bleach-your-panties · 7 months
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fake-colors · 1 day
asdfghyujikolp;[' they had this whole plan to jump in the lake and then he googles the things you can pick up from a lake and decides instead to dip and kiss him for his taskdskgd while they're still wearing swimsuits and floaties. now they're drawing each other
"my arse feels normal"
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eerna · 4 months
"why did Orpheus turn to check if Eurydice is there if he can just return to Hadestown if Hades really did lie about letting her go" that's the thing. he can't. the only reason he can enter Hadestown without taking Hades' deal/dying is because the lalalas open the way for him. Eurydice only gave him a chance after he showed her the power of the lalalas. and in Doubt Comes In, his lalalas no longer work - twice he tries to call on them, and twice he fails. he has lost the ability to wield their magic because he stopped believing their power can change the world. if he leaves Hadestown and Eurydice isn't behind him, she will well and truly be gone forever. of course he turns around. of course he can't take those final few steps out of the Underworld without making sure the lalalas worked.
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ashenburst · 6 months
A Not So Brief Analysis Of Dracule Mihawk
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Wondering if Mihawk's distrust of others correlates with the fact he is basically a one-man crew. Wondering just how self-reliable he must've become in order to be self-sufficient. Wondering what is the cause behind it all.
I wonder if, similarly, he has trouble being vulnerable around others. There is an undeniably stoic attribute to his character, but there is a common pitfall practitioners of stoicism (or those who lean towards it) are susceptible to: emotional disregard under the guise of control of emotions, or even worse, reprimanding empathy.
Therefore, could it be the case Mihawk is emotionally detached? It would be easy to draw such a conclusion with what little we’ve been shown of him. While an individualist, he accepts those who come to/at him (Zoro and Perona), and he reaches out to others (Shanks); it might be true that he’d lost interest in Shanks after his injury, but he still committed the sweet act of showing him Luffy’s bounty and apologizing to him upon testing Luffy. There’s also the moment where he tells Perona to take care, upon her departure. So, while aloof, Mihawk is not reserved to the point of stoic cold. He wouldn’t sacrifice company in order to be alone (even if in the case of his pact with Crocodile, there was an utilitarian aspect to the choice; in keeping Perona and Zoro, and in visiting Shanks, there was none other than being nice). One could attribute these acts to an emotional attachment because it does take a drive to complete these very active feats. For Shanks, it could be respect, too. I don’t believe the detached attitude Mihawk possesses would let him take care of those two for two years, especially since he values peace so much; something had to override this desire for peace. I say, the reason could be empathetic in its roots.
Perhaps his self-reliance is misread as distrust? To distrust someone would imply that one is uncertain of their motivations/actions. Mihawk, as someone with Observation Haki, someone who views his enemies with curiosity, who allies himself with whoever is willing to offer him the most peaceful residence… would he be so distrusting? In the little glimpses of his internal monologue we get, there is no distrust and no hesitation. In general, he is confident in his judgement.
But on a more personal level, does he fear his more delicate feelings would be betrayed, if shown too much? There is a possibility for that. We haven’t seen him in such state, as he does rely on himself only. Perhaps Crocodile knows of it. On the flipside, this would imply that Mihawk has a deep, unburied emotional core, one he nurtures and protects – and perhaps one that was taken advantage of. Observation Haki can’t save him from heartbreak, can it? It can sense the emotions of others. It can’t predict his own.
In either case, there very likely is a softer core to the world’s strongest swordsman. Establishing that he isn’t emotionally exempt, but knowing that there’s still a strong individualist quality to him, I wish to look at more of Mihawk’s internal processing.
For an arguably isolated character, he isn't close-minded at all. He possesses curiosity towards his foes; he asks, and he indulges, and he encourages. Think of the entirety of his fight with Zoro.
Then, later on, he is more than anything amused at Zoro’s request. But he obliges. Have the rare panel where he laughs.
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When he assesses the strengths of his opponents, he doesn’t do so with any negativity in his mind. Oddly, he goes great lengths to assess them (thinking of his encounter with Luffy). Imagine, it was worth disturbing his peace! Linked here are several reasons why he might’ve done so.
One thing all of these cases have in common is ease. One could argue that it stems from absolute confidence that he is unbeatable, therefore he acts out of boredom, but then again… he trains Zoro because he recognizes valiant traits in him, not because he has nothing better to do. While, yes, there might be some boredom in his life...
Could boredom be Mihawk’s internal motivator? Can we classify his actions as so random/pointless that they serve a sort of entertainment to his otherwise dull living? Personally, I don’t gravitate towards that take. He actively works to preserve his ‘boring’ way of life. For a man so unimpressed, he isn’t trying to change himself at all – nor his routine, not much – in order to appease any need for excitement. The only time he expresses he feels excitement is when trouble heads his way. He does not seek it. Therefore, I presume he is content with the way things are. Quiet.
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How does one pinpoint and rationalize these very complex stances? It could be summarized as the opposite of what Mihawk told Zoro.
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Could it be that the world’s strongest swordsman became one for he hasn’t developed himself merely in swordsmanship, but in wisdom of living as well? For his domain extends beyond the puddle. There’s an excellent post on Reddit that details the reference this entire phrase comes from, related to Zen.
