diseasedcube · 2 years
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All of his fits, tbh he has a surprising variety of outfits
I created labels/titles for all of them, as if this was a museum collection
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virtie333 · 6 months
Day 29 - Life Day Damerey Celebration
Prompt: Cozy
Summary: Poe looks good in anything, but especially soft sweaters
Notes: I'm writing this with the idea that Rey is an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) like me.
On a separate note, I posted this last year on the day I lost my heart cat, Rodney. It was just another nail in the coffin of the year 2022. I still feel like I haven't processed his loss completely, I was so numb when it happened. Maybe I'll start going through his pictures someday soon.
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Rey didn’t know how he did it.
It didn’t matter what color he wore, what pattern, what kind of material, or what season of the year, Poe always made sweaters look cozy and comfy. Cardigans, turtle necks, v-necks, even ugly Christmas sweaters looked great on him.
Rey envied how comfortable he was in them, as she herself had such sensitive skin that all but the softest of sweaters made her skin itch. She didn’t like anything tight around her neck, either, so though she knew she looked cute in turtle necks, she always felt as if she was suffocating in them, and if they weren’t super soft, it was pure torture to wear one. Poe knew about her dilemma, though, and never bought her anything but the softest of cardigans. They were always in bright colors, with no patterns, and they were warm and easy to slip on and off in case they became too prickly feeling at any time.
When Rey and Poe first stated dating, Poe was never picky about what kind of sweater he wore, nor did he really care how he looked in them. Not that he had to worry, since he looked great in anything. However, after he and Rey had been together for a few months and he started to learn her little quirks, her likes and dislikes, and the reason behind them, he started paying attention to what he wore. Not for any aesthetic reasons, but for Rey’s comfort.
Suddenly, his t-shirts, dress shirts, and of course his sweaters, had to be super soft. He wanted Rey to be comfortable touching him, therefore she needed to be comfortable touching his clothing. Rey didn’t notice what he was doing at first. All she knew was that she was never physically irritated by anything while she was near Poe. Her brain slowly began to connect that fact that everything he wore on his torso was of fine material, oftentimes smooth, and always soft. The rough sweaters he used to wear were gone, as were the stiff, starchy shirts.
When she began to suspect he was doing it for her, she was too afraid to ask him outright. What if she was just imagining things? What if he was just realizing he was more comfortable in that kind of clothing? But one night, as he was dropping her off at her apartment after a movie, she decided she had to ask him.
His coat was open, so she ran her fingers gently down his chest, appreciating the downy feel of the sweater he was wearing underneath the coat.
“Is this for me?” she asked softly.
He tilted his head questioningly. “Is what for you?”
She felt her face heat, but she pushed forward. “The sweater,” she said. “Your other shirts these past few weeks. They’re softer than what you usually wear.”
He looked away, biting his lip, then he smiled and looked back at her. “I wasn’t sure you’d notice.”
“It is for me, isn’t it?” she nodded. “Because I’m too sensitive.”
“You’re not too sensitive,” he denied. “Sensitive is just what you are. It’s not a bad thing.”
“Isn’t it?” she asked. “If it’s making you change who you are?”
He laughed softly. “Rey, my choice in clothing isn’t who I am. My sense of style has no definition. Besides, I’m kind of getting overindulged by wearing all this soft stuff.”
Rey huffed a laugh. “More comfortable?”
He shook his head. “Nope. You touch me more often, now. It’s spoiling me.”
“What if?” Rey started to say.
“What if, what?”
“What if I wanted to touch you even more?” she said with a shy smile. “Without that soft stuff between us?”
He looked at her for a long moment, his eyes intense.
“Then you better invite me inside.”
Rey stepped aside and invited him inside.
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kashvibatman · 2 years
Felix Rosier × Slytherin Mc
The changing room became deserted.
For a moment, I'd hoped Skye would stay back and enthuse me with her bickering about Rath.
Facing Gryffindor was a big thing and I just couldn't think of anything to calm down.
Orion's pep talk had lowered my anxiety a great deal, but it still plummeted and expanded all through my chest as if I was made only of it.
There were still 10 minutes for the match to begin and I still had no clue about what to do about my nerves.
Should I have walked out with the team?
Was staying back for a introspection moment a good idea?
What if I end up messing things?
We need to win this match no matter what after all.
What if we lose because of me and all of Slytherin never forgives me?
What if I'm not good enough?
"Hailey!" Came a voice which was the song of peace.
I turned almost immediately.
Felix stood at the entrance. Wearing a light blue shirt and A hunter green turtle neck sweater and the Slytherin Muffler wrapped around his neck.
"Felix." I breathe out.
"Why aren't you out with the team?" He asked coming towards me concerned.
"I'm... I was just... just going!" I babble, trying to look normal but one thing I hated about myself was that I could never lie to or fool Felix.
Felix seems to realize my discomfort and anxiety.
I turn to grab my Comet 260 and start walking out of the room..
Felix grabs my hand and pulls me to him.
And I stand infront of him, his hands gently placed on my waist.
I look up into his eyes.
"Since when is the Curse Breaking Slytherin a victim of nerves and anxiety?" He smirked.
"The Cursed Vaults are my business and I suppose of all those who support me... but this... This is..." I stagger and look into his eyes again for more will power.
"This is bigger business. This is about the house. Slytherin and The Cup and if I don't do well-"
"You're going to be fantastic. That's who you are." Felix nuzzles his nose into mine.
I could stand here forfeiting the match and do this all day.
All the anxiety seems to ebb out of my body.
"I don't know Felix.. what if I fail?" I whisper, staring deep into his eyes.
Felix chuckles.
"You remember, when we were decorating the Christmas Tree in the Common Room?" He asked me, bringing me close to him, his nose tracing my cheek as I pull him in closer.
"Hmm.." I ooze, feeling his closeness.
"You told me you had faith in the muggle myth of Santa Claus for Like 10 years of your life?" Felix was trying not to laugh.
"Yeah." I grin.
"If you can have faith in a myth for like 10 years of your life." Felix brings my chin close to his face.
"Surely you can believe in yourself for like half an hour."
I burst out laughing. 
"I can't defend against that." I grin.
"And no matter what, I'm... I'm.." He stumbles this time.
That's so rare.
"I'm in the stands. With Rowan and Snyde. If you need to feel calm  while you're out there. Just look at me. My eyes will always be on you."
I throw away my broom and kiss him.
I bring him close to me and his arms wrap around my body and it's almost like with every kiss he sucks out all of my anxiety and nervousness.
He presses me closer and kisses me like nothing else matters.
Heavily and Hungrily. Like he knows I like it.
Our kisses are open mouthed and so dizzy that I really don't want to stop.
He runs a hand through my hair and steadies my face with his.
I move my mouth in coordination with his.
I clutch at his sweater as I pull him in for more.
"Hailey! Where in the Merlin are you?! Madam Hooch- OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY! I had no idea.!!" Skye had come in and she spooked both me Felix.
"Next time knock before entering Parkin." Felix growled.
"Sorry Skye. I'll be with you in a minute." I say blushing down to the floor as I pick up my broom.
"All the best." Felix whispers and we lock eyes.
I pursue my lips and lean to give him a quick peck and before he could pull me in again, I walk out and hurry to the stands.
"Never had a reason to like... celebrate till now.." He beams at me.
"But we've won dozen other matches." I rebut.
"None as special as today's." He stares at me and I blush madly, holding my butter beer glass way too tightly.
"Go on." He told me gently, gesturing towards the dancing and singing Slytherins who were partying.
"I'm watching from here. Go on have fun. You deserve it." He said pushing me to them.
"HAILEY! COME ON! LETS DANCE!" Rowan cried, in the bass music.
"But what about you?" I ask Felix, undeterred by the crowd. 
"I'm content watching from here." He told me sitting down on the couch.
Before I could retort, I was pulled into the Dance circle with the Slytherins.
I shook a leg with Rowan at the music and did a bit of solid moves I remember from the Muggle dance forms.
I see Felix applauding the loudest and hooting at my dance.
Honestly, I've never seen him smile that big.
I feel Felix's eyes on me all the time and it feels wrong to dance here all alone as he just watched.
"Hey Hailey!" Gardner came upto me.
"Hey Gardner! How's it going?" I say still swaying in the music.
"I'm all up in spirits! Thanks to you. You were amazing." He says, staring very deeply into my eyes, making me uncomfortable.
"OH! Umm... thanks." I say, hoping Rowan would Come back with butterbeer and save me from this situation.
"I wanted to ask you something." He whispered very creepily, coming close to me.
"What?" I say swaying away from him in the music.
"Are you seeing someone?" He asked me attentively.
I blink freezing for a second.
"Umm.. yes." I said the truth out.
"Who?" He asked me almost pissed.
"Its none of your business really." I say sassily.
"Anyway ditch him. I'm hundred times better." He smirked coming in closer.
"No. I like him and I want him."
"Please.. One chance." He said, coming in trying to kiss me but-
"DUDE SHE SAID NO!" Felix shouts very angrily pushing him away from me and he falls flat on the floor.
"Detention Gardner. One month. I'll see to it you get something worse. Get lost now." Felix snarled.
I realised everyone had stopped to stare at us.
"WHAT ARE YOU ALL STARING AT?! GET BACK TO YOUR THING!" Felix snapped, clearly very furious as he starts walking back.
But I hold his hand and pull him back.
He turns and locks eyes with me and I beg him to stay.
Everyone was back to party mode and I pull him along onto the dance floor where everyone was screaming and shouting.
Felix looked hesitant about this. I knew he'd never done it before.
I tug him close to me and lock my hands with his and we sway very gently in the soft punk music.
"He didn't touch you did he?" Felix almost growled.
"He almost did." I say truthfully.
"That Idioic-" Felix was cursing with grit teeth but I pull him in for a hug.
And I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into his neck and face.
Felix's arms find their way around my body.
"Dance with me." I whisper into his ear.
"Just us." I say softly, steadying my hand on his waist.
Felix pulls away just enough to look into my eyes.
"Okay." He says. "But don't laugh at me if I'm a total menace."
I grin as the music changes into a fun punk rock.
Felix stands a few centimetres away from me watching me as if waiting for me to begin.
I do some shoulder bobs and body curves at level 1 which he imitates and let me say he's quite good but also hilarious at times with the curves.
"You're doing good!" I say cheerfully watching him make a fool of himself imitating me.
"Is that why you're trying not to laugh?" He said sarcastically.
"Im serious. You're great."
The music changes a little and I change my steps just a little and Felix does same shoulder Bob and starts circling around me as I keep stuck to one place giggling.
He comes infront of me still with bobbin shoulders and we both Bob our shoulders in cohesion at the music beats and what I feel is that with every beat he comes closer to me.
He reaches me and his nose is aligned next to me and we wrap our arms around each other unknowingly and just sway in the music.
He kisses my cheek and I run my hands through his hair.
"This is nice." He whispered.
"What are you doing?!" I whisper yell pulling away from him.
He Jumps a bit and says, "Nothing! I'm..  I'm just dancing." He says grinning.
"Felix we've talked about this." I say with my arms crossed.
"We can't go so public."
"But Hailey I wasn't-"
"Its okay Felix." Looking him in the eye, disappointed.
"I want to grab some more butterbeer anyway."
And I walk away from him, towards the tables and fetch myself a big round of butterbeer.
Christine comes upto me. I groan.
"What happened between Felix, you and Gardner?" She asked.
"Gardner tried to flirt with me and Felix threw him away." I said.
"Because he was flirting with me." I repeat annoyed.
"No why does Felix care about who flirts with you?" Christine said suspiciously.
"I guess coz he noticed how evidently uncomfortable I was with it, and as Prefect it was his duty to stop Forceful bullying."
"Why were you both dancing together?" She rebutted.
Just how nosy can someone be?
"I was teasing him." I blurt out the first think I could think of.
"That he couldn't dance. So he danced to prove he could."
"Ohh I get it." She sounded very relieved.
"Where is he now by the way?" She asked with a blush on her cheeks.
"Probably back on the couch. He can't leave until the party ends to maintain decorum remember?" I grin..
"Oh okay thanks Hailey!" She said adjusting her hair and walking towards the couch.
And before I realised, I was following her.
I made my way through the dancing crowd and I saw him, sitting dejected on the couch, staring very still at the lamp kept on the table.
Christine went and sat beside him.
Felix jerked up and gave her a small smile as she batted her eyelashes at him.
I tightened my grip around my glass for some reason.
They were talking about something.
Christine was flirting brutally.
Felix was responding too. He got up and started walking up to the dormitory staircase and she followed him.
