jelliclewhiskers · 4 months
Top 10 Haircuts I would NOT give Beach Bear
No. 1 — The Edward Bowl Cut
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No. 2 — Bald
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No. 3 — Labyrinth
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No. 4 — Look what they did to my dawg.
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No. 5 — Ramona Flowers cut
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No. 6 — Only bangs
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No. 7 — Wolf Pack 5
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No. 8 — Caricature / Banner art
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No. 9 — Only curly bangs
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No. 10 — Beta Beach Bear
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raspbeyes · 9 months
Alright imma say it
It totally makes sense why everyone would be more upset over Kaito's death than Kokichi
Idk why theres this sentiment that Kokichi's desth was unfairly overshadowed by Kaito BUT YEAH NO HARD DISAGREE literally none of those remaining classmates would have any reason to show compassion for kokichi over kaito
Shuichi: as he is mc/player character his perspective matters most, so ill say the most on him. Sorry to saiouma fans (dw i do think the ship is cute but honestly works better under different circumstances for the two) but Shuichi has spent more time with kaito. After Kaede's death, it is Kaito (in Kaito's questionable way) who helped get Shuichi's willpower back. Kokichi says as much in ch 4. With shuichi being a very sensitive detective, he needed that pillar of support from kaito, one kokichi, while providing help in trials, doesnt give emotionally. Sure u can argue bias on Shuichi's part, but it is Kokichi's plot in ch 4 that caused him and Kaito to have a falling out, injured and captured Kaito in a bunker, and is the reason Kaito becomes the blackened Shuichi is forced to exposed and now watch be executed
Maki: Self explanatory af, but kokichi exposed her talent to everyone to have her be isolated due to kokichi's own distaste for murderers, regardless of maki's intent. Kokichi is the one who fucked around in ch 5 with her feelings, making her harbor guilt over supposedly killing kaito. It's his plot that gets Kaito killed off as blackened so yeah dont expect sympathy from her
Tsumugi: while idk if confirmed whether Kokichi had gone off Tsumugi's script, if that is the case, Tsumugi would 100% frustrated for kokichi messing up her plotline. Shes devoted her life to dr and has been a writer in numerous prior seasons. To have some kid try to attack the mastermind directly by messing with the game would to her feel like infringing on the game's intended entertainment. Besides, if everyone else hates kokichi, it's best for her to go along with it to blend in
Himiko: there def is a weird dynamic between the two, with himiko falling for exisal kokichi twice which is weird ... but yeah no overall himiko has a negative opinion of kokichi. While he did indirectly help her releasing her bottled up emotions in the end of ch 3, it's Kokichi’s way of doing things, meaning it usually comes off as rude. Pretty sure what Kokichi (and Gonta to an extent) caused in ch 4 is unforgivable for himiko, since literally everyone liked Gonta. Himiko out of everyone believed kokichi was the mastermind, feeling great despair once he revealed the truth of the outside world. While not specific, himiko is more of a case of kokichi's general creation of distrust in others. In contrast, kaito is uplifitng to himiko, being the one to defend her in ch 3 when tenko's death was ignored and moving the group along during ch 5.
Keebo: keebo admittedly has the most sympathetic view of kokichi after the trial, alluding to his "hopeful" nature and such, as well as his logical understanding of kokichi's motive. But generally, kokichi is just robophobic to keebo for the sake of pestering keebo, as well as asking invasive questions (do robots have di-?)
Kaito: without getting into kaito and kokichi's relationship/rivalry, kaito id argue does have the second most sympathetic reflection on kokichi, providing the group with Kokichi’s last words. Tho he does doubt them, mentioning he believed kokichi's plan wouldnt work (i personally hc that as just bluff to make shuichi feel better tho). And since its kokichi who blackmailed him into the plan, kokichi is in a sense responsible for Kaito's death so he'd probably wanna focus on making Shuichi and Maki feel better
Kokichi is my fav dr character but ngl he's a little shit to the remaining survivors. While i as an audience memebr feel terrible for him, im not upset or shocked by the characters' disinterest in his death
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bridgyrose · 1 year
There are two Penny Polendinas: the robot Pietro designed, and his human daughter. Take it wherever you wish.
“I’ll see you later, Ruby.”
Those simple words echoed through Penny’s mind as she started to have second thoughts about the whole idea of this project. At first, it all seemed perfect: an android with an AI based on her own personality that could explore the world that she couldnt. Then, when it came back, the memories the android experienced could be transferred to her own mind as her own memories. But as the years went by, it became harder to separate herself from the android. The memories that were hers mixed in with the ones that were transferred, her mind trying to remember where she had been and separate that from what the android had experienced. Her fingers tapped the arm of her wheelchair as she swore she could see Beacon in front of her, feeling the wind on her cheeks and smelling the faint scent of roses as rose petals started to flutter around her. 
“Is everything okay, Penny?” Pietro asked. 
“Are you asking me or the android?” 
“I’m asking my daughter.” 
“That doesnt answer the question, dad.” Penny moved her hands down to the rails along the wheels of her chair and started to make her way over to her father. “You spend more time with her than you do me lately.” 
Pietro sighed and pulled away from the android to look at his daughter. He gently put a hand to her cheek, his fingers shaking slightly. “I know. I… I just want you to be able to experience the world in a way that will let the memories be… real to you.” 
“But now I dont know what is real anymore. I know I’m me, but the memories from… that are starting to take over. I remember what Beacon is like, what it’s like to be able to fight, the way my heart feels when I think about this Ruby the android seems fond of…” Penny started at the wall, no longer in the lab but seeing herself at Beacon as her heart pounded at the mere thought of being with Ruby. Her vision started to flicker between the lab and Beacon as her mind tried to pull through the tangled web of memories running through her mind. “I… I want my memories to be my own.” 
“Right…” Pietro sighed and looked at the damaged android he had been repairing, the synthetic skin torn at her hands and arms from the grimm it fought. “Maybe… maybe its time I stop uploading the memories to you.” 
Penny paused for a moment. “No… no more memories of Beacon? Of Ruby?” 
Pietro nodded and pulled away from his daughter. “That would be the case. No more Ruby, no more Beacon, just the memories you make here.” He paused as he looked around the lab, then let out a sigh. “Which… wouldnt be much.” 
“And if I dont want to let those memories go?” 
“What do you mean?”
“I…. I dont want to let any of that go. I want to meet Ruby myself and see what Beacon is really like.” 
Pietro nodded. “I understand that but… you cant leave here. I need you here so I can keep an eye on your condition and make sure you’re stable. I dont want to lose you. And if you’re having trouble keeping your memories your own, then… maybe its time to stop with the ones from the android for now. Or for us to find another way.” 
Penny nodded and sighed. “Right…” 
“Now, you should get some rest. I dont want your heart to give you trouble again like last time.” 
Penny smiled a little and started to roll herself out of the lab and to the room that she was provided for rest. Her mind kept running to the android and how free it must be able to go outside of the military base. Once she made it to her bed, she grabbed her computer and sat it in her lap, the words Project P.E.N.N.Y coming up on the screen as she looked over the schematics of the android. “Maybe I can find a way to let us both experience the world… and not have to worry about me.”
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dballzposting · 2 years
what do you think it's like to be fused? i've always thought that like gotenks is his own guy whos personality and perspective is influenced piecemeal by both goten and trunks, and both of them can remember being gotenks, but it's not like they can both control him exactly? also im wondering if gotenks would have the inner turmoil of wanting to shit in the capsule corp urinals but also thinking that's really disgusting and how this would be resolved. would he just do it and feel bad afterwards
VERY INTERESTING. Well let's see here
My impression is that they DONT remember being fused, not really. I felt this way becasue on the show when they first fused, after they unfused they were both baffled by it and were like "...did we fuse?" and I just sort of felt like they didnt really remmeber. However there is enough to support that they DO remember being fused, most important argument being for convenience's sake. Personally I'll sometimes think of it like "they sometimes remember it but not all of it and they each get half of the memory if they retain it at all" as a sort of compromise. The truth is that they would never fuse for fun if they couldnt remember doing it and that would kill all of my gotenks stories so I gotta be lenient. But I still think that they dont remember all of it or in reliable detail.
Interesting point abt the urinals ... I believe that in some ways the fusion can be a proper blend, other ways it's bits and pieces, and in other ways it's original stuff. Gotenks would chase a dog toy like Goten for example BUT NOT ON ALL FOURS. He retains some dignity. I dont think he'd feel the urge to shit in urinals, mostly just because hes not around long enough for his urge to shred at the skatepark to give way to any other urge.
I think that the experience of being Gotenks is like ... he knows FACTUALLY who and what he is and how he got there, and he has access to SOME semblance of the memories of his counterparts, but he ultimately doesnt care much becasue theyre not him. Only he is him. But he also doesnt have any specified negative opinions about them either. Like he definitely considers Goten and Trunks to be a step-down from his level, and he's been known to grumble abt their lameness or the notes they leave him (i.g. "Hey gotenks we wanna have fun at the skatepark can you NOT download a virus onto Trunks's computer this time?" etc etc) but since he never has to talk to them directly it pretty much stops there. He really wouldnt be able to talk that much about either of them. If you ask he would scratch his head and be like "Oh. Um. Well there's Goten and he's, like, a year younger than Trunks. Um he's pretty cool. He doesnt really know how things work though. Trunks knows things but he's pretty lame. He’s cool though I guess." and thats it. Obviously you can trace these sentiments back to his counterparts and the implications of all that but you dont have to. Howveer i wanna point out that I dont think that Gogeta is this same way. I think that he could think very deeply about the flaws of his individual counterparts. Well anyway
New bullet becasue the other one was getting long. I think that Gotenks is frustrated on some level that he's only around when the whim of Goten and Trunks allow it. He doesnt have much time to dwell on this however and also he doesnt care too much.
He's just living life naturally you know how it is .. he could build a robot but it would suck. It would be a fucked up and scary robot. In his defense he's half Goten and only had 30 minutes but still.
He's his own man but is still, in some ways, the embodiment of Trunks and Goten's relationship ... therefore I think that he can tell if something changes between them. If their synergy is off for whatever reason then Gotenks is not himself and he's a bit slow to get going and it's like he's got a kink in his neck that he cannot work out. He pounds his chest and coughs and says "Urgh. Something is NOT RIGHT between those two." If there is a grudge between Goten and Trunks then Gotenks comes out feeling very wicked himself, but like, in an emo-vampire-phase kind of way. And he hates the world and does graffiti at the skatepark. He's only around for 30 minutes so it's not that deep
Interesting take on the urinal. Like it's a fetted fervid desperate itch he needs to scratch. Like he's sweating and he's got 7 minutes left on the clock and the urinals are right around the corner .... just once ... no one will ever know ..... funny to think that he'd do it and then feel bad afterwards. Like he'd scare himself and run down the hall and hide under Trunks's bed and whimper and cry until he unfuses and then trunks and goten look at each other like uh ... are you feeling that ..? The fratboy thrill of having just conquered a urinal? Do you feel that coursing through your veins? And also a deep grief and sorrow..?
You know maybe this is a way for Goten and Trunks to really understand each other. Goten is like "gee trunks i had no idea that shit in the capsule corp urinals made you feel this way." and trunks is like "wow goten it's no wonder you keep doing it i didnt know you thought it was this thrilling and funny."
I ONLY THINK THIS BC I AM PARTIAL TO THE IDEA THAT GOTENKS IS HIS OWN CHARACETR WHO SHREDS ON A SKATEBOARD. To others Gotenks (and all fusions) are better used as an exploration of the characters’ synergy and relationship and possibly a catalyst of interpersonal discovery. Ultimately however the hard canon is that It Doesnt Matter Much bc These Guys Kicks Ass And That Rules.
There are a lot of ways to view fusion on dragon ball ... Honestly there is NO NEED to consider a fusion their own character at all, as they dont have much screentime . Vegetto gets the most and hes sexy and thats all that matters. Oh Vegito is so fun and flirty though. I forgot about him. OH hes so fun. He like ... has the dry wit and skill of Vegeta and the zest and ability to be driven by the fight and only the fight like Goku. He’s less serious than Vegeta but he’s not CHILL either he’s not RELAXED. He’s just comfortable . Like a kooky lamp that is complex and rigid but is able to stand on its own bc the weight distribution is sturdy and perfect. Relaxed but not LOOSE, yknow?
Oh I forgot about him. Oh he’s so cool. I guess thats why i havent changed my icon ever ... 
THANKS FOR THE ASK. Gave us all much to think about 
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sleepii-moth · 2 years
okay so someone on my dash is rbing alot of stuff about stray so i kinda wanted to give my opinion on it because i keep thinking about it
(stray spoilers ahead! and also outer wilds spoilers and psychonauts 2 spoilers haha)
first thing: stray is a good game! i played it and thought it was nice but (and dont take this as me wanting to be the one person who doesnt like a popular thing) i felt that the story was kinda lackluster tbh
the overall message is nice in the way it portrays the humans and robots but the mystery part of it was just. not all there.. the 2 kinda main mysteries, the plaugue being what killed everyone, and the robot that follows you around being human were things that, not to be like i called it right away.. but i definitely called it right away. like as soon as i met (i think their name was b12? i played this a while ago) and they started talking about this scientist they knew i said, out loud, immediately "oh i bet you're actually the scientist" and then with the plague thing- it was literally in broad daylight, like i play games by reading everything i see and there was just a button prompt that had b12 read you a sign that said something was closed due to a plaugue and i was like oh ok thats what killed them
and i dunno if i just got mislead by something i read about the game having a big mystery or what but i feel like they definitely leaned alot more on the character writing than the world building, which for me personally if you're gonna do that in a game thats like 8 hours at most im not gonna be that invested in the characters
so! as i do with things i dont like sometimes im gonna analyze and critique what exactly i think went wrong
the mystery parts (imo) were too easy to guess right away, making the story feel alot less engaging because i was no longer asking questions about the world
why? well to start off lets look at 2 games which have really good mysteries that i never guessed: psychonauts 2 and outer wilds (heres where the spoilers for those come in lol)
psychonauts 2 and outer wilds both have multiple big story reveals, like stray, but what they both have a lot of that stray kinda didnt is things meant to make you ask questions
in psychonauts 2 for example you have the mystery of who the mole in the psychonauts is, all over theres clues and hints as well as things that definitely wont make sense until later, things like what the mole did and stuff like that. these are things get you to start asking questions and being suspicious of people who arent the mole, thus making you more engaged
outer wilds has this in a slightly different way- instead of characters usually being the ones to point something out that makes you ask a question, its the environment that does it. for example something i noticed on my playthrough of outer wilds was all of the nomai skeletons you see who look like they just died where they stood, that not only got me asking "what killed the nomai??" but it also gave me a clue because clearly if there was a battle or plaugue of some kind someone wouldnt just die while eating dinner.
on top of this these games also have multiple mysteries and multiple reveals that are purposely harder to guess than others so if you guess one thing there will still be other reveals that surprise you
sure some people can probably guess nick from the mailroom is the mole- but i doubt many people guessed he was gristol, despite there being many hints to it that were just off in the background
you can guess that the nomai were responsible for the sun going supernova but you're gonna have a big surprise coming when you realize they wanted to but failed
stray is a game that i feel like really could've benefitted from doing more of this, especially in the environmental clues aspect because the environments were really good! but b12 was the one making anything you see a clue, something you see on its own often didnt amount to anything
like i know the robots have probably been living in the city for a while but if the humans died from a plague why not leave more clues than just a sign that flat out says it? we've quite literally lived through a plague recently, there are gonna be more leftovers than that
i feel like in a way the game's story relied too heavily on just telling you things instead of letting you, the player, ask your own questions and figure it out
it also could've benefitted from making the mysteries more hidden by leading you in other directions or even hiding more things from you and giving you more little mysteries in between
for me i sort of started to not really care much about the story as the game went on- and as someone who's favorite type of game is story oriented i feel like that is.. telling
the characters were cute but they came and went pretty quickly, i legit didnt even start feeling even slightly attched to b12 until the latter half of the game and i honestly think i felt more attachment to the cat than anyone else sjsbsn
in short i dont think stray is bad! its good! but it just didnt hit hard enough for me yknow? stray is kind of like a movie you'd put on and end up looking at your phone alot, it never really gripped me in the way alot of games i like do
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torivikachu · 4 years
I read a lot fanfiction (and I mean it. A LOT. perhaps too much. and then I keep rereading ones i like. I mean. I read Deception and Give us our Daily Ramen 5 times since May. and these are just two examples) and I always thought I liked canon/postcanon ones because I wanted to see two of them together in the circumstances I learned to love SNS.
but once I read a couple (or more like a dozen - oh who am I kidding more like a couple dozens) I realized that I am not quite satisfied with them cuz I just have my own humble opinion on what exactly happened in canon, how they fell in love and whatever which doesn't really fit in many fanfics, which leads to frustration on my part since I really really want somebody to get into my head and write a fanfiction out of it.
but science is bothered with other things like curing coronavirus and making robots so I guess I'd have to man up and do it myself or just write this post and rest in peace.
as I am a lazy person (not like Shikamaru lazy - both my body AND my mind are not up for functioning) I am pretty sure you already figured which option I chose. so.
I genuinely think they haven't really developed much of a crush till Sasuke left, or at least it was a really childish one, and they definitely never realised that. they had a bond and there was attraction, but neither was ready to acknowledge it. but they had three years to think since then, although I believe there wasn't much of a romantic allure to their thoughts aswell. I mean they started to mature and realise their bodies are not solely for fighting - I do believe Orochimaru is a perv too, he is just into more gross things than Jiraya - but they didn't think about each other in that way. at least not too much.
