#Hueso has no chill
fumblingdumbass · 2 months
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Aight so fun AU thingy I’ve had in my head for a while.
Context: Shenanigans ensue and Leo gets hit with a baby potion or something while at run of the mill. Raph Mikey and Donnie have to leave to chase down the villian and find a cure
-leaving senor Hueso to watch/take care of turtle tot Leo.
Think about it:
hueso has his son hueso jr that he took care of when he was a baby but he’s never taken care of a mutant baby before. Like yknow when they were mutated and they were still a lot like turtles-or like I imagine they had a lot more turtle qualities early after the mutation. So senor Hueso just has like National Geographic up trying to figure out how to take care of a turtle and he just like mashes it with his previous parenting knowledge.
When the turtles first mutated they were the size of splinter hand. Hueso would be so dumbfounded because it’s one thing to know your customers/adoptive nephews(he’d never admit) used to be actual turtles but it’s another thing to see them as a freshly mutated turtle that’s the sise of your palm.
Like bro would act chill like it was nothing but then use his old desk lamp as a heating lamp worried Leo would freeze cuz he’s cold blooded.
Or forget the mutant shenanigans part and just think about how wholesome it would be. Hueso cooking and turtle tot Leo just licking the spoons and whisks.
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violynt-skies · 2 years
How Leo’s role as face man prevents him from confiding with his team
Watching throughout the entire series we see Leo constantly keep up with his role as the face man of the group
While on missions he can use his charisma and persuasion in order to get people to go along with his plans without letting people know what he’s really thinking
But he never seems to put it down
•Leos Emotional Guard
At first glance Leo’s entire personality revolves around being lenient laid back and chill, and to everyone else it makes him seem like a very open book, and that’s why the face man role works out for him
But it means that no one is really aware of anything beneath the surface. They never bother to ask because who would need to?
However, this also includes Leo’s family
Despite his chilled back personality Leo is one of the most emotionally guarded ones out of all of the brothers
Throughout the series we can see little moments of vulnerability from each members of the family, digging deeper into their emotions and their insecurities and then go on to discuss said feelings and gain some form of comfort or closure from their family. Most notable ones shown below
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Donnie in “Donnie vs Witch Town”
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Raph in “Anatawa Hitorijinai”
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Mikey in “Hidden City’s Most Wanted”
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April in “Always Be Brownies”
Splinter & Donnie in “Turtledega Nights”
•How Leo is Different
Similar to everyone else, Leo is shown to have these moments sprinkled in too but they never occur with his family
The two most memorable moments we have are shown in “Portaled Jacked” with Senor Hueso and during his one-on-one conversation with Casey
Why these two characters and not one of his close family members?
Because it’s easier talking about problems to strangers and people who don’t know you as they have no previous knowledge or connotations of you to fall back on and there’s no feelings of burden or guilt if you believe the topic will never be discussed with them again. There’s less feelings of consequences that comes with being vulnerable towards people who don’t know you well. Because if you open up more to the people who do, the risk that their opinion of you will change gets higher
Then we add in the fact that Leo is already extremely guarded of his emotions. He doesn’t want his brothers to think less of him because he already isn’t confident of his place in the team already and thus doesn’t confide in them
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•Deflecting with Humor
And then the two moments where we do see little slips in Leo’s carefully constructed masks that occur around his family, which we can find in “Minotaur Maze” and “Many Unhappy Returns”
He ends up immediately backtracking and deflecting with humor, thus changing the subject and preventing anyone from delving into it further and reacting to the quips instead
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“You know it’d really help me if you guys said that I was your champion.” “Just open it!”
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“This whole situation was my plan all along. If it wasn’t, then why’d I ask your tailor to make me this outfit?” “So we could both perish looking super fly?”
What makes it worse is that Leo has such a habit of doing it that his family expects it, which  then causes them to believe there’s no underlying issues beneath the surface and thus don’t react accordingly. (with the addition that both parties had valid reasons for being upset with him at the time)
But it causes a situation of Leo internalizing his emotions, and if he doesn’t expand on the topic himself, then his family won’t see a reason to either nor think there’s an issue to begin with
•The Movie
To add onto this point, we see Raph and Leo arguing over Leo’s role as leader. As usual Leo deflects the argument with humor and avoids the situation. But we can see during the argument that how Leo privately lets down his guard and for a second the audience is able to see how he’s really reacting to Raph’s words. However, it is apparent that Raph doesn’t  see this side of him and most likely never really has
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“You just don’t get it Leo”
Now as the audience it is very easy to draw to the conclusion that Leo has clear issues with his role as the leader and most likely many insecurities regarding it thus why he acts the way he does. Like any other serious situation, he copes with, he deflects with humor and tries to avoid it
This argument then implies that in the two years since Leo was made leader of the group, he never revealed his internal issues with it and never made it apparent to his brothers either because he hates being vulnerable
The face man role works for him because it requires skillful work in that you can manipulate people the way you want to without ever letting them know what your thinking. And Leo carries that role with him when it comes to his brothers and family as well. But this doesn’t work out for him anymore when he becomes the leader and communication becomes so important to the team. (I talk about this more on a different post)
Thus the events of the movie and why things played out the way they did
Naturally he learns how to trust in his team more when the situation becomes dire enough that he realizes he can no longer keep deflecting
But even after all the traumatic events that he went through. When it comes to the one time we see him really cry. He still only lets himself cry when he’s completely alone within the prison dimension
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TLDR: Leo’s role as the face man is kept on both on and off duty as we find that he is really one of the most emotionally guarded out of all of his brothers as he doesn’t want to let them know what he’s really feeling out of fear that they might think less of him as he is already insecure of his placement in the group and would rather confide in people who don’t know him well over his family where he runs the risk of them treating him differently
Honestly, “Mr. Emotionally Unavailable” has some real competition ahead of him
If we were being completely blunt, all of the brothers have trouble when it comes to letting go of their real emotions, Donnie just being out of his depth with them and it being uncomfortable, Raph wanting to be strong for his brothers, and Mikey most likely wanting to focus on his brother’s emotions over his own as the Therapist of the group, but i believe the Leo definitely has the worst case out of all of them.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Okay okay okay that love potion Leo you just wrote. I’m screaming could you maybe do one with Donnie but instead of him pretending it’s still in effect the reader at one point saying something like “ I know you hate being touched but this has been kinda nice” and when it wears off he remembers that and he starts being slightly more affectionate and or tells reader he likes them too??
Started with a Spark
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author’s note: thank u for the request anon c: i’d like the dedicate this one to @maximuslyqueer & @cochineal-tanto for leaving me motivating comments <3 that rlly helps me write more than you know, so thank you and I hope everyone enjoys~~~
warnings: slight angst, abundance of fluff, maybe some cursing
> leo’s < > raph’s < > mikey’s < > casey’s <
“Leo before you do possibly drink poison, let me run it past my far superior senses,” Donnie said grabbing the glass that contained the pink, bubbly substance. Leo rolled his eyes, “I know for a fact without you looking and sniffing at it that it’s not poison,” Leo claimed.
“And what brings you to that conclusion?” Donnie asked as he brought down his goggles to run a scan, seeing that it had a bunch of mystic ingredients that Donnie was unfamiliar with. “It’s pink and we’re at Hueso’s restaurant! Ya think he just lets people serve poison as a beverage?” Leo said as if it was obvious.
Donnie used his free hand to push back his goggles so they rested on top of his head. He brought the drink closer to his face, intending to smell it to see if it had any poisonous aromas. Donnie didn’t notice the smirk that spread on Leo’s face but you did. You narrowed your eyes wondering what the blue twin was about to pull.
Everyone had thought it was high time for you to try some of the best mystic pizza around. So they had dragged you to their spot at Hueso’s. Raph sat on the end of the booth then Mikey and you. Across from you sat Donnie and Leo to his left.
When the glass was close enough, Leo reached out quickly tipping the glass and the drink spilt all over his brother. It went down Donnie’s nose and some of it into his mouth as he sputtered and choked. “What the fuck Leo?!” Donnie managed to gasp out. You shot Leo a glare as you reached across the table with a napkin to help Donnie. Leo and Mikey were snickering as Raph shook his head, covering his mouth to hide a smile. “Told ya it wasn’t poison!” Leo said triumphantly.
Donnie’s eyes were squeezed shut, still trying to regain composure, more than slightly embarrassed. “Thanks Y/n” Donnie mumbled, blinking a couple of times as he reached for the napkin you had been trying to hand him. When your fingers brushed his it was like electricity passed between the two of you!
Both of you recoiled in surprise and Donnie looked at you finally, “Are-“ he had been going to ask if you were okay. But as soon as his eyes focused in on your figure it was like something happened. You looked so luminescent, he had always secretly admired you but what he was seeing now was otherworldly. “Donnie?” You questioned, looking at how his expression had changed from concern to something like adoration. Your voice gave him chills, he closed his eyes at the sound. Everything about you was just perfect. “Oh my Galileo~!” Donnie breathed out in wonder.
Everyone at the table was looking at Donnie with worry. “Uh Donnie” Leo said tapping on his brother’s shoulder, wondering whether the drink really had been poison?! “HAS ANYONE SEEN A PINK DRINK???” Hueso shouted as he came out of the kitchen. The whole restaurant quieted as Raph groaned. “Yeah over here!” Mikey said waving his hand high for Hueso to come over. The bone man came running, grimacing as he noticed it was the turtles. He just knew this wouldn’t be good. “Dónde está?” he asked looking all over the table and noticing that only one glass happened to be empty. Leo was sweating bullets, “Señor Hueso, please tell me that drink wasn’t poisonous!”
“Eh? No no it wasn’t poison but it was a potion!” He reassured the blue turtle. Leo let out a sigh of relief but Raph glared at his brother shaking his head, “What kind of potion???” Raph said hesitantly. “A love potion,” and everyone’s gaze went back to Donnie. He had been ignoring anything and everything that wasn’t you. He had this dreamy sort of look about him as he stared at you. “It’ll wear off,” Hueso mumbled, upset that the drink had been wasted. He left the table going back to the kitchen. “Well at least it’s not poison right!” Leo chirped like the whole thing wasn’t his fault.
You didn’t really know what to do. No one did. Hueso said it would wear off so the answer was to just wait. The pizza came and the whole thing was kind of brushed to the side. Donnie was usually quiet so it wasn’t a big deal. But no one else knew how his feet had inched closer and closer to yours until they were resting side by side. Your eyes had widened in surprise at the feeling, and even more when you looked up from your plate to see him not flustered but smirking. His smug expression stayed there as he leaned his shell back into the booth and his foot went up to your calf, going up and down gently.
Your face heated up immediately and before you could stop yourself you kicked him. He winced under his breath, causing Leo to give his brother a side glance before he went back to eating and talking to Mikey about new skateboard tricks. “Get it together Don,” you whispered as you took another bite of pizza. “Get what together?” He asked leaning forward on his elbows, ignoring the food. “I mean, I know you might not realize but this love potion has definitely messed with your mind!” you kept your voice quiet as you explained.
“I don’t know, I think that drink just opened my eyes to how absolutely adorable you are~” Donnie said following your lead and keeping his voice on the quiet side. You blushed at that shaking your head, “Donnie you’d never say anything like that in a million years! Much less voluntarily touch me!” you tried to reason with him. “But I like how you feel,” he said reaching out with his hand to grab yours. Now that had everyone else’s attention. His three brother’s raising their eyebrows in surprise. “Guess it really does work!” Mikey said in amazement. Raph frowned, “Y/n just let me know if this is making you uncomfortable.”