My heart gave a pang as it literally banged in my chest.
I kept swaying slowly in the music, to keep everyone who came to me occupied.
But my eyes were locked on the Dormitory entrance.
Almost ten minutes later, they both came out. Walking beside each other.
Christine held some thing in her hand I couldn't see.
She held Felix's hand in hers and Felix gave her a smile.
They exchanged a couple of words again.
She asked him for something for which Felix shook his head saying no as he said something that excused him of her as she walked away waving bye which Felix  didn't bother seeing.
His eyes were stuck on the crowd of dancing people. Scanning the crowd for someone.
I suddenly felt sick. I couldn't take the crowd of people around me so I dashed out the common room to take some fresh air.
I reached the Great hall and found myself running into Bill.
"Hey Hailey!" Bill greeted me, as we slapped hands.
"Awesome game against Gryffindor today! Charlie was pretty impressed with how you had control with the Quaffle." Bill patted my back.
"Thanks! It was an exciting game. Charlie gave our seeker a massive challenge! He was telling me that He was about to jinx Charlie but he couldn't because Charlie is pretty fast." I say grinning.
"Ah I have to admit Charlie does beat me at Quidditch. Anyway what you doing here? You aren't Celebrating? You guys aren't that dull." Bill said as I kicked his shin.
"Nah We are." I say softly. "Celebrating." I say as a image of Felix and Christine laughing together flashes past my mind.
"Let me guess. You just needed some air." Bill smirked.
You see. This is why I love Bill. He just gets me..
"You got me brother." I say ringing an arm drunkly around his shoulders.
"Hailey you look a little drunk to me." Bill said concerned.
"I guess I am."
"How much of what have you had?" Bill asked.
"I had only butterbeer."
"How much?" Bill pressed.
"A lot." I don't lie.
"Geez Hailey. Cmon take a walk with me as I do my patrol. You'll feel better." He said pulling me along as I follow along in his wake.
We go up into the courtyard and we both throw galleons into the fountain and wish for something. And then we walked upto The west wing and east wing and kept chatting randomly about Quidditch, our plan on the cursed Vaults, Merula etc.
"You feeling better now?" Bill asked giving me a nudge as we halted infront of the Training grounds hall.
"Much better William." I smirk.
"Good this is the last place I've got to patrol then I'll drop you back in the Dungeons."
"Do you always patrol this much everyday? It's almost 12 am. We started at 11:15pm. Basically 45 minutes." I ask surprised.
"Oh no. I had to do extra today. Because One of the Prefects didn't come up. It's tough to take an off from patrol. You've got to do something to make up for it. It's almost like detention. No prefect generally takes an off duty."
"Who is this Prefect? Any idea?" I ask.
"He's from Your house."
"Our house is celebrating a big win. Of course no Prefect would want to miss the fun."
"Apparently, Professor Snape didn't allow them to take an off. Who ever this prefect is, they are doing it behind his back.. and you know Snape's wrath. Good luck to them. Surely they have good reason to stay back. I am only doing it because we Prefects understand and help each other whenever possible." Bill said sitting down on a bench as I stand behind him.
"Hooo..." Bill exhaled massaging his head.
"Does you head hurt?"
Bill nodded and without a word I massage his head.
"This is nice." Bill grinned staring at the stars.
"Great I'm good now Hailey. I feel like I could fight 20 acromantulas."
"Thats the spirit Brother." I grin, keeping my hands on his shoulders.
"You think the forest is-" Bill was saying but he was cut off by another voice.
"Hailey!" Came a voice at the end of the corridor of the training grounds.
It was pretty dark so we couldn't see who it was. But I knew. From the voice.
"Felix?" I said blankly, in the darkness.
Felix lights up a lumos and comes to me.
"Hailey what in the name of Merlin are you doing here?! Its 12 am!"
"Hailey who's it?" Bill came up behind me.
"Who's that?" Felix asked and then with a irritated grunt he flashed his wand in the air shouting,
"Lumos Maxima!"
A Big sphere of light took over us. I'm forced to shut my eyes with my hands.
"You?!" Felix asked his eyes shining with rage as he saw Bill.
"Hello Felix." Bill said flatly.
Felix looks at me. His eyes are demanding.
"What are you both doing here?!" He asked as Bill approached.
"I just finished Patrolling and was resting and chatting with Hailey." Bill said.
"Where have you been for the past 45 minutes?" Felix asked me as if Bill wasn't there.
"She was with me." Bill answered.
Felix's eyes snap at Bill ragingly.
"You were with him since the last 45 minutes?" Felix asked me stepping forward.
"Yes." I say looking at him.
Felix doesn't say anything. His eyes are changing so quickly that I couldn't catch any emotion.
"We're going back now." He said coldly, as he took my hand and started walking back.
"Bye Bill! Thanks for tonight!" I said as Bill waved bye.
Felix pulls me along without a word.
"Felix." I say softly as I try to catch up with his pace even when he's pulling me along.
He doesn't stop but I felt his grip on my hand tighten.
"Felix!" I say tugging him back, looking into his eyes as he turns.
"Thank you for tonight Bill!" Felix imitated me suddenly making me jump as he stopped.
"What did you do with him that deserved gratitude huh?"
"Felix we were just walking-"
"You're dating me!" Felix cried, his eyes shining as he ragingly makes me stick against the wall.
"And you hang around with Bill at 12am for 45 minutes! Imagine if I was doing the same with some other girl, how'd you feel?!" He cried angrily, a tear slips down his eyes.
I have never In my life seen Felix cry. Never.
My Prefect. So stern and strong. Could take anything to any level.
Felix hastily wipes the tear away, as he looks away from me.
"I'm sorry Felix." I say instantly.
"I wasn't feeling that great and-"
"Then why didn't you tell me?!" Felix asked stupefied.
Why didn't I tell him?
"Because-" I paused suddenly as him and Christine flash infront of my eyes again. But it felt like I'd made a big deal out of nothing.
I don't say anything.
"Say something!" Felix cried.
"Hailey, I've been looking for you for the past 45 Minutes! If I knew that you were planning on going out, I wouldn't have ditched my duties. I've basically patrolled the whole school searching for you!"
My eyes widen.
"You?... you were the prefect who took the illegal off?"
"Yes." Felix said impatiently.
"Why?! Because I wanted to celebrate your win with you!" Felix said groaning.
"And you spend the time I wanted to spend with you with Bill!" He snapped looking away.
I stay stuck against the wall unable to forgive myself for what I've done.
"Makes me feel like you love him and not me." Felix said in a tone which genuinely sounded like he was hurt.
Before I know it, I've pushed Felix against the wall and I am kissing him so brutally, more than I've ever done before.
I take his face in my hands and move my mouth against his. His arms wrap around me tightly pulling me in.
"I love you Felix." I say softly pulling away for a moment.
"Nothing will change that." I breathe giving him another kiss.
"Bill is my brother. And you are my love." I say locking eyes with him.
He suddenly swaps our positions and I am against the wall now.
"Kiss me." He breathed staring at my lips.
"As you wish." I grin, kissing him like nothing else mattered.
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
Happy Holidays - BTS Style
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8. “Is this cliche? It feels cliche.”
15. “Psst.” “What?” “You look pretty.”
“Ok, please tell me you’re ready to go now!” Yoongi’s voice carries up the stairs to where I stand before the mirror putting my earrings in. 
“Erm...yeah, give me like two seconds!”
Examining my reflection one last time, I grab my coat. Even though Yoongi has reassured me several times that this little party really isn’t anything to stress about, I can’t deny the fact that I want to look nice. Especially since Lee Hyun was so excited for this party he’s hosting and let me know how glad he was we were coming. 
If we’re being honest, I’ve been waiting for an occasion just like this to finally wear this red dress. 
Descending the stairs I see Yoongi bustling about the living room, double checking everything. 
Yoongi’s head pops up as he hears my voice, eyes quickly scanning me before he rushes off in the direction fo the kitchen. 
“Go ahead and head out to the car, I’ve got the ham!” 
I do as he says, hoping to get the car warmed up. He heads out not long after, setting the huge dish in the backseat before hopping into the car. 
“Got it?” I ask. 
“Yeah, let’s go.”
“Hey, you wore your turtle neck!” I notice the cream colored turtle neck that I gifted him not that long ago for our second anniversary. 
“Does it look good?”
“Looks great.”
It looks like we might be the last people to arrive at Lee Hyun’s house if I’m supposed to judge based off of the sheer amount of vehicles lining the road. We quickly find a parking spot before jumping out, Yoongi grabbing the ham.
“You’re sure this is the right place?” I ask as we near the front door. Yoongi nods.
“Positive. Could you ring the doorbell?”
I oblige him. “Yeah. I bet it’s packed in there, I hope they hear the bell.”
Yoongi frowns down at the ham he’s holding. “Is this cliche? It feels cliche.”
I laugh at him, smoothing the crinkles between his eyebrows. “Yeah, it’s pretty cliche. But weren’t you the one that offered to bring a ham?”
“Was I?”
The door swings open to reveal a beaming Lee Hyun. “You made it! Here, I can take that off your hands. Come in, come in!” 
We filter inside, immediately greeting a few people. Everyone is scattered about the house, Christmas music playing and several people wearing ugly sweaters. I laugh as I see Jungkook trying to put whipped cream on a pie, his tongue sticking out as he concentrates.
Pretty soon I’m sucked into a game some people are playing, most of them strangers to me. There’s plenty of egg nog to go around, and I certainly drink my fair share of it. I’ve just advanced to the next round when I feel someone’s hand coming to rest on my hip. It’s a touch as familiar to me as breathing, there’s no need for me to turn around to see who it is. 
Yoongi’s lips press a chaste kiss to the top of my head. “You look pretty.”
Scoffing, I turn around to scowl at him. “You’re just now realizing this?”
He chuckles at me, his smile big and genuine. “I think I was so worried about having to carve the ham I couldn’t function. Can you blame me?”
Tugging his hand so he comes to sit beside me, I fiddle with the collar of his turtle neck. “Yeah, I can. But I won’t.”
Staring intently at the boardgame before us, Yoongi fiddles with a loose strand of hair that has fallen around my shoulders. “Happy holidays darling.”
I snuggle up closer to him, basking in the warmth he provides. “Happy holidays.”
Our sentimental moment is cut short when Lee Hyun appears before us, smiling sheepishly. “Hey Yoongi...would you mind carving the ham Namjoon brought? He said he doesn’t know how.”
I laugh, giving Yoongi and encouraging pat. “Didn’t you tell him not to bring a ham?”
Sighing through his nose, Yoongi’s eyes sparkle with mischief as he pecks my nose. “Sure did. Excuse me while I go kill him.”
Make a BTS holiday request!
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sero-sphere · 5 years
L.O.V Christmas Party
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Warnings: Alcohol comsumption, swearing and dildos?
Word Count: 1,900
Really just wanted to write a soft shiggy, but here we are with this crack fic. ( League of Villians x f reader)
( ^◡^)っ✂( ^◡^)っ✂( ^◡^)っ✂( ^◡^)っ✂( ^◡^)っ✂( ^◡^)っ✂
A Christmas party? For villains? It was a bad idea, but yet here you were wearing an ugly Christmas sweater and Santa hat. Toga was in charge of decorating and you had to admit she did a good job, but there was fucking glitter everywhere. You peered down into your drink and held it up to the light, only to see it glisten as you swished it around.
“Ah tis’ the season I guess” You said to Spinner who was looking at you like you were crazy for even drinking that.
“You act like that’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen me do…. We were literally just out on a mission together.”
“Yeah I guess you’re right” and with that Spinner took off to the bar. Your eyes followed him as he passed the pile of shittly wrapped gifts in the center of the room,that were for a game of yankee swap later. You could only imagine the gifts that everyone had picked out. You then glanced over to the bar where you noticed a bunch of food set up. “I really hope there’s pie” you mumbled to yourself as you made your way over.
"Hey where did we get all this, it looks fucking amazing!" "I compressed a catering truck, sweetie...." Compress looked over to you, admiring your outfit. He himself was wearing a Christmas sweater, along with his usual mask and hat. "Nice dude! Those poor people!" Twice interjected before you had a chance to reply. He was in a Santa suit, minus the beard and hat. Instead of a Santa hat, he was wearing an elf’s hat in its place.You figured it was probably just his way of expressing himself. You pretty much pushed him out of the way when you saw what was directly behind him on the table.
“Oh, this pie is delicious!!” Your voice was barely understandable as you shoved a whole piece of the pecan pie into your mouth, filling up your cheeks like a chipmunk. Compress and Twice were staring at this point.
