#How Zelda married death
Started reading her fanfics on tumblr and now I'm buying her original book. @audreyrosebooks
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ganondoodle · 3 months
should surprise absolutely no one that i much much much prefer radahn when hes older (and not mindless! or mindcontrolled!)
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(doesnt look amused about what malenia just did in that ol trailer- and possibly even moreso about what she said)
that (and base game) version of him is the only one to meeeeeeeee
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audreyrosebooks · 2 years
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💀 For centuries, Death has only known the Work, the reaping and administrating of souls. Their routine is disrupted when a mortal named Zelda refuses to die and offers Death her hand instead.
With great befuddlement, Death accepts.
Husband and wife have little in common. Death is grim (ha!) and work-oriented, perplexed by the intricacies of relationships. Zelda is beautiful and can do no wrong. (She’s also quite good at hijacking blurbs.) As Death and Zelda navigate their unconventional marriage, the affection between them grows, resulting in a relationship that is as sweet as it is whimsical.🌹
🌹 HOW ZELDA MARRIED DEATH is a low-plot novella that mixes fantasy, romance and comedy. Perfect for a quick, sweet and funny read!
🌹Yo can buy the ebook and the paperback NOW on Amazon.
🌹 Watch the lovely book trailer here!
🌹 You can also add the book to Goodreads!
🌹 Content warnings: Death is obviously a theme that is present throughout the story, generally treated lightly. Sexual content is fade to black but discussed a fair amount.
🌹 Reviews & Ratings are appreciated, as are reblogs & shares!  ❤️
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Majora's Mask and what it means to be grown up
(aka my collected analysis of the Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask)
I will say that generally I don't think Termina is purgatory, or a dream, or anything like that. To me, Termina is kind of like a Silent Hill type parallel world, where you face your deepest traumas.
First, the parallels between Majora's Mask, and the child section of Ocarina of Time.
The first dungeon for both games is in a vast wooded area, there are woodland races inhabiting both areas, the Kokiri for Ocarina of Time, and the Deku for Majora's mask. The second dungeon is in a great mountain, inhabited by the Gorons. The third dungeon is in a vast body of water, inhabited by the Zora.
Then, things split. After Jabu Jabu, Link becomes an adult. After Great Bay, there's Ikana Canyon. A land of nothing but Death.
Who caused the death of Ikana? Who else but the king, Igo Du Ikana. Ikana was plunged into disrepair, after Igos started a war with a clan of Ninjas, to receive a powerful artifact, in a great and mysterious temple. Sound familiar? It should, this is exactly what Ganondorf did, after Link was sealed away for seven years. But Ganondorf was successful.
But Ikana isn't completely occupied by the dead, no. Pamela remains, with her father, turned into an undead monster. Much like Sheik, the last Sheikah, who is revealed to be Zelda. And her father? He's never seen, but I'd imagine it would be easy enough for Ganondorf to become king, if the other one was no longer around. From a man, to a corpse.
So, if Ganondorf is a parallel to Igos, and Zelda is a parallel to Pamela, what about Link? He's a little different. I believe that, along with Kafei and Tingle, all three of the transformation masks are a representation of Link, and his feelings towards being forced to grow up.
Tingle is, as we know, a 35 year old man who thinks he's a fairy boy. Similar to how link was a 10 year old boy, who thought he was a fairy boy. I believe Tingle is a reflection of what Link could have been if he never left Kokiri Forest. An adult hylian man, thinking he's a Kokiri.
On the contrary, Kafei is distraught at the idea of becoming a child again. He's weaker, he can't marry his fiancee, and everyone treats him like well, a child, despite his maturity. I believe this is how Link feels after becoming a child again. He used to be a strong adult, and even if he's not as mature as Kafei, he still went through a lot, and knows a lot more about life now. Kafei even reuses Link's model and animations.
There's a reoccurring theme in Ocarina of Time where Link just doesn't belong anywhere he goes. He's an outsider to the other races, because he's a hylian, but he's also an outsider to the hylians, because he was raised as a Kokiri. I think the transformation masks reflect that.
The Deku Butler's Son is what he could have been as a Kokiri. He could have been a happy little boy, living with his father, and his community. But Link and the Deku butler's son both left home to explore, and as far as both the Kokiri and the Deku are concerned, neither came back.
Darmani is what he could have been as a Goron. A powerful hero to the Gorons, celebrated by them for clearing Dodongo's Cavern. A close link between the goron elder, Darunia, and their sons. Both him and Link remain after death, lamenting on their histories as heros.
Mikau is what he could have been as a Zora. Maybe not a cool as hell guitarist, but a husband to Ruto, and Prince of the Zora Who would stop at nothing to keep her happy and safe, like infiltrating a fortress, or climbing inside of a whale.
Even the Fierce Deity is just Link, but back as an adult. As if so much changed so rapidly, he felt like he transformed into something less like himself, and more like a powerful god. He could have continued being strong, and powerful, the defeater of Ganon, but he had to become a child again. He has to stay as a small, and unknown child.
The ages of the masks even match the human life cycle. According to the debug menu (and if you subscribe to the theory that Link and DBS's ages were swapped), DBS is 5, Link is 12, Darmani is 30, Mikau is 78, and, Fierce Deity is 17, likely due to his model being recycled from adult Link's. Link starts the game in the body of a 5 year old, then a 12 year old, then a 30 year old, then a 72 year old, and finally, a God.
We don't exactly know how Link feels. But I can't imagine it would be easy to go from a child, with no concept of death, to be thrust into a position where he's forced to fight and kill an adult man so much stronger than he is. And then everything was just reversed. Like that. As if it never happened. And only Link remembers the impending doom he faced. All he can do is remember Ganondorf's reign. Almost like he's reliving the same few days, again, and again, and again.
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reallyromealone · 8 months
Ganon omegaverse 3
Fandom: the legend of zelda
Warnings: omegaverse, male reader, Zelda isn't good in this
(name) wasn't sure what to do, with these new freedoms he previously lacked back at Hyrule Castle, Ganon letting him wander around the palace AND THE CITY! With guards of course but still! He wasn't allowed to leave the grounds back home... Well he supposed this would be his home now.
That was something to get used to, things he was noticing back with his sister that left a sour taste in his mouth...
Why did she do what she did?
Why did she lock him away the way she did?
(Name) didn't know if he would get the answers he wanted to know or at least honest ones...
"Over the years we have expanded the town, it's not as big as Hyrule Castle town but it is impressive on its own" a guard explained as she showed him around the merchants row, before the palace entrance that surprised (name) at how accessible it was "unlike Hyrule Castle, we firmly believe the people should not be barred from visiting the palace-- of course there's times where it's not possible such at night but closing the palace from its people seems unreasonable to us"
"We believe in transparency to the people, of course they can't go anywhere they want in the palace but they are welcome to visit the throne room or see the public areas with the understanding of respect"
(Name) was fascinated by this information, the palace he knew was very closed off and from what he knew, very different from the rest of the kingdom in terms of wealth, the valley was much more forgiving and attentive to their people.
Zelda was a good queen, he knew this but he also knew she often focused on her own adventures and left the responsibilities to her second in command.
"There's so much I must learn..."
"And you will in time, you will have the rest of your life to learn" (name) nodded as he was slowly brought to the private dining area, unlike back home it wasn't stiff and cold, regal still but it felt....warm.
There was a low table with many bowls and plates with delicious looking foods as Ganon waited for his fiance to join him "how was your day, my star?" Ganon had grown to call (name) pet names, my beloved, my star... Many sweet words that made (name) flustered, his body warm with each sweet word.
"We went throughout the city today, one of the vendor ladies gave me this! I tried to pay her but she refused, she said "a gift to our future queen" the piece in question was one the made Ganon nearly blush, it was a fertility amulet.
