#benoit / interactions.
mobius-m-mobius · 2 years
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JANELLE MONAE and DANIEL CRAIG in Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022)
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Want to play a villainess isekai game where 1 of your love interests might murder you?
Try Save the Villainess' upcoming demo, which is = My Next Life as a Villainess + Knives Out.
See our links in our pinned post on our tumblr blog!
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My boyfriend (a straight, cis man) just told me that he watched Glass Onion yesterday after I recommended it to him, and then had the AUDACITY to ask me how I know that Benoit Blanc is gay and Hugh Grant is his live-in boyfriend?
Like???? The sky is blue, babe, just gotta open your eyes!!!
For the record, Benoit Blanc: 1. Wears those funky little suits with stripes and patterns and the little scarves. Have you ever seen straight men wear anything that fun and fruity? Or accessorize said no-fun outfits? No, you haven't. 2. Avoids Birdie, a conventionally attractive woman, heavily flirting with him, like the effing Bubonic Plague. 3. Takes long baths in the tub with cute little rubber duckies and soap. FRUITY. 4. Has NO REACTION other than a polite little cough to getting liquid shot down his throat!!!!! 5. HUGH GRANT IS IN HIS HOUSE COVERED IN FLOUR! JFC THEY'RE NOT JUST ROOMMATES!!!
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fly-chicken · 2 years
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Me too Rian
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
Get to know my TWST OCs pt. 2
"What Nicknames Do They Have?"
Figured maybe doing a series of posts like this would help friends and mutuals get to know my OCs better!
Part 1: What Are They Twisted From? | Part 3: Copper's Backstory
While this will pertain to Floyd's and Rook's nicknaming conventions, there's also going to be a second part to this that will be a separate post for additional nicknames from other characters, both canon and others' OCs that have formed a significant relationship with my characters! That'll come later tho.
Copper Benoit:
"Sea Dog" (Floyd) - Initially, since Copper's origin and heritage are rather unknown until later plot developments, Floyd picked this nickname because the wind magic Copper utilizes often has a salty sea tang to it, and because there's a certain irony to it, given Copper has grown up under captivity in a bayou and cannot swim. When it's later revealed he's descended from a legendary pirate captain, Floyd feels vindicated and doubles down on the nickname.
"Petit Brigand | Roi des Brigands" (Rook) - when Copper first visits NRC, Rook pretty quickly clocks that the boy's got no small skill as a thief at the behest of his master forcing Copper to become one. Copper is understandably freaked out when he hears Rook call him "little robber" (how did he figure that out, Copper has looked for every excuse to not actually follow Mr. Stone's demands) and Rook reads him like an open book. When Copper's heritage is revealed, Rook delightedly changes the nickname on impulse.
Mr. Stone and Mr. Lurk:
"Rockfish and Chromium" (Floyd) - according to him, they're placeholder names. Hey, they can't all be perfect right away! However, as time goes on, he sticks with these nicknames for them, deeming both men not worthy of the effort.
Likewise, Rook doesn't believe either of them worth the effort or honor of nicknames.
(Floyd does nickname Augustus and Octavian "the Allibros", just a little portmanteau of "alligator brothers", and it's entirely possible that they might each get individual nicknames in the future if he gets to play with the alligators more after Copper officially keeps them. Same goes for Rook, he's more likely to refer to them with nicknames after Copper makes it clear he's keeping the alligators around in order to free them from Mr. Stone's abusive ownership.)
Wei Renqiao:
"Orca" (Floyd) - people assume that due to WRQ's size and intimidating stature but seemingly amicable nature that this is why Floyd chose the nickname. Sure, that can apply, but early on in their freshman year, Floyd overhead WRQ talking with Riddle about his culture, and the fact that his people used to be nomadic and the way they trace their heritage is matrilineal. This made Floyd say "oh, so like an orca pod" and he's called WRQ "Orca" ever since.
"Grand Génie" (Rook) - credit has to go to my close friend @inmateofthemind for coming up with this one, as a respectful title Rook would use for WRQ. (iirc it means "great genius", though I'm sure it would take a hot second for anyone to puzzle that out)
Wei Xinyi:
"Ribbon Eel" (Floyd) - picked on a whim when hearing WRQ talking about his cousin being genderfluid. Turns out it fits better than Floyd expected when he first sees Wei Xinyi and realizes they're definitely as colorful as a ribbon eel too.
