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I hate games that are free to play but are significantly less enjoyable when you don't pay for in-app purchases
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iwannabeyourman · 2 years
One thing about me is I am slightly addicted to subway surfers
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woolydemon · 2 years
they should put apollo justice on switch but I don't know the person I'll become if that happens
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maryonacross · 2 years
im so obsessed with the mlp city planner game its becoming a problem
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furiousgoldfish · 8 months
While growing up in an abusive family, a part of me strongly refused to grow up, in fact it's still resisting it. I thought at first, it was because I was taught that I am less and less valuable as I age, but it wasn't only that. It turns out, growing around mostly abusive people, can give you some horrifying notions of what it means to be an adult.
I am going to write down how I perceived adulthood, as an abused kid, because I need to work on it myself, and if there's somebody else feeling this, know that these are not your only option for a future:
All adults are stupid, unkind, boring, bitter, aggressive, obsessed with money, do not understand people around them at all.
All adults have to play specific roles assigned to them and don't step outside of these roles. For instance: mother, grandma, father, aunt, teacher, uncle, neighbour. All roles are restrictive and people can only do whatever is assigned to this role (cleaning, cooking, working a job, going to army, being married, etc)
Adults can't play, be curious, or have fun. Adults have to be focused on their role and stay grumpy, serious, bitter and busy. They don't laugh except when drunk.
Adults are having it tougher than children. They are unloved, uncared for, nobody considers them nice or pretty, nobody wants them around or gives them gifts. Adults are permanently unwanted and undesired everywhere.
Adults have good opinions only of people who are already dead. Everyone alive is constantly being humiliated, shamed and criticized. It's better to be dead.
Adults don't care about children, and only think the worst of children. Adults think children should only exist to work and to be yelled at. Adults are dangerous.
Adults don't care about friendships, loyalty, kindness, courage, bonds, closeness, care, or love. Adults friendships are drinking and smoking in the same room while talking badly about every other person in their life. They don't play, laugh or share things. It's a big game of pretense that the other has it better.
Adults lie and fake everything. They lie about their home life, about what they know, about money. They lie about, and to their children. They tell lies confidently. They make things up if they don't know and then tell those lies as if they're truths. They don't feel guilt if caught lying and instead double down on it.
Adults have money but they can't spend it. They have to keep paying bills and they never have enough money for bills and food. They will buy alcohol and cigarettes though, but they're always stressed about bills. They consider it children's fault.
Adults are endlessly stressed about having to 'feed a family'. This is so bad that they actually end up hating their families. They wish all of their children were dead so they wouldn't have to feed them. They can't seem to stop having children but also hate feeding them. It's like they're forced into it.
Adults have to work constantly. They work their jobs and have to do endless chores when they get home. They have to get up early to do chores and do them late at night. They have to do everything alone, unless they can get a child to do it for them. They can't select not to do it, they have to shift it to someone else to avoid it. Adults have no free time, or hobbies. They have to work at all times and always know what needs to be done.
 Adults have bodies that work less and less. They can't run, climb or jump. They're always having surgeries and can barely walk. Their backs and hips hurt and they complain about the pain every time they need to do anything. They blame the work for this but can't stop working. They're still somehow stronger than children when they want to hurt children, and then they're fully mobile. But at all other times they appear sickly and need stuff done for them.
Adults never get over anything that ever happened to them. They're always victimized by everything that ever happened to them. We the children have to get over things instantly, but they are angry and bitter about the past forever. They hold grudges against family members forever. They freely take things out on other family members. They never forgive or forget or calm down.
Adults are not passionate about anything. Their main priority is looking good in front of others and convincing everyone they're better than they are.
Adults selectively care when someone is crying. If it's someone they don't know, they'll act nice about it. If they know the person they will tell them to shut up and stop annoying them. It's like they fall for strangers tears but see through anyone else's as pretense. I don't understand.
Adults die and then other adults get drunk at their funerals. They say you need to cry but they're only serious for the public part and then go and have parties where they just laugh with everyone. Adults don't care about the dead people but say you're not supposed to say anything bad about them now they're dead. They pretend they cared while the person was alive but they didn't. They obsessively clean and decorate graves just for others not to think they 'didn't care'.
Adults will betray anyone's secrets. Adults will tell other adults whatever you told them in confidence. Adults cannot be trusted with information.
Adults judge and badmouth anyone who doesn't act the way they think people are supposed to act. They will impose their own rules and morals on others and shame anyone who doesn't agree. They insist that everyone needs to follow their assigned family role even though they complain about hating their own. They use the most horrid slurs for people they consider 'bad at their role' and write these people off as parasites and worthless people
Adults all agree children should be obedient, quiet and never want anything or disturb them. They want children only to present them with achievements and work for the rest of time.
Adults have sex but nobody is supposed to say anything about it. It's unclear whether they want to be doing it. If it's a part of a role it doesn't seem like they can say no.