"It looks very lovely on you" Ganon said as he led the Omega to sit in his lap, the Hylian dwarfing in comparison as they began eating, (name) finding he quite enjoyed spicy foods that the desert offered "try this!" Ganon already knew what all the foods presented tasted like but gave into his mates whims, eating the food presenting "very good, my love" his words rumbled through (name)s body, Ganon liked having his omega perched in his lap, so small and cute...
Ganon liked having (name) accompanying him during his royal business, include him on things and let him know how things worked And have an intimate knowledge in Ganons life.
"Our trade routes should alternate to this come winter months" Uberosa pointed to the map, an alternative map to get to the Bazaar "the merchants coming from the east have been notified through notices at inns and ranches" she explained as (name) looked curiously at the large map "This will also be the route we take for the wedding, I assume?" The concept of the wedding was both nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time, to think they should have been married for much longe...
Ganon gently pumped out pharamones as to calm the Omega, knowing he was nervous about his sister but Ganon knew she wouldn't try anything as to not disrupt the peace.
Going to war with the Guredo was a death wish after all.
"The wedding will be held at the temple of time now that it's been restored" Uberosa pointed to the map and (name) seemed excited, having never gotten to see it repaired.
Ganon worried (name) would grow bored when Ganon had to leave him, but the Alpha was pleasantly surprised to see (name) helping the teachers with the pups, the little girls wanting (name) to play with them the second they saw him as he was the only Voe outside of Ganon himself who they were allowed to look at, omegas were always deemed safe to the Guredo people.
"He will make a fine dam, brother" Uberosa said as Ganon gazed from a window, a soft look on his face "he will raise wonderful children if they get his attitude... God help if they turn out like you" the elder teased as Ganon huffed with false annoyance "he will be wonderful"
"Any word from the princess?"
"She's been quiet, she made many people upset with her actions and is most definitely doing damage control" he said methodically and Uberosa laughed slightly "she could have started a war, thankfully her brother is less selfish"
"His priority is always those around him, like a true Omega"
"You better spoil him to make sure he cares for himself"
"I already have things on the way"
Ganons clothes were going missing, mainly his shirts, thankfully he had an abundance due to needing to change from the heat.
Something Ganon took notice of was that (name) hadn't started nesting while here, weeks passing and the Omega seemed nervous when offered nesting materials "I-im allowed...?"
"Why wouldn't you be allowed, little one?" Uberosa asked the other who bit his lip, Ganon having a bad taste in his mouth as (name)s words confirmed his suspicions "w-wouldnt it be an inconvenience? I'm a royal Omega, it's unsightly for us to nest, no?"
"(Name), nesting is a basic instinct for all omegas, it doesn't matter what status you are, not nesting can affect your physical and mental wellness" Uberosa knelt down to the sitting Omega who seemed uncomfortable "I... I just don't want to inconvenience you all with my Omegan problems..."
"You have never and will never be a problem to us" Ganon was serious as he was half ready to start war over this but knew better, soon (name) will never have to deal with that again, he would be free to do as he pleased.
It took another week for (name) to try and make a nest, shy and nervous about it though happy Ganon gave him a spare room connecting to the bedroom "such a beautiful nest my Star" Ganon comforted (name) who looked at him for approval, his mood something new to Ganon compared to the others he was used to "we will get you even more nesting materials if you desire" he would have the finest materials sourced for his mate, anything for him.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months
Y'ALL I had the most wretched train of thought
(spoilers for totk; also I haven’t fought Ganondorf yet so no spoilers in the notes pls!)
The Zonai existed during Skyward Sword, even predating the game. The people of Skyloft and the Zonai have had a few run-ins, some peaceful and others not. At one point, prior to improving their technology, the Zonai tried to steal loftwings to better travel to different sky islands. Least to say, Skyloftians did not like that. They have an uneasy peace and keep their distance far from each other by the time of Skyward Sword, but Link and Zelda are familiar with their existence.
When the cloud barrier disappears, it allows the Zonai to go back to the Surface as much as it does the Skyloftians. It takes them a few years to manage it and establish a settlement, and they eventually run back into the Skyloftians on the Surface. Link and Zelda are married with kids by now, and Zelda is the leader of the Hylian settlement. The Zonai discover that Link is responsible for the cloud barrier's disappearance (Zelda is proud of Link for defeating Demise so she'll let him take all the credit; also, she doesn't need nor want to tell a ton of people she's a goddess reincarnate, especially to a tribe her people have historically not had the best relationship with).
In thanks, the Zonai give Link a gift: a Secret Stone.
The Zonai tell Link that this special magical stone is one of several that are gifts from the goddesses. The Zonai do not know all their properties, only that they enhance whatever abilities the user has. Link figures this will enhance his fighting prowess, and though he is appreciative of the gift, he doesn't think it'll make much of a difference to him.
And then the nightmares come.
Link starts getting nightmares of varying scenarios. A knight fighting a giant monster, facing down an army of mechanical beasts. A child struck down by a demon king. A man with a fairy fighting a demonic beast. Link sees his children, he sees what Hyrule grows to, he sees Demise come again and again, and he sees the Heroes who have to fight him.
Demise's dying words weren't a hateful monologue spat out in spite. They were a promise, a curse.
With this knowledge, Link goes to Zelda, and the two try everything they can to figure out how to stop this. The visions drive Link to near insanity, preventing him from gettin more than one to two hours of sleep for weeks. Zelda goes to the Zonai to ask more about the Secret Stones (she wants to give it back, honestly, but is afraid that it would be viewed as a rejection of the gift, and given the history of conflict between their tribes, she doesn't want to go that route). The Zonai know very little of the stones, though, and Zelda doesn't get much. Link, on the other hand, learns about them from the dragon servants of Hylia. He is told that the stone, when combined with its user, can make the wielder immortal.
Link doesn't care about immortality. But he does care about stopping the demon king, in every era, in every place, in every time. He does care about protecting his descendants, his people, the whole world.
The dragons warn him that he will never be the same, that he may never actually be able to interact with his family again.
After months of haunting visions of destruction and death and pain, he finds himself willing to make that sacrifice. If it means he can protect Zelda and his children, he'll do it.
So one night, he flies on his loftwing to an island in the sky. He hugs his loftwing and kisses him goodbye. He begs his companion to look after his family. Zelda's loftwing arrives, alone. The two birds fly in circles around Link, stirring up a wind as he stares at the Secret Stone held delicately between his index finger and thumb, held just above eye level before he squeezes it in his palm.
And he swallows it.
On the Surface, Zelda drops the glass she's holding. In the sky, a dragon screams.
The Zonai learn what happens when one consumes a Secret Stone.
And the Spirit Dragon is born.
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the0maski · 5 months
Little thoughts and feelings about Update Dawn part 9| part 3
You cannot tell me, that his eyes didn’t showed the windows blue screen of death at exactly that moment. He really can’t handle attention, Twi would feel probably very uncomfortable turning someone down, more so because he knows how it hurts. Yet I think he really is the type of guy who needs a deep friendship level first, before he falls in love with a person.
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Both of them are so happy to see each other! Epona immediately turning her head once she sees him, and Twilight moods going to maximum happiness! The first thing he dose is price her, so cute.
Warriors comment just solidifies that Twilight wasn’t comfortable when he asked who the lady was.
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Game reference my beloved!!! Not hard to explain, if you can jump down from somewhere you jump, easy!
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(Wind does a classic roll?
Legend and Hyrule just jump down)
Warriors…he’s trying way too hard.
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I think this is also a reference to Hyrule Warriors being a complete different type of Zelda-game.
From the creator of Wind gets push out of the way by Dink and Those who get lost together stay together Wild and Hyrule! We get now, a brand new running gag: Of course you’re rich Wars, and I am the King of Hyrule!
