#Huang minghao imagines
yangctlas · 12 days
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝
XU MINGHAO? Não! É apenas YANG 'ATLAS' HAOYU, ele é filho de ATENA do chalé SEIS e tem VINTE E CINCO. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL II por estar no Acampamento há SEIS, sabia? E se lá estiver certo, ATLAS é bastante LEAL mas também dizem que ele é DISTRAÍDO. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 …
𝐍𝐎𝐌𝐄: Yang Atlas
𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎: 20 de abril
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐒: Ele/dele
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐎: Homem cis
𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐒: Leal, cuidadoso, empático, flexível.
𝐃𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐒: Distraído, impulsivo, medroso, indelicado.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐄: 6, Atena
𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐒: Reflexos sobre-humanos e sentidos aguçados.
𝐏𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐑: Regulação de memórias.
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 …
Huang Yutao era um homem pobre, seu caminhão e seu emprego de fretagem era tudo que teve por um bom tempo. Sem oportunidade de terminar o ensino médio, herdou o velho veículo de seu pai; mas alguns anos de trabalho entregando pacotes pequenos foram o bastante para chegar ao ponto que sempre sonhou: Entregar livros didáticos para bibliotecas, escolas e faculdades comunitárias. Com um pouco de sorte, vez ou outra conseguia alguns livros velhos que iriam para o lixo. Sua sede por conhecimento, mesmo com tantos contratempos da vida, chamou a atenção da deusa Atena. O que esse homem faria em outro cenário? O que faria se oportunidades estivessem ao seu alcance? Sua forma humana apareceu em seu caminho como um encontro acidental, e suas reuniões para debater dos mais variados assuntos aconteceram a partir daí. Não com tanta frequência, e não por muito tempo, mas o suficiente para marcar a memória de Yutao pelo resto de sua curta vida.
Os gêmeos Haoyu e Siyu frequentaram a escola por alguns anos. Moravam em casas simples, alugadas, que limitava a área de entregas de Yutao para ter pelo menos um tempo para passar com os filhos. Mas ainda assim mudavam de cidade com certa frequência, sempre dando preferência a cidades com algum familiar próximo. Mas não que isso importasse muito para os dois. Passavam o mínimo de tempo em contato com tios e outros parentes. Em uma das escolas que foram, "Atlas" foi o apelido dado pelos colegas de classe como uma "brincadeira". Huang Haoyu foi o nome que seu pai lhe deu, mas seu nome era Atlas. Se as outras crianças lhe chamavam assim em forma de bullying ou não, pouco importava. Mas não para sua irmã. Mesmo depois de oficialmente mudar seu nome para Yang Atlas em sua identidade falsa, sua irmã continuou a chamá-lo de Haoyu.
Em algum momento da sua vida já imaginou que seu pedido da Amazon atravessou metade dos Estados Unidos no microônibus de dois adolescentes gêmeos, filhos de uma deidade grega, ambos com identidade falsa? Pois é, fique com essa dúvida. Durante alguns anos, Atlas e Zion moraram e trabalharam em um micro-miniônibus especial (feito sob medida por filhos de Hefesto), usando de seus treinamentos e poderes para sobreviver o que surgia pelo caminho. Depois de participarem da batalha de Manhattan, no mesmo ano que chegaram ao acampamento, ajudando ao máximo que podiam, os irmãos ainda passaram mais alguns anos no acampamento antes de pegarem seu carrinho, que nomearam 'Eous', e meterem o pé. Já no nível 2 de seu poder, Atlas criou o costume de manipular um pouco as memórias de policiais para se safar da falta de documentação. "O que foi policial? Está tudo okay, né? Você já viu tudo" quando na verdade tudo o que mostrara foi sua identidade falsa. Sem documentação do carro, e, na verdade, nenhum outro documento, só assim para passarem tantos anos na estrada.
Ajudar as pessoas ao seu redor sempre foi uma aspiração de Atlas. Com um trabalho um pouco mais longe e "complicado" que o normal, os gêmeos decidiriam que Atlas ficaria em Manhattan e regiões ao redor, focando em seu "trabalho": Herói de meio período/vigia noturno . Um pouco desajeitado para um semideus, mas muito mais ágil que um humano normal. Com a certeza que Atlas tinha todo o mapa dos arredores memorizada, Zion se sentiu seguro o suficiente para deixar o irmão sozinho para essa entrega específica. Dias, que se tornaram semanas, que se tornaram meses depois do chamado de Dionísio. Confiante que Zion também recebeu a mensagem, partiu para o acampamento sozinho.
𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚 …
Faz parte dos estrategistas, e é membro do time vermelho de Queimada.
Tem uma obsessão completamente normal por Gravity Falls, e com certeza não participou dos ARGs oficiais. E com certeza não quase teve que dormir no teto do carro por atrair monstros ao usar um notebook mortal para acessar tais ARGs.
Gosta de manter as unhas curtas e pintadas. Sempre retoca quando o esmalte começa a sair. É um costume que criou ao longo dos anos ao ficar com tédio só da base.
Gosta muito de ler livros, e raramente para de ler um livro pela metade independente de estar gostando ou não. Mas se um livro não for muito de ser agrado, todo o conteúdo do livro vai ser apagado de sua memória; deixa anotado que já leu só por garantia.
𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 …
Regulação de memórias. FASE I: Sua memória sempre foi muito boa, acima da média. Mas por volta dos nove anos de idade, passou a escolher entre memórias que considerava importantes e não importantes. Fatos com mais relevância eram cravados em sua mente como um aço quente prensado. E os menos importantes pairavam até serem lentamente esquecidos. Mas sentia um limite para quantas vezes poderia "gravar" as coisas. Um cansaço mental gradual mas certeiro. E quanto mais cansado, mais memórias escapavam de seu controle, fatos sem importância viravam cruciais, e sua própria data de aniversário foi esquecida como um papel de bala. FASE II (atual): Seu controle de suas próprias memórias aumentou com treinamento árduo. Mas em compensação, coisas ditas como "não importantes" passaram a escapar de sua mente muito mais rápido que antes. Percebeu que poderia alterar a memória de outras pessoas, mas nesse ponto somente coisas sem muito importância para o alvo. Como colocar a certeza na mente de um policial cansado que todos os documentos do veículo já foram conferidos.
𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐧 …
Uma réplica da lança de Atena, feita por um filhe de Hefesto. Em seu segundo ano no acampamento, confiou na palavra do campista que forjou-a. De acordo com elu, a arma tinha as mesmas características da lança da própria Atena. Sua mira sempre foi boa, e com o foco de seu treinamento nisso, quando foi treinar acertou o alvo. Aquilo foi a prova que precisava, o suficiente para convencê-lo a pagar uma quantidade absurda de dracmas. Foi direto para sua irmã e... ela errou o alvo. É uma lança muito boa. Em descanso se transforma em um anel com a moeda de Atena, e quando lançada retorna a mão de seu dono. Mas ainda assim... é só uma lança de bronze celestial.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 …
No geral, Atlas é fácil de lidar, só precisa de um pouco de paciência. Ele é fácil de fazer amizade, e leva bastante a sério as amizades que faz. No romance (foco que ele é pan, então qualquer gênero), ele é bem distraído e tende a demorar para conseguir "categorizar" cada sentimento. Então se algo rolar ele vai demorar pra perceber. O que é o contrário pra outras pessoas. É bem comum ele ficar com aquela carinha (-v-) para qualquer "sinal" de relacionamento entre duas pessoas. Ele não espalha fofoca, não fala sobre, mas também não consegue se aguentar e fazer essa cara. Ele também, no geral, não guarda muita mágoa. Ele, quase, certeza vai lembrar (se for algo grave), mas é difícil isso futuramente afetar a forma como ele lida com tal pessoa. A menos que essa mágoa seja relacionada a alguém próxima a ele. Muito difícil ele perdoar depois que esse alguém fez algo com pessoas próximas a ele. Eu queria colocar ideias de connection, ou uns prompts, mas eu não consegui pensar em nada e isso foi a única coisa que acabou saindo. Se eu pensar em alguma coisa, vem pra cá de qualquer forma.
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swfichs · 19 days
Axel, +18. Meus triggers são agulha de seringa, gore/body horror relacionado a unha, dente e olho. Eu tenho aula da faculdade no período noturno, fora isso meu horário fica livre.
