#benoit / verse one.
thegcng-arch · 8 months
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"well now, what do you think?" i asked with a raised brow, head tilting to the side. i am curious, after all, what she thinks of the case. i love picking peoples brains, really getting their true thoughts on the matter. and besides, nancy knew what she was doing. she good at her work. honestly, i was lucky to be working with her. "from the outside it looks like it's an open and shut case, the husband being the murderer." i give a soft tisk then, "but there's somethin' fishy goin' on here, and i think whoever did this is tryin' to make us think that way."
@fals3nd ft. benoit & nancy drew.
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neverrcryarch · 10 months
@eclipsemuses : [ WALTZ ] our muses dance together in their living room.
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i'm humming along softly to the music as i shift back and forth, arms around my husband, smile on my face. this, i love this. well, i love everything about phillip. but this ... just soft quiet moments together. dancing in the kitchen. feels like a movie, almost. a great movie. "we should dance more." i say softly, forehead moving to rest against the others shoulder. "we used to do it all the time, year or so ago. we should do it more. in the kitchen, wherever. maybe ... we could go out dancing one night. like a proper date."
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noxhominis · 2 years
I have to say this now, because Sherlock Holmes is trending and I am celebrating more than I did this Christmas. I watched Knives Out and Glass Onion and it made me realise something crucial about Holmes. He is fundamentally a good person. Does he sometimes behave a little bit like he doesn't care? Yeah. And does he solve cases because he wants the thrill and the mystery? Yep. But I would argue that he mainly solves cases because he wants to help people. His first case was when he helped his friend. Later we see multiple instances of this happening again and again (him being a genuinely good person). I have said it once and I will say it a million times— Sherlock Holmes is interesting because he is a smart guy who is NOT an asshole. He is (mostly) considerate to people, and their feelings. He takes cases to help people. The prime example that springs to mind is Copper Beeches, where he didn't think Violet Hunter had anything interesting to say about her case. But he still agreed to hear her out. And many times, he has done things for people, solved their mysteries without any money. Now you could say that he is not concerned about money at all, except we have seen him squeeze the king of Bohemia. He takes high profile cases to pay the bills, normal cases to solve puzzles, and the really simple mysteries because he wants to help people. I may have talked about this in another post and used the example of Twisted Lip, and Blue Carbuncle to say how he let criminals (of a sort) go solely based on his moral judgement.
The reason why I bring this up in the same breath as the Knives Out films is because of Benoit Blanc's character. That man is very polite unless he absolutely needs to be rude or has been driven to the ends of his patience. You know, like a normal person? And I loved how it just completely avoided the trope most modern mysteries, crime thrillers, and detective stories fall into. I like to call the trope "The Genius Asshole Syndrome". And it just sort of stigmatises really really smart people for not having social skills by twisting them into something mean and uncaring. And so many modern adaptations of Sherlock Holmes fall into that. And yes, BBC is one of them. So do the Ritchie!verse movies. They make Sherlock Holmes act flippant towards other people, because such a genius cannot possibly care for the normal people. He cannot possibly appreciate other different versions of smart, because he is obviously a genius and a genius is always an asshole, and not empathetic at all. So it was really refreshing to see a detective who cared about his clients, and vulnerable people. It was nice to see a detective get angry on behalf of a defenceless person. And it was very nice to see a detective not wanting to fuck a female client who is maybe half his age. (Plus the gay thing worked out great). I really feel like we need more genuinely good, kind, and helpful people in fiction, and now that Sherlock Holmes is completely in public domain, we can hopefully get something that is faithful to his actual character instead of the two dimensional grim dark detective dynamic. And maybe modern media can give us other detectives who are actually human, and have all basic human emotions? Just a thought.
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goldeneyedgirl · 9 months
TwiFicmas23 Day 10: Hybrid AU
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Good evening! I had my first drink in a hot minute tonight and it has hit me like a battering ram, so we're doing this fast because I am definitely feeling the effects.
Tonight's is some old Hybrid; it'll be pretty obvious why this ended up being archived (and I honestly don't know if this counts as Hybrid or Hybrid baby-verse).
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it!
tw: mention of miscarriage
After the Cullens left, I was kind of at a loss. I know they hoped Bella and I would stick together, but that didn’t happen. 
Simon and Dad were sympathetic and let me mope around the house a bit. But I was exhausted. I was sleeping sixteen hours a day when I had the opportunity and still felt like I had pulled an all-nighter. My schoolwork was fairly average but enough that no one called Dad. I managed to scrape enough energy together to help plan Cynthia’s fifteenth birthday party, and then Thanksgiving. 
It was Christmas Day when I figured out what was wrong with me. I was exhausted all the time, and eating ridiculous amounts of food but still looked like a prisoner of war. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom, getting on the scales to find out that I’d lost another two pounds. Simon would notice soon, and I had no idea what to tell him. 
And then I spied Cynthia’s box of tampons on the shelf, and I had to brace myself on the counter for a moment. My period was a rare and unwelcome visitor, and hardly a trustworthy indicator of anything but... it made sense.
“Oh, Alice, honey, this arrived for you a couple of days ago,” Simon said, plucking a small box from under the tree. It was still in its mailing box, with my name and address typed on the label but no return address or indication of who it was from.
Inside was a small black jewelry box, and for a second, I thought perhaps Jasper had sent me something. I hoped he’d sent me something.  Even just a letter would have fixed everything.
I ripped into it, and the contents spilled into my lap, and it took me a moment to understand what I was looking at. It was a silver sun charm on a black ribbon, with smaller stars dotted along the band, though one was missing. 
It had been my mother’s. I remembered her wearing it; she'd never taken it off. I could see the stain of blood on the ribbon, the frayed edge where the knife bit into her, and for a moment, the room swam.
“Who is it from?” Dad asked curiously. 
I put the necklace down with shaking hands, trying hard to act normal, and plucked the card up. It was black too, with a white crest – the shield, candle, and compass of the Benoits, the Latin motto running along the bottom – Ex Deus Veritas. Truth in God, coined by the Order. 
On the back of the card, the message was short. 
Our best wishes of the season to you and your family, Mary-Alice. 
Meaning: we know where you and your family are. 
The bag I packed was like so many others. Basic, warm clothing; my first aid kit, a new phone I had bought in Port Angeles, money. I had ordered a ton of gift cards over the internet, since they weren’t traceable. Nothing sentimental was meant to come with me, but in the end, I saved a photograph of Jasper and I to my new phone.
And then I left Forks. 
it sounds all fun and luxurious to say I ran off to Hawaii. 
The truth was, Mexico would have been way better but with the vampire and Order problem down there, I chose the one place in America you are least likely to get cornered by a vampire: Hawaii. 
