#I accidentally drew apple as a tomato-
abbloke · 1 year
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Heads up!! I only drew the Shovelwares brain game ones, I did not drew the ones below them!!! Credits to the artists!! ( Saw them on Pinterest )
( if y'all know who drew em you can comment them down so I can put their name in here! :00 )
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hello! o/
not sure if you're still taking requests, but if so, i'd love to req. the bachelors with an artist s/o!
thank you for your time either way!<3
Finally! My reblog of that anon summoning post actually work- I mean hi, anon! 👋 Yes, I'm still taking requests ☺️
I hope you don't mind if I write about SVE bachelors too. If you don't know about SVE mod, don't worry, I'll separate the bachelors' answer to vanilla game and Stardew valley expanded mod so you don't confuse them.
Thanks for the ask! Enjoy!
Stardew Valley Bachelors with artist!Farmer s/o:
Alex knows that his partner is incredibly talented, so he wasn't surprised when he found out that the Farmer turned out to be a great artist. Another fact about Alex's partner, he will tell everyone and brag about how good his s/o is.
Sometimes he will joke that the Farmer pays so much attention to the object of drawing that he can even become jealous.
Alex doesn't hesitate to flex in front of the Farmer, showing his muscles and giving them a reason to draw him in all his glory.
Despite his pride, he blushes a little when he sees how beautifully his s/o drew Alex. Comment from s/o that in reality Alex will always be prettier anyway will turn the athlete into a tomato.
He really likes your summer seascapes.
It still remains a mystery to him how s/o manages to combine farming and painting at the same time.
Alex always supports your hobby, even if he doesn't understand some types of art like abstractionism.
Wow, he didn't know that they draw so well, it's so cool!
Constantly asks for permission to look at the Farmer's sketchbook, if they don't mind of course.
Sam will be delighted with how beautifully and in detail his s/o draws the characters of his favorite comics and video games.
Sometimes Sam will ask Farmer to draw something funny on his hand. It looks like a beautiful tattoo. Jodi politely asks the Farmer to stop drawing in her eldest son's arms, as Sam refuses to wash his hands before eating, afraid to wipe the drawing off his skin.
He will hang all their drawings on the wall to admire during relaxation or musical rehearsal.
Some drawings he will keep in a special box as a treasure.
Please don't show him food and drink still lifes - their s/o paints food so beautifully and believably that he immediately wants to eat something. He laughs at Farmer's joke when they warn Sam not to inadvertently eat the painting itself.
His s/o is full of mysteries and talents, isn't it?
Sebby will be interested to hear how and when exactly the Farmer began to get involved in drawing.
He'll be pleasantly surprised if his s/o shows him a science fiction comic they've drawn. If the Farmer wants to publish the comic and concept art on the Internet, then Sebastian will create a dedicated site for their publication.
His entire monitor is plastered with stickers drawn by his s/o in the form of cute frogs. No matter how many times Abigail and Sam tease him about it, he will not remove the stickers.
If the Farmer draws digital arts, Sebastian will always put them on the desktop of his computer.
For their s/o birthday, Sebby will give them a nice electronic sketchbook.
Sebastian sometimes gets nervous when Robin comes into his room, because he is afraid that his mother will accidentally throw out one of his s/o drawings. Robin seems to know that the drawing on Sebastian's desk should not be touched, but Sebby still sometimes hides them in the table, just in case.
Marvelous! Wonderful! Elliott didn't expect to meet another creative soul. The valley is indeed full of talented people!
Even the most ordinary sketch, which, according to his own s/o, is unremarkable, Elliott keeps as the apple of the Eye.
He will be happy if the Farmer offers to draw illustrations for his new novel he's writing.
While he is touring for his another book signing, Elliott will search for handmade sketchbooks and expensive paint sets as gifts for his precious s/o.
Elliott loves how beautifully they portray the landscape of their farm. He will hang this picture in a beautiful frame on the wall in the most prominent place in the house.
One day, after a few strong drinks, he will jokingly offer s/o to draw him half-naked. The poor writer will immediately blush if the Farmer seriously agrees to this idea. The portrait came out beautiful, but they both decided to keep the painting a secret. There are some paintings that are not created for prying eyes.
Elliott will put up a new closet in his room for all his s/o paintings, drawings, and creative figures.
Harvey isn't surprised when Farmer says they can draw. They are talented in everything they undertake.
Harvey is used to their doodles on his workbook and notes. The Farmer in the clinic is a frequent visitor, and sometimes they cannot restrain their creative impulse. Harvey doesn't mind, but please don't draw in his documents!
