anonymocha · 15 days
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Bluepoch gave us the gift of barely-subtext tragic sapphic-centric media do NOT throw that away.
Context regarding PJSK and Undertale under cut.
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Project Sekai cast is dominated by female characters but mlm is more popular, meanwhile Undertale has canon wlw rep and oh my god they’re at the bottom. I have nothing against these fandoms or media (I’m literally currently/was in them) but yeah. I just HOPE r99 doesn’t end up in a similar state.
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perplexingly · 8 months
would u recommend witch hat attelier? the art looks really nice im wondering if its got queer themes or at least strong female characters?
im not someone who needs things to be canonically sapphic to enjoy a project but i am at a point where I search out works that have a queer/feminist slant. Honestly just an interesting work without in my face straight romance or misogyny would be sick lol let me know if you think it fits that niche!
Yes, I would highly recommend it!! The first several chapters are a bit tropey and serve as an introduction to the world building and it’s laws - initially introduced at face value - but eventually the author uses this world as a means to discuss real life issues (eg about the education system and where it fails, about how hostile the system and the infrastructure are towards people with various disabilities, about abuse, poverty, the obstacles that queer people may encounter etc), and seems like recently her characters started questioning the establishment itself
There’s one canonically queer couple in the series - they’re side characters but got a decent amount of spotlight
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There’s a good amount of female characters (well, 4 of the main 6 characters are girls, but even beside them, there’s a good amount of adult women in the series as well), and there is one side character through which explicitly feminist issues have been discussed
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The series has a quite diverse cast in terms of gender presentation, skin colour, disability and character age
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Also by the way — when I mention side characters through which this and that has been discussed, I do want to point out that it’s one of these series that will leave the main cast to talk about the side characters for 60 pages straight, so by no means they have a small role.
(Also I do need to underline that the first several chapters are an introduction to the world and its system, the beginning feels like it’s filled with tropes that serve to bring the protagonist to a specific place - but I like the stories that the author tells after reaching that place)
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zoke-coke · 7 months
Okay here’s some emo band au shit. There are multiple bands, as the total drama part of the au itself is a battle of the bands competition. We got
The Drama Brothers
The one canon band. They’re a combination of every boy band—nonfiction AND fiction—ever. Consists of the same four (+ Sasquatchanakwa) as in the show.
System Flowers
I know I always call them “the emo band”, but they’re not really one set subculture. I mean, Duncan’s punk, Alejandro’s emo, Mal’s a metalhead, and Zoey’s goth at her core, but if you asked me to list their songs I’d give you an MCR album. Which makes me wonder, if they’re this universe’s MCR, does Twilight exist? Does 50 Shades exist? Does After exist, but as Drama Brothers? Anyway, their #1 rival band is the Drama Brothers. They also all kiss sometimes. They consist of:
Zoey - lead vocalist, can not play an instrument (represented in logo as a pink violet)
Mike (Mal/Svetlana) - guitar and bassist AND stunt artist (Svetlana) (represented in logo as a blue forget me not)
Duncan - drummer (represented in logo as a green button pom)
Heather - manager/keys (represented in logo as a white……..heather)
Alejandro - guitarist and vocalist (represented in logo as a red rose) (added to the band as competition to Justin)
Prime Time Lobotomy
Dark folk band composed of loons (affectionate and serious). Occasionally, they have screamo-like vocals with their fairy folk instrumentals. They’re probably all sapphics but I won’t say who dates who. The women:
Dawn - lead vocalist, but plays the flute when not singing.
Izzy - fiddle player, constantly tries to convince Dawn to let her yodel in the middle of random songs. She says she IS the lobotomy in the band name.
Jo - acoustic guitar. She was a last minute addition, but was convinced by Dawn. She said her soul needed some fun.
Eva - hand drums, or anything she can bang on.
Courtney was a ghostwriter who wrote music for various artists, who after her teenage years put out her own songs on YouTube and became an internet singer. She eventually became a big pop star, and that’s where she’s at now. I’d say she’s like… this universe’s Taylor? But I don’t know if I CAN say that
True goth girl. She writes on her own, but doesn’t really put any music out; she was accepted into the battle of the bands through a random raffle. Princess Charm School style. The first friend she really makes in this whole thing is Courtney. Courtney finds her weird, but… charming.
Before Alejandro joined System Flowers, he was in a duo music act with his brother. While their act was extremely successful, it was obvious José was the favorite and he knew it. He’d constantly put Alejandro down and take any spotlight he had. One performance Alejandro has enough of his bullshit and they have a very violent split, and he joins this competition as a way to get back at him.
Geoff and Bridgette
They’re married :) talk show hosts, a lot easier to talk to than Chris.
Chris McLean.
The main host. Put the show on to not give popularity to others, but to gain it himself. He was a one hit wonder years ago, for “I Wanna Be Famous”.
Yeah that’s it 👍 uhhhh oh yeah to clear up any confusion the contestants are all in their 20s, out of college. And it’s kinda just gen 1 and gen 2 cast. For now
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headcanonsandmore · 6 months
'A Feline Friend'
Summary: Tegan Jovanka gets turned into a cat. Vaguely sapphic hijinks ensue.
Yeah, I know; Tegan/Nyssa finally got confirmed within the world of the show (in 'Tales Of The TARDIS') and I responded by... writing a fic about Tegan turning into a cat. I have excuse for this, other than the idea is cute and I wanted to write it.
Read on AO3.
The Doctor clutched his hand, as blood began to appear in the scratch marks.
‘Oh, really, Tegan!’ he exclaimed, glaring down at the Australian. ‘There really is no need for that!’
Tegan hissed at him. Given that she had been turned into a cat barely a minute before, this made sense.
‘Looks like there is a need for that, Doctor,’ Turlough said, with a roll of his eyes. ‘I mean, you were messing around with that machine while Tegan happened to be standing in the spotlight next to it.’
The Doctor narrowed his eyes at the redheaded boy as he pulled a clean handkerchief from the pockets of his cream jacket and wrapped it around his bleeding hand.
The TARDIS had landed on an abandoned space station orbiting a lone star, and the Doctor had insisted on looking around. So far, it wasn’t going well.
‘You’ve always been rather cattish,’ Turlough said, now grinning down at Tegan. ‘Guess the appearance now matches the personality, eh?’
Tegan hissed irritably at Turlough, who gave a chuckle.
‘Doctor… what’s that noise… I heard Tegan cry out…’
At that moment, Nyssa of Traken entered the room. She looked from the Doctor’s guilty face to the small dark-brown cat that was currently sat amidst a pile of clothes.
The last daughter of Traken took a deep breath. She marched right past the Doctor.
‘Oh, Tegan...’ Nyssa said, kneeling down next to the cat, concern in her eyes. ‘I’m so sorry; I should have been here. Are you alright?’
Tegan did not hiss or growl, but instead leapt into Nyssa’s arms, giving a soft purr.
‘I think you best take Tegan back to the TARDIS,’ the Doctor said, quickly. ‘I’ll have a look and see if the machine has a counterpart in the next room; possibly a sort of reversal machine, if you will.’
With that, the time lord hurried away.
‘You best take her things too,’ Turlough said, pointing at the pile of clothing -plus one pair of shoes- still laying on the ground. ‘We don’t know how long it will sustain for. The last thing we need is Tegan ending up transforming back stark-’
‘Yes, thank you, Turlough,’ Nyssa replied, quickly, as she carefully picked up Tegan’s clothes. ‘I understand what you mean.’