Specifically Paukaa, which was home to less than 600 people. I was nothing more than another post-high school traveler who decided to stay. I rented a tiny one-room place from a family and got a job at a café. It was quiet and safe and I settled into a mind-numbing existence. 
I hadn’t contacted anyone back in Forks or even checked my email. As far as everyone was concerned, Mary-Alice Brandon had disappeared for the last time – I half-hoped they’d declare me dead.
I was Mary Hale here. 
It was a little embarrassing, yes, taking Jasper’s fake surname, but it kept me hidden because I doubted anyone would think to run a search on that name. And none of the Cullens called me ‘Mary’ anyway. 
It had been a few months. The hardest. When the test came back positive, I had tried to find the Denali clan in Alaska, to pass on a message to the Cullens. To find help. 
I got close - so close. I made it to Anchorage after almost two weeks of traveling; I didn't have a lot of money, I didn't want my fake I.D. questioned too much, and I was terrified I was being followed and kept double-backing and waiting to throw any stalkers off my trail. I was pretty sick by then, but I was certain I would make it. Hell, I'd broken into the Cullens' before I'd left and found a map in Carlisle's study that had helped me narrow down the Denali home a lot. 
Then I woke up in the Anchorage ER with the news I’d collapsed on the street and miscarried. 
I didn’t know what to do with that information.
I probably should have gone home to Forks and my Dad and pretended it had never happened. Or actually tracked down the Denali clan and demanded they get me in contact with the Cullens anyway. But the Benoits knew where my family was, and I just couldn’t. I didn’t want to see anyone I knew before ever again. I didn’t want to look them in the eyes and have to explain everything. I didn’t want to be Alice Brandon anymore. 
So I didn’t. As soon as they released me from the hospital, I bought the first plane ticket to Hawaii. Actually, it was the next scheduled flight. They could have flown me to the moon, and I didn’t care. 
That had been in January. It was now August, and it seemed surreal to me now. It felt like a movie I’d watched. Sad, but distant. It was easier to pretend it had happened to someone else, and just focus on each day. I had enough problems to deal with - I still hadn't managed to gain back any weight, probably because I was a shitty cook living on a diet of orange juice and minute-ramen; I barely made enough to cover my cost of living and had no particular way of getting a better job; and I barely slept, plagued with nightmares.
And now I was dreaming again, the truth had slammed into my head. Bella was in so much danger. Victoria was coming for her with a newborn army, and the Cullens were long gone.
I couldn't stay away and let Bella die - let that newborn army descend upon Forks without warning.
If nothing else, I had to protect Bella. And my family. Worst-case scenario, I could trade myself for the safety of others. I could try and take Victoria, though she would most likely win, especially when I was so weak and out of shape. Death sounded very peaceful.
Maybe I’d see my baby there. And Mom. 
I didn’t tell anyone I was coming home. I told the café I had a ‘sick family member’, and I didn’t know if I’d be back. I gave the same story to the family I rented my place from. And then I packed up, bought the cheapest airline ticket I could get, and went home again. 
When I slept on the plane, I realized the Cullens had come back to Forks. Bella was better protected than I anticipated, but they still didn’t know what was coming for them. Not to mention the danger that Simon, Dad, and Cynthia were in.
I didn’t look like much. My hair was shorter than I had ever worn it, and I was the thinnest I had ever been - that was including the years I spent in the hospital and on the street. Dark circles had set up residence underneath my eyes.  I was wearing the only pair of jeans that I fitted me, and they were wearing thin. My sweater had shrunk, leaving a bare panel of skin between my waistband and the frayed hemline. And my sneakers were held together with hope and super glue. 
Rather than go home and deal with Simon and Dad, I went straight to the Cullens. 
It was Esme who opened the door, blinked and gasped, pulling me into a hug I couldn’t return. 
“Oh, Alice, where have you been?” Esme pulled away, smoothing my hair back from my face. “We’ve all be so worried! Come in, Jasper is going to be over the moon to see you.”
I managed a quivering smile as Esme drew me into the house, into the living room where everyone was gathered, everyone’s eyes on me.
“Alice…” Jasper went from standing in the corner to at my side, pulling me into his arms, my body stiff as I reluctantly curled against him, breathing in his scent of forest and books and something indistinguishably him. “Darlin’, where have you been?”
I just shook my head. If I spoke, I’d start crying and I’d never stop. When Jasper pulled away, he must have seen that in my face and reached up to cradle my cheek. “Are you alright?” he murmured and I let out a shuddering breath.
“You’re in danger,” I managed, pulling away from Jasper reluctantly. “Victoria is returning, she’s in the area and she has her eye on Bella. And the Benoits are coming – to destroy you, the Quiluetes, and my family.”
An hour later, Esme had put a plate of food in front of me, looking worried. I was eating, my stomach twisting at the invasion of food that wasn't bought at a convenience store.
The pasta was good, but I couldn’t enjoy it. 
Dad and Simon had been so grateful that I was home, there were no questions or accusations. Just more food, a shower, and bed. Simon had checked on me half a dozen times, looking so worried. 
I slept badly, shallowly, my dreams twisted around the baby, the hospital. Terror and pain that I didn’t know were memories or imagined suffering. I dreamt of blood and misery, and woke up screaming twice – the first time, I wasn’t even awake when Dad came in to try and sooth me; I woke up with him half-rocking me, smoothing my hair back and trying to calm my sobs and screams. 
“It’s going to be okay, sweetheart,” he murmured. 
“I wish I had died,” I sobbed, half-asleep.
“Oh, honey, don’t ever say that,” Dad said. 
He managed to get me back to sleep, my hair sticking to my clammy face, before I woke up screaming again, and Simon managed to get me to take something, leaving me in a soupy state that at least kept me quiet so everyone else could sleep. 
I didn’t stir again til nearly dawn, my dreams blood-splattered and full of desperation. The drugs left me boneless and vulnerable, and when I finally opened my eyes, I couldn’t scream or call for help or do anything but lie there, staring at the ceiling. My hand lay on the pillow beside me, but I stared at it as if it wasn’t even mine. 
I ended up dozing a little; clearly enough that my visions kicked in – I could see Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper arriving at the house, Dad and Simon looking grim. Well, Dad looked miserable and old. Simon had this professional nurse ‘this is bad’ face on. 
“How is she?” Carlisle asked, after they were invited in.
“Broken,” Dad murmured, looking worn out and distressed. 
“Screaming night terrors,” Simon clarified, putting his arms around my father’s shoulders. “I ended up giving her some Valium – we’d get her back to sleep, and minutes later, the screaming would start again.”
“You drugged her?” Jasper demanded, a dangerous look in his eyes. 
