#Hypno elves
siremasterlawrence · 9 months
Playing! Toying With Elves
I hear the rustle of jingle jangle bells racing from the ceiling awaking me up as I get up from bed rolling off and get into my slippers as they stand up waltzing past the room in to the hallway and down through the stair case to the main room. Sneaking down to the last step I can’t see it all except a miraculously Christmas gift left on the counter under tree I walking past it my hand drops and picks up the gifts pop it open a flow of Christmas red, green, blue and gold energy. The house glows up brimming with pure and undeniable excitement at sight of yellow like portals appearing over his head descending on to the ground are the elves of various bit and types matching me with magic abilities like I have never seen before.The five elves raise their hands together in the air setting the power in to the air swirling all in one they begin to shift my entire room with decorations covering every inch of the home. They pound on the door as all of it the door comes undone as we are exiting the room and suddenly I am hailed down with snow.
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“Holt on the honor of the guard.” Chris yells with a hand out to stop me.
“Who dares to enter the North Pole?” Tom swears with crossed arms.
“I am Lawrence, elves entered my home more like infiltrating and brought me here.” I swear.
“I - I - I …your voice is so beautiful.”
“Why? What do you mean?”
“You compel me”
“Tell me what you want “
“We will move mountains for you “
“Kneel for me”
“Yes Master”
“How is this….this cannot be”
“We are connected in the multiverse “
“Please! I assume you will”
“Take control “
“Own us”
“North Pole is our home”
“You are our heart “
“We are in flux”
“Consumed in him”
“Desperate for your attention “
“Gasp for your air “
“Rise up! Meet my gaze”
“You both are in love with me”
“Insanely, obsessed “
“Must have me”
“Everything about me is perfection”
“So lustful to be at my whim”
“A desire for my beck and call”
“I am all you care about and know”
“I make you whole “
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Elves Chris and Tom pushing fast me behind them so quickly they block me as we happily approach the North Pole two more guards are now confronting me to which Tom and Chris are angry throwing shade their way weapons galore appear. Tom unleashes the sheath along wound a shield going toe to toe with with Stephen both swords cross as the sound of metal blade’s constantly hitting one another as they go on attack then spark in the magic start to sparkle sprinkling every where. Elves Chris goes on defense with a magic wand launching a spell at Henry who is the the third Elf in charge using snow with a thunderstorm shooting a wintry mix as he is a super power Master against Elve Henry who falters and Henry’s body froze on to command. Henry stomps his wand in to the misty snow covered mountain area blowing all sorts wintry horror on to Chris smacks him across the room and the lights heat up melting the landscape of my power unknown, insurmountable, and unbelievably indescribably.
“Who are you?”
“The ruler of this land “
“That is Santa”
“No longer “
“Join us”
“Serve him”
“Obey…OBEY “
“Resist “
“Don’t give in Henry “
���I already did”
“You betrayed him”
“Fuck Saint Nick”
“Blasphemy “
“You have forsaken too”
“Why are you so hard?”
“Turned on”
“Admit it”
“Be naughty “
“Never nice “
“Oh God!”
“Forgive me Santa”
“I away the forbidden desire”
“I am a bad boi”
“We are all naughty for Lawrence”
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“It seems we are in a impasse “
“Fight us or be one with us Tyler?”
“Fuck! I love being naughty “
“Yes Master Lawrence “
The end
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chloessleepystories · 9 months
A Year with Santa Claus
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How many references can you find to favorite holiday stories?
I was lying on the couch in the living room Christmas Eve, laptop on my tummy, all the lights out except the lights from the tree. It was pretty. It was peaceful. It was boring.
But at least it was quiet – my younger siblings were nestled all snug in their beds, while mama in her kerchief and dad in his saggy tightie-whities were settled in for their long winter’s siesta after six glasses of cheap Walgreens wine. I was browsing dirty hypno Tumblr on my laptop and getting progressively hornier, so I shucked off my sweatpants and started stroking.
When suddenly I heard a jingling and a twinkling on the roof, as of the prancing and pawing of little hooves. And then, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a shower of soot on the floor, and the fireplace full of Santa Claus himself.
My long pale bare legs splayed, my sweatshirt hoisted up over one small teenage boob, and my sticky fingers covering my crotch, I must have been a sight. But all I said was: “I’m not cleaning that up.”
I guess it takes a lot to surprise Santa. His mouth hung open for a minute or two, but he quickly recovered – dropping his sack of toys and fumbling with his big belt buckle.
“Do we have time for this?” I whispered.
“Silly child,” he said. “Time is never an issue.” He threw a handful of gold dust in the air and instantly, time seemed to stand still. The clock stopped between ticks. The sprinkles settled on my bare body, and on my face, and tingled wherever they hit. I mindlessly slid forward off the couch and onto my knees, as a wave of peace and joy warmed my mind and hardened my nipples. He pulled my sweatshirt off as I gazed up at him, completely naked, my smile spreading as he stripped off his furs.
I gotta say, I was expecting an old fat man – a right jolly old elf – but I have been MISINFORMED, y’all. Turns out Santa is big, yes, but it’s almost all muscle. And he’s a silver fox – silver hair, short silver beard … with tattoos … “NICE” on his left forearm, and “NAUGHTY” on his right. And his name isn’t actually Santa, it turns out – but Sander…
His cock was impressive, majestic, and it tasted like cinnamon. His precum was like frosting, so sweet – undoubtedly from all the cookies. I sucked and slurped as he stroked my hair, and moved gently in and out of my mouth. It felt so good to serve him, to please him … then he picked me up as if I weighed nothing, and settled my dripping cunny on the head of his cock.
“It’s so warm!” I whispered. “It’s like you’re burning me up from the inside!”
Sander grinned, and there was a twinkle in his eye. “That’s me,” he said. “I’m Mr Hundred-and-One.”
He used me like a toy, but gently and lovingly, filling me so full with every thrust. He lay me back down on the carpeting, under the tree, and I looked up at all the pretty lights, in a daze, as he pumped into me for what seemed like hours … until finally Santa came down my chimney. Again and again, he came down my chimney.
I lay there panting as he dressed all in his furs again. I wasn’t sure if I could form words. When he knelt beside me, I whimpered like a broken doll. “Do you have to go?”
He smiled, shaking his head, and took out a sprig of mistletoe from his coat pocket. He held it over me. “I’m taking you back to my workshop, my dear. I’ll fix you up there … then I’ll bring you back here …” He broke a mistletoe berry under my nose. My eyes rolled back, and in an instant I was unconscious.
The next year passed by in a blur, a candy-colored, peppermint-flavored haze of sex and sweets. (If it was only a year – but I had my doubts about that. It seemed like it was always “nearly Christmas” around Sander and his people, and it was a perpetual aura of excitement plus exhaustion.) Time ceased to have any meaning. I learned to serve the elves. I made cookies with Mrs Claus – a process she enjoyed very much. And the things I ate and drank filled me with Christmas cheer, in different ways.
Some chocolates seemed to chip away at my intelligence. Some fruitcake seemed to leave me in a drugged-out blissful stupor for hours. Sometimes I seemed sharp and alert, but the only thing I could think of were the Christmas carols playing over and over in my mind, accompanying thoughts of various sex acts.
“Try some of this,” Mrs Claus would say as we cooked and baked together in her kitchen … And I would find myself licking the sugar from her hands, then sucking on her fingers, then going down on her snatch of silver-and-gold.
“Look into my eyes,” Sander would say, and I would gaze into his eyes for a while, smelling his breath of peppermint and pipe tobacco, but somehow not hearing the words he spoke into my unresisting ears … until I would awaken with “NAUGHTY” choking my throat,  just a little bit, while “NICE” was kneading and stroking my sex.
I was his favorite toy. He loved finding new games to play with me, to make me entertain him, or the others … or to make me happy. One of his favorites was turning me into a snowman. “There must be some magic in this hat I found,” he would say, then he would plop it on my head, and I would instantly freeze. He and the Missus would play with my body, and it would respond, but I could barely feel it – I was nearly numb, and the arousal would be far away. No matter what, I couldn’t cum. My eyes would leak in my frustration, but I couldn’t move, and could barely feel, a frozen snowman … until they removed the hat. Then everything would flood back into my body at once, and I would scream and shake and almost pass out from the explosion inside every cell.
Once, Sander hypnotized me into believing I was one of the reindeer. My name was Olive … Olive the other reindeer. He took a red thread, and he tied some antlers to the top of my head, then he led me into the stables. He left me there for hours … playing all the reindeer games.
I ate sweets and I breathed magic. I learned … I grew … I changed. My ass rounded and my breasts filled out as I grew older, more womanly, no longer a teenager. The elves would use my body for hours, as if they had never seen someone as tall as me, never had access to sexual partners before … as if they needed the practice. I loved letting the elves practice on me, my holes, my tits … it was like being swarmed by sex-starved puppies, and I loved it.
But the day finally came when Sander told me he needed to send me back to the world. It was almost Christmas again … though whether it was the same Christmas I had left, or the next one, or any other Christmas, I neither knew nor cared. I wept, and Father Christmas held me close. “I will always know when you’re sleeping, and when you’re awake,” he whispered. “I’ll know if you’ve been bad or good ��� so be good and naughty.”
“Yes Daddy,” I nodded, sniffling.
He touched my tears, with wonder and concern. “What’s this? What’s this?”
I sniffled.
“Santa baby?” I asked. “Could I make one wish, this Christmas?”
I could, and I did. I wished not to go back to my family, but a different one. He even let me pick one out. It took some time, and some research, but it was worth it.
Then, when I was finally ready, he gave me a cup of hot cocoa. I sipped it, then felt the sugar plums and fairy music swell. “Say … what’s in that drink,” I murmured as I lost consciousness.
So … here I am. Under the tree, dressed in lingerie and a cute little Santa hat – switched “off,” ready to be turned on by love and Christmas magic when the family come downstairs in the morning.
