tempportal · 3 years
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@rumorsabound​ said: ♡ from Allison BC you can't stop her
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It would be a lie to say that Five didn’t want to blink out of the room (and out of the house, and out of the city, and maybe even all the way out of the state) the second Allison reached over and pulled him into her arms--and he really could not fathom why she would do this when all logic and reason and prior evidence indicated that she should not be doing this--but he stayed still, without a gripe and without a fight. 
He had just come crashing in and upended her life all over again--pulled her away from the only world she had ever known, spit her back out in a brand-new one, and left her there, lost and alone--and he had thought she’d blow up at him for it, that she’d explode, that she’d yell and rage and scream at him for the hell he had put her through, that she’d hit the roof and go off the deep end and blow a fuse, just like everybody else already had, and he wasn’t completely sure what to do with himself when she didn’t. 
Hell, she was actually doing the complete opposite of all that--and Five wasn’t too proud to admit that he didn’t know what to do, that his whole body just locked up on blind reflex and his brain blew a few hundred circuits and it took him a solid sixty seconds to remember how to talk.
“Hey, Allison,” he just kind of patted her lightly on the shoulder (what else was he supposed to do with his hands?) before he finally pulled away, suddenly cold after the warmth of his sister so close to him, and cleared his throat, a little louder than strictly necessary. “It’s--it’s good to see you again.”
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must have been the wind (five x reader)
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A/N : this is HEAVILY inspired by alec benjamin’s song lol if u havent listened to it i suggest u do its so good also five is aged up, 18 as always unless otherwise specified !! hope u enjoy loves<3
Five often roamed the halls of the Umbrella Academy mansion. Probably to remind himself that it wasn’t going to collapse anymore, after him and his siblings managed to stop the apocalypse. It was still so surreal to him, and he really didn’t have much of a clue of what to do with his life, so, he just moped around the various, decked out corridors, unsure of what his purpose was. Mostly, he spent his time in the kitchen or at Griddy’s, either drinking coffee or alcohol. Not so much alcohol anymore; after you shared your dismay with him he -mostly- cut it all out. And, of course, Five spent a fair amount of time with you. He had taken a special liking to you after his brothers, Klaus and Diego, had found you trying to run away from someone in your past. They had brought you here to look after you and keep you safe. This obviously led to you being very close with the two men, and evidently, the rest of the Hargreeves as well. They acted as if they were your big siblings, which you were incredibly appreciative of, as you had never really had a strong bond with your own family. 
Your bond with Five, however, was different. You liked him, and he liked you. Various flirty comments had been made between the two of you, but neither of you ever admitted you liked each other. In fact, you both acted as if you had absolutely zero interest in ever being with each other, but everyone knew that wasn’t true. You had taught him how to make coffee just how he liked it, after he begged you six times a day to brew him some more. You liked to think it was just so he could hang out with you, but you knew that black coffee was his one true love. It wasn’t terribly unlikely though, Five did everything he could to hang out with you.
It was a particularly stormy Monday, and it wasn’t unusual that you and Five were the only two in the house. Luther had accompanied Allison on her shopping trip. Diego was probably trying to fight crime again. Vanya was at violin rehearsal, and nobody ever knew where Klaus was unless he was present in the house. Five was messing with the things on the table in the lobby before he heard a glass smash in one of the bedrooms above him. His brows furrowed in concern and curiousness. He quietly made his way up the stairs, meanwhile hearing gentle sobs coming from your bedroom.
You quickly wiped your face, and turned around to face the open door, with Five stood in the space.
“Y/N? I heard some noises when I was downstairs, I was just wondering if you’re okay?” As you smiled, Five studied your face, noticing how puffy your eyes were, and how red your face was, frowning.
“I think your ears are playing tricks on you. Thanks for caring, Five, it’s really nice of you. I wish I could tell you about the noise, but I.. I didn’t hear a thing. It must have been the wind.” Five didn’t believe a word of what you said, and frowned, eyebrows knitted together in an attempt to figure you out. “Sorry, Five, but I would really like to be on my own right now.” You smiled apologetically before closing your door, leaving him stood outside it, taken aback. Suddenly, a blue flash appeared and Five was stood back in your bedroom.
“Are you kidding me? I just told you I wanted to be alone.”
“I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong.”
“What’s your problem, Five?”
“Why won’t you tell me?”
“Because I want to be alone, like I said!” You knew his intentions were good, but it made you upset that he didn’t respect your wishes first time around. He opened his mouth to speak as you pushed him out of your bedroom and closed the door once again. He sighed, and decided he wouldn’t try again, even though he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving you so upset, on your own.
A few moments later you heard the front door open and close, looking out of your window to see him leaving, presumably to get himself a coffee. Even though you had taught him months ago, he still insisted that you make it, because ‘yours just tastes better’. 
It wasn’t long before Five found himself inside the doughnut shop, wanting a black coffee, as always. He was surprised to see his brother, Number Four, already sat at the counter.
“Hey, hey. Ben’s sat there.” Five sighed and took the seat the other side of Klaus and put his head in his hands. “What’s up, brother?”
“Y/N’s upset, and I don’t know why. And I don’t know how to help. And she won’t let me talk to her because she wants to be alone,”
“You gotta respect that she wants some alone time. Try talking to her later.”
“But she’s partly upset with me. I made her mad earlier and I just-” Five sighed, trying to find the right words. “It makes my heart ache to know that she’s upset. It’s like the worst pain I’ve ever felt. And I don’t know how to make her feel better.”
“Just buy her flowers or.. Or a doughnut or something, I don’t know. Just do something that she’ll like.”
“But how am I supposed to-”  As Klaus looked to the side, he saw a quick blue flash and noticed his brother was no longer sat beside him.
“Thanks, Klaus. No problem, Five!” He sighed and looked at Ben. “I don’t get enough credit form you people.”
A few hours and a hundred tears later, you heard gentle knocking on the wooden door. You mumbled a ‘Come in’ and opened your eyes to see Five stood by your bed, which you were curled up in, holding a cup in one hand and a bag in the other. He noticed your eyes hadn’t gotten any less puffy, and suspected that you had continued crying after he had left your room.
“What do you want, Five?”
“I brought you doughnuts. And some hot cocoa, with marshmallows. I tried to make it how you like it, but you’re always better at that sort of stuff.” He grinned sheepishly as he put them down on your bedside table, and you felt the bed dip as he took a seat beside you. You sat up to face him, frowning.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“I also bought a few movies I know you really like. I thought we could watch them.”
“We? You don’t like any of the movies I like.”
“I know but.. I thought you might want some company. And I want to apologize for, you know, earlier. I overstepped and I shouldn’t have, and I’m sorry.” As you looked at him, you noticed a shy smile on his face, that brought out his dimple. You smiled, pulling him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around gently, letting out a sigh of relief.
“Thank you, Five.” You placed a gentle kiss to cheek, causing both you and him to gain red cheeks. Five pressed his lips to yours almost immediately, unable to hold his feelings for you any longer. Your mouths moved with each other rhythmically, and as you smiled against his lips, his hand reached up to cup your cheek. The kiss lasted a few minutes before the two of you pulled away from each other, your forehead leaning against his.
“Put the damn movie on.” Smiling, you pushed him away, making room for him on your bed while he started the movie up. He sat beside you, his arm gently rested on your shoulders. You hugged around his waist, listening to his heartbeat. Kissing your forehead, he moved the hair out of your face.
“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be crying so much. I won’t ask what’s wrong, but I’m always here for you, Y/N. You can tell me anything. Nothing could ever make me think any less of you.” Once again, your lips collided, moving with each other in sync, huffing when he pulled away from you, earning a quiet chuckle from his parted lips.
“Five?” He hummed in response. “What are we?” Your eyes met his as his brows furrowed.
“I don’t know.” You sighed, hoping for a better answer, before he opened his mouth once again. “I like you.”
“I like you too.”
“Be my girlfriend.”
“Okay.” Snuggling more into him, you felt him plant a kiss to your temple and you grinned. 
“Hey! Guys, you gotta see this! Five and Y/N are spooning!” Klaus shouted to the rest of the house, stood in the doorway of your door.
“Klaus, what are you doing?” Five rubbed his eyes, propping himself up on his elbow, feeling you stir in his sleep beside him. Other footsteps could be heard coming down the corridor as the other siblings piled into the doorway.
“Little Number Five and Y/N.. Who would’ve thought?” Klaus placed his hands on his heart, grinning at you and the boy.
“Um.. Everybody?” Allison giggled as the others in the doorway laughed. Five shushed his siblings, gesturing to you. “Okay, okay. Let’s leave them alone.” Very quickly, the doorway became empty, and the door became closed again, and Five lay back down, facing you, smiling at how adorable you looked.
“Mm.. Five, what are you doing?” Your heavy eyelids pulled themselves open to look at your boyfriend, watching him smile at you.
“You’re just beautiful.”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.” The ends of his lips turned up into a smirk and he kissed you quickly, before pulling away and grinning cheekily. “Make me a coffee?”
my masterlist
A/N : hiihi thanks 4 reading ! i actually rly like this and im proud of it so i hope u guys like it too and i hope u all have a lovely day<3
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yxlenas · 3 years
Allisaac + Keeping a bedside vigil so they aren’t alone
Canon divergent post s5 ep17. Derek & Allison bonding, hurt Isaac.
“I’m sorry,” Allison whispers. She’s holding Isaac’s limp hand and watching his chest rise and fall to the ventilator’s mechanical rhythm. Derek looks up from where he’s smoothing a washcloth over Isaac’s sweaty, fevered forehead.
“Why?” Derek murmurs, laying the inside of his wrist on Isaac’s burning temple and grimacing. Allison squeezes Isaac’s hand and then leans forward, resting her head on the thin hospital mattress.
“I did horrible things,” she chokes out. It takes Derek a minute to realize what she’s talking about, and he doesn’t know what to say for a few seconds. In the bed Isaac shifts and his mouth moves around the tube in it. They both freeze, staring Isaac down to see if he’s waking up, but Isaac just twitches one more time and goes still. Allison sniffles against the sheets.
“Allison,” Derek says, going back to wiping Isaac’s face, “You have more than made up for it.”
“But I never apologized,” she whimpers in the blankets, “I did terrible things, I nearly killed you all, and I never apologized for it.”
“Why is this all coming up now?” Derek asks, setting down the washcloth on Isaac’s forehead and taking Isaac’s other limp hand. Isaac is in pain, black leaping up Derek’s forearm almost instantly. Derek sucks in a sharp breath and takes as much as he can as Allison watches with tear filled eyes. She’s biting her nails on the hand not holding Isaac’s, and Derek reaches over and takes her hand away from her mouth.
“Thanks,” Allison whispers, and doesn’t let go of his hand, “Seeing him in pain makes me think about how it was me causing the pain.”
“Allison, he’s more than forgiven you, and you’ve saved all our asses more than enough times to earn forgiveness.”
“Not from Erica,” she croaks, “Not from Boyd.” And then the dam breaks and all of the stress Allison has been under since last night’s showdown with La Bete and Isaac nearly dying (He still might, the traitorous voice in Derek’s head that sounds a lot like Peter hisses) takes over. Allison crumples onto the bed, pillowing her head in her arms and shaking with sobs. She lets go of both his and Isaac’s hands and tangles her fingers in her hair, tugging at it. Derek stands and brushes a kiss over Isaac’s forehead, then gently takes Allison into his arms. She howls almost as loud as one of his wolves and fights him, hands coming up to smack against his chest. She almost catches his jaw with her fist but Derek just cradles her to him and watches the fight bleed out of her until she’s slumped against him, barely on her own socked feet, crying into his shirt. Derek scoops her into his arms, looping one arm under her knees, and starts to sway. He settles in the recliner after a few moments, letting her curl into a ball in his lap, and strokes her hair, keeping one eye on Isaac.
Allison mumbles something into his shirt.
“Hmmm?” He asks, pushing a piece of her hair back behind her ear. Allison pulls her face out of Derek’s chest and looks up at him with swollen brown eyes.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” she says, voice raspy from tears, “You don’t like me. You only tolerate me because it makes Isaac happy.”
“You’re growing on me,” Derek says, and Allison smiles weakly. It doesn’t reach her eyes, but her cheeks dimple.
“There she is,” Derek says, “Want me to go back to my chair?”
Allison shakes her head, wiggling a little so she’s slightly less on top of him, but keeping her legs draped over his thighs and her head on his collarbone.
“I’m scared,” she admits, curling her hands in his shirt hem. Derek picks up Isaac’s nearest hand so Isaac knows he’s not alone, and Allison reaches across him to stroke a few fingers over Isaac’s wrist, feeling for his pulse even though his heart monitor is beeping steadily and the ventilator is making his chest rise and fall and rise and fall. Isaac’s eyes move beneath his eyelids.
“He’s strong,” Derek says.
“Not just him,” Allison says, “That thing. It’s terrifying, Derek. It did this to Isaac, hurt him so badly he can’t heal from it, slowed down Scott’s healing too. And I’m not focused, which is bad, but i can’t focus on anything but how sick Isaac is-”
“Okay,” Derek murmurs, “Alright. It’s going to be okay.”
“How can you be sure?” Allison says, slurring her words sleepily, getting heavier and more languid in his lap. Derek knows she didn’t sleep longer than a few hours last night while they waited for Isaac to be done in surgery, and even that was under duress. He starts running a hand through her hair, knowing from watching Isaac interact with her that it’ll put her to sleep fast.
“I’m not,” he admits, “But I’m attempting to become an optimist.”
He falls asleep eventually, after Melissa finds them curled in the recliner and covers them both with blankets, Allison a warm steady weight in his arms and Isaac’s hand in his.
When he wakes up, all hell is breaking loose.
Allison wakes up because Derek is shaking her shoulder, and Isaac’s monitors are going crazy. Derek is holding Isaac’s head with the hand not shaking her, eyes locked on Isaac’s twisted, panicked face.
“Isaac,” she gasps, sitting upright and grabbing his hands in hers before he can wrench the tube out of his throat. His eyes are wide and half golden, the expression on his face terrified and frantic. Allison presses the call button next to his bed. Derek presses his forehead to Isaac’s and presses one of Isaac’s hands to his chest, over his heart. Isaac groans around the ventilator tube and thrashes
“You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay,” she chants, very thankful he’s not werewolf strong right now. It takes almost no effort to keep the hand Derek isn’t holding still, and she presses it into the mattress with one hand and strokes through his curls with the other.
“Just relax,” she says frantically, as Isaac tries to buck off the bed but is stopped by Derek, “It’s going to be fine, the nurses are on their way.”
It feels like centuries before the nurses get there and Allison is being shunted away from the bed, dragged back by Derek. Isaac makes an anxious moaning sound around the tube when she’s forced to let go, still gagging constantly. Allison tries to break Derek’s hold on her with a high pitched keening sound, desperate to get to Isaac’s side as he fights harder.
“Okay Isaac, cough for me-”
“Take a deep breath-”
And then the tube is out and Isaac gags one more time, hard, and a nurse gets a basin under his mouth before he spits up bloody bile, head rolling back on the pillow with a sob.
“Ally,” he rasps in a weak, stripped raw voice, and she pushes through the crowd of doctors and takes his hand, Derek on her heels. Derek sits on the edge of the bed and brushes Isaac’s hair away from his forehead.
“I’m here, baby,” she murmurs, squeezing his limp hand. It’s sweaty and too hot, and he keeps rolling his head on his pillow like he’s looking for someone. She reaches up to set the damp cloth from the bedside table on his creased forehead. A nurse hands her a cup of ice chips and Allison coaxes him to open his mouth. Isaac’s eyes roll up to look at Derek, and Derek palms his cheek and forces a smile.
“M’ssa,” he mumbles around a mouthful of ice chips, big eyes searching the nurses checking him over. His oxygen is dropping with the normal cannula so one of them pulls out a high flow cannula. Isaac whimpers and tugs away from it, lips tinged blue.
“Here,” Allison says, “Let me. Can someone page Melissa McCall?”
Isaac lets her put the cannula on, wrinkling his nose when Derek tapes it down. He looks five seconds from falling asleep and at the same time horrifically uncomfortable, half writhing against the sheets. Allison flips the cloth on his forehead over and watches as Isaac reaches for Derek.
“Wanna go home,” he croaks, throat raw from the tube, “Take me home? Derek, please take me home.”
“I can’t,” Dere murmurs, “You need to be here to get better.”
“Werewolf,” he mumbles, and then Melissa comes in and he makes a little noise in the back of his throat.
“Hi, sweetheart,”  Melissa says, pressing a hand to Isaac’s cheek. Isaac makes a face and then tugs on the cannula.
“Want it off,” he croaks, “I don’t like it. Itchy.”
“You need it, honey,” Melissa says gently, “please leave it on.”
Isaac leaves it, turning his head into Melissa’s palm and away from Derek’s with a croaking whimper. Allison squeezes his hand.
“Are you in pain,” she asks gently, because he looks a little more comfortable now that Melissa is here and he’s surrounded by pack scents, but not by much. His face twitches and he nods once, sharp and short. Derek takes a deep breath and black veins start running up his arm from where his hand rests on Isaac’s cheek. Allison presses his pain pump and he stiffens until he goes completely limp as the drugs kick in, head lolling to the side and into Derek’s touch.
“Can I go home now,” he whispers at Melissa, big blue eyes wide in a way that he knows works on all three of them.
“No, Isaac, you can’t.” Melissa says gently, stroking his hair. Isaac whines a little and tosses his head
“Ally,” he mumbles, “Come up here?”
“I can’t, baby,” she says, and Isaac’s face scrunches and tears run down his cheeks.
“Sorry, kiddo. You’ve got too many tubes and wires connected to you.”
Isaac coughs on his next sob and then starts gagging, turning his head to the side and wheezing. Derek lifts his head off the pillow until Isaac manages to clear his airway into a tissue Melissa presses against his mouth. Isaac looks so miserable it makes Allison’s stomach hurt.
“Oh, Isaac,” she breathes, and scoots her chair as close to the bed as possible. Isaac’s shoulders hitch with a sob that makes his face crinkle in pain and the tears come faster.