“We didn’t have a choice. It was Valium or I called 911,” Simon said gently. “I couldn’t treat someone for trauma in my own house at midnight. Hell, I couldn’t treat someone for trauma without a doctor present. The Valium prescription was one of Alice’s when she arrived. And she needed sleep.”
“She kept telling us she wished she had died,” Dad added. “Over and over again. It’s all she would say.”
Esme and Carlisle looked shaken, but Jasper had just shut down entirely. 
I managed to drag myself out of bed, and into the shower, but eschewed clothing for a clean pair of pajama bottoms and tee, running my fingers through my hair. It needed to be washed.
My chest felt tight as I sat down in front of the food Simon had made for me. Simon was still cooking, with Dad, Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper gathered around the island with me.
I felt hollow and exhausted as I considered the plate of fruit and yogurt, along with two slices of toast. I managed a small bite and felt the cool cloud of Jasper’s gift seeping into myself, not bothering to resist. 
“Where have you been, Alice?” Dad asked gently.
I flinched, and then rearranged my expression again, poking some melon with my fork. “Away,” I said softly. “Somewhere safe.”
“You weren’t safe here?” Simon asked. 
I brought another bite of food to my mouth to avoid answering the question; I didn’t want to say it, but they were all watching me. 
“Not anymore. Not after Christmas,” I mumbled into my fruit. 
Finally, I gave up. I got up and left the table, padding up to my bedroom, where my backpack was. The folded piece of paper was filthy and crumpled, but still legible, thankfully. 
No one was expecting me to return to the kitchen, clearly. I slid the folded paper across to Simon and Carlisle. 
Jasper would be disgusted with me. That I’d only gotten sick because he’d left me and I had been trying to find them when they didn’t want to be found. I always knew I was twisted up and ruined inside, thanks to Mommy Dearest, but this was the proof. I had had an opportunity to give Jasper the one impossible thing, and I had fucking failed. 
I missed him, I needed him. He was my other half, the lost fragment. And in two short steps, I was curled in his rather startled arms, my face half-buried in his shirt.
It took Simon and Carlisle only a moment to decipher the medical shorthand, and Simon looked up at me in horror. Carlisle just looked so sad. I let out a shuddering breath, breathing in Jasper’s scent, and waited. 
“Oh, kiddo,” Simon said, looking heartbroken. “Alice, why didn’t you tell us?”
“What?” Dad said, squinting at the paper. 
“Alice, have you seen a doctor since?” Carlisle asked kindly. I shook my head. 
“Okay, you need to be checked out, as soon as possible,” he said.
I didn’t have any energy left, and went back upstairs. It felt like cheating, to have Carlisle and Simon to tell everyone, to do my dirty work. But the idea of voicing those thoughts, those words, made my stomach twist tightly. 
My bed was cool and smelt like home. It was good to be here, to be back. That was what I was telling myself.
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dalekofchaos · 4 months
Booking King of the Ring for the years WWE didn't have it
Fantasy booking a King of the Ring winner every year WWE didn’t have King of the Ring.
2003: John Cena wins King of the Ring
In 2003, John Cena was finding his stride as a heel having a WWE Title match against Brock Lesnar and facing The Undertaker on PPV, he was becoming a big star. John Cena (Smackdown) would cheat to beat fan favorite Booker T (RAW) in the finals to become King of the Ring and the rap verses he could’ve cut about all of it would have made it even more better.
2004: Randy Orton (RAW) wins King of the Ring
Randy Orton was in the middle of a long IC Title reign and along with Evolution went over two legends at WrestleMania and was being groomed to be the youngest world champion in WWE history. John Cena now a babyface and US Champion on Smackdown would look to become a 2 time King of the Ring winner and repeat but he would make it to the finals and lose in a First Time Ever match to the WWE Intercontinental Champion and Evolution's Randy Orton from RAW.
2005: Christian wins King of the Ring
Now I know WWE wouldn’t have done this, I know they didn’t see Christian as anything more than a mid card guy but around this time he was white hot around this time and a King of the Ring win could propel him to the main event. Christian (RAW) would beat Chris Benoit (Smackdown) after interference from his problem solver Tomko and set up a WWE Title match against John Cena at Summerslam which Christian wins.
2007: Bobby Lashley wins King of the Ring
I would have gone with Mr. Kennedy but he got injured around this time and was later suspended, so why not go with Bobby Lashley on the condition that he turns heel because he proved in TNA he’s a very good heel. We’re in the finals with Lashley vs King Booker, last year's winner. Lashley is going in as a babyface and Booker as a heel but we have a double turn when Queen Sharmell turns on Booker helping Lashley win and aligning with him.
2009: The Miz wins King of the Ring
The Miz was starting to make his way into the upper mid card as the US Champion and a King of the Ring win in 2009 could’ve better prepared him for his eventual WWE Title win in late 2010. Miz would defeat ex tag team partner John Morrison in the finals.
2011: CM Punk wins King of the Ring
This event would replace Capital Punishment with Punk defeating Mysterio in the finals. This added momentum would make him even hotter after his pipebomb promo and his WWE Title win over John Cena at Money in the Bank, all that much better.
2012: Cody Rhodes wins King of the Ring
Cody Rhodes has just come off of a great Intercontinental Title reign but his moment halted because he dropped the belt to The Big Show of all people. Rhodes defeats Christian in the finals to regain his momentum back and hopefully face Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Title.
2013: Dean Ambrose of The Shield wins King of the Ring
Dean Ambrose was US Champion and considered the leader of The Shield. He would go on to defeat Daniel Bryan in the finals with the help of Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns getting a lot of heat since Bryan was white hot around this time.
2014: Cesaro wins King of the Ring
Again I know WWE wouldn’t have gone for this but this would’ve have been the right move since Cesaro was super over at the time. In my booking Cesaro has just won the Intercontinental Title and qualifies for King of the Ring. He would go on to defeat ex tag team partner Jack Swagger in the finals to win King of the Ring.
2016: AJ Styles wins King of the Ring
In 2016, Styles debuted in the WWE and had a great debut year and at this point was only a few months from winning his first WWE Championship. I would have AJ and Cena make it to the finals and have their very first one on one encounter and here is where I’d have AJ turn heel when The Club (Gallows & Anderson) interfere and costs Cena the match giving AJ the win.
2017: Braun Strowman wins King of the Ring
Braun was white hot as a monster heel around this time just wrecking anything and everything in his path. Braun would wreck Roman Reigns in the finals to win King of the Ring and go on to win the Universal Title from Brock Lesnar probably at No Mercy.