Your gaze tore from where Donnie’s hand had held yours. “Hmm? Oh yeah I will don’t worry, I doubt it’ll get worse than this though,” you joked. Leo laughed and Raph nodded, they all knew Donnie wasn’t touchy. But that had Donnie narrowing his eyes, at your comment and how Raph made it sound like he had done something so horrible. He squeezed your hand, wanting your attention back on him instead of his brothers. You obliged without realizing his intentions, just noticing how his grip had tightened. You rubbed your thumb on Donnie’s skin and his breathing stopped. Sensations like this were heightened to him when it came to you (and because of the potion).
He had to hold his breath until you stopped seconds later, not wanting to make a scene aka turn into a churring mess in front of his brothers. Donnie held your hand the whole way back to the lair. And when you were standing around in the living area with Donnie glued to your side, feeling awkward about what to do now, he just pulled you with him to his lab. “Guess I’ll see you guys later!” You hollered over your shoulder to the rest of the brothers. “Donnie’s totally gonna flip when that thing wears off” Leo said to no one in particular.
“Soo what do you wanna do?” You asked once in the lab. You’d been in here multiple times before. Usually whenever you were bored you would come and listen to Donnie talk about his latest and greatest inventions or builds. He’d go on long tangents and you would smile listening and looking intently at whatever blueprints or finished products he would show you. “Hmmm let’s dance!” Donnie said enthusiastically, as he typed something into his wrist tech and music surrounded them.
“Dance?!” You said incredulously. You were surprised as he pulled you closer. He nodded, “I love dancing,” he smiled down at you, starting to move to the music and you followed his lead despite your reservations. “Really? How come I’ve never seen you dance?” You asked curiously. He shrugged, not explaining any further as the two of you twirled around the lab. He was a great lead, and you could tell he was enjoying this. His hands moved from yours down to your hips as a slower song came on next. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” he whispered into your ear as he leaned his head closer to yours.
You smiled, “we’ll have to dance again then once the potion wears off!” You wondered if Donnie would remember any of this, if he would want to dance once the potion faded. You had a crush on the purple clad turtle since who knew when! It had crept up on you one day and ever since you couldn’t help but stare whenever he would enter the room. But you hadn’t felt confident enough to confess, plus you were a really clingy type of lover. If you did start actually flirting you probably wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off of him, which obviously was a no go. So you kept your feelings to yourself waiting for them to just silently fade. And yet here you were in Donnie’s arms.
You just knew you’d be thinking of these moments long after the potion wore off. It hurt your heart to think that way but you needed to come to the realization that maybe you and Donnie weren’t meant to be. You weren’t a selfish person, you wouldn’t force him to be someone he wasn’t, do something he wouldn’t want to do like hug or hold hands. So this love potion thing was like a living fantasy something that had happened only in your dreams.
“You promise?” Donnie’s voice brought you out of your thoughts. “Hm?” You questioned. “Do you promise that we’ll dance again?” The look on his face was so loving, “of course!” you promised, even if he didn’t remember, you’d say anything to make him happy in this moment. “I know you hate being touched..” as if to prove you wrong he nuzzled his face into your neck. You giggled, “but this has been really nice,” you sighed and you swore you felt his lips kiss at your neck.
[One week later]
Donnie woke up with a start. He sat up in bed heaving, looking around as if he had just ran a marathon instead of just waking up from a dream. A pretty damn life-like dream. It involved you, every second had been with you, dancing in his lab, following you around, napping together, limbs twisted over and under each other, holding your hand, tears in your eyes as you hugged him tightly, whispering something to him. He strained to remember what you had said. “Ugh!” Donnie laid back in bed.
He was up after a few seconds, it had just been a dream.. right? He walked out of his room heading to the kitchen, stretching as he made his way there. “Oho! Look who it is~~” Leo called out as Donnie passed his twins room. “Sooo how ya feeling??” Leo said catching up to Donnie and walking alongside him leisurely. “Tired.” The purple turtle said giving his brother a side glance. “Remember anything ya did last week?” Leo said smugly getting right to the thick of things.
Donnie scrunched up his face thinking… but all he could remember was bits and pieces of the dream. The dream! He looked at his brother in shock, “what happened??” Donnie asked not even understanding why everything was so fuzzy to begin with. “Leo dumped a love potion on you and you and Y/n were inseparable for a week until last night!” Mikey said in passing like it was old news.
“YOU DID WHAT?” Donnie yelled into Leo’s face who blinked and gave a sheepish smile, “right I forgot how that had all started, heh!” His brother turned back to escape into his room. “We’re not done here Leonardo, I was under a love potion for a week?!” Donnie followed after his blue brother not letting him get away that easily. “Yeah yeah, shouldn’t you be heading to Y/n’s and talking about how you couldn’t keep your hands off of them??” It was a distraction tactic but it worked. Every single moment of contact rushed into Donnie’s mind, replaying. It hadn’t been a dream, he had held you in his hands, put his on your hips and twirled you around, hugged you, kissed you!
He whipped out his phone. Turning away from Leo who readily used that moment to escape from Donnie’s wrath. Text or call, Donnie questioned. No none of that, he had to see you, now. The tears, what had you been trying to tell him?? None of it made any sense and he had a sinking feeling he was forgetting something important. But he was blinded by all of his unusual behavior, mostly the fact that he had felt comfortable enough to be glued to your side for a week straight. He knew he had a crush on you but did his feelings run that deep? He needed to see you!
Three knocks could be heard from your bedroom window and you rolled out of bed. Wondering which of the turtles it could be cause none of your human friends used anything but the front door. “Donnie?” you gasped as you pulled back your curtains. You opened up your window and Donnie hastily climbed inside your room. “Apologies for the intrusion I just-“ he fumbled with the right words, “this past week” and you looked at him hopeful, but as he looked at you helplessly, not knowing what to say, you nodded. “It’s okay, I know you were just under the influence of the potion..” you said but you had been telling yourself that for a week now and you still couldn’t seem to make your heart agree with your mind. You turned away from him, “no y/n,” he reached for you like it was second nature. When his hand met your arm he stilled.
“Please, just explain what happened, my mind is so foggy,” he said as he let his hand fall away from your arm as you turned to face him. You could tell he was confused with his body as he stared down at his hand in shock. But as you explained from the very beginning he looked up and listened to every word. You were blushing and he was blushing it was a whole blush fest when you recounted the way he flirted. “I can’t believe I did that!” Donnie would say, hands coming up to his face to cover it embarrassed by his love-potion self’s actions. “Well..” you had started to say but you swallowed, realizing if you said what you had been thinking Donnie would definitely know your secret. Your undeniable crush on him.
When you didn’t continue Donnie moved his hands away from his face, “Yes?” He asked wanting you to continue and you shook your head nervously. “Oh c’mon Y/n, now I’m curious!” He called after you as you went back to your bed. “Trust me you’ll only be burdened once you do know,” you said with contempt for yourself. Donnie sat next to you, again shocking himself as he reached for your hand. But this time he didn’t pull away, “I doubt that” he said smiling softly at you. “…I enjoyed it.. all of last week” you breathed out hastily, squeezing his hand. Donnie’s eyes widened, “r-really??” and you nodded.
“I’ve had the biggest crush on you for some time now Don,” you admitted, if you were gonna confess you might as well lay it all out on the table so he could reject you properly. Donnie’s heart stuttered, then kicked into high gear. “That makes two of us,” he whispered. Your mouth dropped open and then you hastily closed it, “are you sure? don’t you think it’s the side effect of the potion somehow?” you sighed thinking the worst before letting your hopes get too high. “I’m one hundred percent positive, because I liked you before the potion Y/n,”
You jumped up to your feet suddenly. Running over to your record player. “What’re you doing?” Donnie laughed, watching you flit around the room as you dimmed the lights. “Setting the mood!” You turned and winked at him seductively and his mind went blank. It must’ve shown on his face because you giggled and came back to him, reaching for his hands hesitantly, “I made a promise, would you like to dance?”
Donnie met your hands, your fingers intertwining with his. He rose to his feet, the music started playing and the volume climbed until it was all he could hear. It was like a movie, he was in a romcom, and he was enjoying it. He smiled, “I love dancing” he said as the two of swayed to the beat. You smiled up at him, a twinkle in your eyes as if you knew something he didn’t, “we’ll just have to do this again sometime then!”
It was like he was experiencing deja vu and he connected the dots. Finally it was like his mind cleared and he could remember everything clearly without having to be told. He knew what to say next as he smirked, “you promise?” and you laughed seeing the recognition in Donnie’s face. “Of course! I can’t imagine dancing with anyone else,” and the two of you moved closer together, enjoying the moment, feeling more than giddy. “I like you,” Donnie said kissing your temple, you flushed, tilting your head upwards, “I like you too so so much!” You gushed and surged forward capturing his lips. His hands moved up to your face, cradling it carefully, he was so gentle, so loving. It was everything you had dreamed of and more~~~
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thr-333 · 3 months
Since Leo can portal, does he ever just decide to switch houses? Along that same thread, do the turtles ever just decide they want to stay with a different parent and just leave or do they always just wait for the next kidnapping.
Do the parents enforce strict rules of behavior for the turtles or do they have some freedoms to act how they want?
And cloaking brooches! The boys are probably famous for being Lou Jitsu's sons. And also famous in the Hidden City. They're literally just chilling while people make theories about their lives.
Also when do the boys discover Run of the Mill for the first time? I think Hueso would be a fun dynamic to add in for Leo (if you do the "Tio Hueso" thing a lot of people headcanon)
The boys are all criminals. It's lucky they're famous because they definitely don't follow the law lmao
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Leo is the one most likely to dip out(usually on Draxum). Most of the others never feel the need because the turn over rate is so high. But Leo is always willing to smuggle them out if they are missing a particular parent. Mostly they are content to wait for the next kidnapping and enjoy their time with the parent they are with.
Usually when Leo is sick of Draxum he goes to Tio Hueso. When he was younger he used to go right to his Dad but Draxum always came right after him. So he learnt if he wants a break from the goat better to go anywhere else.
Run of the mill is the boys favorited place to hang out. One their Tio is there. Two its a Yokai space in the human world so it's a good middle ground. Three if Draxum or Big Mama's goons show up they can duck into the maze. It has pizza and they have long since memorized the layout.
As for strict rules I want to say Draxum's strict but lets face it; with that design the man's feral. If the kids blow something up he's more likely to reward than punish them. Splinter is his laid back self. So the only actual strict parent is Big Mama.
It's not in a 'behave and be polite way' her kids are hellions and brats which she full encourages. It's more about not screwing her over personally. Which is why Leo tends not to escape via portal when she kidnaps them. He's likely to loose priviliages.
Because something I cannot stress enough is that these kids are RITCH. They have their famous actor dad, which yes the mysterious children and his custody over them is the source of many gossip columns. Then there's Big Mama who has a monopoly over the crime syndicate of the Hidden city(and parts of New York) along with her Nexus and hotel. Draxum is a highly decorated warrior who comes from OLD money, enough to fund his experiments and keep on top of his ever upgrading security to stop Splinter stealing the turtles back.