Legend has a point…but I wouldn’t say that Time keeps the ranch income…he isn’t the owner of Lon Lon, since he married Malon. All the money goes to his wife, and I even say Time takes just what he finds in dungeons, and or demands necessary. I doubt he has a lot of rupees with him.
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(Wanna know who is the poorest Link?
Warriors: 9.999,999 (≈10.000,000)
Wild: 999.999 (≈1000.000)
Twilight: 9.999 (≈10.000)
Sky: 9.999 (≈ 10.000)
Legend: 9.999 (≈ 10.000) from ALbW
If we take all his LU canon games:
ALttP: 999 (≈1.000)
OoA: 999 (≈1.000)
OoS: 999 (≈1.000)
LA: 999 (≈1.000)
Total: 13.995 (≈14.000)
Wind: 9.999 (≈ 10.000) from PH
If we take all his LU canon games:
WW: 5.000
Total: 14.999 (≈15.000)
Four: 999 (≈ 1.000) from MC
+ all his LU canon games:
FS: 99.999 (≈ 100.000)
Total: 100.998 (≈ 101.000)
Time: 500 from Oot
+ all his LU canon games:
MM: 500
Total: 1.000
Hyrule: 255 from TloZ
In conclusion Hyrule is the poorest! If there are some mistakes pls tell me, because I’m doing this in the middle of the night with half my brain working…)
Wild is so proud of his sword, look at that smile! He really there saying: »Four and the others made me this sword! Look! Isn’t it amazingly made?«
Four knows his craft!
Wind also getting acknowledged with Wild’s comment is so sweet.
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Really looking forward to this! How their will organize and team up to take The Shadow down!
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Ending this arc with Four.
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Till the next arc! Stay hydrated
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youremyheaven · 1 year
The Astrology of Muses: A Vedic Exploration 🎨🖌👫💏
This is going to be a loooong post so hang in there besties<3
Claire Nakti observed that Ketu being the root or tail of the dragon is the source of our creativity. So whatever we channel during the process of art making is reflective of our Ketu, its placement etc. While I agree with this observation, I'd also like to add that Venus is also very important in determining the creativity, creative nature and career of an individual, as well as who or what they seek inspiration from.
Obviously Sun-Moon relationships and other aspects with luminaries can also determine how we connect to and draw inspiration from others.
First of all, let's understand what a muse is.
A muse is defined as a person (often, a woman but not always) who serves as a source of artistic inspiration creativity, and passion for the artist.
In mythology, the Muses were nine goddesses who symbolized the arts and sciences. 
There is a spiritual reason why women serve as the source of creativity for others. This is because of them being Yin, inwardly expansive and vessels that can be receptive to a variety of influences. Water is the most feminine element and the ability of water to take the shape of whatever's its poured into is very important in this context. Water is life giving but it can also be destructive and turbulent. All of these are very telling about feminine nature.
Anyways, let's look through some artist-muse relationships in history and pop culture.
F Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda Fitzgerald
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Probably one of the most famous literary romances. Zelda was Scott's lover, wife and muse. They had a very tumultuous marriage; Zelda was diagnosed with schizophrenia and Scott was an alcoholic but they also enjoyed immense popularity and success early on in their marriage and career.
It is now known that Scott plagiarized much of his work from the diaries and letters of his wife, Zelda and was controlling & abusive towards her when she expressed interest in furthering her own literary career.
Both of them had Mars in Mrigashira as their atmakaraka
Scott had Ketu in Ashlesha & his muse, Zelda was Ashlesha Rising (and mercury which was her amatyakaraka)
2. Vita Sackville West and Virginia Woolf
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They were both married to different men when they began their affair with each other. They significantly influenced each other's work; Vita wrote Seducers In Ecuador dedicated to Virginia, while Virginia's Orlando was about Vita. The relationship lasted until Virginia's death in 1941.
Vita was Uttara Ashada Rising, whereas Virginia had Venus in Uttara Ashada
Vita had Venus in Aswini and Virginia was Aswini Moon
3. Ingrid Bergman & Roberto Rossellini
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They began an affair when she was still married to her husband whilst filming the movie Stromboli. She got pregnant and they later got married.
While the movies Bergman made with Rossellini were commercial failures, the films have garnered great appreciation and attention for their contribution to Italian Neo-realism.
Bergman was Magha Sun, Venus & Rising, whereas Rossellini was Magha Rising
He had Rahu in Ashlesha and she had Ketu in Ashlesha
4. Lillian Gish & D.W Griffith
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Lillian Gish is called "The First Lady of American Cinema"; she was a muse to the first influential filmmaker in Hollywood, D.W. Griffith. She appeared in his ground breaking movies The Birth of a Nation (1915), Intolerance (1916), Broken Blossoms (1919) and Way Down East (1920).
D.W Griffith was Ashlesha Moon with Mars in Vishaka atmakaraka and Ketu in Chitra
Lillian Gish had Chitra Sun, Venus & Saturn (amatyakaraka) in Vishaka and Ketu in Ashlesha
5. Norma Shearer & Irving Thalberg
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Norma Shearer would be dubbed the First Lady of MGM for not only being the contracted actress with the most box-office appeal but also the wife of studio head Irving Thalberg.
Thalberg, was a film executive who was called the  “boy wonder of Hollywood” who, as the production manager of MGM, was largely responsible for the studio’s prestigious reputation.
Shearer and Thalberg were married in 1927, after which Shearer had her pick of films, parts, costars, and directors, and she used this advantage to avoid being typecast. Thalberg largely directed her career until his death in 1936.
She played sexually liberated ingenues in the 1920s & 30s and is now considered a feminist icon.
She was Ashlesha Sun (atmakaraka), Venus & Mars in Ardra and Ketu in Rohini
He was Rohini Sun, Mars in Ashlesha (amatyakaraka) and Ketu in Ardra
5. Godard and Anna Karina
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Karina served as a cinematic muse to Godard, appearing in eight of his films; during their five-year marriage and after. Karina liked being the muse, stating in 2016: "How could I not be honoured? Maybe it's too much, it sounds so pompous. But of course, I’m always very touched to hear people say that. Because Jean-Luc gave me a gift to play all of those parts. It was like Pygmalion, you know? I was Eliza Doolittle and he was the teacher."
Their contribution to the French New Wave and to cinema in general is widely acknowledged and well-regarded.
Karina was Ashlesha Venus (amatyakaraka), Punarvasu Rising with Ketu in Revati
Godard was Ashlesha Mars (amatyakaraka), Jupiter in Punarvasu (amatyakaraka) with Rahu in Revati
6. Monica Vitti & Michelangelo Antonioni
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For 10 years, Monica Vitti was the muse and lover of Michelangelo Antonioni for almost a decade, starring in many of his most famous films, such as L’Avventura (1960), La Notte (1961), L’Eclisse (1962) & Red Desert (1964).
Vitti is Swati Sun with Ketu in Hasta
Antonioni has Hasta Sun, Mercury & Ketu along with his Venus in Swati
7. YSL & Paloma Picasso
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Yves Saint Laurent had many muses but perhaps his most overlooked muse is Paloma Picasso
Paloma Picasso was the muse, who originally inspired Saint Laurent’s ‘Scandal’ collection of ‘71, and his career-defining turn away from the perfectionism of couture to a different kind of empowerment of something more wild, free and personal. 
YSL was Uttarashada moon (atmakaraka), Paloma had Uttarashada moon & jupiter (conjunct)
8. Hubert de Givenchy and Audrey Hepburn
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Givenchy designed the iconic 'little black dress' worn by Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's, which cemented the actress as one of the most stylish women of the 20th century.
