demonoftheseas · 2 years
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illegal-spiegel · 3 years
The Selection
Pairing: Prince!Shoto Todoroki x f!reader Genre: angst, fluff, royal au Warnings: bullying, mentions of blood, scratches, and bruising. I think that’s it?? Summary: Prince Shoto is coming upon the age to marry one lucky lady, and to choose said lady, a contest is held. A woman from each district is chosen by the prince himself to compete to become his bride and the future queen. You, a woman from district nine, a poor district, are chosen and sent to the castle to compete against nine other women. ✨Drama ensues ✨ Word Count: 10k words. THIS IS LITERALLY THE MOST IVE EVER DONE BEFORE RGVIOSGNIAN A/N: This piece is for @awilddreamerwrites​‘s collab!! I had so much fun writing this because this is based off of the book series The Selection by Kiera Cass and I’ve been wanting to write smth like this for a LONG time. There is also Hunger Games themes going on in this fic. The song at the end is I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry!! I hope you all enjoy!!
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You can’t believe you won. 
And no, this isn’t the good kind of winning. You don’t get a thousand dollars or a nice, shiny trophy. No. You can’t even fathom why out of all the girls in district nine why Prince Shoto would choose you. 
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He’s coming of age to marry so all women eighteen to twenty-four, who aren’t married yet, are required by law to submit an ‘application’ to become Prince Shoto’s wife. He will then go through all of the forms and choose one ‘lucky’ girl from each district, one through ten. 
You can remember filling out the form like it was yesterday.
“I don’t know what to put,” you groan from the table, wracking through your brain for something you like to do in your free time. There are plenty of things, but none of them sound good enough. Then again, you don’t know why you’re trying so hard to impress Mr. Stick-Up-His-Butt. 
“Put that you like to burp your ABCs,” your little brother jokes, making you roll your eyes at him. 
“As if I would ever write such a thing. They would come here as soon as they saw that and chop my head off in front of everyone!” you screech, starting to nervously tap your pencil on the table. 
“How about reading? That makes you sound smart,” your father offers, his hands covered in paint from where he stands by the window. You glance over at him, finding that he’s painting your mother playing at her piano. It’ll never cease to amaze you that your father can draw and paint your mother’s face from memory. God, they’re so in love it’s gross. 
“Doesn’t that sound too snobbish though? ‘Hey, look at me. I’m so smart because I like to read.’ They don’t want smart women dad, they want pretty ones that will obey orders,” you snidely remark. Yeah, it’s no surprise to anyone that you hate all the members of district one. They’re just a bunch of queens, kings, dukes, duchesses, princes, princesses, and everyone else who doesn’t like sharing their wealth amongst the poorer districts. Like yours. 
“Why do you care? I think that they will take one look at your ugly mug and throw yours in the trash,” your brother cackles. You huff out a breath and bring your eyes back to the paper. He’s right. You shouldn’t care. You don’t care. 
“You’re right,” you announce as you begin writing down the answer your dad suggested. Maybe if you make yourself sound really smart, Prince Shoto will lose interest right away. 
You go through the other basic questions, what was your favorite toy growing up, what talents do you have, how is your relationship with your family, etc. After a mind-numbing experience of filling out all the questions, you slide the papers into an envelope. “Alright, done!”
“Good, go put it in the mailbox before it gets dark,” your father says with a smile, watching you fill out your name and address on the envelope since the castle’s is already printed in the top left.
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That was a month ago and now you’re here, staring down at your empty suitcase laid out in front of you on your bed. You can’t even begin to imagine what you would need to pack to go to a castle to try and win the heart of a prince. You leave your empty luggage where it is and pick up the acceptance letter that you had received. You hadn’t even bothered reading all of it earlier. 
You read through all the rules, regulations, and requirements, trying not to break down as you sit there reading it. This just had to happen to you. Why couldn’t it be that one lovely girl down the road who has always dreamed of one day living in the castle? Or another girl a couple blocks away who dreams to be a chef in the castle’s kitchen?
One sentence has you pausing, your shoulders gaining weight to them and causing you to slump. Contestants must not wear pants of any kind. All women must wear appropriate skirts or dresses. Oh, hell no. 
You set the papers down again and take a deep breath, standing from your bed to move to your window. You stare outside into the tall, green grass as you let your mind wander. What if you just ran away? Yeah, you could pack up your bag and on move-in day, you leave without a trace. That plan sounds nice for a second before you suddenly feel guilt. 
Your family would be worried about you. 
God, you need to stop acting like it’s the end of the world! 
You clench your hands into fists and give a single nod before snatching the papers back up, breezing through the rest of the words now that you’ve made up your mind. You once again freeze though when you come across something towards the end. All participants will get a weekly check of one hundred dollars that they may either use themselves or send home to their families. 
Why wouldn’t they lead with that? This is good news though! Seeing as how you’re in district nine and a family of four, making it through the week can be quite hard. It helped that you were leaving and they would only have to worry about three mouths to feed, but now they can get some money too! 
You pause for a third time and reread that sentence. Every week. Being there for a month alone would give your family five hundred dollars! That would be enough for all of you to live semi-comfortably while you search for a job to help your parents out. 
You finish with the papers and then set them down, starting to pack your things away now. You don’t want to go or stay in the castle, but you’ll be damned if you didn’t give it your all to stay as long as possible to help your family. 
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Move-in day comes faster than you’d like. Suddenly, a car is waiting for you in front of your house and your mother has tears in her eyes. “Mom, don’t cry. I won’t even be gone that long. I’ll be home before you know it,” you reassure softly as you pull her into a hug. She sniffles and holds you tight, her eyes closing and causing those tears to cascade down her face. 
“I know. I just...I love you, honey. I appreciate what you do for this family.” You pull back and smile at her, wiping her tears away before giving her cheek a kiss. You bid your father and brother farewell, playfully teasing your brother for crying before giving him the longest hug of all, and then leave with your suitcase in tow. 
“Is that it?” a knight questions you once you reach him, his eyes focused on your singular suitcase. 
“Um, yes?” you reply, but it comes out shaky and unsure. Why would you need more than one? 
“Okay, get in,” he says in a bored tone as he takes your baggage from you and places it in the back while you crawl inside the expensive car. He closes the door behind you and then crawls into the front, turning the car on. You stare out the window at your family, smiling at them while you wave. They wave back and even blow you kisses, a smile stretching across your face as you catch them. 
You won’t be gone long. You won’t be gone long.
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First day at the castle you don’t even get to see the prince. You briefly meet the other girls but otherwise remain cooped up in your very fancy new room. Meals are brought to you and you have your own personal bathroom, so there’s no reason to leave. 
Not that you really want to anyway. 
At the end of the first day, your reading is interrupted by a loud knock. You just begin standing up from your seat by the window when the door swings open and a woman with deep bronze skin comes in. “Hi there,” she teases, closing the door behind her. You close your book and set it on the table, raising your brow at her as you stand up. 
“Um, hi? What are you doing here?” you ask before realizing that probably sounded rude. She just chuckles at you though and starts walking towards you, removing a soft measuring tape up from around her shoulders which causes her dark, curly hair to drag up with it before dropping back down with a bounce.
“I’m here for your measurements, of course.” 
“My what?” you ask, cautiously watching her as she gets closer. 
“You know, for your dresses. We already have dresses of all shapes and sizes prepared and ready for adjustments, so we just need to see what your measurements are.”
“Oh, okay,” you agree, lifting your arms to allow her to measure your waist and chest. She measures everything from your shoulders to your ankles before wrapping the measuring tape back around her neck. 
“Alright, all done. I’ll bring you your dresses either later today or tomorrow.”
“Okay. Thank you,” you say softly as you watch her go.
The second day is when you finally meet the prince himself. The same lady as before, which you found out her name is Iris, comes back the next day to help you get ready. After suiting you up, figuratively speaking since you’re in a dress, she leads you out of your room and to a dining room. The only thing that sits in the room is a long, mahogany table and chairs to match. She tells you to pick a seat before wishing you luck. You smile at her and walk towards the middle of the table, sitting there since most of the other girls are sitting towards the end, which you’re assuming is because they want to try and be closer to the prince. 
You look up from your porcelain plate when someone sits across from you, your eyes meeting wild, red hair first. You smile at her when she looks at you, her own smile coming to her face as she sits down. The second thing you notice about her is her bright, blue eyes and the hundreds of freckles dusting her cheeks. You start to wonder what class she is from when the grand doors open. You quickly stand up when you see the other girls do so, your hands squeezing the sides of your dress. You eye the prince as he walks towards the table with his father and his sister, Princess Fuyumi. They get to their spots and the king looks you all over before saying, “Welcome, ladies, to my castle. My family and I are eager to meet with all of you. For now though, let us eat.” 
After this, he and his two children sit down before the rest of you do, and you don’t begin eating until they start. You decide then to strike up a conversation with the redhead as you begin to eat, starting with asking her what her name was. Ironically enough, her name is Ruby. You shared a good laugh with her as she told you the story of her parents deciding her name. 
After breakfast, the king announces that he is hosting a ball at the end of the week for his son’s birthday. You almost just decide to go ahead and pack up now at this news when he continues his announcement by reassuring you all that you’ll be given dance lessons. Joy. 
After that day, you only see the prince again at meals like that. After the third day of dance lessons, you begin to wonder how exactly he plans on eliminating some of you and choosing a bride if he doesn’t even talk to you. 
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The day of the ball arrives before you know it and you’re just a little bit happy about it since that means no more horrid dance lessons. You’re still not the best, but you won’t be stepping on anyone’s toes. Iris helps you get ready in a purple gown that reminds you of her name. She helps you with your hair as well and slides your shoes on for you, despite you telling her that you can do it yourself, and then leads you to the ballroom. At the moment, only the other girls are here. You thank Iris one last time for her hard work before gravitating towards your newfound friend. 
“Hey,” you greet Ruby, admiring her forest green dress. 
“Hi!” her chipper voice greets back. You smile at that and look around at the other women, pausing when you notice something. 
“Hey, are we down one?” you ask. 
You count all the girls twice before confirming what you thought and repeating your words. “Are we down one? There’s only nine here now, including you and me.” She pauses and looks around at the other girls too, discovering that your words are true. 
“Oh. Maybe one of the girls is running late?” she offers. You shake your head at this though. 
“They never let us be late to anything. I think the prince kicked someone out already,” you say softly to her. 
“What? Really? Already?” she nervously asks, starting to fix her dress and hair. 
“I guess so. Strange, seeing as how I haven’t even had a conversation with him yet. I doubt she got the chance to either.” You two go quiet after that until Ruby interrupts that silence. 
 “Gosh, I’m so nervous now. I think I might sweat through my dress,” she groans. You chuckle at her words while looking around at the decorated ballroom. 
“Don’t be. I wouldn’t be surprised if the prince stayed by the punch bowl all night,” you giggle, watching her smile come back to her face. 
“I don’t know, I heard some of the others girls saying that—” 
She’s cut off by a pair of big doors opening to reveal guests trickling inside. “Oh, I guess it’s starting.” You two move to the side of the room as you watch men, women, and people alike dressed in expensive clothes filter inside. Just when you think the room is going to be too packed for any of you to even move, the doors close and everyone grows quiet. 