So not only are they famous but they're rich with poor parental supervision and a shitty home life. They absolutely get in trouble with the law. Everyone thinks Leo is the biggest trouble maker but they're wrong, it's his brothers: Raph has been arrested the most, Donnie is the one who actually deserves to be arrested, Mikey is the one who has committed the most crimes. Its a race for the parents whenever one ends up at a police station to pay bail, that's basically a free kidnapping!
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chaoticspeedrun · 1 year
Girl! Hey! You beautiful sunshine! I have a idea and automatically you,yes you pop out in my mind cuz your writing is so *chef kiss* and i think you gonna like cuz its related to the first girlfriend headcanon.
Bear with me and hear me well.
Our precious Neon Leon,chilling with reader in a normal date but *dramatic music*
The ex
Reader's ex? No no no.
Leo's ex
Yeah i think you probably getting what i mean in here. I also headcanon that Leo has a bad tasty in men,so maybe this ex is kinda toxic? Making Leo feel uncomfortable remenbering what this ex have done but reader is not having it and break the shit out of him or sum cuz we must protect our blue boy 😌✊🏽💙
Hi Mitarashi! Thanks for waiting and I hope you feel like punching the lights out of his ex once you finish reading, because it means I did it right then. And remember guys, if someone tries to make you feel like you are less than you are, remove the asshole from your life immediately.
Hold my hand before I break his face
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Pairing: Rise! Leo x Fem! reader
Type: Oneshot
Summary: Leo and you are getting ready for your date when his ex makes an appearance.
Can be read by itself but goes along with the headcanons of Leo with his first girlriend here.
Warnings: Toxic exes, insecurities, gaslighting, slight angst with a happy ending.
Friday was date night, Leo had decided a little after the beginning of your relationship, you'd dress up nicely, he'd meet you at your door, sometimes he'd bring flowers or candy and you both would fake a posh accent while at it before he portaled you to your destiny.
Wether the destiny was run of the mill pizza in the hidden city or the lair's couch to watch a movie, date nights were always special for the two of you.
The first of those dates that you had you worried that he was trying too hard to please you, always going above and beyond to do so.
You realized a while before you even started dating that Leo, as arrogant and confident as he seemed was secretly insecure and you didn't want him to feel that way in your relationship.
So you talked about it, and Leo seemed to relax with you, he was still romantic, it was natural to him, but he was perfectly fine with a date being just you and him cuddling while you did your own thing instead of trying hard to impress you, he was comfortable with you, he felt safe.
Today was mostly a lazy day, so you both were going to get pick up from run off the mill and then crash on his bed to read comics.
So you grabbed a long soft sweater that wouldn't itch when you cuddled and leggings, with fluffy socks under your sneakers.
Hearing his telltale knock at your door you smiled wide at seeing your boyfriend waiting there for you with a lazy smile and wearing a very familiar black hoodie.
You raised an eyebrow looking at him suspiciously "Is that my hoodie?" Leo scoffed feigning being offended.
"What? No greeting to your handsome boyfriend? No kiss? Just accusing me of stealing first thing." You snort, but he continues "This is just a generic hoodie I had in my closet, thanks."
You shook your head with a smile "Alright, alright, I'm sorry I doubted you my love, the mark of bleach on the left sleeve just looked a little familiar, of course you wouldn't just steal from me"
"But of course I wouldn't, but it's Okay, I forgive you" He sighs and you giggle before he sends a smile your way and pulls out one of his katanas.
"So, will this be the day you finally try the creepy supreme?" He asks while taking hold of your hand.
You squeeze the fingers in your grasp and grin at him "Not a chance."
His chuckle follows you both as he makes a portal and you step through it ending up at the front desk of the pizzeria.
Señor Hueso looks at both of you and rolls his eyes "Ah Pepino and his novia, given what you're wearing I'm hoping you'll be leaving soon?"
"Oh we'd love to stay Señor Hueso, I'm sure you'll miss us but alas! It's lazy night at the lair so two of your best pizzas señor! And another one for Donnie I guess" Leo ended dismissively before continuing with the order.
While he did so you looked around always fascinated by the different type of yokai around when you noticed a particular yokai walking your way.
The first thing you noticed was that he was tall and full of feathers, with red markings and a long beak, you remember reading about Tengu's, a japanese yokai that usually had a bird form, it seemed to fit his characteristics.
You were so busy trying to figure that out you didn't notice your boyfriend glancing up at the yokai and paling.
"Leo! I see you haven't changed a bit, still getting pizza every chance you get" The yokai grinned and Leo squeezed your hand.
"Yeah, well you haven't changed either Raku" The yokai rolled his eyes not losing the grin.
"So, are you going to introduce me to your friend?" The yokai, Raku, you now knew, asked offering his hand to you "Sorry for his lack of manners, I'm Raku, Leo and I used to be very close"
You offered him your hand for a shake noticing how uncomfortable Leo seemed and disliking the way this guy spoke from the get go "He was probably surprised to see a familiar face" You told him your name and made sure to add "I'm Leo's girlfriend."
Raku seemed surprised looking between both of you with a funny grin "Girlfriend, really? I thought you were gay?" He directed at Leo who sported an uneasy smile up until that point, a frown starting to form on his face.
"I told you I was pan" He said and the tengu rolled his eyes.
"Just say you're bi Leo, I get it, you swing both ways" Leo's fake smile was disappearing and yours had already left quite a bit ago, you thought tengu were bird yokai, not rats.
You internally apologized to Splinter for that last thought, but got a little snarky "So, you are?"
"Leo never told you about me?" He asked "Ah well, we didn't end in the best terms but it's all passed, right Lee? I'm his ex-boyfriend."
You couldn't deny the bitter feeling as you heard that, not because you were jealous of this guy, but because just a couple minutes with him already gave you a glimpse of how he'd treated Leo during their relationship.
"Hm, really? No I hadn't heard of you at all" you answered with an innocent smile, reveling on how his faltered for a second.
"But enough of that, going back to the original topic" Raku changed the subject "You know, eating pizza all the time can't be good for a ninja Leo, and I'm sure I saw you get here via portal, 's not gonna help losing all those calories."
Leo winced but put on a mask of disinterest, before he could answer though Raku continued "Also, what's up with that ratty hoodie? You are going out like this? Gee, you really let yourself go once we ended our relationship."
You didn't care anymore, you were gonna snap "Actually that's my hoodie" You smiled "It was too big for me, but Leo fills it up just right with his muscles, it used to fit better but now I fear one day it's gonna snap from the biceps" You had never spoken like that, Leo gaped wide at you and Raku seemed to frown at your words.
A waiter arrived at that very moment with your three pizzas and Raku looked like they were proving a point "not gon' keep those muscles long like these, gee, are you both sharing them or...?"
"Oi, just back off Raku" Leo spoke placing an arm around your shoulders and Raku rolled his eyes.
"Oh don't be so dramatic Leo, I was just joking around."
You chuckled, your hand pulling your boyfriend closer by the waist as you leaned and looked up at the offending yokai in feigned amusement.
"Sorry, I was trying to figure out the kind of yokai you are, I think I finally did, with the way you spew out bullshit and how it reeks, you're an Akaname right?"
Raku blushed embarrassed and a couple chuckles could be heard from behind him, he glared at you and scoffed "Hope you enjoy sloppy seconds, ugh humans" with not much left to say he stormed off.
You still yelled "Did I mispronounce the name? Sorry Akaname-san!" a couple people turned to Raku with funny grins as he rushed his steps.
You sighed feeling Leo slouch slightly, relieved the interaction ended, taking the pizzas and paying you turned to prompt him into opening a portal.
He did and you both appeared on his room, it was quiet for a moment before Leo looked back at you.
He looked so vulnerable, so you left the pizza on his night stand and pulled him by the hand towards his bed, laying back on it with him on your side.
"Thank you" He spoke after a couple minutes, you traced shapes on his plastron with your fingers, looking up at him with an inquiring gaze, giving him the chance to search for the words he wanted "for standing up for me, for...making me feel safe" there was a second of hesitation before he continued "For making me feel like I'm enough."
"You are" you stated firmly "You're more than enough Leo, and nothing Raku said is true, those kind of assholes just want to make their partner insecure, want to steal their freedom from them, geez Leo, we were there for just a moment and he gaslighted you as soon as he could, you have terrible taste in men."
Leo leaned in and kissed your forehead softly, a small chuckle leaving his lips while his hand reached up to intertwine with yours over his plastron "I know, ever since we started dating you made that clear to me, with him I always felt like I had to try too hard, and you've been clear since the beginning that I just have to be me with you" he smiled.
You both stayed like that, sharing small kisses and reveling in the comfort of the other for a bit longer before he spoke again "But what was that thing you called him? Akaname?" He questioned curiously and you chuckled.
You grin was mischievous "It's a yokai that eats the filth and scum in bathrooms" Leo's laugh was really loud after that, holding his stomach as he did and making you laugh too.
"Gosh, I love you so much" He said with bright eyes and you kissed him, the words 'me too' unsaid but lingering in the air.
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Rise/2012 crossover in either universe, but it'd be a lot funnier taking place in the Rise universe, where the boys who share voice actors with other characters across the shows have dream about what their shared VA characters are doing.
2012 Donnie wakes up every morning knowing what dumb shit Skinny Foot Guy is gonna pull and what that one rat/mouse guy is up to from Raph's Ride Along. Mikey always knows when Shelldon snuck out or secretly messed with stuff he was told not to, and also knows what that electric eel guy is up to. Leo only knows the- what was that guy, lizard?
If any villains came over too that means Tigercaw is plagued with dreams of Splints rewatching Lou Jitsu movies and it's driving him insane. He mumbled Hot Soup to himself once and almost cut his own tongue out in horror of it.
2012 Splinter has dreams about whatever Oruko Saki is doing as a freed spirit now, so probably just chilling with his daughter, and he finds these dreams both bittersweet and comforting. He finds the Senior Hueso dreams confusing however because they're filled with Restaurant Running and he doesn't know a single thing about that but suddenly he can recite Run of the Mill Pizza prices from memory.
Sometimes Donnie has a dream from that random Shoe Salesguy who showed up just to say Splints Teen Disguise worked in the Shoe Shack episode and all of them are just like "Dude why do so many people have your voice yet sound nothing like you, what's happening."
YES they use this to stop crimes sometimes and YES it also goes the other way around however the villains never dream any of the useful parts, because it's funnier this way, they only dream the annoying things.
"Hey, what's wrong." "I dreamt about being that weird turtle again, the new purple one." "What was it this time?" "Just more things exploding on me. As if I don't get enough of that!"
"Hey, New Blue. That uh Tiger Guy really hates you." "Yeah, I know." "He has a photo of you four that he throws darts at." "Okay." "He rants to your Shredder a lot while sitting in his lap." "Whate- WHAT"
2012 Splinter keeps trying to use this to see if he can make Hueso into a ninja. Not for any real reason, he just thinks it'd be funny and wants to be able to say "Ah, the pupil of my dreams."
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midnightcreator12 · 6 months
The Portal Home is Built With Roadblock Chapter 26 - Homestretch
AO3 Link
And this chapter has new ref sheets for Chula!
Chula spends a little time with the boys before she goes home. And she makes a decision.
“Seriously. We were on an Earth, with pizza, for a month!” Mikey threw his hands in the air dramatically. “How did we never get you any? Leo told us that you don’t have pizza in space and we never once order in!”
Chula shrugged, “Must’ve slipped our minds between the whole kidnapping thing that happened.”
“Which I would prefer we did not talk about! Thank you very much!” Donnie shouted from his seat.