"His are the only clothes in which I am myself. He is far more than a couturier, he is a creator of personality," said Hepburn. The Breakfast at Tiffany's dress also helped Givenchy gain worldwide recognition, and his intricate, feminine designs became the subject of adoration.
Givenchy is Shatabhisha Sun & Jupiter
Audrey is Shatabhisha Moon
9. Bob Mackie and Cher
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Mackie is a costume designer. His work with Cher has a place in fashion history, from the sheer dress she wore to the 1974 Met Gala to the beaded see-through gown she wore to accept her Oscar in 1988 (let alone, designing hundreds of her costumes for The Sonny & Cher Show).
Mackie has Ketu in Bharani and Cher has Mercury in Bharani (amatyakaraka)
10.Jean Paul Gaultier and Madonna
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The cone bra—one of Madonna's most famous and recognised stage outfits from her Blonde Ambition tour—was created by Jean Paul Gaultier in 1990. The piece soon launched Gaultier's career, and solidified his relationship with the iconic performer.
Gaultier went on to design stage outfits for many of Madonna's concert tours, and she even made an appearance as a model in his spring summer '95 collection. After almost 30 years of friendship, they attended the 2018 Met Gala together (Madonna wearing one of Gaultier's designs, of course).
Gauthier is Bharani Moon & Madonna is Purva phalguni Moon & Rising
This is an example of Venus attracting & partnering with Venus.
11. Pedro Almodovar and Penelope Cruz
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They've done numerous movies together in the last 25 years. They are both Punarvasu Moon
Almodovar is a Purvaphalguni Mercury (amatyakaraka) and Ketu and Penelope is a Bharani Sun, so this is yet another Venusian creative partnership.
When it comes to artist-muse partnerships, sharing Ketu/Venus to Sun/Moon/Rising aspects seems to be very common. Its also common to see artists and their muses share the same luminaries. We are inspired by people who project our qualities in different ways. there is a reason we are drawn to certain people and its always because of how subconsciously they remind us of ourselves.
social muses, trendsetters & it girls
I'm not going to mention Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe or Princess Diana because I feel like enough has been said about them.
There are some people who seem to inspire not just one person specifically but the tastes and culture of a whole era. They are tastemakers who set trends and are widely imitated and their influence has far reaching impact. They are "muse" to everybody.
Jackie O
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she is one of the most culturally influential people of the 20th century and defined her era (60s America) and is probably an early example of an "influencer", which is to say, people imitated her style, her manners etc
Jackie is Pushya Sun & Mercury, Aswini Moon, Ketu & Rising in Vishaka, Venus in Mrigashira atmakaraka.
2. Grace Kelly aka Princess Grace of Monaco
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She is synonymous with elegance, flair and grace to this day and is widely regarded for her artistic success as well as her charitable endeavours. She is one of the most influential women in history.
She has Vishaka Sun (amatyakaraka) & Mars, Purvabhadrapada Moon, Swati Mercury, Ketu and Rising
3. Liz Taylor
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Liz Taylor was known for her love of diamonds. She always dressed like a movie star, in very extravagant style with her plunging necklines, fur wraps, feather boas, and eye-catching headpieces. She was very glamorous
She was the first celebrity to have her own fragrance and thirty five years later, her perfume empire remains one of the most successful celebrity fragrance ventures of all time. White Diamonds is one the best selling celebrity fragrances in history. She paved the way for numerous others to follow in her foot steps, although not everyone has had her success.
She is Shatabhisha Sun & Mercury, Vishaka Moon, Jyeshta Rising along with Venus in Revati atmakaraka and Jupiter in Ashlesha amatyakaraka
4. Twiggy
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She is the world's first supermodel. She is an important cultural icon and was the face of the Swinging Sixties in her babydoll dresses and mary janes.
She's Pushya Moon & Mars, and Punarvasu Rising
5. Diana Ross
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Miss Ross rose to fame as the lead singer of the girl group the Supremes, which became Motown's most successful act in the 1960s, and one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. After leaving the group in 1970, she launched a successful solo career, with many huge hits across the next couple of decades. She is known for her extravagant style and is a true 80s diva who blurred the lines between costumes and everyday clothing.
She is UBP Sun, Bharani Moon, Vishaka Rising
Mercury in Revati amatyakaraka and Jupiter in Ashlesha atmakaraka
6. Beyonce
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Beyonce is one of the most influential women of the 21st century. Her impact on culture is immense and undeniable.
She is Purvaphalguni Sun, Vishaka Moon (atmakaraka) & Chitra Rising
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Bey & Jay have been each other's muses for a good while and have multiple albums inspired by each other. They are pop culture royalty.
Jay is Jyeshta Sun & Mercury (atmakaraka), Hasta Moon, Ketu & Rising in Purvaphalguni
7. Rihanna
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RiRi is one of the most iconic women ever.
Her music, looks, products, personality- everything about her is influential af. She's multi talented and has excelled in several fields.
She is a Revati Stellium (moon, venus (amatyakaraka) & rising)
8. Paris Hilton
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Probably the OG influencer. Paris defined her era (the 2000s) and has had a lasting impact on pop culture that needs to be studied. She was written out of her family will and built her own empire. She paved the way for all influencers.
Dhanishta Sun & Mercury, Pushya Moon & Jyeshta Rising
9.Kim & Kylie
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I don't like them but to say they haven't had an impact on beauty/fashion/pop culture would be lying. I personally see it as a negative impact 😬 but its an impact nonetheless.
They normalized plastic surgery to such an extent that every other girl in the West and almost every famous woman at this point has fillers, botox, BBL or something done. They also paved the way for influencers entering the fashion world.
Kim is Chitra Sun, UBP Moon & Jyeshta Rising with Mercury in Vishaka amatyakaraka and Venus in Purva phalguni atmakaraka
Kylie is Ashlesha Sun, Swati Moon & Purva ashada Rising
She has Venus in Uttaraphalguni atmakaraka & Saturn in Revati amatyakaraka
10. Bella Hadid
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cannot talk about it girls and not mention Bella.
she's had such a massive impact on pop culture in the late 2010s & now in the 2020s. she made y2k style as popular as it is today and is probably the only true supermodel of our era.
She's Hasta Sun (amatyakaraka), Purva phalguni Moon & Rising with Ketu in UBP, Mars in Ashlesha atmakaraka
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she's inspired practically The Weeknd's entire discography. He has Ketu in Ashlesha
it's interesting to me how all the Hadid siblings have inspired a lot of pop music. (Gigi with Zayn, Anwar with Dua Lipa etc)
11. Selena Gomez
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Selena's inspired way too many heartbreak songs to not be on this list.
She's Pushya Sun & Rising with Aswini Moon with Ashlesha Mercury (atmakaraka) & Venus
There has been a lot of Vishaka women and Jupiter natives in general, Pushya ladies, Ketuvian (esp Aswini), Venusian influence and a lot of people with Ashlesha atmakaraka/amatyakaraka. Pisces influence and Jyeshta influence is also seen. Why are these planets/naks/rashis recurring?
Talking about people who have a very wide impact, it makes sense as to why Jupiter natives would be here; its expansiveness reaches everyone. In fact if you look at the era defining cultural figures of any decade, you will see a common Jupiter influence. This is also why Pisces rashi (Pisces is ruled by Jupiter) is so common in the world of art & entertainment.
Venusian placements are what creates trendsetters imo. Its what makes others imitate you and want to be like you.
Ashlesha natives dominate the entertainment sphere because entertainment and all art tbh, is in the simplest terms, manipulating others.
Pushya women inspire others with their feminine charms. Ketu being the root or the tail means that its very easy for others to project on to them. They lack identity on their own; its a very shadowy realm. This is what celebrities are to most people; you don't know them or understand them, which makes it easier to project onto them and love them for that illusion.
