i-like-omori · 1 year
*dangles omori (gamr) on rope*
You sureeee you like it??/j
tbh i dodnt even think i like it that much
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Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Going into labor with Bradley would include...
One shorts -
I loathe you.
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Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
The instructor
Being Mavrick's daughter and dating Jake would include...
Being Rooster's sister and dating Jake would include...
One Shorts
She's lost that loving feeling.
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Robert 'Bob' Floyd.
Dating Bob would include...
@4margaritasalex @futurecorps3 @thisisgracetrying @clairejpg @fangirlinc @thespeeder @ashewontcare @jonginvlog @igotmajordaddyissues @herladyshipxx @m3laniehearts @exo-wayv @mayafatimakhan @starkleila @itscheybaby @spookycupcakepirate @dcamelia @americaa @paulina1998 @lgg5989 @datingbtr @thatchickwiththecamera @kanevill @dempy @saramaple @hockeyboysarehot @redhoodedtoad @nobody7102 @icemanslove @blake-tc-fan
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saturnaous · 5 months
hi. your turn. what if you talked about your ocs teehee. stares at you with sparkly eyes
ooohhhh. ohhhhhhh. hooohoohooohhh. you messed up. you messed up big time. I'm on my computer now and you have to bare this hellstorm you brought up. hoohhhh
okay first we're going over Morble. because he's been on my mind lately teehee.
okay where are my pictures of him hold on. hold ond
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marby mooby mamb. . .
okay so he's three years old now. I have to say that. I made him a few days before my birthday. it's horrible. we were similar ages now I'm OLD and he's also a lot older now but at the same time he's NOT. why are you in sixth grade still marbs. why.
anyways. He was made after another spurt of my enjoyment of The Weekly Roll on webtoon; it's a dungeons and dragons type webtoon, Morble is inspired by Sir Becket(he's now Lord Becket. good for you Becket). Becket's a Paladin, Morble's a Paladin. I dunno. It's neat.
that's not the neatest part about Morble though! You see. He's from a modernish dnd-like world. so uhm. basically he's kinda boring. besides being like an orphan or whatever. wait no before I move on to other bits I'm just gonna go in order of what happens.
Morble's basically just a little guy. he's just a fella. uh. he has a brother and HAD. two parents OH ACTULLY I RELALY LIKE HIS PARENTS HOLD ON I HAVE DRAWINGS OF THEM.
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Katty and Mavrick. I like them a lot. these are them at maybe like early to mid twenties? around the time they got together(they went to the same highschool but met in collage and really connected at that point. they're so awesome together). they are SO neat to me.
Kat is a nice lady; she's like 6'1 and has a real hearty laugh. She's so sweet and so cool I love her so much. Mavrick is fucking deranged. He's an absolutely spunky ball of chaotic energy. He has no self preservation skill and is just an absolute goober. He's great. Everytime I imagine these two I just think of the rabbits with the "rabbit obsessed with his giant girlfriend who's 4x times his size" because he IS. They are looking at eachother thinking "I love my wife". Marvrick you are so wife. it doesn't help that he took her last name. Katty and Maverick Moor. . .
Kat was a firefighter for the longest time. Mav was a chaotic fencer and fence instructor. he's stupid with it though. His ass didn't like wearing protective gear half the time because of his confidence and lack of preservation skills. He died of a collapsed lung oneday when Morble was about nine.
teehee. mav's a little fabric guy tho. he knits. he sews. he embroiders. uhhhmmm. In that second image of Morble up here with the purple background! He's wearing a red cloak! Maverick made it for him and was gonna give it to him for his birthday. neat. obviously he couldn't. Kat gave it to him because. Well. Yeah.
Morble had a hard time with his dad being dead. I mean. what's a 9 year old supposed to do when your dad dies. it kinda sucks. Kat was going over some family history and going through some old heirlooms and stuff. The Moor's are from a pretty long line of Paladins spanding at least 500 years back(heehoo. hold onto that information). Turns out! There's also a great helm made by one of these Paladins from 500 years ago. Katty pulled it out of storage or whatever and gave it to Morble because he thought he might like it. Because it's neat. Morble loved it. literally has never taken it off.
A couple months after Mav died, Kat died while on the job. kinda fucked up. It's totally my fault for that but. Morble doesn't have to know that. But sucks for him. his brother too but he's a 4yo he doesn't really. know what's happening. but still sucks.
Morble and his brother move in with their grandma and stepgrandma. I don't have anything on them. but yeah.
Fastforward when Morble's 12. bc they had to move they're in a new school and stuff. nobody knows about dead parents or any symbolism in anything. yeah. he's kinda bullied but he just kinda shrugs it off. he's not that kind of guy.
anyways. now we're getting tot he fun parts. Morble walks from school to his grandma's apartment. there's a neat little field kinda inbetween the walk. onepoint Morble noticed a little glimmer near one of the super old trees over there. dunno how he caught it but he did(plot reasonings are why). anwyays.
morble goes over. turns out it's a neat little ring. he grabs it.
BOOM. he fucked up. the ring is magic. he gets swallowed up into some weird current thing the only way I've thought about what it's like is. basically imagine the sky is a giant fuckingthing of water and you can't breathe. it feels like drowning.
once he gets oout of it and recovers from the drowning feeling or whatever. he's like. where the hell am I. Because it's completely different from where he just was. which was like a dewy day or whatever. right now he's in super tall fields with grass and shit.
well. heehoo. yk how I said paladins go back about 500 years in his family? well. heehoo. heehoo. guess what.
Magic ring was really fucking magic and wahoo! Time traveling. I know. Wild. I don't know what I was thinking when I made him do that but it's integral to his character now so I can't change it.