“Do you want something to help you sleep?” Melissa asks gently, “I know it’s a lot of work to come off a vent.”
“I want to go home,” he whimpers miserably, “I don’t want to sleep.”
“Isaac,” Derek says gently, voice pitched low and soothing, “Why don’t you try it? You’re hurting pretty bad, and I know you’re exhausted.”
“Don’t leave,” Isaac sobs, “You’ll leave if I go to sleep, you’ll leave me here-”
“No,” Melissa says, “Someone will be here with you as long as you want them here. I pulled some strings.”
“Derek?” Isaac whimpers, head falling to the side and eyes sliding out of focus, “Allison?”
“We’ll be right here,” Allison says, stroking his hair away from his face. Derek traces his mouth with an ice cube and Isaac opens his mouth for some more even as his eyes cross and start falling shut.
“Don’t wanna be alone,” he wheezes. Melissa checks the monitors.
“You won’t be,” she promises. Derek squeezes Isaac’s hand.
“Promise?” he slurs, almost completely unconscious.
“Forever,” she says. She leans down and presses their lips together as Isaac sighs on a breath, heartbeat going steady and slow in sleep, “I promise.”
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Here are some great bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of June. We really hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Until You’re Home | Explicit | 1039 words
Louis lives in London, Harry lives in Tokyo. They make it work.
2) He Holds My Paradise | Mature | 1332 words 
“What is it that you want, baby?”
“Your dick” Louis breaths out, choking on his own words, neck still covered by his boyfriend’s hand.
“And where do you want it, baby?” the Devil asks him, a satisfied smirk painting his lips. “in my pussy, please.”
3) Morning | Explicit | 1428 words 
Harry and Louis wake up and have a 'productive' morning in the shower ;)
4) Let's Go To The Beach | General Audiences | 1489 words 
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut, but since it’s omega Louis, we’ve included it. This is a sequel. Part one of this fic is #6 on this list. 
"Louis," Harry repeated.
"Right," Louis sighed. "He tried to scent me."
or the one where Louis has a meeting with an aggressive alpha and Harry calms Louis down.
5) Sweet Relief, Pretty Please | Not Rated | 1840 words 
Louis is drunk, sad and alone, and Harry is a wanker.
6) Hey Moon, Don't You Fall Down | Mature | 2574 words 
Note: The sequel to this fic is #4 on this list. 
"Make me yours," Louis opened his eyes and put his hands on Harry's shoulders. "I'm ready, alpha, always been ready for you. Since the first day we met, I was yours. Please," Louis gasped as Harry slid his fingers out of him.
or the one where Harry and Louis finally bond.
7) Nothing Like Anything | Explicit | 2614 words 
Harry is bored of his frat parties. No one interesting comes anyway.It's always drunk people, grinding in the living room, strangers trying to catch his eye. He's about to leave, just to ease his pounding head when he sees him, sinful on the dance floor and suddenly the party isn't so bad.
8) Over Exposed - Part Two| Explicit | 2840 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
Harry and Louis take a quick break from Harry's tour to attend the VMAs, then have a night out at a club.
9) Sweet Vanilla Cream | Explicit | 2896 words 
Harry fights to resist his roommate's new omega boyfriend, Louis. Louis maybe doesn't want him to resist.
10) Take Off Your Glasses | Mature | 3742 words
Louis was enjoying his time, as he decided to spend his weekend clubbing, Louis knows no one in there, yet someone wanted to mess with him to know who's Louis the attractive boy in the black skirt.
"It’s Louie.. Sir."
11) Rose’s Fortune | Mature | 5055 words 
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut but since it’s a/b/o we’ve decided to include it in this monthly roundup.
Omega Louis takes one of his siblings to the doctors (check up, possible broken bone or possibly injections?) and the new Dr is Alpha Harry. Harry is great with kids and Louis is smitten. Harry is smitten too but attempts to act professionally and keep his distance whenever Louis visits the Drs with his siblings or to pick up his prescriptions. But Harry realises there is no reason for him not to make a move as Louis isn't under his care.
12) Dare You To Move | Not Rated | 6060 words 
The one where Harry falls in love with the omega who is the brain behind the omega march he joined.
13) Savage Garden’s Song Rules Sometimes (While Yours Always Reign Supreme) | Explicit | 6261 words 
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
The morning after one too many nights of isolation for Louis Tomlinson and his hot & dangerous boy.
Aka how insanely adorkable Harry Styles could be after a sulking episode. [wordplay edition]
14) I Can Feel Your Blood Pressure Rise | Explicit | 9292 words 
"Hello, your Highness," Harry heard a familiar voice coming from behind him. Chills ran down his body as he felt the coldness of something sharp poke the back of his neck, "Turn around slowly or I'll hurt you,” the voice said in a teasing tone.
Where Louis is some sort of Robin Hood and sneaks into the King's castle, only to be fucked hard.
15) You Know What They Say | Explicit | 10323 words 
Nice guys always finish last.
16) Teenage Dream | Explicit | 10333 words
Harry and Louis get reintroduced to each other by their friends. It’s an instant connection. Now they’ve just gotta get to know each other.
17) Move So Petty (You're All I See) | Explicit | 10548 words 
Harry’s pretty content with his life. He loves his job- a veterinarian at a local clinic who’s already built up a name for himself despite his young age. He loves his gorgeous flat with its wide, open space and minimalistic, yet still homey feel. He loves his family who he talks to and visits as much as possible, not bothered by the long hours of driving to Holmes Chapel from London he endures multiple times a month. He loves his friends and his coworkers and his neighbors- especially Allison, the little old lady next door who brings him and Louis cookies on holidays and who always comments on how “strong and handsome you are, Mr. Styles,” everytime he sees her.
And most importantly, he loves Louis, just- maybe in a slightly different way.
18) When Tomorrow Comes | Explicit | 11111 words 
The one where Louis is an Omega who has been keeping himself pure for his Alpha, Harry is a traditional Alpha focusing on his studies while he waits to find his bondmate, and Niall is a sneaky bastard who keeps borrowing Louis’ clothes and never returning them.
19) Smells Like Omega Spirit | Not Rated | 11769 words 
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut, but since it’s omega Louis, we’ve included it.
Louis is an omega doing a test run on neutralizers for a class project. Every time he talks to Harry he smells completely different.
Harry is an alpha who can't figure out if he's going crazy or his sense of smell is broken, but all he wants to figure out what Louis' real scent is.
Somehow they figure it out.
20) You Kill My Mind | Explicit | 13181 words 
Harry has always been ashamed to reveal his kinks to friends and partners alike. One day he meets a man who seems perfectly designed for him and they embark on a wonderful, sex-filled exploration journey.
21) In The Heat Of The Moment | Mature | 15743 words 
When Louis unexpectedly goes into heat in maths class it takes him way too long to figure out why (it might have something to do with a certain curly haired boy sitting next to him).
22) Was In No Hurry, Had No Worries | Explicit | 21485 words 
The year is 1999 and Harry can’t stop dedicating songs to Louis on the radio. Or the one where Harry hits Louis with his car.
23) You're The Smell Before Rain, You're The Blood In My Veins | Explicit | 21945 words 
“It was him you talked about, when you used to call me late at night, saying you were missing your ex? Was it him, your important five-year long story? Was it him the person you had thought about proposing, one day?” Nick asks with a low voice, almost inaudible, almost like he’s talking to himself “He’s my boyfriend…” he whispers again, without looking up.
“I know! And you shouldn’t worry, because you don’t have a single reason to do so. He’s yours now, he’s with you. I really don’t understand why you came here, honestly” Harry says defending himself out of instinct, even if he has no reason to react like that. He just- just wishes for Nick to leave his room and go back home to Louis. Because at this point Nick has Louis and fuck, why can’t he just go fuck off for once? Doesn’t he have enough shit do deal with already? Does he really need to get into this as well? Right now?
24) Like The Earth Around The Sun | Explicit | 23600 words 
The one where Harry bursts in on Louis in heat and things only get more complicated from there.
25) The Blood of Love | Explicit | 25273 words 
Harry is a nurse and Louis is a painting worth more than a thousand words. As desire and darkness encompasses him, Harry has to learn the secrets of Thorne Hills manor before he succumbs to the mystery that surrounds him.
26) Habit | Teen & Up | 27095 words 
In which Louis is a Donna who has a soft spot for alpha Harry.
27) Let Me Carry Your Weight | Explicit | 28633 words 
Louis is fresh out of a bad relationship with someone who made him feel awful about how he looked. on his journey to better himself, he meets harry - the ridiculously attractive and fit personal trainer.
28) Robbers And Cowards | Explicit | 33237 words 
A modern day Robin Hood AU where Louis and Harry (don’t really) hate each other but they hate greedy billionaires more.
29) Caves End | Explicit | 39711 words 
The one where Harry has lost his future, Louis has lost his past, but maybe together, they can find a way through the dark.
30) Soaked In The Blood Of Angels | Explicit | 40867 words 
The boy looks drugged, caught between a man who’s almost twice his size and a girl who looks like she wouldn’t even break a sweat snapping him in half despite her small stature, eyes closed and mouth open as he pants, arching up between them almost as if he’s trying to escape.
Normally, Harry would ignore it and continue on his search for someone to drink from, someone who wouldn’t mind his sharp teeth and rough hands. He’s seen plenty of boys like this one, ones who picked the wrong playmates, and if he stopped to rescue every single one of them he would have died from thirst a long time ago.
This one, though. There’s something about this one, the sheen of his bright blue eyes as he blinks slowly, looks around as though he doesn’t know where he is, the weakness of his hands as he tries to push the girl off of him and make his escape.
31) With Stars Of Brightest Gold | Explicit | 41109 words 
Louis Tomlinson is the premier courtesan at the Moulin Rouge. In his dreams, he has always wanted to be a famous stage actor. Locked into his contract, he has little means of escape until a handsome duke promises him freedom with a romantic alliance. Due to a case of mistaken identity playwright Harry Styles is thrown into the mix, compelling Louis to choose between his head or his heart.
32) We Both Got Nothing To Hide | Explicit | 43811 words 
Omega Louis has a secret nest. Alpha Harry keeps losing his clothes.
33) In A World Alone | Explicit | 50787 words 
Harry’s breath catches as the glow grows bigger and bigger until he’s squinting his eyes and blinking at the sudden intense brightness. He closes his eyes, rubbing at them helplessly. When his eyes open again- he gasps, grip loosening on his bow as he gawks at the sight before him.
Because the swan is gone.
And in its place is the prettiest omega Harry has ever seen.
A Swan Lake AU.
34) Hunting Ground | Not Rated | 583658 words 
Note: This fic is the third part of a series. Part two is #38 in this list.
Louis Tomlinson didn’t know how complicated life could be until he became a werewolf. And until he was mated to Harry Styles, the son — and enforcer — of Liam, the leader of the North American werewolves, he didn’t know how dangerous it could be either...
Louis and Harry have just been enlisted to attend a summit to present Liam's controversial proposition: that the wolves should finally reveal themselves to humans. But the most feared Alpha in Europe is dead set against the plan — and it seems like someone else might be too. When Louis is attacked by vampires using pack magic, the kind of power only werewolves should be able to draw on, Harry and Louis must combine their talents to hunt down whoever is behind it all — or risk losing everything.
35) The Wrath of the Emerald Eyes | Mature | 85205 words 
His chin is grabbed harshly, facing the two deep green eyes that have been getting on his nerves for the past ten minutes. The smirk on the man's face does not vanish. The grip of his hand on Louis' chin does not soften, his thumb at the side of his lower lip.
His smile widens as he answers Louis' question, ''My name is Styles, but you will call me Captain."
Pirate AU.
36) Cry Wolf | Not Rated | 85205 words 
Note: This fic is the second part of a series. Part three is #36 in this list.
Louis never knew werewolves existed, until the night he survived a violent attack... and became one himself. After three years at the bottom of the pack, he'd learned to keep his head down and never, ever trust dominant wolves. Then Harry Styles, the enforcer—and son—of the leader of the North American werewolves, came into his life.
Harry insists that not only is Louis his mate, but he is also a rare and valued Omega wolf. And it is Louis' inner strength and calming presence that will prove invaluable as he and Harry go on the hunt in search of a rogue werewolf—a creature bound in magic so dark that it could threaten all of the pack.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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evesbeve · 4 years
Family BBQ (TUActober Day 29)
TUActober Prompts by @totallyevan
This is my starry night. I literally turned Diego into a BBQ Dad. Everyone has some very strong opinions on pineapple. Please read it asdfdhjs
Summary: Same Weird Family. New Weird BBQs. [Everyone + their s/o’s are alive and well living in 2019 like they deserve.]
(Read on AO3)
“What the hell are you doing?”
Ray couldn’t help but gape as he stared at what Diego was doing to the steaks on the grill.
At first glance, nothing seemed off; Diego was simply watching over the steaks as they cooked, pink apron over his t-shirt and jean shorts. But then he noticed Lila on the table next to the grill, handing Diego tiny pieces of—
“Is that pineapple on steak?!” Ray asked, watching in horror as Diego placed the slices on the steaks.
“You bet,” Diego said, finishing up and putting down the spatula. “We’re doing something big here.”
“Sure you are, wolf man,” Lila said, stealing his baseball hat and putting it on. “This look so much better on me.”
“You look like a 4th of July Dad.”
“Hey, yeah!” Klaus said, patting Ray’s shoulder as he chuckled. “All he needs is a pair of black goggles!”
Diego grabbed the spatula again, pointing it to Klaus’ chest. “You say another damn word, you aren’t getting any steak.”
“Fine, fine, whatever,” Klaus said, fully wrapping his arm around Ray’s back. “I’ll just have Ray-Ray’s serving, look at how petrified he looks!”
It was then that Allison finally came to his rescue, pushing Klaus off him and taking his hand in hers. “Will you stop bullying my husband or is that not part of your schedule?”
Ray couldn’t help but smile, pressing a soft kiss on her temple. Allison squeezed his hand in return, trying to hide her smile; she looked adorable when she attempted to appear firm in front of her family.
“They’re too busy ‘changing the world,’” Ben said, making quotations with his hands.
Diego raised an eyebrow. “I thought you supported the idea?”
“Oh, he does,” Jill said, looking up from the book she was reading. “Unfortunately.” Her and Ben were sitting underneath the old tree in the courtyard, cuddled up next to each other.
Ben rolled his eyes. “It’s not a bad idea!” he said. “It worked on pizza, why not steak?”
“Because it’s steak!” Luther said as he finally finished placing the table. Ray had offered to help him carry it outside, but well… Needless to say, Luther had it covered. “And it absolutely did not work on pizza.”
“I think it’s nice,” Sissy said, and Luther gaped at her. “Not on steak though, I’m one hundred percent with you on that one.”
“For some inexplicable reason,” Vanya said with a playful tone. Sissy nudged her arm. “Come on, pineapple on pizza is good! Besides, you never know, this could really be something.”
Ray huffed in desperation. “Why are we talking about it as if it’s some sort of scientific breakthrough?”
“It could be!” Lila said. “I mean, who would have thought some random guy from what, the 80’s? Would change the world with pineapple pizza.”
“It was the 60’s,” Five said, taking a sip of his coffee. “Pineapple pizza was invented in the 60’s.”
Lila winked at him. “Thanks, shorts.”
“You know, Lila,” Five said, shifting in his chair and crossing one leg over the other, “if for some reason BBQ Pineapple Steaks turn into a historical breakthrough, I will not be taking your contribution into account.”
“So you’re in favor?” Diego asked.
“Of course I am,” Five responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “People use fruit to tenderize meat all the time, including pineapple. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.”
Ray let go of Allison’s hand, gesturing wildly at the grill with both his hands. “Because they’re grilling it!” he said. “They’re not doing anything to it, they’re just putting it on top of a plain steak!”
“Hey, hey, hey, now hold on there!” Diego said, pointing with, once again, his spatula, at Ray. “These are going to be the best steaks you’re ever going to have in your entire life, man, so you better show some respect to the cook.”
“Definitely a 4th of July Dad,” Ray heard Lila whisper to Klaus.
“Diego it’s pineapple on steak,” Luther said. “There’s literally no way it could—no, what is the point?”
“It could be nice.”
Everyone turned to the source of the voice; Dave, who had kept quiet all this time, helping Sissy set the table.
“Ladies and gentlemen and enbies, he speaks!” Lila said.
“Don’t be mean!” Klaus said, immediately running up to Dave and hugging him from behind. “Let him voice his opinion.”
Dave chuckled. “I just don’t think it’s a bad idea.”
“Thank you!”
“But you should stop pointing at everyone with that spatula,” Dave said, shutting Diego up. “Because it really does make you look like a—”
“Shhh,” Klaus interrupted, hugging him tighter. “He may wake up with a spatula through your skull if you say it out loud.”
“Whatever,” Diego said. “We’re about to find out anyway. It’s ready.”
Over the next few minutes, everyone started splitting the first round of steaks between them, until they were back in their seats; Ray, Allison, Luther and Sissy were sitting at the table, Five had his own chair away from the table, Klaus, Dave and Vanya were sitting cross-legged on the floor, Diego and Lila were next to the grill, and Ben and Jill were back underneath the tree. For a moment, nobody dared to do anything other than stare at their plates.
“You know what, this is ridiculous.” Allison was the first one to break the silence. “I’m with Ray and Luther.”
“Surprise, surprise,” Diego mumbled.
“It’s just steak!” Allison said. “This can’t actually have any flavor!”
“Do the honors then.”
“Excuse me?”
“Go ahead, do the honors,” Diego repeated. “If it’s just steak, you wouldn’t mind trying it.”
Allison stared at him for a while. “Fine.”
She grabbed her fork and knife and cut out a tiny piece of the steak she was sharing with Ray, making sure to get some pineapple on the bite. Allison didn’t even look at Diego as she put a mouthful in her mouth. And then…
“… well?”
Allison swallowed.
“… I’m with Diego.”
Ray physically felt his heart drop. “Babe, not you too.”
“No, no, Ray, listen!” Allison said, cutting another piece. “Babe, you have to try this, you’re going to love it, I promise.”
“Not before the others do,” Ray said, earning a pout from Allison, who ended up eating the bite for herself.
