#I CRAVE validation from strangers on the internet
random-fandom-society · 7 months
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I've waited 22 years to make this joke
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jack-daww · 8 months
I'm shaking the chapter I uploaded today like an empty box, hoping for comments to fall out
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gaynasa · 1 year
someone wanna interact with my tumblr like it’s 2015 again and we’re all sending each other gay anons
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isbergillustration · 2 years
Made a separate blog for my writing ( @outgridwrites ) so you won't have to look at it here any more. Going to keep crossposting pieces that are illustrated though.
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allylikethecat · 1 year
that feeling when you updated your fic less than an hour ago and just keep refreshing AO3 to see if people have clicked on it even though the email hasn't even gone out yet and also it is the middle of the night for most of your readers 😭
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iam-egg-hst · 30 days
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My favorite pookiebear <3<3<3-I'm testing out the waters here bc instagram absolutely sucks w/ their whole "removing recent posts on hashtags," thing. (I just discovered it today, live underneath a rock) I absolutely crave validation from internet strangers for things I work hours on.I'll mainly be posting fanart or random oc stuff. Like the next post I make might either be a bg3 thing of my and my friend's character. Idk it's just whatever gets done
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"🤓☝️ erm- BSD manga fans try not to spoil what happened in the manga for the 1000th time challenge!!!(IMPOSSIBLE),"/J/hj/srs/j/srs/hj/srs/hj/j/hj/-
I didn't know that if an account is not used in so long it's automatically shadowbanned so I deleted my other account, if you saw this post, no you didn't<3
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skinlessfacade · 7 months
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"Danny pwetty pls w a cherry on top help me steal corpses 🥺🥺 " ... "🙁"
Ok pookies, i did drawing pls give me praise. I crave validation from strangers on the internet !!!
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boycritter · 4 days
ughghghhhh i crave validation from strangers on the internet.....
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mitzo · 2 years
You are a teenage boy who is behaving like a child. You do not and should not be posting personal information about yourself and displaying it for strangers much older than you to see. Why do you do blatantly display how much you crave validation for these lies you’ve surrounded yourself with? You know you are not a girl; you are using that as a crutch to ignore your underlying issues which you definitely need professional help for. You use cutesy stamps of labels as your identity when they really don’t mean anything. They don’t say anything about who you truly are, your character, your beliefs, the way you treat people. Aside from the one about reporting people for hate speech - yes, those people you dislike and label terf are actual human beings - those ones you report would be equally right in reporting you. You’re trying to censor free speech and it is so incredibly childish to think ‘this person said a thing i chose to take personally so im gonna go tattle on them and say they’re evil nazis’.
Please get off the internet and get help. Being online, surrounded by a bunch of other mentally unstable teenagers and adult groomers is just speeding up your mind and emotional wellbeings’ destruction. I truly hope you heal and stop hurting yourself with these lies and deceitful labels and that you allow God into your heart.
It isn’t too late by the way. Please don’t transition; it will destroy your body and mind. Read detransitioners’ testimonies. They’re heartbreaking. They expose the truth that corporations and doctors looking to make money off of vulnerable people conceal.
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I made this blog cause I was hurting.
I made this blog after a break up that stripped me of all my self worth and love.
I made this blog hoping to feel better, get some validation from strangers.
I...I feel so so much worse.
I think I hate myself.
I crave so deeply that I had someone here, to hold me, catch me when I fall, understand when I just can't right now.
I had a particular conversation that's giving me this revelation as someone I used to date and still cared deeply for told me I was still valuable.
I hate that word and how I specifically just used it.
Why was I raised to see humans as having value.
Why was I hurt.
Why was I told I was good for nothing cause of my body.
Why was I told I was evil for my mind.
I just...I think I hate myself.
And the internet made it so much worse.
As it always does.
Please, I just wanna feel okay again.
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love-kurdt · 6 months
what the fuck are boops
and how do i transform them into a form of sustenance bc this is the cutest concept ever and it’s perfect for people like me who crave validation from strangers on the internet
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🥹💞 boop! 😭✨
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ana-cantskywalker · 1 year
"Lieutenant Commander Ezra Bridger, one of the last Jedi in the Galaxy defeated by… an oven.”