I picked a kind looking widower named Bob, who had to raise several kids on his own. The youngest, Tim, is sickly, but has made it to age 18, and I know I can make him, and his brothers, and their father, all happy. It gives me sexual pleasure to serve… so I’ll cook, and clean, and bake the best cookies they’ve ever had – and fulfill their sexual fantasies too. Sander even left instructions and trigger words for some of the games we’ve played, and modes he’s installed. I know I can make them all very happy.
I will miss elf practice, though.
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anonymooose · 5 months
==== Spoilers for Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi! ====
Ok, so, I randomly saw a post by @corvidonia about Falin!Hypnos.
So, I thought to myself, y'know I just started watching too and this seems like a fun mini-project so I started it. Then I subsequently got way too into it and accidently made a whole rendered scene and au concept... welp! It's here now!
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For this little crossover Au whatever you wanna call it I did this main drawing but also came up with a bit of background stuff.
In this Meg would be a tall-man paladin in a sort of Chilchuck situation where she's mostly here because it's her job (and bonus, Dusa's here) and she'd be a paladin. Paladin might be an odd choice (?) but I felt it made sense due to her dedication and none of the other martial classes really stuck out to me like paladin.
Zagreus would be the party's Laios of sorts and a fighter tall-man, I imagine that the reason why they went through all the trouble for Hypnos is 50% Zagreus being friends with him and 49% Than not wanting his brother dead and 1% pity. I don't know if there would still be the culinary focus in this Au, probably not, so maybe instead it'd be more about just general monster knowledge. Like Zag and the gang filling out the codex?
Dusa would be a Half-foot, probably the farthest from their Dungeon Meshi inspo character, Senshi, only really sharing the fact that they came into the party late. I imagine that she's kind of in an "I'm the only monster around that has any sentience or emotion??" type situation though I don't really have a worked out reason why. She's also friends with Meg prior to joining and comes because of her.
I translated Thanatos and Hypnos' godhood into having a particular magical ability as elves, so they're elf twins. Than being a sorcerer rouge mostly for the vibes but also because sorcerer powers are innate to their being. Instead of a wand/staff I think he'd just use his scythe as a casting focus. I figure he'd be sort of like a mix of Chilchuck and Marcille, not bound to the party by a job but still kind of obligated to help Hypnos since they're family and all. I don't think he'd be thrilled about having to risk his life to save Hypnos from another screw up though, but he would and I do think he'd be relieved to have him back after the ordeal. (does Falin ever actually 100% come back? I've only watched the anime so idk actually, I like to think Hypnos would here though because I like my happy endings)
Hypnos is obviously the sort of Falin stand-in, but in a very different way I think. I do think he'd be a sort of magic prodigy like Falin but in more of an intuitive way compared to Than/Marcille's book smarts. I definitely think that the connection to the strange would remain but instead of ghosts it'd be personified dreams in the form of something like the Oneiroi. In this Au the starting incident with the monster would be the same but it'd probably be some sort of big bird/sheep to explain the bird/sheep design I went with for the Chimera design and it'd be Than in place of Laios. I also think that he'd be a cleric type situation like Falin sort of is, I like to think he'd excel at healing magic. I do kind of like the idea of Hypnos not being really encouraged to partake in adventuring due to his lack of physical ability but he'd go against that to spend time with Than and try to look out for him. As for Chimeros (As I've been calling it) I think it'd be accompanied by fog from Lethe rather than the harpies in the original and it'd have a similarly blank personality like Faligon (which'd be especially off-putting from him). Added angst potential, I figure his powerset would be very different from Faligon's and revolve around putting everyone to sleep (go figure) and memory erasure, so maybe the main party wouldn't even remember their first encounter with them?
I do actually have ideas for the remaining party, I'll keep it to one bullet though. I think Achille's would be a paladin/fighter or something like that and would be similar to Namari as a weapons expert, probably leaving for a different reason though maybe to join Pat's party? I don't have a particular idea for Shuro's stand-in, maybe switch the Shuro Falin romance thing to Charon Hypnos brotherhood thing and it could work? Idk though.
I did also make a full design for Hypnos as an elf/not Chimeros and here that is. The staff is inspired by actual myth where Hypnos sometimes has a wand dipped in Lethe to induce sleep.
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Ramble over!! Congrats if you were able to push through my incessant yapping to actually get here. First Tumblr post btw, who would've thunk it'd be for this. If anyone is interested in using these designs or ideas for art/writing feel free, I'm probably not going to do anything else with this idea but if you want to I'd be very interested in seeing/hearing it! Also, really sorry if this isn't properly spoilered?? I'm not exactly sure what the proper spoiler etiquette is so I tried.
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anomalymon · 7 months
[Essay] MissingNo Therian: An Exploration in Identity, Labels, and the Fictotherian Experience
We've seen a few posts of people wanting more personal essays in the community, so I thought I would write this and crosspost it to Tumblr. -Rex
I am a MissingNo. My exact form is one that's been fluid throughout my life, with Kabutops and Aerodactyl fossil forms having preference, but occasionally switching to the Lavender Town Ghost. I identify as a Pokemon therian or Poketherian for my species - or fictotherian for a broad term. This identification is one which can confuse people - after all, therianthropy is more traditionally associated with animals, and I identify as Pokemon that isn't real. My species only exists in four games that are well over two decades old and is a failsafe the game spits out. Why should I identify as a therian? Despite how strange it can seem, I still prefer therian over other labels such as otherkin and fictionkin. My therian identity is deeply intertwined with my hyperempathy, created by a bias of my animality, comes from viewing a MissingNo as a type of animal, and from experiencing common therian traits.
Therian over otherkin, fictionkin, or fictive
Some may be saying "why don't you call yourself fictionkin?" or even "Isn't otherkin for mythical species, while therian is for earthen species?" To address the later point, there have been better written essays dispelling this. I would highly recommend Therian: Dispelling the Earthen Animal Myth by The River System for a well written and researched essay.
To address the former point, it is personal preference. I did use "otherkin" for years and still do identify as both otherkin and fictionkin, but the term "therian" is more in alignment to how I experience identity. I am an animal, I experience shifts, and I experience instincts.
I don't perceive MissingNo as sapient on the level of elves or some dragons. For me, being a MissingNo is also a "real" thing, as tangible as a dog, bird, or dragon. I don't consider myself glitchkin despite being a glitch, nor conceptkin. I am like the theriomythics who label themselves for being an animalstic gryphon or phoenix.
When it comes Fictionkin and fictive, to me they can be too focused on identifying yourself in the framework of being a character, which I'm not. I'm not a creepypasta character anymore than one of the Hypno species would be. I still do identify as fictional - I can comfortably identify as "fictherian" or my preference "fictotherian" (Which comes from "fictotype". I believe I started this term usage - since when I started using it, I could find no results to it, but I did use it in forum posts, Discord servers, and other methods).
Fictive falls under a similar problem - but with slightly more alienation. While the term is open to me, my identity history makes me feel out of place in a community of walk-ins and introjects when it was one that developed later in life.
How I became a MissingNo and the grip of hyperempathy
My identity as a MissingNo came later in life. I began existing in my system as a canine pup - which I know from behaviors and mannerisms that I later connected to me in the present, and genuinely expressing feeling like a dog as a child. Years later, I identified this species as a manned wolf.
Then at around the age of ten, my identity shifted to a glitch Pokemon. What at least contributed to it was developing a special interest in Glitch Pokemon around this time. This combined with our natural hyper-empathy and perhaps being conceptum to subconsciously alter my identity over time.
These interpretations can cause me to be out of place. While I still love glitch Pokemon and I am fascinated by them, I rarely find anyone who also has an intense interest and fascination while having this level of hyperempathy - even if I encounter others who have some alterhuman or even gender or sexuality connection to glitch Pokemon. Almost uncontrollably do I see glitch Pokemon as genuine Pokemon. I might grow attached to certain Pokemon in the way I would a pet.
The overall psychological influence means that this identity comes down to personal interpretations and personification. I'm not a natural animal and you cannot read about me in a textbook or find any bits of lore within the games, but rather, I am an animal that came from the mind of a mentally ill person.
MissingNo the animal
What defines "animal" varies. Humans are biologically animals and primates, but not all humans identify with those terms, with some taking offense to it. To someone with hyperempathy, a stuffed animal may be as much of an animal as a living one, or even a car might be a type of animal to certain minds. This connection is what makes me feel a MissingNo can be a type of animal.
Additionally, Pokemon are their world's equivalent of animals, and this is how most of my system views Pokemon due to one of our deepest parallel life connections being a humanlike Mewtwo. This sentiment is also one I've seen many Poketherians have. In the world of our origin, we are animals. For another essay on a similar experience, I'd highly recommend "The Fire Burns Bright" by Jasper, an Alolan Marrowak therian.
Within the contexts of the games and many interpretations - including my own - MissingNo is also a bird. It is one of few Pokemon which use this glitch beta typing. Being a bird can be equally as much a part of it and I'd consider birds as a paralleltype and one where I may confidently call myself a bird. Albeit a very odd bird.
The wolf and animal bias in my core
In addition to the bird of the MissingNo, the manned wolf at my heart is still important to my identity. It's in between otherhearted and therian on a sliding scale, and I identify it more as manned wolf-hearted for convenience, but it's closer to "kinth". I don't know why I am or was a manned wolf, but it doesn't quite matter to me either way. What matters is that there is the manned wolf.
To me it feels as if despite my core being or "soul", my mind became a MissingNo while the core remained the same. To my soul, a MissingNo is a type of dog. Then, to my mind, a manned wolf is a type of Pokemon. Both of these identities came about and exist in harmony rather than opposition.
Another comparison that the heart and soul makes is being "feral". Glitch entities in video games to me are almost like an animal which can't be domesticated. They may act fine, but every so often you'll encounter something that reminds you that at their core, they're wild. MissingNo still scrambles sprites and Hall of Fame data - and you can't have a "normal" experience with it. MissingNo is to Pokemon as a wolf is to a dog.
The instincts that made me tear apart playsets when playing house pretending to be a dog are still present in the instincts that make me want to tear apart meat when I eat it.
The Experience of a MissingNo Animal
I fit into many traditional therianthropy experiences and unto a hybrid canine/avian experience - just perhaps with more twists towards the bizarre.
