
“You practically live there already, not really much of a stretch.” Marvin leaned back before Chase could kiss him again. “But, there is one thing you’ll have to do to move in.”
“What’s that?”
“I don’t want a gun in my house. It…I just can’t.” 
“I’ll sell that too. Maybe I could talk Mad into making me one of those mallets as well. Or, like, a really cool baseball bat.” 
“You really are a big sweetheart.” 
“I try.” 
“That’s why you’re my favorite.” Marvin giggled. “Phantom and Jackie are touring a house. Maybe they’ll be going out while you’re coming in. We’ll have plenty of hands to pack and carry everything.” 
“Is it bad that I’m happy that the big stress of our life is going to be selling a house and moving?” Chase chuckled.
“Sounds a lot less dangerous than defying a powerful magic user twice in the same week.”
“Just a little.” 
Tags: @brokentimewatch @bookwormscififan @d-structive @rainymae523 @ashtonisvibing
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku Musician AU
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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Stories are not mine & some contain mature content. Art work by @starrywhitewall & @yenho
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Rhapsody by GreyFrey
Summary: Izuku Midoriya has been the lead singer of the pop band Starpop since he was fourteen. That’s six years of playing with his best friends… and six years of being in love with Katsuki, their drummer. At 20 years old, Izuku is tired of not knowing where he stands with his on-again, off-again ex. Enter Rody Soul, the seemingly perfect love interest— sweet and kind, he’s all Izuku has ever wanted from a boyfriend. All the things that Katsuki would never give him. But, will Izuku be able to get over his feelings for the drummer?
…will Katsuki realize what he’s losing in time?
WIP | 18/? Chapters | No Quirks au
Rated - Mature
maybe I don't wanna be just friends... by Lizxcliff
Summary: “C’mon, Kat.” Mina sighs and Bakugou realizes he won’t be getting out of this conversation easily. “We all know you love him.” The blonde snaps his gaze towards his friend, eyes wide. “He’s the only one who doesn’t because he’s dense as fuck. You gotta just give it to him straight or he’ll never know, Katsuki.” Mina rests her hand on his shoulder in comfort.
“Pretty fuckin’ sure I’m anything but fuckin’ straight, Meens.” Bakugou runs a hand through his hair with a tilt of his lips.
Mina stares at him shocked before shaking her head with a chuckle.
One Shot | No Quirks au
Rated - Teen & Up
Hungry Eyes by sweetrelief
Summary: As a guitarist for a rock band, Bakugou Katsuki finds many people throwing themselves at his feet almost nightly. None, however, have lit the same blazing fire within him as the sweet, angelic Midoriya Izuku, a supposed fan and a runaway, who'd somehow tricked the band (and Bakugou himself) into caring for him. With a spot on their bus and backstage access as they tour across the country, the lead guitarist begins to wonder if it's just the music their new addition is so big a fan of...
One Shot | No Quirks au
Rated - Mature
I'm Sad, Deku by rikuzuui
Summary: Katsuki is a famous solo artist and member of the band ĐynamiTe. Usually, Izuku comes with him on his tours as per the request of Katsuki since he has this made-up disease called 'dramatic clingy boyfriend' which means he can’t stand being too far from Izuku. However, because of Izuku’s recent record deal as a star on the rise, he couldn’t come with Katsuki on his tour. How does Katsuki cope without Izuku being with him? He sulks in a corner as he experiences what the made-up sickness calls itself.
— — —
Alternative summary: A one-shot of a love-sick clingy Kacchan
One Shot | No Quirks au
Rated - Teen & Up
Hearts On Tour by PoeticPanda11
Summary: Pop Singer Izuku and Punk Rock Vocalist Katsuki sing their collaboration song on their own separate tours.
One Shot | No Quirks au
Rated - n/a
Lost in the Music of Your Heart by RobinWriter
Summary: Bakugo froze, his hand still mid-air as he listened. There was no way it was him, but the more he listened the more sure Bakugo was. His voice was more refined than what it used to be but it was his voice all the same. Slowly Bakugo turned around to confirm what his heart already knew.
Midoriya was sitting up on that stage, his eyes were closed as his fingers expertly danced across the keys, and his entire body flowed with the music as they were one and the same, just like when he performed when they were kids. Bakugo left the bar and stumbled forward, drunk on Midoriya’s song. He pushed past people, ignoring their huffs and protests until he was nearly at the front of the stage. Bakugo’s eyes never left Midoriya for a second, memories all coming back to him in a rush, one never completing before a new one replaced it.
One Shot | No Quirks au
Rated - General Audiences
The Space Between by Kanae_vR
Summary: Holding his expensive camera tightly between his hands, Midoriya Izuku looked up at the once-white letters displayed on the black storefront banner. “The Hard Luck Bar,” he murmured to himself, unsure if he was getting ready to enter or flee.