XU MINGHAO? Não! É apenas YANG ‘ATLAS’ HAOYU, ele é filho de ATENA do chalé SEIS e tem VINTE E CINCO. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL II por estar no Acampamento há SEIS, sabia? E se lá estiver certo, ATLAS é bastante LEAL mas também dizem que ele é DISTRAÍDO. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
Huang Yutao era um homem pobre, seu caminhão e seu emprego de fretagem era tudo que teve por um bom tempo. Sem oportunidade de terminar o ensino médio, herdou o velho veículo de seu pai; mas alguns anos de trabalho entregando pacotes pequenos foram o bastante para chegar ao ponto que sempre sonhou: Entregar livros didáticos para bibliotecas, escolas e faculdades comunitárias. Com um pouco de sorte, vez ou outra conseguia alguns livros velhos que iriam para o lixo. Sua sede por conhecimento, mesmo com tantos contratempos da vida, chamou a atenção da deusa Atena. O que esse homem faria em outro cenário? O que faria se oportunidades estivessem ao seu alcance? Sua forma humana apareceu em seu caminho como um encontro acidental, e suas reuniões para debater dos mais variados assuntos aconteceram a partir daí. Não com tanta frequência, e não por muito tempo, mas o suficiente para marcar a memória de Yutao pelo resto de sua curta vida.
Os gêmeos Haoyu e Siyu frequentaram a escola por alguns anos. Moravam em casas simples, alugadas, que limitava a área de entregas de Yutao para ter pelo menos um tempo para passar com os filhos. Mas ainda assim mudavam de cidade com certa frequência, sempre dando preferência a cidades com algum familiar próximo. Mas não que isso importasse muito para os dois. Passavam o mínimo de tempo em contato com tios e outros parentes. Em uma das escolas que foram, “Atlas” foi o apelido dado pelos colegas de classe como uma “brincadeira”. Huang Haoyu foi o nome que seu pai lhe deu, mas seu nome era Atlas. Se as outras crianças lhe chamavam assim em forma de bullying ou não, pouco importava. Mas não para sua irmã. Mesmo depois de oficialmente mudar seu nome para Yang Atlas em sua identidade falsa, sua irmã continuou a chamá-lo de Haoyu.
Em algum momento da sua vida já imaginou que seu pedido da Amazon atravessou metade dos Estados Unidos no microônibus de dois adolescentes gêmeos, filhos de uma deidade grega, ambos com identidade falsa? Pois é, fique com essa dúvida. Durante alguns anos, Atlas e Zion moraram e trabalharam em um micro-miniônibus especial (feito sob medida por filhos de Hefesto), usando de seus treinamentos e poderes para sobreviver o que surgia pelo caminho. Depois de participarem da batalha de Manhattan, no mesmo ano que chegaram ao acampamento, ajudando ao máximo que podiam, os irmãos ainda passaram mais alguns anos no acampamento antes de pegarem seu carrinho, que nomearam 'Eous’, e meterem o pé. Já no nível 2 de seu poder, Atlas criou o costume de manipular um pouco as memórias de policiais para se safar da falta de documentação. “O que foi policial? Está tudo okay, né? Você já viu tudo” quando na verdade tudo o que mostrara foi sua identidade falsa. Sem documentação do carro, e, na verdade, nenhum outro documento, só assim para passarem tantos anos na estrada.
Ajudar as pessoas ao seu redor sempre foi uma aspiração de Atlas. Com um trabalho um pouco mais longe e “complicado” que o normal, os gêmeos decidiriam que Atlas ficaria em Manhattan e regiões ao redor, focando em seu “trabalho”: Herói de meio período/vigia noturno . Um pouco desajeitado para um semideus, mas muito mais ágil que um humano normal. Com a certeza que Atlas tinha todo o mapa dos arredores memorizada, Zion se sentiu seguro o suficiente para deixar o irmão sozinho para essa entrega específica. Dias, que se tornaram semanas, que se tornaram meses depois do chamado de Dionísio. Confiante que Zion também recebeu a mensagem, partiu para o acampamento sozinho.
PODERES: Regulação de memórias. FASE I: Sua memória sempre foi muito boa, acima da média. Mas por volta dos nove anos de idade, passou a escolher entre memórias que considerava importantes e não importantes. Fatos com mais relevância eram cravados em sua mente como um aço quente prensado. E os menos importantes pairavam até serem lentamente esquecidos. Mas sentia um limite para quantas vezes poderia “gravar” as coisas. Um cansaço mental gradual mas certeiro. E quanto mais cansado, mais memórias escapavam de seu controle, fatos sem importância viravam cruciais, e sua própria data de aniversário foi esquecida como um papel de bala. FASE II: Seu controle de suas próprias memórias aumentou com treinamento árduo. Mas em compensação, coisas ditas como “não importantes” passaram a escapar de sua mente muito mais rápido que antes. Percebeu que poderia alterar a memória de outras pessoas, mas nesse ponto somente coisas sem muito importância para o alvo. Como colocar a certeza na mente de um policial cansado que todos os documentos do veículo já foram conferidos.
HABILIDADES: Reflexos sobre-humanos e sentidos aguçados.
ARMA: Uma réplica da lança de Atena, feita por um filhe de Hefesto. Em seu segundo ano no acampamento, confiou na palavra do campista que forjou-a. De acordo com elu, a arma tinha as mesmas características da lança da própria Atena. Sua mira sempre foi boa, e com o foco de seu treinamento nisso, quando foi treinar acertou o alvo. Aquilo foi a prova que precisava, o suficiente para convencê-lo a pagar uma quantidade absurda de dracmas. Foi direto para sua irmã e… ela errou o alvo. É uma lança muito boa. Em descanso se transforma em um anel com a moeda de Atena, e quando lançada retorna a mão de seu dono. Mas ainda assim… é só uma lança de bronze celestial.
Ou faz parte de alguma EQUIPE? Estrategista.
Ou líder de alguma ATIVIDADE OPTATIVAS? Membro do time vermelho de Queimada.
Permite que a central use seu personagem para desenvolver o plot? SIIMM Permite que a central use seu personagem em plot drop, eventos, task ou atividades extras sem aviso prévio?  SIMMM
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peanutpinet · 4 years
Nine Percent scenarios my brain thought of when I first saw their pics
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SCENARIO 1: Kun saw you attending an event that he was also attending (let’s say mafia/gang meeting, which you have no idea of) and he asked for one of the staffs to guide you to another place so he could meet you and ensures your safety
“Please ensure her to the other room, I’ll be there shortly”
SCENARIO 2: So, second scenario, I can imagine Kun seeing a guy eyeing you from afar (let’s say it’s still the same meeting he was attending) and other men were either trying to come up to you/flirt with you (which, Kun does not approve whatsoever) and he requested permission from the staff so he can go to your side.
“I want them, in a room. Alive.”
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So, I imagine that Nongnong and you were very close, working under the same company and all. Then, our precious nongnong (because of his hardwork and sunshine smile) was promoted into the CEO of the company and he appointed you to be his assistant. THEN!!! Y’all had to attend this meeting with a business partner which was fine and all until the freaking representative of the business (a guy) was eye-f*cking you, would even discuss the business more with you instead of Nong (because let’s be real here, who would’ve thought this soft boi is the CEO). Time skip to after the meeting, Nongnong requested to meet this representative, alone!! 
Then, Nong was like “How about we talk real business here. Like how you were eye-fucking (OMO CURSE NONG) my assistant-girlfriend”
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This pic, I imagine, something happened to you and Cheng was not going to let it slide that easily. After taking care of you and making sure you were safe and rested, he went out and hunted searched for the very people who hurted you. Not letting any of them to catch their breath, putting them down (not permanently, but feel free to imagine this), making sure they know who they were dealing with when they went out to hurt you, even if it means that he’s risking his own life.
“They should’ve gone for the head when they had the chance. Oh well, their loss. What’s done is done”
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Alright, this may be slightly similar to Chengcheng’s scenario but not really. Let’s get to it!!
So, when I first saw this, I immediately thought of both you and Justin were held captive by another gang (9% is a gang of their own and Justin was just so happen to be with only you, not the others, and was busy protecting you, being outnumbered by a lot, hence why you both ended up being held captive). Both of you were in the same room and though it was just Justin getting beaten up for information at first (which he does not leak whatsoever), it wasn’t long before the gang decided to beat you up for information as well, or even to break Justin, making him leak something. INSTEAD!! What they got was a very pissed off Justin who eventually broke free (specifically, when his geges have arrived to save them and it distracted everyone).
Justin then had a one vs one fight with the one that beated you up and the building was starting to collapse. The opposite gang thought that maybe Justin was done for. BUT NOPE, CUE THE PICTURE!! HE SURVIVED
“I’m going to give you a light head-start. By the time I count to five, you better hope that you’ll be able to find an exit because, you’re nex7 (LMFAO CAN’T HELP IT)”
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So, I imagine that (again, 9% was a gang/mafia of their own, that is for a good cause!!) Yanjun was supposed to meet up with a “business partner” which he was not excited to begin with. But when he heard the news that you were hit on by the “business partner”, something in him was just burning up that he decided to invite them to his (more like 9%)’s bar and have a nice talk fight.