You turn to see the royal family at the railing of the double staircase looking down on everyone from their vantage point. “Greetings friends, family, and contestants. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to come here tonight. We celebrate my son’s birthday tonight and that he’s on his way to finding a bride! Let us drink and be merry!” Everyone claps when he finishes and as soon as they start moving downstairs, ball music starts. You take a deep breath and turn to look at Ruby to start up another conversation with her. Except you can’t since a knight is asking her to dance. She blushes as red as her hair as she agrees, gently taking ahold of his hand and letting him whisk her away. 
You sigh as you watch her go, ignoring the urge to lean against the wall. You already know that if you did, you’d get scolded for not appearing lady-like. You can’t help but roll your eyes at the thought of one of the king’s or prince’s advisors scurrying over to you just to tell you to stand up tall. 
You sigh a second time and leave the edge of the room to go to the other side of the room where the finger food and punch bowls are. You glance around you as you pick up something that looks like a yellow flower and shove it whole into your mouth. 
“Wow, you must be hungry.” You almost choke as you whip your head around to find the prince standing next to you, a small, amused smile on his lips. Oh my god. You quickly cover your mouth and begin chewing at the speed of light, swallowing it despite the fact that you didn’t get to finish chewing it. 
“No! I mean, yes! I mean—”
“Will you dance with me?” Your fumbling comes to a stop when he asks you to dance with him, all the air suddenly leaving your lungs. 
“Oh, um, sure,” you wheeze, gently taking his outstretched hand. He leads you away from the table towards the middle of the dance floor, your cheeks growing warm at the thought of how many eyes are going to be on you. He brings his other hand to your waist while you bring your hand to his shoulder, your eyes staring down at your feet once you start moving. 
“You’re (Y/n), right?” he asks softly. 
“Yeah. I mean, yes, Your Highness,” you correct, mentally cursing yourself as you stare down at your feet. 
“You don’t have to do that, you know,” he informs. 
“What?” you ask, finally tilting your head back to look up at him. 
“Refer to me as that. The same goes for Your Majesty and Prince Shoto.” You blow air past your lips and make a pfft sound, smiling at him. 
“You’re kidding, right? Your advisor just about bit my head off the other day when I accidentally referred to you as just Shoto.”
“Yes, everyone is quite strict about that. I’m not though. When it’s just the two of us, please refer to me as Shoto, okay?” You lick your lips and press them together, slowly nodding your head. You bring your head back down to look at your feet, trying to make sure you don’t mess up. “Don’t do that either,” he commands. 
“Don’t do what?” you ask, still looking down, afraid you had done something to upset him. His hand suddenly leaves your waist and is placed underneath your chin, his fingers gently applying pressure to bring your head back up. 
“Stare down like that. I want to see your face.” You can feel the heat crawl up your chest and spread across your face, your whole body feeling too warm now. 
“Sorry,” you stutter out, your grip tightening a bit on his shoulder. You spend the rest of your time in peaceful silence, both of you listening to the music and dancing away. You also use this time to actually get a good look at him. The first thing you noticed was his eyes. His eyes are heterochromia, one grey and one blue. The second thing you notice is the scar around his blue eye, but you make sure not to look at it for too long. You continue to admire his handsome features for the rest of the dance, finding the song is coming to an end quite soon. 
To your surprise though, he doesn’t let you go. He continues to dance with you until the end of the second song. You’re not sure if he would’ve stopped on his own or not since someone cut in and asked for a dance with him. He bows while you curtsy, your eyes remaining glued to each other. “Save me another dance,” he says softly before turning to the next person and beginning to dance with them. 
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After having that one on one moment with the prince, you find your eyes always wandering to him when he’s in the same room as you, and, more often than not, he catches you staring at him. You, oddly enough, go about two days without seeing him again, other than when you’re in the dining hall. It still doesn’t make sense to you that he doesn’t try making an effort to meet any of the girls that could potentially become his bride. 
You blink a couple of times and realize that you just read an entire page of your book and didn’t actually process any of it since you were too busy thinking about the prince. Again. You sigh and look up from the book to look out the window that’s sill you are currently perched on. Your eyes widen when you find the prince down in the garden, taking a leisurely stroll around the hundreds of flowers. You watch him for a long moment, a soft smile finding its way to your lips as he stops to smell some flowers that you don’t know the name of. They’re unlike anything you’ve ever seen. 
You gasp when his eyes suddenly flit up to yours, your entire head turning away from the window in embarrassment. You really need to stop getting caught staring at the handsome man. You take a deep breath and bring your eyes back to your book, determined to finish this chapter before dinner. 
As you’re sitting there flipping page after page, you get the odd feeling you’re being watched. You look back out the window but find that the prince isn’t in the garden anymore, at least not the part that you can see from your spot. You turn your head the other way towards the library only to find the prince himself leaning against a bookshelf. 
“Ah, I’ve been caught,” he says playfully, giving you a small smile that, despite its small size, almost blinds you. 
“Your Highness,” you greet, clambering to get up to curtsey. 
“Ah ah, we talked about this,” Shoto warns with a single palm facing you. You stop halfway out of your seat, your cheeks growing warm.
“Sorry, Prin—I mean, Shoto!” you stutter, feeling your ears get hot now with embarrassment. He chuckles and walks over to you, taking a seat beside you on the window sill. 
“What are you reading?” he asks, thankfully deciding to ignore your fumbling words. You stare at him for a moment before quickly looking down at the book in your hands. You flip it over onto it’s back to show the front to him, the title written in big, cursive letters. “Scarlet? I don’t think I’ve ever read it. What’s it about?” he says as he reads the title, leaning back against the wall. You stare down at the book, trying to calm your racing heart and shaky hands. 
“Oh, um, I haven’t finished it yet. But it’s basically another Robin Hood tale, but it focuses on the story of one of his merry men who is actually a woman pretending to be a man. She has a dark past she’s trying to get away from and she slowly begins to fall in love with Robin Hood. It’s actually a really good book,” you explain, turning your eyes back to him only to find him intently watching you. “Uh, then again, I don’t know what kind of books you like to read. Oh! Or if you like to read at all! Not that I’m saying I’m assuming you do or don’t! I’m sure you have plenty of hobbies—” You cut yourself off when Shoto begins to laugh, his eyes lighting up with his laughter. You take a deep breath and then begin to giggle right alongside him. 
“I love to read, actually. No one else in the castle seems to care about books though. I’m really the only one who ever comes in here.” He pauses for a moment to study you before continuing, “And it does indeed sound like a good book. Thank you for telling me about it. Mind if I read it when you’re done?” 
You start nodding your head rapidly before your brain can even process what he’s asked you. “Yes! Of course! I should be done with it by tomorrow or so!” you reply faster than your mouth can move. He chuckles at your garbled speech but seems to understand what you’ve said. 
“Great. Why don’t you bring it by my quarters when you’re through?” he offers as he stands up from the window sill. You nod your head with a dumb grin, watching him chuckle softly as he heads for the door. “Alright, thank you. See you around, Miss (Y/n).”
You don’t process what you’ve agreed to until he’s out of the room and you can finally get oxygen into your lungs and to your brain. Wait, his quarters? As in, his chambers? As in, his bedroom? You suck in a shallow breath and hold it, trying to keep your brain from wandering into dangerous territory. 
You don’t even realize you don’t know where his quarters are until you’re done with the book. 
There you are wandering around the halls trying to figure out where his quarters would be. It isn’t until you come across dozens of guards in one hallway that you figure it out. 
“Halt! Who goes there?” a knight calls, pointing his very pointy staff in your direction. 
“Uh, (Y/n)?” you answer, cringing when it comes out more like a question. “I’m, um, one of the contestants,” you inform. 
“Turn back now. Contestants are not allowed to be in this side of the castle after the first incident.”
First incident?
“Oh, um, okay. That’s fine. I was just told by Sh—the prince! To come and bring this book to him when I was done with it,” you explain, holding up said book. 
“Then I shall deliver it for you,” the knight announces and begins walking towards you. You take a step back though. 
“Uh, no, that’s alright. I’ll just give it to him the next time I see him,” you say softly as you turn to leave. 
“Just give it here,” the knight demands as he takes hold of your wrist. 
“No, just let go of me! You’re making this a bigger deal than it needs to be!” you shout a little louder than what you meant. 
“Stop being a whiny little brat and jus—”
“Release her this instant!” you hear someone boom from behind the knight. The guard freezes and turns to look over his shoulder to find a glaring Shoto looking right at him. 
“Your Highness, she was—”
“I will bet every last penny I own that she, in fact, has done nothing wrong. Miss (Y/n) is not Miss Cecilia. Now, let her go,” Shoto says with an ice to his tone that you’ve never heard from him. The knight does indeed let you go though and takes a step away from you as well. “Now, apologize to her,” he commands. 
“I apologize, Miss (Y/n),” the knight says as he bows to you. You can’t tell if it’s genuine or not but you honestly don’t care. You just want to get everyone’s eyes off of your flustered self. 
“It’s fine. Really,” you reassure, gripping the book to your chest with your arm while your now free hand goes to the wrist that was held by the guard. 
Shoto’s eyes catch this. 
“Miss (Y/n), please come in,” Shoto says as he starts to walk back towards his chambers. “Miss (Y/n) is always allowed into my chambers, no matter what the scenario may be. Understood?” he says to his personal guards. 
“Yes sir!” they all reply in sync, placing their right fist over their heart. 
“Good. Make sure to spread the word to the other guards.” And with that, you scurry after him to follow him into his room. You honestly felt a little too hot in this big dress of yours, your eyes shifting this way and that in nervousness. 
“I’m sorry about that. They’re just trying to do their job. Are you alright?” Shoto speaks softly as he closes the door behind you both, gently taking your hand in his to look over your wrist. 
“Yes, yes, I’m fine. It’s not a big deal, really,” you brush off, trying to ignore the heat that ignites where he touches you with his left hand. 
“Alright, if you’re sure. I still am sorry though,” he whispers, bringing your hand up to his lips only to kiss the inside of your wrist. You might actually burst into flames from how high your body temperature is getting. 
“Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault, but, um, what did you mean by Miss Cecilia?”  you meekly reply, deciding now is a good time to look away from him and at his spotless room instead. 
“Do you not know? Miss Cecilia was a contestant, just like you. She was from District Seven. I’m not sure what came over her, but she somehow snuck past the two guards that are always posted at my door and came into my room. She tried to seduce me and when I turned her down, she got violent.” You gape up at him as he tells you this story, not believing that someone had the audacity to do something like this. “I knew that if I were to tell my father, she would have been beheaded, so I just told them that I had no interest in her and to send her home.” You gulp at this, it all coming together now why one of the girls was missing during the ball. 
“I’m sorry that happened,” you mumble. He smiles at you and moves to his plush loveseat that sits in one of the corners of his room. 
“Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault,” he repeats your words, making you hum and smile softly at him. “So, you brought the book? How was it?” With the subject changed, you hand him the book and start ranting about how much you loved the book. You made sure not to reveal any major spoilers for him though. 
You two ended up talking until the moon was high in the dark sky, your laughter soft and your yawns eventually becoming more persistent. Once you two decide to call it a night, he leads you out of his room to escort you to yours. When you reach your door, he lifts your hand to his lips once more and kisses the back of your hand this time. “I hope you have sweet dreams,” he whispers before letting your hand go and walking back the way he came. 