Turns out. there's a little Party down a head from the road he got spat out right next to. turns out. hoo boy. The paladin in the party is an ancestor of Morble's. Got the same helm and everything. turns out he's the guy who MADE the helm actually. His name is Hearth. Hearth Moor. he's pretty cool.
about. uhhh. I dunno maybe 10 years go by? yeah Morble basically gets situated to being 500 years offset from his actual timeline. he's been looking for a way to get back for the entire time but. there hasn't been much luck. so he's just chillin.
he's 22 at this point. He sticks with Hearth and the whole party which I only vaugely got. then they go to fight a red dragon for some reason. no biggie.
hearth fucking gets clobbered and dies. which sucks. they retreat. then morble has the bright idea of well. I'm gonna go fight this dragon myself and WIN. avenge him or whatever. like an idiot. you remember how your dad died, right, morby? you little fucker.
anyways.he goes and fights this dragon. and somehow! for whatever reason! motherfucker wins. chops off his head and brings it back into town. he almost died tho. bro's bleeding like all hell. so yeah he has to spend some time being not fucking dead.
okay you know how I did that serval vs brown tabby poll yesterday. well. that was on our next character, Coraline.
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coraline. the baddie. she's so cool.
she's a serval now btw. the poll said so and I was digigng the design more than the brown tabby. anyways.
She's a bard! She's working at the tavern the party was staying at. She basically became Morble's nurse because. because. she'd sing him songs and shit. Her voice claim is actually. uhhhhhhh. The son Rich by Cosmo Sheldrake and the other person that worked on it. yeah.
Coraline joins the party whenever they get back on their feet. The Tavern keeps the dragons head because Morble said they could. They go from 'The Hollow Tavern' to 'The Hollow Dragon's Tavern'. p neat.
uh. yeah. Next two years Coraline and Morble get kinda close. they like eachother but Morble's fucking stupid. he's a shy little himbo. what a goober.
that's basically all I got on canon for him tbh. I like to twirl him around in my head. I have one pathway where Marby finds a way to go back to his timeline. when he's 12. he was missing for about two months tho. 12 years turned into 12 weeks. yeah. sucked for everyone around them. but mostly morble because he's now 24 in a scrawny 12 yearold's body and going to 6thgrade classes. and everybody thinks he's 12 and doesn't know where he's been for like two months and he won't tell anyone because nobody would believe him if he shrugged and said Yeahhh I picked up a magic ring and I was stuck 500 years ago for 12 years! No biggie!! yeah. Morble just kinda goes about like tho after that and becomes a highschool history teacher and works at the local museum. he's really neat. He also is super funky when it comes to his classroom decorations because he has a wall of swords and an entire replica of the suit of heavy armor he used to wear. he's also deranged and under his clothes and leather jacket he has like. jackchains, chainmail(lining his jacket), greaves, and. I think something else but I forgot what. he's wild. I just really like to put him in the salad spinner of my head and think about him with things teehee. twirls hair kicks feet.
yeah. you fucked up with this ask tho. I have more. I'm talking about Harry now. maybe Kinglen if I feel like it. let me get my things fo harry.
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this be harry. harry hearthorn. I'm obsessed with him. he's so fucking funny. you'll have to excuse the things of Alphonse and stuff in that last one. I'm gonna be using. him for dnd <3
I love Harry. He's from a military type country or whatever. it's. it's not the best. they're like. I don't know how to describe it. think of amestris but less "we wanna take over the world" and more "we like war and we want more" or whatever. you understand. it's a weird one.
there's like three main branches of jobs. military, research and development slash the sciences, and basically 'entertainment'. entertainers are literally just everything that doesn't fall into the other catagories. these are like artists and show runners and broadcasters and radio hosts and other things of the sort.
school works in this place by being 12 years just like 'merican schools(EAGLE SCREECH GUNSHOTS FIREWORKS). but the first 8 you are just doing general stuff. the 9 and 10th are for pinning down what branch you're going into. and 11 and 12 are getting experience in your field. this is mainly getting mentorships and other stuff, witht he execption of the military branch
Military only has one place to go. If you're going into the military at 16, you're goign STRAIGHT To tht emilitary at 16.
Harry's mom was in the R&D branch, Harry's dad was in the military. they met at a bar. they're funny. both bisexual which is REALLY funny because Harriet is ALSO bisexual and Harry is bicurious-aspec. harry's mom is 6'1 btw. Harry's 6'5. justlittle stuff. I think I named her Maria. his dad is named Henry.
anyways. Harry and Harriet., they are siblings. Harriet is two years older than Harry. though it's funny bc their full names are Harrison and Harriet. but. Harriet is Harry. And Harrison is Harriet. they had a sense of humor.
ATM harry is 31. Harriet is 33 and a senior broadcaster at one of the shownetworks or whatever. Maria is retired. Henry died while on duty when Harry and Harriet were lke 12 and 14.
anyways. Harry wanted to go into the science or military branches. like his parents. His scores were leaning more to being althetic and shit so he got put into the military. he's been there like. ever since. he barely goes home bc he feels no need and because there's an active war(a really long one. . . neither side will stop. . . they really like war) and he just. didn't feel the need. but they forced him to go home a few times when he got like. shot and stabbed and stuff. yeah he's a g like that. did I mention he's a first lieutenant btw. he's a first lieutenant bc I said so.
anyways. his downfall is when onetime. after making a bad call sends the part of his platoon he's with through a part of whereever they are. one fo the younger guys. steps on a landmine. out of like, 14 soliders, only three of them survive. harry, someone else who was closer to the mine, and a younger one that was farther away and practically unscathed. Harry lost his leg and most of his hearing in his right ear and all of it in his left. teehee
anyways. after his main amount of recovery. he's still in the military but they don't put him on any active duty despite him BEGGING for it. because of the PTSD mainly and because he's depressed as fuck secondarly. yeah. basically it sucks for him really bad. he gets put on staff duty indefinetly. also I have to mention Harry fucks. severially. I mentioned that he's aspec. like. arospec. he is not acespec. he fucks.
anyways. basically he's depressed as fuck because. he accidently killed a bunch of guys and ptsd is kicking his ass. he tries to drink his worries away and doesn't care about what kind of trouble he gets into with the drinking and getting caught with girls and stuff. he gets put onto suicide watch after an incident with a lower ranking guy. yeah.
at that point they decide the best option is to just. give him an honorable discharge. so they do that. Harry has to move in with his mom and sister. he does that. everything sucks for him. yeah
at some point after his birthday he decides well. this fucking sucks. I hate this. I'm leaving. he grabs like his old uniform, and money, and a pack, and a pack of smokes and just. hitchhikes. out of the country. without fucking telling anyone. he calls Harriet and his mom after he's out of the country like "heyyy. I'm. I'm out west or whatever. gonna. figure something out here." and they're like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN. WHAT THE HELL. but he writes them letters and calls them ebcause they can't really do jack about it. yeah
so. basically he's just hitchhiking till he gets to another country. which he does and then basically he tried to do some freelance work or something. then he finds a little group who are gonna basically take down the government. I dunno that's where the campaign is gonna start methinks. Harry might get himself a funny little dragonborn boyfriend. yeah. okay I have to shower and. actually do stuff teehee I rolls out of bed and went straight to my puter to talk about these guys. so teehe. I'm so hungry I need water.