“I heard that you like playing with people’s feelings and emotions. Well, I like to play too. I like to play with pool, drinks, *shifts to dark gaze* the items in this bar that will soon fly around and not to mention blood”
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Alright, first things first, let us ignore the yellow fluffy jacket he has and imagine he was wearing a suit XD But alright, just like Kun, I have 2 different scenarios for Mama Ting!!
Scenario 1: He was fighting with a bad guy/person that “accidentally” hurt you and the guy ended up being limp, trying to escape Zhengting. Buth oh ho no boi, you mess with the wrong person. Thanks to his long flexible legs, he managed to get through every obstacle and following the limp guy in the escape stairs.
“You should really save your energy to say your last words instead of escaping from me. Because, let’s be real, you can’t escape. I (actually the whole 9%) own this building”
Scenario 2 (a bit darker/yandere-ish): you had just found out that your boyfriend, Zhengting was basically “obsessed” with you. He doesn’t mind if you were with your friends that are girls. No, he’s actually happy that you have a good social life and maintain it. However, when it comes to guys, that was definitely not the case.
Sure, it seemed that he was the typical “jealous” boyfriend and he tried his best to not let it get the best of him. But when he found out that you and one of your best friends (that is a guy) went out together with your other friends and play an escape room together, to say Zhengting was jealous was an understatement. 
He felt slightly betrayed that you didn’t at least let him know that you were going to play an escape room with your friends and one of them just so happened to be your guy best friend. Ho-hoh, beware my friend because you were in for a treat.
What seemed to be a fake horror/thriller escape room quickly shifted to a real one the minute you and your friends heard screaming, realising that the scream came from your guys friend, all of you decided to run for your life. Shouting for help. When you saw Zhengting in the escape room, you were first relieved that your boyfriend came to save you. But when you found out he was the one that killed your guy best friend, you knew you had to escape. Unfortunately, escaping Zhengting after what you had done was nearly impossible.
“Sweetheart, where are you going? You know you can’t outrun me. I think it’s best for you to just give up. I wouldn’t want to harm you”
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First and foremost, can someone cast Ziyi (along with his bros) in like an action movie or something like dayum!!!
Alright, this is going to be a short and sweet one. You were basically held hostage and Ziyi finally came (with his bros, don’t worry) to save you. He looked at the situation and quickly diverse a plan so you wouldn’t get hurt anymore.
“Alright, Xiaogui, Cheng, create a diversion. Once they’re distracted, Jun, Justin, take them out but not kill them, we need information to what it is they want from (Y/N). Then I’ll try my best to release (Y/N). Afterwards, Nong and Zhangjing, quickly take her to safety”
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Can I just say, dayum Xiaogui!! Boi skipped motorcycle, car, truck and straight for the plane (JK)
Alright, for Xiaogui’s scenario, I feel that him and the others managed to rescue you and some other hostages/victims from the enemy. However, the enemy manages to “escape”. Well, not really, since Xiaogui and Zhengting already devised a plan just in case if the enemy does manage to escape. Which is basically hijacking their system and transport. In this case, their plane 😎😎
“Hi, yes, captain Linkai a.k.a Xiaogui speaking. Do fasten your seatbelt as we prepare to head to prison shortly *cue him putting on those shades*” 
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The scenario I thought of when looking at this pic of Zhangjing is that he was spying on you and your friends (who were out partying) when the opposing enemy of 9% were at the same bar. At first, Zhangjing would be subtle with the situation. Not really showing himself and all. But when he saw you sitting at the bar and an enemy of the boys decided to hit on you (out of all the girls/guys in the bar), he just bluntly went behind the counter (because let’s be real, I’m sure the boys have enough money to buy a bar, LOL).
“Hi, welcome to our bar. How would you like your drink? Hot? Cold? Or punch? Like what I’m about to do to you if you do not get your hands off of her”
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soft-imagines · 5 years
innocent | justin
group: nine percent / nex7
member: justin (huang minghao)
genre: fluff, comedy + lowkey angst?
requested: yes (by anon)
Oof I hope this is still open. Can I request where the reader and justin kiss and mama ting flips his stuff because he thinks they're too young for kissing?
warnings: some swearing
a/n: as i’m writing this, i would like to dedicate this to @jenosblackgf
zhu zhengting is not a force to be messed with. one minute he’s as sweet as can be, and the next minute, he’s chasing after you with a broom gripped tightly in his fingers. everyone knows this. including you and justin...
which is why pda is always private. the most you and justin have done in front of zhengting was hold hands, hug, and lay your heads on each other’s shoulders. zhengting never really said anything about it, but once justin decided to back hug you while you were washing the dishes and he apparently gave justin a glare and a warning afterwards?? whoops-
zhengting spends most of his time going out somewhere or practicing in the dance studio, leaving you and justin plenty of alone time. chengcheng and linkai always say you two will get caught if you’re not careful, and at first, it kinda scared you. but justin assured you that even if zhengting found out you guys cuddled and kissed a lot more than he thought, he wouldn’t react too harshly.
well... he was kinda right-? very w r o n g
you and justin were watching some horribly cheesy romantic drama, the way i hate you (sorry jaemin-), and his arms were wrapped tightly around you as you faced him and traced shapes and words on his chest. the two of you were in the middle of a guessing game when the “kiss” scene came up, and you shushed justin as he tried to guess the word you were tracing (fun fact: it was his name). the lead boy leaned in and then??? the episode ended. you sat up and threw your arms up in the air, fuming. 
“W H Y?!” you angrily shouted, followed by justin chuckling and back hugging you. his chin rested on your shoulder as you crossed your arms and he hummed.
“maybe they’ll have another kiss scene later,” your boyfriend suggested, nuzzling your neck a bit.
“but that’s not cooL-”
“babe, look at me.”
you shifted yourself so that you sat and faced justin, his smile growing at the sight of your face. 
“would you rather watch a kiss scene or live in one?” he nearly whispered, brushing some of your stray hairs behind your ear. 
that was the cheesiest yet most romantic thing justin could have ever said to you, and no matter how cheesy it was, it still made your cheeks heat up. it was random moments like this that made you melt in his arms. he leaned in, and you smiled a bit while following suit, draping your arms around his neck.
unfortunately, you and justin weren’t paying attention to anything going on outside of the room, and zhengting had gotten home from getting groceries with ziyi and zhangjing. he was currently searching for you two so that you guys could help cook dinner. 
you and justin were sharing soft, gentle, tender kisses, and you lingered a bit while justin pulled you closer. it was too late to pull away once zhengting opened the door. you and justin pulled away from the kiss, and you both whipped your heads towards the door. justin’s arms tightened around you and plled you even closer. 
“you children!” zhengting shrieked, immediately coming over to rip you away from justin. 
you quickly whispered to justin to let go of you and he quickly obeyed, his arms tearing away from your torso. you threw yourself on the other side of the bed as zhengting started screaming. 
“HEY-!” ziyi called, quickly grabbing zhengting before he can get over to you or justin. 
in all truth, you were terrified. you had never seen zhengting that mad and you didn’t think it would be that big of a deal, considering the fact that you and justin had been dating for three months, but zhengting was big mad. 
while ziyi and yanjun tried getting him to calm down, xukun and zhangjing came in to question you and justin. 
“we were literally just kissing-” you mumbled, a bit shaken. 
“don’t worry, y/n, zhengting was just overreacting,” xukun assured you, patting your arm. “you and justin just keep cuddling or whatever. we’ll talk to him...”
zhengting was currently out of the room and in the living room, the rest of the guys with him. chengcheng and linkai came into the room and you grumbled, burying your face in justin’s chest. justin sighed, turning to them.
“don’t you dare say it-”
“we won’t, we’re just checking to see if you guys are okay,” linkai said, walking over. 
“but we told you so-” cheng said, earning him a rather hard punch in the arm from linkai. “oW!”
you rolled your eyes and sighed, closing your eyes. “i don’t want to talk about it. i’m fine.”
“well, according to xukun, you looked pretty scared, y/n,” linong said from the doorway, kind of frowning. “which is why zhengting is here.”
cheng and linkai quickly left as zhengting walked in, you and justin watching him. he walked over, sitting at the end of the bed. you and justin sat up more, waiting for him to speak.
“look, zhengting, i’m sorry-” you started, immediately cut off by zhengting shushing you.
“it’s not your guys’ fault, y/n. i think we all know that... i’m sorry for overreacting. you guys are a couple and i think it was just... unusual for me because you guys are basically my children and i only ever saw you guys hug or hold hands. so i’m sorry. i can’t force you guys to not kiss and i just want you guys to know that i don’t care if you kiss or not. okay?”
you and justin nodded, and zhengting sighed, continuing a little bit. 