Sasuke would probably think something like - stop thinking about him he probably doesnt even remember you anymore ANYWAY revenge is he even still alive that loser or have Akatsuki already killed him if Itachi did that he is so dead well he is dead anyway because revenge right blah blah blah
and Naruto be like - I wonder what Sasuke is doing? hope Orochimaru doesn't do something to him - I've seen his look - that guy is creepy and ofc Sasuke had to go there to that god forsaken place to learn jutsus from the guy who can literally strangle you with his tongue well not for long I am going to find him and beat some sense into that stupid bastard ANYWAY ramen ...
and then they meet in Orochimaru hideout and Sasuke just lunges forward and brings himself in contact with Naruto and I think they sorta became aware of each other physically cuz whats with this intimate whispering in Narutos ear and Naruto just awkwardly standing there trying not to blush? I mean... just rewatch that moment. he has such a stoic face (and probably stoic dick) he never really paid attention to Sasukes katana, who unshealthed it sooooooo slowly it was almost a metaphor for smth else. I mean. right?
but I still think Naruto disregarded that reaction later cuz of all mental anguish Sasukes rejection caused him, though I think Sasuke did realize some things for himself - not that he was ready to accept that, he had more important bussiness with Itachi.
and I think it was somewhere between that moment and Kage Summit arc that Naruto started to realise things - he is not really dense as many ppl think, he just plays dumb - like him watching that start fall and then that moment with Karui and Darui where the living shit was beaten out of him - he seemed too deep in thoughts at the time and I think he was rethinking everything he knew about Sasuke and then when he had that breakdown and hyperventilated thinking about Sasuke - that was a moment of realisation and all those hidden emotions just flooded him. and then he felt this visceral pull and went after him not to prevent anybody from killing anybody, but to see him and let him know that he will be there no matter what. that was not quite love confession, but close enough.
and Sasuke - who didnt have a really stable mind at the time and they were teenagers for gods sake they had no idea how to deal with all that emotional crap - was just crushed under the weight of conflicting feelings and I like to believe that if Obito wasnt there to rush him Naruto would get through to him. but at the time Naruto realised that he didnt want to force Sasuke into anything. he would fight him. he would die with him. but he wouldnt force him. and we see that later. Sasuke wanted to join the battle against crazy Uchihas - good. Sasuke wanted to fight after that - okay. Sasuke went on his redemption trip with not even a goodbye - Naruto was there to say it himself. Sasuke left the village again after brief coming back with Sakura - fine. Sasuke wants to teach his son - cool. Sasuke wants to meet outside of village - works for Naruto, its not like he has family or duties right?
so that is how I see the development of their feelings. and though it is tragic they never were truly together... I do think it is one of the reason Sasuke doesnt live with Sakura. its one of the reasons Naruto never comes home and sleeps in a separate room, but when Sasuke calls him he is always there. and thats why they have soft spots for each others children. I think they accepted they lives although both would be happier to be a couple.
so, yeah.
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macklives · 4 years
hey so this is gonna be a long-ish one. ive decided its been far too long since i did a session, and we did so many i can often forget what happened. i started in july and im pretty sure its been more than half a year now since this whole blog happened. and in that time, we’ve gone through 88 sessions and i want to know if i remember the relevant plot points and what we got up to in the last few sessions. a refresh/reminder if you would.
so i hereby commence my own little recap of act 5 because yeah no, its too much to do a recap of everything and i have andrew for that after every few acts. but i wanna refresh my mind on act 5 for now. so here we go.
1. alternia.. fucked up place. but its a place the trolls live on so what are we gonna do about it? overthrow the government? seems about right, lets do that with the next troll that gets introduced and if its not kanaya idk what andrew is doing by not having introduced the best troll yet. why the long wait? it was the second introduced? i honestly expected it to go in order when i first read act 5, because first we had karkat talk to jade which was the first new piece dialogue in the comic besides the main kids, but then we had kanaya with rose, which was followed by tavros, then terezi (iirc). so id assume we were following that order but nope karkat got fully introduced, then this random fucking juggalo called gamzee made its way into the comic. imagine my surprise.
2. theres been terminology throughout act 5, that i do not fucking know and will not remember and probably never will. like tf is a perigee again? i made a doc somewhere ill probably find it.
3. karkat’s introduction... short but very sweet. and by sweet i mean we got to know the depths of the angry edge lord. and by depths i mean karkat got angry at gamzee for typing in a way that he didnt like so he yapped like a chihuahua. nah, but seriously, i do like karkat tho, hes growing on me but only bc hes a bitch baby and his whole personality makes me want to mock him so thats the reason im not that annoyed and think hes funny, and the most harmless troll. even more so than tavros. and thats saying something. 7.5/10 bc im generous.
4. then gamzee... the high juggalo troll who has the worst typing quirk imo, i cannot for the life of me read it. but hes chill, i actually really like gamzee. hes funny and the least problematic as of right now. 8.5/10.
5. terezi’s introduction next i think. she likes playing as a lawyer with her stuffed dragons, ie by roleplay, shes blind, can see through licking, and she likes eating chalk, maybe its even nutritious. shes good. 9/10. 
6. uhh in the process of these intros, there are teams being made? karkat joins gamzee and terezi in, i THINK, the red team?? bc terezi likes red?? could be wrong, i dont remember the teams except that its red/blue to represent sollux’s duality in those colors. terezi then tries recruiting AC but AC is like lol sorry i have to ask this friend of mine who has authority over me for some goddamn reason and terezi goes yuck tf i hate that guy................... yeah thats all we have on the teams. pretty sure sollux had smth to do with karkat about the making of the leaders, and they did the “i hate me” and the “no i hate me more than u hate u” or whatever the fuck that was. they got embarrassed afterwards and deleted their messages. im pretty sure they have no messages because everything ends up being mutually deleted so their logs are actually empty. ngl, kinda enjoyed their convos, made me appreciate their characters. i hope we get more because its good content. i also dont know what order this whole thing is in, who contacted who first? couldnt tell you. ill remember later on. and since im basing this off from memory alone, gotta deal with what i remember. uhhhh so yeah. we havent met all characters yet so the teams have not been officially decided but we got the bases, which is that.
7. god i found it, and the only thing im looking at right now is the terminology list i made and what the fuck?? what the fuck?? you miss a few weeks and suddenly the word nubslurping comes up and you forget what the fuck youre reading.
8. im PRETTY SURE aradia is seen after that whole team fiasco?? or its sollux... maybe. wait. its sollux, right. i just knew someone gets introduced mid way through is all. actually, someone gets introduced after every 20 pages. i have no idea. but ik aradia and sollux go hand in hand.
9. oh shit. OH SHIT! RIGHT! I REMEMBER! so this occurs in the latest session i did, and not the beginning of act 5, but AG and aradia team up, right?? and sollux fucking gets manipulated by them and ??? idk??? they make him find the game, reprogram it and then make him believe its going to end the world (which in hindsight is true, but anyways) so he refuses to play it which was AG’s plan all along so she steps up and becomes leader in his place. but aradia says sollux will still play the game no matter what, but she never went through with the plan for AG but it was apart of a prophecy? that sollux wouldnt be the leader at all? that he’d still play? but it had to go according to plan so it could succeed??? we just dont know why yet. anyways, point being, she still cares for sollux since she did it for him rather than for AG. and thats what i recall. god tf i forgot about that whole drama until writing down “sollux and aradia go hand in hand” which gave me violent flashbacks to the memory.
10. oh and id give aradia 9/10 and sollux 7/10. i do like sollux but if i put him higher than karkat, id get crucified. so im keeping them around the same.
11. man i really like sollux and aradia tho, i may have put him at 7, but i really like their dynamic and i really hope they make up and aradia explains herself about AG. because from one side it looks shitty. and while sollux is rude and never makes up his mind, he apologized to aradia after going off, and that was the only time ive seen him be sincere, so im pretty sure he cares for her to some extent. and i think its somewhat mutual? considering the whole “did it for him” thing. man, i see potential because i actually like both their characters. theyre well written. may not have the best personalities, but i appreciate well written characters and homestuck has the best ones ive seen in a while.
12. oh shit, hell yeah, the more i write, the more im connecting the dots and remembering. however, the more i write, the more i want to just make an analogy post but thats not for now. jesus christ its not all about analogies, mack, this is a recap. but.. how does andrew do it? to not go off track??? hard. telling ya.
13. anyways, didnt we break the fourth wall at some point and have the demon gods or whatever the fuck speak to us in third person for the first time in the comic, after having only gone into second person narrative, right after we were introduced to sollux and his “virus”? the uh, the phrase “the demon was already here” was said, or something along those lines. first line in homestuck to give me the creeps ngl and i appreciate it bc it gives me motivation to know what the fuck its about. its cool bc you have no idea where its going and it sure doesnt have anything to do with the current plot, since the trolls’ session/game doesnt have fucking demons so im curious as to what the fuck that was about. and if i really have to make a theory, i feel it has something to do with aradia’s voices in her head which also connect to the gods rose heard when she started disregarding rules and told dave to look at derse without listening to music bc it was as if he was purposely blocking away their calls. like holy shit, that gave me the shivers. while i do want to know more about wtf happens after act 4, trolls are taking priority right now. just like we did with the intermission. no discussing the kids unless necessary. treat this as its own separate comic. and THEN we can connect.
14. ANYWAYS, tavros’ intro???? that comes afterwards?? with the fiduspawn that made me gag a little on the inside? yep. remember that. fuck that lol. -1/10 but tavros himself is MAYBE a 6/10? i wish we explored his character more in his intro bc right now he just looks like a character made only to be a victim rather than have any depth and i feel thats robbing someone of their full potential. give me more personality andrew, rather than a quivering boy who falls prey to bitches. im expecting more throughout the comic honestly and i hope he gets growth so hes not looked as a “victim” but rather his own character. he is still sweet, and i like him because i want to protect him, but id rather have more info, you know what i mean?
15. oh hell. kanaya had a chainsaw at some point. that made me happy. and didnt she cut off tavros’ legs?? and he got robot ones? and some creepy dude was looking and we called him saggy tits bc hes sagittarius? right? neat. that did happen. pretty sure saggy tits is ACs friend that tells her what to do. the more u know. OH and they all have colored blood similar to their text colors lol. that i remember... so tavros has brown, terezi has blueish green, um. karkat has grey the loser. and apparently it forms a rainbow which is nice. rainbow is good.
16. i dont remember anything else actually
17. wait no i do. AG appeared. shes a petty bully. idk what to say about her. we didnt get that much, except that she hates tavros but is okay with aradia. she also looks like a bottle opener. actually, i think she teamed with aradia to gain leadership rather than to “be friends”. and while that is similar to how karkat did it, meaning the gain, the motivation and how they earned it is entirely different. kinda seeing a trend tho. the leaders of the red/blue teams are both characters who wanted the role, but never had it to begin with. only to win their way into the position. but rather than ask non-stop like karkat did, AG manipulated others so she could be successful. not too sure if she also used aradia for that, or is actually motivated to become friends since they were “past enemies” and she needed a rebound. pretty sure its somewhat both. while AG did mostly use aradia to speak with sollux, what she doesnt know is that aradia is a bad bitch who never even thought about AG and only followed through with the plan bc she had a plan of her own. i guess we’ll look into that later. i lowkey want to know their history.
18. OH AC!!! she appeared for a second as well. love her. shes amazing. 9.5/10. and you may ask yourself, why am i saying “i love this character” but none of them are 10/10?? weellllll its because, and i cant stress this enough, 10/10 belongs to kanaya, i dont make the rules. im waiting for her introduction, shes my favorite and its obvious. sorry.
19. oh huh seems i forgot about the term “lusus”. which.. is.. their parents but not really, its these fucking weird ass creatures that the trolls fought in a cave or something as a child. i dont fucking know. terezi hatched hers and it died? gamzee’s also died but his goat sea dad was never really there to begin with so while it is sad, its more sad that gamzee never saw him? um.. karkat killed his own by exploding his computer bc sollux said dont run the virus and karkat said u cant tell me what to do and did it anyways. so thats on him. but apparently theyre supposed to die, to become prototyped during the game, right? yeah. i remember now.
20. thats.. about it? idk anything else, nothing is coming back to me apart from the shit above. huh.... im surprised how quickly things do come back to you the moment you rant about the plot tho.... handy trick.
cool. neat. fun. this took me too long. but im glad i remember a little bit.
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fipindustries · 4 years
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The ludomancer
So you heard of parahumans fans using their own lives to come up with triggers and create their own fan capes? well, that is more than well trodden ground so i figured lets take it an extra notch and figure out my own fan practitioner, my own fanctitioner! (disclaimer: many of of the personal details here were either exagerated or fabricated for dramatic effect)
i had open heart surgery when i was 6 months old, and if niccolette belanger is anything to go by, having big openings in your flesh at a very young age is free real state for persky spirits. Just imagine this giant entrance direct to my chest, leaving my heart ridden with holes and openly exposed.
Now this was in a very modern hospital in and incredibly sterile enviroment so is not like there were a lot of grisly phantasmagoric spirits crawling all over the place, you i was covered head to toe in technology, multiple wires and tubes and god knows what else all poking out of my chest, back in those days i was more machine than human. So with that in mind i like the idea that perhaps some fairly young spirits of electricity, technology, science and artificousness got inside me.
nothing too wild and powerful considering these things were all relatively recent by the standards of the practisce, but enough to have an influence. The general result is that i would be naturally inclined towards STEM fields, mad scientists, math and engeneering as a kid. I would constantly find myself getting involved into these enviroments (even when i didnt want to) such as going to a course in robotics, going to a high school soecialized in mechanics, studing computer science in college, etc.
my life would go on more or less like normal, the spirits slowly growing inside of me but always kept in check by my own essense and sense of self. Until...
i changed careers and went to live at a college dorm in the middle of nowhere, five kilometers away from the nearest city, a small oasis of technology in the desert and the central hub for the Wi Fi of my state. As the years went by i became more and more isolated, my Conections grew weaker, my own sense of self got thinner and thinner (exacerbated by me finally questioning my gender identity). my prescence on the world was almost non existant, spending most of my time in my dorm in my computer not interacting with anyone, browsing ever incresingly more niche or obscure websites.
in this oasis of technology in the middle of nowhere, with my personal conections and sense of identity growing weaker, the spirits within me started to grow stronger and stronger, starting to screw with my very perception of reality, pushing things so that i would start to go down weird rabbit holes online, reading strange texts in impossibly formatted websites that would introduce strange ideas about the nature of reality, some times even downright attempting to posses me (i would try to rationalize these episodes where i would experience derealization as just panic attacts).
The spirits of technology would introduce me to forbidden ideas online, dangerous memetic cognitohazards, basiliks that would force me to perform obscure rituals to summon  demonic entities from lost planes of reality, not aligned with human values. They would try and convince me that reality was a simulation and coax me to pierce the veil and see the true subyacent reality, that subatomic particles were capable of experiencing suffering, that i could be tortured for eternity if enough people were kept from getting dust specks in their eyes. If things had gone like that for much longer i would have probably ended up summoning or becoming an Ex Machina and probably an entire wing of the college campus would have been condemned.
Luckly in my college there just hapened to be a young dabbler who got wind of my situation. They took notice of me and were kind enough to put me in touch with an online community of witch hunters who specialized in cases like mine (the dabbler didnt take care of it themselves because they didnt want to accidentally reveal to me more than strictly necessary about the magic world, the group of witch hunters had a lot more experience solving this problems without the karmic burden of awakening someone)
The witch hunters were a fairly niche group within the larger community of witch hunters. They specialized in bayesian techniques. Using the tools of rationality to dispell illutions, glamours, mind tricks and half truths. They established firm rules for thinking and percieving the world so that Others wouldnt be able to decieve or manipulate them. Calling bullshit on the impossible. Their organization, the Magical Interference Restriction Institute, coordinated the efforts to develop safe protocols for the practisce in the digital age.
They exorcised most of it, gave me a few basic mental tools and rituals to keep the spirits in check and recommended me to try and forget about the whole affair. But fat chance about that, by this point my eyes had been opened.
The awakening
When i finished college and moved to a different city i did everything in my power to enter in contact with the practitioner world again. Walking around the city, reading craiglist adds, looking into different organizations. Of course i wasnt acting blindly, i was guided by some of the things that i had picked up during my posessions, the things the spirits had revealed to me, the forbidden texts that i had read and some of the advice the witch hunters gave me.
Eventually i managed to follow conections and came across a small cabal of practitioners who put the front of a board game club to recruit people and have a place to reunite while looking legitimate and not arising suspicion from the mundanes. The way the club would work was that on the front it was a normal place to play things like Catan, Carcassone, king of tokyo, etc. But on the back room they would “play test” new “games” between the senior members of the club. when in reality they would workshop new rituals to perform.
They would focus on a fairly recent branch of magic caled Ludomancy. Focused on the idea that any boardgame is in the end a ritual. it would be this communal activity with rules and mechanics, supported by the illution and the beliefs of the players who would manipulate symbols and idols across intricate diagrams. 
they saw my experience with rules, logic and technology applied to magic and saw enough potential in me that they allowed me to join. Their awakening ritual is a bit different than most since they customized it based on their findings and experiences with rituals. Instead os sitting in a circle the circle is inscribed in a board. The piece that you use to move through the board has to be carved by you and has to be composed of elements that represent you and that are meaningful to you and it has to hold within a couple of drops of your blood.
You throw the dice and move across the board and depending on what places you fall in on of the cards will be drawn from the multiple decks. These cards will either give you challenges to overcome to prove yourself, make declarations and impositions on the kind of practitioner you will be once you awaken or just be criptic messages and riddles that wont be relevant or mean anything to you until many years down the line. You have to overcome the challenges, answer the questions posed by the cards and most of all, play the rules cleverly so that you can make your piece reach the center of the board and scream jumanji to complete the ritual. Now the rules of every awakening playthrough change and they can be incredibly intricate and complex, it can take a lot of cleverness of a lot of luck to finish this ritual but once you do you find yourself in a much firmer and powerful grounding than most begginers do.
the practice
i would probably focus on shamanism, collecting spirits here and there, slow and steady accumulation of a power base. i would like to get into constructs, acumulating spirits, helping them grow, give them a bit of my own power to help the process along, like sacrificing one drop of blood every week, or establishing small rituals of worship, and then mix and mashing them together to build more complex spirits, also i would probably offer small favors to the local practitioners in exchange of tibdits, trinkets and sources of power, always keeping it low profile and not too ambitious, something like helping with a ritual here and there, being a pair of extra hands, mostly giving help establishing magic circles and drawing diagrams, running small errands, sending messages. it would help let other people know that im not too much of a concern and hopefully they would let me be
if you need help or want to make an exchange with me you could come to my house and i would offer to play a game (usually one i made up) and in the process of playing the game i would perform the magic that you need or arrange the cosmological and quintessential pieces inside and outside of you according to your request.