Amateur photographer Midoriya Izuku is stuck in a rut and desperate for a change of pace. Deep in his city's grimy underbelly, he finds exactly what he's looking for in the form of an underground punk sensation on the verge of their big break, fronted by a foul-mouthed firework of a human being.
Loud, brash and passionate, Izuku may have just found the creative spark he needed, as well as something new to set his soul ablaze.
Incomplete | 23/25 Chapters | No Quirks au
Last Updated Feb 2023
Rated - Mature
I'll ruin you, I swear by writersmorgue
Summary: College student Izuku is a HUGE fan of the band 'Dynamight' and maybe-possibly-definitely has a huge crush on the lead singer, Bakugo Katsuki.
Complete | 2 Chapters | No Quirks au
Rated - Explicit
you left a sour aftertaste by ladyofsnails
Summary: Izuku and Katsuki aren't together anymore. To take up his time, Izuku joins his school's band club, becomes the lead singer, makes some impulsive decisions, and accidentally gets a little famous. All because he's downright heartbroken, and Katsuki isn't (or at least, he doesn't look it).
Maybe some people were just meant to find their way back to each other. It might take a few stumbles, though.
Complete | 11 Chapters | No Quirks au
Rated - Teen & Up
Bang Dem Sticks by Roya1Gir1
Summary: “You should just tell him.”
Izuku’s gaze slid over to the red head that weirdly appeared next to him like a ghost. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
Kirishima rolled his eyes and jerked his chin to a certain blonde on the dance floor. “Oh, so you're not over here looking like someone kicked your puppy because someone is dancing with him?”
“He can dance with anyone he wants. I’m not his keeper.” He said through tightly gritted teeth as his eyes went to the blonde again.
Katsuki Bakugo—the drummer.
One Shot | No Quirks au
Rated - Teen & Up
Monsters Not Made by Lizbeth_Loon
Summary: Deku has some odd little quirks and habits, but no one would ever guess he was hiding something. No one would ever guess he was living a double life. It's not that he's a villain, or a vigilante, or a secret lovechild. It's that he's the lead singer in a band of pop-punk-rock misfits slowly gaining popularity on the local underground music scene. No one would ever guess - but they're about to find out.
The secret punk Deku fic you've all been waiting for!
Incomplete | 17/? Chapters
Rated - Mature
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mikuni14 · 8 months
Only Friends
Only Friends - but were they really friends? The show answered itself and contradicted its own title.
What I didn't like about the finale:
idiotic, highly manipulative and very cringe pool scene. I can't imagine being in a relationship with a person like Ray who resorts to such vile tricks just to prove something (that Sand has feelings for his ex). And his constant "either deal with it yourself or I'll do it" treated as romantic behavior. If it was a guy saying something like that to his girlfriend, everyone would be outraged :) Ray could have said "I think you still have feelings for your ex, please sort this out". Instead, he started a threesome, kissed his rival passionately and blamed it all on Sand that it was his problem. He's truly a Mew's fanboy, they're both the same in this regard. Will every problem in their relationship be solved in the same way, by creating theatrical scenarios and proving their superiority and someone else's flaws, as Ray and Mew do, for which no one has ever criticized them?
all problems, traumas, nasty behaviors mysteriously disappeared or were healed, but in some little acts, words you can see that they are simmering under the surface
everything is so perfect, but the appearance of 1 (one) handsome guy disturbs the paradise
Cheum with her constant interference in other people's affairs, forcing and pressuring them, her unwavering belief that she knows best what is best for others
forcing an apology, even when it is obvious that someone does not want it. Also - no apology that should have come from Mew, Cheum, Sand, Ray
everything Mew, Ray and Cheum did to Boston was disproportionately more evil and cruel than what he did. Boston slept with Top before he dated Mew, who then constantly questioned his motivations and kept him at a distance. Boston manipulated Top, but he didn't force him to do anything, and he kept their relationship a secret, he didn't do it to hurt Mew. Mew's revenge crossed all boundaries, including legal ones. And yet it is Boston who is forced to constantly pay for what he and Top did, to apologize constantly, and it is he who is thrown out of the friend's pack and it is he who is blackmailed, slandered and treated like garbage
I absolutely HATE how everyone treats Boston like a leper, how they seem to force themselves to be civilized towards him, how their facial expressions change when he shows up, says something, or is just there. Even when he sends a photo A YEAR LATER, everyone reacts as if he sent them a diaper with poop in it, not a photo of them. I admire Boston, I would never lower myself to spending even a minute in such company. Boston is treated like he did something incredibly wrong, like he killed a little kitten or something
Top apologizing to Sand for "stealing his boyfriend" as if it was a wallet and not a person with free will lmao Is Boeing a person or a thing that can be stolen? The series treats him as a tool though, so theoretically he could be stolen lmao
What I liked:
the iron consistency with which Boston separates his sexual life from his love life. He explains it calmly, without adding any ideology or pseudo-psychological reasons to it. He's honest AS ALWAYS about it. Maybe that's why he wants to stay with his "friends" because in his mind he didn't do anything against them, against Mew, he just wanted to sleep with a hot guy. Which they (especially Mew with his unhealthy relationship with sex) took as a personal attack on themselves
the fact that Nick was hurt by Boston but did not blame him for it, he noticed what no one else sees (does not want to see), that is, that Boston has a completely different relationship with sex and feelings than others, than accepted social norms
I liked that Mew rejected Boston, it felt like one of the few genuine moments of Mew where he is honest. The sad thing is that Cheum, with her actions behind his back, did not give him the opportunity to immediately say "no" to Boston's presence, which would have spared everyone the awkwardness and Boston from hearing those terrible words and the embarrassment of all his "friends".
