Jia meeting Mothra for the first time is one of my favorite scene in the movie.
I can't wait!!!! 🤩🤩🤩
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skania · 2 years
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It’s midnight and I’m DEEP into my Scheris/Ryuho feelings. This episode will always, always gut me.
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arumnous · 17 days
"ɢᴏᴅᴅᴇꜱꜱ" ᴡᴀɴᴅᴀ x ꜰ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ!
TW: Idk, I'm not good with this type of shit ;-;
"Do you love me?"
That question dripped from her divine tongue like addicting honey, encasing your vulnerable little heart with everlasting warmth.
Because that's what she was, a divine being, sent from the... Gods above to bless this filthy land of yours with prosperity and protection.
And you. You were nothing but her obedient disciple, you and all those other peasants preached her power, muttering prayers to her name and many even desiring her love itself.
Your words struggled to find it's way of escape, your mind too invested in the way her teeth grazed in the crook of your neck.
How did you get here was never really a question you wanted to be answered, the only thing that you needed to know was... Why? Why you?
You felt her breath go up to your ear, her voice barely above a mice's squeek while she whispered. "Tell me your answer my love."
Was it because of the fact that you gave your all to her? Devoting, preaching and believing in each single syllable that leaves her lips.
Or was it because of those nights you've thought of her, it wasn't that bad the first time, it was just a thought of her pretty face flashing in your head.
But it got worse, your thoughts—well more like fantasies now, it grew slowly but surely to the point where you'd find yourself drunk of lust and neediness of her touch, only to be forced to settle on your own foreplay.
Her tone brought nothing but pleasure and shivers up your spine. You then responded, your face contorting to furrow your brows as to prevent those lewd sounds from slipping out of your throat.
"I love you dearest. You know that."
A gruff and scratchy chuckle rumbled from her, only making you cower even more in her touch.
"I do, why wouldn't I know such a thing. Am I right darling?"
And oh boy, did you enjoy the first night where she had her way with you on her throne. But that was a story for another time.
Did you question it? No. Were you confused and numb the next day? FUCKING HELL YES.
"Mhmm, you are. You always are." Although your words were like incoherent blabbering to anyone else who'll hear it, to this.. Goddess before you, it was just something to add coal in her already scorching desire to make you hers.
"Then... Will you agree, if—" She seemed to hesitate with her actions, softening her grip on your neck as she slightly parted away. She found her voice once again, albeit being lower than before, she still manages to mutter. "We were to ever be together forever?"
You felt confused, weren't the two of you already together?
Like the first drop of water in a drizzle, she sensed your confusion. "What I mean is... Will you agree? To be—.. Immortal, and to live together with me?— For the rest of eternity." Like the rushing of a river, her words were quick, almost a little too hard to understand, but you managed.
You cackled, your laugh echoing in her chambers walls as you threw your head back.
This ticked off something in her. You couldn't have been laughing at her! Right? You would never do that! You loved her too. That was what you said, and that was what rung in your mind whenever she was allowed by you to enter it.
You placed your forehead on hers, looking directly in her green pupils with pure love and adoration. "My dear, I would go through hell and back just to get the chance of being in your arms for the rest of time."
You fluttered your eyes to look down at her soft, plump and perfectly pink lips, biting your own in between your teeth as your mind started to wander into dark and... Odd thoughts.
A smile grew on her face, pecking yours swiftly before she giggled out. "You wouldn't have to do that"
Oh God all mighty. Did that giggle drive you crazy. "Hmm.. Why so?" Your fingers tangled themselves in her fiery red locks, pulling her in impossibly closer to you.
"Because I will be there with you." She parted away, kneeling and inhaling deeply while she looked down at you, her eyes filled with... Something you couldn't decipher.
"Wh—... Where are you going?" She can't just leave you here waiting so desperately for her intoxicating love! She started this! She needed to finish it.
"Oh I'm not going anywhere." She slid her hand to grasp your shoulder and the other to your wrist, pushing your body down gently on her reflective floor and planting a tender kiss on your palm.
You've always loved it when she did that, pestering your body all over as to show you not only her affection, but reassurance as well.
"Be ready my love, for your legs will most likely shake for the rest of the night"
The thick walls of her castle muffled the shivering of your voice, giving her nothing else but a sense of satisfaction as her fingers moved painfully slow inside your bundle of sensitive nerves.
Your brows were furrowed, eyes closed while your lips felt dry with each heavy breath you took in, you weren't sure what time it was, all that you knew was how intoxicating the torturous yet pleasurable sensation of your release being deprived from you was, as if you were nothing but a puppy anticipating the reward from your masters hand.
Her movements went even slower, making you whine as you reached your hand out to hers. "Are you close, darling?" Was what she asked, parting your legs a little more wider to drill her eyes on your wonderful arousal, and admiring the wet and sweet substance dripping from it.
"Answer me, you know what happens when you don't tell your Goddess what you want... Right?" Her tone made you clench your hole, and arch your bare back, your front making contact with her clothes as she hummed at your actions.
A gasp broke through your lungs, whilst you jolted up, feeling that very same spot that made you quiver, being assaulted oh-so gently while she nibbled on your pink buds.
"I am! I am!" You spat a flurry of profanities, whimpering in ecstasy as you felt the knot about to break.
"Wanda, please."
Hearing her name be said by you with no sense of any emotions other than desperation, set her off— hearing her name, with no proper honorifics at all was something new.
You did nothing but grip her arms, your release tiring and exhausting as ever while she flicked her eyes at your form, switching from one detail to another.
This meant you were hers now, right?
Oh no.
She dipped her head in between your thighs, you—still trying to catch your breath paid her no mind at all, but once that slippery muscle burrowed into you like how a worm burrows under the ground for shelter, it made you freeze.
Oh fucking hell no.
"Don't think we're done [Name] That was merely nothing but a warm up, we still have a few hours to waste."
Oh you pretty little girl
You have no idea what you got yourself into... Do you?
Hi, hello. I'm not really sure what I want to do with this, like, do you guys want a series? Or only like, oneshots? Or both? Like i said, i have no fucking clue. So please help.... Please?
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willalove75 · 11 months
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 10 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu brings you in as one of her maids, at least, that's what you thought she brought you to the castle for.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: flirty, fluff, slow burn, smut, angst.
Notes: Part 10! This one is a tad longgg but it's cute and fluffy so enjoy! Also: Should the notes be in cursive font? I felt like it took away from the content of the notes but let me know what you all think!
Click here for the rest of the series
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Over the course of the next few weeks, a sense of peace was restored to castle Dimitrescu once again. Things between you and Alcina still weren't back to where they were before everything happened, but you've been happy with the progress the two of you have made. Alcina has respected your boundaries; taking things slow and giving you the time and space you need to regain your trust in her.
You still haven't had dinner with them, but you've been having lunch with them almost every day and breakfast a few days a week. On the mornings you decide to have breakfast in your chambers, Alcina personally delivers you your tray while you sleep. Around the third or fourth time she brought you your meal, you found a little handwritten note left on the tray.
The very first one you found made your heart swell a little. In her beautifully perfect cursive, she wrote:
I am still uncertain if I am worthy of your forgiveness, or worthy of a second chance, however I am forever grateful that you think otherwise. I will spend the rest of my eternal life proving my loyalty and devotion to you if I must. I give you my word, I will do everything in my power to make the changes needed to regain your trust. Thank you, for gifting me this second chance, for allowing me the opportunity to fix this mess I've created and to attempt to heal the wounds I've caused you. I will be indebted to your altruism until the end of time. Forever yours, Alcina
After reading the note you held it close to your chest, it was the most hope you've had about things changing for the better since you both agreed to try and reconcile.
Ever since then, a note was left on your tray each time Alcina delivered your breakfast. In some letters, she expressed her regret and how she resents herself for what she had done.
. . . I fear that no matter what I do, I will never earn your forgiveness. I am finding it near impossible to forgive myself for the pain I've caused you. I know for certain if I were in your shoes I would resent the person who hurt me so deeply for the rest of my life. I promise to never stop trying, in hopes that one day I will be truly worthy of your forgiveness. . . .
In others she talked about the hope she has that things will one day return back to where they were.
. . . In times of desperation I look to your eyes, when I feel that all hope is lost I find it within you. The hope has once again breathed new life into me and the spark is reignited in my soul. The fickle ember in my heart burns solely for you and if I must reach out for it every day with my bare hands to keep it alive, I will gladly accept the burns. . . .
In total you have nearly a dozen of them, keeping them in the drawer of your bedside table. Although the two of you haven't talked for as long as you did that night, knowing that Alcina takes the time every morning to confess her deepest thoughts and feelings, pouring her soul into each letter touches you. As if it's her way of apologizing every morning without bombarding or overwhelming you. She's able to express herself while still being able to give you the space and time you asked for. There are some mornings where you want to have breakfast with them, but decide against it just so you can get another note. On mornings when you wake up and feel the sadness or numbness lingering in your chest, the feelings subside after reading what she's poured out onto the page. They bring you a sense of comfort, making you feel seen and loved.
Early one morning you're in a deep sleep, you didn't even hear the door open or the clinking sounds from the tray as Alcina places it on your bedside table. You barely register the feeling of the mattress sink when Alcina gently sits on the edge of the bed.
"Y/n." Alcina says softly. She smiles as she watches you sleep, gently sweeping the hairs away from your face.
You finally begin to wake up when you feel a large hand rubbing small circles across your back.
"Hmm?" You mumble, still mostly asleep.
"Come on, it's time to wake up."
Waking up, you roll over towards her and prop yourself up on your elbow.
"What time is it?"
"It's still early," Alcina says, gently brushing away the hair that had fallen onto your face. "but I have a surprise for you this morning."
"You do?" You squint at her as you adjust to the morning light, sitting up in bed you rub the sleep from your eyes. "What is it?"
Alcina chuckles.
"If I told you it wouldn't be much of a surprise now, would it?"
"Oh, right."
"I brought you breakfast. I was hoping I would be able to join you this morning, if you don't mind." She says, almost meekly, grabbing the tray and placing it on your bed between the two of you. Looking up at her, she's exuding a shyness you haven't seen before.
"I would love that." A smile crosses her face when she hears your response. You look down at the tray to see if there was a note, mostly out of habit and a look of disappointment must have flashed across your face for a moment.
"Is something wrong?" Alcina asks, her eyes worriedly scanning the tray.
Looking back up at her, you see the worry on her face.
"Oh, no. Sorry, I was just looking to see if there was a note, force of habit at this point."
Alcina visibly relaxes.
"Oh," The look on her face goes from relief to touched. "have you been reading them?"
"Yeah, every time you leave one. I really enjoy them." You say, looking away as a small blush crept across your cheeks.
"You do?"
"Yeah, of course."
Leaning over the side of your bed, you open up the drawer of the nightstand and pull out the small pile of letters.
"I keep every single one."
Alcina's eyes gloss over when she watches you open up the drawer and pull out every letter she's written you since she started leaving you notes in the morning. Carefully taking the stack from your hands, she looks down in disbelief.
"I can't believe you kept them all."
"Of course I did, what did you think I was doing with them?"
Looking away, a little ashamed, Alcina replies "I honestly thought you were throwing them away."
"I would never throw these away, they mean a lot to me Alcina."
"They do?" She asks as her golden eyes widen.
"Yeah, of course. Truthfully, now I look forward to each morning when you bring in my tray because I know there's going to be a note from you on it."
Alcina gently tucks a piece of hair behind your ear and rests her hand on your cheek for a moment. Neither of you have said "I love you" since that night, but you can see it in her eyes. Her hand leaves your cheek and you take the letters back from her, putting them back in the drawer and closing it.
"This smells amazing." You say, looking down at the tray of food.
"Go ahead, eat. I'm sure you're hungry."
The two of you enjoy a quiet meal together. This is probably the first time you've ever had a meal by yourselves, but you enjoyed it. As you ate you both lightly chatted, making each other laugh every so often. It was nice being able to enjoy each others company in private for a short while. You could feel the foundation of your new relationship solidifying as you ate breakfast together, and it felt good.
After you finished eating, Alcina placed the tray back on the nightstand.
"So when do I get this surprise?" You ask.
"Very soon, go and get yourself ready and come get me when you're done. I'll be in my chambers. Okay?"
"Okay. Anything in particular I have to wear or something?"
"No, dress as you wish. But we will be outside for a bit and it's supposed to be a beautiful day out." She says with a smile.
Alcina stands and grabs the tray and head towards the door. She opens it and turns back and gives you one last smile before ducking out and closing the door behind her. After she leaves you throw the covers off of you and hop in the shower.
Down the hall, Alcina sees a maid and gives her the tray to bring back down to the kitchen. She makes her way down the stairs and finds the girls in one of the sitting rooms.
"Is everything all set girls?"
"Yes mother!" Bela says.
"She's gonna freak out." Cassandra says.
"Oh I can't wait to see her face!" Daniela all but yells.
"Very well, thank you daughters. I'll be in my chambers, please see that everything is ready to go when we come back down."
"Yes mother!" The three girls say in unison.
Alcina heads back to her chambers and sits at her vanity, touching up her makeup and hair. After a little bit she hears a small knock on her door and takes a deep breath in and out before getting up and opening the door.
When she opens the door she's taken back when she sees you in the sundress she had bought you.
"Is this okay?" You ask, looking down at the dress.
"Yes," she breathes. "it's perfect." Her eyes meet yours and you get lost in her bright golden orbs for a few moments before you both snap out of it.
Alcina calls for the girls and Bela appears next to you.
"Is everything ready?" Alcina asks.
"Yes mother! Everything is ready for the both of you."
"Thank you my dear, we'll be down shortly."
Bela swarms off and she turns towards you.
"Are you ready for your surprise?"