You hope your dreams are all filled with him. 
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Your nightly chats end up bringing you much closer than any of the other contestants ever thought possible. While they dreamed and fantasized about possibly being his wife and future queen, you two have become more than just a possibility. You both end up making a habit out of secretly seeing each other every night, whether it be in the library, the garden, wherever. A month later though, it’s ruined by the talk show that you’ve been informed will happen each month until a single contestant has won. 
“Stop fussing, I look great,” you laugh at Iris who is fixing your hair for the second time. 
“You need to look better than great, sweetheart. You need to look perfect. All eyes are gonna be on you tonight at some point, so we need to make sure you look your absolute best.” You simply smile at her words and let her do as she pleases. Iris has honestly become your best friend here, Ruby coming in at a close second. You even ended up telling Iris that you have a crush on the prince only for her to respond with, “You and everyone else, plus their mama’s.” You love her sense of humor and her sense of style. She always makes you look like the princess that you hope to become. 
Wow, you can’t believe you’re saying stuff like this now. Just a month ago you were dreading coming here and being forced to be around the royals. Now, you’re hoping you never leave if only to be with the prince. 
You both turn when there’s a knock on the door, an advisor poking their head in to let you know that cameras will start rolling in ten minutes and that you need to be ready backstage in five. You take a deep breath when they close the door, your eyes finding Iris’ deep brown ones. “I’m nervous,” you admit to her. 
“Awe, don’t be, sugar plum. The whole staff knows that you’re the prince’s favorite. I love bragging that my girl is the prince’s number one,” she coos, finally finishing the final touches on your hair. Your face bursts into flames at her words though. 
“What? I am not his favorite!” you splutter out, watching her laugh as she sprays your neck, chest, and wrists in perfume. 
“Yes, you are. Now, let’s get going!” She doesn’t give you time to argue since she’s tugging you out of the chair and towards the stage. She puts you last in the line of contestants, seeing as how you’re from District Nine and the girl from Ten has already been disqualified. There are only seven girls left now when just a couple of weeks ago there were nine. 
You listen as someone counts down from three and someone, who you’re assuming is the host, begins laughing. “Welcome, welcome! It is I, Caesar Flickerman, your lovely host for this evening! Right beside me is the even lovelier Prince Shoto!” At the mention of the prince, the crowd erupts into cheers, mainly full of fans screaming. “Wowza! It seems you have some fans, Your Highness!” the host teases the prince, knowing good and well the crowd is always like this when Shoto is on set, or when he goes anywhere, really. 
“I’m honored,” Shoto states simply, making the crowd roar with how humble he is. They’re both angled towards the crowd and a single chair and all of the contestants are to sit to the right of them which is slightly behind their chairs. 
“Alright, I guess we should get to the good stuff then, yes? Let’s bring out the contestants!” At this, the first girl, who is from District One, begins walking out in which the rest of you follow. People clap as you all walk out, sitting in chairs behind where Caesar and Shoto sit. “Welcome, ladies! My oh my, you all are sure pretty! I don’t know how Prince Shoto here will ever choose just one of you!” he says playfully with a big smile, making the rest of the crowd laugh. “Alright then! Lucky lady number one, please join us down here!” The girl from District One stands and walks towards the empty chair before them, her white dress and tall heels glittering in the studio lights. 
After she sits down, Caesar flashes her a big smile as he crosses one leg over the other, just like she did. “Why don’t you start by introducing yourself?” he offers.
“You don’t know who I am?” she asks, raising a light, blonde brow at him. 
“Well, of course I do, Princess Tina!” he reassures with a wink. She gives a low hum as she turns to look at one of the cameras now. 
“My name is Princess Tina Renoli of the Renoli Kingdom. I’m from District One,” she introduces, giving the camera a sparkling smile. 
“My, what a mouthful!” Caesar jokes, making everyone laugh, but she just gives him a slight scowl. “Well, let’s get to the questions!” He then asks her and all the other ladies after her simple questions like what did you dream of doing growing up? and What would you do if you won a million dollars? 
When it’s finally your turn though, you feel like you’re going to puke all over Caesar’s nice shoes. “My, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes!” Caesar teases, seeming to sense your nervousness. You bark out a laugh before quickly covering your mouth, scared to sound unlady-like or to make Shoto think you have an ugly laugh. 
“Ah, thank you,” you say softly, trying to force the heat away from your cheeks. 
“You’re very welcome! Please, introduce yourself!”
“Oh, right! Um, my name is (Y/n) (L/n) and I’m from District Nine,” you introduce, shyly smiling at the crowd and camera. 
“Awe, you’re just the sweetest thing!” Caesar coos. He then chuckles and leans back into his seat. “So, (Y/n), living in the castle must be quite different than living in District Nine. Tell us, what do you like most about being in the castle?” 
You nibble your lip as he asks his question, taking a moment to process it before answering. “What, besides the huge bed and glorious food?” you joke. “I love the library,” you answer seriously. Caesar’s eyes widen at this though as he gapes at you a bit. 
“Oh, really? I didn’t think…” he trails off. He didn’t have to finish his words for you to know what he was going to say. I didn’t think people, especially women, from District Nine knew how to read. He clears his throat and quickly corrects himself, “How interesting! Tell me, what’s your favorite book?”
If someone would’ve asked you this question before, there would’ve been no way you would’ve been able to narrow it down to just one book. Now, you look to Shoto with a shy smile and quietly supply, “Scarlet. It’s an action and adventure book with a dash of romance.” 
“Ooh! Sounds exciting! I know all of us here love us some romance! Don’t we?” he says excitedly as he turns to the crowd for confirmation, who just screech and holler in response to confirm that he is indeed right. “Ha! That’s what I thought!” You chuckle now that you’ve calmed down some, your body finally relaxing. 
“Let’s move on with the questions! So, (Y/n), what would be your ideal first date?” Caesar asks with a grin. You blush a bit at the question as you try to think of an answer. 
“Oh, um, I suppose having a picnic in the castle’s large garden would be lovely. Maybe even being able to read a book in comfortable silence or even to each other,” you sheepishly reply. Caesar, and everyone else for that matter, awes at your answer. 
“That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard!” Caesar gushes, playfully bringing his hands to his cheeks and kicking his legs in the air. You outright laugh at his silly behavior, feeling the vice-like grip your nerves have on your chest loosen more. 
“Okay, last question before we move onto Prince Shoto!” he announces, smiling when the crowd cheers. “So, I’m curious to hear your answer for this one. If you were queen, what would you change? We’ve never had someone from a District lower than five become royalty, after all.” What would you do if you became queen? 
The answer almost comes to you instantly. 
“I would get rid of the districts,” you answer confidently. At your words though, the crowd gasps and instantly bursts into worried and angered murmurs. Caesar gapes at you in shock, surprised you would say such a thing on live television. 
“You would do what now?” is all that Caesar can come up with to say. Your face sets into determination as you stare back at him. 
“I would get rid of the Districts once and for all. There is no reason to have all of us divided this way. All it does is separate us and make the higher districts believe they’re better than the lower districts, when they’re not.” As soon as you finish, Caesar is awkwardly laughing and turning to the cameras. 
“And that’s all the time we have for the contestants, folks! Thank you ladies for answering all of our questions!” Caesar rushes through to move onto Shoto’s question time. You frown at the fact that you are once again being silenced, your eyes moving to Shoto’s, who isn’t really showing you any emotion right now. 
Great. He’s probably angry at you and disgusted by your beliefs. So much for winning this thing and being by his side. 
You stand and move back to your seat, finding that the first three girls are giving you nasty looks as you pass by them to get back to your chair. Shoto stands and takes the place you were once in so that he can be across from Caesar. 
“You have quite the tough decision to make, Your Highness! Tell me, how have you eliminated the three girls that are no longer in the competition?” 
“Well, it’s simple really. I’m just like anyone else when it comes to dating. You can tell almost right away if you click with someone or not. I simply didn’t click with the three girls that are no longer here,” he explains calmly. Caesar hums and nods his head in understanding. 
“Well, may I just say that you are very humble! I would’ve tried keeping all these pretty girls for myself!” he jokes, trying to get the crowd to laugh in which he succeeds in. Shoto politely chuckles along with them at his joke. “So, I must ask if you have a favorite,” Caesar fake whispers to Shoto. 
“No, I don’t,” Shoto replies immediately, but that doesn’t stop his eyes from flickering over to you which causes your breathing to stop. 
“Ah! I saw that! Who did you just look at?” Caesar squeals, turning more to his right to see who is at the end of the line. His eyes meet yours and instantly move away to the other girls next to you. “Oh, I bet it’s lucky girl number six, isn’t it?” Ruby. 
“I’m assuming she’s your favorite then?” Shoto teasingly asks with a raise of his brow. Caesar fakes bashfulness as he rubs the back of his neck. 
“Well, I’ve always been a sucker for a pretty girl in the color purple,” he jokes, causing Ruby to giggle and playfully blow a kiss at Caesar, to which Caesar catches and tucks it away into his pocket. 
“Miss (Y/n) actually wore a beautiful lavender dress the night I met her,” Shoto informs and, if you didn’t know any better, you’d say that he let that slip without thinking. Caesar’s smile goes tight at the mention of you though. 
“Oh? Did she? Well, I’m sure she looked very nice!” After this is said, he quickly changes the subject and begins shooting question after question at Shoto. After ten questions or so, Caesar finally ends the show and bids farewell to all the watchers back home. The cameras then shut off and you feel like you can finally breathe again. You don’t bother waiting around here though as you quickly stand, pick up your dress, and swiftly leave the stage. 
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Your previous words from the show didn’t sit well with some of the contestants, most of whom are a part of the upper divisions. One morning, it was decided that all of the contestants were required to go to the royal classroom to begin learning about the nation’s history. You went there every day from eight in the morning to right before dinner time. By this point, there are only six contestants left from Districts One, Two, Three, Five, Six, and Nine, which is you. You honestly don’t know how you’ve made it this long, especially since the king makes it his mission to glare at you whenever you’re within eyesight. You’re not sure why Prince Shoto is keeping you around at this point. 
One particular day, your teacher had decided to let you all go an hour earlier than usual, for which you all were thankful for. You were one of the last ones to leave, which turned out to be a mistake since contestants from Districts One through Three were outside the classroom waiting for you. 
“Well, well, well, look who it is. It’s the dirty little girl from District Poor,” Princess Tina taunts, her two sidekicks, Sandy and Cindy, snickering at her words. You roll your eyes and go to move past her when she snatches your book out of your hand. 
“Hey!” you shout, moving to grab it only for the girl from District Three to shove you away and come between you two. 
“Aww, does the little nerd want her book back?” she sneers, starting to flip through it with boredom clearly etched into her pretty features. “Ugh, hopeless romantic much?” she groans as she finds a kissing scene. “God, you’re so pathetic. You can’t get the romance you so desperately crave in real life so you read it in fairytales.”
You remain quiet, clenching your jaw to help you remain silent. “What? Brainiac has nothing to say?” the girl from District Two teases. Your eyes move to her as you cross your arms over your chest, taking a deep, calming breath as you raise your brow at the three of them. 