2018: Shinsuke Nakamura wins King of the Ring
In 2018, Nakamura won the Royal Rumble then faced AJ Styles for the WWE Championship and then turned heel on AJ after failing to win the title making his character more interesting but also killing his momentum because he lost all the time. Then he had a 5 month reign as US Champion which he only defended once on PPV. Nakamura would defeat Roman Reigns in the finals after a low blow and a Kinsasha. After the match, we have Corey Graves say Nakamura is not only the king of strong style but now has become the King of the Ring. Nakamura would go on to defeat Jeff Hardy for the US Title and hopefully have a much better run with it.
2020:Let's say Drew McIntyre. It was his time as the top guy and despite the pandemic era, I think McIntyre as king would've worked.
2022:Seth Rollins. Peak insufferable douchebag Seth Rollins as king would've been hillarious
2023:Solo Sikoa. It adds to building up Solo up as the enforcer and Roman's right hand and heir to the Bloodline.
Bonus round. Fantasy booking the Queen of The Ring from 2016-2023
2016::Charlotte Flair, there we get Charlotte as Queen of the ring out of the way. This is the obvious choice since they really began to push Charlotte hard at this point
2017:Sasha Banks. Feels right move, plus Queen Bo$$ has a nice ring to it
2018:Alexa Bliss. ALexa was in her peak Goddess era and Queen Alexa would've been over.
2019:Shayna Baszler. Shayna got called up and I feel like this would've been a consolation prize for not winning the title at Mania 36(FOR SOME FUCKING REASON)
2020:Bayley. The year that put Bayley on the map and during her longest reign, so Queen Bayley fits so much
2022:Becky Lynch. Big Time Becks as Queen would've worked. The fans hated her when she beat Bianca, boy would they hate her as the bitchy condescending Queen of the Ring.
2023:Rhea Ripley. Rhea was the hottest name in the company and Mami was on top. Queen Eradicator would've just been perfect.
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fandomtrumpshate · 2 years
Listed fandom fun -
One week into signups for FTH 2023 and Good Omens has slightly increased its lead and its lock on first place. K-pop has surged ahead of Teen Wolf which is now tied with Sherlock Holmes for fourth place. Original work, Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official's Blessing), Stranger Things, and Scum Villain's Self-Saving System have seen significant bumps up the list.
A signup for any of these fandoms would be their first -
Assassin’s Creed Dracula Ghosts (BBC) Goncharov (1973) The Green Knight
And a signup for any of these would literally double their signups -
1 Captive Prince 1 Cyberpunk 2077 1 Julie and the Phantoms 1 Lucifer (TV) 1 Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries 1 Schitt's Creek 1 Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 1 The Terror (TV 2018) 1 Venom 1 Voltron 1 Wheel of Time
Signups are OPEN through Feb 19!
The rest of the listed fandoms by number of signups below the cut …
52 Good Omens 46 Harry Potter * 38 K-Pop * 33 Sherlock Holmes * 33 Teen Wolf 25 MCU * 25 Star Wars * 24 Stranger Things 19 Boku no Hiro Akademia (My Hero Academia) 19 Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed 19 The Witcher 17 Scum Villain's Self-Saving System 15 Original Work 15 The Sandman 14 Fullmetal Alchemist 14 Our Flag Means Death 13 Locked Tomb Trilogy 13 The Magnus Archives 13 Merlin 13 Shadowhunters 13 Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official's Blessing) 12 DC Extended Universe * 12 Supernatural 11 Check Please! 11 DC Comics 11 The Old Guard 11 Star Trek * 11 Tolkien * 10 9–1–1 10 All for the Game 10 Jujutsu Kaisen 9 Avatar The Last Airbender * 9 Hades (video game) 9 Raven Cycle 8 Kinnporsche 7 A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones 7 Benoit Blanc Mysteries (Knives Out; Glass Onion) 7 Diamond no Ace 7 Heartstopper 7 Interview With The Vampire 7 James Bond 7 Marvel Comics 7 Percy Jackson and the Olympians 6 Disco Elysium 6 Fire Emblem Three Houses 6 Genshin Impact 6 Hunger Games 6 Naruto 6 Wednesday / The Addams Family 5 Doctor Who * 5 Hockey RPF 5 Leverage 5 The Maze Runner 5 Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast 5 Six of Crows Duology 5 SK8 the Infinity 5 Stellar Firma 4 Arcane 4 Final Fantasy * 4 Hetalia 4 Tian Ya Ke / Word of Honor 3 Bleach 3 Critical Role 3 Dungeons & Dragons 3 Haikyuu!!! 3 Hannibal 3 The Last of Us 3 Nirvana in Fire 3 Steven Universe 3 Welcome to Night Vale 3 Yuri!!! On Ice 2 Anne of Green Gables / Anne with an E 2 Bad Buddy 2 Buffyverse * 2 Dishonored 2 Dragon Age * 2 Encanto 2 Gundam Wing 2 Hacks 2 Hunter X Hunter 2 The Magicians 2 Mass Effect 2 RWBY 2 Spy x Family
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f1uckinghell · 1 year
curtain call - a Virtues Verse oneshot
here is a Riley-centric oneshot I wrote as a gift for the lovely @thatsapodium <3
Riley couldn’t spot his family in the crowd, but just knowing they were there filled his heart with an excited, deep warmth. Dad, beaming in the suit he had bought just for this, Mom in the same navy dress that was always brought out for festive occasions. Grandma Sophie, Grandma Grace and Grandpa Joe, excitedly taking photos. His siblings and packlings, dressed up like he rarely ever saw them. Isabel and Leah with little Clara, who was looking adorable in her dress. Carlos and Lando were there, too, of course, and Papa, and Pierre. And Maman, whose eyes were shiny and whose smile was fierce and proud when he cupped Riley’s cheeks in his hands and told him, „I knew you would make it one day.“
„Three more minutes,“ Benoit, the conductor of the orchestra, said behind him, startling Riley away from the curtain.
„Okay.“ Riley exhaled slowly and smoothed down his dress.
Ben watched him with a thoughtful smile. „You will be amazing.“
„What are you doing up here?“ Riley asked quickly, trying to will himself out of blushing.
„I wanted to come see you,“ Ben replied, fixing his cufflinks, „For good luck.“
Now, Riley was definitely blushing. „Oh. Thank you.“ He didn’t know why, but he added, „My whole family is here today.“
Ben gave him a sympathetic grin. „Ah. Nervous?“
„A little bit,“ Riley admitted, shifting on his feet. The black dress he was wearing had a high neckline and felt like a hug. „Aren’t you?“
Ben gave a very french shrug. „Yes,“ he said, „Everytime.“
That was oddly comforting, because Benoit was a literal musical genius, one of the youngest conductors ever to work with this particular orchestra. He was a beta from France, in his early thirties, supremely talented and very handsome with thick dark hair, blue eyes and glasses.