‘Course you do,’ Turlough said, with a snicker as he picked up Tegan’s shoes. ‘She scratched the Doctor and hissed at me, but she couldn’t jump into your arms fast enough.’
Nyssa found her cheeks flushing.
‘I don’t follow.’
‘I mean that Tegan’s always liked you the most,’ Turlough chuckled. ‘Don’t try to deny it; we all know it’s true.’
‘Tegan cares for us all.’
Turlough rolled his eyes, with another chuckle.
‘Whatever you say. C’mon; we best get back to the TARDIS.’
The Doctor appeared in the console room about ten minutes later, with bad news.
‘No reversal machine, I’m afraid,’ he said, smiling at Nyssa in what he clearly thought was a placating way. ‘But nevermind.’
‘Nevermind?’ Nyssa repeated, horrified. ‘Nevermind? Doctor, Tegan is now a cat!’
‘Her mind is the same,’ the Doctor replied, cheerfully. ‘It’s just her physical form that has been changed; by the looks of things, the effect of the transmogrifier should wear off in a few hours.’
He looked down at Tegan, who was still cradled in Nyssa’s arms.
‘Hopefully,’ he added.
‘Doctor!’ Nyssa exclaimed. ‘We can’t leave Tegan like this! After all, we can’t very well turn up at the Jovanka family farm and tell her parents that their only daughter now has claws and a tail!’
‘She’ll be fine,’ the Doctor said, already hitting buttons on the console. ‘No machine like that can transmogrify a person permanently. It may take a while to wear off, but it should do it nonetheless.’
‘Just like you said that you should be able to get Tegan back to Heathrow Airport.’
The Doctor narrowed his eyes as he turned to look at her.
‘That’s not fair, Nyssa.’
Nyssa glared at him.
‘My best friend is currently spitting up a hairball, Doctor; excuse me for being a little harsher than normal. I can’t always be your little peacemaker, you know.’
And the Doctor did know it. They had never really discussed it but, ever since Tegan had been left by mistake at Heathrow, Nyssa had found herself less and less interested in playing the role of the negotiator between the Doctor and the others. It wasn’t just that the fact that it had become almost expected of her, but also that she was no longer that scared orphan who had ended up in the TARDIS due to a lack of other options. It had been a long time since she had left Traken. She had grown up. And she had absolutely no intention of being continually treated like a young girl whose only role was to stop everyone else yelling at each other.
And especially not when the Doctor tried to hand-wave her concerns away when he had put Tegan in this bizarre situation to begin with. Without so much as an apology to the Australian.  
‘I… yes, I suppose you’re right,’ the time lord acquiesced, wilting slightly under the young woman’s glare. ‘Maybe you ought to take Tegan back to your room? The familiarity may help to speed things up.’
Nyssa nodded, curtly, and carried Tegan through the doors and along the corridor. The TARDIS hummed softly around her, turning the lights up as she continued along to the room that she shared with Tegan.
The door swung open on it’s own accord. Nyssa got the distinct impression that the TARDIS knew that she was in a concerned mood, and was trying to help ease things as best as it could.
Crossing the room, she placed Tegan and her things down on the bed, before kicking off her own shoes.
‘How is she?’
Turlough had entered, carrying Tegan’s shoes.
‘Still much the same, I’m afraid,’ Nyssa sighed, as she took the plimsolls from the redheaded boy and placed them neatly at the bottom of the wardrobe. ‘I was hoping that the familiarity of the room might help things.’
‘Nevermind,’ Turlough said. ‘At least it’s quieter without her constantly-’
‘Oh, don’t you start!’ Nyssa exclaimed, hotly, as her temper suddenly rose again. ‘Is it any wonder that Tegan’s closest to me, given how unpleasant you and the Doctor both are to her?’
Turlough raised his hands in a placating gesture.
‘Fair point,’ he said, gently. ‘Maybe I am being a bit harsh but… that’s pretty familiar to Tegan too. Maybe me bickering with her might change her back?’
Nyssa frowned, sitting down next to Tegan on the bed.
‘It’s still very rude,’ she said. Tegan climbed over Nyssa’s legs, settling into her lap. Without thinking, the Trakenite began to stroke her back, and Tegan gave a soft purr. Nyssa found herself smiling fondly at her friend; her fur was surprisingly soft.
‘I’ll leave you to it, then,’ Turlough said. ‘Probably best if I’m not here when she changes back. I think you’ll appreciate the sight more than I will, to be honest.’
Nyssa felt her face burn again.
‘Oh, ha ha.’
Turlough chuckled, and left, closing the door behind him.
Nyssa sighed. Turlough was right, of course, but that wasn’t the point. What… what if Tegan didn’t turn back? The Doctor had insisted that the effects wouldn’t be permanent, but what if they were long-lasting? Who knew how long it would take before Tegan changed back to her usual appearance?
Nyssa would be there, regardless of how long it might take.
‘Oh, Tegan…’ she said, scratching her friend behind the ears. ‘Don’t listen to him, I’m sure he doesn’t mean anything by it.’
Tegan looked up at her, one ear tilted as if curious.
‘Nevermind,’ Nyssa sighed. ‘I’m sure you probably won’t remember this after you turn back, anyway.’
At that moment, the TARDIS speakers began to play a song, presumably of Earth origin.
“Everyone wants to be a cat…”
Tegan hissed at the TARDIS, which seemed to shudder in almost a laugh. Tegan darted forwards, and promptly crashed into several containers of make-up that were lying haphazardly on the bed.
Nyssa hurried forward, and hoisted Tegan out of the resulting cloud of foundation, laying her gently on the floor.
‘Oh, Tegan, your fur is all sticky!’
Tegan looks bashfully up at Nyssa, eyes tilting downwards.
The Trakenite chuckled.
‘Come along, you need to have a wash.’
Tegan seemed to freeze, and Nyssa took the opportunity to take her in her arms, carrying her through into the bathroom.
She set Tegan down in the bath, before grabbing the shower head and turning the water on. She adjusted the temperature until it was just right, and then began to wash the make-up out of Tegan’s fur. The Australian didn’t flinch as Nyssa had been expecting her to, and seemed to move her head slightly so Nyssa could clean it better.
Nyssa giggled.
‘I never thought I’d end up washing you,’ she chuckled.
Tegan meowed, tilting one of her ears to let the water out.
Once the make-up had been removed, Nyssa turned off the water, before grabbed a towel from nearby and set to work drying Tegan off.
‘There, all better now!’ Nyssa said, with a final rub of Tegan’s fur with the towel. ‘Look at you, all clean and lovely!’
Tegan shook herself, before looking up at Nyssa.
Giggling, the Trakenite carried her friend out of the bathroom, setting her down on the Australian’s bed.
There was a sudden jostling movement, and the TARDIS seemed to wobble precariously around them. The lights dimmed.
Without thinking, Nyssa grabbed Tegan, holding her friend gently to her chest and rolling sideways on the bed to stop the Australian falling off. The lights turned off and on several times, and there was a horrible sound of shuddering. 
Nyssa cradled Tegan in her arms.
‘Don’t worry,’ she whispered, softly into the Australian’s ear. ‘I’m here. I won’t let anything hurt you, Tegan. I promise.’
Tegan gave a very soft meow.