Adults can't be cared for or pampered like children can. Adults do not get candy or chocolate. Adults say it's because children are cute and they're not. Adults are jealous of children. Adults complain about not being cared for.
Adults don't understand how hard children have it and always say being a child is the easiest and best time of life. They seem jealous and tell children to be grateful because it's only going to get worse. I can't imagine surviving worse. They claim their childhood was better than anything they deal with now because food was free and they didn't have to have a job.
Adults have no freedom. They have to stay with family and play their role. They can't survive otherwise. They leech off of each other and hate everyone. They live by imposed rules that force everyone to stay together even if they hate each other. They hate everyone around them. They feel loyal to no one. They bring misery to themselves and people around them and don't feel shame or responsibility for anyone they've hurt or ruined.
Adults don't see others as people with their own inner world. They insist that everyone except them is stupid, shallow, mindless and worthless.
Adults are all cowards who will submit to anyone who is stronger and louder. They'll only fight those who are weaker. They don't care about justice and will happily punish victims in unfair fights. They themselves are bitter and upset if they don't get the justice.
Adults only ever look out for themselves. They don't care about other people. They want money and others to admire them and to serve them. If that is not happening they are angry and bitter at the entire world.
Adults don't see good in other people. They don't see what someone else needs or deserves. They don't care about adventures or magic. They don't have wonder or awe inside of themselves. They don't even look at beautiful things in front of them. They don't care about nature, animals or trees. They don't care about books or knowledge, or reading. They don't care about stories or legends. They don't care about people who suffer so badly they want to die. They judge people for suicide.
They don't care about creating or making something unless it can be sold for money. They don't even tolerate others doing it.
They love no one. Everything they do is a drag and a pain to them and they want to push their work on someone else all the time. They don't care about anything except money and how to get more attention and keep pretenses. They have no true friends or care for anyone. All they have is work, rules and roles they need to act. Their lives are meaningless. Even though they have money they cannot travel or use it for fun or joy. They don't think anyone should be free to do as they want. They have no dignity or honor but pretend they do when in company. They yell but pretend they're victims for 'having to yell'.
They don't care if someone wants to die because of their actions. They don't care for anyone who wants to live differently. People who live differently are worthless and stupid to them. They think they're the only ones who are always right even when they're always wrong.
Adults are convinced that when I grow up this will all make sense and I will grow up to be exactly like them
If you felt as a child, or still do, that these are the truths of adulthood, and something you'll end up becoming, it's not true, and it's mostly just abusers who live their lives in this manner. If this is the only thing you've ever known and seen as a child, adulthood would be terrifying and feel like you'd have to lose your soul in order to become like this.
I'll write another follow-up debunking these and writing what I feel adulthood is right now. It's just definitely not that. And living around people who act like this is normal, is traumatic.
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nicromancytarot · 7 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t change for these readings and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I got but I pull like 20-30 cards each reading and that just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides what you need to know right now (and I got some weirdass answers), pick a card to find out what they have to tell you.
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This was certainly a confusing reading, the first thing I was seeing was someone scrunched up on a couch, holding a telephone to their chest while three people tried to pry it from their hands. I also noticed that there weee hills piling up. Weirdly, the message I was getting was that bills weren’t being paid for the sake of hoarding money, and this person had swapped/sold out their old mobile phone for a much cheaper alternative (telephone) to preserve money.
The cards showed me a story of someone who had made a large sum of money but were hoarding it due to financially unstable beginnings. I see this making the person feel trapped and territorial. When visualising I saw a young firm who was even afraid of the attitude this person had, this may be your child, your inner child or a future child or yours.
Spirit showed me the 10 of pentacles, the empress and the death cards to symbolise that this is something you need to take the time to grow from, and let go of.
With the high priestess and wheel of fortune I can see that you can continue/start spending that money that you need to be spending and the universe will continue to give you the money as a reward if you allow it.
But do not overindulge.
I asked for some confirmation, and I got the word “liver”. After research I learnt that you can remove 90% of the liver and it will still grow back to its full size. I see this as a message to tell you not to worry about the loss and focus on what can be built up again.
Firstly, for visuals I saw a girl and a guy (gender doesn’t matter for this) inside an arcade, the guy stood by while the girl won a teddy bear from the claw machine (a notoriously hard game to win). After she had won it, the guy proceeded to try and steal the machine. The girl stood on lookout but was against the idea. She then pulled him out of the arcade and berated him for his stupidity - he however, did not care. After a little while they had calmed down and she asked him to go on the helter skelter (is that how you spell it?) He then flat out refused, not having a care for her desire.