OH OH HOLD ON. uhhmmm here's old art of morble. spannign from 3 years ago to a couple months ago. teehee
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neat. the third one is the very very VERY first thing I did of him ever in existance. second one is one I did and the first one is a redraw from months later. the last one is me just doodling him months ago and pinning down his design again. I changed his helm bc it made no sense.
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roosterforme · 9 months
Ok I love that force ghost goose idea..like goose telling Bob to take off his shirt at the beach (obvi not in a weird way) but in a “it’s ok, no need to be embarrassed or anything, besides, I didn’t and I’m dead..so, no shirt no death” *does the goose laugh*
Appearing to rooster in random moments just to tell a dad joke and leave, showing up to mavrick, singing “you’ve lost the loving feeling” until it’s stuck in his head and leaving mav with that song in his head all day
LOL, Force Ghost Goose is my new favorite thing. "No shoes, no shirt, no death? Just try it, my boy. From one WSO to another, it's worth a shot, buddy."
Okay, off topic, but like why did Goose leave his shirt on?? WHY? Because there's no way Carole wasn't all over his sexy dad bod (if he even really had one?) and telling him that she was endlessly hot for him. Goose and Carole had some nasty fucking sex, I just know that for sure.
But anyway, yes... Force Ghost Goose would tell dad jokes at inappropriate times. He'd make The Righteous Brothers just start playing everywhere Mav went. The grocery story, every radio station, it's suddenly his ringtone. OMG, I actually love this and I'm about to scream.
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sllowshow · 29 days
perhaps you could tell me a little bit about casey farb and how he regards his grand children....
casey farb is a muse that is really weird to continue talking about as he progressively ages because its like huh. what is that guy like as an old man. and ultimately what really is his fucking deal.
i think in a lot of ways, he would have the potential to be a better grandfather than he was father. because i think at the end of the day if you actually like psychoanalyzed his behaviors beneath the multiple untreated mental illnesses is a lot of fear. he looked for access and control with his kids to try and teach them everything he had learned to make sure he lived this long. like he grew up and lived much of his life in dangerous and hostile situations and the last thing he wants is for his kids to end up in the same spot and not be able to get out of it. that's the job of a father to casey like plain and simple. so with his grandkids, i think he respects that that role is not his. now is he still going to say insane shit at thanksgiving? sure. but his weirdo little moral code doesn't think its right for him to undermine his kids in front of their kids.
anyway i think ultimately his relationship with his individual kids really defines what his relationship with his grandkids would be. because access and control remain like. important parts of how he loves. like he cannot handle the negative emotion of longing for a relationship with the ones he doesn't see so he just shuts it down and focuses on the ones he does. like i think he regards them all pretty positively and would want to be involved in their lives. like he'd be as proud of them as he was his kids.
but i think i've said before like mavrick is uninterested in continuing the bloodline. i don't think he's opposed to having kids it's just a weird microchip thing that they won't be biologically farbs. and i think that would definitely put a strain not only between him and mav but also any potential kids. or like his relationship with colson was never the same after jace died so like. if they ever had kids again he's kind of made his own bed on how their parent will be regarding Papaw Farb.
but i don't think there would be any problems with like him and titus's kids (or like if karma or skeeter had kids). he's not reliable enough for like regular visits but they see each other a handful of times every year and again he goes way easier on them than he ever did his kids. birdie still getting whiplash going between grandparents weekend with wade and chelsie (funny to think of someone having a grandma named chelsie) to casey and whitney (weird they both have the same first initials.)
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xiala-bexchan · 2 years
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I like and love blemish-ridden characters with flaws and imperfections. I present to you my third Hogwarts Legacy OC, Cresta Chesterfield^^ I made her up Love Interest for Ominis Gaunt.
Cresta is one of the two sisters of Mavrick Chesterfield, my boyfriend's Hogwarts Legacy OC. Like her brother later in fifth year, Cresta has been in the Ravenclaw house since her first year at Hogwarts.
Cresta was born on a full moon night, so her parents thought she was born under a good star. However, a fortune teller later predicted that Cresta would lead a life of misfortune, which was not long in coming and continued until her first year at Hogwarts.
At school, Cresta is considered unlucky by her classmates. She is so down on her luck that she trips over her own feet or knocks something over every few seconds. Yet she is incredibly intelligent and gets the best grades in her class, which no one can understand due to her persistent streak of bad luck. The only friend she has is Amit Thakkar, with whom she shares the same passion regarding astronomy and the stars.
Cresta hates the way she looks. She has freckles all over her body and face. She also has several moles on her face. Her hair is soft but so tangled that she stopped brushing it at some point. So, of course, every day she looks as if she just fell out of bed. Her eyesight is so bad, despite her beautiful eyes, that she has to wear huge glasses to see anything. Gryffindor student Leander Prewett has had her on the kicker from the start. So he often calls her Mooncalf because of her moonstruckness and her "ugliness" and never misses a moment to tease her.
When her brother Mavrick joins Hogwarts School in fifth year, she meets Ominis Gaunt, who does not patronize her and holds her in high regard because of her friendly and helpful nature. Of course, Cresta, being as crazy as she is, never noticed that Ominis and she have been in the same class since their first year, but he immediately recognizes her by her voice and her gait when they first meet, where Cresta literally runs him over. So she later falls in love with Ominis and wants to work on herself and her attitude. Because Ominis shows her that even without eyesight, you can tell if someone is a good or bad person. He quickly shows her that she should not doubt herself and that her character is prettier than that of some other people.
