sulemio-week-official · 4 months
I know people have a lot of reasons to vote for sulemio but I really do hope you give the show a chance. It has an incredible soundtrack and all the episodes are available sub/dub on YouTube and crunchyroll. There's a ton of cute merch and promotional side material plus a horde of amazing content creators and the gayest hand holding scene in existence, give it a shot 🍅
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pablitogavii · 1 year
can you do the red lipstick tiktok trend with gavi? 💕
Kissy Challenge
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"Are you ready amor??" you ask after setting your phone on the tripod and applying some red lipstick on your lips.
"To get besitos from my girl?? Siempre amorcito!" he smirked and you blushed telling him to sit on the sofa while you set up timer on tiktok.
"Okay that's ready to film" you said turning around suddenly very nervous when you met Pablo's smirking face sitting on the sofa and patting his leg for you to sit.
You moved slowly sitting down on his leg as he pulled you closer on his lap and you smiled leaning in and first kissing his cheek leaving a few prominent red kissing marks.
"Díos! You can clearly see it.." you say giggling and he checks in the mirror smirking at himself.
"I like it princesa..give me more besitos!!" he said and you blushed moving to kiss his other cheek, then nose, then lips which was what he waited for wanting to deepen the kiss but you pulled away.
"You're going to smear red all over if you do that cariño.." you tell him and he groans really getting in the mood to 'properly kiss' his girl.
"After the video..I promise" you whisper into his ear seeing him smirk as you went lower and left a few kisses on his jaw and neck finally ready to film.
Then you both got up and you showed Pablo where to stand before starting the timer for the video to start.
"Stay with me.." the music started and you smeared some lipstick on the corner of your mouth on purpose and Pablo's hand came into view as he cleaned it up gently.
Then he moved into the frame and the camera caught his face and neck completely covered in red kissing marks. You were looking at him blushing red as well while he looked at moving closer so your noses touch as video ended.
gavisgirlss: she giving us the content we crave!!!
gavirapablitoo: they look so happy!! AAHHH
pedri: him looking at her like a true simp!!
y.n.bebe: he's simping hard ;))
alejandrobalde: lucky cabrónnn!!
y.n.bebe: sí señor! (ps. it's pablo JAJA)
gavisfanss: freaking out!!!!
y.n.fanss: girl is so pretty it hurts!!
hater01: she doesn't deserve him bruh
gavirafamm: nahh go hate somewhere else!!
gavisangels: yeah! let them be happy!!
"People are freaking out on the video cariño" you giggle reading comments while Pablo washed his face before coming back to bed taking your phone away and pulling you underneath him.
"I think you promised to give me more proper besitos after the video preciosa.." he smirked leaning in and capturing your lips into a passionate kiss before starting to suck on your neck making you moan his name and put your hands into his soft hair.
"All besitos you want amor" you smiled when he rested his forehead against your looking at you lovingly.
Hope you enjoyed! Lmk if you want more tiktok videos content :))
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revserrayyu · 22 days
2.5 trailer thoughts
I usually keep all my thoughts together for the story events, but I'm far too excited thanks to a certain character to contain all my excitement, so.. allow me to fangirl about the new trailer from today's livestream a little bit.
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(there's really no spoilers but i'll kindly put everything below since it'll be a lot of chatter anyways)
Starting off with how bestest boy Luka is here! Not exactly sure how he hopped planets.. but I'll speculate about his arrival later. I do remember reading some people bring up a npc in the Shackling Prison who mentioned seeing a dude with a metal arm, but I never imagined it to be our boy and that he would actually physically be here!
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I'm still a tiny bit bitter he never showed up during any main story mission, though it makes sense since he was released after the events of Belobog happened, so any time he's mentioned or we catch a glimpse of him makes me happy. Letting him get his own side event during this 2.5 patch too will be nice for him too!
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I'm so fond of him and I'm always surprised how many people just don't care for the guy. I can understand how he could be a bit forgettable or not an impressive unit though, since I don't even have him built up either despite all the instances I told myself I would.
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I know some people aren't fans of his design either, but c'mon, he's cute! Look at this buff, cheerful man with those pretty blue eyes, piercings and little ponytail! Aahhh.. he's precious to me.
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Time to add Luka to the 'beat up Yanqing' squad alongside Blade, Jingliu, Dan Heng, Yunli and whomever else I'm forgetting. I hope our favorite boxer knocks his lights out.
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Now for the spectators! I didn't notice her while first watching the livesteam, but Topaz is here! With Numby on her lap too, of course. And I was gonna assume that perhaps that's how Luka managed to arrive on the Xianzhou, courtesy of the IPC and their many connections, but then I remembered Topaz was just in Penacony.. so unless she went back and forth between planets then who knows how our boy ended up here. We can always guess the Express picked him up too. I dunno.
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We even got Hook cheering on her fellow Moles member! Hard to miss Svarog there too though I wonder if Clara is with him and perhaps we just don't see her in this shot? I wanna say he trusts her enough to be on her own but then that brings up why would he even leave her side in the first place and not keep watch of the Underground, unless Svarog decided to join just to support Luka. That would be a nice little form of respect carried over from our boxer's mission. And Lynx which naturally leads me to question where Serval and Geppie could be right now. I can't imagine Gepard would be fine with having Lynx travel all the way to a new planet when the guy gets stressed out about her simply venturing into the snow plains during her job. Serval on the other hand.. yeah, she's totally let Lynx travel. But I'd still much rather see all the siblings around more! I miss them terribly! I'd love it if there were more Belobogians in the crowd that we just didn't get to see yet but I'm thankful we even get a few and learn that they're finally able to venture away from their cold, icy planet and experience new places like this.
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And lastly we have the most handsome man in all of space and Qingque who is undoubtedly avoiding work. The two of them did actually meet previously during that silly hotel checkout event in Penacony so it's fun to seem them be friendly still.
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Yeah, okay, so here's where I start to go crazy over our Lacking General more. What a surprise, right? I mean, how could I not after seeing her storm into battle whilst riding a ship like this??
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At first, I also didn't notice it was Yukong who said the "Feixiao, the ports of Starskiff Haven are crawling with wolf-like creatures. They're moving fast," lines. My excitement for Feixiao clearly took priority. (I am curious why she bothered to say wolf-like instead of Borisin though? If Yanqing knows about them then surely Yukong knows what they are, right?)
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Even if it's just a quick cutscene, I'm so thrilled for us to finally see Yukong fight! We've heard enough of her pilot days so something as simple as this is great, though I'd love to see her fly again too.
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Feixiao coming in hot to aide her war buddy, still looking badass as ever, let's gooo!
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Ma'am do you know how amazing you are??
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She told Yukong to "Hold them back, I will be there immediately" and she definitely kept her word! Even using her follow up attack, or something visually similar to it.
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That grin… oh god. I would willingly stand on the other end of her gunblade in order to see that prideful smirk of hers. (also never realized that pattern on the inside of her jacket before. that's pretty neat.)
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*Mandatory screenshot for me to giggle and kick my feet to while I obsess over how beautiful her design is* tee-hee~
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Okay so for this bow and arrow shot, there could always be the chance that this style of bow is standard and that all military personal use them, but since we don't see that many archers, I'm gonna blissfully assume she's borrowing Yukong's bow here. I was kinda amazed to see Feixiao capable of wielding a bow and arrow too, considering she's already mastered her gunblades and battleaxe, but hey, it just adds to her talent. It makes more sense after seeing that teaser of her upcoming myriad video though.
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Ohhh buddy.. I know our lady experiences Moon Rage but I wasn't expecting her to go off quite like this!
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Not only is she strong as fuck already but she's gonna end up as a boss fight too? Brooo.. that's insane. I love it. I pray she gets an awesome battle theme.