“Would you guys stop, I just really like pie ok?” You said while you were still chewing, making yourself look like an even bigger dumbass by talking with all that food in your mouth.
“So conceited, like I would be looking at you. You look so cute let me pinch em’!” Twice smirked as he made a pinching motion at your cheeks with his left hand, and pointed directly behind you with his right.
“No, we’re really not looking at you, don’t worry.” Mr. Compress nodded and suggested for you look over your shoulder. You turned around and came face to face with Tomura. You nearly choked when you noticed what he was wearing.
“Oh hi!!” You managed to whisper to the boy who was standing no less than half a foot away from your face. A Santa hat with thick white fur sat on the top of his head. You followed the tip down to where it hung over his shoulders. His hands were in his pockets instead of scratching at his neck for once. In place of his usual black shirt, he was wearing a thick, red knit, turtle neck sweater. It bunched up perfectly around his face.
“Hey, we match…I guess” His hand left his pocket and gestured to the hat you forgot you were even wearing at this point.
“That’s cute, I’m going to be sick.”  Twice scoffed.
“I’m going to go get a drink, you guys want one? Just kidding, I know you all do, I’ll be right back.” You left the three of them together as you made your way across the party to get some more drinks. You had to get away before you embarrassed yourself. Shigaraki was looking just too nice in his Christmas attire and you knew your drunk self couldn’t behave.
Kurogiri was tending the bar per usual.
“Gimme something that just screams ‘holiday season’ please sir.” You grabbed a candy cane from the table and started to unwind it from the plastic as he handed you some nasty eggnog drink. “Ugh really. Maybe something else?” You could have sworn you saw what you thought was an eye roll but you weren’t sure, could he even do that?
“Better?” Kurogiri passed you a red, but somehow still glittery drink. You took the candy cane out from your mouth and tasted it.
“Yes, thank you! Two more please.” Once the drinks were made you plopped the candy cane back in your mouth and carefully grabbed all 4 glasses at once and started off towards everyone else.
“Hey Shiggy, you want this eggnog? It’s gross so you'd probably like it.” You handed him the drink as you put the others down on the table for everyone else to grab.
“It’s probably not bad, Eggnog is pretty good. Especially if its’ got whiskey or bourbon in it…” a voice behind you spoke up.
“Dabi!!”  You trapped him in a hug immediately.
“Calm down doll, I’m not that special” Dabi leaned over and wrapped an arm around your waist, dragging you closer to him. He, like the party pooper he was, wore his regular clothes, nothing Christmas about him. It wasn’t new for him to be handsy either, he was touchy feely with pretty much everyone.
Shigaraki took a sip and nodded in agreement with Dabi.
“He really likes that?”  You thought to yourself. “Whatever tickles his pickle….oh god what have I done. Now I can’t stop thinking about his…”
“Y/n? You alright? Your face is bright red, it looks like you’re about to…” Dabi teased. You spoke up before he got to finish.
“I’ll be fine, I’m going to find Toga! I wanna tell her what an awesome job she did giving everyone craft store herpes!” You heard a few laughs as you took off in search of her. She was sitting on a love seat by the fire place chatting with Spinner. You went over to join her. She was wearing an oversized Christmas sweater and reindeer ears. She looked like a little kid.
After a few minutes of chatting she got up leaving the reindeer ears she was wearing behind. Dabi swiftly replaced her spot beside you.
“What’cha got there doll?”
“Hmmm, let me show you!” You reached over as he leaned closer to you, allowing you to put the ears on him.
“Ohh, he is just soo cute!!” Toga exclaimed. She was skipping back over towards the two of you, with a plate of goodies in her hand.
“That pie is to die for, ugghhhhhmmm” You moaned as you thought about having another slice….this would be your… what, third piece? You couldn’t remember, wait why couldn’t you remember? Oh right, the alcohol. How many drinks have you had at this point? Why couldn’t you remember that either? Oh right, because you were thinking about Shigarakis pickle and needed something to distract you.
Now,here you were, thinking about Shigarakis dick for the 2nd time tonight. Not that you hadn’t thought about it before, but now that you were this drunk it was dangerous.  Between all the drinks, and your thoughts, you were hot. Very hot. Dabi sitting so close didn’t help either, with his quirk and all. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire, so you decided to take off your Christmas sweater, leaving you in nothing but the skimpy red tank top you had on underneath.
Shigaraki, who was sitting by the bar watched your every move. He even watched as you skipped along to kiss Toga under the mistletoe. His stares were interrupted when Dabi, who had also moved from his seated position, crept to the bar where Shiggy was, for another drink.
"You know you can do more than just stare at her, right? Like maybe you could even go and give her a gift...."
“I mean, I could…but why? Christmas is stupid.” He tried to play it off like it wasn’t a great idea.
“Yeah it is.” Dabi groaned in agreement.  “but she's drunk as fuck, and probably hasn't gotten a Christmas gift...like ever. I don’t even know why I'm giving you advice… but man you look like a creep just staring at her all night.”
Dabi handed him another drink for encouragement and sent him on his ‘merry’ way.  As Tomura walked over towards you, he took a pit stop to swipe the first gift he saw from the huge pile of gifts in the center of the room. “eh, this will be fine I guess”......
“Hey, I caught someone trying to steal your sweater before so I gave it to Kurogiri to hold on for you.” He said grabbing your attention.
“Oh thanks, I kinda forgot about it…what’s that?” You pointed excitedly to the gift he had in his hand. There was no way it was for you, was it?  You watched as he handed it to you without even saying a word.
“It’s for me? Aw, thanks Shiggy, you shouldn’t have. I can’t even remember the last time I got a gift on Christmas….can I open it?” You said all too eagerly. Normally you would have been more humble about him giving you a gift, but you had drank too much to feel even the slightest bit of embarrassment tonight.
“Uhm, now? Are you sure?” Tomura admittedly didn’t even know what it was. What if it was something dumb and you hated it? He would have to come up with some reasoning for why he’d picked it out. He’d rather you wait, but he heard himself speak up.
“Yeah of course.”  What the fuck, he thought for sure he was going to tell you to wait, but he just said yes? He silently cursed himself as he watched you tear apart the gift, which he just now realized was wrapped with a little too much tape. Little bits were getting stuck all over you, so you jumped around a bit to try and shake them off. He couldn’t help himself as his gaze drifted down to your chest, almost zoning out. Watching as they jiggled slightly with every wave of motion. He didn’t even notice that you had successfully unwrapped the present, and were now staring up at him giggling.
“How’d you know! That’s just what I wanted!!! I mean like, I have been thinking about it all night.”
He glanced down at the gift in your hands, thankful that you actually liked it, and his stupid associates hadn’t picked out anything awful. Then he saw just what it was. Leave it to them to fucking pick this out. It was a big, pale blue, dildo. Almost exactly the same color of his hair. He was eternally screaming at this point. Since when did they make dildos in this shade? Why would someone buy that? He didn’t know what to do until he thought back to what you just said.
“Wait you said you were thinking about this all night?”
“Yeah, were going to be one gift short, Shigaraki already swiped one, per my advice” Dabi stated as he was sitting down to start the game with everyone.
“Where is he anyway?” Toga chimed in. “And Y/N, haven’t seen them in a while”
“Who cares? I’m worried!” Twice roared from his seat beside Toga.
It wasn’t until they got the last of the gifts open that Spinner spoke up.
“Wait, I brought something hilarious, why haven’t any of you spoken up yet?”
“Dabi, said Tomura already took a gift for Y/N-chan remember…” Toga teased on.
Spinner put two and two together, and decided to let everyone else in on his gag gift. They all found it hilarious. Twice was rolling around on the floor almost in tears.
Yourself and Tomura decided to sneak back into the party at this point. Everyone was still laughing when you guys made your way in.
“What’s so fucking funny?” Tomura grumbled, startling everyone and making them jump.
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kian-bera · 4 years
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Merlin was exhausted from work. Trying to keep up with the hustle and bustle of customers at Christmas was exhausting. He loved to help people find the magic of books though, they were all he had left of the world he once knew. The world when Camelot and all of Avalon still existed. The world, where Arthur was still alive. There was a knock at the door and Merlin just sighed before getting up. He opened the door and saw Leon standing there with Christmas Eve dinner, just like every year.
"Happy Christmas." Leon said sadly as he leaned against the door post.
"Happy Christmas Leon. Come in." The two men walked to the kitchen table and sat down, the only light came from the street lights and a few lights that lit Merlin's small tree in the corner. "Do you ever think this will end?"
"I do not know Merlin. Maybe one day, somehow we will see Avalon rise again, we will see Arthur and Gwen and all of our friends once more gathered at the round table. Or we will be here for another 1500 years wishing and hoping that we can find a way to end this stupid immortality thing and finally just die of old age."
Merlin just nodded and dug his food out of the fast food bag in front of him. The two sat in silence as they ate, the only sound was that of the cars and the late city life down below. Leon and Merlin eventually made their way to the couch and curled up together to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" as they have always done since the movie came out. Leon put a blanket over Merlin once he finally fell asleep halfway through the movie. When they woke up, the news was on about two men who had been arrested early that morning. Leon nudged Merlin awake.
"Merlin, my eyes could be deceiving me, but is that Arthur and Gwaine?" Leon asked, shaking his head. The news reporter popped up on the screen.
"Good morning London. This morning, these two men were caught soaking wet and screaming for the mythical wizard Merlin. One keeps claiming he is the King of Camelot himself Arthur, while the other insisting he is Sir Gwaine of the infamous round table. If anyone can come and get them, the officers who arrested them would be grateful." The camera cut to a picture of Gwaine and Arthur sitting in a holding cell still in armour. Their swords and Arthur's cape had been taken and the armour might have been taken, but it looks like they put up a fight.
Merlin and Leon jumped up and threw on a pair of matching Christmas sweaters Leon had gotten them years ago as a joke gift. Merlin quickly grabbed his keys and ran to his car. After all these years of having one, he still did not completely understand how all the mechanics worked even though he had a drivers license. He preferred his bike, but he would need more than one seat.
When they got to the police station, Merlin and Leon walked up to the information desk and inquired about Arthur and Gwaine. Leon told the officer that the two had been drunk at a dress up Christmas party and had gotten drunk. They had wandered off and no one could find them. Leon paid the bail while Merlin waited for Arthur and Gwaine to come up. Once they were there, the men were given back their chainmail and swords before Merlin tackled Arthur.
"Where are we, and why won't these knights listen to me?" Arthur questioned, a bit annoyed.
"Arthur, I will answer all your questions later, okay? We need to get you back to my flat and out of the armour."
"You are right Merlin, it really does need polishing doesn't it?"
"Yes, now come on." Merlin dragged Arthur and Gwaine to his car where Leon was waiting for them. Merlin helped them into the car and just sat there in the passenger seat, mixed emotions swimming through his brain. When they got back to Merlin's flat, Merlin and Leon took them inside.
"Do you have any spare clothes?" Leon asked Merlin.
"Why would I want to wear Merlin's clothes?" Arthur asked plopping down on the couch.
"Because you need to fit in." Merlin told him going to his closet in his bedroom. Gwaine followed him to the bedroom.
"What is all of this new stuff? Like what was that carriage that we were just in?" Gwaine questioned watching Merlin throwing clothes into his bed.
"I will attempt to explain everything to you and Arthur. Please go back to the living room with them." Merlin shooed Gwaine out of the room. Once Gwaine was out, Merlin shut the door before running over to his pillow and screaming into the soft fabric. Afterwards he sat up, and grabbed a shirt and a pair of sweatpants someone had given him, that were big on himself. He came out and told Arthur to change into them in the bathroom while he found something to wear for Gwaine. The issue was Gwaine was taller than he was, so he wanted to find something that would be long enough to cover his legs.
"MERLIN COME HELP ME PLEASE!" Arthur yelled from the bathroom. Merlin just laughed as Arthur tried to get his head through the turtle neck shirt he had given to Arthur. "Don't just stand there, help me." Merlin just shook his head and went over to help Arthur with the shirt.
"Arthur what do you remember?" Merlin asked, pulling the neck of the shirt over Arthur's head.
"I was stabbed by Mordred. You have magic. I died with you holding me in your arms. What happened after Camelot lost their King Merlin? How did Guivere fair? Did she remarry? Was their an heir to the throne? Who all survived? Did my knights make it home? I mean Gwain was with me when we came from the lake, so I suppose he died."
