#ben being a prankster
an incomplete timeline of the marauders fandom
1999 - Prisoner of Azkaban is released - Wolfstar is born
2003 - Order of the Phoenix is released - WOLFSTAR
The case for R/S - an essay analysing all of Remus and Sirius' canon interactions and making the argument that they're canonically together
2004 - The Shoebox Project - wolfstar centric marauders era fanfic - Jily is popularised
(note: until this point wolfstar fics had mostly been set during the Harry Potter books timeline, with Sirius and Remus as adults)
2005 - Half Blood Prince is released - canon Remadora and the birth of bi Remus
2009 - The Life and Times - popular marauders era Jily fic
2010 - 2012 - the OG fancasts are popularised (Ben Barnes, Andrew Garfield, Aaron Taylor Johnson, etc)
2015 - An article about the Potter family reveals Euphemia and Fleamont Potter as James' parents (not Charlus and Dorea as was previously assumed)
2017 - All the Young Dudes - long marauders era fic in Remus' pov - Lesbian Marlene is popularised (which also marks the downfall of Blackinnon and the rise of Dorlene) and sarcastic Remus (influenced by his atyd characterization as an orphan. he's not always as hard/mean as he is in atyd, but it is a huge difference from the nerdy/shy Remus that was widely accepted before)
2019 - Welsh Remus becomes a thing (honestly I have no idea where that came from)
2020 - 2021 - All the Young Dudes is blows up on tiktok - Desi James is popularised - Peter also starts playing a bigger role in stories with an actual personality
2022 - Zeppazariel's fics and Choices - Jegulus focused fics, which led to Marylily, the Slitherskittles (and Rosekiller), and bi/pan James
other later marauder's fanon that popped up in the last five years
70s pop culture (music, smoking, fashion, etc.)
generally more diverse and socially aware characters (poc Mary and Dorcas, plus sized Lily, feminism, everyones queer and accepting) that tend to move away from their canon characterisations (James and Sirius were not bullies, but slightly immature pranksters. James is the Mom Friend and Sirius just has trauma. The technically death eater Slytherins aren't actually evil and blood supremacist , only affectionately mean and morally gray.)
note: personally I like what the fandom and characters have evolved into, however it has been criticised (especially by older fans) for being completely canon divergent, the characters being essentially OCs, and the 'glorification' and 'babygirlification' of bad people (I should also add that often times people who take this stance are often avid Snape fans/defenders)
feel free to add on to anything that I missed
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
Okay, so as I was talking to Evie about the other day, I was going through one of my old notebooks and found a whole extended universe of Descendants OCs I had planned from middle school. I obviously don’t plan on formally introducing or doing anything with all of these OCs, because there is a lot of them, but I still thought it would be fun to share them with you guys! They’re not all in their original versions from my notebook, because a few of them did require a little changing and revamping, but I still hope you guys enjoy these little ideas from twelve-year-old me’s brain.
Soha Pride, daughter of Simba and Nala, Carlos ship. Able to attend Auradon Prep thanks to a spell from Fairy Godmother that allows her entire family to shift between their lion and human forms. Very dedicated to her duties as a princess of Pride Rock, but sometimes feels overshadowed by her older sister Kiara because she’s the oldest and the heir. Doesn’t believe any of the stuff Audrey and Chad say about the VKs and makes it her mission to be friends with them. Formerly a Jay ship. I am going to be introducing her formally in a little bit, so look out for that!
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Josie Sparrow, daughter of Jack Sparrow, Evie ship. Auradon kid because it could never be decided whether Jack was a villain or not, and now he sails all around the seas surrounding Auradon and the different kingdoms. Has the ability to visit the Isle in her dreams, and it’s later revealed that that’s because her mother is Calypso. A huge troublemaker and prankster who’s constantly in trouble with Fairy Godmother, and becomes quick besties with Mal because of it when the VKs first come to Auradon.
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Jackson Kelly-Jacobs, son of Jack Kelly and David Jacobs, OC ship. Son of Jack and Davey because I am a Javid shipper for life. A dancer and gymnast who’s on the R.O.A.R. team, and used to be friends with Chad before he turned into a bully. Really flirty and charming like his dad Jack, but still a total sweetheart. He and Evie quickly develop a WLW/MLM friendship when the VKs come to Auradon, and he definitely punches Chad during the Family Day thing.
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Steven Smee, son of Mr. Smee, OC ship (Jackson’s boyfriend). Comes to Auradon with the VKs even though he’s not friends with them after Ben lets his dad persuade him to invite the child of a sidekick along with the children of villains so the people of Auradon are a bit “more receptive”. A complete shy sweetheart who loves his dad and brothers and misses them terribly when he leaves (because Smee is actually a really good dad) and is the reason the twins get to come to Auradon in the third movie. Kind of sensitive because he got bullied a lot as a kid on the Isle, but still has an inner strength that not a lot of people expect.
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Maile Montunui, daughter of Moana, Uma ship. President and pretty much only member of the Auradon Prep Sailing Club, which the Sea Three join after they come to Auradon in the alternate post-second movie story that I had in my head. Incredibly courageous and not afraid to speak her mind, but sometimes gets herself into trouble from being too confident. Frequently curses and insults people in Samoan. Bisexual disaster who falls in love with Uma instantly, even if it takes Uma a while to feel the same about her.
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Haven Hearts, daughter of the Queen of Hearts, Harry ship. Member of the VKs who had a sort of Romeo and Juliet romance going on with Harry, but has to break it off when they leave to go to Auradon. She wants desperately to be good and break away from her mother’s reputation, and dedicates herself to being better once the VKs choose good at the coronation, which causes some tension between her and Harry when they meet again in the second movie. In the alternate post-second movie story after the Sea Three come to Auradon, though, they reconcile and get back together. She’s fierce and sarcastic by nature but not mean, and she shares Mal’s love for graffiti.
