#I THINK I MIGHT MAKE a syzoth one maybe
jombenz · 9 months
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"These vengeful thoughts trapped underneath Rage, scorn, misery Payback for what you took from me Hope, love, sanity" - Ice Nine Kills, A Grave Mistake
hanzo for u all, he's always been such an interesting character to me
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partycatty · 5 months
how many donuts can you stack on it
i feel like ive got this down to a science.
warnings: describing fictional characters' peanits in length.
notes: this is what i come back with to post (1 donut = 1 inch)
[ masterlist ]
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liu kang > he's got a bioweapon in motion and form, truly. it's so big and thick you might actually die if you try to take it all. 9 donuts. he'll let you do anything to it, silly or not, if it makes you crack a hungry grin like you did when you counted.
bi-han > idk i feel like its not that big, but it's got good thickness.... 4 and a half donuts. finds it stupid, won't agree to putting donuts on it at first, but gives in just so you'll stop. he's embarrassed.
kuai liang > husband length. humble but knows he can get the job done... thinks he could be bigger but you dont complain. 6 donuts. he's too kind and sweet to really have a problem with it.
johnny cage > he thought he'd be able to fit more donuts... not that the current amount is small. 7 and a half donuts. he might try and cram that second half in, but it falls off and splats on the ground.
kenshi takahashi > confident but quiet about it, the donuts don't stop stacking even when you think you couldn't fit another. 9 donuts. expected it, not surprised, but chuckles dryly at your little gasp.
kung lao > tried it on himself before you even got the chance to ask. 7 donuts after trying multiple times at home. lies and says it was nine donuts when he tried it at home...
raiden > nobody expects it from him, since it's not on the forefront of his mind like his bestie... 9 donuts. just thought everyone could fit that many no problem. you had to explain that he's massive.
rain > doesn't talk about it because there isn't really much to say... 5 donuts. (why doesn't he have a personality ever)
tomas vrbada > you just... kept going.... and before you knew it, 8 and a half donuts sat pretty hugging him as he smiles in delight. at first he didn't get your vision, but seeing the shock on your face was more than enough.
baraka > afraid of showing it, tarkat enhanced... all of his features. nearly a baker's dozen, 10 donuts fit with no problem. he growls to himself, adjusting his hips. maybe his condition had a perk.
geras > won't really get why you want donuts on it... but will entertain your ridiculousness. he stands stock still and firm when you put a whopping ten and a half donuts on him. he raises a brow, wondering what the point was.
syzoth > his tongue flicks in curiosity as you try to balance the donuts on both, squeezing a whopping 14 donuts combined! he grins in satisfaction, wondering how many donuts his true form could hold.
havik > it fell off. 0 donut.
shao > shitting your pants when you put the entire dozen onto it, and still have some wiggle room. shao remains unimpressed but silently pleased with his thickness and length as it balances the treats.
shang tsung > it's cute. 5 donuts was his max, but he seems smug about it. he knows you'll take him either way, and the thought makes him smirk.
reiko > 7 and a half donuts stops him short but he just laughs loudly with his hands on his hips. asks if you're impressed, and then offers for you to eat the donuts right off of him.
ermac > ....would ermac have millions of dicks? or just one in his physical manifestation? how many donuts is that...? you'll be there for a while.
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domnamewoman · 11 months
what would shang tsung, syzoth, smoke and rain be like with a gn!witch? who do spell with more natural things, like crystal, herbs, etc... imagine them being like "I found this little rock, maybe you'd like it" and their s/o picks it up like it's a goblin lol. I love your work, u are amazing 🌟
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Characters: Rain, Shang Tsung, Reptile, Smoke
Warnings: Witch!GN!Reader
Requests Are Open
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“Can you hand me the duck feathers?” You ask, reaching out your hand to Syzoth.
Syzoth picks up the feathers from the table and walks over to you, placing them in your hand.
“Thank you.” You grab the feathers and stir them into the brewing elixir.
“It amazes me that all these random ingredients can be mixed together to create magic,” Syzoth says in wonderment.
“It’s not so much the ingredients than it is the intention of the person mixing them.”
“Hmm, so the real power comes from you,” Syzoth contemplates as he wraps his arms around your waist and rests his chin on your shoulder.
“Yes, I guess in a way.” You nod, “But I can’t enchant someone without them being exposed to the potion in some way.”
“You seemed to do a pretty good job of enchanting me,” Syzoth mumbles into your cheek as he places a kiss there, “Making me fall for you.”
“You are so cheesy,” You grumble, loving every part of it.
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“I think I might pass out…” Zeffeero pants as he hovers over the toilet.
“I’m so sorry, baby.” You apologize as you rub comforting circles on his back.
“Why”–heave–”Why would you even need a p-potion that induces vomiting?”
“It can be useful to demobilize an enemy during a fight,” You reason sympathetically.
“Except I’m not an enemy who's trying to fig-” Zeffeero gets cut off by more contents getting expelled from his stomach.
“I mean it is kind of your fault. Why would you drink a random liquid you haven’t seen before?”
Zeffeero turns his head to you and glares, “M-My fault? I was thirsty. Why was your potion in the refrigerator?”
“The ingredients had to be cold in order to fuse together properly,” You sigh as Zeffeero is hit with another bought of vomiting, “Okay, I should have labeled it. I’m sorry.”
“H-How long is it s-supposed to last?” Zeffeero pants out.
You cringe, “Two hours…”
“Two hours!?”
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Shang Tsung stares at the potion you were brewing with repulsion. He leans over and takes a sniff before quickly covering his nose and holding back a gag.
“You know, I would be most delighted to teach you my sorcery. It is more sophisticated than creating vile concoctions like this.”
“Oh shush, there is more than one way to do magic, Shang. This is mine,” You say as you add five drops of toad’s blood to the cauldron.