I can see that this connection isn’t one you want to keep, whether this is family, friends, or even a partner, I can tell that this person doesn’t understand you and doesn’t plan on trying to anytime soon. The claw machine felt like an easy way to your heart and instead of taking the time to try their best at winning you another teddy, which would take time, money and effort, they resulted to trying to steal it. They didn’t care about the consequences of getting caught because they never seem to think ahead. They tend to live in the moment and that can get them in trouble.
To me the helter skelter represented the lengths that you would go for them (since it’s quite high up and I’m personally terrified of heights.) And you would take that journey to climb the stairs, get to the top and then make your way down the slide, meanwhile they were not willing to do this for you.
The cards tell me a similar story, I see a selfish individual that gives only what they can gain, this means materially you can have everything, but emotionally, they offer nothing close to what you desire. You’re willing to work on the relationship but they are not. This causes gossip and instability, it leaves you up at early hours of the morning upset.
I would recommend standing your ground and realising your worth so you can finally walk away.
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thoushaltnotlive · 1 month
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I've been grindig for days. (I refuse to spend money on a mobile game BUT I am still obsessed xd)
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AITA for being upset that all my friends constantly play a game together that I can't touch?
Basically, my friends (20s) and I (25nb) have known each other since high school. We used to hang out constantly but with adult life existing we just have less time to kill on silly things. Because of this, we now mostly have voice call hangouts on discord since its not as demanding of time.
Most of the time we would just chill and work on our own things, but a few months back a few of my friends started getting into Genshin Impact and would play it together while on the call. Eventually the rest of my friend group followed and started joining in, which I had no problem with, because it was a "sometimes" thing.
Recently though its been an "always" thing. Whenever we have a call everyone plays Genshin, and naturally a majority of the conversation is about what they're doing in Genshin, to the point where its kinda feeling like I'm interrupting if I talk about anything else.
I don't really have anything against the game, I just can't touch it because I have had previous issues with gambling type stuff and I recognize it's not something I can play. I'm glad I realized this early on when I was young and had limited disposable income + couldn't legally get a credit card, but the amount I spent on mobile games like this is nothing to sneeze at still. Now that I'm an adult with a decent income I try my best to be diligent.
I have been very open with my friends about this fact and they know my issues. I've tried asking them if we can play something different sometimes, because I feel kindof excluded. At best I've gotten back a "yeah sure" with no real follow-up or change, at worst I've gotten a "It's actually really kind to their F2P players and you don't need to spend money on it to progress etc etc etc" which. I've tried explaining that's not how this works and f2p won't stay f2p for me but sometimes it feels like they're just not listening.
Every time I bring up an alternative to try I get back a "Sorry I don't have the money rn" (bc anything without gambling mechanics costs money upfront) which I understand! But if I offer to buy a game for everyone when it's on sale or something they refuse because they feel weird accepting gifts.
I kinda got to the end of my rope with it because I don't think they were getting how isolating it was to be the only one not playing when we were hanging out. I kinda blew up after they gave me the same "nono don't buy me anything" on a game that was literally $3, and asked if actually gave a shit about including me in things anymore, which obviously they got super defensive about.
I feel bad about it because it was unfair even though we've barely talked about anything other than Genshin lately, and I tried to apologize but they basically froze me out. I snapped a little again after one of them told me I was being too sensitive about it and making my problem everyone's issue when they were just having a good time, and I haven't tried to talk to them for a few days now.
Obviously I don't want to lose my friend group over a stupid anime game, and I'm probably going to try to fix it. But I just want to know if I'm actually being too sensitive about this (I am pretty upset at being excluded bc of my issues, intentionally or not, and idk if that's affecting my judgement), or if theyre being too flippant about the problem.
AITA here??
What are these acronyms?
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hesokuri-wars · 10 months
I never got the chance to play this game, but it looks so fun... Why was it shut down? Also, are there any other oso-san games still available?
Well, nobody here was playing around the time of the shutdown, so we wouldn't really be experts on the situation. Either way, game staff in general don't just outright tell players the reasons for discontinuation, but I think the safe assumption would be that they simply didn't have the budget to keep it running anymore. Which... honestly, was a possibility that I had been concerned about for a while, given how much the game grew to rely on its whales. I could be way off on this, but the fact that they flat started requiring to spend money to roll for premium sets had the alarm bells going off in my head.
As for the (mobile) games still available now, there are three - Pokomatsu, Tabimatsu, and NEETPro, all of which region-locked to only Japan (assuming you don't live there, if you want to know of a way to get around this issue, follow the instructions in the FAQ under "how to install the app" - the process should be the same).
And because I have thoughts on all of them, I wrote up a brief description on each game before concluding with my personal thoughts on the current state of the Ososan Gaming Experience, but I'm not sure if anyone else really cares that much so I'm putting it under a cut lol. Links to downloading the games are included below as well for those who are curious.
Pokomatsu (Apple Link / Android Link)
I kind of talked about this one just the other day, but basically, it's the game that "replaced" Hesokuri Wars. Not only does it use a lot of Heso's assets, but the Twitter account for Hesokuri Wars and Pokomatsu is one and the same.
