#How to make minecraft java servers
bonebabbles · 5 days
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@quaelgeist333 Yeah! It's nothing special lmao. I have a group of friends who're a perfect gradient of Minecraft Experience from "hasn't played since they added coral" to "seasoned Botania expert", and we all decided we wanted to play with a basic server together. I'm actually a bit of an enthusiast so I decided to make us a personal modpack tailored to what each of us tends to like in video games.
I've made crummy mish-mashes of different mods before, but this time I'm doing a LOT to add compat. Conflict name resource packs, crafttweaker scripts, I'm even running Expanded Nametags and adding stuff myself so I can minimize how much time they spend having to check a wiki.
It's not like I'm actually making compat mods or anything, since I don't know Java. But it's honest work
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zedif-y · 1 year
Who is this Zedaph you speak of?
anon, i don't know if you wanted a long answer to this, but you're getting it anyway
So, who is Zedaph?
Zedaph, (AKA ZedaphPlays) is a minecraft youtuber that's a part of the Hermitcraft SMP. He doesn't just make hermitcraft content, however.
He's also a part of a Create mod series with some other hermits! (Tango, Bdubs, Scar, and Keralis)
Patron supporters (tier 3!) gain access to the Zedcraft servers. The Zedcraft Community Twitter can be found (HERE)! There's a java survival server, a creative world, and monthly events for those involved, though he does stream some of them! Currently, Zedcraft is in its fifth season.
Speaking of streams, he has a second channel where he posts his VODs. He streams non-minecraft games as well! (A more recent stream I recommend is his The Past Within stream with Tango, where they play a puzzle game)
Here's a link to his Twitch<3
Okay, but... Why watch him?
This'll get ramble-y.
I don't even know how to describe Zedaph's brand of content. I really don't. And I don't think that's a bad thing- it's really unique! Here's what I mean:
In season 7 of hermitcraft, his theme was, basically, contraptions. Silly ones. Stupid ones. Inefficient ones! Basically, for every situation, the question is: "How can we make this LESS efficient?"
(Also, I recommend watching at least the first minute or so of that episode I linked. Gives you a glimpse of what he's like!)
In season 8, it was all about experiments. (Analyzing and testing fellow hermits, mad scientist vibes, and dangling sheep. Because why not)
In season 9, the current season, it's all about Zedvancements. (These aren't your typical minecraft advancements. No, they're stuff like getting killed by every single mob in the game, longest death message, most mobs stacked on top of each other, giving Tango advancements while he's AFK)
I have literally never seen anyone else do what he's doing. His content is UNIQUE!!
And not just that, have you SEEN his timelapses? His editing??
HERE and HERE's an example of what I mean . Come on now . That's SO COOL? (Also: follow @/curse-of-watch-zedaph for zed clips :>)
TLDR: Zedaph's specific brand of content falls outside of what you'd normally expect from minecraft content, sometimes it's strange, sometimes it makes you go "Why?", but it's always entertaining.
Or, put simply: he is so so funny im not even kidding . his mind is an enigma and yknow what even if i havent sold you on him entirely , please just give at least one video a chance because there is no way to capture the zedaphplays experience without just diving in and seeing for yourself<3
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justasunflowerseed · 2 months
I have so many ideas for a creative project that I don't know where to start, like my brain keeps coming up with ideas and concepts and stops halfway when it gets to actually writing it down and trying, so....
I will start to actively work on whatever wins the poll, and will constantly update every weekend on my blog, I can't promise any quality or fast progression, some of these are projects in areas I have 0 experience in, so just vote for whatever you think sounds the most interesting ig, but please vote so I'll have something to do!
I don't have a preference for any of these, that's why I'm asking tumblr!
no results option, choose something, please I have no idea what to do
if any of these sound interesting or confusing, there are explanations under the cut:
either a client side mod or a plugin for Minecraft server that add Jewish elements to the game, main concept I have thought of:
kashrut laws, the mod will keep track of the kashrut of you, your tools, and your food (meat/dairy/parveh/non-kosher). for example: your sword starts as kosher parveh. you kill a cow - your sword is now kosher for meat and you have a kosher raw meat. you then kill a pig with the sword, your sword is now not kosher and you have a non-kosher raw pig meat. you then kill a cow with the sword, you have a non-kosher raw meat. you cook and eat the kosher meat, you get a kosher(meat) status for 3 in-game hours, you then drink a bucket of milk, the status changes to not-kosher. idk how to make your tools kosher again yet.
