#How about you?
muffinlance · 9 months
Toddler: Why is addition not real?
Me, a math teacher:
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whumpster-dumpster · 6 months
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ladybugsimblr · 7 months
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[ Text Messages ]
Lyric: You like??
Quinton: Love the pics (and you!). Still not getting a Simsta account.
L: 😒
L: We’re gonna be the only ones in middle school without one.
Q: That’s terrible!
L: I just want to creatively express myself through self portraits and lookbooks.
Q: 😂 Express yourself down the stairs please. We’re late.
L: Daaaaaaaad!!!!!!!!!
Q: Lyric!!!!!!! Downstairs. And please get your mom too.
L: 😔😭
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loife1m · 5 months
how's 2024 treating you madame?
I just got back from planning ld’s bday (finally lmfao) and gods what a ride
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nohoperadio · 21 days
Probably my least favourite piece of feedback I've received during sex is when the guy I was sucking off asked me to be "a little less crazy" about it
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teathattast · 26 days
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When nobody's looking
I dance in my room
You can come on over
If you got the moves
I can be so crazy
You can be so cool
I've been dreaming lately
How bout you?
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asha-mage · 1 year
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moothecowgirl · 2 months
if u could be any mythological or fantasy creature which would u like to be
A centaur definitely! Or a faun!! One of the two
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yoroshiu · 2 months
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holyfacehead · 2 months
HIIII im so eepy how are you
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if u dont put the phone down...
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hazellevessque · 2 months
Hii! How are you?
Hi!! I’m good, just procrastinating homework. I also just started this book by Sajni Patel called A Drop of Venom and it’s really good, which is another reason I am procrastinating homework
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murphycooper · 3 months
babe talk breakfast to me whats your PERFECT breakfast? whats your absolute favorite things to include?
OH MY GOD this is my favorite subject so
first of all a latte is a must, juice w it is also nice, usually in brazil we have bread 🥖 with butter on a sizzling pan to toast the butter, i love me blueberry pancakes with maple syrup, french toast with berries, fruit salad, greek yogurt with granola and raspberries, various glazed pastries……
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zenthejackal · 7 months
Book 6 Prediction Worry-Rant
...Oh boy. If someone told me the teaser would've caused me THIS MUCH anxiety, I would've just waited until the full trailer (or even worse, the full-on premiere)! I've been freaking out so hard since Thursday's reveal and only now have I gotten myself relatively under control. It also gave me some time to look at others' speculations and theories, so that always makes me feel better too. But now, I've got some questions about what will happen with this next book, and what it will really mean to be "emotionally wrecked".
Slight disclaimer: I heavily reference the info from the post made here by xadian-daydreams. I'm basing my ideas off of this, but all credit on retrieving this info goes solely to him (assuming him, sorry if I got it wrong!). I'll also have some references about Dark Magic from the Dragon Prince Wiki.
First off, I need to understand more about the real toll of Dark Magic. What we already knew was that using Dark Magic requires some form of sacrifice of a magical being, it leaves some form of corruption on the user (with physical changes depending on the severity), and that corruption can be used by Aaravos as a means of linking them together. The first use is a sort of 'jolt' to the body and results in nightmarish fever dreams but is remediable. Apparently, it amplifies the values/feelings of the user when casting it (according to latest Q&A). It has been constantly been referred to as a shortcut, or 'too easy to use', but isn't technically addicting; if you want to stop, there's no strong resistance to make you keep doing it. However, each time you use Dark Magic, it's harder to come back from it. Personally, I imagine this to your teacher's cheat-sheet for a test: at first you only use it to answer a really hard question, but then you keep using it because it's so much easier than relying on your own knowledge.
I need someone to explain to me: what exactly is the "corruption" of Dark Magic? Does it darken the soul to make it more evil, make you prone to the emotions you felt at the time of casting, or a very subtle way of "changing you from the inside out" without you realizing it?