Riley and him had been flirting for the past few months.
A low gong sound counted down the last few moments before the start of the concert.
„I mean it, Riley,“ Benoit said quickly, taking an urgent step forward, reaching for Riley’s hands. Ben’s hands were warm and strong around Riley’s when he squeezed them. „You are amazing. You will do amazing.“
Riley let out a breathless „Thank you!“ while his entire body felt like it was spinning.
Ben let go of his hands and gave Riley one last lopsided smile. „Bonne chance!“
„Bonne chance!“ Riley echoed, and then, quickly before he could change his mind, „Wait!“
He took two steps forward and kissed Ben on the cheek. „For good luck.“
Ben let out an adorable, surprised noise, half-stopping in his tracks, but Riley ushered him away, giggling. „You have to go! Quick!“
„I have to go!“ Ben repeated, a big, happy smile spreading on his face, „Yes. I have to- I’ll see you later!“
„Yes!“ Riley watched as Ben almost tripped over his own feet when he hurried towards the stage entrance. His heart was beating fast and hard in his chest, and he felt like he could do anything right now.
„Ladies, Gentlemen and esteemed others,“ the voice of the concert hall’s director sounded through the thick curtains as the crowd quieted down, „Welcome to Young Talents night at the Royal Concert Hall.“
Riley took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
The concert went perfectly.
Riley had to blink away tears in his eyes when the crowd cheered and clapped for them. Nothing could ever rival this feeling.
Well, maybe something could: the sight of his family in the foyer, Dad carrying a massive bouquet of flowers.
Jasper was the first to spot him. „Riley!“ he exclaimed, and ran at him, throwing his arms around him. He had grown a lot, and catching him forced a little „oof“ out of Riley. Nevertheless, he hugged his little brother tightly, and Jasper squeezed him back, going on and on.
„You sang so beautifully and you look so pretty and Dad cried but he pretended he didn’t-“
This meant so much more than any compliment from any professional he had received while making his way through the crowd.
His family descended upon him with hugs and kisses and compliments. Dad hugged him for a long time. Riley enjoyed being covered in Dad’s comforting, familiar scent. When they let go, there were proud tears in Dad’s eyes again that he wiped away with the back of his work-worn hand. „I’m so fucking proud of you.“
„Dad,“ Isabel scolded jokingly, covering Clara’s ears.
„Some occasions warrant foul language,“ Leah said, and threw her arms around Riley, pulling him into the next hug.
Several minutes passed until everyone had hugged him and told him how proud they were of him.
„Um, Riley, I think someone is here to see you,“ Luna said behind him when Riley was just in the process of getting squeezed by Grandma Sophie. When he turned, he saw Benoit standing there on the edge of his family circle, looking politely handsome with a glint in his eye.
„I just came to congratulate you briefly on your outstanding performance,“ he said.
Riley felt his already wide smile widen. He could tell his entire family was curiously watching them now.
„Thank you,“ he said as gracefully as he could; he knew Ben could tell he wanted to say much more. Do much more. „Congratulations on yours as well.“
So formal. A cheeky little grin tugged on the corner of Ben’s mouth. „Thank you so much.“
There was a slight pause, then Riley remembered to introduce Ben. He gestured behind himself awkwardly, „This is my… my whole family. …this is Benoit, the conductor.“ When he half-turned, he saw Maman’s knowing grin.
Grandpa Joe leaned over from behind Riley, holding out his hand to shake Ben’s. „Incredible work, young man.“
„Thank you so much,“ Ben replied, shaking Grandpa’s hand. „Lovely to meet Riley’s family.“
„You have cool glasses,“ Jasper said from where he was wrapped around Mom.
„Thanks!“ Ben grinned, „So do you.“
Jasper looked very satisfied with the compliment. „We’re going to have sushi now, because that’s Riley’s favorite.“
„Nice,“ Ben grinned, „That’s good to know.“ He gave Jasper a little wink. „Hope you enjoy your dinner.“
Jasper beamed up at him.
Riley felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest.
„I’ll see you saturday?“
„Yes,“ Ben said, turning his attention back to him with a warm smile. „See you saturday.“
„Okay,“ Riley said quietly, trying not to completely lose it over Ben in front of his family.
„Enjoy your sushi,“ Ben told him, giving a formal, modest little bow before disappearing into the crowd.
It took his siblings exactly two seconds after Ben was gone to start making kissy noises.
Some things never changed.
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shiitb4lls · 10 months
quick before class. would y'all be interested if i made a verse for benoit when he's going to college? also one when he's starting out as a detective, in his mid to late twenties?
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scrunkore · 9 months
Scrunkore Media "Thread" 2023: Part 5
I got burnout and never got back into it so I'm hella simplifying it lol shit happens
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the scrunko core has burned out, rebooting
50) Wendell & Wild (Movie, 2022)
A lovingly crafted stop-motion animated movie with some good old kid-friendly horror vibes and a punky attitude, even starring a pretty nice transmasc character that I'm super happy to see. It's a nice story with a good visual style and a lot of heart, and I think Key and Peele being involved is pretty funny honestly. [4★]
51) Murder by Numbers (Switch, 2020)
Decent enough Picross game with a basic detective narrative stringing it together that I'm not really a huge fan of, but it does its job and I appreciate the adorable robot as well as some of its representation. And no idea how they got the composer from Ace Attorney and Ghost Trick, lmao [3★]
52) Pokémon Picross (GBC, Unreleased)
Yeah, this was better than the 3DS one, it's just basic Picross that doesn't do much (only real mechanic it adds is being able to change the music) but that's still better than the shitty mobile game model. They really should have just released this, it was straight-up finished and I even got a cart that works on original hardware because I think that's neat. [3.5★]
53) Paper Mario: The Origami King (Switch, 2020)
Going to be killed for playing this as my first Paper Mario but who cares, this game is cool in spite of its awkward battle system (which DOES kinda suck). Just a fun adventure with typical quirky writing and some surprisingly powerful moments, plus an excellent soundtrack, I'm sure some of the earlier games are better but I did play this one and did enjoy it. [4★]
54/55) Knives Out/Glass Onion (Movies, 2019/2022)
Incredible pair of detective movies, both full of really engaging writing and directing work that keeps you invested and never stops being entertaining to watch, surely still really good on a rewatch too. They also really fuckin' hate rich people, especially the second one which is woke as hell and has one of my favourite endings in anything, so that's what some might call "based". I can't wait to see what Rian Johnson does for the third Benoit Blanc movie, which is apparently meant to be a 2024 release. [5★]
56) Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW Comics, 2018-Present)