"I think so!" You say with a smile.
You genuinely have no idea what she planned, you hope it's not an expensive gift or something extravagant, but you're still excited to see what it is.
Alcina leads you downstairs and towards the courtyard. Before she opens the doors she looks down at you with a big smile on her face, she looks excited and it makes your heart flutter.
"I know there's one thing that you've wanted since the day you came here, and I wanted to personally make sure it happened."
Alcina opens the doors and it takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the light. When they finally adjust, you see the kids, all five of them, running around the courtyard with Daniela, Bela and Cassandra.
Freezing in place, you can't believe they're here, in the courtyard, playing and running around like they always do. Tears begin to fill your eyes and Alcina places her hand on your back, gently pushing you forward.
The fears that you had of never seeing them again vanish into thin air. As much as you didn't want to admit to it, there was a small part of you that was worried Alcina was lying about letting you see the kids again just to give you some piece of mind. Fearful that she never had any intentions of letting it happen. But here they are, right in front of you, and Alcina was the one who organized it and planned a surprise visit.
"Y/n!!!" You hear Ana yell.
All of the kids stop and look at you, in an instant they're running into your arms. Kneeling down on the ground, you do your best to wrap your arms around all of them as the tears fall from your eyes. Your heart feels so full it's about to burst.
"Oh, I missed you guys so much." You say softly, burying your face into them.
Daniela, Bela and even Cassandra look on with huge smiles on their faces. Alcina looks down at you, her heart swells from seeing you so happy. She hopes that this surprise conveys how much she cares for you.
One by one you give each child a hug and a kiss on their head. The boys quickly go back to the game they were playing as you finish saying hi to the rest of the kids.
You hug and kiss Crina, the second oldest of the three girls. After her you hug and kiss Ana, the oldest.
"How are you doing love?" You ask as you hold her in your arms.
"I'm okay."
"Yeah? Are they listening to you at all?"
"Barely." She says, rolling her eyes.
"Oh boy, I'm gonna have to have a talk with them then." You say with a laugh.
"Are you okay?" She asks, looking up at you with concern on her face.
"I am."
"You promise?"
"I promise kiddo, they've been really good to me here."
"Good." You give her one more hug and turn to the last of the kids, Elena.
You bend down again and outstretch your arms towards her and she jumps into your embrace, almost knocking you over.
"Woah," you say, balancing yourself. "hi my little angel."
Elena doesn't respond, instead you feel her starting to cry. You stand up with her in your arms and hold the back of her head.
"Oh, it's okay honey, it's okay. I'm here."
"I missed you so much." She cries into you. Just when you thought you were done crying, tears begin to fall again.
"I missed you so much too baby."
"When are you coming home?"
"Oh honey, I'm not sure. But I promise we're going to keep seeing each other, okay?"
She nods into you and you rub circles on her back, soothing her.
"Do you like it here more than at home? Is that why you won't come back?"
You feel your heart break a little, hating that Elena thinks you're staying away because you like being here more than you like being with them.
"No, not at all El. There's a lot of complicated reasons why I can't come home, but it's not because I like it here more, okay?"
"You promise?"
"I promise sweetie, but I want you to know, I think about you every single day."
"You do?" She asks, pulling back to look at you with tear stained cheeks.
You wipe away her tears and cup her little face.
"Yes, every morning when I wake up I think of each one of you, and I do the same thing every night before I go to sleep."
"I think of you every day too y/n."
You kiss her on the forehead and hold her tight and she squeezes you back. Looking up, you see Alcina sitting on one of the large benches across the courtyard, watching you with Elena with a soft smile on her face.
Only having seen you interact with the children once, and just for a very brief period of time, Alcina studies you with the girl in your arms. The very same girl being the reason the two of you even met in the first place. If she didn't stay back in the road and almost get trampled by the carriage, you never would have had to run in front of it and knock her out of the way. The carriage never would have halted and Alcina and the girls would have gone back to the castle and their lives would have continued on without ever having met you.
Although Alcina would never harm a child, she's grateful that little girl put herself in harms way that day. Because if she hadn't, the two of you never would have met and the empty space in Alcina's heart, the one she either didn't know was there or blatantly ignored for so long, would still be residing in her chest.
As she watches, she notices how naturally caring for these kids comes to you. Sure, it could be from years of practice, but something in your eyes, something in the way that you look at that little girl in your arms, says otherwise.
"You would make such a wonderful mother, draga mea." Alcina thinks to herself.
Your aunt walks up to the two of you and you smile at her.
"Hello y/n."
"How have you been? Have you been," she pauses for a moment and her eyes shift from Alcina back to you and lowers her voice. "treated well?"
You watch as Alcina's smile fades into a scowl when she hears your aunt, thanks to her supersonic hearing, and you have to hold back your chuckle.
"Yes, I have. I promise. They've treated me exceptionally well." You decide it's best not to mention the events that have occurred over the last couple of months.
"Well I'm glad to hear that. Are you one of her maids?"
"I was, but I don't do many of the maids chores anymore."
"Why is that?"
"I, uh, bonded really well with the girls-"
"The girls?"
"Yeah, the Lady's three daughters." You say, nodding to the three girls as they play with the kids.
"Oh right, they're, peculiar."
"They're good kids. But I got close to them, to all of them, including the Lady, really quickly. Within just a few weeks I was promoted to being her handmaid. Although I haven't been here long, they accepted me right away; they really made me feel like I'm part of their family." You look over at Alcina and you can tell even from this distance that her eyes glossed over a little as she listens.
"Family?" You aunt scoffs. Alcina's softened look hardens and her eyes narrow at her.
"Yes, their family. They have a mother and three daughters, they're a family."
"How can they be a family when they're mon-"
"Don't." You say, cutting her off. Alcina's body tenses with anger as she focuses on the two of you. "Do not say that. You don't know them." Anger begins to bubble inside of you, an instinct to want to protect them, to protect your family, begins to kick in.
"Surely you must know first hand of the horrors that-"
"I don't expect you to understand. But I will not let you talk about them like that. You don't know anything about them," You go to speak again but stop when you see a tall shadow loom over the both of you.
Alcina walks over, she has a smile on her face, she looks happy but you know her better than that.
"I do hope you're enjoying yourself and that you are finding Castle Dimitrescu to be a suitable home for your wonderful niece." She says, gently stroking your cheek. Alcina has a smile on her face, but you see a hint of murderous rage in her eyes begin to develop as she looks at your aunt.
A little frazzled and scared your aunt stutters for a moment.
"Oh, uh, yes, of course. It is incredibly beautiful here, t-thank you for opening your, h-home to us, and to her."
Staring down at your aunt, Alcina doesn't have to do much to intimidate or scare her. Her presence alone can be quite frightening. She begins to tremble lightly and you decide to change the subject.
"Is uncle here?" You ask your aunt.
"My apologies draga mea, but a longstanding rule in Castle Dimitrescu is that no men are permitted to enter the premise. So that, manthing, was unable to attend."
You feel your heart skip a beat when she calls you "draga mea" and your aunt gives you a bit of a look despite her frazzled state. You know she said it mostly for appearances, but you didn't realize how much you missed hearing Alcina calling you by your pet names.
You're pulled out of your thoughts when Elena tugs on the shoulder of your dress to get your attention.
"What's up love?"
She cups her hands around you ear and whispers to you.
"She's very tall."
Unable to contain it, you let out a laugh and nod your head at the girl.
"Yes, yes she is." Looking up at Alcina, she has a smile on her face. Any trace of the murderous rage in her eyes is now gone.
Cupping her hand around your ear, she whispers to you again.
"Are you scared of her? I'm scared of her."
The amusement in Alcina's eyes disappears, fading into a look of sadness that she quickly masks. You feel your heart sink in your chest when you see her reaction to Elena's question.
"No, I'm not scared of her at all. I actually like her quite a lot. I know she's very tall, but she's not scary. Remember when we talked about how some people are different from others, but just because they look different, doesn't mean that they are different from you or I on the inside?" Elena nods her head. "This is a perfect example of that! See the Lady is very, very tall, so tall she has to bend down through doorways to get into rooms." Elena giggles and Alcina shoots you a playfully annoyed look. "But, besides that, she's not much different from you or I."
Elena whispers into your ear again.
"People in the village say she's really mean."
"You should never let someone else's opinion of a person influence your opinion of them. There were a lot of people in the village that said mean things about me, do you think any of them were true?"
Elena shakes her head "no."
"Exactly. So why don't I introduce you to her, so you can find out for yourself if she's as mean as the villagers say. How does that sound?"
Elena shakes her head "yes" and you turn her towards Alcina.
"Elena, I want you to meet my friend, Lady Dimitrescu. Lady Dimitrescu, meet my youngest cousin, Elena."
Alcina bends down so she's eye-level with the girl and gently holds out her hand.
"It is lovely to meet you Elena. Please, call me Alcina."
Elena looks at you, unsure of whether or not she should be afraid.
"It's okay." You say.
"There's no need to be afraid little one, I don't bite." Alcina says with a smile. You eyeballs almost pop out of your head when you hear her. Alcina's eyes meet yours, you see a mischievous yet playful look in them before looking back at Elena. Looking over at your aunt, she's lost all of the color in her face, she looks like a ghost.
Elena, who's none the wiser, puts her tiny hand into Alcina's. It's comical at how small it looks compared to hers. Alcina gently closes her fist around the girl and shakes her hand.
"Now say 'it's nice to meet you too, Alcina.'" You say, encouraging her.
"It's nice to meet you too, Alcina."
Elena looks at Alcina with wonder in her eyes after she lets go of her hand. With her fears slowly melting away, Elena observes the woman in front of her with curiosity.
"Elena! Y/n! Come play with us!" Crina yells from across the courtyard.
Elena begins to wiggle in your arms, you let her down and she runs over towards the rest of the kids. Alcina returns to her seat and your aunt sits on the other side of the courtyard, trying to put as much distance between the two of them as possible.
You join the kids as they play with the Dimitrescu girls. For the next few hours, all of you are running around, playing tag and other games. The entire time, Alcina and your aunt watch on.
It's been so long since you've had this much fun. Of course spending time with the Dimitrescu women was entertaining, but you missed running around and playing with the kids like this.
During a game of tag you're it, you go after Daniela and right before you tag her, she bursts into a swarm of flies and ends up behind you.
"No fair!" You laugh.
The kids, and your aunt, give questioning looks and the two of you brush it off as a fun magic trick to evade any more questions. The kids immediately buy it, although Ana might not have been totally convinced. Your aunt however, was not convinced at all.
Running up behind one of the boys as he runs away, you grab him around his waist and lift him into the air, spinning him around.
"Got you!" He cackles as you spin him, the laughter is like music to your ears.
Cassandra eventually gets bored and sits next to Alcina. Your aunt watches the two of them carefully. Alcina looks down at Cassandra as they talk, she brushes some of Cassandra's hair out of her face and looks lovingly at her daughter. Out of the corner of her eye, Alcina catches your aunt watching them. Glaring at your aunt, she wraps an arm around Cassandra and pulls her in close, as if she's protecting her and turns her attention back to her daughter.
Quickly looking away, your aunt is unsure of what to make of the interaction between the two. On one hand, she knows the rumors and the few first-hand accounts she's heard about how ruthless and horrific the four women could be. But on the other, the Lady of the castle just seems like a mother, caring for her daughters and, for whatever reason, her niece. She's still unsure of how such monsters can have a "family" but she begins to think about what you said to Elena earlier.
Zina walks out into the courtyard and announces that lunch is ready. You all head into the dining room, Alcina pulls out the chair next to hers and offers it to you and you gladly sit. Once all of the kids are seated, the maids begin assisting the children with making their plates and Bela, Cassandra and Daniela head into the kitchen.
"I expect you three to come out looking as clean as you do in this moment. Understand?" Alcina says to the girls.
"Yes mother." Bela says.
"Yeah, Dani." Cassandra says.
"Shut up Cass!" Daniela yells at her sister.
Alcina lets out a low growl and the three girls fall silent and head into the kitchen.
"Are your daughters not joining us?" Your aunt asks.
"No, they will not be. They will be taking their lunches in the kitchen. The girls have a, peculiar, appetite so it's best that they eat away from the children." She replies with a haunting smile.
Petrified once more, your aunt quietly eats her lunch as Alcina sips on her wine, pleased with herself.
After lunch is finished, Bela, Cassandra and Daniela enter back into the dining room, much to both yours and Alcina's surprise, clean. Daniela gives you all a brief tour of the castle, the kids are fascinated when they get to see your room, given it's nearly the size of the living room at their house. The tour comes to its conclusion at the library, of course, since it is Daniela's favorite room.
All of the kids pick out a small book, one of the boys picking up "Poems of Sappho" which you quickly take out of his hand as he pouts.
"Sorry bud, this isn't a book for kids."
Alcina walks over and plucks the book from your hand.
"I'll take this one." She says with a smirk, her voice smooth as velvet, and takes a seat on the couch near the fireplace. You sit next to her and Elena crawls into your lap while the rest of the kids sit around you while you read to them.
After a little while you notice that Alcina had stopped reading the book in her hand. With one long leg crossed over the other, she fiddles with the loose string on the armrest cover, listening to you read to the kids.
By the time you finished reading each book a few hours had passed, dinnertime is now right around the corner. Alcina goes to stand but looks down to find Elena's head resting on her leg, the rest of her body curled up in your lap, fast asleep. Looking over at Alcina, you notice she's looking down at something and you follow her eyeline to find Elena. You both look up at each other with smiles pulled across your faces.
Gently lifting Elena up, you pass her off to Daniela as your aunt begins to wrangle the kids, getting them ready to leave.
"I'll be out in a minute." You say to Bela as she leads everyone out towards the main hall.
