ganondoodle · 1 month
Saw your tags about the Barbarian armor and realized I have a piece of the set in TOTK, so I went to double check and it says they lived in Faron, yeah. If you like, I can double-check in BOTW for the flavor text to see how it changed.
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oh neat for you to actually check it! (especially since i cant since ... i dont own totk anymore, lmao)
whenever people talk about the sonau (zonai) and what we knew about them from botw they always mention they lived in the phirone (faron) region but when i checked the botw description yesterday in german they make no mention of it- which i wondered if that was always the case or only added in english (as it likes to do, no offense)
BUT THEN i checked the wiki just now and there it certainly DOES say they lived in phirone!!! did they change the text in botw at some point?? or did the wiki take the totk text for it for some reason? (which would be weird bc lots of descriptions are slightly different in totk so you cant really take one info for both ... like phantom ganon set now being eeeeviiiil armro or soemthing lol) or did its botw text never mention that all this time and im just missremembering?? if so why then add it to totk (and then .. where did the belief the sonau lived there come from in the fandom, jsut bc of the amount of ruins?)
i havent played botw since at least shortly before totk came out im pretty sure and there was no update i remember either so im ... very confused
(it just says 'it belonged to an old warriortribe' now in botw..)
if they did change it retroactively its such a weird thing to do :U
(actually just wanted to look up the english botw description and bc im not clicking on fandom wiki links i looked at an IGN article from 2017 and ... it certainly does have the phirone bit ......... so .... they did change botws text? ......... why?? and when??)
(it doesnt change any of the lore inconsistency, thats for sure, lol)
(edit: it would be so funny if they meant to change the text in totk to seperate the botw sonau from the totk sonau and updated the wrong one lol- either way, thats sus to me)
(editing again to add the correction in case people dont see my reblog of it: the text changes when you upgrade it to make room for the fairy part- all my files either didnt have it or where already upgraded and it only occured to me a little bit after posting this, i too can be stupid xD)
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okay i know i just reblogged something on this and went on a rant there but jsut. kristoph gavins sprites. are so sprites. they’re just
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this transition messed me up so bad when i first saw it. kristoph isnt an intimidatingly designed guy but this is legit a little creepy
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also i dont know whats really going on with it but his arms are truly always crossed. screaming to the sky the name of his mortal enemy while his hair flies wildly behind him?
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arms crossed. utterly broken, unwound, spouting gibberish about the meaning of the court after hes already lost?
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arms. crossed. hes so tense. unbending. yet, after all the chips are down, rather than doing what you would expect and doubling down, stiffening into a stone statue, all of his body language reverses.
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what the hell is that? whats going on? theres something going on here but i dont know what it is.
also, pulling back to the first pose, its weirdly prevalent in other characters. apollo famously has it in his edgelord phase in dual destinies:
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ema, disturbingly has it as well:
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but you know who also has it? wocky goddamn kitaki. yeah.
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maybe it's just because im a bit of a paranoid person. but i saw that sprite recently and went into a full spiral for a hot second. im choosing to take it as a sign of how good The Kristoph Pose was as visual shorthand for Oh Shit. and, maybe to a degree, at demonstrating apollo "nervous energy incarnate" justice's own paranoia because of the whole perceive dealio. cuz lord knows he noticed when ema did it. and when wocky did it. his boss had been doing that while admitting to murder not a month prior. seeing wocky do it with his false bravado definitely raised his blood pressure. and ema was probably even worse, cuz i dont think she does it until after you give her the fingerprint powder and establish her as trustable. like imagine finally having someone on your side that doesnt speak in riddles or swing panties around and thank god youre normal and then. thump. heartbeat goes up. shes doing the thing. shut shes doing it. i know these signs. I've gotta get away i cant get sucked into this again i cant get tricked like this again i cant HAVE this again
and this isnt even getting into the glasses push. the hand devil. the eerie totally normal happy smile sprite. the one where all of his face muscles scrunch up. i dont really have a lot of thoughts on kris as a character but by god do i have thoughts on his spritework. he makes me want to learn to draw so i can drop his poses into things sporadically and use The Pose as shorthand the same way AJAA did
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
The "reblog, don't like. Liking hurts creators" stuff has always gotten on my nerves, who are you to tell me what to put on my blog? But I jsut saw this post, which put it in a different light. https://mayahawkse.tumblr.com/post/691239174316097536/heres-a-little-comparison-for-people-who-say
I' got on Tumblr in 2013, quit around the porn ban, and only came back pretty recently. I didn't realise that people had actually stopped reblogging things from each other.
I guess the "likes hurt creators" thing might have some validity after all. I still really don't like the tone of entitlement or the idea that expressing your appreciation to OP with a like is an insult instead of an expression of appreciation.