Cresta looks up to Ominis because, despite his blindness, he is better at finding his way around than she is. So she works hard on herself to become a better and more confident person.
Cresta loves to read and just look at the stars. In her left ear she wears an earring shaped like a crescent moon that Mavrick made for her out of a moonstone for good luck. She does not know that Amit is secretly in love with her. However, because of their long friendship since the first year of school, he does not tell her because he is afraid to destroy their friendship.
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gposethecuteplot · 1 year
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I Left my wife for Mav I Love you Bebe Kisses Mavrick
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mavspeed · 2 years
Omg so I have been reading cloaked and it is literally so good I read through almost all of it in one sitting. I am absolutely obsessed with our two unreliable narrators and I’m really enjoying trying to put the pieces together as to how things most accurately played out. But you mentioned something in the notes for i believe chapter six and I can’t stop thinking abt it. How Mav only calles Iceman Ice whereas Ice calls him both Mavrick and Mav. I have been trying to figure it out on my own but I’m honestly drawing a bit of a blank. Also sorry for the bad grammar
hiii!!!!! thank you SO MUCH for this ask seriously I’m giving you a virtual hug and kisses for this (also that you read through it in one sitting oh my GOD. I am so sorry idk why the word count gets so crazy for each chapter every single time 💀)
also yes I can answer your question! it’s the other way round btw lmfjdkdj Mav reverses constantly between iceman and ice while ice calls mav solely mav. this is basically because when they both arrive at top gun Mav’s kinda determined to push ice away. so he calls him iceman to maintain that emotional distance in his head. it actually starts right after his breakup with ice, when the day he leaves the Apollo he straight up says this:
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so there’s him already maintaining that emotional distance. callsigns and names and all that.
whereas for ice, it’s different. it gets revealed in this chapter but ice pretty much kinda fucks up and comes to the realisation that he loves mav way too late. so when he eventually tries to tell mav, both times, (through calls and in the bathroom in ch6)... it’s like, too little too late lmao. but the main point is ice loves him and is fully accepting of the fact that he loves him (after he resisted it for so long). so he’s okay with calling him Mav in his head because he doesn’t need that emotional distance. he never wanted it in the first place, it just took him way too long to realise it. poor lad
anyway from the latest chapter onwards we actually go back to Mav calling ice all the time. the confession on the beach is a pretty big step forward for him. going back to keeping any emotional distance afterwards would be too huge of a lie to maintain, even for mav lol
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wqbytop100 · 6 months
Top 150 for the week ending April 7, 2024
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -2 [1] (11weeks)
Outlaw Love --Brooke Eden (Dave Aude Remix) -1 [1]
Weight of the World --Bonnie X Clyde -5 [3]
When I Wake Up --Lucas & Steve, Skinny Days -7 [4]
Monster --A7S, ALOK -4 [4]
Houdini --Dua Lipa -3 [2]
Reckless Child --Milky Chance -8 [7]
Slide Out --Life on Planets -6 [3]
The Afterhours ---Kyle Watson -18 [9]
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -22 [10]
She's On My Mind --Romy -9 [1]
Give Me --Will Clark, BURNS -13 [12]
Before You Go --Seeb -15 [15]
Lonely Dancers ---Conan Gray -16 [14]
Make Me Your Mrs. ---Mae Stephens -17 [15]
Low Again --Bakermat -20 [16]
I Don't Wanna Worry --NEEDTOBREATHE -10 [1]
Dirty Desire ---Vicetone -14 [5]
Never Be Friends --Jost, Minogue -18 [1]
Sleep Tonight (This is the Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -26 [20]
Young & Foolish --Loud Luxury f/Charlieonafriday -23 [21]
Kissing Strangers --USHER --21 [16]
You're Hired --NEIKED, Ayra Starr -12 [1]
Weak --Vintage Culture, Mavrick Sabre, Tom Breu -11 [1]
Waterslides --Tiesto, Rudimental, Absolutely -25 [22]
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer -83 [26]
Mr. Useless --Shygirl, SG Lewis -24 [24]
Feel This Way --Victoria Nadine, R3HAB -52 [28]
Anyone --Morgan Page --29 [2]
Texas Hole 'Em --Beyonce -30 [17]
Heart Still Beating --Nathan Dawe, Bebe Rexha -27 [2]
Graveyard --A R I Z O N A (Shoffy Remix) -28 [5]
Close Your Eyes --Lucas Estrada, Tribbs, Stephen Puth -32 [7]
Spicy Margarita --Jason Derulo, Michael Bublé -33 [7]
It's Love (If We Get It Right) --Anthony Russo -31 [3]
Kill Anyone --Two Feet, Ari Abdul -38 [11]
Bad Blood --Theresa Rex -37 [20]
Yes, And? --Ariana Grande -39 [19]
One On One --The Knocks, Sofi Tukker -34 [1]
All Fckd Up --Kapuzen -35 [9]
Both --Tiesto, 21 Savage, BIA -36 [4]
Do You Feel It --VAMERO, Cyril M. Mougleta -44
Flex ---Tony Dark Eyes -45 [20]
Cutting Loose --Disco Lines, J. Worra, Anabel Englund -47 [44]
Triumph --Bishop Briggs -49 [45]
Feels Like Us --GT_OFICE, ALWZ SNNY, Robbie Rosen -43 [6]
Forever (Stay Like This) --Armin Van Buuren -50 [47]
Without You ---Disco Fries, Lavish Life -56 [48]
Beat Of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT feat/Ekko -53 [48]
I Got Time --Brittney Spencer --55 [49]
Rusty --Layto -57 [50]
Raccoons --Caravan Palace -63 [51]
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -76 [53]
