dreamybasil · 7 months
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roosterforme · 6 months
Party of Three, Checking In | Rooster x Reader
Summary: According to Bradley, your pregnancy was one of the most exciting things that had ever happened. He could see and sense the small changes in your body, and he was already getting into dad mode. And now, after weeks of waiting, he could finally talk about it whenever he wanted to.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, allusions to smut, pregnancy topics
Length: 3300 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order.
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Bradley had you half undressed on your bed with his hands on your hips and his lips on yours. You had no doubt that he was excited. You could feel him. His mustache prickled your nose, and you moaned, trying to get more friction against your body. You needed more of him everywhere, but he slowly started to pull away. He was distracted. His eyes were drifting to the nightstand, and you knew what he was looking for.
"Holy shit," he gasped, reaching to grab the pile of ultrasound images. He managed to persuade your doctor to print twenty of them for him at your appointment two hours ago. And he just couldn't seem to put them down even as you wrapped your legs around him and laughed.
"Roo, you're being a tease."
He groaned and looked at the pictures and then at your face. "I'm not trying to, Baby Girl. I'm just so fucking excited." His cheeks were flushed, and his pupils were blown wide as he added, "I can't get over how much the chicken nugget grew."
You bit your lip and ran your fingers through his already messy hair. The baby was starting to resemble an actual baby and not just a nugget. The heartbeat was strong, and everything was going great. You didn't even feel as sick as you did a few weeks ago. But Bradley was leaving very soon for another deployment, and you didn't want to rush him through his feelings. 
When you leaned up and pressed your lips to the paper airplane tattoo on his right bicep, his attention returned to you. "You'll be the best Daddy in the world," you promised.
"Sweetheart," he moaned, finally giving you some of that friction you needed with his big, warm body. "Call me Daddy again."
You ran your tongue over his tattoo before you whispered, "Daddy."
He tossed the ultrasound photos aside, and then his lips met your belly. "I love you. I love you both so much. I'm so excited."
On Saturday morning, it was hard to be upset about his upcoming deployment when Bradley took one good look at you. Your eyes were bright, and your smile was wide as you carried the iPad and a few of the ultrasound photos over to where he was sitting on the couch waiting. 
"You ready for this?" he asked, kissing along your neck as you turned the tablet on. "God, you smell good."
"Probably because I spilled coffee on my shirt," you murmured. 
Bradley grinned as you started up the facetime call to your parents. You were wearing his old shirt, and he ran his nose along your ear and whispered, "You always smell nice."
You made a soft sound as the iPad rang. "You're just extra horny for me right now because of the Nugget."
"Perhaps," he replied, fully knowing he was usually like this. "But you're over the top for me right now, so it's only fair."
Bradley jumped a few inches away from you as your mom answered the call. "Hey, mom," you said with a smile as you tried to pull Bradley's hand out from under the shirt you were wearing. When he looked at himself on the tablet screen, he realized his cheeks were flushed, so he scooted a couple more inches away from you and tried to keep his hands to himself. 
"Wait, hang on and I'll get Dad." Your mom vanished from view, but Bradley could hear her calling your father's name loudly throughout their house. 
"They are going to lose their minds," you whispered excitedly as you laced your fingers with his. The two of you had been waiting until after your twelve week appointment to start telling family and friends about your pregnancy. On top of your nausea finally starting to calm down, you looked absolutely stunning. Bradley could finally admit that yes, your ass was looking a little bigger these days, but definitely in a good way. You kept telling him you were bloated, but he thought you looked like a fucking goddess. There was just something extra delightful about your tits now, too....
"Hi," your dad huffed, clearly out of breath as he and your mom both appeared on the call. "Sorry, I was outside getting ready to cut the grass."
You turned to look at Bradley, and he nodded at you with a little grin. "We won't keep you too long. We just wanted to tell you something."
"Is everything okay?" your mom asked, brow furrowed as she leaned a little closer to the screen. "Bradley, did something happen with your deployment? Is it longer now?"
"No," he replied immediately, because she sounded so worried. "We're calling about something exciting. Well, we're excited about it, and we think you will be, too."
Your parents still looked confused as you leaned in to kiss his cheek. Then you held up one of the new photos of the nugget and said, "I'm pregnant. You're going to be grandparents."
Your dad gasped, and your mom was immediately shoving her reading glasses onto her face to get a better look. "Grandparents?" your dad asked with a smile, but your mom shrieked. 
"Grandparents," Bradley confirmed a little louder over the delighted screaming.
"Oh my god!" your mom wailed, shaking her husband. "We have to move to California. Take the early retirement package. We have to move! We're going to be grandparents!" Then she looked back at the iPad as you started to laugh. "I'll call our realtor on Monday, and I'll start looking at listings in San Diego again. When are you due? I wonder if we can move by the spring!"
"Late March," you told her as you held the ultrasound images a little closer to the camera for your dad to look at while your mom started to pace.
"Kind of looks like a cute chicken nugget," your dad said with a soft smile. 
"Right?!" Bradley said excitedly. "That's what I've been saying!"
Your dad reached for your mom and finally got her to stop walking around the kitchen in a daze. "Your mom and I have been talking about moving anyway, and being in a warmer climate near the two of you.... I mean the three of you... would probably be ideal."
Bradley noticed a few happy tears in your eyes as well as your mom's. "That would be great, dad," you whispered.
A few minutes later, you and your mom were all giggles as you ended the call, and Bradley couldn't stop smiling either. After you tossed the iPad and the photos onto the coffee table, you crawled onto his lap and cupped his face in both of your hands. "I can't wait to tell everyone at the Hard Deck tonight," you whispered, letting your forehead rest against his.
"Nat is going to lose her fucking mind," he muttered, his lips brushing yours. "She spent years picking on me for being unwilling to settle down, and now we're having a kid."
Truthfully, he never minded. Nat kind of became his family after his mom died; she was the first person he really opened up to. She was there to witness the aftermath of his one night stands and his adamant insistence that bachelorhood was what he wanted. He just never knew he could have a partner until he met you. 
You raked your fingers through his hair, soothing him in that way that only you could as you kissed the scars on his cheek. Then you whispered, "I'm glad we told your parents first."
Somehow you always knew what to say and when to say it. Bradley tightened his hold on you until your chest was pressed to his. "You made that happen," he muttered. "Because you're perfect."
Your cheek came to rest on his shoulder, and Bradley could hear tears in your eyes as you said, "I wish I could have met them."
"Don't cry, Baby Girl. My parents are smiling somewhere at the thought of the nugget. I just know it."
It took Bradley a minute to realize that your soft breathing and limp arms around him meant that you were asleep, and he had to try not to shake you with his silent laughter. He knew you were exhausted so he sat quietly with your body cradled against his, looking forward to the day when he could hold you in one arm and the baby in the other. 
Everyone seemed to think the whole purpose of the night out at the Hard Deck was to wish Bradley and Reuben good luck on their upcoming special deployment, and that was fine with you. That was part of the reason you tried to get everyone to come out on Saturday evening for a drink, but it wasn't the only reason.
"You ready to go?" Bradley asked as he walked into the bedroom where you were still getting dressed. You took one look at him in his snuggest fitting pair of jeans and the tropical print shirt that matched the one you were wearing. You squeaked softly.
"Almost." But now you were thinking about just staying home, unzipping his jeans and getting in bed. "You look hot."
He smirked and picked up the ultrasound photos as you struggled to button your own jeans which were starting to feel a little tight now just like your uniform pants. "And you look like I'm gonna fuck you hard into the bed later tonight."
"Let's stay home," you said quickly, but he was already shaking his head.
"I want everyone to know about the nugget before I deploy. You'll just have to whine and bug for me to bring you home from the bar earlier rather than later."
You rolled your eyes but led the way out to the kitchen where you pulled a bottle of Gatorade from the refrigerator. It was icy cold, and you knew it was going to taste delicious, but you didn't want to open it until you got there. Bradley led you outside to his Bronco and buckled you in after he handed you the pictures of the baby. It wasn't a long drive to the Hard Deck, and the two of you started taking bets about who was going to cry.
"Mav will shed some tears," Bradley rasped as he drove.
"No, he won't!" you insisted. "But Maria will. And so will Bob and Penny."
"There's no way Bob will cry."
"He will!"
"Nah. But I think you're underestimating how sappy Maverick can get."
You shook your head as he pulled into the parking lot. "What if everyone cries?Oh my god, what if nobody cries?" you asked as you walked along, holding his hand.
"Nat is a given," Bradley said, leaning down to kiss your cheek as he pulled the door open for you to walk into the noisy bar. "Just wait."
With your fingers laced together, you and Bradley headed right for the bar where Penny was taking a handful of orders. When she caught sight of the two of you, she held up two fingers. "This is where the fun begins," you whispered as Bradley held up just one finger in response. Penny looked a little confused, but she got just one bottle of your favorite beer ready instead of two. When she set it down, you asked, "Penny, could I get a straw for my Gatorade?"
"Sure," she told you with narrowed eyes, reaching for a straw without taking her eyes off you as you opened your drink. "Here you go."
"Thanks!" you replied cheerfully. When you walked away with Bradley's big hand resting just above your butt, you felt her eyes following the two of you. "I think she's suspicious."
"Excellent," Bradley murmured before taking a sip of his beer. The first person to greet both of you near the pool table was Reuben who would be leaving with Bradley on this dreaded deployment. 
"What's up man?" he asked your husband before leaning down and pulling you in for a hug. "Hey, can you bake some of those cookies I like and send them away with Rooster?"
You laughed and pecked him on the cheek. "Yes. As long as you look after him for me."
"I always do," he told you with a wink. He looked at your drink and asked, "You want something from the bar?"
"Nope," you told him, hoisting your plastic bottle a little higher as Bradley's hand slid lower to your butt. "I'm all set."
"O-kay," he said, looking as puzzled as Penny. Everyone was used to seeing you and Bradley with matching beers in your hands, including Cam and Maria who both materialized next to you.
"Which aviators are single again?" Cam asked, glancing around so suspiciously you snorted.
Maria smirked and said, "Not Bradley. Not Jake. Not Bob."
You gasped as you looked at Bob leaning on the edge of the pool table lining up a shot next to Maverick. "You made it official? You're not just fucking and cuddling with him all night?"
"It's official," she said, smiling at him when he looked up at her. Then she turned back to you. "Want me to get you a beer or a tequila shot or something?"
"No, I'm good," you told her, tapping her drink with your Gatorade. 
"Mmmk," she said, giving you a bit of side eye as she walked away. Now Bradley was talking to Jake and Cat about his deployment. They were the only two here who already knew you were pregnant and that tonight was supposed to be the unveiling.
"Nobody guessed yet?" Cat whispered to you. "I've never seen you drink anything except a beer when you're out for the night."
You shook your head and laughed. "Give it another minute." 
When Bradley's hand slid down to cup your butt through your jeans, you had to press your lips together to keep from giggling. He kept telling you that the way you were filling out your pants was working for him, and you'd taken to wearing yoga pants around the house with more frequency as a result. 
"Here she comes," Bradley rasped next to your ear, sending a ripple of anticipation down your spine as his best friend came barrelling your way. He gave you a little pat and pushed you toward Phoenix.
"Hey, Nat," you greeted with a smile.
"What is this shit?" she asked, wrinkling her nose at your Gatorade. "I'll get you a real drink." Then she glanced at Bradley where he was hovering next to you with a grin. "The two of you look like idiots in your matching shirts, and I am not saying that with love."
He burst out laughing. "Thanks, Nat."
"Let's get that drink," she said, but then her eyes shifted between Bradley's face and yours as you brought the straw up to your lips and took a long sip. Bradley's hand migrated from your butt, wrapping around your waist and pulling you slightly in front of him as his palm came to rest on your belly over your tropical button down. 
"I'm actually all good with this one." Now, when you raised your bottle, Nat's gaze dropped down to Bradley's hand, and she gasped so loudly, she sloshed some of her drink onto her hand.
"You're not. Are you?" she asked, eyes wide. "Are you? Bradley!"
When you looked up at your husband, he leaned down and kissed you as he chuckled. He was looking at you with the most loving expression, his gaze never wavering as he said, "Go on ahead and say it, Nat."
"Are you pregnant?" she practically screeched, and when you looked at her and nodded, she burst into tears.
"You were right," you told Bradley as his best friend slammed into him, the liquid from her glass sloshing all over Mickey. "She's definitely crying."
"Crying about what?" Bob asked in alarm. "What's wrong?"
"Rooster's gonna be a dad!" Nat wailed, squeezing him around the waist before switching and hugging you tight. "He knocked up his wife, and that's why she's drinking Gatorade!"
Next thing you knew, Bradley was unbuttoning his shirt with a bright smile, revealing the tee underneath that read Dad in the Streets, Daddy in the Sheets.
"Roo!" you gasped when you read it, but it was too late for you to be annoyed by it. Your friends were closing in on the two of you, and you reached out for Bradley's hand. 
"I was wondering why you were drinking a Gatorade!"
"Are you serious right now?!"
"This is so exciting!"
Bradley only released your hand to give Maverick a hug, and you were surprised to find that he was definitely crying. But now you were crying, too. Because everyone you cared about knew now. Bradley's parents and your parents and the community of friends that you loved so much. They all knew.
"A round of Gatorades on me!" Cam called out before picking you up off the floor in a bear hug. "Oh shit, I don't want to hurt the baby," he said before practically dropping you back on the floor. 
But then Jake caught you in his arms while someone handed Bradley a bottle of champagne. "I'm happy for you, Angel. I know how much you both wanted this. That man worships the ground you walk on. It's actually pretty distressing to think about, but he'll be the same way with the kiddo."
You couldn't even keep track of how many people had given you a hug. Penny brought you some sparkling grape juice, and Reuben offered to run to get food if you were hungry. You kept swiping at the tears in your eyes, but Bradley had no shame at all. 
"I love you, Baby Girl!" he called from a few feet away where he was handing out the ultrasound pictures like they were celebratory cigars and sipping on the champagne bottle. "Look how adorable this nugget is," he was telling Nat and Maverick. "I'm gonna have the cutest baby ever. I mean look how fucking perfect my wife is."
You found his obnoxious shirt more endearing now than annoying, and when you tucked yourself against his side, his lips tasted like champagne. And he smelled delicious. And he looked incredible. "Oh no," you moaned softly as he put the remaining few photos in his jeans pocket. "Roo."
