rainbowangel110 · 1 year
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Baby girl
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anodymalion · 4 months
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ok I am in fact using this as an excuse to make a long post about this thank you thank you asjksdjfaljdf
Interpreting Yuri as asexual is my very very favorite type of headcanon, which is one that 1. is compellingly coded in the source material (even if that wasn't the creator's intent), 2. is thematically relevant to what the piece of media is Trying To Do as a whole, and 3. just means a lot to me, personally, because I said so.
Coded in the source material
Yuri’s short program is “eros”, aka desire (you can interpret what “eros” means in various ways, but YOI itself explicitly refers to sexual love, at least in the English translations). Yuri struggles with this. Hard. He can’t come up with an answer when asked what eros means to him. His big revelatory moment about desire is that it’s how he feels about wanting to eat his favorite food (omg… boy). Even as the season goes on and the way he views the Eros program changes, the program doesn’t ever really embody the idea of eros as sexuality or romance (which was how the other characters expect him to interpret it) but rather as a desire to keep Victor in his life.
Like look. I’m obviously not going to say that the creator intended any kind of ace subtext to be there. I kind of doubt it was her intent. But goddamn is the subtext there.
2. Thematic relevance
The central theme throughout YOI is “love”, and especially loving people in a way that inspires you both to be your best selves: Yuri learning that the people in his life truly love and support him; Victor finding someone who makes him feel joy about skating again.
Like, Yuri’s whole skating theme for the Grand Prix is literally about him exploring what love looks like to him, even when it takes a form that other people don’t totally understand. Viewing all this through a lens of him being ace is really compelling. It adds depth to the idea of learning how to express the way you feel love even when it looks different than what other people expect. I think it’s a really delicious layer that adds even more nuance to what the show is getting at.
Besides, it’s an interesting way of viewing the criticism of the show that occurred for it not being 100% explicit about them being a couple (aka people getting mad because the kiss in ep 7 is blocked by Victor’s arm lmaooo). Like, ok, did you see the ending scene of ep 9? Did you see ep 10??? They definitely, definitely love each other, in whatever way that means for them. Their relationship takes a form that’s pretty different than the other way people in the show are going about romantic relationships, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real for them. That is very much in line with the main themes of the show.
3. Means a lot to me
In the final scene of the penultimate episode, Yuri tells Victor that they should end their coaching relationship after the Grand Prix ends. This is because he thinks he’s holding Victor back, that Victor would be happier being free to go back to skating on his own instead of being Yuri’s coach. When I watched this (and, I’ll be honest, this is completely me projecting here) I REALLY interpreted this as an ace thing. I think it’s pretty easy to internalize the idea when you’re asexual that you just won’t be… enough, for other people. In my case I ended up a strong impulse to self-sabotage relationships because I would rather be the one to end things than to let someone else tell me that who I am as a person is fundamentally lacking. Yuri destroying a connection he desperately wants because he thinks there’s something about him that is holding Victor back from a life he’d be truly happy with? Oh yeah. I can fucking relate to that.
Also: YOI came out in 2016, which was the absolute peak of hostility to ace people I was seeing on this site. It was bad here. At the same time Tumblr was going wild over this show. Everyone was watching it. Seeing a whole site of people absolutely adore a character I very deeply in my heart believed to be ace? Extremely vindicating.
In conclusion Yuri is asexual because it is fun and interesting that way, and also because of this:
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random-ducks · 25 days
Some Terror thoughts since I get the impression the fandom veterans are eager to hear them
Random and jumbled, and I need to rewatch
-i kept needing to remind myself that they're really doing this. They're really willingly going on a suicide mission because a bunch of rich snobs said they should
-they all looked so alive and healthy at first. Well, except the guy who starts suddenly bleeding and dying. and his whole death vision really should've been the moment when they all hauled their asses out of there
-kindve embarrassed to admit that I couldn't tell a lot of the characters apart at first, and there are still some whose names I can't remember
-The moment they're frozen in, was the moment I would've freaked out and lost it
-I would never survive Victorian england because wtf are they saying
-Francis going through a major depressive episode when stuck in the Arctic is so real. How are they not all depressed??
-This was way more openly queer than I expected of a show like this
-i did NOT see the dress coming, and almost couldn't believe it happened. They actually threw gender waviness into their period show
-omg the party scene. They were actually having fun and letting loose. I knew it wouldn't last
-then it all went to absolute hell
-when they started disrespecting the indigenous, it was game over
-i read some spoilers so I knew she'd lose her tongue, but I wasn't prepared for that
-Goodsir really is too pure and good for this hellishness
-the bear didn't really scare me. They're just pissed that these idiots are invading their territory
-i didn't really pay much attention to JFJ at first and that was my mistake (ended up sobbing) - also realized that Francis could've wrote that
-oh, this show is going to linger (dammit)
-How did they keep making it worse when it was already terrible?
-please take your vitamins everyone, for the love of anything
-hey, that's Merlin's dad from BBC Merlin! And he's gay like his son
-idk what's worse - dying on a doomed Arctic expedition or watching everyone else die on a doomed Arctic expedition
-there will be poems aka so many fix it fics
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adracat · 1 year
GWitch ep 19 thoughts
Every episode is a kick in the teeth with candy boots. A sweet misery you've known like no other. This episode was no different and I relished today's destruction as Mio and Prospera take center stage
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That's a loaded statement if I've ever seen one. Really enjoyed this brief intro segment. We get Guel's thoughts on Kenanji; uninspired and suspicious, which are a vast change from his once admiration of the man. Guel also seems surprisingly chill about returning to Earth, but cryptically comments he wants to check the situation there and aid in negotiations. I like how Mio and him have fallen into this friendly rapport after everything. We'd like to see him apologize formally ofc, but it's not necessary for Mio. She's focused on greater concerns than the petty school days of Asticassia
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Meanwhile, Suletta is a wreck. She's completely fallen apart after her mother and sister dumped her in space like hot garbo. She can't even plaster on a smile and lie to herself any longer. Earth House just thinks she's upset about the break up, so she isn't confiding in anyone at all. Suletta.exe has stopped working :(
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Hilariously, Counselor Secilia has decided to make Martin her servant after listening to his confessional. It's great they make a distinct parallel to Miorine here, with Martin explaining he thought the best way to protect Earth House was to give up Nika. The show is filled with instances of people taking away another person's agency in the misguided belief they're doing 'what's best'. So good!
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Real Elan finally gets more dialogue and he makes an excellent point, for once. The quickest and dirtiest way into Benerit's graces would be to forcefully suppress the earthian protests. A gundam, let alone one like Aerial, is a powerful statement of supremacy after all. Shaddiq is convinced Miorine would never allow it, and he's partly right. She wouldn't if she was the one truly calling the shots.
