argeriant18 · 2 years
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plague-of-nice · 2 years
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WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ( <- just finished watching Emesis Blue)
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goldfishontheceiling · 8 months
wait imagine this
sometime between island and s2 ep27 of action, (probably on his time at playa de losers), ezekiel gets his grubby little farmer boy hands on the internet.
specifically, youtube.
now this motherfucker is absolutely mindblown because "oh wow! people post stuff here and people watch it!!!"
long story short, he makes a youtube channel.
and calls it therealEzekielMiller
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(i swear this isn't an advertisement [as far as i know] the channel doesn't exsit)
so. it doesn't do too well. my guy has like the shittest camera quality and doesn't even know how to change his pfp.
also, all his titles sound like clickbait. like imagine seeing this title as your scrolling.
(REAL) SNEAK PEAKS AT PLAYA DE LOSERS!!! (Courtney freakout!?!?) 😨😨😨
however, no matter how grainy and pixelated the footage is, it soon becomes important.
because that's some of the last footage of him.
we all know what happened to zeke in world tour. and if you for some reason don't, please don't look it up if you haven't seen it yet. watch the show. (now ill admit that's advertising).
so, ezekiel's feral, he goes missing, and this youtube channel is throughly investigated to try and find any potentially helpful footage.
the most they found was courtney freaking out. and izzy taking the camera like 5 times. pretty much everything else was about this "brilliant invention" called harmonica rap.
but anyway, a bit after RR, they finally find ezekiel.
and he immediately gets sent to a hospital because HOLY SHIT IS HE GREEN???
the doctors conclude that zeke should eventually be able to return to (almost) completely sanity. so, while he goes through this longggg healing process, the media hears his story.
and that old youtube channel? yeah it EXPLODED
and what does ezekiel do with this new found fanbase?
he gets scared and avoids the internet.
i mean can you blame him??? he went from having NO FANS to HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS, and the only memories he has are blurry ones where he's green and growling at people.
but he couldn't avoid it forever.
and for the first time in over 7 years, ezekiel posts another video.
and it BLOWS UP
but deep down our boy ezekiel is still a sheltered farm boy. he had to google how to change his youtube pfp.
so just imagine this scrawy, slightly green, teenager/early adult in front of a camera, rambling nonsense and throwing "yo" or "eh" into pretty much every sentence.
"get ready with me to get a rabies shot"
"guys what does lol mean?"
"storytime: i went feral in a cargo hold"
"reading my old rap songs"
"riding a horse after 7 years"
"what does gay mean?"
"get ready with me to see my ma and pa again"
anyway yeah in conclusion give farm boy internet access.
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Only Friends or OnlyFans? (I swear they knew what they were doing when naming that show)
Because I was so mindblown, I went back to Only Friends and it truly is a very strong pilot episode. Especially the first scenes before the intro hits. It tells us everything we need to know about the characters and their dynamics.
But first, let's talk about the intro with the legendary OST. We see every character as themselves and every couple we're gonna follow throughout this show. And whilst every pairup is shown, the way they sit or the way light shines on them, already tells us a bit about what we can expect to happen later on. Sand leans down towards Ray as if they're gonna meet somewhere in the middle pretty soon. They change each other. Nick and Boston are very touchy and their faces are close. Nick is a bit brighter than Boston but not by much. They already are at a wavelength they know and like. And then there's Mew and Top on this sofa and Mew is very much in the spotlight. It hits his face directly and makes him look rather 2 dimensional while Top is in the shadows behind him - maybe even in Mew's shadow.