He looked down at you and smiled before chugging what was left in the bottle. You watched the scars pull taut on his neck as he swallowed, and your hand came to rest on his abs. After he swiped his mouth with the back of his hand, he asked, "You about ready for me to take you home and fuck you hard into the bed?" 
You didn't even care who heard him as you dug the Bronco key out of his pocket. "I'll drive, Daddy. You save your energy."
After that, you and he made a pretty hasty exit which was a surprise to exactly nobody. As much as you were dreading sending him on a deployment while you were pregnant, you know that you'd have so many people around you who would be happy to help you if needed. 
Once you started to buckle Bradley into the passenger seat, he placed a few sloppy kisses on your cheek. When he pulled you onto his lap, you whispered, "I'm going to have the sweetest baby in the world. I mean look how fucking perfect my husband is."
He cupped your cheek with a dreamy look in his eyes. "Let's go home."
Bradley was bursting at the seams with excitement! Dad mode has been activated. Baby Girl seems to be over the morning sickness hump. And pretty soon we'll send Bradley away. I'll post a few more one-shots, and then we dive into a new series! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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xomakara · 6 months
All About You
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SUMMARY | You and your five boyfriends go on a trip. PAIRING | NCT ‘00 Line/Reader GENRE | smut with no plot, unprotected sex (wrap it up everyone!), oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, gangbang, multiple penetration, sex in general, filthy sex RATING | Mature LENGTH | 6K words AUTHOR’S NOTE | Oh lord…please excuse me as I go dunk myself in holy water.
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"Baby, are you close?" Haechan whispered in your ear as he stroked your cheek.
"Fuck, Haechan...I'm so close." You could barely get the words out through your panting breath.
"Fuck, she's clenching down on me!" Jeno groaned, his breathing matching yours, "She must be very close, because it feels like she's squeezing the life out of my dick."
Haechan let out a chuckle and stroked your hair back gently, watching as you bounced on Jeno's cock, taking him all the way inside of you, causing you to tremble with pleasure at how good you felt wrapped around his thick shaft. He moved his hand up from your hip to the small of your back and squeezed gently. "It looks like your body is craving more."
"Mmm..." You moaned and then quickly corrected yourself, "Not that I don't love what we're doing now, but I need to feel something more inside of me too."
Jeno started thrusting faster now and Haechan stopped rubbing your ass to move his other hand to the front of your body, resting it on your clit. He lightly pinched it as he continued moving your hips up and down on Jeno's cock. "That's right, baby. Fuck your little pussy harder for us."
You bit your lip as you rode Jeno's cock faster. Your legs were starting to shake now, which only intensified your need for release. "Oh god, Haechan, I'm gonna come so hard..."
"Did she come yet?" You heard Jaemin asking Haechan as they watched you ride Jeno's dick. There was no mistaking the lust in his voice. You could tell by the tone of his voice that he was getting off on this just as much as you were.
"Kitten," Renjun whispered in your ear. "Does Jeno's cock feel good? Tell us how it feels."
"So good...so fucking good..." You whimpered, feeling Jeno's cock throbbing inside of you.
"Our little dumpling must be close." Yangyang muttered from his spot in the corner, watching you riding Jeno's cock with nothing but a towel covering him. "And that tight pussy of hers is milking his cock for everything it's worth."
"Baby, you look so damn hot right now." Haechan whispered in your ear as he trailed kisses along your neck, letting them linger near your collarbone. You closed your eyes and pressed your face against Haechan's chest.
"Oh my god, I'm coming..."
Your body shook from the waves of pleasure washing over you and you cried out as Jeno began filling your insides with his warm seed. You clenched down on him, trying to milk every last drop of cum from his balls, but the man simply refused to let go. He kept grinding into you, his dick still hard, even after he had finished shooting his load deep inside of you. As he held himself inside of you, your body shuddered uncontrollably, your face buried in Haechan's chest as you trembled and cried from the blissful aftershocks of orgasmic bliss coursing through your body. It took you several minutes before you could regain control of your body enough to slide off of Jeno and collapse on the bed beside him.
Jaemin came to your side in an instant, kissing you deeply as you reached out to grasp his naked chest. "How does our little Y/N feel? Do you want more?"
Ever since you and your five boyfriends moved in together, your sex life has become a daily ritual of steamy threesomes, late night drunken sessions and even spontaneous gang bangs. You can never get enough of each other and it's all thanks to you being open minded and not putting labels on anything that goes on between you.
To the outside world, you and Haechan were just a couple that loved each other deeply and unconditionally, but that was just one side of the story. They knew about Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin and Yangyang but most people assumed that you were all just friends. And while they may have thought that the six of you had settled into an unbreakable bond, they couldn't possibly know what really went on behind closed doors.
You laid in bed, trying to compose yourself as you listened to your boyfriends talking about how well the night went. Jaemin was whispering sweet words in your ear, praising how much of a good girl you'd been, saying that you made sure to make everyone feel good, how you deserved to have such good men worship you. The others were making similar comments about how they had all enjoyed themselves, but Jeno sounded especially proud.
You smiled softly to yourself and glanced over to see Haechan smiling at you with pure adoration. He was your whole world. No matter how many times you came, or how many orgasms you gave out, you would always return to him, unable to find anyone else who could match the passion you shared with him. Even though he was your first real boyfriend, he would always hold a special place in your heart because he taught you how to love, and trust.
As your thoughts drifted to Haechan's strong arms wrapped around you and his firm lips caressing your skin, you remembered another reason why you loved Haechan so much: Because he had introduced you to the other four men who would change your life forever. You had five men who loved you as their own and wanted to share you with each other, without any rules or limits. And the best part was, no matter what happened, you would always have Haechan there to take care of you, loving you with all of his heart.
"Baby, you okay? Are you feeling sore?" Haechan kissed your forehead tenderly as he replaced Jeno's spot on the bed.
"No, I'm fine...just thinking about tonight makes me tired." You said and buried your head in his chest.
"Ahhh...that's understandable. It takes a lot of energy for us to fuck that tight little pussy of yours over and over again." Jeno laughed as he caressed your thigh. "But don't worry; we'll let you rest tomorrow. We'll go ahead and get cleaned up for now."
You snuggled closer to Haechan, smiling to yourself as you felt Renjun and Yangyang clean your body with washclothes and soap, gently wiping away every last trace of sweat and semen from your flushed skin. As you drifted off to sleep, safe in the knowledge that these five men would protect you and make sure that you always had what you needed, you couldn't help but smile.
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"I feel like I've been torn in half." You groaned the next morning, your head on Jaemin's shoulder. "I swear, if my vagina hurts anymore, I might die."
"You say that all the time, bunny." Jaemin laughed. "But you still want us to fuck you senseless, right?"
You rolled your eyes. "Whatever. You guys are just lucky I'm built like a goddamn pole. You all can use me however you want."
Renjun chuckled as he joined in the conversation. "I think it's safe to say that there isn't a man alive who doesn't want to bend our little Y/N over and take her for a ride."
"Speaking of rides..." Jeno piped up, placing his hand under your chin and turning your head to meet his eyes, "we have some news to share with you."
Yangyang cleared his throat. "Yeah...we talked about it last night, and decided to take a trip to Busan. We'd thought it would be nice to take a vacation together before school starts."
Jaemin nodded, "We all really wanted to do this. You deserve a nice vacation and this is something that we've been wanting to do for a long time."
"Really? A road trip?" You asked, perking up a bit at the prospect of spending some alone time with the guys.
"Really, really." Haechan said as he walked into the kitchen. He gave you a kiss on the forehead and sat down next to you. "Are you excited?"
You grinned. "Very."
"Okay, great." Haechan kissed you again and then turned his attention to the others. "Well, what do you say, guys? Shall we pack up and hit the road?"
The guys began chattering amongst themselves, discussing what they should bring with them and where they should stop along the way. After they had finally settled on what they were going to bring and where they would stay during their vacation, you stood up from the table and stretched, yawning loudly. "I guess I better get ready for the day. Let me get my bag packed and I'll be ready to go."
"I'll drive today." Jaemin volunteered. "I wanna see if I can break any land speed records."
"Oh yeah?" You asked, feigning surprise. "Should I start counting miles or something?"
He chuckled. "Just relax and enjoy the ride. When you're not fucking one of us, that is."
You rolled your eyes. "Is sex all you guys think about?"
"Only if it's with you, Y/N." Yangyang winked at you. "But yeah, we can't get enough of your pussy either."
Renjun nodded enthusiastically. "Aye, same here. Those cute tits of yours keep me up at night."
Jeno nodded his head, "That sweet, tight little pussy keeps us up at night too. That pussy is seriously the perfect blend of creamy smoothness and dripping wet, wet nectar. Every time I taste it, it's like I've died and gone to heaven."
You groaned and buried your head in Haechan's chest as he let out a chuckle. "Man, you guys are hopeless."
They all laughed as you walked out of the kitchen and headed to the bathroom. You shed your clothes, stepped into the shower, and stood in the hot water as it washed over your skin. With each passing second, you could feel the tension in your muscles slowly leaving your body and you closed your eyes, savoring the sensation.
Just as you started to drift off, a hand suddenly gripped your hip tightly and spun you around so that you were facing Haechan. Burying his face in your wet hair, he whispered huskily in your ear, "Don't fall asleep now, baby. Wouldn't want you to get hurt. Stay awake, okay?"
"Do I finally get some alone time with my Haechannie? Or will the other boys come in and steal me away?" You giggled softly.
"It's just me, love." Haechan said, grabbing the shampoo and dispensing it into his hands. He lathered your hair. "Just you and me."
"I love you, Haechan." You leaned forward and kissed him tenderly on the lips.
Haechan hummed softly as he continued to wash your hair. "I love you too, baby. Don't forget that."
When Haechan was done rinsing you off, he led you out of the shower and dried you off gently with a large fluffy white towel. Once he was satisfied that you were completely dry, he took your hand and led you back to the bedroom. "Come on, sleepy head. Time to get dressed and get going."
After you had put on a pair of shorts and a tank top, Haechan scooped you up in his arms and carried you out to the living room. You watched as he placed you on the couch and hurried over to grab your backpack.
Your stomach grumbled as you looked around the room, noticing that everyone else seemed to be occupied with packing their things.
"Breakfast in fifteen minutes, Y/N." Renjun announced.
Jaemin smiled as he climbed onto the couch next to you, placing his arm around your shoulders. "C'mon, babe. Let's go get some food for you. We'll eat breakfast, then load up the car and leave. Sounds good?"
"That sounds great." You replied and cuddled close to him, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for everything, you guys."
"Aw, shucks. Thank you for coming with us." Jeno smiled as he gave you a peck on the lips. "And you know we wouldn't have gone anywhere without you, right?"
Yangyang kissed you on the cheek and pulled you close. "This trip wouldn't have been the same without you. Just remember that."
"I know." You said and gave him a quick hug.
After all of the guys had finished packing up, they gathered around the kitchen table to eat a quick meal before hitting the road. After finishing off a plate full of scrambled eggs, toast and hash browns, you were stuffed.
"Alright, I think I'm good to go." You laughed as you pushed your plate away from you.
Jeno smiled. "Good, 'cause I don't want to carry you to the car."
You giggled and patted his cheek playfully. "Uh huh, you say that but I know you'd enjoy it too much."
Everyone laughed as you got up from the table and followed Jaemin out of the house. When you reached the driveway, you saw the two cars that were being loaded up.
Haechan opened your door for you and held out his hand. "Ready?"
"Yep!" You grabbed his hand and he helped you climb into the passenger seat of the jeep. Before you knew it, you were backing out of the driveway and heading toward Busan.
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As the sky darkened overhead, you glanced outside of the window and noticed that the town had begun to fade into the distance. The mountains that loomed over the valley were growing larger and more prominent, drawing closer and closer until they enveloped the entire landscape, making it impossible to see anything but darkness.
Suddenly, the car stopped moving as Haechan pulled into a rest stop. You watched the other car pull up behind you and soon both vehicles came to a halt.
"Y/N!" Yangyang shouted as he bounded out of the other jeep and made his way to open your door, only to bury his face in your hair. "I missed you."
You patted his head. "Yangyang, we were just separated by cars. It's not the same thing as actually being apart."
Jaemin pouted as he emerged from the driver's side of the other jeep. "Man, he beat me to get Y/N's attention first."
Renjun shrugged and got out of the other jeep, smiling brightly at you. "Well, hello there, cutie. How's my favorite girlfriend doing? Being stuck in the car with Haechan and Jeno didn't make you go crazy?"
You shook your head. "Not even a little bit."
"Good girl." Renjun ran his fingers through your hair. "Now, are you hungry? We have a little while until we reach Busan."
"Actually, I am kind of hungry." You admitted. "What do you guys have?"
"There's some watermelon, grapes and pretzels in the cooler in the trunk." Renjun informed you. "There's also a picnic basket in there with sandwiches and other snacks in it. We also brought along a few bottles of water."
"Sounds delicious." You laughed as you leaned back against the seat. "Now feed me."
Once everyone had finished eating, Haechan switched off the headlights and opened the windows. The cool breeze caressed your cheeks and played with your hair, sending chills down your spine. Your eyes fell upon the mountain range ahead of you and you felt an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder as the deep purple of the night sky glowed eerily in the background. In spite of how dark it was outside, you could clearly make out every detail of the mountains as they rose high above you, looming silently in the night air. The moon cast a gentle glow across the landscape and illuminated every path of its journey, leading you through a picturesque wilderness.
You leaned out the window to watch Yangyang and Renjun converse quietly beside you. Their voices floated through the wind and surrounded you as you listened to the hushed tones of their voices. From time to time, they would look over at you and smile warmly, reassuring you with every glance. You blushed at their constant adoration of you and you tried your best to pay attention to their conversation. They were discussing how busy school was going to be when they returned to Seoul.
"Hey, baby. Are you getting tired?" Haechan whispered softly into your ear.
“Just a little.” You let out a small yawn. “But, honestly, it doesn’t matter. As long as I’m with you, I couldn’t possibly ever be tired.”
Haechan gazed at you lovingly. "Good answer. Let’s take over the backseat when we get back on the road. Jeno can take over the driving while we sleep.”
"That sounds like a wonderful idea." You mumbled, leaning over and kissing him on the lips.
As soon as the car was in motion again, Haechan crawled into the backseat and tucked you in beside him.
"Sleep well, beautiful." He whispered softly. "Love you."
"I love you too." You murmured, snuggling closer to him.
For the next hour or so, you laid there in silence, simply enjoying the closeness of your boyfriend and the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around you. Each time you began to drift off, you would hear a voice murmur softly in your ear, always waking you up within seconds.