"Arthur calm down one question at a time okay? You will overload yourself. Camelot mourned for you Arthur. The people, they loved you. Every year on the eve of when you died there was a vigil. Guivere was out of it for a while, royal advisors kinda took over making decisions. Once she came around, she was a wonderful queen. She did you proud, Arthur." Merlin took a step back and smiled.
"What about the rest of my questions?"
"Those should be answered by the man in the living room with Gwaine."
"Wait there was someone else here?" Arthur questioned heading for the door.
"Yes, I wasn't driving the car with magic. Right you don't know what a car is or how it works. Right."
Leon and Gwaine sat at the table laughing. Gwaine had found the basket of apples Merlin kept in the kitchen to snack on when he was writing. His laptop sat on a small table with a bunch of sticky notes around it on the wall.
"By the way Merlin, when I saved your busts at the tavern, that was an act of heroism, I mean who else would take on those bullies." Gwaine said smiling. He took the Apple core and tossed it into the trash can.
"Good morning Arthur." Leon said, smiling. Arthur gasped and ran over to Leon. "I've missed you. Merlin has been teaching me poetry you know."
"How dare he teach you poetry, that's my thing." Arthur gave a small laugh. "Merlin said I should ask you about what happened to Gwen after I died. Does Merlin not know?"
"He does, but it was a rocky time for him. About three years after your death, I...Gwen and I got married and I became the new King of Camelot. We had two sons. The oldest we named Arthur in honor of Camelot's once and future king. The younger of the two we had several years later, we named him Elyan after Gwen's brother. They grew up to be strong knights and princes, and long after Gwen passed away, I stepped down as King and let Arthur and his wife Elizabeth take over as King and Queen. They ruled Camelot with honor and dignity until they died and then their son Emeyrus took over as King. So the line went down for another 250 years. Then one harsh winter, a famine took over Camelot and all of Avalon. All the kingdoms fell to the Saxons and Avalon was lost forever. All that's left is the pillar in the lake, Merlin and myself."
"If there is one more question I may ask? What happened after the battle?" Arthur asked tears in his eyes. Leon knee what he meant by everyone.
"Only myself and Percival survived." Arthur just nodded. "I'm not sure if Gwaine remembers but he was tortured to death by Morgana."
"So, Merlin got mad at you for taking Gwen's hand in marriage?"
"Merlin calm down please..." Leon went to lay a hand on his shoulder, but Merlin pulled away, tears streaming down his eyes. He wanted to run far away, where no one knew who he was, or what had happened. "Merlin please, I know you are still upset about Arthur. We all are, but we have to move forward for the sake of Camelot."
"For the sake of Camelot." Merin echoed. "Camelot this and Camelot that, everything is done for the sake of Camelot." Merlin shook his head and ran off to the stables. He had a bag packed and a horse ready to leave. He hopped up and took off into the forest. He went to the one place he felt safe. He rode to the lake.
When Merlin arrived, he left his horse in the tree line and went down to the edge of the lake. The water was lapping against the shore harshly as a storm was blowing in from the north. Merlin did not care though. He did not want to hear the wedding bells.
"Hi Arthur, so Leon and Gwen are getting married today. I want to be happy for them, I really do, but at the same time, I want you to be home. I want you to come home like they said you would. I want to believe more than anything that you will rise from the lake. It hurts without you Arthur, as annoying as you could be dollaphead, I never realized how much I needed you." Merlin heard a snap and turned around. Percival came down to the water and sat beside Merlin. "I thought you would be a Leon and Gwen's wedding."
"I was going too, but then I saw you ride off and crying. I figured you'd be here talking to Arthur. It's what you do when you're upset."
"Thank you Perse. I guess I just hoped that Arthur would return."
"We all do." Percival told  Merlin, hugging him close.
"Yeah he wouldn't talk to me for weeks, but he finally came around and accepted our marriage. I think he was just hoping you would come back and fix everything."
"Thank you Leon, for everything." Arthur told him.
"Of course Arthur, while I may have become the king, you were and still are my king and I am proud to serve by your side." There was a bright flash of light from outside the flat and people started screaming. The four ran to the window and glanced down. There she was, Morgana in the flesh standing on the ground with Aithusa by her side. Morgana glanced up at the boys and smirked. She began to chant and Merlin told everyone to get away from the windows. The window shattered, and Merlin took most of the damage as he was still right in front.
"MERLIN!" Leon ran over and checked for damage. Merlin was bleeding but he had curled up that most of the glass didn't hit anything major.
"COME OUT HERE COWARDS OR SHALL THIS NEW CITY AND KINGDOM FALL TOO!" Morgana shouted from the ground. Arthur ran over to the window, glancing down at her.
"You will never win Morgana, now go back from whatever corner of the death that you came from."
"Never, I lost my chance once, I will not lose this battle again." Morgana hopped on Aithusa and rode off into the distance. Arthur just stood there glancing at the people below who were confused and scared.
"Hey Leon...er King?" Merlin asked, trying to figure out how to address the new ruler.
"Just Leon is fine Merlin. You are an old friend and such formality is not needed."
"Okay Just Leon." Merin cracked a small smile and laughed.
"Is that a smile I see?" Queen asked, walking over to the men.
"Maybe....." Merlin replied. Leon hugged him close. "We have missed this Merlin."
"Well dollaphead I should get to work then. What will it be, polishing armour, scrubbing the floors. Have I mentioned polishing armour." Merlin gave the first true smile he had given in three years. Gwen laughed and hugged Merlin as well.
"Armour sounds good, but we have a trip to go on first." Leon told him. Leon took him down the hall and to the great hall.
"The stables are that way Leon." Merlin said, pointing in the opposite direction.
"I know they are, but this trip is within the castle walls." When they got to the room, Leon had Merlin close his eyes and led him across the room. "Now open." Merin opened his eyes to see a red curtain.
"Wow Just Leon, that's impressive." Leon scoffed and nudged Merlin.
"Let then open the curtain first." The curtains opened and there stood a bronze statue of Arthur and Merlin. They stood side by side, swords drawn. Merlin hugged Leon and sobbed into his chest. "Shhh it's okay Merlin, I knew you would want something to honor Arthur and I thought that having you two together would be even better. You two were always together no matter what."
"Thank you Leon. For everything. I'm glad you became the king." Merlin took a step back and wiped his eyes.
Arthur returned to where Leon was helping Gwaine pick glass out of Merlin's side. Arthur sat beside them and tried to help. Every time they pulled out a piece, Merlin flinched. Arthur eventually had to pull away because he started to tear up. They had only been reunited for less than a day and Merlin was already hurt trying to save him.
"Is there anything I can do? Like get some water?" Arthur asked, pacing the floor.
"Uh yeah, the cups are in the cabinet. Sink water is fine." Leon told Arthur pointing to the kitchen. Arthur went over and found a cup.
"Where did you say the pump was?" Arthur asked.
"Oh see the sink?"
"Pull that silver lever gently." Arthur nodded and put the cup under the spout and pulled the level.
"Wow it doesn't stop after a few seconds. You don't have to pump the water."
"No you don't, it's quite nice." Arthur brought the cup of water back and went back to playing with the sink. "Arthur dont run too much water, we have a high water bill as it is."
"Water bill? Like you have to pay to have this running water?" Arthur asked.
"Yes you do." Leon told him helping Merlin, who was now awake, to the table.
"I never did ask. What year is it?" Arthur questioned finding other things in the kitchen to play with.
"It's 2020." Merlin replied weakly.
"But that means...It's been 1500 years." Gwaine said sitting down.
"Yeah." Leon and Merlin replied in unison.
"Hey Leon calm down, it will be alright. Gwen is a strong woman. She will be fine." Merlin told Leon trying to  calm him down. After a few hours, Leon was finally allowed inside Gwen's bedroom. She was asleep, but her lady In waiting was holding a newborn baby boy. She handed Leon his son and smiled.
"He is perfectly healthy Sire, no problems at all. And Gwen is fine, she is just tired and needs some rest." She explained to the king.
"Oh yes of course, can I?"
"Go ahead sire." Leon held his newborn son close to his chest and smiled at the small child wrapped in a wool blanket. He walked to his chambers while Merlin ran ahead and opened the door. Leon sat on his bed while Merlin stood there awkwardly.
"Merlin why don't you take the rest of the day off. You were up with me early this morning and have been there for me all day. It is the least I can do after all you've done."
"Are you sure Leon?"
"Yes I'm sure now shoo, flee, go enjoy yourself. I'll have a guard find you if I need you." Leon smiled at him and waved him out.
"Thank you Leon." Merlin smiled and walked out the door. He knew that Leon had told him to go, but he sat right outside the door and fell asleep.
"So, what kind of story are you writing?" Gwaine asked Merlin trying to get him to talk.
"A story about Camelot. The true story, not what legend has told. Oh Arthur pulled this fancy sword name Excalibur from a stone and now he's this king of this amazing kingdom. Like sorry, but he was already king when he pulled Excalibur from the sword. That was just reassurance that he was the true king of Camelot since he had lost faith."
"You are telling the truth." Arthur replied, smiling.
"I'm telling our story." Merlin told him, smiling back as he tried to sit up in his chair. "Now enough dilly saddling. Morgana is back, what are we going to do?"
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lunalovefics · 5 years
hazy shade of winter PART 1
pairing - felix rosier x mc
requested ? yep ! unfortunately i didn't get a username so i couldn’t tag them, but if this was yours please leave a comment because I loved writing this !
summary : you stay behind at hogwarts over christmas holiday and become much closer with a certain prefect while all of your friends are away...
warnings : slow burn ?
(also i haven't written anything in a hot minute so if this sucks i apologize and very much appreciate any constructive criticism as im trying to improve my writing. but im very excited this is the first fic im posting to my new account!)
It was a another freezing winter morning as I woke up unusually early, bringing the covers up over my head tossing and turning trying to fall back asleep to escape the cold for just a few more hours. I groaned throwing the heavy blanket away from my face taking in a deep breath, brushing the stray pieces of (h/c) hair from my eyes. It was no use. I was completely and fully awake, totally aware of how quite the room was without all my friends going about their usual morning routine. The only sound keeping me company today was the wind rustling harshly against my window as I stare at the ceiling now desperately wishing I had taken Rowan or even Bill’s invitation to spend the break with them. It was only the first day of holiday and I already missed them. ‘‘ it’s only two weeks.”  I tried to reassure myself.
I look over to the window the sun still not even up, “if the sun gets to sleep in i should be able to.” I frown to myself as I realize i’m going to have to get up at some point. I bite the bullet and decide to try and make to most of the day, that thought lasted all of five minutes as after I brushed my hair and teeth I couldn't be bothered to exert any more energy. Assuming I’m either the only one in slytherin who stayed behind on holiday or at the very least the only one awake at this hour I decided there would be no better way to spend these next few hours then curled up in the common room next to the fireplace getting ahead of my studies. I quickly pulled on an over sized (f/c) sweater not even bothering to change out of my pajama pants and grabbed a few textbooks as I made my way down to the common room to find it actually decorated quite nicely, a christmas tree dawned our house colors, stockings over the fireplace, and a few other decorations here and there. I smiled taking in the scene as I sat back into the couch getting as comfortable as possible before opening my potions book. 
I’d say I got in a good forty-five minutes of studying before I ultimately fell asleep. Potions always seemed to do that to me, hence why Penny had to tutor me so often. I was sure I had been out for a at least an hour or two as I finally woke up yawning as a rubbed my surprisingly still tired eyes. Looking down I noticed my book set neatly on the table in front of me and a blanket covering my now very warm body. It was only then that I looked over and noticed that I was in fact not alone here. Not even two feet away from me sat a familiar form.
 “I see you are finally awake.” he didn’t sound as cold as he normally did, in fact he almost sounded pleased? 
“Felix? What time is it?” was the only thing that managed to escape my lips as I was a bit shocked to see him.
“A bit after eight I suppose.” he replied marking a place in his book before sitting it on the table, turning to give me his full attention. “You know I don’t consider it wise to spend the night in the common room, I imagine it’s not very comfortable and it can get quite cold.” he added glancing down for only a moment.
That’s when I realized what exactly he was looking at. I was now all to aware of the fact that he was the one who had covered me with this blanket and neatly arranged my books. But why would he do that? Was he sitting there waiting for my to wake up? Was I overthinking this situation? Probably. I mean he was just looking out for his housemate, that’s what a prefect does after all. I tried not to make the situation any more than it was but I was unable to suppress the blush creeping up my cheeks. I sat up, now sitting criss cross only a few inches separating us.