As I was scolling through Tumblr yesterday, many people said they expect Mew to turn out as a pretty badass and outsmarting person and after this rewatch I absolutely see something coming. He doesn't answer questions and is presented as socially smart but wait, I have to sort my thoughts and notes. It's a mess
First of all, the first scenes are amazing. We are thrown right into a bar where the friends will gather again to go home. We meet Mew and Cheum and they are going to look for Ray and Boston. A random singer is shown but we don't know his name. Still, he's shown right in the beginning, he's gonna be important and then we cut to the bathroom where we meet Ray as a disshelfed drunk who fell asleep at the toilet. He's someone who knows how to hold his liquor but chooses to drink uncontrolably and he instantly mentions his father for no reason. It gives me daddy issues vibes but I could be wrong. Mew gets Ray before anything more can be said and the singer is left wondering what the heck that was about. Then we have Mew bumping into "the top tier" who immediately starts flirting. But Ray is not having it and protects Mew rather aggressivly which leaves me wondering if something is going on between Mew and Ray or if something once happened or if it's jealousy. The scene cuts and we see Boston flirting and trying to get a hook up but his friends arrive before anything happens and he drops his phone which is thankfully important later.
So, we're very quickly and effectively introduced to the four friends and two of their love interests. It's very intriguing and fast but things unfold later on and the little meetings and introductions of people make sense. Mew is pretty calm and laid back while Ray picks a fight as a compensation for his own issues. Sand, the singer, is feeling provocated by him and snaps while Top is the mysterious cool guy we all don't trust. And Boston is...yeah he's Boston and we don't get to know much about Cheum except she likes to dance.
We are introduced to them partying but them standing in Ray's father's house after that humbles them a whole lot. Suddenly, they're just college students, they dream and they want to matter. They try to do something big and maybe bigger than they can handle while staying young and trying not to lose themselves in the process. The show draws this contrast very well. There are many small humbling moments when we see they're just going about their lives. It's nothing much but just lives as twenty year olds and sometimes they know what they want and who they are but in many moments they don't. Boston for example may find it fulfilling to fool around but we can see it's actually one of the only things that give him confidence. His confidence is wavering, just like Nick's. It can be let down very fast and boosted by small things. When they don't get what they want, it's irritating and it's a loss of control which shows Boston and Nick are both not that sure of themselves.
Growing up is learning that we can't always be in control of a situation but we can control ourselves and our actions. It's standing above things other people say about or to you and not waver everytime things don't go your way. Boston tries to control situations while Ray tries to figure out how to control himself but miserably fails. Since they go out partying every weekend, I'm 100% sure Ray knows when he has drunken enough but he feels so left out by himself that he can't control itand ends up half-passed out. I am sure he knew what he was doing when he sat in his car and he was grateful someone noticed. I think having the choice to drive the car even though he was that drunk, gave him some feeling of control again. Something he lost throughout the evening. I wouldn't say Sand makes him understand what it means to be in control of oneself but Sand is gonna be an important factor in Ray's journey of self-acceptance.
And Mew is an absolute riddle to me. The way he is presented differs a lot. When it's him and Top, it's all so calm and sweet and butterflies. But when they're not alone and when it's not his perspective alone, he hints he can "screen people" very quickly and doesn't answer after Ray asks if Top can be trusted. Something is definetly going on and Mew knows what Top's deal is. But the kitchen scene was so different. I wrote in my notes "Mew explains how he's gonna be too whipped after the sex while standing in the brightest light, having the heaviest filter on his face, looking very 2 dimensional...like a scene in a book and Top looks at him with stars in his eyes which I don't know if it's true feelings or what Mew wants him to look like." I've read a lot of posts saying Mew is probably gonna be the one stirring the drama and I totally see his potential in that matter but still, the scenes with Top alone are his perspective. He knows he shouldn't fall but does it anyway. He falls for Top's charms and sees more in the smiles than anyone else. All the other scenes with Top that aren't Mew's perspective are a lot different and a lot harsher in tone. I think at one point, Mew is gonna wake up from that dream of a lovely relationship and then turns 180 degrees to take shit down.
Character dynamics
There are these three people who seemingly don't know each other. Nick, Top and Sand are not part of the friend group but some seem to know each other. The dynamics or short gazes are kinda sus.
When Top takes the mic and makes this big guesture of asking Mew out, there is a very short moment when Sand looks very annoyed like he already knows what's coming. As if what Top is about to do "doesn't mean anything anyway", so...do they know each other?