And... that's really it as far as similarities go. Hesokuri Wars was a tower defense game, and Pokomatsu is that one game where you aim and shoot balls at objects/people that are slowly advancing towards you and have to hit them enough times to win (idk if there's a more succinct name for this type of gameplay). Also, you can collect screenshots from the anime, movies, and Heso, either by playing/progressing or by rolling in the gacha. The basic story of the game is that the sextuplets are defending themselves from having their roles as the protagonists stolen by the other characters.
Here's a sample of some gameplay, if you're curious. Note that the voice clips are recycled directly from Heso. Also, it's incredibly noisy, so I guess that's just another similarity the two share.
Mod Ichi's Opinion: If you like this sort of game, then go ahead and give it a try, but I personally can't see myself getting too invested in it. Collecting the cards is its main selling point, but even that's not really all that given that they're just screenshots as opposed to original art. Also, I think I'm bad at it because I can't get past Stage 8. Never mind, I was playing it while I was typing this and I just beat it lol. But now I can't get past Stage 9.
Tabimatsu (Apple Link / Android Link)
AKA the other big Oso game from back in the day, although it still wasn't as big as Heso. The premise is that the sextuplets are traveling to all of the prefectures in Japan to pick up money, and the gameplay is in the form of a board game where you roll a die and move around. Much like Heso, had its fair share of original outfits and events, but it's currently in a bit of a weird place because it's been dormant for the past few years; it's still there for people to download and play, but it hasn't had a proper update since like 2020/2021 aside from the occasional maintenance. It's very clearly on its last legs, but it's still available to the public, presumably because it's not as costly to run as some other games of the past.
A sample of gameplay.
Mod Ichi's Opinion: I really enjoyed this game when it was more active! I'd like to replay it for the nostalgia, but it refuses to load properly on my phone teehee.
NEETPro (Apple Link / Android Link)
This one was released in conjunction with the first movie. It's also made by the same people who made Tabimatsu.
NEETPro is by far the simplest out of all the games, being more of a story-driven visual novel and not much else - I think this is the first and only Ososan mobile game to not have any gacha function? You play as a female showbiz manager, Totoko is your supervisor (she quit being an idol), and you're responsible for managing a sextuplet of your choice. Depending on the choices you make throughout the story, you either succeed in turning him into a movie star, or he stays a NEET.
In other words, this is the closest thing to an official Ososan otome game that exists. Like I said, this game is very much just a visual novel and not much else, so it basically was just released and not really updated since. I also found a tweet posted by the official Tabimatsu account from this September announcing the app would no longer be available on the Google Play store (though people who already had the app can still play), so like. That pretty much confirms that keeping this game up to date isn't exactly a top priority of the staff.
A sample of gameplay.
Mod Ichi's Opinion: I'm playing Ichi's route and I keep trying to brute force him into letting me become his manager and at one point he grew convinced that I was secretly an assassin plotting to kill him. Anyway, I don't think you'll have much use for this if you can't read Japanese or can't find a translation somewhere.
I feel like I've been hinting at this all throughout this post, but Ososan doesn't seem to be thriving in the mobile game sphere as of late. We used to have games like Hesokuri Wars, Damematsu, and Shimamatsu, all of which were rife with content, but all three current games I described above are fairly low-maintenance to keep running, have very sparse updates, and overall just don't seem to be here to keep your long-term interest. Maybe it's not too fair to say that about NEETPro, given the type of game it is (not to mention that it mainly served as promotional material for the movie), but like. Tabimatsu? That game used to consistently get new content, until one day, all that just stopped.
Idk I don't really have a conclusion to all of this lol this isn't meant to be some thesis or anything. It's just that when I went back to see which games were still available to the public, I immediately noticed the lack of actual content, and it's such a downgrade. It kind of bothers me as someone who not only rigorously played Heso for years, but also was super into checking out every other game the staff would drop.
🐾 Mod Ichi
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Hi! Can I request for a platonic hc gn!reader with Zoya, Nox, and Countess Chelsea (separate)? Like given that they are sinners and us as the chief, how would they spend their time with us just doing normal stuff.
Thank you😘❤️
No thank you for being my first ask sorry if things look a little wonky gotta work with mobile limitations for a bit!🥹
Zoya would take a moment to check in on her gang and how things are going down in syndicate if given the chance.Depending on how much they trust her/ how much freedom they want to give her I can see there being just a moment of clam where it’s just a big group chill out session with Zoya, Horo, and Earl.
Though if we were talking about her joining on the day-to-day I feel like zoya would have a lot to say about the chief's methods around the prison and how things could be improved.She can come across a little nitpicky at times partly because she does like to get under the Chiefs skin but also because she actually does care about the treatment of the other sinners here.