 “I wasn't down here all night.” I corrected him. “I woke up pretty early and couldn't go back to sleep so I thought it would be a good idea to come down here and try and get ahead of my lessons, but you can see how well that worked out.” 
“I can’t say I’m surprised considering how many house points you've lost us by falling asleep in Snapes class.” shockingly he didn't sound as if he were scolding me like he normally did when it came to house points. 
“It’s not my fault his voice is so unbearably boring that I have no other choice than to go to sleep.” I joked trying to lighten the mood. I swore I could see the corners of his mouth turn up ever so slightly. “What are you doing here anyway? Wouldn’t you rather spend the holidays at home instead of being cooped up here?”
“You know I could ask you the same question (l/n).” he replied raising a brow. I suppose he was right. Who am I kidding, he was always right.
l smiled at his response just sitting there for a moment taking in his features. It was nice seeing him outside of his house robes and uniform. He was wearing a simple grey turtle neck, black pants, and his normal black dress shoes. Good to know he still remained quite formal even when no one was a round to see. His hair was still slicked back and his cheek bones were just as sharp but something seemed different. His expression seemed less tired, almost relaxed. But I suppose that made since, even though we were stuck at Hogwarts we were still on holiday.  
He cleared his throat, though our eyes never broke apart. Oh Merlin. I thought to myself, just how long have I been just staring at him. I averted my eyes as fast as humanly possible, practically jumping out of my seat. Smooth (y/n) smooth. 
“Want to go to the Great Hall? I could really use some coffee.” I smiled mentally face palming myself as hard as possible.  
He shrugged getting up from his seat, “Sure.”
And just like that the two of us started to make our way to the Great Hall.
(Felix’s pov)
It was only six am when I awoke to the cold nipping at me from under the covers, I looked around to my empty room and sighed as I would be spending yet another Christmas alone at Hogwarts. 
“at least i can get some peace and quite.” 
I soon got up to get dressed and made my way to the common room ready to get started with the day. Of course I didn't expect to see anyone else here at all let alone at this time, you could definitely say I was more than taken aback to find someone asleep on the couch. I felt my heart rate speed up even more when I realized that it was you. Questions immediately began to pop into my mind. Why hadn't you gone home on break? Why were you asleep in the common room? Had you been there all night? What were you dreaming about? I had caught myself off guard with that last one.
I looked around the common room at all the decorations I managed to get up that night before making my was over to you. Gently brushing a piece of hair away from your face tucking it behind your ear I smiled at how serene you looked. As I pulled the book you were reading from your hand my fingers grazed yours, you were freezing. After placing the book neatly on the table I went to my room to get you a blanket. 
If you were going to sleep in the common room you should have at least brought a blanket with you. It’ll be a wonder if you manage to not get sick. I mean really you need to start being more responsible. 
As I walked back in I couldn't help but just stare at you for a moment as I covered you up, I had never been more glad you were asleep as I was sure that you would have been able to hear every beat of my heart. I debated on whether or not I should sit in a different seat worried you would find my decision to sit next to you odd at the very least but I couldn’t resist. I sat down as slowly and as quietly as possible doing my best not to wake you, managing to sit back and start my book without causing so much as a stir.
I tried to read my book and ignore the fact that you were asleep next to me but it was almost as if the more I tried to concentrate the harder it became. I read the same sentence over at least ten time before finally giving in to watch over you as you slept, my eyes shifting back and forth from you, to the fire burning, and finally back to the book as I realized what a creep I was probably being and decided to try and give reading another attempt. But I still couldn't help but smile at every little snore. (if you don’t snore, well you do now uwu)
This went on for just a little over an hour before I felt you moving around, looking over as you woke up. When your tried gaze met mine I could feel my face soften, there really was no one like you. 
(y/n)’s pov
It didn't take long to make it to the Great Hall as we walked there in almost total silence, not that I minded it was honestly nice just to have the company. Truth was I was grateful not only was I going to have someone to spend the holiday with but I was going to be able to spend it with Felix. I know we weren't close or anything, and given all the times I lost our house points he probably didn't like me very much but i’d be lying to say I didn't enjoy every moment I could steal from him. 
As we walked through the doors I looked around taking in the sight of all the decorations, even with how empty it was the room felt so full of joy. Felix of course kept the same stoic expression as he always did but I like to think he enjoyed the scenery as well. 
We took our seats at the end of the table sitting across from each other as we had our breakfast. 
“So (y/n) what are you doing here on holiday if you don’t mind me asking?” he questioned finally breaking the silence.
“And what if I do?” I replied teasing him a bit.
 He raised a bored brow, but I could tell he was a bit taken back by my response. 
“You’re not here to cause trouble I hope.” He was already on to me, I had to think quick.
“Who? Me?” I asked looking around. “Felix please I am the back bone of this house, I would never.” I smirked even though it was a very obvious lie. He rolled his eyes at the “back bone of slytherin” however he was amused to say the least.
“Well that certainly is a shame.” he started before taking a sip of his tea. “Because if your offer still stands, I say we make this break interesting for once.” 
I didn't know what to say, was this all a trap to get me to reveal my plans? He was prefect after all, was he really willing to get in trouble? But all my mind could really focus on was the fact he even remembered my offer. 
“Well (y/n), what will it be?” 
What came over me I don’t know, maybe it was the look in his eyes. A mischievous glint I had never seen in him before, maybe my curiosity got the better of me. Or maybe it was that skip of my heart that made the decision for me. 
“Alright Rosier, let’s do it.” I grinned going against all better judgement I agreed extending my hand to seal the deal. 
As he grabbed my hand he pulled me closer to him, leaning across the table, “I must warn you if we’re going to do something this reckless we do it my way. I won’t have us getting caught.” I could only nodded in agreement as words were not even an option in this moment, he finally realized the position we were in and let me go. Though a small part of my wished he hadn’t.
He went back to his tea focusing rather hard on it trying to hide the ever so slight blush forming. I couldn't quite wrap my head around what had just happened but I had a feeling I wasn't going to be able to stop thinking about it any time soon. 
It wasn't long before we were both finished and ready to head out deciding to head to the library to read up on some information that could help us in our adventure. As we were walking I forced him to take a slight detour stopping by the courtyard to look out at the frosty morning. I let out a happy sigh watching as my breath came out in a cloud. The air was bitter and I definitely wasn't dressed for such cold weather but I had never been so happy to shiver. Seeing the ground covered in a beautiful sheet of white as even more spilled from the sky almost made me forget about everything else going on around me. I walked out looking up at sky trying to catch a snow flake on my tongue. 
“(y/n) get back here ! It’s freezing, you're going to get sick !” I heard Felix call after me but it was like it really just went in one ear and out the other. Little did I know how intently he was watching me, I didn't even think of how silly I probably looked but in that moment I couldn't care less. Twirling around in the snow I become almost lost in my own little world and didn't even notice when Felix had come up behind me.
I jumped as I was snapped back to reality feeling something rather warm wrap around me. Looking down I saw a scarf now resting on my shoulders. I quickly turned around staring up at Felix who was now standing right in front of me, snow now starting to cover us both. My (e/c) eyes met his brown ones and the heat immediately began to rise to my already rosy cheeks. I tried taking the scarf off but he placed his hands on mine to stop me, re wrapping it before his hand moved to my cheek. His hands felt so warm even out in the freezing cold.
“You’ll get cold.” I said averting my gaze trying to protest. 
“I’m not the one shivering.” he smiled as I felt his hand move from my cheek to brush a fallen strand of (h/c) hair behind my ear. Little did I know this wasn't the first time he had done this.
I had no idea how to respond, it seemed like he never failed to make me speechless, but this? This was a side of him that I didn't even know existed. How did the point obsessed prefect become so.....sweet? As I looked up at him I smiled gently cupping his hands in mine, raising them to my lips blowing out a bit of warm air. 
“I will shiver in this cold happily if it means I get to stand here next to you.” staring up at him I was glad to know I was no longer the only one blushing. 
“Lets head inside before we catch our death out here.” he said before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead, I could feel a smile form onto his lips as I intertwined his hand with mine. 
These were going to be an interesting two weeks.
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sakura-blossom28 · 4 years
I guess I can’t stop writing! This is a more set up chapter if anything with some sweet bits at the end which I love writing! The next chapter should be fun and I’m going to jump around with the time a bit to speed this up to get to more Gaara Sakura gushy bits! Hope you guys like it let me know what you think!!
Part 1 / Part 2  / Part 3
Going out, piece of cake.  But what to wear? If she was just going to Naruto’s apartment Sakura would have just changed into some pajamas to hang out in, but they hardly went out like this, and this was barely going out.  To overdress or underdress?  Sakura did like getting dressed up but this was hardly the place to do it, and besides, she hadn’t had a reason to look nice in a while.  Even when she was dating Sasuke they never went out.  The bar scene just wasn’t for him.  Sakura didn’t mind, they went to a lot of casual dining places so there was never a need.  
She did miss dressing up, doing her hair, and using the nice makeup she got for Christmas.  Maybe with the warm weather, Sakura could convince everyone to go out to the nice rooftop bars.  Maybe even dancing!  The thought made her happy.  Even though she wasn’t good at it, Sakura still liked to dance.  It was just a fun way to let loose and feel good.  
Sakura chose to straighten her hair after her shower.  She definitely needed one after kickboxing.  She chose a chunky green turtle neck sweater that was darker than her eyes, dark jeans, and a pair of brown boots with a little bit of a heel.  Sakura looked casual but nice enough that her mother would approve of since she was going out in public.  Her makeup was light, just some blush and mascara to bring out her eyes more, and just a shiny tint lipstick to finish her look.  Sakura grabbed her off-white coat and walked out the door.  Her parents were away this weekend on a mini-vacation that Sakura couldn’t get time off of work for.  It was fine they needed some alone time.  She locked up and made her way out.
The bar was a few blocks away from Sakura’s apartment building.  She remembered going there a few times with friends in the neighborhood when they all turned 21.  Even her parents stopped in from time to time to get a bite to eat after work.  She loved their wings.  Just the thought of them made Sakura quicken her pace.  As she arrived she saw two familiar people standing outside.  
“Hey, Gaara, isn’t that the girl you’re crushing on? She’s way cute.  If you’re not gonna make a move I will,” Kankuro said to his younger brother.  At the sound of her name, Gaara looked down the street to see in fact it was Sakura.  His heart squeezed a bit at the sight of her.  His mind instantly played the memory from this morning of Sakura smiling so brilliantly at him during her workout.  She was the first girl to catch his attention in a long time.  
Sure there had been other girls before, but either they didn’t stick around, or Gaara just lost interest.  Hopefully getting to know Sakura would be exciting, he could use something different in his life.  Temari already liked her so that was a good sign.  She never liked the girls he brought around so he just stopped.  
“Not a chance Kankuro,” Gaara said and moved off the wall he was leaning on and walked up to Sakura.  
“Oh hi, Gaara!  I thought I would be the first one here! Hey Kankuro, nice to see you again,” Sakura said and peaked around Gaara to say hi to his brother.  
“Sakura! Long time no see! You’re looking great as usual,” Kankuro said walking up and putting his arm around Gaara.  She was taken aback by his comment.  Sakura had never been comfortable with people complimenting her, especially not guys.  She decided to brush it off, he was just being nice.  Sakura was too flustered to notice Gaara practically shoving Kankuro into the street after his little comment. 
“Let’s go inside and grab a table,” Sakura suggested with a nervous chuckle as she walked inside.  Gaara quickly followed right behind her, making sure to close the door right in Kankuro’s face.  The bar was quiet like Sakura expected.  It would be very easy to push some tables together for the nine of them.  After about twenty minutes everyone was finally there.  
Sakura managed to be sitting next to Gaara, thanks to Temari, and across from Naruto and Hinata.  For a while, everyone was chatting nicely, but then her conversation with Hinata stopped when she got up to go to the bar.  
“So how are you feeling? You were doing great for the first time,” Gaara said casually leaning back into his seat to talk to Sakura. 
“I actually really enjoyed it.  I’m pretty tired, but I feel great!  Do you always teach the beginner’s class?”  
“No, I don’t usually teach all that much.  I was filling in for one of the instructors since they were sick,” which wasn’t true, he wanted to see Sakura again after the other day.  
“Aw, that’s too bad.  I think you’re a great teacher,” she said with a smile, and Gaara smiled back.  
“Do you think you’ll be coming back?”
“Definitely.  The gym’s pretty close to my job so I can go right after work.” 
Their conversation went forward from that point without an awkward pause or break.  Gaara was really easy to talk to.  They covered everything from their day to day, to what they enjoyed doing in their spare time.  Sakura was happy to find that they had a lot in common.  They both like to take it easy by reading and watching movies.  Gaara was very intrigued in her cooking and baking efforts.  