The library door closes, leaving you and Alcina alone. She stays seated when you stand and you turn towards her, the both of you practically at eye-level. You wrap your arms around her neck and hug her, your action taking her by surprise a bit. She hesitates for a moment, but decides to wrap her arms around you, holding you tight.
Tears begin to well up in your eyes when you think about how much her surprise meant to you. You were so genuinely afraid that you would never see the kids again, that they would grow up thinking you abandoned them without a second thought and didn't care about them. Alcina knew your fears, and she promised that you would see them again, and she followed through with that promise. Her keeping it a surprise for you made it all the better.
When you were racking your brain trying to think of what the surprise could be, seeing the kids never once occurred to you. It was the best surprise of your life, and you are so grateful for her for doing it.
"I hope you liked your surprise." She says.
"I loved it." You say softly as a few tears escape. "Thank you."
Pulling away a bit, you look into Alcina's eyes and see hope, and love. She gently wipes away your tears, cupping your face with her hand.
"I can't tell you how much this means to me Alcina, really."
"I know this doesn't make up for everything, but I hope you know, I am trying."
"I know."
"I will do anything and everything to regain your trust."
"I know, and you are. This today, this meant everything to me. You heard my fears, you listened to the one thing I wanted more than anything and you made it happen without me having to ask you to. It doesn't make up for everything, but, this, the letters, it's exactly what I meant when I said I wanted you to put in effort to make things better. And you've been doing it, and it means so much to me. It really does."
As you look into each other's tear-filled eyes, you feel butterflies for the first time in a long time. Your eyes wander from hers, down to her lips and back up. A nervousness you're not accustomed to floods your body, like a teenager about to have their first kiss.
Your first kiss with Alcina was rough, passionate, on the heels of her teasing you for weeks. It led straight into your first of many long, glorious, nights of intense passion.
Right here, right now, the sexual tension is nonexistent. The only thing drawing her to you in this moment is your love for each other.
You watch as her eyes shift down to your lips and back up, you can tell she wants to make the move, but is hesitating, not wanting to overstep or make you uncomfortable.
Gazing into her eyes once more, you can feel them screaming "I love you" at you. Truthfully, you feel like your eyes are doing the same. With your heart feeling like it's about to burst, you tuck a strand of hair behind Alcina's ear and cup her face. Slowly, you begin to move in, you feel your heart beating out of your chest, you think you can feel hers pounding as well.
You both close your eyes as your lips gently meet. A jolt of electricity is sent through your body, as if you've finally been woken up after months of being asleep. Her soft, cool lips feel like home to you, a place you haven't been to in so long. A lump begins to form in your throat as you slowly kiss, you love her, so much. And you've missed her more than you ever could have imagined.
When your lips part you wrap your arms around her and hold her tight again as tears fall. Alcina holds you tight and buries her face into your neck.
"I love you, draga mea." She says softly.
"I love you too Alcina."
The two of you were so enthralled with one another, neither of you noticed your aunt had come back into the library, witnessing most of your tender moment together. Quickly, she slips out before either of you notice.
Pulling back a little bit, Alcina brings her hand to your face once more, studying you as if she's looking at a work of art. You gently nuzzle into her hand and close your eyes, letting yourself relax into her touch. It's almost a relief knowing that you'll have her back soon enough. Although you know the road the two of you have ahead is a rocky one, deep down you know that if you both keep putting in the effort you have been, the two of you can overcome anything together.
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hobicakess · 1 month
I’m just dropping a little something that’s been brewing for a while and I have like 4 series that I haven't posted
cw: allusions to past SA, period typical themes, there might be some switches from 3rd to 2nd person ill fix it later.
Just vampire hyung line and their immortal wife. Throughout the years she met them all one by one and she married them all legally throughout the years. Today we’re going to read about her, Seokjin, and Yoongi's story.
First she was married to Jin although she met Yoongi decades before. Though their relationship was still very rocky. Her and Seokjins marriage was strictly arranged by the Supernatural council. Seokjin being an original vampire and her being an original immortal (meaning she was “blessed” directly by the gods to walk the earth eternally) the marriage was for the sake of reproduction.
At first Jin was furious about the arrangement. He was an original vampire. He'd been living way before the council was organized and now they were demanding him. Kim Seokjin. The handsomest, wealthiest, one of the eldest vampires to live to marry a silly human who'd been cheated out of death and they want him to taint his very old and pure bloodline. He was extremely offended at the notion.
But all his protest went out the window when he saw her.
If you couldn’t already tell, Seokjin back then was extremely arrogant, cocky, and selfish. He saw her as a Status booster (as if his status wasn’t already high) having her by his side, this beautiful immortal woman to procreate with— this would make everyone even more envious for eternity so he sucked it up and agreed. He of course would have other lovers just like she already did
Yoongi. Former Emperor Min Yoongi wasn’t her lover at this time, he just so happened to be bonded to her. That bond was only because of the bracelet he wore around his wrist, she tricked him into putting it on only for his safety, Yoongi was devoted to her because of it, and regardless he loved her dearly. He had no choice but to follow her wherever she went and now she’s forcing him to watch her marry.
When she met with the council Yoongi thought she’d disagree but she didn't, which made him beyond furious.
When the meeting ended Seokjin walked to him “Looking forward to sharing, Vampling.” Patting his shoulder, Yoongi's fangs bared as he went to attack the older vampire but she called his name and he had no choice but to follow her like a kicked puppy.
When the two of them were alone, Yoongi slammed her against the wall, his hand breaking through it. “You are mad! You’re really going to marry that entitled pig?” He hissed venom dripping from his fangs. He didn’t know if it was him being an emotional vampling or his love for her making him feel this way. He’s never felt like this before. He used to cut heads off with a blink of an eye, and now he’s crying because he should be the one marrying her. “You would let me sit back and suffer while some random man marries and fucks you like a common whore.''
As you can tell back then Yoongi couldn’t control any of his new found emotions, being that he’d never felt any before he grew up as a king, a boss. emotions were for common folk now here he is.
“Yoongi, I understand you’re upset but don’t you dare call me names. I am simply doing-“ he cut her off, finding another part of the wall to punch, closer to the side of her face this time.
“I’ve watched you burn down villages, I’ve seen you make men tear their own skin from their bone, You’re far more powerful than-“
“Shut your mouth. They mustn’t know of the powers I have possessed. They’ll lock me up for eternity just as they’ve done the warlocks and witches.” Her hands raised to touch his still warm cheeks, she’ll forever miss his warmth when he hits his chilling point.
“ I am doing this for the sake of us, everything I have done these years has been for us.”
Her and Seokjin's wedding was beyond big, almost every supernatural species being invited. It was like Seokjin to go all out like this. While she was being prepped for the ceremony she was saddened, Yoongi had left for weeks and she didn’t know if or when he’d come back, but the wedding still happened without Yoongi and you had no living family so she was alone stuck with Seokjin and his asshole friends and family.
Yoongi scoffed, “If you genuinely want to do something for me release me of these awful feelings.” moving her hands from his face
“If you truly do not wish to be bound to me any longer I will remove your Geumganggo” she reach to unlock the golden bracelet and before she could remove it Yoongi was gone in a flash.
When she met Seokjin father she immediately felt a deep sense of hatred for him and then she felt bad for SeokJin. The reason he acted the way he did was because of the way he grew up and who he grew up with. “Well I Wouldn’t have wanted my son married to an immortal but you currently have the hips to make his children.”
Seokjin's father's eyes drifted to her hips that were outlined in the tight red wedding dress.“Thank you sir.” she bowed with gritted teeth.
“We are family, please call me father.” He grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips when it was snatched away by Seokjin.
“My wife must be really tired, she is still a human after all and we can’t have her too tired out already” his joke made the whole crowd laugh embarrassing her further, he scooped her up bridal style effortlessly.
“Goodnight.” and he zoomed away bringing the two of them into their bed chambers.
She was on the bed, pressed underneath Jin’s wide body. “Hello wife.” He smirked, pushing a coil of her hair back.
“Are you planning to pretend we are actually a happily married couple?” She stared up at him frowning.
“It speeds up the breeding process.” scoffing, pushing him off, stomping on the dresser, taking all her jewelry in angry huffs. He stood behind watching her in the vanity mirror “ You looked beautiful today, and that says a lot coming from me.” turning to look at her ‘husband’ scoffing again.
“Are you immune to not being a.. nuisance?”
“You are upset your vampling lover did not show.” it wasn’t a question it was a statement and it pissed her off more.“Vamplings are emotional creatures especially when it comes to their sires.”
“I am not a vampire, how can I be his sire?” Looking at him through the mirror. “Well I am going to assume you were with him when he first awoke?”
She was with him. Through the aching process of change. Holding cold towels on his forehead while the venom and humanity fought against each other, she was there when he awoke with the hunger of only fresh blood.
Seokjin clicked his tongue, "I guess the human stupidity still stays in Immortals" her frown becomes deeper as she removes the caked up makeup on her face with even more force than before. "Are you planning to frown all night? It is our wedding night."
She sighs, standing and unzipping her dress so it falls to her feet going to lay back on the sheets.
"What is this?" He asked confused, eyebrows raised as he stared down at her missionary position. "I am speeding up the breeding process."
"I cannot do it like.." he waved his hand over you
"Oh? would you prefer me on my stomach?" She moved herself into a face down position causing the vampire to sputter and the remaining blood he consumed during the wedding rushed to his ears as he pulled at his tie removing it.
"I cannot have you in anyway if you aren't willing." She turned back to him sitting with confusion evident all over her face. Seokjin couldn't believe it. "I was in position?"
"Position doesn't mean willingness, darling" he sighed, grabbing a sleeping gown from the dresser and handing it to her. She stares at him hard, eyes wide and the most vulnerable Seokjin has seen since meeting the immortal. “I admit that I haven't been the kindest since meeting you.”
He swallows hard, kneeling in front of her, helping her step into the frilly gown pulling it over her bare shoulders, skillfully tying the strings in the back of it. “But. I am not that kind of man who abuses his masculinity and forces himself onto unconsenting women.”
When he finished he grabbed her hands “For as long as we are together as wife and husband I will never force you to do anything you won't want to”
Standing and rolling his wide shoulder he adds “Sex wise of course”
She scoffed at him loudly, “And I thought you were being genuine.”
“You're a few centuries late darling.”
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hushed-chorus · 2 months
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Hi everyone! I’m climbing out of my cave and scheduling this in advance to spread the good word about vampire angst. Because, as anyone who’s read my blog title knows, I am a fiend for vampire angst, and there is some cracking vampire angst in this fandom.
Here's a selection of fics that dive into the tasty vampire stuff, especially ones that come with a serving of ‘this sucks actually’. I love all of these, but I’m sure I’ve forgotten or missed other great fics, so please feel free to reblog with your own recs!
Also, since these fics all deal with how being a vampire sucks, I’d recommend checking the tags before diving in.
The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch by @monbons
I am asking you all, please, hop on board and join me in reading along with this WIP. Monbons has a wonderful writing style; well-paced and impactful. She’s made some inspired choices in this AU. Angsty, clever, and so, so engrossing. Tasty angst so far, and we still have many chapters to go!
burning pitch by stainedglassflood
Lamb is a character who really fascinates me. This ficlet imagines a conversation Baz and Lamb would have if Lamb discovered Baz was a mage under less bloody circumstance. This short and sweet fic is something of a hidden gem, and I’ll cry forever that this is a 600 word fic, not a 60k one.
Crowding out the Bad (with Good) by twigs_in_my_hair
Another WIP, and if you are a fan of lore, this is one for you. This AU involves Simon trying to improve his diet with the help of nutritionist (and reluctant vampire) Baz. Twigs devotes so much to exploring Baz’s feelings about his vampirism, and how it has left marks on his life, behaviour, etc. And, of course, there's a lovely bit of slow burn Snowbaz along the way!
Joy and Trust by @bookish-bogwitch
Bogwitch constantly surprises and impresses me with her range. This short (400 words), sweet and heartbreaking ficlet sees Baz receiving a Visiting during the events of Carry On. I love it so much.
Proof of Life by @roomwithanopenfire
What if Natasha Pitch survived the vampire attack, but Baz still got Turned? What would that mean for Baz and the World of Mages? In this WIP, it means a Baz who is even more angsty about being a vampire than he already is in canon—and with good reason. Added bonus is the consideration for the wider canon divergence. What would Watford be like if Natasha is still headmistress but Davy is the Mage? Very intriguing fic so far, especially now we’ve landed in eighth year!
This is where it ends by LakeWitch
The least Baz-focused on the bunch, this fic is about the Mage taking Old Family children prisoner for leverage and the aftermath. It sees Baz hit his lowest point (gave me the big good sads), and then follows how he and Simon recover from all they’ve been through. Love it. 
A Record of You and I by Sip_of_your_soul
Argh. I just can’t. This one hurt so good. Want to die a little inside for fun? Read this.
Thanks everyone, I'm eager to see any recs you wanna make! Tags below the cut!
@artsyunderstudy @facewithoutheart @captain-aralias @raenestee @cutestkilla
@ivelovedhimthroughworse @larkral @stitchyqueer @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
@ileadacharmedlife @confused-bi-queer @aristocratic-otter @whogaveyoupermission
@nightimedreamersworld @fatalfangirl @thewholelemon @onepintobean @shrekgogurt
@theearlgreymage @martsonmars @blackberrysummerblog @orange-peony @valeffelees
@j-nipper-95 @rimeswithpurple @wellbelesbian @imagineacoolusername
@youarenevertooold @iamamythologicalcreature @supercutedinosaurs @alexalexinii
@bookish-bogwitch @cosmicalart @bazzybelle @theotherhufflepuff
@that-disabled-princess @prettygoododds @mooncello @noblecorgi @roomwithanopenfire
@emeryhall @monbons
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iluvsturn · 4 months
my dearest y/n-c.s
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a/n:i cried writing that..