Now the real juicy stuff is if we’re talking about just normal everyday things like running errands, going shopping, that sort of thing.From what I’ve seen I feel like Zoya would fit right in with the chief going from place to place when it comes to shopping I feel like a lot of her input would be more practical you see it a lot in her food choices. I feel like she would pick out things that wouldn’t spoil very quickly, things that could last a long time regardless of how much money she actually has.She does feel pretty prickly walking around especially In possibly higher class areas since I feel like there’s still a lot of resentment towards the people who kind of abandoned syndicate.
Now on the day-to-day aspect I feel like it wouldn’t be too bad walking around in the prison with her. There are definitely people who are afraid of her and do kind of cower away as she walks by but it’s nothing new people have seen sinners and some of them are sinners themselves. Though due to Nox's reputation people are more on edge than usual.She's very supportive surprisingly though she mostly keeps to herself dropping only a soft good job or thank you for your hard work.
If you ask her to go somewhere with you, she’ll follow, no questions asked, but she does sort of stick out like a sore thumb when trying to do normal activities and she seems to be a bit out of her element. Not fully grasping human concepts in her mind she half understands them as someone who is using faded memories of another person. She also doesn’t seem to like loud crowds very much.
As for Nox’s own request she wouldn’t have many, if any actually. She’ll reject the offer kindly at first believing this is where she belongs,but the more time she has to dwell on it the more time she has to think and probe through faded old memories she’ll one day ask if the two of them might visit an old church she remembers.That day would be quite peaceful as the two them stare at faded stain glass widows, and broken walls overtaken by Ivy.
If you take her out on the town be prepared she’ll be dragging you from shop to shop with no time to rest. Any plans the chief had are thrown out the window. Any shops they wanted to visit forget about it. She's trying to spoil chief, with lavish outfits, some are a little bit exposed to put it mildly from every shop in town. Even though they politely refused and almost had a heart attack when they caught sight of the price tag Chelsea is really trying to play her hand of getting them to be sugar baby seriously. They can’t help but feel like they're somehow in a game of chess where accepting even one of Chelsea’s gifts means losing.I don’t know why but I get the feeling the pair would also stop by into a lot of hole in the wall restaurants and cafés .
Now the day-to-day rounds around the prison I feel like Chelsea is more of a hindrance than a help. She constantly tries to distract the chief, finding the day to day grind just a bit too stale for her tastes. There's so much more fun to be had elsewhere but alas, she can’t pull them away from work. So she settles in and just watches as they do their job.
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chouxtranslations · 8 months
Shizun 024 - Moon in the water
Wujian peak has a perfect professional record after establishment! 
Sect leader Lu was so happy he almost couldn’t tell left from right. Last time he had this much money in his account it was the reimbursement money and reward money that his grandpa traded for with his life. He didn’t want that kind of unexpected money and donated it all. 
This money was earned with his own skills, he can spend it! 
Lu Yunzhen thought that he could get rich through being a cultivator. Most of the work was by Mo Changkong, so if he split it properly Mo Changkong should get 60% while he and Jin Yunu got 20% each.
However, Jin Yunu said that skin painting demons have nothing to spend money on and turned down the secetleader’s offer. Mo Changkong insisted that everything he owns belonged to Shiziun and refused the money firmly. 
They also didn’t have an ID to open a bank account with. 
Seeing that everyone trusted him, Lu Yunzhen decided to put the money into an account for the household to be used for the sect’s daily expenses, and then sent some pocket money into the mobile wallets on their phones. 
Mo Changkong loved phones, especially the photo and gaming functions. Unfortunately his phone was too old and had lots of problems. 
On the way home, Lu Yunzhen saw an open mall and immediately dragged Mo Changkong in.  Extravagantly, he picked out the same phone as Jin Yunu and topped up the phone plan. Then he remembered that he didn’t have much clothes and needed more for cold weather, so they went into a chain store that he never dared to go into before. 
This store is super expensive, even a t shirt costs over 100 yuan! 
Lu Yunzhen extravagantly picked out a load of checkered button ups, long sleeve tees, jeans, vests, and coats and had Mo Changkong try them on. 
Mo Changkong let Shizun fuss over him without making a sound. He was fine wearing anything, as long as Shizun liked it…
The store was actually about to close. The sales girl saw that they were handsome and wanting to buy quite a bit so she decided to hold off. However, when she saw the clothes that Lu Yunzhen picked out…. She couldn’t hold back anymore. 
Look at this handsome young man, why does he have the fashion sense of a shut in?! Blue red and white checkered button ups, polos, old man vests, potato sack jackets with flower patterns?! 
She accidentally saw Mo Changkong’s figure which was even better than a models as he wasn’t that careful when changing. It was as if her heart had stepped on a marmot’s nest and wanted to screech. Don’t just do whatever you want just because you’re hot! This is a rare treasure and you’re about to be charged with murder! 