In addition, I like that during training, Mihawk hasn’t pushed any ideologies or mantras on Zoro, beyond that of basic swordsmanship honor and shame. As far as we know, of course, but I argue such a lesson would be explicitly stated due to its importance. Anyway, these two do not have that moment. Mihawk gets closest to it with his ‘frog’ comment.
It could be assumed that, in not pushing any creed on Zoro (but that to expand his views), Mihawk is leaving room for Zoro to know himself beyond swordsmanship, while also respecting his dream.
Taking into account this ideological emptiness, the ‘frog’ comment, and Mihawk’s general disposition: confidence, ease, peace, I argue that they all stem from the fact Mihawk has found his place in life and has achieved his dream, doing it his way. Now, his current goal of sorts is to be outbested in terms of swordsmanship, a goal he is willing to help Zoro with.
And there is such honor and beauty to it! To sacrifice the goal of his life to help another person achieve theirs. Just how much at peace with themself would one have to be, to be able to give away so much of themself? It's mindblowing. Being able to dynamically balance so many internal and external factors (achieving a dream certainly isn't enough to teach or in any way emulate that; it takes vast wisdom to do so) to finally reach that stage of contentment: to let another have it, at the cost of your own, on a basis entirely factual and wholly fulfilling. It's once again reminiscent of stoicism, and its postulate that a life well-lived is one lived in accordance to nature. One lived in moderation. Now, Mihawk doesn't seem to be very emotionally expressive, does he?
In the aggressive tug-of-war that is the One Piece world, he remains steady, firm on his feet. He knows where he stands, and he’s where he wants to be.
Deeply in tune with himself like that, it could be interpreted that Mihawk has reached a state akin to ataraxia (Greek, meaning freedom of trouble or anxiety; tranquility of mind dependent on the mind), a viable path to one’s happiness as regarded in stoicism. Related, I find it very enjoyable that he is a character who has achieved his dream. Because one must ask: what comes after the dream is achieved? For Mihawk, there is simple contentment. Nothing ‘great’ after he’s reached his grand dream. Farming, napping, cooking, drinking wine, reading? How humble! Not much to indulge in, but he is fulfilled.
And so, his trail continues, he is aware of that, but he doesn’t chase happiness down it. And even if it gets rough and he has to deviate a little, he is on the right path. He knows it, and feels it. That's all that matters.
As Seneca said, “It is not that virtue is chosen because it pleases, but that, if chosen, it also pleases.” Mihawk delved into the wisdom of living, then chose his spot back in his own puddle, still occasionally gazing beyond it.
How exactly did Mihawk come to this mindset? Now that is mental work I reckon he deserves rest from.
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pthalomars · 1 year
hhhhhghgg... jason grace thoughts... [my telekinetic powers make every wall in my house explode]
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Is it insane of me to say that Spock Bones and Jim are teaching me to love? Maybe. But that doesnt make it less true. As weird and sappy as it sounds these characters, their trust and unwavering love for eachother, their compassion it makes me understand how to love. Freely, without fear. To love myself and to love those around me. To love the stars and to love the dirt, to love these stupid space shows with my whole heart and not hide it. They’re teaching me to love fully and openly.
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 6 months
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Total Drama Future AU design number 8!
Alejandro is 39 in this AU.
After All Stars, he took some time to improve his mental health and rekindle his relationship with Cody. Little did he know that Cody had been hopelessly pining for him, and he couldn't deny that he liked that funny little guy as well.
After 1 year and 3 months of dating, Cody proposed to him at the Café they had both grown to love.
It was nice to have someone who loved and appreciated him for more than his body.
With the help of Alejandro's mother, they had a lovely wedding and invited both the Gen 1 and 2 casts as guests (Minus Chris and Chef).
For their honeymoon, they went around the world and revisited all the destinations from World Tour. (Minus the island from the finale).
On December 26th, 2013, at 4:49am, they welcomed Axel Burromuerto-Anderson into their lives.
Alejandro runs his own Pub in Toronto, he's very fond of his work.
Alejandro never thought this is where he would end up in life, but he's quite pleased he got this far.
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grumfield · 8 hours
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chu Wanning gets space isekai’d because I said so
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fernflowerss · 2 years
Can we PLEASE talk about the parallel between
Wilbur's "Then let's be the bad guys" and
Tommy's "I don't want to be the bad guy"
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marauderingpaige · 2 months
Okay, but if I don’t see Jesus Christ on a motorbike in season three I think I might cry.