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Now while her condition is certainly a big problem, I don't think she just decided "hey let me go insane at this very moment" and gave into it willingly. I'm sure she's gained a certain amount of control over it throughout the years, so my assumption coupled with her statement of her "lacking in worries" leads me to believe that something or someone (aka Hoolay) forced her into this state..
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.. because hot damn, she looks positively possessed. It's such a simple detail but the red ring around her eyes is so effectively chilling, like you know you're in danger when you see her like this. I love this shot of her, honestly. I'm not gonna straight up say that Hoolay is controlling her somehow either, but more like Feixiao lost control of herself. What would get her to snap? I dunno, perhaps any bad news surrounding Jiaoqiu. You know, her right hand man who's supposed to keep her in good health. He wasn't spotted anywhere in the trailer, so who knows what happened to our master chef.
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Huaiyan can be heard saying "Merlin's Claw, you have betrayed the alliance," but with how deep Feixiao's hatred is for Hoolay and the Borisin, I have my doubts about that. Of course, we could've all been played for fools and the two could actually be acquaintances of some sort, but it still wouldn't make sense to me. The only similarity these two could possibly bond over is Hoolay's line of them both being "monsters that were born for war and die for war."
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I'm not saying I wouldn't love an evil Feixiao, since I do have my fair share of villains, but yeah. Anyways, obligatory screenshot to make me swoon even more.
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Also I haven't a clue about what this light is or who or what it's coming from either but I for sure thought it was gonna wipe out our General the first time I watched the trailer..
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only for her to just.. ignore it completely. Or re-direct it ever so slightly away from her. Either way, I'm impressed.
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Naturally the trailers go by real quickly and are never in story sequence order so I could be totally wrong about this, but I wanna assume Feixiao regains control over herself during the fight to take down Hoolay? If her normal eyes and confident grin are anything to go by anyways.
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After hearing bits and pieces about how Jingliu was the one who originally defeated Hoolay, the master of ice does indeed show up again for the upcoming patch! Oohhh I'm so excited. I wonder if Jing Yuan had anything to do with her sudden appearance considering she was locked up on another ship. Imagine if we get to see her and Feixiao team up in order to take down the beast? Oh my god, I think I'd pass out if we get such a scene!
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It may just be this one screenshot, but her expression doesn't really seem like she's accepting an alliance with Hoolay. Still feels like there's some anger there to me. Maybe distrust. But nothing close to joy or calm. Or this scene could just be an illusion. Who knows.
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Wouldn't it be grand though, if all of this was sorta planned? To get this close to Hoolay but instead of siding with him (because why on earth would Feixiao do such a thing) but to figure out if the war head is truly capable of providing a cure for her condition like Jiaoqiu hoped? Or perhaps she's just getting close to him to get her revenge in a sort of 'keep your friends close but your enemies closer' sort of way, yeah?
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Many ideas and many days left until we get our answers. One thing is certain though: we need Jiaoqiu back at her side please, like now! Sir, please come back and calm down your General!
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cordeliawhohung · 8 months
sorry if you already answered this but aahhh!! does mafia!simon still wear a mask? or maybe he only does so when he's working and never in front of the reader?
hi! and you're all good, it hasn't been asked yet! :)
he does wear a mask but conditionally! he started wearing a plain black balaclava back when he did underground boxing in order to conceal his identity. he was a little paranoid someone would recognize him or try and track him down or something like that. he'll wear it on missions sometimes, but by the time he joins Price's mafia he doesn't really have much to fear because he became well known as "the guy you don't wanna fuck with" lmao. he doesn't wear it in public or anything, but he realizes people seem to respect him a bit more when he wears it whenever he has to play as a bouncer at the club. i sort of dove into that a little bit with this one shot here but i think i'll get into it more if/when i ever finish writing his proper fic.
speaking of that, here's the paragraph i have written in the rough draft of the prologue for that story that sort of explains the mask stuff briefly if you're interested!
While he waited, Simon adjusted the wraps on his knuckles and the balaclava obscuring his face. He always refused to show his face in that place because the last thing he wanted was for any of that to come back and bite him in the ass. Underground boxing wasn’t exactly the most legal thing in the world, but being a butcher wasn’t exactly a well paying job, either. The only reason he risked his life in that hole was because the winner got to take home twenty percent of the pot, and he had family to take care of.
thank you for your question! i'm sorta half awake right now so i hope that all made sense lmao
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catgrassplantdad · 9 months
fic writer interview
i was tagged by the luminous @energievie & @suzy-queued to fill this bad boy out! i remember doing this last year too, how fun! 🩷
1. How many works do you have on AO3?  I've got 20 on there now!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 143,320
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? kinda raw, float, cinematic, and i'm your warm receiver, watching. the four after kinda raw are all pretty close together in terms of kudos, but kinda raw has a lot more kudos than the one after it and i don't understand why. i have written better fics lmfao! y'all are just nasty. and honestly i appreciate that.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i try to always respond, but sometimes it gets away from me! i just really appreciate people taking the time to leave a comment, and i want to show that appreciation.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? i don't think any of mine have been angsty!
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? they're all happy, but it might be you outshined the best there was just because of the nature of the story. soft dads, seen from mickey's perspective as he grows into fatherhood over the course of a year, but also so, so plotless. soft!
7. Do you write crossovers? no and i doubt i ever will. one of my very favorite conversations though is when my husband and i insert characters from other media we like into star trek tng or ds9. it's so dumb and so funny. lmao what if i wrote it
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? yeah! once, on one of my favorite fics, ligature. they told me i should sterilize myself because i'm glorifying abuse by writing bdsm, it's a good read
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i almost exclusively write smut! nasty and loving. i don't know how to describe it but whenever i think i've written something disgusting i inevitably get comments about how sweet it is. which, yeah, it's not like they're mutually exclusive ways to fuck. so yeah, sweet and dirty husbands
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? i don't think so! i mean i hope not
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i haven't, but i've collaborated on a couple of projects with my dear friend @heymrspatel! i wrote and she made art for cinematic and honeycomb. cinematic was more julissa making art for parts i'd already written, but honeycomb especially was a collaborative process with the way that a bunch of what i wrote was based on things that julissa was visualizing for her art, so parts of it did feel like co-writing. it was the most fun i've had working on anything!
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship? don't make me choose between the angel who fell in love with a faithless man, and the closeted thug who fell in love with the kid who had it bad for him and ultimately had the most satisfying ending. destiel and gallavich are both such incredibly compelling ships!! aahhh!!
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? if there's something i'm not going to finish, it's generally because it became something i didn't want to work on anymore.
15. What are your writing strengths? describing physical sensation and emotional impact, dialogue
16. What are your writing weaknesses? exposition
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? i like evie's idea of just indicating that they've switched to another language without actually writing the language out
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? gallavich
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? i really want to write destiel smut. i think the nonhuman element could be fun to play with. i've read a lot of grace sex and that shit is soooooo. hot. i want to try my hand at it.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? this changes so often! one i come back to a lot is chapter two of 2022's kinktober collection, the prompts were wax & "yeah, that's it baby, just like that" and i wrote some wax play and i suppose cockwarming although it's not tagged as such. i also really fucking love lush, it's inspired by one of julissa's pieces and it's drunk lovemaking and breathplay. i also need to shout out a newer one, beauty in simplicity from this year's kinktober collection. mickey getting his ass eaten on the kitchen table. there's three fics! i don't care!
tagging @howlinchickhowl @whatwouldmickeydo @whatthebodygraspsnot @gallawitchxx @ohkate @sam-loves-seb @sisitrip @crossmydna @thisdivorce @mmmichyyy @arrowflier if you guys feel like playing 🖤
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elvenbeard · 1 year
omg i wanna know more about vince's arasaka ex-boyfriend! he looks cute! hope he's not a dick. but then again you gotta be a certain level of dick to survive in arasaka so maybe im setting myself up. do the other co-workers know or was it a hush-hush thing?