“you guys have been dating for a while... who’s to say that you guys can’t kiss, right-?” zhengting bitterly chuckled, sighing at himself. “well, again, i’m sorry that i yelled at you guys, that was uncalled for.”
“it’s fine,” you responded. “i was just... a bit startled. i didn’t think us kissing would make you that mad.”
justin nodded in agreement, taking your hand. you smiled at him, turning back to zhengting, who smiled a bit. 
“well, i’ll get going,” zhengting said, getting up and going out the door. “but no kissing like that when you guys are in public alright-?”
justin rolled his eyes. “okay okay-”
zhengting grinned and shut the door, silence following. you look at justin and smile happily. 
“well... i guess we’re not his innocent little babies now, huh?” you giggled, hugging your boyfriend tightly.
“i doubt it,” justin replied, kissing the top of your head and chuckling. “we’re still his babies i guess... just... grown up. and dating-”
you laughed and pecked justin’s lips, staring into his eyes. 
“you’re the cutest, you know that?” you hummed, booping his nose.
“no, you are!” justin whined, pouting.
“nu uh!! look at your cute little pout-”
“y/n~! :(”
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wannabeone-blog · 7 years
Justin Best Friends to Lovers
Justin is such a visual skskskskks
you and Justin had been best friends since elementary school
Justin found you crying on the playground because someone had stolen your snack
you felt a finger tap you on the shoulder to see little justin with a smile on his face "do you want to share?"
you nodded and you two shared before going to play on the monkey bars together
you soon figured out that he lived across the street from you
and you two would walk home from the bus stop together
when you were kids he was shorter than you
and you would tease him about it sometimes
and him being a little shit would fake cry about it to make you feel bad
which didn't work
and he was shook that his puppy eyes didn't work on you
as you got older Justin's personality began to mature and he started acting differently around you
he started treating you to ice cream after school with his allowance
and he would giggle softly at you as he watched your eyes light up from too much sugar
people at school started to tease you two about being a couple
and you were like ew stop we're eleven and he's practically my brother
you stayed the night at Justin's house whenever your parents worked late
and you and justin would cuddle on the couch bc you were cold
he liked to run his fingers through your hair
but if you did the same to him he would be in straight up heaVEN
once you got into high school Justin started to flirt with any girl he came into contact with
which included you
and you typically smacked his shoulder and that would shit him up for the time being
he eventually did get a girlfriend
and started to hang out with her more than you
and you started to get jealous
but you thought it was just because she was taking your best friend away from you
you were going towards justin's locker one day so he could walk you home like he usually did
"sorry y/n i can't today, we're going on a date" he said with a hand around her waist, before pecking her cheek
"oh, okay" you nodded before walking out to the bus, and letting a few tears roll down your face
and that was when you realized that you liked Justin
but you being obliVIOUS didn't realize that he had liked you in the past but couldn't deal with how much you friendzoned him
so he decided to move on
you made new friends and started to distance yourself from justin
he started to whine and get clingy when you said you were busy whenever you rejected hanging out
one day he caught you in the hallway, getting ready to leave
"y/n can i talk to you"
"I'm kind of in a hurry here justin, maybe later?"
"it's important"
"why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not justin I'm just busy recently. you're not my only priority. now if you'll excuse me."
and with that he did the cliche wrist grab and pulled you towards him, using his tall frame to trap you between him and your locker
"gdi y/n why can't you just tell me when something's bothering you. I'm not stupid I'm your best friend i know when something is wrong with you"
"i just didn't like seeing you with your girlfriend all the time. i was just in your way so I'm giving you some space"
"we broke up weeks ago"
"bc i missed you. i like you y/n. why can't you just see that?"
you almost died right then and there
"i've been flirting with you for years and i was tired of you friendzoning me so i tried to move on"
he just kind of stood there looking into your eyes for any kind of response
"saying anything would be great about now" he chuckled at your flustered appearance
"i like you too justin"
he leaned in and pecked your lips
and then you heard a collection of screams
and it was justin's group of friends
hyungseob looked like he was going to cry istg
"aboUT TIME"
after that day nothing really changed bc of how much justin and you were like a couple before
except he randomly kisses you to see you flustered
when you sleep over he likes to cuddle and sometimes begs for you to play with his hair to put him to sleep
he still takes you out for ice cream after school bc it's your tradition
no one was more excited for you two than your own parents
both of your moms have been waiting for the day one of you would confess and placed money on who they thought would confess first
his mom owes your mom ten bucks lol
you were the first to say i love you tho
and then your mom owed his mom jsjs
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i-m-tiny · 3 years
Punishment [Dom!Chengcheng X Sub!Justin]
TW // SMUT //
"Tsk tsk tsk little baby boy you want to get punished hmm?" Chengcheng says pinning Justin to the wall. "Y-yes daddy~" Justin says softly, whining in Chengcheng's ears. Chengcheng smirks and turns over Justin, pushing him on the bed. "It's gonna be a long night baby boy" Chengcheng says in his deep raspy voice as he strips himself and starts hovering over Justin, kissing him harshly with passion and lust. Justin breaks the kiss to catch his breath and looks into Chengcheng's eyes... His eyes weren't the innocent, dark brown hazel eyes... instead they were dark, full of lust. Chengcheng smirks and says "done staring at me?" Justin blushes at his comment and looks away, trying to avoid Chengcheng's hungry gaze. Chengcheng starts stripping Justin ruthlessly, just as if a hungry beast possessed him. He was not the innocent and cute Chengcheng which Justin met at the shooting set. Yes... Chengcheng looks really innocent and warm but only Justin knows the fact that this soft boy is a whole beast in sheets.
Chengcheng entangles his hands in Justin' soft hair and pulls them, giving him a better view of the boy's neck. Chengcheng licks his lips at the sight of his neck and starts kissing him behind his ears. Sucking and kissing softly... not even leaving an inch of his skin. He knew it... Justin was all his, and he wanted the world to know that. While Chengcheng was marking his boyfriend with red-purple bruises on his neck, the younger was moaning and whimpering under the elder's touch. Well, who could blame him...? He always went weak under his touch. It was magic to him. Just one skin interaction and he is already on his knees for the elder boy.
Chengcheng moves down to his nipples, slowly rubbing them and placing soft, full of love kisses on the erected nipples of the younger while he whimpers. "D-daddy p-please~~" Justin whines pleading Chengcheng to abuse his hole which was clenching around nothing. "Please what babyboy" Chengcheng says, smirking and slowly rubbing the slit of the younger's erection. Justin arches his back in pleasure "p-please f-fuck me d-daddy- b-babyboy is needy~" "aww look at you, whimpering under my touch... looks like I have a really great effect on you, do I?" "Y-yes y-you do b-but just f-fuck me a-already" Chengcheng smirks and slowly starts pumping the younger's erection "like this?" "Y-yeah- F-fuck- aah-" a trail of moans and curses leave the younger's mouth as the elder pleasures him by increasing his speed as the moments pass by…"I-I'm c-close" "already?" Chengcheng stops. Of course, he can't let the younger one release so early. "W-why did you s-stop?" Justin whines, craving for his touch. "I just can't let you cum so easily Justin... wait a little" he smirks and flips Justin, making his ass face Chengcheng. The elder spanks it leaving a bright red print on the soft ass cheeks of the needy little boy. Chengcheng, with his big hands, gropes Justin' ass cheeks and spreads them, creating enough space needed by the dominant one. Chengcheng starts licking the younger's clenching hole. "So sweet. Just as I wanted it to be '' Chengcheng says, before continuing to abuse the already clenching hole of the submissive boy. Justin moans at the feeling of Chengcheng's warm tongue on his clenching hole. "It f-feels so g-good", says Justin, making Chengcheng smirk and blow at it. The vibration run through the submissive boy's body making him moan from the pleasure he was receiving.
"Wet enough for at least 3 of my fingers to slip in" Chengcheng smirks and speaks in a teasing tone. "T-three?" the submissive says in shock. How can he handle THREE FINGERS in that hole? "Yeah, three fingers. I know you can handle that much for me, can you?" "I c-can" "Good boy" Chengcheng says, slipping his middle finger in the throbbing, ready-to-be-abused hole of Justin. "Hmm you take my fingers in so well, don’t you?'' Chengcheng slips another finger into the tight little hole of the poor boy who was moaning under him. Slipping in the final finger, Chengcheng increases his pace.
"D-daddy- f-fuck this is s-so good"
"Is it?"
"Y-yes- C-can I c-cum?"
"No" "为什么?("Why?")"
"Because it's a punishment for my baby boy".