a tracker of in-game Minecraft days, whenever it gets to the evening of every 6/7 days (friday evening), Shabbat will start, indicated by some sort of pop-up. using any of your tools on shabbat will turn them non-kosher, villager trading will either be turned off or there will be a warning not to trade with them, and same thing with every working station + crafting table. building and breaking blocks with your hands is allowed, so will crafting from your inventory (unless it's food), farming will cause the resulting crops to not be kosher. Shabbat will end at nightfall of the 7th day.
my experience: Ive never made a Minecraft mod before, but I have experience programming in Java, so it can't be that hard to to at least some of these.
a mystery game where you relive the same day over and over again, with no information saved between runs except the player's understanding of the world. the goal is to find out what causes the time loop and break it. loosly inspired by kindergarten, undertale, and a certain b movie that I don't know the name of.
I don't know how to explain the visuals I'm imagining, but it will be a mostly 2d plane you walk on, and interacting with NPCs will open a virtual novel type screen.
you'll have a "clock" at the top left corner, each action during the day will cost a certain amount of time (a few minutes to a few hours), the game will be balanced to give plenty of rooms for mistakes as to not make it stressful, and since every time loop is the exact same, making a mistake will only send you to the start of the day, where you can attempt the same thing again. (and if there are repetitive aspects like idk mini games there would probably be an option to skip them if you already completed it in a previous loop, that's the only thing the game will keep track of ig)
there's only so much you can do it one day, and certain things will require the player to possess information from previous loops, and so runs will differ and evolve as time goes on, there will also be bonus "routes" to learn more about the world and the characters in it.
idk what the mystery is yet! the story is very early stages.
my experience: I have no fucking clue how to use unity, I made a flappy bird and a platformer without levels, but I still haven't fogured out how OOP works with this thing, andy brain can't figure out how tf you make stuff like dialogue. it would probably take me a long time to make a working prototype.
this is THE EXACT SAME PROJECT AS THE ABOVE ONE, but as an Undertale fangame instead of an original story. and I do have a concept for this one!
you play as Frisk in the pacifist ending (NOT after a genocide route, pure pacifist with potentially multiple neutrals) (also not as the player controlling Frisk), living out your happy ending. it's been a few years, you've grown, humanity mostly accepted monsters, and the underground is mostly abandoned as monsters moved to the surface. You've lost your powers a long time ago, not that anyone knows about them, and you have no reason to use them again anyway, you have everything you've ever wanted. but one thing is missing: Flowey.
his determination has been deteriorating over the past few months, and it's gotten harder and harder for him to move. he started spending all his time at Chara's grave in the underground, and you visit him once in a while.
the game is during his final day, you find out, the last bits of determination leave his body and he turns back into a regular flower. but you're determined to save him, and so, your powers return, and you're able to go back in time to the start of the day, and start reliving it over and over, looking for a way to save him. a happy ending means for everyone.
it might be a bit more story heavy, it might even have Frisk being an actual character as they're free from the player's control, but it's the same concept and same mechanics.
my experience: same limitations as making an original game, but I also don't know how good I'd be at keeping the characters in-character for this.
this is a project I've already started on my shared tmnt sideblog with @remitiras. it only has 1 post! 😭
I have the second part halfway done on my computer, but I didn't like the writing for parts of it and couldn't find the motivation to properly rewrite it yet, so it's been on hiatus for 4-5 months.
I made the concept while having a hyperfixation on rottmnt, and Cass Apocalyptic Series specifically. since then I've moved on and I'm not as invested in the fandom or the story, but it's still something I wanna finish someday. it has a mostly finished outline, and a large collection of plot ideas, it's one of my most detailed creative projects to date! this would be a good practice for making comics and stories.
my experience: again, it already has a chapter, although pretty ugly in hindsight, the wip second chapter has a much better panel layout. I've never made a real comic before, but me and reminhave a pretty good grasp of the rottmnt characters and they're kinda helping me write it.
despite having the idea for 8 years, I can't for the life of me decide on a name for it. lmao. the concept is as follows:
do you know these stories where the main character is living a normal and sad life until they find out their word actually has some sort of magic and an entire society of magic people living (mostly) in secret from regular humans? Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Gravity Falls, Danny Phantom, Fairly OddParents, I can't think of any other examples rn. these usually (but not always) accompany a chosen one plot of the regular person finding out or growing to be the savior of the group.
now what if, multiple of these stories happened at the same time, in the same world, to all of your best friends?
that's the concept of my story! in it, the main character, Sapphire, moves to a new small town, and slowly finds out each one of her new friends are the main character of their own magical/paranormal journey.