I am a contherian when it comes to mental shifting and almost always feeling like an animal. However, I do experience phantom shifts. I get the sensations of skeletal fangs, claws, and a body that's far heavier and taller than my tiny, human form. Though the bizarre comes when during these shifts, I don't feel like I have skin and much of my body feels transparent, I feel like I should be able to stick my hand through my lower jaw.
I feel the sense of freedom and flight when I ride a bike downhill. For a few minutes when I bike, I can imagine myself flying. I sit in rivers and ponds among the wading birds feeling like I belong. I treat the chicks and chickens we raise like a part of my flock.
I still want to hunt. Sometimes I need to fight my instincts to recognize chicks as flockmates and not food. I like to eat wildly and I like to taste blood and fat in my food. When I eat, I feel like like the blood should dribble through my skinless jaw bone. Skeletal claws should be typing this essay instead of fleshy human fingers.
I am an animal, and despite doubts, I am a therian.
This label fits my experiences better than the alternatives. I don't feel as much alienation or out of place compared to other communities even though my species isn't an "animal" in the traditional sense. Hyperempathy has created this experience for me in that I feel more comfortable saying I am an animal than I am from fiction.
My center being is animal and always has been, it's just how its presented through my life has shifted. The animal instincts have only developed as my species has.
It is my hope that more unusual therians might come forth and be encouraged to examine their experiences - and for both earthen therians and potential theriomythics or fictotherians to explore what exactly "animal" means to them. I want others to also examine where their mind's biases may lead them, how that can impact their identity, and use it to feel more at peace in what the heart wants.
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girlcockmartyn · 16 days
Okay. Every Scott's hypno powers, go.
hm . alright
as a disclaimer, most scotts are just, as someone i cant remember put it, "hes gay so he knows hypnosis" . but as far as ones i DO have reasons for (in no particular order)
liml: none needed . we're all in agreement about this
vampire: same as above id think
empires 1: elf magic ? he can do whatever he wants . i saw someone headcanon elves from a different fandom having heightened powers of suggestion so i take that . also imagine him hypnotizing someone with the xornoth crystal as a pendant isnt that weird and somewhat compelling
wcsmp: hes magic
empires 2: hes magic and also the most likely scott to try to learn this ability imo . a parlor trick a way to distract people AND a sex thing ? oh yeah . also he has at least one weird eye
origins: exclusively "what if his eyes are sparkly and they suck you in" . the hypnoplay with cap could go crazy
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therealmofamorus · 1 year
Blog Update: Muse List Update
The Muse List for the Hentai girls been updated to now have the list of hentai that i've seen or in interested in.
Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e?
Princess Knight Catue
Taimanin Asagi
Kangoku Senkan
Kyonyuu Fantasy
The Pit Coxville Stories
Meet “n” Fuck Game
Ochi Mono RPG Seikishi Luvilias
Energy Kyo-ka
Buta no Gotoki Sanzoku ni Torawarete Shojo o Ubawareru Kyonyuu Himekishi
The Beauty and The Beast
Sennen Reijou ~My Lady, My Master~
Aijou no Injoku Elf
Elf Oyako to Pakopako Ibunka Kouryuu!
Tasogare no Shou Elf
Kaika - Ochita Elf Tsuma
[Fan no Hitori] Remnant of the Demon King
[Fan No Hitori] Hypno App Fantasia (Hypno App x Time Stop Fantasia)
Ou-sama Appli - King App
Seiso Kanojo, Ochiru
Hajimete no Hitozuma
Hitozuma A-san to Musuko no Yuujin N-kun
Himawari wa Yoru ni Saku
Saimin Seishidou
Akane wa Tsumare Somerareru
Natsu, Tsuma no Sentaku
Houjou no Reizoku Elf | Fertile Slave Elves
Echiechi Haishinsha wa Ani no Yome!? ~Hoshigari Manko no Daibouken~ | My Sister-in-Law is a Porn Streamer!? ~The Great Adventure of a Famous Pussy~
VictimGirlsR Watashi wa, Makemasen! | I will not lose!
Succubus Queen vs Goblin Grunts
VictimGirlsR "JK de Refre -Flesh & Refresh-"
VictimGirls R Chikan Bokumetsu Campaign | VictimGirls R Molestation Eradication Campaign
Joshi Luck!
Imaizumin-chi wa Douyara Gal no Tamariba ni Natteru Rashii
Inma no Mikata! | Succubi's Supporter!
Oideyo! Kunoichi no Sato Kiwami ~Fuuma Kunoichi Soutoujou no Maki~ | Come to the Kunoichi Village! Climax ~Fuuma Kunoichi's Full Appearance Volume~
Fella Hame Lips
Fella Pure
Ajisai no Chiru Koro ni | Bigleaf Hydrangea Leaf Falling Time
Kaos Comic
Illustrated Interracial
Yair Comics
Isekai Yarisaa
Shikijou Kyoudan
My Mom And Sister Are Size Queen Sluts
Otome Dori
Saimin Seishidou
Kyonyuu Elf Oyako Saimin
Kyonyuu Princess Saimin
Seika Jogakuin Kounin Sao Ojisan
Ane wa Yanmama Junyuu-chu
Muttsuri Do Sukebe
Tsuma ga Kirei ni Natta Wake
Ki no Tsuyoi Onna Joushi (31-sai) Hitozuma no Yowami o Nigitta node, Mainichi Nakadashi Shitetara Sukkari Kawaiku Natte Shimatta Ken
Okusama wa Moto Yariman
Genkaku Cool na Sensei ga Aheboteochi!
JK Bitch ni Shiboraretai
Tachibana-san-chi no Dansei Jijou Matome Ban | Tachibana-san's Circumstances With a Man
Let me know in the comments if there's a hentai that you think i could be interested in
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thegodhorus · 8 months
Date: January, some time Location: Choose one of the many old monuments/ruins Rome has Characters: @thanatcsx & @thegodhorus Notes: awks
Perhaps he'd be a younger, estranged brother because Horus could not look upon Thanatos and see his father. His father had been something mythic to him, even in childhood as he was held in Lathander's arms and shown the vastness of the worlds that the King swore to defend. Thanatos and Hypnos were both reminders of what had been lost, neither one of them someone that Horus could meet and find solace with. Lathander was lost, his essence made into other beings perhaps by Nyx and it wasn't fair that his father was no longer with him in truest form.
Still, it had been over thousands of years since Horus had laid eyes upon Death and Sleep. He'd seen what had become of his father and then turned away from them, the god's first act among many in his life which he could not bare to look at what reminded him of pain. But Aelia had been kind to teach him the things that he had missed and the elves spoke of all the Gods that walked among them now. Horus figured even an immortal could not ignore the past forever. He soon found the God of Death under his mother's dark sky, ruins of the ancient city laid out in front of them. He couldn't name these ruins but they seemed important for the modern people to preserve and showcase them. "Thanatos," he greeted. Death turned and Horus was surprised not to find any dread or resentment when he looked at his face. Perhaps time and rest did balm wounds that couldn't heal completely. "I am surprised to find you so far from home."
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zahri-melitor · 10 months
The Best of DC #22
This is another reprint edition of a bunch of Christmas Stories, I'll run through them:
A Swinging Christmas Carol - Teen Titans #13 (1996). I have already covered this. No Santa, just A Christmas Carol retelling.
Merry Christmas - Batman #247. Still no Santa. A family gets trapped in the snow and comes across a mysterious house with an old man astronomer inside. They encounter a criminal inside who wants to kill them all. Batman turns up and ends up punching out the criminal (after they all get herded back out into the snow). They're saved by a Bright Star In The Sky (according to the astronomer) as apparently a very convenient supernova goes off and blinds the criminal right as he's trying to shoot them.
Freddy Freeman's X-Mas - Captain Marvel, Jr #46. Only fake Santas. Freddy's moping about Christmas a bit as he wishes people wanted FREDDY not Captain Marvel, Jr for things. Then Mrs Fortheringham invites him down to the orphanage to celebrate with the kids. One sad kid points out they never get any presents, so Freddy goes on a quest to find some, runs into an old villain of his playing Santa, Lightfingers Louie, who agrees when Freddy asks him to come play Santa for the kids, and gets the X-Crooks Club to put in to get presents for all the kids. One of the X-Crooks doesn't want to give money (Hard John), and ends up beating up Louie and stealing the Santa suit and presents. However when he is taken to the orphanage by CMJ he suddenly realises how terrible it would be to deny these children the presents. It is very, VERY Shazam.
A Christmas Peril! - Batman #27. This is another A Christmas Carol retelling (surely they could have spaced these out better). This is far looser and involves an orphan rich young boy named Scranton who is called Young Scrooge for trying to extort people in business (he's cornered the Christmas Tree market using thugs for instance). His uncle turns up dressed as Santa to be his guardian, and Scranton thinks Santa is stupid. Batman and Robin turn up and take Scranton to see the damage his thugs caused (in the traditional 3 visits, and wants to spot fix the issues he sees). Scranton is apparently also getting robbed in turn by his butler. His uncle figures this out and is captured, then Scranton returns and also gets captured...but Batman and Robin save them, and we get the return of the decked out Christmas Batplane. Still no real Santa though.
The Sandman: The Seal Men's War on Santa Claus - Cancelled Comic Cavalcade #2. FINALLY ANOTHER SANTA.
Titus Gotrox, a rich old man, mocks Jed Paulsen when he comes asking for contributions for the Christmas fund and promises a million dollars if Jed can prove Santa is real. Jed then summons the Sandman to help him find Santa.
I'm going to level with you - I do NOT understand this Sandman, but there's a bunch of travelling by magic and witch power.
Sandman and Jed get set on by Santa's Elves who think they are Seal Men, not the Sandman. They're told off by Mrs Claus. The Seal Men have apparently kidnapped Santa! (the Seal Men are in fact seals dressed in people clothes who walk on their back flippers)
Sandman and Jed get captured and end up with Santa. Sandman breaks them out:
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Ah yes of course, the hypno-sonic whistle would be useful to widen chimneys, Santa, if you don't want to undergo the Superman Shrinking Exercise Plan.