"my dearest y/n,
As I sit here, engulfed in the waves of grief that crash relentlessly against the shores of my soul, I am compelled to pour out my heart to you, my beloved. The mere thought of you fills my being with an ache so profound, it seems to stretch across the vast expanse of eternity itself. How can mere words encapsulate the depth of my love for you, or the magnitude of the loss I feel in your absence?
From the moment our paths intertwined, my life was forever changed by the brilliance of your presence. You were a force of nature, a whirlwind of laughter, love, and boundless energy that swept me off my feet and carried me to heights I had never dared to dream of. Your laughter was like music to my ears, a symphony of joy that reverberated through the chambers of my heart, filling me with an inexplicable warmth and happiness.
In your arms, I found sanctuary, a safe haven where I could lay down my burdens and be truly and wholly myself. You accepted me, flaws and all, with a grace and kindness that knew no bounds, and in your eyes, I saw reflected the love and acceptance I had been searching for all my life. You were my rock, my anchor, my guiding light in a world fraught with uncertainty and darkness.
And then, as if by some cruel twist of fate, cancer reared its ugly head, threatening to tear us apart and shatter the fragile bonds we had forged with such care and tenderness. But you, my brave warrior, refused to be defeated, facing each day with a courage and resilience that left me in awe. You fought with every fiber of your being, clinging to life with a tenacity and determination that defied all logic and reason.
Together, we embarked on a journey fraught with pain, fear, and uncertainty, navigating the treacherous waters of illness with a steadfast determination to emerge victorious on the other side. We laughed in the face of adversity, finding solace in the simple pleasures of everyday life and drawing strength from the unbreakable bond that held us together.
But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, it became increasingly clear that our time together was slipping away, slipping through our fingers like grains of sand in an hourglass. And though I clung to hope with all my might, praying for a miracle that would defy the odds and grant us more time together, deep down, I knew that our days were numbered, that the inevitable was drawing near.
And so, my love, as I sit here, penning these words through tear-stained eyes, I am overwhelmed by a profound sense of gratitude for the time we shared, for the love we nurtured, and for the memories we created together. You were my everything, my reason for being, and though you may no longer walk beside me, your spirit lives on in every beat of my heart, in every breath I take.
Until we meet again, my love, know that you will always hold the most sacred place in my heart. You were my soulmate, my confidante, my partner-in-crime, and I will carry the memory of our love with me for all eternity.
With all my love and devotion,
chris closes the letter, tears streaming down his cheeks in front of the grave of his beloved. God how he’d like to hold her in his arms, to be able to tell her how much he loves her, to be able to kiss her one last time times before leaving.
matt and nick are behind their brother.Crying too, y/n had become like the little sister they never had. By dint of coming every day they decide that she could move in with them. Chris and y/n got even closer and the same with matt and nick. A group of inseparable friends, a couple they thought were indestructible, but even if she can't be with them, they don't know that y/n look at them, her too crying from paradise, wishing them all the happiness in the world.
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deathbxnny · 11 months
Friendo! Hello! How have you been? I come to place another request that's basically just the same HoHE!Elysia!Reader prompt from last time that was with Jing Yuan+Blade (because I still am a sucker for that idea and it's been in my head rent free).
May I request the characters this time be Welt Yang, Dan Heng and Kafka?
A/N: Hey there! I absolutely loved this request, so I hope you'll like this one too! Also forgive me for taking so long... work sucks haha... (Og post here.)
Content: Fluff, established relationships, mentions of battle, something cute and wholesome for once, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
》Dan Heng
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Dan Heng was always so quiet and reserved with his love for your Herrscher form. He'd stand there in silence, as he took in everything about you, watching you deal with enemies so gratefully it made his heart ache with love. And it didn't help, that he could get lost in the starry domain you created for centuries, if you let him. He was in love with you in every way and found you to be perfect, even if he never voiced it.
So he showed his fascination with you, by agreeing to a duel. He trusted you, just as much as you trusted him. He'd never hurt you, even if you asked him to give it his all. He just wanted to see your divine form again as you fought him, the endless starry skies stretching out above you as you fought.
Eventually, you ended up in his warm embrace, his forehead pressed against yours, eyes closed as he softly panted. The silence was filled by a melody created by your hearts and souls becoming one, as you absently swayed under the stars together for what seemed to be eternity to him.
》Welt Yang
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Welt knew all about your Herrscher form and yet still found himself watching you in silent awe. How could he not, when you were so divine? He could watch you endlessly and still not have enough of the sight of you. It often left you bashful, especially when you noticed the spark in his eye after a battle. He'd apologise for his stares with a smile, not meaning a word of it.
He was therefore hesitant to agreeing to a duel. It wasn't that he was afraid of hurting you, he would never. No, he just wanted you to rest in his arms and stare up at the stary skies of your domain forever. But alas, he is unable to deny you a thing and eventually agreed to a small fight. Even during it, you could feel his adoring gazes and lingering glances.
He spins you after an attack with ease, before pulling you into his arms with a chuckle. Seems like he has won, but that didn't matter to him, as he gently swayed with you through your domain, uncaring of the stars and galaxies that surrounded you. Why would he care anyways, when his whole world was in his arms?
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Kafka fell in love with you at first sight. How could she not, when you were so fascinating and divine to her? You were a light that shone in the darkness she considered her life. Without you, she'd be lost, something she often tells you in hushed whispers and teasing words. Anyone that dared disagree with how perfect you were, was shut down by her. No one would dare question you and your abilities she loved so much, with her around, that's for sure.
And since she can't deny you a single thing, she didn't think twice to agree to duel you. You had to however tell her to not hold back, as she can't get herself to be hard on you. The fight was elegant and graceful, the stars and galaxies reflecting in your eyes, when all you could see was eachother. Lingering touches, longing stares, dreamy exhales. It was all too much.
Eventually, she just pulled you into a waltz, humming a tune for you to dance to, as she rested her head on your shoulder with a satisfied smile. It was never a duel for her in the end, in fact, it was all just a performance. A performance that proved her love and devotion to you in ways only you could ever understand. And she'd be damned, if anyone dared take you away from her.
A/N: Alright! I hope this was alright! I've been starting to slowly feel better and less tired lately, so I'm actually quite satisfied with my work now. I hope you liked it Anon and thank you for the request and your patience!<33
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blue-sadie · 1 year
Devine Love
Worshipper Neteyam Sully x Goddess Reader
Summary: you are the goddess of love
Warning: none
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3rd person pov
Goddess yn of love watched from above as Neteyam, her worshipper, knelt before her altar in prayer. She had always been intrigued by him. He was different from her other worshippers - he didn't come to her altar seeking love or passion. Instead, he seemed to come to her simply to worship her.
Yn was fascinated by this and, over time, she had found herself drawn to him. She longed to show him the love that he so desperately craved, but every time she tried, he seemed to resist her.
Still, she persisted, always watching him from above and sending her loving energy down to him. She watched as he prayed with such devotion and reverence, his every move filled with passion and love for her.
One day, yn decided to take a more direct approach. She descended from the heavens to appear before him, taking on a form that was both beautiful and divine.
"Neteyam," she said, speaking in a voice that was both soothing and powerful. "I have heard your prayers, and I have come to offer you my love."
Neteyam looked up at her and gasped in wonder, feeling the weight of her beauty and divinity. But still, he shook his head.
"I cannot love you, my Lady," he said, his voice filled with sorrow. "I am but a mortal man, and you are a goddess. It would be foolish for me to love someone as powerful and divine as you."
Yn nodded, understanding the truth in his words. But still, she persisted, knowing that there was something between them, something that went beyond the mortal divide.
She continued to watch him, sending him her love and energy with every passing day. And finally, one day, Neteyam looked up at her with a newfound understanding.
"My Lady," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I never realized it before, but I do love you. It was always there, deep down inside me, but I could never put a name to it. But now, I see it, and I feel it, and I understand that I have loved you all along."
Yn smiled, feeling a sense of joy and completion wash over her. She had always known that there was something between them, and now, she had finally helped Neteyam see it as well.
Embracing each other, the goddess and her worshipper basked in each other's love, knowing that they were forever united in a profound and eternal bond.
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bippot · 1 year
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Summary: In the comfort of his relationship, Bob gets a bit excited when his girlfriend first admits she loves him and unknowingly convinces her to be hours late for work.
After an incident that causes her bed to break, Bob is mortified but still deals with the teasing he gets from his friends when they grab drinks at the Hard Deck later that day.
Tags:Established Relationship, Fluff and Smut, Breaking the Bed, Love Confessions, IKEA, Drinking
Music recommendation: Be My Baby by The Ronettes
Top Gun: Maverick, Robert "Bob" Floyd Masterlist - here
Previous chapter - Tense
A normal day started with an early morning for Bob. He'd always been a morning person. Always. Yet, these days he found it harder to get out of bed because that meant leaving behind his sleeping girlfriend.
"You're so mean, Lieutenant," Y/N whined, her voice sleepy and hoarse as he tried to sneak out of bed as quietly as possible. She'd woken to the sudden change of temperature. The furnace she'd been sleeping on had decided that going for a run at five in the morning was more appealing than keeping her warm. "Do you like it when I freeze to death? Am I doomed to catch hypothermia?" She pouted from under the blankets, reaching out to press her cool hands against his bare chest.
"You're so dramatic," he chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
"Well, I am cold."
Fully opening her eyes, she looked up through her lashes at him, giving him puppy dog eyes and grasping onto his hands to pull him closer. "R2 please..."
He rolled his eyes and gave in. How could he not when she looked at him that way? He was just a man, after all, and it would take a god's will to resist such a request.
With a faux annoyed huff, Bob got back into bed and was instantly squished as Y/N flopped her entire body on top of him. At first, he pretended to be rather nonchalant about the whole thing but when Y/N tucked her head into the crook of his neck, he couldn't keep up the facade any longer. His one hand rested on the midpoint of her spine while the other drummed a rhythm on her ass cheek.
"What song today?" She asked, and like usual, he decided to quietly sing along to his pats.
🎵The night we met I knew I needed you so
And if I had the chance I'd never let you go
So won't you say you love me?
I'll make you so proud of me
We'll make 'em turn their heads every place we go🎵
"Oh baby," she cooed in reply, giggling and pressing soft kisses along his jawline.
🎵So won't you, please
Be my little baby?
Say you'll be my darlin'
Be my baby now🎵
His voice was low and gruff and he could feel her smile against his skin.
While he sang, Bob swayed them side to side as if he was rocking her back to sleep. Her droopy eyes were looking at him with such love and devotion he felt himself melt into a pile of gooey goo.
🎵I'll make you happy, baby, just wait and see
For every kiss you give me, I'll give you three🎵
To go along with the song, he gave her three pecks. One on the forehead, then her nose, then finally, her lips. Her head came up from his neck to look up at him, her chin on her folded hands on his chest.
🎵Oh, since the day I saw you
I have been waiting for you
You know I will adore you 'til eternity🎵
All she could do was dreamily beam at him. His voice may not have been the most professional sounding, but damn she loved to listen to it. It was sweet, calming and made her want to stay wrapped up forever in his embrace.
🎵So won't you, please
Be my little baby?
Say you'll be my darlin'
Be my baby now🎵
Y/N often reminisced on their meeting. These last few months would've been very different if she'd turned him away when he asked in that incredibly shy voice of his, "Sorry, ma'am, am I too late?"
If she'd had said that he was, she'd never know what a WSO was, or the diner on the corner of Magnolia was sort of overpriced, or that that shy guy that interrupted her lunch break fucks like a machine and is the sweetest man she'd ever met.
🎵So come on and, please
Be my little baby?
Say you'll be my darlin'
Be my baby now🎵
This was definitely better than going for a run.
As he finished his tune, she buried herself into his neck again, snuggling as close as physically possible before sighing and saying, "Love you." And Bob was sure that this moment would be etched inside of his memory for eternity. Because this, right here, was everything.
But before he could say it back, she'd fallen asleep. Her soft snores echoing around the room and he smiled, closing his eyes and leaning his head back onto the pillow with a smug smile.
Honestly, he thought he would've been the first one to say it. Everyone knew how badly he was in love with Y/N. It was written in every inch of his being: in his smile, the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed and the little flutter of excitement inside of him whenever she did something cute like this. When he looked at her, he felt like the luckiest guy alive.
And maybe he was, because she loved him back. That thought alone brought a small blush to his cheeks.
When her alarm clock went off a couple of hours later, she groaned at the loud noise. "Five more minutes," she mumbled, still half asleep and clinging onto him like a koala bear as she hit snooze, her face still pressed deeply into his neck.
Bob hadn't fallen back asleep. No, he stayed awake and had been running his hand through her hair as he watched her sleep, listening to the soothing sound of her breathing. He wasn't even thinking anymore; all his thoughts just floated aimlessly in his mind but he knew they all started with her name.
"Darlin, you gotta get up now," he whispered. With a loud groan, she pulled away from him, rested her head on her left arm and glared up at him with bleary eyes. He grinned. "Good morning, grumpy."
"I think we should quit our jobs and become hermits."
"We'd both go mad."
She yawned, stretching her arms above her head before rolling her shoulders and letting out a long deep breath. She blinked slowly, trying to wake up faster, and when that didn't seem to work, she sat up straight with a huff and pushed her tangled hair out of her face.
"Gimme a kiss," she demanded, and Bob obliged without hesitation, pressing a gentle kiss to her mouth. He broke the kiss and ran his hands through her hair, smoothing it down with a loving touch.
They shared another quick kiss before Y/N hopped off the bed and began putting on clothes. She was halfway through tying up the shirt of her uniform when Bob knelt on the mattress and slapped her hand away so he could do it for her.