AAHHH!!! öashdfafd thanks so much for asking!!! BETTER BUCKLE UP, this is gonna be long and angsty xDD
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(putting his not-100%-polished or canon appearance here again cause I like having pics with my long posts XD)
Okay so... his name is Shou, like Vince he is half-Japanese, but he actually grew up and spent the majority of his life in Japan. He comes from a similar background as Vince, too, corpo-family with ties to Arasaka, excellent education, good grades, a little bit of an outsider even, but he never intermittently left the corpo world like Vince did. He got his entry-level position job at Arasaka fresh out of university and has been (outwardly) loyal and obedient ever since, rising in ranks in no time.
He's roughly 10 years older than Vince, and in 2074 gets transferred to Night City from Tokyo, to help with the expansion of the Counterintel department there. Technically he's on Jenkins' level, experience- and skill-wise, but since everything works a bit differently in Night City, for the time being he ends up a part of Jenkins' team on a level with Vince. It would've been Jenkins' duty to show Shou the ropes actually, but he delegates the task to good old Agent V instead, and that's how they first properly get to know and work with each other.
Let's just say, there is definitely an instant curiosity/interest and base-level of attraction from both sides XD Vince and Shou work well together, share a lot of common interests, have similar ambitious personalities, (both of them are a little bit of a dick, really), and inevitably they also spend a lot of time together. The one thing that Vince is most interested in though, that Shou always seems to avoid answering directly, is why he volunteered to come to Night City from Tokyo. Most people V knows that are striving to rise to the top would wish for it to be the other way around. Shou is always like "I wanted a change of scenery", "I wanted to broaden my horizon", "It looks good on my resume to be in the teamlead of this project" and so on, but none of that feels 100% genuine and so Vince keeps his walls up and tries to maintain a professional distance, despite really liking him otherwise. Emphasis on "tries", cause Shou is not making it easy for him either xD
Some time passes, Vince is still adamant about not wanting a relationship with a coworker (also because he is low-key worried if he lets someone into his life too closely, they might discover he's in contact with Jackie and leaking very classified company secrets to him now and then). But still, one evening Shou and him end up alone at a bar together and one thing leads to another...
Initially their relationship was definitely more on the hush-hush side, not because they were ashamed of it or anything, but because Vince didn't want to be blamed with treating Shou favorably over the others in his team because he was sleeping with him. As time went on though the others definitely caught on, and there was a little bit of drama and bad blood, but nothing they didn't know how to deal with. They had to make it official towards Jenkins and the head of the department at the time soon-ish after becoming a thing anyway though, to not run into problems on that side either, but it went surprisingly smooth. Vince actually was very very happy at the time and wouldn't have figured to ever find someone he'd click so well with that he started to imagine a long-lasting future together.
Long story short though... It never came to that. I mentioned in the lore post that their relationship ended abruptly and bitter, and yeah. Let's just say, Shou hadn't come to Night City for a change of scenery, but as part of an elaborate plan he'd been setting up for years to get out of Arasaka for good, make a bunch of money in the process, and disappear from the face of the earth. Fuck off to somewhere where they'd never be able to track him down, the Soviet Union or something like that. He hadn't planned on genuinely falling in love with Vince though.
Aware that Vince was (apparently) very loyal to Arasaka, he also knew it would need some effort to convince him to come along with him, leave everything behind for good and start over somewhere new. So, what's his idea here? Make it seem like Vince is leaking info to a competing corp by messing with his computer and files. He abused Vince's trust to basically force him to come with him, cause at the press of a button he'd be able to notify Jenkins of Vince’s “betrayal” and he would have no other choice but to run away. Vince figures this out accidentally, and just briefly before Shou can set him up in a way so that there would’ve been no turning back. Since Vince is *actually* leaking company info, just not to a corp but his best friend whose safety he’s now also extremely scared for, he kind of has to make a choice between “run away with the love of my life” and “run to Jenkins and tell him about the setup before Shou can go through with his plan”. And he ends up choosing Jenkins out of loyalty to Jackie.
Let’s just say… the ensuing chaos did not end well for neither Shou nor Vince, but at least Vince walks out of it somewhat alive. Shou never felt in the wrong btw (and really, he was not wrong to want to get himself and Vince out of Arasaka asap). He did what he did out of love, genuinely convinced it was the only thing and the right thing he could've done. Best, most loving intentions, worst possible execution.
(one day, when I have Vince in NPV format, be ready for gut-wrenching VP of all of this. I'M NOT OKAY ABOUT THEM. Also, imagine the very awkward convo with Kerry later on that starts with "So, I told you everything about Louise... now how did your last relationship end?")
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2n2n · 1 year
Chapter 101
*dies in the street like a dog* aaoaoaouuouu *swings body from the rafters* aaorurouoouu no rest for the wicked no rest no rest... aa aa aa ach ach ack ack agh agh
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there could not be a more earth-shattering opening... the first real peak into living, middle-school-aged Tsukasa... pictured in the rafters of the theater, singing. Singing, like he does---! I'm not ready I'm not ready ...
It's not set in stone, but he might be doing a little vocalization (like a coloratura....?) of Over the Rainbow.... ah you know, I get emotional, as his VA, Megumi Ogata, can sure as hell sing....! So can Nene's, who sings the ED of the anime... it might be rather beautiful....
I hope someone super into music can properly confirm the song...
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please, Amane... what do you want... ? you can't stay quiet and obtuse forever... can we hear it out loud?
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overwhelmingly full of love... Aida is an unbearable master of expression....
I really love ah... this simple interaction, it's so full. Amane knows there's better things for Tsukasa to do, that it's not fun or interesting to stay here, that there would be other people wanting his help... it's not the responsible thing, to ask Tsukasa to stay. But what do we care about that? We only want to know what Amane himself wishes would happen... if he could have anything, if it was only up to him, if we disregard the students, if we disregard what is responsible or proper to want, what would he really want....?
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the most exciting image to ever see... aahhh. Living twins together in their first year of middle school... Amane isn't yet covered in wounds, bandages, and bruises... no rope burns. He's a bit dirty from messing with the clock, is all. Tsukasa's pose is sublime... also, how incredibly small Aida makes the boy's asses in the modern day is wondrous, lol. There was a short period in her art where there was more going on there, but she returned to the stick-thin principle from ye olde times (early JSHK is so ah... 'filled out'? but Snow White is sssooo sticks ... I prefer her more extreme styling, I really love how young and gangly the boys feel....). Tsukasa's shirt isn't tucked in, while Amane's is .... ♥ Such tiny little hips they have... I could really drink in these panels for a century..
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you know, Aoi is always describing Akane as so helpful and kind and always doing everything for everybody, but I feel like we constantly see him being mean and fussy wwwww it's either such a 'tell and not show' situation, or Aoi has way too kind of a view on Akane wwww...
oh yeah! My husband wondered if maybe Aoi can't tie her hair so easily anymore, after losing the feeling in one of her hands.... maybe she'll wear it down more often, as a result.
Anyway Hanako being all whiney left out sad boy is always my favorite... I love little sulking boy. I'm glad Nene is so kind with him. She really does her best for her little man. I love his overly specific ideas of what to do, lol.... Ah... he's very cute isn't he... yabai...
GETTING TO THE MEAT OF THIS ALL, though. Haha .. uah, I dunno... was Amane a Clockkeeper, is that the implication....? Clockkeepers are indentured into servitude in their first year, and serve for the duration of their time at Kamome...
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on the first day no less, the Clockkeepers nab they boy. The Clockkeepers stage something to make a kid desperate... in Akane's case, they endanger Aoi, right in front of Akane..
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is it possible...? Well at least, I don't see why not.... maybe yes maybe no...