Soon enough, everyone started eating.
“Ugh,” Luther pushed the plate away from him, and Allison immediately reached for it.
Similarly, Sissy shook her head as she swallowed the bite. “I’ll stick for the normal ones, I think,” she said, passing the plate to Vanya.
Vanya smiled at her, looking more than happy to have it all for herself. “More for me it is.”
“Mmm!” Lila hummed. “I think we might have changed the world after all!”
“I told you it’d be good,” Five said, not bothering to share with anyone.
“Hell yeah it is!” said Diego, a wide grin on his face as he watched over everyone trying his steaks. “I should be responsible for all our family BBQs from now on.”
Family BBQs… plural? Ray shivered at the thought.
“Come oooon, try it!” His attention was turned to the tree. Ben was holding out his fork for Jill, strongly resembling Allison’s attempts from before.
Jill eventually stopped protesting, and let Ben put it in her mouth. “That’s… actually not bad at all.”
“Do you want to try it, love?” Dave asked. He had already devoured half of his and Klaus’ steak, but made sure to leave some for his partner.
“It would be my pleasure,” Klaus said, closing his eyes and accepting the bite in an overly dramatic way—and then he froze.
Klaus blinked his eyes open, reaching for a paper towel and spitting the bite in it. “The hell is this?!”
“It’s gonna be okay, darling,” Sissy said, stretching far enough from her seat to pat his back.
“No!” Klaus said, standing up. He gestured between Dave and Ben. “You know, I was happy that you two were agreeing on something—quality bonding time and everything!” Then he pointed to the plate in Dave’s hands. “But this is a personal attack.”
“Oh, shut up!” Ben said, shaking his head. “It’s not our fault you don’t have taste!”
“You shut up!” Klaus said. “Your tastebuds are dead just like the rest of you.”
“You know I’m right, Davey!”
“You just don’t like fruit, love, it’s okay.”
“Yeah, love!” Lila said through a mouthful. “Veggie rights!”
Before Ray could even begin to process the conversation, Diego was cackling at Lila’s comment, and everyone else started arguing. He did his best to keep up, before eventually accepting defeat, returning to his plate. He exchanged a quick look with Allison, who gave him a thumbs up, and sighed.
Well. Klaus did warn him that family BBQs were going to be weird.
Ray took a bite.
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Taking Care of Vanya
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Characters: Diego Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves
Warnings: None? If you find one, let me know.
Diego sighed as he sat in his car, staring at the building he had been parked in front of for fifteen minutes. They had only been back 2019 for about a week when Vanya had mentioned heading back to her apartment to grab some of her stuff. She had promised an anxious Allison that she would merely be gone an hour; that she just needed some clothes and some of her more important belongings.
That had been three days ago. She hadn’t come back.
He wouldn’t lie and say that Allison was the only one who was worried. Luther had suggested Five just jump over to her place and find out what happened, but he was insistent that she wouldn’t want that and wasn’t going to invade her privacy that way.
Diego didn’t have his brother’s restraint.
It wasn’t a secret that he and Vanya hadn’t been super close in a long time. Between their less than stellar upbringing, her book, the apocalypse, and all of their years apart, they’d barely ever spent time together that didn’t involve fighting or harsh looks.
But he couldn’t hide the fact that he was worried about her. She was the smallest of them—and yes, he included Five in that list—and though her powers were strong and controlled enough to protect herself, he still needed to know that she was okay.
Shaking his hair, he climbed out of the car and made his way into her building. He’d told the rest of his siblings that he was hitting the streets as he had before they’d jumped back in time, and though he’s pretty sure they only half believed him, no one stopped him.
He took his time walking up the stairs of her building, knowing it wouldn’t take him long to get to the second floor. He’d seen her windows from the outside and noted that she didn’t have any locks on them. He’d have to talk to her about that if she planned on staying there.
Arriving at her apartment, he knocked a few times and waited for her to answer. When she didn’t answer, he knocked again and listened for any sign that she was inside. When he didn’t hear anything, he nearly turned to leave, but that protective feeling in his gut flared up and stopped him.
Testing the doorknob, Diego noted that she at least had the sense to lock her door behind her. Knowing if she caught him she’d make him regret it, he glanced around to make sure he was alone in the hallway before crouching to the ground to start picking her lock. It wasn’t his finest moment as a brother, but he figured he could lie his way out of it later.
Hearing the familiar click of the door opening, he stood and quietly walked into her apartment. He’d never been there and seeing how empty and barren it was hurt his heart a little. Vanya had spent her whole life feeling like nothing, and that’s precisely how she’d decorated her apartment to feel. He made a mental note to show her that she had more worth than that as they moved forward.
Inching inside, he shut the door behind him and moved into her living room. He saw mail piled up on the small coffee table and figured she had brought it inside when she had gotten there. Moving to the kitchen made him pause.
Her keys were lying on the table, along with the jacket she had worn when she left the house. He was instantly on alert, knowing she wouldn’t have left without her keys. Not willingly, anyway.
He grabbed a knife out of instinct as he made his way down her small hallway and noted the open door to her bedroom. He was almost there when he heard a little noise and stopped. He waited quietly for a second before he heard another thump and changed his direction, facing the bathroom.
Diego hesitated as the door was shut, but decided modesty could be thrown out when his sister hadn’t contacted them in three days. Raising his hand, he knocked lightly and cleared his throat.
“Vanya?” Silence. “You okay?”
There was silence for another second before he heard a quiet whimper.
“Screw it.” He thought and opened the door.
His heart plummeted, and he barely registered his knees hitting the ground as he scrambled to get next to his sister. Knife forgotten on the floor of the hallway, he put his hand on her arm only to feel the immense heat radiating off of her.
He felt like an idiot. It was apparent to him now that she hadn’t needed to come back here for any of her stuff, but because she felt sick and hadn’t wanted to bother anyone. She still felt as if she was in their way, and this was the result.
Vanya was curled up on the floor, her face buried into the cold tiles as her body shivered with fever. Her hair was plastered to her face, and Diego brushed it away quickly. Looking around the small room, he saw that she’d either forgotten or didn’t have the energy to flush the toilet after her last puking session and took care of that for her.
Then he leaned over her and tilted her head toward him, causing her to whimper again. “Vanya. Hey, sis, come on and open those eyes for me.”
Her eyes fluttered in response but didn’t open. Cursing silently, he forced himself to come up with a plan. It took only a second before he found himself sliding his arm under her back—he cringed at the sweat sticking to her shirt—and lifted her into a sitting position. Her body pitched forward, and he caught her against his chest. He pushed the worry he felt down inside of him and slid his other arm under her legs before lifting her into his grasp.
Hurrying to the front door, he made the afterthought to grab her keys on his way out. He was careful as he ran down the stairs and sped to his car. He struggled to open the passenger door for only a second, but he figured it out and gently placed her on the seat. He reclined the chair a bit so she wouldn’t flop forward and slammed the door.
He was just starting the car when a hand fell limply onto his arm. Turning quickly, he saw Vanya with her glossy eyes barely open and shook his head. “You with me, Van?”
She groaned a response he couldn’t understand but took it as a yes. “You’ll be okay. I’m taking you to Mom.” Then he sighed. “Next time, just stay at the house, alright? None of us are going to hold it against you if you don’t feel well.”
She groaned again, and he nodded, taking it as another sign that she’d heard him. He turned his attention back to the road and focused on getting home as quickly as possible.
Diego didn’t have one care as he kicked open the side door and carried Vanya inside. She weighed almost nothing, which was something he’d worry about when she wasn’t yet again passed out in his arms, and he hurried through the empty kitchen.
“Mom?” Making his way into the foyer, he was annoyed by the unusual lack of people. “Mom! Gonna need some help here!”
He made his way toward the infirmary and shook his head in disbelief because no home should have a built-in hospital, as footsteps came rushing down the stairs.
“Oh my God, Vanya!” Allison gasped as she matched her pace to his.
“What the hell happened?” Five had materialized next to him.
“Thankfully, I don’t share your morals and broke into her apartment,” Diego grunted as he laid her on the exam table Grace had set up. “Found her on the bathroom floor, unresponsive.”
“Oh, my dear.”
All three siblings looked up at their mother as she entered the room and quickly got to work. Knowing she would be pulling out the needles for an IV soon, Five turned to his brother.
“Diego, why don’t you go find everyone else. Allison, maybe go find her some clothes?”
Catching their brother’s meaning, she grabbed Diego’s arm and dragged him out. No one mentioned how his eyes stayed locked on Vanya’s shivering body or how his hand had gripped her wrist to feel her pulse unconsciously.
Everyone sat around the living room, murmuring when Grace stepped into the room, smiling at them. Diego looked up quickly, his worry for Vanya only rising as the time went on.
“How’s Vanya?” Ben asked quietly.
“Your sister is doing much better.” Grace nodded. “I was able to give her fluids and get her fever down a bit, so she’s just resting. Thankfully, your brother found her just in time, or things could have gotten a lot worse.”
He could feel everyone looking at him and purposely didn’t look back. “Good.”
“Honey, she actually asked to talk to you,” Grace told him, gesturing behind her. “She’s resting, but I think she wants to thank you.”
He stood immediately, ignoring how his siblings watched him go. He let his feet carry him to the infirmary and stood in the doorway hesitantly.
She was wearing the pajamas that Allison had brought her earlier and seemed to be doing better than when he last saw her.
“You can come in, you know.” Vanya’s voice was quiet but helped to still his wildly beating heart. “Don’t worry; I won’t impale you or something.”
He ignored her attempt at a joke and walked up next to the table. “Why did you do that?”
She looked down at her hands. “I didn’t want to bother anyone. I’m still getting used to this…sibling bonding stuff.”
Shaking his head, he sighed. “Vanya, you could have di-di-died.”
He cursed his stutter, but her eyes went soft. “I’m sorry, Diego.”
“I just…” He pictured her curled up on the floor and had to hold back a shutter. “I don’t think you understand how it felt to find you like that. I thought…”
“I know.” She told them, nervously picking at the skin around her thumbnail. “By the time I knew it was bad, I didn’t even have the energy to get the phone to call any of you.”
He didn’t respond as he knew that was a logical answer, but the fear he’d felt when finding her still filled his chest. He looked up when he felt Vanya’s hand on his.
She smiled. “Mom said I was okay enough to go back to my room. Would you help me?”
Something he thought could be trust and relief replaced the fear, and he moved to help her up. He kept his arm around her even though she felt pretty steady and helped her walk back to her room.
When they got there, he walked her over to her bed and sat her down. “You good?”
She nodded. “Thanks, Diego. For helping me and…”
Her sentence went unfinished, but he knew what she meant. He turned to leave before pausing and looking back at her. “Hey, you know we care, right? You don’t have to hide from us anymore. I just…I thought you should know that.”
She sent him a small smile, and he knew his words had gone a long way in mending their relationship. “I do now.”
Sending her his own, rare, smile he walked out and went to his room, satisfied that he was doing his part to help her know that she wasn’t alone anymore.
Her apartment went up for sale the following day.
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finalcreacher · 4 years
Chapter One - Invisible Hearts
Hello, Cloud here! Excited to welcome you to the first ever chapter of “Invisible Hearts”. There are no major triggers in this chapter, but things get very dark very quick, so please make sure to read the T/W when used.
 This is also posted on AO3, Quotev, FanFiction.net, and Wattpad. 
Just ask if you want to be added to the tag list. :)
Word Count: 1,155
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(Y/n) was used to it by now, after 15 years of living. Used to the empty chair at the dining table, to the wavering sadness of their siblings, to the empty hole inside their chest. It had been two years since Five disappeared, and Vanya still left peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches at the bottom of the stairs, awaiting his return. Diego was still a stuttering little bastard, and part of (Y/n) thought that it had gotten worse over the years(though in actuality, it had probably stayed the same, or had been better as of recent). Not that (Y/n) had concerned themselves with the status of their brother's stutter. It was merely one of those things that happened, they were used to it by now. It was almost comforting to be held in his arms on those late nights, and hear the soft slur of "I"s in the word "it."
It wasn't just the annoying ticks of their brother that held them comforted, but Klaus, and the constant loudness that he exuberated, and the underlying sadness in his words. Klaus was a reminder for (Y/n). For what, they never quite share, but something about him kept (Y/n) feeling warm at night. There, of course, was also their sibling Ben, as well as the other two previously mentioned brothers, Diego and Klaus. Ben was a quiet one, he didn't ask too much for or from anyone, he kept most of his thoughts to himself. Strangely enough, they enjoyed talking with Ben most of all between the three.
Though those days were few and far between, as they spent most of their time lying alone in their bedroom, trying to pinpoint how their powers worked. Often falling asleep crying, and waking up invisible. Klaus would tease them about it, and Reginald would be very disappointed. Reginald, their supposed father(though they weren't allowed to call him as such), would lecture them the morning they wake up, in front of all of their siblings during breakfast. And after eating, he'd practice with them till the point of exhaustion, sending them to their room when they were unable to turn back. When they were able to turn back, they'd go through it again, in an attempt to turn invisible. They'd be sent to their room.
Five's disappearance had shaken their odd family, to particular points where (Y/n) either thought things would never be the same again, or that it was better without him. (Y/n) only ever voiced the first concern, afraid the second one would earn an exceptional bond with their siblings that they did not wish to obtain. Though no one was very much concerned or saddened after Five leaving, many things had changed due to him going. Their family would never be the same again.
Much of the sadness (Y/n) had felt towards their dear brother Five, was not the fact they had missed him, but more so that part of their family would most certainly never return. It was that feeling again that their family had served as some sort of comfort blanket, and Five leaving had torn a massive rip in it. Anyone could have left, and the same thing would have happened. Indeed, that's what they thought, though later in their life it would appear that it was much untrue. They were never exceptionally close with Five, and that was all.
They were close to Ben.
Very, very close.
Ben's death had never fully clicked in (Y/n)'s head. They cried more for a sibling they never cared too much about than the loss of the most comforting soul in their life. Not once in the months he'd been dead, had their powers flicker them out of view. It was rare for this to happen, as it never happened. Their siblings also found this strange, as they still mourned the loss, and (Y/n) was cheery than ever. Some thought, briefly, that maybe (Y/n) had been the one to kill Ben.
Any flickering suspicions were waved off just as soon as they appeared when their first mission came around. It had been the first since the accident.  They had been the first one of the siblings to be ready, the first one on the scene, and the first one to leave.  They had turned invisible, stormed back home, and lay crying on the front porch, feeling too weak to go inside and face a house without him anymore. They had stayed in a state like this for months much longer than their previous feelings of happiness.  
(Y/n) has since then admitted to never thinking about Ben before then, most likely why they had broken down so severely.
Present times were not much better, and perhaps worse than they were in previous years. The current year was 2006, (Y/n), along with their remaining siblings, are 17 years old. (Y/n) has spent the last year or two of their life perfecting their invisibility powers. Though perfecting seems to be an extreme and incorrect term to what they did achieve. If someone had said they perfected their ability, Reginald might laugh. Which would be absurd, as Reginald did not laugh, he's a solemn man.
(Y/n) had merely figured out why their powers were so finicky. They had never learned how to stop them from being so, or how to properly use them. Their abilities were still as useless as they had been before.
Klaus has spent the last two years of his life preparing for moving out, by being more drugged up, and high out of his life, as he's ever been. At this point, the family should be worried, but everyone is too wrapped up in their own silly world to notice any one other person's pain.
Diego's stutter had long since left, only coming back when he was angry.
Through the years, Vanya left the sandwiches at the bottom of the stairs less frequently as she had before, losing hope, and falling away further from any leftover bonds with her siblings.
Luther had miraculously grown closer to (Y/n), and with some strange, mysterious force, grew apart from Allison. Allison had big dreams, she was going to get out of this house, and she was going to become a star. (Y/n) didn't doubt it, but didn't see much of a future for any number of the unordinary siblings. Especially for someone that could get it all merely by speaking. They didn't admire their sister at all but could tell they'd be going somewhere a lot further than themselves. At least Allison had plans.
It didn't matter for now though, Allison wouldn't be leaving until she was at least eighteen. No one would be gone for at least another year. (Y/n) could only stomach the idea for so long, and had no choice to bend to the will of their emotions, flickering in and out, waiting for at least one sign to take them out of the hell of life.  
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tomeandflickcorner · 4 years
Umbrella Academy Rewatch 1x01
With the second season of Umbrella Academy approaching, I figured I should have a rewatch of the first season again.
Of course, we start at the beginning, with us being told that on October 1st, 1989, 43 completely unrelated women around the world miraculously gave birth at the same time.  This event was particularly unusual since none of these women had been pregnant when they’d woken up that morning.  We’re also told that Reginald Hargreeves, an eccentric billionaire and adventurer had attempted to adopt as many of these miracle babies as possible, even going so far as to approach the mothers directly and paying them to allow him to take their baby. away.  In the end, he managed to obtain seven of these unusual babies and brought them to his estate.  As it turned out, each of these seven babies had seemingly been born with a unique superhuman ability.  Luther (AKA Number 1) possessed super strength.  Diego (AKA Number 2) could control the trajectory of any object he throws, with his preference being knives.  Allison (AKA Number 3)  can manipulate people’s actions simply by saying the words ‘I heard a rumor.’  Whatever she says after those words will actually happen.  Klaus (AKA Number 4) is basically the kid from The Sixth Sense.  Number 5 (who never received an actual name for reasons that I’ll explain a little later, can teleport/time jump.  Ben (AKA Number 6) can essentially summon Lovecraftian horrors from his body.  And finally, there’s Vanya (AKA Number 7).  She allegedly doesn’t have any special abilities, so she was always left out when Reginald meticulously trained the others to be some sort of elite superhero team in the vein of X-Men, with the building they all lived in being treated like a school called The Umbrella Academy.