“You do realize that the prince can only choose one of us, right? Why are you three banding together when, in the end, you’re just going to have to fight for the prince?” Cindy and Sandy pause at this, sharing a worried look. 
“Don’t listen to her, girls! She’s just trying to put us against each other!” Tina shouts, throwing your book at you and hitting your cheek. You let out a small cry and cradle the spot, feeling it throb. “Maybe if we make her ugly enough, the prince will want nothing to do with her!” Tina suggests, convincing her minions that you’re the enemy, not her. 
Before you can react, you’re being shoved to the wall by Tina. If it was just her, you probably could’ve taken her. Seeing as how it was three against one though, you didn’t stand a chance. That doesn’t mean you didn’t go down without a fight though. You kick and hit at them as they all swarm you, scratching at your skin, slapping and punching other marks into your skin. 
Once they had enough, they back up and let you fall to the ground. Sandy and Cindy stare down at you, what seems to be sympathy and regret in their eyes. That disappears though when Tina loops her arms through theirs and smugly smiles down at you. “You might as well just go home now. The prince has never wanted you and never will. He’s only kept you around for as long as he has because he felt bad and needed the votes of all the rest of the losers like you.” Once she finishes her spiel, she spits at you before turning with her minions and walking away with giggles escaping her. 
You didn’t let a single tear fall the entire time they tormented you but as soon as she walked away, you couldn’t help the tears that swarm your vision. You can’t believe you’re even going to listen to her, but what if she’s right? Shoto hasn’t spoken to you or visited you in the library since what you said on the talk show. He probably thinks you’re a joke and only keeps you around to gain the acceptance and love of the lower districts who are rooting for you to win. 
What a joke. 
You sniffle and wipe at your teary and bloody face before pushing yourself to stand, only having stumbled and fallen down two times on the way to your room. Once you reach your room, you curl up in the bed and let the sobs flow freely. You miss home. You miss hearing your mother play the piano. You miss your father getting yelled at by your mother for showing up at the dinner table still covered in paint. You miss your brother teasing you about liking to read, despite the fact that he was the one begging you to teach him how. You even miss the dumb leak in the corner of your room that could fill up an entire bucket after a storm. You end up crying yourself to sleep, ruining the satin covers and sheets with your blood and tears. 
You wake up from a knock at your door, hearing Iris’ comforting voice. “Sweetie? Are you awake yet? You’re going to miss breakfast!” she calls through the door. 
“Yes,” you croak, much too quietly for her to hear. You clear your throat and try again, “Yes, I’m awake. I don’t feel well though. I’m just going to go back to sleep.”
“What? You know you can’t miss a meal. Are you sick?” she calls, trying to open the door only to find it locked. Oh, good. At least you had the mind to lock it last night. 
“Yes, I feel sick,” you inform. It wasn’t a complete lie. 
“Alright, I’ll let them know that you will be absent,” she says softly before you hear her footsteps fade away. You slowly sit up and feel your head pound as you do, a grimace taking over your features. You slowly slide off the bed and frown when you see the mess you left on the lovely covers. You can’t find it in yourself to feel guilty though as you move to your personal bathroom to clean up. You make the shower’s water lukewarm before slowly stepping under the spray, biting back a hiss when the water hits your open wounds. They aren’t that bad, mainly just scratch marks, but your mother always used to tell you it’s the smaller wounds that hurt the most. You know she was just trying to make you feel better when you felt embarrassed by balling like a baby when you skid your knee, but it comforts you now. 
You clean yourself up and then get out of the shower, standing before the mirror with sad eyes. Your cheek is bruising from where she threw the book at your face. You’re just glad it wasn’t your eye. Scratch marks litter your face, neck, chest, and arms along with small bruises. Your eyes start to sting again, surprised just how far people will go to get what they want. It never mattered who they put down to get what they wanted.
You leave the bathroom to go to your wardrobe, pulling out one of the few dresses you owned from back home. This dress is a light sundress that should be open and loose enough not to disturb any of your wounds. You let out a heavy sigh as you pull out your suitcase underneath your bed, setting it on the grand mattress before starting to place all of your things back inside of it. You can’t believe you’re going to quit after all this time, letting Tina and the others get to you and get their wish. 
You sniffle and wipe at your eyes when your vision starts to blur again with tears. You really did love Shoto. God, you’re even using the L-word now. Could you get any more pathetic? Tina is right. You’ll always be some dumb loser who won’t amount to anything. 
You jump out of your skin when there’s a knock at the door. “Iris, I already told you that I’m not hungry,” you weakly call, quickly rubbing at your eyes since she is probably going to want to come in anyway. She’s going to lose it when she sees the state you’re in. She doesn’t verbally answer though, simply giving another knock. You sigh and walk over to the door, unlocking it as you say, “Fine, you can come in. Don’t start nagging me abou—”
Your heart beats so hard against your chest that you’re pretty sure it just flew right out of your chest and into the tray of food that Shoto is holding. He stares at you with widened eyes, his beautiful heterochromia eyes moving this way and that across your upper body, no doubt gawking at the marks on you. You quickly start to swing the door shut, gasping when he sticks his foot out and stops you from closing the door. 
“Let me in,” he commands, his voice getting the icy tone it had when regarding that one guard. 
“Your Highne—”
“I said open the door!” he shouts, making your body quiver at his demanding tone. You quickly move away from the door and put your back to him, listening to him rush in and close the door behind himself. He sets the tray down somewhere, you’re assuming on the small table in front of your sofa by the door, before you hear his footsteps come towards you. You tense up when he stops right behind you, the warmth of his body radiating against yours. 
You almost start to believe you’ve imagined the whole encounter when nothing happens right away. You jump a bit when fingers gently brush over your arm, ghosting over scratches that lay there. “Please turn around,” he whispers, his voice sounding...broken? You shake your head despite his worry though, pulling your arm away from his hand. “Please,” he shakily whispers again, placing his hand on your upper arm but not forcing you to turn around. 
If you were stronger, you wouldn’t have turned around, but you’re a desperate woman who wants the attention of the one she loves. You slowly turn around but keep your eyes downcast, hearing Shoto suck in a breath when you’re fully facing him. “What happened?” he mumbles, gently placing both hands onto your upper arms now. You cross your arms over your chest, shaking your head as you continue to stare down at your feet. His hands leave your arms to go up to your cheeks, cupping them and tilting your head up to face him. Your teary eyes widen when you find his eyes are moist as well. 
“Who did this to you?” he asks so softly that you wouldn’t have heard him if he were any farther away. You shake your head again, closing your eyes and letting tears cascade down your face. He’s quick to catch them though, gently wiping them away. With your eyes closed, you don’t see him look over your shoulder to your bed that has your half-packed luggage sitting there. 
“Please don’t go,” he croaks, making your eyes fly open to find him crying now as well. You gawk at this, at the fact that he doesn’t want you to leave and that he’s crying. Crying. 
“I don’t belong here, Sho,” you whisper, using the nickname that you gave him one of the many nights you two laid under the stars, talking the night away. 
“Who put that thought into your head? Caesar? My father? One of the other contestants?” he asks, moving his hands to your shoulders now. “It doesn’t matter who because whoever it is, they’re wrong. You belong here, with me. No. I belong wherever you are. Do you wish to go home? I can come with you.” Shoto speaks fast as he tries to make you happy, his worried frown and jumbled words only succeeding in bringing a smile to your face. 
“Sho, calm down. You need to stay here, for your kingdom. Your...your older brother has already died in war and your sister will one day be married off to another kingdom. You must remain here and take care of your people,” you say softly, lightly knocking your head against his. 
“Stay by my side then. Become my wife and the future queen,” he whispers, the words being mouthed against your lips from how close he’s gotten to you. His words make you rear back and stare at him as if he’d grown another head. 
“Are you mad? No one wants me to be princess, let alone queen!” 
“I do! The lower districts do! God, just saying that angers me. You’re right, I want to be rid of the stupid districts just as much as you do.” You’re not sure why those words specifically have your gut churning in pleasure, but the next thing you know, your lips are smashed against his. 
It’s a very messy kiss, filled with teeth, spit, and too much tongue, and you can tell he’s inexperienced, but God, you’ve never experienced anything hotter in your life. His hands gently cup the side of your neck, keeping you in place as he passionately kisses you back. It didn’t take long for you both to run out of air, pulling away almost at the same time to gasp for the oxygen that you lack. 
You stare into each other’s eyes with half-lidded ones, your breaths mingling with how close you two remain together. “Marry me,” he begs between pants, looking at you with hopeful eyes. 
“Fine,” you grumpily agree despite the fact that your heart is currently soaring. He smiles brighter than you’ve ever seen as he smashes his lips back against yours. 
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I used to hear a simple song  That was until you came along  Now in its place is something new  I hear it when I look at you 
Shoto doesn’t really know what came over him. You agreed to marry him all those years ago and with his father passed, you and he are the new king and queen. He swears that he feels like a completely different person, his subjects have definitely taken notice as well. He used to be quiet and polite, only speaking when spoken to. Now, with you by his side, he can laugh as loudly as he wants to and let his smile go from ear to ear without a care in the world. 
He doesn’t think he’ll ever tell you this, but he swears that every time he looks at you, it’s like angels are singing, letting him know that he made the right choice choosing you as his bride. He, honest to God, has never been happier in his life. 
With simple songs I wanted more  Perfection is so quick to bore You are more beautiful by far  Our flaws are who we really are 
Growing up, all around him he had people telling him how to look, how to dress, how to eat, how to do everything. He found that hiding his emotions and what he was truly thinking became easier than having to put up with rulers to his hands every time he rolled his eyes or made a snide comment. It was hard for a kid his age to be perfect in the eyes of everyone around him. It was boring and he hated his life for the longest. When he used to ride through the districts to get to other kingdoms as a child, his face would be solemn as he watched through the windows at other kids his age running around screaming as they kicked a ball or played some sort of game where they touched the others before quickly scrambling away with loud laughs and screeches. He wasn’t allowed to have flaws, despite the fact that he had many of them, just like everyone else. 
He had to be perfect. 
You never had to worry about such things before though. In his eyes, you’re already perfect, despite all of your flaws. You always get so flustered when you catch him staring and he just compliments you no matter how you look or what you’re doing. He couldn’t ask for anyone better. 
I used to hear a simple song  That was until you came along  You took my broken melody  And now I hear a symphony
Now, the kingdom you two share is a completely different place. The districts were removed as soon as he was announced king and he had never felt happier in his life when you hugged him and thanked him. It was a dream come true for you. Finally, all your friends and family back home could move to better places and earn more money. Your instant family came to live in the castle with you though and he watched with tearful eyes as you reunited with your family at long last. Your parents were iffy around him at first, since he was still learning how to show emotion around others, but after a little while of being around him, they came to love him just as you did. 
Every night when you two go to sleep cuddled up in your bed, he gently runs his hands over your arm, your hip, everywhere he could touch you. You didn’t feel real to him. It was like you were too good to be true. He never once thought that his required marriage and the stupid competition would lead him to finding the love of his life. He also figured his marriage would end up like his parent’s. Loveless. Sad. Boring. Seeing the worry in his eyes, you passionately kissed all his worries away and he swears that the angels singing turned to many angels singing, pianos, violins, harps, a whole symphony would play.