My implement would be a set of D&D dices that i can use to make a bit of augury, affect probabilities, dictate outcomes and, in times of need, cheat at my games a bit. the rest of my equipment would be booklets and notebooks filled with my own designs, rulesets and texbooks, lots and of graph paper and one actual RPG supplement that i would use to bluff some of the more out of date Others by claiming that i have tomes filled with arcane spells and a full compendium of magicl creatures.
eventually i would try to diversify, focusing more on crafting and building, going more for the angle of the toy maker rather than game designer. I would build complex structures in papercraft, small mechanisms with cardboard, intricate contraptions with some clockwork and some springs.
i probably wouldnt get a familiar, i just dont see my self commiting to a life long companion. i would desperatly try to establish a demesne but that would also be rather complicated since i dont see my self owning property any time soon either.
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battlemaiden13 · 4 years
The Plot Of Mirror Tale
So the creator of Mirrortale @gal-with-pastels​ sent me this, the plot of mirrortale. I’m just going to go through it and give my notes about things I like and things I would change and so on (these can be seen at the bottom) I like Mirrortale as a concept and am so excited to read this. Of course all my notes are just suggestions and the creator can choose what they want to keep and what to change, no hard feelings here. Anyway let’s get to it!
The monsters won the human monster war despite them being proclaimed weak, they won by having large numbers , the leadership and optimism of the king as well as his second in command undyne, the fire monster was able to pull through , despite the numerous causalities. monsters would become stronger with their attacks and defense .
humans were forced underground while monsters lived on the surface, the humans living in villages and slums in the underground , creating their own devices while on the surface monsters did the same, The monsters combine magic making the terrain of where they reside change drastically, the area after journeying through the barrier and war battlefield was called the hotlands , after that snowdin finally the waterfalls. the king and queen of the monsters had a son named asirel , who would be looked after by Muffet , the royal maid.
During this time the royal scientist , W.D gaster stumbled upon 2 skeletons , one being atleast 5 with major fractures to his right eye, and the other being 1 with a small fracture to the top of his skull, the brothers were taken in by gaster , and named papyrus and sans. papyrus would go on to adore the royal knight undyne. during this time gaster had to do some simple tests on the brothers to see how their magic was, while papyrus had strong magic, his younger brother sans magic that was through the rough , stronger then any monster he ever seen , surpassing the kings, and being extremely unstable , to keep his magic in check the royal scientist gave the young skeleton a magic inhibitor to make sure his magic never spiraled out of control.
When the young prince turn 5 human girl named chara would sneak to the surface and meet him. he would later bring her back home and she would be adopted by the king and queen. but after 2 weeks a tragedy occurred, after sneaking out while Muffet was busy. the two managed to go to a cliff with the flowers forget me not's the kings favorite flowers. however the girl did not notice the cliff breaking underneath her , and began to fall, only for the young prince to grasp her hand , and began calling for help, both the king , queen and maid heard this yet they were too late , the prince lost his footing and fell off the cliff along with a human , leaving only a red human soul of determination and a single forget me not , both were taken by the king, the soul being given to gaster while the flower would be placed in at the ruins of the battlefield. for those that had lost their lives during the war , as well as the king and queens son.
A barrier would be placed infront of the entrance to the underground to prevent any humans from going through. little did the king know their was a gap in the barrier that humans could pass through, humans that would go through the barrier would never return their souls being contained and sent to gaster. humans would begin to fear going to the surface.
3 years after this , the queen toriel would begin going on explorations to places within the kingdom almost never coming back to the castle , while gaster would mentor a young determined monster named alphys who was very chilled and a smart talker along with his son sans. papyrus would go on to be a rookie of the royal guard and soon become a member of the royal guard. while that forget me not place in the ruins of the battle field , would come to life , with a case of amnesia on who he was
Asgore on the other hand would loose his bright personality , and instead would fall into a mourning and depressed state,having anger stemmed from humans, as he believed that chara dragged asirel to his death rather than him trying to save her. never leaving his castle, the only time he does is to vist the place where his son died. having a garden filled with forget me nots .
years later a child named frisk with the soul of kindness would sneak through the gap in the barrier and be greeted a blue flower named flowey , who was very helpful of informing the child about what occurred after the war, and also tell them his wishes to explore around the surface rather than be stuck in one place. listening to his plea would find a helmet and place him into it bringing him along . as soon as they did they ran into the queen now explorer toriel, who cared for humans and monsters alike, having that same kind of motherly attitude she had once before looking out for others and helping others. She believed that incident that happened with her son was a mere accident yet her husband disagrees, would guide said human through the battlefield , encountering a boisterous dj ghost named naspstablook who became their friend after frisk listened to his banter. toriel would soon guide the child to the entrance of the hotland outskirts where flowey would have glimpses of his past as asriel
In the hotland outskirts they would meet a skeleton named sans , who clumsily dropped some of his tools . at first he was extremely nervous and intimidated by frisk but soon became self confident of himself afters he sheepishly asked frisk to be his friend , which they accepted as well as flowey much to sans shock upon seeing the talking flower . leading them to his and his brothers home in the hotlands , but first went to grillby's after frisk boosted his confidence. grillby was a water monster that was able to bare the heat in the hotlands. and served various foods, sans ordering fries with mayo , when he asked frisk if it was weird they responded with not at all , while frisk order a cup of water to drink and water flowey. they would later spend the night over at sans where sans was able to make a pot for flowey to be placed in.and when they all had fallen asleep flowey would have more and more dreams about his past.
it wouldnt be long in the morning till his older brother got back from his royal guard duties would theyre be a heated argument, between the two brothers , about letting frisk live . his older brother papyrus was similar to the famed undyne in personality, it was hard to read his emotions, he was an intimidating force, and disliked humans , and kept his cool in situations, and spoke in a monotone voice , an opposite to his brother sans who was very shy around lots of monsters and liked working in their garage on machines , yet under that shyness is a monster who loves to talk and is extremely friendly, Protecting his friends.
Papyrus agreed to sans that he could take him to the start of the next town, snowdin , .. as papyrus informed the the raging flame as known as the royal knight undyne that a human was on their way to snowdin and while sans frisk and flowey made their way through hotlands , sans thanked frisk for helping him build confidence in himself , and that he could make some new friends if he just be's himself. After a sad goodbye , the Frisk would be forced into a battle with papyrus , who know was wielding a set of rayguns designed by gaster as the soul breakers. bantering on and on about how humans Changed the king from who he used to be. and lets just say , he breaks after frisk would not harm him and that they became his brothers friend, His brothers only friend. and would let them pass into snowdin where flowey would have another flashback where he learned his real name which was asriel
the duo would soon be chased down through snowdin by the raging flame undyne , covered in molten armor , a monster that despite taking part in the human monster war was still young . while she used to be a raging flame , she is now a monster who likes having a fair fight against others and is much more mature than what she used to be. guarding the entrance to the water falls and demanding a fight , which frisk agrees but instead flees past undyne and into the the water falls , and when it seems as if undyne's fire would go out, frisk gives her an umbrella to protect her from the water pouring down . as she recovers her energy she salutes frisk for outwitting her and despite following the king , she swears to follow frisk as well, As she asks for the flowers name, she is shocked and filled with disbelief. telling frisk that they needs to bring their friend to the king. she would guide frisk but shes still recovering. as frisk and flowey carry on to the water falls where asirel has almost recovered all his memories.
They run into the smart talking, carefree and abit cocky , horror movie loving mechanic/ scientist alphys and the fashion savvy robot named mettaton. When meetubg and interacting with alphy's frisk notices that she is crushing on the raging flame undyne , which results in her personality altering into one that is extremely embarrassed, yet frisk and flowey decide to help alphy's out on asking out undyne which goes extremely well, and alphys's considered them a friend . Frisk also helps the green and white fashion designer mettaton out by wearing his hand made clothing and the residents of the waterfall adore his work and he thanks frisk by giving them a hug and calling them his greatest friend.
After heading to the castle , Asriel has his final flashback of him trying to help chara who was dangling off a cliff, due to him not being strong enough , he and chara fell to their death's. With his memory is restored, He pleads with frisk to help him remove the barrier, which they agree.
They run into the castle maid muffet who recognizes asirel's voice, falling into tears apologizing that she didn't stop him and chara. Muffet was friendly and motherly maid that usually babysat asirel and chara. always baking them treats and goodies. attire consisting of a gown with the dreamurr emblem. informing them that the only person who could let them into the throne room was gaster. after going to his lab you could see various documents that informed frisk that a monster with unstable magic would dissolve or oddly become a species known as a gaster blaster. and their being 7 containers containing 6 human souls, the soul of determination belonging to chara while the empty container is if any human dares to go to the surface. after encountering the scientist who shows a very polite and kind demeanor , takes some tests to determine whether or not this human is telling the truth .. which turns out correct , he is fascinated by how asirel survived yet lets them into the throne room....
* the true ending would involve asgore being pushed aside by toriel and all of frisks and floweys friends they met along their journey, flowey telling asgore the truth about what happened long ago, and that he is asirel , After getting confirmation of this asgore is about to embrace the flower int a hug until.. the souls of the deceased children break out of their containers and forcefully merge with Asriel , who is consumed by the power , not being himself but instead Psychotic deity who steals the memories of frisk's friends and is determined to consume frisk's soul of kindness to be complete , after Returning her friends memories, Frisks soul is literally plucked from her body and absorbed by asirel, yet she is alive in a dark void with the only things visible are the 6 human souls , she talks to each human soul, telling them they can finally rest easy now . The only one remaining being chara , the soul of determination, who manifests into her alive form , Crying on how its her fault that they died, That all this happened because she wasnt being careful and some long needed comfort, Chara accepts her fate to move on , and the souls including chara and frisks eject themselves from asirel body and begin spiraling around his form , with the power of their souls combined, They were able to return asirel back to his original form . and after a sad goodbye from chara, the barrier is broken , the king becomes his older self again, the queen returns to the castle and frisk is adopted as the king and queens child along with asriel.
* the neutral ending would have frisk facing off against the king , killing him would result in frisk breaking the barrier from their LVL. leaving flowey to mourn why they did this. Sans can also become the final boss of this route if frisk kills papyrus , which would result in sans removing his magic inhibitor and be in the middle stage of a transformation into a gaster blaster. To note that sans is aware of the resets but cant remember anything past his transformation
* In the genocide ending sans will become a boss 2 times , once in his mid transformation stage at the Start of snowdin and encountered one last time in the throne room as a large beast nicknamed the alpha gaster blaster , a large gaster blaster with a skeletal body who has gone feral due to his emotions.
13: These notes are in order from reading:
I like the concept of monsters winning the war because of their leadership and optimism but you don’t necessarily need numbers to win. Of course having the larger numbers makes sense in this AU so I’d keep it
In most AU’s I believe Undyne was born underground? Or at least I think that’s the general consensus. I think It would be better if she came around after the war and someone else was the second in command
I can imagine the humans underground carving out homes in the walls of the cave systems, almost creating complexes to cater to everyone
Love magic changing the land, like it’s seeping into the earth and poisoning it to some extent. 
MUFFET AS THE MAID!! I adore this!! 
I’d be interested to hear your interpretation of Gasters Personality for this AU
Papyrus adoring Undying (for her strength?) is great
What form is Sans incubator? Is it like a bracelet that indicates and controls magic (sort of like slavetale collars) or more of a giant machine that he has to use every night? You could even make it like diabetes and have him check his “magic level” (like blood sugar) every few hours
Is the king and queen adopting Chara an attempt to form peace with the humans? 
I think it would be amazing if the forget me not flower took root and spread all across the battlefield creating a beautiful and tragic sea of flowers
Could humans be responsible for the death of the two children? Like it was all a plan from the start, chara sort of acted like an assassin who came to like the monster prince and tried to back out so humans killed them too? This would explain why monsters felt the need to put a barrier up to lock humans in the mountain and explain monsters distrust of them. 
I don’t think you need to put actual years in place as I think monsters were trapped underground for thousands of years. Putting such a short time frame makes it seem like it happened in a single lifetime.
Pft the idea of Alphys being the most chill monster ever is the best mental image
OHHHH FLOWEY IS THE FORGET ME NOT! Duh 13. Oooo you could link this to the magic that seeps into the ground. 
Asgore YES! Him thinking Chara dragged his son to his death is an excellent explanation and him lashing out and in constant denial and anger is a good choice for him
Ooooo kindness
Love the flower pot helmet. It’s a nice visual
Torial seems to have the same personality as Classic may I suggest leaning into her adventurous side. She can still have a motherly type feel to her but she's all about that adventure, the next exciting extreme. 
The forget me nots could of spread and mutated to make the battlefield like a giant hedge maze
Napstablook is just loud and so confident and fabulous. You go you cool little ghost
Like the memory journey Flowy is going on here
Wait Frisk heard about other humans going missing right? Why did they decide to come up here??
Sans hides behind the lamp
I think Frisk should ask to be Sans friend. This sans just seems to nervous to bring it up himself
Mmm mayo… ok. I see you 
Why isn’t Papyrus at home?
New pot is cute not as cool as the helmet but it works for growing their friendship
Oh there’s papyrus. 
Why would Papyrus agree to that since he hates humans? Is this him setting up a trap with Undyne so he can still take out the human and keep his brother happy?
Seems that way so Imma go with that
Fight fight fight!!
So frisks Kindness kind of shows Papyrus that humans aren't that bad
Love the umbrella idea, it’s very clever
Undyne’s willingness to help Frisk after their fight reminds me of like a knight swearing loyalty to one who has saved them
I like how Aplhys still gets flustered easily but is Mettaton not a human killing bot here? they just seems to be chilling in the room
Friendship once again saving the day. So Mettaton is a fashion bot? Was he worried about his designs being a flop or something? I think I like the idea of Frisk taking time out of their quest to help someone in need. Shows off more of their kindness
Muffet is good
Why is gaster so chill about this whole thing? Did he try to kill Frisk? Does he have something against killing, he just seemed to let them go
Love the souls having to be talked down and Chara blaming themselves
Good, good ending
Neutral: was that Frisks goal? To break the barrier??
Double boss Sans is cool. I like how he can’t remember anything after transforming. 
And those are all my notes on this situation. I really like it and it’s a fun AU. I hope it continues to grow and evolve. 
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homespork-review · 4 years
HOMESPORK ACT 5 ACT 1: Mobius Double Plusungood, Part 2
BRIGHT: Nepeta wants to know what’s going on. Aradia finally stops dodging the question and tells Nepeta she’s dead, but doesn’t elaborate on how it happened. She asks Nepeta to keep it a secret, which Nepeta agrees to. Aradia’s also picked up some froglike traits from being merged with the sprite -- namely a tendency to ribbit.
In retrospect, it’s kind of funny that an active player can merge with a sprite. The role of a sprite seems to involve having detailed knowledge of how the Game works and what the player should do next, but only dispensing vague advice to the player. Prototyping a player would give them full access to that knowledge with no sprite vagueness to get in the way. The Game doesn’t seem too concerned about that, though.
CHEL: Now it’s time to get to know AG better. A doodle of her declaring her to be a HUGE BITCH fades into her standing in her room. Rather gothic, and also filthy-looking; it’s dark, with a red sky outside, and cobwebs and broken Magic 8 Balls lie around everywhere. There’s a FLARP poster and numerous pages of notes on the wall.
Your name is VRISKA SERKET.
You are a master of EXTREME ROLE PLAYING. You can't get enough of it, or really any game of high stakes and chance. You have persisted with the habit even in spite of your ACCIDENT. But then again, you don't have much choice.
Your lusus is VERY HUNGRY, ALL THE TIME. She can only be appeased by the FLESH OF YOUNG TROLLS. You cloud campaigns for teams of Flarpers, utilizing your abilities for ORCHESTRATING THE DEMISE OF THE IMPRESSSSSSSSIONA8LE. Your victories supply you with treasure, experience points, and SPIDER FOOD.
You are something of an APOCALYPSE BUFF, which is something you can be on Alternia. You are fascinated by end of the world scenarios, and enjoy constructing DOOMSDAY DEVICES for the hell of it. You are drawn to means of DARK PROGNOSTICATION and the advantages they offer, particularly in gaming scenarios. Your abilities in this department were hobbled with the loss of your VISION EIGHTFOLD, and you have since sought alternatives through various BLACK ORACLES. You consult with these ominous globes, but routinely destroy them in frustration over the PUZZLING GUARANTEED INACCURACY of their predictions. Breaking them has developed into a habit BORDERING ON FETISHISTIC, and with each you destroy, you add to an insurmountable stockpile of TERRIBLE LUCK. You have to stop. But addiction is a powerful thing.
FAILURE ARTIST: FINALLY we get a name for her and we don’t have to keep saying AG. I imagine the non-Homestucks are feeling like I did when I played Danganronpa 2 finally and saw the “fingers-in-his-ass” guy.
CHEL: She examines a drawing on the wall, of her FLARP character MARQUISE SPINNERET MINDFANG, who is just Vriska in a different coat and seaboots, with a hook instead of her robot hand. She is the scourge of land dwellers and sea dwellers alike, and worst nightmare to silly BOY-SKYLARKS everywhere. She has accumulated more treasure and gained more levels than any member of the PETTICOAT SEAGRIFT class ever. She gained all the levels. All of them.
En route to her computer, Vriska steps on a D4, and complains about how she’s had terrible luck since her mysterious accident. I’d just like it noted that this is a small but noticeable occurrence of Vriska’s tendency to blame others for her problems; if she cleaned her room some time, that wouldn’t happen. Still, she doesn’t worry about it too long, as she’s busy.
So many irons in the fire. Such a tangled web. It is a web full of flaming irons and mixed metaphors.
BRIGHT: Vriska equips her weapon of choice, a set of enchanted D8 dice called the FLUORITE OCTET.
...okay, I’m getting used to characters having semi-absurd weapons, but seriously, what? Let’s review everyone else’s chosen weapons: Hammer, knitting needles, sword, gun, sickles, lance, clawed gloves, walking cane. Sollux had some throwing stars but didn’t assign them to his specibus owing to his telekinesis being enough; we haven’t seen Aradia’s strifekind yet, but she also has telekinetic abilities, and hers are apparently enhanced by her being dead. So that’s a lot of genuine weapons, and some things which aren’t weapons but can readily be used that way in a pinch...and then Vriska has a set of enchanted dice.
It’s a good fit both for Homestuck’s absurdity and for Vriska’s obsession with luck. But it does stand out rather.