I have uploaded some concept art to my blog already: one, two, three.
if this win, I will not make it into a full fledged indie cartoon bye myself (lol)
rather, I will write down all of my ideas and make more concept art, for characters and scenes. and will share it on my blog.
my experience: this is mostly just writing down preexisting ideas I never had time to write before, and drawing concepts I didn't have the motivation for. so I have the experience for this.
this is a comic I planned for practice! it's a comedy with simple colors and backgrounds so it's prerfect for practicing my comedy skills and writing episodic one-shot content. this time it has a name!
Endless Library:
the character wakes up to find herself in a library, but the bookshelves strech on to the horison and the books seem to be about the most random and wild things ever. there's no exit in sight. join in as she slowly goes insane and starts consuming the paper for substance, I swear it's not a horror story!
I already have 2.5 episodes drawn, it's a very simplified artstyle, and the background is super simple, it really got me to experiment with perspective. I keep picking it up for a week or so once every few months and I haven't touched it in almost a year, so I don't really remember more than the general plot. it will probably have ~100 short episodes? I still didn't figure out the ending.
my experience: I got a lot of indifferent to good reactions to my first chapter! so this will probably be the easiest to finish as long as I have the motivation, I also don't have to worry about experience with comics because the style is super simple.
projects that won't be able to be shared with othwrs online :( they're fun and all but I'd just feel like they'll be a waste of time. these include:
making a hub on a new Minecraft server I joined, including multiple farms and a shared storage system. It just started so I still haven't logged in.
finishing my base on another Minecraft server, I like it hut I'm 50% of the active players.
making cute coasters for my apartment, and prettifying my apartment in general.
writing cringe low-effort fanfics for my eyes only, I will never ever share them sorry
drawing regular fanart
choosing one doesn't mean I won't do the others at all! it's just what I should focus on during my limited free time. right now I'm at a point where I can't focus on any project at all because I feel guilty ignoring the others.
also if you actually read all of this I'm sending you virtual hugs, thank you so much for actually taking interest in my unhinged ramblings 💗✨
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aceofstars0 · 4 months
Calling all (not all) minecrafters!
I made a minecraft server! Wanna join? Please read the description and the requirements!
This is an aternos server. How it works is you need to start the server to get it online. You can't just join whenever. This is because I don't want to pay for a realm-
Its not modded and never will be, but I installed plugins (you don't need to download anything to get them) to make it more fun
You must have an account on Minecraft: Java Edition and aternos
You must be either mutuals with me or active in the community. Basically: I'm not accepting people I/we don't know
Preferably have discord, but you don't need it
If you want to join, just DM me (DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST) and tell me:
Your minecraft username
You aternos username (its okay if you have to make a new account)
Your discord username
If you dont have discord I'll tell you everything you need to know in tumblr dms
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
how does vault hunters work and should I get it
so the answer to "should i get it" from ME is basically always going to be yes because, if you haven't noticed, i'm a LITTLE bit hooked on it, lol. but basically:
vault hunters is a modpack designed by iskall and the iskallia dev team for minecraft java edition, distributed on curseforge. when you see me posting about it, it is the third edition, which is currently in open alpha, and is for minecraft 1.18.2. if for any reason any of those things make you go "oh i can't play that" (for example, you play on bedrock, or your computer is a potato - although to be fair my pc is NOT good at modded minecraft and i play sky vaults... mostly fine don't ask me about my overworld fps and we're good), then you probably can't play.
otherwise, the way vault hunters works is simple. early on, you will either go into the overworld to find vault stone and chromatic iron in order to build a portal, an altar, and your first vault rocks, or you will use the vault portal given to you on your skyblock island and the budding crystal with raw vault crystals, and you will go into "the vault", the main thing the modpack revolves around. inside of the vault, you do not regenerate health, and you have a limited time before you must either complete the objective or escape. the vault itself is a randomly-generated maze of rooms. inside these rooms there are many POIs, which contain chests which you loot for materials, as well as spawners that will drop mobs on you.
using materials you get within the vault, you then begin to progress in other ways. each time you level up, you will get a skill point, which you can choose to allocate into different skills. you will get vault gear, or the materials to craft vault gear, which is special, better armor and weaponry to better equip you in the vaults. eventually, you will build up the materials to craft knowledge points, which you can then use to "buy" different mods to automate your life in the overworld or make looting and navigating vaults easier.