Slowly, the turbulence reduced before eventually ending, and the lights returned, albeit in a soft, mellow quality that gave a peaceful atmosphere. Nyssa could faintly hear the sounds of Doctor and Turlough arguing in the console room.
Nyssa lay down on her back, with Tegan lying on her chest. She cuddled the Australian close to her. After all, when would she ever get this chance again?
The cat looked down at her, smiling softly.
‘Oh, Tegan...’
She pressed a soft kiss to Tegan’s forehead.
There was a bang, and Nyssa was suddenly aware of a whole lot more pale skin in front of her than there was a few seconds before. And that her lips had somehow ended up pressed up against Tegan’s. As was several other parts of Tegan’s body, now that the Australian- returned to human form- was lying on top of her.
And that Tegan wasn’t wearing anything.
Oh my…
If Tegan felt uncomfortable by this, she didn’t make it known. Rather the opposite, as she deepened the kiss, her hands gently reaching around and pulling her closer.
Nyssa felt her heartrate rapidly increase. Oh, this was rather wonderful. Tegan’s lips were soft and gentle against her own, and she could feel a lot of rather lovely parts of Tegan’s anatomy pressing against her.
Their lips broke apart. Tegan stared down at Nyssa, eyes sparkling.
‘Er… Tegan?’
‘You should probably put some clothes on. Not that I mind you lying in the nude on top of me, but our bedroom door doesn’t have a lock on it.’
The two women giggled.
‘You sure? Pretty sure the TARDIS will create a lock for us if we ask.’
Sure enough, there was a gentle popping noise on the door, and the new lock activated.
Laughing, Nyssa kissed Tegan again, her hands slipping down the Australian’s back to rest on… well, they both knew exactly where.
‘Welcome back, Tegan.’
Thanks for reading, everyone; hope you enjoyed it!
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danggirlronpa · 5 months
i'm going to be completely honest, what's the point of this blog if you're going to have men be apart of it at all? doesn't that defeat the target audience of this blog?
Many artists post pieces that involve both men and sapphic art, whether that is because there are multiple pieces on the same post, whether it is a comic that involves several ships, or there is a poly ship wherein a f/f couple within the relationship is given the spotlight. While this functions as a fan blog, it is first and foremost an archival project! That means the focus is on preserving pieces that fit the criteria, not in curating posts that don't fit the criteria. I'm looking to capture everything within a net rather than to exclude everything outside the net.
Ultimately, there's not really a version of this project that has no boys whatsoever. There are boys who will appear less often - i.e. I am in record as being The Ultimate Byakuya Hater - but its inevitable that they'll appear on the blog occasionally. Because there are really good pieces about the girls that also involve the boys! For example, if you look through the Sakuraoi tag, you'll find a number of posts involve both Sakuraoi and Ishimondo. Those works are still sapphic, and should still be preserved.
Ultimately, this is a poll primarily to determine how far into this I should lean. To be honest, I would also prefer this to be a no-boys blog. But that's just not reasonable based on what I want this project to be! Polling determines the distance I should take on some of those gray areas, and tells me based on results if I need to make them a strong minority, or if I should continue queueing them at the same rate I do all the other posts.
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franollie · 1 month
you said you were looking for asks so i thought i'd jump in with: 3 (or 5, whichever you'd prefer) favourite comics ever? if you're feeling fancy, two lists, one in terms of quality of the actual comic, and one in terms of character moments etc
Ok so i'll make a list of my top 10 and say why (i'm also not exclusively doing DC comics but they are the majority):
Batgirl (2000): do i even have to explain this one? the art and visual storytelling makes me ill, the way it explores cass's character through her relationship with established characters like bruce and babs, the way cass is so fucking unhinged, the mother-daughter comparisons with shiva&babs vs the father-daughter comparisons between cain&bruce AASSFHFKSDF. ILL.
The New Teen Titans: this one holds a lot of nostalgia for me because it was one of the first comics I read! They were the first team i really latched onto and by extension the first characters i really felt strongly about. Rereading it as an adult and seeing how it still holds up is soooo incredibly satisfying (dickkory was baby's first otp)
Spinning by Tillie Walden: technically cheating because this is a graphic novel but I'm counting it because it's included under the umbrella of sequential art. it's a autobiographical graphic novel about tillie walden's experience growing up a lesbian in the south (of the US) through their relationship with figure skating. i really relate to it and it's a massive inspiration for me and i think everyone should read it
Impulse (1995): ...i'm audhd...it hits a very special and specific place in my heart...but in all seriousness i love the shape language and the character dynamics. god the cast is soooo fun
Robin & Batman: i love introspection and this whole comic is just Dick Grayson introspection. The way it covers Dick's emotional state post his parents death and how Bruce didn't really know how to help Dick outside of guiding him in channeling his grief into being a vigilante makes me insane...also the alfred characterization in this...the implication that he thinks he made the wrong choice by enabling Bruce and wanting to rectify that by not enabling Dick...
Spider-Gwen (2015): The art and concept is what drew me into this comic. I've been a spiderman fan since I was a little kid and the idea of gwen stacy being the spider person...AND SHE WAS A DANCER.. i was hooked. I love gwen as a character on a meta level and in general; she's my girl
Convergence Batgirl: listen...the implications this comic has about steph and cass's relationship...the "what do my eye's say" scene...lovers. teeny tiny baby run but im still counting it as a comic
...Is it cheating to say Young Justice 98? Imma say Young Justice 98: it was a gateway to me finding a bunch of characters that are now my faves. It shines a spotlight on characters we don't see all that often (like Cissie, Cassie, Anita--girl i miss you) I think about this comic constantly
Tea Dragon Society: another graphic novel! this is a comfort read for me! it's cozy it's sapphic it's a low-stakes
Batman/Huntress Cry for Blood: again this feels like kind of cheating BUT its my list so this is what I'm going with. This was my introduction to Helena and omg the feelings i have about her because of this comic...she makes me bonkers...the things i'd do for this woman
Bonus: JLI (i have not ever finished this one but i've started it many times and i love it i just need to actually finish it)
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Hey y’all, this is my first time posting here but I think I have some stuff to say…?
So I was just watching old Gaylor videos from really early on in Taylor Swift’s career when I stumbled across a video of pictures of Tay with a voiceover of Chely Wright talking about being queer and in the public eye. The link is here:
Overall, her words really drove home, at least for me, the very real reality that people in the spotlight are struggling with in terms of their sexuality, and hiding relationships, and not being able to come out because they have so much to loose.
There are a few things that Chely says that really caught my attention. One of these was:
“It’s going to keep going until someone who has something to loose stands up and just says I’m gay… we need a huge, huge star, at the top of their field, the very top, to stand up and say I’m gay.”
She goes on to say:
“Nate Berkus said it so beautifully on the Larry King show the other night when I was on with him. He said , ‘Where are our heroes?’
Now, this second quote reminds me of the thoughts of other gaylor creators that I’ve seen on tumblr and tiktok (thank you to those creators you’re amazing keep up the amazingness) talking about how with Anti-Hero, Taylor is telling us that she can’t be the queer icon that we need her to be.
I think that it’s possible that this theory ties into this interview with Chely Wright. I mean, Taylor and Chely have known connections, and it’s not a reach to imagine that Taylor has probably heard this interview, right.