He wants to hear that sound every day. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
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formulawonu · 3 years
Hi! I have a request for you if you can, can a request based on “champagne problems” by taylor swift where either daniel, lando, lewis or carlos are dating the reader and think it’s time to propose, and they do it in front of their families or the whole grid but the reader says no, and they broke up, and years later they run into each other again and talk. you can choose the ending between fluff or keep it angst.
champagne problems / lewis hamilton
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(gif is not mine! credits to the owner)
warnings: angsty :'(
a/n: i fell in love with this request, thank you so much for it. i got immensely sad writing the last few lines of this :/ taylor swift knows what she is doing. i hope my writing did justice to this beautifully sad song <//3 tried doing smth different and wrote in third person/more of lewis' pov. big cheers to lewis getting 100 wins — what an incredible feat!!! hope you guys enjoy this one :D
He thinks he sees her from across the room but an extra glance tells him it’s not her. She wouldn’t show up here. That isn’t her — something he’s had to learn ever since she left his life two years ago. He is here with someone new and she reminds him of the stars that never fail to show up in the night sky every night. She is constant and he doesn’t need to second guess with her. She understands who he is and knows what he thinks. He is genuinely happy. But she is not her.
“I would like to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” He says, looking up at the love of his life from where he is kneeling. They are surrounded by his family and their friends. The most important people in their lives that have become an extension of who they are and know how perfect the two of them are for each other. He planned it all out — the intimate dinner full of all the things she loved. Her favorite food, her favorite people. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Everyone in this room knew it was only a matter of time until they both took the next step forward in the relationship. In this moment, however, he only sees her. That is how it is whenever she is around. It feels like tunnel vision: all roads lead simply to her.
He has always believed that love was unique to different people. He is, no doubt, in love with his current girlfriend and he is so sure of that. She is the calm before and after every storm. He also knows that despite this, a piece of him and the love he is capable of giving will always remain with Y/N. He will never forget how it felt to love her, just as he knows she won’t ever forget loving him.
Something is wrong. All he sees is her and yet she looks terrified. Tears are forming in her eyes and there is an emotion that he can’t quite place yet. It is an emotion he doesn’t see often. “Y/N?” He whispers, trying to read her. At this moment, he doesn’t care that everyone is standing around the both of them. He just wants to make sure she is okay. She looks away from him and looks around the room. He squeezes her hand, trying to get her to just focus on him. He is trying to reassure her that everything is okay. She looks back at him then at the open small box in his other hand. She starts shaking her head, the tears now falling from her eyes. Everything seems to be going wrong.
“I love you, Lewis.” His girlfriend whispers as he sways her back and forth on the makeshift dance floor. It is his friend’s wedding. “I love you more.” He is satisfied with the way his life has turned out. It was difficult the first few months she had left his life and he honestly thought life wouldn’t be okay again. Everything reminded him of her. There were pieces of her in his apartment and pieces of her everywhere he went. Time passed by so slowly as if it wanted him to sink in the emptiness that came when he lost her. But he met her — she made everything bright again and allowed him to see colors in the world that turned grey. She was patient with him. She took the time to understand him and let him find himself again. He is happy. He is in love.
“I- I can’t.” She whispers, still shaking her head. The tears won’t stop falling from her eyes. He understands the emotion in her eyes now. She is overwhelmed. It is regret. He can feel tears building up in his own. Everything begins to spin around the two of them. “Lewis, I… I can’t.” He tries to remain holding her hand, but she forces hers out of his hold. He looks up at her, speechless. There are so many things he wants to tell her. He wants to tell her to forget about everyone around the two of them. He wants to tell her it doesn’t matter how it happens or that they don’t need to get married right away. He would be happy being engaged forever if it meant she would be by his side. He wants to tell her that they could ditch the party and just lock themselves up in their apartment if that was what she wanted. But he doesn’t. He can’t because she is long gone now. She has run outside of the room and has left him in the center of everyone’s gaze. He cannot move. He is stuck on one knee, with his mother’s ring in his hand. Everything feels like it’s in slow motion. The first thing he does is close the box and drop it in his suit pocket. He slowly stands up, refusing to look at anyone else. He doesn’t know how to react or how to be. Everything is wrong.
While he is leading his girlfriend back to their table, something catches his attention in the corner of his eye. He has to blink a couple of times, trying to register that it is actually her. There, standing by the bar, is the girl who had left him two years ago. She is standing on her own, her body language still very familiar to him. She does not want to be seen and is trying to simply be a faceless stranger in the crowd. She would not be here if she didn’t need to, but his friends are her friends too and the bride is a good friend of hers. “That’s her, isn’t it?” His girlfriend says, following his gaze. “She’s beautiful.” He flashes a smile at her, nodding. “Yeah. I didn’t think she was going to be here, actually. None of us have actually seen her since it happened.” “Do you want to say hi to her?” He fully focuses on his girlfriend now, trying to understand if she is challenging him or simply curious. All he sees is genuine questioning. “I think you should speak to her, Lewis.” He is unsure if that is the right decision. He does not know what he wants to say to her anyway. “Go. It will make you feel better, even if you don’t know what to say.” She gently nudges him towards her and he is left reluctantly walking towards the woman he has not spoken to since she left him kneeling.
“Hi.” Words escape the both of them, the casualness of a greeting seeming so unfitting for the two. “Hi.” She replies. “How ironic that we’re seeing each other here.” He offers, trying to break the ice. He is not used to this, the awkwardness enveloping the two of them when once in the past he felt he could talk about absolutely anything with her. She visibly draws back at the reminder of the last time they had seen each other too. “Why are you here, Lewis?” She asks with a smile on her face. She was never the type to beat around the bush, that much he knew. She always went straight to the point, never afraid to hear things she might not want to. Like ripping off a bandaid, she once said. “I honestly don’t know why either.” There was no point in lying to her. He doesn’t know what to say, neither does she, and yet it felt right that he could speak frankly to her about the events of the past. “You look happy,” She starts, looking genuinely pleased for him. “You deserve to be happy.” Two emotions bubble up inside of him, one he has not felt in ages. Frustration and defeat. It is all coming back to him.
“We could’ve been happy too.”
She sighs, refusing to meet his eyes. She is still surveying the room, taking in everyone celebrating the union of two lovers. He did not like that about her; she always knew how to hide her emotions. Better put, he did not like how he could not read her anymore. “I don’t want to fight you, Lewis. I didn’t come here to do that.” She picks up her glass of champagne that she has left on the counter of the bar, sipping at it. “Dom Pérignon.” She adds. The champagne she is drinking is her favorite and it is the same one that everyone was drinking the night it happened. Or should’ve happened. A wry smile forms on his face. “I know you don’t owe me an explanation nor should you have ever felt you owed me a marriage, but I just wish you talked to me about it. That was our thing. We always talked about it.” She finally meets his eyes, studying him.
“I just didn’t have anything to say.”
“How could you have nothing to say?”
“I did not know what to say.”
“Then you should’ve said that.”
“I did not have a reason, Lewis. Is that what you want to hear? When you got down on one knee, a thousand thoughts were in my head and none of them told me to say yes. I’m so sorry and you know I loved you immensely—I still do—but I could not for the life of me come up with a reason to know for sure I wanted to say yes.” Just like ripping off a bandaid.
He does not know what to say and he wants to laugh at how she is still able to leave him speechless after all this time. “Well, I’m sorry you felt that way.” That is all he is able to say in reply. “I’m sorry I couldn’t say yes.” She finally meets his eyes, the familiar gaze of the woman he once swore he would give everything up for. “My mom wants a sorry too.” He finally says after a while, trying to lighten up the mood. “I miss her.” She replies, a small smile forming on her face. His mom absolutely loved her and held a special place in her heart for her. She was just as crestfallen as he was when she saw what had taken place two years ago. “She misses you too. Everyone kind of misses you too. I don’t understand why you had to disappear.” She shakes her head. “It wasn’t me, Lewis. All of this,” She says, gesturing around the grand ballroom. “Is not me.” “Then why are you here?” He doesn’t mean it as an insult, he just wants to know. She frowns at him. “Because Joe and Louise are my good friends, Lew. I wasn’t planning to stay long, though. I just promised Louise I was going to come by and I keep my promises.” He knows she does. He shakes his head at her. “I didn’t mean it that way. It’s nice to see you again, honestly. Nice to know you’re still alive.” “I know you didn’t. But I just don’t know who I am when I’m here. It’s all so….” She pauses, trying to think of the right word. “Intense? Overwhelming? Heavy? I don’t know. It just makes you feel so small.” He nods but he still can’t grasp that she had felt this way all this time. Maybe he didn’t know her as well as he thought he did. “Don’t blame yourself, Lewis. I can see you doing that now. It was just me.” There is amusement in her eyes and he can’t understand how she is so candid about all of this. “I just don’t understand how I feel like I didn’t- don’t know who you are. I don’t know where it all went wrong.”
She studies him, noting how the creases in his forehead have formed. Something he always does when he is deep in thought. “Lewis, you knew me better than anyone else in this world and I don’t want you to ever feel like you didn’t. What we shared was good, right? It was brilliant.” She offers him a small smile, a consolation for all that has gone on between them. “I will always love you. I don’t think I need to tell you that. You will always be special to me. But what was screaming at me when you got down on one knee was that whatever was happening… It wasn’t right. And I wouldn’t forgive myself if I ever let you go into something so wholeheartedly with me in it half-heartedly. That wouldn’t be fair to you. You deserve someone who would jump into darkness headfirst with you. I hope she is that for you.” She glances around the room again, probably noticing the eyes of spectators that have now noticed the both of you together again. She is beginning to get conscious. The emotions that were beginning to reveal themselves through her eyes are disappearing once again. She is withdrawing. He nods, trying to internalize everything she has just said.
“I’m sorry I lost you. I know you don't want me to apologize, but I’m sorry we ended like that. There are times I wish you were still in my life and there are times I still think about what it would be like if it was us in this position.” His words hang in the air, the both of them looking around the room. “But I’m doing okay. She’s great - I think you two would get along, actually. I honestly hope you’re doing okay. It sucks that I don’t know what you’re doing. I hope you know that you’re still always welcome to just hang out or whatever. Have a chat to update me on your life, Y/N. Don’t be a stranger.” She nods, smiling at him. She drinks the rest of her champagne before setting the glass back on the bar counter. “That is great to hear, Lewis. I still keep up with your races, you know? A hundred wins, you’ve finally done it. No matter what, I am always going to be proud.” She places a hand on his shoulder, a fleeting squeeze on it, then she drops it. “I’ll try not to be one. But either way, just know I’ll always be rooting for you.” She straightens out her dress then tucks her hair behind her ear. “I’ve gotta go.” She says, looking up at him. He tries to remember how she looks in this moment because he knows he doesn’t know the next time their paths will ever cross again. She is in a floor-length dress and her hair falls in waves just by her shoulders. Her eyes alight with assuredness and confidence, something that he now realizes he barely saw back then. She is happy too. That is all that matters. He nods, giving her a small smile. “Goodbye, Y/N.” She smiles back at him too. “Goodbye, Lewis.” She begins to walk away, not once looking back. Just like how it was two years ago.