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Feng is so cool for a spook. She successfully preys upon Belmeria's cowardice and gains her begrudging compliance. Really enjoyed the dynamic here at this little tea party. It was almost like a date 😳 Love me two older women with some tension. Is this the newest gwitch ship to take flight?
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I love how Mio recognized these are peaceful protesters immediately. It's another instance of her demonstrating empathy on a greater level than she once did. Her initial ignorant comments about Earthians in cour 1 seem a distant memory, and much of it has to do with her exposure to Earth House. If not for them and Suletta, her pov would be just as narrow as every other spacian's.
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And it's off to a terrible start lmao. I think Mio expected an uphill battle but those are some steep demands. A worldwide ban on spacians is unfeasible but absolutely warranted considering everything the spacians have done. Mio doesn't quite know how to counter, and it's so funny Guel left her here without help after previously saying he doesn't trust her diplomacy skills. I doubt he'd be much help tbh, but I guess he trusts her more than he said? Which is, uh, somewhat appreciated? It's the thought that counts.
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Sad widow moment. Norea grieving Sophie's death and expressing her fear of death explicitly has been a long time coming. 5lan bearing witness as the floodgates open and she reveals they share this core dread? God this hit so good. You can't help but feel for these kids. Nika continues to watch on in bafflement as the drama unfolds. When is she gonna leave this level of purgatory?? Only Okouchi knows...
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OMG, I AM SLAIN. Defeated. This sad husk of a girlboss misses her (ex) wife so much. Normal people would just have a wallet photo or a locket, but she's reduced to watching this goofy ass promo wistfully. I would find it hilarious if it wasn't so sad. It does give her the strength to continue negotiations so that's neat
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More importantly, it reminds her of GUND's ideals and the people who've banded together because of that dream; Earth House. She cleverly points out that fulfilling their demands would also mean removing earthians from space, but she won't because they're her partners at GUND-ARM. Her showing them the medical achievements they've already made together was smart and tips the scales in her favor
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I keep saying I love Mio but I really do. She's inspired to grasp the presidency for her own goals, rather than just as a tool for Prospera. She found a path of peace in spite of everything against her. It's bittersweet to know, in a kinder world, this would be the end of her struggles. But Prospera won't be satisfied with peace.
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This shot was gold. Suletta raiding the fridge like an unwashed raccoon is perfect on so many levels. We finally get unbound Suletta too. Ugh she looks so good 😭
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LOOK AT HER!! Babygirl. She looks like such a sad scruffy mutt here. I love it 🥹 Adored Earth House supporting her in her hour of need and giving her a boost with goat milk too. Really cements the rebirth imagery they had in the last episode.
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Martin decides to slink home too and reveals everything going on with Nika. This bit from Lilique says it all. There are times when you are left with only so many options. While you may not choose the objectively best path, you can only pick what YOU feel is best. Miorine, Martin, Aerial. Even Delling and Prospera (Perhaps DoF and Shaddiq as well) It fits all the way across the cast.
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I didn't expect to get the Shaddiq real name drop from this shakedown, but I'll take it. Kenanji may be a cop with blood on his hands, but he's a keen one. We learned that 'Prince' is a longstanding nickname and it implicates Shaddiq wholly in the terrorist attacks. 'Whoopsie, all my nefarious plans undone by one kid's rambling!'
(I also think the implication was Shaddiq or Jeru Ogul rather, is the 'heir apparent' to Ochs Earth virtue of his dead family. Not entirely certain tbh)
Looks like Guel will be Asticassia bound next episode along with Kenanji. No idea why Kenanji had to tag along but I guess Mio has enough of an escort. Let's hope this detour leads to Suletta using the Schwarzette! Fingers crossed
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You saw it here, everybody. Prospera shot first! I'll admit I didn't fully expect her to go this route but it makes sense. I anticipated her gaining Mio support somehow, but she just cut the BS and said let's do this dirty. Controlling Earthian artillery to mask her intentions and provide an excuse is devious and brilliant
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Destroying DoF's secret stache of gundams even more so. She really cut Shaddiq's plan for a cold war at the knees and Guel/Kenanji are on track to expose his duplicity entirely. He'll be lucky to not be jailed let alone president of anything. It's amazing that everything works out for Prospera no matter how many risks she takes or gambles made. Lady Luck must love her nonsense as much as the audience
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Cut back to Bel and Feng, their date did not end as well as I hoped. While Bel spilled some details about Quiet Zero, Prospera's second hunts her down and interrupts this powow. Can't risk QZ leaking to the corpo spooks after all. We did learn that SAL is not as unified or well intentioned as we might have thought. Their high council was revealed to be backing Ochs Earth of all corps. Feng seemed to be an outlier in yet another shady corpo-controlled faction. I'll miss her, but maybe she somehow escaped this dire situation? I won't hold my breath. RIP Feng, you were a real one!
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Elan Prime seems so smug to be right, even if it means their horse in this race has some real competition. He really is a little shit just like 5lan. That MS shot though. Damn evocative. War journalists eat your heart out. It's visual reference too, I believe?
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This is the funniest thing he could've said. Shaddiq is malding just like a pathetic incel. Remember when everyone thought he pulled mad game because he's surrounded by women? But the sad reality is he's the most maidenless person in the solar system. The best outcome tbh.
Beyond the laughs, this line speaks so much about how he views Miorine. He views her little better than a prize only he's deserving of; a 'pure' princess to match his crusading prince. He repeatedly disregards her agency, seen in episode 9 when he acts like Suletta controls Mio and here when he blames Guel for what's happening on Earth. He's such a salty little worm.