So the idea is that Taylor is telling us that she isn’t this hero. She can’t be this person, this ‘huge star at the top of their field’ that will say she’s gay and be our hero. How she will keep baiting us, keep queer flagging and leading us on but never come out. This message really ties in well to the message of Anti-Hero, and I think the lyrics ‘I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror’ are extremely telling of that. She’s saying that she’ll give us cryptically messages, queer flagging, go the long and painful road, but she isn’t going to face the reality of what’s in-front of her and just come out.
I also think that the line ‘All of my heroes die all alone’ from The Archer may be related to this interview. Again with the use of the word ‘hero’, I think Taylor might be referring to how many queer women from history have been closeted until their death. Take Emily Dickinson for example (We know that Taylor draws inspiration from her in her songwriting). Emily Dickinson was secretly in a relationship with her brother’s wife. She was a sapphic woman and no one was aware until her death when all of her poems and letters were found. I think maybe Taylor is saying that she’s hopeless in her own journey of coming out because of how historically, all of her ‘heroes’ never came out and were only discovered to be queer after their deaths.
In my opinion, this lyric also nicely describes how Taylor feels as a closeted queer woman. How she is queer but doesn’t feel part of the community as she isn’t out, ‘die all alone’, she’s worried that she will never have the opportunity to be a part of the queer community because she might not ever have the chance to come out (I’ll talk more on this topic in another post).
A very similar line to this (‘All of my heroes die all alone’) is found is ‘You knew the hero died so what’s the movie for’. Now, I subscribe to the common Gaylor belief that Taylor was originally going to come out during Lover era but her plan was ruined by the Masters Heist, and this line, in my opinion, has failed coming out writen all over it. I believe this lyric reflects how Taylor was going to be the hero, she was going to be the big star that says ‘I’m gay’, but then she didn’t so ‘the hero died.’
Now on the surface, ‘so what’s the movie for’ could be interpreted as how Miss Americana may have originally been Taylor’s coming out, or contained scenes and things where Taylor was openly queer but then obviously they had to cut that stuff out. We know that there were things saying that Karlie Kloss was originally listed as part of the cast… but we’ll never know now.
I think a deeper analysis of this lyric concedes to how Taylor is still queer flagging. She’s still giving us these signs. The lyric could also be in reference to how most of her fan base completely ignores and dismissed her queer flagging. She could be asking ‘why am I still doing this if no one is getting it and I can’t come out.’
Now there are a heap more mentions of ‘heroes’ throughout Taylor’s discography, for example:
Long Live ‘you held your head like a hero on a history book page’
My Tears Ricochet ‘And you were the hero flying around saving face’
Tolerate It ‘I greeted you with a battle hero’s welcome’
Now there are more than this but I think these are some of the more likely to be references to queer themes.
So yeah, that’s my thoughts. I’ve been stewing on this for a long time and I heard Chely Wright say all that and everything just kind of fell into place in my mind. Thank you for coming to my TED talk tonight.
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bengiyo · 1 year
My School President Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
It's finally Frigay and we're back to my favorite boys. We are at an incredible time in BL.
Last week, the music club needed to create a new arrangement of a song to show off their talents for the competition, and so decided to cover Just Being Friendly by Tilly Birds (much to the chagrin of everyone except Por). After a rough start, Tiwson stepped in to direct the music video and launch three ships. Tinn and Gun got closer over the course of the episode and finally openly admitted their feelings for each other. We also all melted in a fever over the homages to Bad Buddy in this show. Finally, I actually liked the music video so much I barely noticed Tinn and Gun flirting over chicken.
I'm with Win. I hated morning assemblies when it was especially sunny on the Gulf Coast.
Sound feels like a full member of this band now. That's been done really smoothly.
I am 100% here for flirty Tinn.
New intro! We've now reached the back half of the show.
Happy for Chinzilla, but curious who their juniors are who will succeed them.
Oh, now I need to know who Yo is seeing.
This feels like early Thai BL again with the school radio being a plot device.
Flustered Gun is fun to watch almost as much as unleashed Tinn.
I'm so glad Mark keeps getting the 4th wall-breaking lines. "I play a friend, a brother, a father, and a priest. I play every role for you guys. If you want me as the male lead too, that'd be too much spotlight."
Yes, there are five tickets. Two secret couples and a witness. Let chaos reign.
Oh, Gun. There's no need to be jealous.
I do love student plays. It's just so silly sometimes. Also, Mark is demolishing this role as Tiwson.
Noooo... Yo used Tinn's likeness on Tinder. This is so embarrassing.
Good framing on that voting scene.
This season of simps have been fantastic. Tinn, Vincent Liang, and Kim Jong Chan are giving me everything I want.
That's right, boys. Get dressed up for your not-date.
Oh my goodness are they actually sending Tinn on the date with this poor girl first?
Win and Sound are so ridiculous. I love them.
Sapphics? On Frigay? It's more likely than you think.
Win is so petty.
Pinky touches for the gays at the aquarium? We stay winning.
We had nipple twisting yesterday in Dirty Laundry, and we're getting it here today.
At least Pain doesn't seem super nervous about being at the aquarium that she can nap.
Three fingers, Tinn?? I see you, baby boy! These two are adorable when they're enamored.
Yeah, I think Yo deserved that slap, but I get that he was searching for validation at the time.
I hope we get to see the student plays before this is over.
Oh no they're going to dance.
Of course Tiwson taught them to dance.
No, Tinn, don't be that person who tacks on to someone else's moment.
It's Yak with a steel chair!! What a great twist.
I hope we keep coming back to pools whenever these two get closer.
We're past pinky touches and now holding hands.
Oh ho! Things are coming to a head next week. Wonder what that means for the final act of this show.
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go bestie expose your feelings about the ending😔✌️
before i say anything, these are my OWN opinions! no one take them as me speaking for everyone. you can either respectfully discuss in the reblogs/replies or make your own post if you disagree that much, thank you!!
everything else is under the cut bc oh gosh this is actually pretty long lmao (dw, I have a TL;DR at the end)
let me start with the LOWS of the episode and work my way to a more positive light :)))
first off, we had no resolution to the fob watch/timeless child arc. I can still understand this bit because it's part of the mystery, but it feels like there's so much plot whose ends they still haven't tied together. did she just drop the fob watch containing ALL HER PAST MEMORIES inside the TARDIS and ignore it?? did the doctor really not tell yaz about the memories? did she do that offscreen? like- what? they set up so many plots and didn't even end up continuing them like they deserve
next is how they handled sapphic ships, specifically lesbian ships. I don't know much about the classic companions but from what i've seen, tegan and nyssa are supposed to be together and ace is lesbian-coded, but what we got was retconned tyssa and ace flirting with graham?? and I also disliked how they implied that tegan's life was so dull after being left by the doctor.
they also didnt resolve thasmin at all like?? they gave yaz SO MUCH character development and it looked like her relationship with 13 was gonna have a better resolution because of how they added more of it in EOTD and LOTSD but no?? what happened to "I want to tell you everything" and "if it was gonna be anyone it would've been you"? they just ended it with a nod and walking away silently? now here, I can understand that they both don't want to say goodbye (the doctor bc she hates goodbyes and yaz bc she's holding out hope that they may see each other again) BUT we deserve more than just that. (maybe this is bc I was imagining a killing eve s3 finale-esque goodbye wherein both yaz and the doctor stop in their tracks and turn around for a final goobye kiss, but that's on me lmao)
in addition to that, why is it that the first sapphic doctor is the only one who didn't get a kiss in her entire run, when she had so much chances to kiss yaz? and please don't say "we know it's confirmed to be romantic so we don't need the kiss" bc we have had enough shipping based on subtext and post-show confirmations. i agree that physical touch doesn't define a relationship but can't we have it this once? would it be so hard to give us this on their final day?