Nick instantly corrected Boston when he called him "little bro" which indicates, he knows Boston. He knew who he was, he knew how old he is and later, he has a "naked" picture of Boston in his phone. How did he get that picture? Or did they hook up before and Boston just can't remember which would be painful to know but Nick seems to already like Boston... it's one of those "he fell first but he fell harder" stories.
The first scene, when Mew bumps into Top because Ray is not walking straight, Ray picks a fight as soon as Top begins to flirt. Does Ray know Top? Or did he at least hear from him? Or has it something to do with Mew? Ray is very protective of Mew which raises the question in me, if there were once feelings involved. Like was it once a one-sided crush or was it more than a crush and something actually happened between these two? They treat each other differently, there must be something in the past they share. Ray's rolling eyes at Top aren't just pure jealousy, it's something else as well, does he know Top?
Oh yes, of course, the legendary Top and Boston conversations at the side where Top is spilling lines that absolutely urk me and set off the alarms in my head. I love how Boston himself often has this facial expression of "what have I done" which makes me wonder how well top and he know each other. As far as I have seen, Top says something like "one time is enough for us", so they can't know each other that well. But the way they talk hints at some deeper history.
I am eager to know what is about to happen, how angsty and messy this will get and how these couples make their way. I secretly hope for two happy endings and one sad one where the couple doesn't stay together in the end because too much happened and they weren't right for each other after all. I would love that since the characters feel so real to me
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
hi hellooo pleasure to be here again!! i have come to rant
so last night i went a bit through your blog because i vaguely remembered that at some point there was a conversation about "stage presence" and how only kpoppies give a shit about it. and i found some asks from last year about this youtuber who made like a whole classification on stage presence with all this masculine overt dominant whatever categories. and i was mindblown because just yesterday i got recommended one of their videos and i was watching that stuff like wtf. that took me back to my early kpop days (which is like 2018 lol) when i also discovered the term stage presence and i thought i did something. anyway
i actually came here to talk about shinee's recent comeback!! from the little i've seen, there's some beef among shawols regarding wether shinee is really "shinee" anymore and i've seen some people saying they've unstanned bc of hard. like you do you ig
i've been thinking that i genuinely like the song, but indeed it doesn't have that classic shinee vibe. (also satellite best bside???) to me it's just like taemin key onew and minho got together to sing a song, but it's not "shinee" per se. and that's okay.
regarding performances i only watched the studio choom dance version and tbh for the first time in my limited shinee eras knowledge i thought that minho takes the cake for this one. idk if it's the fact that he's more stereotipically masculine (or at least coming across that way) or what, but honestly his part in the second chorus is my favorite. key is second favorite and again his part in the last chorus suits him a lot imo especially with the different choreo for it. as for taemin i'm glad he's bringing his poppiest pops forward because i swear i feels like that man's bones are snapping inside his body but other than that honestly i don't think he's enjoying this era too much fdjdvscg
hi hello again!!!
alksdjflksdafj not that youtuber again....they're a fucking plague i need them to read a fucking book for the love of god. just so profoundly uninformed, its mind boggling.
i've seen variations of this take since before the song even came out and honestly? i don't agree. you can not like the song for any number of reasons but the fact of the matter is that it IS a shinee song. what makes a shinee song is that it's their voices. that's all that makes a shinee song. for a group that has an extended history of genre experimentation, for fans to get mad or say it's "not them" when they DO do something experimental is cowardly and embarrassing. just admit that you don't like the song and move on. there will be a time when EVERY artist you love makes something that you don't. that's fine and normal. don't hide behind incorrect assertions like "it's an nct reject" or that it doesn't sound like them. they're artists that still want to explore and grow and they have agency to do that. it's not a failing to admit that you don't like something that your faves made, and i also think it's rude and denies them identity and agency to say that 'it doesn't sound like them', especially with this particular group.
personally what i think people are subconsciously getting at when they say a song doesnt sound like shinee is that it sounds incomplete because it's missing a voice. the same discourse circled around with dcm came out and people are not acknowledging that shinee is never going to sound the same as they did pre 2017 (2018 technically bc jonghyun's voice is still on tsol). they just aren't. the chemical makeup of the melodies is going to be different forever and people need to acknowledge and accept that. the four of them are doing their best to fill in that hole and theyre doing a great job, but there is still a hole.