She finally walked up to Lu Yunzhen and offered to suggest some outfits. 
She had impeccable taste from her years at the job. WHen Mo Changkong stepped out in a form fitting shirt and joggers, everyone stared at him and couldn’t look away. Lu Yunzhen was shocked, his brain being filled with envy and a small sense of injustice. 
He wanted a body like that. 
Lu Yunzhen had capitulated in the face of the sales girl’s tastes and asked her to pick out 5 or 6 cold weather outfits. He also grabbed 2 androgynous sets for Jin Yunu, and then, remembering, grabbed 2 sets for himself. 
The sales girl was amazing and her clothes made him quite a bit more handsome. He was feeling very satisfied looking at his reflection. Some of the other girls working in the shop were whispering to each other while smiling at him and it made him feel like he was floating on clouds. 
Was he that handsome? 
Lu Yunzhen thanked the sales girl and took the pile of clothes to the cashier. 
The cashier left her chat, jogged over, and sincerely complimented him. “Gege, your boyfriend is so handsome.” 
Lu Yunzhen was dumbfounded. “Wha?” 
She continued with envy. “You two seem so close, coming out here when it’s so late. Your boyfriend seems so cool, but loves you so much and wears whatever you want. I wanted to get couples shirts with my boyfriend but he just complained the design was too childish…” 
After a moment, Lu Yunzhen thought about it from the cashier’s point of view and realized… this scene really seemed off… 
Two young men went to the mall, one picking out the clothes while the other put them on. The former being massively excited and the latter being completely obedient… That seems to be the default setting for girlfriends picking stuff out for their men? 
This misunderstanding is super awkward! 
Lu Yunzhen desperately tried to think up an explanation… 
“Don’t speak nonsense.” Mo Changkong immediately walked over after overhearing and cut in sternly. “I won’t have that kind of dirty thoughts about men, and I definitely won’t do such disobedient things towards Shizun.” 
He has held back very well and would never let his shizun be mocked and hurt by others because of his dirty thoughts again. If anyone has noticed anything, he… has to deny it harshly, push it down, and not show any openings! 
The word “dirty” was said very harshly and with a terrifying expression. The cashier was scared and desperately apologized with red rimmed eyes. “I’m sorry.” 
“What happened?” The salesgirl noticed something was wrong and came over to apologize. “This girl is new and inexperienced. Please forgive her if she made a mistake.” 
“No, no, it’s not her fault, it’s just a small misunderstanding.” Lu Yunzhen shoved Mo Changkong behind him and explained with an apology. “We’re relatives and we’re pretty close. He has a scary face and is bad at talking, but he’s a good guy…” 
The salesgirl immediately understood. “You’re brothers?” 
Lu Yunzhen nodded hard. “Yes, and straight as an arrow!” 
He finally understood why Mo Changkong avoided physical touch and didn’t like men sleeping naked. This guy is even straighter than himself, plus he’s from the past and must be rather conservative towards these things. He is going to be more careful in the future and make sure not to joke around these things. 
Lu Yunzhen was worried that the girl would be scolded by her manager and piled on the compliments until she was laughing, leaving the fear behind. She was very cheerful and made a zipper gesture at him. 
Mo Changkong was beyond impatient with Shizun talking with girls. He walked over, grabbed the big pile of bags, and hurried Lu Yunzhen home. Lu Yunzhen was embarrassed letting him do all the carrying, and tried to grab two for himself. 
“Give them.” 
“Give them.” 
“Absolutely no.” 
The store employees were all confused seeing them talking with each other. The tall man looked like a block of ice, only when he was gazing at the young man did he show a different kind of gentleness. 
The customer is king! Everything is as the customer says! 
Don’t over think it! It’s like the TV dramas say. This is bromance! Deep, pure, censored, without an ounce of impurity! 
If you don’t think about it in a straight way then that means something is off with you! 
They were amongst the last of the customers in the mall. 
Lu Yunzhen felt conflicted seeing all the men gallantly carrying things for their girlfriends. But Mo Changkong was very stubborn about piety towards his Shizun, and there was nothing he could do. 
This disciple is too serious… 
He has long since believed that they were master and disciple. “How did me in the past get such a good disciple? I feel like we had a great relationship.” 
Mo Changkong looked away. “Yes.” 
“Too bad I can’t remember the past.” Lu Yunzhen was a little disappointed and a little curious. “Did we have fun?” 
Mo Changkong’s mind was immediately filled with images of madness. In the darkness and silence, he indulged himself without limits, taking everything. Shizun finally couldn’t handle it anymore and quietly moaned, begging. 
“Changkong, softer…” 
“Changkong, we can’t keep going.” 