Justin whines at this statement. He really wanted to release his load on his boyfriend... but he couldn't because he doesn't want another punishment to add up. If you are wondering what made Chengcheng punish him like this... it's because when they were at shoot Justin was flirting with the other cast members to make Chengcheng jealous. After all, Justin asked for his punishment.
Chengcheng pulls out his fingers and rams his big erection into the little boy's hole. "Fuck-" Justin curses at the sudden feeling of pleasure. Grunts and groans leave Chengcheng's mouth. "Fuck- you're still so tight- do I need to do this every day?" Justin couldn't make any sentences. The only sounds leaving his mouth were loud moans, screams which were Chengcheng's name and this turned on Chengcheng even more. Chengcheng is no 'unique' person to be turned on by this though... who wouldn't be turned on by this anyways. Time passes and Chengcheng twitches inside Justin.
"F-fuck d-daddy I-I'm c-close"
"Me too baby boy"
"C-can we cum t-together?"
"Of course, baby"
They agree and both release their loads together. Chengcheng's seeds dripping out of Justin' hole was pure bliss to him. Justin was lying there on the bed, panting and recovering from his high. Meanwhile Chengcheng pulls out from the younger's hole and cleans himself up. After wearing a new pair of boxers and wiping himself off, he goes to his helpless and tired boyfriend who was already half-asleep due to the immense amount of pleasure he received.
"Let's clean you up baby" "I'm tired..." "Don't worry... you lay here and I will clean you. okay?" "Thank you" Chengcheng flashes him a smile before grabbing a towel and making it damp in warm water. Chengcheng reaches Justin and starts wiping his body with the damp towel. "Was I too harsh on you?" Chengcheng asks, concerned. "No, not at all" Justin answers in a tired tone. After cleaning him up, Chengcheng lies next to his, now asleep, boyfriend. He ruffles Justin' hair and covers both of their bodies with a soft blanket. Just at the moment, soft water drop sounds could be heard from outside. Chengcheng smiles to himself at the thought of Justin being all his now. He loved him so much... and so did Justin. Chengcheng hugs his boyfriend's thin waist and drifts to sleep. "I love you so much Justin" "I love you too Chengcheng" Justin says before finally drifting off to sleep.
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vermemesol · 4 years
MASTERLIST | College! AU | Nine Percent
This is a special masterlist for the College! AU series for Nine Percent.
 -> Normal Masterlist <-  In case you wanted to go there and not come here.
There are multiple endings to it, with different endings are different storylines.
Think of it like Mystic Messenger or something, like, you get to choose your preferred route so the first 4 parts are like day 1 of Mystic Messenger, it’s constant, non-changing.
However, not every member gets their own ending. You Zhang Jing and Wang Lin Kai (Xiao Gui) won’t be getting their own happy/bad ending because I can’t figure out how to make one for either of them. They will still be mentioned as like, maybe a wingman or something tho.
With each happy ending, Y/N might have to break other members heart too. But I won’t be spoiling anything, you’re gonna have to read it to find out. 
The endings have nothing to do with each other. 
And if Y/N is already with one of the members, the others will back off automatically, that’s like, basic rules please, you don’t flirt with your bro’s girlfriend. If you do, sucks to be an asshole. 
Please read the first 4 parts before choosing your preferred ending. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Endings : Cai Xu Kun
Fan Cheng Cheng
Latest Update : 19.04.2020 @ GMT+8 0504
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coldimplord · 4 years
Spilled Coffee - Chapter 12
Author’s Note: 
Hello again.. 
Yes, it’s been almost one and a half year.
Yes, it’s been a long time. 
And yes, there is still more. 
Please enjoy.
Lu & Jess ♥ 
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kpop-homescreen · 4 years
day 10 - kpop cpop recommendations -
artist : NEXT (formerly NEX7)
song : WYTB (What You Talking ‘Bout)
thoughts : i’ve slowly gotten into cpop groups over the years and once NEXT debuted i instantly fell in love.. like omg they looked sO GOOD in the wytb mv plus this song fits so well with my preferred songs it was hard not to fall in love,, i recommend this group if you already like cpop or want to get into it!! (ALSO listen to ONER they are freaking good)
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nextsevxn · 5 years
[Chengcheng and Quanzhe, trying to contact spirits]
Chengcheng: If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!
Quanzhe: You know that will never work ri-
Justin, through a walkie-talkie disguised to look like a spirit box: *claps his hands*
Quanzhe, on the verge of tears: ZHENGTING-GE!
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yanjuniverse · 5 years
First Kiss - Fan Chengcheng/Huang Justin Imagine
Fan Chengcheng would like to get one thing straight before he starts things off: he is not a pervert. He doesn’t want anyone to listen to whatever the hell Justin Huang has to say - the kid probably still wets the bed. So what if he can’t peel his eyes away from the television screen during sex scenes or the out right whine he lets out when Ziyi skips through them. So what if he can’t help it if he pauses for a moment in the doorway when he catches his two bandmates in a steamy make out session on the couch (if they don’t want to be caught, they would’ve taken it somewhere else, right?).
He’s 19, dammit. Let him be curious.
It’s not his fault that he’s never laid his lips upon anyone else’s except maybe his little cousins who find the need to always leave snotty kisses on his face and the cute puppies that come in and out of his dorm. It’s not his fault that he spent the first half of his life in hiding and the second part training to be an idol. He’s just never found the time to go out and look for romance. He has an excuse to be the way he is.
So yeah, maybe he is a little jealous when he finds out his band leader Zhu Zhengting gets to mess around with the Cai Xukun. Maybe he is a little irritated when he sees Zhangjing sneak a kiss to Yanjun. But the one thing he will admit to being angry about is when Justin comes bounding into their room talking about how he had his first kiss when he was only ten years old.
Ten is a bit too young, Chengcheng thinks. Ten year olds should be worried about crayons and action figures and barbie dolls - not kissing. And the sudden outburst of information makes Zhengting, who is in their room for once and not with Xukun, all but choke on his drink.
“Why the sudden confession?” Zhengting asks.
“Because Linong told me that one of us in this room still hasn’t had their first kiss,” he smirks, eyes evilly pointed towards Chengcheng, who instantly feels his stomach fall out of his ass.
“Chengcheng?” Fuck, Chengcheng really hates when Zhengting uses that voice with him. Usually, he ends the conversation with pinched red cheeks and messy hair. “You’ve never had your first kiss?” Zhengting coos. “Aw, baby!”
“I’m not a baby!” he cries out. “And who the hell are you to be spreading my business like this?” he points his finger accusingly at Justin.
“You’re the one who always goes around calling me a virgin!” Justin fights back, once again causing Zhengting to squeal.
“Fan Chengcheng!” he gasps.
“Well he is!” Chengcheng rolls his eyes.
“He should be!” Zhengting snaps. Justin is only seventeen and the last thing Zhengting wants his seventeen year old son to be doing is sinning.
“At least I had my first kiss!” Justin teases again, sticking his tongue out.
Chengcheng decides that he’s had enough and jumps down from his top bunk on an actual mission to kill Justin (he means it this time. He can do prison time. Him and Linkai watched a Youtube video on how to make a knife out if a toothbrush last week and he’s sure he could use his status as Fan Bingbing’s little brother to his advantage in prison. He’s watched enough Orange is the New Black for this. He’s ready). But before he can, Justin is running down the hall screaming for Ziyi (the one person Chengcheng is sure could kick his ass and wouldn’t regret it) and Zhengting is high tailing it behind the rest of them to make sure his children don’t get blood on the carpets he just had deep cleaned at the beginning of the week.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, where’s the fire?” Ziyi asks as Justin ducks behind him.
“Let me kill him! We could sacrifice him to the gods! He’s a fucking virgin and that has to go for something!” Chengcheng shouts from behind Xukun, who had also come out from his room to see what all the noise is about, as if it’s the most sane thing in the world to say.
“I’m a child of God!” Justin retorts. Chengcheng knows he’s not. Justin just wants to make the others feel bad for him. I mean, if a little church boy came screaming devil to you, who would you believe? “I’ve made a promise of abstinence! You haven’t even-“
“Shut up!” Chengcheng yells.
“What the hell is going on?!” Yanjun groans, eyes piercing as he opens the door of his and Zhangjing’s room. Chengcheng wants to scoff because Yanjun hasn’t been the least bit intimidating to him since he found out his favorite past time is singing Baby Shark to Zhengting’s dogs - what a fucking Virgo.
“Can’t we just put these two up for adoption already?” Zhangjing leans his head against the door. “I’m willing to pay the fee. We can easily drop them off in a box too at a church if it comes to it.”
“We are not putting my kids up for adoption,” Zhengting snaps. “If my kid goes, so does yours.”
“Like we’d give up Linong,” Zhangjing snorts, pulling the younger into his arms and rubbing his hair. “Right? We all love Nongnong!”