Anyway, rolling the dice will execute a wide range of highly unpredictable attacks. Very high rolls can be devastating to even the most powerful opponents. Apparently these work everywhere, not just in FLARP games. Also, while we see ghosts, psychic powers, and superpowered coding, I think this is the only reference to plain magic we have on Alternia.
Vriska steps away from the computer to avoid talking to GA, who she refers to as an unwelcome solicitor, but returns to it when someone else starts messaging her. Vriska calls him this guy; he has no icon -- and, oddly, no username -- and types in white, which means the reader (and Vriska) ends up highlighting the conversation a lot. 
AG: Oh my god, why are you talking to me????????
This is the last time we'll ever talk.
AG: Still sticking with the white text I see. So smooth and stylish!
AG: I forgot how much I loved highlighting it to read all the 8oring things you have to say.
AG: It's like a fun game for super extra handicapped retarded people. Like opening a present! Find out what o8noxious thing the mystery tool typed.
AG: What is it!
A parting courtesy, I suppose.
All the ways I've exploited you were meant to bring about the events that will take place this evening.
Knowing this will provide context for the events in your near future, and will affect how you behave in response.
These events will be just as important as those preceding it.
I've gone to great lengths, you see. 
Well, this guy sounds ominous.
Also, using ‘handicapped’ and ‘retarded’ as insults is entirely in character for Vriska, who has no time for people who can’t operate on her level. Currently Vriska’s also being shown as an unlikeable character. We’ll see how that develops.
CHEL: Still, a lot of people really don’t like those words being used casually, and the fact that we need to show you how things develop should imply that they won’t develop in a way you’ll like. So…
White Text Guy, as the characters refer to him for a while to come yet, continues gloating about how successfully he’s exploited Vriska, who tells him she’ll log off and orders him not to use that nasty trick where you log me 8ack on out of petty douchey spite! WTG says he’ll be brief, though he’s not particularly brief in fact, tells her he no longer hold[s] her accountable for any wrongdoing, and says that if she accepts this, she may get her luck back. Vriska doesn’t believe him and continues to rant, and he points out that her unpleasant, simplistic temperament is what made her so easy to mess with.
If you turn a swarm of wasps on a crowd, the outcome is certain.
He leaves with these even more ominous words:
Though the magnitude of the ensuing destruction resulting directly from your actions will be neither possible or necessary for you to fathom, there nevertheless ought to be a silver lining.
The only question is whether you will live long enough to see it.
Vriska, enraged, lifts a Magic 8 Ball with the intention to smash it, but decides she can’t be bothered, and answers GA, hoping some camaraderie will cheer her up, even if it’s from a meddler. However, GA’s first question is “Is Your Lusus Dead Yet”. Not particularly cheering, is it?
Vriska, for the first time, expresses concern and sympathy for another person when GA says her own lusus is dead, though it may be undermined slightly by her own personal disappointment in never having got to meet said lusus. GA doesn’t seem very concerned, and says “Maybe You Still Can”. According to her, though, all their lusii are dying, as a “Preemptive Consequence” (if that’s a meaningful concept) of the upcoming Game. Karkat blames himself for activating the cursed code, but GA thinks it was inevitable. However, Karkat’s idea of a curse Is Inseparable From His Perception Of Events As Intrinsically Negative And As Tailored To His Personal Dissatisfaction, and so is Vriska’s poor luck. GA points out that if Vriska cleaned her floor she wouldn’t step on so many things. THANK YOU, GA, you made my point for me! Vriska is angry at GA “meddling” so, and demands to know why she does.
GA: Because Youre Dangerous
GA: Its Ok To Be Dangerous
GA: Lots Of People Are
GA: And Dangerous People Can Be Really Important
GA: Maybe Even The Most Important Sometimes
GA: But It Just Means Theres Got To Be Someone Around To Keep An Eye On Them
As Vriska gets angrier, it’s noted that she puts 8s in her typing in places where they don’t work as Bs or as “eight” sounds, and they become more numerous.
AG: Or you know, if you're so h8gh 8nd might8 an8 th8nk you're so gr8at, m8y88 you c8uld oh I d8n't kn8w........
GA: That Wouldnt Work
GA: If I Tried To Stop You You Would Regard Me As An Enemy
GA: Instead Of Merely As A Nuisance
BRIGHT: GA’s strategy appears to be trying to talk Vriska into being a better person, either by persuading her that it’s the right thing to do or by being so annoying that Vriska does the right thing to avoid being meddled with. She’s making an effort, I’ll give her that. And given that she doesn’t live anywhere near Vriska, there isn’t all that much she can do to rein her in.
CHEL: Vriska signs off, ranting about her “Lousy st8pid godd8mn supportive friend!” and heads down the enormous staircase to check on her lusus.
You wonder if any other kid on the planet has such a high maintenance lusus? You DOUBT it.
As a matter of fact, one does and Vriska knows that, but we’ll see them later. Not a continuity error, it’s just Vriska self-pitying.
From a window, we see a doomsday device hanging over a chasm by chains attached to the surrounding cliffs. Vriska built it for an especially powerful and influential member of the nautical aristocracy, with help from an as-yet-unnamed nearby friend. Vriska reaches the bottom of the stairwell, and we meet her lusus, which is…
… a spider about the size of a cathedral. For the sake of our arachnophobic readers, we’ll refrain from posting a picture. Suffice it to say she’s as terrifying as she sounds. Pan out to show the entire valley is filled with cobwebs, and Vriska’s hive is matched by a similar one on the other side of the valley.
Before we move on, I’d just like to chat a little about the astrological symbolisms used here. Vriska’s the Scorpio troll, and it puzzles a lot of people that she’s spider-themed instead of scorpion-themed. Both arachnids, but not the same thing. However, Scorpio does have multiple symbols, depending on the source of the interpretation of the constellation, including the spider and the phoenix. Observe! (I enjoy astrology. Sue me.) Also, a scorpion would be a lot harder to get the story symbolism out of; Vriska is at least attempting to be a master manipulator pulling on strings, i.e. webs. The astrological symbolism and alleged personality traits aren’t used for all of the trolls in general, either. The troll with the sign of Aquarius the Water-Bearer is seadwelling nobility and probably wouldn’t be happy to be represented astrologically by a servant, and Gamzee is basically the opposite of the ambitious and hardworking traits of the allegedly typical Capricorn. Basically the signs are mostly aesthetic and if Huss can work in some connected symbolism that’s a bonus. I don’t consider this a negative thing in particular, though it might annoy some astrology buffs.
Actually, I don’t know how intentional this was, but one fan actually analysed how the social expectations on Alternia are in fact the exact opposite of what would actually suit their astrological sign. It didn’t get finished but there’s some interesting information - read the posts in question here, beware spoilers!
BRIGHT: One amusing consequence of this can be turned into a game: Go to Tumblr, find an astrology post, and see how long it takes to figure out if it’s a Homestuck riff. Some of them even just say ‘Vriska’ for Scorpio.
It’s probably just because I mostly follow fandom-related blogs, but I’ve yet to see a Tumblr astrology post that wasn’t a more-or-less-subtle Homestuck joke.
CHEL: And the ones which aren’t make for great fanfic prompts!
BRIGHT: Vriska’s lusus is fine, as it happens. Vriska pretends to be happy about this, but she’s rather less convincing than Dave is about his own guardianship issues. 
FAILURE ARTIST: And we turn from Vriska to look in her neighbor and it’s….that creepy guy! Hurray!
Your name is EQUIUS ZAHHAK.
You love being STRONG.
You are so strong, you would surely be the class of the elite legion of RUFFIANNIHILATORS. And while such a calling would be quite honorable, you would prefer to join the ranks of the ARCHERADICATORS, perhaps the most noble echelon the imperial forces have to offer. Unfortunately, you SUCK AT ARCHERY. You have not successfully fired a SINGLE ARROW. Every time you try, you BREAK THE BOW. You are simply too strong. You have broken so many bows, it has developed into a habit BORDERING ON FETISHISTIC. You have to stop. But addiction is a powerful thing.
You have a great appreciation for THE FINE ARTS. You use your aristocratic connections to acquire PRICELESS MASTERPIECES, painted in the oldest and most respected Alternian tradition of NUDE MUSCLEBEAST PORTRAITS. These striking depictions of the EXQUISITE FAUNA native to Alternia remind you of the PUREST PHYSICAL IDEAL that must be sought by anyone who professes a LOVE OF STRENGTH. When those of lesser bloodlines turn up their uncultured noses at such stunning material, it MAKES YOU FURIOUS.
Practically everything MAKES YOU FURIOUS. You have so much rage, it can only be expressed through STAGGERING QUANTITIES OF PHYSICAL VIOLENCE. You build strong and sturdy robots, set them to kill mode, and BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM in caged brawls. Sometimes you LOSE TEETH. But they usually grow back.
FAILURE ARTIST: Equius Zahhak’s first name is obviously a take on the Latin word for horses, but his last name is from a Persian demon who is also known as “he who has 10,000 horses”. 
So yes, that furry porn on his walls is high art to trolls. Though the prequel Hiveswap Friendsim, which has artist characters, doesn’t have MUSCLEBEAST PORTRAITS. Maybe Equius is actually weird.
CHEL: Actually, the Friendsim does have musclebeast art; if you squint at the beginning of Nikhee’s route, you can see depictions of white muscular chests flanking the arena, which don’t look like troll chests. Hiveswap proper is rated PG, so we’ll be spared it there, too.
FAILURE ARTIST: Equius is more even-tempered than his introduction suggests. He’s not completely violence-free (as we will see)  but he’s not in a constant ‘roid-rage. Heck, from what we’ve seen before of him he just gets peeved and snotty. 
Equius calls for his lusus Aurthour, who I guess could be called another self-insert. Aurthour is a centaur-type creature with cow udders and a mustache and looks like something out of Hussie’s early comics. Aurthour carries a glass of lusus milk on a platter, presumably from its own udders. Ummm. 
You cannot hope to beat Aurthour in a butler-off. He is simply the best there is.
Sweet, I guess.
CHEL: I wonder how Aurthour contorts around to reach his udder. Centaurs aren’t really known for flexibility.
FAILURE ARTIST: We find out why Aurthour has a shiner. It’s not because of domestic abuse but because when Equius “gently” pats Aurthour, Aurthour bruises. Yet this creature is the only lusus STRONG enough to raise Equius. 
Equius tries to drink the glass, but it shatters in his hand. Which begs the question of why Aurthour doesn’t use an alternative to glass. Well, I guess Equius going straight to the source would be too disturbing even for Hussie. A bigger problem is how Equius can do the fine detail work of building robots when he can’t hold a glass. 
Equius goes into a rage, which just means he stands around in Hero Mode while the lusus milk quickly evaporates. Wait, quickly evaporates? What is it made of?
CHEL: I assumed the heat of his rage boiled it.
FAILURE ARTIST: Equius tries to equiup equip a bow but fails due to his strength. Like the glass smashing, this is a normal occurrence. You’d think he’d give up but apparently breaking bows is like popping bubble wrap to him. Expensive bubble wrap. So he has the useless 1/2bowkind, a bowkind for when he’s ever that lucky, and the fistkind which he actually utilizes. Yes, in Homestuck, you can register your fists as lethal weapons. 
Equius talks with Nepeta and the narration summarizes like thus:
CT: D --> Yes AC: :33 < no CT: D --> Yes AC: :33 < no CT: D --> Yes AC: :33 < no CT: D --> Yes AC: :33 < no CT: D --> Yes AC: :33 < no CT: D --> Yes AC: :33 < no CT: D --> Yes AC: :33 < no
Equius is still worried about his good friend Nepeta, so he decides to relieve his stress by talking with another friend. And here comes a line fans take as meaning trolls don’t have friendship. 
It should be noted that in troll language, the word for friend is exactly the same as the word for enemy.
Though that line contradicts Equius considering Nepeta his friend only a few lines back. This worldbuilding sucks. 
CHEL: Well, he doesn’t treat her the way a human should treat a friend at this point.
FAILURE ARTIST: So Equius trolls this frienemy who turns out to be Gamzee.
centaursTesticle [CT] began trolling terminallyCapricious [TC]
CT: D --> Have I ever told you what a reprehensible disgrace you are
TC: hAhA, fUcK yEaH, oNlY eVeRy MoThErFuCkIn DaY bRo!  
Yeah, Equius, pretty much everyone tells Gamzee that every day. 
Equius says he wants get some things off his chest, which giving what we later learn about troll relationships might be adulterous. Gamzee tells him not to let his feelings be bottled up lIkE a FuCkIn AlL sHaKeD uP bOtTlE oF fAyGo and this metaphor makes Gamzee thristy. Equius berates Gamzee for drinking soda, which seems harsh but we later find out soda is booze for trolls. He’s also angry at Gamzee for doing sopor slime. Now, fans think Karkat didn’t like Gamzee doing sopor slime but we never actually see it. It’s just Equius who cares. This leads to an exchange I find interesting.
CT: D --> You will stop
TC: WhOaAaA, i WiLl?
TC: hOw Do YoU kNoW tHaT?
CT: D --> No, you don't understand
CT: D --> It's not a predi%ion, it's an order
CT: D --> I command you to stop
Gamzee is so passive he finds it hard to imagine making decisions that will change his future. Sad. And when Gamzee does get what Equius means:
TC: Oh, AlRiGhT bRoThEr.
TC: yOu MoThErFuCkIn GoT iT.
CT: D --> What
CT: D --> Are you serious
TC: yEaH.
TC: I mEaN, yOu GoT tO sHoW sOmE fAiTh In YoUr FrIeNdS, cAuSe ThEy'Re AlL tHe OnEs WhO'rE bEiNg To LoOk OuT fOr YoU.
TC: sO fUcK iF yOu SaY i'M nOt DoInG tHe ShIt RiGhT, tHeN wHaT tHe MoThErFuCk Do I kNoW!
CT: D --> No
CT: D --> This is una%eptable
CT: D --> Ok, let's start over
CT: D --> I apologize
CT: D --> I was completely out of of line, and I'm sorry
CT: D --> I have no right to talk to you like that, or tell you what you can't do
TC: aWw, No WoRrIeS!
Gamzee was ready to kick sopor slime except Equius backed down. Wondering about the timeline where Equius didn’t back down. 
Still, Equius begs Gamzee to behave like a superior. Gamzee asks what that means and Equius gives a very creepy answer.
CT: D --> 100k, it isn't that difficult
CT: D --> Try to be cognizant of your desires and needs
CT: D --> And attempt to regard those around you as simple vehicles meant to bring about your gratification
At least Equius is a hypocrite...most of the time.
Equius asks what Gamzee is doing and Gamzee relates his adventures in Sgrub. He bonked an imp on the head and scared another with a horn and eventually ended up sharing pie with them. Equius likes the tales of valor but is disappointed with the peaceful end. 
Equius asks Gamzee to roleplay and Gamzee says yes; there’s an uncomfortable sequence where Equius tries to get Gamzee to virtually dom him. Gamzee is terrible at being assertive, but Equius is still whipped into a state of contrition. Basically, Equius is getting off on this. 
CHEL: It should be noted that tricking a child into sexual behaviour is a form of abuse even when it’s done by a child of the same age. Not cool, Eq, and not funny, Hussie.
Though, while that is clearly the reading we’re meant to get from that, I have to say Equius never reads to me like he’s actually enjoying being ordered around. With Gamzee he’s just frustrated that he’s not behaving in a correct manner, and in later exchanges he seems knocked off-balance by the normal social order being upended. I know I’m just projecting, but it reads more like he has some issues with anxiety or OCD and is desperate for someone else to take control and tell him what they want him to do so he doesn’t have to worry. He sweats constantly during these exchanges, which is supposed to imply he’s aroused, but people sweat when they’re worried or afraid too.
FAILURE ARTIST: On a lighter front, Equius says he doesn’t live near the ocean, which considering his neighbor regularly goes on a pirate ship is an odd thing to say.
CHEL: How near is “near”? He might just mean not within walking distance so he can’t casually wander out to the sea like Gamzee does.
FAILURE ARTIST: Equius ends by wondering about the social order that puts someone like Gamzee above him but someone as graceful and poised as a certain mysterious she is of the lowest caste. Gamzee (and the readers) ask who she is and Equius brusquely says D -->I shouldn’t be talking about this D → You’re the enemy before signing off. 
CHEL: If one’s been paying attention, one can guess.
Next, Equius and Vriska are in cahoots. Cahoooooooots. Vriska declares her intention to meddle, and they have a brief exchange about sarcasm. It’s horribly inconsistent whether trolls have sarcasm or not, as I’ve pointed out before. Already gave a point for it, though.
Anyway, Vriska asks if Aradia’s present is finished. It is.
CT: D --> But I don't understand why you're intent on gratifying that worthless peasant
AG: 8ecause I promised I would and it's none of your damn 8usiness! Man.
Their plan is to let Aradia usurp Sollux as leader with her cute little ploy (recall her sending him to sleep and letting him swallow mind honey earlier), then both snatch power from her and become joint leaders. Each asks the other if they’re planning something sneaky and each insists they’re not. Equius can sense that Vriska is trying to read his mind, and when she won’t stop, he takes control of her cybernetic arm, which he built, and makes her slap herself in the face.
FAILURE ARTIST: So given that Vriska tried to read Equius’ mind, despite the dangers (both physically and mentally), it is unbelievable she refrained from reading Karkat’s due to delicacy. 
I think Hussie has said in his commentary that Vriska had a crush on Equius. The fandom prefers lesbian Vriska at this point and so has ignored that. YMMV on if there is evidence of a crush in the text but I find the idea amusing. 
CHEL: Equius goes to fetch the present for Aradia which he was supposed to give to Vriska.
You naturally will doublecross your accomplice, just as you assume she has plans to doublecross you. You assume she is assuming the same of you. Business as usual for blue bloods.
How the hell does this society get anything done?
You will deliver it to Aradia yourself to gain her favor, and then doublecross her and take your rightful position as team leader. How ironic that someone of your blood purity must work to win the favor of the lowest sort of peasant. Humiliating. Strangely titillating, even. But in the end, class order will be restored.
He takes the tarp off the present, and it is…
Tumblr media
Why, Aradia. It appears the red glass of your eye has caught the pink and green glint of the moons in their perigees. The sweet poetry almost makes a man forget how the grime that once filled your veins made his stomach turn. It is a good omen for illicit lovers. Could you imagine the scandal if anyone found out?? No one must ever know.