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if Amane has been trapped in this system for so much of his life, how miserable that would be... Akane was targetted by the Clockkeepers surely because of how devoted to Aoi he was, while Amane is naturally protective of his little brother....
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I wonder if this is kinda 'moments before disaster' then...
We'll have our whimsy for now, imagining it, at least. Amane wouldn't have Teru there to make him special enchanted glasses, which are what allow Akane to live a somewhat normal life. Amane would have to see kaii everywhere! His power meanwhile, could only stop time for short durations... ah, I've always thought of him as so ignorant of the world of mysticism, so this would be such a shift....
I wonder what sort of measures are taken to keep Clockkeepers in line? Akane is a dutiful boy and even outside of Aoi, does as he's asked in most situations, easily cajoled into anything, as Aoi describes him... but Amane was a difficult boy who is often enough, defecting responsibility, by 2nd year (age 13) anyway....
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I'd imagine there's a kind of mind-wiping of your Clockkeeping career post-serving in order to preserve mysteries... as much as the mysteries erase things suchas memories of missing students.
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well, I would love the resentment and betrayal this would give Amane to recall! Feeling messed with, feeling manipulated, even after all of these years working as a mystery, mingling with No. 1.... aha, really made a fool of, every day, right? Again and again ... And just in time, if the Broadcast Club is angling to snatch the Clockkeepers....
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whatever the case... let's get those damn Clockkeepers!! Whether you ruined Amane's school life or not... ! Aha, sounds like a good motivator to me, and even a good reason for Tsukasa to want to unpack some things to Amane.. what if all the mysteries have done, is ruin the Yugi's lives, ruin Amane's life? We really should tear the place apart then... and as often as possible, use those within the system suffering from it to do it....
uauuuhhhh I'm so worried Amane won't be able to keep his promise for any reason, and will again be too caught up in the mysteries world to enjoy a festival....
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I wonder if even Nene-chan would prefer to miss the festival, than be without you, just like Tsukasa ... wouldn't your girlies always prefer to be with you, even if it means no rainbow cotton candy, no snacks, no plays.... ahhhh.
Nene-chan being so cute... Amane being so romantic.... them being such goons.... all so healingly precious... enough healing preciousness to balance out the looming dangers....
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I hope you two get to do something wonderful and fun, at some point...
ugh...acting so handsomely....
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acting too handsomely....
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me too. Nene-chan.
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its too much when he's being charming.... please spin him and send him to the ground, over and over and over, OK... I can't handle him like this.... but also, let's do everything in our power to give him everything he wants and appease his every ounce of neediness, OK? So that he can become an even greater monster of charisma, and then we can just die about it forever.
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afaramir · 7 months
LOLL i was gonna start like ‘hey there im denethor anon’ but u beat me to it. SIMILAR MINDS. Haha i read one of ur fics, was immediately smitten & was like i MUST follow them. (I’m glad i did, love the vibe of ur blog and the Flavour of ur opinions.. TASTY) so im a more recent follower but i’m gathering younger you weren’t a fan of denethor, huh? Can’t say i blame you. PJ certainly made some Decisions. he was like how do i convert a complex character into The most loathsome creature ever. He really did our fav gondorians sooo dirty. I literally watch through those scenes SEETHING in rage.
So I’ve been Thinking about denethor and faramir and nothing else for two days. like i am a denethor girlie. in my mind. spiritually. haven’t posted much abt him on tumblr. but nowww. you’re exactly right, ‘denethor Is a good leader…[insert ur paragraph here]’ yes yes yes you get it. listen denethor was a prideful, angry, resentful man but he was also valiant, resilient and noble. He guarded his city, alone (which takes GUTS, again, he was a badass!!), so well, for literal YEARS that Sauron was fearful/wary of him. i wish people were more understanding of him. he’s such an interesting character there’s so much to explore there. as you said the duty-vs-love, the weapon-first-person-next of it all. the layers. denethor as a weapon. denethor as a symbol of both sword/shield. AAHHH
BUT i think some people dismiss him hate him bc he is the mirror (the ugly side? if that makes sense) of humanity, of us. we ought to show him some compassion tho ‘cause havent u ever been taken under the darkness of life? felt the world slipping away & struggle to keep up w it? dont u ever feel hopeless? that things will never change, no matter what u do? DO YOU HAVE FEARS HAVE YOU FACED THE MONSTERS? WERE YOU ALONE, SCARED AND HOPELESS? AND HAVENT YOU MADE MISTAKES IN YOUR GRIEF AND PUSHED PEOPLE AWAY?? THAT’S what denethor experienced. He was described as a leader & a learned one at that for christ sake. He knew that evil was awaiting him and his kin and his people! he saw his future. yet. yet he soldiered on until. war declared. his sons killed (or so he believed). that’s when hope abandoned him. what was the point of staying alive now anyway? Evil was upon them, they would surely be tortured w a fate worse than death, so why should he not end the pain and kill himself? he fought the war against Time, Evil and The Dark Enemy himself and WON. he was a brave man indeed, to have fought these dark forces so much stronger than him. but he finally lost the war against Despair (and Grief), the cruelest of them all. imma cry 😭😭😭 no no no u don’t understand he didnt give up hope, hope abandoned him he- [GUNSHOT] (i don’t know how much of this even made sense lmao) anyway,
Faramir <333. do i even have to say anything about faramir? he’s the specialest little guy i love himm 🥰. On god i am one step away from rereading lotr just for him (plsss dont tempt me finals are in less than a fortnight) his and denethor’s relationship like u described my godddd XDD. fucked up familial relationships MY BELOVED. i am feral about this trope. the resentment… the jealousy… the mirror image of each other… the you’re-the-same-like-me-and-i-hate-that… mmmhm. hey do u ever think about 12 year old faramir admiring his father much the same way he did boromir and wishing he would grow up to be just like him? and do you ever think about 28 year old faramir knowing that he’s more like his father than anyone else and hating that? hating him? i do.
I’ll stop now lol im afraid my coherency has diminished by now. also sorry sorry for replying so late i am preparing for my exams. but rest assured i WILL be Rotating faramir around in my brain :3
hiiii denethor anon LOL this is the greatest ask ive ever received. every day i endeavour to provide only THE juiciest of opinions. aka this is my diary and you all are subjected to it. anyway im so glad you liked my fic i would love to know which one you read! i got into lotr via the films when i was super young so my past opinions were def coloured by The Choices. i have learned and grown since then<3 i was watching the book-to-film analysis vids on the extended edition dvds a couple weeks back and it made me so mad that i had to get up and turn off the tv. did you know there are other character options besides 'paragon of virtue' and 'one dimensional villain'...truly kind of a "nice dichotomy idiot! now what lies outside of it" situation. A Waste Of Your John Noble, To Be Honest. idk i still hold the films very close to my heart but the choices...i will simply respectfully disagree. and dont even get me started on faramir we WILL be here all night. another time. i have denethor thorongil situationship-fic to write. (i am serious about that) (i was simultaneously playing it 100% straight serious AND kind of joking about them. i shouldve known better. well.........we are so in it.)
you are so real for this. i have ALSO been Thinking about denethor and faramir and nothing else for days. weeks, even. sorry to everyone coming to the faramir goes to rivendell au for faramir and the fellowship the first 10k is literally just Keeping Up With The Stewards. we'll get there. i Will blame you for the impetus for my recent denethorposting on main but also encourage you to also do this. do whatever you want forever<3 nooo but straight up...guy who has so much strength and will that The Lord Of All Evil wouldnt contend directly against him and had to bring out the big palantir guns to bring him down. and if he'd not lost both of his sons i mean...who knows what would've happened. sometimes your sons ARE the only thing keeping you from killing yourself Do It For Them-style and lets be real that is a valid coping method. (i don't have an answer for that one and boy oh boy do i wish i did. it is going to become a massive thorn in my side in, oh, 70k or so when i hit rotk. well...i will blow up that bridge when i get to it.)