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Cierra Chernabog, daughter of Chernabog, Ben ship. Outcast even on the Isle because her father is a demon, doesn’t come to Auradon until after the second movie because so many people were against bringing Chernabog’s kid to Auradon the first time. Super shy and doesn’t talk a whole lot, but incredibly smart and loving. Has a demon form that she isn’t able to access until leaving the Isle, but it’s big and terrifying and still kind of cool.
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Celeste Frollo, daughter of Judge Frollo, Audrey ship. Claudette’s twin sister, very religious and God-fearing due to her father’s teaching, so she has a lot of Catholic guilt over liking girls (picture, like, Carrie White with no telekinesis and if she was a lesbian). Gets to go to Auradon after the second movie, when Audrey’s slowly starting to reform herself and be more accepting of villain kids (we’re pretending the third movie doesn’t happen, I guess), and at the same time my girl slowly starts to overcome her guilt and they fall in love!
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And there are even more, but I’m gonna stop there (😅). Hope you guys enjoyed this little look into my crazy little middle schooler brain!!
Tagging some of the Descendants moots: @ginger-grimm, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @auxiliarydetective, and soft tagging @manyfandomocs!!
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oneofboth · 17 days
How is Benrey's relationship with Gordon (and Joshua if he's in this AU), since you mentioned he moved in with them?
Plus, there was a picture of g man and Benrey somewhere on your blog, what's their relationship like? Because typically I usually see them written to be at odds with each other, so I'm curious if their relationship is better in this AU.
And how's the Science Team doing yaaahhhh
This will be a really..really big post, dudes. / Это будет очень..очень большой пост, чуваки. Thank you for your question...s! First answer: Benrey's and Gordon's relationship has returned to normal. They had a lot of misunderstandings and various tough situations, but over time they got used to each other. Gordon became calmer about Benrey's miscarriages, knowing full well that he was just trying to "impress" him, and Benrey began to respect Gordon more and treats his situations with greater understanding. I can't say which of them is a top and a bottom, both tops are most likely (and they often have skirmishes on this ground). Oh, and yea, Benrey apologized for the hand, and Gordon forgave him. Benrey babysat Joshua when he hadn't moved in yet. Although Benrey never said directly what was going on with boy's father, Joshua understood everything perfectly and teased them. Benrey and Joshua are good friends, although Benrey has set himself the goal of being a cool father, but in fact Joshua does not see him that way and does not even want to imagine him that way. For him, Benrey is just his father's lover and a dude who can give cool gifts (and also cool teammate).
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(Damn, he is so scared of Ben-Oh ok nevermind. / Черт, он так боится Бен-А окей неважно.) Second answer: The relationship between Gman and Benrey... can be described as a dynamic of the universe’s balance-breaker that goes beyond the world's limits, changing reality as he wants to, and not-quite-human, guarding the existing scheme of things and their framework and changing reality as he sees it.
Mr Suitcase was somewhat surprised to see the guard casually breaking into the stasis, which is why he began to closely observe the one called Ben-Rey.
Whatever the Gman's palns for Benrey were, it remained unshared, as both the man responsible and his little redhead sister had miraculously bonded with Tommy, and taking away his son’s friends would have been... somewhat tactless.
So, the mutual observation between the rulers of the lore with different views on what they are allowed to do continues, but already with both in the role of ""neighbors"", if you can call them a such. Gman accepts the existence of a blue prankster, and the other one does not mind to arrange a meeting with his new friend to beat him with all of his heart with a crowbar once more. But it is already a long-standing tradition - night, moon, and the sound of metal, as if someone had urgent fencing class. Also they meet in the evenings in a small kitchen after the fight and plan their next meeting there.
(This piece was based entirely on the same "red dot" rounds where we used to fight on the crowbars with gman's and benry’s skins and decided that it is now part of the post-canon) Is their relationship better in this AU? The question stands.
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 (Photo in Benrey's album / Фото в альбоме Бенри) Numero tres: The first scientific team, in fact, is doing just fine after the accident. Tommy, although he was out of work for some time, was engaged in his hobbies and helped his father. And after that, the Gman put him in his place, which is why Tommy suddenly acquired a lot of businesses and money (he's a little scared, he doesn't understand where to put that money at all). Sunkist is alive, friends! Everything is fine with the perfect dog. Bubby, seeing at least something besides Black Mesa for the first time, where he was created and raised, decided to try everything in the world. He disrupted someone else's wedding, poisoned himself, vacationed in Miami, skydived, kissed a celebrity in the lips and even almost got wanted. However, over time, he got tired of such an intense life and lay low, returning to the roots. He worked in IT for a while, then he started working in some kind of laboratory again. Coomer..suddenly disappeared from all radars. Sometimes he appears, but what he has there is unknown. Darnold (he's part of the team too, right?..No?..) He sat in the ruined Black Mesa for a long time until his computer broke down and he just had to go outside to buy a new one. When he saw what a nightmare was happening there, he hurried back, but the survivors found him first. Now, although he does not want to, he works for them as a somewhat medic, helping in any way he can. He doesn't want to admit it, but he likes to do it. Forzen...It seems like he died. Or not? Perhaps he is still somewhere in the ruins of Black Mesa...
But hey, the guys are still talking! Once in a while they gather at a certain suburban area, roast meat and have a heart-to-heart chat. Bubby and Coomer are always arguing about which music to put on, Benrey is always trying to show off his muscles and always turns the table over (by accident, he just wanted to pick it up:( ), Gordon just roasts meat on the grill in silence and looks into the beautiful distance, while Tommy and Joshua play with Sunkist and sit in the gardens fountain!