"Monsieur beauté mortelle" (Rook) - Listen. Wei Xinyi is an extremely, breathtakingly beautiful person. Like preternaturally beautiful, and people are often left speechless when they first see him. Rook was no exception and decided to pick a nickname accordingly.
Wei Gang:
"King Salmon" (Floyd)
"Monsieur tradition culturelle" (Rook)
Still working on figuring out how to explain the Watsonian explanation for these ones, as I'm being a little picky; I'll update later as needed.
Chrysanthos Shroud:
"Axolotl" (Floyd) - Chrys makes quite a stark impression when the Octotrio first meets him, but that hardly means that Floyd doesn't take notice of Chrys's limp after he leaves with a flourish. Floyd figures it could be either the result of an old injury that never healed correctly or the sign of an artificial limb. When he later learns the latter guess was correct and Chrys has a prosthetic leg, Floyd delightedly equates him to an axolotl and thus the nickname sticks.
Rook currently has no set nickname for Chrys! He tries to pick one a few different times, though Chrys gently shoots down a number of them with reasonable explanations as to why they might best fit others. The big thing however, is that Rook also winds up getting one of Chrysanthos's lectures and reads where Chrys points out Rook's weaknesses and shortcomings, and tries to offer some advice on what Rook can do to improve. Unlike most other students, who usually take Chrys's call-outs as an attack, Rook appreciates hearing the truth laid out to him, even if it does sting with that delivery. As such, this actually earns Chrys a lot of respect from Rook, so he is undecided on what to actually nickname him as a result (the nickname must be a perfect fit!) so for now, he just calls him "Monsieur Shroud".
Taglist: @blithesharem (thank you for prompting me to do this post in the first place!) @ramshacklerumble @inmateofthemind @tixdixl @simons-twsted-children @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @rainesol (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for stuff about my OCs!)
Also if anyone has any better understanding of French and is willing to (kindly) correct any awkwardness in my selection of Rook's nicknames, please DM me!
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wvsteria · 9 days
manon benoit & juliette monrose-benoit @mcrcki
seeing a familiar face, manon was filled with relief. "juliette!" she called out as she quickly closed the distance between them. she could remember the last time she saw her. not knowing it'd be the last time. her heart sank as she could only imagine how julie felt losing their older brother.
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spaceytrash · 2 years
No it's not that they haven't made Benoit gay enough, you just haven't watched enough Hugh Grant movies to get the cameo
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lavendaers · 9 days
@wvsteria lisette benoit for manon benoit
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"if you're following me, i'm pretty sure you're too to go where i'm going." lisette turned suddenly, brows raising as she crossed her arms over her chest.
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withinthem · 2 months
∘⡊ ☾ ˚⊹ starter for: scarlett benoit kelsey. (@ofmimicry)
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"I'm not sure if I'm liking DC," she let out with a sigh. Gracie was relatively new to the city, having come from a time that was far different than her new reality. The adjustment was difficult, but she was lucky to have family to help her adjust to it all. "Do you like it?"
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empathiie · 2 months
@ofmimicry | Gwayne & Scarlet.
"Hello," Gwayne says to the other, smiling softly. "I am quite confused by this place, and was wondering if you could explain it to me. I am not from here, you see."
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Benoit Blanc and Hercule Poirot are the same person in different fonts.
But not even drastically different fonts. Their like Calibri and Calibri Light. Or perhaps the same font in different languages.
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shiitb4lls · 11 months
@diamcnddcgs sent: ‘ i want to do this right. ’ from charlie because I have to
as sweet as those words are, i can't help but give a shake of my head in charlie's direction. "oh charlie, don't put that kind've pressure on yourself all for me." as cool as i try to seem on the outside, dates made me quite nervous. there's a brief moment of hesitation, but i reach forward regardless, gently taking one of charlie's hands in mine. i give it a soft squeeze, trying to be as reassuring as possible. "dates are supposed t' be fun, you shouldn't be worryin' yourself sick over them. i can promise you if you are yourself this evening, you will be doin' everythin' right. everyone gets the heebie-jeebies on a first date, heck even i do. just remember t' take a deep breath, alright ??"
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bloodybellycomb · 2 years
In the best timeline, there would be a Knives Out x Muppets crossover in which Benoit Blanc has to figure out who murdered gonzo
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tawneybel · 2 years
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Note: Top ten hottest characters, part nineteen. Went into OBX expecting to be into Rafe Cameron, but wanna hop on the John B a bit more. Only seen season one so far.