"Keep sleeping, baby." Haechan mumbled in between kisses. "Just close your eyes and enjoy the moment."
You closed your eyes, enjoying the casual banter of Haechan and Jeno as they engaged in small talk while Jeno drove. A feeling of contentment flooded your heart as you drifted further and further into dreamland. For once, you were truly relaxed and stress free.
Soon, you found yourself drifting deeper and deeper into sleep, lulled by the soothing sound of Haechan’s gentle breathing and the hypnotic sway of the car as it raced along the winding roads. All too soon, you were lost in a state of blissful slumber.
When you awoke, you blinked a few times to adjust your vision and slowly turned to find yourself nestled against Haechan’s firm chest. His strong arms were wrapped around you protectively, cradling you gently against him. You took a moment to appreciate the comfort of this intimate embrace. To know that someone cared about you so deeply was a truly comforting thought.
You felt the car come to a stop and heard the door unlock as Renjun entered the vehicle. Opening your eyes, you saw Haechan stirring beside you, taking in your awakening state. He quickly moved his arm off of you and rubbed his face as he sat up.
"I guess we've arrived." He mumbled groggily, stretching out his limbs.
You felt Jaemin climb into the car and lean over, handing you a bottle of water. You took a sip and nodded. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're here."
The other guys started to unload the jeeps and make their way into the little house that you rented out for the duration of your trip. When they had finally finished and piled into the living room, they each gave you hugs.
"Morning, princess." Jeno murmured affectionately. "You looked so peaceful sleeping during the drive. I didn't want to wake you."
You grinned. "Thanks, Jeno. I really needed sleep."
"Of course, Kitten." Renjun walked over and planted a soft kiss on your forehead. "Don't you worry. We'll take care of you."
You smiled at him gratefully and accepted the kiss. “Thank you. I’m so glad I get to spend this week with you guys.”
“We’re so glad you decided to come with us.” Haechan commented as he walked over and knelt down beside you. “It means a lot to us that you agreed to go on this trip."
"I love you all, you know that right?” You sighed happily. “Every single one of you is my family."
"Hi, dumpling." Yangyang kissed you lightly on the lips. "Looks like you slept well."
You cuddled closer to him. "I did. That nap really helped, especially after that long car ride."
Yangyang smiled. "We're happy to hear that."
He took your hand in his and squeezed it. "How about we grab some food now? I'm sure we're all famished from the long drive."
You stood up and stretched. "Sounds good to me."
"Come on, you guys. Let's go." Renjun called as he led the way into the house.
You followed the others inside and waited patiently for them to finish unpacking and preparing breakfast. Soon, the smell of fresh waffles filled the house and your stomach growled loudly. While you enjoyed the waffles, you took the opportunity to give each man another kiss. They each responded happily, basking in your admiration of them.
While you ate, you conversed with everyone else in the group, laughing and talking merrily as you discussed what they planned to do during the trip. Everyone seemed excited to explore Busan and the surrounding areas and you were eager to follow suit. By the time you had finished eating, it was already past noon.
Haechan pulled out his phone and tapped the screen a few times, bringing up a map of the area.
"Okay, since this is the first leg of our trip, we're gonna need to take things easy." Haechan explained. " Let's rest for the rest of the day and we'll start our activities tomorrow. What do you think?"
You paused for a moment before nodding. "Sure. Sounds good to me."
"Alright then." Haechan checked the time. "Jeno, let's put some music on. No reason why we can't have a party while we relax today."
Jeno nodded. "Gotcha."
Within minutes, he was browsing through his playlist and humming a catchy tune. As soon as he had selected a song, the entire group erupted into cheers and applause. Even you joined in with them and sang along with the lyrics.
As the song continued, you made your way over to Jaemin and plopped yourself in his lap. He smiled warmly and took your hands in his.
"Now this is a surprise. Why is my precious angel sitting in my lap?"
"Oh, nothing much." You giggled. "Just wanted to be closer to you."
Jaemin stroked your cheek softly with his thumb and tenderly cupped your face in his hands. "So sweet. You might as well give me some lovin’ now."
You obliged him eagerly, pressing your body tightly against his as you pressed your lips against his own. As soon as your lips met, sparks flew between the two of you and you felt your heart flutter in excitement. After spending a solid ten minutes of making out with him, you reluctantly pulled away, breaking the connection between you two.
Jaemin gently wiped away the remnants of your lipstick and licked his lips suggestively. "Now I'm expecting more of that later."
With a seductive smirk, you ran your hands over his shirt and pressed your lips to his neck, planting kisses against his skin.
"Are you trying to get the other guys jealous?" Jaemin let out a small huff of laughter. "Because I think it's working."
"Oops." You pouted innocently. "Sorry. Guess I got carried away. I can't help it when I'm with you all. My hormones just run wild whenever I'm near you all. It must be because of how hot you are. You turn me on so easily."
"Mmm…" Jaemin leaned in and nibbled on your bottom lip playfully. "You're right. How am I supposed to focus when you're distracting me like this?"
Your mouth moved away from his, trailing hot kisses down his jawline. As you traced your tongue along his neck, he placed his hand on the back of your head and pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. Every touch of your lips against his sent shivers down his spine and heightened the pleasure you both experienced.
"Oh, Y/N…" He moaned as you pulled away. "Seriously...you're making the others jealous."
You looked over at the others and let out a laugh of your own. It appeared that Jeno and Haechan had taken notice of your display and raised their eyebrows. "I think one of them is ready to throw me over their shoulder and carry me to the bedroom."
Jaemin shook his head, his hands coming to rest on your thighs. "Instead of the bedroom..."
"What are you insinuating, Na Jaemin?" You teased.
Jaemin gestured to the couch cushions. "These cushions look very comfortable..."
You dropped to your knees in front of him and reached for the waistband of his pants. Haechan and Jeno watched on in amusement as you undid the button and zipper of Jaemin's jeans.
"Well, aren't you just the sweetest thing I've ever seen." Jaemin chuckled as you slid his jeans and boxers down his legs, exposing his erect cock. "You gonna suck my dick while the others watch? Because I don't mind if you do."
"You like it when I get naughty, Jaemin?" You smirked.
Jaemin shook his head fondly. "I like everything about you, Y/N."
With a seductive grin, you lowered your mouth to his dick and placed your lips around it. You gently sucked on his length, drawing small moans from his throat. With each stroke, you would take a bit more of him into your mouth until you had taken all of him in. The room was silent except for the moans coming from Jaemin's mouth and the slight slurping sound of you bobbing your head up and down on his shaft.
Soon enough you heard Renjun's soft breathing as he took a seat next to Jaemin, his throbbing erection straining against his jeans. He opened his pants and began rubbing himself over his own bulge, moaning loudly in pleasure. Yangyang sat on Jaemin's other side, already fist pumping his own cock. You watched as Jeno let out a low moan, growing hard as you continued sucking on Jaemin's dick. Haechan kneeled next to you, his hands already rubbing your sweet aching nub as he praised you for taking Jaemin's cock so nicely.
Jaemin's eyes rolled back in his head as he grew more and more aroused, letting out guttural cries of pleasure.
Jaemin grabbed onto your hair, pulling you up to meet his thrusting hips. Your tongue fluttered across the tip of his member and you could feel his body shudder with ecstasy.
Jaemin finally came with a loud shout, shooting his hot cum into your mouth. As you greedily swallowed every last drop of semen, Jaemin collapsed back against the cushions and sighed contently.
You were definitely feeling horny now. Especially after seeing how pleased everyone was with you, wanting to reward you for doing such a good job. While Jaemin caught his breath, you went over to Renjun and tugged at his pants. "Now I'm feeling generous."
His eyes widened as you pulled out his hardened cock and brought it to your lips. "You wanna go again, baby?"
"Mmm...I could suck all of your cocks right now if you'd like me to." You said sweetly, running your tongue around the tip of his dick. "But now I want all of your dicks. In my pussy, in my ass, in my mouth, in my hands..."
Renjun's eyes gleamed with lust as he slid his hands under your short top, lifting it up above your breasts. "Well, isn't this quite the sight?"
Renjun stroked his fingers through your hair and tilted your head up towards his face. "It doesn't matter where you put my dick, baby. All that matters is you feeling good."
You glanced over at Haechan and the other guys, each of them slowly taking off their clothes. Jaemin threw one of the throw pillows on the floor, Haechan taking his position to lay down on it. His eyes were fixated on you, watching as you crawled up his body, capturing his lips in a heated kiss. Your nails dug into his shoulders as you sunk down unto his waiting erection, feeling the fullness of him filling your wet slit.
The smell of arousal was thick in the air and everyone in the room was more than ready to fuck. You couldn't help but feel so damn sexy, wearing nothing but a smile as you lay atop Haechan.
Once you had settled down onto his thick length, you looked up into his eyes. "Ready?"
Haechan laughed. "I'm always ready for you, babe."
You closed your eyes and savored the moment, pressing your naked breasts into his chest. Slowly, you began rocking your hips back and forth, matching the rhythm of your movement with the waves of pleasure that radiated throughout your entire body. Before you knew it, Haechan had his hands on your hips, holding you still as he pounded you harder and faster. You let out muffled whimpers as you arched your back, closing your eyes and soaking in the sensation of being fucked.
You leaned forward, feeling Yangyang positioned himself behind you, his dick lining up with your ass hole.
"Oh fuck." You moaned, feeling both Haechan and Yangyang filling you up. "Yes!"
Yangyang pushed himself deep inside of you, causing you to cry out in pleasure. Both of your holes were stretched beyond capacity by the multiple dicks penetrating them. Yet you didn't care. The only thing you cared about right now was making sure all your boyfriends feel good.
Renjun stood in front of you, dick in hand as he guided it to your mouth. "Open up, kitten. Take my cock."
You obediently opened your mouth and wrapped your lips around his head, sucking lightly. He let out a grunt of satisfaction and withdrew, quickly sliding his cock back into your mouth. With a deep moan, Renjun thrust harder and deeper into your throat, causing you to gag slightly.
You reached for Jaemin and Jeno's cocks, taking both in your hands and stroking them in unison. With a series of movements, you worked them both to a state of orgasmic bliss. Their moans of pleasure echoed throughout the room and filled you with joy. You grinned widely, knowing they were enjoying themselves. You all matched each other's pace; Haechan slamming into your pussy, Yangyang pounding your ass, Renjun shoving his dick down your throat and you fist pumping both Jeno and Jaemin.
Before long, the sounds of grunting and groaning echoed throughout the room, intermingling together to create a beautiful symphony of sex. Each of you became completely lost in the moment, no longer caring who was getting what. Only concerned with pleasing your partners and they pleasing you.
"Fuck, Y/N." Haechan growled, his cock buried balls deep inside of you. "Look at how turned on you are. Seeing all us guys take turns fucking you is driving you crazy, isn't it?"
You nodded vigorously, swallowing thickly as you enjoyed the attention of five rock hard cocks.
"I can tell." He said, bringing his head close to yours. "Tell me, baby. Use your words. Tell me how much you love having us inside of you."
You nodded once again, unable to form any words. Your heart raced and your breath quickened.
Haechan smiled lovingly. "That's it, baby. Feel free to say whatever comes to your mind. Even if it's just some naughty words or an animalistic growl."
You felt Jeno replacing Yangyang's spot from behind you, easing his large dick inside of your ass. "You like getting fucked in the ass, don't you?"
"God yes!" You cried, biting your lower lip. "It feels amazing! And your dick feels so big inside of me!"
Jeno pumped his hips, filling your ass with his dick. "How does it feel?"
You felt Haechan's hands come to rest on your hips, keeping you steady as he thrust deeper into you. "So good...fuck. Fuck. Oh god. Yes."
Jeno pulled out and slammed back into you, his body moving in sync with Haechan. "Let's hear you say it again."
"Ugh. Uhhuhu..." You moaned as the feeling of two dicks sliding in and out of you grew stronger.
Yangyang positioned himself in front of you, his dick slapping against your cheek. "Come on, baby. don't forget about us."
You couldn't help but swallow up his dick, Renjun and Jaemin in your hands at the same time. Your lips parted and you gasped as he pushed his way past your tongue. It felt so warm and good, almost surreal. A delicious mix of sensations rushed through your body, pushing you over the edge into another intense climax.
You moaned and whimpered as the world began to spin around you. This orgasm felt like it lasted forever.
Jaemin and Renjun eyes were locked on you as they stared at you from above, witnessing your passion as they coated your body with their hot jizz. Yangyang couldn't help but hold your head against his cock as he let himself go, grunting loudly as his seed filled your mouth. You felt Jeno's dick stiffen before unloading his cum in your ass and Haechan's cock pulsed several times as he finished filling you up with his seed.
Once the orgasms subsided, the six of you curled up together in the pile of cushions, lazily chatting and caressing each other. Soon, you all fell asleep, lulled by the soft melody of the song playing in the background.
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You awoke to find yourself nestled snugly in Haechan's arms. You stretched your limbs and yawned widely, looking around the room curiously. Everyone was still fast asleep, the sunlight streaming through the windows casting beautiful colors on the sleeping faces of the boys. For a moment, you lingered, content to watch the guys sleep.
You wiggled out of Haechan's embrace and winced from the aftermath of all the fucking and sucking that had happened last night. As you rose to your feet, you saw Renjun stirring beside Haechan. He lifted his head and blinked several times before looking at you. A smile crossed his face as soon as he recognized who it was.
"Good morning, gorgeous." Renjun whispered. "Didn't know you had it in you."
Your cheeks flushed and you could feel your face growing hotter by the second. "No more gangbangs for the next few weeks. I'm so sore."
Renjun laughed quietly. "Aw, poor little thing. Whose fault was it to have everyone all at one time?"
"Shut up." You pouted playfully. "You knew what kind of person you were dealing with."
Haechan stirred and groggily got to his feet, rubbing his eyes. He gazed at you with sleepy eyes and stroked your cheek affectionately.
"Morning, love." He murmured. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I could crawl into bed and never leave." You answered honestly. "If I ever ask for another gangbang, I need you to intervene. I can't handle it."
Haechan kissed you on the forehead. "Don't worry about it, darling. If you really don't want to experience another round, I'll make sure that you don't. Promise."
The rest of the guys woke up, each asking how you were feeling from last night. You told them that your legs and back were aching but you otherwise felt fine. Each of them nodded solemnly, having been present during last night's event.
"Sorry, Princess." Jeno muttered. "Maybe next time we won't do it all at once."