The comment section probably cuts into the reblog counts; people have conversations there instead of in reblog chains, and don't have to reblog an entire post just to point out one quick thing or make the same joke as everyone else, but I don't think that comments account for the ratios in that post, especially since the screenshots don't show posts with hefty comments.
So yeah, guys, likes don't hurt creators, but Tumblr is for passing posts around. If you see something you like, you can just reblog it to be all "look at this cool thing I found". You don't have to worry about adding anything meaningful in a reblog, and if you and all your mutuals reblog the same post twelve times in a row, well, that's just how Tumblr works; if someone gets anoyed they can block the post through xkit.
Eh. I'd beware of anecdata like that.
I used to get like 2 notes a post and no asks ever. On the rare occasions that I reblogged heavily in a hot fandom of the moment for a month or two, I got a lot of engagement once people realized I was a place to go for that fandom, and I particularly got a lot of reblogs because people wanted that content on their own tumblrs.
Currently, I get a decent number of reblogs, but I get a lot more other interaction because things here tend to be discussions and debates and people don't necessarily want them on their own tumblrs.
In my case, I don't like the framing that it hurts creators because that's assuming that a person would have reblogged if they hadn't liked. In reality, they probably just wouldn't have interacted.
People pass posts around all kinds of ways, including pasting links to mine into various discord channels for fandom drama or sending me links to others' posts via chat messages here.
I also don't like the framing that it hurts creators because this only makes sense if you mean that it hurts the ability of visual artists to earn money.
Am I not a creator of a kind? Do I not write copious meta even if a lot of the content here comes from others? My ~engagement numbers~ are not harmed by failing to reblog. My engagement numbers don't matter full stop.
Or maybe, maybe, it's not about money, but it's about clout-chasing nonsense. Boo hoo, my gifset doesn't do numbers because it's not 2012 and I'm not in superwholock fandom now. Oh well. Chase the crowds to another site or chase the megafandoms. That's the only way to get those numbers back.
I do think that some time after 2012, people became increasingly afraid of harassment and may have pulled back on interactions, particularly contentful ones, because of that.
But mostly, tumblr has cleared out. Fewer people are using it, and fewer of the ones remaining are using it actively in a way where it makes sense to fill their own blog with content.
Maybe part of the change is that you can't become a BNF of tasteful curation so easily now, so there's no point in reblogging unless it's for yourself?
Maybe it's gifsets that are out of fashion? I don't know.
I never had much interest in "look at this cool thing" sans commentary back then, and I have little now. I have my activity page set to hide all that.
The changing phases of a site can be interesting, but we need a bit more than one person's top couple of posts to reach any conclusions.
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spitinsideme · 9 months
dear spitinsideme
today i reblogged a bunch of yoyr art and then passed out on the floor with my face in mypillow for 2 hours. iy was perhaps. nay. it was definitely. the most important fink i did today. ive been really enjoying all th kinky ragapom art. saw the ones on th3 twitter too . it was. hngghshnshdhdhsu. yeag. just wanted to say you're awesome. i love seeing you have so much fun drawin the gals . your reallty cool. love u.
p.s. love the new ask button. its perfrrct
i litwrally lovw you by the way at rhiz point im.not even exagreaating when i say i draw art and every notification i get i hope its from you having reblogged it and putting your silly little tags and yoir thoigjtz and feelings ans everyrhifn and jsut .. rambling aboit everyrhinf about the drawing .. i especially line when yoi weite poetic ass shit lime on that one drawing of bitinf and the other demon ragatba x nun pomni one .. you are honestly my fabrouite and i apprecjate you so much at this point im.badicall making art for uou
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
okay so you mentioned your adamposting tag in my post abt trans women and transmisoynistic media and i did. check out what that was. and unironically your perspective on adam sandler movies is really interesting (most actual discussion i see is colored by immediate disgust but they are objectively popular successful movies) so like. I would love to see you post more content like the jack and jill post? i guess? anyway sending good vibes.