“Can you guys chill?” Raph grumbled from the middle of the transport. “Raph’s trying to drive responsibly.”
“You mean grandma slow!” Leo gripped. “Dude, I haven’t had a creepy supreme in over a year! Step on it already!”
Mikey pulled a face at the mention of the ‘creepy supreme’, sticking out his tongue, “Why do you even like that stuff?”
“Predator turtle brain,” both Leo and Donnie answered in unison.
Chula chuckled, shaking her head, “You think we should let this Hueso fella know that Leo’s, ya know, not dead?”
“Why spoil the surprise?” Leo asked. “I think it’d be kinda fun to just do my normal thang.”
“You don’t know how to tell him without it being weird and sad so you’re springing it one him instead,” Donnie said.
“Okay! We’re here!” Raph jumped up from his seat, clapping his hands together. “I’m thinking an extra large creepy supreme for me.”
Mikey gagged.
Chula snorted, dutifully following the boys off of their tank and into…a narrow alleyway with a, frankly, ridiculous amount of graffiti. She still walked into it, even as she eyed the overflowing refuse bins and tiny scavengers, “Seems like an odd place for a canteen.” 
“Well, ya know, can’t make it too obvious. Kinda defeats the purpose of a secret restaurant,” Leo strode up to a particularly heavily painted stretch of wall, popping a hand on his hip as he looked it up and down before spinning and falling backwards.
Right through the wall.
Chula jumped forward on instinct, claws snapping out to pull Leo back. But she stepped partly through with the action. Color and noise exploded around her in bright gold lighting and dusty old brick.
She blinked a few times, eyes scanning over the dozens of- yokai, Leo had said they were called?- that occupied the space, eating, drinking and laughing, filling the space with a cozy atmosphere.
The rest of the turtles scrabbled in behind her, all four moving to ‘present’ the canteen to her.
“Pretty sweet, right?” Leo beamed up at her.
She chuckled, reaching down to ruffle his now very long mask tails, “Yes Verd’ika, it is very cool.”
“Hey sweet,” Mikey pointed towards the far wall of booths. “Our spot is open!”
“Oh yeah, best seat in the house,” Leo pumped a fist before grabbing Chula and tugging her further into the canteen.
When they got closer, it became clear why this was the turtles favored spot.
It was a simple booth overall but one thing that made it different was the fact that the table was off center. The small change meant one side could accommodate the three smaller turtles and one could easily fit Raph and all found would be perfectly comfortable.
And, in today's case, a Mandalorian hybrid as well.
Leo pretty much launched into a seat, followed closely by Mikey, both giggling and shoving each other. Donnie and Raph settled in much more calmly, shaking their heads at the other two’s antics.
Chula started to sit as well, when a feeling crawled up her spine.
She didn’t know if it was Lasat instinct or Mandalorian training, but she always knew when someone was staring at her. And sometime after the fourth time Leo got kidnapped, her sixth sense extended to him.
So when the feeling of eyes linger far too long started to make her fur stand on end she paused, slowly turning to scan the room.
She found the guilty party easily, because he was literally standing in the middle of everything.
But when she spotted him, she had to do a double take.
Then a triple.
Because, yes, Leo had told her living skeletons were a thing here and the proprietor of Run of the Mill was one of these living skeletons. But even with that prior knowledge, actually seeing an actual skeleton, standing in a dark suit and hat holding a little book and pen, made something in her brain screech to a halt in shock.
But if that skeleton was who she thought he was…it would explain the staring.
She turned back to the group, sliding into the booth and lowering her voice, “Out of curiosity, how close are you to that Hueso fella?”
“Oh, me and Mr. Bonsey are great friends! We even went on an adventure one time and I helped him reconnect with his brother and I totally saved this place from disaster to help him out.”
“I helped that time, ya know,” Mikey grumbled, crossing his arms.
Leo flapped his hands dismissively, “Yeah, yeah, we learned a lesson about teamwork and healthy sportsmanship…why do you ask?”
Chula’s ear flicked, listening to the squeak of leather shoes on hard flooring as someone started to advance on the booth. She grinned and raised one hand to point.
Leo frowned, slowly turning to see where she was pointing. And she could see the moment he saw the bone-man coming at the table, literally seconds before the said table shuddered from a bony hand slamming down on it.
“If you think this is a cute prank kid, I’m going to ban you.”
The entire table stared for a moment, with a mix of surprise and shock at the statement.
Leo blinked, brow pinching, “Wow, okay, I knew this was gonna hit hard but wow, did not know you cared that much boss.”
“Pepino,” Hueso probably meant to growl the word out but he sounded almost choked up to Chula.
Leo was quick to keep talking, going a mile a minute as he explained, “Okay! I didn’t set up a prank or anything. I got portal jacked into a completely different dimension. Technically twice but one was kinda on purpose but, anyway, it took me awhile to get back and first thing we needed to do was make sure my rescuer had a slice of proper pizza from the best spot in town. Did you know they don’t have pizza in space? There is no pizza in space man!”
Hueso frowned, finally looking around at the rest of the table and, by extension, at Chula. She smiled, trying very hard to not wonder how a face made of bone was so damn expressive.
His…eyes? -eye sockets? How did expressions work when someone didn’t have any skin?- narrowed as he looked her up and down. She sat back, waiting for his appraisal to conclude, very aware that Leo was watching the interaction with bated breath.
His face was still pinched as he slowly turned back to Leo, “...she won’t cause any problems, will she?”
“You kidding?” Leo chuckled. “She is, like, the chillest person you’ll ever meet. Chill as ice, as a cucumber, cooler than an icy cucumber-”
Hueso sighed and pinched his nose bridge as if he was annoyed. But Chula smirked, seeing some tension leave the man's shoulders, “Haven’t changed a bit, have you pepino?”
“Nooope!” Leo said proudly. “And since we cleared all that up, how about some pizza? My friend here has never had it and I haven’t had a decent pie in ages!”
Hueso sighed again but he was smiling softly as he whipped out his pad and pen again, “What are you niños wanting today then?”
The boys almost instantly started talking over each other, rattling off their orders so quickly, Chula didn’t catch most of what they said. But the chaotic mix of voices didn’t seem to throw Hueso in the slightest. His pen was practically flying and his small smile grew wider and wider with every moment. He was beaming when he finally left the table.
“I think he missed you,” Chula commented lightly.
“Yeah,” Leo murmured. Then he shook himself, plastering a smile on his face, “I mean, yeah, duh, of course he missed me! I’m basically his favorite customer.”
The other turtles collectively groaned, with Raph even mumbling a quiet, “You’re definitely not even close, dude.”
Chula chuckled, folding her hands on the table, “Tell me again, how did you all even find this place?”
“Oh now that’s a story!” Leo beamed, happily launching into the story of how they’d happened to see another yokai going in years ago and had naturally followed her..
She smirked when Leo tried to claim he had been dominating the ‘Maze of Death’ that the place had and his brothers were quick to correct that they’d all done awful in it when Hueso returned with several pizzas.
The smell of cooked cheese and bread hit her nose. Her ears flicked up in interest at what she assumed to be the creepy supremes, covered in small, squirming tentacle creatures. Two more joined those, with much more tame and not alive toppings. Mikeys had a yellow fruit mixed with chunks of meat while the one Leo had ordered on her behalf had a bunch of thin, round slices of meat and what looked like peppers.
She took another sniff of the air before grabbing a slice, mimicking the boys as they started to dig in. She could feel when they all paused to watch her take a large bite out of the pizza.
The explosion of cheese and spice on her tongue made her ears twitch and a happy, high trill to burst from her throat.
“I knew you’d like the spice lovers!” Leo crowed happily.
“Mikey,” Chula swallowed and beamed at the box turtle. “You’re teaching me how to make this.”
Mikey grinned back, eyes shining, “Yes! We’ll make you a pro pizza chef in no time!”
Chula took another bite of pizza, reveling in the clash of flavor that burned her throat and made her taste buds sing. 
“Try this too!” Leo scooped us a slice of his creepy supreme as passed it over the table.
Chula happily took the slice, crunching down on the little creatures and through the thick crust.
She definitely couldn’t leave until she learned all she could about making pizza from Mikey. The clones would love this stuff.
Chula raised a brow at Donnie when she saw where he did his shopping, “This is a refuse-yard.”
“And I recall Leo saying that you traded scrap for extra money.”
“...you know what, fair.”
Donnie smirked and activated his battle-shell to boost himself over the fence. Chula rolled her eyes and manually vaulted over after him, “I thought you said you had what you needed for the last touch-ups on the Tortuga.”
“Technically,” Donnie stressed out the word as he hovered between piles of trash. “I could use my current martials to just replace the generator prongs, but I would also like to upgrade the positioning array! It was a bit of a rush job and we’d already used most of our resources on the ship. And since you don’t seem to be in much of a hurry, now is as good a time as any!”
Chula hummed, trying to ignore the comment about how she wasn’t pushing the timeline up. She probably should be but…Astra could look after things for a bit longer. Chula was just…making sure Donnie didn’t burn himself out or anything.
Plus, she had to have a chat with that Berry person. And she’d told Mikey he could give her armor a new paint job.
So she shrugged and started picking through a pile of rusted transport parts, “And you definitely needed me for this, huh?”
“What-oh, yeah, of course I did! Why wouldn’t I need the help? We’ll be carrying a lot of materials back to the lab and I clearly need help with that and you’re clearly the strongest one among us at the moment! Therefore it was not weird at all for me to request you help on this mission! Yes, nailed it, perfect story.”
Chula chuckled and moved to loom behind Donnie and give him a very flat look, “Donatello. You can just say ‘I wanted us to hang out one on one’.”
“Whaaat, that, me, no, why would I think that? What would-,” Donnie paused. “....maybe.”
Chula cackled then, reaching down to ruffling Donnie’s mask tails before moving away again, “Leo was right, you’re an awful lair.”
“SCOFF!” Donnie cried indignantly. “I am excellent at deception!”
“Uh-huh,” Chula nodded, moving further away to dig into another pile. Donnie was ranting but she let the words wash over her, only really paying attention to his voice and where it was coming from.
It was actually pretty easy to keep tabs on Donnie. The kid liked to talk, even if his audience wasn’t fully listening. So she wandered around, quietly digging through piles of metal to find all the things Donnie wanted them to get. 
Her search took her a bit further than she had meant to wander away but she could still hear Donnie, now fully momologing to himself, so she wasn’t worried. Her ears flicked forward in interest when she spotted a dented terminal jutting out of a pile of plastic bags. She dragged it out to start prying open the casing and see if any of the internals were salvageable.
She froze before she could even dig her claws into the terminal seams.
Because the scrapyard had suddenly gone very quiet.
Chula spun and spinted back to where she’d last heard Donnie, quietly hoping that he’d just paused in his rants for air.
Her ears twitched when she picked out voices again. Voices, more than just Donnie. And she didn’t recognize any of the voices as Donnie.
She crouched as she got closer, using the piles of trash and shadows to conceal herself as she peered around a corner.
Then she frowned at the scene before her.
Donnie had, in fact, been joined by some new people, three teenagers if Chula was guessing correctly. The girl of the group was talking, ranting almost, waving her hands dramatically along with two wrist tablets that covered her lower arms. The design reminded her of Donnie’s but it was bulkier and more bells and whistles were sticking out of them.