"I'm banning sex from all of you." You retorted, rolling your eyes. "Please let my vagina rest."
Everyone burst out laughing, happy to see you feeling better. After breakfast was prepared and served, everyone showered and dressed before heading outside. It was a beautiful day today and it made you glad that they didn't decide to cancel the trip. They had gone swimming earlier in the day, bringing you along to splash around with them. You and the others spent the entire afternoon laying on the beach, soaking up the sun and listening to music. At dinner, you enjoyed the seafood you ordered while watching the waves crash against the sand. By the end of the evening, you couldn't help but fall asleep in Haechan's arms, lulled by the gentle rhythm of the waves.
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apclyptc · 8 months
paint. smut ahead. chris sturniolo x reader.
warnings: sloppy head, facial, cum eating
“hey baby?” you spoke to your boyfriend chris while you were both scrolling mindlessly on your phones.
chris put his phone down to give his attention to you, “what is it?” he asked you.
“i kinda wanna try something…” you trailed off.
“is it that food recipe i showed you, cause we don’t have the stuff but i can go pick it up at the store–”
“no, no. it’s not that.” despite being with him for so long, you found yourself getting shy at your words.
“what is it that you wanna try?” he reached his arm over to your thigh, caressing it slowly.
“i kinda want you to give me a facial.” you smiled sheepishly. you sounded like a little teenager.
chris’ eyes widened, not expecting that sort of request from you.
“oh. oh, well uh, yeah we can definitely do that.” he made a half-assed attempt to cover his excitement.
“come over here and kiss me, then.” you smiled, innocence in your voice as though you didn’t just ask him to paint your face with his seed.
chris didn’t bother to take his time with you as he normally would, immediately colliding with you, licking into your mouth desperately. a small whine escaped your throat.
“knees on the floor, baby.” he commanded, sending a shiver down your spine as his low-voiced demands always did.
you keenly followed his orders, pressing your knees into the soft carpet of his bedroom.
you nuzzled your face into his pants, feeling his half-hard dick underneath his clothes. chris shuddered a loaded sigh, hips pushing into your head.
“have i ever mentioned how i love you kneeling for me?” he smirked down at you.
“maybe once or twice,” you smirked back, hooking your fingers into his waistband and tugging. it was always such a pleasure to see his boxers stretching around his dick. it was a reminder of the power you had over him, and you were sure the damp patch on your panties did the same for him, though the sight of it was restricted right now.
chris only watched as your pulled his now fully hard cock out of his underwear, admiring its length and thickness.
not wanting to waste anymore time, you stuck out your tongue and licked all the way from base to tip, and he hissed.
“fuckkkkk,” chris moaned above you. you felt him grab a fistful of hair, “so good at this.”
his praise spurred you on, motivating you to make him come.
you moaned around him, licking around him anywhere you could while you took as much of him into your mouth as you could manage.
“oh my fucking god… taking this dick so well.”
chris’ hips edged their way further into your face, feeling his neatly trimmed hair tickle your nose. you gagged around him, half purposefully, knowing it drove him crazy when he could hear you struggling to take all of him.
“that’s it baby, fuck, make a mess.” he groaned lowly, and you watched his head throw back in pleasure. satisfying, but ultimately not what you wanted.
popping his dick out of your mouth, you spoke, “i’ll stop if you keep looking away from me.” he bit his bottom lip as to not moan from your words alone. he absolutely loved when you talked to him this way.
as soon as his eyes were on yours, you slipped his entire cock into your mouth, gagging once again.
“holy shit, y/n.” chris sighed loudly, willing his eyes not to roll back from the fear you’d stop again.
by now he was thrusting into you, carnally fucking your throat like he couldn’t help it.
“ohhh fuck,” he whined once he felt you swallow around him, your throat contracting over and over, giving him the sensation that he was inside your cunt. oh, how he wished he was wrecking your spongy walls.
you could tell he was close, fighting the urge not to come but losing the battle.
“baby, i’m not gonna last, fuck, much longer.” he panted out.
just a little bit more, you thought to yourself since you knew the words wouldn’t come out. adding the finishing touches, your hand reached up to fondle his balls and he snapped.
pulling himself out of your mouth, chris stroked himself over you as his cum spurted out in thick ropes on your face.
there was not much of you uncovered, his seed on your forehead, slightly in your hair, over your eyelashes and finally on your tongue.
you licked the evidence from your mouth, enjoying the salty taste of his load as you felt another spurt on your chin. the sight of your face dripping with cum already had chris half-hard again.
“y/n that was so fucking sexy.” he practically groaned out, watching you drag a finger across your eyelids and sucking it into your mouth.
“i think we should do that more often.” you giggled at your boyfriends stupefied face.
“we’re not done yet. it’s your turn to come on my face.”
a/n wow i wasn’t expecting that new tiktok to make me write so fast. my next draft is going to take a liiiittle longer than this just took me to finish but i hope it’s worth it in the end.
ciao ciao
© APCYLPTC 2023. do not repost, translate, or duplicate any of my works here or any other websites
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marvelobsessed134 · 9 months
Want her to unwrap me
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This is part of my 12 days of fics. Merry Christmas Eve everyone!
Pairings: Dom!Wanda Maximoff x Sub!Fem!Reader
Warnings: light degradation, fingering, oral (r receiving), rough sex, vibrator use, mommy kink, squirting.
Summary: In which your girlfriend walks in on you singing an explicit version of Ariana Grande’s Santa Tell Me
You were cleaning the kitchen counters with Christmas music blasting through the Bluetooth speaker. Recently you’ve been obsessed with the original explicit version of Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande.
Little did you know, your girlfriend was just trudging through the door of your penthouse with bags of gifts for the other avengers.
As you sang the song, you changed the pronouns.
“Want her to unwrap me like oh ooh ooh.”
Those words struck Wanda like a lightning bolt to a metal pole. Hearing you sing such filthy lyrics during a season that was so wholesome, made her ever the more horny.
The witch sat the bags down on the floor before creeping up behind you and wrapping her arms around your waist. You jumped a bit, but relaxed knowing it was just Wanda.
“Hi baby.” You smile, letting her peck you on the cheek.
“Hi sweetheart. Interesting song you’ve got playing.” She purred and your face went beet red.
“Oh! Um- you didn’t hear all of it did you?” You asked, embarrassed.
She chuckled, “I sure did. So, do you want me to unwrap you?”
A couple minutes later you were in a Christmas ribbon lingerie set. It was red and connected by a halter. Had a big bow over the chest and a long ribbon covering your pussy like a pair of panties would.
You were standing against the kitchen island as Wanda had instructed you to. The witch was very fond of the scene before her.
“My, my. An early Christmas present? This all for me, baby girl?” She asked, her eyes wandering over your body making your pussy more damp.
“Yes mommy.” You whispered.
“Good girl.” She smashed her lips to yours, passionately making out with you. You moaned into her mouth, wrapping your arms around her neck as you kissed her back.
She pulled the ribbon off and groped and sucked on your nipples. “Fuck, mommy.”
Once she paid attention to both sides, she picked you up and laid you on the counter. She pulled the crotch of the lingerie to the side and dived into your soaked pussy. Licking and suckling on your folds and clit, and everywhere in between.
You gripped her hair as she ate you out, “Oh mommy.”
“Good girl, go ahead and cum for me.” Her voice was dark and sent you over the edge. You threw your head back and moaned as you released your juices all over her face.
“Good girl, oh taste so good for mommy. Bend over the counter now.” You quickly got off the counter and scrambled into position. You could see in your peripheral vision that the witch was pulling something out of her pocket.
“Todays a special day detka, because I got you an early Christmas present.” She put the small vibrator up to your clit and turned it on.
You jumped at the feeling and held onto the counter for dear life. You then felt her fingers teasing your entrance before pushing into you.
You moaned and cried out as she fucked you hard. “So tight, this little pussy was just begging for me wasn’t it?”
“Yes! Oh fuck Wanda!” She didn’t care that you used her name during sex, even though her title was mommy. It was just too hot hearing you moan her name.
“You gonna cum, slut? Gonna cum for the second time?” She rasped in your ear.
“Yes! Gone cum so hard! Ah-“ you cut yourself off, clenching around her fingers feeling overstimulated as you squirted all over the place.
“Holy fuck that’s hot!” Wanda groaned. Turning off the toy, she took her fingers out of you and turned you around.
“Open.” The redhead instructed and you obeyed, taking her fingers and sucking your cum off of them.
“Good girl. Cmon, let’s go wrap these presents.”
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tomscumdoll · 5 months
Body Suit
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CHARACTERS: 2008 Tom & f!reader
WARNINGS: p in v (doggy styleee), reader feeling self conscious of their body, hair pulling, rough sex
A/N: I had 3 bowls of nachos at lunch today. Send help.
You and Tom went shopping for new clothes and also just for fun. You went into one store that had a body suit you really wanted.
You looked through the sizes and they didn't have your size. So eventually, you went with the small. You grabbed it off the hook and went to a dressing room to try it on. Tom sat outside, waiting for you to come out. You struggled to get it on.
"You okay in there, darling?" Tom said, his voice filled with concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine. This thing is just so hard to put on." You said, zipping up the body suit.
"Come on out, let me see you." He said.
You came out and his jaw DROPPED. The body suit accentuated your curves, it made your breasts look bigger, and your butt look bigger (bbl drizzyy). Tom's eyes raked over your body.
"Holy Jesus.." He said, his eyes raking your body.
You felt self-conscious in the suit, you looked in the mirror of the dressing room and frowned. He noticed this and his brows furrowed with concern.
"What's wrong?" He said, standing up and walking behind you.
"I don't like it. I don't like how it makes me look." You said, tugging at the fabric of the body suit.
"Why not? You look absolutely amazing." He said, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his chin on your shoulder.
"I know, but -"
"No, I'm not gonna sit here and let you talk terrible about yourself. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. You're smart, kind, and did I mention beautiful. Look at me, you are wonderful. Don't let anything or anyone bring you down. You are the best girlfriend any man can ask for." He said that with the most sincerity. He looked you dead in the eye and said every word from the bottom of his heart.
"Now buy the damn body suit and let's get out of here. I'm starving."
"But, we had lunch 4 hours ago?"
"That's like 4 years in my book."
You chuckled, he was probably one of the most hungry men you've ever met.
(We are not going to question how we got into this situation)
Your cries came out muffled due to your face being forced into the pillow.
"That's it, darling.. Fuck.." He groaned, pumping in and out of you. You whimpered tears falling down your cheeks.
He leaned down his hot breath brushing against your neck, his dreads cascading down his face. He pressed his lips against your neck, leaving a trail of hickeys behind.
"Mmph.." Your moan of protest came out muffled by the soft silk of the pillow. His thrusts were rough and hard. He pulled on your hair since it was in a pony tail. Your ass pushed into his front, begging for more.
"Yeah? You want more, darling? I'll give you more." As he said this, his thrusts picked up speed.
"God fucking dammit.. I've been waiting for this all day.. That damn body suit of yours.. Teasing the fuck outta me.." He said through gritted teeth.
The sound of your breathless moans and his heavy breaths filled the air. His thrust slowed as he came close to ejaculation. He felt you grip him as you shudder, signaling your orgasm.
He felt you tighten around him and he ejaculated. He pulled out of you slowly, making sure not to hurt you. He took the latex off and disposed of it in the trash can. He grabbed your hand and lifted you, taking you to the shower.
He turned on the shower and gently placed you inside. After a bit, the shower warmed up to your liking and he wrapped his arms around you, you laid your head on his chest closing your eyes whilst he placed his cheek on your head.
"You're perfect just the way you are," The words startled you since they came out of nowhere but you let him talk.
"You are amazing, brilliant, caring, defiant, extraordinary, fantastic, gorgeous. You're perfect in every single way. Don't let one piece of clothing, one that looks good on you by the way, bring you down. You-" He pulls away and looks at you. "You are so.. I don't know how to describe it. I literally ran out of words to describe how perfect of a person you are. Please, don't change your self for validation. You'll always have my validation, remember that."
He looked you dead in the eye for a good moment, the bathroom silent except the faint sound of the shower running. Tears started forming in your eyes before you hugged him tightly. His arms wrapped around you pulling you into his chest. You stayed like that for the rest of the shower, until he placed you down and turned off the shower.
You guys got out and got dressed for bed. You did your skin care and hair while he sat on the bed watching you from a far, admiring you. Once you got finished, you laid down with him on the bed. As soon as you were about to fall asleep, you hear him whisper to you one thing.
"I love you."
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strawbxrryneptune · 1 year
College BKG <3 (enemies to lovers ish)
unedited, lowkey rushed at the end cause im exhausted but at least i posted something after like a year teehee
You walk into the lecture hall a couple minutes early, dragging your sleep deprived friend along with you.
“I genuinely don't understand why we have to get to class so early. The professor isn't even here yet."
You huff at her complaint, pulling her towards the front where you always sit.
"I just want to keep my seat.”
Before she can reply, you cut her off.
“Yes, I know, I’ve been sitting in the same place the whole semester and no one’s taken my seat, but there’s still the risk. Remember when Bakugou fucking took it last week and wouldn’t stop being smug about it?”
Slipping into the second row, she sits on your left, sighing heavily.
"Honestly, the little petty battle you have with him is getting old babe, just fuck him at this point."
You laugh, resting your head in your hands as you stare at your friend.
"Excuse me?"
She scoffs in your face, obviously too tired for your conversation.
"Listen, we all grew up together, anyone who went to UA can agree that you both have hard ons for each other, but you’re too busy arguing to see it.”
You sigh dramatically, flopping back in your seat.
 “He’s an asshole-”
"An asshole you wanna fuck.”
You swipe at her, and she laughs before pushing at your arm.
“Look me in my eyes and tell me you don’t want to fuck him.”
“...Okay, he’s kind of hot-”
“So fuck-”
“-no, he’s so annoying!”
She gives you a look then sighs,
“Yes, yes he is.”
You both laugh, your mind wandering elsewhere for a bit before she taps your arm and nods her head behind you, wiggling her eyebrows. You hum, turning to see none other than Bakugo Katsuki himself. He’s walking towards your aisle, plopping down into a seat behind you and putting his bag down next to him. He’s wearing a black sweater draped over black pants, hair fluffy but still somehow spiky looking, and a smoky, almost woodsy scent wafting from him.
Bakugou meets your eyes, and the intensity in his gaze makes your stomach twist. He raises an eyebrow at you, lips curving up to conceal a smirk. You roll your eyes and turn back around, annoyed that he caught you staring. Your friend holds back a laugh next to you and you pointedly ignore her, willing the professor to start the lecture already. 