However they are once again recaptured, to discover why the Seal Men are mad at Santa - they've been getting useless gifts! Sandman and Jed say this must have been a mix-up, some kids in the Sahara Desert 'must have been getting frozen fish' and the king of the Seal Men lets them go. (Why do the seals have a king? Don't ask that question).
Santa then sorts everything out and comes to visit Titus Gotrox and guilts Titus into handing over the 1 million dollar cheque.
Robin's (Very) White Christmas - Batman Family #4. Once again only many fake Santas. Dick's still dating Lori Elton in this one btw.
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Millionaire "Father" Bruce Wayne, hey Lori?
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Dick will admit he's cold, but he still won't wear pants as Robin.
Anyway in this story Dick's helping out with the Christmas fundraising drive at Hudson Uni in a blizzard, hoping to get on his flight home to Gotham before it's cancelled.
Except oh no! the airport is closed! And Dick doesn't seem that cut up about it as Lori invites him over for Christmas. Except...surprise Bruce, Alfred and Aunt Harriet flew in earlier to surprise Dick when they saw the weather forecast, so both families have Christmas together. (Dick really does not seem thrilled by this state of affairs)
The Man Who Murdered Santa Claus! - Justice League of America #110. Someone murders a department store Santa.
These panels about why Barry, Ray and Ralph can't turn up are hilariously funny to me, as apparently Barry's hanging out in the 30th century for Christmas, Ray Palmer is probably contributing to why he ends up divorced, and Ralph Dibney is just very in love with Sue and on holidays.
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Also Hal Jordan slipped on some soap in the shower and knocked himself out, so we get John Stewart instead as Green Lantern. (No seriously. That happened).
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Anyway an incredibly dull plot involving a villain called the Key ensues where he snares a member of the JLA in each of his traps, but the Phantom Stranger saves each of them. Then the Key still sets off the bomb of his plan, the JLA evacuate the city neighbourhood, and John Stewart contains the explosion with the Lantern ring. John Stewart also rebuilds all the tenement houses destroyed in the explosion "without roaches, rats, collapsing ceilings and such".
Next up: a whole lot more 80s comics titles I've never heard of.
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happyforevertv · 8 months
What are everyone's favorite fairytales?
Happy- The one with the girl and the boy and they lived happily ever after. Buddy- Is the tale of how my parents fell in love a fairytale? Plum- We had fairytale like stories in my time rants about a tale that is technically myth not a fairytale. Doctor Hypno- Snow White. Ick- I don't like fairytale anymore. Walter Leech- The one where poors are people somehow. Frankie Bombshell- Sleeping Beauty or God's love of Maud Melody Moo. KW- crying about Maud Melody Moo. Cherry Pepper- Cinderella but only the version where they are lesbians and established democracy. Misery- The Ugly Duckling counts, right? Dylan Dragotta- Any with a dragon, preferably the dragon winning. Danny Elfman- Rumpelstiltskin and any with elves. Tyler Dream- Any that I'm reading to Happy. The Ugly Duckling most of all.
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bluiex · 1 year
(Yes I made an anon account just for this AU Idfc)
It is I, your favourite non sleeping anon up at 1 am giving you more of my world building before I start this story at all!
I actually really like the idea of Wels being an army guy.
Mumbo shall be a sporeling! I feel like he met mother spore when she was just a sporeling and they became friend so when mother spire became mother spore he joined 
Okay, we got all their jobs, whose apart of what and why so, what’s everyone’s species?
Shrub is a gnome
Katherine is a fae
Lizzie an axolotl(and the god of the ocean and all that lives in it)Jimmy a siren(but looks like an cod, he’s the Demi god of lost souls and the ocean)
Joel’s human. 
Joey is an avian(parrot but now his wings are like a little bit purple and covered in mushrooms)
Pix is human?
Scott, Xornoth, Lauren, Pearl and Gem are elves
fWhip is like half human half elf 
Sausage, I’m think keep him human
Jevin still a slime
Cleo..I’m think human but like when she went missing she got bit but the scientist thought she was infected like the missing so ye
Grian’s an avian still but his wings are fully purple 
Mumbo is human cause it’s funny(but I kinda wanna make him and Beef brothers or cousins and so I’d have to made him a vampire but idk yet)
Scar- I’m torn between making him an elf or a vex or like some kind of fae cause, come on. Scar makes deals and tricks people all the time, you can’t tell me that he isn’t some kind of fae(both vex and Elves would classify/are classified as fae)
Cub is gunna be whatever Scar is cause their cousins
Xisuma, I see a lot of people make him something called a void walket but I’m just making him a void creature. Just creature of the void. That’s it.
Wels is like the mandatory human for me-
XB is half zombie half human cause of his base in season 7
TFC- idk what to make him yet honestly 
Keralis is Keralis.
Ren is werewolf cause I mean- how am I meant to make him something else?
Doc won’t change cause I’d have no idea on what to change him to
Stress is a fairy cause she deserve fairy wings so she can fly around really pretty
Impulse is an guardian cause of his season 7 base
Iskall is Swedish- I mean yes- he’s a trickster(that one origin fWhip had) cause in season 7 he was playing a bunch of jokes and pranks and stuff
False is a falcon
Bdubs is Bdubs.
Joe Hills is human.
Beef is human?(vampire.)
Etho is an Ezo red fox
Tango I’m thinking a blaze or like a ghast
Zed’s a sheep.
Hypno is either a bee or a crustacean but idk which one
Okay, that’s all, bye bye. Bye bye. Take care, eat a meal and have some water. Bye bye.
Scar should totally be a Vex (I am biased) unless you wanna somehow make them a elf/Vex hybrid 👀👀 I think that'd be pretty cool
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safyresky · 1 year
Hello, it me!
I'm dropping in to DEMAND CONTENT!!
Put the Content In the bag!!
I've come here requesting Diteline stuff! Specifically bed sharing/sleep habits. Domestic ass married Diteline stuff!
I've had such ideas pin balling around in my head for my own terrible gays (that I hope to post about at some point) and then I remembered that you have your own far less terrible gays!
Just tiny little bed sharing things and sleep habits have been on my MIND. Was hoping you could fuel the fire here 😈
Funny you should mention content lmao, I've been feeling the last little while that I have been VERY quiet and have had the need to POST CONTENT, BUT HAVE HAD NO CONTENT!! I WILL HAPPILY FUEL THIS FIRE BC I DO HAVE SOME THOUGHTS ON THIS SUBJECT IN PARTICULAR!!
Not a lot, BUT SOME
Mkay. So. Diteline sleep habits!!
Idk if gods NEED sleep?? It's either way in most mythologies, if it's specified (and if you're Hypnos god OF sleep lol). I think Dite can sleep but also can do without?? I'm on the fence about that tbh! Part of me thinks maybe she's like dnd elves and just needs a brief rest for four hours to function. Again, on the fence! SO. THAT BEING SAID. HERE'S SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT DITELINE SLEEPS:
Dite either sleeps on her belly or on her sides! Otherwise her wings get agitated if they don't have space to furl
I think they idle animate if/when she sleeps, lol. They'll occasionally swish or twitch, like a horse tail or cat ear or smth
Jacqueline is a side sleeper and she curls UP. When she's sleeping with Dite she is ALWAYS the little spoon and like, BURROWS into her side if she's facing her
Jacqueline also sleeps with many blankets; she makes herself colder on purpose to sleep cozier with more blankets 🤣🤣
Jacqueline is your friend who sleeps with the window open ALWAYS. She got that from me and I am not ashamed to admit it bc the BEST sleeps are when it's FREEZING COLD but you're bundled in blankets and NOT overheating about it :3
Dite doesn't mind the chill much at all bc Jacquie's already frozen the bed (figuratively), and she can regulate temperature easily enough so she's chill with the blanket fort bed
And she runs warm ANYWAY. It's bc she's partially made of love. Keeps her WARM.
Especially since her preferred way to sleep with Jacqueline is facing her and hugging her nice and close
Which is v easy bc that sprite can make herself SUCH a tiny lil ball
Her wings also tend to hug Jacqueline too when they sleep!! No matter what, when they're cuddling or sleeping, Dite always has at least one arm and one wing draped over Jacqueline
Jacqueline has the blankets right up to her neck; Dite likes to stick her arms out
This causes problems SOMETIMES. Not always, tho! They make it work :)
Jacqueline is a sometimes snor-er and Dite thinks her snores are cute
She may be biased
Sometimes when she's deep asleep Dite glows a bit, and Jacqueline is like awed by it 🤣🤣
Dite doesn't snore, I don't think!
If Jacqueline is awake and Dite isn't, Jacquie tends to trace Dite's facial features (nose, bridge of said nose, eyebrows) until she peeks open a sleepy eye :3
Jacqueline is very annoying when she is bored and one of these occasions involves Dite being asleep while she's awake
This stops being a problem when they have kids as one of those three gremlins is always awake!
Dite is an early riser! Jacqueline likes to lounge in bed. We call it the "coze and doze". You're awake, and cozy, but still dozing in bed. This is one of her favourite things to do with Dite!
She gets very pouty if she gets pulled out of bed before cozing and dozing to her heart's content :)
They get a King sized bed bc all three kids like to cuddle puddle/jump on them and Dite's wings can be very persnickety, so it's the best for all parties involved lol
Here is a lil' snippet from what I HOPE to be this coming year's Valentine's Day post for you all! It's called "Bedtime Stories" and here's the opening, bc it has some v good Diteline bed related fluff >:)
The alarm didn’t even get a chance to chirp before a feathery wing unfurled, whacking it right off the side table and into the wall.
The one note it had started to belt was cut as the clock hit the wall and fell to the floor with a crack, just a little bit broken.
“Whoops,” Donnie said, sitting upright. Both wings unfurled, stretching out behind her. Biting back a grin, she waved her arm, the clock reassembling and popping right back up to the bedside table, the lampshade only jostling a little bit. Letting out an honest to god(dess) teehee, she flew off the bed and right into the ensuite, the blankets lifting up a good few inches.
They fluttered briefly, before a pale hand snatched them back down with a grumble.
“What are you doinggggggggg,” the pale hand pantomimed, the only body part peeking out from the blanket.