the ultimate "goal", and the way you "win" vault hunters, happens when you complete the objectives in vaults. then, you will have a chance to get an artifact, something that starts as a minuscule chance but gets more likely as you level up. the eventual goal is to collect all of the 25 artifacts, which can then be used to unlock the final vault.
this, however, will take a LOT of time and effort! (for example, i have... no artifacts. although to be fair i don't bother completing vaults right now unless its handed to me in a scav or there aren't many obelisks, or i need to for a bounty.) as a result, in the meantime, your goals will largely be about getting new mods unlocked, getting new items made that cost a lot of materials, beating bounties, getting new gear, buying into the black market... there's a lot to do if you are a big fan of incremental progress!
anyway, it's very fun! the one additional warning i'll give, however, is that it's in open alpha - this means there are bugs, and also that there will occasionally be large-scale balance and mechanical changes, as the game is still highly in-progress. also, if you're like me and easily frustrated, i recommend setting gamerule vaultCasualMode true. it means you don't lose all your gear when you die in a vault (basically, that you get beginner's grace forever, not just for the first ten levels). i also have the vaults set to easy. if there was a baby mode i would do it. however, if you want to play it as they play on the SMP or on iskall's servers, they have vaults set to hard and casual mode off!
anyway yeah play vault hunters. vault hunters fun.
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bog-mist · 8 days
Tumblrcraft SMP Info
What is Tumblrcraft: Tumblrcraft is an 18+ minecraft SMP i'm currently working on. The SMP is queer friendly as well as accepting to everyone. We also have a server mascot (who is yet to be named) a giant geckotoa who spawned while I was making the credit cave.
When will Tumblrcraft be out? I can't say anything 100% but hopefully soon. I'm currently working on the spawn area and a few last technical things. I will announce when the server is ready to be made public
Why is it 18+: I'm not to sure how comfortable I am with having minors on the server
What version is the SMP using? Tumblrcraft is a 1.20.1 fabric java modpack which will hopefully be available on curseforge. The linnk to the modpack will be added when the server is ready for release
What are the main mods on Tumblrcraft: The main mods on Tumblrcraft are Medieval Origins, Mythic Mounts, Chirp's Wildlife, Packed Up, Journey Maps, Essential and JEI though there are other mods installed, most of them are for utility purposes
What are the origins available on Tumblrcraft? The Tumblrcraft SMP Origins List can be found here
Can I use my own texture packs? Apart from Custom Hotbars which are not already apart of the modpack all other texture packs must be approved. You can also install and use a separate shaders or choose not to use shaders at all
What are the rules? The rules can be found here
What commands are available in the SMP? the list of commands can be found here
What timezone to the moderators operate in? As of now the only mods are me and my time zone is AEST
How do you become a mod? I don't currently have a process to accept other mods though I will work on it and announce when I am open to accepting mods for the server
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tapiocacube · 9 months
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introducing sakura valley!
a 1.20+ economy-based survival minecraft server made for users of all kinds.
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the list below touches on a few of the facets that make our server stand out! ⋆ vault economy ⋆ admin & player shops ⋆ crates (vote, plushie, prime, & more!) ⋆ rtp / wild teleportation ⋆ custom enchantments (through enchanting, trading, or gacha!) ⋆ mineable spawners ⋆ custom coin system & shop ⋆ custom fishing tournaments & models ⋆ teams ⋆ temporary flight ⋆ playtime levels ⋆ and so much more! interested in finding out what we didn't list above? continue reading to find out how to join our little corner of the internet.
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joining sakura valley is easy peasy! please keep in mind that we are a java based server, meaning cross platform is not available to bedrock users. use the server ip below and get started!
finally, if you'd like to join us on discord, follow the link here and pop in to our introductions channel to let us get to know you! hope to see you soon!
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curoopeez · 1 year
Things I would change in minecraft if I could:
1: make lodestones cheaper. They have a pretty good use and are a great decorative block, but it's not worth netherite, especially when writing down coords, while it breaks some of the game immersion, is free; so it ends up hardly ever used in survival
2: put the 3rd and 2nd person perspective toggles in different keys. It's a very small thing, but it's annoying to have to go to 2nd person when I just want to toggle between 1st and 3rd
3: more sniffer seeds. The sniffer seeds are amazing and I love them, but only two for how hard it is to get a sniffer feels too underwhelming
4: tool trims. I don't mean different patterns for all tools, though that would be pretty sick. It would be enough to have a single template, just to color the tools. This would allow players to color-code the tools according to the enchantment, so for example you wouldn't break glass with a fortune pickaxe thinking it's the silk touch one. This would not only allow for more customization, it would also give the trims a purpose in single player worlds
5: let players bottle up experience. The bottles of enchanting are a great way to repair armor in the middle of pvp or tools while mining without having to stop to go to an xp farm, but getting them is hard because you can only buy 12 at a time from cleric villagers. In order to get a bunch of them, you need either a lot of villagers, which is bad for server lag, or a void trading system, which is abuse of a bug. Also, it's pretty annoying when you have hundreds of levels from afking and still have to get more xp to fix tools
6: let sharks in minecraft. They don't have to be hostile mobs. Sharks are cool.
