kariighost · 1 year
Levi absolutely loves to gag you.
He loves seeing you on your knees before him, completely submissive and staring up at him with doe eyes while your mouth is completely full of his cock. He watches you suck him, letting you get a good rhythm going before be grabs the back of your head and shoves you down and just holds you there, your nose touching his skin as he relishes in the sounds of you choking and sputtering. He will wait until your nails start digging into him before he releases you, hearing ur gasps and coughs, looking up at him with watery eyes.
He gives you just a second to recover before he pushes you back towards his cock again, fucking your mouth roughly before he gags you again and again before he can’t take it anymore and spills down your throat.
And you love it. You sit there and drink it all, not wasting a single drop, just like he taught you.
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heliocentricsunflower · 10 months
levihan chilling in hange's office; hange gets up, flops on top of levi, and hugs him; he hugs them back, also patting their head
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finnleyandsillys · 7 months
The official discussion
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I want this so bad. I think I have a problem guys
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ehatnow · 5 months
Anyone wanna make our TBD OCs hangout or smth *i trip on a stop sign fall and my face and stay there*
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radiowallet · 1 year
(Psst don’t mind me I’m not really here but umm)
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Ma’am, I’m afraid I have to take you in for teasing of the highest order—please don’t mind me going absolutely insane over this idea
Okay listen listen listen.....
I could go into the lore of Webslinger. Pages and pages of notes I have on this silly off-shoot character that showed up in a few issues and then some more in a cartoon (where he is a DELIGHT!). Wait...hold on....
So, Webslinger is a bit of a coward. Well, actually, a huge coward. As yellow as they come. He runs from danger. It's only after losing his Uncle Ben that he decides to take up the mantle of sheriff.
But I imagine he's lonely. Even after embracing being a hero. The wild west isn't exactly known for superpowers. Even though he's a good guy, imagine how many townspeople are still afraid of him. How hard he would have to work to gain their trust. And of course, there are those that remember the days when he would run as far and as fast as he could, only concerned with himself.
But you see the good in him. You always have. Your life is quiet. A school teacher that cares for the children, content to teach them all day before watching them run home. Retiring to a small farmhouse where you keep to yourself. You've never needed anyone, but it doesn't stop your own bouts of loneliness.
And when a mysterious man in a red kerchief rides by the school house every day, everything but his deep brown eyes hidden from view, you feel that same loneliness calling to you.
And maybe one day you find the courage to call out to him. Invite him to your little farmhouse for a drink. Nothing more. Just another soul to talk to after the bad guys are locked away and the kids are done with school.
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pastafan20000 · 3 months
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Too relatable 😔😔💔💔🙏🏽
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awkwardgtace · 4 months
I just read your reply to my last ask, and man... that's really heart wrenching, more so for the humans of the family then the giants. I do hope, in this what if scenario, that the giant siblings recognize what's going on with their younger siblings and try to help. They could even have a bonding moment with their mother, getting her used to humans again. Cuz let me tell ya, the twins not only losing the one constant in their lives, but her being too afraid to even be close, is heart breaking.
ok so I've been sitting on this cause i was thinking i might just write it. It's gonna take months cause of just things i'm doing sooo answers here we go!
So in the scenario. Rhys would notice Ryder first, that he starts acting weird. The two are really close even though Ryder spends a lot of time with Felix. Rhys has always been a bit more honest to Ryder, even if he doesn't realize it. Subconsciously Ryder reciprocates, his own anxieties would be all too obvious. Of course Rhys would notice something Ryder would miss himself. Ryder would be a bit scared about being the only human again. He'd like having a mom that he could hug. Having siblings that couldn't kill him by accident. Rhys would do all he could to remind Ryder that he'd never let it come close to happening again.
Felix would be almost instantly worried about the twins. He'd know the feeling of suddenly losing her when she's still there. He never thought she was dead after all. It would take a while for the two to open up to him though. It would be Luna who breaks first. Especially when Felix offers to let them stay with him pretty much constantly. Both of them would spend a lot of time hiding in Felix's pockets. He'd pretty much be their new constant. Even try to help by setting up spots in his own room for them. Even take them outside when he doesn't have to risk acting like the others.
Alessia would notice Dabria's fear first. See all her own habits reflected in her mother. She'd tell her how wrong it was to pull away. Alessia would spend a lot of time trying to help calm the fear, but it's not something she's even totally over. It would be hard. Alessia convince Ash and Delphia to help Dabria adjust. The two are outspoken and would have met Dabria a few times by then. It would help.
Dabria wouldn't know how to help the twins. She'd see the problem, spend a lot of time just physically close even if she's not holding or interacting with them. More than one night where she would sit at the little house in the mansion, open the walls and watch them sleep. She'd just be too scared to know how to do it, even hope they'd find a way to turn her back. Giant would be too big for her now. She'd also worry about the what ifs. Be bogged down by them. She'd hate herself for being too weak to truly face her own children.
Now Vitus... he's a special case. He'd notice all of it right away. Spend time with Ryder, the twins, Dabria. His words and actions just wouldn't be enough.
Ryder would trust him. Vitus know his insecurity doesn't go away. He'd promise Ryder was safe and have a place until his voice was gone, but that wouldn't fix it. It's partly because Vitus insists it's up to Ryder that it's so bad. If Dabria asked him to go to a human city with the twins, or the twins asked, he wouldn't be able to say no.
Vitus would talk to the twins. Bring them to see Dabria. Keep them involved in day to day. Never letting them be forgotten, but he's not their mom. In the end they know he cares and loves them, but that's what's worse. He'd try to keep discussions where they couldn't overhear, but both are resourceful. They'd hear how scared Dabria is. The discussions about their safety. Misunderstand just like Ryder. Think it's possible their parents would send them away under the guise safety. Then the only person they'd truly known their whole lives would be gone. It also wouldn't help that he'd be the one to explain other changes that would have to happen. They wouldn't be able to be close any time they slept anymore. It would be too dangerous for them, just in case they grew too.