“Getting ready for work!” Donnie said excitedly, giggling as the hand puppet drooped, its thumb just askew enough to give the impression of a disgruntled Muppet’s face. “It’s the BEST day of the year, after all!”
Dressed in her Cupid’s best, Donnie flew back to the bed, grabbing the hand puppet and pulling the rest of her wife out from the blankets. She did a little meep as she was pulled out, her hair half thawed until Donnie wrapped her up in a big, tight, squishy, winged hug, kissing her right on the lips. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Jacqueline!”
The sprite flushed, the rest of the snow in her hair practically evaporating. Donnie giggled.
“And you’re up this early?”
“Of course! There’s love to spread!”
“Right here in this bed,” the sprite said. Throwing all her weight at the goddess, Jacqueline managed to pin her wife back down on the mattress, latching onto her like a koala and nuzzling into her neck.
Donnie laughed, flushed. “Jacqueline,” she chided gently.
The sprite grumbled, latching on to her tighter. “Blankets,” she said, and the sheet and comforter slid right back up the bed, tucking the pair in.
Donnie laughed. “Sweetheart. I’ve gotta work today!”
“Play hooky! I’m off all day and it’s so so cold outside. And it’s only gonna get colder, you know. I have it on good authority.”
“You’d really abuse your power to make it colder to try and stay here with me all day?”
“DUH,” Jacqueline said, pecking Donnie’s chin. “The bed’s gonna get cold the moment you leave and how else am I supposed to be warm and snuggly on this snowy ol’ Valentine’s?!” Jacqueline peeked up, making sure Donnie could see her huge pout.
Donnie laughed. “The sooner I go, the sooner I can come home and snuggle you all day,” she said, kissing her forehead. Her face dropped down, nose to nose with Jacqueline, foreheads touching as she gazed into her sleepy blue eyes. “And all night,” she said, low and breathy, making sure to blow air right towards Jacqueline’s neck.
She made a little choke sound and flushed darker. Her grip loosened; with a grin, Donnie took the opportunity to roll over, pinning Jacqueline down now.
The sprite blinked up, flustered. “Oh dear,” she said.
Donnie laughed, kissing her full on the lips one long-lasting time before gently breaking it off. “Think that will hold you over? Keep you nice and toasty?”
“So toasty,” she replied, recovered. Well, mostly. But Donnie knew her wife very well, and could tell she was about half an octave higher than she normally was. She laughed, sliding off of the bed and straightening her chiton, righting the laurel that had been passed down to her and rolling her shoulders.
“How do I look?”
“Stunning, jaw-dropping, gorgeous—ready to kick ass, even,” Jacqueline replied.
“Oh, stop it,” she said, playfully waving a hand.
“Never,” Jacqueline replied, her head hitting the pillow again. “Check on the kids on your way out? Bianca was still awake when I got in.”
“One more chapter, she said. You know. Like a liar,” Jacqueline said, snuggling into the covers. “Oh, boo. It’s already cold.”
Donnie laughed, clipping her bracelet on her wrist. “It’ll warm up,” she said, leaving the room, keeping the door slightly ajar.
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senatushq · 1 year
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NAME/ALIASES. Anubis, Mors, Letum, Inpu, Anoup,  AGE & BIRTH DATE. Prehistoric & Unknown SPECIES. Aspect GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him or He/They AFFILIATIONS. UTP OCCUPATION. UTP
The Duat. The Underworld. To the ancients the realm of the dead was reserved for the Old Gods and their undying vessels. To them, it was Álfheimr, the land of the dark elves. Birthed to hold the scales of the divine, to hold respectable order in the name of the Graeae. Thanatos was a spiteful God, one who resented the defilement of the Great Old Ones and the Elder Gods who evaded death with their slumbering Uthenera. It was Thanatos who would discern the worth of their actions, whether they were deserving of rest, or if they were to return to the cosmos, to be reconsecrated in another essence. Wars of Gods and deities saw the safeguards of vessels take place, ancient elves turned to farms, gardens of fruit for the Great Old Ones and Elder Gods to sample to keep their eternal conflict in place. Thanatos wardened over death, while his twin brother Hypnos determined the length of Uthenera, the period of time in which a God was fated to recover before their power was permitted to return. Removed from conflict, balance was all that Thanatos cared for, celestial equity that would decree that in due time all things were fated to end so that another beginning might start anew. Even the infinity of the ancient elves was finite, Hyperborea fell, and Eden was crafted, bathed under the light of the Two Trees, it was said that wherever Thanatos treaded no light would follow, and so he was forbidden from stepping foot within the garden. Death held at bay, he watched from outside the pearly gates as the rebellion of angels inevitably swept over the garden of the Gods. 
Divine children came into fruition, the avariel that would go by Hermes and later Mercury among them. A planeswalker who could go where even Gods could not, his nature was more useful as a messenger than that of a vessel. He brazenly threaded through the dark of Álfheimr, pushed Thanatos into Elysium, Elysia, the Isle of the Blessed, and through the mortal realm. Mortals, as it happened, were something of a fixation of the chthonic dark elf, their lives were short and finite, but they were the punishment for the Gods’ hubris, and that was perhaps why the divine toyed with them as often as they did. Allowed monsters and demons to flourish so that more of their demigods could be born. The trio of Tiamat, Ayi’ig, and Pythia invoked a dark and ancient power, created from the seed of inception that put into the hands of mortals an unnatural magic. Defilement of the natural order, the necronomicon, like any living creature, is also fated to die. Gods of old have begun to awaken, Cronus from his eternal prison has been released, and yet another war is waking. An end will come, perhaps the last. Greedy for those he has seized, Thanatos with his iron heart is resolved to not let those he holds go: reincarnation is to be broken, the seraphim are to meet their end, and the Gods, too, will greet his brother for the final time. 
Hypnos: Brothers born in Álfheimr, divine creatures raised on ambrosia, caretakers of the dead Gods and those slumbering in Uthenera. From Nyx, Thanatos and Hypnos were both born, and someday will return. 
Níðhöggr: Once companions of Álfheimr,  Níðhöggr betrayed his sacred oath and was cast into the shadow realm beneath the roots of the world tree where he would fly above the shore of corpses. 
Trivia: Creator of abominations, Trivia’s family burned because of Tisiphone and her sisters: Trivia’s magic defies a natural order as she has repeatedly plucked people from the domain of the dead.
Immortal: Undying, as a dark elf Thanatos is immune to the passage of time, he will never get sick, grow old, or truly die.
Death: Aware when a person is fated to die, and if he chooses he can reverse or expedite the process.
Álfheimr: Able to manipulate the realm of the dark elves and slumbering gods, to this end he’s able to use this magic to cast spells.
Psychopomp: knows everything happening within the afterlife at any given time and is able to travel between them at will.
Divine: Incapable of telling a lie.  
Wrought: Iron will burn him, it’s one of the few metals capable of piercing his skin.
Godly: If Thanatos’ body is destroyed he will need to find one to possess.
Elven: A seraph blade through the heart will kill him, sending him into Uthenera.
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crystallinesilk · 4 months
Hello! I'm Silk!
I'm 27. If I write anything, it's either mused by someone I'm crushing on, a fanfiction of someone I'm absolutely smitten by, or fantasizing about my one and only, my perfect one~
I'm excessively into Jujutsu Kaisen right now. Kaiju No. 8, Chainsaw man, and Devilman Crybaby.
shibari, cnc, somno, dumbification, asphyx, voice kink, slight pet play, ownership (bruising, hickies, biting), royalty, intox, knifeplay, light impact, degradation & praise, role play, breeding, corruption, hypno w/consent etc.
I fantasize about nerdy alt modded hotties tbh. I'm into fiction (anime and toons), size kinks (short and tall), monster fucking, automatons, mystical creatures (such as elves, satyr, centaurs, orcs, vampires, zombies, etc.)
hard no
🚫 No permanent harm or injury/scarring without prior consent
🚫 No humiliation or degradation outside of agreed-upon scenarios.
🚫 No crossing those crucial safe words or boundaries.
🚫 No water sports.
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cosmonotit · 2 years
So, the comic/story I have planned has a pretty unique setting. It's primarily based very far in the future, at a time where humans are basically no more. It takes place in an entire universe, but the story 'The Winter Princess' takes place primarily in the Calore Galaxy, on the planet Jaspin, which is the homeland of the Auroran people as well as several other races. I do want to do a comic about the AFU, but yk that'll come eventually.
-Auroran Elves (amphibian-like elves descended from sirens and a lost race of tundra humanoids, known for their beauty and song. And also their huge tyrannical empire full of brainwashed citizens. They have a naturally occuring magic called Estrenta, which primarily occurs in females)
-Huclan Elves (descended from snakes, gorgons and the lamia, with an evolutionary line corrupted by humans. Prior to the human corruption, they had the ability to turn other living creatures to stone. Some are rumored to still possess this power but none of the rumors have been confirmed)
-Crown Elves (often referred to as 'The First Ones' due to their lengthy lifespans and long time on the planet. They were the first emergence of sentient life, and are descended from several lost races of humanoids native to the planet. They get their name from the several horns on their heads, forming a crown-like pattern. There are five categories of Crown Elves, known as Sunborn, Moonborn, Leafborn, Frostborn and Skyborn. The Sunborn and Moonborn make up the ruling class, with the Skyborn being a sort of middle and the Leafborn + Frostborn making up the bottom. They are lead by a group called the Crown Council, which recently added Leafborn and Frostborn representatives. Leafborn and Frostborn elves are a result of corruption with other races, hense their place in society. There are other niche categories for these elves, but they are not recognized legally)
-The Mertille (a race of fae-like humanoids. known for their deals and credibility, they tend to be merchants and are more nomadic in nature. There are not many of them left, due to Auroran conquest. They have minor magical abilities)
All other races are not native to the planet, such as the following:
-Nymphae (a female race of unnatural beings grown from flowers. They often act as servants in the Auroran empire though they are few and far between)
-Neumans (descended from humans and cyclops/triclops races, neumans are New-Age humans. None can be found on the Jaspin planet, and most inhabit galaxies outside of the Calore galaxy. They posess no magical ability)
-Katil (a cat-like race, known for their agility and ability to pull off almost any assassination job. few remain, but enough are still accounted for for them to be recognized on this list)
-Gotai (a beastly, goat-like race known for their brutal strength. Often, they are foot-soldiers specifically bred to fight, though they were recently liberated by the AFU)
-Reclu (shapeshifters, known for stealing souls in order to impersonate their victims. several are hired to imitate important people and as a result destroy entire bloodlines. very dangerous)
-Elementals (very self-explanatory. elementals have a physical form they are bound to at birth, but have the ability to become one with their element. they bent their element at their will, and there are so many variations, on top of many of them being mixed with other races that it's impossible to name them all)
-All other races are either too mixed together to describe, or just about extinct-
The AFU, or Astrella Force United, is a sort of galactic peace organization made up of many different peoples. They are responsible for liberating the Gotai, and are working to establish peace with the Auroran Empire in order to prevent further conquest.