Of course, the main story actually begins years later, when the Hargreeves Siblings have all grown up.  And grown apart as well, as each of the siblings have, for the most part, put their old lives behind them and have therefore become estranged from one another.  In an opening montage, we’re introduced to the now-adult Hargreeves Siblings.  Luther, for reasons that are revealed later on in the show, has spent the past four years on the moon.  Diego has become a vigilante.  Allison is now a big movie star with a legion of fans. Klaus is a drug addict, and is pretty much in and out of rehab.  And Vanya is a violinist who hopes to make it into a major orchestra.  As you might have noticed, there are two of the Hargreeves Siblings that haven’t been accounted for.  As the episode explains as it progresses, Number 5 mysteriously disappeared 17 years prior, and hasn’t been seen or heard from since.  And Ben has died for reasons that are as of yet unknown.
As the opening montage wraps up, Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus and Vanya all learn that Reginald Hargreeves has suddenly passed away.  So they all return to his old estate to attend his funeral.  Though, upon arriving, it’s made very clear that Diego is not the least bit pleased to see Vanya.  It turns out that, at some point, Vanya wrote an autobiography about her life growing up as the odd one out among the others.  And she apparently revealed some of the Hargreeves family’s deepest, darkest secrets within her autobiography.  So this has pretty much further ostracized Vanya from hier siblings, particularly Diego.  Though Allison seems to be willing to look past that in light of the current situation.
Anyway, the next few minutes of the episode allows us to get to know our main characters, and how they interact with one another.  Diego, as we’ve established, isn’t very pleased to see Vanya, which does’t help with how she already felt like an outsider amongst her siblings.  And Luther also seems mistrustful of Klaus, though this wasn’t entirely undeserved, as he stopped Klaus from trying to pocket some of Reginad’s old trinkets.  Off hand, only Allison seems somewhat normal, as she responds with reasonable softness to each of her long-lost siblings.  However, it seems even she has some sort of baggage, as she admits her husband filed for divorce 8 months ago, and her now-ex-husband has full custody of their daughter, something that clearly upsets her a great deal.  During this whole sequence of events, we also meet Grace. who was, for all intents and purposes, the Hargreeves Siblings’ mother, and Pogo, the family butler who is, to put it bluntly, an anthropomorphic chimpanzee.  (Just roll with it.)
As the episode progresses, Luther makes it clear that, despite the autopsy report stating Reginald died of a heart attack, he suspects foul play was involved somehow.  He points out that Reginald’s signature monocle was missing, and he and suspects that somebody took it.  And if somebody took the monocle, it meant that Reginald hadn’t been alone when he died.  Of course, Luther’s attempts at sharing this theory with his brothers and sisters goes poorly when he clumsily makes it sound as if he suspects one of them might have murdered Reginald.
In spite of the tangible rift between them, we do get a small indication that there’s still a deep-rooted bond between the siblings when Luther plays a vinyl recording of Tommy James and the Shondells’ I Think We’re Alone Now.  Even though the five siblings are all in different rooms, they all are shown dancing to the same song.  It’s a particularly enjoyable scene, particularly when the camera pans out to what I call ‘the dollhouse shot.’
However, the dance party is interrupted by a sudden disturbance out in the courtyard.  When the five siblings run outside to investigate, Luther surmises it’s some sort of temporal anomaly.  (Lucky guess!)  As they watch in confusion and bemusement, a figure emerges from the time portal.  To everyone’s amazement, the figure is revealed to be Number 5, who hasn’t seemed to age a day since the morning he vanished 17 years ago.
The Hargreeves Siblings convene down to the kitchen, where Number 5 fixes himself a snack.  As he proceeds to make himself a sandwich (peanut butter and marshmallow), Number 5 explains his prolonged absence happened because he went against Reginald’s instructions and attempted to travel through time, resulting in him getting stuck in the future.  And, while it’s been 17 years since his disappearance for the other Hargrees Siblings, it’s been 45 years for him.  But he managed to finally find a way to return to the present day through some technobabble explanation.  But for whatever reason, while his consciousness remains that of a 58 year old man, his body has regressed to that of his 13-year-old self.  Although, he doesn’t really explain anymore than that and simply walks off, leaving his brothers and sisters to take it all in.
Of course, it then cuts to the funeral service, with everyone gathered out in the courtyard to pay their last respects to Reginald.  But of course, drama erupts when Diego begins an emotional rant about how Reginald was a horrible man and father.  Which wasn’t entirely off the mark, as we see through flashbacks that he might have also conducted experiments on the Hargraves Siblings.  Here, it’s also revealed that Reginald never gave any of them their names and had simply referred to them by their individual numbers.  It was their mother, Grace, who had given them their actually names.  (Which does explain why Number 5 doesn’t have a real name like the others.  He must have vanished to the future before Grace began issuing names)  This ultimately leads to a fist fight breaking out between Diego and Luther. In the ensuing fight, the statue that had been erected in the late Ben’s memory is broken, and Diego ends up throwing one of his knives at Luther, leaving a bleeding gash in his arm.
So, things are clearly still strained between the Hargraves Siblings, who all soon part.  Vanya is the first to leave, with only Pogo seeing her off.   Diego heads off soon afterwards (with Klaus tagging along).  Number 5, however, retreats to a local doughnut shop called Griddy's Donuts, hoping to get a decent cup of coffee.  But before he can begin his drink, he notices a group of men armed with guns entering the shop.  Number 5 doesn’t seem to be the least bit surprised by this, simply remarking he thought it would take them longer to find him.  The leader of the armed men instructs Number 5 to come with them.  But Number 5 chooses to not cooperate.  And he proceeds to utilize his teleportation skills to meticulously kill every single one of the gunmen, as Istanbul (not Constantinople) by They Might Be Giants plays over the scene.  Once all the men are dead, he calmly cuts into his arm with a discarded knife, putting out what appears to be a tracking chip.  With the tracking chip removed, he calmly walks out of Griddy’s Donuts, as the poor waitress (whose name will be revealed to be Agnes in later episodes) peers over the counter at the remaining mess and dead bodies, completely shell shocked.
As the first episode wraps up, we see Diego has Reginald's missing monocle, though it’s not clear at this point how or why he has it.  We also get our first glimpse of Ben, the deceased member of the Hargraves Siblings.  Even though he is dead, he is present in the show as a ghost.  Though only Klaus can see and hear him on account of his ‘superpower.’  As for Vanya, she returns to her apartment, where she is shocked to find Number 5 has broken in.  Vanya is quick to spot he’s bleeding (on account of his self-inlicted cut), but Number 5 virtually waves away her concern.  He tells her that he’s decided to share some vital information with her, since he feels she’s the only one he can trust.  Throughout the episode, it was implied that Vanya and Number 5 had been rather close as kids.  For instance, after Number 5 had vanished, Vanya had made a habit of leaving out peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches for him every night, because she didn’t want him to go hungry if he ever returned.  As such, Number 5 tells Vanya that, when he jumped ahead in time, he learned that something catastrophic will happen in the future that will effectively wipe out the entire human race.  While he wasn’t sure what exactly caused the apocalypse to happen, he was able to determine the date it occurred- exactly eight days from the present date.   Vanya takes this bombshell surprisingly well.
Well, that’s quite an opening episode.  We got a group of siblings with a strained relationship, a suitable mystery on our hands and a fast-approaching end of the world. Not to mention the whole weirdness the show just expects us to accept with no actual explanation.  All in all, this episode does effectively rope you in, leaving you with a bunch of questions that you want to see answered.
Additional things of note:
Grace is revealed to be a robot.  Which explains how she sometimes seems to be out of it at certain points in the episode
Vanya is taking what appears to be a prescription medication 
The exploits of the Hargraves Siblings as a superhero team led to them having a certain level of fame.  There were even comic books made about them in the show’s reality.
Even though Luther made him drop Reginald’s trinkets, Klaus still managed to make off with an ornate box with currently unknown contents
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
So I imagine that the kids eventually find out that their moms gave them up, and as they grow older they each grow angrier and angrier at these people they’ve never met. What if at the end of S1 when they all travel back in time they don’t arrive to a place/time that they’re all at the academy again,what if they somehow arrive in a time/place where they meet their mothers and have to pretend to be complete strangers to these women that they find unforgivable?
HMM honestly I can’t see most of them really being angry? On a big level their mothers just,,, don’t matter to them. They probably didn’t even know mothers were a thing until Grace came into their lives, and by the time they got around to learning about the birds and the bees and knew enough to know that Grace couldn’t exactly have brought them all to term, they already knew they’d been bought
and maybe they were angry at first, but they know their circumstances. Their mothers were seven (or six depending on if you think Luther and Five are twins in the show) women who were exceptionally unprepared for what happened to them. 
Honestly that must have been so incredibly traumatic for all of them, they never consented to that pregnancy. They had to give birth, a process that is incredibly painful, when they had no prior knowledge or preparation mental or physical. They didn’t have a choice whether these children came into their lives, and honestly I don’t blame them for giving up the kids - and frankly having them be adopted by a billionaire? Who clearly has enough resources to take care of this child when perhaps you yourself so not?
The question isn’t why Reginald Hargreeves got so many kids, it’s why he got so few. 
I would however be interested in maybe thinking about an au where one or more of the parents looked at the unveiling of the Umbrella Academy and looked at the seven children knowing that one of those kids was theirs and they just stopped a robbery (the one on the end is covered in blood, and some of the robbers are dead and the kids are little soldiers) and them trying to take some kind of action. Any kind of action. Because she thought her child would be safe and provided for, not… this. 
And maybe it’s not out of place in canon. Maybe it’s an attempt that doesn’t work, because Reginald has access to plenty of lawyers. And the mothers terminated their parental rights. No matter how much they try, they can’t touch those kids.
I don’t know I understand that maybe some of the kids are angry. But I think some just… don’t care. These women aren’t in their lives. They aren’t important. They didn’t ask to have these kids, they didn’t have a choice. I can see at least some of the kids being downright empathetic about that - I mean, wasn’t their whole childhood about not having a choice but to obey Reginald Hargreeves? It might not have even occurred to them until they were older that their mothers even had a choice in giving them up, because Reginald is the ultimate authority in their lives.
There are a lot of reasons to give up a baby, and I refuse to think badly of these women for doing so. Not when they had to go through that. Not with how traumatic it must have been. They did not consent to these pregnancies. They did not ask for a child. They were not prepared for a child. They didn’t spend months bonding with a child growing inside them, didn’t go out to buy little onesies and cribs and toys, they didn’t pore over books of baby names, or have a baby shower, or get congratulations from coworkers and friends and family - they didn’t ask for this. That girl from the start of the show was young. She was shy with a boy that she liked and flirting and having fun, and she wasn’t expecting to give birth on the floor in front of all those people in her life, including the boy she liked. 
So maybe they do go back in time, and there’s one of their mothers. And maybe they are angry at this stranger who didn’t want them. But they look at this young woman who gave birth to one of their numbers, and they see how young she is. See how she smiles and laughs without a care. Maybe she’s still in school. Maybe she isn’t. Maybe she’s working, working hard, she’s passionate about her career. Maybe she already has a family, maybe she has a husband or wife and maybe they already have kids or maybe they don’t. Maybe she’s helping take care of her parents who need assistance. Maybe she’s on her own in a shithole apartment and yeah it’s shitty but it’s hers and she’s out on her own and she’s independent and she worked so hard to get to this points.
My point is, they see their mothers, and they’re incredibly human. These women? They have lives. They have friends. They have family. And maybe they were angry, but they look at these women in their normal regular lives and think - how would I handle it? If I had a baby thrust upon me, right here, right now, with 0 foreknowledge and preparation, would I be able to take care of them? Would I keep them? If a billionaire swooped in and was able to make it all just - go away, wouldn’t I take him up on that?
Honestly I don’t think all of those children were bought. He probably got some of the kids for free, from mothers who weren’t willing to put a price on a baby’s head but were equally relieved to have someone to make it all go away. For this man who is obviously of means who has the funds to take care of a baby. Children are expensive, after all. That day would have been one of the most traumatic of their lives, wouldn’t you want to pretend it didn’t happen?
For this purpose i’m going to say Luther and Five aren’t twins and that there are seven individuals
So yeah, they meet their mothers. They pretend to be strangers and chat to these women. They find out that Luther’s mother is the first in her family to go to college, on a scholarship. She’s got big dreams and even bigger plans for her life. They learn that Diego’s mother is the eldest of four children and she’s very responsible, helping her parents out. She picks up her youngest sister from school and walks her home every day, she helps her siblings with their homework and cooks and cleans when her own parents are too tired to do so. They can barely make ends meet, but they’re close knit and they care about one another. A new mouth to feed on top of all of that would have been a terrible burden to bear (and Reginald’s money could put her siblings through college, she can make sure her parents don’t have to work as hard, that they can have some security, and all it costs is a baby she doesn’t even know). They learn that Allison’s mother is a leader among her peers, confident and social and outgoing. She’s climbing the ranks at work, confident and working hard to prove herself to all the people around her who say she can’t do it. She’s got her whole life ahead of her, and there’s no room in it for a baby. Not yet. Not now, when she has so much to do, so much to work towards. Maybe in the future, but not now when she has so much to lose and no one to help her.
They meet Klaus’s mother, who has clawed out a place for herself in the world with her own two hands. She has no one, she has her apartment and the two jobs she’s working and she’s going to make it no matter what just to prove everyone else wrong. They meet Five’s mother, who ran away from home when she was a kid and she’s putting herself through school going to night classes and working during the day. She runs on just as much spite as Klaus’s mother, but she has people. She’s stubborn and furious at the world, but she loves as furiously as she does anything else. She didn’t run alone, her little brother is with her. He’s in high school and she would sacrifice everything to make sure he has a future. She fought for custody of him, and she won, and she won’t do anything to jeopardize what little stability she has fought to give him.
They meet Ben’s mother, who has someone important in her life. They’re in love, but they have to keep it quiet. She loves her girlfriend, loves every stolen kiss and every moment they hold hands beneath tables. They plan to run away together, they’re saving up and they’re going to get a house together far away from everything that holds them down. They have plans. They barely have enough money scraped together for themselves, let alone a baby. A baby she knows her family won’t love, won’t want to take care of. They barely love her. They meet Vanya’s mother, who is afraid. She knows her family. They won’t love this child, born out of wedlock. She can’t make it on her own. She’s too young. She can’t support herself, let alone a child. She loves her family, she loves them, but they don’t understand her. They’ll take care of this child out of a sense of obligation perhaps, but they won’t love her. (They wouldn’t let her take care of her daughter anyway, would sweep it under the rug, maybe pretend that her daughter was her little sister. She wouldn’t get to raise her daughter, no matter what she chooses. And at least maybe this man, this rich man, wants her - and that’s important)
They meet their mothers, and learn about them, and they know Reginald. It isn’t these women’s fault, they didn’t choose this. They didn’t ask for this. And even if they did spend nine months carrying these children in their bodies, even if they were aware and prepared and knew what they were getting into, that still doesn’t mean that they were required to keep the kids. 
So maybe they are angry, when they arrive. But that anger doesn’t survive contact, because these women are just… people. They’re smart and funny and sarcastic and irritating and passionate and spiteful and they’re so very very human. They have jobs, and families, and friends, and lives. 
The Umbrella Academy arrived on a day like any other, the only remarkable thing was that their mothers weren’t pregnant when the day began. They arrived to a world that wasn’t prepared for them. To mothers who weren’t prepared for them. To mothers who had their own problems, their own reasons. 
And now the Umbrella Academy gets to learn them. 
Gets to see Luther’s mother who’s still in school, who can’t take care of a baby and complete her studies. Maybe she could have, if she was prepared. But she was taken by surprise. Gets to see Diego’s mother swing her and her sister’s hands between them as they walk back from school, hand-me-down clothes and worn out shoes. They’re living paycheck to paycheck, and babies are expensive. Gets to see Allison’s mother, a career woman, who doesn’t have time for a baby and doesn’t want a baby. She has a life, and a plan, and she knows what she wants. 
Gets to see Klaus’s mother, who has clawed out a place for herself and herself alone. She’s supporting herself, she can’t support a baby on top of that. (and it’s not the baby’s fault, but her body was supposed to be hers, and she can’t help but hate what was forced upon her - she didn’t want to have a baby, didn’t want to go through that). Gets to know Five’s mother, who loves her little brother so fiercely and is so terribly proud of him. She worries over him and hangs his report cards on the fridge and neither of them speak about the home they left behind. She puts him first. Her brother comes before a squalling infant she didn’t ask for. They’re finally getting their footing, getting in a good spot. She can’t jeopardize that. She won’t. 
Gets to see Ben’s mother, who is so in love and so ready to leave. A baby would be a chain, tying her down, making her have to stay because she can’t do it alone and she’s in love and their relationship isn’t ready for a baby. Gets to see Vanya’s mother, who is responsible and a member of the community. She swims. She flirts with a cute boy she wants to like her. She figures this baby has the best chance at life away from her, in a home that isn’t hers. She’s a nice girl, she wants to do what’s best, and she believes giving the baby up was the right thing to do.
Maybe they built their mothers up in their minds. These terrible women who would give their child to Reginald Hargreeves. But they didn’t know. They thought the babies would be cared for, why wouldn’t they? 
The moral of this experience, the result of this time travel, is that they learn about the reasons someone can have for giving up a child. They learn that these abstract women in their thoughts are real people, with real lives, who make real mistakes.
They’re not monsters. They’re not evil. They’re frightened people who don’t know what’s happening to them, what’s happened to their bodies. None of them asked for this. None of them knew what was happening. It was painful, and frightening, and it wasn’t their fault.
And the kids have to realize that.
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hamelin-born · 5 years
Umbrella Academy/FFXV Ficbit
The Umbrella Academy/FFXV ficbit that I’ve been promising myself that I’d write for. A while. As originally brainstormed into existence on the FFXV Story Discourse. Set post-season one Umbrella Academy, and pre-canon FFXV, and featuring dfab trans!Ardyn who took advantage of Bethista’s forays into researching dimensional barriers to go strolling through alternate dimensions for a lark. 
Un-beta’d and, for the most part, un-edited. 
Coming Home
“I”, the individual who is somehow, incredibly, Klaus’s birth-parent says, “Am not a kind man.”
Sir Reginald Hargreeves makes a sound. Sir Reginald is also currently pinned against the far wall by an individual force, arms and legs glued to his sides by bonds of coruscating crimson light. The be-hatted man (and really, Klaus manages to spare a half-hysterical moment to think, it is an awesome hat) doesn’t bother to acknowledge dad’s indignant, muffled protest - his eye (golden, golden as coins on a dark night, yellow as venom, sharp as envy) are fixed on Klaus to the exclusion of all else. 