Jyeshta represents lack and in the world of influence, more than abundance, its that space of lack that makes it easier for people to add/built on to the persona they see of someone.
I'll make a part 2 sometime but for now this is it. I hope it was insightful.
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The Chain thinks Wild and Reader are Dating
A/N: Part of the Hyrule Historian Series, for more information check out my masterlist.
You were Wild's best friend, and you had somehow ended up travelling with him and the rest of the chain after being sucked into a portal.
Wild had explained that you were not a hero of courage like the rest of the boys, rather you were a historian by profession, although you had assisted him on his adventure to defeat the Calamity. No one was quite sure why you had entered the portal with Wild, but the group figured that the answer would come soon enough.
The chain knew you and Wild were close, and it was extremely obvious the second they met you.
You were holding hands when the chain come across you and you pressed yourself up to Wild as the two of you were being interrogated as the chain was still trying to figure out who you were.
Not to mention all the teasing and sarcastic jokes that you made at each other's expense. The two of you were able to make the other roll around laughing with a simple facial expression.
It was cemented in most of the chain's minds that you were lovers when Wild set his bedroll right next to yours, leaving absolutely no gap between you. In the early morning, Time and Warriors noticed the way your limbs were draped around each other and how Wild buried himself into your side as he slept.
Prying eyes were quick to notice the way you leaned into one another by the fire, your legs draped over Wild's as he absentmindedly played with your hair as you leaned into his chest.
This behavior was quite normal for your friendship as the two of you had gotten extremely close after travelling together and facing many near death experiences.
In the following weeks, multiple bets surrounding your relationship with Wild started to take place. Four was certain the two of you had to be married because there way no way you would be able to lay next to one another if you weren't betrothed, while Hyrule wasn't so sure of this sentiment.
Various arguments about the topic had happened behind your back, as you and Wild stayed oblivious to the speculation.
You also noticed that many of the boys were quite cautious around you as if they were too scared to get physically close to you. It made you nervous and you honestly thought most of them hated you because of it. You had no idea that they were trying their best to not upset Wild. They did not want to make him jealous by getting too touchy feely to the person they believed to be his spouse.
After a few months together with the chain, most of the boys fully believed that you and Wild were either married or soon to be married. The evidence was stacked a mile high. They had seen you hold hands, hug, sleep on one another, sit on each other's laps, and you had a way of always being able to crack a smile out of the champion even on his darkest of days.
It took an embarrassing amount of time for the chain to realize that true nature of your and Wild's relationship was really just a close friendship.
Twilight had noticed the wedding band on Time's finger and questioned him about it. Time was quick to respond that he was in fact married and that it was quite difficult to be away from his wife Malon for this long.
Sky nodded along, already missing his Zelda, and made a comment about the fact that Wild should be glad to still be traveling with his spouse.
Both of you immediately looked up at each other in shock and immediately started shaking your heads. "W-We're not married, we aren't even together!" You clarified quickly, before Wild finished your thought for you.
"Yeah, they are my best friend, nothing more. You guys seriously thought we were married?" Wild asks while laughing shocked at the boys looking embarrassed and nodding in agreement.
Sky looked ashamed for voicing the thought out loud, and Hyrule could be seen taking a handful of rupees from Four with a smirk. Twilight looked surprisingly happy to learn this information, and Warriors shot him a knowing look.
This misunderstanding quickly became an inside joke between you, Wild, and the rest of the chain, as the two of you would tease them about it off and on for the rest of your adventure together.
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smilesrobotlover · 10 months
Ok this has been bothering me all day. I saw a post talking about how Rauru and Sonia did more for Zelda than Rhoam did and… I’m once again going to defend Rhoam, cuz that’s a very unfair thing to say and a horrible comparison to make.
Rauru and Sonia helped Zelda with her time powers and learning about the secret stone. Rhoam didn’t help her with her sealing power. Why? Cuz he has no magic and he clearly wasn’t the one who had it. Her mother was the one who had the power and was the one to teach her. Rhoam had no idea what he was doing, he didn’t understand the magic, and he hoped that if she dedicated her life that it would awaken so that the calamity wouldn’t destroy their home.
Well he should’ve tried to help her anyways right? Well, yes it’s easy to say that, unfortunately Rhoam was put in a very bad position of being king with the looming threat of the APOCALYPSE!!!! I think it’s implied that Rhoam married into the family, since his wife had the sealing power from the blood of the goddess or whatever, and seeing how he’s Hylian, he wasn’t a prince from another kingdom since all other kingdoms in this world have small round ears. For all we know, he was a prince consort who was never raised to be king. We don’t know what he was doing before, but with his wife’s sudden death and the responsibility of protecting his kingdom, he didn’t make the right choices. Which isn’t an excuse, but in his position, it’s an explanation. Rauru and Sonia didn’t have an apocalypse threatening to happen, in fact, they were in an era of peace and the future seemed bright. Of course they had time to hang out with Zelda and have tea parties with her. They seemed to be relaxed and having fun, which makes sense seeing how there didn’t seem to be much of a threat to their kingdom, minus Ganondorf, but I don’t think either of them saw him as a huge threat, seeing how they were absolutely blindsided by him.
It’s implied in AOC that Rhoam shouldered all of the responsibilities of the kingdom, and it seemed that he was under a significant amount of pressure during the calamity. And I feel like he mostly did that so Zelda could focus on awakening her power. She didn’t seem to have many responsibilities as princess save for awakening her power and helping out the champions. She is barely 17 so it makes sense that she’s not ruling the kingdom, but I do feel like Rhoam did all that stuff so she could focus on the calamity itself. And I’m sure in his stress he grew frustrated whenever Zelda focused more on the machines than awakening her power. Which was not the right thing to do, but come ON the world is literally about to end and the ONLY piece of the puzzle they need is Zelda!!! Some people forget that she HAD to awaken her powers otherwise the world was going to be destroyed! And it almost was cuz they were awakened too late! They were in such an unfair situation! And it’s not fair to compare him to Rauru and Sonia who were not in the same situation he was in, who were lying around in the grass and drinking tea because the calamity wasn’t there.
Rhoam is such a well written character that acts the way you’d expect someone in his situation to act. And he has so much regret over some of the things he’s had to do to protect Hyrule. You can read it in his journal where he finally gives up and desires to act more like a father to Zelda, you can see it when he takes Terrako away from Zelda, and you can see it when he’s a ghost 100 years after everything is destroyed. He’s so guilty but he did what he thought was best so that Zelda could not have a throne to nothing, so that Hyrule will be safe. And there’s a lot of things he could’ve done better, but people don’t act rational under that much stress. Like come on, would you? Don’t lie you absolutely wouldn’t.
And this post isn’t meant to diss on Rauru and Sonia, I like them in their own ways. But it’s kinda dumb whenever people love complex characters and then turn around and hate on characters like Rhoam and make them completely one-dimensional when they’re not. Y’all are completely unfair to Rhoam.
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naehja · 9 months
About the idea of Legend and Fable being siblings
You know, I love the idea of Legend and Fable being siblings because…
…It could actually make sense. and it could have a reason to exist.
Time died in this timeline, whatever it was a timeline where he didn't have the seven years gap and get killed as a child, either he failed during his final fight as adult.
Whatever how Time died, he died. Hylia's hero failed, because he was too young, not enough experimented, ect…
Lullaby/Zelda barely managed to do something after Time's death and the situation was not great. For years, centuries, it has been terrible.
It was the start of the Downfall Timeline.
Years and years after the death of the poor young one, Hylia realized that Ganon was going to return. That she had to trigger the two reincarnations, Zelda and Link, to stop him. Or it would be the end of the world.
But she didn't want to make the same mistake. Link wouldn't be a nobody or a helpless child. He would have more power. So he would be more armed to face the menace, more prepared.
