Could you do like a poll? I kinda wanted to make this but you know didn't want to be judged lol
(if you don't want to that's okay you can just delete the ask I would understand)
The poll would be "who is a worse parent" and the options are Alden and Cassius
Because listen I know when you look at the canon it seems obvious but like at least Cassius didn't send a six year old into the forbidden cities right
And it really depends on your interpretation
here you go anon :P
thanks for the ask! if anyone else wants to ask anything like this it's cool too :3
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There are no rugs. The floor is all tile. The walls are all stone. It's a tall building, but it isn't a sky-scraper. It's got a lightning rod at the top. Keefe's room is at the top. Underneath the lightning rod. It used to terrify him. The windows are large, and there are no curtains, except in the bedrooms. Keefe's room is sunshine and flowers, yellow and green. Gisela's office is light blue. Cassius's office is silver. Every other room is pointless. There is no need for the rooms. Candleshade is built in excess. Its kitchen has black countertops, and plain white dishes that are dusty. Its game room has unopened, taped-shut games in boxes in a cabinet. The temperature is always cold. Keefe has blankets in his room. There are no blankets anywhere else. There is no fireplace in Candleshade, and even if there was, it would be in the family room that has never been used, in that wall between couches that have never been sat on. Candleshade is cold. It is silent. And it is untouchable.
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iheart-telepaths · 2 months
Keefe Sencen!!
me being active? shocker! anywaysss
KEEFE YAAAAAAAAAY i love keefe he cracks me up. i stay away from the ship wars and the whole fitz vs keefe thing, i think they're both good characters with flaws and it is up to you who you enjoy/root for. he is hilarious and i love his silly little coping mechanisms (totally not projecting on him lately). his trauma is rlly important to me and i don't think of him that much but if i had to choose who im most similar to it's him fs. he is definitely flawed as a person, but that's what makes him relatable just like all the other characters. also me and him are kind of twins. blonde styled/fluffy hair, blue eyes, art kid, burnt out gifted, severe mommy issues, same coping mechanisms, immature. yeha i love keefe 🕺 .... hc time ig?
i don't rlly think of him a lot, so these headcanons are pretty impulsive
-bisexual (before the whole sophie love triangle thing i thought him and fitz were 💏. irdk man)
-purposely gets hairspray on his bathroom mirror to make a mess for his dad
-has spent the entire day, multiple times, just trying out new hairstyles (he ultimately decided nothing will outdo The Hair)
-brings a marker everywhere and doodles on ppl, himself, papers etc
-trashes his room when he's mad (also bc of the satisfaction of knowing cassius hates it)
-likes finding little trinkets that remind him of the ppl he cares about
-ik this is random but he has the stupidest funky-pattern socks. he just radiates "i love wearing stupid looking vibrantly colored socks under my monotone outfits" vibes
-freckled keefe when guys like im begging
-avid fan of human fashion magazines (he likes making fun of outfits he doesn't like and draws ppl he thinks r pretty/unique)
-has used bianas makeup and found himself hot (struck a pose in the mirror then audibly gasped when alden walked in to ask if he was staying for dinner)
ik these r random but...idk. it's like midnight and this is on a whim
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myfairkatiecat · 2 months
Keefe (for bingo)
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this is my favorite character of all time in any media, right up there with Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars, Nicholas & Nathaniel Benedict from TMBS (showverse) and Lancelot from bbc Merlin. Actually probably slightly above all those characters which is SAYING SOMETHING.
Is he comic relief? Yes.
Would I be his friend? Yes.
Has he done nothing wrong? Yes!! No he’s done many things wrong he’s so precious to me ok but the law he’s broken the law I love him so much he literally betrayed his friends I will always love him he has sooo much to answer for I’m glad Sophie forgives him after she chews him out she should chew him out longer but I suppose Fitz does that for her He has so many apologies to make but like he’s also done nothing wrong look I’m aware of my blorbo’s mistakes he’s honestly not as problematic as the tumblr fandom makes him out to be sometimes, and I MEAN that, but he’s also not as perfect and sweet as the eleven year olds on Wattpad make him out to be. He’s a LOT okay, you can’t analyze Keefe Sencen without the everything
Are my opinions unpopular? Yep! The other keefe girlies hate my opinions bc I acknowledge his character flaws and the Keefe haters hate my opinions bc I acknowledge the fact that he’s NOT an antagonist and actually has a lot of really good traits, and that’s NOT me making excuses. Also what are y’all on about saying he doesn’t get held accountable for his actions, like yeah Sophie forgives him pretty fast but not until she’s yelled at him, and the rest of his friends do NOT bounce back to normal (Fitz)
Do I relate to him? Yes, unfortunately. I have Fitz’s trauma and Keefe’s coping mechanisms (they aren’t good coping mechanisms but they’re literally mine)
Is the fandom wrong about him? Yes, the Keefe fans and Keefe haters alike. Don’t flatten this guy there’s SO MUCH THERE. (I’m not talking about my Keefe-negative mutuals—if I follow you, you didn’t flatten his character, I am very serious about Keefe Sencen)
Do I want to adopt him? YES I mean I’m literally his age but if I was old enough to adopt him I totally would, get that kid away from Cassius Sencen and kill Gisela Sencen. Honestly tho I’d settle for an Elwin adoption, dad!Elwin rocks
Did he need less screen time? *sighs in resigned Keefe fan* probably…objectively…yes…
Did canon do him dirty? I debated filling in this one. Because Shannon has made him a SUPER complex character. But also I swear if the ending of stellarlune isn’t the last time he steals something from Sophie to carry out a reckless plan he told no one about, I’ll riot. Don’t give him forward character progress and then erase it! If it’s a momentary relapse of bad habits I’ll allow it but I’m starting to want Shannon to let Keefe grow from all of that. Cause she keeps letting him get better—and then slip back. (Which isn’t unrealistic and I can work with!! I love him! But SHANNON PLEASE)
Do I want to study him? I want to get a full on PhD in this guy’s character arc actually
Did he need more screen time? Heh. Uh. Objectively NO. But also this amount of page time has allowed us to learn so much about his character complexities?? Like I’m torn between missing the other characters and eating up his character arc. Currently I’m gonna hope book 10 expands the other characters more bc I need more of them and 9.5 can feed my Keefe brain
Would I hit him with a golf cart? Listen my friend made this bingo game (hi Bods, if you’re reading this) and I know exactly what the actual intention was behind this square. But like. I want to slightly run into him with a golf cart. Just enough to slightly injure him and make him rethink his life choices (affectionate) (actually in the words of@phtalogreenpoison “I’d like to microwave Keefe. Just shortly”)
Does he need therapy? OH MY GOSH YES. I have thought this about other characters but SPECIFICALLY KEEFE HOLY GUACAMOLE GET THAT GUY THERAPY
Is he insane? Define insane. But I love him anyway (what is going on in his head half the time 😭)
Am I rotating him in my head 24/7? WELL YOU’VE READ THE POST WHAT DO YOU THINK
Do I have so many headcanons? Oh you guys don’t know the half of it. I have. So. Many. SO MANY
Is he wasted potential? Uhhhh I have too many thoughts on this to actually put it on this post. Genuinely love what Shannon’s doing with his character, like I said. But at some point she needs to. Address the things. Or he just becomes a guy with all these complications introduced that just kinda sit there and continue to change and grow and Keefe is the complex character to end all complex characters but Shannon you need to DO SOMETHING WITH THE MASTERPIECE OF A CHARACTER THAT YOU HAVE CREATED
The amount of bingos holy moly
Keefe means a lot to me
Thanks for the ask anon!
