gin-no-bara · 3 months
So if I know it's been a long ass time since I've worked on my long fic, especially when I said I'd be finishing it (though not with any specified time frame) but the truth is the last time I read over it, maybe 6-8 months ago... Sigh maybe I was in a bad headspace but it was *awful* to me. Like.. totally overdramatic, idk. So I'm trying to look past that, forget that feeling, and just sit the fuck down and work on it. But it's been so damn difficult. I apologize to the people waiting on it. I know it's been so long. If I had a magic wand I would definitely give myself the energy and brain power and good mental health to write every single day. It makes me want to cry, seeing these writers that can do that. If I could choose that, I would 100% do it without hesitation.
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dustjacketmusings · 8 months
I havent given up on a discovery of witches but it's 600 pages and I'm only at pg 120 with the due date right around the corner
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aclosetfan · 2 years
Reverse unpopular opinion: greens :D
Where do I even begin??
As you all probably know by now, I got into the ppg fandom when I stumbled across the reds fanart on deviantart in middle school lmaooo, and I was into it all well enough. I read like all the fanfics. I was there when sbj was regularly updating MTH. Back then I didn't like the greens 😮 but only because they didn't really have a lot of content. I just saw them as a background pairing. Just like bubbles and boomer, didn't hate them, didn't love them, which was funny because Buttercup was/is my fave. Because I interacted mainly with the red content, ig I never gave them much thought
Then, like most people, I came back to the fandom years later just for kicks and giggles and opened up MTH. I read it and was like "eh, why did I like the reds so much?? They're fucking annoying. The other pairings are so much more interesting." So, I clicked on some of sbj's other stuff and read a green one about sword fighting, which, side-note, with how obsessed I was with it, I should have known then I was a lil gay, and then, I think I read a future fic by sbj where all their children's names were Bruce and fell in love.
(i'll link the fics below if I can find them)
idk what it is about them, but there was something there that I found so much more interesting than I ever found reading the reds. It's a pairing you can do so much with because Buttercup is a versatile character. It makes sense if you make Buttercup an aggressive punk, but it can also make sense if you pull back and make her shy. She's got layers. And so does Butch from the little we see in canon. He's a hyperactive goofball, but sometimes he's the worst guy you know lol, and depending on how you chose to write them they mix well.
I have an affection for tough guy softies who are loyal to a fault, and I think if they're written correctly each of the greens can easily fall into that category. And when you combine them together, it's like a mushy mess of pining that I also thrive on.
I think they can be the epitome of "I'm angry all the time, but I'm less angry around you," which makes my heart melt. I don't think they'd be that couple that tries fixing each other, but accept each other as is, and grow. (i like the blues for the exact opposite reason lol) Tough kids deserve soft love too 😭
I also love it when they're just enemies. I've read some great fics that have them at each other's throats that I think they play well as enemy counterparts. Buttercup's mannerisms are restrained by her need to do good, but Butch doesn't have that, so it's a great society v. chaos pair up. And seeing Butch "taint" Buttercup is always fun because she's one of those characters where I go back and forth answering "would she go to the dark side??"
Gold Scribbles does this so well (and she makes it romantic too), I'll link the fic below. There is also another fic that I've been searching for again for years that I felt nailed it for me, but I haven't been able to find it. And trust me I look for it like every other month. Like I can't stress how fundamental this fic was for my interpretations of these characters. I can't even say if it was even well-written, but what it was saying??? Dude, it was everything to me. And I've lost it. Name, author, everything. I know the plot though I can't forget it, I just can't fucking find it!!!🤬😡
The premise of Buttercup's character arc though was choosing between good and bad as she's fighting Butch, which sure, is a superhero cliche, but the way she chooses the side she chooses left me sitting there opened mouth, like "wow." Butch was her literary fallacy.
I'm talking this fic up, but it's been so long that maybe my mind's just made it bigger than it was lol, but still, it was amazing to me.
Finally, I think that Buttercup is such a gender, and sometimes I feel I use Butch and Buttercup to explore breaking the traditional views of feminity. I know that sounds super weird, but sometimes when I feel I'm making Buttercup too feminine, I think "okay but what would Butch do?" and then I make Buttercup do that. It probably doesn't across well in my fics, but it's something I catch myself doing. It's like in my head, I make Butch and Buttercup the same person just split in two, and then I make them kiss lol
ahh, this got long lol here are the fics:
Swordplay by sbj:
Fair Play by sbj
The notion of Loss by Gold Scribbles
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dunmeshistash · 2 months
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Dungeon Meshi - Kobolds and Werewolfs
Translations given by a helpful anon .
Observations and TL note under the cut.
TL note by anon: * basal dog breeds: not sure how scientifically sound this is (only did a cursory search to confirm I was using the right term, because normal dictionaries only translate genshu as "purebred" and it didn't make any sense in this context ^^") but they're a number of specific breeds that are not exactly ancient but they did differentiate earlier than most other dog breeds - shiba are among these obviously.
A few more observations of my own:
On another version of the kobolds from daydream hour 2 (slightly different from "The complete Daydream Hour") Ryoko Kui Mentions "Jackals, African Wild Dogs or wolves" which I think its interesting.
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I don't know much about DnD so I thought it was strange most Kobolds showed up as lizard people when I searched them on google and I learned that Kobolds are popularized as dogs in japan due to D&D first edition describing them as having dog faces. This was the post that first made me aware of that.
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daily-odile · 5 months
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
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Squidgaar Skwigelf
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inktho · 5 months
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wind down doodle
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potatobugz · 4 months
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may i have this dance
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menalez · 11 months
the rhetoric that its easier for het women to just be celibate for life than it is for them to do something significantly smaller like give up makeup or stop shaving is.. quite strange and disconnected. like if we want to argue it is possible for het women to give up men & not be with men, i agree. if we want to argue its possible for het women to have happy, fulfilling lives without men, i agree. i don't even disagree with the argument that being a separatist is a crucial aspect of being a radical feminist. but we can argue all of these things without pretending like certain acts are easier than they are. for some women, even giving up makeup is not easy. but at the end of the day, no its not easy to commit to something like never having a romantic & sexual partner for the rest of your life!! like!! feminism and radical actions are not easy, they can be easy for some of us but its not easy overall & pretending like its a small little sacrifice just seems ridiculous
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oh-gh0st · 6 months
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they look like polaroid pictures to me
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daily-oliver-swift · 2 months
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Day 62 of drawing Oliver Swift everyday until I get on HRT
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astral-schools · 8 months
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best part about deciding the lemuria music is diegetic is getting to imagine the old one going absolutely crazy on the brass for the heap soundtrack
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sketchy--akechi · 1 year
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some mementos mission art style studies wooo
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thecedarchronicle · 9 months
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practicing drawing horses again w/ best girl
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sneez · 1 year
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victor kain chronic pain nation rise up (credit to @transdankovsky for this idea :-D)
/ id: two digital drawings. the first image shows victor kain and daniil dankovsky sitting together; daniil is taking victor’s pulse. inside a speech bubble above victor’s head is a screenshot of a question from the duolingo russian course, in which the sentence ‘я – хороший пациент, у меня всегда всë болит’ is translated as ‘i am a good patient, i always have pain everywhere’. the second image shows daniil looking politely horrified. end id. /
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kheprriverse · 1 month
Did I ever tell y’all Tekoha has kids? Idr tbh but I'm doing that now lol
They’re twins; Tefke and Safiya!
More info in the tags ↓
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