7: update the java wither to have bedrock powers. Nobody needs this to be an easy fight
8: speaking of bedrock, let them hold more stuff in their offhand. Parity update
9: add paintings of beacons, conduits and golems, just like there is one for the wither. Give players a hint in game of how to activate their powers so they can find that out without having to look outside of the game
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nexus-nebulae · 1 year
god it just fucking blows my mind how minecraft just exists.
Like, this is a $25 game with more personal customization options than any other I've seen, complete freedom to adjust it in any way you want, has completely mastered procedural generation, so much so that every single time you open the game you will have a completely unique experience. It still has an active developer base after over 10 years, and is still regularly receiving updates not only for bug-fixes but tons of new content, completely for free. There is no paid DLC, no exclusive content, you just get everything for one fucking price.
And each little aspect is so lovingly crafted that these completely procedurally generated worlds can feel like there was intent to it, like there is a story to this world, because every single aspect of the game fits neatly together like a perfect puzzle. There is care and detail put into every item, and the developers show us their progress along the way to make sure that we agree that it works. Anyone can be a beta tester if they choose--it's open to anyone, you just have to download the (again, free if you already own the game) snapshots.
And the multiplayer is more versatile than almost any other game out there. You can have a private little world with just you and a few close friends, you can have a server with 20 friends, or you can join entire MMO-style servers and interact with thousands of people in hundreds of different possible servers, each with minigames and tools that aren't even possible in the main game. Commands and creative tools allow server owners to literally make their own games as if this were a game engine.
And then.. we get to mods.
The minecraft developers are incredibly open about the game's code. It's not entirely open source, but several libraries of it are, allowing for people to get into the code and see how it works and mess around with it. I mean, just look at this official blog post from 2018 where they basically encourage plagiarism- (/hj)
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[ID: A screenshot of text reading, "The plan is to open up different libraries gradually. These libraries are open source and MIT licensed, which means that 'basically, anyone can go in there and they can contribute and they can help improve our game engine,' Nathan explains. 'Or, if they're making their own game, they don't have to rewrite these little parts. They can just use ours, which have been tried and tested because we're a very popular game, apparently!'" End ID.]
This allows anyone who knows Java, one of the most accessible coding languages, (or C++, if you're a little more skilled and/or prefer Bedrock edition) to get their hands into the code and add whatever the hell they want. Just on CurseForge alone there's over 40,000 mods, with more being added every day--not to mention the various other websites that you can post minecraft mods on. These people add so much content for the game that it feels like there's multiple additional games stacked on top. Just look at some of my personal favourite mods:
Blue Skies is one that adds two entire new dimensions to the game, with plenty of incredibly unique biomes and (currently) 2 bosses each. There's also an incredibly clever system that encourages you to get the new tools and weapons of the mod without taking away any progress in the other dimensions, allowing you to jump into the mod and experience the progression of it naturally no matter how long you've been playing already. The Twilight Forest adds a dimension with a complete dungeon progression quest, with (currently) eight unique bosses and dungeons--not to mention plenty of other mini-dungeons and structures scattered around the world. Create adds tons of new machines and trinkets to mess around with, perfect for anyone who likes redstone or factory-building type stuff. And mods like Quark or Supplementaries add hundreds of mini features to add a little bit more life to the world, little QoL improvements, and new unique tools for very specific tasks!
And all this? It's just.. free?? People just make this, and post it online, and--apart from anyone who chooses to donate to the developers' patreons/kofis/etc--you can just download them and play them whenever you want.
What the hell.
You wanna know why Minecraft is the best-selling game of all time?
I mean, just look at it.
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not-radioshack · 1 year
The S3 ViRGE Minecraft Thing
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(Article originally posted on TheRetroWeb)
Have you ever wanted to play Minecraft? Have you ever wondered “how terrible can I make this experience”? No? Well too bad. You’ve clicked on this article and I’ve gone this far already, so let’s just keep going and see what happens.