He would have the blood of Sky, her second hero, he would have the blood of Four, who married his Zelda at his Era. And he would have her sacred blood. The kid would be powerful. So he wouldn't face a tragic end.
And so Legend and Fable were twins.
What Hylia didn't plan was the reaction toward a little prince. Good thing, the mother of the twins refused to let her baby die and asked to her most faithful personnal knight to take the baby and to protect him. He accepted, thinking that killing inocent baby was a horrible thing, whatever a prince was a monster ONE time, this baby didn't do anything.
The twins didn't grow together, of course. Legend was a energic kid, and he was very smart for his age. He was able to speak to animals and to trees. At first his uncle didn't believe him but was forced to do it when faced the truth. Legend was a sensitive kid who always wanted to help people. He didn't want to become a knight but he liked the sword traning.
Sadely, the events of Link to the Past happened a lot sooner than Hylia had planned. Legend was barely eight. (Hylia has really failed her tactic to kill Ganon with a prepared adult, yeah)
He had some training with a sword, but wasn't a soldier. He survived to all the trials until finding Fi. Because he was talented, smart, lucky.
Fi was…not in a good state. Nobody hads taken care of her since the death of the previous hero. She was forgotten. She had still his blood on her. And then this tiny child take her in his little hands and she recognize her master's blood, he hears her voice. She sees how much he was young, fragile, still innocent and decided that no, this one wasn't going to die.
So Legend, without knowing it, has learned some of Sky's fighting style thank to Fi.
He has reforged her with his tiny hand, treating her as the most precious thing in the world.
He was always holding her when sleeping because he had a lot of nightmares for obvious reasons.
And Fi corrected his movements in a fight.
He could hear her because of Hylia's blood and because of Sky's blood in his veins.
And so the idea of Hylia, after the death of the previous hero, deciding to reincarne her hero as Sky's descendant, as her descendant to give him more powers, more capacities to survive….is very interesting.
And imagine, during the events of Linked Universe, Sky being like "you have the same fighting style than me?"
"The master sword teached me!"
"She SPOKE to you *o*?"
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bokettochild · 9 months
You know, I love the idea of Legend and Fable being siblings because…
…It could actually make sense. and it could have a reason to exist.
Like it wasn't a coincidence.
It was planned by Hylia.
Time died in this timeline, whatever it was a timeline where he didn't have the seven years gap in this timeline and get killed as a child, either he failed during his final fight as adult. The thing is that he died, and it's worse than Wild since he's really dead.
(ok he's still alive in two other imelines, but it's like the Age of Calamity Timeline where all the champions are alive, Calamity Ganon is gone, and Wild didn't lose his memories, wasn't almost killed, and didn't take a 100 years nap, all that while the botw/totk timeline still exist)
Whatever how Time died, he died. Hylia's hero failed, because he was too young, not enough experimented, ect…
Lullaby/Zelda barely managed to do something after Time's death, to stop Ganon, but the situation was really REALLY not great. For years, for even centuries, it has been terrible.
It was the start of the Downfall Timeline.
Years and years after the death of the poor little young one, Hylia realized that Ganon was going to return and mess with humans AGAIN. And that she had to trigger the two reincarnations, Zelda and Link, to stop him. Or it would be the end of the world.
But she didn't want to make the same mistake two times. Link wouldn't be a nobody or a helpless child. He would have more power. So he would be more armed to face the menace, more prepared, he would be trained.
He would have the blood of Sky, her second hero, he would have the blood of Four, who married his Zelda at his Era. And he would have her sacred blood. The kid would be powerful. So he wouldn't face a tragic end.
And so Legend and Fable were twins.
What Hylia didn't plan was the reaction toward a little prince. Good thing, the mother of the twins refused to let her baby die and asked to her most faithful personnal knight to take the baby and to protect him. He accepted, thinking that killing inocent baby was a horrible thing, whatever a prince was a monster ONE time, this baby didn't do anything.
The twins didn't grow together, of course. Legend was a energic kid, and he was very smart for his age. He was able to speak to animals and to trees. At first his uncle didn't believe him but was forced to do it when faced the truth. Legend was a sensitive kid who loved animals and who always wanted to help people (yep it was a good kid). He didn't want to become a knight but he liked the sword traning.
Sadely, the events of Link to the Past happened a lot sooner than Hylia had planned. Legend was ...eight. (Hylia has really failed her tactic to kill Ganon with a prepared adult, yeah ^^")
He had some training with a sword, but wasn't a soldier. He survived to all the trials until finding Fi. Because he was talented, smart, lucky. He escaped the danger more that he won against it. Until he found Fi, it was pure luck + his training.
Fi was…not in a good state. Nobody hads taken care of her since the death of the previous hero. She had still his blood on her, she was used by time, by the wind, by the rain. She was forgotten. And then this tiny child take her in his little hands and she recognize her master's blood, he hears her voice. She sees how much he was young, fragile, still innocent and decided that no, this one wasn't going to die.
So Legend, without knowing it, has learned some of Sky's fighting style thank to Fi.
He has reforged her with his tiny hand, treating her as the most precious thing in the world.
He was always holding her when sleeping because he had a lot of nightmares for obvious reasons.
And Fi corrected his movements in a fight.
He could hear her because of Hylia's blood and because of Sky's blood in his veins.
She could warm him if danger was near of him.
Fi has raised him in some ways.
And so the idea of Hylia, after the death of the previous hero, deciding to reincarne her hero as Sky's descendant, as her descendant to give him more powers, more capacities to survive….is very interesting. and could be logical. She didn't need to do it in the other timelines because Time won.
And imagine, during the events of Linked Universe, Sky being like "you have almost the same fighting style than me?"
"The master sword teached me!"
"She SPOKE to you *o*?"
Yes! Yes!
I definitely agree. The Downfall timeline is the worst Hyrule has seen, and ever will, so Hylia needed the strongest hero there would ever be to protect it. There is a reason Nayru named him 'the greatest of all the Hylian Heroes' , a reason why the Master Sword speaks to him when she was silent before.
I wouldn't say Hylia gave him every advantage, but she certainly tried by choosing to bring him out of her bloodline and that of the heroes past, by activating his triforce piece when he was still too young to actually need it, and by ending Fi's slumber. Honestly, now that I think about it, she probably elected to wake Fi again so that the sword spirit would act as guide and care-taker to her little hero, a nanny almost sicne she couldn't actively e beside him herself.
This in mind though, it really highlights a point I've held for a while, although privately. In my opinion, Legend has no reason to truly hate Hylia. I never knew why people added that to his character? Not only is she never mentioned in his games, but if, based on the above, he was actually brought up by Fi, he'd probably have come to have a warm regard for the goddess who was actively looking out for him. Maybe a slightly complicated view of her, since she lets bad stuff happen too, but she always gets him through it as well, and gives him her blessings and tools and servants to help him along.
All this to say, I now want to write a Good Mom Hylia fic, although it would definitely come across as Hylia playing favorites LOL
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golvio · 1 year
It’s like…both Hylia and Rauru run into the Robot Problem, where they create/cultivate servants who end up achieving sentience (the Robots in SkSw and the Constructs in TotK) or were already sentient to begin with but were supposed to fit into this grand design to restore the order they’d created (the Sheikah, their respective Links and Zeldas). And it gets a little uncomfortable because both characters are so focused on imposing their respective ideas of order that they…don’t quite see their charges as people?
Hylia at least had the excuse that she was a primordial goddess of Light and Time and therefore had no frame of reference to emotionally connect with the mortals she was charged to protect. Her actions were ruthlessly pragmatic, but it made sense for a god totally alienated from humanity to think like that.