As soon as the perfect bow had been completed, he smoothed any crinkles with gentle brushes of his palm and beamed up at her. "Beautiful as always," he complimented. Y/N grinned back and leaned down to kiss him once more, which gave him the perfect opportunity to mumble those three words against her lips. "I love you."
"I can't leave for work now. That would be a sin. Only an asshole would leave now."
Filled to the brim with happiness, she playfully pushed him until he hit the mattress. He landed on his back with a yelp of surprise, his eyes widening as she climbed on top of him and pinned him down. Admittedly, he was stronger than her and could break the grapple at any moment, but he was too entranced to even think of doing that.
A giggle escaped her throat as he stared up at her adoringly, a smirk tugging at his lips that she had to kiss away before he got too full of himself - which was unlikely, but she just wanted an excuse to kiss him (not that she needed one). Her fingers traced along his stubbled jaw, her nails lightly scratching against his warm skin.
"Baby, baby, baby... you're going to be late," Bob muttered breathlessly, pulling her hand away from his face and bringing her palm up to his lips. She hummed with slight annoyance, but soon got over it as she moved her lips to his neck and he became mush beneath her.
Against his skin, Y/N mumbled, "I'm the boss. I'll just tell Ramona to do my early morning sessions because I'm too busy showing my very hot boyfriend how much I love him," and realised that, yeah, she could do that. She would do that!
Rather abruptly, she sat up and leant to reach her phone on the bedside table as Bob stared dumbly in utter shock, his mind having yet processed that she was being serious. With a giddy expression on her face, Y/N quickly typed out a text and, as soon as it was done, threw her phone somewhere so she could get back to giving Bob her full attention.
"A bit shitty of me to do it over text but Ramona does have a tendency to yap on and on." She returned her focus to her boyfriend who was staring at her incredulously. "Now where were we, Lieutenant?"
Teasingly, Y/N ran her nails down his chest and stomach, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps and shivers in her wake, a goofy grin spreading across his handsome face. Then she lowered herself so she could kiss up his abs and declare her love after each peck she placed on his body, all the while her thumbs were drawing circles on his sides.
Although he usually liked taking the lead, he would be lying if he claimed that he didn't adore all the attention she gave him. In past relationships he'd always been the giver. Being the receiver used to make him feel selfish, but now, he enjoyed the feeling. This woman made him feel as though he was worth every ounce of affection and attention she bestowed upon him.
Between them, the worship was reciprocal. That never had happened before. For either of them.
He let out a small whimper as she continued to place feathery kisses up to his neck until she landed on his cheek and lingered there for a moment before pulling back to see how flushed he'd become. The simple answer was very flushed. His entire being practically glowed with the amount of love she lavished upon him.
"God help me," he whispered mostly to himself, grabbing at her waist and holding her tight. He never wanted this to end. "You don't understand how much I need you."
Smiling coyly, Y/N teased, "No. I don't. So why don't you show me then?"
With one swift motion, Bob flipped them over so that he was hovering over her, one hand supporting his weight as the other found its way into her underwear and started rubbing slow circles against her clit.
"I can't wait to be inside of you," he told her with such passion, such intensity, that he could have sworn her eyes darkened considerably before the same lightning bolt shot through him, burning itself deeper and hotter.
"Why wait?" She replied huskily, reaching up to cup his face in her hand and pulling him down into another searing kiss that was filled with longing and heat and passion and love. He was completely lost in her, addicted and unable to stop, that his body moved on autopilot to rid them of their remaining clothes.
Completely emotional and physically bare, Y/N moaned into his mouth as Bob slid his cock into her warm wetness, the feeling of it hitting her walls filling her with pure ecstasy and satisfaction. Yet, he didn't move. Instead, he held steady above her as their heavy breathing filled the air, their eyes locked together as she grabbed onto his shoulders for support, their noses nudging against each other's in a tender gesture.
Neither said a single word. Their bodies spoke louder than words ever could. There was no need to. They understood one another just fine.
The look in Bob's eyes had her heart melting. It was the kind of look that made her feel like she was the most important person in the world to him. The feeling only intensified when he bent down and gently kissed her cheek, murmuring sweet nothings to her softly, as if she were a delicate little flower petal ready to fall apart at a mere wind. His words were soft whispers, barely audible even in silence, his voice soft and hoarse, yet laced with meaning.
After what felt like forever and no time at all, Bob finally started to begin thrusting, deep, short movements that ensured that she was constantly filled by him. "Taking all of me so good..." he rasped, his grip around her waist tightening. "I'm so deep inside you right now, darlin'. You like being filled, huh?"
Y/N nodded eagerly, her legs wrapping around his hips. There was barely enough room between their bodies but she made sure they were pressed as close together as possible and she gripped tightly onto his upper biceps, squeezing her eyes shut.
"Talk to me, baby."
"Feel full, Bobby."
If she wasn't focused on how good she was feeling, she would've rolled her eyes. A good natured roll, but a roll nonetheless.
"Lieutenant. Feels good, so full, Lieutenant, please--"
"That's better. Now, you gotta open your eyes."
She did so, and found the image so jaw dropping hot that she was glad she did as he said. He looked gorgeous. Sweaty, messy hair, a flushed face, a satisfied smile that shone through despite the fact he was biting his lip trying to control himself, eyes dark with lust as he watched her reaction.
"So beautiful... pretty," she breathed out with a dreamy sigh, her fingers running through his curls as she admired every line of his face with utmost admiration. His cheeks flamed at the praise and her words, but she knew he loved it. As did she.
His smile widened and he began increasing the force of each thrust he took until both his hands had found purchase on the headboard, gripping it tight as he grunted, his brows furrowing as he tried desperately not to lose control before she did. His movements became deeper, yet not necessarily more rough, as if he was attempting to prolong the pleasure for her sake.
And oh, the pleasure was glorious. It seemed that nothing compared to feeling her lover's big cock filling her up to the hilt, stretching her walls and making her want more if that was even possible. Her back arched off of the bed in a desperate attempt to get closer to him.
"You feel so good wrapped around me, babe. You're so tight... I'm so glad, so fucking glad, that you stayed home. Stayed home so I can fuck your brains out," he groaned lowly, almost growling as he increased the speed of his strokes, his fingers digging into the headboard until...
The wooden panel of the headboard cracked in two under Bob's grip. "Oh shit!" He gasped, his eyes widening in alarm as he stopped to inspect the damage he'd done to her bed. And now the bed had stopped moving, a panel below them also gave in and broke away, causing the structure of the entire frame to collapse. Y/N let out an amused yelp as the mattress dropped to the ground with a loud thunk.
Sorry to her neighbours.
Bob stared at her in shock for a moment, not quite comprehending what had just occurred. "We broke the bed? We really broke the damn bed?!" He exclaimed in bewilderment. "That's not a thing that actually happens. That's a porn thing."
Y/N couldn't contain herself. After the initial shock passed, she laughed with delight. He looked absolutely mortified and she thought it was adorable.
"Robert Francis Floyd, the bedbreaker!"
"I'm mortified."
Soothingly, she brought her hand to his spine and pulled him down to rest on top of her, her palm sliding along his bare back as she kissed his cheek over and over again, reassuring, "I needed to get a new one anyway, don't worry about it, my love."
"I'll go to IKEA while you're at work and I'll have it built by the time you get home. I promise."
"You're so good to me, Lieutenant."
"You're not mad? At all?" He asked her, genuinely surprised as he lifted his gaze to stare into her eyes once again. "You sure?"
Why would she be mad? It was an accident. The bed was old. And he had been making her feel so good beforehand. And it was hot. So, no. She wasn't mad. Not in the slightest.
Cradling his head in her hands, she pressed a quick kiss to his lips, before saying in a soft tone, "I'm sure." With a slight pout, she added playfully, "But to make it up to me, we could carry on with our activities, huh?"
His expression lit up immediately at that suggestion. She was right. The bed was already broken, but it still worked even though it was on the floor. It would be unfortunate to stop now.
To entice him even further - not that she needed to, just wanted to - Y/N breathed against his ear, "Later when they ask where I've been at work, I could explain how my big, tough Navy man is so strong that he broke our bed and continued pounding me until I came on his big, thick cock." She turned on her doe eyes and caressed his biceps before adding, "They'd be so jealous, Lieutenant."
"Baby..." Bob muttered as his cock throbbed painfully at her words. The effect she had on him was undeniable and without fail, she would always have his complete and undivided attention. "I was planning on making love to you, but if you want to get fucked, that's what is going to happen," he said with a grin, his fingers starting to explore the length of her thigh, his breath hot across her neck before continuing, "Do you want to get fucked?"
By the lust so clear on her face, he knew the answer was a resounding yes, yet he waited until she said her answer out loud. "Yes baby, want you, want it so badly."
Who was he to refuse?
Plus, he was close before everything came crashing down. So close. And, after everything they'd built up, they needed a release.
Without warning, he thrust all the way back into her, causing her to sharply inhale and bite her lower lip to suppress the scream of pleasure that threatened to escape from her mouth. This time, his strokes were faster and rougher, his fingers gripping her hip bone hard as he haphazardly sucked on her neck, claiming her in the most carnal manner possible.
He could hear her gasp, taste the saltiness of her sweat mixed with the sweetness of her desire. Every fibre of his body craved her so much, so deeply, that it felt like a burning pain. The heat was searing. The flames were licking at his insides, making him burn. It was torture. But it didn't matter. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, and neither was Y/N.
"Look up at me," he demanded softly, wanting to look into her eyes. Then she did just that, looking up at him through hazy eyes, her cheeks flushed from pleasure, her lips swollen red from all the kisses she'd given. "Hi darlin."
"Hi baby."
Her face immediately softened and she leant into his hand as soon as he placed it upon her jawline, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. And when her moans increased and her jaw dropped, he slid his thumb over her bottom lip until she took it into her mouth.
"That's my girl," he whispered to her, his voice low and hoarse because of how hard he was making her moan. "Let all those pretty, pretty noises come out. Let me feel it."
So, Y/N did exactly as she was told. She released every raw and needy and desperate noise out in the open, and Bob heard every single one with every single fibre of his being. They filled their whole room, reverberating loudly from walls and ceiling as it echoed around the space like the cries of a million angels crying out for salvation. For mercy, for peace and for love. For him.
"Darlin, I'm not going to last much longer..." His voice sounded strained, desperate, and utterly wrecked as he removed hand from her face to rub circles on her clit once more. She gasped at the sensation but then went completely slack in bliss, unable to resist the pleasurable feelings exploding inside her with every stroke he made. "Shit. Fuck. Yeah... god yes.. that feels amazing. Just. Oh my god."
If she told any of his friends that he had such a foul mouth, they'd never believe her.
Even the incoherent syllables he uttered when he came sounded as if they were supposed to be swear words. It felt like someone had opened a dam inside of him and allowed its contents to flood freely, spilling out of him as he rode her through ecstasy and satisfaction.
It wasn't long after he climaxed that his body collapsed onto her chest, his breathing heavy, his body limp. Y/N ran a loving hand through his hair, gently combing the strands away from his sweaty forehead, smiling at his
flushed state. It was a sight to behold and she loved it. He had this sexy side to him.
No one else got to see it but her. It was a privilege, really. One that only she could enjoy.
Once she went to open her mouth to speak, he playfully warned, "Don't say it," and rolled onto his side.
"Say what, R2?"
"Stop it."
"All I was -"
"Going to say -"
" Is that R2D2 -"
"Y/N, you gotta stop saying this every time we have sex."
Smirking, she proudly announced, "R2D2 can fuck." Bob let out a groan, pressing his hands to his face, hiding the pink hue he was quickly turning. Y/N giggled at his antics and wrapped her arms tightly around his torso, bringing him closer so she could annoy him by placing loud "Mwah"'s all over his cheeks. He retaliated by pinching her thighs which only made her laughter grow louder.
Eventually, the teasing ended and the pair were left in comfortable silence, simply holding each other's hand and listening to the sound of their soft breathing. A peaceful moment between them that reminded both of them how blessed they both are. To have a life and share it with someone who loves and accepts them for who they truly are.
With a light sigh, Bob leaned over her and gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "You're seriously late for work," he chuckled.
"I am."
Fine. Maybe it was time to get ready for work. Y/N got up with a groan and began getting changed again. Would you believe it? Bob pulled the same stunt again and tugged her forward so he could do up her shirt for her. As he kissed her, she said, "Don't," the moment she knew he was going to repeat past events. That would've ensured she'd never clock in.
Just as she was about to finally leave, he called out, "Love you!" and she rushed back to repeat it back to him and give him another kiss before making her way out of the door.
The rest of the day was normal. Nothing special. No major incidents or anything out of ordinary happened. The only exciting thing that happened at work was that Rooster had booked an appointment so Y/N got to catch up with him for a while.
"Yeah, I don't know if Bob has mentioned this, but we're all going to the Hard Deck for a few drinks and wondered if you two want to go. Hangman did put it in the group chat but I don't think Bob answered," Bradley explained as the session finished up.
"I'll ask him once I get home. He's at IKEA at the moment so he'll be AWOL for the next couple of hours. It's his second home, I think."
"Ah, looking for something nice?"
"A bed."
Bradley raised an eyebrow at her.
"Mine broke."
Rooster snorted.
"Bobby-boy, what a stud!"
When she arrived home, Y/N found Bob on the floor of her bedroom surrounded by planks of wood, sheets of instruction paper and wayward screws. At one point, he must've got frustrated and taken his glasses off because they were delicately placed on the bedside table. She huffed out a laugh and lifted a plank off his chest to find that he'd taken a nap like that. "Bob. Bobby. Bobert. Robert...Robby? Hey baby, wake up," she said with a chuckle as she nudged him.