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Introduction Post
This is Fallon Vacker here. If anyone's unaware, I'm a Telepath and Empath. [OOC: the abilities are part of my personal headcanons; Fallon does NOT have confirmed abilities in canon.] Long ago, I was a Councillor, but nowadays (to my great relief and satisfaction) I am not. I was also once a musician, which I technically still am, though I haven't released anything in...some time.
I've been told by...let's just say several people, that's less embarrassing, isn't it, to be more present in life, though I don't see why. Short of actually leaving my estate Mistmead (which I hate to do because it is extremely stressful and inconvenient), this website, where many of the people I know are active, is the best way to do so. So here I am.
[OOC: Hi! This RP blog is run by @worldsunlikemyown, where my general KOTLC posts are. EDIT: I have moved the main for this account to @main-to-worldsunlikemyown-etc. Any asks, anon or otherwise, are welcome, as are people's OCs (OC relatives, spouses for Fallon etc)! DM this blog if you want a planned-out thread, or just drop an ask if it's casual! Not sure if the RP does this yet, but if they do, I'm entirely open to AUs or canon-verse at any time in the past.
I send RP asks on anon, but I will tag this blog in the ask to identify myself :)
Organisation tags:
#what did i say again -- RPing and in-character posts will be tagged with this
#rp -- RP threads will be tagged with this
#out of daydreams -- ooc posts will be tagged with this
Any blogs I've roleplayed with will be tagged with their urls (eg: if I roleplayed in a thread from the Alden blog, the post in which I reply will be tagged #alden-dedrick-vacker)
#a mysterious individual -- replies made to unidentified anons will be tagged with this
Tags will always be OOC unless stated otherwise
Disclaimer: this IS the first time I'm joining a big roleplay group like this, so please tell me politely if I mess up at any point!
Tagging @kotlc-rp-official to officially kick this off!]
People I know (or should get to know):
Family members: @alden-dedrick-vacker @fitz-avery-vacker @fitzroy-avery-vacker (?) @sparkles-make-anything-better (Biana Vacker) @alvar-not-vacker
Old friends (though I have a feeling that I'm not friends with some of them anymore): @fintan-pyren @bronte-the-inflictor @vespera-neci-foland
Friends of my younger relations: @keefe-sencen @therealsophieelizabethfoster @tam-shade-song @linh--song @dex-the-smart-one
@rex-dizzneeeeeeee @lexicle-the-third (Lex Dizznee) @bexisthecoolest (Bex Dizznee) @the-only-maruca-chebota @flasher-boi-endal (Wylie Endal)
@shut-up-i-will-burn-you (Marella Redek) @im-just-cooler (Stina Heks) @jensi-babbles-lots (Jensi Babblos)
@amy-rose-foster @little-miss-neverseen (Rayni Aria)
Members of the (is it called the Black Swan??): @the-prettiest-ice-cube (Squall) @blurrieidentities (Blur) @prentices-husband (Tiergan Alenefar/Grranite)
@candies-and-sparkles (Livvy Sonden/Physic) @norwegian-trickster-god (Mr. Forkle) @constantly-tinkering
Members of the...Neverseen, yes that's it: @lady-gisela (Gisela Sencen) @ruy-tonio-ignis @trix-up-my-sleeve @brant--redacted @umberthebettershade
Councillors (glad I'm no longer one): @terik-the-councillor @oralie-pretty-in-pink @councillor-kenric-fathdon
Various Elvin adults: @quinlin-sonden @not-a-fan-of-that-boy (Grady Ruewen) @edaline--ruwen @elwin-at-your-service (Elwin Heslege) @magnatetheleto
@thebestsencen (Cassius Sencen)
Other individuals: @igowhereyougo (Sandor) @therarestprattlespin (Silveny) @hunkyhairs-backup (Ro) @iggy-the-imp @king-dimitar
Official organisations: @black-swan-official @neverseen-official @foxfire-official @exillium @thematchmakingoffice
@the-official-matchmaking-office @thecouncil-official @eternalialibrary-official
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Keefitz Brocedes KOTLCxF1 au
So, the goal was reached so I suppose I should stick to my promise :)
Details under the cut because it's going to be looooooong
Keefe: Is the Nico Rosberg of the au -> Keefe was born into a well off family, his dad was a former World Drivers Champion and his mom married his dad because of the championship win (clout, think Kelly Piquet). His dad (Cassius obviously) set him up to be an F1 driver from a young age to fulfill the Sencen family 'legacy' of also becoming a WDC. Keefe hates Cassius (why wouldn't he?) and doesn't want to fulfill the legacy, but rather wants to win a WDC for himself with a different team from the one his father wants him to join (will be figured out later).
Fitz: Is the Lewis Hamilton of the au -> we're changing it here so Fitz is also well off, but from a much more loving family than Keefe's (also has a better support system). He's the first racer in his family and grew up watching F1 races at home. He has a natural talent in the kart and everyone tells him that one day he can become a WDC (which is his dream).
Sophie: Is kind of like the Sebastien Vettel of the au -> Sophie is one of the most beloved drivers on the grid and wins multiple championships with Red Bull Racing. She's friends with both Keefe and Fitz. When Fitz and Keefe have their falling out Sophie's always the mediator between them (mostly in the cooldown room post race like Seb was). Similar to how Nico would talk to Seb in German in the cooldown rooms to exclude Lewis, Fitz does the same with Sophie (which kind of reflects the telepathic cognate conversations they have.
Tam: Similar to Kimi Raikonnen in this au -> Tam is a really skilled driver and was WDC in Keefe's Rookie year and actually beat Keefe out for WDC by one point. He has a more relaxed attitude towards racing and it isn't exactly life or death for him. He cares more about Linh than anything.
Dex: Keefe's race engineer -> Dex used to Go-Kart when he was younger and actually showed quite a bit of promise. He had great skills on track and did most of the tweaks on his Kart himself off track. Unfortunately, his family couldn't afford to continue his racing career so he had to stop. His dream of being WDC now out of reach. Despite this, he was still a huge fan of F1 and studied the sport intensly. His knowledge, and connection to Keefe from childhood landed him a job as Keefe's race engineer when Keefe started racing in the formula's. He's got beef with Fitz because of stuff that happened on track when they were younger but he's pretty chill with Keefe and they goof off with each other between races.