“It’s tedious and ineffective in an emergency. You have to spend time brewing potions and then have someone consume it for it to work,” Shang Tsung argues.
“They don’t have to consume it, I can also put it in a bottle and throw it at them like a Molotov. Also, making potions isn’t tedious, I actually find it rather relaxing.”
“What could be relaxing about this horrid smell?”
You roll your eyes before turning to Shang Tsung and raising an eyebrow, “Well if your sorcery is so sophisticated, why don’t you zap away the smell?”
You and Shang Tsung stare at each other, your smile growing by the second. Shang Tsung pompously waves his hand before turning around and walking away.
“I thought so,” you chuckle as you turn back to your potion.
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You’re standing in your spell room, organizing your crystals and taking stock of potion supplies when Tomas excitedly bursts through the door.
“Baby, I got you something,” Tomas sings as he walks up to you with his hands behind his back.
“What is it?” You excitedly inquire as you try to peek around him.
“Something almost as beautiful as you.”
“Show me already,” You impatiently demand.
“Ta-da!” Says Tomas as he brings his hands in front of him and extends his fingers to reveal a rainbow-colored crystal sitting in his palms.
“Oh my gosh, Tomas-”
“It’s pretty isn’t it? I knew you would lov-”
“No, it’s dangerous.” You snatch it out of his hand and jog to the front door, throwing it as far as you can away from the house. “That is a lifeforce-draining crystal.”
“I-I just thought it was a pretty rock… I’m sorry.”
You shake your head lovingly at Tomas as you comfortingly rub his arm, “I appreciate the thought, anyway. Just leave the crystal scavenging to me.”
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
My honest chances of getting with the MK Men
Okay so basically this is me rating myself (cause my brain don’t shut up) on how likely it is that any of the mk men would date me. This will be MK1 mind you
Bi-Han: 0%-10%- Not a chance in hell. He doesn’t want to hear about my day, he doesn’t want to listen about my hyperfixations, he doesn’t like my hair, my body type ain’t it, he doesn’t believe I have mental illnesses, he hates that I take hot showers, the list goes on. That 10% is if I have the balls to bite back I think he’d like that.
Kuai Liang: 40%- He’d see me as a nice woman but would recognize that I don’t want to be mature all the time. And my definition of tradition is way different than his. Studded belts, raccoon tails, and Juicy Couture are not traditional.
Tomas: 80%- Okay, I’m biased here cause I love this man. But I genuinely don’t think he cares too much. If I’m loving, he will take me. The missing 20% is because I can get aggressive or heated quickly.
Syzoth: 50%-100%- I’d say 50% because he did have a family before so he might not want to move on which is okay. But I think he would like me cause I love reptiles and I’m not afraid to eat a cricket or two.
Rain: 50%- Being smart never stopped me from being a dumbass but I think he will see I’m still smart no matter what. Although I love this man to death I deadass think we would have fights cause he’s cocky.
Johnny Cage: 30%- He would think he’s too cool for me. Simple as that. Will he flirt with me? Maybe. Will he date me? Slim chance.
Kenshi: 70%- He chill tbh. I don’t think he would have a problem with my weight or my illnesses. We’ll find a way to vibe. But I’m not the first girl he would pick.
Raiden: 90%- Similar with Tomas he don’t care too much. He doesn’t get scared by me getting heated. That 10% is because we’ve lived different lives so it would be hard to find middle ground. I can’t take silence 😭.
Kung Lao: 70%- He’d love my family more than me. They make good food. I can cook too but he wants the whole family to bring him pupusas and Shepard’s Pie.
Geras: 0%- Nothing against me, he just has an important job and I respect that.
Liu Kang: 10%- Again I think this would be nothing against me he just loves his Kitana. But there is a tiny chance for me I feel like.
Reiko: 30%- He doesn’t like earthrealmers and I’m not sure he would like my body type. But I think he would love my attitude so that’s where that little percent comes from.
Shao: 0%- Nope, just nope. He hates earthrealmers. Wouldn’t give me the time of day.
Havik: 80%- Okay hear me out. I get points off because I’m religious (so I follow a god) and I am against anarchy. Other than that, he would love me. Like I feel like he would love a chubby girl. He’d love my hair, he’d love my tattoos, he’d love the way I express myself (being topless). I’d love to watch analog horror series with him. I’d give him a kiss every time I’d get scared.
Baraka: 0%- He had a family once and he doesn’t want to infect me. That’s reasonable.
Shang Tsung: 50%- Listen, I’d feel like he’d fuck with anybody. If I tell him how good my immune system is that gives me points. That means I’m durable to experiment on. And he can give me back shots while doing it.
Quan Chi: 10%- Nope, I’d lift my rosary up before letting him close. He was fucking with spirits I’d curse him out for that and he would not like me. He would like that I have an attitude.
Ermac: 0.01%-…well at least one of those fuckers inside of there would like me.
BONUS ROUND: KAMEOS (my favorites to be exact)
Mavado: 100%- Yeah he’s loyal to his clan but if I slap him and immediately kiss him after that’s it he’s done. He loyal to me and his clan after that.
Stryker: 50%- I’M good, everyone else in my life has a problem.
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fun-k-board · 1 year
Hey again friend.
How about a headcanon of being best friends and a student to smoke 😄😄 please
Tomas Vrbada / Smoke Friendship Headcanons
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Note(s) : I'm still learning how to write about his character, so criticisms are appreciated.
If we're talking Lin Kuei, Tomas is probably the best option for a mentor because he's not as strict and, uh, scary as Bi-Han, and even less serious than Kuai Liang, although that's not hard because he's so responsible.
But, that doesn't mean he'll let you slack off.