i did do that! i saw ur reblog and grinned that somepony stumbled upon my trove of adamposts >:3 and thank u sm! after watching them all u definitely form an opinion of the man, so im glad mine is interestingk. and yeah i see that a lot too, discussion of his films just dismissing them bc its an adam sandler movie yknow. and i dont think thats fair necessarily! i was talking with a mutual o mine about said adampost hi btw :3 and we both agreed it was important to interact with art and media on its own terms. like really gettin in the shit with it, if that is where it so leads. and jsut not judging it for leading u there... or else ur just wasting ur time interacting with it. u gotta spend time with it. get to know it. and then after all that u can either hate it sooooo intricately and correctly OR u have just found something new and out of ur typical purview that u like, awesome! and i definitely did that with Every Single Adam Sandler Film
so i would. Love. to do more in depth adamposts. or just lil ones i suppose :3 im sure ill make more lil jokey adamposts like the others in that tag but id still love to keep talking about this. idk how id do them since hte first one was an ask also hi. and. idk what i would wanna say hehe im shy :3 so yknow.. if there are any more burning questions anypony may have about an Adam Sandler movie specifically or in general.. my opinions, hot takes, yknokw whatever id be glad to answer them! Consider this your call to action. Ask me about Adam Sandler movies... today! thumbs up at the camera 👍
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hey guys!! i want to remind u guys that a lot of editors on this platform get TONZ of their work stolen!! :( On tumblr copy cats like tumgir and other stuffz they get their work stolen. And a lot of icons on pinterest are stolen. you dont know how many times i see an edit on tumblr that was stolen by somebody on pinterest
what you can do is if u see it let the op know about it! because a lot of icons on pinterest are stolen and without credit. and sometimes people jsut search "cute anime icons" on google and our posts will appear and they will just use them without credit and put "Credit to the original artist/ editior"
Just so you know, "credit to op" is NOT credit. becuz nobody will know who actually did it. :( and some people will just save image and use it without credit at all. because if you search " [blank] icons" some of them are stolen!!
i even searched airi icons and look!!
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tons of stolen edits reposted without credit!! these websites will find posts on tumblr and put them on their website WITHOUT PERMISSION!! i also saw some pinterest results that looked kinda stolen but i didnt wanna acuse any1
what u can do is support and reblog stuff from ur favorite editiors!! :) and credit them when u use their stuff. just support editiors. like + reblog their posts. im not forcing u but i highly encourage to support your favorite editiors!
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
hi so- your reblog with the nice tags made me very happy so I have come with an offer .
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he is yours now. I gave him a balloon (( No but thank you !! I hope this wasn't too odd lol I'm not that good at social stuff but yeah. seeing a fellow clown and sigma enthusiast is always nice hkjfkjhf . hope you like 'm !! ))
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you. you i you you youy oyuy oyu you you youy ouy oyu you you you
okay its all out of my system now. i couldn't find any more reaction pics that adequately communicated the pure JOY i felt when i first saw this im pretty sure i traumatised my dog with the scream i scrumpt
clown sigmaamsm??????? wiht baloon. look at him. he is so. so. tiny and cute i could not i simply cannot stop staring just LOOK at him he is the cutest thing ive ever seen just a little guy frfr i love him so much like so much omg and YOU I LOVE YOU FOR MAKING HIM LOOK AT THE THING YOU MADE HE IS JSUT SO SMALL AND CUTE AND I LOVE HIM if you dont mind i would like to boop his nose and feed him cookies and. cherish him forever
i've decided we're friends now you have NO CHOICE (im kidding you do have a choice but please pls cmon pls be friends with me pls cmon im just a little fella pleeeeeeeease)
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jankwritten · 2 years
I just saw my local universtiy put on The Lightning Thief musical and GUYS. IT WAS FUCKING INCREDIBLE. LITERALLY ALL OF IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD. Like the casting was good, the jokes landed, everybody stayed in character, all of the singing was fucking great (CHARON/MISTER D/HADES HAD LITERALLY SUCH A FUCKING PERFECT VOICE FOR THEIR ROLES I WAS LITERALLY IN AWE ANY TIME THEY WERE SINGING IT WAS THAT GOOD), all of the visual gags paid off, it was genuinely so fucking good!!!!
All my "theater" knowledge up until this point has been High School theater, and not great high school theater, so I was going into it expecting to have a pleasant but not overall mindblowing experience, you know, kinda trying to be chill about it. BUT THEN???? LIterally as soon as it fucking started I was like "Oh, oh this is like REALLY real."