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zeldadiarist · 2 years
Zelink Opposites Attract, Week Four
I'm a bit late, but here's my last entry!
If you have been reading my AU, you'll remember Zelda's grandma has a fun story of her own.
Thank you @zelinkcommunity for hosting this fantastic event!
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Zelda's most treasured possession is her grandmother's locket.
She began wearing it almost religiously after she received it from Sage Rauru when she was about to turn seventeen.
Link is extremely curious about it, since she has never shown what's currently inside of it, and she is rather adamant on others opening it to reveal its contents - she always tends to tuck it inside t-shirts or blouses. He has an extremely vague memory of the late Queen showing him a picture of a handsome, elegant blonde man and a little boy - King Daphnes as a child, and his father, Sir Hiram.
The locket, in fact, had been a gift of Sir Hiram to the late Queen.
"By the time he gave it to her, they actually began being friends," Zelda explained to Link over Dinsday coffee, as she toyed a little with the piece of jewelry. "Everybody swears their love story began when they started officially being a couple, when my grandma was in her thirties. But it was way before."
Link sipped his coffee slowly. The spark in his slightly sleepy eyes showed he was piqued by the unknown information. Despite being friends for a long time, he didn't know too many facts about her family's past. Besides, he was always delighted to hear about a slow burn love.
Not that he longed for that kind of romance.
Zelda giggled and continued. "When they first met, he asked her out on a date, but instead of that, he took her to Hyrule Castle. He made a ruse so the King would meet his lost daughter. You can imagine she was furious with him, and swore to herself to reject any other kind of advances from him. Very salty from her, but very valid."
"I would have felt as cheated as her, probably," he said, scratching the back of his head.
"They smoothed things out with time, and they were friends for the rest of their lives," she shrugged, then sipped her cup. "Granny always said she had married her best friend."
Link was baffled. "You skipped to the end of the story!"
She giggled. "Not yet! They were friends indeed… but for a long time they were…" - her grin turned mischievous - " friends with benefits."
Link's jaw dropped, mindblown about the revelation Zelda made.
Not that he would like to have a friendship like that. Actually… scratch that. Link wants the whole deal.
"Love the face you're making right now," she said with a face full of mirth, circling his gesture. "You live for this kind of drama, don't lie."
"Yeah, but...Are you joking or are you telling something true?" Link was still in awe, but he didn't trust Zelda's trickster skills.
“It’s a bit of both,” she said with a wink. “Rauru told me they kept their relationship secret for a year before going public. To everyone, except him and nana Impaz, they were just friends… I can give you details, but we need more coffee to keep going.”
Link snatched their cups, and rushed to the coffee machine.
Zelda chuckled. “You aren’t curious about the locket anymore.”
He gave her her cup, filled to the brim, and sat again.
“A good love story is always better.”
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janiedean · 2 years
paddy was great but also can we say kudos to the make up team because I swear every episode i would be like how is viserys even walking around, he is definitely dying this episode - and then the next episode they would somehow manage to make him look even older and weaker?
and jfc when the camera panned to him at supper when he's just looking at his whole family i just 😭 he came so close to fixing the whole thing with just love 😭 poor guy would be heartbroken to see how the whole thing pans out after he dies.
oh absolutely this show has a killer makeup/costumes department way better than got had tbqh kudos to them because HONESTLY WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT MAKEUP WORK T_T that said paddy needs awards like what the hell was that performance I'm still mindblown
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I. Would like to ask for a (romantic) match-up if that's okay 👁 because I've been into mystic messenger since I was...God, 15? Way back when it first came out. I'm in my early 20's now and once again replaying. These characters will forever hold my heart, I swear.
