cassiferlynnart · 7 months
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the damsel for huevember i love her sm
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soturisi · 8 months
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Huevember 1, 2 and 3!!
I decided to try to do huevember challenge this year, but at my pace, no pressure, if i can have drawings in time is fine, is okay, I just want to fill the color wheel so I'f I finish the drawings in middle December i'll be proud and happy ^^
I carry artblock since July and eternal heatwaves during summer (and even in october) didn't help, so i'm going to use this to try to defeat artblock and draw more often again :D
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chthonicgodling · 8 months
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(April’s)Huevember - Day 5!
featuring: Pho, & Raz!
this color is, more or less, crayola mac and cheese. YELLOW ORANGE??? why not BOTH!! this pic is actually one of my faves in the whole month, with current canon kiddos Pho & Raz!! NOTES
….. yes Pho and Raz the very same whomst I am constantly mentally crackshipping together in the distant future 🥴 okay fine they’ve still never really interacted w each other in any significant way in the canon elysiumverse but. I can dreaaaammmmm
I have no idea why I always draw Raz’s tail in crooked angles but Fenixe has not yet stopped me and it’s my favorite weird feature of his so it will get worse
anyway! So why is Pho weirdly floating and transparent?!! This is redundant to explain again for tumblr I think but. To recap, Pho is Hypnos & Pasi’s younger son and he’s some type of dream god - he’s INCREDIBLY powerful and has been since infancy
as a toddler, Pho got bored of the physical constraints of his tangible real life body and gathered his whole consciousness up to EXIT HIS BODY, floating now free up ahead of his physical self. Pho’s real body is always crumpled asleep on the floor somewhere (his “”real”” color scheme is blue and purple), and the Pho we know and love - or are constantly annoyed by Lmfaoo - presents in this very cloud of hallucinatory golden glitter, an entire dreamscape stream of consciousness brought to life!
fun fact you cannot see the true gold Pho unless his physical body SNEEZES GLITTER IN YOUR EYES lmao. he CAN re-enter his body to resume puppeteering like A Normal Person but he’s 10 years old now and hasn’t done it in years with one very brief exception! **REMEMBER THIS NOTE FOR… REASONS**
if anything, in the gaps of canon where these two interact (aka complete fanon in my brain rn), Raz kinda just humors him, cause aside from his wild display of powers Pho is also 1) unlike his family, INCREDIBLY energetic and lively and 2) his own uncensored unconfined entire stream of consciousness which means he only speaks in loud paragraphs while cartwheeling around
And so in my hopes and dreams these two grow up to both despise and love each other lmao. get onboard the Phaz train choo choo
part 6 tomorrow! Raz belongs to @fenixethekid - click the link up above to see the whole Huevember wheel - feel free to use the tag AceprilHuevember if u want to play too - and my tag this year can be found here!!
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tabletop-nightmare · 7 months
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More Hollowpoint Huevembers! The Keiko one is also in color because I liked where the drawing was going so much.
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gaiapapoila · 6 years
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day 23 - See ya soon
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weirdalien13 · 7 years
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friedunicornstudio · 6 years
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Man, where did November even go. We’re already on Huevember 23!
Mariam and her younger sister Veerle moved to the town of Havenport to try and find someone, anyone, who was reckless enough to help them travel past the northern mountains.
Luckily for them, Saeren is both reckless, and on a search of his own.
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cassiferlynnart · 7 months
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@lesbianladyblackhawk said: no hex code for u but how about Franziska in a periwinkle?
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cassiferlynnart · 7 months
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@garykings said: on my knees asking for miles edgeworth in a soft pink for huevember
used this as an excuse to finish some edgey sketches
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cassiferlynnart · 8 months
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huevember time w randomized colors, redraw of something old . like really old lmao if u kno u kno
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chthonicgodling · 8 months
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(April’s)Huevember - Day 4!!
featuring: Alena & Hess
[in which I’ve made my very own #Huevember wheel this year (that you can use too! Pls tag me I’d LOVE to see!) - unabridged version continues, including a wide array of Elysium’verse characters across the rainbow!]
the lightest faintest palest orange that you ever did see 🤪 this one came out so cute here’s some character notes!!