10. Will Scarlet (Patric Knowles) from The Adventures of Robin Hood
Hey there, pretty fellow.
9. HABIT (Evan Jennings) from EverymanHYBRID
His… tastes suck. But I have a major possession kink.
8. Gomez Addams (Raúl Julia) from The Addams Family
Why is there a scarcity of goth dads when the Addamses are so popular?
7. Sugar Plum Fairy’s Cavalier (Steven McRae) from The Nutcracker
Ex-ballerina here, to give my insight. LEGSLEGSLEGS.
6. Miroslav (Stan Yanevski) from Hostel: Part II
Would be higher if this movie didn’t make me sick.
5. John B. Routledge (Chase Stokes) from Outer Banks
OBX is TV-MA. Will we ever see the John D?
4. Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig) from Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
Quirky detective is one of my fave archetypes, but I’ve never wanted to go to bed with one before.
3. Omar (Omar Maskati) from Better Call Saul
I want to conceive his children’s half-siblings on an eco-friendlier desk.
2. Eddie Munson (Joseph Quinn) from Stranger Things 4
THE metalhead BF.
1. Joel (Kyle Gallner) from Smile
Least ableist character in the entire film.
Note: Previous part. Still simping for Mr. Gallner. May he someday play a goth again, for Colin Gray never became a DILF.
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thegcng-arch · 8 months
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"well now, what do you think?" i asked with a raised brow, head tilting to the side. i am curious, after all, what she thinks of the case. i love picking peoples brains, really getting their true thoughts on the matter. and besides, nancy knew what she was doing. she good at her work. honestly, i was lucky to be working with her. "from the outside it looks like it's an open and shut case, the husband being the murderer." i give a soft tisk then, "but there's somethin' fishy goin' on here, and i think whoever did this is tryin' to make us think that way."
@fals3nd ft. benoit & nancy drew.
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
Just curious, what would your ocs think of Finn? 🤔
Aaahhh, I had fun pondering this one!
I think the easiest and quickest answer for any of them would be that Wei Renqiao is probably curious about Finn. He's both clashed with the Octotrio before and also gotten along with them so he tends to be neutral on them as a whole, and I think a lot of that neutrality would extend to Finn at first. If they had more chances to interact one-on-one, WRQ would probably take an interest in learning more about Finn's hobbies or any particular needs he has, if he's willing to share. He probably wouldn't pry, just attempt to let Finn know at some point that if he is ever interested in meeting in the middle and talking, the offer is open. (Plus he would relate on the matter of one's appearance tending to unsettle others. Even if WRQ wasn't 6'5" and built like a tank, amber eyes with black scelrae and pronounced fang-like canine teeth tend to make people shrink away. Sucks when your natural appearance wins you fear, so he'd be pretty sympathetic if he ever learned that Finn experiences a similar struggle.)
Copper's an interesting one. The kid's pretty skittish and guarded initially, especially around the Octotrio when he learns they're curious and trying to figure out more about him. Upon finding out the whole "descended from a legendary pirate" thing, it becomes a little more clear where the innate interest stems from, and Copper's intelligent enough to realize that if he's going to fulfill a destiny as a pirate himself, he'd be wise to foster relationships with merfolk. I think he'd probably be more willing to interact with Finn at first, since he doesn't seem overbearing the way the others can be, though if Finn's tendency to unnerve people holds true, this will probably get weird. Copper has, after years of being an abused hostage most of his life, developed the worst possible response to fear. The more and more terrified he gets, the blanker his expression goes and he has an overpowering impulse to see if he can successfully taunt whatever is frightening him and make the situation infinitely worse. He doesn't always give into that impulse but it's always there, and it would probably lead to a misunderstanding until/unless Finn has enough interactions with Copper that he just gets used to Finn being that way by default.
Gotta admit I'm equally curious to pick your brain in the future about what Finn might make of Chrysanthos, but I can tell you Chrys would find Finn amusing and intriguing. Beneath that, he tends to have more of a soft spot for Octavinelle students than he likes to admit since it was his dorm, and that leads to an inclination to want to seek them out. This would apply to Finn as well, particularly because Chrys has a natural gift for being able to read people and pinpoint the things that are weighing them down. And if he gets a read on any of Finn's particular trauma and difficulties, he would absolutely say something to him about it in an attempt to offer some kind of help or at least an option for Finn to unload on him not that that's likely to win him anything other than distrust or annoyance, and Chrys is well aware of that.
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