“Changkong, this is an immoral mistake…” 
Even though Shizun was humiliated, was shaking, was begging, he was ecstatic and became even rougher. He wanted to hear more, wanted Shizun to sink with him to the depths of hell, wanted to use the harshest of methods to gain the anwer he wanted. 
The moon was very beautiful, high up in the night sky. It looked delicious, like a pastry. 
When he was little, he harassed Shizun to eat the moon. Shizun worried about it for a long time, and finally dug a pond in the yard, wanting to fill it with spring water and catch the moon’s reflection…
Shizun was a liar, he couldn’t eat the moon in the water. 
He was upset for a long time. 
He finally understood, the moon was a massive satellite over 400,000 km away from earth. No matter how powerful he became, he could never have it. 
Flower in the mirror, moon in the water. It is all but the wishful thinking of a fool…
With a cry smile, he replied. “There wasn’t much fun to be had.” 
Lu Yunzhen was shocked. “Was the peak that boring.” 
“En.” Mo Changkong answered quietly. 
“Don’t worry, times are different now.” Lu Yunzhen reached out, wanting to pat him on the shoulder. But he remembered that he didn’t like to be touched and quickly retracted. Rubbing his hair, he smiled. “There’s lots of fun things in this world. I’ll take you, it won’t be boring!” 
Mo Changkong stared at his dimples dumbly. Realizing that his mind was straying he forced himself to look away. He can’t touch. He can’t be too close. He might accidentally crack the ice over his heart, allowing the lava within to burst forth again and ruin the moon. 
“Yes”, he answered.
“Thank you, Changkong.” Lu Yunzhen turned around and walked on cheerfully. “I’m so glad I met you. Every day has been so happy, my luck probably turned good…”
He hated loneliness, hated being alone. 
But he knew that his fortune was awful and didn’t want to involve others, so he turned down a lot of well meaning gestures and chose to live alone. 
Every day, he would turn on the light and say “I’m home” to an empty house. 
He would make food for himself, compliment himself for the food, then wash clothes for himself, study by himself, work by himself, sleep by himself, and say “good night” to his stuffed bear. 
It’s different now… 
He wanted to hurry home to that old but warm house. He wanted to order take out! He wanted to get lots of roast lamb and beer and celebrate with everyone! 
Lu Yunzhen splurged on a taxi. 
As soon as he got off, he saw Jin Yunu wearing a long coat and a sad expression, desperately looking around the intersection. He seemed injured and weak, being barely able to hold his shape. 
“Sect leader, master, where did you go? Why did you only come home now?” Jin Yunu burst into tears upon seeing them. “Yunu is imcompetent and couldn’t watch the house properly, there’s been an incident…” 
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ducktracy · 2 years
https://looneytuneswom.scopely.com/2022/11/10/wackynvasion/ This looks neat!
I AM SO MAD I DIDN’T SEE THIS UNTIL NOW!!!!!!!!!!! i redownloaded World of Mayhem in a blind panic yesterday because i just caught the news I AM SO HAPPY THEY’RE DOING THIS! i’m a very passive player i’m not a gacha person and refuse to spend a single cent on any mobile game but man. if my impulse control were just slightly worse than it already is…
i’m so mad i missed the Porky event and it looks like you have to spend a ridiculous amount of money to get Daffy but this event may turn me into a regular player, if only so i can obsessively check to see if these guys ever pop up again and i’m not late 🙏 this is such a neat idea though and 1000000% up my alley!!! Porky’s Duck Hunt, Porky in Wackyland and The Daffy Doc are 3 of my favorite cartoons of all time so this is such a perfect event. AND the naked Tweety/Babbit and Catstello!! i wish ridiculous paywalls didn’t exist but this is a very fun idea and i’m so bummed i didn’t check until now 😤
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realjem · 1 year
(HI I just woke up and am writing this on tired excitement <3)
YOU PLAY POKEMON MASTERS??? I just got the game recently (last week-ish). If you have Raihan I'm going to sue you for emotional damages (i want him but hes currently paywall locked and my wallet is empty) /J/J/J
Anyways i hate to admit it but fuck you're right Lear is kinda onceler adjacent looking and FUCK NOW I CANT GET "HOW BAD CAN I BE" OUT OF MY HEAD 😭😭😭 you have cursed me with the forbidden knowledge. If you ever want to talk about pokemon blorbos tho my discord dms are always open :) maybe we can play some co-op together in masters sometime in the future! May reply slow during weekdays tho school's already started for me :')
Special bonus image; here's a Fuecoco I caught in Pokemon GO :)
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YEAH I love pokemon masters honestly it's so goofy. I refuse to spend money on mobile games but I've got a pretty good chunk of characters so far :3 I might have raihan but I actually. Don't remember lol I'd need to check
Hands down the best one though? 2021 anniversary Lillie ITS SO GOOD and also Hella strong
Sorry for the psychic damage tho </3
Also!! Funny fuecoco!! Big fan
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meissaiph · 11 months
🍕: How does an OC spend a lazy day?