“Hey, Y/N.” He calls out to her. She is not far enough for him to draw attention. She turns around, her head tiled to the side. “We almost had it all, didn’t we?” She chuckles and he can feel the sadness in it. She nods, still chuckling. “We really did. Cheers.”
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
good evening to you, buttercup!! 💫🌸☀ how are you deary?? hopefully your day went well!! my day was tiring, so i look forward to finally being able to lay down and relax (while writing this of course 💕) (1/8)
"speaking of buttercups, i often forget that they are one of my favorite flowers!! along with lily of the valley, white and burgundy roses, tiger lilies, hibiscus, and more,, i've always had a certain fascination with flowers, they're so pretty and relaxing and hold all sorts of different meanings and uses,, i hope that i get to grow a huge flower garden in the future 💐 (2/8)
sorry for that little ramble of mine, i just really love flowers hehe that reminds me, thank you all for your kind words today!! they cheered me up a ton, and gave me the motivation to get out of bed today, you all are awfully sweet, saying such nice things all the time, i don't deserve you guys 💓 (3/8)
and that creep my friend mentioned? i'm okay, lots of friends went after him,, it just really scared me that's all!! i was able to laugh it off later since many people on here DMed me asking for his location,, and threatening some strange things for him... as much as it makes me laugh, i wouldn't wish pain on anyone (unless they happen to be truly evil) 😊 (4/8)
oh,, i ate a little more today!! i'm happy that i'm getting better with this, even if it's quite slow!! i was also able to embroider a little more while i ate, i'm working on decorating a shirt right now 💗 (5/8)
mamma mia,, a friend surprised me today with a little "gift", they invited me in minecraft and built me a little house on an island with cats,, it was so sweet!! apparently it was to make me feel a bit better, and it honestly worked 😖💞 (6/8)
i also got a preview of a new album waifu brother is working on!! being the little sister of a musician is awesome,, since i get to see new music before anyone else does hehe,, he also discussed a film he's writing and showed me the script,, it's based off of one of our favorite rock songs actually!! (7/8)
well, that's a wrap i think!! i'm honestly very glad i get to end my day like this every night, it's a nice way to unwind (and to talk to you of course~ 💋) take care of yourself for me darling, and i'll see you tomorrow 💖 - a pleasure as always, your loving waifu xoxo 💘✨💗💕💓💋💌💞💖💫😍 ps: i'm awfully touched that you say you'd fly to america over something as dumb as that,, but truthfully?? i wouldn't complain 😘😘 (8/8)"
Let me start off by saying that me and the entire clown army are happy to see that we helped ur motivation spike up once again 👀 and im very pleased with them wanting to go after that asshole as well and tbh if u ask me he truly IS evil i mean calling someone slurs and basically harassing them just bc they dont want to engage in stuff with u is like the lowest of the low imo🤡🤡🤡 i stand by my previous statement and that is i WILL fly to america (or wherever his dumb bitchass is located) and give him a fine yeeting for merely THINKING about harming you😤🔪
Murderous tendencies aside, u being into flowers is so in character and thats exactly why its so pure and adorable xhdhdhx i myself like orchids alot for whatever reason...and also the hella rare black roses and the blood/crimson red ones😳👊 looks like i'll just have to help u set up a big ass flower garden someday h u h
Also not to simp but holy shit how much cooler and lit can yall get??? Ur brother being a goddamb musician and a script writer?? A SCRIPT BASED ON A ROCK SONG? SIGN ME TF UP I'D PAY GOOD MONEY TO WORK WITH HIM ON SUCH PROJECTS HAHCYSHSJSNE (little thing abt me i used to really want to become a singer for some good years in the past but now i kinda gave up on it since its hella unrealistic rip but...if ur brother needs any help tell him im here i took singing lessons for about a year or so👁️👁️)
Honestly i too have been very unmotivated lately and have struggled bc i wanna draw and write but at the same time my mind is like [b l o c k e d] when i sit down to do it so i just end up playing my cringe fail racing game then marathoning yt/shows until i pass tf out at like 5 am or smth a h a h a but im proud of u for having a sudden burst of motivation and hooefully it will stay that way for a l o n g t i m e
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weuschoiceheart · 4 years
Stan OnlyOneOf ya cowards (Long Post - Dance & Song Analysis)
Woah....wow....just WOW
I just watched the 1theK dance mirrored video for OnlyOneOf’s “Savanna” (the one for the dance cover contest, and can I just say, W O W.
I remembered watching this last year (It was the very first video of OnlyOneOf I watched) and I was like, yeah, this song sounds pretty good. But now, after rewatching it, I’m amazed at the amount of imagery they put into the dance. By no means am I a pro dancer or something, but I’ve been dancing to Kpop for a few years now, so I got used to pretty much how the dances are like. Nowadays, most boy group dances are pretty hip-hop / popping / maybe some contemporary dance mixed in for some of the slower parts in songs, so I pretty much know what to expect. There would be some crazy choreo, fast paced tempo you need to follow, etc., etc. Yeah, 4th gen is starting to become some sort of dance competition.
But...THIS. THIS GODDAMN CHOREO SHOOKED ME. I already love how different OnlyOneOf’s songs are from the generic mainstream songs, instead of going for some hardcore rap or edm songs, they always go for mellow tunes and beautiful melodies mixed with entrancing vocals (YES YES YES VOCALS, THERE ARE ACTUALLY V O C A L S IN THEIR SONGS, NOT SOME SORT OF WEIRD NOISE INSTRUMENTAL. I CAN GO ON A WHOLE RANT ABOUT THEIR VOCALS). Anyways, I might make a whole other post for their songs, but right now, let’s focus on their choreography, specifically this one.
It’s strange, in a way. I got into OnlyOneOf because of the dance for “_Sage.” I saw it in a random play dance video, and it was my first time seeing OnlyOneOf in one of these videos, actually. I remembered seeing the dance and got shocked when they yeeted to the ground during Mill’s part in the chorus. Idk the name for the move, but it caught me offguard on how smoothly they did it. After the random play dance ended, I immediately went to watch their dance practice for “_Sage” and decided to learn the move, bc, you know, it looks cool (and I want my awkward self to show a different, cooler side of me on stage). I only wanted to just learn the chorus, but I ended up learning the whole choreo. And it literally started with “i just wanna learn their names so I can tell them apart during the dance” to finally “Ok, I’m gonna stan.”
“_Sage” has a pretty intense choreo, compared to their other songs, but I feel like, with OnlyOneOf’s choreos, you need to properly EXPRESS the song’s meaning. Ofc, it’s always important to convey the meaning of a song, since dance IS a form of art and expression (as a very smart Hwanwoong said, it’s not just about the performance, it’s whether you can convey the emotions well or not). 
With OnlyOneOf though, each of their song has a special meaning, all linked to a storyline (I’m probably gonna go on a whole other rant when I piece together the theories), and their songs are so different as well, they don’t talk about the topics that most groups today usually explore with their discography, instead going to a different route and just listening to their songs and watching them dance makes me feel like I’m in a different dimension.They’re just...UNIQUE. I don’t know any other way to say it. Y’all are probably like “how about Group X, they always talk about blah, blah, blah” and I am NOT dragging down other groups, but smth abt OnlyOneOf really stands out to me. I listened to their song “dOra Maar” this morning and got emotional after finding out the meaning behind the song. Even though I finished learning “_Sage” yesterday, I still feel like I need to practice more to make sure the emotions and meaning of the song is properly conveyed through the dance, bc the meaning behind “_Sage” is just so complex. And now, let’s actually go into the semi-analysis I did for “Savanna” so you guys will understand what I’m talking about.
Imagery is used by many groups today to give choreography a deeper meaning, or in some cases, like a signature move (SKZ “God’s Menu” uses many cooking references, for example). With “Savanna,” I was amazed by the amount of imagery they use. As I mentioned before, groups these days are more into difficult hiphop dances, so I feel like imagery is being used less and less and choreos are just a bunch of difficult moves strung together to look powerful and difficult and...yeah, 4th gen is really turning into a dance competition. Anyways, i DIGRESS ONCE AGAIN (I can complain for hours about 4th gen music and dancing but let’s save that for some other time).
I will say this again: I am NOT a professional dancer, I only had a few years of ballet + Kpop, and is self-learning popping and hiphop right now. This is only based on what I observe and how I interpret the dance.
Ok, let’s start at the beginning of the choreo. All the members form a ring around one member (KB) and waved their arms to enclose a circle, trapping him, before moving apart. Next, the members seemed to form a path for KB to walk on, with Yoojung and Junji at the end, arms forming a line that KB ducked under and passed through. Right off the bat, we have a beautiful imagery. I think it portrays time travel (since the song seems to hint towards that subject). The four members forming the path that KB walks on, are frozen like statues, like time just froze. KB is the person that wants to break out (he was trapped within a circle in the beginning) and seems to find a loophole through time that he manages to walk through.
Now, onto my favorite imagery for the choreo that really surprised me. At 0:33 in the video, When they formed lines by Nine’s side and opened their arms in sync, creating almost like an illusion. It might be to match the lyrics about “dry, chapped lips,” but that part mesmerized me, and drew me in to continue watching.
The next key point of imagery, is at 0:47, when they formed a line and stood in alternating positions, moving their arms in an alternating pattern as well. It really matches with the lyrics “among the intertwined people, I hide myself again” and creates another illusion that’s JUST. SO. CAPTIVATING. I might be a tad bit overdramatic abt this, but really, I LOVE LOVE LOVE how they put so much imagery and meaning into the choreo.
Another piece of imagery is Love’s and Nine’s solo portion after the chorus, when they mirrored each other with their bodies and made a drinking motion with their hands. Might seem small, but it emphasizes the lyrics “Watchin’ all your silhouette / Drink one more time, Sweepin’ huh.” The lyrics might not make sense, but this part is just so mysterious and mesmerizing.
They did another beautiful imagery for the start of the second prechorus for the same lyrics (”Among the intertwined people, I hide myself again”), but this time, forming a V formation around Nine. They also formed the same ring around Junji when he sang, “I feel like I’m locked in” but with some floorwork this time. I love how they tried variations of the moves, so the image is still there but switched up to keep it engaging.
These are the key details of the dance I’m going to write about here, there are many other parts and some imagery I probably missed, but if I’m going to actually analyze every single move along with the song lyrics, you guys are probably gonna get bored XD. So to wrap this up, I think the important factor about the dance that really draws me in is that, unlike choreos nowadays, the dance is composed of smooth movements and transitions, like contemporary but keeping that Kpop feel, ya know? The song itself is already mellow and vocal-centered, so ofc the dance has to match it, but I wasn’t ready for the imagery (i dare you to count the amount of times I used this word lol) they used. Watching this is like a breath of fresh air, listening to this song is so refreshing. I strongly recommend you guys check it out!
This is the longest post I ever wrote lmao, and if you read all the way to the end, congrats! Anyways, I might learn this after I polish up “_Sage.” Hmm....should I also do vocal covers for the songs too? I was actually thinking of remixing “Savanna” into a diss track because of the misheard lyrics (”i don’t give a shit what they think abt us / you’re like a bitch from Savanna”). Who knows?
Thank you for taking your time to read this!