finally, imo they hardly gave enough time for jodie to say goodbye to her role properly. it would still have been ok if the episode was only filled to the brim with classic who nostalgia, but then they made her regenerate to 10. instead of giving her (the first female doctor) or ncuti (the first black doctor) the spotlight, they decide to bring back the most popular (and most used) doctor, david tennant. don't get me wrong i LOVE david as a person, but there's a difference between bringing someone back for a cameo and overusing them. with all honesty, I'm tired of him and ten 🤷.
and not only that, they took their most popular (white male cishet) doctor, aka the one that most if not all NMDs compare jodie to, and put him at the end as a cliffhanger? like he was the one they should have been waiting for? they must know that they're diverting people's attention away from appreciating jodie's ending and ncuti's beginning. I keep seeing stuff on twitter like "finally, the good doctor who! they're gonna restore doctor who back to its formal glory! this will prove that the female doctor was a mistake!" which is UTTER BULLSHIT
now here are the HIGHS of the episode because there were a lot of them too:
I LOVED how this episode gave closure to some of the classic companions, aka tegan and ace. I squealed when ace called the doctor "professor" and I'm glad they didn't shy away from showing that a previous companion was (rightfully) upset with the doctor. and all the callbacks! the nitro 9, ace's jacket, and her bat, too. don't even get me STARTED on the "support group for former companions" because that was amazing. IAN WAS THERE?!?!? and it gives such a good open end to them, not only for future projects but also for fanfiction lmao.
the plot of this episode was impressive and fun. its length contributed significantly because it defo wouldn't have worked if it wasn't as long. I really wasnt expecting it to make as much sense as it did because it was a great undertaking, but I'm glad it did. it showed the best parts of chibnall's take on doctor who (utilizing iconic classic who elements well and his own take on history).
THE CHARACTERS!!! gahdamn I loved how they gave the characters their own jobs that only they can handle, like kate and tegan with the cybermen (bc of their history with them), ace with the daleks (same reason, her history) and yaz saving the doctor (bg their PARALLELS here I wanna bawl).
I was also obsessed with the master in this episode!! Sacha played him as such an unhinged little pathetic brat man (affectionate) but he also proved that he was more than capable of delivering powerful scenes. compare the humour of the rasputin dance sequence vs the master so desperately wanting to be the doctor because he feels lonely. he's one of the consistently great things about this episode. i will be hearing RA RA RASPUTIN on repeat in my head for the foreseeable future (as well as thirteen's theme 😭😭😭).
Yaz taking charge!!! my little badass who's grown from being unsure about facing a potential threat in s11 to kicking (the master's) ass, saving ace, flying the tardis like it was nothing, and reversing a regeneration?!?! and not to mention Mandip's acting. she's proven that she has the range of badass action, deep emotion, hilarious comedy, and just raw heart. she's amazing, showstopping, phenomenal. and out of my favourite companions, yaz is the one I connect to the most, both with her struggles (in her mental health, in growing as a person, and in learning she's queer) and her strengths (hopefully her heart, her love for friends, her courage), so to see her grow at the same time as I have is so special to me.
finally, people may disagree with me on this, but I love thirteen's regeneration speech, due to the fact that she did not do it on her own, she didnt just talk to herself on that cliffside (that was just the last bit). most of her speech was to YAZ, her companion, her friend, the one who's supposed to be the viewer's stand-in. her entire message of "goodbyes only hurt because what came before was so special, and it's been so special. no body else got to be us, no body else got to live our days, no body. and my hearts are so full of love for all of you" was not just the doctor to yaz, but jodie and mandip to us. and idc if yall don't like her last words, "Tag, you're it" is SO THIRTEEN and is instantly iconic.
TL;DR I disliked: the abandoned fob watch plot, how they handled sapphic/lesbian characters, the way they hinted at thasmin but never properly resolved them, nostalgia overtaking Jodie's time to say goodbye, and yet another doctor played by david tennant, who I think is overused I LOVED: the closure this gave to tegan and ace, both of them and kate being given unique spotlight, the Former Companion Support Group™️, Sacha Dhawan as the Master, Mandip GIll as Yaz, seeing how much yaz has grown, Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor, aaand 13's regeneration speech (which was directed to yaz and to us, not just to herself)
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prose-mortem · 1 year
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Stars Collide by Rachel Lacey ARC Review
Rating: 4/5 Stars
Stars Collide is a lovely sapphic romance that takes its time with all the delicious details!
Anna and Eden are two stars in the music industry who decide to collaborate for a shared tour. Anna is a 27-year-old rising star who wants to grow her fan base and generate a larger presence in the music world, while Eden, a 36-year-old, seems to be fading out of the limelight as a recent divorcee whose most recent album release did not do as well as she had hoped. Anna has been obsessed with Eden since girlhood, and since she has left her abusive ex (Camille) in the past, she can't help being starry-eyed over touring with her childhood idol. Eden is lonely after ending her marriage with her husband and is uncertain about what to do next with her life and her career. Anna is an out and proud pansexual while Eden is hetero… Or so she has thought for many years.
As the two women launch their tour and deal with the difficulties of being celebrities in the spotlight, they develop a close relationship with each other. Anna is afraid of scaring Eden off since all initial signals indicate that Eden is straight, and Eden's role as Anna's newfound mentor- and the fact that she has the upper hand in their tour contract- reminds Anna of the old power dynamics between Anna and her abusive ex. Eden has always believed that she just can't connect to romance in the same way other people seem to, so when she starts experiencing fireworks around Anna, it throws her for a loop. Can sexuality change over a person's lifetime? Has she learned something new about herself that she simply did not know before? The need to generate positive responses from fans to save Eden's failing career, alongside Anna's inexperience in the music industry creates an urgent background as the two women bond and develop feelings that have the power to change the course of their futures.
I loved the entire ride! Stars Collide is a slow-burn romance with two extremely likable FMCs. I read a lot of sapphic romances, and sometimes I skew toward really liking one character and not liking the other one at all, which ruins the book for me. Not so with this one! Lacey has done a superb job creating flawed characters who are 100% human, but who are people I would love to meet in real life. Watching Anna mature as a stage performer and Eden find her confidence in intimate relationships made the book unputdownable. I read it in a single afternoon! I am so thankful the author wrote an older (not old, just older than the average 19-year-old FMC in romances) character who discovers her sexual orientation later in life, rather than in teenagehood. I often find myself going to read YA contemporaries to find coming-out stories, but there aren't as many in adult fiction. I know so many people will feel seen because of this representation since many people do not figure out their entire sexual or gender profile in their teen years. Self-discovery takes place all throughout a person's life, and I love the fact that this was explored in Stars Collide!
Thank you to NetGalley, Rachel Lacey, and the publishers at Montlake for sending me an e-ARC! I will definitely be placing this on my list of top sapphic romances to recommend to friends and followers.