Before you can get fully lost in thought, you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn your head and almost hit your forehead against Bakugou’s. 
“Jesus, have you ever heard of personal space?”
He ignores your question and squints at the small table in front of you.
“You got an extra pencil?”
You stare at him, then look around to the other people in his row.
“Why are you asking me? There's like 5 other people in your sectio-”
“Do you have another fuckin’ pencil or not, Brat?”
You huff and shake your head no. You definitely have another pencil, but you're not giving it to his rude ass. He slides his eyes from your face to the bright pink pencil case on your table, full to the brim with pencils and highlighters. 
You give him another roll of your eyes and go to turn around, but he stops you by leaning over your shoulder and snatching the pencil you were currently using off of your table, retracting back and sitting in his seat. You're pissed, but you can't even bring yourself to turn around because holy shit were his arms always that muscular? And did they always have those veins running through them all the way to his big hands? And fuck when he bent over you his gold chain came out of his shirt a little and it made you think how it would look dangling over you while he fucked the breath out of you. You take a quick breath and dig through your pencil case, taking a pen out and focusing on the smart board at the front of the class. The professor finally starts talking and you welcome the distraction, taking your notebook out to start taking notes.
Once it hit the end of your class, you closed your notebook and let out a sigh, thankful to be done for the day. You felt a tap on your shoulder, and this time you just give Bakugou a side eye when he slides his face close to yours and plops the pencil back on your desk.
“Dunno why you’re acting nice like you didn’t steal from me but you’re welcome.”
His face comes into view, and even though you aren’t looking directly at him, you can see his eyes drilling holes into the side of your face. 
“Don’t give me shit as if you didn’t lie to me.”
You scoff and fully turn, almost nose to nose with him. 
“Why would I want to give you a pencil when you’re such a dick?”
His eyebrows shoot up, and his eyes darken in a way that makes your stomach turn. 
“You wanna repeat that?”
You don't want to repeat it, actually, but you’re not about to back down and pissing him off is too fun, so you get closer.
“I said, why would I want to give you a pencil when you’re. a. dick.”
He gives you a sadistic smile and closes the already small distance between you, pressing his forehead to yours. 
“If you want dick so bad I can give it to you, you don't gotta call me one Sweetheart.”
Your face heats up and your eyes dart around the room, relief flooding your chest when you realize everyone cleared out of the lecture hall except for some girl who was closing her laptop and shoving her things into her bag. 
You turn back to him and step back, grabbing your notebook and pencil case and putting it into your bag.
“Please, I’d get more satisfaction from a metal pipe than your dick. You can’t handle this.”
He grabs your wrist, and when you turn back around he’s in your face again, this time staring at your lips with dark eyes. 
“You wanna bet?”
You look around again, watching that last girl walk out the door. Fuck it, if the dick is bad or you embarass yourself you still have time to drop the class. 
With that in mind, you shake your wrist free from his grip and lean in to kiss him, sighing softly when he kisses back because his lips are so soft. He brings a strong hand to your jaw and tilts your head, kissing you deeper. You make out for a bit before you start to become aware of the awkward position you’re both in, straining to kiss each other over the seats of the hall. He seems to have the same thought, and he brings his hands down to your waist before pausing and pulling away.
“Can I touch you?”
You think it's a bit silly for him to ask you at this point, but you appreciate it nonetheless.
You say it breathily, and he gives you a crooked smile before grabbing your waist and whispering, “Jump” against your mouth. You do as he says and he effortlessly lifts you up over the seats and into his arms, hands moving to cup your ass. He continues to kiss you and you start to feel yourself getting hot, moving your hips against his stomach to alleviate some of the tension. He squeezes your ass and moves to sit down, placing you on the ground before turning you around and making you sit on his lap with your back to him. He leans forward to kiss your neck while bringing a veiny hand up to lightly choke you, not applying that much pressure but still making your head spin.
“Grind on me.”
“Ask nicely, Bakugou.”
He chuckles and gives you a sharp bite on the side of your neck, making your hips jolt against him.
“There you go, good girl.”
You want to tell him off, but you can feel his dick through his pants and you want to feel more. Biting your lip, you grind against him slowly, picking up the pace gradually and forcing moans out of the both of you. 
“Fuck, Bakugou take your pants off i wanna feel you.”
“Ask nicely, brat.”
You huff and turn to try and undo his pants, but he stops you.
“I said, ask nicely. You're not gettin’ shit actin all prissy.”
“...fine. Please take off your pants so I can sit on your cock, Bakugou.”
He hums and gives you another murmur of “good girl” before tapping your hips to get you up again, shimmying his pants to his knees and taking his dick out. He reaches over and takes your bottoms and panties off, rubbing your hips before reaching around and starting to rub soft circles into your clit, causing you to let out a small moan. He pulls you closer and continues to pleasure you, teasing you and pulling at your clit occasionally while slipping his hand into your shirt and tweaking a nipple. You can feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, and you start to move your hips along with his hand. He groans against you as he feels you getting slick, taking his hand away quickly to slide your wetness along his dick. He uses one hand to pump himself while sliding one, two, three thick fingers into you, curving them and pumping rhythmically. He whispers in your ear about how soft you are, how beautiful and wet and perfect your pussy is, and you just can’t stop gushing on his fingers. You start to feel your orgasm coming up, and you stop his fingers.
”Fuck me, Bakugou, please.”
He moans at the desperate tone of your voice, bringing you further back and sliding his cock along your pussy, rubbing the tip against your clit and making your legs shake. You whine and reach back, wrapping your hand around his and guiding him inside you, gasping at the stretch. He takes it slow, and once you give him a whimper and a nod he starts to thrust into you, grabbing your wrists and holding them behind your back. He fucks you good, and you start to feel your legs shake and your vision blur as he hits that spot over and over and over again until you feel him consume you and you’re cumming just like that, back arched and eyes shut, moaning loud. He moans along with you, slamming his hips into you through the squeezing of your pussy. He slows down his thrusts to give you time to calm down, and you lean back and moan in his ear, squeezing him some more. He groans and pulls you off of him, cumming onto your ass.
You both take a moment to calm down, getting dressed in slightly awkward silence as you both grab your shit. You check your phone quickly and hold back a laugh when you see a text from your friend telling you she left in hopes of you getting dicked down. Little did she fucking know.
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twilghtkoo · 2 years
Can you do something where reader and haechan take a playful bubble bath and gossip together using prompts 93 and 88<33
love foolish
pairings. haechan x reader (f)
genre. pure fluff, established relationship
warnings. mostly reader talking and haechan just listening and being love, boobs, not proofread cus i’m lazy
notes. aww i love this request hehe reader and hyuck taking a bath together and just chatting >.< thank u anon for this req!
prompts. #93 “she looked at you like she wanted to jump you” and #88 “you’re driving me crazy here”
prompt list | series masterlist | taglist
“only a little bit of soap, haechan.” you remind him once again, with a stern voice. shouting from your closet as you go through haechan’s side for a t-shirt that you can put on after your bath.
you take both your change of clothes and walk back to the bathroom. haechan sits on the closed toilet seat, only left in his briefs, carefully watching the tub fill up with hot water as the bubbles from the soap slowly rise. you spot the colors green and blue paint the water.
haechan glances up at you, spotting your shadow from his peripheral. “i put a bath bomb in.” he answers your thoughts.
you hum approvingly, a small smiling turning the corner of your lips upwards when haechan smiled self-proudly.
soon the water is at a good level and haechan has already stripped naked and stepped into the water, waiting for you. you stand in front of the tub, taking haechan’s hand that’s stretched out for you to take as he safely guides you inside. he occupies the end of the tub, his back against the cool tile wall, legs spread for you to sit in-between.
“holy shit, this feels fucking amazing.” you moan once your body from the neck down is submerged in the hot water. haechan’s hands are quick to wrap around your bare waist under water, rubbing your sides soothingly. all previous stress and tension in your body has now left your body as you welcome in the therapeutic warmth.
he chuckles from behind, leaning down to kiss your shoulder.
“that sounds familiar,” he thinks out loud, smirking.
“what do you mean?”
“pretty sure you said those exact same words when you rode me for the first time.” he recalls.
your head drops down and you scoff. “oh my god, haechan.” pursing your lips to fight the laugh that almost came out. he sure knows how to ruin a moment.
“hehe, sorry.” he softly mumbles an apology.
you lean yourself up away from haechan’s chest, going to the other side of the tub so you and him are facing each other.
you grin to yourself, sitting on your legs and gathering a handful of the white bubbles that float atop.
he watches you with admiration and love, allowing you to put the mountain of bubbles on top of his dry head.
“how do i look?”
you blink, “beautiful.”
he scoffs, dropping his head as he cutely smiles.
“what should we eat for dinner?” you ask, your focus mostly on the tower of bubbles you’re building.
he hums, “we have those left overs from lunch. but if you don’t want that i can make you something else.” he suggests, he knows how you feel about leftovers and how you think the taste isn’t the same once it leaves the restaurant. which is why you always try to finish your food, but today, you just woke up not hungry.
“speaking of lunch earlier . . .”
haechan decided to join you and help you build your bubble tower, he hums in response, letting you know he’s listening. the top of his head is slightly damp from the bubbles.
“the girl who took our order and stuff . . . you know the waitress?” you trail off, glancing up at him to watch his facial expressions.
“uh huh,”
you slightly pout from the lack of responses.
your hands stop and now you’re just watching him.
“did you notice anything?” you ask cautiously.
his hands stop mid air, the slightly growing bubble tower has now reached the height to where your heads are.
he squints his eyes, his lips turned downwards, a habit you noticed when he’s thinking.
he shakes his head, “no, notice what?”
you let out a sigh as a response.
“vent to me baby,” he lightly chuckles, assuring you to speak what's on your mind.
you groan, face palming because if haechan didn’t even notice it then why is it bothering you so much. you decide to continue adding height to the silly tower to avoid from catching haechan’s reaction.
“when we went to lunch together, i think the waitress recognized you and she was definitely flirting with you. right in front of me!” you exclaim, scoffing at the memory again.
you and haechan went out to eat earlier today for lunch, choosing somewhere where we thought was pretty secluded, and it sort of was.
“i swear i saw her try to reach to touch your arm, and she was all heart eyes staring at you. i was almost about to throw up. not to mention, she wasn’t even looking at me when i was telling her my order. rude, right?”
he nods, “definitely.” he says firmly.
“thank you!” with big eyes and your hands thrown out in front of you as you rant, cutting your creation in half on accident as it slowly floats in the air to haechan’s side.
"she looked at you like she wanted to jump you!"
he can’t help but burst out laughing at your frustration about the situation. you can say he was pretty oblivious about the waitress flirting with him, because he was focused on you mostly. recalling how there was an eyelash sitting beneath your cheekbone while the lady was collecting your order. how your fingers were fidgeting with the corner of the menu that was already slightly peeling, the skin of your hand looking so smooth and soft under the natural light seeping through the window.
haechan leans back, taking his arms out from the water to relax on the edge of the tub. soap suds resting on his skin.
you’re still pouting, thinking about the situation and how the girl had the nerve to blatantly flirt with your boyfriend in front of you. in your head, you were saying things that your non-confrontational ass would never say to someone.
you stare at haechan, "you think she knew who you were?" you ask with slightly raised eyebrows.
he shakes his head. "i don't think so, don't worry." he assures you.
you jump in your spot which makes haechan flinch in surprise, eagerly leaning forward, your mouth forming an 'o' shape. "one of my classmates stole my pen today!" you gasped.
haechan covers his mouth with his hand, dramatically gasping, matching your energy. "no," he reacts.
you nod your head, "yes! i just remembered. that fucker." you mumble the last part to yourself.
he bites his lip to hold back his smile. "is it the gel pen with the 0.5 point?"
"yes, my favorite pen."
"don't you have a whole pack in your desk?" he harmlessly asks, just out of pure curiosity.
you cock an eyebrow, "who's side are you on?"
haechan stretches his hands towards you quickly. "yours, baby. yours. that fucker should've gave back your pen. doesn't he know we are in the middle of an inflation?" he scoffs.
"and like, yeah, i use my ipad to take notes but i use my pen for handwritten notes and my planner. i should've lied and said i didn't have a pen. ugh- this is what happens when i'm nice to people." you stress before shaking your head, scooting closer to your boyfriend.
“you do have nice pens,” he says absent mindedly. “i probably would’ve kept it too.”
your face is deadpan as you stare at haechan, then you let out a deep sigh. “i love you, haechan.”
he smiles back, “i love you too.”
shaking your head. "we’re never going to that restaurant again and from now on i don’t have pens. let me wash your hair?" you're already grabbing his shampoo and squirting some into your hand before he can answer.
he doesn't push you away, reveling in this moment and enjoying the way the pad of your fingers are massaging his scalp. how your sitting on your knees in between his open legs, your breasts are aligned with his vision and it's like he turned into a kid who was given an ipad.
his impulsive thoughts win and it's too late because his large hands are already kneading your chest. "they're so squishy." he blurts out, making you roll your eyes. you won't lie and say that the ministrations of his hands felt so good you felt like the soap suds that melt down your body.
"your hands feel nice." you admitted, reaching behind him to grab the shower head and turn on the water to wash the shampoo out.
his head snaps up to look at you. "really? feels nice?"
simply nodding your head, ignoring his eyes on you. his hand movements slow down, he starts to slowly palm your breasts.
"stop this is supposed to be just us taking bath." you whine, turning off the water.
he giggles, "it is."
"not when you're doing that on purpose." you accuse him, laughing along with him because you're familiar with his tricks and you already know where this is headed.
"what am i doing?" he asks with a playful innocent voice.
"you're driving me crazy here." you huff out.
taglist @neosdaisy @m_1kaellUh @n0hyuck @matchahyuck @haesqt @waitcries @ohmyhuenings pls send an ask or message to be removed or fill out the form to join! :D
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villain-crown · 6 months
heart | @jegulus-microfic | words: 855
* I’m running late on the prompts whoops
critical care, part 6 (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 7, part 8, part 9)
a Jegulus nurse!AU
“Wow, he’s mean.”
“I’m meaner,” Regulus replied and holy shit James believed him.
He could picture it now: Regulus, a relentless, demanding little thing on top of him, sinking onto James’s cock with a vicious hiss and riding him until he was spent. He would be so small but a force of nature all the same, wrapping James’s heartstrings around his little finger like a leash.