/ Спасибо за ваш вопрос..ы! Ответ номер один: Отношения Бенри и Гордона нормализовались. У них было много недопониманий и различных жестких ситуаций, но со временем они привыкли друг к другу и притёрлись. Гордон стал спокойнее относиться к выкидонам Бенри, прекрасно понимая что тот просто пытается его "впечатлить", а Бенри стал больше уважать Гордона и относится с бóльшим пониманием к его ситуациям. Я не могу сказать кто из них актив и пассив, оба активы скорее всего (и у них часто стычки на этой почве). А, и да, Бенри извинился за руку, а Гордон его простил. Джошуа сидел с Бенри тогда, когда он ещё не переехал. Хоть Бенри и не говорил никогда прямо, что у него там с его отцом, Джошуа всё прекрасно понимал и угарал над ними. Бенри и Джошуа хорошие друзья, Бенри поставил себе цель быть крутым отцом, но по факту Джошуа его таким не видит и даже не хочет таким представлять. Для него Бенри это просто любовник отца и чувак, который может дарить крутые подарки (а ещё и играет круто в игры). 
Ответ номер два:
Отношения Джимена и бенри... можно описать как динамику нарушителя баланса вселенной, выходящего за рамки позволенного миром, меняющего реальность как хочет, и не-совсем-человека, котрый охраняет имеющуюся схему вещей и их рамки и меняющий реальность, как считает нужным.
Мистер чемодан был несколько удивлён увидеть охранника буднично врывающимся в стазис, отчего начинает пристальное наблюдение за индивидом по прозвищу бен рей.
Дальнейшие планы Гимена в отношении Бенри, какими бы они ни были, остаются нераскрытми, так как и виновник торжества, и его маленькая рыжая сестра чудесным образом хорошо сошлись с Томми, а отнимать друзей у сына было бы... несколько бестактно.
Поэтому, обоюдное наблюдение друг за другом властных над лором, но имеющих разные взгляды на то, что им дозволено, продолжается, но уже в ролия ""соседей"", если их можно так назвать. Дед смиряется с существованием пранкера, а тот не против назначить приятелю встречу, чтобы еще раз от всей души побить его арматурой. Но это уже давно традиция- ночь, луна, и звон металла, будто у кого то срочные сборы по фехтованию. А еще они собираются вечерами на маленькой кухне и уже там планируют следующую встречу.
(Этот кусок был полностью основан на тех же похождениях в точке, в которых мы привыкли драться на монтировках со скинами деда и бенри и решили что теперь это часть постканона)
Лучше ли у них отношения в этой ау? Вопрос открытый. Ответ нумеро трес:
Первая научная команда, на самом деле, поживает после аварии просто прекрасно. Томми, хоть и был какой-то период без работы, занимался своими хобби и помогал отцу. А после и вовсе гмен поставил его на своё место, отчего Томми вдруг приобрёл кучу бизнесов и денег (ему слегка страшно, он не понимает куда это всё девать). Санкист жив, друзья! С идеальной собакой всё отлично. Бабби, впервые увидев хоть что-то помимо Черной Мезы, где его создали и вырастили, решил попробовать всё на свете. Он сорвал чужую свадьбу, отравился, отдыхал на Майами, прыгал с парашютом, целовал знаменитость в губы и даже чуть не попал в розыск. Однако со временем он устал от такой интенсивной жизни и залёг на дно, вернувшись к истокам. Работал некоторое время в IT, потом вновь стал работать в какой-то лаборатории. Кумер..неожиданно пропал со всех радаров. Иногда он появляется, однако что у него там - неизвестно. Дарнольд (он же тоже часть команды, да?..нет?..) ещё долго сидел в разрушенной Черной Мезе, пока его компьютер не сломался и ему просто пришлось вылезти наружу покупать новый. Увидев, какой кошмар там происходит, поспешил обратно, однако выжившие нашли его первее. Теперь он, хоть и не по своему желанию, работает у них условным медиком, помогая чем может. Он не хочет это признавать, но ему нравится это делать. Форзен...вроде как он погиб. Или нет? Возможно, он всё ещё где-то в руинах Черной Мезы...
Но хэй, ребята всё ещё общаются! Раз в некоторое время они собираются на неком дачном участке, жарят мясо и болтают по душам. Бабби и Кумер вечно спорят какую музыку поставить, Бенри всегда пытается похвастаться мускулами и вечно переворачивает стол (случайно, он просто хотел его поднять:( ), Гордон просто в тишине жарит мясо на мангале и смотрит в прекрасную даль, а Томми и Джошуа играют с Санкистом и сидят в фонтане на участке! ---------- Pheeew it was a really good one, thank you again! Congratulations, if you read this all! It was fun to answer!! / Фууууух, это было клево, спасибо еще раз! Поздравляем, если вы действительно прочитали все это! Было весело на это отвечать! -Blue Opal / Alex (First's and Third answers, drawings and photo of GMan and Benrey / Первый и третий ответы, рисунки и фото с Гменом и Бенри) -PigelOn (Second answer / Второй ответ)
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tttewolves · 4 months
Our Protagonist For TTTE’s AU ‘The Girl and The Wolves’!💖🐺
This is Faylen! And she’s the girl that was adopted by the wolves since she was a baby!
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She was drawn by Shopi Star from Twitter, and I would like to thank them for drawing her!
Here’s some facts about her!
She usually hangs out with either her adoptive dads, Edward and Henry, or her adoptive brothers, Thomas, James, and Percy.
She loves diving into the waterfall and finds it fun.
She has fear of scorpions after Gordon put on her while she was napping as revenge for her pranking him with a spider.
She enjoys stargazing and hear stories about legendary wolves in the past.
Although she’s usually obedient, she can be cheeky and rebellious, but only for what she believes is right.
She’s a prankster, and sometimes teams up with Bill and Ben.
She made her ‘claw’ by carving a piece of wood into a boomerang shape, and uses it to hunt with her family.
She didn’t start hunting with her wolf family until she was 15.
She has a wicked scar on her leg due to being attack by a bull at age 16 while hunting, and she got an infection, but was treated successfully and now has a scar.
She sometimes likes to howl to tease some wolves to make them howl uncontrollably.