The reason I'd like to know this first is because now we're looking at our 3 main protagonists: Callum, Rayla, and Ezran. First up is Callum, my personal favorite (yeah, that's right, I'm not ashamed to admit my bias). Going into the next book, the main questions that came up for me were:
How will Callum handle Dark Magic from now on, especially now that Aaravos is closer to him (magically and literally)?
Will it be easier for him to give into Dark Magic's temptation now that he's given into it a second time now?
How does Dark Magic affect the trust/friendship he's created over time?
Up until Book 5, I always assumed that Callum would never use Dark Magic again once he got Primal Magic; his one-time use was out of sheer desperation. Now that he's done it again (and after learning a bit more about his true character and motives), my main concern is that continued usage will continue to change him more and more until he's a very different person, someone Rayla no longer recognizes, let alone loves.
Moving onto Rayla, there was no real "progress" in the latest Q&A concerning her and the coins (writers refused to answer the REALLY juicy stuff), but there's still some things I still want to know:
If she's given a choice between her new and old family, who would she choose?
She has always been the one to be willing to sacrifice everything of herself for the good of others; how far will she go, or is there a line she will no longer cross?
How does she view sacrifice in relation to others, i.e. Callum? Is killing him when possessed his sacrifice or hers? Would she be willing to kill those she loves (not exclusive to Callum on this last part)?
Who does she ultimately choose above the other: Callum and Ezran or the world?
I realize that most of these questions center around Rayllum, but this is just what concerns me the most right now. I definitely want her to grow as an individual too, but this relationship between the two is something very special to me, mostly because of how much stronger they are when they're together! I really miss their chemistry!!
...Ahem, finally, we have Ezran. While he is still a great part of the main team, he is also now king. But we haven't really seen him act as one in the show as of yet; he's only really been ruling on-screen for about 2 episodes, gave into the bargain with Viren to try and prevent mass bloodshed, have a brief meeting with his council after the timeskip, and have some strong speeches concerning Xadia and addressing the dragons/archdragons. ...Okay, so that seems like a lot, but keep in mind, that 1) while there are powerful moments, they are still brief, and 2) all of this takes place over the course of 3 seasons so far, when he has begun his rule. I would personally like to see him act/struggle more as a king, mostly because I still see some naivety in his approach. He still acts a bit childish in his views, kind of like: "this is the right choice, so we'll do it" from a logical side. This view oversimplifies the world, and while he does address this in his powerful speech in Book 4, we haven't seen him really struggle with this notion. Your words aren't as strong if you haven't been hurt as bad, and I know that Ezran has a lot of hurt that he's been hiding. I want to see how he handles it. (No questions regarding Ezran, just speculation this time.)
The final cherry on top: can someone please tell me what "emotionally wrecked" could possibly mean for this upcoming book?!! Every time the writers bring it up, I get nothing but depression with a side of gloom and misery sprinkled on top! The only saving grace we do have from all this... negativity... is that it's coming in the second-to-last book, not the last. This also likely means that whatever horrible tragedies we'll face this book have the chance to be resolved/redeemed in the next one. Additionally, any character arcs/growth we go through will likely either continue over to the final book or will be resolved in time for another one. That being said, PLEASE TELL ME, WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH BY DOING THIS TO US?!! THIS SUSPENCE IS EATING ME FROM THE INSIDE OUT, AND I'VE HAVEN'T EVEN DONE DARK MAGIC YET!!!
...Whew, got that all out of my system. Please reply if you've got any answers or comments, especially with the last part (better to rip the band-aid off now). I love a good dialogue! Just please keep it friendly and civilized. Thanks for listening to my rant, and here's hoping for Dragon Prince's continued success!!!
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whitewhite140 · 11 months
How f they are so sexyyyyyyy!
All Hail Megatron!
HAHA! Wyeeee!
Let's cook Optimus and Megatron! HAHA!
Also, just let me put some toppingsssss sss!
Soudwave, Starscream, Shockwave!!!!
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hexblooddruid · 7 months
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Bryn constantly: 🥺
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harleyacoincidence · 2 months
if you were an animal what would you be?
Thanks for the question! Hmm, maybe a barn owl. Or a garter snake. I love garter snakes.
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