These are some damn enjoyable comics, telling some fun and generally quite well-written stories set after the events of Sonic Forces with a cast of really cool characters. Honestly kind of ride or die for Tangle and Whisper, but original villains like Dr Starline are great to read too. Early highlight is definitely the Metal Virus arc, but the more recent stuff with Surge was excellent too. Safe to say the team behind these stories know their shit. [4.5★]
57) Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Movie, 2023)
They really did it, they went out of their way to make a bigger and better sequel to one of the greatest animated movies I've seen, and it's very possible that they succeeded... but we won't know until the second part comes out, which looks unfortunately unlikely to be any time soon because production sucked. Still, what we did get is yet another gorgeously animated spectacle with a cool storyline, everyone knows that. [4.5★]
58) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (Movie, 2023)
One of the only parts of the MCU that I cared about more or less concluded with this movie, and fuck it might be the best one in the trilogy. Rocket's harrowing backstory really hits out with that theme of some jerkass playing god, and the core adventure of the film is pretty engaging too, just as cool as ever. Plus it's now confirmed Vocaloid exists in the MCU lol [4.5★]
59) The Suicide Squad (Movie, 2021)
Another instance of James Gunn making an actual good superhero movie, this time making a good adaptation of something that previously had a bit of a shit one. I appreciate the kinda edgy nature of the titular squad that was handled solidly here, and their antics are honestly pretty funny. Fun action sequences too, and it's honestly really cool how much the movie thinks rats are awesome (they kind of are tbh). Peter Capaldi, the best version of Doctor Who, playing a mad scientist role is also just... really good. [4★]
60) Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (Movie, 2022)
Man fuck Disney, this is obviously the best version of the Pinocchio story and their attempt to overshadow it was lame as hell. I quite like the darker take on the story with themes of death and war around Italy's rise of fascism (Tom Kenny Mussolini is crazy btw), and of course the stop-motion animation is really quite excellent. Always love to see movies made in such a way. [4★]
61/62) Sonic and the Secret Rings/Black Knight (Games, 2007/2009)
Yeah, I get why the storybook duo of games have a bad reputation, because the motion control gimmicks kinda suck, but Secret Rings suffers from it far more than Black Knight, and that still has the cool ideas and solid writing combined with a great soundtrack (both games have this). Maybe the mission-based level structure isn't great, but there's some fun stuff to be found in these. Wish they were better though. [2.5★/3.5★]
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13urningstars · 1 year
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Name: File empty registration unknown. IVORY Cherrybomb of iacon
Alias: Her human alias is Cheryl Benoit, and cherrybomb itself is an alias turned name. In her shattered glass verse, we call her "Siren". General nicknames include: sunshine, cherr, cherry, CB, cherrybabe, the bomb, songbird, pinkie, cherrbear, momma bear, sweetness (tba)
Gender: Demigirl. Uses she/her and they/them, but really has no preference
Age: Around her early/mid 40's by human approximation? But really millions of years old, forged prewar
Species:  Cybertronian
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown
Abilities/Talents: Minimal medical training, dancing, singing, pickpocketing, Modded ability to create a sonic screech, press management, quick runner
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: This one's a bit complicated, but she's agnostic. She believes that the 13 where normal mecha, deified amongst time, although if proved otherwise she wouldn't put up a fight. She say's small prayers in their names to herself in rare moments, something she's been taught and carried with her, but when it comes to primus and unicron? Where were they as their children killed and tore their planet apart? She does not like to believe in the idea of gods that would leave her them to suffer through such a life. Its complicated
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Cybertronian; Can read and speak modern neo-cybex, a smaller iaconian dialect, english and french, understands wing speech, is slowly but surely learning eukarian
Family: A seeker, rainjet, and her conjunx endura hitch, her daughter nova
Friends:  Joyride, a rescue bot medic although the friendship is... mostly onesided. The rest is verse dependant.
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / questioning / other [ omnisexual/polyarmorous ]
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / other [ verse dependant ]
Libido: sex god / very high / high  / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde (holoform) / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive (holoform) / light brown / brown / very brown / black / other (Semi dark grey)
Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot (holoform) / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot (21'3ft)
Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds
Scars: Innitials burned into to her neck just out of view, A grazed line on her side, slightly off colored left optic, Jagged scratches on her back between her door wings and wheels, a grip dent on her larger right audial fin
Facial Features: Always hidden behind her white helm and visor, she has a heart shaped face, and sharp eyes paired with a medium dainty nose. two lines of dim bio lights streak down her upper cheeks, reminiscent of tear lines. Two pairs of audial fins, the smaller of which movable.
Tattoos: A bunch of UV tattoo's decorate her armor. most don't have meanings, just pretty designs that decorate her frame, but a handful of them do. Her favorite poem transcribed on the end of her "skirt" and the hex code for ivory on the inside on her wrist.
Dogs or Cats?
Birds or Hamsters?
Red or Blue?
Yellow or Green?
Black or White?
Coffee or Tea?
Ice Cream or Cake?
Fruits or Vegetables?
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee?
Sword or Bow?
Summer or Winter?
Spring or Autumn?
The Past or The Future?
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tagged by: @blackwldcw
tagging: @aircommndr @battlexworned @wild-at-spark @almost-nearly-perfect @loverbot-9000 @autobotstarscream @autobotmedic AND who ever see's this that hasn't done it yet.
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magic-number-3 · 2 years
And another one: top five movies
Okay this one is going to be a lot shorter lol (hopefully) i need to make it clear that these are completely subjective, these are not what i think the best movies of all time are (i'm not sure what those are) these are just MY personal favorites
#1: Mad Max Fury Road. I could sit here and explain why its so good but Patrick H Willems and Movies With Mikey from youtube have already done that for me so here you go <3 also tom hardy and charlize theron. every bisexuals dream
these next three are in no particular order (and also, I think they all find a nice balance between spectacle and story, a la the Patrick H Willems video
Cinderella (2015): kindness is bravery and so is 'to be seen as we truly are' also its just visually gorgeous, it really genuinely looks and feels like a fairytale. also im in love with lily james and richard madden
Into The Spider-Verse (2018): art. just art. THEY INVENTED A NEW KIND OF ANIMATION FOR THIS. and the story! anyone can wear the mask! phenomenal film.