She can sing very well.
However, she can be very stubborn and reckless, but does mature as time passed.
BONUS FACT: In my headcanon, she’s voiced by Camilla Luddington!
I shall send more facts about her next time, and if you got any questions about Faylen, please ask.💖💖💖
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PJO losers club AU
Being a little silly rn bc my Greek mythology uni course has brought back my love for Percy Jackson. And thus of course this means I have to make headcanons for the losers club.
The problem is that some of them feel perfect and others feel a bit meh and open to change...
So here's my list from most to least correct imo
Beverly- Athena, not only does her personality fit, but also her bravery, her fighting ability and her hobby/job 10/10
Mike- Demeter, I just love the idea that Mike's family made demeter so proud that she fell in love w his father idk
Stan- Oracle, controversial maybe?? I just think stan doesn't fit one Olympian and I didn't want to do minor gods plus in the book he literally has a prophetic connection w maturin so it works
Bill- Zeus, obviously he's a leader and would have the most "power" out of the losers so he would be the child of one of the big three. I kept going between Poseidon and Zeus tho so I'm still not sure.
Ben- Hephaestus, I think architecture is definitely a type of building and he's always been a labourer at least in the book and maybe less so the movie. It makes the most sense imo
Eddie- Hermes, it took so long for me to decide the last 2 bc I kept switching eddie and richies parents but oh well. I think Hermes makes sense in the end because he's associated with travel crossroads and direction and eddie is the "compass". Plus he has the whole medical theme so that works.
Richie- Apollo, I had the most trouble deciding maybe bc he's one of my faves but idk dionysus felt too stereotypical for him and Hermes had the whole prankster thing but it feels too childish. Apollo feels wrong a bit also but richie is a performer in all canons and also his quick wit means he often predicts stuff before it happens and is now linked with stan in some way. And tell me Wentworth tozier doesn't have Apollo vibes
Please argue with me if you think I'm wrong I need to know everyone's opinions lol
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malue-505 · 1 year
Hi! Sorry for my absence, School has been kicking my butt 😭. Do you have any general hcs for the creeps?
-🫧 anon
Oh welcome back 🫧 anon!
School can be a pain in the ass so don’t be afraid to take a break off tumblr if you need to. Be strong, I believe in you!
As for general headcanon for the creeps, I’ll share the ones I remember for now and we’ll see which ones are the most intriguing:
Liu is two years older than Jeff in my AU. Liu did forgive Jeff after he attacked him, he understands that his brother was quite young and was overwhelmed by bloodlust at the time. Jeff and Liu currently have a very peculiar dynamic. Jeff knows that Liu forgives him but can’t bring himself to open up to him ever since all those events that happened 10 years ago. Liu wants to repair his relationship with him but Jeff is too distraught from seeing his brother alive and feels immense guilt.
In general, their relationship is very awkward. Liu tries his best to reassure him and has been incredibly patient but Jeff still can’t fully face his past, especially his past mistakes, fully.
Sully’s distaste for Jeff is quite reasonable, Jeff did try to kill Liu after all. Sully isn’t as bloodthirsty as he’s usually portrayed fanon-wise. Yes he has some moments, he’s very snarky, sarcastic and childish since he is 7 years old. But deep down, he’s just a 7 year old alter than holds some signifying trauma and that’s a role he has had to endure for a while. So his emotional outbursts are quite reasonable, especially in relation to Jeff.
Slenderman really likes chess, it’s probably his favorite hobby. He’s used to playing against his grandfather but nowadays he just likes to randomly invite any of the mansion residents to play against him. Even if they aren’t ready for it.
Also Slenderman’s birth name is Edward and he used to have long hair as a kid.
Trenderman is quite the well known fashion designer in a lot of Midrealm cities, one of his favorite models to work with is actually Jane. She didn’t think much of it when she accepted Trender’s offer but it turned out that she loved modeling and continued to model for him. Jane literally fits for almost all of his designs.
Sally has made pink aprons for all of the male mansion residents, enbies included. The aprons have their names or nicknames hand-stitched on the apron too. They wear it with pride whenever they are in the kitchen whether it be making breakfast or having a cook off.
Lazari is generally really artistic. She loves drawing (obviously), painting, poetry, watercolor, you name it. It’s part of how she copes with her trauma as a creative outlet but also because just loves being spontaneous and expressive because she wasn’t allowed to do that before.
Toby has made it a habit to constantly check his body for any wounds, scratches or generally any injuries he might’ve gotten without noticing. He checks every time before he goes to bed. Toby doesn’t really wear a bandage over his cheek gash, he only does if he isn’t wearing his mouth guard mask for a considerable amount of time. He doesn’t want it infected obviously.
Ben can be quite the prankster and quite the rascal. He’s acts like every 12 year old boy basically. Ben isn’t super powerful or anything, he has all the powers that is expected of his species (he’s in multiple categories, another post for another time).
EJ has a mini-fridge in his room full on kidneys, mostly because he hates going back and forth to the kitchen whenever he wants one. Man definitely has some anger/temper issues, he sometimes gets one of those days where he will yell at someone if they briefly glance at him “the wrong way.”
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bluegirl-something · 2 years
Nice Shot
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Here the bonus one
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Ben being a goofy ahh prankster in my AU. Btw the design of Ben, Rex and Zak are made by me ;) [also the draw inspired by random image I found in pinterest]
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Hcs about crps Julius and Killian are closest friends with? What things would they do hanging out? Favorite places to go? Thank you💙🖤
I kind of already went into Julius' friendships so this post will mostly be Killian, but I'd also like to say that the people that they mutually like, they hang out together with.
The post about Julius meeting/befriending the creeps: here
Killian Friendship Headcanons
I believe that when it comes to friendships, Killian is less intrigued with people he genuinely likes and more intrigued with who he can use the most. When you get stuck in that mindset, it's hard to break out of.