And it was blackbox theater, which idk if that's a regular term of if it's just what my mom was calling it (she used to perform in this same theater that we were in, she's an alumni of this place) so it was super small, no real "stage", just a slightly raised platform and then chairs on risers along the perimeter. I kept making eye contact with the actor playing Ares/Gabe SOB that was really funny tbh. But I really loved it in that format because it felt way more intimate and like, real, if that makes sense? like it felt very On Brand for the musical to be taking place that close to the audience, and it genuinely sucked me in soooo much, sometimes I would register that there were other people across the room and I'd jolt like oh, right, this is a musical in this room we're all in aosiduaoisdu
I think Grover and Chiron were my favorite parts, though literally all of it was so fucking good I don't even know if I can say that. But Grover was jsut SOOO well done, like he was exactly how I envisioned him and also his faces and the physical gestures and everything were so Grover!!!! and Chiron of course was like, the perfect mixture of "I know everything and am your leader" and "i am a slightly bumbling idiot". His "tail" was a bunch of yarn stuck to the back of his pants and his "hooves" were the chorus making clopping noises every time he stepped (AND HE TOOK HIGH KNEE STEPS EVERY TIME IT WAS SO FUNNY. there was a gag where dionysus led him out of the scene by dangling a carrot and IDK if that's in the original musical or not but it KILLED ME)
I was so impressed by Percy and ANnabeth too!!!! percy's actor was for sure struggling near the end because, duh, it's a fucking hard musical, but the way they worked in water breaks for him and also the way that he handled it all was phenomenal! And Annabeth too, she had SUCH a hard role to play and she played it really fucking well, and confidently, and I believed that she and Percy's character genuinely were friends and liked one another. AND SALLY TOO!!! LIke she was soooo well played I really felt like she was Percy's mother, like she was there for him and loved him. And all of the scenes where there were like, interruptions, IE a character breaking into another character's lines like interrupting what they were saying, it worked out perfectly and was so natural which like, even in PRODUCED TV SHOWS AND MOVIES sometimes shit like that feels unnatural and that was genuinely part of what drew me in so much, it just all felt so NATURAL. Like I cannot even IMAGINE all the practice and hard work that these guys must've put into this production for it to be THAT good and well rehearsed. (again, all of my history of productions is high school productions so SOB BUT STILL!!!!!)
The fucking minotaruw as just two dudes running around in an enormous bathrobe on top of one another and THAT WAS ALSO SO WELL DONE LIKE LITERALLY
I could go on and on. I probably will go on and on (my friends and parents have already borne the brunt of my rambling because I want to REMEMBER THIS GODDAMMIT) in reblogs but wow. wowowowow. I HIGHLY encourage anybody who feels comfortable to go out and try and see a production of the musical if it's near you. Support your local productions and colleges and stuff. that was a damn good time.
oh damn and the fucking medusa scene? PErcy's actor literally running around waving his sword like a maniac WITH HIS EYES CLOSED and yet he didn't hit any of the people in the front row, who were on the same level as him. That was SO impressive, I was slightly in awe.
oh and YES, they did do the toilet paper visual. which ruled. obviously.
#the lightning thief musical#Percy Jackson#PJO#Annabeth Chase#Grover Underwood#i'm not gonna tag everyone I promise#my throat hurts from cheering for everybody at the end#I did wear my CHB hoodie but it was too hot (and I got embarrassed about it) so I took it off LMAO#and obviously it wasn't perfect or faultless#but I can excuse literally all of the mistakes and everything because of how fucking good the rest of it was#Did Grover miss a cue? yeah absolutely. did it 100% work with his character for him to hesitate at that moment so it actually felt natural?#yeah absolutely#(you could like tell that it was an error though bc he sort of broke character for a second about it)#BUT THEN HE ABSOLUTEly nailed TREE ON THE HILL AND I LITERALLY WANTED TO HUG HIM SO BAD BRO#Medusa almost tripped and fell on her shoes. also very on brand.#god that was just such a good time#and this is coming from a person who is SOOOO nitpicky and I generally latch onto all the negatives and bad things#I don't even care about all that. i loved it genuinely SO fucking much. oh my god.#I wish I had a recording of it so I could watch it all again rn not even lying#do i perhaps have a tiny crush on Chiron's actor? yeah of course I do don't at me about it he was cute and his voice was perfection#like percy almost flying off into tartarus was even so good. just all of it it was FUCK it was literally so good i'm just i'm crunching i'm#i love PJO so much man. it is UNHEALTHY how muc I adore this franchise.#i am also incidentally now 12 times more excited for the actual show to come out#but until then those stage actors are going to be how the characters look in my head fr fr
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the-huntress-09 · 5 months
i found a random reblog chain you're in and i jsut wanna say LED ZEPPELIN IS FUCKING AMAZING!!!!! also i saw your bio when i clicked ghost is also fucking amazing.
Agreed! I've only heard a couple of their songs, but the ones I've heard I liked.
1000% agreed Ghost is absolutely amazing!
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digital-roots · 1 year
i dont know how to describe the fear i felt when i saw your post about some christian ducktales blog reblogging from you, and then felt an even bigger fear seeing the exact blog jsut underneath it, AND THEN THE HORROR OF HOVERING MY MOUSE OVER THE PROFILE AND SEEING YOUR INTRODUCTOARY POST ON THEIR BLOG????????????????????????????????????????????
please tell me you blocked them oh my god the fear rn is causing me to scuttle around the room like a mouse in a thunderstorm are you okay???