And speaking of Donnie. Chula’s confusion doubled at the almost bored expression on his face. He even rolled his entire head when the girl held out her arms to show off her tech, “I would be flattered by the imitation if it wasn’t so….rudimentary.”
“Oh, but I’ve made some additions of my own!” The girl said, hands flying as she started tapping the screens.
Chula’s hackles rose as dozens of purple flying droids seemed to appear from nowhere, circling around the group. Donnie still didn’t look concerned but Chula’s hand moved to her hip anyway.
“Now,” the girl continued, steeping her fingers. “Since our last encounter we looked into the parts that you stole-”
“Borrowed,” Donnie interrupted.
“Stole,” the girl countered back. “Face it Von Ryan, you’ve stooped to our level. But what I want to know is. What oh what are you trying to build?”
Donnie scoffed, “Even if I told you, that project would be far past what you could comprehend. So, if you're done showboating, I really need to get back to business.”
The girl's face pinched in anger, jaw tensing as her hand moved to one of the wrist tablets.
Chula bared her teeth and moved.
She hadn’t armored up fully for this little outing, but she had brought her weapons. And it turned out, Earth droids were very breakable.
The three humans jumped and screamed as her blaster blots rang out, knocking the droids out of the air. Donnie didn’t scream but his shoulders did jump when the first bolt screeched through the air.
Chula paused when the last droid hit the ground, carefully lowering her as she slowly moved her gaze to the three teens.
They stared back, eyes wide as each scanned her up and down.
The skinny one with glasses broke the silence, “Nope!” he spun, sprinting for the fence while chanting. “Nope, nope, nope, no thank you! I’m out!”
“Hey! Wait up!” the other boy scrambled after the first.
Much to the girl's dismay, “Hey! Get back here you two!”
Neither boy listened to her, both far too busy climbing the fence and running as far and fast as they could.
Chula cleared her throat, turning to Donnie, “Is there a problem here Edeemir’ika?”
“...I could have handled that,” Donnie grumbled.
Chula hummed and looked back to the girl.
She’d turned back to Chula, eyes going wide again as she started to frantically tap at her tablets. 
Chula’s eyes narrowed and she took a step closer, growling out, “Are we going to have a problem kid?”
 The girl swallowed, looking down at her tablet then up again, “T-this is none of you business, ya know!”
“Oh, it became my business when you threatened my kid,” Chula bared her teeth in a wide grin and moved fully out of the shadows. “So like I asked. Is. There. A. Problem?”
The girl took a step back.
Donnie snorted, leaning against a rusted transport, “I’d start running if I were you Kendra. Miss. Verd has a very ‘take no prisoners’ attitude.”
Kendra looked between Donnie and Chula, taking another small step back.
Chula advanced, letting a growl rumble up her throat.
That got her moving. Kendra spun and started booking it, calling shrilly over her shoulder, “This isn’t over Donatello!”
“Yeah, yeah, vengeance, payback, other…speech about how I’m gonna pay,”
Chula huffed, stowing her blaster and moving to stand Next to Donnie, “Are they an issue a lot?”
“Hardly,” Donnie sighed. “They were barely a challenge for me before I tapped into my ninpo. Now they’re a minor annoyance.”
Chula hummed, watching Kendra scrabbling over the scrapyard fence.
She felt Donnie looking at her. She dipped her head to meet his narrowed eyes, “What?”
“I was under the impression that kids were not a group you would fight. The Purple Dragons are annoying but hardly worth a rule exception.”
Chula nodded, “Yeah but they don’t know that, do they?”
Donnie blinked.
Then started cackling, “Oh I am so glad you accompanied me!”
“Chula, Chula, Chula!”
Chula paused so the orange and green blur heading her way could launch himself onto her back. She was a bit surprised when Mikey kept going, climbing over her shoulder, but she put her arms out so that when he tumbled fully over her shoulder he landed safely.
He was beaming, almost vibrating with excitement and clutching one of his sketchbooks, “So, I remember you said I could give your armor new paint and I was brainstorming and I got the awesomest idea! I made some inspo designs we can look at and I can go get metal paint tonight and we can paint it super soon if we narrow down the design asap.”
Chula hummed and started walking towards the common area, “So basically, you want me to look over the designs now.”
“Mmmmaaaaybe!” Mikey hunkered down in his perch.
Chula snorted but plopped down in Raph’s beanbag chair, adjusting her hold so she could better look at the book in Mikey’s lap. “Well, let’s see it then Tranyc'ika.”
Mikey paused, hand frozen as it went to open the book, then tipped his head back, “Tra-nechie?”
“TRAH-neesh,” Chula corrected.
“Tranyc,” Mikey repeated softly. “I know the ‘ika’ means little but Leo’s never used tranyc. What’s that mean?”
“Well, the literal translation is ‘star-burned’,” Chula said. “But a more common translation is ‘sunny’ or ‘sunshine’.”
Mikey giggled, “I should let you know, I’m usually opposed to being called ‘little’ anything.”
“You’re all little to me,” Chula countered. “You all just itty-bitty lil terrapins.” The statement was accompanied by her squeezing her arms and pitching her voice higher.
Mikey cackled, squirming in her hold, “Okay, okay!” Chula loosened her arms and let Mikey breathe. “Okay, I will allow one exception to my rule.”
“Oh, like I wasn’t going to call you ika anyway,.” Chula gave one more squeeze. “Now, let me see those drafts, hmm? I’m lookin’ forward to that new paint job.”
Mikey grinned, flipping open his sketchbook.
Chula whistled at the first image, an impressive recreation of her helmet in black ink and layed with bold, blue stripes overtop, “You didn’t happen to get a second option on this one, did you?”
“Not exactly,” Mieky fiddled with the edge of the flimsi. “It’s just…we all know you gotta go back to your dimension eventually. And it sounds really dangerous there so I thought, maybe I could put all of us on your armor. That way, we’ll all kinda be with you.”
Chula smiled, heart swelling at the thought Mikey had put into this, “That sounds really nice actually.”
Mikey peered up at her. 
She smiled down at him, “You got any more drafts with all your colors?”
Mikey beamed, flipping a few pages until he got to some sketches of her full armor, “I may have made a few versions.”
“Nice,” Chula snuggled down in her seat, pointing to the image of her chestplate, the stripes replaced by orange lighting bolts. “Can you put a star on there? Over the iron heart.”
“Ohhh, yeah, that would look epic!” Mikey whipped out an orange marker.
“Hey, uh, Miss. Verd?”
Chula blinked, slowly turning to look at Raph, “Miss. Verd? Where did that come from?”
Raph ducked his head in embarrassment, “...yeah, that was kinda weird.”
Chula smiled, taking a little mercy on the kid and patting his arm, “Hey, okay, why don’t you tell me what you want, hmm? I assume that’s what the formality was about.”
“Well…I was just wondering….if you could maybe…spar…with me?”
“Oh is that all!” Chula grinned, slinging an arm around Raph’s shoulders and started walking to the ‘dojo’. “Don’t know why you didn’t join me and Leo this morning if you wanted a spar. But he tends to need an outlet a lot per day so maybe the three of us-”
“Um, actually, Raph just wanted it to be one on one.”
Chula paused, glancing down at Raph. The kid was wringing his hands nervously, eyes fixed on their feet.
“...any reason you want it to be one on one?” She asked. “Because if you had Leo fightin’ with you, let’s be honest, you’d actually have a chance landin’ some hits.”
Raph frowned at that, a cute furrow forming on his brow, “Raph can take you!”
“Oh, ho, can you now?” Chula’s smile turned to a smirk as she pulled away, cuffing Raph lighty on the back of his head before dancing away.
Raph spluttered at the tap, head whipping to where she’d been and then back to her, “We haven’t gotten to the dojo yet!”
“And? Come on, who limits a good spar to one room?”
Raph stammered more, so Chula zipped forward long enough to give him another tap on the shoulder.
That seemed to be enough to snap Raph out of his stupor. He twitched at the hit but when he looked up to see Chula moving away again his eyes narrowed. Chula grinned when he dropped into a ready stance. Her grin got even wider when he moved first, hard and fast and right for her.
She brought her arms up to block, the force of Raph’s attack making her slide back. She dug her claws into the floor and twisted one hand to grab Raphs wrist. He yipped in surprise when she flipped him, slamming loudly onto the floor.
He shook off the impact quickly, rolling away from her and to his feet. He took more castion this time, moving slowly around Chula, eyes flicking up and down, looking for an opening.
Chula’s hands flexed, hackles raising as she waited for Raph to make a move.
When he attacked again, she sidestepped, grabbing the lip of his shell and using the momentum to roll him to the floor again. She pinned him, smirking as he blinked confusedly at her, “Now, why are you doin’ this with me and not one of your brothers?”
Raph’s eyes went wide and he turned his head away, “Uh…Leo said you were a good fighter and-and you’re strong enough so Raph won’t hurt you and my brothers are smaller-”
“Oh like that stops them,” Chula huffed, standing up. “Pretty sure every bad guy you fight on the regular is twice your size. Which makes them at least three times as big as your brothers.”
Raph was back to stammering, trying to look anywhere but Chula, “It’s, um, you know, different! If-if I get too into it I can do more damage and Raph doesn’t want to hurt anyone.”
Chula frowned, crouching down next to Raph, “You wouldn’t ever hurt your brothers.”
Raph flinched at that, sitting up and hugging himself, “....but I have.”
“What? When? Pretty sure Leo would have mentioned that to me at some point.”
Raph huddled into himself even more, “...it was during the Invasion.”
Chula frowned, thinking back and trying to parse out if Raph hurting the other boys was ever mentioned.
“...you cannot be talkin’ about how you got mind controlled by the Krang.”
Raph’s head ducked partly into his shell.
“Okay, no, no. Whatever convoluted bantha-osik you’ve logiced out in your head is wrong. I may not know all the details of that invasion but you know what I do know? You are not responsible for what you do when under mind control. And I have given this talk to way too many clones, seriously, mind control and manipulation weirdly happens a lot in the battalion, so trust me when I say with complete certainty that you, Raphael Hamato, would never hurt your siblings. Ever.”
Raph blinked, jaw opening slightly, then closing again, “...mind control was common with the soldiers you worked with?”
“Yes,” Chula leaned back to sit more on her haunches, tipping her head back with a groan. “Force users, plant spores, freaky worm things, a whole planet that just messed with baselines humans for some reason. Never figured that out, didn't want to figure it out, just sent a big ol’ ‘do not land here’ to the Republic on that one.”
Raph snorted.
“Ah, there’s a smile,” Chula beamed, bumping Raph’s shoulder. “There’s your awesome, toothy smile. Now, are we gonna keep thinking silly things Aranar’ika?”
“...maybe,” Raph peeked up. “I’ll stop if you tell me what aranar means?”
“Oh, look at your pronunciation. Very good,” Chula beamed. “It means ‘defender’. Felt it suited you.”
Raph blinked again, eyes going wide as he looked down at his own hands, “Aranar.”
He smiled and Chula saw his shoulders shimmy a little and a tiny chirp come out of his mouth. She felt a burst of warmth at the reaction and basked in Raph joy at the nickname.
“Whoa, looking good guys!”
“Right?” Chula twisted at the waist, admiring her armor in a floor length mirror. “We still gotta add the protective coating but I wanted to see it all together. Mikey did amazing.”