Tomas has a schedule, which includes waking up extremely early, most likely 6 AM, getting dressed and having breakfast in the span of a few minutes, you're expected to be at training for at least 7 AM. Then you train until lunch, around 1 PM, which lasts until 2 PM and then you train until dinner, around 6PM.
He expects you, and everybody else who trains under him, to follow that schedule. He can accept a few excuses, injuries making it harder to get dressed, mental issues, maybe you were just really hungry and accidentally spent too long eating, whatever the case, he lets you off with a warning most of the time.
But if it becomes repeated behaviour you're going through more gruelling training for a week, only Bi-Han at that point can get you out of it, and everybody knows he won't.
He retains a friendly and casual relationship outside of your training, inviting you with his brothers to dinner, which is usually less than once a month. They're usually at Madame Bo's or another tea house, and he's usually the one paying.
You both talk while he trains you, mostly about other Lin Kuei members and their performance / behaviours. Smoke won't trash talk, but he will sometimes indulge in gossip. 'Did you hear about the new recruit who tried to fight Bi-Han?' 'They did what?!'
Even when you're fighting with more seriousness, he's still cracking a friendly joke here and there. Probably something about ice, fire, or smoke.
Speaking of, if you don't like puns about smoke, don't even talk to this guy. He somehow knows every pun in existence that even slightly relates to it, Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are so tired of them they both just leave whenever he starts with one.
He adores if you match his energy, you two bounce back with constant puns that you forget training and leave Bi-Han to scold you two.
Tomas already has a strained relationship with Bi-Han, the man doesn't view him as a brother, let alone squeal, even though that's all Smoke wants from him. He doesn't mean to burden you with his issues, but sometimes he might ask 'Do you think I'm deserving of being a Lin Kuei?'
He won't stop being friends with you if Bi-Han doesn't like you, but maybe he will if Kuai doesn't, he looks up to Scorpion and views him as a major influence in life. But, the likelihood of Kuai ever actually telling him he doesn't like you is low, so, you're all good.
Given how the Lin Kuei works, I think you'd also have to train under his brothers or others in the clan once and a while, but mainly under him. He probably has other students to train, and so he's not always free for casual talk or sparring because he has others to mentor.
I'd say, for a guess, he most likely gets at least a day off, if not, breakfast, lunch and dinner is probably a time where he's free to at least go to a restaurant for food with you.
Shirai Ryu Tomas is different. While before he had maybe one day off, now he's always free because of how there's almost no recruits, only Hanzo and a few other kids who didn't have a good situation before the clan formed.
You'd most likely help the younger ones, and maybe have an 'assistant' role when teaching, the training is fairly lighter because they're just kids, but any adults or teens will have the same training as you, with a tighter schedule that you have to help maintain.
He has more free time to just... Hang around basically, he's always inviting you to have food with Kuai or his friends, like Johnny, Syzoth and most other members of the Kast, he's a big fan of helping you out with tasks.
Tomas will enjoy cleaning, for example, he expects you to help him obviously, especially if it's your room or armour he's helping clean. But, he enjoys it because it's productive and he gets to spend time with you.
Smoke also loves when you do things like that for him! Especially cooking, he's not... The best at it, so he appreciates when you make food after a long day of training and doing small missions for Liu Kang.
He doesn't touch the kitchen. Don't make him go near it.
He might try and teach you Czech or Chinese, if you don't know either already, this totally isn't just so when you're in crowded areas you can talk to each other without people listening, what are you talking about?
Although, it took him years to learn Chinese, so he understands if you find it too difficult and don't want to learn, that won't stop him from muttering words under his breath when he's annoyed.
He's not the biggest fan of hugs, don't get me wrong, he absolutely will if you ask him or he needs it, but he doesn't think he's ever been hugged since he was a kid, so it's just a bit unfamiliar.
Smoke likes holding your hand though, not only will you not get lost in crowds, but you can have friendly contact without it being too much for either of you.
Never ask him for relationship advice, if you want a wingman, look the other way. His love life consists of nothing, a barren desert, and he prefers to keep it that way.
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grapefacegrfa · 2 months
Mortal Kombat 1 Trailer Animalities
Mortal Kombat isn't my current hyperfixation (at least not the main one), but that new trailer has me super hype for September. I know my usual content is fan art, but when I saw the animalities, I started thinking. We saw Mileena's is a Praying Mantis, but what about the other animals we saw in the trailers? Whose are those?
TW: Some of the images past the Quan Chi section have blood. I tried my best to avoid gore as much as I could, but I couldn't do so with the Wolf or Pufferfish animalities. I apologize. :(
Also, before you read the rest, please note that I'm not at all an expert on the franchise. It's one of my special interests, but I don't know everything. Additionally, this is more of a ramble post, but I did do my research. I'm merely speculating here. If your thoughts are different, please feel free to let me know what you think! I wanna hear what other people have to say too! :D
Since I'm doing these in the order as we see them in the trailer, let's start off with the hyena. My first thought was Havik, and that was before I even decided to look at it closer. Mainly because hyenas are known to be skilled opportunistic scavengers (they aren't just scavengers though), and I thought it fit with Havik because, while I don't know that much about the character, I feel like his characterization kind of fits with the hyena. Hyenas can symbolize cleverness, but they also symbolize greed, stupidity and viciousness. That was my first thought. Then I watched the trailer again to look at the hyena a second time and that's when it became obvious.
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Notice it?
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Similar, if not exactly the same, facial disfigurement. I'm fairly certain the hyena is Havik's animality. Moving on to the next one, we have the hippo.
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I think this is Geras. My first thought was because of the glowing blue eyes, which makes sense as Geras is the only character on the MK1 roster with glowing blue eyes specifically and I'm pretty sure real life hippos don't have glowing eyes (/lh /s). Not only that, but even the saliva resembling sand (or maybe it is just straight up sand; it was hard for me to tell) and the odd looking veins (I think??) on the side of the head with a pattern resembling the face plate looking things on Geras's body and the color resembling his tattoos.