Diamond Therapy --Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -51 [6]
Dizzy ---Sick Individuals, LOUI LANE -48 [48]
Murder On The Dancefloor --Sophie Ellis-Bextor -111 [56]
Lie To Me --Jubel, KIDDO -58 [57]
ADHD --Mae Stephens --54 [54]
Progressive Heart --Pat Premier (Dave Aude Remix) -64 [59]
Underwater ---Dubvision, Afrojack -65 [60]
You Know It --Gorgon City -66 [61]
In Your Arms --Jes Bays, Jem Cooke -67 [62]
Beautiful Things ---Benson Boone -68 [63]
Next Years Light ---Elliot Moss -40 [24]
Lil Tune --Gus Dapperton, Electric Guest -71 [71]
Home --CamelPhatt, RHODE (Vintage Culture Remix) -72 [65]
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -117 [67]
Soultrain --Tripolism, Nandu, Radeckt -94 [68]
No Reason --The Chemical Brothers (Chris Lake Remix) -69 [31]
You ---Svidden, Seeb -42 [2]
Everybody Knows I'm High --SHAED -139 [71]
***Hell Together --David Archuleta -(new) [72]
Kettle's Up ---Mahmut Orhan, Axelax, Botan -92 [73]
Good In Goodbye --Frank Walker, Trivecta -40 [10]
Lift Off ---Dombresky -46 [13]
More Baby ---Chris Lake, Aluna -59 [5]
U Miss Me ---Vicetone -60 [1]
Out Loud ---Cage The Elephant -96 -[78]
How Do I Say Goodbye --Adventure Club, Delaney Jane -62 [58]
***Electricity --FAST BOY, R3HAB -(new) [80]
Premeditated ---FETISH -85 [81]
Broken By You ---Alexander Stewart -93 [82]
***We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -(new) [83]
***Can't Stop Us ---Regard -(new) [84]
Life Goes On --HU -88 [85]
My Body ---Illusionize, Y&M -97 [86]
Lose Control --Teddy Swims -120 [87]
Count Me Out --Vicetone, Emily Falvey -122 [88]
Cutting Through The Country ---Medium Build -118 [89]
Missing You ---Frank Walker, Nate Smith -119 [90]
Come With Me ---Claptone -87 [87]
***Level Up --Wolfgang Gartner, Scrufzzer -(new) [92]
Space ---Shane Codd -106 [82]
Anthem --Diplo, Shram, Pony -116 [94]
Regret The Morning ---SILK, Mali-Koa -124 [95]
Love Me ---INNA -(new) [96]
Dark Skies --A R I Z O N A --61 [1]
Purple Irises --Gwen Stefani, Blake Shelton -97 [28]
Powerful Women --Pitbull, Dolly Parton -94 [15] *]
Rhythm Machine --Westend, Max Styler -70 [50]
The Pussy Song ---Ken The Man -95 [95]
***Save You A Seat --Alex Warren -(new) [102]
She ---Karin Ann (Benny Benassi remix -110 [94]
Other Boys ---Mashmello, Dove Cameron -52 [1]
Say It Right --Dubdogs, Farfetch'd -79 [65*]
Me Before You --Bleachers -107 [88]
Dreams ---Ali Farben, Maurice Lessing, Emma Wells -108 [92]
Might Just --Walker & Royce, James Patterson -109 [93]
Lullaby --Britti -74 [33]
Fire ---Alan Walker, YUQI, JVKE, (G)I-DLE -75 [26]
Mirrors ---Caravan Palace -73 [36]
Spend The Night --BJ the Chicago Kid, Coco Jones -82 [3]
Some Kind of Static --Neil Francis, Alan Braxe -84 [84]
Everything You Do --AFROKI, Afrojack, Steve Aoki, Aviella -91 [91]
Sorry Ain't Enough --Michael Gerow -98 [52]
Gravity ---Matt Hansen -114 [111]
Hanging On --A R I Z O N A -99 [1]
I Still Believe --Lecrae, for King & Country -112 [112]
Dreamteam --Galantis, Neon Trees -82 [12]
Fire In My Soul --Yulia Niko, Carn Crua -124 [120]
Body Moving ---Eliza Rose X Calvin Harris -101 [43]
Can I Have This Groove --Kenyon Dixon -121 [121]
What Do You Do For A Living? I Do My Best --Iamnotshane -113 [72] >>>
Kiss Me Better --Julie Bergan -125
Need Your Love -- Ikay Sencan, KALUMA, Adam Woods -126
Wanna --Paul Dally -102 [42] >>>
Good For You --Dimitri Vegas, Chapter & Verse, Goodboys -127 [61]
Fantasy ---Cosmo's Midnight f/Frank Moody -128 [71]
Without Your Love --Deorro, TELYKAST, Catello -129 [128]
Stress You --Lucas Estrada, SUPER Hi -103 [12]
Sorry Now --A R I Z O N A -104 [9] >>>
Strangers ---Kenya Grace -105 [3] >>>
Never Be Lonely --Jax Jones, Joe Wees -130 [84]
DFHMPU --Ari Abdul -112 >>>
Lucky --Dermont Kennedy -131 >>>
Run Free (Countdown) --Tiesto, R3HAB -133 >>>
Somethings Gonna Workout --Jai Piccone, 1tbsp -135 >>>
Ohh LA LA --Edris Elba, Sasha GiGi -136 [21] >>>
Follow You ---Return of the Jaded, MELLY OHH -138 [79] >>>
The Tower ---Future Islands -140 [48] >>>
Pictures of You ---Anyma --142 [75] >>>
Hustla ---Francis Mercier, Emmanual Jai -14 [110] >>>
Beautiful Drug --Zac Brown Band (Avicii Remix) -144 [113] >>>
Taking It Back --DJ Minx -146 [94] >>>
No Man's Land --Marshmello f/Venbee -148 >>>
Dance Is The Answer --Dubdogs, RUBACK, Ticon, Raja Ram -147 [57] >>>
***Outside Of Love ---Becky Hill -(new)
***Higher Ground --Purple Disco Machine, Roosevelt -(new)
***Nothing Ever Changes --Vintage Culture, MAGNUS -(new)
***Addicted --ZERB, The Chainsmokers, Ink -(new)
9 new on the Chart this week / no <> re-entries >>>off next week #72 Hell Together #83 We Ain't Good At Breaking Up #84 Can't Stop Us #92 Level Up #102 Save You A Seat #147 Outside of Love #148 Higher Ground #149 Nothing Ever Changes #150 Addicted
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wingsfromwhere · 1 year
i love when people are born on certain years that make it super easy to tell how old they were when they died, like "james mavrick (1500-1548) lived to be the ripe old age of 48 years old" like yup, that mother fucker definitely lived to be 48 no doubt about it
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medicinemane · 2 years
Gotta love how so many ads are like "We (a multibillion dollar company) are a mavrick, just a real free thinker who does things are own way even if it might not be popular"
Like I walked by my mom listening to an ad that had the most ad voiced lady going like "we've been growing against the grain for x years"
Oh yeah I bet
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Septimus heap character art???