She wasn’t exaggerating to Leo in the slightest, she loved the design Mikey had eventually settled on. The chestplate had a massive star over the iron heart, framed by four lighting bolts. The gold on her arm bracers was replaced with bright purple rectangles that mimicked Donnie’s markings. Her backplate had been redone with red spikes and a large Hamato Clan symbol. And her helmet was now adored with blue stripes that were obviously inspired by Leo’s facial markings.
She’d loved it on flimsi and seeing it on her armor made her love it even more.
She did a small spin, showing off the entire ensemble to Leo and Mikey.
Leo laughed, clapping as he approached, “Very nice, very nice. Excellent work as always, Michel.”
“Aw, you guys,” Mikey giggled.
“Just needs one more touch,” Leo said, his expression suddenly becoming nervous.
Chula turned to fully face him, removing her helmet, “Oh? What did you have in mind?”
“Well,” Leo cleared his throat. “I know Donnie’s hasn’t got the cross-dimensional cell phone thingie done yet but…you know, in case he finishes before you get a chance to visit.”
Leo reached into the pocket of his pants and pulled out a flat object wrapped in blue fabric. Chula quickly set her helmet aside, opening a palm for Leo to place the object into her hand. She noted with surprise that the fabric was Leo’s mask, the one that he had been wearing when they first met. She handled the tattered fabric carefully, fingers ghosting over the torn edges and old blood stains before opening it.
Inside the mask was a belt emblem, almost exactly like the ones all the turtles wore, only this one was a bit on the larger size. A smile spread across Chula’s face, “This is perfect!”
Chula turned to face the mirror again so that she could fix the emblem and mask to her belt. The metal gleamed as she turned back, popping a hip for extra effect, “This really ties the whole thing together, don’t you think?”
Mikey giggled, nodding enthusiastically, “Oh yea, the whole thing was definitely missing that! Good thinking Leo!”
Leo huffed, folding his hands behind his head, “Duh, can’t be in the Mad Dogs without our emblem. But, you know you don’t gotta keep the mask, right? It was just the closest thing I had to wrap it up.”
“I know,” Chula started to pull off armor pieces and lay them out on the tarp she and Mikey had been using. “But I like it, it gives me some flair, don’t you think?”
“Absolutely!” Mikey agreed as he started grabbing the top coat sprays. 
Leo blinked, his smile slowly turning into a confused frown. He looked down at his tattered mask tails hanging from behind the emblem, then back up to Chula.
The smile returned, a much softer, more genuine one, “Happy to help.”
The yokai in question looked up from his stovetop, “...did you climb in through my window.”
“Yup,” Chula smirked, leaning against the wall. “Wanted us to meet, without the kids.”
Barry wrinkled his nose and turned back to the stove, “Then why not use the door? And if you’re going to break into my residence, at least use my name. I am Baron Draxum, warrior alchemist of the Yokai.”
“Ooooo, well ain’t you fancy,” Chula cleared her throat. “Well I am Chula Verd of Mandalore, multidimensional traveler and honorary member of the Hamato clan. And the one who would very much like to talk about that throwing Leo off a roof comment.”
“I’m surprised the little showman hasn’t mentioned it to you,” Draxum sighed. “I will admit I was not completely in my right mind at the time and I may have taken things to an unnecessary extreme but I created the turtles to be very durable. That fall would have merely injured him, he could have easily- how did you get over here?!”
As Draxum had rambled on, Chula had slowly made her way across the apartment. So when Draxum looked up, she was almost right in his face, causing him to leap back.
She smiled, saccharine sweet, “Oh, well, I guess it’s fine then. He would just get a little hurt if you chucked the kid off a roof.”
She felt a little bit of pride when the aloofness Draxum had been holding finally cracked. His eyes flicked around as she leaned even more into his space, “...clearly, Leonardo has rubbed off on you.”
“We’re both terrible influences on each other,” Chula tilted her head and grinned with all her teeth. “Now, this would normally be the bit where I make you regret messin’ with one of my kids.”
“But it would upset Mikey. And Leo tells me you’re familiar with the Hidden City.”
“...I am…”
“Greeaaat,” Chula leaned closer, until they were nose to nose. “So, you wouldn’t happen to know where I could find a forge, could you?”
“...not one open for public use.”
“Oh, well then I guess you’re gonna help me break into a forge, aren’t you?”
“...that won’t be necessary,” Draxum managed to souffle away from her and straighten back to full height. “I have one at one of my old laboratories. It should still be perfectly functional.”
“Ah, you don’t want to pull a heist with me…Barry?”
He glared, “Barnor. Draxum.”
“Whatever you say Berry.”
Two weeks after Chula had brought Leo and his family home, she stood at the ramp of her ship once again.
The Hamato clan had gathered around as well to see her off.
She hugged each tightly, letting the feeling of each embrace ingrain itself into her memory, even Donnie’s brief little side hug.
Leo was the last, fiddling with his hands as he stood before her, “You’re gonna visit us right? Once you make sure everything is okay?”
Chula hummed, crouching so that she was eye-level with Leo, “You know…my dimension, my galaxy. It’s harsh and unkind more often than not, especially to the people important to me.”
Leo frowned, confused.
“I was planning to steal away the entire battalion, ya know. The Republic doesn’t see the clones as people, they wouldn’t have anything to go to after the war ends. What better place to give them a new life than an entirely different dimension?”
She saw the moment her implication clicked in everyone's minds.
But Leo was the one to voice it, “You’re gonna come back…and stay?”
“Yeah,” Chula nodded. “I want to stay close, you’ve all become family to me. Plus, I gotta keep you crazy kids out of trouble.”
Leo launched himself forward and Chula caught him easily, squeezing tightly enough to pick his feet off the ground.
Mikey threw both his fists in the air with a cheer, “We’re getting new cousins!”
“Would you perchance be bringing back the ship your battalion inhabits as well?” Donnie asked.
Chula laughed, giving Leo one last squeeze before dropping him, “Now, Draxum very kindly showed me where to find a forge for a little side project. Just a little trinket for you kids.”
Chula reached into her belt, pulling out her gifts and separating out the one with a blue cord. She held it up, letting the metal visage of a mythosaur skull gleam in the pump station lights.
“Whoa,” Leo stared at the pendant, cupping his hands around it. “What is it?”
“That is a mythosaur skull, one of the few things every Mandalorian agrees on is that it’s the symbol for all of Mandalore,” she placed the pendent into Leo’s hands before stepping towards the others, passing out the rest. “And on the off chance you bump into another Mandalorian, this should be enough for them to keep you on their good side.”
“Reassuring,” CJ huffed as he looped the cord around his neck. “But it looks really cool.”
“Ditto!” Raph agreed as he put his own pendant on, made slightly bigger to match his size.
Chula chuckled, handing the last Mythosaur pendent to April before going back to Leo, grabbing him in another quick hug, “I’m going to come back with my clan. I’ll drag Astra here kicking and screaming if I have to.”
“Looking forward to it,” Leo grinned. “And can’t wait to meet her.”
Chula smiled. Releasing Leo and heading up the ramp. She paused at the top, turning to give one last wave to the kids, “See you all in a few days.”
“Anata wa hitori ja nai,” Leo said, the statement echoed by his family.
Chula paused, “Well, now you get to give me the language lesson.”
“It’s something our family says,” Leo explained. “It means ‘you are not alone’.”
Chula smiled, a warm feeling wrapping around her, “Well then. Anata wa hitori ja nai, Hamatos. I’ll see you all very soon.”
A loud chaos of ‘bye’s and ‘see you soon’s echoed up to her as the ramp slowly lifted.
Chula’s smile grew as she bounded through the corridors and up into the bridge. She could hear the roof whirring open as she took her seat. 
The console came alive as her hands danced over it. Her smile became downright manic as she settled into her seat, feeling joy almost buzz in every limb. The ship sang in reply to her excitement, engines creating a wonderful symphony as she lifted it into the air.
She reached over, preemptively plugging in her dimensions coordinates.
“Wonder how much has changed,” Chula murmured as she broke above the clouds and activated the gateway.
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
are any of the villains
of the situation
like I know Mikey chased down meatsweats that one time but have they noticed a surprising lack of turtles especially the blue one that never shuts up ever
LMAO you know, this is an interesting question! Especially since I tend to think most of the main villains at this point have more of a Megamind and Metroman sort of vibe with the turtles (they obviously aren’t a threat to them anymore).
I think it’s a mix!
Repo Mantis never really does anything outside his junkyard anyway (besides repoing things) so I doubt he has noticed nor does he care.
Meat Sweats (I never know if that’s supposed to one word or two tbh lol) may have noticed and he’s the most likely to take advantage I think, but since Mikey caught him and got his van impounded I think he’s keeping it lowkey rn anyway. He wouldn’t care much either.
Ghostbear has either noticed or in this timeline his marriage to his gf finally happened and he’s on his honeymoon or some shit.
Hypno and Warren I think are the MOST likely to have both noticed a serious lack of turtle and tried to find out what happened (since they are the most punchcardy of villains) and if they did find out they would be like WOW that’s really fucked up, hope he gets better. And then maybe put a chill on the villainy for a bit. Like it’s kinda not fun when the teenagers you’re always going toe to toe with are in Serious Dire Straits, especially when you inadvertently caused the last thing that almost killed them.
(Oh god this has started my brain down the path of “do Hypno and Warren even realize they’re just kids” “do they feel bad about stealing the key” no no no I have too many projects already!!!)
As for Big Mama… we’ll just have to see 😏
I may be forgetting some villains but while we’re on the subject of the side characters…
I do think April has been keeping Cassandra abreast of the situation whenever she can. I feel bad not including her but I’m not as sure on how to fit her in the family dynamic and it’s just another character to juggle (I already feel bad that Casey Jr and April are largely set dressing lol). But in the background she’s been getting plenty of text updates and has let April know she will kick elemental butt if needed.
Hueso definitely noticed a distinct lack of turtle around his place, especially Pepino, but didn’t come asking about it. He would never admit it but he’s been worried something serious happened, even though as far as he’s aware nothing else world ending has occurred. He finally got the full lowdown from Mikey while he and Draxum were hiding out at Run of the Mill and again he’s not gonna say it but he’s SUPER WORRIED about Leo. He’ll be able to relax when Leo finally saunters back in for pizza……. However long in the future that’s gonna be! Lol
Mikey has probably also been texting Todd updates on occasion. He’s wishing them the best!
I know there are definitely like. A billion side characters I’m forgetting but hopefully this was fun anyway lmao!
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blackfire-fanfiction · 8 months
spins wheel of "which characters do i need to interact with the other leo"
and, drumroll please...
leo and hueso dynamic?
ok SO
I don't think Leo would have actually met Hueso pre-reveal. Obviously he knows who he is because of Leon, but he hasn't actually met him. Mostly because the guys don't go to Run of the Mill all that often, and when they do it's because Leon pushes them to.
The first time Leo actually goes to Run of the Mill, Hueso doesn't know about the switching. So he just sees Pepino acting weird and gets worried, and eventually approaches the table to subtly interrogate him.
Anyway I think Hueso would be chill with Leo. He enjoys his calmer presence, and they'd talk about the stupid things Leon's done (especially since Leon probably would say everything in their notebook) with each other.