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stormyoceans · 1 year
Do we think last twilight need a second couple? Just curious
but at the same time i have to admit that i personally don't really feel the need for a side pairing in last twilight. i think mork and day's story is already going to be complex and compelling enough as it is, and since we're finally getting a main character with disability i'd much prefer the focus to remain on them. like please don’t get me wrong, heart’s storyline in moonlight chicken is incredibly important and should not be forgotten, but it's also part of a bigger narrative that gives the spotlight to a lot of different characters, while last twilight has the chance to put disability front and center, to show how you can learn to accept it and still find purpose and meaning and love in life. i also think there are a lot of possibilities to explore when it comes to such different characters (from background to social class to personality), who only have in common feeling lost and no longer being able to see a future for themselves, slowly getting to change each other and fall in love and build a new life together
so yeah, im not totally opposed to the idea of a side pairing in last twilight, especially if it’s a sapphic one, but i also want morkday to be portrayed with all the care and attention and time they deserve, so i'd also be more than fine with them being the only couple in the show!!!
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alfredolover119 · 2 years
oKAY i am back so it is time for the next random question:
top five jjk characters you would want as a sibling and top five you would Not want 👀
finally one i can answer with this guy as number 1:
1. choso. obviously this is so so so obvious. he is the best brother ever. Ever. he actually IS my brother
2. nobara. i mean c'mon she is ACHING for some good sister time. she would be the best sister ever wtf. she would help me dye my hair and we would paint each other's nails and bully each other to no end. sapphic on sapphic sibling violence etc etc.
3. geto. i think if he had siblings he would be a normal person ((idk if he has siblings i don't remember that from the manga. i don't think he did.)) aka I Could Fix Him. like if he had siblings then he would've been used to hating/loving someone, sharing the spotlight with them, etc etc. not that that is what made him go 😵‍💫😵‍💫 but. i think if he had sibling he would've had more endurance. I COULD HAVE FIXED HIM.
4. YUUTA!!! i wanna be his bro. i wanna run into him in the kitchen at 4am. i wanna ruffle his hair and make fun of him. i wanna hug him in a familial way. i know there's not a lot known about his parents n all but. idk i think we could be bestie siblings. plus rika as a curse in law? sick /pos.
5. panda. i think it would be fun to play mariokart with him. he would be such a sore loser. i would pummel him. but also he already acts like Such A Brother. man.
5 i do NOT want as siblings, in no particular order
- gojo. absolutely the fuck not. i am already a youngest sibling with two very tired out older parents i could not stand having such an attention whore as my brother. like i know it isn't all intentional on his part but. absolutely not. i would be sewer slidal. i would join geto's cult just because i would hate gojo so much. out of all the relations to have w him i think sibling would be the worst. the six eyes infinity thing would just really suck to be around. i love him but. Not like a brother
- maki & mai. does this need explanation. i am not touching the zen'in clan with a 50 foot pole. sorry girlies i'm gonna have to sit this one out.
- megumi & tsumiki fushiguro. similar reasoning. i hate toji so much and i know they do too but. they are much stronger people than me i could not go through what they did. plus tsumiki is in a coma (or... yknow. culling games etc etc idk what's going on in manga rn) so that would be very sad. and megumi would be very fun to bully but he doesn't need to be my brother for us to do that.
- noritoshi kamo. i almost put him on my top list but he's a bastard child (affectionate) so we'd probably have a half-sibling thing going on or something like that. idk i don't remember much about the kamo clan. but i deeply feel that he would not like me. also i think he has siblings in canon (?? i literally might be making this up)) and they have not fixed him so i doubt i could either 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 although that haircut in 190 was sick. maybe he is healing (saying fuck u to his family)
- nanami. he has great only-child energy. i don't know what i mean by that but it's true. i don't wanna rain on his parade.
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opinated-user · 2 years
About Lily’s talk on toh fandom racism. I guess Lily doesn't understand the root of the problem. People like white characters more because they have more dimension not because of race. Compare Amity's and Hunter's abusive families, their constant struggles and how many viewers can relate to it, to Luz who has... nice mom? And was bullyied but kinda wasn't we've never seen it? That's it. She's generic quirky girl. Her dad's death pops out literally one time and it's never mentioned after. Gus is boring, and Willow had potential but was forgotten. There's just so little to work with. Not even gonna talk about Eda and her family issues and parallels to chronic illness. So the main question is it truly wise to blame the fandom when the creators themselves don't give POC characters interesting conflicts, backgrounds or just some screen time ? ;)
i disagree on various points with you, anon, but i'll try to keep it as brief as possible: 1. the idea that abusive families=more relatable is inherently flawed by itself. if all you see when looking at luz noceda is a "generic quirky girl", that's is your opinion, but there's more to her than that, even more that what LO gives her credit for when she just wants her to be happy sapphic with no further issues. many kids can and do relate to her struggling to fit in, being the child of immigrants, living without one of their parents, wanting to scape to another world where she wouldn't be so different, but the show takes it one step further and tells us directly that life can't be solved as easy as that, that even if life is boring, mundane and not magical we still have to live with it. i could go on about how compelling i found the arc of her reconnecting with her mom only to realize what many children have to find out the hard way sooner or later: that her actions have consequences and those consequences can hurt people, just like it hurt her mom. but if you really want more insight into luz as a character, there are plenty of videos on youtube and i'm sure posts that could explained it better than i could. the same could be said about Willow slowly finding her way to grow from the shy girl of the first season into a brave leader or gus struggling with the pressure of being a child prodigy. LO is right that both of them could have been given more of a spotlight and actually deserved it because there is a lot of potential for the both of them, but she's wrong when she doesn't blame Disney for it and instead makes it the sole fault of the creator. 2. LO's actually right that there is racism in fandom... but not because hunter exist or teenage girls likes him, but because racism exist everywhere. it's a systematic issue that everyone is exposed to and can manifest in million different and insidious ways that sometimes aren't as easy as who loves more what character. she's wrong that everyone who likes hunter must do it for racist reasons, just like she was also wrong that people only liked reylo because racism. her own friend Carrousel ships huntlow herself so i assume that she must like hunter on some capacity. but as we have discussed before on this blog, LO doesn't know how to talk about systematic issues nor cares to. what she wants is to point fingers at someone and nothing else, be it to the creator that was treated unfairly by her employer but it's still her fault somehow, to the teenage girls having a crush on a fictional boy or any other group of people/individuals that she can point as the problem, one that we just need to get rid of to have everything turn out alright. all the while never even proposing a real solution herself. more people liking gus or skara won't solve racism in fandom. she putting down hunter constantly at every opportunity she has won't solve racism in fandom. it's doubtful that fandom even can solve the problem of it's own racism at all. but we do have alternatives that BIPOC fans have been trying out for years: blacktober, race bending, challenges, zines, hashtags, give more attention to POC creators, works of POC and spread the word about any of this initatives so more people can join in. LO already talks about how she never reads fanfiction (unless it's about Sylvannas, her favourite white undead character), she doesn't care about theories and it seems she only shares fanart she just happened to come across so of course she either doesn't know about any of them or doesn't care. she barely is on fandom for anything else that enjoy underage sapphic cute couples, there is no real motivation for her there. talking about how other people should like more POC characters more than white ones will never be enough. appreciating POC characters (only black in the case of LO) without dragging a white one too could be a fine start but it's just that if you don't then procede to try to give the spotlight to the actual real POC in fandom that have been ignored, when not harassed and mistreated because of not being white.