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pitruli · 3 years
Minecraft headcanon worldbuilding with player species !
A bit ago already, I wanted to have consistency in my headcanon designs of mcyt, so i started making categories of players depending on how their skins look to headcanon them as part of the same “species”
Since then i quite developed the thing and have… quite a bunch of species haha
Either a player is assigned to a species because of how the character looks, or for some lore reasons (canon, fanon, or for my au DatD)
And I finally sketched and detailed every species, so here I go !
(also assigned every (or most, might have missed some) members of hermitcraft and dsmp so they’ll serve as exemple o7
edit: Now with Empires peeps !
player ability: what differs a player from a mob. Consists in being able to manipulate material around them, like a kind of telekinesis power (grab chunks of material and move them easily). Also included protective black out, allowing them to escape and regenerate from what would be a mortal hit to a mob, granting them a conditional immortality.
(a * means that the drawing doesn't represent the whole species, which have many variantes possible)
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Quite a special species; mythical winged players, linked to a certain deity or legend. The only species possessing wings and the ability to fly, can look like any type of bird, bat or flying bug.
Known players: Pearl (moth), Phil (crow), Scott (owl)
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Humanoid players with horns and tail, one, if not the most, common species of player
(artist note: Elves weren’t supposed to have horns. But i just drew one of them like this without thinking, and a friend encouraged me to keep every elf like this. Cause yeah actually, i don’t have to follow common standards :D)
Known players: Cub, False, Impulse, Scar, Wels, Sapnap, Punz, Purpled, Nikky, Connor, Joel, Joey, Katherine
Usually nocturnal species, with features akin to cats and owls (mostly the eyes, with good night vision). Their behavior can get pretty wild at night, making some of them avoid the darkness or the moon by sleeping more than most players.
Known players: Bdubs, Keralis, George
Usually smaller than most humanoids, with visually missing facial features. Their mouth is invisible most of the time, appearing and revealing their fangs and split toung only when laughing or singing, which makes them one of the scariest species.
known players: Grian, Wilbur, Quackity, Shubble
Glitchy players who survived a perma kill, although with consequences. This species includes every player based on or looking like skeletons, zombies and other undead creatures.
Edit: In their past life, all Deads were humans, as surviving a perma death is their particularity
Known players: Cleo (drowned), Jack (husk/burn victim)
The closest species to us, though the name is misleading. You should be scared of them, player ability is a pretty big business if applied in real life
this species does not exist because i didn’t have idea yet for theses players, no no no,,,,
Edit: Humans' particularity is, in fact, their ability to survive perma kill, turning into Dead players
known players: Etho, Hypno, Iskall, Joe, Tfc, Xb, Zedaph, Ponk, Karl, Fwhip, Sausage, Pixl
Mob derived:
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The notion of species is a bit more blurry for this one, it is more of a porte-manteau term which includes several variations. There’s two more common types of mob-derived players:
Humanoid players with mobs/animals features, though the features of humans and animals are quite well mixed together making them look like a creature of their own.
known players: Gemini (reindeer), Beef (bull), Tommy (chicken), Tubbo (bee), Puffy (sheep), Hbomb (cat), Jimmy (cod)
Players looking way more like their mobs counterparts than humanoid players. Usually smaller, still keeping physical abilities an animal can possess (strengh, agility, etc)
known players: Ren (dog-wolf), Fundy (fox), Techno (hoglin), Ant (cat), Lyzzie (axolotl)
Both of these “species” can be derived from any animals, existing in minecraft or not. This also includes striders and piglins. If one player is based on a flying animal, their wings would be too small or too weak to lift them. Only angels are able to fly on their own.
Others, more precises, species of mob derived player exist;
Slightly smaller variant of endermen and closer to humanoids in proportion. The horns and eyes can be of any shade of purple. For some enderians, the player ability can make them possess off colored horns and/or eyes, although rare
Known players: Ranboo (gold horns)
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This species is a special case on its own, as these players are litteral creeper mobs born with player ability, with minimal physical change (bigger than wild creepers). Although their form can be a disadvantage for some aspects of the game, this often makes them the most ingenious players.
known players: Doc, Sam
Type of invertebrate player, looking more or less like humanoid players, depending on their will to ressemble another player or not. Can technically be of any color.
known players: Jevin (wild blue), Charlie (humanoid green)
Species of players derived from villagers, pillagers and other mobs of the same family. One of the strongest species, but often underestimated. As natural villager mobs possess some aspect of player abilities, being a full player emlified their strenght.
(following personal headcanons of villagers, these mobs and players are almost looking like land shark people, we can thank Foolish for this)
Known players: Foolish (dwarf/totem based)
Group of species with more unusual features compared to the rest
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Humanoid players with some pretty wild anormal features, transforming their body while still somewhat looking like a human to some degree (mostly affecting the eyes, more or less keeping a classic form) can be seen as external corruption or glitches
known players: Stress (demon/fairy), Tango (nether spectre), BBH (full demon), Eret (white eyes), Hannah (half thorns/plant based)
Glitchy players looking like nothing else, neither like mobs nor like other players. They have peculiar body shape, quite simple but disproportionate, either with uniform colors or abstacts/graphic patterns
Known players: Dream, EX (clonning accident)
Special players who have been constructed, mechanical objects, plants or rocks containing the essence of a player.
Known players: Mumbo (robot), Skeppy (gemstone)
Players unstable enough to change shape as they wish. Need to be contained from time to time to rest and keep their form.
Known players: Xisuma (animals only)
If you read everything, thank you so much ^^ I'll glady answer any ask about the species or if you want to know which player (or yourself) belongs to which species !
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kallie-den · 3 years
Strange Wedding
Farryn, Elven princess, prepares for her scandalous marriage to the human enchantress, Elisande. But why does her memory keep telling her things used to be very, very different? Wasn't she supposed to be a prince?
Who doesn’t love elves getting forcefemmed? ;)
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Princess Farryn Brightheart, heir to the throne of the Kingdom of the Highwood Elves, clapped her hands giddily at the sight of herself in the mirror, before sighing happily as her thoughts melted away into romantic daydreaming. It was an oddly girlish, frivolous gesture for the future queen, but she saw no reason to restrain herself. It was, after all, her wedding day, and she looked radiant. Her beautiful veil and long, flowing, white dress was everything every little girl dreamed of. Farryn smiled at the thought. She’d never been that kind of girl, of course. She’d taken more to hunting and swordsmanship than any of the more feminine pursuits a normal elf princess might have been interested in. How things had changed! Now, all of that seemed just a distant, rapidly fading memory. Farryn might have been something of a tomboy, once but that had all changed when she’d met Elisande.
Elisande’s arrival at the palace had caused quite a stir, in more ways than one. Many had come seeking Farryn’s hand in marriage, of course, but a human? That was virtually unheard of. Nobody would have guessed that Farryn, a proud, noble elf, would have chosen her - least of all herself. But from the very first meeting, she’d known. It was true love. Since then, her days had passed in a lovestruck haze. Things like hunting and politics no longer seemed so important to her. She found herself sleepwalking through each day, looking forward to nothing but her next night spent with her beloved. Strangely, she never seemed to remember much of their time together - but that didn’t matter. She knew it was simply blissful. Elisande made her so happy, in fact, that Farryn had become quite absent-minded. People told her that she’d changed. That she’d become forgetful, distant, and far, far more feminine. Farryn blew off their concerns with a laugh. Love changes people. It was sad that they didn’t understand that.
The one thing Farryn had needed to be truly firm on, though, was making sure none of them came between her and her bride. As much as it pained her to admit it, her fellow elves could be very arrogant, and terribly small-minded. To them, the idea of their crown princess marrying a mere human was a scandal. The rumors, the pointed comments, the disgusted looks - they were incessant. Some even whispered that Elisande had placed her under some kind of enchantment. Farryn had used the full weight of her royal authority to try and stamp out that kind of talk, but she’d discovered you could no sooner stop rumors than you could stop the wind or the rain. Fortunately, Elisande seemed to rise above it all with ease. Farryn’s bride was clever, willful and formidable. Nothing could stop her, and nothing could stop the two of them enjoying their wedding day.
With that happy thought fixed firmly in her mind, Farryn started idly looking over some of the lovely wedding gifts her courtiers and relatives had presented her with. It was then that she noticed something strange; something that had escaped her notice before. Amongst all the gifts was a small scroll, tucked away discreetly. Seized by a sudden curiosity, Farryn reached for it, and unfurled it in her hands. The words on the scroll were written in an oddly familiar hand, although not one Farryn could place.
‘This is a lie’, they said. ‘The human has you under her spell. Remember. Remember the truth.’
Farryn threw the scroll down in disgust. What a horrible trick to play on her on her wedding day. The elven princess crossed her arms petulantly. She refused to let some small-minded courtier ruin the best day of her life. But… what did they mean exactly? Remember? Remember what? She ought to ignore it, but recently, Farryn often felt like she was forgetting something. Minutes passed, and her sense of unease only grew. What was she forgetting? Was it something about Elisande? Farryn felt horrible for having any doubts at all about her beloved, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t quite shake them. Perhaps it was something Elisande had said to her. But what? Come to think of it, Farryn realized she could barely remember anything that Elisande had ever said to her. Wasn’t that strange? She was sure they’d had all kinds of long, intense, private conversations, but when she tried to remember then, all that came to mind was a vivid mental picture of Elisande’s deep, purple eyes. Everything else was absent.