Jajesusujsjsjdj yeha i blocked them. Crazy ass coincidence
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pensiveabstraction · 1 year
list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers.♡
5 things that make me happy (in no particular order)
trying to analyse media i like and coming up with cool ideas about it, its fun and interesting and makes me feel big-brained lol
writing. (which i am doing currently, taking a brief break to answer this, writing stuff for zukka week early bc i saw the prompts and my brain zapped into action)
chatting with my younger sisters. theyre pretty damn cool sometimes
making playlists. i have playlists for aus i made, i have playlists for characters, i have playlists where i just thought the songs transitioned between each other in a cool way and capture a nice vibe. in high school i made friends mix cds as gifts a few times lol
having a cool dream and remembering it enough to write it down in my notes app when i wake up. sometimes theyre continuations of media i was watching/reading right before bed. sometimes theyre just wacky nonsense. one of them literally jsut invented a family member who doesnt exist and inserted him into a fake average day of mine lol
making playlists. i have playlists for aus i made, i have playlists for characters, i have playlists where i just thought the songs transitioned between each other in a cool way and capture a nice vibe. in high school i made friends mix cds as gifts a few times lol
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fqiryspit · 2 years
aw man I wish I had an insomnia eren... I don't sleep ever he could keep me company <3
and being sleepy during the day <3 idk why he gives off such sleep-deprived catboy!eren stuck in human form to me, I get the vibe he sunbathes while cuddling up with you and that's just full-blown catboy!eren
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shiftereris · 2 years
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I posted 5,342 times in 2022
That's 5,215 more posts than 2021!
1,349 posts created (25%)
3,993 posts reblogged (75%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,481 of my posts in 2022
#the owl house - 446 posts
#toh - 408 posts
#shiftereris - 229 posts
#toh hunter - 171 posts
#hunter toh - 168 posts
#danny phantom - 154 posts
#toh spoilers - 135 posts
#ghost boy - 126 posts
#hunter wittebane - 122 posts
#pjo - 122 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#imagine if luz sometimes slouches a little lower than normal sometimes because of that muscle memory for when king used to perch on her back
My Top Posts in 2022:
Wes: Phantom.
Danny: yeah?
wes: So you are Phantom, you did respond to it.
Danny: Oh, sorry. Thought you said 'Fenton'
272 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
More PJO headcanons
Once Annabeth was really tired and she saw a spider in her cabin. She killed it with Lysol.  Her sibling still have no idea that happened and are/were confused why the cabin smelled like chemicals
Bast definetly had issues with Anubis, a 5 thousand were old, dating Sadie, a 13 year old
If a camper is curious what a pegasus is saying, they’ll ask Percy to translate. If the pegasus swore, then Percy will do his best to censor the translation (depends on campers age)
Every year, on Jason’s birthday, Piper and Leo go to his grave to put Jason’s favourite flower down with a poem and some updates on either life or their friends
The 7 (plus Nico and Reyna) really like Sally’s cooking/baking
Percy once hid some blue cookies his mom made from his friends, jsut so the cookies wouldn’t be gone in 60 minutes or less
Piper crochets on her free-time
Piper once gave Annabeth a crocheted bee because she felt like it
Drew likes plants
Will likes brownies
A camper once gave Rachel more paint and a canvas either for her birthday or because they thought it’d make a good start to friendship
At least one camper is intimidated by Rachel since she’s the oracle
Leo tried to bake a chocolate cake once, it ended up tasting like pure vanilla since he misread ‘a cap of vanilla extract’ as ‘a cup of vanillia extract’
316 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Despite Hunter’s last words to Flap being an angry order, I’m gonna say Flapjack knew it wasn’t really Hunter saying it.
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401 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
King: hey angry blond.
Hunter: pardon?
King: I'd like to say, I'm the titan and I indeed have big plans for you
King, grabing cookies and blankets: i'm adopting you as my brother. Here!
450 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
PJO Headcanon(s?):
Annabeth’s near sighted
Percy makes the best hot chocolate
For some unknown reason (even to her) Annabeth always smells like coffee
Leo’s allergic to peanuts
Piper had to have braces
Jason once lost his weapon so he resorted to biting the monster (raised by wolves)
When children of Zeus/Jupiter are a bit upset, a mini personal storm cloud appears above their head
Nico often has to remind Will to take a break once in a while
Will has a southern accent that usually comes out when he’s feeling a strong emotion
Either Nico, WIll, or Leo accidentally taught a younger camper how to swear and just went: It’s their sibling’s problem now
Piper bakes on her freetime
Will bakes when stressed
Nico bakes when tense
Percy bakes whenever
Annabeth doesn’t like baking too much but will if she wants.