“But.” He says softly, and his voice - “I will never lie to you.” 
And the noise in Klaus’s head - stills, for the briefest of moments. 
“I have frightened you. I apologize.”
(The first Klaus had known of the disturbance was the noise - the house had shuddered on its moorings, and his head had jerked upright, exchanging bewildered glances with his siblings. He didn’t remember - nothing like this had happened the first time around, not that he could recall, and by the expressions on their faces, they’d come to the same conclusion.
And then the man had appeared in the door. 
A black overcoat patterned in silver over a black vest and white undershirt, lace at his cuffs, a scarf around his neck, and that hat - and the eyes. Bright, almost inhuman gold as they skimmed across the contents of the dining hall before fixing unerringly on Sir Reginald. 
Who obviously knew him if the expression on his face was any judge. “You - “ 
Dad was half-way out of his chair when the stranger had flicked two fingers at him as if knocking a particularly irritating pest to one side, and dad had. 
Dad had. 
Dad had gone flying across the room before slamming against the wall, and Luther had yelled and Five had blinked backwards and a noise had escaped Klaus’s own throat and the man had ignored them all as he stalked forward until he and Reginald were eye to eye and then he’d opened his mouth to speak and he said
He’d said. 
“You stole my son.” And the noise in the room had vanished in an instant and something inside of Klaus had gone still as dad hadn’t denied it.
Had, in fact, displayed an admirable lack of self-awareness as he struggled to look down his nose at the stranger and insist that ‘the boy’ had potential and that he wouldn’t have manifested any of it if the stranger had been allowed to keep him, that said stranger hadn’t accepted his perfectly generous offer to recompense him for ‘the boy’, that it was really for the best, that it was for the greater good - 
“You stole my SON!” The stranger had hissed, and there was something - there was something - 
“Number Four, despite his obvious defects has potential and I will not allow you to - “ And Klaus felt himself go numb as he stared, stared, stared - 
“You kidnapped my son, and you gave him a number instead of a name.” The man drawled, a smile - no that wasn’t a smile, it was something else, it was a promise - spread across his face. “Such irony. Now, be quiet, will you.” And the glowing energy had risen and spread across dad’s mouth, had bound him hand and foot and left him pinned to the wall - 
And then the stranger had turned, and looked directly at Klaus.) 
“I carried you and bore you - and it was something of a surprise a surprise to find myself pregnant and giving birth in the course of half an hour. Not the least because I had reasonable cause to believe myself sterile. You were - something I had long since given up hope of wanting.”
“And then they placed you in my arms.” The stranger says softly, and he is looking at Klaus. Looking at him like he matters. Like Klaus is - is the only person in the room, like he’s actually taking his wants and desires and him into account.
“They put you in my arms, and I looked into your eyes, and I loved you.” There is something wistful, something half-disbelieving in his tone, and Klaus. 
Klaus believes him. 
(He’s been loved and known himself to be loved exactly once in his life. His siblings care for him, but they’re family, they’re supposed to care - but love? Only Dave ever loved him. Until now.)
“He stole you from me.” The stranger states simply. “And I have spent years trying to find you. It was not until something disturbed the fabric of time and space that I was able to cross worlds once more - back to this world, to you.”
Well, Klaus thinks dizzily, that explains why this man hadn’t shown up the first time around. 
“Are you saying that you’re an alien?” It’s Five - the oldest and the quickest of them all who asks the question, voice sharp and probing - but not flagrantly disbelieving, so it. It. Might actually be real?
“Certainly not.” The man sniffs, not looking away from Klaus. “I’m simply from a different dimension, and happened to be taking a stroll on this planet when I found myself unexpectedly pregnant. I was summarily - and involuntarily - summoned back to my birth dimension shortly after this piece of filth stole my son from me, and I have spent - a considerable amount of time and resources finding my way here once more.”
“Would you like to come back with me?”
And Klaus. Klaus is.
“I see dead people.” Klaus blurts out. 
“So have several individuals in my extended family.” The stranger responds, not batting an eye. 
“I’m an addict.”
“As am I, although I haven’t touched a drop of alcohol in quite some time. I find that my tastes have mellowed as I age - I much prefer verbal repartee these days to losing myself in the comforting embrace of mild-altering substances.” 
“I - “ Klaus stares. No one’s ever, ever - “What. What’s your name?”
The expression on the stranger’s face cracks ever so slightly. “Ardyn Lucis Caelum. And, may I ask - what is yours?”
“Klaus.” Klaus licks his lips. 
“And how old are you, Klaus?”
“Thirteen.” The response is automatic. The stranger sighs. 
“You are not.” Ardyn responds, voice brooking no opposition. “Please, don’t do me the discourtesy of lying to my face. I am - something of an expert in these things. Your age?”
“…thirty.” Klaus whispers.
The stranger - Ardyn - nods. 
Nothing in his body language or expression changes. 
He still looks at Klaus with tightly controlled longing. There is still an open softness in his gaze as he stares at him, as if attempting to memorize his face, his words, his bearing. 
He still. 
Wants Klaus.
“Would you like to come home with me?” Ardyn repeats himself softly, still holding himself rigidly in place. “I would care for you, to the extent that you allow me. I warn you, I am - not kind. I have done terrible, terrible things. But I love you, and I would try. I want very much to try. I will never lie to you. I will never hurt you. I will never cage you. I will never, and I swear this, I will never cast you aside.”
“I - “ Klaus licks his lips. He doesn’t. This is. He hasn’t - “I’m a fucking druggie in the body of a kid. I’m rude and disrespectful, and why would you want me?”
“Because I love you, and because I want to be family. If you would permit it.” And there Ardyn goes again, giving him the choice. 
“Why?” Klaus bursts out, glaring up at him. “It can’t be that fucking simple - people don’t have to love people just because they’re family - “
“I choose to love you.” Ardyn interrupts, eyes bright and head held high. “I choose to love you, and I choose to want you.”
“I.” The seance stares. “How do I. What guarantee do I have that.” That you won’t change your mind. That you’ll still want me, even after you know what I’m like. That this is real. 
A thin, almost bitter smile crosses Ardyn’s lips. “Some time ago,” the man says softly. “My brother attempted to kill me. My birth-and-blood brother killed my fiancee in front of me, and then ran be through with an exceptionally large sword. I hate him more than you are capable of imagining.” He sighs. “And yet I love him still.” Ardyn’s voice is tired. 
And Klaus. Klaus gets that. 
“I will not stop loving you, Klaus.” Ardyn tells him softly. 
And Klaus. 
He shouldn’t. This is too good to be true. What about the timeline? But. 
“My brothers and sisters?” Klaus manages. He wants. He wants to. 
“Do you care for them?” Ardyn asks him bluntly.
Klaus glances around. At Allison, staring at him. At Luthor’s dumbstruck expression. Five’s calculation, Diego’s fierce smirk, Ben’s mouthing ‘go for it’ at him, Vanya’s teary grin - “Y-ees.” He responds slowly. 
Because what can you depend on in this world, if not family?
“Then they are my sons and daughters as well, and I love them.” Ardyn responds simply, and just like that Klaus can tell that he means it. For the first time since this conversation begins, his gaze lifts from Klaus’s face and turns to the other members of the Umbrella Academy. “Would you like to come with me?” He asks them, plainly and bluntly. “I can promise to care for you until my dying day, and provide for your needs - physical and otherwise - as I am a man of some property in my own right.”
Klaus barely hears the conversation that follows. Five arguing that this is their best bet to change the timeline, an unexpected variable that they would be fools to dismiss, Ben’s simple declaring that if Klaus is going, he is going, Diego’s fierce seconding of Ben’s opinion, the hope in Vanya’s voice as she cautiously agrees, staring at Ardyn as if she has never expected anyone like him could exist, Allison exchanging a glance with Luthor before both of them nod slowly and. 
And Ardyn holds out his arms, and Klaus. 
Klaus steps forward, and lets himself fall into his father’s open embrace. 
“Yes.” He lets himself whimper, whisper, hope. “Yes.”
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onceuponanaromantic · 5 years
And they say dreaming is free (but I wouldn’t care what it cost me)
Summary: The Seance, the Horror and the Boy walk into a movie theatre.
Sounds like the start of a joke.
Set after they've fixed everything
Read here on AO3
 “You know what we never do? Bonding activities!” Klaus says, dangling halfway off the couch, fluffy hair nearly brushing the floor. Ben pats him absentmindedly, and attempts to rearrange himself and his book.
           “That’s because we have no reference for normal family activities, Klaus.” Ben rests the back of his book on Klaus’ leg. If Klaus is going to sprawl his legs over his lap, Ben damn well has the right to use Klaus’ leg as a bookrest. Klaus doesn’t seem to mind either way.
           “Do you think we should go for therapy?” Klaus muses. Five is flickering around somewhere behind them, but doesn’t seem to be paying them any attention.  Ben really wonders whether anyone would think badly if they saw an apparently thirteen-year-old drinking margaritas. Probably. Then again, Klaus was wearing a huge bright purple feather boa and tight lace up pants and people thought badly of him already. And Diego wore a black turtleneck and carried knives around.
           “We could spend Dearest Daddy’s money on it. But we’ll traumatise the therapist so there’s that. Wooh! Don’t you love being trained to kill from a young age  when you can see the dead people you just killed ?”
           Klaus had a harsh laugh at the end, and Ben strokes his leg soothingly. Ben still had nightmares about the monsters piercing through soft flesh and blood. He couldn’t imagine dealing with them in the day as well.
           They were going to do better. Ben was alive and everything… well it might not be okay but they were working towards it.
           “So bonding activities huh? When I was in rehab, there was this man who wouldn’t stop going on about how his girlfriend brought him to the movies and poisoned him there. His ex? I mean she did kill him. Does he count as a widow? Widower? But he’s not the one left behind; he’s the one who died…”
           Klaus was swaying back and forth rhythmically. Ben casually lifts the edges of his skirt and feather boa onto his lap so they didn’t brush the floor too much. Klaus would be sad if they got caught on something and tore. He was fond of that feather boa.
           “There’s a new horror movie coming out. Something about a haunted house?” Ben suggests, leaning back against the sofa to brace himself. Klaus swings himself upright, humming in curiosity, bright yellow tank top, a stark contrast against the dark couch.
           “Can’t be worse than our lives.” He snorts.
           “Five, you want to come?” Ben calls out as an irritated Five smacks the coffee pot behind them. Five teleports in front of the sofa to grab a pen from the table, and then back again.
           “If that’s what it takes for me to get some goddamn decent fucking coffee, yeah.”
           Klaus spreads his hands, beaming at Five and attempting to hug him. Five’s disdain is being broadcast so loudly as he teleports away that Ben’s surprised the whole neighbourhood can’t hear it.
           Ben shoves Klaus’ legs off him and Klaus rolls off, standing up to grab his wallet.
           What a relief. Klaus using money on movie tickets instead of drugs. Klaus as an  artist  earning an actual salary through actual, serious legal means. Ben will never stop being amazed at the changes wrought by  actually taking care of each other.
           By the time Ben, Klaus and Five get Five’s coffee, popcorn and the movie tickets in that order, the movie is about to start. The theatre darkens and the smell of stale popcorn is seeping from the theatre seats. Ben sits down gingerly as Five just straight teleports to his seat.
           Ben briefly wonders what the people around them think of them. Klaus has commented that the all black look does look good on him, and despite Allison’s cajoling that he’s no longer dead, he can get a brighter wardrobe, Ben  likes  his hoodie. Meanwhile, Klaus himself is still dressed in bright purple and yellow with a leather skirt which Ben swears belonged to Allison at some point. Five’s still dressed in a blazer and looks thirteen.
           “Guys, look, it’s the Academy.” Klaus whispers at Ben, as the movie starts to play. Ben snorts. The haunted house does look like their home. If slightly less posh. And slightly more fake.  
           The first jumpscare happens and there’s shrieking in the theatre and people hiding their eyes. Meanwhile, Five just looks unimpressed.
           “Oh come on, there’s more blood than that if your throat gets torn out!”
           “That’ss not even what people whose throats have actually been torn out look like.”
           Ben begins to wonder if bringing Five ‘Time Travelling Assassin’ Hargreeves and Klaus ‘I See Dead People’ Hargreeves to a horror movie was such a great idea.
           “That’s not what a person getting stabbed sounds like!”
           …yeah, maybe it wasn’t.
           The comments continue throughout the film as Klaus and Five mock the special effects and gratuitous gore. There’s a part where the protagonist and his friends are supposed to be running through a graveyard with malicious ghosts appearing that makes Klaus outright laugh.
           “Please, the ghost hasn’t even started throwing its decapitated head at you. That blood spatter doesn’t even look realistic. That’s not what someone getting speared through the stomach looks like! They’re not even yelling your name yet, just ignore the groaning!”
           Ben has to laugh at that last comment because, yeah seriously, he would know. That’s what tips Ben over the edge and makes him start joining into Klaus and Five’s running commentary on all the inaccuracies of the film. Klaus’s feather boa smacks into his arm as Ben leans over to comment on the piano playing of an alleged ghost and Klaus makes a gesture at the screen.
           Soon, the movie ends and the trailers play. They’re still complaining about the movie when it ends. Klaus swings his jacket onto his shoulders, tossing the end of his boa that had come undone over a shoulder carelessly as he sputters about the depiction of are those supposed to be scary ghosts? Is that supposed to be a graveyard? Five’s blazer is on his arm as he nearly smacks into a very scared passerby with his coffee cup as he responds to Klaus with angrily comments on ‘ghosts shooting’ scene.
           The people around them are giving them a very wide berth and Ben’s hands are tucked in his hoodie as he watches a lady who he was pretty sure was sitting two rows in front of them cross the street to avoid Klaus and Five.
           Overall, Ben would rule this outing a success. Family bonding for the win.
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secretblog1212 · 5 years
Phantom Tickles
Klaus and Ben are pranksters and poor Five is their victim. He will never catch a break with all his siblings around. Tickles ensue.
Ben was bored, he had told his all seeing brother this at least five times in the past half hour. Klaus, however, was interested in his newest hobby, coloring. The two brothers had been filling page after page in the childish coloring books Diego and Vanya had picked out at the store earlier that week, and being honest, the ghosts hand was painfully cramping up. How Klaus remained unaffected was a mystery to him.
“Can’t we switch to something else for a little bit?” Ben all but begged. His counterpart shrugged his shoulders and gave a heavy sigh.
“You got any better ideas Benny Boy? No? Then shut your trap and grab some colors, I want to try to finish this Adventure Time book before dinner.”
Ben did not grab any of the many crayons that were spilt across the floor. Instead he thought in silence for a few minutes while Klaus continued his activities and grew to have a devious smile across his face.
“I know something we could do… At least, if you’re up to cause some havoc?”
“Havoc?” Klaus repeated. His full attention suddenly torn away from Princess Bubblegum.
“I do believe that was my word of choice. A disturbance or inconvenience to our dear siblings.”
Klaus was caught, hook line and sinker. “And what per say would cause such an unfortunate situation?”
Thus the two brothers devised their master plan for destruction to be enacted after dinner, during family bonding time, a recommendation of Vanya and Allison.
Which leads us into the situation currently at hand, baffling five of the seven Hargreeves children.
After a lovely dinner of chicken, peas, and potatoes the seven adults, one of who was a teenager still much to his displeasure, sat around the television with some random horror movie playing. The first hour was peaceful. All the siblings were squeezed onto two separate couches, Vanya, who was covering her eyes, Allison who held the former whenever she got scared and Luther, who watched them both at ever flinch, on one.
Five, Diego and Klaus stretched across the other. Diego was watching intently, fully entranced by the overused plot. Five on the other hand seemed the opposite and drifted in and out of a nap, completely oblivious to the ‘devilish nonsense’ about to take place in their own living room. Klaus, while would normally of at least attempted to stay still, was buzzing with anticipation.
The seventh sibling paced behind each sibling, carefully choosing his target. His decision finalized when Five was startled awake as poor little Katie found a knife plunging into her abdomen. He rubbed at his eyes before stretching as far as his little legs could.
Number six walked behind his newly returned brother, excitement flashing between his and Klaus eyes.
And the mischief began.
First it was just soft blowing on the teens neck and ears, this sadly only received a shuffle, not the reaction either brother was looking for.
Next Ben moved in front of Fives view of the TV, not that anyone could tell of course.
The first sign Five noticed that something might be happening were the small, quick pokes on his left side. He lasted a few minutes with minimal shifting but jumped closer to Klaus after an extra tingly jab in his left side. Ben was ecstatic, their plan was working.
After a few more well placed pokes Five stiffened and bit his lip, whispering softly to an innocent Diego. “Knock it off. I don’t know why you’re doing that, but I don’t want to be part of whatever game you’re playing.”
Diego severed eye contact with the screen in favor of raising an eyebrow to his smallest sibling. “I have no idea what you mean by that but be quiet, it’s just getting to the good bit.”
Five huffed and pulled his legs against his chest in protest, moving slightly closer to Klaus.
At this point Ben was collapsed on the floor laughing and Klaus was barely containing himself. Once Ben regained control he decided he couldn’t wait any longer, without warning he used both of his hands to dig into to poor little Fives sides.
Said Five jumped to the side, propelling himself into Klaus with some repressed noise between a squeal and a cackle before curling into a ball of giggles.This gained all eyes focusing in on the boy.
There was nothing he could push away, no physical hands he could see or touch, Ben had him fully at his mercy.
Ben switched places, a hand moving up to flutter on the side of his neck. The new spot must've knocked something loose in Fives mind because he all but doubled in laughter and finally found his words, or at least what could be an attempt at communication.
“Whahahahat is thihihis? Stohop, sTAhhahap ihit!”
This must of prompted the siblings into action, although not productive to helping him. Vanya was the first to come to her senses. “Umm.” She stumbled, “What’s going on Five? I don’t really understand.”Five only continued to laugh hysterically, oblivious to the words being fired at him.
Klaus was not so lucky.