Meanwhile, Rauru has this sort of…naïve carelessness? He descended to earth, took the people living there as his subjects, and even fell in love with and married a mortal woman, but he never seemed to understand that his actions could have unintended and far-reaching effects on the people around him.
When confronted with how the Constructs continued to obey their orders instead of leaving to do other things, he couldn’t really muster up more than a sheepish, “Oops, my bad.” Granted, he was a ghost invisible to everyone but Link at the time, but, still, he never considered including a contingency plan in their programming to preserve themselves and do other things with their lives in the event of his own death.
And then there was him and Sonia positioning themselves as Zelda’s surrogate parents after she lost her original parents in traumatic circumstances related to the Sealing War’s aftereffects. Zelda, having to step up as Sonia’s replacement as his advisor and sole confidant to make sure he kept a level head after the queen died. Not stopping Mineru when she started talking about draconification because he was convinced it’d never come to that. Zelda effectively being primed to accept sacrificing herself a second time to preserve the order Rauru created whether he wanted that or not. And then him taking Link’s arm and replacing it without his permission while he was unconscious, because the Ultrahand is such a useful tool, why wouldn’t he be fine with a little limb graft?
Then there was the whole thing with Ganondorf. Just this catastrophic underestimation of human agency, intelligence, and capacity for cruelty. Zelda herself warned him about Ganon being more dangerous than he seemed, but Rauru waved her off (inadvertently recreating yet another Calamity-related trauma of Zelda’s). Ganondorf might be causing trouble, but in the end he was just like those other funny little mortals Rauru watched over. How could he possibly be able to understand something as divine and complicated as a Secret Stone? Only Sonia could do that, but Sonia was Special because she was so smart and wonderful and he loved her very much, so that didn’t count! Furthermore, how could he possibly come up with a plan that could blindside him and the queen? That would be silly!
(Also, note how he didn’t give any non-Sonia mortals stones until after Ganon proved any one of those funny little guys could master using one without any instruction from Rauru, lmao)
And then the circumstances of Rauru’s own death, and the consequences that had for everyone around him well after he’d faded to myth. Rauru assumed the “consequences” Ganondorf threatened him with were limited to giving up his own life, when what actually happened was that the people of Hyrule were left to deal with Ganon punishing them for Rauru’s hubris, poisoning the land again and again in rage at his imprisonment, while the people themselves had to figure out on their own how to beat back each wave of his bilious rage with no record or understanding of its source. Zelda being left with no guidance for how to return home, forced to make a drastic decision. Mineru, still alive, but unable to intervene was she was just a soul without a body.
Like…I don’t think he’s evil, much less malicious, but the way the story panned out reminded me a lot of the way Rose Quartz kept accidentally hurting the people who loved her because it didn’t come naturally to her to think of other people as equals, or to consider how her actions made them feel. She loved Pearl, but she didn’t acknowledge Pearl’s baggage from their former relationship as master and servant because she’d assumed they’d moved past that simply by never speaking of it anymore. She loved Greg, but she initially didn’t treat him like a real person. She tried as hard as she could to relate to others and understand them, but in the end she committed one last tragic act of thoughtlessness. She thought would be creating this special, wonderful person free of her flaws who would make the world so much better solely by existing and being himself (at least in part, I think, because she hated herself and thought everyone would be happier without her burdening them with her guilt and her selfish desire to run from her past)…only to leave everyone grappling with the emotional fallout of her no longer existing, including her son, who was stuck dealing with the legacy she’d left behind even though that was never her intention.
She didn’t actively try to sabotage her son’s life from beyond the grave. She didn’t think that the things she’d done would catch up to him, that her old family and enemies would treat him like an interchangeable replacement for her, or that her friends would treat him in strange ways out of grief at losing her. It just…never occurred to her.
But the thing is, I’m not sure if Rauru was intentionally written that way. If he was, the narrative wasn’t really interested in dwelling on the consequences of that, instead treating him and Sonia more like figureheads of this lost, idyllic past that the present must grieve and then strive to follow the example of, even if the present was suffering due to paying the debts of their ancestors’ carelessness.
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So I saw this post and well you know how it goes…
 Now I’m thinking about Entomologist Ganondorf and traveler Link
 Link in one of the rare times he is home for a few days and finds himself without plans turning on the old television that came with the place. Flipping through the channels absently and finding nothing of interest until he sees this giant of a man with butterflies clinging to him as he talks about them. Link recognizes the butterflies, he tasted on a few years back when he was traveling death mountain. Spiciest bug he ever tastes and the effects were great, he could barely feel the heat of the lava as he climbed higher and higher.
 Ganondorf calls them Smotherwings and talks about all their benefits and how the locals use them in potions they sell to visitors to help them stand the heat of the volcano. From there he moves onto another region and another bug Link’s eaten while visiting. He watches entrance and fascinated as the man interacts with both live and mounted specimens talking about all of their benefits Link had unknowingly been taking advantage of.
 Link posts about the show as he watches it. How attractive he finds the butterfly man how he wants to eat bugs with him and listen to him talk about them for hours. How he wants to marry the butterfly man.
Once the show is over Link is immediately trying to find the episode so he can track the butterfly man down. Unfortunately other than using the one social media app to post pictures from his travels he’s no very good with the internet. He texts Zelda in frustration. She laughs as his continued ineptitude with technology that isn’t the one app he bothered to learn. She does manage to find his name and then Link is able to find him too.
 Link starts following the man looking forward to more bug related content from him in the future.
 He wakes up the next morning to find that Ganondorf has followed him and gone through all of his stuff likening all of his bug eating posts. On the post where Link expressed wanting to marry the man, sure it would never be seen by more than a few friends Ganondorf has replied with - I’m flattered 💍-
 Zelda being the little shit she shared it with her own massive following with – You’re going to say yes right? -  She is not the only one commenting on it, hundreds of people Link does not know have opinions on their supposed upcoming nuptials. It is a little unsettling and he promises himself to get revenge on Zelda for unleashing her followers on him. He has a massive uptick in followers since last night because of all of this.
 He doesn’t respond publicly instead sliding into Ganondorf’s dms - Do you want to go on a date? – Nervous and hopeful, stomach feeling like he has tried swallowing a live butterfly again. It tickles too much he will not make that mistake again.
He is not left waiting long, phone pinging near immediately with a response - Will there be bugs? -
 That is an easy question to answer – Yes – and he hopes it will be well received. He is pretty sure it will be but there is still a nerve racking second before he gets his answer.
 - I’d love to – Link is giddy with excitement.
 They both go radio silence for a while, no bug facts from Ganondorf, no pictures of Link’s travels. When they do finally show up online again they both post the same picture. The two of them smiling and feeding each other bugs in some remote location.
 Zelda once again has her followers in a frenzy when she replies to their pictures with – There better not be any bugs in the wedding cake. – They laugh when they read it and go back to enjoying traveling together, ignoring their growing follower count.
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babbletaels · 5 months
The first time I played botw I was going in pretty blind (other than my experience with other zelda games ofc). I'm an explorer by nature and I just came from playing rdr2 so I was doing a lot of stuff, talking to everyone. No one seemed to know who I, link, was and I didn't know who anyone else was either. The king just randomly told me about the princess I need to save. The first time someone seemed to recognize me was in kakariko of course. Impa, a super old woman, told me I'm her old friend. Link is a young adult so we didn't really click I guess, and Impa didn't seem to see me the same way she did back then anyway. I continued my journey and people don't recognize me and I know nothing about my life other than that I was zeldas knight once upon a time. Then I enter Zoras domain. I still talk to everyone I meet, so imagine my surprise when all these people.. know me. I don't know them but they know me, they act as if we're friends and I've ghosted them for a month. We used to play together when we were little, they say. Some of the people here seem to hate me! I have no idea why. I find out the princess used to be my friend and that they blame me for her death, I realize it may very well be my fault, if I was her friend and zeldas knight then maybe I dragged her into this. But then I realize.. I wasn't just her friend. I realize I used to have a girlfriend and it's my fault that she died! I even find out she was about to ask me to marry her and it's all my fault that we didn't live happily ever after. Because Zoras domain was largely unaffected by the calamity. She didn't need to die.