498 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wing-ed-thing · 3 years
Treehouse (Shikamaru x Reader)
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Word Count: 1,232
Tags/Warnings: Discussion of Death and Loss, Gender Neutral Reader, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, War Casualties, Language, Description of Panic Attack, Mention of Minor Original Character
Notes: I almost cried writing this, it got a little real ngl
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You curled up on the platform in the trees somewhere deep in the forest that surrounded Konohagakure. You didn’t know where else to go and took shelter underneath the roof of your old, childhood treehouse. Leaves littered the floor and the wood underneath you had been permanently stained by water. You didn’t think anyone still came by to maintain your old playspace. Papers and brushes still poked out of long forgotten drawers. A few fake kunai were still lodged in the cheap wooden dartboard by the window. Standing, your head barely cleared the top boards, undeniably larger than the last time you were there. And yet, as you sat sobbing in the corner, feeling the smallest you had ever felt.
A hyperaware part of you felt Shikamaru’s chakra signature as he landed on the patio just outside the wooden windowsill. Of course, out of all the people in the village, he would know where to find you. His vague shadow flickered across your closed eyelids, the sun rising at his back. You heard a dull thud, making you startle just the slightest bit.
“Fuck…” you heard him mutter, something that would have made you laugh in any other circumstance. The dead leaves rustled around him as Shikamaru took his spot next to you, his shoulder touching yours. You remained buried in your knees and arms wrapped around yourself. Shikamaru stared at the back of your head for a few moments before leaning back against the wooden wall, arms crossed. “Do you want to talk about it?” He crossed his arms over his chest, his uniform still on from the morning’s expedition just like you. You shook your head.
“I fucked up, Shika,” you hardly managed to croak out. Shikamaru let out a deep sigh that bubbled in his throat and simmered out through his nose.
“You didn’t.” Sympathy had never been a strong tool in his wheelhouse and he restrained a certain amount of hardness in his voice. But more than anyone, he understood. “I’m not just blowing smoke. I don’t want you to tear yourself up over this because you did the best that you could.” You continued to shake, stuttering your response as pure emotion flooded your brain.
“Shi-ka…” you stammered, trying to find your words as you raised your head towards him. But the moment you saw his concerned face, you broke down. Shikamaru caught your retreating limbs before you had an opportunity to close up on yourself again, positioning himself in the middle of your chaos as you began to scream and sob into his shoulder. He held you, nearly collapsed across him, with his hands at the back of your neck. “My b-best k-k-killed people!” Shikamaru took your shoulders gently in his hands, attempting to move you to look at you, but you refused to budge. He returned back to holding you.
“Hey, no, no, no that’s not true!” Shikamaru hushed you in a gentle voice. Your hands balled tighter in the mesh of his shirt, his skin now becoming dampened by your tears through the fabric. You looked like you were in so much pain and despite having experienced exactly what you were going through, Shikamaru had to admit that he didn’t have all the answers this time. He took a breath, attempting to gather himself. “No one could have seen it coming. You took charge as, as, uh, a leader and you did the best that any leader could in a horrible situation.” He wasn’t used to sounding so optimistic.
“You didn’t see them at the hospital. T-Tamaki just had a, a son一!”
“And Tamaki knew what he was getting into.” You cursed to yourself, breaking away from Shikamaru to wipe the tears and mucus away from your face. You sniffled to yourself, teetering between grief and frustration. Shikamaru gathered up your hands in his as he took a sharp breath in. “Hey, I want you to look at me,” he said, voice ever-commanding and you met his eyes with your puffy ones. “You know I don’t ever bullshit you, right?” Even if he didn’t have all the answers, he could look like he did for your sake. You shook your head, causing Shikamaru to raise an eyebrow. “What was that?”
“No, you don’t bullshit me,” you gulped, taking another sniff.
“That’s right, so I’m going to be real with you, okay?” He brushed against the back of your hands with his thumb. He caught your eye. “Okay?” You nodded.
“You know why Lady Fifth chose you to lead this expedition?” A few more tears dribbled down your cheek and Shikamaru brushed them away.
“No, why?” you asked, voice as small as you felt.
“Because you’re a great leader.” You opened your mouth to speak, to retort him, but closed it at Shikamaru’s pointed stare. “You had a great plan and a great team to back you up. Usually一” He huffed. 一 “When a newbie runs a mission like this, there’s usually a lot of fuck ups.”
“Wow, thanks, Shika.” You cracked a smile and Shikamaru rolled his eyes in mock annoyance. He gave your palm a light squeeze and your squeezed back, tracing the veins in the back of his hand.
“But you didn’t have any. Fuck, if you would jsut let me finish my sentences…” The corners of his mouth turned upwards as he looked away. His bittersweet smile melted. “I know you. You did all that you could. You were up strategizing all night, I know you were. So I’m telling you, no shinobi, no matter how experienced, could predict an attack like that. This wasn’t anything that you could control. You did the best you could with what you were given.”
“So many good people lost their lives under my command…” you lamented, though quieter, more tears coming to sting away at your sinuses. Shikamaru gently bumped two fingers at the bottom of your chin and you looked back up at him and the sincerity in his irises.