But worry not. Your heart will pump no more of that despicable red sludge. You have been given a new heart. You can be taught the ways of the class you were always meant for. No one is beyond redemption.
Be grateful, dear Aradia. For the first time in your meaningless life you have met a man with true compassion.
Jesus fucking Christ. See what I meant when I said his interactions with girls were worse than his posters? No points because it’s supposed to be creepy, and with the teachings of his society it’s not entirely his fault, but wow.
FAILURE ARTIST: Well, his interaction with a girl is creepy. His relationship with Nepeta is more problematic than fans remember but that’s two-sided and not infatuation. As for Vriska, he’s cold and business-like with her. He collaborates with GA but that’s off-screen and was probably also business-like. Meanwhile, he has lustful interactions with most every male character. We’ve seen how he acts with Gamzee and we’ll see more later. Equius’ interactions with guys are another example of Hussie using male attraction to other males as a punchline.
CHEL: But yes, he’s built her a robot body. Unfortunately for everyone involved, while making out with it, he feels judged by one of his battlebots, gets angry, and punches it. It goes flying out the window and robosplodes above the valley, and its remains hit Vriska’s doomsday device, setting it off. It breaks before it can actually destroy the planet, but the chains holding it up snap, sending it swinging into the cliffside, causing another explosion. The cliff collapses, taking part of Equius’ hive with it, sending Aurthour plummeting into the chasm and crushing Vriska’s spider lusus under tons of rubble.
Cutting back to before that, we see Terezi battling imps on her treehouse’s rooftop, when Vriska messages her, declaring that playing the game together means breaking their truce. Terezi says that’s not what the truce was about; it was about STOPP1NG TH3 3NDL3SS CYCL3 OF R3V3NG3 and Vriska not using her powers maliciously anymore. Terezi’s next couple of comments are just calling Vriska a liar so I’ll just take Vriska’s, to further illustrate her behaviour.
AG: Man, you like to give me such a hard time a8out all that. I can't catch a 8reak! AG: Can't you see I'm trying to put all that 8ehind me and make amends with every8ody? AG: No, of course you can't see that. What am I saying! [...] AG: I'll prove it to you. I'm giving Aradia a present that will make her feel all 8etter finally. AG: Then I'll 8e in the clear. Phew! Totally redeemed. You'll see. I mean smell.
Vriska appears under the impression that large flashy gestures are the important part of an apology, not actual sincerity. Terezi points out Aradia doesn’t care about anything anymore and probably won’t care about this.
AG: Man, why can't you cut me some slack for once???????? AG: It's not like I even did anything that 8ad to you. AG: I lost seven eyes 8ut you only lost two! I would say you came out ahead in the 8argain. GC: 1 KNOW GC: 4ND 4CTU4LLY GC: 1 N3V3R R34LLY GOT TH3 CH4NC3 TO TH4NK YOU >:D
Vriska’s disbelief aside, Terezi really is serious here. Not surprising to the reader, her blindness is basically a superpower.
AG: Remem8er Team Scourge? How convenient all that must 8e to have forgotten! You were so nasty. AG: Oh man, if you crossed Terezi Pyrope you were fucked!!!!!!!! GC: Y34H 1F YOU W3R3 4 B4D GUY GC: W3 W3R3 SUPPOS3D TO B3 L1K3 4 V1G1L4NT3 DUO D1SP3NS1NG JUST1C3 GC: 4ND YOU COULD T4K3 TH3 B4D GUYS HOM3 4ND F33D TH3M TO YOUR STUP1D SP1D3R GC: BUT 1NST34D YOU JUST F3D H3R 3V3RYBODY! GC: 4ND L13D 4ND L13D 4ND L13D
Okay, this little exchange needs some more dissection. Terezi is supposed to be the “good cop” of Team Scourge, the by-the-book one on the side of the law. But we saw what Alternian law is like, and later on we’ll see demonstrations that things such as having a birth defect or, according to Hiveswap, owning fiction which so much as mentions the possibility of rebellion, are punishable by death. Not only is this not making Terezi look any better, if she’s as obsessed with the law as we saw, who would she deem not a “bad guy”, and why would Vriska have such a shortage of “bad guys” that she’d need to take anyone else? Hussie appears to have forgotten that the Alternian concept of justice is different from the Earth one.
FAILURE ARTIST: And what we would consider a “bad guy” wouldn’t be the same on Alternia. There’s tons of trolls murdering other trolls on Hiveswap Friendsim without any hint that’s illegal. It’s probably completely lawful for a highblood to kill a lowblood just because the lowblood annoyed them.
BRIGHT: Maybe. I’d say what this shows us, and is intended to show us, is that Terezi’s sense of justice isn’t just based on Alternian law, but on her own moral code. The law made it perfectly acceptable for Vriska to feed lowbloods to her lusus regardless of whether they’d done anything, but Terezi didn’t think it was right, and for her that superseded the law. She’s the ‘good cop’ not because she always follows the book, but because she’s willing to ignore it.
We also know she thought Vriska was on the same page as her. Note that Terezi makes two accusations here — the first is that Vriska killed people who don’t deserve it, and the second is that Vriska lied to Terezi about doing so.
CHEL: That may be what it’s intended to show us, but what we’ve already seen is that she worships the law; she draws and gleefully licks pictures of the head of the troll court, His Honorable Tyranny, and she shows no concern in her roleplay with hypothetically executing people for relatively trivial crimes. That makes this a bit… shaky, IMO.
BRIGHT: True. Terezi may have stopped killing since her FLARP days (or, at least, we get no indication that she’s still doing so), but it doesn’t seem to have shaken her belief in the Alternian legal system. Just her belief in Vriska, who even brings up a similar point.
AG: Well if you want to know what I think, you should start changing your tune. AG: Cause even though you got all these highfalutin morals and fancy reserv8tions, you know as well as me that a killer is a killer is a killer! AG: There 8n't no ch8nging your ways for good, and one d8y you're going to flail that silly l8ttle cane of yours and not find n8thin to 8ump into, and fall f8ce first into the shit ag8in. AG: And you're going to do something t8rri8le to some8ody and wish you could t8ke it 8ack 8ut you c8n't!!!!!!!! AG: And then you'll work hard to win 8ack their trust, and you'll try and try and tr8, and you'll see how hard it is! AG: You'll seeeeeeee!
Vriska’s making this all about her own feelings about Terezi abandoning her, but she’s not wrong.
Vriska hears the doomsday device exploding and the subsequent rockslide, and goes to  find out what it is. Terezi tells her not to get crushed.
The next page jumps back in time again -- this time, quite far back. Terezi’s eyes are normal, and she’s talking to Aradia about Tavros’s recovery. Aradia says he’s probably paralysed for life. Terezi brings up the possibility of getting him robo-prosthetics, but after the Vriska debacle Aradia is firmly against having anything to do with bluebloods.
CHEL: Terezi warns Aradia that revenge attempts will end badly and she wants to handle it. Aradia says Vriska isn’t able to control her, but Terezi says Vriska will find a way to harm her anyway. They lament how they were both distracted by the same person.
AA: wh0 was he anyway GC: PR3TTY SUR3 1T WAS VR1SKAS FR13ND AA: what was he d0ing there AA: watching us GC: WHO KNOWS GC: H3S NOT R34LLY H3R FR13ND THOUGH GC: YOU SHOULD S33 HOW H3 T4LKS 4BOUT H3R B3H1ND H3R B4CK GC: SH3 H4S NO 1D34 HOW B4D H3S PL4Y1NG H3R GC: BUT TH3N 1 DONT TH1NK H3 KNOWS HOW B4D SH3S PL4Y1NG H1M 31TH3R
This sounds like they mean Equius, but we’ll see. Aradia feels she’s letting Vriska win by doing nothing, but Terezi has a plan. She confirms that her friendship with Vriska is over.
Cut to Aradia’s house, and here I need to go into a bit more detail. This is her house:
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Aradia’s a maroonblood, the lowest of the low on the hemospectrum, peasantry and cannon fodder and supposedly extremely numerous. Yet her house looks to be about the size of the entire block of flats I live in, and she lives in it alone, with no other buildings at all in sight. In the next page, we see inside her house, which looks exactly the same as all the others; she has piles of roleplaying books and posters and a computer, and nothing looks to be in disrepair.
BRIGHT: Her house also looks a lot like Tavros’s, what with the windmill feature on top and the brown hangings rather than maroon, which threw me off at first.
CHEL: We’ll talk about this more later. For now, let’s stick with the most noticeable thing; Aradia is alive! Her skirt is untattered and her eyes have colour and pupils. Her lusus is alive too, napping beside her. It’s not quite clear what it is exactly; it has a sheep-like head, but its body is long and slim with much bigger hind legs than forelegs. Could be supposed to be dragon-like? I’ve also seen it interpreted as kangaroo-like. I don’t think we ever get a better view of it.
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Anyway, Aradia knows Terezi’s advice is sound, but she can’t bear not to do something to Make her pay. She puts her hands up to her temples, and the image fades back and forth with one of wrapped troll corpses in Spidermom’s web…
It's a shame it had to come to this. You don't like summoning the spirits of the dead to settle scores.
But if she had to face her victims again, maybe she'd finally learn to feel remorse.
This begs the question, how the fuck can the highbloods oppress people who not only hugely outnumber them but can shoot lasers from their eyes, control animals, and summon the dead at will? Well, there’s actually some explanation for that. The player trolls all appear to have unusual levels of power, for whatever their given powers are; most maroonbloods can’t do this. In Hiveswap a main character is a more typical maroonblood, who can just about bend spoons with his telekinesis and not much else (though we haven’t seen him speak with dead yet, and it’s possible he’s better at that). Not all trolls even have their caste’s powers, as far as I can tell, as we do see a yellow in Hiveswap Friendsim who’s not a psionic and some ceruleans who don’t seem to have mind-control powers as well. Head or eye injuries, which aren’t exactly rare in Alternia, can cause the loss of said powers. Also, the highest blood castes have powers of their own and other things to hold over the lowbloods’ heads. It’ll be a while till we get to that, but I’ll say now it is convincing, we do not have an Oppressed Mages scenario.
Anyway, Aradia does her thing…
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As Vriska cowers on her floor, White Text Guy messages her again. Vriska replies angrily, ghosts looming over her shoulders.
Aren't you going to kill her?
AG: Who????????
Your friend.
The one who summoned the spirits.
AG: Will that make them go away?
Does it matter?
She brought them here to torment you. This obviously warrants revenge.
Vriska asks why WTG doesn’t kill Aradia instead, since he helped kill Tavros; he replies “All I did was stand somewhere for a few minutes. I just gave you an opportunity to do something you wanted to do anyway.” So, seems it wasn’t Equius they meant earlier. Vriska protests she never intended to kill her gaming companions, and blames him.
Again, I didn't talk you into anything, nor am I doing so now.
You were, and are, going to do this regardless.
I only ever place myself into positions of tangential involvement with events that will bring about my employer's entry into this universe.
I oversee the events as they take place, and ever so slightly nudge them into motion when necessary.
BRIGHT: Looks like Aradia and Terezi haven’t told her Tavros survived, which is eminently sensible. This conversation also highlights another Vriska trait: That she’s a very active person, but will try to shift responsibility as soon as she doesn’t like the consequences. That could be a result of her upbringing -- Vriska had to actively go and kill people for Spidermom, but she wasn’t responsible for the overall situation. (Although -- how much did she do to ameliorate it? By the time SGRUB starts, Spidermom’s far too big to fit into Vriska’s home. Vriska might have been able to get away with not feeding her at that point; there’s not much Spidermom can do if she can’t get to her.)
CHEL: The later addition to the canon, Pesterquest, claims that the lusii can psychically nag their charges and she could bother Vriska that way, but that directly contradicts Act 5, in which the trolls want to prototype their lusii so that they’ll be able to communicate properly with them for the first time, and also couldn’t Vriska just move further away?
BRIGHT: Inertia is very much a thing, and people do often just settle into a rut of ‘this is the way things are’ even when something could be changed, so it’s not improbable that it wouldn’t occur to Vriska to move — come to that, I don’t believe it occurs to anyone else either — but the fact that it doesn’t occur to her does say something about her character. 
CHEL: Also, why didn’t Vriska feed the spider on animals? The possibility is never so much as considered by her or anyone else, though it seems the most obvious thing to do. Sure, the spider might be picky, but as we said, it can’t leave the valley due to its size, or it’d be hunting for itself. If it’s left with the choice to eat cows or die, it’d presumably pick the former, especially since the lusii aren’t supposed to be sapient and thus wouldn’t have the capacity for spite. For assuming that Vriska did what she had to when such a screamingly obvious better option is never addressed, here we go with a new count, which will rise whenever Vriska’s horrible actions are excused.
 Back to the scene, Scratch claims omniscience, which Vriska mocks.
AG: Sure you know a lot, 8ut I know for a FACT there's stuff you don't know.
That's true.
But the gaps in my knowledge exist by design.
They are the pillars of shadow on which my comprehensive vision is built.
Necessary pockets of void meant to effectuate outcomes I've foreseen and which will require my influence.
Each dark pocket, in time, will be filled.
I don't lie.
Deception is only necessary for those like you to achieve their objectives.
I play with my cards face up.
Isn't it funny how during our various matches, I can tell you what my moves will be in advance, and still win?
Vriska, angered by this, does in fact plan to kill Aradia; Not much point in living with all these moaning spooks just to spite some guy you don't give a shit about. She can’t control Aradia because Aradia’s own powers get in the way, but there are other people she can use.
How about this guy? Unfortunately, you can only control him about half the time.
Then again, that should be all the time you need.
Cut back to Aradia’s place, and she receives a message from Vriska, telling her her boyfriend is outside. 
BRIGHT: Vriska also lightheartedly tells Aradia she’s sorry, and that she’ll make it up to ‘him’ someday. Presumably ‘he’ is meant to be Tavros, except that Vriska seemed to think Tavros was dead in literally the last conversation she had. This is probably just a slip-up on Hussie’s part, but it’s possible to read this as Vriska referring to a different ‘he’ entirely, considering what’s about to happen.
CHEL: Aradia looks, and sees a figure hovering telekinetically over the fields....
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Note what’s in his hand. You do not under any circumstances eat the mind honey… His eyes start flashing and Aradia looks afraid, but we suddenly cut to a view of Alternia, and then to a closeup of its green moon. The prompt instructs us to Be the white text guy, and we meet him in a very familiar-looking green mansion.
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You try to be the white text guy, but fail to be the white text guy. No one can be the white text guy except for the white text guy.
The white text guy is known as Doc Scratch.
He is an officer of an indestructible demon known as Lord English. His job is to pave the way for the arrival of his master, who will be summoned upon the termination of the universe. He has worked at this task for many centuries, and will continue to do so until THE GREAT UNDOING.
Scratch is Alternia's FIRST GUARDIAN. Every planet destined for intelligent life has such an entity meant to protect it, and facilitate the planet's ultimate purpose. A first guardian is typically almost as old as the planet itself, and each has a unique, circuitous origin through the knots of paradox space. They can be born into a great diversity of forms, though they all share a common, especially potent genetic sequence. 
Remember Rose’s MEOW book, and how DD used it to create Becquerel? Yep.
The code grants them near omnipotence, and when merged with a host of great intelligence, near omniscience as well.
BRIGHT: Only near-omniscence, however. Scratch is surprised to find Terezi contacting him, but he’s able to work out that she got Sollux to help pretty fast:
Occasionally I discover there are things I have not always known.
It gives me the opportunity to make deductions, which are practically always flawless.
It's gratifying.
He also suggests she call him ‘Mr. Vanilla Milkshake’, and then hints that Aradia might not be straightforwardly dead by stating that Sollux and Terezi believe she is dead, and will soon believe she is not, both of which are true statements about their beliefs rather than reality.
Props to Hussie on this: I’m pretty sure every Homestuck fan wants to punch Scratch in the face. He’s just so obnoxious. 
Terezi, however, refuses to let Scratch keep derailing her for long. She wants Scratch to get involved in their feud again, and she has a good reason for him: She knows how Vriska’s been able to come so close to beating Scratch in their games lately. Before she can tell him, though, she needs to talk to Vriska again.
She starts by asking how Vriska feels about killing Aradia, after she promised not to. Vriska responds with dramatic insincerity about how she feels awful, and then says Terezi should be happy that Team Charge is out of the picture. 
AG: Uuuuuuuugh, what do you want from me????????
In the end, there isn’t. Terezi tells Vriska she’ll be dead in a couple of minutes, and to ‘CONSULT W1TH YOUR L1TTL3 4DV4NT4G3’ if she doesn’t believe it, then leaves the conversation.
Vriska’s little advantage turns out to be a MAGIC CUE BALL, which is similar to a magic 8 ball except that it’s predictions are specific and accurate, and it lacks a portal through which the user can read said predictions. Fortunately that’s not an obstacle for Vriska: Her VISION EIGHTFOLD allows her to see through the opaque casing.
CHEL: Vision Eightfold is the vision from the one of Vriska’s eyes which has seven pupils, which she covered with an eyepatch with seven rubies on it when she was FLARPing. Also remember that Jade had a Magic Cue Ball but couldn’t read it? Yeah, it’s another one.
BRIGHT: One other thing: According to rumour, it used to belong to the man on the moon.
As Vriska asks the cueball whether she should be worried about Terezi’s threat (answer: YES), Terezi lets Scratch know where his missing property has gone. Vriska asks the cueball how it’s going to happen…
This section is one of my favourite Terezi moments. It really shows off Terezi’s ability to outthink and manoeuvre people. She’s never spoken to Scratch before, but she still plays him against Vriska easily.
CHEL: This is why Vriska has a plain eyepatch and a robot arm in her future appearances, but she’s otherwise fine. Bluebloods are tough, apparently.
BRIGHT: Back in the future, Spidermom has survived the rubble falling on her, but just barely. Vriska puts her out of her misery with her magic dice, which summon up a massive guillotine and decapitate the lusus, drenching Vriska in spider blood.
The decapitation sets off another landslide, sending Equius’s house straight down on Vriska’s head, but before it can land, a portal opens underneath it and transports it into the Medium.