This would be the more quiet, obedient Housemates. Nurse Ann, X-Virus, and Suicide Sadie. He likes to mess with Nurse Ann, making her uncomfortable, but her never really pinpointing why.
I do believe, however, Killian also likes people who has differential opinions to his. He values learning and debates, so people who know when to stand their ground makes him more likely to be interested in listening.
Of course, this means the more powerful people in life, usually the people outside of the mansion. Puppeteer, Vine, and Candy Pop to name a few.
Killian really likes to hang around Puppeteer, and Puppeteer likes to hang around Killian. They both feed off of each other's negative energy, and both will try to egg the other on.
I would say if he got close to people, however, he would end up being really good friends with Clockwork, Nathan the Nobody, or Judge Angels. People who suffered abuse similar to his, and being able to talk about it, is something he keeps most private about himself. If he opened up to anyone, I can definitely see it being them. Also it would be a kind of butterfly effect, all the damage he's done returns to reflect on him.
That's all hypothetical, though. And probably will never happen.
He is DEFINATELY friends with Laughing Jack, whether he wants to or not. And He'd see LJ and Jason around Julius's shop all the time.
But I do believe Killian is more of an explorer, of sorts. He'd go to museums and art galleries to see Helen, go to pubs and meet with Frankie or Puppeteer, and just hang around outside apartment complexes and follow people in and out of them.
I think if he had a best friend who was a creep, however, it would be none of those people. I believe if he truly got to know them, it would be Jeff. Loud, abrasive, opinionated Jeff. I can see them hanging out often, going from pub to club, separating groups of people so they can kill, and doing enough drugs to put them both in a coma. And because he would be best friends with Jeff, he'd be best friends with BEN.
BEN, how the hell do you explain him? Impulsive and spontaneous, however cautious and calculated. I think that BEN would be a reflection of Killian in a lot of ways. (I also headcanon BEN has a pothead, so that's cool I guess.)
I also believe that Killian at heart is a prankster, it's a common trait that the demons have. So being best friends with BEN would always keep him on his toes. They'd go back and forth trying to win one over each other, like a frat house always hazing. It's the best way the spend time when you got all of eternity.
If he truly got to know them, and got past Jeff's God complex, those 3 would be best friends. They'd help each other out, and make the funniest things ever posted onto the internet.
But once again, this is hypothetical. Killian is a lone wolf at heart, and doesn't really require a best friend. Just people to use and argue with lolz.
I hope these were okay!
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Does Venom exist in you Spider-man(?) au?
Love your au(s) btw <3
Venom does exist in Spider-Man(?) au!!!
Oscorp labs exist in the au but Peter is obviously too young to have any real connection there. Instead, there's a science center funded by Oscorp for younger teens/kids where the symbiote is displayed publicly before it's sent off for testing. A lot of the kids think it's lame and boring and Peter sympathizes with it for obvious reasons. It immediately forms an attachment as this kid is the only one to think it's cool and binds with Peter to try and "help" by making him act tougher and fearless, basically getting rid of his flight response.
Of course, things go wrong as usually sweet Peter Parker starts getting into fights at school and Spidey seems to be outright gunning it for villains. It culminates with Peter accidentally hurting Aunt May when she tries to reprimand him for this behavior (she believed he was acting out due to missing Uncle Ben) and running away for a bit as he grapples with almost seriously hurting his Aunt and the symbiote's affect over him.
Eddie Brock in this au is an older teen (Maybe 12-14) who officially works as an intern for the daily bugle. Eddie and Pete were close as Eddie used to babysit him over the summer and they were the youngest employees. He got jealous of Peter as somehow this kid is getting more notoriety and paid for pictures of Spider-Man while he's just the coffee boy.
Eddie, of course, notices this change in behavior due to the close proximity of him and Peter (He gives Peter the papers for his route and organizes the pictures of Spidey) and hopes to catch him messing up his route so Jamison fires him.
It leads them to the clock tower where the symbiote tries to make Peter believe he needs it by amplifying his fear response by showing him every time he was scared while crime fighting and when he found Uncle Ben shot and didn't know what to do. It almost works until Peter realizes he overcame all that and gets rid of it but not before it falls onto Eddie who figures out Peter's identity. The symbiote bonds to Eddie and influences him to fight crime to stay close to Peter.
Eddie initially tries to be Spider-Man but edgier (he's a teen boy what did you expect) but the symbiote amplifies his resentment for Peter due to longing to reunite and feeling betrayed. Venom is born after Spidey catches them getting too rough with a villain and tries to stop them, Venom goes on a tirade about Peter being lucky and vowing to act as the embodiment of chaos in Peter's life.
Since Peter can't exactly say why he and Eddie are no longer cool Eddie just constantly looms around acting as this boogie-man figure in Peter's life, ranging from a cruel prankster to outright homicidal (staging accidents to hurt Peter or his loved ones) while as Venom he sabotages Spidey by sharing weakness to Villians or outright attacking him. Either way, Peter is always looking over his shoulder and can never rest until Venom gets dispatched (tho never permanently)
Also glad you like my aus! I like making and talking about them :>
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k1nd4h · 1 year
Ben 10’s Alienmates au
This is the B10 au that has Ben’s alien transformation exists, but without their Omnitrix symbol and Ben Tennyson.
The personalities(OS)
Four Arms - A guy who always hits the gym because he’s very muscular and big.
Wildmutt - Literally just a playful dog.
XLR8 - A speedster daredevil who’s sometimes a bit selfish to each other aliens.
Grey Matter - A small scientist who works in his large laboratory.
Diamondhead - A very serious guy who’s the boss of the aliens.
Stinkfly - A prankster who pranks people with his stink abilities.
Ripjaws - A guy who’s responsible for biting hard things with his strong jaw.
Upgrade - The assistant of Grey Matter who’s always silent.
Ghostfreak - The scariest and the most chaotic alien who’s responsible for taking over the world.