im actually putting a read more in this time bc this post broke a thousand words. continue at your own risk. there IS also faramirposting at the end here i promise.
just imagining denethor leading the siege of minas tirith. um. now stay with me here...riding out with imrahil's sortie. STAY WITH ME HERE. what do you think the livery of a steward going to war looks like. jesus christ i need to go lay down. yes i purposefully placed the read more before i decided to go momentarily horny on main. its also lowkey very vague au spoilers. sorry everyone but denethor IS canonically hot and we need to acknowledge it. Anyway.
denethor as a weapon denethor as both a sword and a shield...i am chewing glass for real. you GET IT. god i love person-as-weapon metaphor soooo much. When The Iconography Is Getting A Little Too Real. denethor as gondor, as her vanguard and standard-bearer and. i am straight up frothing at the mouth. all he ever wanted was to be a gentle lord in a time of peace.....and death was his reward...Sorry For Stealing The Fingon Death Quotation But I'm Right. so much of his behaviour and the strain on his relationships with his sons and all that is sooo...informed by the fact that to cope with having to be lord of a country at war he had to be so so unbending. he couldn't allow himself to waver, ever, not even for love, not even to save his sons.
did you know he was 21 when sauron returned. pov you are 21 years young and you have been alone all your life you are the steward's only son you are his strange numenorean heir and no one else has the LITERAL PSYCHIC POWERS AND VISIONS that you do and you have had to contend with that, alone. master your own mind, alone. learn how the shape of politics and lordship and life bends around you. and the dark lord the enemy who brought down your forebears has now set his eye on your lands again. Jesus Christ. How Would You Fucking Deal. sorry i would have a nervous breakdown and go and live in the desert. Man. TWENTY ONE? LIKE ME? most days i feel like a teletubby with a job and a credit card. if you scale it to account for numenorean lifespan inflation i mean i don't know how the math works but like. i bet it comes out to being like. 17. HELLO? basically everyone i know was barely a person at 17. the dark lord of all evil and he's MY problem to deal with?
i mean exactly. haven't we all been prideful and angry and resentful. haven't we all been there. once again [pippin voice] let's all understand poor denethor a little better. havent you ever been taken under the darkness of life [your paragraph here] yeah exactly what you said. the idea that he fucking won the war against the darkness and only lost to despair is..........so much! goodbye i have to go cry!
faramir, me AND fate's most special precious little guy....oh captain my captain....exactly. Exactly. i cant morally endorse a reread right this second but like. After. make it through finals and then it is Faramir Time. (and good luck! you got this!) tactical smartass little bitch master of both man and beast wizard's pupil (complimentary) star and hope and jewel of minas tirith knight in shining armour...my beloved. the idea that like faramir as presented, as the diplomat, as the scholar, as the numenorean, was supposed to be the one to go to rivendell...it haunts me. where is denethor sends the right son to do the right job.txt. he is gondor's no. 1 horse girl he is better suited to the wild than the battlefield he has read every sindarin text in the library he KNOWS the story of elrond and elros. he is literally telepathic and psychic and prophetic. thinking about him interacting with elrond and galadriel (and every other elf. but them in particular) makes me feel deranged. its very...self taught dnd wizard meets guy who went to wizard school energy. he's insane.
YEAH ITS CRAZY THAT THEYRE THE SAME GUY. it's. boromir gets to be boromir but faramir has to be denethor.txt. gracious and lordly as a king of old...now who is consistently referred to as noble and kingly...that a younger faramir would've looked up to...yeah. the perpetuation of denethor's second-best complex. i have a whole nother post in the drafts about that i CANT get into it here but jesus christ men who are NOT breaking the cycle. they even look the same. i mean 37 year old faramir as steward is 100% the spitting image of his father and that makes me....genuinely fucking insane actually. i mean like older councillors are doing double takes every time he walks by. i mean like sometimes people call him by the wrong fucking name. WOW where did that come from. the complex that that would give him...hello? turning this over inside my brain at WARP speed.
you are not late at all lol we are leaving little letters in each other's mailboxes to read when we have the time. i hope your exams go well!!! there will be more Faramir And Denethor Hours soon<33
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katana-zero · 9 months
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Hold on let me try to answer to all of your tags dkdmmfmmc I woke up this morning and it was the first thing I saw AAHHH
Also sorry english is not my first language so I might struggle with some sentences!! (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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I'M GLAD THAT THIS PIC CAPTURED HER WELL 🥹🥹🥹 I wanted to draw something chill because!!! Well!!! She is chill!!
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TY I love when people like my coloring (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
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I think actually he would feel trouble feeling anything. He'd probably regret killing kids if he ever done that (because of LG) but otherwise I think he wouldn't feel anything. At first I thought that he'd feel alive, since canonically he feels alive only when taking someone else's life, but I'm not sure he'd feel anything just watching the record.
Or he'd feel the stinging feeling of regret, if church monologue is actually his (I have a theory that it's actually Fifteen's thoughts, but I'm not really sure so!! Just a fun thought) and he felt bad watching all those people cry.
Or he'd feel everything at once like one big complicated feeling (⁠*⁠﹏⁠*⁠;⁠) I don't know how to describe it.
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THANK YOU!!! 🥹🥹🥹
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I love SnowHunter SO MUCH my favourite lesbians. They have me in chokehold since I first thought about them I just. Need more of them in my life.
I think Snow uses something similar to chronos! Like that green thing Psych used in boss fight. He mentioned that the government created more than just one drug for war, so it's safe to assume that she will most likely use something similar. Or it might be something that organization Snow works for created, since they somehow recreated chronos. I hope we'll see what she uses in the dlc 🙏
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🥹 jsjxjjsk Zero and Fifteen cuddling Leviathan and Behemoth... The eepies
Fifteen stop being mad just hug a biblical creation bro chill out
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:3 I love drawing Zero with a scruff, I'm glad someone else likes it too!
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Fifteen katana zero I need you Fifteen katana zero
AHHH I'M SO HAPPY YOU NOTICED THE EFFECT!! I like drawing it on my artworks with nulls because it shows how their time is running out yk yk (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ mentally ill guys
ykw ykw. i think he'd feel so much about everything that he'd just go numb. his normal blank expression on his face but somehow even more unreadable than normal. idk if he'd be able to feel anything after that. him feeling "alive" while killing is just him feeling like he's actually having an effect on the world around him yk? that's how he was raised, a child soldier. but losing your memories of that and then running with the mindset that only the lives of criminals and corrupt police deserve less value only to see yourself killing children? beings that physically cannot have less value because they have so much more life ahead of them? brooooo brooooooooo he's done for he's donneeee. I really like the theory that the monologue is from fif instead of zero too- and it makes sense! fifteen has such strong connections to his past that of course he'd have such strong thoughts about what it was like. zero for sure could say it himself but he's so warped about whats real and not that i dont think he could form that strong of an opinion (and if it IS his thoughts then its just what psych planted in his head)
SPEAKING OF PSYCH im pretty sure the green mega chronos or whatever the psych uses was confirmed to be not actually canon and (speculation from here) just a hallucination from zero's end considering the path to getting that boss is just by pissing him off. BUT but but i do think her amping herself up on the fake chronos that the company is making is soooo real. i hope we see in the dlc god ugh. either way i definitely gotta draw some snowhunter myself since i havent stopped thinking about it.
anyway YEAHHHHH RUNNING OUT OF TIMEEEEEEE. i loveeee how subtle it is in your art but also directly staring you in the face. youre soooo good at it !!!!!
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Dani hello and HAPPY AUGAYST!
Honestly the best of all the months, all these amazing movies and tv shows aahhh I can't wait for everything to come out! Although I already finished Good Omens and no spoilers but I can't wait to hear your opinion on it.