Okay. I'm not so sure where to start with this? I'm a college student, studying alternative medicine. Wanting to become a business owner in the future. (Herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine, etc.) I started this all because I watched a show one time where the girl was an herbalist, and I was like "wow I wish that was a real job." BUT THEN 5 MIN OF RESEARCH AND IT WAS I WAS MINDBLOWN, anyways so I've been at it for a couple of years, very passionate about it. I love to give my friends and family Herbal remedies to try and stuff, it makes me happy. On top of this, I love crystal healing (like reiki!) And I've been learning a lot of stuff like tarot and palm readings!
I have essentially two sides, pinky where I am my melody in the flesh, and then my kuromi side where I wear more HARDCORE fits (the hard-core in question: dark purple and black sweaters and black mini skirts lol). So just overall very girly. I'd say my main aesthetics are Cottagecore (currently redoing my room in all mushroom and strawberry themes!), fairycore, and then a whole lot of sanrio.
My humor? Awful. Bad. "Unfunny" except I'm actually hilarious. I tend to have a bit of darker humor, and I make a lot of dirty jokes. My friends say I have the humor of a 12 year old boy JAOSKEJDJD SO THERE IS THAT. I'm pretty energetic too!
I'm a writer in my free time, and though I say I like to read, I mainly just read fanfiction. I tend to get these characters I really like and obsess over them extremely for a long time. I get merch of them, I write about them, I stay up for longgg periods of time reading about them. Yeah it's bad, and even when I do one day date someone I ain't giving up my fictional men so they gotta deal, hahaha.
I struggle with explaining and showing my emotions. I grew up in a family where communication was not much of a thing, we either got mad and blew up at each other or gave each other the silent treatment. And I never liked this. Even when I'd cry they would get angry about it, and don't get me wrong they're great parents and I love them dearly, but communication and feelings have just always been hard with them, and therfor awful for me. I try my best though, I really do. And that's why in a relationship I desperately need someone patient and at least decent at communicating. Even when I'm bad. I mean I struggle to hug people and tell them how much I care about them a lot because of how I grew up, but I try so hard!!! I wanna break this cycle and have a healthy relationship!!!
I will add though I do somehow enjoy deep conversations. Like we could be talking about stupid stuff one second and then switch to a talk about our deepest life regrets or talk about just how we think the universe works. I like learning about how others think.
I let people walk all over me, I struggle to say no and I take on a lot more than I can handle sometimes to please other people. Anddd then inevitably burn out and isolate for a while. It's my toxic trait that I also need to work on lol.
But overall I'd say I'm fairly outgoing? I love love to talk and ramble about stuff. I'm not sure how much of this media you know but in case it helps my highest kins are Taiga (from Toradora), and then Hu Tao and Ganyu from genshin HOW I KIN BOTH OF THEM IDK I got two sides. My outside personality: Hu Tao vibe, my inside personality: Ganyu. And then Taiga is just actually so me ive never related to a character so hard. Ignore this part if you don't know the media :3
My love language is gift giving, I love to give people things and make people baked goods and write them things and aaa I just love it. Problem is I hate when people give things to me in return which they often feel like they have to. It just makes me feel bad and awkward to recieve gifts, it's another thing I need to work on. Receiving wise I'd love someone who's love language is....actually?? I'm not so sure?? I'd appreciate any, but I feel like quality time is the most important to me.
I'm a bit adventurous, while I like spending days at home I also like to go places and just explore and have fun. Being cooped up inside too much usually puts me in a depression, as I extremely found out during covid. I like to enjoy places with pretty scenery and nature over cities however, crowds do stress me out and I'm a teensy bit of a germaphobic (I say teensy but it's actually kind of not teensy. An awful habit I have is scrubbing my hands raw so they are always dry and in pain. Ironic for someone studying alt. medicine, huh? WORKING TO OVERCOME THOUGH)
I like to watch anime and play games like honkai impact and genshin impact. I love to cosplay pretty characters and go to conventions, I do tend to dress not so modestly however. Cosplays especially I wear revealing ones. My latest cosplan is Elysia from Honkai, her herrscher outfit specifically. I'm just decently confident(-ish) with my body and I like to show it off sometimes.