Every time s/o fills Harvey's lunch box for him at work, they leaves notes with cute and motivating drawings. Today is a note with a pun, tomorrow it is a painted kitten in a cup that wish Harvey a good day. Harvey smiles warmly every time at the sight of such small messages from his loved one, which set him up in a good mood.
He constantly massages his s/o hands when they starts to ache from frequent drawings and farm work. No hard work today, doctor's order!
Was very surprised when he found a whole stack of papers with sketches of his portrait. The Farmer says that Harvey is his main muse, so there is nothing to be surprised about.
He is amazed at how accurately they draw model aircraft.
A little embarrassed when his s/o asks him to pose for a portrait. The Farmer tells him to just be himself the way the Farmer loves him, and Harvey relaxes, once again noting how talented his s/o is.
Heh, neat.
"Can you draw a dick on the wall at Joja Market?"
Shane please
He constantly smiles when his s/o shows him a book of sketches. Shane could listen to them forever.
Shane himself is not a fan of great art, but will listen with interest to the Farmer about different styles of drawing.
Stickers and funny pictures with farm animals are his favorites. He especially likes how they drew cute chickens.
What, this chicken sticker was inspired by Shane's favorite Charlie? Shane is about to die of happiness.
His s/o sat with Jas on more than one occasion and helped her with posters for contests and events. + into the piggy bank of good memories for Shane.
The Farmer always asks Shane for fresh sketch ideas. Shane usually says he's untalented when it comes to imagination, but he always comes up with a funny and crazy idea for new s/o drawings.
"So, you haven't changed your mind yet about drawing on the Joja wall di-?"
Stardew Valley Expanded Bachelors with artist!Farmer s/o:
There is a whole book with Victor's portrait. And they are all so beautiful, why did his s/o hide it from him?!
Well, they didn't hide it, but Victor would like to know that his partner is the next Leonardo da Vinci!
Victor does not hesitate to give you a huge set of high-quality expensive paints, colored pencils and sketchbooks.
He is very glad that the Farmer and his mother have a common interest. Olivia and Victor's partner often arrange private drawing lessons at home, remembering to constantly call Victor and show him the paintings on the canvas. Great family time!
Although Victor is more knowledgeable in design and drafting himself, he doesn't mind getting some advice from his s/o.
He jokes and wipes the Farmer's hands and face if they don't notice they're covered in paint.
Usually, Victor is a little shy about asking the Farmer to draw something specific, such as landscape with a bridge. But his s/o seems to read Victor's thoughts and in a week gives Victor a beautiful picture with famous bridges. Victor will be surprised more than once how good and accurately they draw.
He also often shares his drawings of bridge designs with them and asks for their opinion.
Not to say that he is a fan of art, but the way s/o draws natural landscapes is very mesmerizing. The painting is like a window to another world!
With permission from his s/o, he casts a quick cleaning spell on them, as the Farmer always manages to stain themself and their clothes with paint.
Magnus and his s/o often go to the forest, where they find a beautiful scenic spot. The Wizard sits in the lotus position to meditate, and the Farmer sits nearby and quietly draws a new picture. It may seem unremarkable to some, but Magnus appreciates such calm moments more than anything.
"Can you pose for me please?" Wait, what? They want to draw him? Why not.
Magnus comments that he looks better on canvas than in reality. For which he receives an angry look from the Farmer and the answer that on the canvas they are unlikely to ever depict their favorite wizard as beautiful as he is in reality.
Merciful Yoba, Farmer, why are you so perfect in everything?
Farmer, adventurer and artist... My my, their s/o is an incredible person.
He repeatedly notices how they buried their noses in the diary and make notes about adventures with beautiful illustrations.
A little jealous of his s/o time management: the Farmer has time to do farm work, protect the valley, and paint at the same time!
Nevertheless, he suggests at least sometimes to rest and not to overestimate their strength. Tired hands will affect the ability to hold a weapon firmly, which can end badly in a fight with monsters.
Lance is hard to embarrass, but when their s/o shows him sketches of Lance himself, the brave adventurer's cheeks turn a little pink. They painted him like an Olympic god.
"You are like an Olympic god, I could not miss such beauty and not draw you" Thank you very much, now Lance's cheeks are now rosier than his hair.