“And those good people knew what line of work they signed up for. All of these things happen sometimes and you are not to blame for what you can’t control. And all those other people, who could have been lost that you saved, have you and your leadership to thank for their lives.” You bowed your head under the beams of the rising sun that fluttered in through the window. Birds chirped somewhere outside, signaling the beginning of the day.
“How did you find me here anyway?” you asked. A soft chuckle ripped from Shikamaru’s throat.
“I must’ve found you here every day when we were in the Academy… You’d fall out of this tree every goddamn day trying to一”
一“practicing my chakra control.”
一“practice your chakra control.”
You spoke in unison.
Quiet overtook the treehouse. The sun had fully risen in the sky, serving only as a reminder to how tired you were. The mission left you sleep deprived, the residual trauma only draining you of your little residual energy. Shikamaru followed your gaze to the clouds outside, remembering why he liked this place in his childhood.
“If and when you take another mission like this, somewhere down the line when you’re ready, you know I’ll be there for you. You’re a captain that the Leaf will be lucky to have.”
Another pause.
“Thank you, Shika.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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dollslayer · 3 years
Shots or Dare
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: A drinking game goes one step too far. Or does it?
W/C: 1,551
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, drunken antics, hangovers, swearing
A/N: Just a quick little oneshot for y'all! I'm working on some bigger stuff but wanted to put this out there just for kicks. If you like it check out my other stuff and reblog/comment! Cheers!
Main Masterlist
‘When will yo finally jsut go on s date with me?’
You sent it before you could even really register your actions. This is why you should’ve volunteered to be DD. Drinking on Girl’s Night always lands you in trouble. Trouble in this case, comes in the form of a dare and the persuasions of an equally drunk and far more excited Wanda.
“You finally DID IT! YOU DID IT!” Wanda hollers as she jumps from the booth in celebration.
Your hand shot up to cover her mouth, noticing several tables in the bar were looking towards you. You wobbled a bit and held the table for support with your other hand. You shushed her and sat back down.
“Did what? What did I do?” You asked, seeming to be the only one not in on the joke.
“Check your texts, lover girl” Paling in fear at her words you swipe up on your phone and read. Oh, God.
‘When will yo finally jsut go on s date with me?’ Read: 1:19AM You felt the blood rush from your brain to your cheeks in sheer humiliation.
You tried your best to recall a few minutes ago when Wanda was practically typing out the message for you as Nat looked on in amusement. You were playing Shots or Dare, a very dangerous game you now realized. Wanda dared you that you wouldn’t finally say something to Steve, whom you’ve had a crush on since you joined the team. You were always so much bolder when you were drunk.
Now sobered in an instant having seen that not only had you actually sent the text but that he’d read it. Your superior officer, your teammate, your friend. God, I must seem so sloppy. How do I even solve this? What do I even say? How soon could I realistically transfer out so I never have to see him again?
Your phone sat shakily in your hands as your thumb hovered above it, unsure what to type. Before you could Nat snatched your phone from your hand and put it in her pocket. You were about to protest when she just shook her head at you.
“It’s too late and you’re too drunk. He probably thinks you’re kidding. Just sleep in my room tonight we’ll fix it in the morning” She offered.
Even though Nat herself was 4 or 5 drinks in she always seemed to have her head on straight. You swallowed and nodded before hiding your face in your hands.
“Relax, I’m sure he thinks it’s hot you’re just going for it! My turn! I choose dare!” Wanda changed the subject with a clap of her hands and eagerly awaited her dare. You didn’t know how you were going to get through the rest of the night without freaking out about it so you ordered yourself another drink and got to forgetting.
Staying out until almost 3, the group of you stumbled your way back to the tower and into Nat’s room. You promptly passed out in full makeup and without changing your clothes. You’d wake up to a hangover but that was tomorrow you’s problem.
And a problem it was, not six hours later you awoke to loud knocking from down the hall. You groaned and turn into the couch cushions hoping to fall back asleep. The knocking came again and you ignored it, sighing in comfort when you heard whomever it was retreating back up the hall.
Unable to sleep, you got up slowly and tried to gauge the severity of your hangover. Deciding you’d rather deal with this in the comfort of your own room you wrestle to get your shoes off your feet and carry them in one hand while you open the door with the other. You do your best to sneak down the hall to your room, only being a few doors down from Nat.
You make it just in front of your room when you drop your shoes and wince at the sound it makes. You steady yourself on the door to pick them up when you hit your head on the handle. It stings and you cringe at the feeling of the long handle getting stuck in your hair. Surprised, you hiss at the pain and drop both your shoes again as you desperately try to untangle yourself.