It probably wouldn't be a super strong dynamic between the two, since Leo isn't going out of his way to chat with Hueso, but I think they'd have some fun conversations every once in a while. (Imagine if Leo is privy to Hueso's dramatic backstory, and Leon is just begging to know it because he has to work to get the smallest detail and Leo just gets to know everything)
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little-mouse-gardens · 6 months
Rottmnt oc head-cannons part two
continuing on with my rottmnt oc headcannons
I have already done Marcy’s right here, https://www.tumblr.com/little-mouse-gardens/734298414127382528/rottmnt-oc-head-cannons-so-im-gonna-be-doing-hcs and the other parr right here https://www.tumblr.com/little-mouse-gardens/734344664762777600/some-more-random-hcs-that-popped-up-in-my-head
And now I have finished Sunny’s!
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- her mother let her grandparents pick the middle names of her and her sisters. Her grandparents chose her middle name to be rose because the first flowers she ever was close to were roses.
- has a matching skateboard and roller skate set (everyone in her family learned to roller skate at some point in their lives)
- used to be pretty good at basketball but she hated how aggressively competitive she got so she quit and just does it as a hobby
- hates going to bowling alleys because the noise in there gives her headache (she and Marcy just chill outside or go hang out by the arcade)
- Very good at nail art. Has a little shelf and kit in her room where she can do her nails or other peoples nails.
- loves up-cycling. Literally half the stuff she has in her room is stuff she’s refurbished and made into something new.
- Loves pottery, painting it and collecting molds to make different pieces. The basement area of her and her sisters home has a space where she keeps all the molds for pottery she randomly comes across and the kiln her grandfather gave her for Christmas
- prefers to keep her hair in braids because it’s just a little easier on her (hates when her hair gets tangled because her scalp is a tiny bit sensitive and it’s super painful for her) but she does like to style her hair differently every month or so.
- Collects and makes headbands, bandannas and clips to match with her outfits
- Favorite song is riptide by Vance joy (her and Skye love to swim so they always listen to this on trips to the beach or their grandparents farm)
- Struggles a lot with having mutant abilities and keeping them under-control in public spaces (inhuman strength makes her super terrified she’s gonna hurt someone) wears a necklace her mother asked senor hueso to buy for the girls to help out a bit in public so she doesn’t accidentally hurt someone
- Cares deeply about her sisters. Like would lay down her life for them and kill anyone who makes them cry (she’s a rationally sweet person up until a point) Knows all their tells and how they think. They may drive her crazy some days but she’ll always go to them when they need her the most.
- doesn’t have many memory’s about their dad (passed away when they were real young) but visits his grave every so often to drop off flowers (sometimes raph will go with her at night to comfort her)
- trying to improve her gardening skills, has a little set up in the kitchen and in her bedroom. Focuses on vegetables and flowers but has a herb garden safely tucked on the fire escape.
- Has a pet cat who she babies and a pet duck who lives on her grandparents farm. Likes to make little sweaters and bow ties for them both.
- When she gets older she gets a bunch of floral and wildflower tattoos. Mostly on her arms and ribs (she also got her and Raphs wedding rings tattooed)
- self care days and weekends are a must (her and raph include them as dates and couples activities when they started dating)
- Has scars on her ribs from getting captured by the kraang (covers them with tattoos for her eighteenth birthday)
- she and raph, after a build up, started dating halfway through the start of season two (he confessed to her while they were over at the lair) their first date was a rooftop picnic to watch a drive in movie. He got her some earrings as a gift and she sewed him a new bandana (she also stole a teddy bear from a stand for him but shhhhh-nobody knows about that)
- Hates when her stuff is messed with like-if she finds all her stuff messed around with, broken or missing there’s gonna be a problem
- Trying to learn to sew from her sister Marcy, knows how to knit but can’t embroider for the life of her
- buys a lot of cottagecore themed clothing
- Her room = cottagecore dream
- has a particular facial expression her siblings, raph (and eventually her and Raphs kids when they are older) call the stare down which is a signal that she’s not putting up with BS in the moment
- actually loves to read, her and Marcy visit the library twice a month for new books to read, favorite book is
- Collects a lot of cutesy or asthetic stationary to keep at her desk. Leaves frog sticky notes for raph to remind him to take a breather every now and then or notes to remind her sisters of something.
- Loves visiting her grandparents farm. Favorite place to hang out is the flower garden by the lake.
- Favorite fruit is Mangos or honeydew, used to eat it as a snack when she was little and she kind of just has a taste for it ever since
- Her and Raph love to knit, they have made each other hand made gifts like blankets and plushies all the time. (bought him knitting materials for Christmas because she saw he loved it so much)
- has a small collection of plushies she keeps in a hammock above her bed. Her favorite is a donut whale plushie she nicknamed jellybean (because she sprayed jellybean scented cologne on it to help her sleep)
- cuddling/physical affection and words of affection are her love language. So her and Raph can often be seen cuddling, holding hands or just laying across each other (sprawled out across his shell, despite the fact he is terrified he’s gonna hurt her like-BABE THE SPIKES-she doesn’t care, she loves every part of him spikes and all)
- face nuzzles? FACE NUZZLES. They do it all the time (donnie Claims it makes him wanna puke even though he literally does the same thing to marcy-HYPOCRITE)
- She tries her best to keep stress and pressure off of him, even if she’s stressed herself. Like distracting him for just a few moments by squeezing his hand or reminding to him to grab himself something to eat or drink. Comforts him through his panic attacks (just lets him hold onto her for support, and he does the same for her ect.)
- Basking with raph in the sun? Yes please. If she’s over at the lair, they just grab a couple blankets, pick the sunniest spot and just lay there basking in the sun for hours (the sweet boi literally just uses his shadow to shield her if she gets to hot) cuddled up together, playing video games, reading ect.
- definitely has MAJOR trauma from the kraang incident (seeing her future self, her sisters future selves, the future turtles die, nearly suffocating to death, raph getting turned into that kraang thing, her sisters almost drowning-) Carry’s a few scars across her back that she covers with tattoos later on. Her and raph just help each-other through nightmares, ect. Spontaneous group sleepovers because everyone’s having a bad night? Blankets and snacks acquired, favorite movies put on in the projection room in the lair or the living room over at the girls house and it’s a night of literally just everyone sticking to one spot.
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ramzawrites · 2 years
Hi Ram! 💕 I have five questions for you. Q1: How are you doing okay? Q2: How are you doing okay on requests? 👉👈 Q3: What are your favorite Rottmnt episodes you watched? Q4: What are your thoughts on Rottmnt Hueso (badass skeleton)? Q5: What are your thoughts on Rottmnt Sunita? ~🍓
Im doing okay, exhausted but okay! You?
I haven’t started working on the next one yet but I will start today or tomorrow, I will also finally update my bio with the whole request number stuff and probably increase he number of requests I’ll accept since I got a few more than I thought that I’m interested in haha
Hmmm I was rewatching some episodes and I recently rewatched the Raph episode with Buddy and 🥺 also love Hot Soup: The Game, the humor is rlly good and I love Casey! Oh! Oh! Portal jacked is good as well and oh man there are so many episodes I love
How can you not love Hueso?? Hueso is amazing and I love the whole sound design around him when he moves! It’s so satisfying and I just love him dude he really feels like he would be your uncle that would either just tolerate you and deal with your bs bc that’s easier or he would go out of his way to help you bc I bet he has a ton of contacts to call on, I don’t think there is an in between with him
Sunita is awesome!! She’s rlly badass and I wanna see more of her and ofc with April for obvious reasons! I think she would be fun to chill with
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remmushound · 3 years
Bay/rise 16! @errorfreak88 @brightlotusmoon
Cassandra was anxious. She had everything— her master had comeback at her side and was freed from the control of that monstrous spider demon. What was left of the Foot Clan was strong! She had the entire, empty city at her whim! But what good was the city if there were no people in it? Nobody to rule or protect or attack or make her life interesting. The turtles and their friends had disappeared into that rift and brought the city’s orb with them. Taken her masters Lou and Brute away from her, and took the rest of her foot clan away away too. Left her alone nothing but a few rouge mutants running amok, and the ruby ring on her finger that gave her control over The Shredder, What a waste…
She twisted the ruby ring on her finger. Like a puppet, Shredder twisted Big Mama harder into the ground under the immense weight of his armor. The Jorogumo screamed her anguish as the sounds of her body popping filled the air.
“I already told you, I don’t know where they went!” Big Mama wailed to the unmerciful duo.
“Why don’t I believe you?” Cass asked, climbing down from her throne made of mystic vines and leaning close to Big Mama’s face. “Where are my masters?”
“I don’t know!”
Another twist of the ring. Shredder grabbed one of Big Mama’s legs and started to twist it slowly backward.
“AH— I can’t tell you where they are! But I know who can and I’ll tell you where to find him if you just STOP!”
Shredder stopped twisting seconds before the limb would have come off. He let the leg fall back down, and it curled under the safety of Big Mama’s rotund belly.
“Then tell me.” It physically pained Cass to be so cruel. As violent and excitable as she was, the thought and action of this type of torturous interrogation wasn’t something she liked. She just wanted her family back. Her masters that had taught her well. Her fellow foot soldiers she had grown to respect. Her father— Her little sister…
Big Mama took a moment to catch a shaky breath. “W… when Yoshi tried to pull me through the portal I saw a little… glimsy-poo of where they were headed.”
“Go on.”
“The… rift stream did seem to… diverge a great bit, don't you know? I counted three separate eh… destinations.” She held up three claws, “And... on one of those little slipstreams I happened to catch sight of an Oni on the other side. Now, how to get to this Oni I… couldn’t tell you—“
Shredder started to crush her abdomen again and Big Mama’s words became frantic.
“But I know who can! Hueso Pirata— a calaca in the hidden city! He is skilled in all things mystic, and he can tell you where that rift went! And if he cannot, then Baron Draxum may be able to.”
Cassandra considered. “How do I get into the hidden city?”
“Why, you can use my charm of course! The spider emblem around my neck! In fact, there is a doorway to the Hidden City just outside this damned stadium— in the statue! I can take you to it!”
“No need.” Cass ripped the tag from Big Mama’s neck and turned it around in her hand. “I can do it myself.”
“Open!” Cass held the emblem out to the statue but nothing happened. She growled and went at it from several different angles. “Open! ¡Abierta! ¡Abierto! Aita! Ouvrir! I’m running out of languages! Abrir!”
She growled her frustration as the statue stayed a statue. She backed off and pulled out her Naginata.
“Wise guy, eh? GOONGALA GOONGALA!”
She charged the statue and hit it repeatedly, circling around it to strike it at every possible angle. All that served to do was tire her out and make her back up once more with a frustrated roar.
“WHY YOU LITTLE—“ She growled and started to spit off insults at the inanimate object and its dumb, inanimate face. “...pathetic excuse for a statue now OPEN SAYS-A-ME!”
The rift opened. Cass immediately settled and gave an excited squeak. “Oh. Yay!”
Hueso ran out of the kitchen at the first sign of a struggle. It took only a few seconds for him to locate the disturbance beside the bar and force his way between a startled and confused chupacabra and furious Kudan.
“Oye Oye, calmate! What is the issue?”
“I do not know!” The chupacabra answered in Spanish, cowering behind the calaca. “I sit here, I drink, and he got mad!”
Hueso glanced quickly between the two yokai, and then to the dish before the chupacabra before he quickly put a story together. 
Hueso turned to the kudan. “Ah— sir, you are upset of the Sangre De Cabra, yes?”
The goat snorted, muttering a few choice words in Japanese before switching to english. “Of course I am! He shouldn’t be allowed to drink that in public!”
