#How Works WordPress?
wanderestless · 7 months
write on the black lives matter movement in ways that make liberals uncomfortable: get your blog banned and vilified as a 'russian psyop', which @staff has never addressed afaik.
be black and trans with a blog: get your blog banned due to racist & transphobic reporting and hard-to-miss transphobic moderation
comment too loudly on obvious transphobic discrimination: get your blog banned with no warning or explanation, then get harassed by the ceo of tumblr
comment on shockingly inappropriate and law-breaking level of personal harassment by the ceo of tumblr: get your blog banned with no warning or explanation
and the cherry on top is 'hello fellow kids, we already sold your data, artwork, writing, and personal diaries but we promise we can un-sell it! we just need every single user to tell us they don't want their data scraped, because we assume everyone wants their privacy violated!'
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digitaldeeptech · 2 months
Must-Have Programmatic SEO Tools for Superior Rankings
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Understanding Programmatic SEO
What is programmatic SEO?
Programmatic SEO uses automated tools and scripts to scale SEO efforts. In contrast to traditional SEO, where huge manual efforts were taken, programmatic SEO extracts data and uses automation for content development, on-page SEO element optimization, and large-scale link building. This is especially effective on large websites with thousands of pages, like e-commerce platforms, travel sites, and news portals.
The Power of SEO Automation
The automation within SEO tends to consume less time, with large content levels needing optimization. Using programmatic tools, therefore, makes it easier to analyze vast volumes of data, identify opportunities, and even make changes within the least period of time available. This thus keeps you ahead in the competitive SEO game and helps drive more organic traffic to your site.
Top Programmatic SEO Tools
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1. Screaming Frog SEO Spider
The Screaming Frog is a multipurpose tool that crawls websites to identify SEO issues. Amongst the things it does are everything, from broken links to duplication of content and missing metadata to other on-page SEO problems within your website. Screaming Frog shortens a procedure from thousands of hours of manual work to hours of automated work.
Example: It helped an e-commerce giant fix over 10,000 broken links and increase their organic traffic by as much as 20%.
2. Ahrefs
Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO tool that helps you understand your website performance, backlinks, and keyword research. The site audit shows technical SEO issues, whereas its keyword research and content explorer tools help one locate new content opportunities.
Example: A travel blog that used Ahrefs for sniffing out high-potential keywords and updating its existing content for those keywords grew search visibility by 30%.
3. SEMrush
SEMrush is the next well-known, full-featured SEO tool with a lot of features related to keyword research, site audit, backlink analysis, and competitor analysis. Its position tracking and content optimization tools are very helpful in programmatic SEO.
Example: A news portal leveraged SEMrush to analyze competitor strategies, thus improving their content and hoisting themselves to the first page of rankings significantly.
4. Google Data Studio
Google Data Studio allows users to build interactive dashboards from a professional and visualized perspective regarding SEO data. It is possible to integrate data from different sources like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and third-party tools while tracking SEO performance in real-time.
Example: Google Data Studio helped a retailer stay up-to-date on all of their SEO KPIs to drive data-driven decisions that led to a 25% organic traffic improvement.
5. Python
Python, in general, is a very powerful programming language with the ability to program almost all SEO work. You can write a script in Python to scrape data, analyze huge datasets, automate content optimization, and much more.
Example: A marketing agency used Python for thousands of product meta-description automations. This saved the manual time of resources and improved search rank.
The How for Programmatic SEO
Step 1: In-Depth Site Analysis
Before diving into programmatic SEO, one has to conduct a full site audit. Such technical SEO issues, together with on-page optimization gaps and opportunities to earn backlinks, can be found with tools like Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, and SEMrush.
Step 2: Identify High-Impact Opportunities
Use the data collected to figure out the biggest bang-for-buck opportunities. Look at those pages with the potential for quite a high volume of traffic, but which are underperforming regarding the keywords focused on and content gaps that can be filled with new or updated content.
Step 3: Content Automation
This is one of the most vital parts of programmatic SEO. Scripts and tools such as the ones programmed in Python for the generation of content come quite in handy for producing significant, plentiful, and high-quality content in a short amount of time. Ensure no duplication of content, relevance, and optimization for all your target keywords.
Example: An e-commerce website generated unique product descriptions for thousands of its products with a Python script, gaining 15% more organic traffic.