You could not be more of a mess if you tried. Maybe if you puked right now but all the willpower you had left was preventing that from happening. After a moment of all but ripping your hair from your head you’re free with one final jerk forwards, which of course, causes you to lose your balance and topple forward.
You put both your hands out and brace for the carpet burn of the collision but it never comes. Instead you’re being held steady by two large hands and all you can think to do is pray that it isn’t who you think it is. No God would be that cruel.
You slowly look up and find yourself eye to eye with Steve. No God except this one, apparently. He looks concerned as he helps you back up slowly to your feet. He picks up your shoes and opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. He looks you up and down, taking in your appearance trying to assess how best to approach the situation.
You’re suddenly very aware that you’re still in last night’s clothes and that the mascara on your eyelashes is smudged from where you fell asleep. If the Earth could swallow you whole right now you’d have no objections. You feel sweat from your nervousness mixing with last night’s too. I am a literal human disaster, this could not get worse. Please, please don’t bring up the text.
He clears his throat. “I, um, I saw you texted me last night.” Fuck. “I knew you were out with the girls, just wanted to make sure you made it home okay.”
You hide your face with your hands and huff out a breath of embarrassment.
“Yeah, um, thank… you… Yeah I’m good” You were not good. On top of the trainwreck of an encounter this already was your knees are giving out on you. You need to lay down now. Maybe get some food in you.
Steve rushed forward to pick you up again when you caught yourself against the door and fumbled to unlock it.
“Why don’t you let me do that?” He moved you gently aside to fiddle with the door before opening it and ushering you inside.
He set your shoes down by the door and helped you out of your jacket.
“When’s the last time you ate something? Or maybe you need some water?” He offered.
You shook your head at him and stuck your hands out to feel your way to your bed. This was already so embarrassing, Steve didn’t need to continue to see you like this.
Steve shook his head slightly and tsked at you. He helped you into bed and then looked at you with his hands on his hips, like he was contemplating his next move.
“I’m going to make some breakfast, do you think you could get a shower in that time or do you need to rest? Regardless after that you’re going to eat what I made and drink a whole glass of water, no protests.” He spoke gently but firm as he walked towards the door.
“Steve, please you don’t need to do this, I’m so sorry jus’ lemme get some sleep you don’t have to do anyth-”
“I said no protests. Now if I come back here in 15 minutes and you’re not in that shower I’m gonna be upset, do you understand?” He was using his Captain voice now and you rolled your eyes before giving him a lazy salute.
“Aye aye, cap” He chooses not to respond to your smart ass response, only chuckles as he closes the door behind him.
One very woozy shower later you managed to only kind of puke your guts out and put on a clean pair of clothes. You exited your ensuite to the smell of bacon and eggs. Having gotten all the puke out of your system your mouth was now practically watering at the prospect of food.
Steve was sat on your couch with two plates and he stood to greet you.
“I didn’t know what you like but I figure you can’t go wrong with the classics. I figure while we eat we can watch one of these so-called ‘classics’ you’re always on my case about watching?” He grinned at you and waited for a response.
You shuffled over to your couch and plopped down beside him.
“Why’re you doin’ this for me, Steve? You don’t have to do any of this, I’m good” You kept trying to insist, feeling guilty that you were so hungover earlier and messy in front of him on top of your very infamous drunk text.
“Well this is a date isn’t it?” He smiles down at you with a boyish smirk and all you can do is return his expression and think of what movie to pick. Maybe Shots or Dare isn’t all that bad. This time at least.
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miiilowo · 2 years
All of your posts & reblogs about reanimator got me curious and I caved in and watched majority of it today (still have abt a half hour left). I am already hyperfixated on this stupid unhinged little white man and I am going to walk into school tomorrow with medical malpractice on my mind while the rest of my friend group is hyperfixating on heartstopper. I don't know the plot of heartstopper at all. I have no intentions to watch it. I am five seconds away from obsessing over this 80s horror film. I am literally the most mentally stable out of all of us and this scenario feels like the prompt for a bad joke.
the same thing happened to me. i saw a bunch of shit about it and caved. second scene with herbert i got That Feeling. you know The Feeling when you hyperfixate on something? That specific brand of joy that sort of overtakes your entire soul and general physical form? the second that happened i knew i was FUCKED and well boy howdy look where i am now. im done for. it was too late by the cat scene. all of my friends have to hear about it. we started a project relating to genetic disorders and pretending to write up a diagnosis about one playing the role of a doctor. i wore a suit that day (youll never guess why) and my friends jsut kind of stared at me with this look in their eyes. they knew exactly what was going through my head and i knew exactly what was going through theirs. it had only been a few days at that point im just incapable of shutting the fuck up this stupid little campy horror movie has overwhelmed my entire general existence and like 5 people on planet earth care about it
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