Prentice: The Michael Schumacher -> An absolute LEGEND on the track and was Sophie's hero growing up. Mentored her a bit on the side when she came into F1 and was a bit like a father figure to her. Had a racing accident that landed him in a coma though...
Wylie: The Mick Schumacher -> Do you see where I'm going with this?
Linh: The Jenson Button -> Won a WDC before moving to McLaren where Fitz was. They had a pretty healthy team mate rivalry with both of them pushing each other to be better. Started commentating after retiring from the sport and cheers Fitz on from the commentating box as a supportive friend.
Marella: F1 Journalist -> Marella loved watching F1 as a child but her parents could never afford to put her into racing. She was a part of the school newspaper when she was younger given her knack for finding gossip which led her to pursuing a job in sports journalism. Specifically for F1. She's now a trusted journalist and NO. She isn't at ALL interested in a certain F1 driver whose name starts with an F.
Forkle: The Toto Wolff a.k.a Mercedes team leader -> Why did I choose Forkle to take on the Toto role? They both make crappy decisions lol. Anyways, Forkle just wants these two super talented drivers he has on his team to get along like how they did before.
Elwin: The Niki Lauda -> Loves these two boys that are on his team. But if they could stop fighting on track and damaging their cars he'd love them even more. (R.I.P. Niki Lauda)
Tiergan: The Fernando Alonso -> Rookie of the year for 18 seasons, had some beef with Fitz after Fitz beat him to the Championship by one point but has now warmed up to him. (let's just hope he doesn't get another villain arc).
Jensi: The Daniel Ricciardo -> We love him, he's fun and up beat. Brings tons of pr for the team he's on. Hasn't won a WDC (yet he's looking towards the future optimistically). Went through a rough spot but he's continuing to persevere. Doesn't have as much raw talent as Sophie, Keefe, or Fitz, but Sophie says he doesn't need to have natural talent because hard work achieves more.
Stina: F1 Sports Analyst -> Her dad was a pay driver (meaning that the team he was on signed him because he brought tons of sponsors, didn't mean he was that good though...) and wanted her to drive in F1. She never really got into the actual racing aspect but she loved analysing the races. Has some kind of beef with Sophie but it's not like she's being biased in her analysis'. She's critical but fans love her for that because she never sugar coats things.
Biana: PR manager -> Fitz's PR manager and has basically been one of his biggest supporters since they were children. Used to race when she was younger and many thought she would go to F1 but she instead chose to get a full education instead of pursuing a career in racing. After finishing school though, she made a return to the paddock but this time as her brothers PR manager (and just his manager in general because as she says "someone has to keep him in check")
And that's all I have for now!
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thoughts/emotions on keefe sencen and art as a coping mechanism?
the boy has the coping mechanism as i did at 9-12 and i get how it’s a way for him to escape from the reality he’s living in.
it’s an escape from his parents constantly berating his every action, it’s an escape from feeling the need to be perfect, it lets him feel his emotions without really needing to feel them. it’s a release and it’s something he enjoys
he’s constantly being told he’s not good enough and it’s the one thing he feels like he’s good at, and when his dad destroyed his art it became a way to rebel against him. show Cassius that he doesn’t care what he says that he’s gonna do the thing that makes him happy weather he likes it or not. but he had to do it in hiding because he didn’t want his art to be destroyed
when he lives with Elwin he expects the same reaction and hides his art because as far as he knows the only person who appreciate and supports it is Sophie. then one day Elwin finds a doodle of bullhorn that he had drawn on a napkin before he went out to play bramble. Elwin hangs it up on the fridge even though it’s just a doodle on a napkin. Keefe comes inside and sees his little doodle hanging on the fridge, surprised that Elwin would even hang something like that up, but he doesn’t say anything. instead he paints a hyper realistic picture of bullhorn and leaves it on Elwin’s desk in his office before going over to havenfeild.
that’s how it is for a couple months Keefe draws a picture and leaves it somewhere Elwin can find it. over time he doesn’t feel the need to hide in his room and starts to paint in the living room but would cover his painting out of instinct whenever Elwin walked by. Elwin never acknowledged that he was painting and would sometimes grab a book and sitin the same room not really acknowledging what Keefe was doing because he wanted him to feel comfortable. after some time Elwin decides to asks Keefe to design some cute labels for his elixirs and Keefe obliges but is still nervous that what he draws isn’t gonna be good enough.
he’s surprised when Elwin sees his concept art for the labels and gets real excited. Elwin doesn’t care that they’re just rough sketches he does care that they are not perfect, he’s just happy that Keefe is drawing and enjoying himself. so Keefe stops hiding his drawings and paintings and starts to out in the open more and more. in the kitchen in the living room in Ewlin’s lab while he makes elixirs with Kesler.
one day Elwin calls him inside from playing bramble and tells him to put a blind fold on. Elwin leads him to a part of the house that had been formally empty other than his sewing room and took the blindfold off to reveal a Art Studio.
it had completely empty white walls, but there where buckets upon buckets of paint for Keefe use to fill with murals. there was easels and canvas, a shelf full of empty sketchbooks and paints of every color. one entire wall was covered in floor to ceiling windows and there where double doors the opened to a balcony that overlooked the ocean.
Keefe was speechless he just stood with his mouth hanging open. Elwin said
“i’m not much of an artist when it comes to painting, but i tried to get everything rig-“
Keefe cut him off tackling him in a hug
“thank you”
he managed to choke out desperately not wanting to cry. Elwin squeezed him back and said
“my sewing room is right next door and we share that balcony now we can do our things right next door to each other”
Keefe nodded tears rolling down his cheeks, for the first time in his life he actually had an adult that didn’t hate his art, didn’t just admire it but encouraged it, and he couldn’t be more greatful.
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queenie-blackthorn · 7 months
the vision of jolie is strange. very very strange. it just further encourages my theory that brant was w the black swan ??? n jolie too. idk it makes so much sense in my head but idk how to explain
i have also been encouraged (by certain scenes n messenger hinting things) to make a "fuck you, keefes dad" group who wants to join
also i wanted to post this but
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i fucking love the triplets
im sorry my notes are so short ahhh its cause i didnt write them down so i mustve forgotten quite a bit and also i JUST hit 50% like five/ten minutes ago aNd i waNNA FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED W ALDEN 😭😭😭
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meelsonwheelsies · 5 years
Keefe: *on a ladder* I'm scared, Dad
Cassius: Do you trust me, son?
Keefe: Yes
Cassius: C'mon son!
Keefe: *jumps off ladder backward*
Cassius: *walks away: Rule number 1: never trust anybody
Keefe: ...this house is flipping nightmare
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sunset-telepath · 3 years
Plot Twist: Lord Cassius ships keefitz because then he can be semi-related to the Vackers. Because, you know, he’s a dirtbag like that.