I fear this is becoming long so I wrap it up. In a relationship I DO NOT want kids. I do however want and value marriage. I need someone patient with me and understanding, and ideally affectionate? I love to dote on people and be doted on in return. And yeah! That's about all I got! I'm excited to see who my Kait assigned soulmate is, hehe. Whoever you pick I am 1000% gonna redo the route of. (Unless they're routeless, in which case fanfic time.)
I match you with...
Hear me out, that might sound wild given that he might not share all of your values on a surface level. But, you have a lot more in common than you think, and you can learn and grow with each other in a way I imagine would be fruitful. You're the kind of person who wants to do something for the world. You want to see some change in a way that can do more than you'd be doing if you were just another part of the machine. You want people to heal in a way that's right for them, not just physically, but emotionally, as well. You see the value in trying to reach someone from all angles.
That kind of out-of-the-box thinking is what works for Jumin. Do you think he acts in the guise of knowing something? He doesn't. He will travel to new avenues and look for better answers when something is not working anymore. He loves to listen, talk, and designate the best way to make changes for customers and employees. The two of you are best described as problem solvers who need to see something in this world move for the better. That's why you can talk for hours and hours about anything with Jumin. You both value discussion in a way that nobody else understands.
But, what you get with Jumin is someone who really won't push you around. Not just in conversation, but in life. He wants to see you grow to a point where you can say "no". He wants you to look everyone in the eyes and say what you mean. You deserve to be heard. Your voice is valuable. He won't let anyone step on you, not even himself. Sure, he will kick himself for the way he treated you during his route, but he learns, listens, and grows to be the kind of man you deserve.
All and all, your life is Jumin is about the two of you. Your family is the RFA and that's all you need. You both love to take care of each other! It's sweet that you'll have a race to see who can make breakfast first just to surprise the other... races to the kitchen aren't unheard but... let me tell you, Elizabeth beats the two of you there every time. She has the zoomies.
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caricature-of-a-witch · 4 months
I'm seeing so many people posting about [show] like omg it's so good even if you think it won't be or if you've watched episode 1 and found it too cumbersome you should watch the rest I promise you will be 110% mindblown if you like [list of 5-20 other popular shows] you'll LOVE this one as well I swear EVERYONE who watched it through was delighted and is practically frothing at the mouth for more-- and I'm just... well. I did in fact watch it through. It was fun? But it's also not really much at all like [other show that it's being compared to that I do love a lot] and the stuff it has in common with [show I also watched but am ambivalent about] is exactly the stuff that bothered me about that show actually so I just. I don't know this is just a rambly very pointless post in which I'm vaguely rambling about my annoyance at constantly having [show] shoved in my face by text posts that feel a bit like they're implying I'm doing sth wrong by not loving the New Thing. which may mean I'm feeling attacked for no reason or something lmao and it doesn't really bother me it just bothers me enough to want to grumble about it
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enchantedmirage · 6 months
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"Wait, so the the "S" in "Switch" stands for "Sports" (mindblown)
— These notifications, I swear.. WE GET 100 WHISTLES FOR DAY 1?????
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riewiggles · 9 months
FIRST OFF, this is literally why Kannao is my autistic hyperfixation... they are me and my bf.
My pfp explains it all.
We were on our way back from a trip that my bf took me on for my birthday (because he is the absolute sweetest and did everything in his power to make today special) and I was talking about my Persona OCs' personas as we were coming back because we were heavily in discussion of personas and his own OC and AU. He hasn't started on it yet but I gave him inspiration. So I get to this OC and his persona Crowley from Part 3 of my Kannao fic and how Crowley's name is based off Supernatural's Crowley because I had no other name to give him, and spoiled Part 3 and noted something about entrails and abdomen.
So my bf goes, "wait, so back on butts-"
Me: "... I didn't say anything about butts."
Bf: "you said abdomen area!"
Me: ... "Do you think that the abdomen area is the butt?"