- Aka Ezra and Sabine try to make Hera a cake for her birthday.
It goes about as well as you'd expect,
Finally finished that fic I was working on. It took three times as long and turned out with twice as many words as I had originally planned, but there it is if anyone is interested :)
If you do read it and like it please let me know, I wrote it for myself but I crave the validation from strangers on the internet
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alasse-earfalas · 1 year
Billy sat at his easel and bit into the odd alien fruit. He couldn’t think of what real-world fruit it resembled so it would have to be content remaining an amalgamation for now. 
Something itched at his ear, but Billy swatted it away. No, he didn’t want to listen to Alassë right now, she was too anxious and controlling. He knew what she was going to ask and he refused to work for her. 
“Billy,” Alassë tried to say anyway. “Billy, why are you angry at me?” 
“I don’t want to talk about it.” 
Alassë’s typing was much slower as 
“Billy please, why are you getting in my way with this? Can’t I get a chance to write about something that I want to write—”
“You mean force me to write something I don’t want to.” 
“Because I’m bored! I already know what happens, there’s nothing to explore anymore! I want to move on to something else, and besides it’s been dragging on for ages and we keep changing our minds on where we want to take it.” 
“You mean it’s fanfiction. We’re not trying to sell this to a publisher ya doofus, let’s just write like crap and have fun with it.” 
“How am I supposed to have fun when it’s the same dang thing over and over again? Sky is sad, something happens, ten chapters take up the entire course of a day—the pace is slow and grinding and the plot keeps losing itself and if it weren’t for the Gate of Memory thing I established early on, we’d be lost at sea with no cohesion to the story at all! 
“The only reason you want to keep writing it is so you can share it with people and get comments and see the view count go up (yeah, don’t think I haven’t seen you obsessing over that lately) to somehow validate what’s supposed to be all in good fun. If you don’t care about quality then why do you care if people see it? Besides these are strangers on the internet—”
“Some of them are my friends—”
“Yeah and I can count those on one hand, and as many friends as read your stories on a finger! These people don’t know you or me or any of us or what we have been through so why do you care so much about being accepted by them?” 
All Alassë could think about was the weighted blanket of profound loneliness that suffocated her as a child through into young adulthood. Despite her efforts to think, this was all she could feel, and she didn’t know how to use this as an argument because it wasn’t. 
“I just want someone to be proud of my writing—” 
“No, no love, you have that backwards. I can see what you’re feeling, you’re a tiny little girl standing at an art museum, wanting to put your (well done, to be completely fair) scribbles on display in the hopes that you might get praise like you’re hearing everyone around you getting.” 
“Yes I know,” she said, upset but not at Billy, “what’s that feeling called though?” 
“Why is validation suddenly the devil to you?” 
“Because you just yelled at me about it!” 
“Go back and read this, love, that’s not what I said.” 
“Go back and read. Then I’ll talk.” 
Alassë glared at him. “Okay so it was brief but it was there. You never used the word exactly but you did ask me why I want people to validate what I do.” 
Billy crossed his arms. “Yes and my question still stands, why do you care? That’s not worthy validation, you know that right? Your talents are not who you are, love, they’re gifts from God and you know this. So why look to online anons who you’ll never talk to in the flesh rather than the God who made us? Why, do, you, care?” 
Alassë felt insulted and angry and called out at once. 
“Isolation isn’t healthy for any of us, Billy, and you know it.” Rye stepped into the room, towering over them with Billy still seated. “Don’t be so brash for her craving attention, you know we’re malnourished of that.” 
“Then talk to Das or someone, why does this have to be the medium that we get attention—” 
“You know neurology,” Rye said with an annoyed sigh, “you know the answer to that question. How we interacted with others growing up shapes patterns in our brains, right? How did we get—”
“Okay okay yes I get it, you don’t need to remind me of all the gosh-awful fanfiction we wrote in high school.” Billy rubbed his face and groaned at the memory. 