"Did you just call me Robby?"
"Sure did. Let's get you somewhere more comfortable." She held her hand out to pull him to his feet, leading him towards the sofa. "Can't read Swedish, huh?"
"Sure can't."
Gently tugging at the bottom of his shirt, she said, "Off. Then face down," and he was quick to oblige, revealing his naked upper body and slumped down onto the cushions in seconds flat with a smug smile. He knew what was about to happen. Y/N was gone for a minute then returned with a towel and some oil in her hand. Kneeling on the ground beside him, she kissed his nose before getting to work massaging the oil into his body, her tongue trapped between her teeth in concentration as she pampered him with attention, caressing his shoulders and sides, smoothing out the tension in his muscles. Her hands glided down his skin, feeling every curve, every dip, every muscle of his back as she worked her magic.
Free massages were the best, Bob knew that for a fact now. Her hands were always on him, and he only had to give her a look - one with wide eyes and a slight nodding of his head towards the point of tension - and she was soothing his aches without another word spoken. He was spoiled enough that sometimes, like now, he didn't even need to give her a look.
Sometimes her fingertips seemed to know what he wanted before the words actually fell from his lips. Which was nice. Really nice.
And definitely very useful whenever he was working. He'd come home after a tiring day on base and her presence would make him emotionally feel better, but they'd developed a habit of talking to each other as she was getting the knots out of his shoulders and neck.
Often, she'd stand behind the sofa and be working on his muscles as he found something to watch during dinner time. She'd be giving him little kisses on his neck, his shoulder blades and the small nape of his neck to distract him and prolong the interaction for as long as she could.
"Rooster mentioned during his session that you weren't responding to the group chat," she spoke, her hands continuing to massage his shoulders as she slowly worked out the knots underneath her fingers. "Was IKEA too distracting?"
"They have everything in there!" he exclaimed excitedly, allowing himself to relax on the sofa and sink further into the cushions until they practically moulded to his form. He let out a contented sigh and closed his eyes.
"Well, they're going to the Hard Deck and were wondering if we wanted to go too. I wanna see Nat so I'm making the executive decision."
"Okay, okay, okay."
Once the massage was done, she towelled all the oil off and straddled his butt, giving him a gentle slap on his bum before he turned to face her. She smirked at the fake shocked expression on his face, and leaned down, placing her lips against his in a soft kiss that lingered for a few moments before pulling away to admire his gorgeous, relaxed face.
Then, a certain expression crept onto his face, one she didn't see often but always felt a rush of bashfulness whenever she saw it. Cockily grinning, he looked up at her, teasing, "We're your coworkers jealous of your big, tough Navy man and his big, thick cock?" and was more than happy that her cheeks instantly reddened and buried her face in his chest.
She didn't say a word, merely mumbling incoherent words into his skin, trying to hide her embarrassed face. "I hate you," she said quietly, still not taking her head off him. He laughed at her cute action and ran his fingers through her locks softly.
"I love you too babe." He gave her a quick slap on her ass, as if she was a horse he was telling to giddy up. "Gonna take a shower before we go out. You joining me?"
"Be my big, tough Navy man and carry me there?"
He rolled his eyes good naturedly, but did it anyway, picking her up and slinging her over his shoulder. As he walked to the bathroom, he made sure to playfully spank her so the house was filled with hysterical giggling.
The pair made it to the Hard Deck only five or so minutes later than they originally said they would. Bob hated being late, he really did. Yet, it was his fault as he'd gotten a little carried away when Y/N was trying to put her earrings in but was getting distracted by Bob's lips on her neck instead. She had to hurriedly conceal the brand new hickey that he'd just created on her pulse point.
"Is it noticeable?" Y/N asked as they got out of the car to enter the building.
Honestly, she'd done a pretty good job at covering it. A bit of a pinkish shade poked through, but nothing too noticeable or suspicious as far as everyone else in the bar was concerned.
"No one will know a thing," Bob replied, taking hold of her hand and interlocking their fingers together. As if to reassure her of its noticeability, his thumb swiped across her knuckle in a calming manner.
Hangman was the first that Bob saw upon entering the bar. He nodded hello to Bob, then upon seeing Y/N, made sure to wiggle his fingers at her when he waved. While everyone knew Jake had once called Y/N the 'super hot woman with magic hands', they knew he only did this kind of shit to mess with Bob.
Bob knew that. Y/N did not.
Waving back, Y/N gave Hangman a polite smile and pulled Bob towards his friends. Phoenix immediately ushered Y/N to sit beside her so they could catch up while Bob went off to play pool with Rooster.
"Bradshaw told me he saw you earlier today," Phoenix began, turning to talk like it was a secret. "Said something about IKEA."
At her words, Y/N looked over at Bob to see that he was completely red, clearly going through the same conversation with Bradley. Her boyfriend made eye contact with her and mouthed, "You told him?"
Y/N shrugged. "Sorry baby."
Phoenix let out a bark of laughter and bumped her shoulder into Y/N's. "Didn't know Floyd had it in him."
"You'd be surprised."
"He's not so shy at home."
Natasha grinned, took a swig of her beer, took one last look at how pink Bob's ears were and changed the subject. The private life of her backseater was something she'd always love teasing him about but, because he'd become a brother to her, she didn't want to hear all the scandalous details.
One game of pool turned into two, three...however many and the other guys wouldn't drop it. The moment Hangman found out, Jake crowned Bob as 'The Bedbreaker' and the other guys soon joined in on the nickname. Frankly, Bob was a little scared that the moniker would be replacing his callsign soon.
It wasn't as if he couldn't handle them calling him a Bedbreaker; hell, a part of him loved it. Sweet, innocent looking Floyd was getting recognition for not being those things. He was the guy who got laid, got laid so hard that he broke a bed. That's a manly thing to be known for.
Another - more prominent - part of him, hated it. He tried to deny it and laugh it off, but they kept saying. It made him feel a little guilty since it was a look into his and his girlfriend's sex life, and that wasn't a gentlemanly thing to speak about with your friends. No matter how hot it had been.
If his mother found out, he'd not only be mortified about the fact that his mother knew in the first place, but she'd definitely whoop his ass for the information being out in public.
Admittedly, it was Y/N's fault that it was known. Yet he still felt bad.
Drinks in hand, the girls joined the guys at the pool table and handed everyone their usual orders. Y/N slipped Bob's beer into his hand and was rewarded with a kiss on the temple as he wrapped a protective arm around her waist and held her close.
With Y/N by his side, it was easier to take the teasing. She could brush it off. She could take the joke and run with it. And if it was particularly raunchy, she'd answer with a smug, "No comment" and let the mystery continue to grow.
Some of the civilians had clearly been waiting for the pool table for most of the night, so the Dagger Squad finally gave them what they wanted and retreated to a booth.
"It's a bit of a squish," Fanboy pointed out, moving closer towards the centre seat and bumping his elbow into Coyote's gut.
Mostly everyone managed to squash themselves in. Rooster and Bob were on the outside of the U, so Y/N teasingly posed, "I'll sit on Bob. Hangman, I'm sure you'd love to sit on Rooster."
"Hey now-"
"Oh, don't start," Rooster said, cutting him off with a chuckle. Dramatically, Brad opened his arms wide for Jake - and with a snort and a small push from Y/N - he reluctantly accepted the offer.
After a brief, uncomfortable silence, Jake complimented (although the tone he used made it sound like a complaint), "You actually have very comfortable thighs. I mean it."
"Thanks bud."
As Y/N interacted with his friends, Bob couldn't help but beam up at her with pride. His heart swelled so much he thought it might pop out of his chest in a burst of happiness. He was so incredibly happy that she was here and fit so easily into the group dynamic. He couldn't remember feeling like this in any other relationship.
She'd come into his life so suddenly, but she seemed to fit perfectly. So natural, so easy going, so warm, and he couldn't help but appreciate everything about her.
He was drawn from his thoughts by Y/N twirling the hair at the nape of his neck between her fingers. The action caused his mind to flutter. He momentarily lost all sense of social awareness and let out a giggle before shaking himself out of it. He cleared his throat to regain himself.
Luckily, only Y/N heard it.
Leaning closer to his ear, she asked, "What are you smiling about?"
"Just enjoying the moment," he answered with an impish grin, running his hand up and down her bare arm.
Y/N smirked, "I think you were staring at me." She wiggled her fingers before poking his ribs, causing him to flinch at the sudden intrusion.
"Maybe I was. I like looking at your pretty face."
Smiling sweetly, Y/N shook her head and leaned in closer to him until he met her half way to kiss her on the nose. They shared a laugh at the childish display of affection before falling silent again.
"I'm gonna barf that was so cute," Coyote jeered sarcastically after a couple of seconds, making both Y/N and Bobby break out into laughter. Embarrassed laughter, but laughter all the same.
"Jake and Brad did the same thing two minutes ago -"
"We did not!"
"Bobby, they totally did. Didn't they?" Y/N urged with an evil smile, giving her boyfriend a wink to go along with it.
What was Bob going to do? Appease his girlfriend while teasing Hangman and Rooster at the same time? Or let the joke fall flat? His choice was easy.
"I saw it too. Where do you think I got the idea from? I learn all my moves from watching you guys."
Going with it too, Phoenix added, "I saw it too, I really did."
Soon, all of the other aviators joined in on the ribbing. Some of the jokes, most of which weren't even funny anymore, got big laughs and as a collective they'd managed to come up with a beat by beat version of how the pair finally overcame their struggles to become the Navy's most prestigious gay couple.
"Who would bottom?" Nat posed and everyone gave a suspicious glance at the two.
"Guys, do you even have to think about it?" Jake, who had given up trying to fight the joke at this point, playfully grimaced and gestured his thumb towards Brad.
"You would, asshole," Brad retorted, slapping Hangman's finger away.
"I would not."
"You would. And you'd be a bratty fucking bottom, I know that much."
Payback cheered, "All in favour of naming Hangman a bratty bottom, say aye," and raised his beer bottle. And everyone but Jake raised their drinks in agreement, so he gave in and raised his too.
"Fuck you guys."
To apologise for the teasing, Y/N promised to buy both guys a drink. Hangman came along to help her carry the bottles, not before winking at Bob to try and piss him off a bit, and leant on the bar as they waited.
"You're good for him, y'know. For Bedbreaker."
Jake had said it so softly that she'd almost didn't recognise his voice. But the fondness behind the words had been unmistakable. She smiled and nudged him with her shoulder.
"You think?"
"I know. When I first met Bobby-boy, he never joined in on the borderline offensive jokes we tell." His fingers tapped against the wood. "Don't tell him this, I'll kill you if you do, but he's kind of all I want to be in life. Funny, smart, kind, got a great girl, good job that he's great, probably the best, at - again, I'll murder you if you say one word of this."
She chuckled, but didn't say anything. She just waited for him to say what he needed to.
"It's nice. To see him happy like that. You get what I mean? Like when he looks at you, Y/N, you could see it in his eyes. It's not just love, you know? Pure unbridled affection, adoration, devotion. Whatever you want to fucking call it, it's real deep and real genuine... and reciprocated because you look at him in the exact same way."
A shy, small giggle graced her lips at the thought. She glanced over at Bob sitting at their table who was laughing at something Nat had said, before turning back to Jake.
Hangman gave her a smile, a real, genuine smile - a rare sight - before continuing, "I can see the white picket fence already. While you're buying a cat or pushing out a baby, I'll still be... leaving people hanging."
His eyes darkened with self loathing for a brief moment before he pulled himself and put that fake smirk of his back on as Penny returned with their drinks.
"You're a handsome guy, funny too, and if you were as open with any of your partners as you were just then, you'd get that white picket fence too," Y/N reassured him and began to walk away, only to look over her shoulder and add, "I do think you and Rooster would make a cute couple. I wasn't joking about that part."
Returning, Y/N took her place on Bob's lap and wrapped her arms around him and rested her chin on his shoulder. He looked at her questioningly. "You're tired aren't you?"
"Mmmhmmm. A little bit."
Bob gently squeezed Y/N's side before whispering into her ear, "Wanna go?" but she shook her head.
Rooster offered his lap again to Hangman to sit on, to which Hangman obliged with a smile and slipped onto Brad's thighs with surprising ease. This time he ensured he let himself relax into it without any awkwardness or hesitation. He even slid his arm around Bradley's shoulders because "It's more comfortable that way, bro."
The rest of the night went smoothly after that. Despite how tired she felt, Y/N felt herself nodding off. The alcohol and how warm Bob was just really made her eyes want to close. The gentle rise and fall of his chest beneath her was as intoxicating as the booze. It wasn't long before she'd fallen asleep in the crook of his neck.
So, Bob let her sleep there. In peace. He curled her even further into him and carried on with his conversations, albeit they'd become a little less rambunctious in an effort to not wake her, but they also started to dwindle out as the others slowly decided they should leave.
First to go was Fanboy as he said he'd some campaign planning for his DnD group to do and wanted an early morning to make sure it all got done. They all called him a nerd as he was awkwardly stepping over people to get out of the booth.
Payback's girlfriend wanted to facetime him before she went to bed so he left to go talk to her.
Harvard, Halo and Fritz all craved McDonald's after a couple of beers so they went to buy as many chicken nuggets as they could.
Phoenix had a lunch date with a girl she met at the gym so she wanted to ensure she had enough beauty sleep to woo that babe.
Coyote didn't want to be fifth wheeling.
"Hey darlin," Bob cooed as he ran his finger across Y/N's cheek to wake her up. Her eyes fluttered open and smiled at him sleepily. "Do you want me to carry you to the car or can you walk?"
"I can walk."