“Hello!” Justin is screaming again. “Are we all just going to ignore the fact that Chengcheng sits here and calls me a virgin all the time but he hasn’t even kissed somebody before!”
And, oh yeah, Chengcheng almost forgot that’s why they’re all having a meeting in the middle of the hallway.
His eyes immediately are set ablaze again. A look of realization crosses Linong’s face as Linkai all but crumbles to the ground in a fit of laughter.
“Two virgins,” he whispers. Two virgin sacrifices might just get him the Nintendo Switch he’s been begging Zhengting for for months.
Before he can jump, Zhengting and Xukun pull him back and shove them into the room all while Justin is laughing wickedly from the other side of the door.
“Cheng,” Zhengting sighs, rubbing his temples. He’s too young to be getting worry lines, he tells himself as Chengcheng throws himself onto Xukun’s bed. “You cannot threaten to sacrifice people.”
“Well why not?” he snipes. “You let Justin and Linong get away with everything! Just admit it,” he crosses his arms, “you like to pick favorites.”
“I don’t-“
“Yes you do,” Xukun replies as he falls onto Ziyi’s now unoccupied bed. “You pick Justin over Chengcheng all the time.”
Chengcheng gestures towards the boy wildly. “See! Told you!” he says.
Zhengting shuts his eyes. “Maybe it’s because they don’t threaten human sacrifice every time something doesn’t go their way, you Satanic spawn.”
“Have you even read up on Satanism? It’s not as scary as you think.”
Zhengting only blinks at him. For a second, he ponders going down this road and talking to Chengcheng about weird conspiracies that sometimes leave the younger one so shaken, he has to crawl into bed with him or else he’ll get nightmares. But Zhengting takes one glance at Xukun and remembers that he has to punish him for defying him (or tickle him until he screams mercy and deny him kisses until he’s on his knees before the older and kissing other-)
“Ge!” Zhengting shakes his head and looks back at Chengcheng. Ugh, why can’t these children just behave long enough for him to get some decent loving around here? Zhengting looks back and forth between the two before Chengcheng huffs, blowing his bangs out of his eyes. “Are you seriously going to punish me? Justin was the one who told everyone my deepest darkest secret. I haven’t even told anyone about that one time we-“ Chengcheng stops suddenly as Zhengting gives him an expectant look.
“We?” he raises his eyebrows.
Chengcheng shakes his head before he tells Zhengting about the one time when he was seventeen and Justin was fifteen and they snuck into a nightclub. He may be mad but not mad enough to kill the captain of the ship as well. “Not the point. The point is that you’re yelling at me when we should be yelling at him!” he cries out, deflating against Xukun. “You’re my favorite parent now.”
“I think I’ll pass,” he grimaces, pushing Chengcheng away.
The youngest one pouts and stands up. “I hate this family. I’m going to tell Wenjun to take me back. Tell him I was lying when I said this new family is was better than the old one because we don’t have to deal with Zeren’s bullshit here.” Chengcheng turns on his feet, waiting for Zhengting to protest and call him dramatic. He stands at the door and wonders why he hasn’t said anything only to turn back and see Xukun crawling next to Zhengting in bed. Whores, he rolls his eyes before leaving.
Chengcheng decides then that he’s had enough embarrassment for the day. He’s not sure where Justin has gone but he does notice that his shoes are missing along with Ziyi’s when he passes the door on his way to the kitchen. He stalks up on some snacks and leaves back to his room, already thinking up ways to have Wenjun take him back in the Yuehua dorm (that he may or may not have gotten banned from after he set the microwave on fire - now that’s a whole other story for another day).
He settles down on his bunk and groans.
So what if he hasn’t had his first kiss? He thinks everyone should stop normalizing first kisses at such a young age.
He thinks about it a moment more then turns his head to the side to stare at the blank white wall, popping another chip into his mouth.
Maybe Xinchun is right - maybe Chengcheng is too picky.
He stays like that for a while, staring at the wall with crumbs littering his shirt and bed. He thinks about a lot of things while laying there - like the time he was in Korea for New Years and almost got to kiss Zhengting at the stroke of midnight just because the older was a little too tipsy. Or all the times he skipped out on playing spin the bottle and instead of kissing Zeren that one time, he popped him in the mouth with the rubber band on his wrist. He thinks about how many people have called him beautiful and told him they wanted more than a friendship and he chose not to pursue them.
He’s not sure what he’s scared of - he’s no stranger to heartbreak or rejection.
Somewhere around eight, Justin comes bounding into the room again. Chengcheng thinks for a moment - wonders if he should jump up and put him in a choke hold or throw him out the window. But instead, he sees the younger one dancing happily to the beat of his own drum and watches him grab some clothes and a towel before leaving again.
Rude, he thinks. Can’t you acknowledge your gege?
Chengcheng has known Justin since Justin was fourteen and he was sixteen. He remembers that he stayed in his family’s hotel a little before Justin left to Korea.
He still remembers meeting him in the arcade. The young boy with his natural dark hair was walking around the arcade when he stopped in front of where Chengcheng was playing basketball and laughed.
“Maybe you should stick to your day job,” he snickered as Chengcheng missed another shot.
“Shut up,” Chengcheng snorted just as the machine went off - his game is over. Chengcheng frowned, knowing his that was the last bit of his coins and sighed.
But, as if Justin could read his mind, he pulled a key out from his pocket and crouched down in front of the machine, opening the box where all the quarters would fall to and fished out a whole handful. “Here,” he smiled. Chengcheng remembers giving him a weird look before Justin said, “Don’t worry. My parents own all of this. I do it all the time.” He handed him the coins and then took a step back. “I’m Minghao but you can call me Justin.“
“Chengcheng,” he replied. “Fan Chengcheng.”
“Well Fan Chengcheng, let’s keep in touch. You owe me a favor now!” Justin said.
They had switched numbers and Chengcheng kept in touch. He rooted for Justin when Justin went to Korea, he comforted him when he came back to China, he joined his company when Justin suggested it and now, they’re in two bands together.
He thinks may he sees Justin too often. Maybe that’s what keeps him from actually killing the younger boy. Chengcheng still remembers how Justin would always call him an “angsty teenager” because all Chengcheng used to do was complain.
“I don’t know what you’re complaining about. Your sister is Fan Bingbing, you’re rich, you’re not that bad to look at and you’re best friends with the one and only Huang Minghao,” he had told him somewhere in the beginning of their friendship.
He knows he shouldn’t complain. He has a life that many people dream of and yet, he can’t help but feel saddened by the fact that he’s never gotten the chance to experience a normal life.
Maybe I am an angsty teenager, he thinks as he sits up for the first time in hours, watching all of the crumbs from his shirt litter the bed. He’ll just sleep in Zhengting’s tonight then complain about it tomorrow when the older comes looking for clothes.
“You look so sad,” Justin chuckles from the doorway, shaking a towel on his wet hair.
“There are crumbs on my bed,” he says.
Justin blinks. “Okay?” Chengcheng just shrugs and stands up, staring at his sheets a while longer. Justin sighs and walks over, using his towel to swat the remnants onto the floor. “Better?” he asks.
“I was gonna make Zhengting to it-“
“Well,” Justin shrugs. They’re silent for another beat. It grows awkward until Justin groans. “What’s even wrong with you?”
Chengcheng isn’t sure how to respond. What is wrong with him? It’s not the first time Justin’s spilled a secret about him to his band mates. In fact, sometimes, it seems like it’s his life goal to embarrass his elder; like the time he told everyone he had a rash in the place where the sun don’t shine, or the time he leaked pictures of Chengcheng picking his nose to the groupchat. But there was this feeling in the pit of his stomach that made today’s confession a little different.
“What’s wrong with me?” Chengcheng asks, tone catching Justin off guard. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“What are you even talking about?” Justin frowns, taking a step back.
Chengcheng’s not sure what he’s talking about but words are rolling off his tongue anyways.
“I mean, who the hell even are you? To go around and spill my business like this?” Chengcheng jabs his finger accusingly into his chest.
“Dude, it was a joke,” Justin pouts. He keeps backing him until he feels his back hit the door and it click behind him. Chengcheng takes another step and they’re now flushed together. “Leave me alone,” Justin orders.
“Who the fuck cares if I haven’t had my first kiss?” Chengcheng growls at him.
“Nobody does!” Justin retorts. He knows nobody does. If anything, nobody is surprised because Chengcheng isn’t a very affectionate person. He hates when his personal space is intruded, hates when people touch him. He doesn’t give hugs or cuddle with his members. In fact, this is the closest Justin thinks they’ve been since they both debuted on Idol Producer.
“Well obviously you do if you went around telling everyone!” Chengcheng shouts.