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theunmappedstar · 4 years
One day I will stomp his parents into the ground with my heel
in my opinion, it keeps looking more and more probable that cassius is gonna get a redemption arc and i kinda hate that it seems more likely (as of now) that he’s going to get that and yet fitz’s endgame seems blurry as all hell
also please come join me in hunting down his “parents”
bored? send in an ask for Loving Keefe Sencen hours!
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sophitz · 2 years
I’m going to toss my opinion in to the mix if that’s okay, because honestly? I think a big part of Fitz’s hate comes from the difference between his portrayal in the narrative in comparison to Keefe’s, even if they’re both very similar. Like…they both act out because of stress and trauma, right? But, the narrative doesn’t really emphasize that as much for Fitz as it does for Keefe. (Not saying that the narrative never does- just not nearly as much.) WE know that Fitz’s upbringing was probably extremely stressful and traumatizing for him, but how many times is that said in the series, if ever? The only time I’d say the narrative is really ”on his side”, for lack of better words, is when it comes to his stress over Alvar (and in Exile when Alden almost died), but the compassion almost entirely stops there. We, as an audience, know a lot about how Keefe’s experiences negatively affected him. He does bad stuff, yeah, and other characters get mad at him, but there’s always that connection there between his stressors and his actions that the narrative emphasizes. It’s also worth noting that most of Keefe’s bad actions are misguided attempts at helping others (Like how he runs away in Unlocked to try to protect everyone.), which is sort of hammered into the reader each time he does make a mistake. For Fitz, his bad actions tend to be due to stress over what’s happening to him specifically, which is also hammered into the reader through Sophie’s frustrated-inner-monologue half of the time. (Like with the relationship drama in Legacy, for example.) If you just read the series without analyzing it much yourself, you’re likely going to dislike Fitz (unless you project onto/have a crush on him, obviously.) because that’s kind of what the narrative tells you to do, intentionally or not. If anything I just said is actually the case, which it might not be I mean I’m just one person, it could also explain why a lot of younger readers specifically tend to dislike Fitz, since they’re not really thinking as critically about what they’re reading yet. I was going to say more but I’ve already written a lot, which I’m sorry about. I just think the reason behind why Fitz is such a polarizing character is really interesting.
I think you hit it right on the nose, anon. Keefe’s trauma is much more highlighted as a contributor to the plot and as a defining source of his actions. There isn’t much subtlety when it comes to his Tragic Backstory. Gisela and Cassius's A+ parenting is shown so often that readers understand and forgive his rash decisions, whereas Fitz...we don't really get to hear "his side of the story" much anymore. And of course, that's not to say I'm ready to dismiss his poor coping skills entirely (just as I'm not willing to do with Keefe either).
But what younger readers tend to miss is that Fitz's bad decisions are not out of malice becuse they are not always explained on a silver platter in the text. It's so easy to write him off as selfish and narrow-minded in Legacy because of his fixation on Sophie's matchmaking, but I feel like we never addressed his pressure to uphold a several-thousand year family legacy (no pun intended), baring the responsibilites now of eldest son after Alvar effectively disowned them. If there had been more about his struggles with that weight on his shoulders, if he had gotten anything close to the Keefe Sencen Treatment in this last half of the series, his mistakes wouldn't be judged on such a double standard.
I think that's why I'm partial to the strong Alden critics (even though I'm not nearly as harsh on him myself), since they at least draw on that connection between Fitz's upbringing and his outbursts. If more of KOTLC's target audience were able to recognize the intricacies of the story and analyze Fitz past his surface-level actions, there would be a lot more sympathy for him.
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More not crystal AI elf house ideas
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Shores of Solace:
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Do you ever wonder if Shannon was intending to create some sort of backstory for Cassius Sencen at some point? Because (and this might not have happened since I haven’t read the books in a while) I think I remember Sophie finding out he used to be bullied or something? So I thought that Shannon might’ve been intending to give him some sort of backstory or add more complexity to his character, but then it was just dropped out of nowhere? So I don’t really know anymore.
Good question! I don't think she intended for him to have a full backstory and be a fully rounded character we know everything about, but I do think she wanted him to be less one-dimensional. And in doing so she explained his past instead of his future, if that makes sense, which is why it feels dropped off.
You're remembering correctly! In Legacy, when Sophie searches Lord Cassius's mind (without telling Fitz), she looks at a memory of him getting bullied and thinking to himself how he'd show everyone, he'd prove everyone wrong about him. This wasn't for us to sympathize with him or to be like "oh he's just misunderstood" or anything, but I think it was instead to give context and background to who he is and why he does the things he does. His purpose in the story is to be mean to Keefe. To make Keefe the way he is, to give some sort of explanation or context as to why Keefe is resistant to authority, has problems with his family, and struggles with self-esteem, among other things. He is one of the main sources of Keefe's struggles up until Gisela is revealed to be part of the Neverseen, and then it's both of them giving him hell.
But characters just being mean to people for no reason? That gets bland very quickly, especially for a character that keeps coming back. If we only saw Cassius once or twice, it'd be understandable and we wouldn't need much more context, but because he shows up fairly frequently and interacts with more complexity, we need to know something about him. Why is he such an asshole, why does he tear up Keefe's drawings, why is reputation so important to him? Reading about him just saying these things and being so unpleasant again and again without knowing anything about him grows old!
For someone with his impact throughout the beginning of the series (majorly shaping one of the main characters and providing information) he needs to have more to him than being mean. So we learn that he was bullied, and that he creates a carefully calculated front to display to other people, and that he thinks withholding love from Keefe is in his best interest. And while we don't like him, it finally explains why he is the way he is. Not an excuse, but an explanation. Enough that we can be satisfied that he isn't this empty, repetitive character. That even if his purpose is to be a bad person in the story, there's a reasoning to it
Because he was bullied he became obsessed with his reputation, and it motivated him to become the person he is, hard and ruthless and accomplished and notable. He achieved things, and he credits that to the pain he experienced. The hardship and being hated and unloved and the need to prove himself, that's what drove him. Spite and pain. So now we know why he doesn't show Keefe his love, because he thinks Keefe needs motivation and he's trying to give it to him. He thinks if Keefe feels the need to prove himself he'll work harder, because that's what Cassius did. And because he values reputation, he thinks Keefe should to. In a way, he's trying to put Keefe into the same situation he was in.
It doesn't mean any of what he did was right. It doesn't make it okay that he yelled at Keefe and tore up his drawings. It doesn't mean he deserves forgiveness. But now we know why he's the way he is, what he values and what motivates him. And that's enough
It explains everything he's done in the past, because that's when he had the most impact. And now that we're towards the end, this knowledge explains the questions that were in the back of our heads about him (that is if you had any. I don't know if anyone else did).
we don't need to know anything else about him. We know what's important to him and why he acts the way he does, and we know that it's not okay. We don't need to know more, because I don't think he's going to have a bigger impact. He has his role in the story and the little we know explains it, and that's sufficient, so maybe that's why it feels dropped off!
anyway, I might've gotten a little off topic but hopefully that answers your question! if not I'm always happy to talk more!