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kasey-writes-stuff · 11 months
Pumpkin spice
https://x.com/hiddenheavens_/status/1699604957584891925?s=46&t=kkP4Hc550di8WKAyIeM7EQ Wooo decided to join my friend ( @wishitweresummer ) and do this little thing hope y’all enjoy! (Also ty to summer for the title <3)
Punz and Sam were currently at the store grabbing costumes and Halloween makeup for the festival in a few hours! They had been searching through the costumes about an hour having had no plan when they got there and they finally settled on one. They decided to go with the classic Skeleton, they got the cheesy black outfits with bones on them and grabbed Halloween makeup for Punz to do their makeup. They got home and immediately put the costumes on and then Punz began doing Sam’s makeup but there was a slight problem.
“Sam stop moving please!”
Punz groaned softly a small smile on his face
“Ihi can’t help it! It t-tihickklehehss!”
Sam’s head twitched and his nose wiggled.
“Please, it can’t be that bad! Just hold still the best you can a few more minutes okay?”
Punz smiled softly at the younger.
“Fihinnehe I’ll do mihihiyyyy behestt.”
Sam giggled and sighed softly as he attempted to be still.
“See there all done now was it really that hard?”
Punz smirked softly at him.
“Yes yes it was!”
Sam joked back at the older.
“Oh whatever just let me do mine and then we can go okay?”
Punz rolled his eyes light heartedly.
“Yea alright.”
Sam smirked an idea coming to mind.
“Okay it shouldn’t take too long since I’ve basically done it before.”
Punz began applying the make up to his face carefully.
“Hmm well it actually might take a little longer.”
Sam smirked softly as he poked up and down Punz’s ribs.
“EEP! Whahatrtt shahahmmm noho! Youuurrrhehehe gohohnnahahha mahahhkkehehee meheheh mehehsss uhuhuppp!”
Punz squealed squirming as he fell into giggles desperately trying to keep his hand steady.
“Oh? But earlier you were challenging me saying it couldn’t be that hard right? So come on this can’t be too hard for you right?”
Sam chuckled softly.
“Thihisss ihihisss tohohttthahhalllyyy dihihiffheherrrehhennttt!”
Punz exclaimed as he just barely missed making a huge mess up.
“Hmm well I mean maybe it is but the concept is the same so tomato tomato you know?”
Sam smiled softly as he gave Punz’s hips a squeeze.
Punz jumped bursting into a shriek as he accidentally drew a big black line across his cheek and he sighed grabbing the make up remover.
“Ohohokkahhayyy ohohokkahahyyy ihimm dohonnehehe ihihi pprohohommihisshehe.”
Sam giggled out hands raised in surrender.
“You better be or else we’re gonna be late for the festival and miss all the best candy!”
Punz shook his head then began fixing his makeup carefully.
“Pinky promise I am I don’t wanna miss the king sized snickers!”
Sam shook his head quickly.
“Good just another few and I’ll be done.”
Punz carefully worked at finishing his makeup and soon enough was done so the two quickly headed out.
“So I heard there’s gonna be a pumpkin patch there do you wanna get a few pumpkins together.”
Sam asked curiously.
“Yea that sounds fun let’s do it.”
Punz nodded getting in the drivers side of the car.
“Woo I bet I’ll pick a better pumpkin than you!”
Sam says playfully, smiling at the older.
“What no way dude I’m like the expert pumpkin picker.”
Punz scoffed as they began making the drive.
“Nah bro no way I am so good luck.”
Sam shook his head nonchalantly.
“Uh huh whatever just wait you’ll see!”
Soon enough the two made it to the festival quickly getting out of the car.
“So do you wanna do the pumpkin patch first or getting candy.”
Punz asked.
“Definitely the candy because if we wait too long like you said earlier all the best stuff will be gone.”
Sam says.
“Yea true you’re right!”
Punz nods softly as they begin walking to the festival.
“Oh I hope they have caramel apples man it’s been years since I’ve had one!”
Sam says excitedly.
“Yea same that does sound pretty good right now.”
Punz nods in agreement as they finally make it into the festival.
“Oohh look king sized snickers right as we walk in!”
Sam says excitedly.
“No way dude this is alresdy a W.”
Punz smiles following Sam over to the booth.
“It’s because I totally have like, Halloween luck or something. I’ve gotten a king sized candy bar without fail every Halloween since I was like, seven.”
Sam boasts smirking softly as they each grab a bar.
“What- that’s crazy you gotta be lying or something dude there’s no way- wait okay no because you had to have stopped at what like fourteen so you just bought yourself a king sized bar every year didn’t you?”
Punz points a finger accusingly at Sam.
“Okay well… alright alright maybe! But hey it still counts!”
Sam laughs softly as he and Punz walk off to another booth.
“Okay I guess technically but still it’s not like true luck when you’re buying them for yourself!”
Punz shakes his head smiling.
“Oh come on bro I mean at least like seven of those years was genuine though so I still have atleast a little bit of Halloween luck!”