A Little bit of history…
The S3 ViRGE, short for Video and Rendering Graphics Engine (alternately, Virtual Reality Graphics Engine), was first introduced in November of 1995, with an actual release date of early 1996. It was S3 Graphics’ very first 3D-capable graphics card, and it had the unfortunate luck of launching alongside… the 3Dfx Voodoo 1.
It became rather quickly apparent that the ViRGE was terribly insufficient in comparison to the Voodoo, and in fact even picked up the infamous moniker of “graphics decelerator”, which poked fun at its lackluster 3D performance.
The original ViRGE would be followed by the card that this article focuses on, the ViRGE/DX, just a little under a year later in the waning months of 1996.
The ViRGE/DX was a welcome improvement over the original release, lifting performance to more acceptable levels and improving software compatibility with better drivers. Mostly. And while native Direct3D performance was iffy at best and OpenGL support was nonexistent, S3 did have one last trick up their sleeves to keep the ViRGE line relevant: the S3D Toolkit.
Similar to 3Dfx’s Glide API, the S3D Toolkit was S3 Graphics’ proprietary low-level graphics API for the ViRGE. Unlike 3Dfx’s offering, however, S3D, much like the cards it was intended for, fell flat on its face. Only a small handful of games ever natively supported S3D acceleration, and by my own admission, I haven’t ever played any of them.
But wait, this article is about playing Minecraft on the ViRGE, isn’t it? The block game of all time is famously written in Java, and uses an OpenGL rendering pipeline. So, how can the S3 ViRGE, a card with no OpenGL support, possibly play Minecraft?
This is where a little thing called “OpenGL wrappers” come in. Shipping in the form of plain OpenGL32.dll files (at least, on Windows) that you drop into a folder alongside whatever needs OpenGL acceleration, these wrappers provide a way to modify, or “wrap”, OpenGL API calls.
In our case, we are interested in the category of OpenGL wrappers that translate OpenGL API calls to that of other APIs. For a more modern equivalent of these wrappers, the Intel Arc line of graphics cards uses DXVK in order to translate older DirectX 9 calls to Vulkan, which is a natively-supported API.
For this experiment, we will be using a wrapper called “S3Mesa”, made by Brian Paul of the Mesa project. Though open-source, this wrapper never made it to a completed state, and is missing certain features such as texture transparency despite the ViRGE itself being supposedly capable of it. However, this does not affect gameplay much beyond aesthetics.
The S3Mesa wrapper, on a more technical note, translates OpenGL 1.1 calls to a mix of both S3D and DirectX API calls.
The System
At last, we arrive at the system hardware. As of writing, I am currently benchmarking a plethora of low-end (or otherwise infamous) cards for my “Ultra Nugget Graphics Card Roundup”, and so the system itself is likely a liiiiiittle bit overpowered for the lowly ViRGE/DX:
AMD Athlon XP (Palomino) @ 1.14GHz
Shuttle MK32 Socket A motherboard
256MB DDR-400
S3 ViRGE/DX (upgraded to 4MB of video memory)
Windows 98SE
Why Windows 98SE? Because S3 never released 3D-accelerated graphics drivers for non-Windows 9x operating systems in the consumer space.
For Minecraft itself, KernelEX 4.5.2 and Java 6 are installed as well, and an old version of the launcher dating back to early 2013 that I personally refer to as the “Minecraft 1.5 Launcher” is used for compatibility purposes. Also because no launcher that can work on Windows 98 is capable of logging into the authentication servers anymore.
Setting up the game
With Windows 98SE, KernelEX, and Java 6 installed (in that order, of course), we can turn our attention to the game itself. As mentioned before, no launcher to my knowledge that runs on Windows 98 is capable of logging into the auth servers. This results in two additional problems: starting the game itself and downloading game assets.
Using the 1.5 launcher solves this first issue by means of relying on a little thing called the lastlogin file. This is an old way that the launcher was able to allow players to keep playing offline when disconnected from the internet, but more importantly, unlike the modern launcher, it doesn’t expire. 🙂
And because of that, our login problem is solved by middle school me’s old .minecraft folder backup, from which I’ve extracted the lastlogin file for use in this experiment.
As for game assets, there is no longer any way to easily download the game files for use on Windows 98SE directly, and so I’ve instead pieced together a folder using that same backup. The most important thing is that instead there being a “versions” folder, there is now instead a “bin” folder, where both the natives and the game’s jarfile both reside.