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yuukei-yikes · 5 years
lost day hour should’ve been the end of kagepro babey
what is UP it's 2019 i am NOT ONLY talking about kagepro but im also gonna talk about a comic that came out like over half a year ago. Yeah
i've just been having too many feelings about it and it's my blog and i get to post whatever i want SO:
the lost day hour comic really was what would've been the perfect end to kagepro. like, kagepro in its entirety!!! songs, anime, novels. the comic just being THE ending.
haruka was the protagonist. in the songs, the "last" one (at least chronologically in universe) was from his point of view, but despite that the novels and anime did him dirty and never gave him his screen time, even outside of str. i mean even str isn't actually about him lol. haruka was never important enough, he's just the devise to make konoha tragic. but this time, it's post/during str and he's here!!!! he's the protagonist of the story!!!!
all the members of the mekakushi dan feel SO in character and everything they say really feels like a good resolution to all of their arcs.
kido speaks of family. she's really THE family character, not ayano. she makes sure to be the next big sister after having lost TWO (2) of her own big sisters. kido is the character to have lost the most family members: first her biological mom, after having to kill her own father lol she loses rin, then her new mom ayaka and her new sister ayano, and then her new dad kenjirou. even like that, kido keeps it together. she's never the one breaking down. kido is essentially what makes the mekakushi dan what it is, because she takes ayano's game and turns it into something seto and kano can continue feeling that comfort in. she takes over to be the leader and their big sister. SO OF COURSE SHE SAYS THAT FRIENDS ARE HER FAMILY. 
kano says confusing stuff but that's just him and i. Love it. like when i read the comic and i was talking to my gf about it and the first thing i said was that i loved kano's bit and that he felt super in character and i still feel the same!!! he gets asked what a friend is and his answer is basically "whoever makes ME feel like im a friend" and really that's just The Most Kano.... and it's so rewarding to read his part because it feels like he's being super honest? like his expressions and stuff, he looks like. vulnerable or smth. especially when he says "i say good things sometimes" AHHH HIS FACE THERE!!! he's not acting at all!!!
seto and mary work in A FLOWER SHOP!!!! THIS IS CANON!!!! no more shitty part time jobs because they either got a job together or opened their own shop and this is. the best news ever. it's SUCH a cool thing to show. if this comic was the end, wouldn't it be cute to say "oh seto and mary open a flower shop together in endgame"? i love it. they're so important to each other's arc... mary basically starting to live her life after meeting seto, and seto becoming this!!! BRAVE BOY after meeting mary since he has someone to protect!! their answers are based on each other and ARE THE SAME which feels so appropriate ;_; they really did change for the better after meeting each other. they're one another's most important friend!
momo says friends are the most important thing because she spent her entire life by herself. no brother no dad and no mom. hibiya acts like she's exaggerating when she says that but tbh??? she really isn't. she was always alone! of course that now that she has friends, they're her entire world to her. hibiya meanwhile is like momo: he's still figuring out what a friend is! but he chooses to be more skeptical and looks at it from another angle, and rather than HELL YEAH MY FRIENDS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT he's like "dammit harukas right wtf is a friend". but that's super cool because at the beginning hibiya didn't even want to be with the dan in this comic he specifically tells momo he just wouldn't be there if he didn't want to be friends
hiyori is. probably my least favorite thing of the comic. i absolutely adore her it's not that i dislike her at all!!! she just... appears for such a short moment, and based on her story and the fact that she's A REVIVED character, her answer doesn't really grab my attention. she's confusing and ??? um, i would've liked it better if her answer was somehow connected to konoha because she's still mourning him, and like isn't haruka the (in?)appropriate person to hear this? lol. but overall, if this comic had been the ending, it's still good to see hiyori made it back! 
ayano's bit really makes me want to cry because everything is perfect in it. she made it back. listen an ending where ayano doesn't come back does make sense because kagepro is about moving on and with ayano surviving shintaro's manpain makes NO sense lmao bUT HEY. SHE DESERVES IT. so she's back! and she's wearing that cute dress and she has her scarf! she's on the SWING SETS WITH HARUKA and i know that's such a silly detail but im so happy about it because it feels so right to have haruka and ayano's interaction be in a place like that KSNXKSKSK and aghhhh how she asks the question back to haruka!!!!! that's so cool lmao and it's so in character ;; but also her answer is sooo fitting, she even says "the current me" like acknowledging she's not the same she was before. since she's a chara with mental illness that's nice to hear... and another cool detail is that we see her drinking soda with shintaro while they watch the others be silly SKDNSLDK like if this were the end, that's SUCH a nice detail to put since the comic doesn't require shintaro and ayano interaction at all, and both are important characters to the story and each other. so they're clearly hanging out and talking to each other so that's really good to know
shin and haruka are probably my favorite in this comic because their interaction is the most fitting thing considering their entire history together. like ever since their friendship was introduced in novel 6 it's been something important! shintaro and haruka really represent the side of friendship in kagepro because overall it's a story about family, and their relationship always represented this other angle of finding family in a best friend. in novel 6 haruka says that if shintaro isn't his friend by now then he doesn't NEED any friends. he's the reason haruka even realises he has feelings for takane, because it felt so right to call shintaro a friend but it felt off with her. neither haruka or shintaro ever had friends because takane and ayano are their love interests, so it's their first genuine platonic relationship ever. and they just continue appreciating that always! even in their interaction in the comic shin expresses that he's still not sure what a friend is, but if haruka is one he just wants to keep it that way. so their talk in the comic is fitting and it's super nice to see shintaro gets to reunite with his best friend.
ok and........takane...... everything about takane in the comic is good. she is SO cheerful. all of you DUMBASSES who "hate" ene but "love" takane can die mad about it now because newsflash ene IS takane. if you hate ene then you dislike takane when she begins her character development. it means you hate endgame takane. it means you hate the happy takane in lost day hour!!! she has come SO far. she smiles so much and encourages haruka when he was overthinking and didn't know what to draw. she just tells him the answer is easy and friendship is the mekakushi dan. SHE'S PERFECT have you seen how INCREDIBLY HAPPY SHE LOOKS?? no one else has this impact of character in the comic, everyone kind of acts the same in regards of attitude (except kano who looks v honest and over himself but still). in the fandom we always took it for granted that endgame takane is more cheerful than she was but lost day hour just. confirms it and it's done in the best way possible.
ok and of course im talking about harutaka too because 1) im biased and 2) harutaka IS the love story of kagepro and that's not bc im biased anymore, it just is. and it never had a good resolution... until this!!!!
haruka asks everyone what a friend is but doesn't ask takane. like really he didnt want to ask her in the first place because when shin asks who's left to ask harukas like "uHHHH one person but..." and like he doesn't just imply he wasn't going to ask her, but his interaction with her is soooo different from the ones he has with the dan earlier. with everyone else he just asks what a friend is but with takane he actually... doesn't? wh. why wouldn't he ask her im just. ok.
haruka in the beginning tells kido to think of it as an interview and essentially that's the feeling there is in each interaction but with takane it's different. he's not interviewing her. 
she shows up and sits next to him while he's trying to draw. they talk about WHY he's asking and about what he wants to do with his future. during the entire comic haruka is normal and friendly, and doesn't really act any differently, but with takane he seems a lot less formal and does things like allow himself to talk or get embarrassed when she immediately figures out he heard too much and didn't know what to draw.
their love story was always just left there as this tragic thing and as a fandom we always wanted their tearful reunion in the ending, but this is better. we finally know they actually do reunite. we always knew because in str takane is running towards him but this is... an actual interaction we're seeing 
they didn't only reunite, but we get to see they still have a close and comfortable relationship with one another. out of everyone haruka speaks with, takane is special. when his face appears for the first time in the comic it's a smile for her
and um, it may be because it's my otp and i've been waiting for this str content for YEARS and you know harutaka is my lifeblood 😩😩😩 but i believe it's already established to be more than a friendship at that point. i mean haruka wasn't going to ask her so jUSt saying man im not saying they're a established couple there im SAYING i think they're Something. i mean like haruka always said in novel 6, it felt weird to put takane in the friend category so in str it's the same, just very Obvious
BUT that's exactly why it'd be a good ending. it's up to interpretation. little things like that ARE fun and good to simply allow them to be heavily implied. just like with their jobs. because okay haruka wants to be an artist, hell yeah that's a cool thing to have as canon. BUT i think it's cool that just one character gets a canon detail of his future, the one who represents what growing up means. HARUKA of all characters, the one who for a long time thought he wasn't even gonna have the chance to grow up, which is why it's incredibly fitting that he's the one to represent this.
kagepro might be a mess and just a pain to be a fan of, but it's really a heartwarming and wonderful story about friends, family and love. this comic covers all of that. while they're answering this question, it's a good way to say bye to the characters individually.... and i mean. the comic's ending is literally the most perfect thing ever for a close, with the ENTIRE mekakushi dan having fun together and finally being happy and complete.
of course it's jin's series. they're his characters. we all understand and respect that, and if he wants to make kagepro never end like he claims then so be it but personally!!! it makes me really upset that it's gonna go on
anyway. that's it bye gamers
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Do you have pockets in anything you are wearing currently? I don’t
Have you ever tasted your own tears? it’s hard not to when you cry so often
Do you hang your clothes outside or put it in the dryer? outside, not during wither tho
Do you like the letter q or the letter z better? Z
Do you do anything weird in your sleep? who knows
How many times can you jump in jumproping? I didn’t jump for a long time now so I dunno if I can jump as many times as I used to - doubt it
Do you like the beach? I like wet sand, beachcombing
Have you ever built a sandcastle? I suppose, I want to do that again sometime
Is there a mirror in the room that you are in? not a hanging one
What color is your comb? one is white and other two are red
When did you pull out your first tooth? I don’t remember
How old were you when you said your first word? same
Have you ever had a pet rabbit? hell no
Do you like the autumn? it’s fine unless weather gets really cold and snowy
Are you good at drawing? a bit
What is your Hogwarts house?  Ravenclaw?
Have you ever seen the Percy Jackson movie/s? nope
Ever seen Glee? fragments
Do you like Demi Lovato? Name a song by her. not a fan
Tarzan or The Lion King? Tarzan, from Lion King I only liked Timon and Pumba and I didn’t cry when Mufasa died
Lilo & Stitch or Moana? Lilo and Stitch
Hercules or Pinocchio? Hercules
Rugrats or Powerpuff Girls? Powerpuff girls
Ever seen Pretty Little Liars? no
Baking or dancing? dancing 
Sports or shopping? shopping
Blue or yellow? yellow
Green or pink? green
Did/do you go to a public school, a private school, or homeschool? public
Do you have a secret sideblog? not anymore
If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? if I could teleport once I would save that ability for special occassion like emergency but if I was able to teleport whenever then hmm...
Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced? nah
How would you spend a million dollars? buy an apartment, help my parents, live better *maybe even make a movie?
What’s your pet peeve? I have so many
Do you like paper books or ebooks better? paper
If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick? Moomin valley
If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like? big hahaha
If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick? well I don’t know them personally so it’s hard to say - just choosing based on their look? hmm...
Who do you text the most? my gf
If you had to choose, which sibling would you live with? I only have a sister so... I would prefer not to live with her again, thx
When was your last date? last week
Are there any people at your job who absolutely hates you? if I had a job...