Step 4: Optimize on-page elements
Tools like Screaming Frog and Ahrefs can also be leveraged to find loopholes for optimizing the on-page SEO elements. This includes meta titles, meta descriptions, headings, or even adding alt text for images. Make these changes in as effective a manner as possible.
Step 5: Build High-Quality Backlinks
Link building is one of the most vital components of SEO. Tools to be used in this regard include Ahrefs and SEMrush, which help identify opportunities for backlinks and automate outreach campaigns. Begin to acquire high-quality links from authoritative websites.
Example: A SaaS company automated its link-building outreach using SEMrush, landed some wonderful backlinks from industry-leading blogs, and considerably improved its domain authority. ### Step 6: Monitor and Analyze Performance
Regularly track your SEO performance on Google Data Studio. Analyze your data concerning your programmatic efforts and make data-driven decisions on the refinement of your strategy.
See Programmatic SEO in Action
50% Win in Organic Traffic for an E-Commerce Site
Remarkably, an e-commerce electronics website was undergoing an exercise in setting up programmatic SEO for its product pages with Python scripting to enable unique meta descriptions while fixing technical issues with the help of Screaming Frog. Within just six months, the experience had already driven a 50% rise in organic traffic.
A Travel Blog Boosts Search Visibility by 40%
Ahrefs and SEMrush were used to recognize high-potential keywords and optimize the content on their travel blog. By automating updates in content and link-building activities, it was able to set itself up to achieve 40% increased search visibility and more organic visitors.
User Engagement Improvement on a News Portal
A news portal had the option to use Google Data Studio to make some real-time dashboards to monitor their performance in SEO. Backed by insights from real-time dashboards, this helped them optimize the content strategy, leading to increased user engagement and organic traffic.
Challenges and Solutions in Programmatic SEO
Ensuring Content Quality
Quality may take a hit in the automated process of creating content. Therefore, ensure that your automated scripts can produce unique, high-quality, and relevant content. Make sure to review and fine-tune the content generation process periodically.
Handling Huge Amounts of Data
Dealing with huge amounts of data can become overwhelming. Use data visualization tools such as Google Data Studio to create dashboards that are interactive, easy to make sense of, and result in effective decision-making.
Keeping Current With Algorithm Changes
Search engine algorithms are always in a state of flux. Keep current on all the recent updates and calibrate your programmatic SEO strategies accordingly. Get ahead of the learning curve by following industry blogs, attending webinars, and taking part in SEO forums.
Future of Programmatic SEO
The future of programmatic SEO seems promising, as developing sectors in artificial intelligence and machine learning are taking this space to new heights. Developing AI-driven tools would allow much more sophisticated automation of tasks, thus making things easier and faster for marketers to optimize sites as well.
There are already AI-driven content creation tools that can make the content to be written highly relevant and engaging at scale, multiplying the potential of programmatic SEO.
Programmatic SEO is the next step for any digital marketer willing to scale up efforts in the competitive online landscape. The right tools and techniques put you in a position to automate key SEO tasks, thus optimizing your website for more organic traffic. The same goals can be reached more effectively and efficiently if one applies programmatic SEO to an e-commerce site, a travel blog, or even a news portal.
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is anyone else interested in joining my server? not quite ready to invite people yet but should be soon. just gauging interest right now. “like” or reply to this post and when i’m ready i’ll send you an invite.
server will probably be dual purpose. 
there will be (1) a semi-public side oriented toward general discussion (topics like politics, books, history, philosophy, religion, media, science, tech, etc) and community building (nothing is set in stone yet but i am imagining activities like book club, movie watching, playing games, contests and giveaways, etc). and there will be (2) a private side dedicated to more focused discussions and internal cult matters.
the server won’t be a “safe space” -- i’m fine with a bit of edge (within ToS. not trying to get terminated.) -- but i do want this server (at least the semi-public side) to be /relatively/ welcoming and civil. so if you’re egregiously toxic or vulgar or prone to shitflinging or sperging out you won’t be welcome here. neither will you be welcome if you’re overly sensitive.
otherwise, as long as you follow the rules, you will be fine. though i always reserve the right to executively veto your presence for any reason.
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Fun fact: did you know the US government has been awarding Automattic Inc. millions of dollars since 2021 which will run until December of 2024? Specifically, the presidential office has been funding tumblr.
Automattic Inc. bought tumblr in 2019.