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Hippos are symbols of great skills in problem-solving, confidence, self-reliance, and strength. Also, in ancient Egypt, the hippo was a symbol of power and fertility. Not only that, but the hippopotamus is said to have the strongest bite of all land animals at about 8,130 Newtons per square inch. They are herbivores, but if disturbed by humans, they can be very dangerous and cause fatal injuries (according to ifaw.org). Next is one that's honestly given quite a bit of trouble.
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A gorilla. I'm having trouble figuring out who this might be. My first thought was Shao Kahn given that the fatality is done brutally with just the gorilla's hands. Gorillas are stronger than 10 or more adult humans combined. They're also known for being incredibly destructive and ferocious in fights. Their behavior and strength lead me to believe this is Shao Kahn's animality, but I'm not entirely sure because this could also apply to Reiko? Kind of??
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While there was an animality involving a large primate in MK3, that one belonged to Reptile. It's possible that the gorilla animality could belong to Reptile again, but I highly doubt it. It doesn't fit Syzoth's character. Plus, if all the past animalities were the same in the new game, that would mean Scorpion's is a penguin again and, while that could be cool as a reference and for comedy, I don't think the devs would do that.
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Then we have a fossilized T-Rex. Now, there has been a T-Rex animality before in MK3, but that one belonged to Stryker (if you ask me, it should've been a pig /lh /hj).
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However, given it's a T-Rex's skeleton being manipulated here, I believe it's Quan Chi's because. Well. Necromancy.
Next image contains blood. I couldn't avoid it. :(
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This one's Kenshi's. I don't have a doubt about it.
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While Kenshi didn't debut until Deadly Alliance and didn't have an animality but Nightwolf did, whose was a wolf, the addition of the transparent wolf resembling the appearance of Kenshi's ancestors gives it away.
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Do I even need to say anything here?
No, but I will anyway.
This is obviously Scorpion's animality. In MK3, this one actually belonged to Sheeva and Scorpion's was a penguin, but given they made Reptile's a chimpanzee in that game, I suppose that isn't too surprising. As for why Scorpion's was a penguin, I'm not sure.
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It was most likely for comedic effect because you wouldn't expect Scorpion's animality to be a small creature associated with freezing temperatures. Thankfully, this was changed in the next game because Scorpion's animality is a scorpion in MK4.
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Plus, the way the animality ends is similar, with the giant scorpion stabbing the opponent with its stinger.
Next image has blood too. Sorry. :(
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The last one we see aside from Mileena's, which we know because we see her transform into a Praying Mantis in the trailer, is a pufferfish. Specifically a purple one. This is Rain's. Not only because it's an aquatic creature, but the color matches Rain's attire.
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In MK3, Rain's animality was an elephant, which was most likely also for comedic effect, but it could've also possibly been because, with enough pressure and concentration, water could be strong enough to cut through skin. Pressure washers have this capability since their force is usually around 1600psi, yet it only takes about 100psi to puncture human skin. Of course, cutting skin off is different from simply blowing it off of someone's body, but while the water could easily cut through fat, muscle, and tissue, I'm pretty sure most pressure washers aren't able to cut through bone. That doesn't mean water couldn't do that, but the fact that the elephant blows the opponent's skin off rather than simply piercing right through their body is kind of similar to how much damage pressure washers could do. I don't know, I'm probably looking too much into it because MK3 had some goofy animalities and Rain himself as a character is inspired by the song "Purple Rain" by Prince, so maybe I'm just taking it too seriously.
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Anyway, back to the pufferfish situation. The pufferfish is often seen as a symbol of adaptability and resilience. However, it also has negative connotations, as people who are associated with these animals tend to overestimate their abilities or talents. They may have a knack for making their voice heard and getting their message across, even if they have to project a prickly persona (meaning they lose their temper and/or get frustrated easily) in order to do it (according to whatismyspiritanimal.com). I think the negative qualities suit Rain. He's known to be obsessively ambitious and, from my observations, rather prideful, even in MK1.
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And that wraps up my analysis! I spent over 2 hours on this post, but I love doing research of my special interests, and getting to do that for some cool animals and the Mortal Kombat series was super fun! Again, feel free to correct me and/or share your thoughts! I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope you consider reblogging if you did. ^^ /nf
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ironladders · 3 months
if you were to redesign uol!syzoth, what would you do? i thought it might be cool to make him look sort of knightly since i feel like scales could play into the armor in really cool ways and he could wear a chainmail hood but i also dont know if that would fit into the mk aesthetic well
i may do a redesign of him at some point bc thinking abt how lame his uol skin is makes me mad
but anyways YEAH a knight costume/vibe could be a really cool direction to go in. it could fit into the mk aesthetic fine—mavado has a similar costume in mkda actually:
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and also considering mk has characters like johnny cage i dont really think we need to worry about fitting a specific theme here 😭
in general tho, i do think that uol!syzoth’s design should be more… relaxed and happier-looking than his other counterparts. if that makes sense. that seems to be the case for most of the other uol designs, they all look like they’re more content with their lives.
that’s probably my biggest issue with syzoth’s uol costume; it’s just some kinda costume you’d see be worn in the mcu, instead of something syzoth would wear as a good keeper of time. he looks too much like he should be in a sci-fi game to me (which is the same issue i have with sindel’s ood costume), and it just looks uncomfortable as hell to be wearing all the time lmao. none of the reptilian themes like with his other alts are easily noticeable — some of the textures resemble scales but it is hard to tell unless you zoom in — and the art direction with it just falls flat. they could’ve at least thrown in a longer back cloth or belt to resemble his tail, but they didn’t 😔😔
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like if you look at them side by side it’s just. lol. lmao, even.
so yeah i think the biggest points that id address in a uol!syzoth redesign are: more relaxed, noticeable lizard theme, and way more exposed skin because i don’t like that i can’t see his tattoos 💔 maybe even take his hood down for a change
i will say: the one thing i like about his uol skin is that it has brighter colors, as opposed to the more dull colors on his default and ood. i’d keep that lol
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chewbokachoi · 20 days
"Are you okay?" // "Completely okay!" (definitely not okay)
this feels appropriate for cassan and tomas
Tomáš stood outside as Syzoth was bandaging Cassan. While some found it sweet to have their partner in the same room with them while being patched up, Cassan was not that kind of person. Though Tomáš couldn't help but wonder if he was given how she was right next to him when he had to get bandaged up.
