#Hugo Fraser-Tyrwhitt
klaushargreeveses · 1 year
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Sam Reid as Hugo Fraser-Tyrwhitt in The Riot Club
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talesfromthecrypts · 2 years
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Sam Reid as Hugo Fraser-Tyrwhitt in The Riot Club
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Nineteen
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Stop pushing me!" Guy whined as Ed and Toby poked and prodded him. "Get a move on, Bellend," Toby shoved him through the corridor. "This is totally unnecessary," Guy's argument was pointless. He had lost before he even started. "Bellingfield," Dimitri started, lazily following them, "We're getting tired of watching this go on and on," "Just because you've got a girlfriend you think you can order me around," Guy pointed at his best friend melodramatically. "Oh please, he's been doing that for years," Ed giggled, giving Guy another push. "Look, stop that," His demands fell on deaf ears. "She should be out of class in a few minutes," Dimitri looked at his watch, "Just wait here until she comes out, "She'll think I'm stalking her!" Guy did his best to reason with them but they really didn't care. "She doesn't care," Toby just shrugged. "We'll leave you here then," Ed grinned. "On my own?" "Yes," Dimitri nodded. "But-" "You'll be twenty in a few months, man up," Toby snorted. "This is different!" "No, you're being ridiculous," Dimitri sighed, the three of them backing away. "I don't know what to say!" Guy called after them. "You'll work it out," Dimitri waved just before the disappeared around the corner. Guy sighed and sat down on the bench at the exact moment the doors to the lecture theatre burst open. From the sudden noise, Guy jumped up again from the bench and stood there awkwardly as all the English students poured from the theatre. He waited there, trying to look as natural as possible but instead gained some funny looks from the first years. Then he saw her, about to head down the corridor. "Elizabeth!" He went after her, since she didn't notice him waiting. "Oh! Jesus, Guy!" She laughed, her hand clamped over her heart as if it would leap out of her chest. "Did I scare you?" "Oh yes, you're very scary altogether," She rolled her eyes, "What're you doing here?" "..What am I doing here?" "Yes, what are you doing here?" "Well, Elizabeth..," His posture went strange, almost fluid, in his nerves, a hand going up and down from his hip, "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park?" "I would like to go to the park, I've got a few hours to kill until rehearsals," She checked the time on her phone and then put it back in her pocket before looking up at him and smiling, "Let's go," "Really?" "Yeah, come on," She laughed, already on her way out of the building. "Wait for me, hang on," He ran after her, even though she wasn't all that far ahead of him. "Don't you have anything else today?" She asked him. "No, I only had one lecture this morning," He grinned at her. "You weren't waiting for me that entire time were you?" Her face fell, "God, you must've been bored out of your skull," "Oh no, I was with Dimitri for a while," He assured her, "And now I'm with you," "So what was your lecture on?" She reached up to tuck a longer strand of her fringe behind her ear. "Oh, um, imperialism," He only hesitated because he was surprised she was interested at all. "Oh cool," She nodded, "That sounds fascinating," "Well, not always. We've got this massive essay to write for next week and a group presentation to do and everyone in my class is ruddy useless, let alone my group..," He trailed off, noticing that she was actually paying attention, listening to his complaints. "At least your group has you, eh?" That comment and small smile of hers drove Guy to let out the most inhuman of nervous giggles. "Stop," He rubbed the back of his head, trying to hide his growing nerves. "I love the University Parks," The brunette smiled, looking around at all the greenery. "Do you come here often?" "No, I usually just go to the library during my breaks," She shook her head. "Has anyone ever told you that you're only a first year?" Guy folded his arms and smirked at her. "James did and got me to go for drinks with him," Elizabeth chuckled, fond of the memories from the previous month. "He's a bit old for you, isn't he?" He looked over to the empty cricket pitch. "He's only the same age as my brother," Elizabeth spluttered a laugh, "James is just a good friend, no need to get all protective," She spotted a bench near the pitch, walking ahead to sit down. "Am I protective like your brothers?" Guy walked quicker to catch up with her, he just ended up looking overeager. "You think you're like a brother?" She wasn't entirely sure where this was going. "I'll take that as a no," There was a significant trace of smugness in his face as he sat down next to her. "My brothers