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twwpress · 2 years
Creator Spotlight: Week 9
Welcome back to our TWW Creator Spotlight! For every spotlight, we’ll ask each featured creator the same ten questions as well as questions submitted by you. This week, we’re chatting with @zieglercregg // crossingdelancey on ao3. We are so excited, so get ready!
1) What are your top 5 desert island TWW fics by other authors?
Here’s A Man Still Working For Your Smile by darlingdarling. I think this fic really nails CJ/Toby. It has just about everything I love in a fic — domesticity, parenting, proposals. All the good stuff. The dialogue feels so natural, and it draws you in right from the first sentence. It’s a total masterpiece, and I’ll always go to it for comfort. https://archiveofourown.org/works/31960432
Forever Is The Sweetest Con by JediAnnieScrambler. I love Emma’s fics with my whole heart, and this was one something else completely. It explored every little detail about CJ and Toby, and who they are, and how they work. It’s really phenomenal stuff, and while I consider Emma to be the queen of AUs, this one knocked it out of the park. I’ll always come back to this one. https://archiveofourown.org/works/33945652
Wanna Have You In A Secret Life by Iamsherlocked07. Sam is a real genius for this. I’m a sucker for parent AUs, as everyone knows. I was super excited each time a new chapter dropped. I love any post-canon fic, and this is always gonna be a favorite of mine. https://archiveofourown.org/works/32924224/chapters/81711937
The Feast And The Famine by rearviewmirror. I don’t read nearly enough Jed/Leo, but this one gutted me. Atlas is incredibly gifted, and every line of this fic is a total sucker punch. There’s such a real nuance in his writing, and it’s otherworldly. I’ve never seen Jed written so perfectly. Bravo. https://archiveofourown.org/works/42133008
Let Them Scatter In The Wind by jazzjo. This is a phenomenal CJ/Andy fic. I love all of jazzjo’s fics, and I’m always floored by how natural and personal their writing is. I’ll always love fics that deal with CJ’s sexuality, and this one was phenomenally paced, and really, really touching. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41228349
2) Do you have a favorite character to write/edit? Favorite ship(s) to write/edit? Are there characters or ships you'd like to write/edit more of?
I think my heart well and truly belongs to CJ & Toby. I love to write them as a pairing, whether it’s romantic or platonic, and I think there’s so much to sink your teeth into with them. I find that CJ/Toby fic comes to me so much easier than any other pairing, and so many aspects of their relationship are super personal to me. Aside from them, I do love to write CJ/Andy. CJ/Abbey, too. They’re pretty rare pairings, but I’ll jump at any chance to write sapphic CJ.
 3) Tell us about your creative process (setup/location? Night or day? Snacks/beverages? Computer/phone/notebook? Music or silence? Anything else you want to share is welcome!)
My number one rule is I need total silence when I’m writing. I usually write from my bedroom, but ideas always seem to come to me when I’m busy. I’m a slow typer on the computer, but I’m a super fast texter, so my phone is my best shot. I’ll jot own ideas and wait until I’m comfortable and in the right headspace before I get going. A coffee is always necessary. Maybe a bagel. 
 4) What video editing/writing advice do you have for others who may be reading this?
The one thing I’ve learned is to write the way YOU write. Don’t try to copy styles, and don’t worry if ¾ of your fic is dialogue. Don’t worry if you think your writing is too much. A lot of the time, the fics I think are too ‘pretentious’ are my most successful. Go with your gut, and don’t force it. You can always touch up your work, but your first thought is usually your best thought. 
 5) From where do you usually draw your inspiration? (Other forms of media, music, tropes, etc?)
Most of the time, it’s music. Most of my creative inspiration comes from music, and narratives in songs. Sometimes it’ll be lyrics, but sometimes I’ll base fics on songs as a whole. Chelsea Hotel No. 2 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/36963721) came from the song by Leonard Cohen, and I simply slid CJ/Toby into my understanding of the song and its story. It worked pretty well, in my opinion. Some of my other fics are based on movies, or movie tropes in general. Usually it’s the rom-com stuff, because I love writing banter, and cheesy meet-cutes. 
 6) What is the fic/edit you've written/created that you're most proud of and why? (Shout out to @claudiasjeans for asking a similar question!)
I love all of my fics for so many different reasons, and it’s hard to pick a favourite, but I’m inclined to say Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/35750233/chapters/89146165). I’m the worst at writing and reading long fics, so this one was a miracle for me. I got a lot of wonderful feedback from it, and everyone seemed to enjoy what I put into it, so I think it’s my favourite for that reason alone. I worked to make it funny, and touching, and sad, and real. I think that was really worth the time I put into it. 
 7) What's the fic trope/concept/AU you'd read 1000 of? What's the fic trope/concept/AU you'd write 1000 of? And/or, are there any editing tropes/artists/themes you can't get enough of?
ALWAYS parent fics. I think there’s something so precious and domestic about putting two idiots in charge of a baby. I love the intimacy, and the humour, and the cozy family vibes. I always feel like I write too much parent fic, but it’s my favourite thing to write & read.
 8) Is there anything you'd like to try writing-wise/video editing-wise that you haven't yet? (Shout out to @S4MWILSON and @claudiasjeans for asking similar questions!)
I would love to make more edits based on people’s fics! I think I made one for myself, and two based on my friends’ stuff. I’m a very visual person, so I love being able to put together an edit that shares what I’m seeing when I read these fics. As for writing, I’d love to get into more AUs. I’m lousy at thinking of ideas, but I love writing them. I especially love cheesy Josh/Donna AUs, like coffee shop AU, college AU etc. 
 9) What's your go-to Starbucks/coffee shop/other drink order?
I’m ashamed to admit it, but I tried a caramel frappe from Starbucks when I was 10, and I never went back. I have a sweet tooth, and it hasn’t failed me yet. I do love a cinnamon chai latte in the fall, though. 
 10) Do you have any current projects you'd like to promote or anything upcoming you'd like to tell us about?
Sadly, I haven’t written in a while, but I’m considering a series in which each chapter is essentially a character study for my favourite characters. I like to get into their history, and their internal struggles and achievements. So keep an eye out for that!
 Submitted questions (some questions have been edited to avoid repetition!):
From @S4MWILSON: favorite: season, ep, actor, main character, side character, big ship, rarepair ship, bit of dialogue plot arc ?
My favourite season is probably season 2. It’s just excellent TV, and excellent writing. Plus, I like to see the senior staff all together, sharing banter and so on. My favourite episode changes often, but I think my absolute favourite is Dead Irish Writers. I love any scenes with the ladies — it’s nice to have a woman-centric episode every now and then. CJ will always be my favourite character. It’s rare for me to see a character so painfully/wonderfully/scarily similar to myself. As for side characters, I’m kind of torn between Andy and Joey. Both crazy beautiful, and I think they really had potential. Of course, my favourite big ship is CJ/Toby, for reasons explained above, but I think my favourite rarepair is CJ/Andy. It’s not totally unheard of, but I think there’s a lot going on between them that people don’t see. Abbey/Leo is another favourite of mine. Very good chemistry, and probably a lot of history. There’s a lot of good dialogue throughout the show, and it’d be impossible to choose a favourite, but the first that came to mind was the scene with CJ and Toby in his office (‘You want me to go?’ ‘No.’)
fave funny fic, sad fic, thought provoking fic?