“I need to start cooking more. Kankuro can’t even boil a pot of water to save his life.  And I’ve been staying late at the gym most nights that I can’t cook for him,” Gaara said throwing a sideways glance at his older brother who was happily chugging down his beer.  
“I like to keep myself busy after work so I’ve been trying a lot of new things, and I have to say my cooking has gotten a lot better!”
“And why are you trying to be so busy?” Gaara regretted the question as soon as he said it.  He could see Sakura stiffen at the question while her eyes widened.  “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to pry.” 
“No, it’s alright.  I was seeing someone who preoccupied almost every thought I had and how that I’m not seeing him anymore I realized how much time I had once he was gone. So now I’m trying new things that I want to do,” she said with a small smile.  
“That’s actually really cool.  And good for you to focus on yourself.  Most people would spiral out of control.  I remember Temari did that after her first serious boyfriend dumped her.  What a mess that was.  If she hadn’t gotten her own version of revenge I would have probably punched the guy if I ever saw him again,” Gaara said with a smirk.
“What did she do?”
“She didn’t do anything.  They were both applying to the same tattoo shop at the same time, but she got the job over him.  And the best part was that they were both told at the same time so he knew he lost to her, and as he was leaving he bumped into someone and they spilled their smoothie all over him.” 
“That’s actually hilarious! That’s what he gets for whatever he did to her,” Sakura said trying to hold in her laughter.  
Their night went on much the same way, exchanging different stories or embarrassing things that have happened to them.  Gaara steered clear of any more talk of relationships.  Clearly, something bad had happened to Sakura and he didn’t want to upset her any more than he already did.
Sakura was feeling really happy.  Talking to Gaara felt really natural and they seemed to be clicking.  She was having a really nice time with him.  Letting her guard down for once felt so freeing.  She definitely noticed that she had been smiling more.  It felt really good.  Was she finally ready to put herself out there? Should she take a chance on Gaara?  Worst case she just gets to know him and they stay friends before it can develop into anything more.  Better to play it safe.
Before they knew it, it was almost 11 PM.  Tenten, Neji, and Lee had already left without them noticing.  Their chemistry was so noticeable that even Naruto picked up on it.  
“Hey guys, we’re gonna head out, but stay as long as you want!” Naruto called out with a big smile while quickly shoving everyone else out of the bar.  
Sakura just had to laugh.  Naruto was just so not smooth.  They paid their bill and followed the crowd outside.  
“Well, I’m the other way so I’ll see you guys soon,” Sakura said to the group as they were heading towards the parking lot.
“Did you walk here?” Gaara asked starting to go in Sakura’s direction.  
“Yeah if I walk fast it won’t be too bad.”
“Would it be okay if I go with you? It’s pretty dark.” 
“It’s alright you don’t have to! I’m in the complete opposite direction of you anyway!”
“I really don’t mind. Plus I would feel better knowing you got home safe.”  That was the same thing that Sasuke would say.  Text me when you get home.  It was the only thing he said to Sakura that showed her he cared.  Even when he dumped her the last thing he said was get home safe.  It was nice to hear again. 
“Yeah okay.  Thanks that’s really sweet of you,” she said with a smile.  
The night wasn’t too cold, but some of the street lamps didn’t seem to be working so she was happy that Gaara was tagging along.  They were talking quietly when they heard loud shouting coming towards them.  
“Hey girl what are you doing out here? Come over here!” came from a group of what seemed to be three drunk guys stumbling behind them.  At first, Sakura didn’t register what was happening or who they were talking to.  The next thing she knew Gaara had his arm tightly around her shoulders and pulled her close.  He picked up the pace and it finally clicked in Sakura’s mind that those guys were talking to her.  
“Hey! We’re talking to you! Come back!” one of the more sober men started to say.  Gaara stopped under the next streetlight still holding on tightly to Sakura.  He turned to look at her, clearly, she was shaken up and understandably so.  He couldn’t believe she almost walked home by herself.  
“Stay right here where I can see you.  I’ll handle this,” Gaara said in the calmest voice he could use to make her feel better.  
“Please let’s just go,” Sakura begged.  Her hands were already shaking.  Any confrontation wasn’t her strongest point, especially with drunk men.  
“I don’t want them knowing where your apartment is.  I’ll be right back,” and he was gone.
It felt like hours that Gaara was gone, but Sakura knew that was impossible.  She strained to hear, but could only hear muffled voices.  The next thing she knew Gaara was walking back with his hands in his pockets.  
“See I told you I’d take care of it-,” Gaara said.  He would have said more but Sakura ran up to him and tightly grabbed him into a fierce hug.  He knew she was scared, but feeling her shake against him was even worse. He gently wrapped his arms around her.  She felt so small in his arms.  When he heard her start crying, his heart dropped into his stomach.  He did it again, someone good was scared of him.  
“I’m so sorry.  I didn’t mean to scare you-” he said while he tried to back away from her, but she was holding on too tight which surprised him.  She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, but he didn’t see any fear.
“You didn’t scare me! They did! I-I- That never happens I swear! It’s just awful! How do other girls deal with that all the time? Look at me I can’t stop shaking! I hate it!” Sakura looked so upset, but Gaara didn’t know what to say.  
She realized how close they were, she got embarrassed and let go of Gaara.  Sakura blushed but kept talking, “I just get so angry that I can’t stand up for myself.  That’s why I started kickboxing classes.  I thought if I physically got stronger I would feel it too.” 
Sakura led the rest of the way to the apartment, keeping a little closer to Gaara as they walked.  The whole time she was thinking to herself and having a small argument with herself that she almost forgot Gaara was next to her.  Gaara was fine with the silence.  He really had no response to give to Sakura’s statement.  He felt he didn’t know her well enough to put her mind at ease.  
Her apartment wasn’t too much farther and she was only on the second floor.  She got her key out and opened the dark silent apartment.  At that moment she forgot that her parents weren’t home.  
“Oh right…” she quietly said to herself.  
“Are you home-alone tonight? I thought you said you lived with your parents?” Gaara asked as he looked into a dark hallway.  
“They’re away for the weekend. They won’t be back until Monday,” Sakura said in a small voice.  She turned on the hall light, but it still seemed pretty dark in her home.  “Thanks for walking me home.  I’m really glad you did.  And thank you for taking care of it.  Are you going to be alright by yourself?” 
“I should be fine,” Gaara said giving her a small smile to make her feel better, but she didn’t look convinced.  
“Can you come in for a bit?” Sakura asked without looking at him.  She felt utterly embarrassed for even asking such a question.  She didn’t want him to get the wrong idea about her, but she was still pretty shaken up by what happened.  
“Yeah absolutely.” 
They walked into her small apartment, but it was big enough for 3 people.  Sakura never minded that she lived here, she actually enjoyed it.  She never had to take the garbage out in the rain, or shovel snow in the winter.  The front room was spacious with cream walls and red accents all around the house.  Gaara was jealous of the size of the kitchen.  His apartment wasn’t as nice, but he couldn’t complain his commute to work was zero minutes.  
All around the home were pictures of family, friends, and Sakura through the ages.  The most recent one being her college graduation.  She looked tired but happy.  On one wall was an empty picture frame.  It was an odd sight, but Gaara could put two and two together.  There must have been a picture of Sakura and her ex in there that her family happily hung up.  They really must have liked him.  He would be noisy and ask Temari later on.  
“I think I’m gonna call Naruto and Hinata and see if they can come over.  I don’t think I want to be alone tonight,” Sakura said from the kitchen. “I’d ask you to stay, but I thought that would be creepy and rude of me to ask since we just met.”
“I think that’s a good idea.  And I wouldn’t mind staying if it made you feel better,” Gaara said still wandering around her living room.  Sure it wasn’t Gaara’s usual style to stay over a girl’s house, but seeing her cry like that she could have asked him for anything and he would have done it. 
“Thanks.  I really appreciate it Gaara,” he turned at the sound of Sakura saying his name.  He saw that she relaxed a bit and she stopped shaking, which was a good sign.  “I’m just gonna go get changed.  I’ll get you some clothes.” 
Sakura wasn’t gone too long when there was a knock on the door.  On the other side were Naruto and Hinata.  They rushed past him with small a small greeting and went straight towards Sakura’s room.  If he really wanted to go home and sleep in his own bed this would be his chance.  He turned back around to see Sakura come out in her pajamas and holding some for him.  
She looked so innocent in a matching outfit of light blue button-down pajamas with little cupcakes all over them.  Sakura was even rubbing her eyes like a little kid.  She just looked so cute that Gaara could feel his legs moving back towards her as he shut and locked the door.  
As Naruto and Hinata were fussing over her and asking a million questions, Sakura looked towards him and blushed slightly. Handing him a pair of grey flannel pants and a black long-sleeved shirt, she blushed more handing him the clothes.
“I hope these fit. The bathroom is on the left.”
“They’ll be fine. Thanks.”
When he came back, Naruto and Hinata were already set up on one reclining couch tucked in.  Sakura was on the other and was waiting for him, barely staying away.  He settled in and reclined the couch for them.  Sakura’s eyes were heavy with sleep, but she seemed like she was trying to fight it.  
“You’re okay now, get some rest.  Do you want to sleep in your bed?” Gaara said as he pulled a blanket up around her.  
“No no I’m okay. I feel better that you’re here,” Sakura mumbled, eventually slumping onto Gaara as she fell asleep.  It was so strange to be close to someone else like this.  It felt nice, it felt right.  Sakura was a good person.  She was interesting, funny, smart, and kind.  She was someone he wanted to get to know better.  He wouldn’t deny that he was already interested in her but knew good things took time.  
Gaara knew she went through something pretty rough, but he was a patient person.  Looking at her sleeping so peacefully he realized that waiting would be worth it if she wanted to get to know him.  He knew he was getting ahead of himself, but for the first time in a while, he felt excited about the future.  Maybe getting close to someone, dare he say romantically wouldn’t be the end of the world like he always thought it was.  If everyone else around him seemed okay with a partner, he could give it a shot.  
Part 5  
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bisexual-disasters · 6 years
christmas oneshot
hey guys!! i was wondering if i could have your opinion on this christmas oneshot? im not sure if it’s good enough to post. i also need help for a saying to put on Karen’s sweater (it’ll make sense when you read the story) if you have any suggestions!
Grace flattened out her dress as she looked in the mirror, turning slightly to see how the back looked. Her red curls stood out against the dark green of the dress, which was shorter and tighter than she would typically wear. Being forty… one- she tried to wear more “age-appropriate” clothes, but she knew that the person she was trying to impress tonight would prefer the garment that flattered her curves much better. Or at least Grace thought. What she thinks looks good is typically the opposite of what she finds fashionable, but Grace hoped she got it right this time.
“Grace, what are you doing?” A voice says, prompting the redhead to turn from the mirror to meet the eyes of Will. He wore a red, knitted turtle neck sweater that made him look even more like a dork than usual. “We’re just having a small get-together, you look like a- a-“
“A whore? It’s 2018, don’t slut shame me. And what? A girl can’t dress up for her friends?” Grace responds, walking past him to the kitchen.
“Your friends are two gay men and a woman who’s going to be too high to remember what happens tonight.” Will remarks, following Grace.
“Sorry that I put effort into my outfits when people come over.” She replies, annoyed, grabbing the large bottle of Cabernet from the wine cooler.
“Last time Jack came over to watch Riverdale with you, you wore a stained sweatshirt and no pants.” He states, grabbing wine glasses from the cupboard.
“That was different, I was on my period.” She responds defensively. “Why do you even care?”
Will grins. “Because Jack is going to be devastated that you aren’t wearing the Christmas sweater he bought you.”
Grace narrows her eyes at him, only now noticing that his turtle neck has “Ho-Ho-Homo” in large white letters knitted into it “I am not wearing a sweater that says ‘Happy Hoe-nukah’.”
Will pours himself a glass of wine. “When did you become such a stick in the mud?”
Before she can respond, Jack enters the apartment with a loud “Happy Holigays!” He smiles brightly at the two of them, proudly sporting a “Fruitcake” knitted sweater. His expression quickly turns to a frown when he notices Grace. “What happened to your Chri- Hanukah sweater?” He pouts, placing his hands on his hips. “You look like one of Santa’s prostitutes.”
Grace rolls her eyes. “I thought I would dress up a little.” She leans against the counter, trying to pose.