are too busy in Cambridge to be protective," She laughed, "You're not in Cambridge so you're already a different story," "Good," Guy nodded, a slight smile growing on his lips. She looked at him, at that smile, at his lips. She wondered what he was thinking. She impulsively was about to ask him that but his phone began to ring just as she opened her mouth, "Sorry," "No, go ahead," She looked at her hands. "Hello, Guy Bellingfield," He answered his phone, "Oh, is this The Bull's Head in Kidsbury? Excellent! I've been expecting your call," Elizabeth smiled to herself at how enthusiastic he was, "Yes I did have a special request for the mains," He nudged her shoulder and held up his index finger, to tell her that he'd only be a moment, "No, no, a ten bird roast.. No, no, ten.. Yes, ten." He nodded a few times as he spoke, pursing his lips. Elizabeth could tell this was something important to him, "Call again during official business hours if you have any inquiries," Then he hung up. "Official business hours?" Elizabeth grinned, "You're either prestigious or pretentious," "I'm great president material, excuse you," He grinned back. Only then did Elizabeth notice how close they were sitting together. It made her pulse go that bit quicker. He noticed her change in expression and smirked. He leaned in closer, as if he was going to whisper something to her. Just then there was a loud rumble from the sky and it began lashing rain as if on cue. "Oh! Oh dear," Elizabeth tried to cover herself up as much she could, but a dress and cardigan were no match for English weather. "Here," Guy took off his coat and draped it over her head and shoulders, "Come on!" He grabbed her by the hand and they ran through the park. "Shall we go get some coffee?" Elizabeth nearly had to yell over the heavy rain. Guy just laughed as they sprinted. "Yes, please!"
Chapter Twenty-One
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riotboysrequests · 8 years
Hello there!
I know I’m more than a little late to the hype here, but I’ve been more than a tad obsessed with this film since it came out. I’m a Creative Writing student at University in England, and I often find myself writing about these obnoxious, entitled idiots instead of my own work, so I thought I might as well write for other people instead! I will be posting a mixture of my own short stories and will be taking requests for one shots with either the boys themselves or OC’s/Imagines. 
I can’t wait to get started! 
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glenlorence · 7 years
miles hugo
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jamesginortonblog · 7 years
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James Norton in Posh, 2010: 1. cast photo; 2. James Norton in Posh; 3. The cast
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Gifs from the video The Royal Court Theatre on Newsnight
Posh by Laura Wades (original production) Royal Court Theatre, 9 April 2010
Cast: The Riot Club: Guy Bellingfield                  Joshua McGuire James Leighton-Masters    Tom Mison Toby Maitland                     Jolyon Coy George Balfour                   Richard Goulding Alistair Ryle                         Leo Bill Hugo Fraser-Tyrwhitt          David Dawson Harry Villiers                       Harry Hadden-Paton Miles Richards                    James Norton Dimitri Mitropoulos              Henry Lloyd-Hughes Ed Montgomery                  Kit Harington Plus: Jeremy Guy’s godfather   Simon Shepherd Chris The landlord of The Bull’s Head     Daniel Ryan Rachel Chris’ daughter     Fiona Button Charlie An escort              Charlotte Lucas
Director: Lyndsey Turner Designer: Anthony Ward Lighting Designer: Paule Constable Sound Designer: David McSeveney Assistant Director: James Yeatman Costume Supervisor: Jackie Orton Production Manager: Paul Handley Stage Manager: Nafeesah Butt
A great source of information: Royal Court Theatre: Posh - Resource Pack (pdf)
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riotousvilliers · 7 years
Riot Club Members ranked in order of General Shitheadedness. ( Most - Least )
1. Alistair Ryle. Evil dude. Basically riled everyone up at the dinner and genuinely believes that poor people are scum. You’re a shithead m8.
2. Dimitri Mitropoulos. Honestly gets so looked over both in terms of how much of a shit he is but also as a character in general. One of the ones who pretends to be good but is actually a peen. Emotionally manipulative peen.
3. Hugo Fraser-Tyrwhitt. Pompous bastard. Calls screwing up people’s lives and their work ‘debauchery’
4. Edward Montgomery. Sexist prick, condescending, classist. Sexually assaulted Lauren, should be castrated.
5. Guy Bellingfield. Threw a hissy fit because his ten bird roast only had nine birds in it. Shithead.
6. James Leighton-Masters. Self-obsessed, self-satisfying bastard. Too worried about being seen as a good club president to care when things go horribly wrong.