Heatblast - A cool and fiery guy who likes something very warm.
Cannonbolt - A very clumsy and fat guy who does a lot of mistakes with his rolling ability.
Wildvine - A very kind and respective guy who’s taking care of innocent and cute animals.
Buzzshock - A mischievous kid who’s a paranoid.
Arctiguana - A Jamaican guy who likes cold.
Spitter - A lazy guy who always vomit.
Blitzwolfer - A lone wolf who’s a night owl and a lot of furry girls simps for him.
Snare-Oh - A guy who’s into ancient Egypt.
Frankenstrike - A guy who’s interest in science.
Upchuck (Perk) - A greedy, happy and scatterbrained guy who likes snacks.
Upchuck (Murk) - A cynical, grumpy and greedy guy who likes to eating innocent animals especially pets and being sad or completely furious after you touched his foods.
Ditto - A funny guy who likes pranking his enemies.
Eye Guy - A guy who always hurts his eyes.
Way Big - A guy who’s independent.
Part 2 = Alien Force and Ultimate Alien’s aliens.
Part 3 = Omniverse’ aliens.
Part 4 = Reboot aliens.
Part 5 = Non-canon aliens.
Part 2, 3, 4, and 5 coming soon.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Have you thought about how the kids’ personalities develop as they get older? Like, Goose seems like the responsible oldest brother who always tries to be the best and lead by example… Lydia is such a sweetheart, does she break hearts and give Rooster hypertension in her teen years? James seems like he could be a wildcard….
Does JJ try to be a ham just like his dad? Do the terror twins stay that chaotic? Is Ellie a princess or a nightmare (or both)? How do you imagine them?
In all honesty, I try not to think of them as teenagers/adults too often because I just want them to stay adorable little munchkins forever 😂
Goose definitely is the super responsible firstborn child/oldest brother! He’s very much like his dad—solid, dependable, with a heart of gold. He attends the Naval Academy and becomes an aviator just like his dad and grandfather. When he gets married and starts a family of his own, his parenting style is very similar to Bradley’s.
Lydia is extremely sassy and doesn’t take crap from anybody. After seeing how her parents love each other, she has extremely high standards and doesn’t have time for boys who want to play stupid games. She eventually becomes a nurse and falls in love with a Marine she meets at the Miramar Air Show, much to her father’s and uncles’ devastation 😂
Of all the Bradshaw children, James is the one who’s the most evenly split combination of both his parents, both in looks and temperament. He goes through a bit of a wilder streak than his older siblings, but he settles back down when he decides that he also wants to attend the Naval Academy. He’s torn between taking an engineering path or becoming a fighter pilot, but he ends up deciding to continue the family tradition. He and Ellie finally get together two years after his graduation from the Academy.
Similar to Goose, JJ is the responsible, even-tempered oldest brother. He looks exactly like Hangman, but he takes a lot after Phoenix. He’s extremely intelligent and able to stay calm under pressure. He’s quite the gentleman, and inherited his father’s southern charm. He attends the Naval Academy as well, and marries his high school sweetheart.
Ben and Liam remain their crazy selves 😂 They stop being such total terrors once they get older, but they’re always pranksters and maintain that mischievous spirit. They opt not to join the Navy, but attend the Fire Academy together and become firefighters. The Seresins constantly harass Ben about proposing to his long-time girlfriend, and Liam and his wife end up having triplets 😆
Ellie is a total princess, but manages to pull it off without being obnoxious thanks to her mother’s influence. When she gets older, she doesn’t really have many serious relationships (perhaps because she only has eyes for a certain James Bradshaw 👀), but is super involved at school. She ends up becoming a teacher, and finally gets her man when she’s a senior in college.
But again—I just want them to stay babies forever! 😂
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You know, since a lot of people are designing their own "Spider-sona", I decided I'll take a crack at it. I can't draw for shit, but maybe I can just write down the basics. *cracks knuckles* Here goes nothing! (Lemme know what you guys think!)
Name: Zizi
Spider name: "Crazy Spider"
Height: 5'2
H/C: Black
E/C: Brown
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: Her/Him/She/He
More descriptions: Always wears a brightly colored spidersuit with a black hoodie over it. Is always drinking something, be it an energy drink or a soda (unless Miguel finally makes her drink water). Is always listening to music, so they have their headphones either on or around their neck. He's kinda short with a medium build, and he's always moving, he physically cannot sit still. If he's on a mission, he's multi-tasking, if Miguel is giving a debriefing, he's more than likely doing a tiny dance. Since he always wears his suit, which does a good job of keeping his fluidity on display (his suit is programmed with an optional binder so some assets of his are either visible or not, depending on how he feels.) One can also tell how he's presenting based on his mannerisms. The spider-persons he hangs out with have learned to notice those mannerisms. He's usually very talkative, but some days he just wishes to be quiet and vibe.
Personality: Funny, lively, generous, kind, hyper, hard worker, prankster, and loud.
Backstory: Like most spider people Zi got bit by a scientifically modified spider. However, this was sort of different. This spider was not only radioactive, but had a weird mix of DNA. It was a spider alright, but it's DNA build had a dash of moth in it. A Deathhead moth, that is. It didn't make much of a difference, except give Zi antenne and the ability to locate sweet stuff within a 15 mile radious. More of a distraction than a help. Anyways, the spider did give her powers that altered her own DNA structure in a spidey way. In fact, she's more like Miguel, in a way. She has tiny fangs and retractible "talons" on the tips of her fingers, but she can also produce organic webbing from holes in her wrists. The webbing, however, comes out brightly colored instead of white. Either brightly colored or black, depending on her mood. Her "uncle Ben" was actually a childhood friend she had. The night she lost him was the night she was bit by the spider.
Years had passed since then and, after being recruited by Hobie and Pavitr, she ended up at the Spider-base, where all spider persons from various dimensions and universes basically meet up. She doesn't really understand more than the basics, but she's more than happy to be part of it.