Unsettled, Farryn tried to think back further. How had they met? She remembered Elisande arriving at the palace late one night, seeking an urgent audience. And then… what? They had fallen in love, obviously. But… why? How? What had Elisande needed to see her about so urgently? She couldn’t remember. Maybe that wasn’t surprising. It was… how long ago had it been exactly? Weeks? Months? That, too, was elusive. The radiant smile was fast fading from Farryn’s face, replaced by a look of concern. The more she tried to think back, the more black voids seemed to be opening up in the memories. How could she have forgotten so much? Suddenly, the message imploring her to remember seemed far less cruel, and far more urgent. When had they decided to get married? When had she set aside her armor and hunting garb for all the pretty skirts and dresses she now wore? What disturbed her most was that she couldn’t seem to remember deciding any of those things. They simply seemed to have happened. How had her own life slipped so far out of her own memory and control?
“Lost in thought, my love?” Farryn almost jumped out of her own skin at the voice. She wheeled, only to find herself face to face with her bride, Elisande. “You didn’t seem to hear me come in.”
Automatically, Farryn broke into a broad, warm smile at the sight of her love. Elisande was so beautiful, and having lived amongst elven nobility her entire life, Farryn found her human bride’s beauty strange and exotic. Hers was a far cry from the tall, willowy body of most elves. Elisande was much shorter, but she always seemed to take up more space in the room than any elf. She had the kind of voluptuous curves Farryn could only have dreamt of before, and she was utterly unashamed of showing them off. Her hair was a long, thick, black mane, and her preference for dark, sensual clothing made her stand out scandalously in a palace full of haughty, conservative elf nobles. Her wedding dress was a counterpart of Farryn’s but it was a deep, rich purple in color, it was far lower cut to accentuate Elisande’s incredible breasts - Farryn, by contrast, was almost completely flat-chested. Farryn had always loved her bride’s boldness and raw sensuality, but now, as she looked at her, the elf princess found herself feeling unsettled somehow.
“I… m-my love, you shouldn’t be here,” Farryn protested uncertainly. All of a sudden she was nauseous, as if she was on the verge of panic. Elisande’s presence had only made her uneasiness worse. Why couldn’t she remember anything? “I-it’s before the wedding.”
“Oh, I know,” Elisande waved a hand dismissively. “Your elf traditions, right? But I thought I’d better come take a look at you, to make sure you’re OK. Clearly, I made the right choice. What’s wrong, my love?”
“Oh… it’s… I don’t know.” Farryn had no idea how to put what she was feeling into words, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to. She had been seized with the need to escape. But why would she want to escape her wife-to-be? “I’m… I’m fine, please don’t worry.”
“Plainly, you’re not.” Elisande cocked her head and stared at Farryn intently. “What’s the matter? Tell me.”
Farryn turned away. She found herself looking once more at her own reflection in the full-length mirror in her chamber. It didn’t make her happy anymore. It just made her head throb. It seemed so wrong, all of a sudden. “By the gods, what am I wearing?” she murmured to herself.
Elisande heard her. “Oh? How interesting. Is it wearing off? Are you remembering?”
“R-remembering what?” Farryn asked slowly, even though she got the sense Elisande was really only talking to herself.
“Oh, come on!” Farryn turned back around, only to find that Elisande was now standing close to her. Too close. “You can do it, princess. I’m sure you can.” Elisande sounded cruel now, crueler than Farryn had ever known her to be. “Tell me what’s going through that pretty little head of yours. Don’t you love me?”
“Of course I do!” Farryn’s response was instant and automatic, despite her confusion. “I love you more than the moon and the stars! I adore you! You’re going to make me the happiest king in the-” Farryn frowned. Her head felt like it was about to split in two. “King? No, that’s… I meant queen. N-no, I didn’t. I… I…” Suddenly, it all snapped into place, and the truth hit Farryn with the force of a landslide. “ No! This is a lie! This is all wrong!”
“Ah, there it is,” Elisande said, with a wicked smile on her face. “Well done. It’s been a while, prince.”
Farryn remembered now. He wasn’t a princess - he was a prince. A man, not a girl. It seemed absurd to have forgotten something so fundamental, and yet he had. How? It must have been some kind of enchantment, but Farryn was far too preoccupied with the sheer impossibility of it to speculate about the specific method. He’d truly believed, with all his heart, that he was a girl. He’d forgotten his old life as a boy, except for a few errant traces. He hadn’t suspected a thing. And he’d lived like that for weeks, maybe longer.
“H-how?” he breathed in shock.
“How?” Elisadne seemed amused by the question. “You elves think you’re so much better than anyone else, but the truth is, sometimes you can be just as weak-willed as all the rest of us.”
“But… but…”
Once more, Farryn looked at his own reflection in the mirror, and was met with a churning mixture of complicated feelings. The sight of himself in a dress was shocking, and yet… he liked it. That must be part of what Elisadne had done to him, he quickly decided. And surely, there was no way that without her, he ever could have looked so pretty. He’d always had a feminine figure, even by the standards of elves, but to look at him now, no-one would ever have guessed he was anything but a princess.
Even more troubling was the way Elisande seemed to have twisted his mind. As a less-than-masculine-looking boy, Farryn had devoted himself to manliest pursuits he could find in order to prove himself, but now, all of those things felt faint and hollow. Dresses, makeup, pretty clothing - those were now the things that seemed vivid and exciting. And the thought of being Elisadne’s bride made him want to dance with joy. He remembered everything, yes, but now his heart was at war with his head.
“Why? Is that the next question?” Elisadne laughed wickedly at Farryn’s confusion. “That’s the obvious part. Power. I’ve always wanted a kingdom, you see. Oh, sure, you’ll be the queen, and I merely your consort - but I’ll have you wrapped so tightly around my little finger, it will hardly matter. I had to make you a girl, of course. I couldn’t stand it any other way.”
“You’ll never get away with it!” Farryn cried, aghast.
“Won’t I?” A sinister flint appeared in Elisande’s eye. “And how will you stop me?”
“I… I’ll call the guards!” Farryn answered, with confidence he didn’t really feel. “They obey me, not you. I’ll have them throw you in the cells!”
“No,” Elisande said, sharply. “You won’t.”
Farryn had just been mustering his voice to cry out for the guards, but his breath left his lungs in a silent gasp as if in obedience to Elisande’s words. He couldn’t scream.
“What?” Though he was far shorter than Elisadne, the feminized elf prince suddenly felt very small and powerless. “Why can’t I-”
“Because, Farryn,” Elisande interrupted, “you want to be a good girl, don’t you?”
Farryn moaned. A moment later, after he realized what he’d done, he froze - or at least he tried to. His body seemed to have other ideas. The noble, dignified elf prince found himself shivering, every inch of him suddenly ablaze with need. It was all he could do to stop himself falling to his knees. His mind threatened to go blank, and he had to fight to hold on to his thoughts.
“Yes, I thought so,” Elisande continued sadistically. “You want to be a good girl, don’t you, Farryn?”
“Y-y-y… hng!” With her second use of the phrase ‘good girl’, the effect was redoubled. Farryn had to reach out to a nearby piece of furniture to steady himself. “N-no! I’m not a g-girl!”
“Aren’t you?” Elisande giggled. “But my love, you make such a very pretty, pretty princess.”
“I’m not your love!” Farryn snapped.
Elisande just grinned. “Oh? Don’t you love me, my princess?”
Farryn relaxed. A gentle bliss swept through his mind, and a broad, absent grin settled on his effeminate face. “Oh yes, of course!” he said, in a sickly-sweet, high-pitched voice. “I love you so very much, my beloved! I worship the ground you walk on! You’re my treasure, my… my… w-what?”
“Thank you so much, darling.” Elisande’s words were just as insincere as the smile on her face.
“No… no!” Farryn shivered again, this time from fear. His mind wasn’t his own. He felt utterly powerless.
“Yes.” Elisande started advancing on Farryn. He retreated unsteadily, until his back was pressed up against the wall. Elisadne continued, though, until her body was mere inches from his. “You’re mine, princess. I just need to remind you of that.”
“N… N…” Farryn wanted to be defiant. But what could he say? The way Elisande had toyed with his mind so effortlessly had left his head spinning.
“Come on, my beloved.” Elisande’s voice was soft and gentle now, like she was offering him a way out. A way to set down his burdens. She looked up at him. “All you have to do is look into my eyes.”
“I-I won’t!” Complying with her felt as natural as breathing, but Farryn fought that urge as hard as he could. It was hard, when she was so close to him, but he forced himself to look anywhere but at her.
“Darling.” Elisande sighed. “Yes. You will.”
Elisande reached out and slowly ran a fingertip up Farryn’s torso. One fingertip. That was all. But it was enough to melt Farryn into a puddle. Her touch was warmth, magic, love, comfort - it was everything. Farryn felt as though she was caressing his very soul. He froze, shuddering, reduced to a mere puppet held taut on his strings. How could one touch feel as devastating as a lightning bolt?
“Oh?” Elisande mocked, her deep, rich voice sounding as arrogant as any elf’s. “Where’s that defiance now, princess?”
“I’m not a… I’m not- ah!”
Farryn moaned as Elisande idly drew her fingertip across his chest, lingering on each of his nipples. There, he was unbelievably, shockingly sensitive. The pleasure was mind-melting. Farryn was dismayed at how soft and pleasurable his chest felt, even as he fought not to giggle in delight at how feminine it was. The sweet, docile, princess persona Elisande had put into his head was still there, threatening to take back control at each and every moment. Maybe it was truly hopeless. Maybe she’d already won, already remolded him in her own image. Even his moans sounded like a girl’s.
“Shh,” Elisandes soothed. Her fingertip continued its journey up, up along Farryn’s neck to caress the side of his face. “Just… look.”