Set It Up (2018): I fell in love with this movie the moment I watched it. love some shenanigans. zoey deutch and glen powell are so fun. The first quality romcom of the modern age imo (so, post '00s), and haven't seen a better one since
#5: Baby Driver (2017) it sucks that like half the cast are terrible ppl :/ but the way the music is used in this movie is incredible. this one is #5 because I think the specacle/story ratio is a little imbalanced, the story isn't as strong. but what they endeavored to do here is absolutely incredible
Bonus: Knives Out (2019) & Glass Onion (2022). absolutely delightful movies. i love a good murder mystery and I love the story in these. another good balance between spectacle/story. also I want to put benoit blanc in a glass jar and shake it. daniel craig is endlessly entertaining in these movies, incredible performances by him
Bonus 2: The Nice Guys (2016) 'cause I saw a gif set for it the other day and its Christmastime and I feel like not as many people know about this movie as they should (maybe im wrong)
Bonus 3: The Fabelmans (2022) is my favorite new movie I've watched recently. such an excellent film that has so much heart in it. Steven Spielberg i love you
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choco-cherry-chunk · 2 years
i love the idea of benoit and philip having 7 little girls ☺ i like to imagine blancs first pregnancy went super smoothly, minimal morning sickness and other negative symptoms. but the following pregnancies get progressively harder on him especially with the multiples. triplets using your organs as punching bags at all hours of the night cant be comfy
AHHHH! I just saw this, so I suppose this will be my last one for the night. Such a lovely surprise.
I love the idea too. I’ll tag this verse in some way. Seven Sisters Universe? Idk, lol.
But you’re so right. When the first pregnancy is so easy, he and Philip figure that having the several kids they want will be a walk in the park. Even the birth wasn’t so bad. But it’s a little more difficult with their second girl. He has morning sickness, for one, and his suits stop fitting a lot faster, and he even feels a little like he has the flu for a while. Then he has the twins and it’s worse. All those symptoms and they stick around even longer. He starts dealing with nose bleeds and his mood is all over the place. Once he has the twins, he and Philip agree that they’re happy with four and that they won’t make efforts to have more children. And things ease up for a while, only for their unexpected triplets to occur, thus turning everything up to eleven. All the same rough symptoms on top of dizziness, aches and pains, fainting spells, and other messiness. And Lord, the movements. He does love to feel his girls squirm around, but three is a lot to take, especially with how little he’s able to sleep. Plus, I’m very much of the mentality that Blanc is prone to long pregnancies and overdue babies, so he is always fried by the end, stopping just short of begging their children to come out. He loves all of his children and honestly did love carrying them, but that didn’t make any experience any less of an ordeal.
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pickledpascal · 1 year
Relationship: Benoit Blanc x Ezra Wayne
Warnings: SMUT !!!!!!
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Benoit wants to learn how to eat someone out, purely for the pleasure of pleasing Ezra.
Benoit wasn't well versed in the opposite genitalia to his own. Most of his past lovers were cisgender men so he didn't have much practice with other parts. He wanted to try for Ezra, to know all the spots that pleased him, that made his toes curl in the best way possible. He has plenty of lesbian friends who were, maybe, a little too eager to share a few secrets. A lot of them said one simple thing:
That getting eaten out was possibly the best feeling in the world. 
But Benoit didn't have much experience… in that area. So he did what any good detective would do when they knew nothing about their suspects. He researched. By research, he watched porn. Consuming countless videos. With sound off, of course. All he needed to know was the simple movements. Ezra would guide him from there with just the sound of his voice. To say Benoit was excited was an understatement. He couldn't wait.
His plan came to fruition when Elle decided to sleep over at a friend's house for the night. At least he wouldn't have to ask her to get out of the house anymore. That would have been a bit… awkward.
Benoit got nervous as soon as Elle left. Suddenly a simple stare from Ezra became too much for him. Or a smile. Or a wink. Or the sound of his voice. But he had to bring up his proposition to Ezra somehow. Or perhaps he just needed to bring the man to their room, show him what his plans were.
Yeah, that sounded better. A lot better.
It was just before bed, with Ezra taking off his shirt and pants to get ready when Benoit wrapped his arms around the actor's waist to stop him. He pressed a kiss to the base of Ezra's neck, a featherlight touch on his skin. He missed worshiping Ezra's body. It was heavenly. Possibly even better than that. Ezra smiled as he leaned into Benoit's kiss. He could tell what the detective wanted. Just not exactly what he wanted.
"Someone seems excited. That why you were nervous all day?" Ezra asked with a teasing tone, bringing a hand to Benoit's cheek to cradle it softly. Of course he could tell the detective was nervous, part of his job was studying emotion. 
Benoit pressed another kiss to Ezra's jaw with a hum. "I haven't a clue as to what you're talkin' about, darlin'." He couldn't hide it. Not really, anyway. But he did like to tease the man back. "I wanna do somethin' a bit different tonight, though." Right down to business. "Mind gettin' in bed, darlin'?" He asked softly. It was his first time ever attempting something like this. But he was confident Ezra would guide him just fine.
Ezra did as requested only to have Benoit set a pillow underneath his hips. Oh, so that's what this was about? The actor smirked as he caught Benoit's gaze. 
The detective blushed when he realized he was caught. In a few moments, Ezra would have known anyway. He situated himself between Ezra's open legs and leaned down slightly to kiss him. Benoit cupped the actor's jaw as he pulled away with a sigh. Ezra's lips were just perfect in every way. The pair stared into each other's eyes. Simple admiration. Yet it meant so much. Benoit felt as if they've been married for years even though he and Ezra had only been dating for a year. What a wonderful world….
Ezra smiled softly, a loving look in his eyes as he caressed Benoit's cheek with his thumb. The detective gently leaned into Ezra's touch before he lowered himself to the actor's legs. Intrigued, Ezra watched him with careful eyes. Benoit slowly hooked his fingers on Ezra's boxers, pulling them down. This was familiar territory at this point. However, using his tongue was not. 
"I'm… new at this. So," Benoit took a breath, glancing up at Ezra. "Guide me, darlin'?" He requested softly as he set his hands on Ezra's thighs.
Ezra hummed with a nod, "I always do, honey." He teased softly. He was usually the one on top, depending on his mood. 
Benoit pressed his fingers into Ezra's thighs, feeling the skin there before he pressed a kiss to his inner thigh. Perhaps he was dragging it out a little too long but that was for his own gain. He didn't want to disappoint Ezra. At least he knew where and what the clit was unlike some other men who had sex with people who had a vagina on a more normal basis. Then, with a simple look at Ezra's face, Benoit pressed his tongue onto his pussy. His first taste of him wasn't sweet but it wasn't horrible either. 
Unlike what one might presume, Ezra didn't move or make any sudden sound. His lips parted only slightly as a sigh escaped them, a hand making its way to Benoit's hair. It's been a while for him since someone had paid attention to his pussy in this way. 
Swirling his tongue, Benoit was able to coax a sudden gasp from Ezra. He took a mental note to do that more as he moved his lips to suck slightly at Ezra's enlarged clit–due to all the testosterone he took throughout his years. This time, Benoit was able to draw out a moan. He knew the clit was sensitive, common sense, but to actually hear what it did to Ezra was a whole different experience. A heat in Benoit's chest started to form, he wanted to hear more and he intended to. 
