shevaults · 3 months
travelling with hancock has become ... confusing. of course, this is entirely nora's fault. or maybe it's nobody's, in truth, because can she really be blamed? the simple fact of the matter is that hancock provides a level of safety that nora finds her subconscious grasping at desperately, a sort of comfort that nate once provided but yet so ... different. nora can't place it. all she knows is that in the heat of battle, in the most fucked up of situations, hancock will come out with some amusing, smart-ass little quip and she'll lap it riiiight up as the weight from her shoulders lifts—if only for a moment. hancock feels like a breath of fresh air, and nora knows that's dangerous. finding themselves stopped for the night, the sole survivor can't help but glance over at hancock across the flickering campfire between them. sometimes he's like an open book, but other times ... well, other times he seriously makes nora question her people reading skills. in an effort to make conversation, she begins, " you know, you never ask me about before the war. "
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she doesn't look at him as she lays on the sleeping bag set out below her; instead, her gaze focuses on the stars above. her eyes search for the same constellations she watched for years ago, and nate's words of reassurance before he left for war sound in her head: i'll still be under the same sky and stars, hon. not anymore, he isn't. nora barely hides a grimace at the memory before she turns her head in hancock's direction. " i don't mind, you know. if that's what you're worried about. " that could very well be a lie, but right now it feels like the truth... and nora does love to talk about pre-war anything. " so ... fire away. we can play twenty questions. " god. what is she, fifteen? / @mayormentats
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lorenzoxreyes · 1 year
After receiving a message from his father which consisted of the time and whereabouts for their catch up meal, Enzo took a quick shower, tidied up his stubble -- which had admittedly got a little out of hand in the last few weeks -- and got dressed, opting for a black Versace suit with a plain black t-shirt underneath. It wasn't overly formal, but wasn't too casual either; Lorenzo figured he should make an effort since the restaurant in town that Raphael had picked looked incredibly fancy. The siren made a mental note not to accidentally embarrass himself somehow in such a posh setting, and also in front of his father who he very much wanted to impress.
After a relatively short yet refreshing walk down Oymyakon Street, Enzo found the restaurant Raphael had sent him details of and made his way inside, greeting the waiter who showed him to the table. His father, of course, was already sat there waiting for him. "Thought I'd be fashionably late," Enzo joked as he greeted Raphael, giving a little chuckle. "Hope you've not been waiting too long?" He asked, raising a dark eyebrow slightly as the waiter slid his chair out so he could sit down. With a small nod of thanks to the waiter, Enzo took a seat, relaxing as best he could. "It's still so strange, y'know? Actually getting to see and speak to you."
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badnote · 12 days
@popularmxnster said "If you wanna go and be stupid don't do it in front of me." | prompt.
" oh, real funny, billy. " tatum says with a pointed roll of her blue eyes, sitting on the fountain's edge as they wait for the rest of their friends. she assumes that billy is talking about the more recent time she was sitting near the edge of the fountain, a playful nudge from stu had sent her into the water, ruining her perfectly coordinated outfit for that day and she is certain that she had to fish coins out of her hair afterward.
" you know, i was going to offer to help you with the homework that mister mcclain gave us today, but obviously- you don't need help since you're so smart, " she says with a scoff at the end of her words, poking billy's shoulder with the eraser of her pencil before going back to doodling in her notebook.
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strawberry-s0ap · 2 years
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stimboard for @7hr347 ‘s oc!
x x x / x x x / x x x
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wistrea · 1 month
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❛    claude, you have that look on your face again  ━━━   what are you planning this time? i'd rather know now before whatever's in your mind leads us both into the crossfire.     ❜
@heartwilled / one - liner call ☆
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swtsours-archived · 2 months
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“   one   day   you’ll   understand   why   i   pushed   you   away   .   ”
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ssolessurvivor · 1 year
💋 from Rhaenyra
memes - always accepting! - @incissam
"Come on, Nyra, why would you want to date a guy like me?"
How had they even come along to this conversation? Not that he wouldn't have it, but it was just a surprise. Not to mention...he was a little afraid of what his heart felt whenever he saw her. It was the same thing he felt with Feng. And now she's gone. Logan sits on the stool tapping a pen on the counter as she's straightening up for the night: he always walked her to her car when it got dark early.
Her words trailed over her shoulder, and Logan shook his head with a soft smile. "You deserve to have someone who makes you happy, someone who shares the same values as you. Not someone like me, a country bumpkin who is a little old for you, might I add." He didn't judge anyone for their romantic preferences, but he did doubt sometimes his longevity. With all his medical issues, he didn't want to saddle her with that.
He didn't notice her walking over.