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Finally, we're left with Suletta and Earth House as they react to the chaos. Suletta recognizes instantly Miorine's innocence and her mother's culpability. This was why Aerial sent her away. This was what everyone is trying to shield her from. It was a moment of clarity I hadn't expected, but a very welcome one. Hopefully, this means she'll be spurred into action now that Mio is in very real danger. Schwarzette time? We can dream~
That next episode is incredibly ominous though. End of Hope? Considering they have that promo where GUND-ARM/earth house are the ray of hope... yikes. Let's hope I'm just reading into things and it's not that grim
Edit* additional musings:
A segment was deleted somehow so here it is
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Miorine... You know, I've seen people having a bit of schadenfreude at her expense. 'she's so stupid, ofc this happened!' - that flavor of criticism. My counter to this is what could she have realistically done? She was strong-armed into this agreement and manipulated onto Earth. She dared to imagine a peaceful solution based on ideals she slowly grew to believe wholeheartedly. This isn't her fault, much as she thinks otherwise. I can see her willfully remaining on earth to try and correct this atrocity. Girl needs a big hug from her wife ;-;
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miimo96 · 2 months
Thoughts on My Adventures with Superman S2 episode 9
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So you're probably wondering what heck took so long for me to make this, and well ya see thats because I actually had to wait for this episode to come out on the website where I watch all my TV shows and anime on, and since That was taking so long to be released, I wasn't able to watch this and thus give my review on it, But now that it has officially come out I can finally Get my thoughts out there and Share it with you all, anyway that's mainly because why I've been gone for so long, that because depression kicks in at the most random times in my life and so I wasn't feeling motivated, but aside from that I'm finally ready to get this done and thus give you my review, anyway yeah Sorry for the wait but let's get into it^^;
Starting off I actually wanna talk about a few things regarding this opening, mainly about Clark's kindness; I love the fact that even tho this is a world where didn't never up and thus he never became Superman, he still has that kindness within him, and from the way he talks about wanting to help the creature and show him that it's not Alone, just shows that No matter what reality it is, he will always be compassionate and thus want to help people, hence what makes him Superman in the 1st place; also I didn't expect that in this episode we were actually going to be seeing an Evil version of his parents, because it's always usually just him getting the world he always wanted, I actually like that they took a different approach this time and thus gave us a reality, where he still has his parents, and where he basically got to grow up on krypton as a completely different person, also it's really interesting to see that in this version, the Black Mercy is more or less giving him a dream world where he basically has no control over, and Is kinda just gaslighting him like Brainiac would, I think that's because in this version, the black Mercy isn't a plant like most irritations, but is rather just a piece of technology, and since Brainiac was the computer system for krypton, he is able to access all the technology created from krypton, hence why Clark's mother Laura was talking to him that voice for a second,
Also this Shot right here is really Menacing AF, like Jor El looks seriously scary, oh and it looks like lois lost her memory so I'm wondering how that's going to play out
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I fnd it very weird that Kara thinks Brainiac is Unstoppable Just because he's in Clark's body, like may I remind you of the absolute beatdown you gave your cousin a few episodes ago, like I'm really starting to believe that whole thing that people say of people who join the quote unquote "good side" end up effing sucking afterwards, like what is with that stuff, also before you say she was only able to beat him bc she was being controlled by Brainiac and therefore wasn't in control of her actions/ Strength, yeah sry but No, she wasn't being controlled by him at that time and was completely aware of what she was doing, the only time he was controlling her, was when she was hesitating to use her Heat vision to kill people, aside from that she was fully aware and wasn't Holding Back on him AT ALL; Also Mandy is such a bitch, that is all
Omg lois lost her memories I wonder this gonna play out, will she fall in love with Clark again, will clark remember who he is, will they even get along with each other, the possibilites are endle- Oh, well Never effing mind I guess, huh that was fast 😅 Also I really love the fact that Clark instead of becoming a warrior in this reality, became more of a scientist, it's funny because in the original animated series he was kinda like that as well, heck even in the comics I think he was like that, it just shows that Clark no matter what, really was never a fighter to begin with and only really ever does it in the name of Defense, with his real goal being to want to just help people through whatever means necessary, mainly through the power of science, like how in that 1 comic when he found the cure to cancer or something, Also can someone really explain to me how lois was able to prevent herself from being deleted, like I don't think it was ever explained and I'm really starting to believe it was just because of PLOT
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Bruh Jimmy looks So heated at the fact that Steve of all people was the reason he and Kara were able to escape, like are you kidding me, THIS GUY!? 🤣🤣 Also shout out to my boy Steve for coming in clutch for our boy Jimmy, like he really is the Homie and I gotta say, the best get away driver like how do you sneak from Amanda waller of all people Undetected, dude's got skills
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Hey Lois Idk about you but In my opinion This was the Worst explanation I ever heard, like I understand that time is resetting and so you've probably explained this to him like a hundred of times but Wow, you Really couldn't go any other way about it, like ya do realize this makes you look like a Crazy person right?; Also I legit could Never understnd Why she straight up tell couldn't tell Clark she loves him, like Omg wasn't you 2 already in a relationship at the beginning of this season, why is it So hard for you all of asudden o say I love you, when you LITERALLY established relationship early on, like WTF I'm sick of this trope already
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Ok 2 things: 1 Jor El is scary in this sequence, like the way he screamed "Find her" really sent chills down my spine, and 2 why does this shot with him peeking out of the Bushes feel incredibly meme worthy?
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Tbh I actually don't have much to say regarding Kara and Jimmy this time, aside from Jimmy being the GOAT due to how beautiful pep talk was, and how much I want them to end up together now, like I've said it before but I absolutely love their relationship in this series, and I really hope they get together by the end of it or at least if she ends up leaving earth like people theorize, in order to atone for her sins across the galaxy, at least get to confess his feelings for her ^w^
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"Because the real lois wouldn't come for me" Ngl he deserved this exact response from her, bc wtf do you mean bro, i mean underrated your reasoning but just because you 2 had a fight doesn't mean she Stopped loving you, because you KNOW she wouldn't be here rn if she didn't; Also I find it very funny that her revealing What she did and how dangerous it was, is what brings Clark back, like it just shows how much he cares about her and how overprotective he is for her safety, Also I think i understand why she was able to do all this stuff in the 1st place
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Tbh This is probably 1 of the best versions of Task force X I've seen so far, like this Roster goes Hard and so does this entire Shot like Damn, also whoever's Idea it was to Not include Parasite in this Scene Needs to be fired, like I understand why Livewire isn't here But PARASITE!? I mean the guy is seriously OP when given enough energy, as proven by his Kaiju form last season, and I could've sworn Amanda does has control over him now thanks to Lex, so WHY THE F$%k HE ISN'T HERE!? I bet he would've came in Real handy tho 😂