(Or that might have been because you were not healing as quickly despite my best efforts,) the Enenra said. (And she sensed our panic.) It then smirked. (Shall we try again just to confirm?)
"No." Tomáš grumbled, glancing away.
(Hm. Disappointing,) the Enenra said with a sigh.
Tomáš shook his head. He leaned against the wall and tried to think about something calming or fun. While reluctant to admit it, Rain's advice on how to exist with Cassan's mind reading had been helpful. Though Tomáš felt it could have been delivered with less condescension. But thanks to the input, Tomáš at least had a slightly better idea on what to do if Cassan was anxious.
(But did she say she felt anxious?) The Enenra asked, resting on the tree stump.
"How can she not be?" Tomáš replied.
Before the Enenra could say anything, it sat up, alert, and Tomáš heard it too–the sound of medical equipment being set aside and the snapping of gloves coming off. Then the calming rasp of Syzoth's voice.
"You do know Kung Lao is going to insist it's a medical requirement you be taken to Madam Bo's?" Syzoth asked.
Tomáš could imagine Cassan's wince at that. 
"Can't I just, like, hunt a deer or something instead?" Cassan muttered.
"Absolutely not–your body has been taxed enough with surviving a bullet to the heart–you're lucky it was a normal one and not silver." Syzoth's voice took on its commanding tone reserved for difficult or unwilling patients. "We know you still don't have a strong grasp on transforming at will," he continued. 
Another wince from Cassan, Tomáš guessed. It was still a sore topic for her. 
"But," Syzoth continued, "I will make it clear to him and the others you need rest above all else. You will need to eat something–soon and quite a lot."
"Yeah, alright," Cassan sighed. "Thanks for patching me up at least."
"Of course." Syzoth said as Cassan got to her feet. "Please let me know if anything changes."
"You got it," Cassan said. There was the soft ruffling of fabric. Tomáš pushed himself off the wall and turned to face the door as Cassan stepped out, adjusting the oversized flannel shirt of his. He could see the fresh bandages, their whiteness contrasted against her deep, natural tan.
(As I said–you are never getting that thing back,) the Enenra mused.
"Hey," Tomáš said to Cassan.
"Hey," Cassan said back with a nod. "Thanks for waiting."
He shrugged. "Least I could do." Tomáš said. He gave Cassan a quick look-over, feeling the Enenra shift and move to obscure his thoughts. She looked exhausted and even a shade paler. "If you want, I'm sure we could sneak out to your favorite place for take out," Tomáš suggested.
"Yeah," Cassan said, glancing away. "Maybe."
"Wanna go for a walk?" He suggested. Syzoth telling her to rest, he knew, wasn't going to happen. Trying to redirect her attention to something less destructive or active was something at least.
Cassan glanced up as she always did when deciding to do something proper or not. "That'd be nice," she said, gaze back on him. "Lead the way." She said and stepped closer, slipping a bandaged hand into his.
Once they were down a path into the forest and away from others, Tomáš glanced at her. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"Completely okay," she said.
Tomáš wasn't a psychic, but he knew that was a lie–and he knew she knew. And Tomáš knew why she was back to putting on the brave face. He debated on pushing to see if she'd stop if he was persistent, or if that'd just make her bristle and reinforce the walls. 
(Shall I place bets on when Rain will become annoyed at this and ruin another moment?) The Enenra asked.
"He's backed off on that," Tomáš muttered.
Cassan tilted her head. "Enenra taunting you again?"
"When is it not?" Tomáš replied with a sigh. "Though, really, this is just how it plays. You should have seen it when we–as in me and it–first met."
Cassan didn't hide her surprise. "You've only hinted at what that was like." 
"Can't say it was the most fun," Tomáš said with an awkward shrug. "Wanna sit here?" He said, changing the subject. They had arrived to a clearing with a large, sun-warmed rock. It was a nice spot to look over the rice fields that the monks tended to.
"It's always been a good place, so sure." Cassan said, already looking worn out by the simple walk.
Tomáš frowned. He wasn't going to force her to take care of herself, but he didn't want to think too long on what the healing would be like if she didn't get something to eat soon. And with how she more collapsed than sat down on the rock, Tomáš realized he was going to have to figure out what to do soon.
(I retract my statement on making bets regarding Rain. I think you should threaten to call him in. Though at this point, as you are right he has backed off, he may decide this is a learning moment for you.)
Tomáš sat next to Cassan. He watched her fish out her lighter–it was the one she had always used. "You're still using it?" Tomáš asked, not hiding his shock. Then there was the fact she was smoking–requiring more healing–but Tomáš knew not to bother with that.
Cassan glanced at him then back at the lighter. "You're right," she muttered with the unlit cigarette in her mouth. She put it away and slouched over, staring ahead.
Tomáš copied her posture, only glancing at her instead of turning to look at her. "You wanna use mine?"
Cassan held out her hand.
Tomáš fished out his lighter and placed it in her hand. After the click and her inhaling, Cassan handed it back to him.
"It was a good lighter." Cassan muttered.