Do you prefer cool, warm or neutral colors? depends
Have you ever taken art classes? I have
Do you know how to work a cash register? I hope I didn’t forget much about it
Fact or fiction novels? fiction
Do you think you’re a clingy person? am I?
Do you enjoy kisses on the cheek? not really
How often would you say you disagree with your parents? often with my mom, rarely with my dad
Have you ever slept with your window open? nah
What color are your mother’s eyes? brown
Do you cry easily? very
Have you ever been into a court room? field trip in middle school
How many necklaces would you say you own? too many as for someone who never wear them.
What time do you plan on waking up tomorrow morning? wish I didn’t have to
Do you enjoy receiving souvenirs? buying them myself
Do a lot of people dislike you or is it the other way around? it’s both ways
What’s the worst part about school? bullying, grade stress, unhealthy eating, sitting all day long, walking there in the cold and snow during winter etc.
Would you ever consider going on a cruise? nah
Do you still act childish most of the time? often
Did you ever enjoy gym class? at times I enjoyed PE
What is your biggest insecurity? dunno which is biggest, I have plenty of them
Have you ever painted a room alone? not alone but helping
Speaking of which, when did you last paint your room? ages ago
Do you know how to garden? but don’t like to
Do you have any bad habits? shitload
How old were your parents when they had you? in their 30s
What is the most amusing thing on the internet, in your opinion? memes?
Do you try to spend a lot of time with family? compared to some people I spend lots of time with my parents
Do you need to clean your bedroom? yeah
What do you plan on doing with the rest of your life? we’ll see
Which decade were you born in? 90s
Are you good at giving advice to people? but not myself
Is there anyone out there who makes you feel completely useless? I am useless
Do you like texting or calling people more? text
Do you have a lot of friends? I don’t really have friends
Have you ever thought of someone as useless? myself for example
Can you count to ten in another language other than your own? english, polish, russian
Does photography interest you at all? kinda
Do you think you’re a good singer? am not
Do you think you have a good sense of style? I have my own style
Do you enjoy reading often? not often
Are you afraid of lifts? I prefer to take the stairs
How exactly are you feeling right now? Why do you feel the way you do? emotionally/mentally bad because of family and health issues mostly, physically my usual so not the best but can’t complain much
Has the last person you held hands with, ever told you that they love you? yes
Which do you think is the worst - saying something and then wishing you hadn’t, or not saying something and wishing you had? saying smth and wishing I hadn’t is worse to me
When was the last time you saw your grandparents? I saw my grandma almost 3 years ago
Have you ever felt really attracted to someone, but been deterred because you found out they didn’t have a very nice personality? omg more than once
Have you ever hugged/kissed someone you’d only just met? hugged, not kissed
Would you ever apologize for something that wasn’t your fault? I do that sometimes
Has anyone ever cried in your arms before? sure
Do you keep a lot of things from your parents? basically nothing
Using one word only, describe the day you’ve had so far. Sunday
Have you been annoyed at someone/something today? I still am  Are you avoiding anybody at the moment? you could say that Is rap your favorite genre of music? it’s not Have you ever lasted a relationship longer then two months? yep Is it safe to walk around your neighborhood at night? not for me Are you a fan of heights? nah but I’m not super scared of heights Rate your typing speed on a scale from 1 - 10? almost 10
Do you text more then you talk on the phone? obvi Are you scared to grow old? to get more ill
Do you use a dishwasher or wash dishes by hand? by hand, I hate dishwashers
What is the best pharmacy near you? they’re not that good 
Do you use public transportation? yup
How much does it cost for you to laundry (if you use a slot machine)? we have a washer at home
Do you make your bed every day? I’m lazy and it’s unhealthy to so I don’t
Do you save receipts? depends
Do you use re-usable bags at the grocery store? yep
Have you ever burnt yourself with the glue gun? slightly
Wall calendar or desk calendar? pocket :P 
Does your home have a basement? it does
How often do you clean? clean what?
How often do you go grocery shopping? often
Ever bought a lottery ticket? few times
Do you gamble? online for free at times
Do you ever sleep on the floor? sleepover
Which room do you stay in the most? mine
Ever worked two jobs or more at once? noooo
Do you live in an apartment, condo, house, or dorm? house
How often do you go see a doctor? too often
Do you have acid reflux? chronic
Do you snore? no
Are you on birth control? I’m asexual and into women 
Do you put on make-up in the bathroom or the bedroom? I did it wherever
What is the first site you go to when you turn on your computer? fb
Which email service do you use? wp
How often do you check your email? usually rarely
How old were you when you got your first phone? I was in middle school
Did you own a Britney Spears album? I don’t listen to Britney Spears
What sites are you on? plenty
Does the door to your room have a lock? I wish, it has a funny stuffed/plushie one What type of skin do you have? mixed Ever gotten beer poured all over yourself? luckily not, gross *from what I remember someone poured wine or beer on my shoes once in the store by breaking the bottle and didn’t pay for anything  Who’s the last person you had a sleepover with? John  Who’s the last person you wanted to kiss? my gf Can you keep a secret? not really When’s the last time you went on a walk? this evening
Do you feel uncomfortable when people you hardly know confide in you? if they use me 
Have you ever regretted what you said in drunken conversation once sober? never been in such situation
Is there anything coming up which you’re dreading? it’s complicated
Do you ever do tedious tasks just to keep your mind occupied? I have my usual things/distractions that I do everyday
Have you ever lived with somebody with truly repulsive habits? could say so?
Do you tend to say things because they’re appropriate not because you mean them?   sometimes
What was the last thing to fascinate you? smth I saw on the internet?
What was the last thing to annoy you? someone close to me
When did your hard work last pay off?   basically never
When did you last feel a need to be alone? almost always?
When did you last REALLY want to go out but couldn’t for whatever reason?   covid and my other health problems but also money
Have you ever eaten chocolate for breakfast? nooo
Do you like balloons? I do (don’t worry tho I can do without them)
When will you next go to the beach? *shrug*
If you have pet fish do you bother to name them?   if I had fish I probably would name them
Did you ever read the Terry Pratchet “Disk World” books?   I hate Pratchett
Do you keep your eggs in the fridge? of course
Have you ever owned chickens? I wanted to
Do you like classical music? at times, some songs
When did you last listen to music?   this day
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monstermash · 8 years
unfortunate backstory for this message is me pleading u to send it to me so i can dump my hcs somewhere but lets disregard that for now
1- Who is the most affectionate? !! i feel like probably bodhi bc cassian is a little bit distant from affection at first bc everyone hes ever loved has gone in some way or another but they’re both pretty gd touch starved at this point so there is so much snuggling and eventually cassian warms up to pda a little bit more2-Big spoon/Little spoon? bodhi is almost always the big spoon even tho he’s 2″ shorter than cass bc he likes to be comforting and wrap himself around him. jetpack ur bros3-Most common argument? both of them are.. kinda bad when it comes to self worth n personal love and all that so if they ever argue its kinda along the lines of “cassian jeron andor listen to me you are so worthwile and important and i love you” or one of them being very reckless on a mission and the other getting angry 4-Favorite non-sexual activity? they like playing cards together, and sometimes cassian reads before bed and bodhi wiggles up to lay next to him and read over his shoulder spooned behind him5-Who is most likely to carry the other? cassian ends up carrying bodhi to bed a lot because he’ll just not sleep for a while and then pass the hell out in the middle of the mess hall and cassians like.. well here we go again and hauls him off to bed6-What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? bodhi’s favorite thing about cassian: all of his jackets but also his Smilecassian’s favorite thing abt bodhi: his hair ?? its amazing he has a Thing for bodhis hair 7-What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? well im feelin like bodhi realizes hes kinda in love w cassian some time after scarif and then just spur of the moment kisses him? so thats the main first change is bam okay they’re kissing now8-Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? someone i follow uses Bode as a nickname for bodhi which i think is hella cute in like a modern au or smth. bodhi calls cassian Cass a lot just as a quick abbreviation but also captain and sometimes other people call bodhi “your pilot” around cassian and he accidentally picked that up9-Who worries the most? its bodhi no question10-Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? bodhi has a notebook full of things he needs to remember that he keeps in his bag or pocket at all times and it includes cassian’s standard coffee and food orders just in case11-Who tops? you fools... the strict top/bottom dichotomy is oppressing us all.. 12-Who initiates kisses? already answered13-Who reaches for the other’s hand first? bodhi is the #1 hand holding champion of the resistance so he’s into that 14-Who kisses the hardest? depends on the situation i think, after a mission they do have some intense “oh my god we made it out holy shit i love you so much” kisses, or sometimes if cassian has to do a mission w/o bodhi (or vice versa) they can barely make it out of the ship before the other is over there kissin them15-Who wakes up first? cassian is a really oddly early riser when he doesnt need to be and sometimes for meetings. plus he wakes up early w nightmares and stuff sometimes and likes to just lay in bed w bodhi there until he calms down16-Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? both of them i think.. bodhi Never wants to get up bc in the empire they were pretty strict abt that stuff 17-Who says I love you first? already answered18-Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) ok im talkin abt my college au here bc im uncontrollable but like. some days cassian has classes and bodhi doesn’t and bodhi makes him lunch every once in a while before test days or whatever and he always puts in a little note that’s like “you’ve got this!! i believe in you!! you can’t have your zepplin shirt back until you focus and do your readings tonight 19-Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? assuming we’re going w a modern au in which either of them has family to speak of, i’d say bodhi in his weekly call to his mom to chat he’s like “hey mom i have a boyfriend!! he’s cute and has nice hair but he’s bad at making jokes”20-What do their family/friends think of their relationship? bodhi’s mom is totally fine w it and so is his sister, cassian’s parents are kinda weird abt it at first but mostly bc his last relationship was really weird so they’d question it no matter who he was dating. but, they trust this bodhi kid and think if anyone has to date cassian it should be them21-Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? bodhi doesn’t think hes a good dancer.. at all but he’s fairly ok but cassian is.... a really good dancer and this is totally inspired by the film dirty dancing havana nights which i still havent seen but he’s a good dancer but doesnt dance much so bodhi’s really surprised but then some nights they sneak into the mess hall when they can’t sleep and they dance because its good for emotional release and theres space down there
22-Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? theyre both pretty good cooks but cassian cooks more bc it reminds him of what little he remembers of home23-Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? bodhi googles them because he thinks hes funny and he keeps them in his notebook24-Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?25-Who needs more assurance? both of them rlly? like bodhi’s been thru some shit and so has cassian and theyre both kinda insecure and not the best at positivity abt themselves so they both need a lot of reassurance abt things26-What would be their theme song? hmmm either in our bedroom after the war by stars, or you are a runner and i am my fathers son by wolf parade27-Who would sing to their child back to sleep? cassian definitely..28-What do they do when they’re away from each other? they try to keep busy but they definitely send transmissions as much as possible to keep in touch29-one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart. yknow. what happens in canon is enough for me lol30-one headcanon about this OTP that mends it. they have a lot of rituals after scarif for when one or both of them can’t sleep for any number of reasons, sometimes they’ll sneak out to this big hill near the base and look at the stars, or they’ll play cards (bodhi’s teaching cassian some tricks, but cass is fairly sure they arent good tricks and theyre making him lose), or cassian will tell bodhi about galactic history and run his fingers through his hair until eventually the sun rises or they fall back asleep
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