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Ok 2 thing's again: 1 YEAH LET'S GO KARA! Eff you Brainiac you Piece of S#%t i hope you effing Die, and 2, Eyy i looks like I was on to something about Them being infused with Kryptonite; Also i see were Still stuck with these robot designs I guess, *sigh* look I've said it before and I'll say it again, These designs absolutely Suck, like No offense to the Animators But you're Really telling me we couldn't have gotten Anything better, I understand animation is Hard So you Need simple designs but c'mon, you couldn't at least go with the skeletal design he has in some iterations or even make Them look more like a Megazord than whatever the Hell this is? man I really hope this gets fixed in season 3 or something because I Just can't with this anymore; Also is it me or does this whole setup kinda feel sorta familiar, because I feel like I've seen this before, hmmmmm 🤔 eh whatever
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God I love this Scene, from the scenery,to the lighting, to even their effing confession everything is Just AAAAAHHH So effing GOOD, Damn it Love this Series!! Especially the music in this scene like Omg it's such bop to listen to, and the fact that it's even the extended version of the God Damn intro is freakin Amazing ^^ Like this belongs in Top 5 motivational scene alongside You say run from the ending of the 1st MHA movie, like it's just That Good
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OOOHH I'M LOVING THIS NEW SUIT Omg like this has everything I've ever wanted in a Superman suit, it has the perfect amount of gold to contrast the Red and blue, it reminds of Man of Steel and New 52 with Lack of shorts even tho I personally prefer the shorts, and it just Screams Superman, the only thing I would change about this would be those big ass Shoulder pads and i think maybe those finger straps, but aside from that, PERFECTION 😘
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Small little animation error regarding Kara's eyebrows But not even that can Ruin this moment ^^
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Finally It looks like people may be on to something about Amanda Waller possibly Framing Lex, setting him up to be the fall guy and making him look like he was The 1 responsible for everything, possibly losing his fame and setting him up as the Villain Next season, after all he is the 1 who built the Metalos So if anything went wrong, it is technically his fault, anyway however this plays out, I'm sure it will all end horribly for Lex in the end, overall amazing episode can't wait for the next one, hopefully it doesn't take too long to be released like this one, fingers crossed ^^
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drama-glob · 1 year
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OMG! THIS EPISODE WAS AMAZING!!! ^_^<3<3<3 I know I've already watched it a couple times at this point. ^_^<3
I knew that it was going to be filler/a special at this point, but I honestly didn't expect to see such an amazingly designed Beelzebub and of course she was voiced by Ke$ha, although the craziest is that she's Vortex's girlfriend! That I really didn't see coming. O_O "Cotton Candy" was an amazing song and encapsulated the essence of gluttony. ;)
Poor Loona on feeling out of place (I would be too) and especially with still having feelings for Vortex only to see who she'd be competing with and wanting to leave. ;_; At least Blitz came to pick her up as soon as she called, but sadly I had a feeling he'd be partying so hard in order to drown out his depression after the events of "Ozzie's." Admittedly, I liked that even though they showed that Bee is a pusher to get her guests to overindulge (nature of her sin I know so she that's just who she is, although I would definitely be nervous around her O_O), they also showed that she cares about her guests having fun and could tell Blitz wasn't getting wasted for good reasons. :(
I'm glad she decided to stay because she did get to make some new friends, but really the most touching part had to be Loona calling Blitz "Dad" several times and even driving him home, taking care of him and tucking him in, leaving no room for debate that she doesn't care about him. <3<3<3 Poor Blitz though on needing to throw-up at the end. >_<
@charsawdeath <3
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13thdoctorposts · 6 months
The fandom when Eccl*stone doesn't know shit about the show or watch it, is openly disdianful of it, has multiple accounts of being point-blank rude to fans at conventions, and downplays a possible accusation of sexual assault during filming by pre emptively claiming the woman is a bitch he wouldn't touch anyway: omg King <3333
The fandom when Jodie is open about not growing up a Whovian but having seen episodes here and there, clearly loves the show and it's themes and fans, takes representing the show seriously, talks about watching the show since filming, makes references to events she's watched and excitedly understands things like a reference to the cloister bell: fake fan, can't believe she'd disrespect real fans and the show like this, she isn't professional, [rape threats], [ignore her actively engaging with canon], [multiple people claim to 'subtly' interrogate her about canon at cons]
The fandom when G*twa refers to Doctors as being slutty and generally treats it unseriously: omg King <333
There is very clearly a bias against Jodie, and I cant see for any other reason than she's a woman. I'm not even talking about 13, or the writing, just the way people decided to treat her in comparison to the male actors.
With Jodie she's also of the age that, her core watching years for TV and movies as a kid are actually the wilderness years of Doctor Who when it wasn't on TV. She then started her career in 2006... at that age and point in her career she wasn't the core demographic that DW and RTD were going for, it's really not surprising she didn't have a lot of Doctor Who knowledge previous to getting the role.
However in the podcast with David Tennant in 2019 she says she started watching after she got the role but was feeling a little overwhelmed and was worried that she might accidentally imitate previous doctors so she asked Chibs if there was another way for her to get the information about the history and he put together a whole binder for her. And when Chibs told her about the timeless child revel she asked will this work with the canon of Doctor Who, so she clearly knew what the canon was and Chibs response was that it was his job to make it work with the canon... which it does, whether fans like it or not, he incredibly created a whole new backstory for the Doctor without changing anything we had seen on screen.
Jodie's love and care for the role and DW in general is so clear that people who want to have a go at her are clearly choosing to ignore the majority of the what she has said and instead chosen a couple things to spin and take out of context to use against her, and thats a shit thing to do.
What's even more shit is you would expect that from the right, but I've also seen people on the left who hate the show. These people happily talk a lot of smack about Jodie but since they like to yell at 13 era as not being progressive enough you would think they would at least treat Jodie with respect, but no. I guess they only care about the shows level of progressivism as a tool in condemn the show and not about their actual morals or how they actually treat people.
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mosspace · 5 months
Dear PTJ, please develope your female characters
Someone complaining abt the way PTJ writes his female characters (truly, a never seen before concept); 1st Afilliate Arc and Cheongliang Arc spoilers (at this point, I think most people are up to date w/ the story, but I'm still gonna put this warning just in case)
Look, I don't take Lookism super seriously. In fact, I think I never did that, mainly thanks to the outlandish concepts it had since the beginning. I'm just here to have fun at this point, and to finally learn the truth about Daniel's 2nd body (omg, it's been 400+ chapters-).
I definitely wasn't expecting to find super well written female characters (even though I definitely should, it's 2024, for God's sake-), something a good number of fighting-related webtoons seem to struggle with. But damn, does Lookism waste its female characters in a way not many have done before.
Since the focus of the story has shifted primarly towards fighting and taking down the Four Crews and Charles Choi, I'm gonna focus on two of the characters most connected to these aspects: Mary Kim and Crystal Choi (ik Lua and Sally are also connected in this way, but I don't really have a lot to say about them and, besides, they've already been covered by another user here on Tumblr)
Mary Kim
The perfect opportunity to get her more involved came up not so long ago, in the ep just before the Allied vs 1st Afilliate fight properly started. We see Mary's reaction upon hearing Vin Jin tell her that Taejin Cheon is alive; we can see her anger asclear as day both in her expression and her words. She literally expresses how much she wants to kill this guy.
And yet, PTJ doesn't make her go and get her revenge. Instead, we have Vin Jin basically saying that he will do it for her because 'his hands are already dirty" (i heavily paraphrased his words, but you get it), which to me, at least, doesn't make sense.