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song-tam · 3 years
So I Wrote You A Song - Tam x Keefe
A/N: So this is finally done? I’m freaking out because this idea has been circling in my head for a while and I am so glad it is finally done! This is basically a high school!band!AU and I did headcanons about the four keeper boys being in a band here, which was kind of the inspiration to do a oneshot. Plus, I’m absolute Kam trash as well... and yes I did write an actual fucking song purely for the sake of the oneshot I’m just that extra don’t judge me and enjoy! (also let’s pretend Elwin adopted Keefe shall we, cassius sencen who?)
Warnings: I think there’s like a minor curse word in there but other than that pure kam fluff
Word Count: 1.4K
Taglist: @stardustanddaffodils @dreaminq-out-loud @sunset-telepath @summer-waves9764 @falling-drops-of-rain @jenniecrushed @jaxtheshade @beautifuldaysahead​ @bianavacker-is-bi-as-hell @the-genius-behind-the-mask​ @real-smooth @scribblesnsketches05 @the-sky-isnt-blueee @spreadyourwingsandfly @cadence-talle @linhamon2 ​ @xonar-verse​ @an-absolute-travesty​ @hershis-kotlc​ @turquoise-skyyyy​ @blxckh0les42​ @completekeefitztrash​ @gay-paladin-of-etheria​ @the-robins-chronicles @the-angel-of-all-storms
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“Okay, I don’t care what any of you say, but you sounded awesome!” Biana shrieked as the boys finished playing their latest song. “Best you’ve ever played, in fact.” The brunette had quickly become their biggest fan after they’d started playing for an audience, constantly stopping by rehearsals, screaming about them to everyone she met, and nominating herself Crystal Gambit’s manager--and she actually did a pretty good job; half the gigs they’d landed wouldn’t have happened without her.
“You say that every rehearsal,” Fitz grinned. “The sentiment is appreciated, though.”
“Oh, you were kind of awful,” Biana replied, “but the rest of you rocked it.”
Fitz scowled, and the others laughed, but in truth, Fitz was probably the best musician out of all four of them. Or the best singer, at least--his voice was amazing.
“But, Tam,” Biana continued, spinning around to face him, “you killed on the drums. I have no words.”
Tam gave her a small smile. If he was being honest, he never really knew what to do when Biana--or anyone really--complimented him. “Thanks, Bi.”
“And the new song you wrote,” Biana pressed, “what are you calling it again? You kept talking about it and now I’m excited so--”
“Wait,” Keefe interrupted, holding a hand out to stop Biana from rambling. “New song? What new song?”
Fitz looked just as confused as Keefe, but Dex knew exactly what Biana was talking about, and at least the periwinkle-eyed boy had the sense to save Tam from confessing. “Biana’s talking about that song Tam showed us earlier,” Dex lied. “Y’know, the work in progress. It’s a rough draft, Bi, and Tam’s only written the chorus.”
Biana caught on quickly and her eyes widened as she realized her mistake. “Oh. Oh. Yeah, for some reason I thought it was finished… um, but the chorus was great! I’m looking forward to the rest of it. Anyway, uh,” she grabbed her backpack and her brother’s arm, “Fitz and I should probably get going. Mom wants us home a little earlier today.”
“Thanks for the save,” Tam whispered to Dex as Fitz and Biana left.
Dex winked. “No problem. I know you aren’t ready to sing him the song yet.”
“Well, actually… I’m planning on confessing soon. Just not in front of an audience.”
“Well, good luck. Not that you’ll need it.”
“I’m going to need all the luck I can get, Dex.”
Dex snorted. “Come on. Everyone can see the way you two look at each other. Honestly, it’s surprising you two aren’t dating already.”
Before Tam could stammer out a response, Keefe slung his arms around both him and Dex. “Guys, don’t leave me out of this secret,” the blond pouted. “I’m lonely.”
Tam rolled his eyes, but really he was trying not to blush at how incredibly close the two of them were standing together. He was not going to think about how Keefe’s arm was around his shoulder, how Keefe smelled like vanilla, and--
Shut up, brain, Tam commanded himself.
“Shit,” Dex muttered, looking down at his watch. “You guys are gonna have to leave… Mom’s insisting that we go out for dinner, sorry...” But one look in his direction and Tam knew that Dex wasn’t the least bit sorry, that he didn’t have to go anywhere, and that this was all an act to get Keefe and Tam to be alone.
“Don’t worry about it,” Keefe said cluelessly. “Bangs Boy and I have some things to discuss.”
“Do we?” Tam cocked an eyebrow.
“Yes,” Keefe said stubbornly, dropping his arm from Tam’s shoulder and grabbing his hand instead, dragging him out of the garage and outside. “Come on, come to my house--Elwin’s making dinner, he won’t mind if there’s another person.” Keefe smiled and Tam’s heart started doing cartwheels.
Honestly, Keefe, Tam thought as he stared at their intertwined hands. I’m already in love with you, so stop making me fall even harder, goddammit.
Before he knew what he was doing, Tam pulled out of Keefe’s grip and studied his reaction. Keefe seemed fairly indifferent to it, though his brows seemed to furrow a bit… but maybe Tam was just imagining things. Maybe it was all just wishful thinking.
But… every passing touch, every soft smile. It always felt like there was something more between every glance they shared, every word they said. There was more to the two of them, more to their relationship than they were admitting.
“Since when do you have an acoustic guitar?” Tam asked as they entered Keefe’s messy bedroom.
“Well, you started learning,” Keefe said with a one-shouldered shrug. “I couldn’t let you one-up me, now could I?”
Tam rolled his eyes. “Always a rivalry with you.”
“Only with you, Bangs Boy, you’re special that way.” Keefe winked. “Anyway, what’s that song Biana was talking about? The one you haven’t shown to me and Fitzy?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Tam fibbed.
Keefe looked at him with raised eyebrows. “You’re really gonna try and hide it? Come on, dude, I know you--and I know whatever you’ve written will be even better.”
“It isn’t a song for the band, it’s… it was just something I wrote.”
“So there is a song! But even if it isn’t for an audience, or even for rhe four of us to play, I want to hear you. So,” Keefe gestured to his guitar, “can I hear it?”
Tam hesitated for a second. Was he really ready to do this? Ready to confess. Yes, he thought. I’m tired of him not knowing how I feel. I’m tired of not knowing if he feels the same.
He summoned courage, strummed the opening chords on the guitar, and started to sing.
There’s something that I’ve been meaning to say A truth I’ve been hiding for who knows how long My heart holds a secret, it’s been kept locked away And you might think it isn’t real, that I’ve got it wrong
But I think I kind of love you When I’m lost in the dark, you’re my light I know how cliche it sounds but it’s true I promise, it’s true that I love you
I know after this you might hate me And I won’t blame you if you don’t feel the same But I had to tell you, had to set these words free Because I think you like me too, so can we stop playing this game?