7. Harry Villiers. Not the worst but honestly still a prick. Despicable drunk.
8. Toby Maitland. 0 idea how to speak to women which leads him to being a general piece of shit.
9. Miles Richards. At least had the good sense to leave the group after they nearly killed a man. Still bad enough not to speak out about it and to go along with all of it until this point. Tries. But fails.
10. George Balfour. Honestly the closest to ‘good egg’ status in the group. Loves animals and doesn’t see anyone else as below him. Still almost beat a man to death though 0/10 effort get in the bin.
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londontheatre · 7 years
Posh – Photos by Darren Bell
Societies and clubs abound all over the place. Most universities have a plethora of clubs available to provide somewhere for like-minded folk to congregate and cogitate. Clubs can be based on a shared interest – The Dr Who Appreciation Society for example – or on a common connection. Indeed, at Oxford University there is a club that is exclusively aimed at those with wealth, potential power and connections. Known as the Bullingdon Club which, although being ultra exclusive, has become quite notorious over the last few years. So notorious in fact, that Laura Wade wrote a play based on its supposed exploits in 2010. The play is called Posh and a new version has just opened at the Pleasance Theatre,
It is a pleasant afternoon in a private club in Westminster and Guy Bellingfield (Amani Zardoe) has popped in to have a word with his Godfather, Jeremy (Sarah Thom) an MP and former member of the exclusive Oxford Dining Society, the ‘Riot Club’. Jeremy is worried that the club is about to have one of its dinners and he want his godson to ensure that no word of the dinner gets out into the press and causes another scandal. This means the club needs to desist from its usual riotous behaviour when dining. Guy assures his godfather that all will be well and that he is currently seeking election as the club’s president.
Come the night of the dinner and Chris the Landlord of a small country pub has worked with his Daughter Rachel (Toni Peach) to prepare the private dining room for his 10 guests. Although Chris doesn’t know who the guests really are, it is obvious just from their clothes – tailcoat, white waistcoats and matching blue cravats – they are ‘gentlemen’ from privileged backgrounds. Along with Guy, the party consists of Alistair Ryle (Serena Jennings), Harry Villiers (Alice Brittain), Dimitri Mitropoulos (Cassie Bradley), Miles Richards (Jessica Siân), Hugo Fraser-Tyrwhitt (Lucy Aarden), George Balfour (Macy Nyman), Ed Montgomery (Verity Kirk), not forgetting, in the doghouse member Toby Maitland (Molly Hanson) and Club President, James Leighton-Masters (Gabby Wong). As the meal starts, the rituals of the club begin and the drinking with it. Will James be able to keep his club in order? Will Guy’s specially chosen bespoke dinner have the desired effect of making him presidential material, or will the reputation of the club rise once more overtaking any desires to avoid an unfortunate incident?
The more astute of you will have noticed that in the synopsis above, all but one of the character names are male and all the actors’ names are female. Yes, this production of Posh is all female with not a man to be seen on stage. However, there has been no change to the text of the play itself so male names and male gender pronouns are used throughout as are references – of which there are many – to male genitalia and what is done with them. However, don’t get the idea that the stage is populated with eleven ‘drag kings’ using deep voices and slick backed hair and all feminine curves removed to portray the characters. No, this version of Posh is simply eleven very feminine women playing the parts of men. This was a bold decision and it works superbly. It’s amazing how quickly you forget the gender of the actor and only think about the character portrayed on stage. Part of this is due to the writing by Lucy Wade which is absolutely gripping from the opening scene in the gentleman’s club to the closing scene in the same club a few weeks later. It is witty, urbane and dark sometimes with a small amount of dialogue giving the audience an awful lot of information. With a character list of fourteen, it could be difficult to establish everyone’s identity but, in fact, Laura manages to make each character a recognisable individual in their own right.
Turning to the actors and full praise to the amazing cast that have been assembled to bring the story to life. There were some stand out performances all the way through but, for me, Serena Jennings as Alistair Ryle was absolute perfection. Alistair has a rant at the end of Act I which is all about privilege and class and the fact the working classes not only don’t understand what it is to be part of the elite but should be grateful for their position in life. Every element of that speech is socially wrong but I found myself hanging onto every word and even sympathising slightly with the plight of those destined to rule us one day.