Now that our .minecraft folder is acquired, take that thing and plot it right down into the Windows folder in Windows 98. Why? Because on Windows 98, the 1.5 launcher ignores the “application data” folder entirely. The launcher itself can go anywhere you’d like, so long as you’re using the .exe version and not the .jar version.
Finally, to wrap things up, place the OpenGL to S3D wrapper in the same location as the launcher exe. Make sure it’s called OpenGL32.dll!
The Game
You just lost it. 🙂
The S3 ViRGE, by my own testing, is capable of running any version of Minecraft from Classic up to and including Indev version in-20100110. However, it is EXTREMELY unstable, and has a tendency to crash mere seconds after loading into a world. This is on top of some minor rendering errors introduced by the aformentioned incomplete state of the S3Mesa wrapper. This video was recorded with Windows ME rather than Windows 98, but this does not impact anything regarding performance or compatibility (and in fact, at least from my own experience, the game is more stable under ME than 98).
Below are the desktop/game settings used in testing:
“Tiny” render distance
Desktop resolution: 640 x 480 (don’t fullscreen the game)
Bit depth: 16/24-bit color (32-bit can cause the ViRGE to run out of memory, and 16-bit can cause strange issues on Windows 98)
And last but not least, some gameplay. This came from some scrapped footage originally intended for my “UNGCR” video, and was only intended for personal reference in collecting performance numbers. As such, the audio is muted due to some copyrighted music blasting in the background.
Further reading/resources
Vogons Wrapper Project
Original video that this article is based on
VGA Legacy MKIII’s ViRGE/DX page
thanks for reading my walking natural disaster of an article kthxbaiiiiiiii
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benji do you theorize that team 5 has a minecraft server
yes they do and i have headcanons for them
Domino is the server host but never plays the game because he's just not good at the game.
Chip Bag is super lucky with finding items and ores but keeps dying super far out from spawn so half of those items never make it into a chest. Unironically says "what if I put my Minecraft bed next to yours?"
Pitchfork is really good at PvP but actually likes building things too, both her and Chip Bag own like 10 Minecraft wolves each.
Fireball also is really good at PvP but will just start randomly killing people and stealing their shit for no other reason other than she thinks it's funny. Apricot is not safe.
Apricot is a redstone worker. Team 5's base is 100% mob-proof because of this.
Creamy ends up being the one who does a lot of the building, decorating the base and puts flowers EVERYWHERE. Bonemeal is her best friend so she made Apricot make a skeleton farm.
Antimatter somehow has cheat commands. No-one knows how they got their hands on a command block. No Domino doesn't know how to stop them.
Filmy comes up with this entire epic plot and story for their Minecraft word and kinda wants to make an SMP. No-one wants to play Filmy's SMP.
Gold Nugget plays Bedrock edition and says that it's better than Java. Has spent money on customization.
Pear ends up doing his own thing completely away from all of the other Team 5 members. In like a week he's already prepared to fight the ender dragon.
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0x5742 · 8 months
I was looking forward to playing Minecraft with my roommate while I'm on my vacation this week... but... Well. Computers are terrible.
Ok first a bit of background. I play either on my computer (Java edition, 1.20.1 because I like the mods and resource packs I have, dammit) or sometimes casually on my phone (Bedrock, Android). My roommate plays on Xbox (Bedrock). We run a Java server with Geyser (which does some magic to allow Bedrock to connect) so that we can both play together. This has generally worked fine for like, the last year. Except…
Bedrock updated to 1.20.40 recently, which broke the server protocol.
Geyser put out an update to fix this.
That update also dropped support for 1.20.1, so I have to upgrade the server. That shouldn't be much trouble as I could just drop in ViaVersion so I can still connect from my PC.
except ViaVersion is broken on 1.20.2.
And then I find that my CPU is running hot for some reason, and while testing all this nonsense, it hit 80°C. So I have resigned to just playing on the tiny screen on my phone which is kind of a terrible experience and I have no idea how anyone can actually do anything this way. It's plain awful.
(Not to mention, there's a bug on the Android version that's existed for months which causes armor to render as solid flashing blocks and makes elytra disappear completely. It's hideous and at this point I don't expect it'll ever get fixed.)