"Would you say the same about Corbin?" Tomáš asked, cautious. He knew how to keep the disdain out of his voice and those feelings at bay. There'd be a time for wanting revenge, and Tomáš had no doubt in his mind others were thinking it. And if Rain hadn't told Mr. Ryu about it yet, it was only a matter of time. There'd be no shortage of that, but there'd be very little sympathy. And Tomáš knew how hard of an emotional gut punch treachery was.
Cassan didn't answer right away. She took a long drag from the cigarette before answering with an exhale of smoke. "Yeah," she finally said, nodding. Then she glanced at Tomáš. "I knew he was gonna do it–I think it was his conviction that really surprised me."
"Bet he was more surprised about you not dropping dead," Tomáš tried.
Cassan snorted. "Yeah, he definitely didn't expect that." She gave Tomáš a small smile. "Also didn't expect me to have a boyfriend–especially one who could turn into a demon."
Tomáš moved closer and put an arm around her waist. "That was probably an extra shock, yes. The demon part, not the boyfriend part."
Cassan let out a tired laugh. "He's in for a rude awakening if he thinks that's the worst he'll see." She pulled out her tin for cigarettes and ash. "I'd rather he not though."
Tomáš glanced down at her. "As in…?" He didn't think she was wishing Corbin dead, but he wasn't sure what else she had in mind.
"I'd rather he be thrown back in prison." Cassan said. "And he never hears from me again." She said flatly. "So what if he was dead-set on killing me? We both operate the same, it's why we're friends. Mission given, mission done. Mission failed and now for the unbearable consequences." Then she shrugged. "Well. Were friends." She snuffed the cigarette out on the rock. "Guess not anymore. Gotta say, trying to kill me is a first. That's a normal reason to cut people from your life, right?"
"I'd say so. And I wouldn't fault you for cutting him from your life," Tomáš said. "You're fine with that?"
"Completely fine." Casasn put out the cigarette in the tin. "And not lying this time," she said, resting her head on Tomáš's shoulder.
Always love an ask relating to my OCs <3 Sorry for the time it's been taking to get to these! I hope you enjoyed (and I plan to get to the other ones soon)
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ghostie-ghoulie · 1 year
Hey there! I'm Ghostie-Ghoulie. I have had this app for years and always wanted to post, so here I am!
Currently, I'm obsessed with anything Until Dawn or Resident Evil related. I can't ever shut my mouth about them.
My content will either consist of possible art or my fanfiction about certain fandoms I enjoy.
This is an 18+ blog! So, if you are a minor, please, in the most polite way possible, leave my page.
These Fandoms that I am a part of happen to be:
Until Dawn
Resident Evil (a personal favorite)
Horror movies (Ghostface, Hellrasier, Chucky, IT, Etc)
The Wolf Among Us
Mortal Kombat
Team Fortress 2
Star Wars
Star Wars: The Bad batch
Ghost (band)
Bendy And The Ink Machine
Spiderman (mostly the spiderverse movies)
Dark Deception
Devil May Cry
More fandoms can be added later!
I will write Smut, oneshots, small imagines, and multichapter stories. I'm a sucker for smut, so you're gonna get that out of me once I finally get the hang of it.
Important note: I only write XReaders for now. I know that might suck for a lot of people, but it is something I heavily enjoy. I know people don't like it (Y/n, I'm looking at you), but the stereotypical cringe XReader stories that drive me up a wall will not be here. I will try my hardest to make the apperence vague, but personality might be a challenge. Though, hey! Everyone needs their practice. I can't go writing an emotionless reader, eh?
The readers I write for will mostly, if not entirely, be gender neutral or feminine. I'm sorry if this is a major letdown, but I do not trust my abilities to delve into a male reader just yet. I most write for male characters in general, and as love interests, but I can write for women when it comes to romance. I am both for ladies and gents.
Another very important note: I have a major history regarding mental health. Stress comes to me easy, and with stress comes heavy burnout. My brain gets fried, and my creativity goes down 6 feet under. All I ask is that you be very patient with me until I recover. This might mean small breaks or long breaks. Requests may be hard to handle, but if I'm ready, I'll think about doing them. You are able to send in asks! I may not be able to do full requests, but maybe some thoughts for a writing I could possibly start off with.
I am very understanding when it comes to emotional and mental related things because I have experienced my fair share of dealing with it. These topics will show up sometimes in various writings. If these bother you, worry not! Warnings will be placed.
This is a page friendly one towards everyone. I do not stand for hate of any kind. Sure, we're through a damn screen, but I still won't tolerate it. So please, no hate or arguments. If opinions differ, it doesn't mean we need to clash.
Characters that I could possibly write for consist of:
Until Dawn
Chris Hartley
Mike Monroe
Josh Washington
Matt Taylor
Resident Evil
Leon Kennedy
Karl Heisenburg
Luis Sera
Jack Krauser
Albert Wesker
Devil May Cry
Johnny Cage
Vergil Sparda
Dante Sparda
Nero sparda
Mortal Kombat
Syzoth (Reptile)
Tomas (Smoke)
Bi-han (Sub-Zero)
Kuai liang (Scorpian)
Liu Kang
Johnny Silverhand
Viktor Vektor (he needs more love and attention. I love him sm)
Team Fortress 2
(Possibly the rest)
Star Wars
Captain Rex
(Probably will write for a bunch of clones, tbh)
Hondo Ohnaka
Darth Maul
Darth Vader
Boba Fett
Din Djarin
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby Wolf
I think that's all I've really got for now. More of course can be added later to masterlists. I'm just giving you good ideas on who I would love to write for.
(I will probably reform this because damn it looks jumbled, but hey, I'm inexperienced with actually posting on Tumblr.)