Time and time again we see how close the two of them are in spite of the many jabs they throw at each other. Even without knowing the details of their shared past in Cheongliang (which comes up a couple episodes later), it's very strange that she would let Vin jin go to face him just like that.
By this point, it's already stablished that he murdered somebody, an act that even if deserved by the deceased person, takes a mental toll on the one who does it. Taking this into account, I don't see why Mary would just let who's basically her best friend go through the same thing again, alone. And I especially don't see why she would obey him and stay behind. Her, Mary, the person who never takes Vin Jin's bullshit and always calls him out.
Why not have them both go together? It would be a great opportunity to 1) deal with the last negative reminder of their past, and gain a little bit of closure once and for all, and 2) have Mary finally fight seriously and be able to demonstrate why she's called 'The Empress of Two Seconds' and why she's considered so strong.
We've only seen her take down minor opponents a very, very small number of times, all of which are altercations that don't ever last too long (i guess this last thing is to back up her nickname but, eh)
TLDR: Let Mary dirty her hands as much as Vin. Let them take down together one of the people who has brought them so much pain as the pair of strong besties they are. Stop telling us how strong she is and actually commit to showing it.
Crystal Choi
Oh boy, this character-
Like, you mean to tell me that the sole offspring/child of the Big Bad Guy tm the protagonist and his friends are meant to take down, who also happens to be friends with said protagonist, doesn't play a major role on the story? Absolutely insane
And that isn't even taking into account that she also has 2 bodies, which is something only one other character (Daniel, the PROTAGONIST), has and is a major plot point
I'd like to see her be more aware of her privilege as a rich person. Yeah, she was relentlesstly bullied and undermined for her appeareance (which is a horrible thing for anybody to go through) but at least she wasn't poor, too. Does she actually use her money or her status as the daughter of one of the richest men in Korea to change things or solve problems?
Jay literally bought an ambulance of the same type used by the 1st Afilliate so that Allied could sneak in, so why can't Crystal do something similar to help them, too? She helped them during the Gambling Arc by bringing Kouji
I'd like to see her realize and come to terms with the fact that her father's a horrible person. I don't think she knows everything that's going on behind closed doors, but she's definitely smart enough to have noticed that there's something shady going on with his bussiness.
Let her discover the truth. Let her pick either her father's or Daniel's side (the latter which I believe is the most plausible, since she doesn't seem the type to excuse murder, extorsion, etc.). She could act as an informant, helping Allied from the inside.
Heck, you could have her fight, too, if you wanted to. She trained with Gun, after all. And yeah, maybe she's not as strong as the other characters, but we know that she can hold her own against most people. We've seen it.
TLDR: how the hell do you set up a character with so much potential and don't do anything with it. Also, think abt the angst potential!
Final thoughts, I guess:
I think that Crystal siding with Allied has a higher chance of happening than PTJ letting Mary fight. There's still a good chunk of the story yet to be told, so anything could happen.
I'm actually considering believing that the reason we rarely see the female characters is that they, also, are working secretly to take down the Four Crews and it's gonna get revealed in the last arc for the sake of my sanity
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thecrowinacrown · 4 months
Update on me watching the Dead Boy Detectives :) i already watched 4 out of 6 episodes so far, so be ready there's A LOT of thoughts.
First of all, i love it. Next
• I'm living my best pan life
• I love his eyebrows
• He is veryveryvery pretty
• And Edwin is so handsome, but most importantly-
• JSKSJSK he is so MEAN
• I love his body language💅✨️
• Boy you are GAY gay
• Like he is so arrogant with that sparkle of gay that makes me absolutely love seeing him talk and move
• I also love his boots haha
• Crystal is gorgeous and so is Niko i love them
• The moment when they first saw each other and there were bunch of beautiful colours and magic SENT ME
• Because i thought it was just her normal reaction to her
• Like love from the first sight
• And i literally thought THAT'S THE REAL GAY EXPERIENCE
• I kinda ship them...and Charles x Edwin...but Crystal and Charles are cute too
• And i love the friendship between Edwin and Niko
• Two weirdos (affectionate)
• So i kinda wish they would end up with a polyamory??
• Probably because i always think that's the best answer for love triangles (squares)
• I'm not sure if it's possible in this show, cause being queer might be okay for it, but some companies draw the line at polygamy
• Especially for the main characters
• They kinda give the Mystery Inc vibes from Scooby doo haha
• Just like in the meme Edwin says: "Hi this is my boyfriend Charles and this is his girlfriend Crystal and that's her girlfriend Niko..."
• That would be perfect bc I'm not ready to deside what ship i like the most
• I guess I'll have to wait and see maybe something will change
• Love Niko's style and i relate to her oddness and frivolity(?)
• I also relate with Edwin i don't know why 😂😭 he is just so my type of a character
• I'm this 🤏 far away from catching a crush on all of the main characters
• Everytime there is something colorful going on i immediately think "oh?? Delirium???"
• But no Delirium so far :((
• I THINK there will be Despair but I'm not sure
• I read somewhere that The Cat King is a child of Desire and omg you have your parent's eyesss
• The Cat King is so funny, i know it's sad that he almosy traumatized that poor virgin Edwin but i wasn't expecting anything like this AT ALL so it was funny
• Do we have to wait another 30 for them to start realizing they like-like eachother??
• So in the Neil Gaimanverse we'll have the perfect 60/600/6000 years of pining
• What are they are doing to me *sigh*
• Oh to be a gay men-looking creatures written by Neil, that don't realize they love each other for a number that is divided by 30, brown and black, one is old-fashioned and doesn't understand a thing about his feelings, another reckless and so in love, one wears leather another blazers...
I'm running out of ideas, if I'll remember anything more I'll make part two and part three will be about the last episodes. And probably something like thoughts of me before watching vs me after. In conclusion, they are all are painfully good looking and the show itself is very interesting :)
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trancylovecraft · 11 months
What do you think of the new episode of Helluva?
amazing timing! I just got off a discord call about this topic
And jeez.. this is gonna be a rant, prolly not what you were expecting from an ask about the new episode but.. yk.. I'm sorry this wasn't more positive than you probably wanted, But I don't want to lie and I have a lot to get off my chest
If you enjoy Helluva boss then please, You do what you do and enjoy what you want to. And I'm happy it can bring you joy, Don't let me prevent you from loving something you love <3
So first of all, I bloody hate Helluva boss. I know I've written for it and still write for it but OMG I just don't like it at all and the direction its gone.
Like season one is good, I like it. Its amazing season to start off a seemingly good show with a lot of potential.