“It is his nature, he does not understand why you yell at him.” Hueso turned back to the chupacabra and offered him some quick reassurance in spanish before gently guiding the kudan toward the back of the restaurant. “I will give you a private booth and take half off your order for the inconvenience, please no bad reviews.”
By the time Hueso finally got the furious yokai settled down, there came another disturbance in the dining area. This one went far beyond the normal customer disagreement. There were screams, and the sounds of tables being flipped and ceramic breaking. Heavy foot traffic as Yokai raced for escape.
Hueso didn't hesitate. He didn't freeze up or panic or try to run. In this area of the Hidden City, break ins were common, and with his background they weren’t much of a big deal. He could deal with the Mud Dogs like a mother scolding her misbehaving children, and he could send heinous green running for the hills with little difficulty. This was his shop, his livelihood, and nothing could take that.
“Por el amor de Dios, you chose a bad day to mess with me.” He growled and reached to unlatch the macuahuitl from his belt.
He backed up flat against the wall as his eye searched around the corner for the attacker, and found what appeared to be a human girl brandishing a bent naginata and an attitude that was bigger than she was. 
“HUESO PIRATA! I DEMAND RETRIBUTION!” She slammed her weapon into a series of decorations.
“No! My calaca art! So it’s a personal vendetta is it…?”
“You should tame your aggression, little girl.” Hueso finally stepped out into the open, holding his macuahuitl at his side. “It may get you in a world of trouble.”
“ARE YOU HUESO PIRATA?!” She pointed her weapon at him.
“Yes, I am, but please spare the decor! It wasn’t cheap.”
Her face remained furiously distorted a minute longer before she switched to an almost calm state as if flipping a switch.
“I understand. My father owns a store. Very proud of it. No more smashing.” She pointed the blade at Hueso again. “Unless it’s you!”
She screamed as she jumped from the table and charged Hueso. Hueso didn't move until the last minute, when he stepped out of the way and brought his club to strike the base of her skull. As she stumbled, she somehow managed to turn the assault into a counter attack, spinning and bringing her blade to swipe at Hueso. Hueso stepped back, though not fast enough, and the blade sliced through his shirt and what appeared thin air where his stomach should have been.
Hueso gave a shout and held up his club against the kunoichi’s blade to keep her from wounding him anymore. From the previous wound inflicted started to flow a type of blue substance, like blood but the wrong color. 
“Little girl—“
“The names Cassandra!” The human growled, finally getting strength enough over Hueso enough to shove him off of her and send him crashing into the wall.
“Cassandra.” Hueso corrected, taking a moment to collect himself while Cassandra circled for an opening. “Could I perhaps ask what fault you take with me to attack me on work hours? And could you not settle for a free appetizer and coupon?”
When the attackers only response was a furious growl, he charged a wide circle around Cass trying to get behind her while she spun on her heels to keep him from achieving such a feat.
“Grrrr hold still!” Cassandra shouted. “Stand still so I can hit you!”
Hueso charged her quite suddenly and landed a quick swipe at her arm, which promptly disarmed her of her weapon. She looked down at the weapon, up at Hueso, then back down and up again. The she gave a primal scream and charged Hueso full force, catching him off guard as she lifted him by his waist and slammed him hard onto the face of a table without giving so much as a flinch as he wailed his weapon against her back. The table gave way under their combined weights and Cass ended up landing on top of Hueso with her knee pressed firmly to his neckbone.
“Your times up, Hueso Pirata, and you’re coming with me…”
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Hi there!! For the matchup if I may! I'm a straight female, introverted, INFP. I spend all my time listening to Lo-fi music or scary stories on Youtube while I work on my art or writing. I have a lot of anxiety issues and depression and have panic attacks relatively often.
I hope that's enough information about me!
I match you with...
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Raphael!!  My first thought was Donatello, although I ended up settling on Raph. His happy and extroverted nature is great at combatting symptoms of depression. Whenever you’re having trouble getting out of bed, showering, eating, etc. He’ll be right there to help. He won’t force you to do anything you can’t do, either. If it’s one of those days, he’ll be right there with a mug of tea that looks just a little too small in his hands. It’s cute, really. He’s also great with managing panic attacks! One would think he would choke under the pressure, but he’s had a lot of practice with his brothers. His responses are automatic, at this point. He’s great at sitting patiently, waiting for your okay to touch or hold you. His “gentle voice” is actually really, really calming.  He super digs the Lo-Fi as well. You don’t have to wear headphones around him: he’s more than happy to chill out too! (He really likes Jazz Hop Cafe, although he’ll listen to pretty much anything.) He’ll listen to the scary stories too, but you might have to hold his hand afterwards! If it’s the true ones, they don’t scare him as much. He’s never gonna be able to use Craigslist anyways, so who cares if someone tries to lure him in and kill him? He can just beat ‘em up anyways. Creepypastas & the paranormal though? He can’t punch ghosts!!!  (He’s still gonna listen to em anyways.)  He’s also your number one supporter with everything you do!! He’s not a great beta reader or art critic, but he knows he likes it! He always reblogs your stuff. <3 He also likes to lay down next to you while you work! He thinks the vibes are nice. He also loves how you look when you’re focused.  - Loves to carry you around. Whenever you go somewhere in the hidden city, he’ll put you up on his shoulders. Not only do you get a good view, but you’re also put above the crowd! Considering how tall some of the yokai are, it’s actually not even a weird sight.  - He’s not a great cook, but he makes good drinks! His coffee and tea are supernaturally good, and you have no idea how he does it. He also has your favorite brands and flavors memorized.  - Loves learning about the things you’re interested in! Into a new show? He’s there to binge it with you! New game? He’ll look up some playthroughs so he can get into it too! Movies? He has trouble sitting through them if they aren’t animated/Jupiter Jim, but he’ll do his best!! Worst comes to worst, he’ll split it into parts so he can digest it easier. He loves to hear you talk about the things that make you happy <3  - Advice king. He’s always here to listen to what’s troubling you, and he gives really good advice on overcoming it!  - Always asks if it’s a punchable problem. You can never tell if he’s joking or not, but either way, it’s funny.  - Definitely tries to get you out of the lair a little bit. You don’t have to do anything crazy, but he’s definitely for “out-on-the-town” dates.  - Whenever you guys go to Run of the Mill he always asks for those kid’s mats and crayons. He just wants to see what you can do with the tiny crayons. He always gets you to laugh about it.  - (The next time you come in, you see the doodles hung up in the Kid’s Art section. Apparently not many yokai kids can keep their papers in one piece, so having a drawing make it is a bit of a rarity. Hueso REFUSES to tell anyone an adult drew it: He needs a paper up there, damn it. It becomes an inside joke between you and Raph.)  - Cuddle king. <3  - Honestly, he’s just really supportive. He’ll always be there for you, no matter what. 
Also everyone go check out her blog!! Her art & writing is actually god-tier <3 
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idk-my-aesthetic · 4 years
Guys. Guys.
I just thought of the best crack ship ever
Freaking Hueso x Splinter??? Ok??? Think about it for a sec????
Splinter goes in one day to get food for the boys. I have No clue why maybe they’re doin smthn for him but we all know how he is so it’s definitely his first time in the place
And Look we all know that splints is hot according to yokai standards so Hueso is just like 👀👀👀👀
He has No clue that this is the dad of those awful turtle children he definitely does NOT have a soft spot for. He just hasn’t managed to loose their numbers yet he doesn’t care about them shut up
So Hueso has no clue who splinter is and flirts his way into a date
It goes pretty well lol though they end up fighting some baddies bc. Ya know. This is rottmnt nothing can go perfectly
At the very end he finds out who splinter is and is like fuck???? But splinter is just like ok cutie see u next week
Hueso has a mini crisis over the fact that his new bf’s kids are the turtles, but chills pretty quickly and just rolls with it
Heads over a bunch /takes splinter out when the kids aren’t around
So then the kids like kinda suspect smthn is up since they keep seeing Hueso around and splinter keeps cleaning up and stuff for him which is obvi weird
April, Mikey, Donnie and Raph have all figured it out but Leo doesn’t until he straight up walks in on them kissing and is horrified
He goes through all the stages of greif in about an hour then threatens Hueso to be nice to his dad and then it’s chill
So then Hueso just slowly bonds with all the kids
He bonds w/ Mikey over his art and Mikey ends up doing a mural in the pizza shop
Smthn similar happens w/ Donnie and Hueso complements him and then Donnie upgrades all the ovens and stuff bc our poor boy is desperate for adult recognition
Leo and him are p much already chill after portal jacked?? Idk Hueso’s another father figure for him and Raph I don’t have specific ideas for either of them
April and him just get along really well bc they’re both just kinda the straight men of the group
Even though neither of them is straight
He gives her advice on how to woo Sunita don’t @ me
Eventually he brings Hueso jr around and all the kids love him
Especially Raph who’s like new baby!!
So now they have a bby brother
Asp big mama gets jealous and trys to kidnap Hueso and the boys + April are just like hey put our new dad down!!!
Just..... Hueso and Splinter co-parenting. Hueso and jr eventually moving into the lair. Splinter being in a relationship with someone who legitimately loves him. The turtle fam just growing and the kids being surrounded by love and support.
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marron121 · 4 years
Max (a Rise of the TMNT OC)
Hey y’all! I thought I should share a little bit about my Rise OC, Max! Here’s a pic of him drawn by @tiramisu-art​.
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Max is a 15 years old (the same age as Raph), who lives in the mystic city, and sings to get money in different bars around the area. He lives in a small appartment over a bakery that is run by a couple of old ladies.
Long story short, the brothers meet him when they go to a concert in a bar in the Mystic City (thanks to Hueso), and he sings there. They later see him getting harrased by two assholes, and they intervene. He breaks his guitar, Donnie promises to fix it and after that is all smooth sailing for them.
Some random facts:
His shirt originally said “We’re all humans”. He crossed the “humans” and wrote “I don’t think so”.
He has a calm and deep voice.
He’s really chill.
Since he doesn’t live in the best part of town, he has trouble taking people seriously.
He’s mostly in joking mode 24/7 (much to Leo’s enjoyment and Raph’s annoyance).
He sings really well.
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I noticed that we’ve only seen April chilling in yokai territory once- when she had pizza at Señor Hueso’s in “Operation: Normal”. Every other time she’s been in a yokai area has been mission-related. Eventually she’s just gonna go down there and explore!
Baron Draxum’s views are no doubt the most extreme, but there must be other yokai who would take issue with a human wandering around the Hidden City.
Shenanigans version: April and Leo are exploring when some random Karen of a yokai starts getting huffy at April. Leo continues that one schtick from “Portal Jacked!” by getting up in the yokai’s face and saying something like “Excuse you? I, BARON DRAXUM, am escorting this human to my lair so that i can, uh, use my evil science to scoop out her eyeballs, so step off!” April “yes, and”s this charade into increasingly absurd scenarios until someone gets huffy at “Draxum” for blowing the yokais’ cover during the season finale and they have to tele-bounce.
Serious version: Sunita shows April around the Hidden City as a mirror to "Cloak and Swaggart". Some of Sunita’s family doesn’t like that she’s friends with a human. We get more backstory on past human-yokai interactions, possibly including the incident(s) that forced the yokai into hiding. Ideally Sunita's family will accept April, but it's also possible they won't and April and Sunita will have to be friends sneakily in the future. Maybe they can squeeze in a reference to that one Fresh Prince bit.
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