Do you know who else funded Automattic Inc. in 2019 some $70,000? The US Department of Defense.
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tardis--dreams · 1 month
Feeling homicidal at work today ♡
#there's been major issues with wordpress for Weeks now and my beloved colleague told IT about it and added me#to the 'task' explicitly writing 'please talk to [my name] if you have any further questions or want to discuss things as i am on vacation'#today i come back to this task reading a lovely comment by that dude who's responsible for solving the problem going#'i think it's best if we make an appointment to discuss this when you're back :)' bitch ill kill you#my boy doesn't even Use wordpress it's not even his fucking problem. he just was nice enough to summarize my complaints#so i added a comment too because i honestly can't work like this and want this to be Fixed asap#and if he wants to talk to [beloved colleague] first it's gonna take another 2 fucking weeks until anyone even considers the problem again#and i have no patience for this left at this point. so of course that bitch calls me when i was marked as 'absent' on teams#(did he fucking do that on purpose?? so he wouldn't actually have to talk to me? also. just Text me you fucking bitch)#and when i come back to it HE was absent so i couldn't call him back and also i won't wait for him to come back online so i can talk to him#because my work hours are Over for this week and he could very well just send me a message or add another comment if he has anything to say#but alas he didn't#i honestly am usually quite patient and understanding when it comes to fixing issues but this has been going on forever#and i wouldn't even say anything if it hadn't been for that stupid ass comment on how he wants to talk to [colleague] first. bitch!#(i just mentioned what the main issue was in my own comment btw. i didn't say anything about hurrying or any of the million#passive aggressive things i WANTED to say. very proud of myself for that ♡#had i been with that dude in person i would have killed him on sight)#god things are gonna be so insufferable when my beloved colleague is gone forever ㅠㅠ#he's the only good thing about this fucking company and I'm sure everything's gonna go down in flames#once he's gone#void screams#work stuff
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coffeeworldsasaki · 3 months
So turns out that I can't start any crochet small business because I live in hell and it takes too much money to be allowed to sell and even if my father did offer to try somehow to make it happen I just prefer to wait until I move from this shit place
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bijoumikhawal · 10 months
The "last" work of Coptic literature
The Triadon is a 14th century Sahidic Coptic and Arabic poem, written in a structure influenced by Arabic and Syriac songs and poetry, sometimes called exactly what this post is titled. The last work of Coptic literature- yet, we are still here. I know the term refers to the last work in an unbroken line of Coptic-language literary art. I know I am pedantic. But the study of Copts (especially in European languages) is dominated by those who are not Copts, and I think that shows in how Coptic culture is discussed. When Copts look to older icon styles today, it is called "Neo-Coptic". What is "Neo-" about it? Copts have been making icons the entire time they have been Copts. The styling which is referred to- while it does look to older art- is hardly a "broken line". Pieces from later centuries influence the style, which also incorporates pre-Coptic artistic elements (such as the revival of tree halos from Pharaonic art). The name smacks of insufficiency to my ears.
Further, what does an unbroken line mean? The significance of the Triadon is undeniable, but why must we decry Coptic literary art as having a "last"? Can we not say "most recent"? Turn that over in your mind- see how the camera angle shifts. Instead of Coptic as a language ending, ended, you now see the road as it goes on- the future it can have. This is before one considers the claims by some Copts that there ARE isolated villages that have kept the language more strongly than the rest of Egypt. These are hopeful and glorious- but if untrue, what does it matter? We are still here and so is the language. Once given breath it lives again.
The accusation of "death" haunts Egyptian religion, Egyptian culture. Being seen as ancient I have felt born dead. I can show you scholarly pieces I have read, accusing the ancient Egyptian religion to be death obsessed, and others where it is correctly identified as loving life dearly that pass on the blow to Copts, acting as though martyrdom under Rome was some madness my ancestors were afflicted with, and not the brutal reality of living under an empire. What "was" the Coptic language, what "did" this look or sound like. No wonder I am fond of writing in past tense- no one seems to recognize existence in the present.
What is a "last" poem when I can pull up a song right now on my phone with a modern attempt at old Coptic lyrics? Is it a titan of composition- no! But neither is the Triadon, and most will say that outright. "This poem is written in Sahidic that is already beginning, as it were, to fray at the edges". Must one be great to still be considered living? To have the potential to live?