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solradguy · 8 months
I'm so grateful that the only GG fans that care about the light novels are the ones that can be normal about things because Lightning the Argent goes from the rawest scenes of carnage imaginable to Ky Kiske doing something mildly religious like offering a short, silent, prayer for someone that got mangled to death by WMD dragons, and I just know that, in the wrong hands, those brief religious moments would generate the most annoying goddamn memes you could ever imagine
#textpost#I have a mountain of beef with catholicism specifically and am negative percent religious#But the punchline to so many Ky jokes is just “ha ha catholic” like come onnnnn get creative#Religion on its own isn't bad. Look instead at how an individual interacts with it and judge from there#Untapped potential in how Ky's consistently depicted praying to Mary/an unspecified female saint for example#Actually... How come I've never seen anyone analyze that aspect of his belief?#His parents died when he was pretty young (iirc) so their influence couldn't've been too much of a contributing factor in that#Maybe he was closer to his mom in the brief time he had with his parent(s)?#Almost all of the Holy Order knights/members they've ever shown have been male too#So I wonder if maybe it's more like the calm/uncombative protective presence of a sacred woman is comforting to him?#It's definitely a stark contrast to the types of things he's generally exposed to in his daily life in any case#Another interesting contrast is how much Sol DOESN'T like religion#He's got some sarcastic lines about God and stuff even pre-Gearification. Wonder what the story with that is...#Anyway Ky only expressing his religion in private moments is interesting to me too#I can't think of an instance where he ever forced it on someone else or tried to explain something as happening just because God willed it#He's smart and logical and yet he still has this spiritual component...#Man is his character is complex. Studying this blond kid under a microscope...
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transmechanicus · 1 month
I know that logically everything that happens beyond my knowledge is a result of entirely mundane forces, but also I've got terminal pattern recognition and number association autism. So when two huge Admech reveals come on the day of and right after a really shit personal holiday, the Powerwolf album is releasing on another Day That Will Be Hard, and consistently throughout my undergrad warhammer reveal shows, codex releases, and band album drops would be like The Day after a major exam or challenge, it is really hard not to start considering that a subtly divine level of correlation.
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fushigurro · 3 months
does the sims still count as a cozy game if you just use mods to make everyone fuck and do coke
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amazingspider-z · 2 months
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Back at it with Bleach!
AKA the: If arrancar get to look kind of like shinigami despite starting off as hollows, Visored should get to look a little bit hollow all the time despite starting off as shinigami. As a (not) treat. post
(Bonus: some more floating heads under the cut)
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macdenlover · 2 years
okay this is definitely a huge reach and i have no clue if anyone else has talked about this before but its a fun theory anyway!
dennis is d.e.n.n.i.s.-ing mac but he’s doing it BACKWARDS. okay stay with me here. it’s the sinned system— it subverts the original dennis system in every way because 1) it’s dennis’s uphill battle with real authentic love for the first time in his life and 2) none of it is planned or happening on purpose. here’s the evidence so far
S - separate entirely: the guy you’ve been in a codependent mildly homoerotic relationship with for 20 something years came out of the closet and he’s in love with you. flee immediately and give him a fake number. start a new life with a new family thousands of miles away and don’t ever talk to him again.
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I- inspire hope: never mind that was horrible. come back home. don’t let anyone know your next move.
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N- neglect emotionally: you expected everything to go back to normal after coming back but this just doesn’t feel right. he’s coming on way too strong. you need to create some distance. for his sake, obviously, not yours…… right?
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N- nurture dependance: you totally don’t need him as badly as he needs you. this is just asserting your dominance and keeping him wrapped around your finger. nothing more.
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E- engage physically: one pandemic later you realize pushing him away this much was a bad idea. theres no way he actually moved on from you, right? start touching him again. keep it casual.
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and that just leaves us with D for demonstrate value…. maybe….. some big gesture or emotionally charged moment that shows how he feels. now i’m not saying the narrative is setting it up but i’m not not saying it either. just something to think about
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ivymarquis · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @direwombat and @gaeadene (love you guys💕)
Was gonna write more but 🍄 🍄
Anyway so for the virgin könig and virgin reader they’re both in their 30s and just been busy with. Career stuff so there is no o//////o here. These two are down bad.
Y’all have been warned.
It’s not until he’s in the carrier and reaching for something in one of his pockets that König realizes he can hear the crinkle of plastic that was not in that pocket when he dressed this morning.
Confusion and curiosity swirl in equal measures as he goes to pull it out and investigate.
Only to stop halfway in a cold/nervous/anxious flurry at the flash of hot pink and immediately stuffs the fabric back into his pocket.
He thinks back, at that moment, to his goodbye to Stitch. At the time he hadn’t paid any attention to the way her hands had dragged down his tactical vest beyond an acknowledgment that he’ll miss the feel of her in his arms while he’s gone.
That- That minx!
Not for the first time in his career, he is beyond thankful for the hood he hides behind. There’s no way his face isn’t getting redder by the second as a blend of arousal and apprehension twist inside him at the realization of what she’d done.
König takes very deliberate, controlled breaths to keep a handle on himself. No one is looking in his direction- he believes his secret is safe.
The rest of the flight has König in a tailspin as his attention keeps drifting back to the fabric in his pocket. He shifts frequently, an action that blessedly doesn’t draw attention as his inability to sit still is well known.
This time rather than just run of the mill nerves it’s because he’s doing his best to fight the semi that Stitch’s little surprise gives him.
His efforts are as successful as trying to not think of a white elephant after being told to not think about one.
The plastic wrapped fabric burns a proverbial hole in his pocket. Even as the details of the mission are gone over König keeps returning to it.
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