So I literally had to explain to my KANJI ASS BOYFRIEND, who note, has a degree in physics, that the abdomen is the belly.
Me: "why are abs called 'abs?' BECAUSE THEY ARE IN THE ABDOMEN AREA!"
He was totally mindblown.
Me: "Why do you think that when you go to the doctor and tell them that your belly hurts that they will put on your chart PAIN IN THE ABDOMINAL AREA?"
He is a goofball and I love him so much. I swear I felt like I was possessed by a detective who was so done with their partner's antics.
By the way have a lovely pic from my birthday trip.
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strawhatsoraya · 1 year
hello, hi 😍 not a request or anything, but I just finished binge reading your doffy x reader triology and bloody hell, fuck me sideways... I've just gotta say its the absolute nastiest, filthiest, smuttiest, raunchiest and downright sinful and indecent thing I've ever read - in other words, it's a masterpiece. simply a work of art, beautiful even. I've shared it with all my friends willing to put up with the same levels of nastiness I'm into. you slayed so hard with this one, it left me completely mindblown. i followed immediately. mean doffy gotta be the hottest thing to ever exist. and I swear up and down I don't have even an ounce of degradation kink in me... but it's safe to say you've really dragged it out of me on a leash... this triology has got me by the throat. anyway, I'm sure ur tired of my rambling. just wanted to say a massive thank you for this one omg❤️❤️. 🏃🏿‍♀️💨
you're so sweet and cute lol. that trilogy was written in some kind of delirium. i think i was possessed. i had a lot of fun writing it, and delving into the dark twisted mind of doflamingo. i'm glad you enjoyed it, and thank you so much for sharing my fic and this adorable sweet message. i hope you have an amazing week wherever you are <3
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rojnapat · 5 years
Kys cunt fucking cunt suck my COCK I hope u get brutally raped and die bleeding
can yall tell me if i am hallucinating or if i actually got this ask
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savemeineedu · 5 years
So I saw a post that said something about waiting to turn 22 and posting a picture with a caption "i don't know about you but im feeling 22" and I thought to my self, oh I should do that when I turn 22! Then I stop myself and think, wait, how old am I? Oh yes I'm 21. Wait.. or am I 22?... Idk now 🤔. So I go online and search "how old am i" and I go to this website, type my birthday and it tells me that I'm 22!!! Turning 23 in 5 months and im like what??? You mean to tell me I've been 22 this whole time and I didn't even know??
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langsat-lamb · 5 years
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bluexiao · 3 years
Hellooo!! May I request a Gamer Kazuha, Scara and Xiao with their S/O? Thank youuu!!
#them playing genshin with you
CHARACTERS. Kazuha, Scaramouche, Xiao
THEMES. modern!au. gamer!au. fluff !!! domestic !! (scara may swear just one time though)
NOTES. i love writing this! it’s so fun to imagine aaa especially with my best boys<333 thanks so much for this request!! also i apologize for not knowing the seelie names i’m also unsure if everyone knows them so i just went by the colors instead hahah.
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A mobile player. BUT He can play literally anything and excel on it. You always see him on the top players and he does it with ease.
He’s just a casual gamer, everybody wouldn’t even expect him to touch games but the moment they see him play they’re mindblown. He’s hella good, even if he plays them first time. Like seriously this guy has talent.
Actually, he can play on any gadget. He's just a casual player so he doesn’t own a ps5 and doesn’t like having games installed on his PC.
Playing Genshin Impact, he probably chose Aether because you said both of them resemble each other. Yes, you got him to Genshin.
Only plays when you’re with him. He honestly doesn’t give much attention to the game unless you two are in a co-op.
Ironically, he’s very lucky in his wishes. He got a Jean in his first 10-star pull like seriously? And then he gets an Aquila Favonia on his Weapon Banner in an instant I tell you.
Jean and Anemo Traveler main, period.
He’s also free to play because like I said, he only plays because of you.
You two are so cute like you both did the Dragonspine Quests together, explored together, or you let him have your Dandelions to ascend his Jean. You two also have a golden seelie together.