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odditycircus-2002 · 8 months
Hi again, this is the same anon that sent you the music video reaction request and I wanted to do something today. I was wondering if you could do something with the Outworlders stumbling upon a sex shop and they're just curiously wondering around the store looking at all of the products inside like all of the lingerie, toys, pornos, Kamasutra books and whatever else they sell in sex shops and for added hilarity they stumble upon monster dildos for people with exotic taste and both Syzoth and Medusa Reader are both shocked and intrigued about it with Syzoth mentioning it looks suspiciously like a Zaterrans male appendage. Also could you please add Ashrah and Baraka in the mix because I want to see their reactions to this too and maybe before everyone leaves both Syzoth and Medusa Reader pull Johnny aside and ask him if he could buy them a couple things for them so that they can try them out with their respectable partners. And to explain how nobody's freaking out at Ashrah, Baraka and Medusa Reader's appearances Johnny simply explains that they just left a costume convention and everyone's complimenting their costumes confusing them even more.
A/N: Okay, that'll get the "marked for mature" checkbox! Cause I ain't having minors read the hilarity and depravity that goes on.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But I think I'll limit the Outworlders here to Medusa!Reader, Baraka, and Syzoth. And I changed the last part to being that all the Outworlders just came off a movie set. I hope you don't mind.
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The next time you and Syzoth headed to Earthrealm to help with one of Johnny Cage's movies, you went urban exploring with your Zaterran friend alongside Baraka and Ashrah. Somehow, while looking around the Las Vegas strip, you and Syzoth managed to came upon a full blown sex shop.
You were drawn in by the lingerie the display mannequins were wearing, not too much unlike the ones you've seen at other shops in Sun-Do. You entered without a second thought.
Syzoth initially wanted to stay outside the shop and wait for you, since he had no interest in browsing the store, but had his mind changed when you cracked open the shop door.
He heard you cry out which made him swiftly follow you inside to see what caused you to exclaim so loudly, stopping dead in his tracks when he got a good look inside the store.
"What is this place?"
Syzoth whispered under his breath at the red and pink lights that illuminated the displays of lingerie; the shelves of lube and aphrodisiacs of all flavors; the shelf containing books opening to erotic illustrations of two humans in bondage; an entire wall of assorted paraphernalia right next to the shrine of dicks that took up another wall and acted as the crown jewel of the shop.
As if drawn in by a silent siren song, you, with Syzoth following close behind you, make your way to the wall of silicon dicks that came in all shades of skin color and more.
"Incredible isn't it? It's our little shop's main attraction."
You both jump at the store's employee sitting behind a register the entire time. They then reach behind their register to approach you and the Zaterran.
"Yet, judging by you two's costumes, which are pretty awesome btw, I feel like you're both into something more exotic."
The employee gestures to the locked-up case of dildos closer to the floor. Unlike the other humanoid dildos, these ones came with ridges, knots, spear-headed tips, and dulled barbs. Not to mention, all of them were LONG and THICK, with some as thick as your wrist.
"Ordered from Bad Dragon!"
"... A dragon made all of this?"
You inquire in befuddlement while feeling like you might pass out from the heat built up in your mask. The employee chuckled at what they thought was a joke. Syzoth, meanwhile, was observing the monstrous-looking dicks with a hand to his chin. Specifically, one with a pointy head and round bards along the underside.
"Odd. One of your... products looks like a male Zaterran's."
You almost gave yourself whiplash from how fast you snapped your neck in Syzoth's direction.
The employee excuses themselves, stating that if they need anything or have any questions, then to come to them. Needless to say, you and Syzoth had plenty of questions that the employee patiently answered.
"So the point of this shop is to assist customers with their sexual pleasure?"
"Right, and their partners' if they wish as well."
That last answer made you and Syzoth more interested in the shop's wares. You found yourself drawn to the bondage section of the store, given how you always would read about it in your erotic books but never got to try any of it for yourself until recently. You were surprised to learn that lube has different flavors. The thought of using any of the store's items on Baraka filled you with trepidation and excitement.
You were contemplating the fetish wear while Syzoth was asking the employee about which vibrator would bring Ashrah the most pleasure when the latter and Baraka entered the store, having finally learned from some passerby where exactly you and Syzoth went. You and Syzoth resembled deers in headlights when locking eyes with your partners. Baraka and Ashrah take a moment to survey the shop, ignoring the employee who welcomed them and complimented them on their "costumes".
Baraka's eyes widen at the sexual goods surrounding him and provocative lingerie modeled by the mannequins, including the one you were standing by. He looks towards you and then the mannequin and back. You cannot tell under the pink and red lights how Baraka's face and the tips of his pointed ears were becoming a bright red from his blushing. You shrink in on yourself as you pull your cloak's hood over your head, too distracted with your mortification to notice how strained Baraka's face is from his mental attempt to will growing boner away.
Ashrah had a less mortified reaction as she scanned the shop before remarking how it reminded her somewhat of the Netherealm demon's pleasure dungeons but far more pleasant to the senses. Especially the smell, she mentions. Ashrah then notices the wall of dicks near the back of the store and remarks how one of them closely resembles Syzoth's penis. That's when the store employee starts laughing to themselves.
You admit to Baraka in a barely audible whisper that you still prefer Baraka's over the substitute ones. The Tarkatan stays silent momentarily, with steam practically coming out of his ears, before thanking you for the compliment. This gives you more confidence to beckon Baraka to inquire about trying something new with him.
Meanwhile, Syzoth explained everything he'd learned from the store employee to Ashrah. Ashrah, open to trying out these softer forms of pleasure, not including extreme sadism, started browsing the shop with her Zaterran lover. However, she finds it difficult to choose anything since she insists Syzoth satisfies her more than enough. This makes the store employee gush.
Not too long after Baraka and Ashrah entered the store, Johnny Cage entered. He looked a bit winded, as if he jogged for a bit to find all of you. You and Baraka were looking for something to use as padding for his spikes, while Ashrah was considering the angel-themed lingerie.