I absolutely loved the one shot it was amazing and so cute and full of fluff and just what we all needed before you drop the LBAF angst on us. I am kinda scared about it actually but I am also really excited, I really missed those babies🥰
Okay so I actually have more LBAF I and II things to note because I loved reading it again but I was on vacation and didn't want to be glued to my phone but enjoy the opportunity to chill and relax. I'll spam you later!
On a side note, I kinda cried when Lewis got pole position I couldn't believe it I thought we'd get the most exciting race of the year with him against Verstappen but wasn't meant to be. I'm very in denial about it, and blame Rosberg for it. But he got fastest lap from Max in the last race that was awesome so summer break came with a happy note🤭
How are you? You must be very proud of yourself for finishing all these projects and getting closer to a relaxing period when you can fangirl over everything that's coming out (pun intended). Also, I saw the Barbie movie and you should definately added to the list of things to see,some people didn't love it but it was actually really great in my opinion and definately worth watching.
Okay that's it for now, I'll spam you later, HAPPY AUGAYST AGAIN!🌷
I only finished the first episode of Good Omens! I will have some time this coming week to watch some epis. I loved the first one. I loooooooove David Tennant soooo :)
I'm so excited for LBAF too. And I'm scared too???? 😅
The race in Hungary (or at least the quali) was literally the most exciting one this season (SO WHAT IF I AM BIASED HUH). I hope the second half of the season is more exciting and we can hear something other than the dutch anthem PLS
I'm well! I only have two ongoing projects right now that require me to work a lot since most of other work is done so i really hope i will have some personal time to write and read!!!
I can't wait to watch Barbie and Oppenheimer but i honestly can't consume anything until i watch rwrb first. I NEED IT.
Happy augayst. remember to be gay and do crime <3
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prismarts · 2 years
Boop! Ask time! This time for more about Douxilly!
Any sweet names they have for each other? Or are they not fond of them?
Name at least one little quality they love about each other.
Love letters! Have they ever written one to the other? Did they ever share them with the other?
How did they first realize they were in love with the other? How did they respond to the realization of these feelings?
Boop! AAHHH Thanks bab! I love these wizard dorks! This ended up so long oh my gosh but I hope you like it aisjsjdjbsbs I'm on mobile rn and can't figure out how to do the keep reading thing but AAAHH I'LL EDIT IT SOON I SWEAR
Oh they adore having sweet nicknames for each other, I think Douxie loves calling Illy sweet names a little more cause he loves how flustered he can make her. There are the regular culprits of darling, love, my love but he has a special one for her,  fluturaș which is little butterfly in Romanian. Illy gets really flustered calling him names at first since she's shy like that but she does start calling him darling and love too and it makes Douxie so happy and flustered! There's also them calling the other their favourite flower! Illy calling Douxie, her darling dandelion and Douxie calling Illy, his sweet little forget me not.
Douxie adores how nurturing and creative Illy can be, sometimes he just kinda wonders how he ever noticed that about her when they spent time together in Camelot but he loves it when she shows the nurturing and creative parts of herself like him being in awe when he sees the sketches she makes of him. Illy always looked up to Douxie for his determination but if there's one thing she loves, it's his heart of gold. She adores how much of a big heart he has for everyone, how open he is and how easily he connects to people and being able to be friends with them.
YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH OF A SPIRAL THIS SENT ME ON CAUSE I NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE BUT ITS SO PERFECT FOR THEM. I'M WRITING THIS AS A FIC BUT TO SUMMARIZE: Illy has written love letters to Douxie back in the past, but those are always more to help her express her feelings without hurting their friendship, she has kept them safe and to herself for 900 years after. Douxie, maybe hasn't written love letters but during his 900 years of traveling the mortal realm, he starts to write letters of what he learns and sees and how he feels for Illy...cause one day he does want to give them to her, to share everything he's seen and learnt...despite during that time, unsure of where she is.
I imagine Illy and Douxie meeting to be about at least a year or 2 before everything with Killahead and Morgana came to fruition, with Illy being in Camelot about a few months earlier than Douxie, for context. Illy, being demiromantic/demisexual (she doesn't discover this until centuries later but still), definitely took some time until she falls in love with Douxie but when she does after they form a strong bond of friendship, she falls hard. I think maybe she realizes one night while they were both trying to study and read up on magic in the library together, Douxie may have dozed off and Illy just has a small moment of silence to just remember all the good times they have together and slowly realizes how much she cares for him...how much she loves him. AND IT THROWS HER FOR A DAMN LOOP. She's never really fallen in love before and it's something she wasn't sure how to deal with, she just knows that...she doesn't want to lose her best friend. So she decides to quietly pine for him..maybe leave subtle clues for him to figure it out but...for the most part? She was content to just be there for Douxie as his friend. Douxie realizes....very very much later on....like towards the end of Wizards late and that's only after Past Illy finds some confidence to kiss him before the Killahead Battle that not only does he finally realize that Illy has feelings for him but I think he also starts to realize the same... that Illy had always been there for him, believing in him and hell, the proof was there, Past Illy immediately being on his side when she realizes the time travel mess he was in. And I can only imagine his reaction to be FUZZBUCKETS cause in retrospect, he should've realized her feelings for him sooner and maybe if he hadn't been so focused on earning a staff back then...he would've realized his own feelings for her much sooner too. Overall though, after Wizards, they both have an awkward period of romantic tension... with Illy finding herself falling for Douxie again after spending most of the months leading up to the events of Wizards, thinking he was dead and grieving and Douxie trying to figure out how exactly to go about a relationship with Illy after everything that's happened. (They do get together before the hypothetical my version of RoTT tho, it's all good, Nari and Archie were there to push things along the best they can.)
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meksters · 2 years
Why are some people so damn pressed over Wednesday/Tyler jfc it's just a ship let people have fun ohmygodddd. She was interested in him (besides the points you made, she definitely leans into him when they almost kiss for the first time so that's that), they make *sense* in the Addams' verse, I just want them to become best-frenemies in S2 if there is any please that could be so entertaining!
(fellow Bianca fan btw, she deserves way more love)
Lmao honestly i think it's mainly bc both love interests are seemingly heterosexual white men who are honestly rather indistinguishable at first glance. Which i get. I just also think the biggest ship rn (wenclair) happened before the show aired and a lot of people are sort of stuck in their theories for what was going to happen rather than what actually happened. I came into the show blind other than watching the trailer once when it first dropped so i didn't have anything else to go off of than the show itself.
I also love enemies to lovers so obviously I'm gonna prefer Tyler or Bianca as love interests for Wednesday. Let's not forget Bianca was the last person who left the art shed when Wednesday started torturing Tyler. Most of these characters are not ok with Wednesdays tactics but her family is. I really hope they don't soften her too much and take that aspect of her character away bc she's an Addams. Personally i think a Tyler with actual counseling would fit right in lmao tho i don't care too much, people can ship whatever floats their boat
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AAH is this Tarlos maybe?
YES y'all are gonna go through it together 😭😭💔❤️❤️🥺
But like. TK answer the phone xDD xd
YES phew answered it lol
Good news hopefully :'D? I mean Owen doesn't look sad :'))
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH P H E W 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰
Y'all we made it :'D we survived :))
Well next week I'd really the time to say "we made it" but you know xD
AAHHHHH all their faces 🥰🥰
AAHHH yes y'all should celebrate 🥰🥰
All of y'all :))
As in Owen included lol
Ooh a barbecue, fun :D
LOL all the people that we've never met before xD
AAAHHHHH y'all the acting 🥰🥰😭
Awww yes :'))
Y'all made it through this <333
Aww them 🥰🥰
I love them so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️😭❤️
Sobbing because I love them so much don't worry :'))
Aww themm :'))
Yeah I mean it still really sucks for him obviously but :'((( I'm so glad Owen's okay :'))
And yeah if I were him I'd be glad too
At least they don't have to go down too, you know?