"Ben–! Fuck…" Ezra whimpered, his fingers gripped Benoit's hair tightly only serving to make the man between his thighs continue his movements. Faster. The response he got was just the one he was looking for. Ezra panted, quick breaths with each flick of Benoit's tongue. 
Benoit eased up slightly, diverting his attention away from the clit to pay attention to the rest of Ezra's pussy. He didn't want Ezra to orgasm too soon. He quite liked making Ezra feel good like this. As he did, Ezra whined. Not out of pleasure but out of disappointment. He wanted to let that dam break as soon as possible but Benoit had other plans. 
The detective's tongue dove between Ezra's folds as he looked up between his legs to see Ezra watching him. Benoit's heart fluttered. Ezra's eyes were dark, an indication of just how pleasured he felt. Benoit kept eye contact with him as he continued. It wasn't too long before he heard Ezra's cries of pleasure again, louder than earlier with the prolonged motions. Oh, it was close, Benoit didn't even have to hear Ezra to figure it out. But it was a plus.
"Fuck! Honey, I'm gonna–! Fuck, ah…" Ezra couldn't get a full sentence out, head falling onto the pillow underneath him. "Please…." He panted, fingers twisting tightly around Benoit's short hairs at the base of his neck.
Benoit decided to pity Ezra, he usually wasn't one to beg. He grazed his teeth gently on his clit and that seemed to be all Ezra needed for his orgasm to hit him with a moan. Benoit could taste it, a slight wash of salt against his tongue before he pulled away. Panting, the sight of Benoit's glistening lips made Ezra laugh. 
Only for the detective to be confused at what was so funny. "What is it?" Benoit asked, a little concerned he did something wrong. He did everything right, he thought, since he ate Ezra out to completion.
"Maybe…" Ezra took a breath, his chest heaving up and down with it. "Maybe wash your face before bed?" He suggested softly with a small chuckle.
Benoit was still confused until he lifted a hand to his face. "Oh…" He blushed when he realized his lips were wet. Some of it even dribbled down his chin. He did this to Ezra? He loved the fact he could render the actor speechless like this. "Yeah, good idea, darlin'."
The detective washed his face and got in bed with Ezra who put his boxers back on as he wrapped an arm around Benoit. The pair went to sleep happy, that little after-sex buzz in the back of their minds. Benoit couldn't wait to do it again if it could elicit that much of a reaction. To get Ezra to beg… he liked having that power.
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black-lone-knight · 1 year
I asked a bunch of movie nerds, who their favorite detective is?
They answered with Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, Enola Holmes, Ted Mosby, Inspector Gadget, Lucifer & Cloe Decker, Will Graham, Rustin Cohle, Benoit Blanc, Scooby-Doo, etc.
Absolutely no one said Batman. I asked them why?
They said things like: "Batman is no detective. He just punchs clowns in the face." "Batman just works with GCPD. He's not a real detective." "Yeah, sure, he lost his parents and traveled the world to learn how to fight. But a detective? Nah." "He's a playboy, but a really good detective mostly cares about his cases."
That's why we need more detective Batman in movies.
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heliads · 2 years
You know what my favorite part about Philip being introduced into the Knives Out universe is? They are very likely never going to explain exactly who he is or how he and Benoit met, so you get to just go wild with theories and headcanons.
Was Philip the ultimately innocent prime suspect in one of Benoit’s cases? Was he the journalist who wrote that “Last of the Gentleman Sleuths” article they talked about in the first movie (my personal belief)? Did they just bump into each other at the grocery store in a totally normal fashion? We don’t know! We’re probably never gonna find out! That’s why it’s fun, because Rian Johnson gave us permission to let our brains run wild!!
that's one of my favorite things about the knives out-verse, there are just no explanations about the backstories. how did benoit become a detective? what are his other cases? who is phillip, benoit's husband (of that i am certain) and how did they meet? no one knows! and no one will know! that's mystery for you, and i love it. maybe they had an enemies to lovers arc. maybe childhood friends to lovers. maybe literally anything. absolutely spectacular, i could not agree more
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withinkandquill · 4 months
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Muse: Scarlet, Wolf, Winter, and/or Jacin (The Lunar Chronicles).
Verse: The Lunar Games (Levana Wins/Hunger Games AU).
Open to: mutuals with TLC muses/verses.
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“Welcome to the first installment of our new Lunar Games!”
Levana holds her arms out over the gathered crowd of garishly dressed aristocrats seated in the throne room around her. Her veil covers her face, allowing her image to be broadcast all over Luna as well as on Earth, but her voice gives away the smile she wears beneath it. At her right side sits Emperor Kai, looking pale and mortified, and at either side of the royal couple sit the rest of the world’s leaders.
By now, twenty-four tributes handpicked by Levana herself would be waking in a bio dome specifically redesigned for the event to hear her ringing voice, to see her image on the glass above them.
“As you all know, our beloved planet, our culture, our way of life, was threatened by insurgents who have fallen victim to Linh Cinder’s lies, including our own dear princess. The prisons are, obviously, overwhelmed with these traitors and the effort to give each a fair trial would only serve to further delay justice. So, I have come up with a solution that I hope will be swift and entertaining for us all.
“I have chosen one of our now abandoned bio domes to host our games: RM-9, where the heart of this so-called revolution began.” Levana’s smile broadens behind the veil, pleased with the poeticism of her choice.
“Our twenty-four tributes are scattered throughout the sector: Linh Cinder, sentenced to death for treason, unlawful immigration, and impersonating our dear lost Princess Selene, along with her known accomplices: Scarlet Benoit, Ze’ev Kesley, Crescent Moon Darnell, Carswell Thorne, Jacin Clay, and even our own Princess Winter Hayle-Blackburn.” The broadcast showed each one of them in turn, a close-up view of their dazed faces as their names were announced though no cameras were visible to them. She rattles off seventeen more names before the camera returns to Levana again. “In the center of this sector is the fountain where Linh Cinder made her first stand, is a variety of weaponry and supplies. The goal: to be the last one standing, the last one alive. And to make it all worthwhile, the winner will receive an official pardon. I trust that will be motivation enough to kick things off. Happy Lunar Games and may the best win.”
The broadcast closes leaving twenty-four tributes alone in the dark of early morning though Artemesia had seemed in the broadcast to be washed in afternoon light. Some would find themselves in abandoned houses, some left to the newly programmed elements, and even a few within the now abandoned regolith mines, the tunnels now blocked off with sealed metal doors and fingerprint scanners about a mile down.
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