On a usual day she's either helping to stop bad guys and keeping the multiverse from collapsing, or she's busy pranking Miguel with Hobie's help.
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micaiahsdawn · 6 months
These next two are more for multiple games just to reverse a certain troupe. The "Fuck it we ballin" group is reversing the 3 Pegasus sisters roles, they're from Thracia but through warp shenanigans they're stuck wandering Valentina and Archanea.
Ed: Oldest wyvern brother, blue color scheme, the asshole, stressed older sibling, takes no shit, bit of a temper, aggressive affection, "I'm the only one who can bully my siblings." Has no idea how he got here, but will murder anything that looks at his siblings funny
Philip: Middle wyvern brother, green color scheme, the prankster, uses humor to cover up inferiority complex, argues a lot with Ed, but will fistfight anyone who disrespects him. Has no idea how he where he is, but thinks it's funny so he's not complaining.
Carson: Youngest wyvern brother, blue color scheme, tries not to care, cares a lot, tries to be edgy, his brother see right through that, may or may not have ben responsible for their current situation, doesn't want to admit it out of fear of being hated. Knows exactly how he got here and is internally screaming.
I love Ed. What a great combo of character tropes that I love <3
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dcydrecmings · 7 months
send me a 🩵 and i'll answer the following regarding our muses' relationship! if you can't see the emoji, send 'light blue heart'! - ben and violet edition @gcldcnhour
who curses more?: Probably Ben
who is more patient?: Probably Violet, Ben can get a little too attached to things he think should happen.
who does the driving?: Ben
who is louder? who is quieter?: I think Ben's probably the louder one of them?
who is more physically affectionate?: I think they're both pretty physically affectionate with each other, but I'll say Ben - mostly because he grew up around people who were physically affectionate, where I can't picture her family being the most affectionate with her.
who is more likely to tease the other?: Once they actually get together, neither? Ben does love teasing, but considering he knows how Violet's been treated in the past, he's not risking her thinking it's something more than teasing.
who is better with time management?: I think they'd both be good at it.
who wins the arm wrestling matches?: Ben lets Violet win
who controls the music in the car ride?: I feel like they'd switch
who covers dinner when they order in?: These two feel like they'd argue over it, then end up flipping a coin
who is more outgoing? who is more shy?: Ben is more outgoing, Violet a little more shy.
who has the more outlandish fashion sense?: Neither?
who starts the tickle fights? who ends them?: Ben starts them, who ends them depends on the day
who has the darker/more "edgy" sense of humor?: Ben
who is more competitive when it comes to games?: Ben, but he blames playing football for so long.
who has the bigger appetite? the bigger sweet tooth?: Ben has the bigger appetite, but Violet a sweeter tooth because Ben is very much a savoury person.
who is more likely to get in a confrontation in public?: Ben, he doesn't generally get into confrontations, but if he hears someone say a bad word about Violet, then he'll call them out on it.
who hosts the parties/hangouts? who organizes them?: I think both of them host parties/hangouts - they just have very different feels to them. Violet's are probably a little more curated, where Ben's are more chilled.
who is better at cooking? do they ever cook for each other?: Ben loves cooking for.
who is more likely to engage in dangerous and/or illegal behavior?: Probably Ben,not that he would, but it seems more probable than Violet.
who is more likely to notice when something is wrong with the other?: Both of them.
who does the talking in public settings (i.e. to the waiter at a restaurant)?: Both of them
who is more likely to extend a helping hand & provide emotional support?: Both of them, Ben goes out of his way to make sure she knows that he's always there, because he knows she doesn't have that before
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it?: Ben loves a good prank, but also loves when she does it back.
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secretblog1212 · 5 years
Phantom Tickles
Klaus and Ben are pranksters and poor Five is their victim. He will never catch a break with all his siblings around. Tickles ensue.
Ben was bored, he had told his all seeing brother this at least five times in the past half hour. Klaus, however, was interested in his newest hobby, coloring. The two brothers had been filling page after page in the childish coloring books Diego and Vanya had picked out at the store earlier that week, and being honest, the ghosts hand was painfully cramping up. How Klaus remained unaffected was a mystery to him.
“Can’t we switch to something else for a little bit?” Ben all but begged. His counterpart shrugged his shoulders and gave a heavy sigh.
“You got any better ideas Benny Boy? No? Then shut your trap and grab some colors, I want to try to finish this Adventure Time book before dinner.”
Ben did not grab any of the many crayons that were spilt across the floor. Instead he thought in silence for a few minutes while Klaus continued his activities and grew to have a devious smile across his face.
“I know something we could do… At least, if you’re up to cause some havoc?”
“Havoc?” Klaus repeated. His full attention suddenly torn away from Princess Bubblegum.
“I do believe that was my word of choice. A disturbance or inconvenience to our dear siblings.”
Klaus was caught, hook line and sinker. “And what per say would cause such an unfortunate situation?”
Thus the two brothers devised their master plan for destruction to be enacted after dinner, during family bonding time, a recommendation of Vanya and Allison.
Which leads us into the situation currently at hand, baffling five of the seven Hargreeves children.
After a lovely dinner of chicken, peas, and potatoes the seven adults, one of who was a teenager still much to his displeasure, sat around the television with some random horror movie playing. The first hour was peaceful. All the siblings were squeezed onto two separate couches, Vanya, who was covering her eyes, Allison who held the former whenever she got scared and Luther, who watched them both at ever flinch, on one.
Five, Diego and Klaus stretched across the other. Diego was watching intently, fully entranced by the overused plot. Five on the other hand seemed the opposite and drifted in and out of a nap, completely oblivious to the ‘devilish nonsense’ about to take place in their own living room. Klaus, while would normally of at least attempted to stay still, was buzzing with anticipation.
The seventh sibling paced behind each sibling, carefully choosing his target. His decision finalized when Five was startled awake as poor little Katie found a knife plunging into her abdomen. He rubbed at his eyes before stretching as far as his little legs could.