“It’s a Christmas miracle.” He deadpans. “The one time you don’t have to look good you actually put effort in your outfit.” He flops onto the couch, crossing his legs. “Even if that effort is in vain.” He mutters.
Grace sighs in frustration. “Do you think Karen will be wearing her Christmas sweater? That woman hasn’t touched anything that wasn’t designer since I’ve met her.”
Jack rolls his eyes. “She’s gonna! She promised she would. And even if she didn’t, what’s your excuse? Is my Christmas sweater less tacky than anything you’ve worn in the last, I don’t know, twenty years?”
Will sits down on the couch next to Jack, stifling a laugh. “Grace, are you trying to impress Karen?” He asks through a smirk.
“No!” Grace’s denies, her face growing red from the comment. “I’ll put on the stupid sweater, you assholes.” She yells, walking towards her room to change. She can hear Jack say something about her being a lesbo but ignores it. The redhead struggles to unzip the short dress, turning her back to the mirror and trying to sneak a glance at where to reach. After a few minutes of struggle and a strained back, she unzips the dress and lets it fall to her feet, kicking it to the side. She rummages through her closet for some pants to wear, finding a pair of black jeans that were at least a little flattering. She then throws the ridiculous sweater over her head.
“Honey? Are you in there?” The familiar high-pitched voice makes Grace turn her head towards her closed door.
“One second!” She calls out, flattening the sweater, attempting to make herself look as attractive as she can in the stupid outfit. Thinking she looks presentable, she walks to the door and opens, meeting the judgemental eyes of Karen, though panning down the redhead sees that she kept her promise. The smaller woman wore a knitted sweater just like hers with the words “placeholder” on it. “Nice sweater.” Was all Grace could think to say.
Karen grabs at the fabric of Grace’s own sweater. “I’d say the same for you but I’m not Jewish.”
Grace can’t help but crack a smile, noticing that Karen does the same. The two had been playfully flirting ever since they met, but it’s been getting far more serious as of late. Grace knows that she shouldn’t give into these desires, considering that Karen is a married woman, but the brunette really doesn’t help by constantly seeing just how far she can go.
“Jack said you’ve been in here for twenty minutes, are you done rubbing one out?” Karen says with a smirk.
Grace blushes and looks away. “No! I was just changing. Believe it or not this wasn’t my first choice for an outfit.”
The two walk out of Grace’s room, the redhead can feel Karen’s hand brush against hers and her smile grows.
“Woah you two! Stop right there!” Jack exclaims dramatically.
“What?” Karen asks, slightly annoyed. “If I don’t have a drink in my hand in the next two seconds I’m going to be charged with a hate crime.”
Jack jumps over the back of the couch, tripping over himself. “Look up.” He says with a knowing grin on his face.
From the ceiling hung a small bundle of fake mistletoe, secured awkwardly with Scotch tape. Grace couldn’t help but laugh. “Jack, did you seriously put that up when I was changing?”
Jack looks away innocently, shifting his weight from foot to foot. “Who me?”
“Very funny, but we’re not gonna-“Grace is cut off as she feels her sweater being pulled towards her left, her lips crashing into Karen’s. Her eyes widen, but quickly close as she lets herself forget her surroundings and melt into the kiss, tasting the alcohol on Karen’s soft lips. She doesn’t know how long it lasts, and she doesn’t really care, either. She knows that this may be one of her only chances to give into her desires with Karen, and she will most certainly take it, no matter the teasing that she will inevitably get from the boys. The two disconnect, both trying to catch their breath, and she realizes that it must have been quite long for her to be so breathless. She looks down at Karen who gives her a quick wink before turning and walking down towards the kitchen.
“Sorry honey, but the faster we got that over with the faster I’d have a drink in my hand.” She pours herself a glass of Cabernet.
Grace, snapping out of her shock, looks over at the boys, who look equally as surprised as she is.
“Well, you’re welcome, Grace.” Jack says, satisfied.
“What? Why?” Grace asks, her face still flushed.
“My tacky Christmas sweater impressed Karen enough to get you the most action you’ve had in months.” He says, sitting back down on the couch. “You know that wouldn’t have happened if you decided to wear that dress.”
“What dress, honey?” Karen asks, joining the two boys in the living area.
“Green, short, adds thirty years.” Jack responds.
“Hm.” Karen says, sipping her wine. “Yeah, sorry Gracie but no way you would have gotten that with that mess on.”
The night goes on, the four drinking and chatting, enjoying each other’s company. Eventually they decided to watch a Halmark Christmas film and make fun of it, though Will fell asleep in the process, being a lightweight. Jack followed thereafter, leaning against the other man as he snored loudly. Grace and Karen were so enthralled in their own conversation that the hardly noticed the others had fallen asleep, only noticing when Jack snored particularly loud.
“Pussies.” Karen states, downing the last of her drink. “You’d never catch me passed out after a night of drinking.”
Grace raises an eyebrow. “I can think of multiple occasions.”
“I guess I should go, then.” Karen says, lifting from the couch, ignoring Grace’s comment.
Grace instantly feels the absence of warmth when the other woman leaves her side, only realizing now that they were sitting so close. “Why not stay the night?” Grace said before she understood the implication.
Karen pursed her lips. “Really, Grace? You’re trying to get in my pants on Christmas Eve? I know you Jews don’t celebrate it, but this is the lord’s day!”
Grace rolls her eyes. “Come on, Kare. It’s 2am.”
Karen noticeably softens, walking back over to Grace, grazing her fingers on her hips. “I’m kidding, Honey. I’ll stay.” She leans in slowly, closing her eyes, until their lips touch once again. The kiss was so different than the one before, soft and passionate, no rush. It felt like they could stay like this forever and Grace would be a happy woman. It felt too genuine to be a product of Karen’s pill-popping or drunkenness, it held too much intent, like this was the one thing the brunette is sure is right. This had to be right. Nothing could feel this good and be wrong.
They break away from the kiss just as slow as it began. “Merry Christmas, Gracie.”
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angstymarshmallow · 7 years
An Unexpected Christmas (Drake x MC)
[A little note: An anon requested a really interesting idea of MC spending Christmas with her family and then Drake suddenly arriving. I really liked the idea and wanted to work on it immediately; but I had to change my personal headcanon a little bit to fit it. Hope you all enjoy it!]
[Summary: The moment Robyn (MC) steps foot inside New York again; she is bombarded with how off everything feels. It isn’t until she realizes that family and Drake are more her home than anything else has ever been].
[Word Counted: 3445]
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It was different being back in New York. Robyn had anticipated the feelings of nostalgia and she wanted to embrace them wholeheartedly. She wanted to feel the unexpected urge to grab street meat after having fancy finger food for months – but being back had over-stimulated her senses. It hadn’t brought her the overwhelming sense of joy she hoped would grow in expectancy – there was relief, but there was no immediate pleasure in being here. She should be happy; that was what she told herself as she slunk inside Maxwell’s limo ride. She should be happy to be back, but she simply wasn’t.
She felt lonelier than she ever had before as Hana and Maxwell began conversing beside her; pointing and marveling at sights they saw from the safety of their windows. Not even Drake’s lingering presence close-by could lift her spirits. She kept her head low; eyes rooted to staring blankly outside the window during the entire ride towards their five-star hotel.  She made up excuses to her friends on arrival and stopped the bellboy from taking her suitcase. I need to go home, I need to get away.
She hadn’t uttered a single word out-loud until Drake stopped her with a brush of his touch by her arm. She blinked up at him; keeping her tone light before mumbling an apology she didn’t feel. She could hear them calling her back – heard the hurt inside Drake’s voice but she ignored it. She ignored all of it as she scrambled to catch the next taxi across Manhattan.
Her studio apartment felt too small, the air too stale and far too quiet the moment she stepped inside. As her eyes skimmed the room, searching for that distinct feeling of intimacy - her bright sunshine yellows and grey accented walls and décor stared obnoxiously back at her. They felt too much a flat this size, and too over-the-top-happy for her current predicament.
The seconds it took her in spotting the absurd mount of mail she missed since she had been away – her shoulders slumped.
Dropping her boots by the door, she padded across her carpeted floor after grabbing them. Taking a deep breath, she began sifting through the pile.
Junk. Junk. Junk. Bills. More bills. More junk.
Ugh, she couldn’t even begin to imagine how many things left unfinished awaited her. She was supposed to be happy being back inside her home, yet she felt a growing sense of distress the longer she sifted through the pile. Her hands paused. They hovered at the sight of one in particular, an unusually Christmas red and her eyes widened a fraction at the sight of her father’s handwriting scribbled hastily across.
Her brows furrowed.
Was she imagining things? Had her sleep deprived brain from an eight-hour flight driven her finally over that edge? She ran her fingers across the unusual gloss.
She deliberated quietly on tossing it; simply chucking it as far away from herself as possible. Yet the longer she held onto it; the more her curiosity grew and the letter inside her hand began feeling heavy. Slowly, she began unfolding it and held her breath as she read.
He was in New York, with her sister. As her eyes flitted across his crisply typed letter, apprehension grew. A business trip brought him here. He hadn’t felt comfortable enough in leaving her half-sister by her friend’s and had taken her with him instead. He mentioned how she was still adjusting to Berry High, and needed this break to re-cooperate after the half of her first semester she had.
He wanted Robyn to have Christmas dinner with them.
She bit her lip. Read it over and over again. She wasn’t sure what she was looking, yet her eyes kept traveling over his words insistently, as if some unknown was forcing her to re-read. She didn’t stop until vision blurred, and tiny droplets fell from her eyes; ruining the parts of his letter she read the most.
She hastily tried to wipe them clear, and fumbled to dry the letter on her sweater. She thought she wanted to be alone for Christmas; thought the longing for something inside her that had been restless since they landed - was missing home. Now she realized, staring at this stupid letter that she didn’t want to be alone. She wanted to be with them. The only family she had left.
She read his address one last time.
Swiping her keys, and grabbing her coat – she closed the door firmly behind and ran quickly down the stairs of her flat. She could make it for a dinner if she was fast enough.
Robyn rung the doorbell of the address her father left her an hour later.
She cleared her throat more than a dozen times, rehearsing what she thought was probable the moment he answered.
A lot had happened in the span of a year.
She changed more than she had thought possible. Yet; she wasn’t sure when the question came - how could she explain showing up unannounced without contacting him for a over a year? - Hey dad, sorry I’ve just been so busy in lately. Busy doing what you ask? Well giving up my dreams and working as a waitress – then running off for some fairytale fantasy in a foreign land at a chance of falling hopelessly in love. Then falling in love with the prince’s best friend instead of him. Yeah, the snarky ass captured my heart alright -  yes, very normal – so how are you doing?
No matter how many times she wracked her brain for a plausible explanation – everything sounded too far-fetched, too crazy to be true. Even for her. Sighing, she decided the best course of action was relied on being completely honest the moment he opened that door. To just blurt the first thought she had and regret it later.
She was ready with her thousand-watt smile and her bundle of heavily packaged excuses until the door swung wide open. Her smile faltered when she saw her standing there. Her sister. The girl she had never gotten the chance to meet or grow up with since her parents divorce. “Shit.”
Wearing a simple turtle-neck dress and multi-coloured socks, she was pretty – really pretty. Soft cheeks, mocha skin; the telltale signs of curly hair too unruly to tame easily - Robyn saw resemblances they both shared with their dad reflected back in front of her.  
“Uh hi,” The girl in front of her cleared her throat nervously. She couldn’t be more than sixteen.  “You must be Robyn.”
“Yeah….hi.” Robyn shifted on her feet before she held out a hand towards the younger woman. “Uh sorry about that,” she added lamely. “You must be Celine.”
The girl broke out into a smile so bright that Robyn felt compelled to return it. Instead of taking her outstretched hand, the younger girl pulled her into a tight hug. “We’re a hugging kind of family here,” she mumbled. “There’s no need for handshakes.”
Robyn froze for a moment; unable to understand how someone that was meeting her for the first time could be so open, so happy at the chance of seeing her. Slowly, she relaxed and hugged her back. Fighting back sudden tears, she spoke in a soft rush. “It’s so nice to finally meet you Celine.”
“You too,” Celine pulled back to beam up at her.
At the sound of something breaking inside, they both glanced warily behind them.
“What’s…going on?”
Celine heaved a sigh, “Dang it, dad.” She turned back to give her sister a sheepish shrug. “There’s probably something very scary waiting for us inside.”
“Ah.” Robyn suppressed the urge to laugh. “I take it dad’s cooking hasn’t gotten any better then.”