MY INSPO IS @magyk-cheddar SUPER AWESOME ART OMG (their art just makes me so happy and is the reason I started drawing septimus heap characters!❤️❤️❤️)
(Click for better quality)
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neuropatheticva · 6 years
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Daily draw #45
This is the official squish art, done by me :3, she is a Dodogama and I love her. Colors used are blue slate, 50% cool grey and pink rose. She is the official mascot of the Locknut Daily Draw channel and I hope you will all accept her.
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
Alright everyone just a quick Author's note...
This is my first time ever posting a work on Tumblr so please be kind
Each chapter will be inspired by a song that I love
Pairing: Rooster x OC Captain Harper Ann "Siren" Mitchell
Warnings: Mentions of Ejection, injuries, cursing, drinking, and eventual smut 18+ only Minors DNI
This chapter is inspired by the song "Cherry Cola" by Elizabeth Gerardi... you should check her out on Spotify and youtube!
Chapter 1: Cherry Cola
Harper Mitchell sat at the end of her mother's well step mother's ( if we are being technical) bar lazily sipping on her second Dirty Shirley of the night. It felt weird to call Penny her step mother, because besides Aunt Carole, Penny was the only mother figure Harper had ever known. She and Mavrick had gotten married when Harper was 15 and Ameila was 5. Her birth mother Charlotte "Charlie" Blackwood had dropped Harper off on Maverick's front porch with a heartfelt note about how while she loved her daughter, she just couldn't be a mother with her career. Harper huffed at the thought because she knew her father's job was much more dangerous then Charlie's. But, Mav did a great job raising her. Aunt Carole was there to help with girl things like when she got her first period and Maverick wanted to take her to the emergency room. Maverick taught Harper to be kind, caring, smart, hard working, determined, and a little reckless
Okay maybe he didn't teach her to be reckless she kind of learned it herself. I mean how could she not be with Iceman as a Godfather, Maverick as a dad, and Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw as her best friend. Recklessness and airplanes were all around her so it came as no surprise to anyone when Harper joined the navy and became a pilot.
She worked hard and earned her wings and was later accepted into the Top Gun program, which thanks to her dad pulling his papers (something she hated gim for doing) Harper completed the program with her best friend Rooster as her wingman. During the program she earned her Call Sign "Siren" because like the mythological creature she could easily lure her enemy in and take them out when they leadt expect it... or that's what she told people her call sign most definitely did not come from the fact that she was a great singer and blew all of her classmates away on a dare at karaoke night.
Siren and Rooster kicked ass at Top Gun and finished 1 and 2 in their class respectively. Rooster was so proud of her and she loved the fact that she could tease her dad that she graduated higher than he did.
Harper thrived in the navy traveling all over the world. She was an amazing aviatior, she had 5 confirmed kills, making her an Ace just like her father the newly promoted Admiral Pete Mitchell, and she herself had just been promoted to Captain. Harper sighed again looking at the cherry Bob in her drink.
"Whats on your mind kid?" Penny asked snapping her out of her thoughts. "Nothing much momma P, just thinking about the last 2 years" Harper replied. The last 2 years had been a whirlwind for her. She was flying a covert mission ans was heading home when everything went wrong. Overwatch missing a Fifth Gen fighter which came in hot for Siren when she was trying to return to base, one dogfightand a shot down F-18 later, Harper was ejecting over rugged terrain. Unfortunately when she ejected, her parachute partially failed causing her to hit the ground, the trees, and the rocks hard. She was left bleeding and broken on the side of a mountain until rescue found her. 2 surgeries and some PT later, she was cleared to fly again, but she didn't want it
Instead her Godfather and dad politely ( bullied) the navy into letter her have an instructor's position along side her dad at Top Gun. So Harper packed her things, bought a house and move to Fightertown 7 months after he accident. An accident that she never told Rooster about because she knew he would freak out. Instead she told him how excited she was to move back to North Island on one of their weekly FaceTime calls. That had been almost 2 years ago and now she had settled in well. She commanded respect from her students and they learned very early on that she was the queen of the skies. She loved sharing her stories with Bradley and he told her about his missions too. They always kept in touch with each other. Though it had been 3 years since they had seen each other face to face when they were stationed together in Wilmington, NC... they never went more than a few weeks without speaking.
Harper Downes the last of her drink when she was about to ask Penny for another but her mom had a worried look on her face... "Whats up momma P?" Harper asked. "The singer for my band tonight didn't show up and I was really wondering if my amazing daughter would lend her vocals for the night?" Penny questioned raising an eye brow. Harper sighed. "Ugh fine but only because I love you P"
"Thank you so much H, drinks on the house tonight" the older woman winked ar her " Penny, my drinks are always on the house, you're my mom and the owner" Harper through her head back laughing and slipped her aviators on and checked her reflection in the mirror behind the bar, she swiped a fresh coat of Russian Red lipstick over her lips and walked up to the stage.
After a brief chat with the band, they came up with 4 songs they new that Harper felt comfortable singing... she also pulled up a fifth on on her phone that she would need for a backup track for the last song she wanted to sing because they band didn't know it.
Penny came up and gave her a quick introduction and after a few cheers the band played and Siren came alive on the stage. Whether is was flying, singing, or anything else Siren gave her whole heart to it.
After 3 songs Harper had the bar in the palm of her hand. By the fourth everyone was cheering for her
"Alright everyone I have one more song for you. It is a favorite of mine by and artist named Elizabeth Gerardi. I don't know if you have heard it before but I just have to sing it for you!" Harper cued up the song on her phone and began to belt out the first words
While she was singing a tall, tanned, mustached man in a Hawiian shirt and aviators walked into the Hard Deck. He walked up to the bar and watch the woman on stage.