a lot of Orion's days are lazy, sometimes it's weeks and even months between job opportunities. she plays a lot of cheap mobile games-- she cycles between them because she refuses to spend real money on fake games. she reads a lot of illegally downloaded books on her old school Kindle. she has a deck of cards, a ukelele (she *had* a whole guitar, once..), practices embroidery, watches Spooky youtubers, etc. I won't count things like working out bc that's part of her job as a hunter, really.
if the stars align, if she gets some time off without an assignment, in an area good for it, and cloudy enough weather to be outside, she really loves camping. whether it's renting a cabin for a bed, private shower, and climate control, or primitive style just off a trail in the middle of nowhere.
for a long while, that's how she hunted and moved between cities, and while she hated it at first, she's grown to truly love the solitude and beauty of nature.
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sanssouci-sims · 2 years
johnny zest is a good man (not clickbait i swear)
I never thought a townie would grow on me (I’ve largely ignored them for the most part), but Johnny Zest did. Let me tell you why!
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What’s that? I’m automatically going to call him a good man just because he had a daughter? Why yes, I am. Sure, it seems bland at face value, but with the magic of ✨ 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 ✨, I’m going to make it better.
You see, I first heard about Johnny Zest through The Sims Freeplay (basically a mobile Sims game and literally the FIRST Sims game I’ve ever played that introduced me to this stupid franchise to begin with), and honestly? He came off as absolute GARBAGE. In that game, he’s meant to (from what I remember) supervise a whole task line in a neighborhood where you’re supposed to complete a series of tasks to like... repair stuff in houses within that neighborhood? I think???? You have to complete them within a specific time limit though, or else you’ll have to shell out virtual money (or use actual money to buy more of said currency) to like, buy extra time, I think. And he’d give you something like an “extra zesty” grand prize if you completed everything in time.  I don’t know about you, but I mean like any mobile game riddled with micro-transactions, the whole thing is awfully cash-grabby (you know, like the Landgraabs). Plus, he generally just comes off as a creep like a few other Freeplay NPCs.
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When I started playing TS4, I found out Johnny would also be in this game as a playable townie. And I groaned.
Like many of my other townies, I would ignore him for the most part. He lived in a trailer, wanted to be a stand-up comedian, and had no relationships with anyone (in addition to being disowned by his own family). He was a loser for all I cared.
One day, when I was looking for a household to play in Oasis Springs, and I found that Johnny had a new little face with him.
Meet Isabelle Zest, and here is how I think she came into Johnny’s life.
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As mentioned previously, Johnny Zest had no one in his life. His family had long since cut him off ever since he said he wanted to become a comedian, and his parents refused to provide him any financial support to get him started on his feet. Fortunately, he was able to slowly progress in his career in entertainment to the point where he was able to scrounge enough money to upgrade his housing situation from a trailer to a modest one-story home.
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Still, Johnny would always come home at the end of his work day to an empty house. He just wanted someone to share some joy with.  He wasn’t sure how this randomly crossed his mind, but one day, he decided he wanted to just... have a child. Obviously, he wasn’t just going to go start one with a random woman. In fact, he always thought he was very awkward with girls. Instead, he searched online for adoption centers near him that were looking to place children in loving homes. After a while of scrolling, he stumbled across a little girl named Isabelle.
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Not only was her picture adorable, but she was described as a quiet but sweet girl who liked to smile and learn about new things. She was also almost nearly deaf and needed to wear hearing aids.  Johnny was intrigued and booked an appointment to visit the adoption center. There, he met Isabelle for the first time!
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Johnny was a little nervous at first, but seeing Isabelle smiling at him just being himself tugged at his heartstrings. By the end of his visit, all Isabelle wanted to do was to just follow him around and give him hugs.
After a few more meetings, Johnny decided he wanted to adopt Isabelle. He had to fill out what felt like a multitude of paperwork and scrounge up a lot more money, but after a while, he was finally able to finalize everything and take Isabelle home!
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There wasn’t really any time to settle down, however, as Johnny still had to work, obviously. But when he does have free time, he makes sure to spend it with Isabelle. In the meantime, though, when he’s assigned work to complete at home, he usually does it in the dining room where he can watch Isabelle, who will usually play with her toys nearby.
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When it’s time for him to work away from home though, Johnny usually sends Isabelle to daycare. Obviously, she’s less than pleased.
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Once he comes home, though? It’s all worth it when he gets to see that little smile on her face.
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Weekends are what Johnny and Isabelle look forward to the most, as he doesn’t have to work and she gets to spend time with her dad all day long! He’ll often take her somewhere fun, and her favorite places to visit are the local playground and pizzeria.
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So yeah, Johnny Zest is a good man. All he wants to do is to bring joy to his little girl’s life, and that’s all that matters.
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