Bloody hell, he’s going to look amazing on our Christmas cards.
“Were you just waiting for me to get angry?”
“I was waiting to see if you could,” Regulus corrected, licking a bit of cream from his spoon. James watched the pink tongue dart out, give a good, long lick and disappear past plush lips once more.
I’m not meant to survive this lunch.
“So you and Riddle used to…?”
“Used to,” Regulus replied carelessly.
“What happened?”
“He asked Sirius if he could fuck the both of us at the same time. Not a good look.”
James gaped at him, thoroughly distracted from his lascivious thoughts. “What!?”
Regulus set his spoon to the side. “It was before Sirius got together with Lupin. He was sleeping with half the hospital and every now and then one of his conquests would decide they wanted the matching set. So now Sirius loses his shit at anyone that looks at me sideways and I get the pleasure of sneaking around behind his back like this.”
That… made a lot of sense actually. James had just assumed that Sirius was being baselessly paranoid but there was something a bit bittersweet about it now. Sirius loved Regulus more than anything or anyone. He must have felt very guilty for putting his little brother in that position.
“I’m sorry.”
Regulus frowned. “Why? It’s not your fault.”
“It’s just… what you say.” James cleared his throat, switching topics. “But why did you want to see if I could get angry?”
“I wanted to make sure I wasn’t wrong.”
“You manifesting the right attitude to fuck me.”
Even though James had very blatantly been hoping for it, the direct statement made him choke hard. “What!?”
“I like it rough,” Regulus explained calmly, making James work hard to will the beginnings of arousal away. “With teeth and nails and words. I don’t see anything wrong with it, but I understand that not every guy can deliver.”
James suddenly pictured a naked, sweating, panting Regulus on all fours under him with James’s teeth digging into Regulus’s smooth, warm shoulder as he took him from behind in harsh thrusts. It wasn’t James’s usual style—he liked looking at his partner; liked a bit of connection. But he was only human and what else was he supposed to do but agree if Regulus wanted a little pain with his pleasure?
There was something else that concerned him, however.
“Do you think Riddle’s angry enough to tell people?”
Regulus looked disinterested. “Riddle doesn’t scare me. He understands that the only power he has over me is whatever I decide to give him. If he turns me in to HR, I’ll turn him in too.”
“Mutually assured destruction.”
“No, actually, because I can get another nursing job tomorrow. He’s in a competitive program that lasts two years. He can’t afford to get kicked out. He wouldn’t get another cardiovascular fellowship with a sex scandal on his record. If anything, he’ll try to protect me to protect himself.”
Gorgeous, vicious little thing, James thought admiringly.
“I’m not being unreasonable. If he doesn’t want any problems, he just has to keep his mouth shut. It’s not that hard.”
“And you’re good at that sort of thing, are you? Keeping your mouth shut?”
Regulus just looked at him. “I make a much better impression with it open.”
“I bet you do.”
“So?” Regulus picked up the spoon again, idly pressing it against his tongue. “I already know you’re interested, so let’s not kid ourselves there. The real question is if you’re too scared of my big brother to fuck me the way you obviously want to.”
And that really was the question, wasn’t it? Sirius would lose his mind if he found out, that was a given. If he didn’t take a hit out on James, he’d at least refuse to ever speak to him again.
Objectively, this was a very obvious choice.
He should be running away screaming at the very suggestion of engaging the Slytherin like that.
…But fuck, Regulus was fit.
Like, expensive fashion magazine meets dirty wanking material fit.
This is really sort of Sirius’s fault, he tried to convince himself. The way Remus had told it yesterday when James had struck up a very ulteriorly-motivated conversation on the subject, Sirius had practically raised Regulus and had no spine whatsoever when it came to denying him anything.
“He’s never even heard of the word ‘no,’” Remus had concluded with a fond roll of his eyes. “Sirius spoils him rotten.”
And James would be out of his fucking mind to say no to him too.
“…You know what? Fuck it. I’ll fist fight Sirius every morning in the parking lot for the rest of my life if I have to. We’re doing this.”
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angelic-sturniolos111 · 11 months
Matt’s Teammate 💙 pt. 2
After long-distance texting and FaceTime calls everyday for months Matt finally makes plans to see you in person again. [pt. 1 here!]
matthew sturniolo x fem! reader
warnings: cursing, slight make-out sesh (v romantic), just fluffy asf
author’s note: sorry this took longer to write than expected but enjoyyyyyy
this pic of Matt is so bf coded I can’t even
Y/C/N = your city’s name [from tour] even though we’re gonna pretend you live somewhere cold and snowy to match this pic (sorry)
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***four months ago***
I had fun tonight, Y/N. You seem like a really great girl, and I would love to see you again if I can.
You stared at your phone in disbelief, and had to check his account ten times over to make sure it wasn’t a bot or a scam because you genuinely could not fathom that Matt Sturniolo just replied with THAT. Simply liking the message would have sent you through the roof, but your heart is soaring.
You carefully and deliberately craft a response not wanting to blow your one and only chance at possibly being with Matt again. You decide to keep it simple and sweet as to not come off too overbearing (even though internally you were completely freaking tf out).
Of course! Next time you’re in Y/C/N shoot me a text 🥰
…and with that you typed your phone number into the message and hit send.
Moments later your phone starts ringing with a FaceTime notification from an unknown number. Guessing it might be Matt you quickly fix your hair in front of your face, put on lip gloss, and adjust your boobs to look perfect in your bra to try and look your best. You slide the bar to answer the call, and Matt’s glorious face illuminates your screen.
Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck. You thought to yourself as you kept a calm smile on your face despite your heart trying to escape your chest. Matt smiles when he sees you on his screen.
“Hey, sorry to call you randomly but I tend to sound a lot better in person than I do over text.” He laughs. “And,” he hesitates, “I honestly wanted to see your pretty face again.”
Your breath hitches in your throat at his words. You try and collect the million thoughts flooding your brain right now to get a sentence out.
“I— uh… Yeah I,” you croaked out. You were able to keep your composure better earlier on stage, but this was completely different and VERY unexpected. Matt laughs lightly at your obvious nerves.
“Take your time. Sorry, I’m sure I caught you completely off guard.” He teases, but you can also see the sincerity in his eyes and know that he’s being patient for you.
You take a deep breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth.
“Okay…” you say letting out what was a mixture of a laugh and an exasperated sigh. “Hi!” You say cheerfully.
“Hi.” Matt responds sweetly. God, the way he was looking at you made you want to throw the phone across the room.
“You’re right, I totally wasn’t expecting any of this… do you do this often? Like, call fans and stuff?” You said a bit unsure. Your heart was telling you that Matt maybe genuinely liked you, but your brain also knows that he’s a dude who could just be looking for a hookup in each state while he travels. Matt furrows his brow at your question before looking surprised.
“Oh OH no no no no no it’s not like that. I swear. Like- I mean… not like I just want to fuck or anything. Um, I like you and I saw your DM and— not to be like weird calling you or anything but…” Matt stops his frantic run-on before pausing and taking a breath. “No, I don’t do this often. I don’t do this ever actually.”
“I think you just made that pretty obvious.” You both laugh. “Sooooo,” you say in a sing-song voice “you like me?”
Matt brings his hand up to rub his eyes as a small smirk creeps on his lips and he nods his head gently.
“Yeah… yeah I really do. I thought I’d never be able to do anything about it, thinking I’d never see you again, but my brothers convinced me otherwise. When I found your instagram earlier I decided to take a chance hoping I wouldn’t regret it.” He says, and you can’t help but blush.
“Why would you regret it?” You ask.
“Well, not knowing if you were already seeing someone, or just weren’t interested. Mainly though because it would be tough to really see anyone given my career.” A tone of sadness lingers in his voice. It’s clear that his words are true, and that he definitely has feelings for you. Clearly, you had feelings for him too and would love to get to know him more, but you also knew that dating him would be quite challenging at times.
“Maybe we didn’t win tonight, but we still do make a pretty good team. I trust we can work something out because I’d love nothing more than to see you again.” You say smiling, and with that Matt smiles in return.
“I don’t know… I’m really starting to feel like a winner right now!” Matt jokes making you scoff and roll your eyes at his cuteness.
***present day***
You often reflet back to the night you met Matt on stage given that that was the first and last time you had seen him in person talking, hugging, laughing. These past four months you have enjoyed every text, every phone call, every FaceTime from him as you stayed in close touch— talking every single day. You had grown to love and admire Matt through a screen since the beginning, but this time was much much different. Now, you two had a genuine, deep, emotional connection, and you were no longer just a fan watching him through a screen. You meant something to him. The two of you often talked and fantasized about your next meeting, but had no real plans of that actually happening. You were in school, and he had YouTube and his career to focus on. Finding time in your schedule to visit each other was difficult, but both of you were hoping to work something out soon.
You snuggled up on your cozy apartment couch watching the latest triplet video on your tv screen. You subconsciously had your attention on Matt the entire video. You had to keep rewinding the video because you missed nearly everything they were saying as you kept wandering off into day dreams about him, wishing he was sitting there next to you, arms wrapped around you. You’re pulled out of your daydream when your phone dings.
Hi beautiful sorry it took me so long to respond we were recording a podcast.
No worries ☺️ can we FaceTime?
Sure, but can you do me a favor first?
You’re curious as to know what on earth kind of favor you could possibly do for Matt.
Of course
You replied and anxiously awaited his answer as you saw the three moving dots across the bottom of the screen indicating he was responding.
Can you open the door?
What? You were incredibly confused. Not a second later you hear a knock at your door. You’re thinking maybe he had flowers delivered again, but it was almost 10pm so that wouldn’t make sense. You get up and walk to your door opening it hesitantly and slowly. Your door was cracked about halfway open before a familiar face pops into view.
“Hi!” Matt giggles excitedly.
“OH MY GOSH!” You scream, throwing the door all the way open and jumping into his arms. He wraps his arms around you tightly as you burry your face into his neck.
Matt’s POV:
I hug Y/N tight, smelling her sweet hair and loving the feeling of her wrapped up in my arms, something I had been dreaming about for months.
Chris and Nick were both focusing on individual personal projects, and since we pre-filmed some content I finally had the time to visit Y/N. As Thanksgiving is approaching, and she’ll have some days off from school, the timing couldn’t have been better. I previously had Chris send her some exclusive Fresh Love apparel, but she has no idea I saved her address from her shipping info. I booked a very expensive last minute flight out to see her, but even just hugging her now I know it was worth every dime.
I began to rock Y/N back in forth in my arms, not wanting to release the hug, but the cold autumn air was making me shake even through my hoodie and jacket.
“Can I come in? I’m chilly.” I say into her hair.
“Yes, yes come in!” She says pulling away from the hug and eagerly dragging me inside by my arm. I could feel my jaw tightening from smiling so much. She is absolutely adorable.
I glance around her apartment that I had seen a million times over on FaceTime, but never in person. She had a bookshelf with a framed photo of us on stage together at the show we met at, and it warmed my heart so much. I genuinely felt like the luckiest guy in the world being in the presence of such a beautiful girl that I could call mine.
I hasn’t even finished dropping my backpack off my shoulders all the way before Y/N engulfed me in another hug as she dug her face so deep into my chest I wasn’t sure how she was even able to breathe.
“I’ve missed you.” I hear her soft, muffled voice say into my chest.
“I’ve missed you more beautiful.” I say pulling back and planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. She pulls away and our eyes lock. Do I kiss her? Is now the best time? I’ve imagined it in my head, but now that it’s actually happening I am completely unsure of what to do. She takes a deep breath in and interjects,
“Umm. So what do you want to do first?” She asks kindly, and I laugh.
“That’s it? No questions about how I got here or how long I’m staying?” I question her.
“Oh forget that you can tell me later. I don’t want to waste a single second with you— after all we’ve planned to do so much together.” She says. Every text, every call, we talk about what we would love to do together. Nothing intimate, but just dates we’d love to go on, movies we want to show one another, stuff like that. Anytime I find a cute date spot in LA I write it down in my phone notes hoping that I can take her to all of those places someday.
“I don’t know it’s late now and I’m pretty tired. I was so excited on the plane ride over I didn’t sleep a wink.” I say, and she gives me a soft smille. “Can I—um. Can I cuddle you, Y/N?” I say shyly and her smile grows.
I follow her as she walks into her bedroom and swipes all her stuffed animals onto the floor to give us room. She looks at me, her cheeks blushing pink as she pats a spot on the bed for me. We both climb onto the bed next to one another, and I extend my arm out for her to lay her head on my chest. She moves her body closer to mine as her body clings to my side. She wraps one arm under me with the other resting on my stomach as her hand gently caresses my chest. Our legs entangle into one another and she drapes her thigh across mine. I play with her hair and look down as her eyes close softly, fully enveloped in my embrace, taking in the moment. I dip my head down so it’s resting on top of hers.
We stayed like this, silent, for a while.
It wasn’t an awkward silence, but it was quite peaceful. It was the type of silence where you’re just enjoying the moment savoring what life has to offer.
After a while I start to feel her slightly shifting. She moves to look up at me and we smile, locking eyes.
“I’m so comfy, and as much as I want to talk your ear off I’m actually really enjoying this.” She says softly.
“Me too. How about we go to sleep now, and we can get an early start to our day tomorrow, yeah?” I suggest and she nods her head.
She looks so unbelievably beautiful in this moment. Her eyes twinkle from the light of the lamp on her nightstand, her soft skin still slightly blushing, her pink lips parted ever so slightly. I want to kiss those lips so god damn bad.
My hand moves from her waist to the side of her face gently swiping my thumb across her cheek. This caused her eyes to flicker from mine down to my lips, and with that I pulled her in closer and placed my lips on hers. It was a quick kiss, but soft and gentle. She pulls me back in and our lips once again meet, this time for a deeper kiss, full of passion and want. We kept kissing like this, and I move my arms back to her waist to pull her up across my lap as she straddles me.
She pulls back from the kiss, and I wish I could capture what I see in front of me to keep this moment forever. She had one hand on my chest to balance herself, and the other was playing with the hair on the back of my head. Her eyes glanced down at me, looking into mine, and her reddened lips curled up in to the cutest smile. She was breathtaking, and I knew then that I was completely devoted to her.
“So… regret your decision to message me?” She asks teasingly making me let out a small laugh. I stare deep into her eyes as I respond.
“Not in the slightest.”
This is definitely not my best work and it’s super short so I apologize. 😣
Thank you to everyone who enjoyed part one! Sorry this is lowkey a let down I feel bad tbh.