The way she sang without a care in world made his heart beat double time in his chest. He was memorized by the way her hips swayed, the way she tossed her dark blonde hair, and the song that poured from her red lips.
"Jesus Penny, who that little song bird up there on stage?" Rooster questioned. "Really Bradshaw?" Penny jabbed back in disbelief " You'd think you would recognize her after growing up together!" Penny could see the gears turning in Bradley's head as he processed what she said. "That's Siren?!" He half questioned half exclaimed. "Sure is Rooster... the singer for the band I hired didn't show up, so, she stepped in... she's changed a lot in three years hasn't she?" Penny then gave a nod to Rooster and went to help some other patrons at the end of the bar.
Harper finished the last chorus of her song and the bar erupted in a round of applause and chants of "Siren, Siren, Siren" as she looked around the bar she spotted a familiar tanned man in a pair of aviators. Before she left the stage Harper teased " Remember if you like what you hear, buy the band a beer because my mom owns the place and I drink for free!" She laughed and walked off the stage.
"She sure has changed a lot in three years" the pilot thought as he continued to watch his best friend on the stage. As she continued there were two things on Bradley Bradshaw's mind: 1.) he was sure as hell glad he had been called back to Top Gun, and 2.) He was undoubtedly, irrevocably in love with his best friend. Shit
Before he could process a strong pair of arms wrapped around his chest and a sqeaul of his name snapped him out of his trance.
Startled, Rooster shook his head and looked down to see that Harper had left the stage and wrapped him in a bear hug. Rooster laughed and hugged her back.
"Bradley Bradshaw" Harper began as she slid into a bar stool, "How dare you come back here and not tell me! I'm hurt" Harper teased as she put a hand to her chest
"I wanted to surprise you!" Rooster jabbed back, but I have to saw y was surprised to see you on that stage. I didn't recognize you with the hair cut, and it's darker, and the red lipstick... I gotta say it looks good on you kid." Rooster told his friend. "You are barely three years older than me Bradley, plus I am my own house, and mt own car...you can't call me kid anymore!" Harper joked back. "You bought a house?" Roosters eyebrow cocked up as he looked at her perplexed. "Yeah about six months ago a place about 10 minutes from here came up for sale for super cheap. The couple wqs retiring and wanted to move closer to their kids and grand kids. The basically gave it away. It's 4 bedrooms 3 baths and has a pool! I used all the money I saved plus what Charlie left me after she died and I was able to buy it out right. It's mine for real!" Harper gushed.
"Wow, that's amazing... look at you go Si" Rooster congratulated his friend. "You should come see it!" Harper said excitedly. "Yeah I can come by after training one day. I've been called back for a mission... I think the whole Dagger Squad has been... you wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you Captain Mitchell?" Rooster pried.
"Listen Roos, all I know is that a certain Admrial and Captain/ Father and Daughter duo may be teaching the Dagger Squad, but that's all I know for sure." Harper stated to him. "So you and Mav are going to be teaching.. ugh I am so dead" he rolled his eyes
"I thought you are dad were good after everything?" Harper quirked her brows. "We are, but it still doesn't mean you aren't going to hand us our asses up in the sky" Rooster laughed. "True, they don't call me queen of the sky's for nothing!" Harper sing songed back to him.
"Hey BB," Harpee began using the nickname she game him when they were kids. "Yes HM?" Rooster quipped back. "Did you drive here? I rode with Momma P and I don't want to be here until closing... can you take me home? And you can see my house before next week?" Harper gave Rooster the puppy dog eyes she knew he couldn't say no to.
"Ugh fine I guess I can... but it's going to cost you" Rooster sighed out. "Omg yes thank you Bradley!" Harper squealed and hugged him again. "Momma P, Rooster is taking me home. See you later! Love you!" Harper called as she blew Penny a kiss over her shoulder while she grabbed Roosters hand and led him to the door. Penny shook her head as Rooster waved goodbye to her. She sighed and wiped down the bar. She saw the look the sandy haired pilot had on his face when he first came in. He had it bad for her daughter and Penny knew Harper would be the death of him.
Harper walked out of the Hard Deck towards a familiar blue Bronco. "You still have it?" She asked her friend. "Of course I do." Rooster replied opening the passenger door for her and she hopped in while he jogged to the drivers side. "I could never get rid of this thing.... to many memories." He winked at her while looking at the back seat.
Harper blushed knowing exactly what he was talking about. When Harper found out her father had Bradley's papers pulled she was furious with him. She had never truly been angry with him in her 18 years of life until that moment. She and Mav fought, and screamed at each other. It ended with her storming up to her room, locking the door blaring music and sneaking out her window. She called Bradley and had her come pick her up. Even though Bradley was three years older than her, they were always close. Bradley picked her up and they drove to their spot on the beach. They talk, laughed, cried, and planned on how they were going to join the Navy together. Then out of nowhere, Bradley kissed her. The next thing they know, they ended up naked in the back seat of the Bronco. Harper shyly confessed once they were done that it was her first time. To her surprise Bradley told her the same. They both agreed not to let it change their friendship. Bradley took her back home that night. And many years later she and Rooster had both forgiven Maverick for his actions because they understood why he did what he did. They never told him about that night
"Hello... earth to Siren" Bradley waved his hands infront of her face. "Which way?" He gestured to rhe junction they were at. "Um left here and then fought house on the right" Harper stuttered out. Minutes later Rooster pulled into her driveway. Harper walked up and unlocked to door and ushered him into the foyer.
"Nice place" Rooster crooned looking around at the decor and photos. There were pictures of Mav, Penny, Amelia, Harper and even a few of Rooster, Goose and Carole adorning the walls and shelves. "Thanks. I really like it. Hopefully if I don't scare them away you and the Dagger Squad can hang out here some." Harper told him ask she continued to show him around. "Oh yeah they totally will especially for a chance to get off base and you have a pool. There is going to be a huge party here at least once I can feel it." Rooster agreed with her
They settled onto a couch in comfortable conversations. The pilots nursed beers that Harper had gotten from the fridge and the talked about everything. Harper told Rooster about her breakup from some Marine 4 months ago and he told her about some of his adventures abroad. "So a Marine huh? I thought they only liked crayons" Rooster chuckled taking a swig of hid beer. "Ha ha very funny and yes... don't remind me. It wasn't the best decision on my part." Harper laughed back. "You seeing anyone?" She questioned finishing here beer. "Nope, haven't found a girl who can put up with me for more than a couple weeks." Rooster stated back honestly.