The villains are threatening and are set up to become major plot points. Verosika, Striker, The cherubs (which admittedly were the weakest out of the trio, But hey, you can't be perfect)
The conflicts are being set, Aka stolas and Blitzo's toxic relationship and it's struggles. It's got potential for a lot of nuance and oppertunities to explore gay relationships in a more abusive light and I can appreciate that a lot.
Characters arcs have been put into motion with Moxxies inferiority, Blitzo's need for validation and the star prophecy going on with stolas and his daughter.
The animation, The music and the voice acting are all on point with such high profile actors. Ahem ahem.. INVADER ZIM AND BEETLEJUICE!!
It was amazing, A major accomplishment for indie animation and the trailblazer that aet off the youtube animation reinessance.
But then season two comes along.
Right off the bat with the circus its suddenly revealed that stolas and blitzo knew each other from childhood.
This is confusing. Stolas and blitzo knowing each other starts to change their relationship from the toxic transactional it was suppose to explore into a more
This episode could've been great, If it was stella and not blitz. This episode could've explored the begginings of their relationship (platonic)
It was stated by octavia that they at one point liked each other then degraded. This episode couldve shown that and given stella some actual development.
Now throughout the season more issues become prevelant..
The villains that were threatening before have become nothing more than cannon fodder. A monster of the week, If you will. Striker and crimson (we're not gonna get into that episode) were easily defeated by blitz and fizzaroli (ILL GET ONTO HIM) making fun of them and removing all their threatening aura.
Verosika is gone, She might return, Idk tho. The cherubs we'e heard nothing from either. And do NOT get me started on the new villains. (The agents, Crimson, Andrealphus)
The women in helluva are EXTREMELY underdeveloped. There are no girls that stand on their own, Just another limb for the male characters to further their own arcs (Millie is just Moxxies concious, Octavia is just Stolas' reason for staying and Loona is just there tobexplore Blitzo's abandonment issues
Millie especially. The only episode she got out of two seasons is unhappy campers. And even then she had to be a boy to get the praise, It feels like the writers were self aware at that poimt.
Her only personality is violence and moxxie, Thats it.
(I have a lot more to say about Helluva boss, Such as the awful story. The woobification of stolas and Blitzo. The humour. The gay overglorification. Fizzaroli and Asmodeus. The rushed pacing and the non-existant set up)
The newest episode I genuinley disliked, One of my least favourite in the season.
I feel like this was the writers grasping at straws. To make a story and an arc, You've got to set it up.
We had no idea that Fizzaroli was connected to Mammon in any way, We had no hints or suggestion that he was. Nor did we have any hints of his underlying arc about wanting to be free.
For instance this can be done through dialogue or the characters body language. We got none of this and instead this was just pulled out of the writers asses.
I dont care for fizzaroli, I hate him apart from his voice actor. To me, He's boring and just a recoloured blitz.
The whole episode was the setup and the solution. This should not of been the case, This was rushed and this episode should of been the solution of the hinted issue in previous episodes like the one where they got kidnapped.
(That was a great chance to talk about being free, Since yk, They were in a cage and it would of prompted a deeper conversation)
It feels like a reheated angel dust and valentino but platonic im ngl. Besides, Fizz and ozzie's relationship is just not good.
Its too sickly sweet. Im not saying it has to all be angst but a spat or an arguement to prompt the episode wouldve been good you know? All healthy relationships have their rocky parts and it wouldve been nice to see here.
Asmodeus and Mammon just dont seem threatening for demon kings? They take insults and jabs that really degrade their intimidation for the audience yk?
The whole episode boils down to "clown twink gets abused by capitalism"
Overall I ranted too long about this animated show. The episode was not good and the future for this series is looking bleak.
This was a really shallow examination of helluva boss. Im writing this in bed so i dont have time to go deeper into the story structure and concepts portrayed in there
I fucking love mammon tho, He's my husband, Please request him.
-Trancy M. Lovecraft
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gravityglitch-blog · 6 months
Okay, so I just finished the new Murder Drones episode. I feel like I understand even less now. Someone please tell me I'm not alone in this feeling.
A long post, spoilers and my barely coherent thoughts about moments that stood out to me under the cut.
What exactly is JC Jensen in Spaaaace trying to accomplish with these experiments? Nori and the other Workers must have been suffering so much at their hands. One thing I found touching in an otherwise horrifying flashback was Yeva caring for Nori, even through the nightmare they were living.
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It was sad to see Uzi being scared of N again.
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Newfound respect for Doll, standing up to her own nightmare.
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Tessa has been setting off my alarm bells since she first landed, but I wasn't expecting what she did to Doll or...whatever this is. Then again, this really isn't Tessa at all, is it?
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I'm still thinking the Solver consumes planets and life, like Galactus from Marvel comic books. The flashback inflicted on N shows a world trying to fight back.
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This next shot comes after the scene of V and J on the ground. Are these new Disassembly Drones we haven't met yet?
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Nori meeting N...one of the first things she says is, "Hey, you look familiar." So the theory that N killed her before can't be dismissed yet. Even in this weird setting, it's adorable that, down to her literal core, Nori still loves Khan.
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The fight with Solver Uzi moved too quickly for me to get a good screenshot (the animation in this episode was so good) but the way N broke it up, omg
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(Little hearts and everything 💛💜)
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This is the part that genuinely made me laugh in this confusing maze of horror.
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And this is the part that made me want to cry, especially when he strokes her hair.
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Uzi and N dangling over basically a hellmouth, and her loving him enough to sacrifice herself.
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I feel like she must at least suspect something is on the other side, or this is the calmest fall-to-doom I have ever seen.
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Here I think she's looking into the eye of the Solver itself, like the Eye of Sauron. Is she truly in outer space or is this a hallucination? I guess only the next episode will tell.
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Shifting focus a little, I was really happy to see these guys again, especially Khan. I've been hoping that he'd take a more active role and fight for his daughter.
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He actually built Uzi's rail gun😭
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J remembers the rail gun. I love that shot of Lizzy and Thad. I hope the fan theories about them being siblings are true, they'd make a great brother and sister team.
In conclusion, this episode was a rollercoaster.
Still not entirely sure of what I just saw or how I feel about it, only that it can be summed up by this image
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This one, too, actually
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Thank you for reading this far.
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ghostscrown · 9 months
Ok first with the thing I didn't like. Honestly I LOVED this episode, my only disappointment is that the bus didn't explode. But I guess we can't have anything.
Also the poodle wasn't there but honestly knowing they had to cut scenes, I expected it and it wasn't disturbing to me.
The oracle was there (we all knew it was gonna be except some people apparently ?? But anyway it was perfect)
The reasons Percy had for chosing Grover and Annabeth made so much sense. I loved it.