Vriska promptly jumps on Trollian to freak out about this, because her plan depended on her getting Aradia’s surprise present from Equius to pass along and then Aradia and Vriska entering the Medium together, and never mind that a house was about to fall on her -- in fact, when Aradia points out that Vriska was about to die, Vriska accuses her of planning this. Aradia placidly agrees.
CHEL: This is part of my evidence for thinking Vriska might not be neurotypical. Not the priorities most people would have. Also, meanwhile, note that the lusii have the same blood colour as their charges, while the non-lusus animals Nepeta killed were black and had red blood. I’m not sure whether that’s a species trait, or a side effect of the weird bond between them (doesn’t make a lot of biological sense, but then this is basically fantasy with a sci-fi coat of paint).
Vriska is enraged by things not going the way she planned; her grand gesture of apology, the robot body, will now be handed over by Equius and not her, ruining her chance to be friends again with Aradia. Again, she doesn’t seem to understand how apologies work.
AA: were we ever really friends
AG: Yeah!!!!!!!!
AG: I don't know. I felt like we were even if you didn't think so.
AG: I guess I'm not very good at acting like a friend. Or saying stuff like, hey friend! You're my friend! It doesn't really occur to me.
For some strange reason related to her prototyping with the frog statue, Aradia types out “ribbit” into the chatbox, and informs Vriska she’s not on the Blue team as she expected, enraging Vriska further. Vriska accuses her of taking revenge, which Aradia denies, saying Vriska was always going to be on the Red team, and that she doesn’t care about her death.
AG: You're so infuri8ing! Why c8n't you just h8 me? It would 8e a lot easier th8t way.
AG: Or at least feel 8othered or annoyed or S8METHING! God!!!!!!!!
AG: May8e I sh8uld just rip my he8rt out of my chest and pound it to a 8loody pulp here on my desk with my sup8r strong ro8ot arm.
AG: Pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound!
AG: Look at that, more nasty 8lue 8lood all over me. Why not! Might as well op8n the floodg8s and p8nt my whole hive with this oh so envia8le cerulean SWILL.
AG: 8ecause clearly it's up to me to feel em8tions for the 8oth of us, you misera8le soulless witch!
AA: 0_0
AG: I h88888888 you!
AG: H8 h8 h8 h8 h8 h8 h8 haaaaaaaate!
AG: I only regret killing you cause it m8de you so 8ORING!!!!!!!!
AA: s0rry
Aradia assures her that the teams are meaningless, but being on the Red team will put Vriska in the position they need her in. Vriska’s confused and angry, and leaves the chat.
In Equius’ LAND OF CAVES AND SILENCE, he trolls Aradia again, telling her he will be the sole leader, which she doesn’t care about. He’s surprised she isn’t objecting, and says he needs a towel.
CT: D --> Never mind
CT: D --> I'm trying to stay professional about this
AA: ab0ut what
AA: what are y0u talking ab0ut
CT: D --> Forget it
CT: D --> It's just pleasant to consort with one of lesser breeding who clearly understands her place
He’s been established to suffer from hyperhydrosis, but he’s clearly also supposed to be getting off on this, which, since he’s thirteen, is icky to read.
It only gets worse.
CT: D --> I 100k forward to seeing how well you serve me, server player
AA: uh
AA: thats n0t quite the meaning 0f the w0rd server
CT: D --> What do you mean
AA: as y0ur server i manipulate y0ur envir0nment t0 help y0u advance
CT: D --> I don't understand
CT: D --> Are you
CT: D --> Are you saying
CT: D --> That
CT: D --> You are in a position of control over me
AA: i supp0se s0
CT: D --> Oh
AA: what
CT: D --> Oh my God
He babbles about how he needs fresh air or another towel, getting so agitated he actually drops an F-bomb, which he immediately covers up with “Fiddlesticks”. He says he wants to break something, and Aradia offers to break something for him, as she’s developed an interest in breaking things recently. Next page, she flings an “abluti0n trap” through his wall. 
FAILURE ARTIST: The running gag of girls fucking up boy’s homes with bathroom appliances continues!
CHEL: He’s very happy, except about her commoner slang.
CT: D --> In fact, this is an order from your leader
CT: D --> Call things by their proper names
AA: what
AA: y0u want me t0 call it a bath tub
AA: that s0unds ridicul0us
As FA noted, this bit of worldbuilding ends up retconned out with all trolls calling things by strange rewordings later on.
Whatever it’s called, Equius asks her to throw it through the wall again. She asks if that’s an order, and he can’t decide.
CT: D --> You could cause quite a bother for me, with the power you wield
CT: D --> I can do nothing to stop you, peasant girl
CT: D --> It's so magnificently depraved
Aradia ribbits again and he takes it for roleplaying, but commands her to continue to do as she pleases. He tells her he’s bringing the robot body, and muses on whether she should actually be co-leader again; in fact, he decides, she should be the actual leader, in secret, through him. She points out that’s what they’re doing anyway.
CT: D --> You take to authority well for one of your b100d
AA: i d0nt have bl00d
CT: D --> Not yet
CT: D --> But soon your heart will beat anew, and through it, fresh b100d and fresh passion
AA: 0_0
Equius proceeds to STRONGJUMP right up to his first Gate, punching off an ogre’s head as he goes, and to STRONGFALL out into LOQAM, where Aradia waits. Equius hands over the robot and Aradia enters it; she seems happy, but Equius cautiously asks if she feels anything else.
EQUIUS: D --> Can you detect anything within you might describe as
EQUIUS: D --> Smoldering passion
ARADIABOT: did y0u pr0gram this r0b0t t0 have feelings f0r y0u?
EQUIUS: D --> Hrrrk
EQUIUS: D --> Yes
EQUIUS: D --> Uh
EQUIUS: D --> It's a chip in your heart
EQUIUS: D --> Is that not ok
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Understandably, it is emphatically not.
Now, this is undeniably a really, really, really creepy thing to do. I’m not sure how much blame can be applied to Equius here, though; he’s been raised in a society which would presumably tell him she would have to accept his advances no matter what, considering their caste difference. In a horrifying way, the chip might have been, in his mind, the nicer option. Still, as I said, creepy.
BRIGHT: I think it’s telling that he asks if it’s not okay after Aradia freaks out, as though he honestly hadn’t considered that Aradia might have a problem with it. Specifically, up until that point, Equius seems to be interacting with Aradia more like she’s a prop than a person — it doesn’t seem to occur to him that she might not want what he wants, unless their wants conflict in a way that he finds titillating. Then she freaks out and he’s surprised. And that in turn speaks volumes about how lowbloods are viewed by highbloods in wider society.
Contrast Vriska, who absolutely realises that people down spectrum can have their own agendas and emotional reactions; she just does her own thing anyway. Vriska is actively malicious; Equius is, at least in this case, accidentally malicious. Note that he doesn’t make any effort to prevent her from removing the chip once he realises she’s distressed. (Not that he really gets a chance.)
Equius in particular also seems to have a problem about slotting people into roles in general -- he does it with Gamzee, too, although since Gamzee is higher-blooded than him, he has to at least face the fact that Gamzee doesn’t fit into his role. He comes across as very sheltered.
FAILURE ARTIST: Equius considers it such a good thing to be a highblood that he thinks he’s doing her the greatest favor by turning her into one. 
CHEL: This also brings up the question of where he got all that blue blood. I hope it’s synthetic. If not, he’s already said he doesn’t kill animals, so I’m not sure whether it’s creepier if he killed another troll for it or if he slowly drained it off from his own.
Aradia’s not contemplating that, too busy crushing the artificial heart and slapping the shit out of Equius for multiple pages, before, er…
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Yes, she’s apparently making out with him as a reward for violating her mind, even after the chip was removed. 
BRIGHT: The first time I read Homestuck, I thought that was meant to imply that not all of the programming was gone.
FAILURE ARTIST: Hussie did confirm the programming was gone. He compared it to a failed roofying.
CHEL: This is a bit of a shock, but it makes somewhat more sense when we see more of troll culture, not long in the future. Still, right now it’s probably upsetting for a number of readers because that part of troll culture hasn’t been established, so…
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indomitablemegnolia · 4 years
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"Hmmm, e.e. cummings, that speaks to my heart; my blood approves, and your kisses are a better fate, than wisdom. Though, going by the poem, it's you who focused on syntax." He kissed me deep and hungry, what could be a better fate.. than this, gripping his lapels I dipped deeper into his mouth, I slid tongue along the roof of his mouth, ending by pulling his top lip in for a small nibble.
"God is this undeniable connection between us, I am pulled to you; this strong pull, like a 400 ton electromagnets, that neither of us through this horrid day could avoid;" I sucked in a deep breath, "when first I looked into your eyes they spoke."
His deep chuckle rumbled, travelling the distance between us, "Now, what did they say to you?"
I raised my eyebrows looking up rather coyly, "Honestly?" He nodded emphatically, I tilted my head smiling with just one side of my lips, suddenly, stupidly, doubting my ability to read people; "they said 'it is you I want.' I know wishful..."
He cut me off with a kiss, pulling me as he laid back, I cuddled into his chest, it was a deep hungry kiss, I felt his wish filled hope; he broke away for air, "It's true," he spokedeliciously between caresses of his lips, "I did," he kissed me deeply, I took over the kiss, manipulating his lips, "mmm I do." He nuzzled my neck. "Back to your first point, that pull, the attraction, it was never one-sided, it was gravity." I giggled, he pulled me closer, looking directly into my eyes, "don't mock, it's as real as the gravity that pulls the tide." He slid those skillful delicious hands along my frame, "as real as the force that pushes your body in for a perfect fit along mine, so close right this moment; we were pulled and pushed together, I am sure if I hadn't trailed after you we would have possibly crashed into each other, hurled by the cosmos."
I was caught breathless by that truth, "I still wonder why... why me? How was I so blessed? I have trouble believing this is real."
"Sweetheart like we talked about, this is your world, you control all of this world;" He kissed me deeply, "let your pain go," he kissed me deeper, "let the hurt go," he kissed licking the edge of my soul, "let the guilt go." He kissed me pulling my body so that not an inch wasn't pressed to him. "What you are imagining right now, that world you control, in this place as real as any pain?"
I moaned my answer, "Hmmmm, possibility." I sat up looking down at him; "what are you imagining?"
He laughed and my toes curled, "I am not sure you want to know."
"Oh, but I do." I kissed him, "I want to know everything you want, everything you imagine; I want to know what you feel, what you want, what you imagine... I want to feel, I am like a robot just awakened, I want to know why me?"
He sighed, resigning himself, "I don't know why you, I have been obsessed since first I saw you; you were at a gate waiting at five a.m., writing in a red notebook like the green one that i have been reading from; your face a mix of both angry and sad; you struck a chord in my heart that I had not heard in a while. I saw you, I didn't just want to capture your attention; I wanted to rip it from you, leaving you breathless; god, I would love taking that beautifully faceted mind to new, unfathomable heights." He kissed me deeply wanting more I clung to him, "You are no robot, I have seen too many of those. You are simply a human who like the tinman forgot there was a heart beating in that breast." His eyes drifting appreciatively to my chest, his hands poised inreverencee; "My imagination is something of its own, but this is your world."
"I don't want to be in this world alone, we both need to be here, we both need to learn each other."
He growled, his eyes rolled, I had finally pushed him onto his uncomfortable place; "My imagination, my wants, my needs are simple; I just hunger to be near you. I would love to just sip coffee and kisses for days; make out like mad teenagers; I want nothing from you, nothing you wouldnt gladly give; all I require from you, all I ask of you, all I want is for this sliver of a moment, a simple time away from time."
He stopped, breathing in sharply, a look crossed his face as if something inside was daring him to tell the unvarnished truth; hallelujah, I have been waiting, angling, yearning, longing for this moment for a while; I simply waited for a few more breaths for that idea that struck so suddenly so deeply his jaw dropped, "Oh, shit." He ran his hand through his hair, dropping his hands, looking up, he sighed as if he'd just had a revelation; I gave him time to let it settle in; he looked away letting out half a chuckle, finally he came to a resolution; I watched the knowledge settle in, his shoulders relaxed, his breath slowed.
He sucked air through his teeth, he looked almost apprehensive, his eyes wary, maybe even a little scared; "I suddenly realize what I must say, what I gotta do; I know now that I need to rip your attention away;" he moved fast, flipping me to my back; "to capture your mind;" his hands framing my face, looking deep in my eyes, "I need to cast these doubts away; the only way to do that correctly is to lay my own soul all the way out, just as you have all this night, in reciprocation; I finally understand it's my turn to lay it all out bare;" he rolled, his knees between my ankles, "I have to be as unashamedly honest, as you have been; I have to let you know my hidden self, and trust that you will not run... I have to trust you with what my imagination screams: I hunger for you, even thoese kisses, these tiny tastes, only whet my appetite for you, I long to devour you, every inch;" his eyes raked suggestively to the flavours he craved, he eased up between so my knees met his knees, crawling along the inside of my legs, his hands slowly sliding up the outside over the robe to my hips, "I need to touch you; I am lost to it," he crawled slowly up my body, "God, I want you, all of you. I have this entire time. I. Want. You. And even more; I need you;" he locked me in place as his arms braced his frame planted on either side of my head; "your eyes, your lips, your mind," he sighed, kissing me softly, "your heart... Lord, your body," he nestled himself between my legs, "I want you;" he took a breath, his eyes sliding over me, "sensually," he kissed me harder doing things with his tongue that made my breath leave in a moan; "sexually," he ground his hips suggestively against me "I want to bury myself so deeply in you that I might drown;" he stopped looking a little ashamed, he kissed me, holding me close, "I want you, simply as a man wants a woman; simple, no rules, no expectations, no explanations; just simply; I know I can't always get what I want; so, basically, I am willing to take as much as you are willing to give." He kissed me softly, slowly, undressing my soul; "I ask you in return, why not you? Someone like you, so beautiful, so open, your ideas so delicious... why not you? Look at your sweet confused face, you have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?" He kissed me soft, "God, so beautiful, but why me?" I must have given him that look again, he set his jaw, "Seriously darling, why me? How was it that you found me, of all beings available, acceptable?"
"Simple," I rolled to where he had left my journal, he tried to reclaim it from my fingers, I slapped lightly at his hands, pulling it farther away from him when he reached for it, I carded through until I found the dress piece; "Read, I knew you, I loved you well before we met." I pushed the book under his nose, he read, his eyes flaring; he looked up. I nodded, "Yup, I wrote of you long before the possibility of you seemed real; look at the date;" I curled my finger over the edge of the book to emphase my point, "ages ago, in a time when I had friends and they included me of their wedding plans; a friend was belabouring the cut of the dress, the flavour of the cake, how the bridesmaids would behave; but always ignoring the fact that her intended was a jerk, who ended up beating her; I wrote that to satisfy my soul; solidly believing that no such human existed; but then there was you." I leaned in close, whispering into his ear; "I want you, I have had to suppress it, clamping my thighs together so many times tonight." I licked the edge of his ear.
His breath hitched, "How, how, I doubt anyone knew me; I didn't even know me, then." I watched him read it again, "I gather you thought all of these were impossibilities to find all together;" he rolled to his side as close to me as possible, that long leg laying over mine like a downed tree; he began reading in that dramatic voice; "I was listening to a friends diatribe about trying to find the perfect wedding dress… It has to have a bit of this or an overlay of that. She was fussing and fawning over the bow details when the Person about to stand opposite of her was of the inadequate material. So I started mulling over who, if ever anyone, I would stand opposite. I thought I would fuss over the important things...
@pedeka who needs to get better...
@keeper0fthestars escape
@iamhisgloriouspurpose curiosity
@writernotwaiting ... if only...
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crispclown · 5 years
kurogiri hcs
i just have a lot of kurogiri thoughts....
- in canon mostly because i really like the theory that he's an ex-ua student who used to be friendly with aizawa and yamada before his quirk pretty much failed him during a battle and instilled the thought of "never let someone chase an unachievable dream" in aizawa afterwards. he was in a vulnerable position during that time and afo, who seems to watch the ua tournaments and realized kurogiri's quirk had the potential to be incredibly useful to his organization, swooped in similar to how it was with shigaraki and with careful manipulation pretty much became in kurogiri's eyes his savior who helped him realize how horrible the hero society is and gave him a second chance at redemption via villainy. because of this he feels a strong sense of debt towards afo 
- since he hasnt seen what an ass afo is yet he'd do almost anything afo would ask of him without question.
- to add onto the above of being an ex-ua student thats also one of the reasons he constantly has his mist on. i personally believe he does have a normal human form underneath going off how 1-a pinned him down during the ua rescue center scene. having his mist contantly at the ready helps be more prepared for all the sudden unexpected situations villains can fall into as well as disguise him from both media attention and anyone who might recognize him (old friends-) given the fact he's considered legally dead.
- the only people aware of his well. origin story is afo and some of his trusted higher ups who assisted in readjusting kurogiri to their group and pushing him to further his quirk abilities to do what he can do now
- kurogiri never really thought of telling shigiraki about since to him that backstory doesn't matter as much as helping him grow as afo's heir and as kurogiri's adopted son
- the reason kurogiri got into bartending was because when he first joined and he and afo were trying to figure out when he;d fit best kurogiri just sort of realize afo tends to drink A Lot. with all his quirks, its hard for afo to be killed by more normal means like alcohol poisoning and some of them had the side effect of needing a Shit Ton before afo could really get drunk
- so kurogiri just ended up helping fix afo's drinks and over time it morphed into learning how to bartend
- his loyalty to afo s pretty much the only reason kurogiri originally started taking care of shigaraki. afo knew how loyal and steadfast to him and took advantage of it to give him the job of raising/babysitting shigaraki. tbh i don't think kurogiri was fond of shigaraki since the beginning and probably acted more like a butler/robotic towards him at first before the unrelenting Parental Instincts tm kicked in one day after almost a year of looking after him and suddenly realized "oh fuck this is my son"
- during the year of lowkey awkward parenting he was internally having a crisis since in my mind he never really ever thought of having kids during his time as a hero in training so suddenly having the responsibilty of looking after one you know nothing about and is already pretty grown vs wanting to please afo who trusted him enough with the task made him p conflicted during the time
- thankfully(?) afo was the most active in shigarakis life during the beginning years so kurogiri didn't have to have his crisis while being a single dad as well. as shigaraki got older afo just started to withdraw more when he thought shigaraki and kurogiri were getting along well enough and weren't about to fight/betray him any time soon
- if the lov ever decided to break their assosiation with afo, kurogiri would likely still go with lov to make sure shigaraki and crew stay safe and that none of them get too hurt. despite that, he'd still retain quiet loyalty to afo due to his blind faith in him and would probably keep him updated if asked, thinking of it as a "father knows best situation"
- for the lov to be able to have his Total Loyalty, really the only person who could sway him would be shigaraki himself. as much as he feels like he has a debt to afo, shigaraki has pretty much become his own son in kurogiri's eyes (which he likely wouldnt outright admit-) and anything he'd tell him about afo would pretty much be the only stories kurogiri couldn't bring himself to cast doubt onto
- honestly in general shigiraki is pretty much the only one besides afo that he's willing to listen and consider anything he says. everyone else he might listen to but internally there's a possibility hes not really listening depending on the topic. like above, sometimes he thinks he just knows better though he is willing to admit whenever he's wrong
- mild projecting but besides shigaraki his favorite that he won't outright say is his favorite is toga. besides yknow the murdering which tbh doesn;t really bother him, he pretty much sees her as a a+ daughter and is just "lmao your lost" at her family. the only thing he doesn't like about her is when she goes out of her way to aggravate shigaraki or when she starts killing people suddenly and it throws off lov's plan
- he takes great pride in looking nice and presentable and while he might be willing to wear more casual clothes in his rare free time, he refuses to wear clothes like those free tshirts you get at events or his pjs outside his room.
