voronuu · 2 days
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Multiple different Basil pfps free to use, all I ask is that you credit me if you use it <3
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aroace-poly-show · 1 year
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prowlbeepilled · 6 months
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i-like-omori · 1 year
*dangles omori (gamr) on rope*
You sureeee you like it??/j
tbh i dodnt even think i like it that much
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balkanradfem · 2 years
Close to the every end of the year, I go through all of the photos I've taken that year, and select the ones that give me the greatest feeling of joy. I put them into the 'Favourites of x year' folder, and I go thru them when I need some happiness, or just to be reminded of all of the good things I did that year. They're photos of my baby plants growing, then my garden giving produce. Me hanging out with friends, and going on field trips, seeing new things. Me sewing clothes and pillows, paintings I've made, projects I've completed and feel proud of. Every time I found something that I loved or got a gift that would continue to make me happy, I keep those pictures to remind me of how good it felt.
This year, the picture that made me most happy, that makes my heart do a little flip in joy, is this one:
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That's the baby basil I grew in the beginning of 2022, and for some reason seeing it just makes me crazy happy. I even borrowed a camera to take a quality picture of it. I stared at that picture longingly, until by the end of the day, I just decided to plant new basil. It's fall, it's late to start anything, it's not going to grow well, or grow big during the winter. But, I want more of that happiness, I want to watch the basil grow!
I already have two little clone basil plants I grew from cuttings, I put them next to the freshly planted ones just for moral support (so the basil knows it's safe to grow here, since, there's elderly basil already there, you see.)
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Unrelated to that, I'm on the poison watch again. I've been gathering parasol mushrooms this morning, and I gathered a lot. Now, the way you recognize that the parasol mushroom is the true and edible type, you need to check if the ring on the stem is movable or not. Movable=edible. If it's not movable, then it's a poisonous copy of the mushroom, one of the very deadly ones.
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On the picture is a good one, with a movable ring.
However.. I stumbled on some mushrooms that looked exactly like parasol mushrooms, but had no ring at all. I studied them, and figured they had to be the true parasol mushrooms; I can tell a true one from fake just from the texture on the cap. The poisonous ones have a different texture. The mushrooms without the ring were also a bit eaten on the edge. I decided that what happened here, is a slug started climbing this mushroom, ate the ring, then chipped away a bit more, and went away. So the ring was there initially, it was just eaten before I could collect the mushroom. Confident, I took the mushroom home with me.
Now you must be thinking, but balkanradfem, if you had found soo many of these mushrooms, surely you didn't need to risk eating those suspicious ones? Well. I did find a lot, actually, too many. So many I called the plant lady to inform her I'm bringing her a kg of mushrooms. She is usually into poisons, but strangely careful with mushrooms. She won't eat the ones without the rings. There were about 3-4 without rings, so I took those. Brought them home, made a soup. I put some rosemary in the soup out of curiosity how it would taste like; it tasted weird. Couldn't tell if it was because the mushrooms were bad, or because I put too much rosemary in. (I am not gonna put anymore rosemary in mushroom soups.)
Anyway, I'll have to wait for 6-24 hours to find out if I happened to ingest some poison, apparently you're more safe if the poisoning effects come later! I'm not too worried, I'm still confident those were the true parasol mushrooms, but, who knows. I just want to eat more soup.
Also, all of the sources, including the plant lady, claim that the parasol mushroom can't be dried for storage? I don't accept this and I'm currently drying some on my balcony. We'll see.
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Look how alien-like it looks tho. Creepy mushroom.
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skylertheghost · 2 years
Some omori Basil slander people on Pinterest were slandering basil (duh) and they said that
“Sunflower is the omori equivalent to bakudeku”
like HUH. I’m not even a sunflower shipper but like what????
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Uh so Basil took a bath and someone stole his clothes. He’s not mad or anything, but he needs them back please 🙏
I drew this for discord but it was tame enough to share here :)
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a-secret-jester · 2 years
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full-time-femboy · 2 years
The chronicles of bald Basil
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(The guy behind him is supposed to be Dwayne Johnson, and the context behind that is Ren is terrified or rocks)
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Also the convo that spawned this monstrosity
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aroace-poly-show · 7 months
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yeah this is my comfort character
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meltyjellyfwish · 1 year
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accidently made basil ginger
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wordsandacademia · 2 years
It was not intended as a compliment. It was a confession. Now that I have made it, something seems to have gone out of me. Perhaps one should never put one's worship into words.
-The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde
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passerinesoncaffeine · 2 months
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I’m not even halfway through this fucking game and I am already in tears.
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clowncar-25 · 2 months
OMORI is low-key fixing my sleep schedule
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cuteteacakes · 1 year
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(this is the lore video btw it's so good)
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