Plz don’t h8 me I love you all
- Kay 🩶
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phoniexrose02 · 10 months
Robby Keene x Black! Reader
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You awoke with a Painful ache in your Back, This Week had Really Been Beating your Ass. Both of your Jobs Decided to Work you to the Nail, Unfortunately Missing your Boyfriend's Karate Tournament. Robby Understood of course, But you'd Felt like such an Ass and When you found out about the Outcome you'd Felt even More Responsible. Everything Just Seemed to Be working against you Right now.
"Next Off Day Robby I Swear..."
You Held your phone Close to your Ear an Huffed a Tired Breathe"You know I want too~" stared around the empty Breakroom, Robby Sat awake in New bed. He'd Felt a Bit Odd in his New Room an Decided to Spark the Room up a bit, a lit preroll in between his fingers. Getting high asf after all the recent shit he'd been threw was Great But as great as it way all he could think about right now was You.
"Mm~ you Owe me like 24hr Worth of Cuddles already Sweetheart" He Grumbled out staring up into his Ceiling."I might be able to Get the Weekend~" You smiled to yourself, it finally felt Forever since you'd seen Him and now that he Lived closer you could get to him a lot cheaper." We can Cuddle all we Want, Maybe ruin that New Bed of yours~" you Whispered, Robby Could Feel the Ideas coming to his Mind. His Dick Getting excited to the thought, you Groaned Looking Toward the Clock.
Back to it I guess....
"My 30 mins is almost up, I'll see you This weekend Baby"
As the Called Ended Robby Stared around his Room, Looked a bit Bland...Soo he Decides to make it Fun For both of you. He Spend a Good Chunk of his Weekly allowance to Deck out his Room, Posters, New Pillows, Candles, an a few pedals and Flowers. He let himself Browse around the mall for anything else that Would lighten your Mood, Robby smiled after a bit of Walking around Laying his Eyes on the Perfect Gift.
As Friday Came you routinely Called Him up after your shift as you Waited for your Lyft."Hope you weren't Working to Hard gorgeous" you smiled Bright as you usually did when he Answered your Call."Mm'Trying" you spoke quietly."I Called a Ride I should be Over in a bit"
"Cancel it."
"Wha- Why??"
He hung up Leaving You a Bit confused an Huffed before putting him on you speaker you Cancelled your Ride, Before you could fully register his request you were pulled away with a Loud honk." Need a Lift Gorgeous" your eyes Fell on the EagleFang Van."No Way he let you Drive it!" You yelled happily prancing to the Passengers Seat, as you were about to hop in You Noting the Beautiful flower bouquets."Oh Robby, how Gentleman Like~" you Hop in Setting your Bag onto the Ground an the Flowers in your lap.
"Only the Best for my Girl~" You Both Lean in for a Longing Kiss, He let his ringed Fingers Gently Rest on your Face, the Cool Metal Meeting your Warm Cheeks." I Missed you~" he Quietly Hummed out as he pulled away from you." I missed you Too, I'm so Sorry I couldn't get to you Sooner"
"Don't worry bout it baby, We'll make it all Up tonight~"
You Placed your Hand on his Thigh Most of the Drive, it Seemed like so much to talk about But Silence Quickly Over took."Soo, how are things? Living with your Dad I Mean.." he Huffed as if to think very Carefully about the Subject."Better. I'm actually gonna be a Big Brother" You Eyes instantly Widened in Shock."Holy Fuck I didn't think he had it in him! So how do you Feel? Have you Met her yet?" He Nodded letting out a Relieved Sigh." She's cool, I'm kinda Proud of him, it's still a little weird tho. But we're working through it.." he finally Said with a Confident Smile, You let your hand rest on his shoulder an Gently Grazed at his Neck.
The small gesture Brought him Comfort, as he Pulled into the Driveway and Parked the Car He finally Looked over to you, Your Curvy Body Shoved into the Uncomfortable Work uniform."Is He Home?" You asked Softly Taking in your Surroundings, an Robby Examined your Beautiful Lips as you Speak." nah, He promised to go stay with her tonight." You smiled and He Gave a Bright one back, you Both Grabbed your things before Heading Inside.
"I love you, you know that?" he Blurted out Randomly in the Hallway as he Stopped at his Door, a Smirk stretched against your chubby Cheeks."I know Robby~" you planted a kiss to his Cheek, an you two Proceeded to open his door.
Smoke n' Fuck?~
You giggled at as the Read the petals aligned on his Bed. You examined his Room an Smiled, you loved just Being in his Safe Space it Brought you comfort." It's amazing Baby, and of Course I'll Smoke N' Fuck with you~" You pull off your uncomfony work shoes and place them next to the door with your Bag."You want some of my clothes?" You placed the Flowers at his Desk an began to Strip from your Tight Clothes as Time Robby started to Rummage through his Draws.
"Sure. You got Sum Rolled for me?~" you Wrapped your arms around his Waist letting your tits Press Heavily onto his Back." Of Course, I also got another Present for ya".
He Dug into the Bottom of his Draws handed the you a gifted wrapped bag,You Gush as you pulled out a Box Reading 'Magic Wand' with a Smirk."You didn't~" it'd felt like forever since you two had Been intimate, you Pulled the Toy From the Box Before turning it on. The strong vibrations in your fingers Send a Tinkle Down your Spine. You play with the Settings of the Toy Smirking at the highest. "Wanna Test it Out?~"
You Nodded an he helped you Undress the rest of you clothing, you Plopped down onto the bed some petals Falling to the Floor in Result. You watched from his Bed as a Pulled off his Top an Slipped a Prerolled into his Mouth, you bite your lip as Taking in his Beautiful physique."I know we said 'Fuck Cobra Kai' , But Damn Did they get you Ripped~" he quickly discarding of his pants with a Chuckled. Only left in his Boxers he Crawled in between your legs Spreading them to his Liking, your glistening Cunt in perfect view. You hand him the Wand and he Switches it out for the J.
"Fuck Cobra Kai, this was all Me Baby~" he turned it onto its first setting as you took a long Drag. He let out a quiet groan at the strong vibrations, something about it making him Dick Twitch."You ready Beautiful?~" You Nodded Resting On your Elbows, Robby Made sure to place the ashtray onto his Bed as soon as he Lit it so you two would have no Reason to Split apart again.
He placed the Toy Against your gush Cunt, the Strong Vibration Made Jerk. He Held your Side with one hand keeping you steady."Easy Baby, Relax~" Robby slowly moved the Soft Bud Up to your Clit, an you Took another Huff with a Quiet Hum. You Wiggled your hips against the Vibrating toy." Your Leaking all over this thing baby, I take it you like?~" you Nodded in approval taking another hit before Gently Shoving the Toy away.
"It's a really stimulating, But you Promised me a Good Fuck~" you Two Switched out once again and you turned on the wand settings up. "You sure you can Handle that? Seem a Little jumpy with this thing alone." Robby asked as he Hit the Joint as you played with yourself in Bliss."Jumpy's Good, an you usually have the strength to keep me Down~" your Toes Curled as you Found your Sweet Spots with the Toy."Hey! Your Not Cumming without me~"
Robby Placed the Roach onto the Ashtray before Pulling his Hard Dick From his Boxers. He Ran his Hard Cock threw your Leaking Folds He Let out a Gentle Grunt as he Made Contact with the Toy, you Gently place your hands against his Guiding the Toy to your Sweet Spots."Fuck~ your Gushing~" He Held your hips n Place before Shoving his Tip in your Hole, he Sunk inside Your soaking Cunt.
Robby's hips Shook as his Pelvis met with the Buzzing Plaything, He Hummed as his Hips Quickly Jerked into you. His Rough Thrust Making Dawning you Speechless, you Fell Back into the Pillows as Robby Fucked you into the Mattress.
Fuck New Favorite~
"More! More!~" you Chanted To him as you Reached For his Abs, he Growled an Tensed Ramming down Deep, Your hips Jump as Robby placed the Toy onto its highest Setting He let out a Deep Moan Feeling the Vibration himself,Your Walls Clung on tight forcing him to Speed up his Thrust.
" Oh God! Oh God! I'm Cumming Robby! I'm Cumming!~" You Gripped at the Sheets and your Toes Curl, he pulled the Wand from your Cunt as you Spilled you Juices onto him, Robby Pulled himself out and with a Few Strokes he Cums over your stomach and Clit."Fuck, I think this might be my New Favorite~" He Pulled himself from the Bed and put away the Wand. "We'll play with her More Later" You were left pretty Boneless as he Cleaned you up, your high brain Going Bland for a sec.
"Fuck...I got Munchies now" You shameful Whispered an he Giggled Fixing the Sweat Strands of Hair and pulling on a Pair of Sweatpants." Let me take you out..?"
"No Way, You still owe me my Cuddles" he Slide back into Bed Pulling you Close to his Chest, he was Warm against your back and his hands Gripped your Naked Waist Tight."How about DoorDash an a movie?" He Grunted at the thought of spending anything on him at all." If we Smoke before It'll Taste Better..."
"Fine, But I refuse to let you leave my Bed Pretty Girl~"
More Cobra Kai 🐍
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bills-wife-1 · 4 months
heyyy can you write some smut where it's like enemies to lovers and you were smoking outside at night and then bill appears out of nowhere and started making fun of you for smoking then you bring up his smoking habits and it wasn't so fun anymore and you started arguing but eventually end up making out and more
Warnings: unprotected sex
Swearing, semi public (in a car)
A/n- Sorry if this like low key sucks I haven’t wrote in a long time and yea😭😭 (hope I did at least partly what you wanted)
Fuck you
It was about 11 pm, and I was currently standing outside of a huge house party that my best friend had somehow convinced me to go to, I’d much rather be home in my room, I felt insecure and just stressed out. I hate parties, but I’m doing it for her. I lit my cigarette and took a drag looking up at the sky, my friend had ditched me again for the fifth time already so I might as well just stay out here. I was lost in my thoughts until, I heard a voice. A voice I definitely didn’t want to hear right now. Bill. Kaulitz.
“Ooo someone’s not having a goodnight, why aren’t you inside loser? Too busy making your lungs black?”
He taunted.
“Can’t you fuck off? And what are you even talking about I know you smoke too, everyday after school coming to the gas station to get a new pack! At least I’m not addicted, I do it for stress relief!”
His face dropped.
“What the fuck, how did you even- you’re a liar!”
He started,
“I think you’re just mad that I know about your little secret..”
Bill grabs my arm looking at me with his angry brown eyes, his beautiful angry brown eyes. What am I thinking? I hate him. Right?
All of a sudden I was cut out of my thoughts by a pair of lips smashing onto mine, I was shocked but I eventually melted into it.
“Let’s go to my car, yea?”
He asks his voice soft and breathy.
We headed to his car and hopped into the back her layed on the seat and motioned for me to sit on his lap, we continued to make out, as I felt his tongue sneak into my mouth. I let out a small whimper.
I felt his arm sneak to my back and pull up my shirt, lifting it off of me. I was left in my skirt and my Lacey white bra. He looked at me with slanted eyes.
“You’re so gorgeous…”
He said breathing heavily.
I leaned down to kiss his neck, and I felt his arms sneak around behind me to unclip my bra,as I felt my bra slip off, my nipples hardening I started to feel a bit shy, trying to cover up but bill halted my movements,
“S’okay baby.. you look s’good..”
I looked him in the eyes as he leaned forward leaving harsh kisses on my breasts.
After a minute he lifts up his hips slipping his boxers and pants off at the same time.
Holy fuck.
He was huge. That was not gonna fit inside me.
“You okay hun?”
He asked with a soft tone.
“B-bill I don’t think.. I- that’s not gonna fit-“
I stuttered out
“It will baby.. don’t worry..”
“You’ll just have to get used to it.”
He replied.
“Uh- okay..”
After I replied I felt him ride up my skirt above my hips, and pull my panties to the side. He grabbed his length putting it right at my entrance.
“It might sting just a bit baby, but you’ll get used to it.”
Before I could reply I felt him push me down onto his length,
I immediately felt the stretch, I squeezed my eyes shut, catching my breath.
“You’re okay honey..”
he brushed my hair out of my face. We sat there for a second and then he asked,
“Can we move now?”
I slowly nodded and he helped me go up and down, it hurt but felt so good at the same time,
“Ooo shit… good girl..” he cooed
Was all I could muster out.
“Fuck!” I squeaked quietly.
We started to go at a faster pace, I couldn’t control any nosies I was making at this point, they were just spilling out of my mouth,
“You’re doing so good honey, keep going, I’m almost there…”
“Ah! Fuck..” I moaned out
“Bill I’m gonna.. cum..”
I squeaked.
“Me too princess, do it with me..”
He said, out of breath
“Fuck fuck!” I moaned feeling the coil in my stomach snap, cumming
as I felt bill thrust into me a couple more times before releasing into me, luckily I was on birth control. We both lied there catching our breath before he spoke.
“You did s’good baby.. we should do it again sometime… would you want my number?”
He asked with a slight smirk.
“Sure!” I respond, and he gets a peice of paper writing it down as I got dressed, I picked up my phone and saw, 20 missed calls. From my best friend I completely forgot we were at a party.
“Shit! She’s probably lost somewhere..”
bill looks at you confused giving you the paper.
“Sorry, I completely forgot I was here with my friend, I gotta go! I’ll see you around and I’ll text you!!”
I said rushing out of the car
Bill replied, he couldn’t ever remember why he hated her in the first place now.
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cannibalsrider · 5 months
episode one: out of touch
masterlist next!
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With a click of the power button, I slid my phone into my purse and pulled out the spare key Kenma had given me for his house, noting that the ramen probably had just arrived. Grabbing it, I made my way inside, checking the small clock on the wall by his door and seeing it had just hit 3:05 PM, knowing his stream had probably started already. As I slipped off my shoes, the soft patter of my feet against the hardwood echoed through his long hallways. Seriously, who needs such a big house when it's just one person living here?
I could hear soft chatter from where I was in his hallway, and it wouldn't have surprised me if he had his headphones on already. Quietly making my way to the door of his streaming room, I slid it open as quietly as I could, making eye contact with his stream. I realized he had recently changed his streaming room setup, his back facing me as I slid across the hardwood, setting the plastic bag down onto a nearby table. Putting a finger to my lips in an attempt to keep the chat quiet, I tapped his shoulders with both hands, watching him jump ever so slightly at the feeling.