The store employee immediately recognizes the action star and now the director, then asks what movie or series he's shooting that involved you, Syzoth, Baraka, and Ashrah. Cage just sliced back his sweaty hair before making an easy lie through his grin to not freak out the person because they're surrounded by people who are not actually costumed.
You whispered to Baraka to just play along when he opened his mouth to contradict Cage, to which he obliges to not cause them to panic. However, that didn't stop the former tribune from grumbling under his breath.
Cage then reminded all of you of the next scene you were supposed to film tomorrow, which was really code for heading back to Outworld. You and Syzoth then pull the movie star to the side to ask him to buy a few things for them from this shop. Syzoth reasons that Earthrealm wouldn't accept Outworld currency. You promised to pay Cage back with the koin equivalent. Seeing as that means being paid back with gold coins, Cage agreed. The action star did raise a brow and glanced at you when seeing your purchase of a multitude of bondage equipment, including plenty of blindfolds, heavy-duty gags, and lube.
You and Syzoth happily thanked Johnny Cage as you took your respective bags. By then, you needed to stop at a restroom briefly to wipe away the blood leaking from your nose as you thought about the multitude of ways you'll be making Baraka scream for you tonight.
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mikka-minns · 1 year
Ohhh noooo MK12 Syzoth is growing on me Minnie. He gives off Transmasc Swag. I do not like his face but he's also kinda adorable ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ agggggg
Yeah, he has a weird face. Adorable, but strange. Probably cuz he is still a lizard. At first i was confused about who he reminded me of. Cuz my first Thought was Tom Holland, but that wasnt quite right and then my brother said he looks kinda like V from Dmc5. So i guess its a combo if these two. Plus, my brother Also mentioned how he also sound like V. So... Might be the same face model/voice actor. Idk
And about the transmasc swag: He is banished for being able to turn into a normal human guy, which "isnt normal" for his people. And if we take Chameleon and Khameleon as existing characters who were probably Also banished (we see Khameleon in the backround in one trailer) then i think we can see a patern. Need i say more?
Yeah, this probably doesnt make sense, but, hey, does anything in MK?
And maybe im just still to fixated on Nimona but.... Shapeshifting between your "natural" and "unnatural" form and people seeing you as "weird" for that... Yeah, its probably just me.🙃🙃🙃🙃
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judgeverse · 7 years
hey it's worth noting here that i'm NOT going to be revising models' default versions except if they have no other form (tremor, rain, smoke, etc). if i change up a default outfit, it's going to have the unmasked head attached (ie kuai and hanzo) or some other significant variation. my goal isn't to make mkx 2.0 here, it's to create models that i myself am going to use in illustrations for a post-mkx story, which I'm also publishing for you guys to use if you do xna/3d stuff
with that in mind, here's some plans for model releases
-unmasked kuai - entirely finished and ready to go. outfit repainted, face repainted, normal eyes instead of pure white, scar revised to look more like a regular scar. hoping to post early today
-frost - almost done, needs her shiny/depth maps created and applied. made out of kitana's face, cassie's sub zero kosplay, and additional hair from elsewhere. needs eyelashes applied, eye texture changed to match kuai's, neck re-rigged to attach properly, and teeth revised. might get her posted today
-jade - similarly needs shiny/depth maps but her repaint is done. revised from her mk9 model, and she is indeed a full revision not a repaint, unlike the mkx crew. hoping to get her posted asap
-cyrax - same situation as jade but he needs a bit more repainting. very excited to get him released as he was the first mk9 revision i did. sindel, sheeva, and nightwolf are in the queue behind him
-raiden. mk9 raiden is not finished in his clothes repaint, but his face is done and when that's complete you'll all get Unmasked Excessively Beautiful Raiden that i've previewed on here a lot
-shinnok of course but he needs some fine-tuning still. need to repaint his helmet to accommodate his hair, and repaint his hair to look more realistic. his outfit may also need a few tweaks and revisions as well
-fujin and sareena are also in my wip pile but nowhere near complete, so be patient there
-custom ninja dad outfits. including: default kuai and hanzo with unmasked heads (these both need repainting), kold war kuai and hanzo with unmasked heads (also really need repainting), heroic kuai (ij2 repaint, has some rigging glitches on his hands that i currently can't fix, needs shiny/depth maps, repainting finished - use with caution re the hands, but he's a cutie), and mentor hanzo (custom from another game, repainting partly finished, not yet cloth-textured, needs shiny/depth maps, completely adorable ninja outfit)
...and so forth.
stuff i wanna make:
-repainted osh-tekk kotal that's actually blue + that head on his other outfits, if it works (since i recall that one has hair, i think? idk)
-revitalized ermac repaint (probably the klassic head plus default or tournament body)
-tanya repaint (dlc head plus treacherous tanya body)
-jin repaint, one of his other outfits (maybe that adventuring outfit thing) plus his default head without the headdress
-takeda repaint, again one of his other outfits (probably) plus his head without the headband
-cassie repaints - default head plus athletic outfit, undercover cassie with fabric depth, and probably a revision of the main outfit so it doesn't have boob socks, but we'll see
-jacqui but i'm not sure yet exactly what i'm gonna do with her, i frankly don't want to have to repaint her armor at all so she'll likely get an outfit swapped from elsewhere
-VERA who I'm looking forward to making! she'll be made out of jacqui's face repainted plus different hair and civilian outfit
-obviously mkx raiden is also on this list but i'm likely going to do his default face plus a much more raiden-esque repaint of future raiden. i have a vision for it
-i have to do something with lizard boy syzoth for mk valentines, so he's on here too
-ULTIMATE challenge mode: i want to fix samurai shinnok. i know it can be done. I Know It.
...this seems like a pretty big pile of work, i know, but repaints take me a few hours max so this is possible
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