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spectrearia-archive · 2 years
ew, just learned about the scummy chat moderation that microsoft is implementing in the minecraft 1.19.1 update?? like?? potentially getting your account permanently banned from multiplayer servers entirely if a player reports you in chat?? awful.
some of the reasons for reporting someone are so vague too and it's very easy to see how that could be abused. the fact that microsoft said that they're cool with banning innocent people as well (as "false positives") just makes it even grosser imo
i know the feature has been in the bedrock version for years, but i guess a lot of java players were hoping that they wouldn't have to put up with that crap. unfortunately with the forced migration to a microsoft account, we all had to agree to their terms (which are different than mojang's terms) so it's well within microsoft's right to do this sort of thing.
just super scummy imo. especially considering that java has always been the version where people could play however they want without moderation, depending on the type of server.
anyway, so far it seems like the option can be disabled in server settings, but still. i'm hoping that before the update officially rolls out, they get enough backlash that they might reconsider the whole concept entirely.
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atherix · 1 year
Okay so like on the topic of mcytblr events, my overly ambitious ass has been really considering holding a java only event for mcytblr where its like. People have a chance to sign up for life series event
The only issue is it'd be so much of a commitment to planning, like setting up mods and making sure they work for everyone (since I imagine there'd be 15? people at most but even that is a lot) and optimizing the server so nobody is struggling w lag too bad AND THEN making a specific time for sessions that would fit 15 peoples schedules every week LOL.
I respect grian sm for setting them up bc actually setting up is so much time 😭
Yeah that's just the thing, scheduling. I think the only way an MCYTblr event can happen is if it's ONE day that's planned in advance, so that everyone involved can make arrangements to be available. I think it would be tons of fun but it definitely couldn't be anything weekly/ongoing since, well... this is unfortunately not our jobs.
That being said, FUCK an MCYTblr Fan Life event would be rad as hell, even if it would only be for a few hours. I think it would probably end up with a minimum requirements deal, since Minecraft alone is already a pretty beefy game- if your computer couldn't handle the necessary mods... but that being said. I think it would be fun. It would take a HELL of a lot of advanced planning (for example I have to request my days off work a month in advance, which would mean a minimum of a month and some days away) and cooperation from a group (because this isn't our jobs and we're not all Grian, I imagine there'd be a group of admins lmao) to get everything done...
The thing is, depending on how many people would want to participate, you'd have to have a criteria for people to meet? Like. Audition tapes LMAO OTL but we'd have to have a maximum number of players we can have, can't just be like "SIGN UP AND GET IN" it would still need to be somewhat controllable ya know-
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antarctic-empires · 2 years
hi, sorry for bothering u again, but if possible
are you on hypixel? im not, and idk how to get there. but i also want to leave a memorial for him. if u are, and if its possible, if you want, could you add my memorial on it.
sorry for this.
Oh I’m making a different memorial, one for the update account. I haven’t left a memorial of Hypixel yet but i don’t think you can leave memorials for other people. It’s a public server though, if you have Java Minecraft you can go to servers under multiplayer and join mc.hypixel.net
From there you can get to it in the lobbies I believe, but I’m not on Hypixel very much. I’m sure you can find it
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the-drakostajo · 2 years
Minecraft Mods for Alterhumans
I don’t know how helpful this will be, but I just remembered a pair of mods for Minecraft I used a lot to help relive kin-dysphoria/ create kin-euphoria (before I really knew that is what I was feeling) A really simplified overveiw for anyone interested: - Customizable Player Models (Available for both Forge and Fabric modding platforms): Pros: -Extreme amounts of customization, allowing for completely unique body shapes, animations, and even custom armor/cape/elytra shapes - Incredibly helpful Discord community, complete with tutorials and people willing to help point you in the right direction for any error you have - Community made free models, there is a huge collection of files that are both textured and untextured allowing for much easier use - Can be used in vanilla servers (its a client-side mod), though your custom model will only show up for you Cons: - Somewhat complex user interface, its recommended to find a few tutorials before starting, but if you have used programs like Blender/ Blockbench its a bit more forgiving - Crashing can be frequent depending on the complexity of your model, thankfully this seemed to be tied more into the amount of unique shapes rather than size of texture, so there is some lee-way on this issue - Somewhat glitchy with multiplayer servers, though once again this seems to be dependent on both complexity of model and version of Minecraft - Origins (Fabric modding platforms only) Pros: - This mod has incredible levels of customization via Add-ons, though the base set are also very good for adding an extra bit of non-human flair - A humongous modding resource wiki - Another mod with a very active Discord, chances are if you ask nicely someone will either make or point out a origin that someone else made if you can’t find any premades to your liking Cons: - Requires learning java code, this isn’t a huge issue due to the amount of resources online, but expect a few hours of troubleshooting if you are making a completely custom origin - The auxilary mod Pehkui (needed to change the actual physical size of your model) can be a bit glitchy, I know from experience that making smaller sized origins can cause rapid jittering when your model touches another block
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