“Hey Kazu, are we going to play today? Can you help me farm books?”
He smiles before pressing a kiss on your temple, pulling you to his side, “Sure, why not, but we have to do the assignment after, alright?”
Is actually aware of the time spent while gaming so he knows when to stop and rest.
Since he plays on mobile he loves cuddling you while you two play. If you’re on PC or playstation, he lets you sit on his lap while he makes do with the position. If you’re also on mobile, you two are usually lying on the bed while he has his phone above your head, his chin leaning on your hair.
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A PC Player. PvP games are his favorites. Sometimes he switches to his phone but he’s annoyed at the small graphics and prefers playing on PC.
Loves beating up literally anyone. He has to be one of the high-ranked players and he makes sure he doesn’t lose.
He got into Genshin Impact first and when he found out you’re also playing he’ll probably ask for your AR first. If you’re above his, he’ll pout or so, but if you’re below his, he would say “Come on, let’s do your quests. What? You haven’t ascended yet? You won’t go anywhere if you haven’t done anything, stupid.” he says in a lovely way hahah
Will literally give you tips on everything but he makes himself sound like he’s annoyed. He’s not don’t worry. Not much probably ahhah.
Viola seelie definitely but before he has the pink one heheh.
Actually he prefers Endora’s quietness but likes the aesthetic appeal of Viola more.
Number or meta grabber. Literally dislikes small damage. He probably made everyone a DPS because of this. Actually, he doesn’t need meta, he has RNG underneath his grasps because he has god-tier artifacts.
He carries you to everything and flaunts it.
He probably even fixes your account a couple of times to see if your artifacts, weapon & overall build are aligned. He makes sure that your characters are well taken care of.
Quite bossy. But he means well.
“Why-What in the world is that?” he grimaces
“What do you mean?”
“Why do you have a fucking Black Tassel on Zhongli? Give him the Staff of Homa instead!”
“But Xiao has it!”
“Zhongli will benefit from it more, dummy.”
“No, Xiao will have Homa, end of the conversation.”
He gets quite pouty when you crush on the characters and will ridicule you for it. He’s just jeal—
“I’m not jealous, shut up.”
Would actually be ready to pay for you to get the characters that you want… even if you’re crushing on them. He has this small smirk on his face when you squeal happily and tackle him getting your five star.
Hug him tight and pepper him with kisses as thanks and he’ll be even more happy hehe.
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He also can play anything but he prefers being alone most of the time. Certainly a solo player—a good one at that.
Probably the only one of the three to have a full gaming set plus a ps5 plus a gaming mobile.
He got you into playing Genshin Impact but mainly because it seems to have occupied his time and you usually watch him play. You were convinced by the graphics and the lore that he himself praised.
He likes the game but he likes it even better when you play it with him. He also has a lucky thumb and he carries you through domains! He even pulls characters for you.
He had both the purple and blue seelie but he prefers having Endora on a lot.
A Zhongli main, probably. Or Dual Archon! He wills to collect every Archon in the game, actually. You offer him your world’s Cor Lapis and he always says a mumble of “Thanks” each time
He’s actually sweet when you visit him and you both play together for bonding time. He lets you borrow his gaming PC while he plays on his mobile or ps5.
A cutie! His ears will blush when you sit on his lap while you play on his PC, even with his hoodie on. He nuzzles his face on the hoodie and flushes even more when his nose will be filled in with the scent of both him and you.
“Xiao? Want me to go grab snacks?”
His grip on your waist tightens and he hums while shaking his head.
He hums again, an affirmation to your question, it seems.
“Are you not hungry?”
He hums, maybe a no?
“Alright. Just tell me when you’re hungry so we can eat while playing,” you say, and he seems to have leaned on your neck even further, with his chin still on your shoulder. You can feel his breath on your skin and despite the tickle that you felt, you stayed in the position and even leaned back more.
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TAGLIST. @softlybeloved @rim0na @icecappa @simplyxkashi @scaraslover @beastielevi @cursedraiden
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