- lowkey passive agressive about s o m e people not wearing socks t o m u r a. or not wearing long enough pants like arent your fucking ankles cold?
- kurogiri does also enjoy being a gentleman to go along with his professional aesthetic since like. just cause youre a villain doesnt mean you gotta be a dick yknow? too many heroes do that anyways (@ endeavor then perish)
- can swear but unable to around children 
- (shigaraki once heard him say fuck when he thought he was alone and its haunted them both ever since. neither of them talk about it)
- he's a villain so like. he doesnt feel bad about killing people or watching them get killed. he was literally willing to murder 13, all might, and 1-a and only didn't because renforments arrived. during their first meeting with toga and dabi, his concern was less about shigaraki killing someone but the concept of shigaraki killing someone who could be useful to their cause. if shigaraki had weighed the options and told kurogiri "yeah im gonna kill them theyre useless", kurogiri wouldnt have seen anything wrong with not stepping in again when shigaraki does so. 
- the only people he would feel bad for killing would be very young children since they remind him too much of how shigaraki used to be. parents of said children have a 50/50 chance depending on how they act
- kurogiri does try to let shigaraki be a grownup tm since hes like. 21 and make his own decisions but he really does have a habit of babying him since hes seen all the stupid shit hes done and said since he was like 5-6 and it all flashes in front of his eys sometimes
- for all the members who Can drink legally hes memorized their usual drinks by now. some of them (magne, twice, spinner-) probably use this to look cooler to recruits but everyone else Knows
- purposely says things like “the pokemens" in front of the younger members to set their fight or flight reflexes off
- video games are basically the only thing he really keeps up to date with pop culture wise tbh. whenever someone pulls him into playing one with them, he just acts like an old man who doesnt understand how to use controllers and lets them win to be nice. if he wanted he Could Destroy Them
- kurogiri doesn't dad anyone who doesn't want a dad figure showing up. he'll still do things like make sure they're being as safe as a villain can be and act as a mediator but otherwise they won't get much witness much dading unless its directed towards someone else
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viktormaru · 5 years
okay here’s my full character analysis??? Headcanons???? canon retelling with my shit slapped on??? on
(under read more cause its gonna get long)
Viktor is said to be born in the borders of the Entresol level of Zaum (aka the middle), but I’m guessing that means the lower border because of how often he’d have to move or stay away from home due to accidents.
I assume Viktor had good parents. They were artisans and seemed to encourage his creative pursuits with robotics and so on. (I also believe he is trans and that his parents supported him in that as well haha).
So yes, we have this child who likes building things. And he lives in this place that is not healthy or safe for the people that live there. His parents probably go to the upper levels to work and Viktor gets a glimpse of a better place there. He sees where he’s at and at first, he is motivated by both kindness and frustration. He is a child with a passion and all these leaks and accidents are getting in the way! So he starts studying to see what he can do. Time passes though and he realizes the extent of those things, the casualities of those humam errors. So he takes his work more seriously and soon he is producing results. But of course no one takes a teen seriously, no matter how good he is.
Until someone does and it works. His inventions are good! So he keeps doing it! He’s awkward and socially anxious but he really LOVES building things so he does it and sells his work to the factories until he gets the attention of the Zaun academy of techmaturgy (this is canon btw). 
He goes into the academy and he’s.... awkward... Like, Zaun is full of weird people sure but Viktor is pretty bad at talking about anything but robotics and stuff and comes off as blunt often, so he’s kinda isolated by his peers. He doesn’t mind, he’s there to study. But professor stanwick approaches him with interest in his work and Viktor is happy he is recognized by a professional. He’s a little naive back then and trusts his teacher a lot. Which is why he is convinced to move to Piltover, despite a bit of his reluctance to leave his home. His parents wave him goodbye and he leaves.
He moves to Piltover and gets a better lab, more tools, more money and more people to help. His work just improves in time and he’s put to work with a lot of people. He once again fails incredibly of socializing properly and falls into isolation yet again (hello darkness my old friend). People end up working with him either because he’s really the best option or because they can stand him for the time he is needed {:- (
Well, that is, until he works with Jayce. Jayce is infurating and doesn’t do things the way Viktor likes doing and has this weird outlook on how things are done that sometimes just works despite it all. He’s a puzzle that doesn’t make sense and the two end up doing a lot of things together. And having a lot of discussions. A LOT of them. They are both kinda lonely. But its like.. they don’t dislike eachother?? Because they kind skipped some steps in how socializing usually goes so it just kinda worked. 
They could’ve kept going, getting comfortable in eachother’s spaces until they could just go out to chill together or something but neither of them was brave enough to try it (or smart enough to realize that could be good). 
But then at this time that awful chem spill happened in Zaun in the entresol level and Viktor rushes home to help.
I’d say this is where Viktor’s character starts like, solidifying I guess? Because I think for the first time, as a grown mature person, Viktor is seeing death and suffering with his own eyes. Death and suffering that could’ve been avoided. He’s watching all these people die and suffer and he can only do so much to repair the damage. If only it could’ve been avoided, could’ve been stopped. He knows it’s possible. Why didn’t anyone do it? 
He doesn’t find his parents either.
So he spends the next several months throwing all his energy and sanity into doing whatever he can to help these people. He builds blitzcrank and they fix evertyhign they can. It’s a fucking CHEM spill, can you imagine just how AWFUL it all was?? people were dying for several weeks after the accident , even after the damage to the structures were already fixed. These people were slowly suffering around him and he was trying and they kept dying around him. These are workers, families. It’s a pretty bad situation.
He learnes how to infuse mechanical parts with flesh in an astonishing way just to try to replace the rotten, sick parts of the people around him. Get rid of the parts that were kiling them.
And then! He finally goes back to Piltover, after it all, and the first thing he gets is the news that Stanwick stole credits on his invention of Blitzcrank.
Like.. the emotional toll of it all? He’s tired! He’s burdened with the ammount of death he saw and people wanna be shitty and play games like that for glory and fame! It’s stupid and he doesn’t understand it! He tries to fight for his right and loses because no one really bothered to support him through it (Jayce didn’t think he’d really have to and would you look at that).
He’s angry and upset and grieving and possibly traumatized. He keeps wondering why would people do that to eachother and comes up empty. So he’s here, obsessing with replacing every part of human error to garantee that people WILL live. Of course, he’s more isolated then ever and people don’t bother to sit down and listen, they just think he’s weird and obsessed and stuff like that.
So when he needs to do the colaboration on the dive suits with Jayce and they have their fight about free will, people side with Jayce quickly. They think Viktor is mad and they had seen it coming miles away. 
He gets fucking expelled from the Piltover academia and sent back to Zaun.
To his ruined home, alone, with nothing but his name and his thoughts.
Clearly that leads him into a deep depression. After all, he lost everything but he doesn’t understand why ! because sure these people in piltover like acting high and mighty and theorizing and politicizing but they didn’t have to watch children crying because they were coughing so much blood was coming out because their lungs were corroded and they wouldnt last another week. They thought viktor was mad. 
And viktor had a lot of time to wallow over it, and think about his failures and suffer on his own and he’s actual conclusion is that negative emotions ( envy, pride, sadness) clouded people’s judgemetns. They’d let others suffer for their own gain out of fear of losing. 
He thought that himself feeling sadness was just another obstacle to do what he had to: save people.
So he basically starts operating on himself until he can barely feel emotions anymore, removing his own happiness with it (but its not like he felt it anyway so what difference did it make). And then he starts plunging into work like never before, dedicated to this new cause that is the glorious evolution. He starts again from the bottom and once again he rises, because Viktor is a genious, and he is honest in his work, in his intentions. He wants to help.
 People were scared of the Mad Man Viktor, but Viktor would do anything he could to save you if you came to him. He understood limits though, he never imposed over people. Do no harm, as they say ( what would be the point of doing that?? )
And then the other toxic even happens in Sump, another really bad one, and Viktor rushes in to help. He’s keeping these people alive in his lab but he knows he doesnt have the power to keep them so. So he goes to Jayce after an energy source.
He thinks Jayce will listen to him now, now Viktor isn’t emotive and easily hurt, now he isn’t insecure, he has a cause, he has something he fights for. A brighter tomorrow.
And Jayce calls him mad. 
Viktor is kind of dissapointed, he’d think Jayce, who has always been so uncaring of people’s opinion’s would at least try to understand. He doesn’t. So he takes the crystal by force from Jayce (petty arguments can be saved for later, those people on his lab needed him NOW).
When Jayce follows him there with a hammer he understands the stakes. 
One life against hundreds is an easy math. Viktor chooses to sacrifice Jayce (Jayce chose to come here after all)
But then Jayce actually destroys his lab.
And like... imagine waking up to your laboratory destroyed, just dozens of corpses of innocent people laying around. yet another failure, yet another big price to pay.
He has to start from zero again. His reputation is completely stepped on ( he is truly crazy now by everyone’s eyes) and Jayce is a hero. Blitzcrank sticks around for a little while, moved by the same passion to help people, but blitzcrank can stand the deaths and the gruesomeness of viktor’s work, he leaves to try to help in other ways. Viktor lets him of course, blitz has free will and he isn’t anyone to stop him. 
Some people, desperate people, still come to him for help. He does his best to give them what they need. A strange cult forms and idolizes him, he hates it, he is no god, he is just another man. People thinking of him as an etheral being just proves his theory on how fear and wayward emotions lead to dumb, dangerous mistakes.
In the end, Viktor is trying to cheat suffering, cheat death at all costs.
I don’t believe he sent any golems or anything after Jayce, vengence is way too beneath him. Stealing? Maybe not, depends. I think Jayce became a bit paranoid after “defeating” viktor. Because Viktor said some big words and Jayce is suddenly realizing that truly, he has no purpose. He’s just a useless tool. He makes things sure, but what for? He’s raised as a hero but damn he doesn’t feel like it.
And to end it all, this is why I think Ekko and Viktor should sit down and chat at some point. They are so similar and so different all at once. They both love Zaun and its people, they both wanna protect them and have a passion for inventing. But while Viktor wants to reject his human side to achieve his goals, Ekko embraces it. Like, I don’t think Viktor shouldn’t even be his mentor, more like his colleague. Ekko is his own person and has a different way of doing things, but they could do a lot together as well. 
Also Ekko and Blitz are totally friends in canon so like.. yeah.. Zaun for life....
Anyway this is it thank tou all for reading this is UUUH like 1,8k words long 
extras or stuff I already said and will say again:
viktor is trans
he was an anxious yet hopeful (and maybe a bit naive) teenager
he still loves sweet things and thats canon.. he likes chilling sometimes
workaholic as seen
blames himself for literally everything like a dumbass
is kinda of very afraid of death in general
is not the kind of person that steals children to experiment on them cmon guys thats propaganda
is embarrassed of the cult following him
i guess he doesnt have his whole left arm anymore, chop chop it went
USED braces as  kid
loves blitzcrank like a son, doesnt realize it
I think thats all, sorry yall
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artcanary · 6 years
oh my god dude 
im gonna put this under a cut bc this is a lot. this is a ride, have fun i guess
1. Your first OC ever?god. its got to be Super Kitty. when i was like … an incredibly small child I used to draw comic strips about this feline caped crusader, who was friends with everyone in the city, and the comics always involved him stopping an evil banana man from stealing money from the local bank. He was paid with donuts for his service to the city. i still remember how to draw him. 
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?i’d get arrested if I didn’t answer this with Bronze, probably… but really, they’re very important to me
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?man, i cant remember! i really dont think i have… P:
4. A character you rarely talk about?there’s loads of characters ive never even posted a single picture of on tumblr, i wouldnt even know where to start asdf
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? bronze is the easy answer, but… i guess that could also go to Servant or Westrin. Servant has a comic project in the works that basically stars him, sort of a series of one-shots about the things he’s experienced, i feel like that would be a good thing to take off and run with. Westrin’s just fun as hell, i love the guy.
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?real talk now… there’s at least five different characters that i refer to as a whole as “bronze-tangential”, who started out as, “what would bronze be like if they were in this world?” and then becoming their own thing within said world because i just get stupid attached 
its an epidemic
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?nearly all of them, actually. that’s the main reason i make characters, after all! too many to really go into specifics here, again P: 
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!not often, but i think Bronze and Westrin are the most common ones. unless playing a character in dnd, or running an npc in dnd counts… then a whole lot more hahaha
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?it depends on the circumstances. i don’t really like the idea, though. 
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? Westrin’s old getup is a pain to draw, and there was one other design i did that I cant find anywhere… whichever way, i dont often tend to draw super complicated things often 
a couple fakemon ive designed though… heheh those can get pretty finicky
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? hmmmmmmmm my immediate thought was Eric Silverdale from a comic i was working on a few years ago. hes a darling, i want him to be my friend irl
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lothow could you do this to me i love each and every one of all my friends ocs GOD the first one who comes to mind is @d20-official‘s Smith, whos Bronze’s friend… everyone in that DND party actually
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? Rated on a scale from “harmless” to “honestly somewhat frightening”: -Baromet (charming and quite friendly but definitely a kleptomaniac),-Westrin (demigod of bards and travelers), -XEN09 (a nonsense hacker), -Conny (needlessly contrarian and dumb as HELL), -Enza Colie (long fucking story but hes a good-for-nothing), -Hemlocke (mad scientist, chaotic evil), -Iris (AI and hacker, VERY bad), -The Terminus (glitch-in-the-matrix demon, chaotic evil), -and Sydd (the Queen of the Faeries, hopefully the danger there needs no explaining :’D)
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory Mmm… there’s a few of them, most obviously Lent (whose background I did a short comic about). Basically his entire town got eaten by ghosts and turned into zombies, he only barely survived with a sliver of his soul left. 
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?yes, i often discuss storylines and such with friends
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? Probably Bronze’s dad! I don’t talk about him much, but his name’s Devon Reed, and he was a biotech developer specialising in android design. 
I often describe him as being something of a reverse Arthur Weasley - a very fatherly scientist fascinated to the moon and back with the concept of magic. 
17. Any OC OTPs? having trouble thinking of a lot of them right now, but there’s Eric + Lent & Naiadine + Tailias from Emerald Sigil, Avken + Baromet from my space campaign world, Sydd + Wyvv from my unnamed campaign world, and I’ve been considering Westrin + Servant as an interesting dynamic in Servant’s story
18. Any OC crackships? My character Bismuth and @autistictimeknight​‘s oc Eros. Theyre so fucking in love, I love it. Its been awhile but I do still think about them sometimes.
As I recall, Eros is an empath, she can read other people’s emotions. But Bismuth is a robot, and Eros can’t read her. Because of this Eros can let go of her fear of unintentionally manipulating the emotions of her date, which would hold her back from most other relationships. 
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)Hey, meet Bronze! I definitely do not talk about them every five minutes, why would you say that. 
Bronze was with me through two of the hardest years of my life so far, and being a DND character they grew with me, both as a fighter and as a person. They were non-binary before I started using those pronouns, they were the first character or person or anything who I fought someone about using the right pronouns for, they make a great icebreaker for if I want to see how someone reacts to non-binary pronouns … 
One funny anecdote about Bronze is that when I first made them, their “gimmick” was that they would sometimes glitch out and mess up their speech, mostly because I wanted an excuse not to engage in the roleplaying (which I was very bad at). The interesting thing is that as I got better at interacting with the group, we both grew out of needing it very quickly. 
I’m very proud of Bronze. 
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?Westrin is a bard! His singing voice sounds like Bill Wurtz and these are his theme songs.
21. Your most artistic OCProbably Westrin again, he writes a lot of songs… and Hallux is a game designer?
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? I honestly dont know… no-one talks to me about them, haha! 
people use all manner of pronouns for bronze, though. 
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?I’m gonna go with Enza for this one. Enza Colie was originally written entirely because I wanted an antagonist for a short starring his sister, Jane Colie. But the more I fleshed out his reasonings for acting how he did and explored his character, the more I realised he’d make an even more interesting character if allowed to have a redemption arc, too. 
I just want to state for the record that I was very reluctant to the idea, and he basically dragged his way out of the villain pit entirely of his own accord. I am dubiously proud of him, and also a bit scared. 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?Probably either Eric (Big Man, Best Friend), Crocus (Mother figure), Reed (Father Figure), Westrin (hed just make a good friend u kno??), or Bismuth (she makes good conversation!)