I think I kind of love you When I’m lost in the dark, you’re my light I know how cliche it sounds but it’s true I promise, it’s true that I love you
Why do we keep dancing around our feelings? Why do we keep pretending that this isn’t real? Because it is I know it is, and I know you know too So can we maybe just try this Try this and see where it goes?
I think I kind of love you When I’m lost in the dark, you’re my light I know how cliche it sounds but it’s true I promise, it’s true that I love you
Tam opened his eyes, watching Keefe’s expression, worried of what he might say. This is it, it’s over, a voice inside told himself, but another part said, You did it.
“Was,” Keefe said softly as he connected the dots, “was that about me?”
Tam nodded slowly, still studying Keefe’s face. “Um. Yeah, yeah it was. And… it was all true.”
Keefe shook his head dazedly, not saying anything, just staring at the floor.
“Keefe? Say something, please.”
The blond looked up to meet Tam’s eyes, and Tam gulped, wondering if this was it, when he was rejected, when his heart was broken, when--
Suddenly Keefe’s lips were on his and they were kissing and oh.
The kiss was everything. It was soft, and sweet, and filled with yearning and love and dreams and felt like fireworks. He tastes like vanilla, Tam noted.
Keefe pulled away for breath, and Tam felt a teensy bit disappointed, but that feeling was lost in the thought that Oh my God, I just kissed Keefe Sencen.
“In case you haven’t noticed,” Keefe whispered softly, “I love you too.”
Tam felt euphoric at his words, it was all he’d been wanting to hear for he couldn’t remember how long. “Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to do that?”
“Enjoyed that kiss, huh?”
“Just shut up and kiss me again, will you?”
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kam & solinh, fairytale au style
hey, did i ever chuck the 13-page bullet-point-style fairytale au i wrote once on here? no? well we’re fixing that. kam, solinh, draws from various fairytale tropes but is mostly a mix of “beauty and the beast” and “sleeping beauty”. so!
the sencens live in a small rural town on the edge of a cursed wood. they're like, the town's pet nobles. sometimes they get messages from the council. the town thinks they're cool as heck, because nobles! they never get nobility all the way out here- but no one actually knows why they chose to live here.
it's because lady gisela did some Bad Stuff, actually. or she tried, and failed, but without enough evidence to prove it the council couldn't do anything, and lord cassius had enough clout to prevent her from most of the consequences but, of course, they subsequently moved because, y'know. not a good idea to be in close proximity to power structures you definitely defied.
so, keefe, cassius, and gisela live in this small rural town. keefe, despite being popular (see: nobles!) has exactly one actual friend, and her name is sophie. they are friends mainly because sophie took one look at keefe and went "you're chaotic neutral, aren't you" and keefe went "oh thank god all these people think i'm lawful good where do i get some mischief in this town"
it's not perfect. sophie hates being stuck in a little orphanage of a little town and knows she’s going to be basically nothing when she comes of age, keefe is basically stuck with his family, who exemplify a power structure he hates and can’t seem to change, but y'know, they're happy. 
and then one night, when keefe is trying to turn sophie's hair purple, he sees his mother sneaking into the woods.
he leaves the hair dye and sneaks after her. in the woods, he sees lady gisela making some sort of deal with a demon- she offers it a vial of her son's blood and promises it sophie's life in exchange for power. (enough power to regain the sencens' influence and eventually take over the kingdom, with keefe as a puppet king, but keefe doesn't know that yet.)
so keefe, shocked by this, tries to run and reveals himself. lady gisela chases him and he flees, but he can't go to the town because sophie, so he's just crashing through the woods until he finds a castle, gets into it, slams the gates shut.
and then a voice behind him says "you really shouldn't have done that."
keefe screams. because it's a ghost! sort of a ghost. transparent enough to be a ghost.the ghost explains that now that he's here, he can't leave- the curse will keep him trapped. keefe's like, sure, what curse? and tries. he gets maybe three feet out before vines that definitely weren't there before crawl up from the forest and fling him bodily back into the castle.
"told you," the ghost says, then gestures to where keefe is now bleeding significantly, because thorns. "let's get those taken care of." 
the ghost informs him that the castle is his to explore and that it will provide for him, but he should really never ever go up the stairs. one because those floors aren't really maintained, but two because the stairs aren't maintained either, and they'll probably collapse and kill him. keefe asks if that's how the ghost died. the ghost glares. 
meanwhile- sophie hasn't seen keefe in three days. gisela says he's most likely exploring in the forest, what a shame, so dangerous, you know, but he's a hero at heart and he thinks he can save it and sophie thinks "nope, you know what, he's an idiot and i'm gonna go find that idiot"
so she goes into the forest, and she finds the castle, and she finds keefe, and keefe is like "sophie what the frick now you can't leave either"
sophie is . . . pretty chill about this, actually, because she didn't have much waiting for her in the town, but keefe is like "no this is actually a problem gisela is planning things and she's making deals and if you're here she can't fulfill them and i don't know what she's going to do, and also there are ghosts here"
"hi," says the ghost. 
keefe introduces the ghost as tam and they give sophie a rundown of the curse and what's going on. tam repeats the "don't trust the stairs" thing and keefe and sophie Look at each other, because keefe is now healed enough to attempt sneakery and now they can do it together.
they wait a few days, and then they try the stairs. they go to the basement first, because the basement stairs look more solid and there are fewer of them.in the basement, they find a pool, large and wide and still. for a moment, there's no sound, and sophie begins to walk towards it.
and then a monster bursts from the surface. 
"who invades this castle?"  it screams, and its voice shakes the stone.
sophie, who is soaking wet and terrified, puts her hands up and tries to back away, before tam rushes up behind her.
"they're villagers! they're just villagers." he glances over at sophie and keefe. "foolish, stupid villagers who got lost and found this place. they're harmless."
tam approaches the monster and they talk, tam in a whisper, and the monster in a gravelly voice, like ocean tides, that sophie can't make words out of. the monster backs off, and tam storms towards them. he grabs them and starts dragging them towards the stairs, and then he glares until they start moving up the stairs ahead of him.
"what was that thing?" keefe asks, as they approach the ground floor. 
"she," tam hisses, "is . . . the owner of this castle. she protects us." 
"from what? the curse keeps you here." 
no response. 