Alena and Hess here are first of all missing their third partner Meno, who is Green and thus does not get to be included in this kissy, sorry dude
”oh that kinda looks like a snake tail behind them” yeah it IS, that’s Alena’s whole bottom half 🤪 Alena’s a Lamia, and she does do all the things the Lamiai do like….. eat humans but it’s okay it’s fine she’s nice 🥰
fun fact from what i recall, when the throuple was getting together - Meno and Alena were casually on/off dating - Meno and Hess were also casually on/off dating - while Meno was anguishing about which one of them to officially Choose, Alena and Hess meanwhile paired off together themselves and just. lmao dragged him over so. all that drama and for what!!
Alena belongs to @fenixethekid & Hess is mine uwuwuwu,, stay tuned tomorrow for day 5, which is one of my faves!! click the link up above to see the whole Huevember wheel - feel free to use the tag AceprilHuevember if u want to play too - and my tag this year can be found here!!
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chthonicgodling · 7 months
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(April’s)Huevember - Day 11!
featuring: Charon!
[in which I’ve made my very own #Huevember wheel this year (that you can use too! Pls tag me I’d LOVE to see!) - unabridged version continues, including a wide array of Elysium’verse characters across the rainbow!]
FIRST OF ALL TODAYS MY BIRTHDAYYY🤩✨✨ CONGRATULATIONSSS to Charon for being the lucky feature on mmYY BIRTHDAYYY YAAYYY - another obscure face who pops up in all my greens! NOTES!
Charon - yes THE Charon, ferryman extraordinaire - made his entrance into Elysium when Prince Tory recently upgraded the Styx ferry system and added fleets of many boats, allowing Charon to go on break for the first time in all eternity
due to spending his entire existence ferrying shades across a river 24/7 Charon is super shy & social awkward lmao but very very sweet 🥹
This drawing is - he ended up getting a whole double sleeve tattoo of moths and lanterns after some time in the palace, due to his fondness for all the little moths that would cluster around the light on his boat 🥺 I…….. hate drawing tattoos itdfkFGKFK it’s haRDDDD here he is with inspo moth instead aGHH,, tattoos of course done by Meno who I posted yesterday!
i am constantly giving this cloak to Charon in art (all four times I’ve drawn him) bc I. Just feel like he should have it
Charon’s best claim to fame within the palace is the casual throuple he’s a part of made up of Hecate, & Loki’s son Fenris which is mostly consisted of Charon following both of them around with heart eyes. kyoot idk
Finally beginning to advance beyond green zone into teals tomorrow with another very obscure character that absolutely no one will recognize!! HOPE YOU REMEMBERED THAT NAME I MENTIONED A FEW DAYS AGO HINT HINT…… 👀🐟
Charon belongs to @fenixethekid - click the link up above to see the whole Huevember wheel - feel free to use the tag AceprilHuevember if u want to play too - and my tag this year can be found here!!
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chthonicgodling · 7 months
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(April’s)Huevember - Day 9!
featuring: Leuke…. & I guess Maci screaming offscreen lmfao
[in which I’ve made my very own #Huevember wheel this year (that you can use too! Pls tag me I’d LOVE to see!) - unabridged version continues, including a wide array of Elysium’verse characters across the rainbow!]
obligatory I absolutely Must Draw Leuke in Every Art Challenge Because It’s Her Only Chance to Be In the Elysiumverse With Zero Canon Appearwnces fgkfkfkg. Behold - THE CONSEQUENCES OF DATING YOUR DOPPELGÄNGER 🥴 I love this one lmfao. notes!!!
Leuke is so much of a background character that she ONLY exists in OoC comics and has never been so much as mentioned in our canon but. she’s Here in the distance and her claim to fame is as Maci’s horribly toxic ex girlfriend from eons ago!!
up until Tory Maci’s really only ever dated awful people fgkfkfkg, I mean due to scythe related activities Thanatos was obviously the worst ever, but Leuke, despite being so so hot (Maci’s singular justification for staying with her 🙄), was also catty and mean and terrible
…and uhhhh Maci is ALSO catty and mean and terrible on most given days!! oops! and so their relationship was a recipe for disaster from the get-go 🤪. please see: THIS DRAWING LOL??
Maci’s soooo moody and dramatic says Leuke, which is ABSOLUTELY true but she is conveniently leaving out that Leuke is that Also. and was instigating most arguments. until they were cohabitating in a battle zone. gods FORBID women do anything.