“Awe, I forgot he was this cute Klaus. “ Ben cooed “His face is so red, and look! His nose is all scrunched up like a bunny. Lil bunny Five.”
Klaus felt his own face begin to heat up knowing he was the only one who could hear their dead brothers taunts.
Between Ben and Diego, Klaus didn’t know how Five hadn’t exploded, he was just about ready to and they weren’t even talking to him!
“Oh Five, I didn’t know you were still ticklish. I am so using this against you.”
“Lil baby bunny. Jeez, you’re just as ticklish as when we were kids Five.”
“Did you hear that? What even was that! A scream or squeal?”
“Oh my god, that voice crack was beautiful, can you do that again?”
“You’re so red!”
Even though the boy in question could only hear half of these taunts it was enough to get him flustered past his limits.
“ShuhuhHUT UHu-uhuhp! Mahahke it stohop!” He practically begged.
Luther still seemed to be confused, looking around for the cause, while the others had just accepted the situation as non dangerous for now. Diego even found himself pulling one of Fives legs from his chest and placing deadly, rapid fire squeezes all the way from his ankle up to the conjunction of his hip and leg.
Five nearly fell off the couch at that, screaming even more threats than before. It was truly a beautiful scene.
“Ihihi wihihill kill yohuhu! Diehegoho, nahahah!”
The girls chuckled at the playful brotherly display, it was rare to see such a wholesome scene within their family. No one really wanted it to end but as Fives giggles and pleas turned silent the tag team brothers slowed their fingers and hands to a stop.
The movie watching resumed without a second thought and Five slumped on his side, still giggling when the credits finished rolling. Before anyone could leave he stopped them all, “Who did it? I don’t understand. No one was touching me in the beginning till Diego decided to join in, which watch your back because revenge is a bitch, but it doesn’t make any sense.”
Klaus smirked at his newly younger sibling, “Guess it is a mystery. What do you think we should headline it?” It only took him a second to start throwing ideas out in the open. “Tickle Monster Loose in the Umbrella Academy? Time Traveler Left Giggling From Terrifying Tickle Attack?”
Five remained unamused and in a flash was gone, hiding in his room to get rid of the pink blush that had taken residency over his face.
Ben smirked from his spot beside Diego, “Don’t think I didn't see how you were blushing Klaus, maybe you need a taste of the tickle monster too.”
Klaus felt himself go stiff.
“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I am beat Nighty night my dearest siblings!” He yelled while bolting up the stairs, the only one able to see the ghost of little Number Six hot on his heels.
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softkim2 · 6 years
Is This Genuine?
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↳ story header made by yours truly. I do not own the rights to the image used.
» Pairing(s): Number Five & Teen!Vanya Hargreeves | Teen!Luther Hargreeves & Teen!Allison Hargreeves
» Genre(s): Angst, Romance, & Humor
» Warning(s) / Ratings: Swearing / PG-13
» Words: 2.9K
» Summary: ❝This was something special. Something real. And yet, he couldn’t quite wrap his heart and mind around what exactly it was.❞ In which a teenage boy is confused by his feelings towards his sister but knows that his feelings are indeed genuine. Question is...should it be considered right or wrong? All he's right about is that he needs Vanya in his life.
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A common yet repetitive word that plagued his mind. Especially…when she played that damn violin. The haunting yet beautiful melodies that came out of that instrument whenever she put her utmost focus into playing. How her brows became knitted together as her eyes slowly flutter shut. She gradually became lost into the song, and that’s what made Five either completely in awe or incredibly confused.
He couldn’t quite understand it. Why his heart would race just a little whenever his sister, Vanya, shyly smiled at him. How he’d get lost just hearing her ramble on anything and everything that happened throughout her day while he – unfortunately – had to train. How a faint smile graced his face whenever he heard her call out his name.
Just the little things like that made his day worth it. With her mere presence alone, he’d forget the shitty things that their oh so loving father, Reginald, had said to him. From being told that his time jumping had grown sloppy to him just not being focus. Which, of course, secretly terrified him if Reginald were to find out that Vanya was the reason behind his sudden lapse in attention. Vanya’s already branded as “ordinary” in the eyes of their father and their siblings. They simply saw her as this nuisance that would get in the way of their training.
She’s not special…
Yet to him…
She was…
Currently tapping his pen against his cheek, as the lingering violin melody echoed throughout the mansion, Five muttered profanity after profanity. He had grown desperate to solve this equation to satisfy his hunger for time-traveling. He’s already bored with the small jumps between space. Now, he wanted to practice the more difficult techniques. While, his siblings only had one special talent, he had many that awaited to be explored.
But of course…his annoying father lectured him time and time again that he’s not ready.
“Not ready…my ass…” He silently growled.
“Not ready for what?” He heard a voice, causing him to jump a little. All of his anger evaporated within seconds the moment his mind registered the voice.
With a heavy sigh, Five gently placed his pen down, next to his notepad, and turned his head towards his doorway. One of his brows perk up as if he mentally asked, “what do you want, Vanya?”
Fully aware of what that small gesture meant, Vanya, graced with a soft and sincere smile, stepped foot inside his room. She glided her way over to his bed and took a seat on the edge.
“Are you still working on the homework from last week?” She asked, placing her hands on her lap.
Five scoffed yet had an amused smirk painted on his lips.
“You wound me, dear sister.” He teased, swiveling his chair so he could face her. “You, out of all people, should know that I tend to finish my work in less than a week,” His eyes flickered towards his doorway just as Klaus and Ben walked by, “Unlike some people…” He trailed on, directing his insult at Klaus more than Ben.
Vanya nodded, still maintaining her sweet smile. A smile that Five could stare at for all eternity.
“Well, you gotta give him some credit, Five. At least, he’s trying to attempt dad’s homework,” Her eyes trailed down as her sweet smile was replaced with a somber one, “Unlike with me…he doesn’t even bother giving me a chance…” Vanya finished; her voice almost a whisper.
Hearing the defeated tone in her tone honestly broke him. Five wished he could do something to ease her suffering, but his only planned relied on Vanya having some sort of ability—any ability. But alas…she exhibited no such thing. Her only talent was her violin playing, and to be quite frank, he’s honestly glad that that’s her only ability. The thing that made her special. She’d be out of the action. Away from harm. He’d honestly lose his shit if something were to happen to her. It’d taken all of his self-control to not punch either Luther or Diego for their cruel words but at the end of the day, he’d simply ignore it and just be there for his sister. He’d lend an ear and offer words of comfort which – of course – would bring a genuine smile upon her face.
A smile that could make anyone smile themselves. Well—except their coldhearted father.
Seriously…something was off about him yet Five couldn’t care less. All he cared about was perfecting time-travel, then he and Vanya would get the hell out the hell hole they had called home. Where would they go? That’s the million dollar question, but it didn’t matter as long as Vanya was by his side. One of his trusted companion. The other was his brother Ben, but it didn’t feel right to bring him along. No. There had to be something more than just the trust between him and Vanya. Something that he couldn’t feel towards Allison, other than a strong family bond. This was something special. Something real. And yet, he couldn’t quite wrap his heart and mind around what exactly it was.
This strong feeling he bore towards his violin playing sister was truly scary…confusing...but real. It made him happy, and that’s all he cared about.
Letting out a long sigh, deciding that Vanya had mulled over their father’s “kind” words long enough, Five stood up from his chair and walked over to her. He took a seat next to her and gently placed his hand on top of hers, preventing her from fisting the fabric of her plaid skirt.
Vanya tensed slightly; her eyes remained glued on his hand. She became confused as to why he’s comforting like this. Before, it was merely just words. Words of reassurance. Words of playfulness. Just words. Never once it became physical comfort.
But it was nice…
Feeling the warmth transfer from his hand and on to hers caused this odd sensation to enter her body. Eventually, it pooled within her cheeks as this pinkish hue slowly appeared. Then, a shy smile followed after.
Out of the corner of his eyes, Five noticed the blush that crept onto her precious cheeks. He couldn’t help but smile as he felt pleased with the fact that he’s the cause of that reaction. Now, he hoped that he’d be the sole reason for that blush and that bashful smile.
She’d be the death of him.
He could sense it…
Softly caressing the back of her hand with his thumb, Five said everything and anything to get her to forget about the cruelty that she endeared from their family members. Little by little, as her smile grew, the sadness that plagued her soul began to fade away. What tipped her over the edge was when Five asked,
“Would you mind playing your violin for me whenever I read a book or do some equation work for my time-traveling in the future?”
Vanya’s lit up like the night sky on the Fourth of July. Her heart practically soared. Never once had her siblings expressed any interest in her musical abilities and yet here’s Five requesting that she’d play for him.
Without a second thought, she flung herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck, as she thanked him repeatedly.
A bright smile slowly appeared on his face as Five wrapped his arms around her waist. Though, it was awkward given their current position, but he pushed back those thoughts as he wanted to enjoy their little moment. How her body felt against his. How her warm cheek pressed against his.
He prayed that their hug could last forever…
“Five? Vanya? What are you guys doing?” They heard someone ask, causing them to jump back and creating a bit of space between them. Their faces were alert and their bodies tensed.
Five glanced over his shoulder and saw both Luther and Allison standing outside. Looks of confusion graced their faces as the same thought popped into their minds,
“Is there something going on between them?”
His jaw tightened as Five stood up; frustration flashed in his eyes. He walked up to them with one hand on his bedroom door ready to slam it on their faces. His brow perked up as he gave them a look.
“May I help you?” He asked, already impatient with them. Scratch that. Already angry with them as they interrupted a tender moment between him and Vanya.
Allison’s eyes flickered from him to Vanya, who looked embarrassment or appeared to be as her hair acted as a curtain around her face. Then, a soft scoffed escaped her lips as she was quick to catch on to the situation. It a predicament that she had experienced with Luther many times and would continue to do so.
Before finally answering Five, aware of his quick-temper, Allison cleared her throat.
“Sorry. Um. We were just wondering why Vanya was in your room. You almost never allow anyone to hang around as it disrupts your focus,” The girl – with the power to manipulate people – peeked over his shoulder quickly before returning her gaze on her brother, “And…Luther and I just wanted to see what’s going on.” She finished, smiling warmly at Five.
Five snorted, “Well, obviously, it’s not any of your business and—” However before he could finish his sentence, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to the side and noticed Vanya standing next to him. Then, she quickly brushed by him, wanting to get out of the room as soon as possible.
“I’m sorry. They’re right. I shouldn’t have interrupted your focus,” She quickly flashed him a smile, “I’ll come find you when you’re less busy.” She said before maneuvering around Allison and Luther and disappearing back to her room.
Five gawked, berating himself for not stopping her. He should’ve been a tad faster at dismissing Luther and Allison. If he was, then he’d be hugging Vanya right now and simply enjoying her company. Just her mere presence alone was enough for him to remain calm and tackle his never ending problematic time-travel equation.
He’s alone…
He’s annoyed…
But most importantly…
He’s sorry…
With a heavy sigh, he removed himself from his bedroom door and sulked back to his desk. Luther and Allison quietly trailed after him, after deciding that they should offer him a bit of advice. Whether it’d bite them in the ass or not had yet to be seen.
“Five…” Allison began as she leaned against his desk but made sure to keep some distance. “What’s going on between you and Vanya?” She asked as Luther stood close to her. Just like a bodyguard.
Five looked up; his face practically emotionless.
“Why do you care?”
“Oh, cut the bullshit, Five. We’re alone and daddy dearest isn’t doing his hallway patrols for another few hours so tell us what’s on your mind?”
“I don’t have to tell you anything, especially when it comes to Vanya because the last time I checked, you guys didn’t give two shits about her, so why start now?”
Allison winced at his harsh tone. Luther tensed just a bit. They deserved Five’s cold attitude because he’s right. They’re not the best siblings towards Vanya. Ever since they learned about her just being “plain”, they treated her like a pest. Like she’s nothing. In their books, if a person had abilities, then he or she deserved the right to be in their presence. If you’re unlucky…then…well…
Fueled with desire to understand what occurred between Five and Vanya, Allison decided to change her tactic. At the end of the day, she just wanted the two of them to understand the risk they’d be taking. Sometimes it did get tiring to sneak around. All that pent-up paranoia? It wasn’t fun.
“We do care about Vanya and you. We care about you guys so much that we just want to know that if you do have feelings for each other, then you understand the risks you’ll be taking in order to spend just a few moments together.” Allison explained softly, observing Five’s body language. She particularly noted how relaxed he got when she mentioned the fact that he may or may not have a crush on their resident violinist.
Five’s lips thinned. His mind plagued with different questions and thoughts. Did he have feelings for Vanya? Was that the reason behind his odd sensations and unexplainable happiness whenever she was around?
But…he couldn’t have a crush on his sister…
Could he? While – yes – they were adopted under Reginald Hargreeves, Five didn’t see him and his brothers and sisters as siblings. They were more like brothers and sisters in arms, training to fight and terminate every single threat known to man.
He felt that it would be wrong to pursue a romantic relationship with Vanya because they’re labeled as “brother” and “sister”. He shuddered whenever he saw how close Allison and Luther were in her bedroom. He grimaced at the thought of them kissing whenever he caught glimpses of their faces so close together that their noses bumped into each other.
Why didn’t that matter to him when she hugged him? Why didn’t that seem to bother him when he placed his hand on top of hers?
It’s quite simple actually. He already developed a crush on Vanya since the first time she actually sat down and listened to his worries. His complaints. She was there for him when no one else was. She comforted and relieved his stress with tiny actions like making him a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches. Things like that that made him want to come faster while he’s out on missions.
She was what made his home feel like a home.
He felt that warmth that every home radiates…
Without saying a word, Five stood from his chair, again. Then, he turned towards Luther and Allison and asked,
“When did you guys realize that you guys liked each other?”
“When did you guys know that you had an infatuation towards the other person?”
Allison and Luther glanced at each other, unsure how to answer that. They just knew deep within their hearts.
And luckily…
Their faces said it all.
Five pursed his lips, slowly nodding. His heart raced against his chest. His palms became clammy.
One of the joys of being an adolescent boy. The idea of confessing to the opposite gender terrified him. But the idea of living in regret and stuck in the whole, “should’ve”, “could’ve”, and “would’ve” frightened him even more.
“Thanks guys.” He said simply, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his shorts.
“Are you going to tell her?” Allison asked while Luther simply nodded, acknowledging Five’s thank you.
Five hummed in response but just as he opened his mouth to say something, the house’s alarms went off.
A fucking mission.
Five hung his head low, groaning loudly.
“Well…not anymore… damn you dad…” He cursed before rushing towards his drawer while Allison and Luther each ran to their respective rooms.
Five roughly pulled out one of the drawers, that contained his hero outfit and domino mask. He then quickly grabbed them both and swiftly changed, not caring if his door had been wide open as he did so. He zipped up his suit and then did one glance over at his reflection.
“Just wait for me Vanya…I have something important to tell you…” He thought before he put on his domino mask, protecting his identity.
With a determined smirk, he dashed out of his room, initiating his spatial jumping here and there, and just as he passed Vanya’s room, he heard a haunting melody.
He paused in his steps and poked his head through her door.
“Phantom of the Opera?” He questioned, though, he had to cut the chit-chat soon before his father lectured both him and Vanya.
Vanya smiled sweetly, “Yeah. How did you know?” She asked, pausing her playing.
Five shrugged, “It sounded familiar, so I took a wild guess.”
Vanya nodded, chuckling softly.
“Well…you guessed correctly…” She trailed on, noticing Klaus, Diego, and Ben dash through, “Shouldn’t you also be making your way up there?” She questioned, raising her brow.
Now, it was Five’s turn to chuckle softly. He found it both adorable and humorous that she’s worried about him being late to the rendezvous point.
Without a second thought, he space jumped towards her, catching her off guard. 
“Did you forget what my power is?” He asked with an amused smirk.
Vanya, unbothered by how close he was, shook her head.
“No, but you forgot how tardiness irritates our father.”
“Well, all the more reason to be late.”
His statement caused the two of them to laugh softly. Once the laughter subsided, only warm smiles remained. The two of them looked into each other eyes as if they wanted to memorize the other person’s faces just in case something horrific happens.
After what seemed like forever, Five cleared his throat.
“I guess father waited long enough,” He took a step back, “I’ll see you later?”
Vanya nodded which resulted in Five almost smiling from ear-to-ear.
“Good because I have something important to tell you.”
Five playfully winked at her, “Yup, but it’s a secret until then.”
“Fine but be careful out there. Okay?”      
“I’ll always be careful as long as I have you waiting for me when I get back.”
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A/N: Okay...I blame Aidan Gallagher for telling the fans about the fact that Five and/or Vanya used to have crushes on each other. I always thought it was a bit weird yet cute that Five (in the show) never once showed his harshness towards her. He actually softens up around her. Shoot, he even tells her how unsafe her apartment is because rapist can climb through her windows. Like? Yes, my cute little OTP (well not adult Vanya & Five, but when they are both teens). Now, I'm fully aware of the discourse between whether the Hargreeves are considered to be engaging in incestuous relationships or not (I especially acknowledge the arguments coming from people who are indeed from adopted families). I also know that the fandom will always be divided because of it so please do not send any hate comments on this story. If it is not your cup of tea, then do not read it. Simple as that. Anyway, I hope you guys like this! This is my first time writing fanfiction outside the KPOP community!
Don’t forget to leave a kudos/comment on your thoughts! I love hearing them! :)
- Kim
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christinesficrecs · 6 years
What are your favorite fics where Derek and Stiles are mates?
Hey :) 
This is the short list. Or maybe the short, short list. So many mate fics!! 
Electricity In the Contact by ladyblahblah | 27K
In which Derek has been invited to the Greater Pacific Northwest Alpha Symposium (that’s not what it’s called, Stiles, stop saying that), and showing up unattached would mean an arranged marriage. When the rest of the pack objects, he agrees to let Stiles come along to pose as his mate. Derek is reasonably sure that he’s not going to make it out of this weekend alive.