With a yawn, Y/N got to her feet, wobbling ever so slightly before righting herself and grabbing hold of his bicep tightly. Before leaving, she ruffled Jake's hair - who still hadn't got off Bradley despite the fact there was space for him to sit now - and called back, "See you later, lovebirds. Sorry I fell asleep."
Managing to stay awake on the journey home, Y/N kept kissing Bob's cheek, short and chaste pecks that were sloppy due to how tired she was, in an effort to keep her eyes open until they got back to her apartment.
"Up," Bob demanded as soon as they made it through the front door and lifted her into his arms. Her legs were around his waist in no time and her nose pressed against his cheek as he walked into the bedroom. "Shit."
All over the floor were the screws and planks of the unassembled bed.
"We'll have to sleep on the couch, is that okay?" he asked but didn't get a response. She'd already drifted back off.
Once he'd found the blanket that usually lay at the bottom of their bed, Bob lowered her to the sofa. He'd intended to get Y/N situated then go and get changed, yet she was still holding onto him so tightly, he wouldn't have been able to escape. It would've been evil, totally sinful to detach himself from her.
Instead, he gave in and let her drag him down to the cushions too and pulled her as far into him as possible as he lay beside her. At first, he tried kicking the blanket over both of their feet but it was no use. They were entangled enough that neither of them would get cold.
"Love you, my baby," he whispered and gave her a kiss on the forehead before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.
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bebepac · 1 year
The Vampires Live On: Part 3
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This is part 3 of The Vampires Live On, that started out as a story I wrote as a teen that has evolved into so much more.  
Please feel free if you’re stumbling across this part, and are curious to see what’s happened so far,  check out
Part 1       and  Part 2
I am participating in @choicesflashfics​ prompt #3:  You know I don’t have the self control for that” which will appear in bold. 
The Book:  TRR Pairings:  Liam x Riley  in this decade.   (Gabriel x Alice) in the past Word Count: 1810 Warnings and Ratings:  Mention of Character death:  Rating:  Teen Summary: Liam and Riley go back to Riley’s hometown.  
Song Inspirations: 
Friday I’m in Love:  The Cure
Together Again:  Janet Jackson
Original Post: 02/25/23 at 11:04PM EST.
I laughed loudly  as Liam continued to pepper my face with kisses.  
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The old couple sitting across from us on the airplane  were watching us.  I playfully pushed him away from me, wagging my pointer finger at him.
“Liam hands off!”  
“Actually it’s not my hands that are touching you right now, it’s my lips.”  He leaned into me once more  puckering up; I used my hand to stop him, and he kissed my palm that was blocking my face.
“So lips off then!”  
“You know I don’t have the self control for that.”  
“Indeed you don’t.”  
“Besides, I’m madly in love with you and I don’t care who sees or knows. Love is a beautiful thing, and I love my wife.”  
Finally the older woman's face softened.  
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“How long have the two of you been married? You two look very young.  You can’t have been married long.”  
Amusement danced in Liam’s eyes as he smiled at me, softly kissed my hand.
“It feels like a symphony of many blissful lifetimes rolled up into one. Spending eternity with her is like a dream that I never wish to wake from.”  
“Liam….”  Now it was my turn to kiss him cuddling closer to him, he wrapped his arms tight around me.  
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The two of them had been so many people over the years, learning to call each other by the new names they selected, having modified versions of themselves.
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Whereas I think I had settled into who I am, forever Alice at my core, Gabriel liked to mix things up.  He had  a book with pages devoted to each person he had been over the last seven hundred years.  The entries of each person read like they were his character bios, a list of traits for each man he was that he would diligently follow for himself, and for the world, myself included.
Of the people he had been while in my company, I have to say I love Liam the most.  He is strong yet soft-hearted and romantic, truly the best of both worlds.  The old woman was right, though wrong about how old they truly were, but they had not been married long. Though I had been incredibly fond of Gabriel for all of these years, it was when he became Liam that I truly fell in love with him.
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  When Gabriel became Liam, it showed me another side of himself. It was Liam that proposed to me, and it was Liam that I married after all these years. It was Liam that decided it was time for us to travel back to my home.  
A few of our “friends”  we had met over the years from other clans made it to the wedding along with some of Gabriel’s family.  I wish that Clara and Max could have been there, but part of me feels like she was.  Over the years, I feel at times I have felt their presence around me.  
We married in a small ceremony less than one year ago.  
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When we landed it was an hour drive to my old city. I exhaled deeply when we passed into the Lumberton city limits.
“I can’t believe we finally made it here.”  
“I know, it’s been a very long time.  Longer than I intended Riley, but I made good on my promise.”
“You did.”  
“Where would you like to go first?”  
“The library.  I want to see what articles I can find  from around what happened.”
“I figured, good thing I decided to call ahead.”  
“How did you know?”  
“Because I know you Love."
“Yeah it only took you a few years to get to know me.”  
Liam winked.  “Only a few.”  
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When she stepped out of the car,  Riley took a deep breath.
“How does this town still smell the same after all these years?”  
“What does it smell like to you Riley?”
“Like home.”  
Liam held her hand as they walked up to the library counter.
“We’re here to speak with Mrs. Banks.”
“And whom might I let her know is here?”
“Liam, and Riley Brooks-Rys.  I spoke to her over the phone a few days ago. She’s expecting us.”
“Yes, she said she was expecting a couple.  Let me take you back there.”  
My grip tightened on Liam’s hand as we walked down the hallway.  
“Don’t be nervous.  I’m here. We’re doing all of this together.”
Once the door closed behind them, the lady at the desk acknowledged them with a smile.
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“Please have a seat.”  
Mrs’s Banks' eyes drifted between the two of them before resting on Riley for a moment.
“Historical mysteries also bring out interesting people investigating them, and we have had our share of them over the years, but it looks like the two of you might have some answers.”  
“What do you mean?”  
“The resemblance is striking.”
“What resemblance?”
“There is only one photograph of the sisters, and you look exactly like them. Rumor has it the body of Alice Hughes was never recovered.  Looks like somehow she miraculously survived the ordeal, because I have to be looking at her Great, great great, grand daughter right now.”
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She held out the photograph that appeared to be a news article clipped and preserved within the frame.
“May I see that please?”  
Glancing down at the picture, I didn’t even remember it being taken, but there we were, almost a year before  the incident, smiling in our costumes.  I traced  Clara’s picture, my eyes filling with tears.  
“You look almost exactly like them.”  
I didn’t know what to say.  Moments like this on the fly I had never been good with, and Liam jumped in immediately for the assist.
“My wife was orphaned at a young age and wanted to know more about her family lineage.  She did genetic testing, and her genetics confirmed she has strong ties to this area, so I did a little research, which brought me to this mystery. And for a wedding gift, we have flown here to do more investigation, maybe shed a little light on her family's past. "
He continued softly in a voice Mrs. Banks could no longer hear.
It’s okay to be speechless right now.”
I couldn’t speak, so I only nodded in affirmation.
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“That’s a beautiful sentiment, one should know where they come from, and visit with their past from time to time, to know where you’re going in the future.”
“I wholeheartedly agree.”  
“There are several articles published after the incident happened.  You know how to use a card catalog right?”
Liam laughed. “Yes we do.”  
She handed Liam the sheet with the article numbers on them.  
“The articles are on microfilm, located in our mezzanine.”
“We can handle a microfilm machine as well. Thank you very much for having the information I requested.”  
“You’re welcome.  I hope that you find what you are looking for Mrs. Rys.”  
Alone in the mezzanine Liam still spoke in a whisper.  
“What were you thinking when you saw that picture, Alice?”  
“I thought it was the first time I’ve seen her face, in so long where it wasn’t a part of my dreams.”  
“I know what you’re going to say. We were identical twins.  We looked the same. But I don’t see her when I look at myself,  I never did.  I only see myself.   So seeing her for the first time in a very long time is nice, because I have missed her, so very much.”
“I know you do.”  
The articles that were written in that time period did not shed much light on the people that  attacked us that night, only that they were criminals.
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  The articles theorized my whereabouts, that I was taken, I was dead, or sacrificed in some satanic ritual, as one of the men was torn limb from limb, which had to be Liam’s doing. There was nothing more to find at the library.  
I wanted to go to the place where it happened.  
A portion of the wooded area was still there.  
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“I was wondering would the woods still be here.”   
“It still smells the same to you here as well?”  
“Pretty much. It smells rich and sweet at the same time.”
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Vivid memories of  Clara flooded my mind of her, Max, and I walking home talking and laughing.   
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In the midst of  the forest, in the very spot were, was a patch of wild flowers.
“What is this? Did someone plant these?” 
“No, it appears this area is considered a community reserve now, because of these wildflowers that are growing here, that are not native to this area, and only grow here, in this very spot.”  
“In the very spot… where me and my sister died.  It’s Clara.  It has to be. She loved flowers. Max would pick flowers for her all the time, and the more haphazard they were, she loved them even more.”
“Then we must get flowers before our last stop this evening.”  
“I feel her here. I feel me here, at least who I was.”  
“It was a very powerful moment.  You can still feel the love the two of you had for each other.  It is imprinted on this area, that spot.  I will never forget how I felt the moment after you took your last mortal breath.”  
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“Seeing the two of you lying there, feeling the love the two of you had for each other, was beautiful. But there was something else.”  
“Sadness.  There was this overwhelming feeling of sadness.  Your sister was sad, but not for herself, but for you, and the life she wanted you to have, that she had willingly given her life for you to have.”  
“But I lived.”  
“Not the mortal life you were supposed to.”  
“But I still lived, Gabriel. I have never regretted my choice.”  
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“Not after all of these years?  Giving up mortality, motherhood?  Even something simple as growing old?”  
“Gabriel… that was not the life I was meant to have, because if it was, what happened that night would have never happened to me, my sister, to Max. We would have all had a different life.”
I took Gabriel’s hands in mine.
“With you, I had a different life.  I’ve had  multiple lifetimes. I’ve traveled the world, and seen its beauty and different cultures, something I would have never been able to do given my station allotted to me by birth.  I am thankful you decided to come into the pub that night, and more grateful  that you heard me cry for help.  I have no regrets.  Part of me wishes Clara would have been here and could have been saved that night, but she loved Maxwell so much, even though she never said it to him, but I knew, and I believe he knew it too.  I think she would have died of a broken heart without him.  So it was right for the two of them to be reunited right away.”  
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“You really amaze me with your outlook on the world at times, and how you put things in perspective.”  
“Alice was a pretty smart cookie wasn’t she?”
“She is, and that’s only one of the reasons I asked her to marry me.”  
I closed my eyes when Gabriel leaned in to kiss me.  
We had one more stop to make and I knew the next stop would emotionally take a toll on me… visiting my sister’s final resting place.
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kingmystrieart · 14 days
🌍✨🌲👁️‍🗨️🌱 for arnieee
ask game
🌍 - What are this oc’s religious views?
This is a difficult one for me to answer, I haven't had time or space in Arnie's story so far to pick apart Arniela's spiritual or religious beliefs. I presume that Arnie in some amount is a religious person but in what way I am not sure.
Arniela reads me as someone who is more inclined to following doctrines and practices than to have spiritual experiences.
Someone could joke that Arnie and Core are devoted to each other, (since Core would die for Arnie, and Arnie would walk an eternity in a scorching desert just to meet her again if she did) but I don't feel like that a sufficient or realistic answer.
I'll have to get back to you on this question! I feel like Arnie would be especially religious after their dying and resurrection after all, maybe they have a shrine dedicated to the vision they saw int he after-life.
✨ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy!
One of the things that makes Arniela the happiest is recieving praise and words of affirmation, especially if it's from their sister Core. She's the person they care about the most in the entire world and being around her makes their little heart happy.
They've been friends since they were little, and she's been trying to protect them since. Even when they turned away from her because they didn't want to be a part of her family after their mom abandoned them. So nothing else int he world makes them more happy than when she's happy for them.
🌲 - Do they have a favorite location to hang out in?
Before dying it was inside Hayway, especially the dining car. After getting murdered and becoming an adult however, they much prefer their partners basement. For uhmmm... reasons.
Though they very much enjoy staying at Linda's home as well, best mom 10/10.
👁️‍🗨️ - Eye contact: good or bad for this oc?
Arnie could stare into Angel's eyes forever. <3
Core too but only when she isn't looking disappointed.
Everyone else can go fuck themself.
🌱 - Share one of this oc’s early memories.
Alright! Prose under cut, taken from the perspective of Arnie reminiscing:
It probably smelled nice.
It probably smelled nice, but the smell is lost to time.
The food probably tasted good.
It had to be or it wouldn’t have been eaten so greedily.
She told you to slow down and not eat so quickly, and you did. Your little hands made the food look bigger than it was.
He was smiling at you and he wiped off some food off your cheek.
Everything was warm and peaceful and your mother was smiling too. Your father was the toughest and strongest person you ever knew.
You were all a happy family.
So now you stand in the rain with your little umbrella with your mother, knowing life was never going to be the same ever again. You were right, but you didn’t know how bad it was going to get.
I wish I could tell you how hard things are going to be.
You loved Mami and Papi, but he left and she ditched you.
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nihilara · 2 months
@furiaei asked: ' I wonder : would you ever love enough to deify me? I would be a generous Goddess, this much you can know. you sing your worship, I will bestow you my kiss and bliss to bring your whole being to tremble. then, once I am unshackled from the human vessel I presently inhabit, the memory you keep will be my altar, my icon, my existence. I may be but a flicker in the grand scheme of things. for all that, should you choose to love me, I will burn for myself a place in your eternity none other will ever be able to inhabit. I will incinerate for myself a place into the very essence of you. '
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𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍? to offer his faith, his devotion, his entire being- flesh and spirit. to give these things, and be valued for every pound of it? 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.. like honey, like warm liquor, like the promise of a good long sleep. the intoxication of divine adoration is... heavy. kuro feels himself out of breath, speechless at the thought. he's lived countless lifetimes, his death overdue for too long. and at her declarations, he can feel an old warmth return to him. subtle, but frenzied- and if he is not careful---
there was a time when god made up everything he was. was it possible? could he let go, and give into it again? 𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐲, to bow his head and allow another to choose what in life matters. it makes life less terrifying, makes pain feel like it holds more weight and meaning.
enduring forever would be less of a climb. simpler.