Anyway in the actual Elysiumverse today Leuke is somewhere within a pile of Lampades wanting absolutely nothing to do with the Princess and that’s perfect cause Maci wants absolutely nothing to do with her. so here’s this one brief snapshot from every single day in the past!
here is with and without text!! day 10 tomorrow uwuuuu. click the link up above to see the whole Huevember wheel - feel free to use the tag AceprilHuevember if u want to play too - and my tag this year can be found here!!
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chthonicgodling · 7 months
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(April’s)Huevember - Day 8!
featuring: Kalamos & Karpos
some more unfamiliar familiar faces in yellow-green! Actually for some reason I’ve drawn Karpos (right) a good handful of times I have no idea why they’re such a background background character lmfao. but here they are w their boyfriend Kalamos! NOTES!
these two were picked for this palette cause yellow-green is Karpos’ signature chiton color and that’s all ✨no actual wacky skintones here
if you’re wondering why they’re both slightly blurry and transparent, these two both are NOT gods, they’re shades!! ghosties ☺️before their death they each were mortal demigods and they were a couple when they were alive - when Karpos drowned in a river during a swimming contest between them, Kalamos killed himself in his grief and found them in the Underworld afterwards 💕💕
Kalamos’ dad was a river god - of the same river Karpos drowned in oopsie - and when Kalamos died his father Felt Bad and transformed his body into river reeds! which then elevated Kalamos to become one of Laphi’s Flower Shades, ghosts in Elysium working as gardener attendants after being turned into agriculture in death lmao.
Karpos is NOT a Flower Shade but hangs around the rest of em all the time cause they’ve got nothing better to do fgkfkfk
these two are VERY background characters!!!! amongst the goofy comic relief of the Flower Shades, Kalamos is the eyerolling straight man of the bunch and Karpos is just as goofy as the rest of them 🤪 but opposites attract and they balance each other out, forever in life and death and eternity!
Swipe for closeups and the full wheel - day 9 tomorrow! green zone is a go,,, can you guess whomst comes next!!
click the link up above to see the whole Huevember wheel - feel free to use the tag AceprilHuevember if u want to play too - and my tag this year can be found here!!
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chthonicgodling · 7 months
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(April’s)Huevember - Day 7!
featuring: Maci (right) & (left) Oiolyka
[in which I’ve made my very own #Huevember wheel this year (that you can use too! Pls tag me I’d LOVE to see!) - unabridged version continues, including a wide array of Elysium’verse characters across the rainbow!]
GIRLS NIGHT! an elusive yellow-hair-down Maci makes an appearance today along with one of her besties — WHO?????? A new friend?! Actually no!! one of the OLD Elysium cast members who’s fallen in the cracks over the years bc of me - an obscure blast from the past w Miss Oiolyka! NOTESSS
back in the early early early Elysium’verse days when Maci and Tory were first dating - before Tory was even a god! - exploring Elysium together they’d met a new friend named Glaukos, a god with a mermaid tail who i. Also literally never draw. (HINT HINT REMEMBER THAT NAME FOR… REASONS)
eventually Glaukos met a cutie patootie sea nymph and took her home to befriend Maci & Tory too - and that was Oiolyka!!!
punky adjacent enough to move to the depths of the Underworld though she and Glaukos - who did eventually start to date, then eventually got married 🥰 - live in the waters of the Blessed Isles specifically , a beach resort in the middle of Elysium lmfao though it, like everything else down below, is gothy don’t worry. black sand… etc
Oiolyka was a regular cast feature up til around the time Maci and Tory got married, cause right after that she and Glaukos actually got pregnant - with QUADRUPLETS aahhhh. That was in literally 2010 and to this day I have never ONCE drawn the quads which is on my to do list for post Huevember OOPSSSS
but after the kids were born she moved to the blessed isles as mentioned above and only makes cameo appearances every now and then to hang out!!
and so - as one of my rare Elysium yellows - Here she is hanging out! gal pals 🤪 …..Maci’s slept with her obviously but. that’s just how she treats all her closest friends 🥰😘 mwah
Day 8 tomorrow with another obscure pair! Shifting into the greens and cool colors means lots of people from the woodwork tbh lmfao YAY “NEW” FACES! Or at least like, rare faces
Maci’s mine but Oiolyka belongs to @fenixethekid - click the link up above to see the whole Huevember wheel - feel free to use the tag AceprilHuevember if u want to play too - and my tag this year can be found here!!
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tabletop-nightmare · 7 months
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More Huevembers! Skipped some days due to spoilery drawings for Long Play and also I'm beginning to burn out hahah
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