"Holy shit," he mumbled after he took one side of his headphones off. "Did you grab the ramen?" he asked as I sat down in the chair he had pulled up beside him for me to use. I nodded. "I set it down by the table over there," I answered, pointing back at the table where I had put the bag. Speaking into the mic, I addressed the chat, "I'm torturing you guys with a mukbang today, then Luigi's Mansion," I told them, seeing comments flood in from new viewers and his following alike.
"Never mention that shirt I wore last time. Whoever just asked where it was, I had to burn it," I said sarcastically. "Besides, Yachi let me steal this from her closet, so it's automatically better, guys," I added as Kenma finally sat back down with me.
fun facts !
I originally was gonna have Mochi be a small dog but instead a cat no one really likes Mochi because she bites people she meets but Yachi,alisa, and y/n love her
akaashi,bo,kuroo and Kenma hate her bf with a burning passion just for the fact he's a fucking dick and had tried to get her to cut off all five of them with just a simple he didn't like them but
not actually a Terushima hater he has a bit of a redemption arc at some point if I feel like it guys
the first original idea for Kenma and y/n was a dynamic like Denki and Jirou but instead y/n as Denki and kenma as Jirou cus he's calmer lowk or mao mao and Jinshi from apothecary diaries
terushima and y/n have been basically done with each other for months but you'll kinda see that next few chapters
tags: @wyrcan @metta-crybaby @kettlepop
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uwukillmenowowo · 3 months
Hi hi hi! If its not too much trouble could i request yan!Samon gokuu x nurse!Reader? Istg i love this man sm (also hope youre having an amazing day!! Your writing is just scrumptious omg)
I saw hi hi hi and thought "RIN RIN HI HI!" ALSO YES! YAN!SAMON IS JUST-
And I hope you have a good day too!
(っ > ᴗ < )っ🎔
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(Yandere Samon Gokuu X Therapist! Female! Reader!
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You're as tall as the Warden
You're really close with building 4 so you're always helping Kenshiro since his inmates only listen to you.
I mean- You're the kind of doctor to reward everyone after a checkup.
I mean a shit ton of candies.
Sometimes a hug- That's why you're pretty popular
But that causes a ton of problems.
After all, this prison is for the worst of the worst
And Samon doesn't like that
Reader is- a little bit of a pervert. Then again- we all are [And you can't fucking lie because I know- It takes one to know one :P]
Okay- Okay- Listen- I'm not that experienced in the medical field- I only a few certificates that pertain to lifeguarding so I'm not sure if I will get some info correct.
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The doctor is out for business with the warden so it's up to you to help the inmates! And the guards. [I feel like I forgot something but I don't know what it is...]
{Second POV}
You hummed to yourself as you got all your equipment ready. Dr. Otori is out of buissness so it was all up to you to take care of the patients. Thankfully you had all the regulars medication memorized. You gave it to them one by one until you got a call. "Hello? Medical Bay." You answered. "This is Enki Gokuu from building 5. Requesting an appointment for a guard." You answered that you have time at 6:30 pm and you asked for a name. "The appointment is for my brother, Samon Gokuu"
{Your POV}
After a few more hours of helping inmates (and sometimes guards) with their medical problems, the door opened revealing a small guard with the building 5 armband. He his custom hat had a cute design and his tail belt suited him. "Are you Samon Gokuu?" I asked as I grabbed my clipboard. The man just stared at me before blinking twice and nodded. "T-That's correct." I hummed and motioned to a seat. "Take a seat." He nodded before walking and sitting down. I sat down across from him and sighed.
"Okay. May I ask for the reason for your appointment today?" The guard continued to stare at me so I sweatdropped. "S-Sir?" ".....Oh! A-Apologies- Could you r-repeat the question." I chuckled and repeated it. He told me that there was just a problem with some inmates so he intervened and ended up getting scratched up. He urged his brother that he didn't need help but his brother made him go anyways.
I hummed and wrote it down on the clipboard's paper. "Okay. May I take a look?" He guard flinch before he averted his gaze and opened up his shirt. I blushed. 'He's absolutely jacked!' He then showed up a big scratched up area. There was a little bit of blood flowing so I took note of it and placed the board down. "Okay Gokuu-San, I'll just disinfect that for you and then patch it up." I just heard a low hum and I grabbed the necessary medical gear before walking back to him.
I put of some gloves before I tilted the bottle onto a cotton ball before I out it down and started to disinfect the scratches. The guard continued to stare at me and I bit my lip. 'He's so small... It's so cute.' I then placed the slightly bloody cotton balls into a bag before I grabbed the big bandages. "Okay, could you move your shirt a bit more?"
The guard agreed before moving his shirt more. I blushed and bit my lip harder. 'Holy crap his physique of so fine!' I awed internally thought. After all, most of the guards were the same height with the same body type. Sure there were a few that were different but not only is the guard in front of me was smaller than the other, but he was bigger than the others. Is that a little perverted of me? Maybe- But can you blame me if you're surrounded by hot guys and being paid to do it?
"Okay, there! All done!" I smiled and took off my gloves, throwing away all the cotton balls and the gloves and other garbage that I used. "Thank you." He responded before getting up. He was about to leave but I stopped him. "Oh! Before you go-" He turned around and tilted his head. "Y-yeah?" He responded hesitantly. I then motioned to a bucket of Lollipops. "Would you like one?"
He smiled before taking the green apple flavor. "Thanks!" He said before running off. I just waved at the empty door. "How cute" I awed before getting back to my work.
{Second POV}
Samon took deep breaths as he held the Lollipop in his hand. He gazed across the walls before getting on the monorail and riding back to his building. The other guards welcomed him back but Samon didn't say anything to them. He then found his brother walking around. "Brother." Samon grabbed the older males attention. The taller male gave a hum and Samon took in a deep breath before smiling brightly. "Thank you for sending me to the medical bay."
The taller man gave a confused look. "Did you get hit in the head without me knowing?" Samon just chuckled before placing a hand on his chest. 'I'm completely fine! I'm better then fine!" Enki gave a raised brow. He has never seen his brother like this. "Brother. I- I think- No- I know it! I've found the one I want to spend the rest of my life with!" Enki was shocked.
As much as he was angered since he wanted his brother to focus on his job- He has never seen such a look of passion on his brothers face. "*Sigh* Do what you want." Enki responded, walking past his brother. Not knowing of the power he just gave to the smaller monkey.
46 inmates from building 5.
All in one week.
All the inmates that were hurt were escorted by Samon. A shame you don't know that they were hurt BY Samon.
"Again?" You asked in worry as another batch of inmates walked in. "Sorry- All our inmates have been... so rowdy lately." Samon chuckled, giving you a small smile. You just laughed, finding that smile of his adorable. "Alright, sit them down and I'll get the treatment. While you left, Samon glared at the inmates.
This particular batch were a group of s#xual assaulters and r#pists. But that wasn't their biggest crime. One of them in particular visited the medical bay around three month ago and smack your ass on his way out. Another kept showering you in perverse compliments.
Since they were cell by cell, the inmates would share nasty things about you. Samon was lucky to overhear them because now they get a taste of what to not do anymore. The only good thing that came out of this was that Samon got to see you again!
"You know what to say...right?" Samon glared harshly at the inmates and they all nodded.
All the inmates in building 5 know about Samon's new obsession. And that was his obsession about you. And it started with an inmate who talked about wanting to do... bad stuff with you. That inmate was unfortunate. He ended up dead. Enki was pissed but Samon recalled what Enki said before, "Do what you want." Enki had to eat his words and since he didn't want his brother fired, he covered it up.
Enki has been covering up all of Samon's crimes as of late. Hell- Ruka and Inori helped too since they wanted to help Enki. Ruka was in complete shock about what he knew, Inori was too. They didn't expect any of this from Samon at all. After all, out of the four of them, Samon was the one who was the most respected by other guards.
Back to the present, the inmates nodded in fear. "Yes sir!" They whisper-yelled as you came back with the necessary equipment. "Okay- Let's see here." You did your job and Samon stared at every little thing you did. You looked so beautiful as you did you job. It was like watching a charity worker giving out food to the poor. But in this case. Samon saw an angel picking up trash.
'Even with gloves- An angel helping trash is unacceptable' Samon thought as he glared at the inmates. You were practically holding their face to check for any more injuries so Samon was jealous.
At that, the inmates knew they were in trouble. Samon's obsession was starting to get... Unhealthy... Even for them, this was too much.
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luvlyella · 2 years
Better than Fussy
(Revivebur x reader)
I made this for my friend Kei per his request 🫶
He backed me into a corner.
His dark intimidating eyes trapping me in their gaze. How did I get myself into this?
“Why did you come here?” He asked me again. Moving closer ever so slowly. Panic started to set in as I inched closer to the wall, pushing every bit of my body against the wall.
“I-“ my mind want blank. I couldn’t bring myself to talk no matter how hard I tried. His dark eyes Analyzing my every move.
I think I know what will make you talk..” he smirked, moving closer to me, filling the gap between us.
“Wha-“ I started to speak until he put his knee in between my groin. I let out a small gasp, covering my mouth in shock.
“Aw come on,” he lifts my chin up with his finger, “don’t cover that pretty little mouth, let me hear it.”
Holy shit. I felt my knees weaken at the sound of his deep sultry voice. As he said, I uncovered my mouth.
“Very good, love,” he leaned down to whisper close to my ear. He rubbed his knee against my groin again which sent a shock of pleasure corse through my body.
At this point, I didn’t care what sounds left my mouth, all I was focusing on was the amount of please I felt from such a simple act.
I felt my head lift up and felt the pressure of his lips on mine. For us being in such an Intimate position, this kiss was passionate, loving in a way.
The kiss lasted for what felt like hours until he finally pulled back and pulling his knee away from my heat.
“Aw, were you expecting more love?” He smirked mockingly. I honestly was expecting a lot more but I wasn’t going to admit that. I just looked back up at the man, his menacing aura radiating off him.
“N-No..I wasn’t expecting anything at all,” I replied. I look up at him to find him smirking again.
“Really? I didn’t pin you for such a liar,” he caressed my cheek softly, my face heating up at the small act.
“Come on, I know what you really want, just follow me and I’ll make what you wish come true,” he stuck his hand out, inviting me to take it. Who was I to not except this amazingly attractive man right in front of me.
His large warm hands roamed my body as he thrusted into me at an alarming pace.
Exploring every region of my body, leaving hickeys and bites along every path of his exploration. My back pressed against the firm mattress underneath me.
“God, you feel so good,” Wilbur groaned against my ear. His deep sensual voice bringing me closer and closer to my release. “Faster..” I moaned against his ear, wrapping my arms around his neck to bring him closer to me. As I said, she started moving his hips faster and thrusting harder against me.
He wrapped his arms around my body for support, burying his head into the crook of my neck.
My mind started to blank with how intense the pleasure felt. My nails digging into Wilbur’s back subconsciously, trying to cling to something for support.
“I’m close!” I cry.
“I know darling, let it all out for me,” He said in his dark and erotic voice.
“God, you don’t understand how this makes me feel, you make me crazy.” That was all I needed. With a few more thrusts I released all over his cock. Him coming soon after, releasing all his pent up stress all over my stomach. We stood still for a moment, desperately catching our breaths. We took in both our our disheveled looks, our hair out of place and damp from our sweat.
“God, I’ve never felt that good since I fucked a fish.”
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fandomwe1rd0 · 5 months
Wrote a fanfic based off of a headcanon I have that Rick can't say no to Morty when Morty calls him "Grandpa"
Rick was taking Morty to an alien grocery store, not sure why he needed to drag Morty out of school for something so small, but Morty basically gave up on trying to understand Rick, he probably just needed his human camouflage, someone, to do the shit Rick didn't want to do. Morty scoffed and rolled his eyes. Of course, that's all he was to Rick. Just someone to be his butler, his slave, his human shield, his human cloaking device. How could he forget? Rick was such an amazing grandpa. Morty thought sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
Then he caught sight of something, and he ran towards it, awkwardly squeezing past slimy aliens while saying "Excuse me!" He heard Rick saying "Morty! Stay cl-*burp*-ose by me, you little shit!" Morty ignored Rick and kept running when he finally got to see it clearly then he gasped "Holy crap! A new space hyper-realistic gaming console!" Rick went over to Morty and rolled his eyes "We're in space, you can just say gaming console." Morty ran up to it eagerly checking the pricetag, fuck yes! It was the newest version! Morty was wondering when this would come out! He's been waiting so long! But it was really expensive...
Morty bit his lip then quickly glanced over to Rick and put on his best, most innocent-sounding voice "Rickkk uhm..." He fidgeted and gulped, rubbing the back of his neck "Say you wouldn't mind...buying that for me, would you?" Morty asked, pointing over to the gaming console." Rick let out a sigh "How mu-*burp*-ch is it?" Morty mumbled the price "3....ahem...3000 glorpglams..." Rick said "What? Spit it o-*burp*-ut kid, Rick got your tongue?" Morty said it a litte louder now "3000 glorpglams..." Rick blinked "Seriousl-*burp*-y Morty? That's stupi-*burp*-dly expensive. Do you think Grandpa is made of money? You already have o-*burp*-ne of these." Morty whined "B-b-but this is the newest version! It comes with all kinds of new games! A-and they added better graphics, smoother gameplay, and everything! C'mon Rick please?" Rick shook his head "Nope. Morty if I b-*burp*-uy that for your dumb little ass, I'll have to remove some thi-*burp*-ngs from my shopping list. Do you know how much that's going to impede my work?" Morty kept whining "Pleaseeee?" Rick sighed "Morty. I said n-*burp*-o. End of discussion."
Morty sighed, he was thinking for a minute, then had a quick smirk as he got an idea. He lightly tugged on Rick's labcoat, looked up at him with the biggest puppy eyes he could muster and put on his cutest voice, put on his best pout then begged "Please, Grandpa?" He saw Rick visibly twitch at the familial term, his posture suddenly straightening, his eyes widen and his grip on the cart tightening. Rick quickly took a glance at Morty, big mistake, he saw Morty's pout and puppy eyes. Morty then clasped his hands together in a classic begging gesture. Rick let out a long sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. Mumbling something insulting himself for being weak and calling Morty something along the lines of "Manipulative little shit." then he gestured over, and Morty blinked "Wh-" Then Rick interrupted "Just put it in the c-*burp*-art. Hurry up before I change my mind." Morty held back a smirk, got him! He let out a small "Yes!" and then ran over to the gaming console and put it in the cart. "Thanks, Rick!" Rick rolled his eyes "Yeah, what-*burp*-ever."
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