Aww him having to remember his daughter's name 😭💔
LOL that joke though xD
Ahh ice cream lol
Aww 🥰
I figured it would be something that would show the signs, aaahhhh 😭😭
Like her presence in the seen would be to show all that lol
PHEW Owen's got it :'))
It must suck an extra layer for Robert though :'(( already losing something
A thing/another thing anyway
LOL more new uncles like this one XDDD mood fr lol
Aww 😭😭😭💔❤️🥺
I mean yeah you really do have to tell them :'((
Yeah, don't make that mistake
They'll find it out eventually xdd
LOL let the man live Owen /hj xDD
AAAHHHHHH TK's wedding 🥰🥰
Sorry just the mention of it :'D
TK can meet them :DDD I hope we get to see it :')))
Awww "meet everyone" 😭😭😭 is one of his reasons for doing this so they can connect with family and have a support system (besides whatever they have here) for when he does :'((
That's sweet but that's so sad 😭😭😭
But AWW yeah TK will be so over the moon :')) 🥰🥰🥰❤️😭❤️
Happy tears for that one lol
Nahh Owen would never let that happen xD
Lol yup you're staying with him
I don't think Owen minds how many favors there are :'))
Like within a reasonable amount but you know
Aww yeah them 🥰🥰
Oh no is he just gonna stay there D:
LOL yeah can't drive him home again xD
OPE yup o.o 😳🥺 It looks like he doesn't plan on coming back DD':
Why, is it just so they won't have to see his decline?
He better tell them xdd
Like that he's staying lol
Assisted suicide maybe? Idk
WAIT is he gonna ask Owen to tell them he died o.o I don't think so but that would be WILD
I forgot I thought that a second xdd (I'm a bit behind but I think I thought of it lol)
Is that legal in Texas xd
I assume he wouldn't ask without knowing and it being a difficult ask may just be for the ask itself and the emotional issue less than legality but still xD
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i wasn't tagged in anything and will not tag anyone - partake if you want :)
(i saw @pastafossa 's post and just. removed the questions i didn't want to answer)
do you use sarcasm a lot? yes. more so irl i guess. am i sarcastic on here??
what's the first thing you notice about people? their teeth, skin/makeup and their hair
what's your eye colour? not-pools-of-honey-in-the-sunlight brown
scary movies or happy endings? i really like old horror movies because more modern ones are just. sad. and disgusting. like i'm not scared i just get sad for the people who die or whose lives get ruined.
and as for happy endings, depends on the movie - if it's a rom-com or a drama happy endings make me sad too, because. i am me
but i like them in corny comedies or animated ones. i don't know. sorry but this kind of a stupid question just ask for a favorite genre ( i don't have one)
also no one asked but what i hate the most in the horror genre is when a character gets zombified or gets controlled or literally reduced to slavery. like human centipede, tusk or something. probably why i hate what happens to jesse pinkman as much as i do. there is nothing more sad and nauseating and horrible than that
any special talents? my special talent is always finding a way to ruin my own life for myself for no reason
what are your hobbies? drawing, writing, sculpting, posting as an rp account of characters in one of my fav shows...
have any pets? i have had multiple cats in my life but currently no
what sports do you play/have played? let's not dwell on the past
how tall are you? what height am i giving. do i post like a tall person?
favourite subject in school?  french system so i guess french is the equivalent to when other people say "English". like literature. and PHILOSOPHY AAHHH. does theater count as a subject
dream job? none of these are realistic but actor, writer, film/tv writer, creating my own animated show...there's a lot of things i wish i could do.
but if i get realistic? i hope i can get away with being a lawyer maybe? but that obviously takes a lot of dedication and it's, from what i know, that kind of job that become your entire life. if that makes sense
honestly even a 9-5 job would be okay if i have enough free time to do something cooler on the side.
i have no idea where my life is going and yes, i am terrified
three ships: i've never shipped anyone i think
last song: heart attack (rock version) - demi lovato. this song is really cool and nostalgic but i just wish that it wasn't about having a normal crush and how you want to hold their hand. with this kind of drama and power in your vocals it would've been better if the subject was a little deeper
last movie: Scooby-Doo! And Kiss: Rock and Roll Mystery (not kidding)
currently reading: my own tumblr posts to cringe at myself (i miss having the time and attention-span to actually read)
currently watching: better call saul (yk i'm on my brba - bcs rewatch. i talk about it too much)
currently consuming: not consuming just watching that unfinished cup of coffee from afar. i could grab it and finish but
currently craving: finishing my very-late assignments
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loosescrewslefty · 2 years
Hi first of all I want to say I really enjoyed reading your TOH floriography posts!! And your point about the clematis meaning soulmates gives me so much hope for huntlow aahhh!! Personally do you think it'll be canon in the end?
Thank you! Floriography is a massive passion of mine, but not one I get to play with all that often tbh. The fact that a flower or plant appearing in an episode now gets all my online friends yelling for me will never not be hysterical to me.
As far as how far they'll go with making Huntlow canon, I can't say for sure and honestly, just getting what we've already had is more than enough to delight me. I was shipping them back when they were a crack pairing with 3 fics and a handful of dedicated fanartists providing content, after all. To go from that to having the pairing shoot to #3 on Fandom's Ship List right after ASIAS felt pretty insane. I do think we'll see more interactions between Hunter and Willow, because they're certainly using the precious little time they have remaining to seed something there, but how far they can go with what little time they have left to tell the story remains to be seen. But even if they don't have the time to fully seal the deal on the ship, I am sure the fandom will step up and fill in any blanks that might be left, as fandoms often do. Especially since there are more people showing interest and support in the pairing now. Regardless, though, I'm delighted that Willow and Hunter have been shown to have such amazing chemistry with one another, and eager to see what else is in store for them. And us. XD
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ifmywishescametrue · 3 years
omg now im jealous about all of the breaking up and making up stories!!! they're all so wonderful but is it okay to ask for a steve/tony one? i know you've made one inspired by ts (amazing) and this time, maybe they meet/bump in a coffee shop? idk angst potential but also hopeful/happy ending aahhh. your stories are amazing esp ivy!!! thank you! <3
thank you so much!! it ended up being more cute than angsty, but I hope you like it!
Steve's pencil drifts idly across the page of his sketchbook with no end vision in mind. He's killing time until Nat shows up, which could be anywhere between the next five minutes and the next two hours with her vague text that simply said running late. When he looks up to reach for his near empty coffee cup, he freezes with his hand in the middle of the air.
At first he thinks it might not even actually be him. Tony's hair was never quite this well styled before, always a tangled mop on his head that sometimes fell into his eyes. Steve used to spend hours sometimes running his fingers through those wild curls while Tony slept on his chest. It's been tamed since then, cut shorter and held into place by some type of product. The facial hair is new, too. He remembers a time when it would always come in patchy and uneven, and Tony would pout as he shaved away the latest attempt at looking older than he was. The eighteen year old boy in oversized hoodies and stained jeans he met years ago has been replaced by a man in a well-pressed, expensive looking suit with a leather briefcase, like he just stepped out of a boardroom a minute ago. From what Steve has read about his life since they broke up, he probably did.
Steve stares without fully meaning to and for much longer than he would have if it was intentional. He watches him order his drink and smiles when the barista’s eyes widen at what he knows is an overly complicated order, wondering if Tony ever did finish his quest to find that perfect combination of syrup flavors, sugar, and cream that only he would ever like.
He catches the double take when Tony notices him there, right as he’s taking his first sip of the iced drink, and the cough when he chokes on it is anything but subtle. Steve looks away with red cheeks and tries to pretend he wasn’t staring, but it’s a futile effort. He can’t say he minds, though. Not when it means Tony walks over to him and unceremoniously drops himself into the chair across from him.