Celine laughed,; a hand flying over her mouth before shaking her head. “No, I’m afraid not. A lot of the time. I’m the one that cooks – if take-out isn’t an option.” Suddenly as if remembering something, she quickly stepped aside and motioned for Robyn to enter. “Excuse me - where are my manners? Come in. You must be seriously cold out there.”
Muttering thanks, Robyn stepped inside. Her stomach grumbled almost instantaneously the moment the scent of food wafted towards her nose. Yum, turkey and ham. “Is that dad –”
“Regrettably breaking something earlier? Probably.” Celine responded without missing a beat. “Something important inside a glass?” Celine rolled her eyes as she closed the door behind her. “Yes, probably.”
Robyn hid a smile. “He sounds like he might need our help.”
“Yes, let me just grab your coat.”
As Celine reached for her jacket, Robyn shook her head. “No, I’ve got it – thanks.” Instead of accepting the hanger, she tucked her jacket under her arm.
As they walked across the hall towards the kitchen’s light glow and festive music, they fell into silence.
“Dad! Robyn’s here!” Celine called. In a much softer voice, she said. “He was really nervous when he sent that letter out to you. But I knew you’d show up.”
Before Robyn could respond, they both heard him shuffling. “Robyn’s here?!” There was a brief pause until they stepped inside.
Mr. Tinsley nearly bumped into them, and the bowl of fruits he was holding threatened to slip out of his arms.
“Ah!” Celine reached forward in time to steady it from wobbling. “I’ve got it dad,” she took the bowl from him, shooting him a tentative smile before he nodded enthusiastically at her.
“Yes, sorry! Thank you, Celine-bear – just on the table for me, okay?” He told her quickly, “we’ll be right out behind you!”
Seconds passed between them and stretched into minutes as Celine disappeared into the hall.
He was older. A lot older than she remembered. There was grey in his hair, and slight wrinkles across his forehead. She couldn’t look at him for long without having the urge to avert her stare elsewhere.
He stared at her.
She stared at him.
For two people that usually had no trouble conversing, Robyn was finding it difficult to speak. What was there for her to say anyway? All the missed dance and ballet recitals were gone. All the dinners by herself had faded away too. She didn’t want to be bitter over something that happened years ago anymore.
“You look so much like her,” he abruptly said; voice cracking under the weight of his emotions. “You have her eyes, her smile –” he seemed to be talking to himself more than her. “I see her when I look at you.”
She changed the subject. “I brought wine.” She wasn’t ready to talk about her mother with him. Clearing her throat, she slid the bottle from her coat and waved it awkwardly until he took it from her. “It’s white.”
He read the inscriptions on it’s label, “and one of my favourites.” He smiled down at her, “you remembered.”
“Of course, I did,”
She wasn’t prepared for the hug, nor was she prepared for the tears that wanted to follow. Instead of allowing them to, she blinked back fiercely. “Merry Christmas Dad.”
“Merry Christmas Robyn.”
They hugged a few seconds longer, before they heard Celine calling them from the hall/ “Not to interrupt or anything – but we’ve been cooking all day and I’m going to pass out if I don’t get some food me.”
Laughing, Robyn pulled away first and followed quietly behind him.
The table was already set – decorated completely in red and blue napkins; with plates as pale as snow and dessert treats beside the ham and turkey, Robyn had anticipated scarfing down. She took a seat across from them, and rubbed her hands together at the sight of pasta and eggnog. “Geez, this whole table is a Christmas miracle for me.”
Celine laughed, “what do you mean? Don’t you usually have something like this around this time of the year?”
Robyn’s smile faltered. “No, it’s just kinda been me on my own for awhile.” She reached for the eggnog, “sometimes there’s friends and late night-shifts to keep me busy but, mostly Christmas gets kind of lonely for me.” She paused to make a face, “maybe I should get a cat.”
“I hear cats make great pets sometimes, my friend Maria has one.” Celine took a sip of her drink after pouring herself a cup of juice. “But don’t rule out hamsters. They can make for surprisingly snuggly pets.”
Robyn smiled. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”
“Besides,” Celine exchanged a look with their dad. “You don’t have to spend Christmas alone anymore, we’re here.”
He nodded, “and you can always visit us next year,” he kept his tone cautiously optimistic. She had a feeling he was worried about pushing her too hard. “If you wanted to of course.”
A year ago, Robyn would have flat-out declined his request; but a year she was a different person. She hadn’t wanted to get to know this newer version of her dad. A lot changed this year – Cordonia changed her. Her friend changed her. Drake changed her. She relaxed and raised her glass up for them to make a toast. “I’d like that.”
Their glasses clinked together unanimously, before an abrupt flurry of cautious knock erupted. It caused their dad to drop his handkerchief inside his lap. “Who on Earth would be here at this hour?” He squinted at the time and frown. “It’s dinner time.” It was nearly eight thirty in the evening.
“No, no.” Robyn stopped him from getting to his feet. “I’ll get it”
“But you’re our guest.” Celine protested.
“You two worked so hard on this meal, it’s the least I could really.” She was already moving faster than either of them to grab the door.  “I’ll tell whoever it is to bug off for another time.”
“Unless it’s the owners.” He hesitated. “Then I should probably get it.”
Robyn shook her head ruefully, before she stalked down the hall. She was finally getting somewhere – a place she hadn’t been with the family she had turned her back on the moment her mother needed her. She didn’t want anyone or anything to ruin this night.
She pulled the door open, “look whoever you are –” And stopped at the sight of Drake Walker outside their front porch.
His hair was a familiar mess. Deshelled as if he had jogged in order to arrive here. His hands were buried inside the folds of his dark jacket, and his eyes had been trained on his feet until he heard the door opened. His eyes – the darkest she had ever seen them, gazed up at her unflinchingly the second he heard the sound of her voice.
“Drake?!” She blinked in disbelief. Her heart had immediately made her feel several degrees warming at simply the sight of him. “What’re you doing here?”
His eyes were unmistakeably warm when they met her surprised stare. Whatever she had hoped to tell him was tossed out the window, the moment she saw him.
“Tinsley,” He greeted as if it was completely normal for him to be standing there.
“How did you –” She tried to find the right words, but fumbled to make any sense of this. “Why are you –” She took a deep breath. “How –”
“One at a time Tinsley.” He teased, eyes flashing in amusement. “But do you mind inviting me in? I’m freezing my ass out here.”
“Oh! Of course, yes,” Stepping aside, she waited for him to pass before shutting the door firmly behind him. She had a quick whiff of him as he passed – just before he could notice. He must have just taken a shower because she could still smell the scent of his aftershave. It was enough to crumble whatever willpower she had left.
“I’m actually spending Christmas with my family,” She bit her lower lip, “so this really isn’t a good time –”
He kissed her. Kissed her so hard that all she could do for a moment was grip the back of his neck as his lips ravaged hers. They were possessive; and she could feel how much he missed her – pouring from his lips. She kissed him back; knowing the second his arms enveloped her that she missed him too. When he pulled away, he was staring down at her intently. “Sorry, I was thinking about you all day” the corners of his lips rose. “I was worried about you when you left so suddenly earlier.”
She blinked up at him. “I should leave without warning more often –  especially if you’re going to keep greeting me like that.” She kept her fingers inside his hair, running her fingers through it before she smiled. “Kiss me again,” she mumbled softly. “Kiss me again so I know that this is real.”
His face softened. All the hard lines she had grown accustomed to, smoothed at the note of pleading inside her voice. He arched her chin upwards. The kiss was slow, thorough. He took his time exploring the softness of her lips, as if he was trying to convince them both that this was entirely their reality. When he pulled back, they were both breathing heavily. “I know you were spending it with your family, Hana told me and I was hoping –”
The loud clearing of her father’s throat from somewhere behind them, made them spring apart guiltily. The man folded his arms, eying Drake as if he were prey. “Who’re you, and why’re you kissing my daughter?”
Cheeks mottled red, Drake tried to stumble out an apology, “Sorry sir – I didn’t mean to intrude during your Christmas dinner.”
“And yet you are.” The man responded tersely.
“Dad, this is my – Drake,” Robyn bit her lower lip before swiftly backpedaling, “This is Drake, my friend.” She finished lamely. No dad, what I really mean is he’s the guy I’ve fallen in love with – the snarky ass that I can’t get enough of.
Drake scratched the side of his neck awkwardly as the man in front of them narrowed his eyes at their close proximity. “Well you see Mr. Tinsley, I couldn’t forgive myself if I just I didn’t do anything after seeing Robyn leave I knew she was hurting, and I’m a fool when it comes to people I care about. I care deeply about your daughter, sir.” His gaze slide to hers’ “in fact, I’m pretty sure I’m in love with her.”
“Drake!” Robyn gasped. 
Her heart sped up several beats at his sudden confession. A confession, she had spent weeks daydreaming of – somewhere else, completely alone. She couldn’t properly kiss him the way she wanted to by his admission, but she did slid her hand in his. She was flabbergasted, happy – almost bursting with the urge to suddenly jump his bones. She was feeling so many things at once; but most importantly as she met his stare – she felt love, radiating between them. His. Hers’.
From behind Robyn’s father, she could hear Celine’s excited squeal before the younger woman gave her sister a thumbs-up of approval.
“So, I guess you could say that makes me a pretty big fool,” Drake’s arm sagged around Robyn’s waist and she leaned into him; barely able to contain her grin.
“I guess that makes us both fools.” She corrected, dropping her hands to her side. She slid one inside his firm grip, entwining their fingers. “Because I’m in love with you too.”
“- Does that mean I’m getting a brother-in-law and my sister?” Celine spoke up, poking her head and peeking at them.
Their father scowled.
An uncharacteristic blush made Drake hastily clear his throat and avert his eyes. Robyn’s own cheeks flushed at the abrupt strain inside the air. It fizzled as Drake broke the silence. “Do you mind if I stay for a little while, sir?” Drake half-smiled in his direction. “I would love getting the chance to know you.” His eyes swept to Celine, “both of you.”
The clock overhead, ticked loudly. It was the only constant sound that had filled the current empty void, and the silence continued stretching until all eyes glanced at him. The rest of them were waiting for his answer. Slowly, Robyn watched her father’s expression lightened with a smile, and she released the breath she had been holding at the sight. “Alright. Pull up a chair Drake, dinner’s getting cold.”  
The three of them returned to their seats. Drake slid in the empty seat beside Robyn. Soft Christmas carols floated behind them, as they exchanged dinner conversations and food. 
Both Robyn and Drake chatted animatedly about Cordonia, the friendships she made and the ones he reluctantly accepted. They spoke briefly about King Liam and life at court before they finally brushed by the most important part of their story. Falling in love with each other.
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She told me once at a community christmas party i cried when i got a barbie when i wanted a truck. Of course i did get a truck. Growing up i played in the dirt making dirt cities with the next door neighbor guy friend then also play barbie’s and board games and nintendo Snorks And The Powerpuff Girls Shirt. I turned out just fine. Sure i turned out to be a tomboy but i had all guy friends through out life.
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My son plays with his sisters dolls and he burps them and feeds them and puts them to sleep .. Its very adorable to watch .. Makes me want to cry to see how sweet he has become and gental even with a doll. Just another scenario. My son wanted to play with his sister so he wanted boy dolls so he could play too. He played the father and brother role. I don’t see a problem with that.
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He also plays football and is very much a boy. As i read through these comments, i realized that every one i saw was from a woman… I would love to hear a dad’s perspective. Also, i am pleased to see that most mom’s encourage their child to be who they we’re born to be, and not who they wish their child would be. This entire conversation of girls playing with trucks and boys playing with dolls is entirely about people being afraid of their child turning out to be gay…
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Especially for the boys!!!  My daughter loves trains and tutus. She will play in the mud and then ask me to paint her nails. I let her explore and i let her decide what she likes rather than telling her what she should like. It is important to teach kids that their choices matter and that they have some control.  I agree with you ladies 100% if my son wants to play with dolls my son can play dolls i even bought him.
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His own boy my life doll yes ladies they have them look on walmart app and my daughter wants to play with cars and trucks and ninja turtles more power to her i’m not going to stop my kids from doing what they want to play with my son wants his nails painted well i’m doing his sisters and my own you know what i’m a let his nails get painted but only in the house.
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I don’t let my kids cry i teach them crying about it won’t fix anything that has nothing to do with gender but i wouldn’t want my son wearing pink a hate it on grown men. You can’t expect a child to make good decisions if you don’t first teach them what is right. Guide them. Kids need guidance don’t let them do wherever they want guide them to to their best man are men girls are girls that’s Snorks And The Powerpuff Girls Shirt choice. But never lose respect for one another.
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