“I was trying to annoy you!” Justin groans.
“But why?!” Chengcheng asks. “Why do you always have to be so damn annoying?! Why can’t you just let me breathe for once, huh?! Did it ever occur to you that I may be saving my kiss for someone special?!”
“What’s so special about a kiss?! It’s just a stupid kiss!” Justin is irritated. He doesn’t like when Chengcheng raises his voice at him and he knows Chengcheng has no right to. He knows Chengcheng can sit and talk things out with him. He knows his elder knows how to act. But Justin just wants to go to sleep but for that to happen, he’ll need Chengcheng to 1) get out of his face and 2) shut the hell up. “Everyone kisses! Nobody gives a damn who your first kiss is with! They only care about how well you do it and you’re fucking eighteen and probably kiss like a washing machine! I probably kiss way better than you!”
“And?!” Chengcheng’s ears are red now. He’s not sure where all this anger is coming from but he’s burning inside out.
“And that’s all you have to say,” Justin replies, a bit satisfied with himself to see that he’s won again. “So go away.” He tries to slip out between the door and Chengcheng but the older presses him back against the door. He groans, “Chengcheng, what?”
“You’re annoying as hell,” his voice is low. “Why aren’t you like this to everyone else?”
Justin crosses his arms, turning his head to the side. He knows Chengcheng is right. Justin may be annoying but the level he takes it with Chengcheng is enough to make anyone’s skin crawl with anger.
“You’re stupid, that’s why,” Justin mutters, trying again to walk away, only to be pressed back against the door.
“Minghao,” Chengcheng grits through his teeth. Justin rolls his eyes, something Chengcheng hates. He grabs his jaw and snaps the boy’s head so he can look him in the eyes. “Huang Minghao. Why the hell are you so annoying towards me and not everyone else?” he asks even lower.
“Because I don’t want to be everyone else’s first kiss,” Justin replies, catching Chengcheng off guard. “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but being annoying is how I flirt around here. So either kiss me right now or let me go to bed and think about how fucking stupid you are because I’ve been wanting to be your first kiss since the day in the arcade but if you aren’t going to let me be your special person-“
Chengcheng hates how much Justin talks sometimes. So, he decides to shut him up like how they do in the movies, by kissing him. That way, Justin gets to be his first kiss, Chengcheng gets to have his first kiss and they’ll both get to go to sleep one kiss richer.
Justin is the first to pull away, a bit breathless but with a smirk on his face.
“Told you that you suck at kissing,” he smiles, pressing another quick one on his lips. “Don’t worry. I’ll teach you.”
“Who even taught you how to kiss?” Chengcheng pouts.
”Youtube,” he laughs. “You can find everything on there.”
“I sort of hate you.”
“You can’t hate me. We’re boyfriends now!” Justin frowns.
“Says who?”
“Do you want me to kiss you again or not,” Justin crosses his arms.
And Chengcheng realizes then that once again, Justin is wrong.
It’s not about your first kiss, or how well you kiss, or where you kiss. It’s about the person you’re kissing.
And Chengcheng is definitely ready to kiss Justin for a very long time.
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my9percent · 6 years
can u write 42 with Justin, plz. :D
42. “For the hundredth time, I’m not your babysitter.”  
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He was adorable, he really was. But at the same time, he could also be the most childish, annoying boy you had ever met. 
“Justin, you know you really should learn to clean up after yourself. This is literally the third time this week I have to pick up after your dirty dishes.” You groused as you scrubbed at the plates that you had to use later.
“Sorry!” he called. His head popped out from his bedroom as he hurriedly put on pants. “I need to run to dance or coach will kill me.”
You suppressed the annoyed eye roll. It was always about dance for him. It was his dream to make it big in the entertainment industry, and as much as you were skeptical about it, he had managed to sign with a company so that must be something. But now, his days were filled with practice and long nights, leaving most of the house maintenance to you.
“Honestly, we should have signed a roommate contract agreement.”
Justin walked out of his room, slung his backpack across his shoulders and leaned over to give you a kiss. “You’re the best. I’ll bring dinner home. Promise.”
“Gross.” But on the inside your heart rate was up. It was no secret among your friends that you liked your roommate but it would devastate you if he found out. It was only freshman year and the last thing you needed was to lose the main friend you had made. It would make the next four years really awkward.
You should have realized that boys didn’t really change between high school and college. What made you think that four months out of high school, they would be more mature? Justin was just as oblivious and just as irritating as all those other eighteen year olds you had graduated with. 
He had a competition in late October and you were stressed over midterms. Justin came home late every night and left the house a mess in his hurry to scarf down dinner and get his work done. He would leave his dirty dishes in the sink and piles of paper on the table.
Although you mostly studied in your room, it was still a headache whenever you had to come out and see the mess that he had made. The last straw came when you saw that he had used your favorite mug, leaving behind the dark coffee residue. All morning you had been looking forward to waking up to a warm cup of tea and this just poked right at your sore spots.
“Justin!” You slammed open his door. You knew he must be exhausted but you didn’t care. You had words to say.
He was up. He was on his computer, typing rapidly at an essay and he looked up. The dark circles were prominent and his room reeked slightly of stale sweat and deodorant. 
“For the hundredth time, I’m not your babysitter.”
He blinked. “I’m sorry?”
“You can’t keep leaving your dirty dishes everywhere! You can’t just not take care of this suite, because, hello, you’re half of the residents. I’m tired of cleaning up after you. I feel more like your babysitter or your wife or something.” 
Justin paused and set aside his laptop. He stood from his bed and came towards you. “Hey, I’m really sorry. I understand if you’re upset. If you like, my competition is this Friday. I promise after, Saturday and Sunday, you can go on a spa day or a day at the mall and I’ll pay all expenses, and I’ll stay home and clean okay? You’re right. It’s not fair.”
Your mouth dropped. You didn’t even know how to respond to this offer. “I-I don’t-”
He smiled a little and your heart squeezed when you saw how tired he looked. “No, you deserve it. You’ve kept me sane the last two months. This is the least I can do.” When he saw you still hesitating, he lifted his fist to his face and made a cute kitten gesture. “Let Justin treat you right this one time.”
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loveydpp-blog · 6 years
[9:30am] the idol producer boys listen to xukun talk to you on the phone laugh about how whipped he is for you
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pocketninepercent · 6 years
imagine pocket-sized justin rolling around on your bed.
“Why are you leaving me AGAIN?” He huffs, halting.
You roll your eyes. “What do you mean ‘leaving you’? I have to go to school, boiii.”
“Then take me with you.”
“Why?” You frown. “Last time I took you to lecture you fell asleep anyways.”
“Yeah but you didn’t.”
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(part of Head is Spinning)
A/n: So, I couldn’t bring myself to write a super sexy scene about our sweet baby Minghao. I feel personally offended when he tries to be sexy. But I didn’t want to just leave him out because he's almost 19, so he gets this little makeout sesh. aw.
Roles: art student!Justin x reader
Genre: romance (?) Smut(?) (NOT REALLY IMO, unless you think making out is smut)
Word Count: 1,653
Justin, the innocent one, is just a first year student in painting and drawing. 
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You text Justin your address and he knocks on the door right on time. You open the door wearing black cotton shorts and a thin white t-shirt that you know makes you look sexy without trying to look sexy. You’re surprised to see such a young looking boy in front of you. He’s clearly very handsome with his full lips and his beautifully round nose. His hair looks so soft you consciously tell yourself not to reach out and touch it. 
“You must be Justin,” you say and he nods. “I’m Y/N. Welcome,” you smile and step aside so he can enter your apartment. You technically have a roommate, but she technically has a boyfriend and rarely spends evenings in your home anymore, so you’re home alone. There are situations in which that might worry you, but you always tell her who is coming over and when if someone is coming over to work, just in case, and Justin looks far too innocent for you to worry. In fact, he’s so innocent looking you’re starting to wonder just what kind of payment you’re going to extract from the kid, because he’s clearly not prepared for you to ruin him, nor are you prepared to mess with something so pure. Maybe you can convince him to order a pizza. 
“Thanks for letting me come over,” he says politely, nervously clutching to the strap of his backpack. 
“Sure, no problem. You said it’s drawing class?” you ask as he stands awkwardly in your living room. 
“Yeah. We’re doing faces this week, and I didn’t know who to ask, so that graduate student, Zhengting, gave me your number,” he explained. You knew the drill. 
“Please have a seat. The lighting over here is pretty good, but if you think we should change something just let me know.” You gesture to the seating area where there’s a couch and a chair and invite him to sit wherever he wants. “Do you want some water or something?”
“No. I’m okay,” he says timidly. He takes a seat on the couch, so you decide to sit in the chair. He rubs his sweaty palms on his jeans before he unzips his backpack and pulls out his supplies. 