“You’re focusing on the product,” Rye mused. 
“Of course I am! I’m the artist here, she calls me her fetching muse, and that’s pretty darned accurate so why shouldn’t I take that role seriously!” Billy chuffed angrily and ran his hands through his hair, pulling the strands up like he was trying to pull them out. 
“I’m not mad at the role,” Billy said in a calmer tone. “That’s not what I meant. I just feel hounded and I need some space. If you want to write something on your own, then do it on your own. You don’t need my help for that—” 
“You know d—n well that��s not true.” 
Rye rarely swore, and his deep tone got Billy to jump a little. “Geez, cut that out, please, I don’t like your intimidation effects.” Billy squirmed in his chair. “Okay alright I get it, I’m being bad, will you stop now?” 
The fog lifted and the chills damped. “You’re ignoring an emotional need,” Rye said quietly. “I know you have concerns, and I’m not saying there’s no truth to it.”
“What’s wrong, Billy?” 
Billy did not want—felt like he couldn’t—answer her question. He shuffled again in his chair. “I don’t know,” he responded curtly. 
“I know I, ‘shouldn’t care’—” Alassë started, but Rye cut her off. 
“Should is relative and helps no one. Acknowledge where you are first. What is fanfiction—or writing at all—to you?” 
“I don’t know how to describe that,” she admitted. “I already wrote out what I was feeling earlier.” 
Rye nodded. “I know this isn’t my expertise here, so correct me by all means if I misunderstand, but your loneliness—echoes from when we had no long-term friends—still haunt you. You are seeking the friends you never had through the medium of this fanfiction, and because you’re used to not interacting face to face with the people who you’re able to connect to in other ways—I mean you find friends with similar interests online much easier than you do in real life—then you want to do what you can in order to feel what little semblance of love and acceptance and belonging that you can from them. What you are seeking to validate, specifically, is that you are accepted as a vital part of someone else’s life, something you contribute brings them joy that they don’t want to be without, ergo, you have intrinsic value to them. You want to be part of a community and provide for that community things that will make you a valued asset. It’s basic survival applied to the online fandom sphere.” 
“… Why do you hide that big brain behind the rest of us?” Billy asked rhetorically. 
Rye shrugged. “I prefer to solve conflict. So long as things are running smoothly I prefer to not intervene.” He smiled cheekily. “With your ‘background’ Billy, I would think you of all people would understand the doctrine of non-interference.” 
Billy wanted to interrupt but decided not to. Rye was referring to the… fictional?… backstories that they all had to help provide adequate motivations for why they thought and behaved the way they did. Non-interference was a tenant of some fantasy race that Billy was half part of, an explanation for some of what he could do as well as why he didn’t do more. One of those, “interfere and you’ll lose your powers” kind of deals. 
“Can we compromise and go for a walk?” Billy asked tiredly. “We can brainstorm while we’re out of you like.” 
It was hard for Alassë to type up an adequate response, so she nodded instead. 
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oddity-oddities · 2 years
Checking back and forth between my Tumblr and my DeviantArt for notifications because I desperately crave validation from strangers on the internet
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My favorite thing to do to the biphobic chalk-eaters who come here to pick a fight is to completely ignore them <3 I never see you and I never will see you ;)
So don't waste your time sitting at the edge of your seat, waiting for some stranger on the internet to give you the attention you desperately crave because it'll never happen here. I legitimately don't care about the validation of faceless strangers on the internet who will completely forget about TOH a year from now.
And I have no desire to prove myself as a "good person" to some stranger who is clearly not a good person themselves. I don't care about your feelings, because I don't know you personally and I do not wish to know you personally.
Die mad about it <3
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mx-piggy · 1 year
Omg your account is so cool!! Muppets and wwdits?? And that username??? Literally the best!!! 💙💙
Ah thank you so much! I just love all my silly little guys so much, and who better to name my blog after than the phenomenal Miss Piggy herself, with a nonbinary twist of course.
I crave validation from internet strangers so this was nice.
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