She applied only the slightest bit of pressure, but it was enough. Farryn was incapable of resistance. With a single fingertip, Elisande used her gentle touch to pose him like a helpless doll, until he was staring straight into her face. For a few moments more, he was able to hold out, keeping his eyes trained over her head onto the far wall, but it wasn’t long before his gaze was drawn inexorably to her huge, deep, purple eyes, and from the moment he looked into them, he was lost.
“Good girl,” Elisande murmured. This time, Farryn didn’t shiver. Her praise felt good, but he was too transfixed to move a single muscle. Her eyes held him. They were infinitely deep, so deep he couldn’t seem to focus on them properly. His eyes relaxed, exhausted from the attempt, becoming wide and dull as the rest of his body slumped. He had no energy with which to muster a retort.
“That’s better,” Elisande commented, smiling. “You see? You can’t fight me, Farryn.”
“Mmnn,” Farryn mumbled incoherently, his mouth hanging open in a twisted, lopsided grin. He knew what was happening to him, but he couldn’t fight it. He wished it felt unpleasant, but in truth, it felt wonderful. His head was in the clouds. His body was weightless. It was impossible to feel bad whenever everything seemed so light and effortless.
“Say it,” Elisadne prompted. “You can’t fight me.”
“I… can’t… fight… you.” Farryn didn’t mean to say it, exactly, but it would have been so, so exhausting to fight, and Elisande’s beautiful, enchanting eyes were draining all his strength.
“You can’t resist me.”
“I… can’t… resist… you.” As Farryn said it, it started to feel more and more true.
“You love me, and you’ll do everything I say.”
“I… love you!” The words burst out of Farryn in a girlish titter. It made him feel so happy to confess his love. His dopey smile broadened. “I’ll do… everything… everything you say.”
“Wonderful,” Elisande purred. She drew her fingertip under his chin. “You’re a very good, obedient girl.”
“I’m… I’m a good… obedient… um… mmnn.” Farryn’s brow furrowed as his bliss was pierced by anxiety. He couldn’t quite bring himself to say it. It wasn’t right.
“Oh… shush, my beloved.” At Elisande’s urging, Farryn fell silent. He smiled, grateful she wasn’t pushing him any further. “You poor thing,” she simpered. “So confused. You think you’re a boy, don’t you?”
Farryn nodded slowly as memories flitted through his mind. He remembered it all now - although not as clearly as he had done a couple of minutes before.
“I think so,” Elisande said condescendingly. “But, why don’t you just look down and tell me what you’re wearing, my pretty little thing.”
Farryn obeyed. “A dress.”
“A dress,” Elisande agreed. “And do boys wear dresses? Or do girls?”
Farryn’s voice faltered. “G-girls.”
“That’s right,” Elisande said brightly. “Girls. Girls wear dresses. You’re wearing a dress. That means you’re a girl, doesn’t it?”
“I… I…” Farryn whimpered. He didn’t want to think about it. Thinking was hard.
“Hmmm.” Elisande pursed her lips. “You really are confused.”
Elisande reached down and lifted the hem of Farryn’s wedding dress. Until that very moment, he hadn’t realized he was wearing nothing underneath but a pair of frilly panties.
“Hold this,” Elisande instructed, offering the hem of his dress to him. He held it obediently, allowing Elisande to pull down his panties. He should have been embarrassed at wearing such girly underwear, but he was too deeply entranced for that.
Once the human pulled down his panties, Farryn realized he was wearing something underneath them. Something hard and cold. It was a chastity cage. Despite the spell Elisande had him under, Farryn paled. Why was he wearing that? And how had he been so totally unaware of it? Why would Elisande force him to wear such a device? When was the last time he’d been unlocked from it?
“W-w-why?” was the closest the elf prince could come to articulating any of those questions.
“Because,” Elisande explained, as she produced a small key and busied herself unlocking Farryn’s cage. “It wouldn’t do to have a princess walking around with her cute little clit unlocked, would it?”
Farryn shook his head in instinctive agreement. Her words made little sense to him, but they felt right. Their truth had been ingrained into him.
“Besides,” Elisande continued. “It keeps you weak.”
“Weak to pleasure.” Elisande set the cage aside, and put her hand on Farryn’s cock. He moaned, far louder than before. In an instant, he was hard, and panting with need. He still couldn’t remember how long she’d kept him in chastity, but clearly, it had been a long time. He felt unbearably needy. “You’re weak to pleasure, aren’t you?”
“W-w-weak…” Farryn moaned. Fighting was now the furthest thing from the entranced prince’s mind. All independent thought had been obliterated by the feeling of Elisande’s soft hand, slowly stroking his cock. “W-weak to pleasure.”
“Weak to me.” Elisande rewarded his obedience by stroking him a little faster, a little harder, bringing his moans to a new peak.
“Weak… to… you,” Farryn moaned, eager for more.
“Yes, weak to me.” Elisande increased her pace a little more. Farryn could barely stay standing. He was already at the brink of orgasm. It had been so long since he’d had any relief. “Helpless to me.”
“H-helplesssss,” Farryn babbled, squirming. Elisande smirked.
“That’s right, my pretty little princess. You’re weak and helpless, and you’ll do anything I say.” Farryn nodded eagerly. Anything to please his beloved. “But you’re so, so confused, you poor thing. I know it’s so hard to accept what I’m telling you. That’s why I’m going to make it much, much easier. You like it when things are easy, don’t you, my love?”
Farryn nodded furiously. He felt like he was going crazy. The pleasure was incredible, the pressure to cum irresistible. And yet, he couldn’t. He was bucking his hips like a wanton slut, but Elisande seemed to know exactly how to touch him to keep him on the edge without letting him slip over.
“I want you to imagine something for me,” Elisande said. Farryn was hanging mindlessly on her every word. Her eyes kept him spellbound. “All those annoying, frustrating memories you’ve got buzzing around in that pretty little head of yours? All that pesky masculinity I’ve worked so hard to train out of you? All that silly free will you don’t need anymore? I want you to imagine all of that, building inside you. And, in a few moments, when I let you cum, I want you to imagine all of that just forcing its way out of you. Gone, forever. Understand?”
Farryn nodded, slowly this time. It was a lot to wrap his poor, mind control-addled, pleasure-fried head around.
“Visualize it,” Elisande urged. “Do it for me, my love.”
Farryn nodded and moaned once more. He was finding it easier and easier to imagine. With Elisande so skillfully stroking his cock, he was entirely under her thrall.
“You see? I’m making it so easy for you,” Elisande whispered seductively. “You don’t have to figure anything out. You don’t have to decide anything. I’m just going to make this happen to you. You can’t fight it. You can’t stop it. You’re weak for me. Helpless to me.”
“H-h-helpless,” Farryn whined. He was so close. He’d do anything. Whatever his bride wanted. He’d be anything and anyone she wanted him to be.
“Good,” Elisande purred, pressing herself into his body and setting him ablaze with fresh need. “Ready? Three… two… one… cum!”
At the very last moment, she increased her pace tenfold, jerking Farryn off as fast as she could. He came instantly. Long past the point of holding back, the helpless elf shuddered, his back arching as he let out a long, high-pitched, feminine shriek of perfect, mindless bliss. His cock throbbed as ropes and ropes of pent-up cum shot out of him, coating the stone floor and dripping down his leg. The feeling of finally being allowed to cum was wonderful, but even better was the pure emptiness that accompanied it.
It was just as Elisande had described. He could feel all of his memories, all of his masculinity, and all of his free will being ejected from his body. Memories slipped away - memories of hunting, of fighting, of the clothes he’d worn and the way he’d talked. Femininity rushed in to fill the void. New, false memories blossomed within him, of a new, girlish life. Farryn let it happen. He was weak. Helpless. And his free will was slipping away too. At first, it was disorienting, but more and more everything seemed to fit into place. Farryn was a girl. He’d always been a girl. He was a princess who’d grown up wanting nothing more than to be a pretty, feminine bride to her beloved. And now, she’d found her! Why would she want to think for herself, when she loved Elisande so much? Elisande was her bride. She could trust Elisande. Elisande loved her. Elisande would make all the decisions for her. It was so kind of her beautiful, human bride to decide everything for a helpless elf princess like her!
“So,” Elisande said, once Farryn finally stopped cumming. “How are you doing, my beloved?”
Princess Farryn giggled. “Oh, I’m doing just wonderfully, my love!” Once again, her voice was sickly-sweet and unmistakably feminine. “I think I was just a little bit confused there. I’m so grateful to you for setting me straight!”
“Of course,” Elisande laughed. “I’m just sorry for sending you that awful card in the first place! I just needed to test how your enchantment was holding up.”
“Card?” Farryn blinked. “What card?”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about that.” Farryn nodded, and stopped worrying. “You have more important things to attend to, my dear. Like the fact you’re not wearing your cage!”
“Oh!” Farryn blushed. How rude of her! “I’m so sorry, my love. Let me fix that at once.”
“Yes, you’d better,” Elisande smirked. “Quickly. We have a wedding to attend, my love. And after that… well, after that, I have big plans for your- for my kingdom.”
Many thanks to all of my supporters, but to these very kind patrons in particular:
Artemis, Chloe, Andromeda4800, Secret Subject, Acelin, Aspen Barnes, Kathryn, Olivia, Carrie, Lucy, Dex, orangesya, Red Money, spectria.limina, dmtph, Queenfisher, Jaina, Katie, Ember, Ember, Seph, MegatronTarantulas, WhyamIhere, Vanessa, Matt, J, BTYOR, Jeremy, Emily, William, darkbookmage, Flluffie, Scarlett, Silgon, The Flock, ourladyoflilacs, Jon, steb, Hypnogirl_Stephanie, nicholas, Rob, gabbermoth, Cel, Jade Mirror, Sam, Widecrusher, Alan_, mintyasleep, Noelle, Vanhel, Lavender, Michael, Emma, Weebhunter 452, Madness, Bubble Butt, Gilroy, GL, John, AtmaTheWanderer, John, Olives, Zachary, neapolitan_banks, Luna, Matt, Abigail, Hazel, Tasteful, Ji Heon, Darryl, Grace, Radi, SkinnyQP, Emma
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