My favourite funny fic is probably Shark Teeth And Butterfly Clips by fleurfemme (https://archiveofourown.org/works/41189982). Any mom CJ fic is close to my heart, but Abby has a really great understanding of how kids communicate, and I think it’s one of those very human stories that remind you fictional characters, however fictional they are, will all have those very human moments. Plus, Molly is hilarious. I’ve read a lot of sad fics in my time, and it’d be impossible to choose just one, but the first that came to mind was Come Home To My Heart by claudiasjeancregg (https://archiveofourown.org/works/40130358). Aleena gifted it to me on Ao3, and it gutted me the whole way through. There were small moments that absolutely devastated me, and I couldn’t have written it better myself. Lots of good angst, and it explored Josh & CJ’s dynamic, too. Finally, it’s hard for me to choose a thought provoking fic, as I like to pick apart and analyze almost every fic I read. However, it’s definitely between Worship This Love by sam_writes_fics (https://archiveofourown.org/works/36840262) and The Three Loves Of Josiah Bartlet by rearviewmirror (https://archiveofourown.org/works/41548557). Sam’s fic instantly drew me in, because I’ve written a lot about CJ and her religion, but never considered it with Donna. I think it was executed flawlessly, even with the sexual themes. It was wonderfully constructed, and it really left me thinking about how much religion plays into Josh & Donna’s relationship. As for the latter, I think it was an incredibly powerful piece of writing. It was fascinating to see three different parts of this man, in three different times in life. I think Atlas is one of the most extraordinary writers in this fanbase, and his ability to let a narrative run so deep and still find space for the basic human emotions is a real gift.
fave snippet in your drafts that never became anything?
I never went anywhere with this fic, because I was pretty sure people were tired of the parent AUs, but I’ll put it here anyway!
‘She can’t see much, but she’s staring at the ceiling. It’s quiet. In fact, it’s quiet because it’s well past two in the morning. Another sleepless night as she tries to understand that every minute is a minute closer to being thrown in at the deep end, water filling up her lungs. She should be old enough to know how motherhood works. She shouldn’t have to doubt if she’ll be okay enough to mother a baby. She never expected to be a mother — that was never who she was, as much as she wanted it. She’d had some insecurity fuelled theory that motherhood was left to the pretty, petite women with a natural nurturing love and a kitchen full of granola bars and fruit juice.’
most outlandish au concept of yours? and what is your ideal tww s8 ?
This is a tough one, but I think maybe my most outlandish AU was the fic in which the senior staff were thrown into a Victorian setting. I loved the idea of CJ as a sort of detective, and Donna as a mortician was too good not to write. I think that’s the wildest AU I’ve written, but it seemed to go down well with people. As for season 8, I’d like to see more of Toby with his kids. I think they screwed up making him a deadbeat dad. I’m also super interested in seeing how things would go with Josh and Donna. We didn’t really get anything solid, so I’d love to see them navigate a workplace relationship. Maybe some cozy family scenes at the farm, too. 
From @jessbakescakes: If someone was new to your fics and asked which fic you felt was most representative of your work, which fic would you recommend to them?
I have a very different perception of my writing to most people, but I’m inclined to go with It Was White Lace I Was Chasing (https://archiveofourown.org/works/33168637), simply because I wrote it all in one sitting and let my emotions write for me. I didn’t edit it much, so I think it’s a really authentic example of my writing, and how I approach different characters.
From @claudiasjeans: how did you get into tww? what’s your favorite ship to write for besides cjtoby?
It’s a weird story. Initially, I was an Allison Janney fan. I was a Broadway fan before I came to West Wing Twitter. My all-time favourite Broadway actress is Stephanie J. Block, and she was in 9 to 5, alongside Allison. I was totally captivated by her, and I felt like The West Wing was a must-watch, even if I wasn’t much into political shows. Thank god for musical theatre, and for Allison Janney.
I love writing Josh/Donna, but I don’t think it’s my best stuff. Aside from that, I always have a lot of fun writing Leo/Abbey. I haven’t published any of my fics for them, but I think the writing and the banter comes very naturally. They’re a wonderful pairing to get into, and I definitely plan to write more for them.
From @sapphiccjcregg: if you could turn one of your fics into a movie which one would it be?
This was probably the easiest question so far. My answer would have to be Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/35750233/chapters/89146165). Aside from it being my longest fic, it was packed full of good holiday movie tropes (fake dating, lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers, parenting, bed sharing etc). I consider it my best work, because it all came so easily, and it was the most fun I’ve had writing a fic. And who doesn’t want to see Abbey Bartlet meddling in other people’s business?
Thanks again to crossingdelancey!!
If you’re interested in being featured for a future spotlight, please drop us a line here on tumblr, on twitter, or email [email protected].
xx, What’s next?
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snowdeong · 1 year
That actress idea is kind of in my brain actually
Maybe it could be that they're together at first and Yeji's manager catches them or something so her agency is like ya'll need to break up rn it will ruin your chances in the industry. Yeji refuses cause that's ridiculous but she does try to put some space between her and Ryujin which puts some strain on their relationship. Management gets pissed and threatens to leak that Ryujin's a lesbian if Yeji doesn’t severe all ties.
Yeji breaks it off with Ryujin but also leaves the industry cause she doesn’t want to jeopardise Ryujin's career anymore (Yeji's from a long family of actors so she'll be fine monetarily meanwhile Ryujin lucked into the industry through a once in a lifetime audition). And because she's left, her old agency leaks the news in the industry internally which makes it almost impossible for Ryujin to land the big headline roles she'd been landing so she goes into online webseries and indie films. After one of her indie films gets some big wins during award season the industry is clamouring to get her back and she refuses most roles until the Lee Sisters (old friends of hers) offer her a role for a high prestige show where she plays a sapphic character.
On Yeji's end she's kinda been miserable cause she's not acting and she wasn’t even able to save Ryujin's career in the process of hurting her like that. Chaer her childhood friend and part of the directing duo eventually convinces her an audition for antagonist in the show her and Chaeyeon are cooking up cause at least preparing for an audition will give our girlie SOMETHING to help her get her spark back. Ofc she passes the audition and surprisingly she takes the role cause (for now anyway) it's a season long thing so it's not like she'll be in the spotlight for long anyway.
And at the first table reading Ryeji meet again. Though the fighting doesn't start immediately cause they're both too professional. It starts when they get outside and Yeji doesn't even look at her and that really sets Ryujin off.
My only issue rn is that whole first section is a bit too similar to Rocker AU. Maybe Yeji doesn't actually put distance exactly but it just becomes more secretive and more intense? So that when she suddenly leaves Ryujin has no clue wtf happened because things were a bit different yes but still fine. Maybe Yeji's agency kept trying to push her with some dude or something so Ryujin eventually started wondering if may e she left her for him but didn't want to start a conflict over it?? I have no idea lmao
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sadapricus · 2 years
will forever be mad at sam levinson because
• we didn’t see much about kat this season, she just had some spotlight on the first episodes but we didn’t see much of her later on.
• rules, i understand the love was toxic & rue needed to stay clean & figure out her stuff, but why making an special in which jules says “i am not longer interested in men” & then out of the blue introduce elliot and make her cheat on rue with him. elliot was literally there just to ruin the sapphic couple, facilitate dr*gs to rue & just that. like???
we can’t really trust men making sapphic love stories, huh? idk why i was expecting more.
anyways i am kinda satisfied with the finale because rue ended things with jules in good terms and without words, fixed her friendship with lexi & stayed clean the rest of the school year which is a start. she chose herself & i love that.
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