Number six walked behind his newly returned brother, excitement flashing between his and Klaus eyes.
And the mischief began.
First it was just soft blowing on the teens neck and ears, this sadly only received a shuffle, not the reaction either brother was looking for.
Next Ben moved in front of Fives view of the TV, not that anyone could tell of course.
The first sign Five noticed that something might be happening were the small, quick pokes on his left side. He lasted a few minutes with minimal shifting but jumped closer to Klaus after an extra tingly jab in his left side. Ben was ecstatic, their plan was working.
After a few more well placed pokes Five stiffened and bit his lip, whispering softly to an innocent Diego. “Knock it off. I don’t know why you’re doing that, but I don’t want to be part of whatever game you’re playing.”
Diego severed eye contact with the screen in favor of raising an eyebrow to his smallest sibling. “I have no idea what you mean by that but be quiet, it’s just getting to the good bit.”
Five huffed and pulled his legs against his chest in protest, moving slightly closer to Klaus.
At this point Ben was collapsed on the floor laughing and Klaus was barely containing himself. Once Ben regained control he decided he couldn’t wait any longer, without warning he used both of his hands to dig into to poor little Fives sides.
Said Five jumped to the side, propelling himself into Klaus with some repressed noise between a squeal and a cackle before curling into a ball of giggles.This gained all eyes focusing in on the boy.
There was nothing he could push away, no physical hands he could see or touch, Ben had him fully at his mercy.
Ben switched places, a hand moving up to flutter on the side of his neck. The new spot must've knocked something loose in Fives mind because he all but doubled in laughter and finally found his words, or at least what could be an attempt at communication.
“Whahahahat is thihihis? Stohop, sTAhhahap ihit!”
This must of prompted the siblings into action, although not productive to helping him. Vanya was the first to come to her senses. “Umm.” She stumbled, “What’s going on Five? I don’t really understand.”Five only continued to laugh hysterically, oblivious to the words being fired at him.
Klaus was not so lucky.
“Awe, I forgot he was this cute Klaus. “ Ben cooed “His face is so red, and look! His nose is all scrunched up like a bunny. Lil bunny Five.”
Klaus felt his own face begin to heat up knowing he was the only one who could hear their dead brothers taunts.
Between Ben and Diego, Klaus didn’t know how Five hadn’t exploded, he was just about ready to and they weren’t even talking to him!
“Oh Five, I didn’t know you were still ticklish. I am so using this against you.”
“Lil baby bunny. Jeez, you’re just as ticklish as when we were kids Five.”
“Did you hear that? What even was that! A scream or squeal?”
“Oh my god, that voice crack was beautiful, can you do that again?”
“You’re so red!”
Even though the boy in question could only hear half of these taunts it was enough to get him flustered past his limits.
“ShuhuhHUT UHu-uhuhp! Mahahke it stohop!” He practically begged.
Luther still seemed to be confused, looking around for the cause, while the others had just accepted the situation as non dangerous for now. Diego even found himself pulling one of Fives legs from his chest and placing deadly, rapid fire squeezes all the way from his ankle up to the conjunction of his hip and leg.
Five nearly fell off the couch at that, screaming even more threats than before. It was truly a beautiful scene.
“Ihihi wihihill kill yohuhu! Diehegoho, nahahah!”
The girls chuckled at the playful brotherly display, it was rare to see such a wholesome scene within their family. No one really wanted it to end but as Fives giggles and pleas turned silent the tag team brothers slowed their fingers and hands to a stop.
The movie watching resumed without a second thought and Five slumped on his side, still giggling when the credits finished rolling. Before anyone could leave he stopped them all, “Who did it? I don’t understand. No one was touching me in the beginning till Diego decided to join in, which watch your back because revenge is a bitch, but it doesn’t make any sense.”
Klaus smirked at his newly younger sibling, “Guess it is a mystery. What do you think we should headline it?” It only took him a second to start throwing ideas out in the open. “Tickle Monster Loose in the Umbrella Academy? Time Traveler Left Giggling From Terrifying Tickle Attack?”
Five remained unamused and in a flash was gone, hiding in his room to get rid of the pink blush that had taken residency over his face.
Ben smirked from his spot beside Diego, “Don’t think I didn't see how you were blushing Klaus, maybe you need a taste of the tickle monster too.”
Klaus felt himself go stiff.
“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I am beat Nighty night my dearest siblings!” He yelled while bolting up the stairs, the only one able to see the ghost of little Number Six hot on his heels.
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creepy-can · 2 years
What are some motives the pastas have for going after people in your version of events?
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Herobrine, Tails Doll and Sonic.exe find tormenting the player really funny, and will try to do so with anyone they can reach. Is a way to avoid the boredom of eternity.
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Common human food doesn't satisfy Eyeless Jack, his main motive is hunger.
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Sadie tries to compensate his lost childhood and teenage years by murdering dangerous adults who won't repent (Pretty much the canon).
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Laughing Jack entertains himself by torturing and murdering children, but deep down he is afraid of what those kids can turn into.
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Lost Silver's appearances are more of a call for help, but if he gets scared he will do what he can to protect himself.
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Sally doesn't look for a victim, her victims are more of a casual occurrence, being adults she wants gone from the houses she gets in or children she gets angry with. Her view of what's safe or not for the people around her has been distorted by the non-human creatures that make her company.
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Jeff doesn't have a pattern of victims, his goal is not killing an specific kind of person but the satisfaction brutal murder gives him. Although he has a favoritism for aesthetically appealing people.
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Ben is on the prowl for curious people, the kind that is stuborn and doesn't have any common sense. Even though Ben is quite the prankster, he will ultimately try to find the most fucked up way to destroy that person's sanity. He won't always physically murder the person, as he enjoys seeing how the lifes of the victim and anyone around them go on a downward spiral.
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