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)probably the homestuck fan-troll Hallux, but that’s mostly because they were based on a troll-sona I made awhile ago. They’re a hope/prospit game designer who is small and full of rage and love
oh, and there’s dave! dave’s a superhero speedster, existing in a modern-day superhero version of seattle. theyre idiot, just like me,
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? this is an interesting one… i don’t think ive ever had something Bad in a design ive done called to my attention by someone, but I did create my character Servant at around the same time I was first really expanding the diversity of my casts. (since i don’t talk about him often, a little context: he’s a magic spirit creature bound to human form to serve the royal family of the land and follow their orders.) 
somehow, younger-and-more-stupid me managed to have the revelation that making this “eternal slave” character literally anything other than a white man, especially as a white author, would be Pretty Not Good. im … thats really, really not something i should pat myself on the back for, but i do consider it one of the biggest bullets dodged in my artistic career so far that i realised that not all representation is good representation so quickly, before i could make that incredibly, incurably stupid mistake. 
after that, trying to make sure my characters and their presentations don’t harm anyone pretty much has become a paranoia. i don’t seem to have stepped on any toes yet, but when it inevitably happens, please let me know - i didnt know, and i want to fix it! 
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? None that I can think of, actually! I don’t really do that often. 
28. Your most dangerous OC? god damn it i have no idea!!! is it the terminus? glitch in the matrix god of chaos motherfucker?is it sarle? terrifying calculating scientist with the power of the soul at her fingertips ??? is it ares??? is it athena????? is it petra?????? the gatekeeper???? 
… actually, the gatekeeper might be it, if “dangerous” just refers to “the amount of raw power it can wield”. the Gatekeeper is a titanic entity that exists in interdimensional multiverse space, and its implied to have the ability to create and destroy entire universe bubbles at will. for what cosmic purpose, no-one knows. 
at a more personal scale, though, literally all of the aforementioned characters are pretty bad to run into too. 
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?god. Mina or Tawn. Tawn is the Indiana Jonesy type and probably dumb enough, but also competent enough not to get into too much trouble there. Mina would probably drag her friends along. 
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? XEN09. No-one knows, because no-one knows xir personal identity. Xe absolutely does, though. It’s less of a secret if you know xir in person, but good luck finding out about it otherwise. 
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)dave just reblogs memes all the time tbh. they like to keep tabs on the ridiculous superhero news going on, and they show human jokes and cat videos to their alien gf. they dont really post or add to posts, but they talk in tags a lot. 
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? i want to say tawn because i literally just realised ive been imagining their voice as sounding like luigi this entire fucking time and i never realised until this exact instant
33. Your shyest OC?probably baromet. they prefer to keep to themself in their hideout, with their collection of shiny things. they don’t really enjoy trying to communicate much, mostly because they expect to get yelled at. 
34. Do you have any twin characters?Yes! At least two sets; 
- Crocus and Sarle. (x) (x) They don’t exactly have a very well-developed relationship, but they are both quite important to the plot of my campaign world, and they are both very interesting. Crocus is a motherly figure who just exudes friendliness, while Sarle is .. very much not that, a researcher studying very gruesome things and pushing the boundaries of reality. 
- Jane and Enza Colie. I haven’t talked a whole lot about either of them here, but I’d rather leave their story to do the talking whenever I get around to it. Essentially, the both of them were intended to do the dirty work for their crime boss family, but Jane ditched to study medicine. Most of the conflict between the two of them comes out of Enza not understanding why she made the choice she did, and coming to understand how he’s been manipulated. 
35. Any sibling characters? I can’t really think of any off the top of my head, I should … I should really work on that. 
I can talk about Westrin, though. Westrin (a demigod of many things, but namely bards, travel, travelers, and people who are lost) often becomes close friends with mortals, sometimes practically adopting them. These people who consider him family, and people who have received his blessing, are able to use his surname, Brilanta, as their own if they choose. So I guess all of the Brilantas are siblings, at least in spirit. 
Oh, and XEN09 has like, seven siblings. Xe is the second-oldest, and least remarkable. 
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? I already talked about Eros and Bismuth up there a ways in question 18, but I’ll talk about another relationship here. @autistictimeknight​‘s character, Nova the Alchemist, is mentor and adopted parental figure to my character Munna. Munna … Munna isn’t a very good apprentice. She tries very hard. 
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human That’s most of them, I’m not quite sure what to say here. Bronze is an android? Bronze again? Westrin? All the aliens ?? 
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? man. uh. westrin or jean. or perhaps valencia. 
39. Introduce any character you want ??? uhhhHHHhhHHH Lord Brillium is the reigning deity of the Cloud Kingdoms in the other campaign setting I’m working on. They represent light and the quest for knowledge, and spend most of their days in the Cathedral Observatory watching the stars. 
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!one time bronze flew a hover-bike through the stained glass window in a cathedral blaring all star by smash mouth on their iguana
also one time bronze rickrolled a rakshasa demon and then pulled updog on it like, two minutes later
another time bronze scared off an entire army by pretending to be an automated security system 
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)ive got a whole little folder on here from all you blessed people !!!! right now ive got a drawing quinn did of one o fmy characters as my lockscreen
but i think the one i’ll really never ever get over is this piece of Jane, by @rabendraws​ / @owoltron​: 
Tumblr media
(i bet you thought i forgot about this, dude. dude. think again.) 
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? this is kind of a weird question, m, I feel like Bismuth would find learning about the mythos utterly fascinating, as would Tawn. 
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confesshaha. uh. i might. 
aside from the entire “bronze-tangential characters” thing i mentioned awhile back, I tend to really like designing characters with hair color lighter than their skin color. it just looks so cool man. i love drawing freckles but dont put them on enough characters. i like really curly hair, but also really long and flowy hair. i like drawing triangular body types, and pointy/prominent noses. 
44. Something you like about your OCs in generaluhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is a really vague question. m. m. 
45. A character you no longer use?there’s old versions of characters, but a lot of my older ones have been somehow repurposed. I guess there’s Turien, my first-ever DND character, who’s just kind of sitting dead now. Haven’t really done anything with him other than a pretty recent tangential character. 
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?Not that I can think of.
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? Im certain it’s happened, but I can’t remember any specific instances. 
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pureSpring. spring knows nothing of th dangers of the world who is letting them into fights someon eneeds to stop this
(spring roll, hehe.) 
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memesim not sure what this question is asking since many of my ocs actively enjoy memes including but not limited to westrin, dave, bronze, xen09, iris, and doctor archersen
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you wanti think. i think im going to pass on this one. i gave you the good old oc talk. your damn turn, yall: 
if you have any questions about any of these guys feel free to shoot one at me!
thats all from me im tired and its one am. techskylander you absolute madman 
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star1a · 7 years
you are insane omg but fine
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
Uhh probably :P
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
Don’t have one~
3. Have you taken someones virginity?
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
im working on it
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
6. What are you excited for?
already answered 7. What happened tonight?
last night? cause if so i talked to my
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
i think it’s gross and not good when anyone does it especially cause it aint already good for you
9. Is confidence cute?
hmm sometimes
10. What is the last beverage you had?
soda it was either doctor pepper or coke or a milkshake whops
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
uhhh a fair amount probably too many maybe tho
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
i dunno yet
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
probably food or a video game
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
havent kissed anyone~
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
hmm maybe??
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
already answered
18. The last time you felt broken?
when dont i pffff
19. Have you had sex today?
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
i dunno man that im a really big idiot probably
21. Are you in a good mood?
right now? cause i think so
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
nope i wish, he has blue eyes
24. What do you want right this second?
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
i,,,,probably wouldnt,,,,,listen i have issues,,,,
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
well id like to think that if you date someone you truly like they’ll make you laugh without having to
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
my pal nolan
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
no but doesnt mean i wont give them one anyway or a third or a fourth,,,,
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
no!! i love my boy!!
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
i think so??
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
ew no i love soda
34. Listening to?
right now?  Illenium - Afterlife (feat. ECHOS)
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
almost always
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
havent kissed anyone yet
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
38. Who did you last call?
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
i dont dance
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
i havent!
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
too long
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
idk i dont think so
44. Do you tan in the nude?
i dont even tan bro
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
i havent kissed anyone yet!!
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
more like the other way around
47. Who was the last person to call you?
48. Do you sing in the shower?
ahhh yeah kinda sometimes
49. Do you dance in the car?
not really nop
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
i wish
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
i never have?? beside like school photos
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
sometimes cause some are ok
53. Is Christmas stressful?
uhh depends cause only sometimes
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
a what now
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
never had fruit pie
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
a veterinarian 
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
idk kinda 
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
y E S
59. Take a vitamin daily?
i should but i always forget :(
60. Wear slippers?
when it’s cold
61. Wear a bath robe?
sometimes but mainly only when it gets really cold pff
62. What do you wear to bed?
pj’s! some stretchy pants that are really soft and an old kinda oversized t shirt
63. First concert?
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
uh probably target or walmart
65. Nike or Adidas?
nike??? idk what the other one is
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
depends on the mood
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
depends also bc i like both
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
fuck idk
69. Ever take dance lessons?
i tried to take ballet when i was younger but i always moved too much so it never happened
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
together? no? maybe just living together one day though yknow
71. Can you curl your tongue?
yep!! p fun to do too
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
god no i suck so much at spelling
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
74. What is your favorite book?
hmm either a Wrinkle in time the graphic novel or like harry potter series or Throne of glass series
75. Do you study better with or without music?
depends, sometimes one,, sometimes another
76. Regularly burn incense?
i wanna say no but i also dont remember what incense is so
77. Ever been in love?
i wanna say so
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
oohhh i wanna see uh imagine dragons or melanie martinez (i think i spelled that wrong heck)
79. What was the last concert you saw?
Lindsey Stirling
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
uhh cold???/ i dont really have tea or anything
81. Tea or coffee?
coffee?? as i said i dont have much tea and have apparently only ever had it like twice
82. Favorite type of cookie?
83. Can you swim well?
i think i swim ok
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
yeah but not for as long
85. Are you patient?
n o
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
DJ pls
87. Ever won a contest?
i won like 2nd or third place in a robotics competition once
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better black or green olives?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
Whatever the heck people want personally i wouldnt care tbh
91. Best room for a fireplace?
living room????
92. Do you want to get married
i wouldnt mind but idk it’s a lot of money and kinda dumb and divorce is so much of a hassle i mean plus if you love someone enough you wouldnt need to get married and put hand cuffs to make sure yknow??
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no offense but your 'right' to horde money is always secondary to someone's right to life (like. access to necessary resources) and i don't understand why that is an argument. your excess or desire for excess is not more important than ensuring everyone has access to necessities! 1) there are absolutely enough resources to go around and if you feel there is not, blame the super rich for hoarding them and not the poor for needing them. 2) ok u want ur liberty to not have to help other people or whatever. you have a flawed definition of liberty tho it's very American of you to say that. but consider: if you are upset about your liberty being infringed upon by. something like having to pay more taxes bc the government wants to provide easier and better access to healthcare for more people. your liberty is literally hinging on other people's lives. also. people that do not have good and easy access to resources don't have. what you see as liberty. before you can have liberty you must be able to live. (live well, like if u are poor and alive ur still alive so its necessary to make that distinction its just to note that when i say live i mean live comfortably. ) (and not just bc u are used to the status quo but bc u are able to get what you need when you need it and its not a luxury to do things like get regular check ups and eat salad) so you can talk about liberty but don't pretend like it is anything but selfish. you want what you think of liberty for yourself and not anyone else except who you personally deem eligible. you deny basic necessities to others so that you can live in excess. think of jt this way: you have 10 gallons of water. this is more than enough to last you until you are able to get more water. someone else has no water. the government tells you to share so that the other person will not die of dehydration. you refuse. they die. maybe you refused bc u care more about having stuff than people's lives or u refused bc u are perhaps concerned that there is not going to be enough to go around so you have to keep more than you need in case you are suddenly unable to obtain it with the same ease as earlier. in this case, you need merely to look over and see another person who has thousands of gallons of water. you may look at them and be impressed and want to be like them which is understandable bc we are taught to value excess and aspire to it more than we are taught to value human lives especially when we do not have an emotional investment in the specific lives. (we are also taught to value things above relationships so im saying this under the assumption most people have a small circle of people that they really care about and love) (we re taughto value ppwer over other people more than we are taught to value people as individuals even as they do not effect us on a level we percieve) but the important thing is. that person has more. you know there is a limited supply of the water you want (probably clean and drinkable) you know that that person has more water than they will ever need. recognize that they are the reason why you feel uncomfortable sharing your excess with those who have nothing. (((kill them, steal their water, redistribute))) ok. now you have addressed why the inequality in resource distribution exists. (well the person with nothing should've worked harder. ok um. using that logic. why do you not also have thousands of gallons of water? you obviously don't think you are a lazy mooch so why would you think that about someone with less than you?) you also know that bc of that, you feel safer the more water you have. ok yes now. why do you feel safer? bc water is a limited resource and you know another person has more (a larger fraction of the available resource) which makes less water available to you. this encourages you to collect and keep as much water as you can so you can feel secure in knowing you have and are going to have enough water to sustain yourself. it encourages you to experience a certain level of insecurity about your access to the water which makes you concerned about sharing your water resources with anyone else so you can be sure you will have water for you that fear, especially bc it is surrounding a scarce(limited) resource that is vital to your survival. especially bc (even though you don't know the exact fraction) you know that the other person has a much larger amount of water than they will need (likely more than they will use) and of that they are restricting the ability of others to access water at that moment and in the future. you recognize that this person holds a lot of power bc they have so much water. they can easily manipulate people who need and want more water to do their bidding in exchange for water either in order to survive or in order to own a large amount of the water for themself. to do anything. people that have no water are the most in need and so the most vulnerable and easily exploited. offering people in dire situations tiny barely liveable amounts of water in exchange for any kind or amount of labor for any duration does work and is easy for those who have extreme excess. they lose nothing of any significance and gain whatever product of the labor they forced the needy to perform. it is easy to view this problem in extremes, understanding how the super rich exploit the super poor (almost self explanatory how this system is perpetuated. will explain later tho) for whatever. but this sort of analysis, while good for illustrating the worst parts of resource hoarding neglects to provide an analysis of those in the middle. that is most people. being unable to empathize with those who have less than you is a symptom of this system(will detail later to be clear) and also serves to perpetuate it. (how it started is a different story but very briefly and in the vaguest way possible ot started the same way anything ever starts. entropy. but that's a little too astronomical and abstract for this explanation) this is one way this system affects the middle class. the relationship dynamic just described also explains the relationship of the upper class to the middle class. the upper class views the middle class in a similar way. 'those people should work harder to get where i am' 'im not worried about what they need bc i have what i want etc etc etc. this (flawed)logic is completely thrown out the wealthier someone gets. they just keep hoarding (maybe as a symbol of power and dominance, and also as just a conditioned habit. that's what u do that's wjat everyone does etc etc) this perspective however is not  as harmful when only applied to the middle classes bc they are not in dire need.  the middle classes dont have necessarily exorbitant amounts (although certainly to those with nothing the accumaltion of resources even a little beyond a liveable amount seems exorbitant and an act of gluttony and selfishness) (explaining the use of 'necessarily' and meaning of exorbitant in context) but they are not struggling to obtain vital resources either. their interest in accumulating more of a resource is either a product of feeling insecure in their position in society that determines their access to resources, a product of the idea more=better (this translates various ways. more=better. ok why do people want power what's the point. they get more resources and more security.) or just kind of a robotic motion people do and aspire to just bc. that's considered good and normal or whatever(i think this is just a practical example of those effects though) so often times it is ignored by those fighting for people with nothing. ((thats not to say this SHOULD have these effects it just does.)) which makes people in tje middle class feel left out and potentially unsure/insecure of their access to resources if/when the changes to allow people with nothing access to even some resources will change and how that change will ultimately affect them and their resources. (ideally this wouldnt be an issue and people would just agree to not let others die of preventable things but bc of society being the way it is this is what happens) (and i think acknowledging the struggles although relatively insignificant compared to what lower class people experience is a good way to support and encourage more people to support the revolution)( I don't think it SHOULD be something that needs to be explained in order for people to support the revolution but i think that it is needed) (also i fully fully recognize my privilege in being able to write this in hopes of convincing the middle class to be a part of this instead of being in a position where the only way i can get timely access to resources is by less carefulor even more forceful forms of convincing those with excess to give it up so that others can simply live) (anyway we have to explain how the revolution will affect the middle class) so. a lot of the resistance a middle class person feels when asked to give up their excess is due to the upper class and mega wealthy possessing and being able to access an incredibly larger percentage of any resource at anytime with very little fear that they will have that privilege revoked. the middle class is taught by the economic structure that that is the most efficient and secure way to be (essentially. selfish. unwilling to give up their excess to those with none) and they should strive to keep that status and position either in fear and anticipation of a change or with the desire to become more powerful. (power=access to resources) (creates hierarchies bc of demand) (someone owns all or a lot of a particular resource (always the super rich, a minority) and is able to sell it at any cost) in this way middle class feelings of insecurity are created by the super rich. (feelings of insecurity include the desire to be more powerful (u worry you aren't powerful enough etc)) much of that insecurity manifests in rage towards the people begging and bc they are so worried about protecting their OWN resources rather than recognizing even looking for or considering the reason why there are people with nothing which is that scarcity is manufactured by the rich hoarding. they become angry and resentful towards the beggars and choose and are taught to see the beggars as unequal/inhuman/undeserving of (at the most basic level: life) simply even the same treatment, respect and access to resources (vital and luxury) that the middle class has so that the middle class can protect their resources from being taken (ultimately) and focus on that instead of figuring out a solution to the issue and understanding the source. this perpetuates the system as it is and so perpetuates manufactured scarcity of vital resources which directly causes the death of many people. it is selfish ok yes and horrible im not calling you horrible I'm just trying to find a solution and create a better life for everyone. it's not the beggars fault u feel the need to hoard resources as much as you can it's not your fault you think like this  but it is your fault you act on those thoughts and it is your responsibility to work to change it. and yeah it isn't fair you have to deal with a problem you had 0 part in creating but look. people are dying bc of that and if you refuse to help change the system you are allowing and contributing to their deaths. if all of the unnecessary deaths caused by manufactured scarcity could be evaluated by what percentage of their death was caused by the rich and middle classes, the rich would play a bigger part obvioisly than the middle class. this is not about who causes the most harm but about the fact that there is harm being caused. and the more members of the middle class willing to help lessen the amount of harm they do helps (concretely: directly saves lives) (abstract: contributes to revolution// revolutionary atmosphere/ acceptance/ understanding/exposure etc etc) firstly to save lives and secondly to take steps to begin to put a system in place which will ensure that people are not dying bc they can't get food or water or health care. and so working to create a more equal and sustainable and harmonic society. all around better. and by better i mean does the least amount of harm.
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