" and what... " his tone is careful, and calm. the timid nature he has carried for centuries now-- washes away. a chalkboard, half emptied. there is a desperation bubbling beneath his skin, itching the back of his mind. to experience divinity, to embody it and feel the touch of a god-- does he want that? " what would you want me to give? love? " uncertainty laces his tone, despite his best efforts. he's been burned before. " is that all? how... then, can i know you would not leave me? when i have served that purpose... "
a brief pause, a breath, just to think.
" love me, as i love you... and i will give you everything. " a hand to his chest, a heat at his core. " an altar, right here, one i will hollow out myself. my purpose, my reason for living. nothing will be off limits. my flesh, my bones. my spirit, should i ever find a way to depart. everything. "
another breath. it feels like hours...
" i cannot take another betrayal, mya. i can not. "
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Wolstinien Week Day 3: AU
In which Estinien is Viscount of House Varlineau and Agi is a cook in his household. SFW.
Estinien de Varlineau, Viscount of House Varlineau, paced in his study, half midnight approaching quickly.
And so is she.
What is it about her that makes me feel like an untried schoolboy? Oh, be honest with yourself---it’s love.
He heard a few quiet knocks on the door and crossed the room in a few long strides, ushering in Agnes. Taking her by the hand, he led her to a chair, not letting go until she was comfortable. Then he sat opposite her and rested his chin on steepled hands.
“Forgive me, I know the hour is late…but there is something I must say.” Courage, Varlineau. “Were we simply two people then this would be so much easier.” Estinien chuckled nervously, his gaze meeting hers. Despite the hour, her bespectacled eyes were focused on him. And she’s clearly nervous. Shit. SHIT.
“Well forgive me, my lord, but are we not two people already? You’re a person. I’m a person. We’re people.” She’s so sweet. Aymeric says I always cut to the heart of the issue, but no, my friend, it is her.
“Heh, yes. Of course. What I mean is I…what I would say is our current position complicates what I wish to say.”
A flash of understanding appeared in her beautiful brown eyes. “Oh. Well. If that’s the case, then just tell me like I’m just Agi Currai the person.” She grinned. “I’m awfully curious as to why you asked me here, my lord.”
Does she truly have no idea? By the Fury. He cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair, hands now fidgeting in his lap. “If I’m to speak plainly, I fear this would jeopardize—”
“My lord,” Agnes sighed. “Spit it out already.”
“I am in love you.”
There I fucking said it, Aymeric.
The object of his declaration sat in stunned silence, her mouth hanging open slightly and her eyes wide.
“Please…say something.” Estinien begged softly. “Please.”
After what felt like several eternities to him, she breathed, “Oh.” She blinked a few times and then caught his gaze again. “I…I never thought anyone would ever love me.”
“Whyever not?” His voice was soft as he leaned forward once more.
“Because I’m not thin and pretty.” Agnes shook her head sadly. “I’m not what people want. I’m a friend---a really good friend but a friend. That’s all I’ll ever be…” In what Estinien would later call as one of the happiest moments of his life, she expression brightened so much that she smiled and she’s blushing. That blush. I want to kiss her. “But no. You’re in love with me, and fuck me, I’m in love with you too.”
By the Fury. She does love me. SHE LOVES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Viscount of House Varlineau cried out in joy, practically leaping from his chair to kneel in front of her, taking her hands in his. “Oh my love…”
“You know,” Agnes said as she smiled down at him. “Every rational part of me has been saying ‘this is the worst idea ever do not fall in love with him’ but I trust my heart in this case.” She placed a kiss on his forehead. “I trust you. I love you. Yes, this is very complicated. Yes, you’re my employer. Yes, you’re a viscount, which I still don’t understand what the fuck that even is—”
They shared a laugh as he snorted. “Honestly, some days I barely know what it is myself.”
Removing her hands from his hold, she cupped his face and tilted his gaze upwards slightly. “The point is---I want to make this work.”
“So do I. More than anything. My parents were devoted to each other until the end. How I’ve craved that kind of love. How I thought I’d never find it.” He nuzzled one of her palms and pressed his lips to kiss it. “But I did. With you.” I could look into her eyes forever. She’s so beautiful.
Agnes shifted in the chair. “We have a lot to discuss, love. Maybe we should, erm…get you off the floor?” She giggled, kissing him briefly and then standing. Glancing around the candlelit room, she spotted a loveseat. “How about—”
Within seconds, Estinien was standing.
He had a giddy expression on his otherwise serious face as he gathered the woman whose heart is completely safe in my hands into his arms and passionately kissed her. He tucked a strand of dark red hair behind an ear and eagerly devoured every moan that escaped from her pretty, perfect lips. “I’m not on the floor anymore, Agi.” He teased, a hand traveling downwards to touch her behind.
Breathless, she nodded. “No, you’re not…” She swallowed, one of her hands brushing against his cheek. “Am I…should I…when we’re alone…” Agnes chuckled. “Should I call you Estinien?”
The man in question had only one proper, entirely proper response to his beloved saying his name.
His lips collided her hers.
And I may have pinched her ass. May have.
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dhirne · 2 months
"My Lovable Parents"
Love is a thread that runs through every memory and every experience in the tapestry of life. My parents' love is the most radiant thread among all of these. They are the designers of my life, the keepers of my aspirations, and the foundation of my power.
My parents' steadfast love and limitless affection have shone through my life like two stars in the night sky, each with their own special brilliance. Their love story, which is an example of fortitude and loyalty, started long before I did. Their hearts found comfort in each other's company from the first minute they met, and they set out on an incredible journey together.
My mother embodies unconditional love with her soft grace and unfailing kindness. Her laugh is a soul-soothing song, and her embrace is a haven. She has nourished my soul and taught me the virtues of empathy and compassion with every encouraging word and unselfish action. Her consistent backing has guided me with wisdom and love, acting as my anchor in life's rough waters.
My father, with his strength of character and boundless generosity, is the rock upon which our family stands. His hands, weathered by years of hard work, have crafted a life of abundance and security for us all. His quiet wisdom and steady presence have been a beacon of hope in times of darkness, a steady hand to guide me through life’s uncertainties. In his eyes, I see the reflection of my own potential, and in his embrace, I find the courage to chase my dreams.
Together, my parents form a union of love and devotion that is both inspiring and humbling. Theirs is a partnership built on mutual respect, shared dreams, and unwavering commitment. Through the highs and lows of life, they stand side by side, their love a shield against adversity, their laughter a celebration of joy.
In their love, I have found my greatest treasure, a gift beyond measure that fills my heart with gratitude and joy. From the simple moments of shared laughter to the profound depths of their wisdom, my parents have enriched my life in ways words cannot express. They have taught me the true meaning of love, sacrifice, and perseverance, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
As I walk the path of life, I carry with me the lessons they have imparted, the values they have instilled, and the love they have given so freely. In every triumph, I see their unwavering support, and in every challenge, I feel their strength beside me. Their love is a guiding light that illuminates my journey, a beacon of hope that shines brightly in the darkness.
To my lovable parents, words will never suffice to express the depth of my gratitude and the breadth of my love. You are the stars that light up my sky, the pillars that uphold my dreams, and the heartbeat of my existence. Thank you for everything you are, everything you do, and everything you continue to be. I am blessed beyond measure to call you my parents, and I cherish every moment we share together.
In your love, I find my home, my sanctuary, my heart’s truest refuge. Forever and always, I am yours, bound by the unbreakable bonds of love that unite us as family.
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Could you please do every questions from the ask game for Lucille? Sorry i couldn't choose! All of the questions seemed so interesting 🤣
My first impression of them
I think I just considered her a straightforward Evil Girlboss. But it took me forever to Blorbo these characters, though I saw the movie in theatres and loved it from the start. I definitely loved her costumes from the beginning; I recall that much.
When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you’ve sent me a character I don’t like)
April 2021. I was at home after my second COVID vaccine dose, realized the movie was on Netflix, watched it- and fell down the rabbit hole, hard.
The vaccine doesn't give you 5G blood or heart failure, it turns out- just makes you stan fictional thirtysomething incestuous murderesses. Bill Gates must be playing a REALLY long game.
A song that reminds me of them
Oh god, so many. But for now, I'll go with...Stolen Roses, by Karen Ellison. "And the weeds in the ground have grew up through my skin/Forsaking a lonesome girl's heart/I'd go where the stolen roses grow/To forget that I had fell apart."
How many people I ship them with
Two! Edith and Thomas.
My favorite ship of them
OT3- Edith/Thomas/Lucille. Any individual leg of the triad involving her is interesting to me, too.
My least favorite ship of them
Lucille/Alan. Like. Why? They exchange like five sentences that we see onscreen- two of those in a deleted scene -and then she tries to kill him. Hardly true love, in my opinion.
A quote of them that you remember
She has like 75% of the iconic quotes in that movie. So instead, I'll point out that all three instances of swearing in the movie are her- AND canonically within like an hour of each other. #RefinedProperLady indeed.
Your favorite outfit of them
Her blue or black dress! I suspect they're the same pattern- at least, I hope for the stitchers' sake that they were.
Your least favorite outfit of them
Much as it pains me to say this...her red dress. I love all of her outfits, but the collar and the weird hoodie-looking faux drawstrings on this one push it to the end of the list. I am so sorry.
Describe the character in one sentence
Someone who hit rock bottom only by slipping through every possible crack in her childhood/adolescence.
What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
Love and pragmatism.
Sexuality hc!
Hear me out: I think she's a lesbian who will never realize that about herself. Jessica Chastain said her "fantasies are more about women than men," and let's be honest- how much is her whole Situation with Thomas about attraction as normal adults understand it, and how much about devotion, trauma bonding, general uncategorized Love, and physical pleasure/comfort?
She loves Thomas. She likes having sex with him for the physical sensation and the mental associations. And she'll never be attracted to another man, so she'll never realize that it's Different from the way she feels about other women.
Your favorite friendship they have
Friend...ship? I think she knows the definition of the word, and that's about it.
Best storyline they had
There is only one.
Worst storyline they had
See above.
A childhood headcanon
When she turned ten, Lucille received her first and only doll: a wooden 18th-century lady that Thomas found in the attic trunk-room and fixed up for her in secret. This doll's name was Sophia, and she was treasured as few dolls have ever been.
What do you think their first word was?
Given her childhood, probably something nobody noticed or cared about. Or even bemoaned, in a "little girls should be seen and not heard, and now the tiresome thing won't ever give us any peace again" vein.
How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
We know from the character bios and the newspaper article about Beatrice's death how she was as a kid: curious, quiet, intelligent, brave, coldly polite to most people, and eternally self-sacrificing for her brother. Not yet as broken as she would one day be, but increasingly cracked as the years passed.
The most random ship you’ve seen people have with them
Lucille/Dracula. I have no idea.
A weird headcanon
She finds April Fool's Day extremely tiresome (spoiler: this is because it's her birthday).
When do you think they were at their happiest?
Weirdly, per the bios, the canon answer is "when she was pregnant with Thomas' child." She got to just be at home relaxing with her piano and her butterflies and her increasingly esoteric poetry about her and Thomas' Ultimate, Predestined, Celestially Perfect Union.
I'd say three-way tie between that, the time when she was a young child and Thomas a toddler and their nurse Theresa actually loved them, and the post-asylum period where she'd healed significantly and she and Thomas had free rein of the house but the money hadn't run dangerously low yet.
When do you think they were at their lowest?
After her son died.
Future headcanon
Based on the actual movie ending? She'll continue haunting Allerdale until it collapses, and then...who knows?
In my happier imaginings? Canon diverges before Edith gets too ill, and they all end up in a happy (if deeply unhealthy) triad together.
What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
There were more pregnancies after the first one. She ended them with herbal abortifacients the day she realized, every time, believing she could never bring a healthy baby into the world.
When do you think they acted the most ooc
It's not something she does onscreen, but Thomas' wives ring fingers are in the drawer along with their locks of hair. I don't see someone as fastidious as Lucille particularly enjoying the smells, staining, and visuals of severed limbs rotting in a heated room that would come before they ended up all neatly mummified as they appear to be in the movie.
When do you think they were being “themselves” the most?
When she was showing Edith around the library.
I think murder is something she does, but her interests and her devotion to Thomas are who she is. She doesn't want to be killing people- she doesn't regret it or feel guilty; assuming that would be woobifying. She just hates the necessity of it. She wants to be at home with her books and her butterflies and her piano, being a good sister-wife to Thomas and a good mistress to the house. And I think that's significant.
If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
I wonder what GDT Pinocchio Death would make of her?
The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
Y U Kill Dog?
How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren’t?)
(She is, but her son is dead.)
I think the Sharpes together make one decent babysitter.
With Lucille alone, you get the kid fed nutritious meals, bathed, and put to bed on time after a suitable period spent in quiet play or practicing a skill- but they're lightly terrified of putting a toe wrong.
With Thomas, you get the kid having the time of their life- but they haven't showered in three days, they're covered in glitter-glue, and their last five meals were bowls of Lucky Charms.
Unless of course the kid happens to be running from a situation they'd find all too familiar, in an OT3 setup- but that's just an existing, very fleshed-out OC I'm trying frantically to work into a story someday. We'll see if she makes it.
The funniest scene they had?
Error 404. Scene not found.
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