His mouth forms a familiar smirk, and he says, “You seem to have a staring problem, Rogers.”
Suddenly, Steve is nineteen again, falling hopelessly in love with the boy in his introductory chemistry class. It felt sort of like fate at first when they were paired together for the final project, and Steve remembers thinking that his chances were shot to hell when Tony sat down next to him and said those exact words. He never was any good at being discreet.
Back then, for that first time, all he could manage was a stuttered apology in response. But eventually it became their thing. Something just for them that no one else could ever understand. When Steve would watch him from across the room at parties, because he knew how much Tony loved having his eyes on him, and Tony would saunter over with that same smirk and those same words, there was only ever one reply.
“Guess I just really like what I see,” Steve says, and Tony’s face splits into a grin that matches Steve’s own. He’s still beautiful, even if it’s different now. Less softness to his appearance and more defined edges and sharp lines, but heart stoppingly beautiful nonetheless. He doesn’t quite say as much, but he does comment, “You do look good, by the way. Different, but good.”
Tony’s smile softens into another familiar one. It’s his smile for compliments, when he’s thinking self-deprecating thoughts that he won’t voice. Instead he’ll turn the attention back around, shifting the spotlight.
“So do you. The good part, but not really the different part.”
Steve runs a hand through his hair, contemplating if not looking different contributes to the good or not. He should look different somehow, shouldn’t he? After two and a half years not seeing each other in person and what feels like a lifetime’s worth of heartbreak in between then and now, he should look as changed as he feels. As changed as Tony looks now, like he’s someone new entirely. He’s pretty sure the t-shirt he’s wearing now is one he owned back then.
“Thanks,” Steve says anyway, for lack of anything better.
Just before it has the chance to fall into awkward silence, Tony says, “I didn’t know you were in New York these days. I would’ve called or something if I’d known.”
Steve raises an eyebrow. “Would you have?”
“I don’t know, maybe. I would’ve thought about it, at least. You know, stalked you online, found your number, dialed and hung up a few times.”
Steve laughs, fiddling with the straw wrapper from earlier to give himself something to look at other than Tony. “I moved back last year. Thought about calling, but I figured you were busy. Didn’t want to waste your time.”
It’s only a partial truth. He did think about calling when he came to Brooklyn after his year-long internship in London ended, but he didn’t want to know what Tony would say if he did. If he would have some sort of transparent excuse to avoid seeing him or if it would be an outright rejection.
“I would’ve made time for you,” Tony says, so painfully sincere that Steve has to look up again to meet his eyes.
He wonders if Tony is thinking of that last fight, if it’s a purposeful or coincidental reference to some of what Steve said. It was by far the worst fight they’d ever had, all over the phone with an ocean between them and so many things that Steve still wishes he could take back. Accusations flew on both sides until the entire thing was blown so completely out of proportion, yet impossible to reel back in. He should have just hung up the phone before it went that far. Before he could tell Tony that he always felt unimportant compared to everything else in his life, which was sometimes true but entirely unfair. Before Tony could say that Steve talked about Peggy in the same way he used to talk about him, and he didn’t have to finish the thought for Steve to understand the implication.
“Are we talking about it?” Steve asks.
Tony shrugs, feigning casual, but just the corner of his lip is between his teeth in that way that means he’s nervous and trying to hide it. “I guess that depends on what this is.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, we said back then that maybe it was just bad timing. You were in London, and I was in Boston until graduation, and it was always going to be a bit of a mess, but there was always that someday chance, right? So maybe this is someday, and we talk about it, and try to get it right this time,” Tony says. “Or maybe that was just something we said and didn’t mean, and I ask you about your life, and you ask about mine, and we talk and laugh and pretend that we’re friends again for the next half hour or so before we go our separate ways.”
It’s an easy choice, really. If there’s one thing that Steve’s sure of, it’s that it’s always been him and always will be.
“I don’t want to go separate ways,” Steve says. “The first time was hard enough, and I never really moved on. I got better, but I don’t think I’ve been more than just fine in a long time.”
Tony nods slowly, “I kept thinking you would call, you know. Back then. I thought you would call and tell me that it was a mistake and it would be okay again, but you never did. Although, I guess I could’ve called, too.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“For the same reason as you, probably. I couldn’t risk it if you didn’t want me again. Couldn’t risk getting back together just to break up again, either. We weren’t exactly the poster children for making long distance work.”
“We were terrible at it, weren’t we?”
Tony’s smile is tinged with the pain of the past. “It’s kind of funny because I remember thinking that it might be a good thing for us when you told me about London. Can’t get sick of somebody if they’re not always around.”
“You thought I would get sick of you? You never told me that.”
“Why would I?” Tony laughs. “Just put all my insecurities on display like that? Come on, Steve, that doesn’t sound like me, does it?”
Steve laughs with him briefly, “No, but I could’ve told you back then that it wasn’t possible. Told you that I wanted you around all the time and I missed you every second you were gone. I might’ve even stayed if you had told me. I was thinking about it, you know? I almost turned the internship down. Probably would’ve if you’d asked even once for me not to go.”
“It was your career. I never would’ve asked you to give that up for me.”
“There would have been something else. Another job somewhere closer to you.”
“I still wouldn’t have asked,” Tony says. “And I would have told you to go if you’d said you were staying.”
Steve knows that, which is why they never talked about it much before he left. Tony pretended to be happy for him, and Steve pretended to be happy for himself, when really it already felt like the beginning of the end. A year apart is longer than it seems, and it didn’t take more than a few months to realize it.
“I never…” Steve starts, trailing off when he doesn’t quite know how to finish the sentence. “There was never anyone else. Not while we were together, and never with Peggy.”
“I know. I knew back then, too, that you were never that kind of person. Jealousy’s just a real bitch sometimes.”
“There’s really not been anyone since, either,” Steve adds, and Tony’s mouth quirks into a half smile. “I mean, a couple of people here and there, but nothing like what we were.”
“There’s not a whole lot out there like what we were, is there?”
Steve smiles, leaning back in his chair, “No, there’s really not. But I do remember reading a rumor that you got engaged.”
Tony groans, and it’s so much like he used to sound when he was nine pages deep into a ten page essay at three in the morning that Steve has to laugh.
“Don’t you dare laugh. That rumor haunts me, Steven,” Tony says, belied by a grin that he seemingly can’t control. “Do you know how I found out about my supposed engagement? When my mother called and asked why I hadn’t told her I was planning on proposing.”
“So I’m still the only person you’ve ever proposed to,” Steve teases, just for the way he knows Tony will get indignant about it.
“How many times do I have to tell you that one didn’t count?”
“You were on one knee, you asked a question, and you had a ring. All the boxes are checked, sweetheart.”
“It was a blue raspberry ring pop, and you ate it,” Tony argues. “Not to mention that I actually asked you to marry me someday in the distant future. That’s not a proposal.”
Steve laughs again, thinking about that day in the middle of their living room, just a few weeks before Steve got the call that would take him to London and change everything. It was almost like a joke, and for anyone else it would have been. Not for them, though, because Steve remembers the look in Tony’s eyes when he dropped down in front of him, spur of the moment and impulsive like almost everything was back then. He remembers how it still felt like a promise, even if it wasn’t the real thing.
“But I said yes, which I think technically means we’re still engaged.”
“Absolutely not,” Tony scoffs. “It’s going to be a production when we get engaged. Elaborate and planned and romantic as hell.”
“When, huh?” Steve grins.
Tony’s cheeks pinken a touch, but he doesn’t take it back. He reaches for Steve’s hand on the table. “Yeah, when. Is that alright with you?”
Steve threads their fingers together, holding on tight. “That’s alright with me.”
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