Scrubbing Bubbles by MargaretKire | 46K
Stiles thought it would be easy doing janitorial work for an office. At first, it really was. The job only took a few hours in the evenings and it helped pay for rent and college. Sure, Hale Industries took up an entire floor in one of the downtown financial buildings, but the place was new and easy to care for. He didn’t even have to spend much time cleaning the huge corner office, because the trash was nearly always empty and the office itself was spotless, like no one used it.
It was basically the perfect college job. At least, until the boss started staying late.
I don’t know why, but I guess it has something to do with you by LunaCanisLupus_22 | 17.8K
The one where Stiles goes thrift shopping and steals an alpha’s shirt. And gets a lot more than he bargains for.
there’s a ritual for that by Spikedluv | 34.6K
Six months after Derek and Cora leave Beacon Hills, Stiles gets a text from Cora – they’re in trouble and need help. Turns out that Derek is being wooed by a neighboring pack. The Alpha remembers his mother fondly and would love to have a Hale in her pack. Especially if that means she might breed in the ability to change into a full wolf. And she’s not taking ‘no’ for an answer, even when Derek lies and tells her that he already has a mate.
Except Derek didn’t lie. When Stiles shows up to help with the emergency, he inadvertently discovers that he is Derek’s mate. Stiles tries not to think about it (he knows that the mate bond isn’t written in stone, just look at Scott and Allison) as he (and Lydia, and Deaton) research mates and the challenges to the mate bond (because, of course there’s a ritual for that) and try to keep the Alpha of the Palmer pack from discovering Stiles’ connection to Derek.
Throw in the monkey wrench of Peter showing up, and Stiles starting to have feelings, and Derek sometimes looking at him like … Stiles doesn’t know, but he doesn’t hate it, and things begin to get a little bit complicated.
So Shed Your Skin and Lets Get Started by halfhardtorock | 21.8K
He’s sixteen and in the woods on the wrong side of the town-line and he’s so fucking fucked.
He knows he’s not supposed to run, they teach that to you in preschool (don’t run from a Were, back away slowly and walk with care), but they never told you how it would feel, standing alone in the dark with your heart beating in your throat as those glowing eyes tracked you from the shadows.
The Chase by saltandbyrne | 10.4K
Derek’s fourth Chase will be his last if he doesn’t catch an omega this time. He’s starting to doubt this whole soul-mate thing anyway, at least until someone from his past shows up and gives him the run of his life.
Nothing Short Of Perfect by GotTheSilver | 27K
In which Derek and Stiles are made aware of their potential and have to make a choice about what their relationship will be.
“Let me get this straight,” his dad says. “You’re telling me a witch told Derek and yourself that you could be destined to be together and now Derek will be going to college with you?”
Stiles shrugs, resting his hands on his legs to stop himself from fidgeting. “That’s about it, yep.”
Safe Place to Land by Green | 19.3K
The Hales have been tracking a group of hunters who’ve targeted small packs with the help of a magic user. When they finally attack the hunter compound, they aren’t expecting to find Stiles, a Spark who’s practically a slave, and his young werewolf son. Derek isn’t expecting the Spark to be his mate, either.
The One With The Mail-Order Brides and A/B/O Dynamics by Stoney | 16.1K
Wolves aren’t meant to be alone. Laura tells Derek this repeatedly. Which… is why Derek knows he’s losing his mind, as Laura has been dead for more than six years. Wolves aren’t meant to be alone.
And so he sends away for a companion. JUST for a companion, not for a mate. The universe, however, has a different plan in store for him.
we are drifting on a vast dark sea by grimm | 18.8K
A threat to the pack forces Stiles and Derek into pretending to be mates, and it’s all fun and games until the line between pretend and reality blurs.
Lap Magnet by Prairie_Grass | 30.7K
Five times Derek and Stiles didn’t notice how close they were (literally) and then a whole bunch of times when they did…
One Dollar Yoda by exclamation | 10.7K
Stiles is an unbonded spark, so he’s been dealing with courting alphas since he was ten. It’s gotten a lot worse since he turned sixteen. Some are assholes, some are nice, but Stiles hasn’t wanted to spend the rest of his life bound to any of them.
When Derek Hale shows up at his school, Stiles expects him to be just another asshole alpha attempting to buy him with expensive gifts. But Derek Hale puts no effort whatsoever into his courtship gifts. Stiles ought to be offended but instead he finds it refreshing.
With or Without You by KouriArashi | 62.5K
Derek thinks that the mating rituals are overly romanticized bullshit, but claiming a mate and defending them from challengers is something werewolves do, and his pack can’t afford to appear weak after the fire. Especially not when Deucalion and his friends are in town for the rituals. Enter Stiles Stilinski, who offers to let Derek claim him so he won’t be overrun at the ceremonies. Nothing goes as expected.
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iammultifandomaf · 4 years
Chapter 24 - Fragile
Credence didn't remember a time when Stolos was so docile around somebody. Even though, he knew a few people he cared about.
Yes, even despite Stolos' and Michendros' hobby to be reborn from time to time in a random family. Sometimes, he was jealous of it. He couldn't do it. He was a vampire.
But no, never was he so tamed by a person like this by redhead. Or was it the humanity getting to him?
Could be.
It was already dark outside when they reached a door where Stiles knew the code to get in.
Stubbornly, he limped to the building himself, enduring the pain. Tsk, I could have helped him, Credence thought.
To Credence's surprise, none of the girls tried to escape.
It wouldn't be an idiotic attempt. Some people are around. They may have a chance.
But from the looks of it, this girl of Stolos' was still a bit angry at her friend as well. He could smell it of off her. And all the quick changes in expression when she looked at the brunette. It was there, alright.
They all walked in silence.
Credence was still in shock to see Stolos in this state. A disgraceful sight. He had never seen him weakened like this. So fragile. Everything he thought before, Stolos abandoning him, the disappointment he felt, the sadness. All of it gone. All of the questions answered. The only person he had a bond with was compromised in this unthinkable way.
I suppose I'll get a phone now, Credence thought.
The peculiar group used the lift to get to the last floor and then went to the door 091.
Again, Stolos typed in a combination of numbers which let them inside.
Credence went in last, shuting the door behind him. The girls stood awkwardly to his right and observed Stolos who was staring at a bookshelf. Then he looked at Credence and said: "Could you please get the thin notebook? It's the fifth shelf, seventh from the left."
He did as he asked. The notebook was a bit worn down and had no description. The vampire handed it to Stolos who swiftly run it through.
"These are some notes on blood magic, but the descriptions are in our native language," he said to Credence who listened carefully.
"Look here," Stolos said and showed him a page filled with text and drawings, "if you don't mind, I'd like you to fix me up before anything else."
"Of course," Credence agreed.
"Ladies, you don't have to stand around, just have a seat," Stolos said without looking at them. They exchanged looks and quietly sat down on the chairs around the dining table.
"Now, for you, you'll need at least five small spoons of my blood."
"Spoons? What's that for a measuring system?"
"I don't know, I guess Michendros was feeling like joking when he wrote this. But I know these work."
"That's a lot of blood, Stolos, where am I to put it?"
"Hm," he looked at the description once again, "let's do it at the table," he nodded to the dining table where the girls kept their silence. "It's out of glass, so I guess we can stain it a bit."
Lydia and Allison stared at the two studying the notebook, again, in silence. Only Lydia gasped when Stolos took a sharp knife and began cutting his palm.
Stolos didn't even hiss nor squinted his eyes in pain.
That's the man I know, Credence thought. It took a minute or two for the blood to gather itself in the glass which Credence has prepared.
"Okay, now, repeat these," Stolos said and nodded to a line of words in the book.
Credence read the words in his mind first to deliver the pronunciation perfectly later. And so he did.
A few other words, then. Done.
Credence handed the glass to Stolos who drunk it without hesitation.
Crack. His nose came to its original place as well as his other injuries. The redhead stared at it with wide eyes, meanwhile Allison just gulped and turned her gaze elsewhere.
Maybe she envies the magic. Even a bloody vampire can create some. And she can't, he thought.
So, he can use blood magic. Terrific. It doesn't even matter Stiles can't do anything. The vampire is capable enough, she thought.
Stiles stood up and tested his leg.
"Perfect," he said, apparently praising the other man whose reaction was a small smile.
Haven't seen him smile like that before. Not this genuinely.
Allison looked at Lydia whose eyes followed Stiles who just returned the notebook to its shelf.
"Let's get started then," Stiles said and looked directly at Allison who turned her eyes to the vampire who was just cleaning the table with a dark brown cloth.
Tidy, for an animal...
Hey, wait," Lydia suddenly said, "what do you wanna do?"
Stiles walked over to the table again, standing close where Lydia sat. She didn't break her stare which Allison admired.
She's brave. For now, Allison thought.
"Just to ask her something, Lyds," he said with a smile and put his palms on the table to lean on.
The vampire sat down directly in front of Allison which made her a bit nervous.
"You want some water, ladies?" Stiles asked as if they were on a friendly visit.
"Um, I'd actually appreciate it. Haven't had any since the kidnapping," Lydia said and shot a glare to Allison who sank a little more in her seat.
Stiles poured water into three glasses which he put in front of Lydia, Allison and himself.
"You had enough refreshments for today, am I right?" Stiles said without looking at his friend who just smirked at the comment.
"Allison, one question which I wanted to ask as first. Do you trust Tommy?"
Allison was a bit taken aback with this query. She did not answer, though, nor did she look at him.
She did sense his stare which was piercing her through like daggers.
"Is he the only one in the coven?" Stiles proceeded as if he had gotten his answer from her already.
Even Lydia was surprised.
Credence just looked at the three as is he was watching an entertaining show.
Allison tried to make her face expresionless, looking down at her hands but she felt that her cheeks were blushing.
Stiles picked up his glass and walked over to sit next to Allison now. He drew his chair close to her and set his elbows onto the glass table.
"Hey, I think he's really trying to convince them that you are worth it. Probably right at this moment. You were the reason they got my brother in the end. So, why are you so worried about it?"
"I am not worried about anything!" Allison caught herself bursting out on him which made the vampire grin.
"Stop trying to psychoanalyze me. You know nothing about me."
"Their coven are obsessed by the hatred for us, you know, Lyds," Stiles looked at his now-ex whose eyes confusingly jumped from Allison to Stiles and back.
"And I get it. We made them angry a long time ago. Or maybe it was just me. Mich was just around."
"What did you do?" Lydia asked without a breath.
"Yeah, spoiler alert, I am not the good guy in the story. I'm the good guy in barely any story, to be honest," he said with a shrug.
"You were the good guy in my story," Lydia said quietly, almost sounding sad.
"That's just the few," he said, also with a lower voice and glanced at Credence.
Lydia’s curiosity spiked at Stiles' look given to Credence.
What's their story?
So, what did you do to her family?" Lydia asked.
"Um, not sure if it was exactly her family. Her coven consists of more families. Of course, it is possible that since then, they all merged into one big family. I never cared enough to look this information up. Maybe Mich would know, he's a bit of a bookworm," he stopped and looked at Allison as if he was expecting to add up the details he didn't know. She was silent, though. Avoiding his gaze at all times.
"Yeah, well, I think it could've been the time before Japan. Not sure. Everything gets melted together somehow–"
"Wait, wait," Lydia said, "when were you born? For real?"
"The year 82," he answered.
"What like... 1982? 1882?"
"No, just 82."
"No way."
Even Allison's eyes widened in disbelief.
Guess her family doesn't know much about them either.
"Yeah, in the year 102... everything changed for us. Mich is 7 years older than me. So, it was sometimes infuriating having a body of a 19-year-old all the time," he laughed a bit, lost in memories.
"But you don't look like 19," Lydia commented.
"Well, I've been human for six years now. So, my body aged, I'd hope."
"This is so weird."
"I suppose so.”
"Hm, so what did you do to them?" Lydia asked once again.
"He slaughtered a whole family. The most powerful one," Allison suddenly said bitterly.
Lydia looked at Allison in shock and then turned her eyes to Stiles who was watching Allison.
"Is it true?" Lydia asked.
"Hm, it would seem that they did teach you something in your coven-revenge-school," Stiles said, scanning Allison up and down.
"How are you able to joke about that?" Lydia asked in awe.
"I wasn't trying to. I'm just surprised that even though, they don't care for her, they cared enough to make her dependant on them and they infected her with the same hatred for us even though she doesn't have to do anything to do with it."
"How can you say so! You don't know my family!" Allison cried out, her eyes glassy.
"Well, if I may say something, during the six years I was locked up there and was considered dead, I've heard your auntie talk a lot of rubbish about you," Credence said. Not in a mocking way. No. Just informing her causaly.
"That's not true, you are not going to make me talk with telling me all these lies," she said, her voice cracking a bit.
"Poor girl, a bit pathethic, but still," Credence returned to his attitude he had before.
"You know, Allison. I will get my brother back. One way or the other. It's hard to get rid of us."
"That's not true, Thomas took care of it. Your brother is gone."
Lydia was put back into reality with this sentence. They really did kill John, then.
Stiles smiled at her and leaned closer to her.
"And are you so sure about that?" he asked, sounding like a vicious snake. This made Lydia freeze at the spot as well as Allison.
I guess he really isn't trying to hide anything now.
"Of course, I am. Thomas is an excellent magician," Allison said but her confident words were betrayed by her shaking voice.
"I must say, the coven you are somehow part of did really try to collect all the intel on us. Don't worry. We know. We made a lot of up too, so you'd get busy. More scared. But one thing we didn't share that much to your people. You would give up, then. That would be no fun," he said slowly, apparently enjoying every of Allison's expressions which were losing previous stubborness and defiance.
"Both me and Michendros had gained the status of a deity during all these years. He as a Slavic slash Scandinavian one. They used to call him Myestas. And me, Japanese, despite my appearances, I know, I know. The Japanese called me Susanoo or Susanowo."
Both Lydia and Allison looked at him in disbelief. Allison's face went white and blank.
What does this mean for her? And... what do I do now?
So, what I wanted to say with that... I don't think Mich will be so easy to kill."
"But– how come you're human, then?" Lydia asked, trying to use some sort of logic on the matter.
"Hmm, that was the Gomernot clan. Another family I angried, I think. They found a way how to put a curse on us. Still didn't kill us, though."
Allison's eyes sparkled a bit at the mention of the clan's name.
"Happen to know them, honey?" Credence was the first to ask.
"M-No," she said.
"Everything is so nicely connected, then. It wouldn't be by any chance be your family, would it? Are you part of the Gomernots, Allison?" Stiles said, looking at her with interest.
Allison stayed quiet but even Lydia understood.
"I must admit, your blood is like an annoying cockroach. But a very persistent one. I can't recall anyone who would be so troublesome for us."
"Could you not talk to her like that?" Lydia said strictly.
"Like what?" Stiles asked innocently.
"Like she's the last piece of garbage," Lydia said, getting creepy vibes from Stiles which made her feel like she should keep her distance.
He isn't anything I thought he is, is he?
"That surely wasn't intended. But I do apologize if I struck some nerves," Stiles looked at Allison who just sat there, broken.
"Credence, we should get Tommy to join us. He'll know more about Michendros' location."
"Hm, I'll get to it. Just after I do some reading, alright?"
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officialmccall · 7 years
Believe It or Not. Part 19/?