With Dabria it's a totally different situation. She'd be a bit resentful at how easy he holds the twins. Talks to them. Anything. At the same time she'd adore that they were the same size again. That her memories made sense. It also wouldn't help that Vitus couldn't fix all her worries. Now that she changed back the kids were brought into question again. If they'll suddenly be giant, if they'll always be human, if their health is at risk, hundreds of questions with no answer. Vitus also worrying about all these things and failing to give an answer would lead to arguments. Arguments just like when they couldn't decide what to do with Ryder, if letting him stay was selfish of them. How to ask what the twins wanted, how to offer when their own size could be unstable.
All together Vitus doing his reassurances and promises would set a ground for the other. Rhys's constant attention and comments that he'd argue for Ryder and the twins to stay would help. Helping Ryder understand his emotions would lead to better discussions with Vitus, more open and honest ones. Ones that bring Dabria in, let her connect with Ryder in ways that would have happened if she had never been kidnapped. The twins would slowly adjust, especially with Felix giving a solution where he holds them in his hand or on his chest to sleep. He'd feel it if they started to grow. They'd ask Vitus and Dabria to hold them like that, slowly adjust and return to their usual selves. Especially as Dabria improves. Dabria seeing Vitus with the twins, seeing all her kids with them, would give her some courage. Ryder's own brazen attitude, especially once he's encouraged by Alessia would help. She'd adjust, hold them eventually. She wouldn't really be willing to put them down once she was confident she wouldn't make a mistake.
In this what if idk if she'd stay giant or have a kind of size shifting ability she may not be able to control. I can't promise what would happen with the kids either since I've had a few ideas I haven't fully settled on yet. This what if scenario is one I will write eventually though!
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nia1sworld · 9 months
I made AI chats!
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beta character ai
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xxwhiskeyxx · 2 years
The Ghouls Steal a Continental Breakfast
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This one came up when I was talking to Chaos about a video of a lady who was staying at all the hotels on the Vegas strip (Safiya Nygard if your wondering) and I brought up the idea that you could absolutely sneak into a hotel and eat at their breakfast buffet thing if your confident and brave enough, just act like you belong there. Then they brought up the idea of the ghouls stealing the continental breakfast of a hotel they're staying at with Papa, like maybe it's their first time at a hotel with this, and then this came to life. Enjoy!
- Love Whiskey
Copia managed to book them a decent little Hampton hotel that has a continental breakfast; he tells the ghouls they can come down if they are glamored and if they will be ready to leave in time, to which they excitedly agree and rush off to their rooms to do Satan knows what. The next morning, Copia comes down after a surprisingly peaceful night's rest to check out and hopefully get some breakfast since he got down long before any ghouls, besides Aether or Mountain, even wake up. He enjoys a nice breakfast of a waffle, some yogurt, eggs, and sausage before going back up to his room to finish gathering his things and returning back downstairs to check out. It hadn’t been more than 20 minutes since he had been down, but now there was loud crashing and clambering coming from the breakfast area. The desk clerk looks concerned as he checks out, they make small talk about thinking that it's some pesky kids, but as soon as he finishes the check-out process, the lady gasps. He turns to see Dew and Sunny booking it while holding the hot pans filled with eggs and sausage, followed by Rain, who has a giant stack of waffles on a plate, then Mountain and Aether fly by with the mini fridge and fruit stand. Swiss had the cereal dispenser, and Cirrus and Cumulus took the pastry, bagel, and toast box. He gapes at them before smiling nervously at the lady, “I’m sorry about that-” before quickly tossing $200 bucks on the counter and taking off after the ghouls, dragging his bags behind him. Thankfully Jesus happened to have the bus already running due to the weather being cold as Copia hops on after Cirrus, “Ghouls, what the fuck!” he yells once he catches his breath. They are happily chowing down on their stolen breakfast. The girls had managed to apparently also snag the toaster, too, “You said we could have it?” Swiss tries to play dumb, puppy eyes turned to the maximum, to which Copia rolls his eyes at. “1. I said you got EAT it, not take everything dumbasses! And 2. I hope you have your stuff cause I’m pretty sure they won’t allow you guys back in!” he says, rubbing his temples against the growing headache, “We brought all our stuff to the bus earlier, quick exits.” Dew says, mouth filled with food. Aether flicks his head, “Sorry, boss, we won’t do it again.” he says though he doesn’t look sorry at all. Copia groans and takes some of the stolen food might as well eat it so it doesn’t go to waste.
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mamabear32 · 2 years
You know that thing little ones do where like you kiss the tip of their nose or their cheek or their paci and they go all blushy and giggly?? Yeah thats good stuff 1000/10
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
what if i wrote a spam x reader huh? which version should it be huh? should it be one big story or a collection of oneshots. Please I don’t know what to do but i want to try.
the fucking ILOVEU Virus Spamton, doll reader and miniton co-parenting ideas have been stuck in my brain
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thome-gemcity · 2 years
if i made a game based off live with yourself would you guys play it
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mr-cactis · 2 years
fuck *creating an oc that explains brazilian holidays*
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superbattrash · 2 years
It’s Wednesday
Posting starts Sunday
I have one (1) finished fic out of the seven planned
I am. so fucked
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skeletondanceparty · 1 year
Send me a 🎵 and I'll give ya a song
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lauryn-order · 1 year
North West Louisiana, 8:41, and I'm thinking about snuggling with my plushies while playing video games.
That sounds like a wonderful idea!!!
Tell me your location, the time, and what’s on your mind.
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