And what I dislike the most is the change in tone of the show since the last two episodes. And the fact that the creators were probably forced to betray their own project...
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Last Hope
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Pic found on Pinterest | Dividers from @firefly-graphics
Summary: You and your boyfriend tell the story of how you two met. Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader Prompt: “Last seat left on train next to handsome stranger.” Warnings: Mention of past relationship, insecure feelings, fluff Word Count: 753 This was written for @cockslutpadalecki's 13k Follower Writing Challenge. A/N: This was beta'd by my lovely daddy @fictional-affairs. Thank you for helping me figure this out <3
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This weekend was special; Steve had invited you to dinner night with his friends at his best friend’s house.  It was special because it was the first time you were attending not only as Steve’s plus one but also as his girlfriend. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You were with Steve in your house getting ready for the night. You could feel Steve’s eyes on you as you were trying on your third outfit. “What if they don’t like me?” you asked, worried; this dinner night was bringing back memories from your last relationship, where your ex-boyfriend had forced you to be someone else just to fit his group of “friends”. Steve stood in front of you, caressing your arms for comfort. “I know you’re worried, doll, but you don’t have to be,” he said and hugged you, “They are going to love you,” he assured by kissing your forehead.
The beginning of the night was uncomfortable because you didn’t know what to expect, but they welcomed you with open arms. Steve was right, they were amazing people, and they seemed to like you. It was so nice to see Steve’s friends happy for him, knowing that he had a rough time adapting to this new era. You were having a good time and so was Steve, and you could tell by their smiles that they were all happy for him. The redhead, Nat, one of Steve’s closest friends, was curious about you; she kept asking you a bunch of questions claiming that she wanted to know who was making Steve happy.
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Steve noticed that your hands were shaking, it wasn’t too noticeable, but he had learned things about your body language. He grabbed the closest hand and squeezed it, and you smiled at the gesture. “So, how did you guys meet?” Nat asked, bringing everyone’s attention towards you two. 
“Destiny” Steve answered fast and everyone laughed. 
“I think it was more fate than destiny,” you added, “I needed a change in my life, so I left everything behind and bought a train ticket.” Steve was smiling while you shared your story, “It was the last seat left on the train and it just happened to be next to a handsome stranger,” you said, looking at Steve.
“I fell in love as soon as I saw her. I tried to talk to her, but she only either hummed or nodded. I tried so hard to get her name, but whatever I did was useless. I just hoped life would bring us back together again.”
“To be honest with all of you, I couldn’t believe that this handsome stranger was interested in me. I was at the lowest point of my life and I felt like I was being tricked to find someone nice so that life could take it away from me. But, as amazing as it sounds, instead life worked in a wonderful way.” 
You explained and Steve added, “I was coming back from a ride and noticed that the house next door had been sold. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was her leaving the house.”
“He approached where I was standing and introduced himself and…” 
Steve interrupted you, “She showed me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. That moment was the second chance I had prayed for and I was not going to waste it.”
“Next thing I knew, Steve was taking me out to the park with his bike. And since I didn’t know anyone, he became my very first friend in town. But, deep down, I knew that the friendship we had was going to develop into something more, I was just afraid of getting hurt again.” 
“If Stevie here hurts you, you tell me and I’ll kick his ass personally,” the redhead said and you giggled, relaxing a bit knowing that they liked you.
The dinner continued and Steve’s friends told you more stories about him, you loved how much they loved him. As the time went by, you felt more at ease with them, and you started to really enjoy their company. 
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Once the dinner was over and you were back in Steve’s place, you started talking, “You know, I was ready to give up before I got on that train. It was my last hope,” Steve looked at you, surprised; you’ve never been very open as to why you’ve left everything. 
“You saved my life. You taught me what love is. You gave me hope. Thank you.”
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