*song suggestion: Friends by Chase Atlantic* (Based off 2x07 “Restraint”) “If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing, then he probably doesn't know that someone's controlling him.” Allison suggested as they all stood together. Y/n returning to her friends after her surprise visit from Isaac. She was trying to pay attention but her mind was elsewhere. “Or he doesn't remember.” Scott sighed. Stiles watched as Y/n stared down at her feet, shifting from one to the other every few seconds. His brows furrowed in confusion to her odd behavior. I mean sure, they were dealing with a lot but she was definitely acting strange right now. And he noticed. “What if it's the same kind of thing that happened with Lydia when she took off from the hospital?” Y/n asked without shifting her gaze from the ground. “A fugue state?” “He’d have to forget everything.” Scott pointed out, “The murder-” “Getting rid of the blood.” Y/n finished for him, finally looking up and meeting Scott’s eyes as the seriousness of the situation hit all of them once again. “Yeah, he had help with one thing though- the video. And someone else helped him forget that.” Stiles added. “Whoever is controlling him.” Allison shifted uncomfortably, “Are you sure Jackson has no idea about any of this?” “He thinks he's still becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed the whole thing.” “So do we try to convince him he's not?” The brunette gestured with her hands to express her frustration. “If it helps us find out who's controlling him, then yeah.” Scott announced to all of them. “Do you think he'll talk to us after what we did?” Allison asked, her tone unsure. “ Yeah, it's us. He’ll talk to us right?” No one answered the unusually lanky boy. --- “ You will not go within 50 feet of Jackson Whittemore. You will not speak to him. You will not approach him. You will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically.” The sheriff’s obviously disappointed voice read off a piece of paper to the set of twins and his own son sitting uncomfortably at the table in the interrogation room. Neither one of them looked at each other, hell Y/n was terrified to breathe with the intensity of the glare they were receiving from Jackson’s father. “What about School?” Stiles inevitably asked. “You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a 50- foot distance.” The sheriff sighed. “Bu - okay, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there's only two stalls available and they're only right next to each other?” Y/n couldn't have rolled her eyes harder as she let her elbow slam against the surface of the table and dropped her head into the palms of her hand. He can't be serious? God this boy would be the death of her. “I'll just hold it.” He retreated lower into his chair as he felt the glare of his own father and Mr. Whittemore. --- “Move! It's not just this. Although, a restraining order is a new low that I didn't think that you would reach quite this soon. It's everything on top of it. The completely bizarre behavior, the late nights coming home, having to beg Mr. Harris for you to make up that chemistry test that you missed.” Y/n and Scott’s mother ranted as she fast-walked down the hall and they tried to keep up until she stopped and turned around to face both of them. “I missed a chemistry test?” Scott whispered, extremely confused. “Really, Scott?” She sighed, switching her gaze to her daughter, “And you, what is going on? You guys I can't keep doing this. I have to ground you. I am grounding you. You're grounded.” She seemed to have started having the conversation with herself, as if she needed to convince her and not them. “What about work?” “Fine- other than work. And no tv.” “My tv’s broken.” Scott winced. “Then no computer!” She pointed at Y/n. “I need the computer for school.” She smiles innocently. “Then no, uh-” Melissa glanced behind them, “no Stiles!” She decided loudly. Knowing that grounding her twins from Stiles would strike a nerve in both of them. “What- no Stiles-” “No Stiles!” She cut him off as he approached from behind, immediately retreating backwards as Melissa yelled. Not even Peter was this scary. “And no more car privileges. Give me your keys!” Scott handed her the keys right away. They both watched as she tried to unravel them, but her hands were shaking. “Mom- you want me to-” “No.” She rejected Scott. Y/n knew she needed to step forward, “Mom.” She whispered as she grasped Melissa’s hands. “What is going on with you? Is this about your father?” Y/n didn't know what to say, the question was unexpected, to put it lightly. She just stared at her mom, unsure of what movement to make next. “We’ll talk about this at home.” Melissa’s eyes had changed from infuriated to concerned and confused. --- “So why do we need their help?” Isaac asked as he watched Derek pace around their underground home. “Because it's harder to kill then I thought and I still don't know who it is.” “And they do?” “They might,” Derek sighed, “ which is why I need one of you to get on their good side.” “ Well Isaac’s already got that covered.” Erica smirked. “Shut up Erica.” Isaac glared at her as Derek’s movements ceased and he turned to look at his beta. “No, what does she mean?” Isaac’s jaw clenched as Erica answered, “his anchor is the McCall twin.” she laughed, “he even went to visit her tonight, make sure she was okay after her little outburst.” “When were you going to tell me this?” Derek left his eyes glued on Isaac. “Never, if you want me to use her for your benefit.” Isaac shot back. “Fine. Erica, it's up to you. “Hm. Scott or Stiles?” She phrased playfully. “Either.” --- Y/n stood in a random section of the library as they waited for Scott and Stiles to meet them, since it was the only place they could find to avoid video cameras. “It's everything Lydia can translate. And trust me, she was very confused.” Allison handed Scott a tablet through the spaces in the books once they had arrived. “Yeah, what’d you tell her?” Scott asked as he handed the tablet to Stiles. “That we were apart of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures.” “I am apart of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures.” Stiles replied offended. “O- oh, great.” Y/n nodded her head, as she glanced at Allison. Both not trying to laugh. Which he noticed. “Okay, does it say how to find out who's controlling him?” Scott diverted from the subject. “Not really. But Stiles was right about the murders.” Y/n pointed out. “Yes!” He claimed excitedly, he reached through the books and without even really thinking about it he and Y/n high-fived before returning to the conversation. “It called the Kanima a weapon of vengeance,” Allison took over, “There's a story in there about a South American priest who uses the Kanima to execute murderers in his village-” “All right, see? So maybe it's not all that bad.” Stiles cut her off optimistically. Y/n just smirked and continued what Allison was trying to say, “until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to.” Stiles eyes widened as he looked at her and she winked. “All bad, all very, very bad.” “Here's the thing though. The Kanima is actually supposed to be a werewolf. But it can't be-” “Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it.” Scott finished what Allison had began to say as he read off of the tablet. “Okay, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself.” Stiles’ cynical sarcasm took over the atmosphere. “What if- it has something to do with his parents? His real parents.” Allison’s eyebrows furrowed as she thought of possibilities. “Yeah, does anybody know what actually happened to them?” Scott followed. “Lydia might.” Y/n nodded her head as she thought of the strawberry blonde. “What if she doesn't know anything?” Scott asked. “Well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me, so- I'll talk to him myself.” Allison offered whilst shrugging her shoulders. “Okay, what do I do?” Scott leaned down to look into her eyes. “You have a make-up exam, remember? Promise me.” She whispered. “If he does anything, you run the other way.” Scott’s voice became serious. “I can take care of myself.” Allison reminded him once again. “Allison,” Scott sighed, “if you get hurt while I'm taking some stupid test, someone's going to need to take care of me.” Y/n watched her brother’s eyes as he spoke to Allison and she smiled. She had never seen him care so much for someone, and she loved that it was Allison that he felt this way about. “If he does anything-” “Like?” Allison cut him off gently. “Anything- weird or bizarre- anything.” He finished “Anything evil!” Stiles head shot through the book shelf. Y/n and Allison smirked at each other before Y/n placed her hand on his forehead and forcefully pushed his head back through, causing him to stumble back and almost drop the tablet. He looked at her with an annoyed expression on his face as she just smiled back. --- “Do you want me to go with you when you talk to Jackson?” Y/n offered as she and Allison left the boys behind and started to walk out of the library and out into the hallway. “Did you forget he has a restraining order against you too?” Allison smiled amusingly as one of her eyebrows quirked. Y/n just rolled her eyes, “No-I’m the smart twin remember- I know I can't be there, but I could be 50 feet away if something goes wrong.” “Thanks,” Allison said as she stopped at her locker and began spinning the combination until it opened, “but I don't want to drag you into it, I don't think he'll hurt me at school.” She finished as she exchanged the books she had before with new ones. Y/n was just standing to the side, back pressed against the locker as Allison gathered her things. Legs crossed and gaze down as she played with the ring on her fingers. Until she got the uncomfortable feeling that someone might be watching her, she slowly lifted her head to look at the scene around her. Sure enough, across from her and down the hallway Isaac Lahey was leaning against another set of lockers glaring right at her. Once he realized he had her attention, he smirked. The smug look on his face making her skin crawl. “That's okay,” Y/n sighed irritated, “I think I have something to deal with anyway.” She narrowed her eyes at the beta, whispering the last part not to Allison but yet to him, she knew he would be listening. --- “I'm not supposed to tell anyone.” Lydia held her head up high as Stiles angrily trailed behind her, annoyed. “Come on,” he pushed her, “anyone who says ‘I'm not supposed to tell anyone’ is always dying to tell someone, so tell me!” He whispered exasperated. Lydia tilted her head as if considering the offer, “why do you wanna know?” “I can’t tell you that.” He sighed, hesitant. Lydia furrowed her eyebrows skeptically, “Then I’m not telling you.” “But you are telling me that you could tell me something if you wanted to tell me?” Stiles spilled out all in one breath… barely. “Was that a question?” Lydia finally looked at him. Stiles slowed his walking down to almost a stop, “it felt like a question.” he whispered to himself as he continued to follow behind the pretentious girl, gaining his speed back. “Well- tell me if this feels like an answer,” Lydia’s tone sounding irritatingly high-pitch, “No.” The strawberry blonde stormed off leaving Stiles behind watching her walk away. “Lydia! Lydia, come on! Ly-wait! Ow! Ah, ah, hey, Erica.” He was caught off guard calling after Lydia being thrown into a wall by a psychotic blonde. “Why are you asking about Jackson’s real parents?” Erica smirked as she forced her forearm harder against his neck. Stiles was shook but even in his terrified state he was able to locate the camera in the corner directly behind Erica, his confidence gaining. “Why are you bringing out the claws on camera?” His eyebrows wiggled, “That's right. You wanna play Catwoman? I'll be your Batman.” Erica’s smirk fell and she dropped her arms back down to her sides, retracting her claws while Stiles fixed his hoodie. “If you're wondering about Jackson’s real parents, they're about half a mile from here. In Beacon Hills Cemetery.” “Do you know how they died?” Stiles asked ignoring Erica’s egotistical tone. “Maybe,” she tilted her head and pursed her lips, “if you tell me why you're so interested.” “Um-” was the only word Stiles’ lips could form, he became nervous as she held his glare, knowing she could kick his ass at any second. Observing his anxious and worried state, she was able to connect the dots. “It's him, isn't it.” She smiled, chuckling. “What? Who? Him who?” Stiles tried to play it cool, failing miserably. “The test didn't work, but it's still him. It’s Jackson.” Erica whispered to herself, turning on her heel away from Stiles and storming down the hallway. Leaving him helpless. However, as he watched her walk away he was able to return to his senses, taking off after her. --- Y/n had lost sight of Isaac. She was following him through all the twists and turns her made through the hallways of the high school, but eventually she couldn't keep up anymore. Sighing, she decided to drop her need to find him for right now, considering it really wasn't her most prioritized problem. As if on cue, she felt her phone vibrate from her back pocket and she quickly retrieved the device to see that Scott was calling her. “Hello?” Her voice traveled through the phone. “Yeah hi, so Allison, Jackson, Stiles, Erica and I are going to detention.” “Terrific!” She cheered sarcastically, “What exactly happened?” She heard him sigh with embarrassment through the phone before answering, “I kinda, sorta… threw him against a locker.” “So the restraining order is going well I see.” Due to the silence that followed her snide comment, she could practically feel Scott rolling his eyes. “Okay sorry, so what do you need me to like get you guys out or-” “No, actually we need you to find Isaac.” Scott cut her off. She reacted by slumping her shoulders and groaning loudly, “come on whyyy.” “Look I don't know how but Erica figured out that it’s Isaac. Please just make sure he doesn't get to Derek.” “Fine.” She conceded. Hanging up on her brother and begrudgingly spinning on her heel to continue her search for the cocky beta who had been throwing her head in a loop. --- “Oh uh- we can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools.” Jackson smirked proudly. “All of these tools?” Mr. Harris asked for clarification. “No just us tools.” Stiles motioned to him and Scott. “Fine. You two, over there.” Harris pointed to a table opposite from Jackson. After a while of sitting in detention. Allison at a table with Jackson and that kid Matt who surprisingly kept showing up places, Erica by herself, and Scott and Stiles far away. All of the sudden Jackson started to feel a pounding in his head, his ears were ringing and his vision became blurry. He quickly removed himself from his seat and began to exit the library, Harris following behind him. Once the door shut after being pushed open, Scott and Stiles shared a mischievous look with each other, before cascading out of their seats and dropping down at the same table as Erica. “Stiles said you know how Jackson’s parents died.” Scott confronted her not wanting to waste anytime. “Maybe.” She smirked. “Talk.” Scott urged her forcefully. Erica’s smirked dropped, placing her palms face down on the table she began to talk. “It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's 18.” “So not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at 18?” Stiles asked mockingly. “Yep.” Erica confirmed, popping the ‘p’ dramatically. “There's something so deeply wrong with that.” Stiles whispered more to himself. --- Y/n found herself inside the boys locker room. It was empty due to the fact that Scott and Jackson had pretty much broken every inch of it. Her eyes followed along the cracks in the floor until they reached to the knocked down rows of lockers, falling next to the sink that was still consistently leaking water. She thought maybe she could find Isaac here, but seeing as there was no one in here her theory was at a loss. Frustrated she turned around to leave only to ran straight into someone standing right behind her, towering over her. And of course, it's just so happened to be Isaac. “Jesus Christ,” she whispered, shutting her eyes briefly before opening them again to look up at him. “Looking for me?” He smirked down at her. “Yes, not because I actually want to be around you though okay so don't get any ideas Lahey.” “Lahey? So we’re doing nicknames now?” He smiled down at her. “No, no. WE are not doing anything. I'm just here to make sure you don't know-” she trailed off not sure if Erica had actually told him her discoveries yet, “certain things.” “Oh you mean like Jackson being the Kanima even though he passed the test?” The tall boy teased. “That would be the certain thing yes.” She swung her arms down defeated. “And you've come to politely ask me to convince Derek not to kill him.” Y/n scrunched the features on her face sarcastically as if to suggest she was considering his words, “I'm not sure if politely is the word i would use but yeah let's go with that.” “Look Y/n, whatever Derek wants to do, he's going to do and there's nothing I can do to stop him.” “God Isaac, you know- I felt sorry for you. I thought that you could be helped, that Derek was controlling you and forcing you to fight with him but I was wrong. You will willingly do whatever he asks you to do because you're a coward. Instead of just making your own decisions and doing the right thing you just- you're screwing everything up!” She threw her hands in the air frustratedly. Both of them caught up in the anger of the moment hadn't noticed that Scott and Stiles were now in their presence, Scott holding Erica in her arms as she was unconscious. However, when they heard the sound of y/n yelling they knew it was best not to interrupt the situation. “I’m screwing everything up?” Isaac shot back pointing towards himself. “Yeah you're right, I would've done everything Derek asked me to do after he turned me at the beginning no questions asked. But ever since you showed up I've been lying to him when it comes to you, for some reason unknown to me I have this annoying tendency to make sure that you're safe. So trust me I'm not the one screwing things up.” By the time he finished his breathing was heavy. He looked into Y/n’s wide eyes trying desperately to read what she was thinking but he couldn't grasp it. “Mmhm.” Scott cleared his throat causing both Y/n and Isaac to whip their heads in the direction of his voice. “Isaac you need to take us to Derek,” Scott motioned down to Erica, “she needs help.” --- Once they got inside the underground bunker Derek rushed Scott to lay Erica on the ground. Everyone else gathering around, Y/n catching Stiles’ eyes for a brief second before hurriedly looking away. She knew that when everything was over tonight she had a lot of explaining to do with Stiles and Scott. “Hold her up.” Derek instructed Stiles, who began to sit on the ground and hold Erica’s body. “Is she dying?” Stiles asked out of breathe, Y/n could tell her was concerned for her. “She might,” Derek answered, “which is why this is gonna hurt.” Derek clenched his teeth before breaking Erica’s arm, the sound of bone cracking sent shivers up Y/n’s spine. “You broke her arm!” Stiles shouted. “It'll trigger the healing process.” Derek clarified. Y/n watched as Stiles stroked the hair back that was sticking to Erica’s forehead. The action made her shift from foot to foot, uncomfortable. Unaware of his eyes on her, Isaac watched the effect that Stiles had on Y/n that he hadn't noticed before. --- “You know who it is.” Scott stated towards Derek who was recovering from saving Erica. “Jackson.” He answered coldly. “You just wanted Erica to confirm it, didn't you? I'm gonna help you stop him. As part of your pack. If you want me in, fine. But we'll do it on one condition. We're gonna catch him, not kill him.” Derek turned finally to meet Scott’s eyes, “And?” He urged Scott to continue, knowing the beta wasn't finished. “And we do it my way.” --- Y/n was standing outside with her eyes closed under the night sky. Her head was pounding with the weight of everything going on in her current situation. She heard the door open from behind her, and she didn't exactly know who she hoped it would be. “I’m sorry I yelled at you today,” it was Isaac, “none of what I said is your fault, that's all on me.” “I just don't get it.” She turned around to face him, confusion written all over the expression on her face. “Why am I your anchor? The only time we're ever actually near each other is to fight.” “No every time we're near each other you find a way to expose the truth about me.” With every word he spoke he took one step closer to her until he was standing right in front of her, eyes staring intensely into hers, except this time she didn't take a step backwards. “That's because I think you can be saved. I think all three of you can.” She simply whispered. “And I guess that's just it too isn't it Y/n, you're not on anyone’s side. Not Derek’s, not Scott’s. You're on your own side where you don't want anyone to be fighting and I admire that about you.” His intense stare lightened into a gaze and she felt her heartbeat steady as a reaction. “As much as I don't want to fight, I have to. And I know that you think I can just simply choose not to but nothing is that simple in this town anymore.” He laughed slightly. “So whatever comes next I just hope afterwards I can convince you to forgive me.” His eyes were pleading with her, begging her to say something but she couldn't. She was frozen and numb exactly where she was. Knowing that he wasn't going to get a reply, he did what he felt like he had to do to make her believe him. Without any warning Isaac cupped her face in both of his hands and roughly crashed his lips into hers. She kept her eyes open at first from shook, but as his lips moved against hers it was like her mind and body wouldn't let her do anything to stop him. When they finally retreated from each other he kept his hands on the sides of her face and glared into her eyes, hoping maybe now she would say something. And she did. “Why did you do that?” Her voice almost sounded angry. “Why didn't you stop me from doing it?” Y/n had no idea what to say, still processing what had happened. But instead of trying to figure it out, she turned on her heel and left Isaac standing where he was, returning to the door and rushing inside. She immediately made her way over to Stiles, and he dropped everything when we noticed the distraught look in her eyes. “Can you drive me home?” She asked desperately. “Yeah, yeah of course.” He agreed quickly and put his hand on her lower back as he guided her out to where his jeep was parked. They both got inside the car and were on the road within seconds. “I don't know what to do.” She whispered, not really sure when she said it if she wanted him to hear her. He grabbed her hand before speaking, “look we’ll figure it out. If we can take down an alpha werewolf I think we can handle a teenage lizard.” He tried to get her to laugh, frowning himself when it didn't work. “I'm not talking about the supernatural right now.” She spoke a little louder now, catching his eyes, the eyes that still took her breath away every time she looked into them. “You can talk to me Y/n.” Stiles reassured her. “I’m Isaac’s anchor apparently.” “What?” The jeep swerved a little on the road as he tried to grasp the information she fed him. “Oh just wait it's gets worse,” she sighed as he waited for her to continue, “he kissed me tonight, Stiles.” Y/n appreciated not being as werewolf in this moment more than in any else, she knew that the sound of his heart breaking and beating ridiculously fast would crush her. “Oh.” Was all he could muster. “And Stiles i didn't stop him.” Silence was all that sat between them. For excruciatingly long, Y/n sat behind the boy that she's cared for since she could remember that time that he held her hand when her very first dog died, they were 8 around the time. It has always been Stiles. “It looks like you have a lot to think about then.” Stiles broke the silence. “Stiles this isn't fair to you, you’ve been waiting for me and now I'm making everything so much worse and I'm so sorry.” She let her head fall, not being able to convince herself to look at him as tears fell freely from his face. “Y/n I forgive you.” “Why?” She gasped as he squeezed her hand a little tighter. “Because one of the reasons I lo- care about you so much is because you would never do anything to hurt anyone. You would gladly throw yourself into a fire to save the people you love. I said I would give you as much time as you needed and I stand by that. If at the end of that time, there's someone else standing with you, I forgive you.” He didn't deserve this hurt and sadness she was setting on top of him. She slowly opened the door and stepped out of the car, not knowing what to say. Y/n’s hand stayed grasped upon the door as she turned around to look at him one last time, needing to say something before she let the door shut. “Every word I've said to you this past year, every kiss, I meant all of it Stiles and wouldn't take it back for anything.” “Me either.” She shut the door and he drove off. Leaving her more confused than she’d ever been.
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