Medusa ??? It was EXACTLY what I wanted for this episode omg, I wasn't expecting that much !!
Yk, I knew they wanted to make her more tragic, and I knew there was no way the "cutting her head off" scene was going to happen in a Disney kid show, so I was so afraid they wouldn't kill her, but also I wanted a "she's tragic but attacks them and dies anyway" thing to happen so bad...
And it's exactly what happened !!!
Her being invisible while they cut her head off ??? This was the SMARTEST censorship I've seen in my entire life, a very good way to keep the scene but stay appropriate for a kid show at the same time
And then Percy said the thing ! He said it he said the "I am impertinent" line !!!
Also, the interactions the trio had the whole episode ? It sets up their dynamic so well !
So yeah, honestly, I was disappointed by the bus not exploding and all, but besides that, everything was just perfect !!!
Next episode will be the chimera and the arch ??? I CAN'T WAIT for that. I can't 😭
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 8 months
I've been thinking a lot about Last Twilight (as have most of us, I assume), and I know the next episode will be very focused on the surgery, and I'm assuming that it will not work as expected (it would be very out of place thematically if it did), and there will be some focus on Mhok and Day navigating their relationship for the long term - but I also really hope that in the next two episodes we get some sort of confrontation between Day & his mom.
Cream (omg love that name) has been doing an amazing job at playing nuance with the mom, and I loved the emotion she showed when she was firing Mhok (though Mhok, being the king he is, jumped in front of that bullet for her to try and keep Day from being mad at her). Her love for Day does come through. And we got the heart-warming dinner where she becomes aware of how much Night has been feeling neglected, and they were being a happy family. So I know there is a chance the story will focus on other things, and less on the mom & Day.
But we need a moment to address Ramon's role as parent, and how love for your child does not excuse infantilizing them due to their disability.
Ramon has a history of making decisions based more on how she feels than on what her children need. This is not a criticism of her as person, to be clear, we all have this inclination. Feelings are not facts, but they feel like facts to us, and it can be really hard to step back when we are in the midst of emotion.
This is shown via the dad. Although we don't know exactly what happened (the story Day knows was exclusively from Ramon's perspective), the dad does seem to confirm he did something really shitty, since he has regrets. She had every right to be angry. But completely cutting him off from Night & Day was not a decision for them. When Night was devastated after the accident, when he couldn't go to own mother for support, he ended up calling a man he hadn't seen since he was a small child. When Day started talking with his father, you could see him melt, and how much he had missed this man. They needed their father, they always needed him but Ramon decided they couldn't have him. I'm sure she convinced herself it was for their protection - but it wasn't what they needed.
This is exactly what she's doing to Day around his disability (and in an adjacent way, to Night, because she's holding him responsible to stand in for her in controlling Day's world).
She consistently makes decisions for Day, not with Day. She takes his agency away. She often talks to him like he's still small. She never encourages him to do anything for himself or to learn to be self-sufficient. She puts emphasis on him someday being "fixed" over the idea that he could be happy and take care of himself as he is.
Of course a parent is always going to feel protective. There are very reasonable reasons to be concerned that his caretaker might be exploiting their status, or to think that someone you are paying should not be in a personal relationship with your son. But instead of having curiosity and finding out what is happening from Day's perspective, she makes an executive decision - not just to get rid of Mhok as caretaker, but to try and keep them apart in all ways. She won't let Day leave the house, takes his phone, and then even changes the wifi password, so he can't communicate with anyone. This is beyond controlling, it's literally imprisoning your son.
This is such a contrast to Mhok, someone who has personal experience with losing all of his autonomy, and how everything he does is a focus on what Day needs. It may be hard to do, it may cause mess, it may cause pain, but he knows that Day cannot be happy being treated like a child his whole life. Even when it would break his own heart, he always put Day first.
Day is an adult, a capable one, and his disability, and how he navigates it should be up to him. Ramon can be there to support, to encourage, to even push from time to time, but it's not her life. It's not her disability. It's not her choice. And I would love for Day to take his agency back, and let her know these things.
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fr0glet-5 · 6 months
So my sister and I are watching "Kiss Him, Not Me" we're only episode 8, so if everything goes to shit in the last few episodes, I don't know about it yet. Anyway, when I started watching it, my expectations weren't that high. I knew it was probably going to make me laugh, and I thought it was gonna be a bit problematic (just based on the premise), but omg, it's genuinely so good.
For example, in episode 5, Kae gains weight again. All the guys are grossed out (except Asuma, but he's just kinda there), but
1: Shima isn't fazed and still cares for her, and we later learn that she fell for her before she was skinny the first time which I love
2: when the guys start treating her like crap again it's treated as a bad thing, and on top of that, Yuuskue learns not to just like someone for their looks. He realizes she's beautiful inside and out.
The episode is way better than I thought it could be.
In episode 8, which is the one we just watched, Nokomu assaults Kae. When I saw that part, I thought it was going to be treated like sexual assault is addressed in other animes and manga in the way it isn't addressed ever. But in kiss him not me she's scared of him afterward, she doesn't go to school or practice for the show she's in because of him.
Once Nokomu comes to his senses (bro was deathly sick and wasn't in the right state of mind), he feels awful and goes to apologize. She's still messed up from him, and on the day of the show, she tells him that she needs some space from him and he agrees. After the show (stuff goes down and they dance together and she saves him from falling) after the show she tells him that it's going to take a bit but they can still be friends. AND she makes it clear to the audience that not all situations like this are addressed the same way and that it's different for everybody. Kae also mentions that this happens in fiction all the time, but when it happens in real life, it's scary.
So far, this show gets an A+. I'm hoping the last few episodes don't ruin it T-T
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bonjas · 2 months
betty la fea: la historia continua episodes 5&6
Well that was a whole lot of...nothing. With how fun episodes 3&4 were, I was so optimistic about the rest of the show, but damn, they stomped out that hope REAL quick. I don't even know where to start lol, I guess at the beginning...