Full credit to Director Cressida Carré for the staging, using the Pleasance Theatre’s ‘Revolve’ to literally keep the dinner moving and ensure everyone is noticed. I also thought the scene – time – changes worked well and the final wrecking scene was beautifully staged – you don’t have to totally destroy the set to understand what has happened at the restaurant.
All in all, Posh works as a great dramatic piece of theatre. The experiment of having an all-female cast is daring and dramatic and goes to show that good, well-written characters can be played by talented actors irrespective of gender. At around three hours, including interval, it’s possibly slightly long but the story moves along at a good pace and, although obviously written from a certain angle, there is enough leeway in the script to enable the audience to make their own minds up about these rich upper-class boys and their night out. As I left, I felt as if I had been allowed to have a glimpse into a privileged world that those in the know will deny ever exists, as they control every aspect of our lives.
Review by Terry Eastham
Darkly comic, and disgracefully entertaining, Laura Wade’s universally acclaimed play Posh, premiered at the Royal Court in 2010 before transferring to the West End. Receiving a fanfare of plaudits, Posh became a huge hit with critics and audience alike.
Now the riotous story of the Oxford student dining club, a fictionalised version of the infamous Bullingdon Club, will be reinvented for the first time by a company of all-female actors.
In the private dining room of a gastro pub, 10 young bloods with cut-glass vowels and deep pockets are meeting, intent on restoring their right to rule. As members of an elite student dining society, they’re bunkering down for a wild night of debauchery, decadence and bloody good wine. But this isn’t just a jolly: they’re planning a revolution.
Welcome to The Riot Club.
This thrilling new production gives Laura Wade’s play a new, topical voice by allowing women to take centre stage in roles originally written for men.
The all-female production of Posh is directed by Off West End award winner Cressida Carré. Age guidance 14+
Posh 29th Mar 2017 – 22nd Apr 2017 Main House – Pleasance London 7:30pm, 2:30pm http://ift.tt/1umi6tQ
http://ift.tt/2o5GhT7 LondonTheatre1.com
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tasiashewa-blog · 9 years
“I’m not your fucking rent boy!”
“No one forced you into this. You wanted to come.”
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cast-away-my-doubt · 9 years
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Do it yourself, you’ll be under the table, a mouth’s a mouth.
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nhikas-art · 9 years
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there’s a guitar in Milo’s room and I find that adorable and naturally had to add that to my Hugo x Miles feels
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Eighteen
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Rise and shine!" Toby clapped his hands several times until everyone was awake. Honora rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned. She had overslept. She was usually awake far earlier than ten in the morning. She went to rub her eyes again and realized she was restricted. Then the weight against her shoulder and back registered to her head. "Morning dearest," A groggy male voice peered over her shoulder. Honora looked down to see he was hugging her. She turned her head to see a shirtless Harry Villiers smirking down at her. "Get off!" She pushed his arms off her and sat up on the floor, flustered. If there weren't so many others around or if she were drinking, she definitely wouldn't have pushed him away. She didn't realize how cold the room was until she lost the contact with his warm chest. She'd never admit it out loud though. "Elizabeth's not waking up," Guy looked at the sleeping girl hesitantly. "Just wait till her alarm goes off, you could hit that girl with a chair and she wouldn't wake up," Poppy laughed, "She'll wake up when she wants," "Come on, I smell toast and I am hungry!" Ed looked as though he was about to jump down the staircase with eagerness. "Calm down, calm down," George patted his shoulder lightly. They made their way downstairs, Harry rebuttoning his shirt as they went, leaving the ones who were still asleep in their unconscious states. "Oh! You're all up!" Elena excitedly chirped from the massive breakfast table. "You look so awake," Miles marvelled at her energy. "I really love the morning," Elena basically yelled. "Mum, inside voices please," Honora sat down at the table, pouring herself some juice. "You little shit," Elena smirked as she buttered her toast, "There's fruit and toast and croissants, feel free to coffee and juice," "And Greek