". . . is she responsible for the curse? because if she is-" 
"the curse protects us! from people like you! they would kill her, they killed me, and the curse keeps us safe. you were the ones stupid enough to come in!"
they walk the rest of the way in silence. when they get to the ground floor, tam says that they’ve already proven they won't listen to him if he tells them not to go to the tower, but he is asking them not to, as a basic kindness. 
they don't see tam for the next few days. both keefe and sophie feel bad, but it's sophie that first decides "you know what, i'm gonna go apologize to the monster." keefe responds with "look, you're right but tam got so angry last time. maybe this is a bad idea." they think for a moment, and then sophie's like "what if we write a letter?"
the castle provides for them, at least, so finding paper and ink isn't too hard. they write a letter and decide that sophie will deliver it.
sophie goes down with the letter and is planning to just leave it there but surprise! monster, who asks her what she's holding. sophie explains about the letter, the monster asks sophie to read it to her since, you know, claws and things make paper a Challenge. sophie feels painfully awkward but she does, and the monster thanks her and apologizes in turn for her reaction when they entered. as sophie leaves. she promises they'll find a way out, and leave the two alone. 
meanwhile, keefe, who is going a Little Bit Crazy here waiting for sophie, goes looking for tam. he finds tam, the two kind of- end up in a standoff for a bit, until keefe, who has no better ideas, asks if tam knows how to cook. tam does not- the castle has always provided for them. keefe takes tam into the kitchen and shows him how to make mallowmelt. neither of them are very good at it, and also tam sometimes phases through physical things, but they get a sort of mallowmelt that is a little burnt but still very sweet and very good. 
tam comes in the next day and tells sophie that "she wants to see you." there's only one other being in the whole castle, so sophie and tam go down to the basement. tam lingers, before sophie says it's okay, and then he lingers a little longer until the monster gives what's probably a nod.
"i'm not going to eat you," the monster says. she very well could- those fangs are proof enough- but. 
"i didn't think you were," sophie says.
the monster explains that the curse is magic, complicated, confusing magic, that even she doesn't understand, but if sophie wants to get out of it then she'll probably need what the monster knows.
sophie pauses. 
"i thought you cast it," she says. 
". . . yes, but i don't know how." "can it be broken?" 
"you're not breaking the curse," the monster says, and there's a snarl to her voice. 
"no, that's not what i meant, just- if you knew a way to break it maybe we could alter that to just- pause it temporarily? so keefe and i could leave?" 
"oh. no, i don't know how to break it." 
"okay," sophie says, and then she goes and gets paper and ink, and the monster tells her everything she knows.
when they're done, she looks at her pages of notes, and then she looks at the monster, but it doesn't feel right to keep calling her that. 
"do you have a name?" 
the monster pauses. and then she says, "linh. and you're sophie?" 
"i- yes. how did you know that?" 
linh gives what might be a laugh. 
"you said it in your letter." 
"oh. right." 
"sophie. it's a pretty name." 
"thank you," sophie says, and then, "so is linh." 
she does that sort-of laugh thing again. "i'll see you tomorrow, sophie." 
two days later, when keefe and sophie head into the kitchen, there is another plate of mallowmelt on the counter, and keefe does not know if that's the castle's doing or tam's (or if they're the same). it tastes a little weird, and keefe assumes, since tam can’t actually eat, he was guessing at the flavor, but it’s good. it feels like approval, too, which gives keefe the confidence to ask if tam knows how to make dye. he does.
they make dye. they also stain the kitchen, and keefe's hair, and for a moment keefe forgets that tam is non-corporeal and tries to put finely chopped cabbage in his hair. there's a moment of awkwardness, before keefe pouts about it not being fair and knows he's succeeded when tam laughs.
they get one of the squirrels that lives on the castle grounds and dye its fur multiple colors. the squirrel, to its credit, seems to be enjoying the whole thing. 
at some point, probably late one night, tam asks where he learned to do all this, and keefe tells him that he mostly uses it to play pranks on people, back in the town. 
"geez," tam says. "your parents let you get away with all that?" 
"ah," keefe says, "no. they don't. they're actually, uh . . . kind of terrible." 
there's a moment. 
"i'm sorry." 
"no, don't be. i mean, it's normal, right?" 
"no," tam says, vehemently. "it's not, and it shouldn't be." 
keefe looks at him. "were yours kind of terrible too?" 
". . . yeah.”
"i mean. you don't have to tell me, but what happened?" 
there's a pause, as tam looks at his hands. 
"i'm a twin. my sister was born first, by about five minutes, so she was technically crown princess, but she had . . . magic. a lot of it." 
"isn't that a good thing?" 
"she wasn't- it was a lot. and they never taught her how to control it, they just expected her to, and when she couldn't, they made me the heir. and i fought it, so they fought me, and eventually they sent us . . . here." 
"and then people attacked. and they killed you." keefe says, and tam nods. 
"i'm . . ." keefe looks for something better and doesn't find it. "sorry." 
"yeah, well. what happened to you?" 
"my dad hates me, and, uh, my mom tried to feed my blood to a demon." 
tam winces. "well. at least they can't get to us here?" 
"yeah," keefe says, and then he tilts his head back and looks up at the ceiling. "nobility, am i right?" 
"nobility," tam replies, and the air feels lighter.
so linh and sophie and tam and keefe just kinda! hang out in the castle together! and bond! and they work on fixing the curse so keefe and sophie can leave
there’s one conversation when they’re all working together where sophie brings up the concept of “true love”. It sounds silly to her, but there’s mentions in the text of it being really powerful magic.
“of course,” linh says. “all the best spells draw on love.”
“and all the worst,” tam adds.
for a moment, they just look at each other, and then linh sighs and turns back to sophie. she explains that while love is an extremely powerful magic, it is also one that tends to be uncontrollable. magic born out of love is extremely strong- it can overcome most other magical forces and constructions in the world, and there are stories about it performing what are essentially miracles- but it's not really the kind of thing where the outcome can be predicted. so, since both tam and linh are insistent that keefe and sophie not break the curse, it’s not a viable route. keefe and sophie agree, and they get back to work.
 also at some point in this they start a girls vs. boys prank war and they have fun and everything is fine for a little while
 but of course, you know, they keep talking, and keefe and sophie are starting to put it together. and at one point, when they're all down in the basement and it's quiet, sophie asks, "were you two siblings?" 
tam and linh look at her. 
"i just thought- if we want the best chance of getting keefe and i out, we need as much information as we can get. and we still don't know what happened to cause this curse." 
"we haven't been snooping," keefe says, quickly. "you've just said some stuff, and we just been thinking.”
linh looks at tam. tam takes a breath. "alright. come with me." 
 he leads them up the tower. they climb flights of stairs, before they are stopped by a thicket of thorns.
"oh, i didn't- i don't know if you can get through." 
but keefe steps up, and the thorns pull back, revealing a passage. 
"well," tam says, quietly. "that's new."
the passage leads to a room. in it is a single body, resting on a dais, surrounded by thorns. 
it's tam: the same clothes, same hair, same face. the only difference is the broken arrows, three of them, lodged in the body's still-breathing chest. 
"this is why you can't break the curse," tam says. 
"it's keeping you alive," sophie breathes. 
keefe takes a step closer to the body. 
"i thought you were a ghost," he says. 