The opening scenes were so jarring? Firstly, this show LOVES cutting scenes in between entire fucking conversations so we get an awkward 5 second betty scene, then it goes straight to the walking through the jail scene that felt like it was supposed to be a dream, but we never got a "waking up to reality" scene, he was just IN JAIL LMAO like?? We went from confession, straight to jail? There wasn't even an ongoing investigation going on into what was happening at ecomoda or anything like that, so he just went to the nearest jail and said "i did a bad thing! guilty!" and into the slammer? IF WE HAD KNOWN WHAT WAS GOING ON AND THERE WERE AUTHORITIES ACTIVELY INVESTIGATING, IT WOULD MAKE SENSE. but nah, these writers hate explaining ANYTHING lmao. literally, it went: armando and mario nervous about betty finding out, betty becoming prez, armando and mario trying to hide the evidence with guttierez, betty finding out from hugo, confronting armando, him still not saying what happened, failing to fix it, then JAIL? PLEASEeeeeee
i'm finding that this show doesn't know what to do with betty. like, at all. with a show being named betty la fea, it sure doesn't look like it. poor betty only gets to look sad, or look mad 24/7. or if she's briefly happy, she then immediately has to get sad and/or mad. we get so little precious betty time as it is, i wish they would give her more to do! seeing her confront mario was cool in the previous episodes, betty always had a spine and defended herself, what happened to that! she just stands there silent and lets everyone make false accusations against her then walks away?!
i'm seeing a lot of "hugo is the villain again!!" ummmm??? hugo is the one actually helping the entire staff by letting them know what's going on and demanding justice??? everyone would lose their pensions if it wasn't for him, and if it was the real world, uh YEAH lawsuit bitch!!! after all the abuse they all took from armando, to learn that on top of that he stole their retirement funds? ELECTRIC CHAIR.
mila...sigh. i already said idk what to think of her character, we literally don't know a thing about her, but drinking and driving? gurl. armando is her father after all and we all know how he was about that shit, but damn. dont like that at all. her saying that shit to marcela was so out of line since she herself cried to marce about her being the only one who cares about her or w/e and the minute marce shows some parenting traits and worries over her she flips out and said now i know why my dad left you?! yeeesh. and she's obviously a TERRIBLE judge of character, wtf was there ever to see in ignacio? ewwwwwwww. that whole story line just fucking sucks. i dont care about him, even if they told us ANYTHING of what the fuck is going on with him, i just dont care. he's so boring and one note, if he takes down all of ecomoda with his pinky, i couldn't care less. the hacking stuff is stupid. "hackeado" is funny though lol. oh ALSO about mila, i totally expected betty to run into her at the jail and she bails her out and they have more of a bonding moment but nope!!! fuck any potential bonding moments i guess, or even sharing the screen together. could have been such a good "i always help the people i love even when they're doing something wrong" moment!! like a foreshadow for mila for when she finds betty's diary and finds out the truth (cuz of course she is)! please i beg, a scrap of foreshadowing!!!
patricia is a stepmom!!!!!!!!!! that made me laugh. and they hate her, omg that's so fucking funny. her sleeping with nicolas again tho, i'm half "why?" and half "i get it" cuz he's the only guy that's ever showed real feelings and respect for her, but it just happened so quick and we didnt really see it develop, they just hit it off again after 20 yrs lol? but the whole "secret tapes" montage was pretty good, that was a highlight for me.
quick fire:
armando's lawyer is still fucking pointless, and still throws herself at him for no fucking reason lmao WHY????
the jail scenes suck, antiquated gay jokes and boring jail tropes. i fast forwarded those scenes, NEXT (if I'm wrong and they're worth watching pls let me know!! I saw Freddy was there and the therapy guy or something?? idk I was so checked out at that point) (edit: I rewatched the episode in its entirety, I was right the jail scenes are pointless! he just ends up leaving after like a fucking day!!!!)
so did nicolas stop working at ecomoda when betty left? did patricia barely get her position in the time betty left? marcela just works full time at ecomoda again, since before or after betty left?? hello??
the timeline still makes no sense, mila was gone 5 yrs, the armando marce kiss was 5 yrs ago, but armando was only president for 2 yrs? but betty left armando that night presumedly, so were they separated for that time until marcela waiting 3 yrs to demand betty be removed as president?????
nothing happened plot wise :( armando went to jail, everyone finds out and has a freak out, hacking and Mario was looking for some shit??? site character shenanigans, armando gets out. nothing happened!! two whole episodes wasted 😔 when you only have 10 episodes, everything needs to be important.
fernando gaitan was a fucking magician cuz i could tell you every single plot point of OG BLF without stuttering. the reboot is a mess yall i'm sorry 😞 i really hope it gets better, cuz now we have a confirmed second season?? bro why
why did Betty fall down the stairs like that?? what was the point? will it be relevant later?
also we just haven't had any good patsy pat and Marce moments :(
please let me eat my words and get better for the last 4 episodes!!!! i beg of you
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oodlyenough · 10 months
alright first impressions of the giggle
i'll start off with the big one which is that despite my best efforts to avoid spoilers, people always think they're cleverer than they are when communicating "in code" about leaks, and misc. pieces of info had led me to a general impression that somehow, some way, there would still be a david tennant doctor left at the end of this. so i went in half-expecting it (and half trying to manage those expectations)
it's totally bonkers and i know it must be enraging at least half of the fandom but i am in the privileged position of ... not caring. lol. it's probably a combination of factors -- he's my fave anyway + i haven't been deeply invested for the past decade + there's been numerous big lore changes i haven't liked by this point so whatever! everything's made up and the points don't matter. this show would've ended already if it wasn't constantly doing some weird thing to upset the status quo. the main criticism i can agree with is that maybe this takes away from ncuti gatwa ... but honestly i do see the appeal of "multi-doctor ep except one of them is the new guy". like that was fun actually, even if it had never occurred to me
settling down with the nobles felt like journey's end 2.0 (now with bonus TARDIS), and raises a lot of questions that i can imagine showrunners down the line and/or Big Finish are dying to answer. there is probably a time that would've bugged me but it doesn't bug me now.
anyway with that out of the way, other stuff!
i was worried this might be too big and chaotic in the way RTD finales can get -- think end of time, specifically. so i was actually pretty impressed that it felt fairly coherent to me lol, while feeling very RTD
"screens are making humans the worst versions of themselves" is also very RTD. hard to argue w that in 2023 to be honest with you
i don't know the toymaker from classic who but i enjoyed him a lot here as a villain. felt a bit like the master, except unlike the master there's no affinity between him and the doctor, y'know. it felt sinister, the misc accents, everything.
last week i watched Last of the Time Lords again and said "i can't wait to see what RTD does with licensed music again" and lo! lmaoooo. loved it
i think a consequence of the ep having to do so much was that the companions' roles were fairly limited. when donna said "maybe i'll save your life" i assumed she uh ... would. and then i assumed something metacrisis-y. but I suppose Donna's save the world moment was Star Beast.
likewise, it was nice to have Mel there, but she didn't do a ton. however i know we get to see more of her next season so I'm kinda fine with it. and looking forward to it!
anyway the other big important thing this episode -- NCUTI GATWA omg. he's gonna be so good. was so good in these scenes. magnetic. sexy. fun. can't wait. loved that we got to see him interact with donna a bit too!! i wasn't really expecting that.
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