yogurt?" Guy smirked, waiting for a laugh. "Yes actually, right there," Elena nodded, pointing to a tray on the table. Guy awkwardly felt obligated to take one then, having mentioned it. He really brought it on himself. "Thank you for letting us all stay here," Poppy smiled at Elena, picking at a croissant. "Oh it's nothing. I'm glad to have you here," She smiled back. "Where's your dad?" Harry asked Honora. "Working," She said, "He and my uncle, Dimitri's dad, work together, he only comes home for big events," "A charity dinner isn't a big event?" Imogen shot her a sad look. "Dear, we're very grateful for all the work he does for us and the business," Elena cut in before Honora could say anything, "He makes his time off count, he's always here when it matters," "She organized the entire dinner alone," Honora looked at her mother with a small smile. "Now hang on," Dimitri raised his hand, "What about my mother?" "Your mum bought the Greek yogurts," Guy stated as he ate said yogurt. "Yes, Sophia was very good to order those in," Elena nodded, taking everything so seriously, "I knew you kids would like them," Just then the remaining members of the group dawdled down the stairs, still sleepy looking, particularly Elizabeth. "Ah you're awake," George grinned as they sat down at the table. "Elizabeth's alarm went off, scared the shit out of me," James laughed. "I said sorry," She pretended it was a life or death situation, something that made him laugh more. "Morning," Dimitri greeted Tamsin who sat next to him. "Morning," She smirked, kissing his cheek. "Get a room," Toby snorted. "Uh, this is a room," Dimitri rolled his eyes as he and Tamsin intertwined each others fingers. "It's a room in my house and I support my nephew's choices," Elena dabbed a napkin over her lips and got up from her chair, "Tamsin comes from a fine family, they may behave as they please," She touched Dimitri's shoulder as she left the room. "My family is fine," Tamsin beamed with clear smugness. "What is the plan for today?" James asked as he grabbed an apple for himself. "We get dressed," Ed almost immediately answered. "Yes, Ed, well done," James nodded, "I mean, do you need us to go at a certain time, Honora?" "I can stay as long as you like," Harry touched her arm as he spoke, sending shivers jolting up her spine. "I say we go for a walk," George spoke up, shoveling bacon and toast into his mouth as if it were his job. "Splendid," Miles nodded in agreement, "It's a lovely area," "Okay so, we're eating breakfast, getting dressed and then going walking?" Toby summed up. "But how can we?" Imogen looked genuinely concerned, "I don't have the appropriate footwear," "You're already wearing my pajamas, I'll lend you some boots," Honora shook her head. "Can you pass me the coffee please?" Elizabeth turned to Guy and asked. "Yeah, sure," He put the yogurt down and it fell on its side and he tried to put it up again but it fell over from the weight of the spoon. "Here, Lizzy," Dimitri handed her the glass jug of hot coffee, fed up of watching Guy failing to complete a simple request. "Thank you," She smiled, somewhat weakly, pouring herself a cup of the piping hot beverage. "You alright, Lizzy?" Toby asked her. "Just tired," She replied, "I didn't get much sleep," "Did you not bring your-?" "I didn't think I'd need to," Elizabeth stopped Poppy from asking her question. She already knew what she was going to ask, "It's a simple mistake on my behalf but some caffeine should fix me right up," "Sorry, what's this?" Alistair looked at her with mild interest. "They're just...," Elizabeth trailed off, noticing how everyone was paying attention to her. Guy's eyes were glued to her, unblinking, "Um.. They're just tablets that help me sleep. I left them in my dorm," "Ah, an insomniac," Alistair nodded, reaching for his juice. "It's normal," Elizabeth shrugged it off, acting like the blush on her face wasn't there and growing. "It is you know, my mum is one too," Ed pointed at her. Toby scoffed and Ed looked at him funny, "What?" "Since when is your mum normal?"
Chapter Twenty
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latrodectus-mactans · 9 years
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riotclubdaily · 10 years
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Douglas Booth and Sam Reid at the Moet British Independant Film Award.
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cast-away-my-doubt · 9 years
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휴고 슨배님 삐끗하시는 거 보니까 술 단디 취하셨넼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 술잔 떨어지는 거 보고 깜놀하는 해리 졸귀행
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cast-away-my-doubt · 9 years
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지랄꾸러기들 구여워...♡ +건치 미남 휴고 슨배님 이 구역의 씬 스틸러
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