Certainly, Coptic-language literature is not thriving. There aren't dozens of poems published every year, let alone more frequently. But there should never be a sense of finality. Youths fight for their language. The framing, to my mind, that is so often used, subtly murmurs a prophecy of failure. Perhaps every fool goes against a prophecy, but who made these academics prophets?
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wilchur · 8 months
All this coding just keeps bringing back memories of my internship and god I can't believe 18 year old me set up 2 whole ass websites from nearly the ground up in 2.5 days almost entirely ON MY OWN, adding last tweaks like 15 minutes before a huge launch event FOR FREE.
They used my autism against me...
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wordpressvip · 2 years
Please answer, it's for science.
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voidimp · 1 year
trying to find any information on anything is so fucking impossible these days
#i just want. web hosting that also has file hosting where i dont have to like have the files Displayed On The Site#i dont even know like. what thats called#but nothing ever seems to specify one way or the other??#like i feel like thered be some sort of phrasing that id see & be like oh maybe thats what im looking for#but no. it just doesnt seem to be mentioned#& so many sites are like. oh were designed to work with wordpress!! like cool but i dont CARE about that#i want to build my site from scratch actually.#i want to be able to host images that i can use elsewhere on the internet without necessarily having them on an Actual Page of my website#ik godaddy does this. bc i used to use them waaaaay back in like 2007 or so lmfao#but ive heard some Not So Great things abt them so ive been trying to look into other options#(but honestly i might just use them bc id probably hear Not So Great things about Everyone)#(it seems to just be standard business practice at this point)#idk. theres a site called dreamhost i might try but idk if they have the features i want#ig if anyone has any input on any of this lmk#either abt godaddy or dreamhost or if u know of any good alternatives#i dont even need anything super complex just like. custom domain name. file hosting. security that doesnt suck#this is probably all standard i just hate how hard it is to actually find the info#& i dont want to sign up for 10579348 free trials to find out#this is all in the tags bc. the post applies to so much more than just this lmao#this is just my Current Issue
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find-the-path · 2 years
that feeling of accomplishment when you’ve visited one of your favorite fics more times than it has hits.
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jcmarchi · 21 days
Shipping Tumblr and WordPress
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/shipping-tumblr-and-wordpress/
Shipping Tumblr and WordPress
Didya see that Tumblr is getting a WordPress makeover? And it’s not a trivial move:
This won’t be easy. Tumblr hosts over half a billion blogs. We’re talking about one of the largest technical migrations in internet history. Some people think it’s impossible. But we say, “challenge accepted.”
Half a billion blogs. Considering that WordPress already powers somewhere around 40% of all websites (which is much, much higher than 500m) this’ll certainly push that figure even further.
I’m sure there’s at least one suspicious nose out there catching whiffs of marketing smoke though I’m amicable to the possibility that this is a genuine move to enhance a beloved platform that’s largely seen as a past relic of the Flickr era. I loved Tumblr back then. It really embraced the whole idea that a blog can help facilitate better writing with a variety of post formats. (Post formats, fwiw, are something I always wished would be a WordPress first-class citizen but they never made it out of being an opt-in theme feature). Tumblr was the first time I was able to see blogging as more than a linear chain of content organized in reverse chronological order. Blog posts are more about what you write and how you write it than they are when they’re written.
Anyway, I know jobs are a scarce commodity in tech these days and Auttomatic is looking for folks to help with the migration.
I was about to say this “could” be a neat opportunity, but nay, it’s a super interesting and exciting opportunity, one where your work is touching two of the most influential blogging platforms on the planet. I remember interviewing Alex Hollender and Jon Robson after they shipped a design update to Wikipedia and thinking how much fun and learning would come out of a project like that. This has that same vibe to me. Buuuut, make no illusions about it: it’ll be tough.
Direct Link →
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seven-thewanderer · 2 months
yall, remind me so I don’t forget:
I am going to make a new side blog for my Flower Cows (since the old one’s a mess)
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nokingsonlyfooles · 8 months
The links don't work on the Front Page template! Well, sure! Who needs links on their front page? That would be a silly feature! I don't need a working menu for any reason! You don't actually want to READ anything when you come to my site, right? RIGHT?
God help me, I thought WP's Query Loop blocks were broken, but I had a brainwave and tried them on a regular page. They work fine!