"i am, really. but i'm not dead. just . . . sleeping."
 they leave the room and go back down to linh, and together linh and tam explain that when they were attacked and tam was killed, linh felt it. her magic exploded and twisted around the castle, creating the thorns and the lake. it saved tam's life, but it came at the cost of her body, turning her into what she is.
sophie and keefe leave tam, who clearly needs a little space, alone with linh. the next day, keefe makes mallowmelt and presents it to tam, who, while not necessarily able to eat it, smiles at him anyway.
they keep working, but now they're looking- or at least, sophie and keefe are looking- for two things: a way to get out and a way to heal tam. it's unlikely they'll find anything linh and tam haven’t, but they still try.
sophie has been missing for weeks now, and lady gisela, back in the village, still needs her and keefe. so she convinces the demon to give her enough power to find them, and she discovers the castle, and she creates a plan.
she goes to the leaders of the town, and in front of them, she starts to weep. apparently, her son has gone missing, and she knows where he's been taken- into the cursed wood, by the beast that lives in the castle. she produces a torn letter with a sketch of it, horribly monstrous, and she convinces the town to go into the woods and kill the beast.
the people of the village launch an attack, and linh and tam are unprepared and overwhelmed. they tell keefe and sophie to hide. 
"what are you going to do?" sophie asks. 
and linh rises out of the lake, water pouring off her in rivers. 
"fight," she says. 
"i'm not letting you go alone." 
linh looks at her for a long, long moment, before she bends her head to sophie. 
"then get on."
before keefe runs off with tam, he says, very quickly, "they're good people. not all of them. not my parents. but there are good people in the village."
 linh nods, and sophie dips with the movement. 
"we'll be careful. now go."
sophie and linh fight the mob, led by lord cassius. linh's strong, but in her current form her magic is weak, and there's too many of them- sophie keeps them off of linh as best she can, but they're just two people, linh hasn't fought in ages, and they're trying to pull their punches.
they hold them off for as long as they can, but it's not enough. they overwhelm linh. they pull sophie off her back, and lady gisela, who is smart, grabs her and holds a knife to her neck. 
"stop," she says. "or the girl dies." 
linh goes still. 
"linh, no," sophie begs, but she does not move, does not look away from sophie even as lord cassius lifts his sword and stabs into the soft flesh just behind her head.
 they take rope. they tie sophie to linh's body as she sobs. 
"spread out. search the castle. find my son, at any cost." 
"he's not yours," sophie cries, as the mob scatters. 
lord cassius looks at her, once, and then he turns away.
 keefe and tam, in the tower, hear the noises downstairs, the sudden silence that means nothing good. 
"do you know how to use a sword?" tam asks.
keefe nods. 
tam reaches into the darkness by the thorns and pulls out a sword, shadows curling off the edges. keefe stares, open-mouthed. 
"my sister wasn't the only one with magic," tam says, smiling, before he glances at his body. "i think- if i do too much, it'll break this, and kill me, but i can give you this." 
and just then, the thorns curl back as if burned, and lady gisela enters the room.
"keefe,” she says, reaching for him. “come back. stop this, come home with me. i did this for you, you know. i'll give you power. you'll be able to change the world. isn't that what you always wanted?" 
"i don't want anything from you," he says, and swings. 
keefe's good with a sword but he's never had to use it in combat before. and what's more, gisela trained him. gisela knows how he fights. and for all that he is in danger, he doesn't want to kill his mom. 
the sword is helping him, pushing force behind his strikes and blocking attacks with its wisps of shadow, but it's not enough to beat gisela. he manages to fight her to a standstill, sword pressed up against her shield of flickering power, but it's taking all keefe's strength to do that. 
"you'll see," gisela says, gathering power in her other hand. "i'll take you with me, and you'll do great things." 
keefe shakes his head, but there's nothing he can do to stop her. 
then he hears, "kiss me before i die, okay?" 
and just as gisela raises her hand, the sword explodes.
when the darkness fades, lady gisela is unconscious. the only sounds in the room are that of keefe's heavy breathing, and behind him, the rattling, raspy breaths of a dying body, on the dais behind him. 
keefe turns, and sees blood.
tam is back in his body. tam, who knew it would kill him, who did it anyway to keep keefe from his mother. 
kiss me before i die, okay? 
he wants tam to be awake for this. he wants to stumble over a confession, and he wants tam to shut him up, and he wants tam to kiss him back. but if this is all he gets, then. well. nothing’s fair. this is the least he can do. 
keefe leans in.
 sophie leans against linh's body. the water is cold but linh is still warm and she thinks of the last time they did this, when sophie fell asleep in the basement and linh curled around her to make her comfortable. she thinks of waking up to a smile that was all teeth and fangs and somehow, still soft and kind. she thinks of what she wanted to say, then. 
"i love you," she whispers, to someone who can't hear her anymore.
and linh's body begins to glow.
 up in the tower, keefe kisses tam, just once, quick and gentle. when he pulls away, tam's body is still, and keefe pretends he doesn't notice the tears that drip onto tam's face. 
but then something catches the corner of his eye, and he looks up. 
all around him, the thorns are blooming into dark purple roses, shining at the edges of their petals with a strange light. he looks to tam's chest, where the shafts of the arrows are growing, twisting together before they, too, burst into bloom, and dissipate into petals.
the blue glow around linh's body gets stronger, and brighter, until it hurts sophie's eyes, but she doesn't look away. around her, she hears, faintly, shouting, but it can't seem to reach her. the light twists, turns, and then the ropes go slack. in her arms is a girl, thin and pale, with waist-long black hair and torn clothes. 
her eyes blink open, grey-blue. she smiles, and sophie knows her, even without the teeth. 
"linh," she says. 
"i heard you." 
sophie reaches for her hand and laces their fingers together. linh looks at it in wonder, as if she's forgotten what it felt like, to have hands. 
"ready?" sophie asks. 
"always," linh says, and then, as the mob approaches, she raises her voice. "i am princess linh of exilium. this is my kingdom, and you are going to leave." 
sophie calls on all linh’s shown her about magic, on the glowing thing at the center of her chest, and together, they pull.
 the petals fall, gently, to tam's chest. the arrows are gone. so is the wound. 
"keefe?" says a shaky, familiar voice. 
he looks back. tam's eyes are open. 
"you idiot," he says. "you died." 
"you saved me," tam tells him, and keefe, helplessly, has no clever response to that. 
"i love you," he says, instead. 
"i love you too." 
and then the ground beneath them starts to rumble. keefe glances around them, worried, but tam laughs, once, bright and wondering. 
"that's my sister. that's linh. she's back."
 the lake washes through the castle. it sweeps up the villagers, the swords, the weapons. it washes into the tower and takes the dais and lady gisela with it. keefe scoops tam into his arms and they walk down, untouched by the raging current, as tam lifts a hand and starts to pull the last of the demon’s shadows from gisela and the villagers that pass them. they twist around each other, before dissipating into nothing but harmless wisps. 
sophie and linh are there, in the foyer, hands clasped at the center of it all, as the waters curl and turn around them. 
"can i kiss you?" sophie says, half breathless. 
and linh leans in, and in the center of a bright blue whirlpool, kisses her.
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