A silence settled back over them. Rooster checked his phone. "Shit.... its 1am" he cursed. "Great guess I'm sleeping in my car tonight" he hung his head. "Ugh I forgot about that stupid curfew rule if you stay on base." Harper groaned.
"Hey um Roos I have an idea.... if you're up for it..." Harper fiddled with her beer bottle. "I'm all ears" Bradley responded. Listen don't take this the wrong way, but I have 3 extra bedrooms, with king sized beds in them and I know you don't fit well on those damn Navy issued twins... what if you just I don't know, stayed here with me? I mean om close to base, you would have you own bathroom and I have a pool... I mean if you want?!" Harper rambled. She held her breath waiting for him yo respond. Deep down she wanted him to say yes because even though she would never admit it, Harper was in love with Bradley. And these past hours spent with him just reminded her why she loved him.
"Si, are you sure?" Rooster sighed. "Because I don't want to intrude or anything" Rooster scratched the back of his neck. "Omg yes I am sure and I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't!" She exclaimed back. "You know if Mav finds out he won't be happy." Rooster stated firmly. "Please do not worry about my Dadmiral. I am 29 years old with my own home. What is going to to ground me for a week? Tell me I can't go out with my friends... please B, my house, my rules" Harper chirpped back.
"Alright I guess it would be cool to hang out like old times." Rooster finally agreed. "Yay!" Harper squealed and hugged him for the third time that night. "Okay, I will go get a guest room ready for you while you go get your stuff which I assume is in your car?" Harper told him. "Yeah I have my stuff" Rooster replied. "Awesome see you in a few." Harper called as she bounding up the stairs. Rooster would never admit it but he definitely watched her ass bounce up the stairs longer than he should have.
He turned on his heels and walked out to his car. As Rooster grabbed his stuff he let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. The thought of living with Harper, his best friend, the woman he had been in love with since he was a kid had him on edge.
As he slammed the door the to Bronco he thought to himself "Jesus Christ Bradley Alexander Bradshaw, what have you gotten yourself into."
Wow.... I know this is long, but I have had this in my mind forever. Special thanks to my inspiration and motivation @marvelsvalhalla for encouraging me to write this please let me know what yall think!
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sllowshow · 1 year
(doesn't matter if they vape regularly or not, they're mavrick's stocking stuffer of choice. gotta use his vape shop reward points for something.)
titus - cuba cigar. feels like an alpha male choice. traditionally masculine in a kind of yucky way. takes him back to his eighteenth birthday when casey took him up to the roof of their building with illegal cuban cigars to celebrate his foray into manhood. back up is red mojito. yummy and fruity but has the rum edge that can keep him feeling secure in having a manly nicotine juice stick.
karma - anything hot pink. it's more about the aesthetic than anything. but probably leans the overly sweet ones like peach ice or strawlemon than like cranberry or something. would like the flavor or strazz but would resent the word enough to send it closer to the bottom. she's not going to ask a man for that.
colson - sour candy or sour apple. for whatever reason just obsessed with sour flavors. always has been a sour candy head and they want to feel like they're having a little treat when they're vaping. but because of it you can always see it on their face when they're vaping, really bad at being sneaky about it, has gotten written up at the bowling alley about it.
rip jace you would have loved triple berry ice
mycah - malibu or sunset. she mostly only vapes when she's drinking and likes it to taste like her little fruity cocktails. plus the colors are cute plus they're just hot girl scents that she hopes will lure a man in pepe le pew smile floating on her little vape cloud right to her feet.
skeeter - watermelon jolly ice. toys a careful line: youthful and sweet but not as juvenile as some of the more overtly candy flavored ones, isn't girly colors, but has just enough fruity flavor with the menthol that he can still stand it. back up is strawberry banana. just feel like he could appreciate a smoothie.
mavrick - black winter. blackberry makes for perfect middle between sweet and tart. i think ultimately though he also keeps a clear on rotation no bullshit just a quick direct hit of nicotine because he has such a severe brain disorder for it at this point. plus he thinks it will make him look hard and cool if he pulls it out at work in front of jillian.
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xiala-bexchan · 1 year
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I started my fourth walkthrough with Mavrick’s and Cresta’s sister Amber Chesterfield yesterday. She is actually the youngest one of the three siblings but...she is taller as Cresta and has no flaws on her body. She is the girl who is kinda perfect in every way and the complete contrary to the clumsy Cresta. Further, she is more mature but also very arrogant and she hates Cresta. Amber is the only one of the siblings, who didn't get into Ravenclaw. She is a Hufflepuff with love for magical beasts. Also, she is very intelligent. She hates her own sister because Cresta is even more intelligent and clever than Amber, but Amber thinks that Cresta is fooling her classmates with her clumsy behaviour. Amber always tries hard and wants to get the best grades under pressure, but she can never match Cresta and is always looking for reasons to beat up her sister. That's why Amber starts out by picking on Ominis, because she doesn't understand how Cresta can fall in love with an "invalid" wizard in the first place. Btw, I found it so funny, that Ominis looked so disgusted during the battle between Amber and Sebastian in Defence against the dark arts, like “Damn, Cresta’s sister really is an arrogant witch!”
Amber is arrogant and patronising but she really adores magical beasts and learns her lessons when she stumbled right into some poachers in the forbidden forest, where she is forced under the Imperio spell to torture and kill some magical beasts. After that she is found by some magicians who get her back to Hogwarts but but after her return she is perplexed, in shock and completely apathetic and no longer dares to go near animal beings for fear that she might hurt them again.
She should be the love interest for Amit Thakkar, who will help her sister Cresta to get the true Amber back. Amit will show er the beauty of the world and Amber will turn good again and will find her passion for magical beasts again.
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