I have severely scaled back the 3rd party stuff and I'm working almost entirely with WP's own blocks and their latest theme. (The few things I have are all tested with my version and I really can't do without them. They're supposed to play together!) It should WORK, right? Why would they go public with that stuff and start tearing up their existing editor with all kinds of new options that I can't set correctly unless I use the site editor IF IT DIDN'T WORK?
It would be generous to call this a beta test and they're NOT.
I have no good options. WP keeps updating to add more features (and fixes, I assume) for the site editor, and the themes and blocks designed for the old customizer are all struggling to keep up. And I wind up with old pages and posts that lack values that the updates are looking for. So they either assign me a default value, a value of zero, or a random one, and of course they don't tell me. Things just break and I gotta plug input into a black box that lies to me on the backend until it spits out what I want on the frontend.
The new editor seems resistant to letting a person work in HTML at all. I used to be able to toggle it on and off and now in places it's either hidden or gone. All blocks all the time, baby! Haha, yeah. That wouldn't be a problem if they just worked like you said they did!
I rebuilt the whole site from scratch less than two years ago because I thought that would clear up all the errors from outdated code. That did not work like I wanted! It's so much worse now!!
If I keep fixing it in the old editor, it's going to keep breaking. But the new editor doesn't work. I mean, the old editor barely worked either, so I get why they need a new one, but it needs to work. I need more than just a static page and a storefront. I need complex text that work on mobile and desktop and is as accessible as possible - because I don't want to be a total jerk to people who have worse eyes than I do.
They're giving me features that were difficult or impossible to code before. For example, I can finally take the air out of Milo's cards with a basic Paragraph block. But, dear god, as a result of that NOTHING is basic anymore.
The default image displays with rounded corners now and it doesn't bother to tell you the value is set to round the corners. It just looks blank, null, but you actually have to set it to zero - you have to type in a number or drag the slider all the way to one end to make it produce corners. EVERY TIME. You need to do a similar thing to set the "padding" and "margins" to zero - you have to set them to one and then drag them back. Ah, except when it comes to the Content block, which SHOULD have an automatic margin because it looks like hell without one. You can't give that thing a margin AT ALL. You have to select all the content on each individual page or post, group it, and give it a margin that way. I think there's a default template for everything, and they're probably all available to edit but god only knows if the edits will match on the frontend.
I can fix the front page. I don't have the energy now, but I deleted the template and set it to a static page via the old editor, which still has some necessary features on it and is still available on every (I think?) theme that uses the site editor. Wow. When the new editor comes packaged with the old one, that really inspires confidence. I'm sure it's fine, It MUST work like it supposed to, I'm probably just terrible at websites. Anyway, since the Query Loop works on a "normal" page, (hahahaaaaa everything is templates now, what even is "normal"?) axing the template ought to fix it. And I don't need more than one front page anyways, so to hell with the template.
...Until I get another damn update that forces me to use it, god knows when.
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autolenaphilia · 7 months
God, Matt Mullenweg is a dumbass. He could just have let his staff ban predstrogen, ignore her harassment and kept quiet, and he would have gotten away with it. She is a trans woman and people literally get away with murdering us, and the majority of the people who care are fellow trans women. Don't get me wrong, he will likely still get away with it, but he made this a bigger problem for him than it would have been otherwise.
Like this is more evidence that rich people are not smarter, they are often quite dumb. They don't work harder, and have quite easy jobs. Matt at this point has one of the easiest jobs in history, just let the money from wordpress being 40% of the internet roll into his bank account and relax. And he still managed to fuck that up.
That's because he took the quite minor controversy over Predstrogen being repeatedly banned personally for some reason. I'm not sure why, probably he thought his site being accused of transmisogynic moderation practices was a blow to his self-image as a cool tolerant dude.
And then he proved the critics point by repeatedly misgendering her, and singling her out by him, the ceo of tumblr, personally justifying her being banned. And then arguing about it with randos in replies and even dms. Like he points out himself that "We generally do not comment on individual cases." That's generally a good policy for a ceo of a social media site to have, Matt, don't ever make an exception to it, no matter how upset you are about "misinformation" that you are a transmisogynist.
Like his company's PR team must have been literally asleep or off the clock, or he didn't consult with them beforehand, because if they were in any way competent they would have told him what a bad idea this was.
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jesuisgourde · 1 year
i spent essentially all day building my bibliography for my writeup. i still have like 50 more pages to go through
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