How could I not ship mipha and link after going through that?? I don't understand how not everyone ships them after going through that storyline. The only people who actually remember me and were my literal childhood friends. Link had an innate connection to this place and these people. Without them, the only other people alive who know what he's been through are Impa and Zelda. Finding out that Link almost had a fiance but she fucking died ?!
I get that link is supposed to be a representation of the player and thats why people ship him with whoever they think is most attractive, and mipha is a shy soft spoken fishgirl who doesn't draw too much attention to herself, but narratively them having had a romance is really cool and gripping? And people who ship him with Zelda are all mad about it, why? Mipha is dead, she can't hurt you.
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airplanned · 1 year
Castletown Academy 2
Zelda produces an overwhelming amount of legal paperwork to make this happen.
Zelda passed a thick binder across the table at the coffee shop.  "The first section is my proposed prenuptial agreement--it should be straight forward, since we will not have any joint marital assets.  The second section is a lease for the mother-in-law unit behind my house.  It's set up like a rental unit, so it's self contained.  I've never used it for anything other than storage.  You'll be able to have privacy and autonomy while we share a mailing address.  It will also be easy to car pool.  I don't expect rent, but you would be responsible for your utilities."
Link's eyebrows hiked as he looked over the pictures she'd put in at the back.  His friend leaned in over his shoulder to look too.  Supposedly, this man was a lawyer, but it was clear from the look on his face that he had not been prepared for the full force of Zelda's paperwork.  The man had a bushy mustache, spoke even less than Link did, and looked as if he might start sweating.
Maybe this was a bit overkill.  Maybe this was a bad first impression on Link's friend.
She hurried to say, "The details are in there.  You can come and look at it first, of course.  The lease is a formality, just to protect us both if things go wrong.  If there's anything in there you would like adjusted--"
"You don't want rent?" Link asked.
Oh.  "You're going to be my husband.  That would be strange."
He snorted and then tried to act like it was a cough.  The friend hummed.
"The next section is a draft of an addendum I'll be adding to my will once we're married.  It will set up a trust fund for Flora to use for school in the case of my death."
Link nodded, but the lawyer hummed again in disapproval.
Zelda was about to bristle and explain that they had an understanding, but Link cut in first.  "I don't need to be in her will."
"Okay," he said.  Then, "Most husbands are in their wives' wills."
"We're doing things differently."
"Okay," he said.  Then, "Just seems kinda weird."
Link rolled his eyes.  "You knew your wife for two weeks before you proposed."
The man shrugged.  "Knew her last name before I did."
"And now I get to kiss on her."
"Do you have anything helpful to add?" Link asked.
"Okay then."
"...Just seems like a bad idea."
"Your official lawyer advice is that it seems like a bad idea?"
"...No, that's friend advice.  I'll have to read first to give you lawyer advice."
"That's--Great.  Thanks, Hudson."
The lawyer friend nodded and hummed to tell Link he was welcome.
Link's eyes darted up to hers in apology, and she bit her lip and took a deep breath.
"The last section is information that might be useful about me and Ralphie.  Contact information for his doctor and baby sitters and piano teacher.  He's allergic to amoxicillin.  That kind of thing."
"Oh, that's a good idea," Link said.  "I should type something up about me and--"
He flipped to the section, and his words died in his mouth.
Yes, she had definitely gone overboard.  But it all seemed like things he would need to know if he became a part of their lives.  Overviews of their schedules--when she left for work and what day Ralphie had therapy and how he was expected to do homework and piano before he played any video games.  Some house rules.  Some information about what she did for a living, which people tended to not understand.  A family tree in case one of her cousins dropped by.  Information about the house.  Medical histories.  Some background information about where she grew up and went to college and work history (Goddesses, it looked like a resume).  Some background about Ralphie's anxiety and the timeline she'd drawn up about the bullying he'd faced at school.  A copy of the restraining order they have against Ralphie's father and a copy of the paperwork terminating parental rights.
Her whole life laid bare and handed over to someone she barely knew.
And it was a lot.
She cleared her throat.  "I--"
The lawyer leaned in again to read over Link's shoulder, and Link flipped to the front of the binder, popped open the metal rings, and removed the sections the lawyer would need to look over.  He took the papers, and Link closed the notebook, quietly protecting her privacy.
"Are you okay with getting married at town hall?" he asked.  "We could do a party later.  A temple service if--"
She hurriedly agreed, "Town hall is fine.  I think the children should be there, but beyond that..."
"Exactly.  I have a black suit and Flora has a pink dress and a green dress.  They're from Malo Mart.  The dresses, not the suit.  But I can get us something nicer, if you want."
"I'm sure they're cute.  Ralphie has a button up shirt and a bow tie."
"That sounds adorable."
"It is."
"Flowers?" he asked.  "I can get flowers."
"Do you want to get flowers?"
"Yeah.  What's your favorite kind?"  He'd had a note pad in front of him the whole time, but he had yet to write anything down.  Now he reached for his pen.
"Silent princesses," she said.
He nodded, writing it down. "Do you want to go eat afterwards?  There's that Tabanthan place nearby.  The food is really good.  It's nice. But not so nice the kids couldn't come."
"That would be excellent."
"Would Friday work for you?  We could go after I pick up Flora from school."
"About 4:30?  That sounds good as long as all the contracts are signed by then."
Link turned to his lawyer friend, who shrugged.  "I'll see what I can do."
Link pulled a folded sheet of paper from the back of his note pad, but hesitated before handing it over.  "These are some ring designs I thought were nice, but now...maybe I should read your packet and see if I can find something that's more you?"  The tips of his ears pinkened as he passed it across. 
"You don't have to--"
The perfect ring looked up at her.  One round diamond with two little ones on either side set flush in a simple band.
There were eight other rings on the page, all in a variety of styles--geometric and swirling, clunky and delicate, different cuts and different sizes, some with additional colored stones.  He was giving her options.  But he'd found the perfect one.
She lay the paper down between them and pointed.  "That one."
A smile twitched across his face, and he circled the ring in a haphazard circle with his pen.  "What's your ring size?"
"Six.  Yellow gold, please.  I do get hives with other metals."
"Gotchya.  Does tomorrow work for Flora and I to come over to see your mother-in-law suite?"
"Yes."  She shook herself and pulled out her slate to check her schedule.  "I won't be home until six."
"Is 6:30 too late?"
"Not at all."
He wanted to get her a ring.  He wanted to get flowers.  He wanted to take her to dinner.  Her heart shouldn't flutter so much.  She should put a pause on the conversation and make sure they were on the same page that there wouldn't be any romantic entanglement.
She should.  But she didn't. He was just being kind, trying to make this process as pleasant as possible.  He'd been married before, and was probably well aware that this could scarcely be called a wedding.  The rings were just to keep up pretenses with the school.  Surely, they didn't give tenants and roommates sibling benefits.
"Awesome," Link said, finishing his note to himself.  "Flora will still have another week of school after we go to the court house.  I don't want to be too disruptive, so once school's over, we can pack up the apartment and move the week after."
"I can hire movers if you'd like.  They can pack for you."
He looked up at her in confusion.  "They would...pack my stuff for me?"
"If you'd like."
He blinked at her.  "Let me think about it."
They stared at each other.
"Are we good?" he asked.
She straightened her spine and gave a relieved sigh.  "I think so."
Link smiled at her.
The lawyer friend mumbled, "Fastest wedding planning I've ever seen."
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