"How do you want me?" you ask once he's settled.
"Just make yourself comfortable," he smiles nervously. You wonder if he'll even be able to draw through the nerves he's been displaying since he knocked on your door. 
You're tired from the day so you lean back into the chair and allow your head to rest against the side. Your head is slightly angled up. Your curl one leg in toward you and let the other dangle over the armrest.
"Is this okay?"
He gets up to move from the cushion at the end of the couch farthest from you to the center. "Can you turn your face just an inch toward me?" You do. "That's perfect."
You relax and he begins sketching. You think about talking, to find out more about him, but you aren't really interested; you're just a little bored. You put on some music and sit patiently.
“How’s it coming?” you ask a while later after you notice that the scratching of his pencil has stopped for almost a minute. 
He shakes his head a bit, as if to clear it. “Um. Fine. There’s just something a little...off, I think?” he looks from his drawing to you and back several times. 
“Can I see?” you ask casually. He nods and you rise from your chair to come sit very close to him. Your knee touches his and your biceps brush as you lean in to look at his work. He can smell your coconut shampoo. You take a moment to observe the details closely. Not only are you familiar with your own face, but you also have a lot of experience seeing it drawn. You know which are the features that many find it difficult to capture. Honestly, his work is pretty good, but he’s right. “It’s my mouth,” you tell him. “You’ve got the shape a bit off.”
“Oh, yeah,” he says, looking again. 
You turn around so that you're still close to him but now you're facing him, sitting back on your heels with your hands resting on your bare thighs. “See, take a closer look,” you tell him, trying to angle your face like it was before. You can hear his slightly heavy breathing as he observes you. It takes him a second to gather his thoughts after looking at your slightly parted lips. He lifts his hand to capture your chin between his thumb and index fingers and tilts your face more toward him. He's still staring at your lips, soft and pink from your compulsive use to lip balm.
"You're really beautiful, Y/n," he says quietly. You're so close he barely needs to speak at all. He can't help himself when he brushes his thumb along the edge of your full bottom lip. The move takes you by surprise with its boldness. He expects you to pull away, but he sees you swallow and he hand cups your jaw before slowly moving down to caress your neck. "I'm sorry. It’s just that I've been staring at your lips for so long and I...can I kiss you?" he asks, his eyes flicking up to yours.
There's something really charming to you about his mix of nerves and audacity. He just met you. You're two years older than him. And when he walked in you told yourself you were not going to destroy this boy's innocence. But what harm could there be in a kiss. His lips are full and red and you would like to know what they felt like on yours.
"Yes," you nod.
He slowly closes the distance between his face and yours, angling you once again to have you where he wants you. It's as chaste as you expect at first. Nothing more than the pressing together of lips, like pilgrims hands. He pulls away and smiles a slightly arrogant smile, like he's proud of himself, you think. He's not proud of what he's done, but rather what he plans to do. His fingers entangle in your hair and he pulls you to him this time, pressing your lips together more deliberately. He captures your bottom lip between his, pulling gently to open your mouth before releasing you. You place both your hands on his neck to keep him from pulling away and capture his lips again, grazing your teeth along his pillowy bottom lip. Your tongues come out to meet and you notice how considerate he was to brush his teeth before he came over. 
Justin puts his sketchbook down on the seat beside him. He places both hands on your hips to pull you onto his lap, and you wonder for the first time if he's actually as innocent and pure as he looks. You go with it regardless and wind your fingers into his hair as your tongues dance. He pulls your pelvis tight down against him and moans softly into your mouth, making your core ache and fill with need. You <i>need</i> to get control of yourself, but he's such a good kisser, using exactly the right amount of tongue and not too much slobber. If nothing else, he's certainly experienced at this. His hands run down to your ass and give you a squeeze before continuing to your thighs. He rubs them firmly while you make a conscious effort not to grind on him as you can feel him hardening beneath you. This has been fun, but you need to stop before you do something you'll regret, and you almost can't believe you're thinking that because you never stop and you never regret. But you pull away anyway, giving his hair a slight tug as his lips try to follow yours. 
You clear your throat. "You probably need to finish that," you say, trying to sound normal and not aroused, but there’s still a huskiness to your voice. 
Justin looks to the sketchbook to his right and sighs. He picks it up and holds it between you as you lean back onto his knees. You know you should move but you sense he doesn't want you to. He erases a portion of your lip that he's drawn to adjust the curve of it so it's right. 
"There," he says showing it to you when he's done.
You take the sketchbook from his hands and slowly stand from his lap as you examine it. "You're really talented," you tell him as you consider the extremely lifelike rendition of your face.
"Thank you. You're a good model," he compliments you. He slowly packs his supplies away to give himself time to settle down. You give him back the sketchbook and linger between him and the door. He picks up the message that it's time to leave and stands with a sigh.
"I guess I owe you. Coffee or something? Maybe tomorrow?" He offers, hoping you’ll say yes and maybe he can actually get to know you.
"No, I think I've already collected my payment," you smile slyly. 
He chuckles. "Mm then maybe we can do this again sometime?" He clutches the strap of his backpack, his nerves having returned.
"Sure. Let me know anytime you need a muse," you smile. He smiles back and quickly leaves when you open the door.
You throw yourself onto the couch and grin remembering his hands and lips on you and his minty breath on your face. You check your phone.
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In his class that week Justin turns in his portrait of you, now decorated in full color. The professor takes in and gives it a cursory glance. 
“Ah, the famous Ms. Y/n,” he smiles knowingly at Justin, who blushes and smiles broadly in return.
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vermemesol · 4 years
College! AU | Nine Percent - Part 2
Pairing : Nine Percent x Fem!Reader
Genre : College!AU, Fluff
College! AU Masterlist | Normal Masterlist
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You sat at the cafeteria with the boys and they introduce themselves to you.
“So you two aren’t related right?” Lin Kai asked. 
“No!” both you and Xu Kun answered in unison. 
“Hao Hao~!!” a familiar voice calls out to Justin it seems.
“Oh God, it’s her again.” Cheng Cheng stated in agony.
“What’s she doing here?” the annoying girl asks, pointing at you.
“I belong here.” you answer without shame.
“We invited her obviously.” Yan Jun added.
It was at this moment that you decide to continue beeing cheeky, so you stand up and say, “By the way, we haven’t really met, have we? I’m Cai Y/N.” You extend an arm to shake hands with her. Surprisingly she does shake hands with you, her grip, however, tightening with every shake. “Just because you have the same family name as Kun Kun doesn’t mean you’re anyhow close to him.” one of her underlings say from the side. “Oh, I don’t know. Whether or not I’m close to any of these guys, it’s up to them you know? Not me.” you say, tightening your grip as well. She finally can’t handle the strength you were exerting and let’s go. “Hmph, let’s go girls.” 
“Woah, that was so different from how you were before.” Li Nong stated. “I’ve learnt to deal with girls like those.” you continued to eat your lunch after replying him. The entire lunch break consisted of you teasing Xu Kun and Justin about their ‘top tier fangirls’. 
A few weeks pass by and nothing much happens. Just the usual routine of going to school, lunch with the boys, working at the cafe, the boys still going to the cafe as much as they can. Oh! They’ve added you into their group chat, so a lot of interesting conversations unfold I guess.
It’s another day and as always, you walk to the cafe with the boys after school. This time though, you were stopped in front of the school by a limo and a man dressed very formally. “Miss Cai.” he bowed. “Your parents request that you return home early today.” he says with an unchanging facial expression. “Y/N do you know this guy?” Zheng Ting asks. “Unfortunately, yes. I’m afraid you guys will have to head off without me.” you say walking towards the open limo door. “I’ll text you guys later.” you flash a smile at them before getting into the expensive vehicle.
They watched as the vehicle left. “She didn’t seem too happy.” Justin pointed out. “Come to think of it, she never talks about her family.” Zheng Ting adds. “She never really talks about herself at all doesn’t she?” Cheng Cheng adds again. “Oh shit, you’re right.” Lin Kai comes to realization. “Watch your words!” Zheng Ting scolds. “We never really ask about her either.” Zi Yi says. 
They all just stand around for a moment looking at each other as they have come to realize that they know literally nothing about you. 
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- END -
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College! AU Masterlist | Normal Masterlist
That's all for now, I'm gonna go sleep now, it's 7AM here RIP. I hope you liked it! And yes they BOOOIIISSS groupchat is in Ming Hao (Justin) POV.
And yes I just made Y/N something you will never actually be, filthy rich. :D
I like doing text based stuff more so maybe I'll do more of that in the future since I suck at actually writing.
Ah, yes, please ignore the time in the texts! It's actually like 9PM as Ming Hao said.
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