"Look, there's good guys out there, guys better than what I can offer you. You shouldn't settle-"
Her lips met his in a fluid motion, and his body acted slowly. Endorphins flooded his system, his heart jumped into his throat. Logan's hands found a spot on her waist for the moment, though he didn't allow them the time to slip further around her. Even when he desperately wanted to. Even sitting down, she was eye level with him when she pulled away after not one, but two kisses that sent him heavenward.
"What was that for?" Mismatched eyes gaze into her own, searching for that spark and wondering why. He didn't move away, nor did he push her away: they simply stayed.
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365partygrl · 5 months
head in the wall, ethel cain ౨ৎ @knifepcrty
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‟ sometimes you make me wanna put my fucking head through the wall. ”
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unfinishedjulyrain · 1 year
STARTER with Gyunghui ・❥・@lunaxriax
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"Can I help you?" Gyunghui asked with a tilt of her head, smiling at the other person. "Oh, did you want an autograph?" It was the first thing she assumed when people approached her on the street but she knew she could be wrong.
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cbindievrs · 7 months
closed starter for @thefearedsouls (Legolas) muse: Aélin Thornthistle. An elf warrior/guard
Aélin had lost her bow minutes ago, needing to continue with only her two smaller swords as she wove through what seemed like a spider attack, something that hadn't happened in Mirkwood for ages. Her heart pounded as her eyes darted around, searching for Legolas, her partner for the day. When she found him, she rushed to kill one of the spiders attacking him, too close for his bow to work effectively. ❝Are you alright?❞ she asked when seemingly the last spider was slain. Aélin was sure she had been hit on the shoulder, but the prince was always the priority.
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journcys · 9 months
He wasn’t one to reach out too often—still trying to figure out himself and the information he had to process over the last little while, N had never asked any favours of would-be champion—the girl who denied the title and left it to Alder ( who in turn, has been nothing but kind to N when they crossed paths ).
Still, Unova was starting to get colder, as it did—and life wandering from region to region or hibernating amongst wild Pokémon was not always ideal and who else was he to trust more then the the Hero of Truth? She knew as much as he did about himself, after all.
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“I’m sorry to bother you—but with the temperature dropping tonight, would I be able to stay with you? I will be gone in the morning…But it’s not feasible to travel across borders in dropping temperatures.”
// @heroftruth
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thegcng-arch · 8 months
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"well now, what do you think?" i asked with a raised brow, head tilting to the side. i am curious, after all, what she thinks of the case. i love picking peoples brains, really getting their true thoughts on the matter. and besides, nancy knew what she was doing. she good at her work. honestly, i was lucky to be working with her. "from the outside it looks like it's an open and shut case, the husband being the murderer." i give a soft tisk then, "but there's somethin' fishy goin' on here, and i think whoever did this is tryin' to make us think that way."
@fals3nd ft. benoit & nancy drew.
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wcvensouls-archive · 1 year
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although their relationship had a bit of a rocky start, bronya had indeed grown rather fond of the astral express crew  —  even if they did not have many opportunities to simply relax together even after everything was sorted. " i assume you all will be leaving soon, correct? "
@avaere : starter call .
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novashe · 1 year
❝   THANKS   FOR   INVITING   ME   TODAY.   ❞   sakura was very much a field medical ninja but she loved to teach.   so when @unblume asked her to guest teach a lesson to her students,   she made space in her busy schedule to fit her in.   ❝   i hope that they were able to learn something today.   this stuff isn't the easiest to understand,   but   it's   sooo   important.   ❞   sakura bowed slightly in respect towards the teacher,   packing up her materials and placing them in her bag.   
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❝   hey,   do you have anything else planned for the rest of the day   ?   for once i actually have some free time and it would   BE   A   SHAME   to spend the day alone.   ❞   she inquired,   not that she had any idea of what to do,   but she barely got to hang out with other ninja that wasn't for work.
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wcvensouls · 1 year
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it was no secret that atlas was not someone people could get close to usually, as he normally kept a distance from anyone that wasn' the band mates he had acquired over the centuries. so to see him be the one to bring someone onto the vip area was most definitely a surpsie, but he didn't let that stop him. the concert had come to an end, but he could still hear the fans wildly screaming as he exited to the side, placing his bass on the corner before making his way to run, fingers running through his hair to push them off his face — except dark brown and white strands seemed to stubbornly want to return to its place the moment he lowered his arm. " hey there, did you enjoy the show? "
@silkcode : closed starter .
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widauxs · 1 year
          “i’m asking that you try to stay out of trouble,”         there’s a glint of playfulness to her voice…     but enough seriousness to make it clear her request is no joke.          “...as hard as that may be for you.”
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