Sam smiles shaking his head a bit as they reach the next booth.
“I meannnn I guess just a little I don’t know thoughhhh.”
Punz teases softly.
“Alright just wait you’ll see somehow I’ll prove my luck!”
Sam huffs playfully as he jabs Punz’s side.
“AYE! D-dohont!”
Punz’s cheeks flush pink jumping before he grabs a handful of candy tossing it in his bucket.
“Sorry sorry you were doubting me I had to you were basically asking for it!”
Sam smirks as he too grabs a handful of candy tossing it in his bucket.
“Okay no I was not asking for it by not believing your little Halloween luck claim.”
Punz squeezes Sam’s hip smirking as they start to approach the caramel apple booth.
“GAH! H-hehehey! Brohoho come on!”
Sam exclaims jumping and giggling shaking his head before grabbing a caramel apple.
“Hey it’s only fair you got me first!”
Punz chuckles softly as he grabs a Carmel covered apple as well.
“Whatever bro let’s eat these and maybe grab a few more handfuls of candy before moving to the pumpkin patch yea?”
Sam rolls his eyes softly as they continue onwards.
“Sounds good to me.”
Punz nods as they hit a few more booths before making their way to the pumpkin patch.
“So you going for a big pumpkin or a small one?”
Sam asks.
“Hmm probably closer to the bigger side more space for if I pick a pretty big design but like not too big cause then it’ll just look stupid or take too much time.”
Punz shrugs softly.
“Yea that’s a good plan actually I might steal that from you.”
Sam giggles softly as they go inside the patch and begin their search, after a few minutes they separate. They’re separated about ten minutes before meeting back up but it wasn’t an intentional meet up they just happened to go right for the same pumpkin.
“Oh hi there stranger fancy meeting you here.”
Sam joked playfully.
“Yea fancy meeting you at my pumpkin.”
Punz says with a playful smile.
“What absolutely not I saw it first!”
Sam exclaims shaking his head!
“No way I saw it first!”
Punz shakes his head.
“No way bro I literally touched it first too!”
Sam exclaims again.
“Noooo I totally touched it first!”
Punz huffs softly.
“Okay I think there’s only one way to settle this!”
Sam cracks his knuckles and tackles Punz to the ground careful to avoid any pumpkins nearby.
“What do you mean by THAAAATTT!
Punz’s words turn into a yell as he’s tackled.
“What I mean by that is this!”
He snaps his hands to Punz’s thighs quickly squeezing up and down them thumbs on the tops as the rest of his fingers cover the backs.
Punz shrieked quickly trying to wiggle out from Sam but seeing that plan not working he decided to switch to fighting back! His hands quickly found place on Sam’s chest scribbling on one side and squeezing the other!
Sam squeals bursting into laughter and falling backwards off Punz!
“Hahahaha yehehahahaha nohoh it’s not gonna be that easy to take me down Sam!”
Punz quickly sits on Sam’s hips and his hands dart to Sam’s ribs switching between squeezing at them and scribbling on them being sure to get the backs with each method!
Sam writhes under Punz squeaking as he continues laughing loudly, much like Punz he can’t seem to wiggle out from under the guy. So he sits up the best he can and reaches his hands out he goes for his hips squeezing them quickly!
Punz falls backwards squealing before bursting back into loud laughter.
“Ohoho nohohottt heherrhehe? Why’s that too bad of a spot? Hmm afraid you won’t be able to fight back cause of how much it tickles punzo?”
Sam smirks as he begins drilling his thumbs into the dips of Punz’s hips!
It takes him a bit and a few tries but he finally manages to sit up enough to plunge his hands into Sam’s armpits!
Sam shrieks bursting back into laughter his arms clamp down but he keeps his hands on Punz’s hips one squeezing as the other makes circles and switching them every few seconds.
Punz jerks but does his best to keep his hands in Sam’s pits. His fingers fastly scirbbling around before zeroing in on the middles.
Sam’s hands speed up desperately trying to make Punz break, as he can feel his own resolve nearly breaking.
Punz’s hands speed up practically digging into Sam’s pits as if he’s looking for treasure. To add onto that he manages to lean up and place his head into Sam’s neck. The vibrations of his crazed laughter mixed with his slight beard working very effectively.
Sam retracts his hands continuing to laugh loudly as Punz is still going.
“Hahahha hehehe lehhetttsss gohoho bahahbbbyy!”
Punz slows to a stop pulling his head away and collapsing backwards on the ground.
“Gehehezzzhehehe mahahannn thahattt whahahsss sohoho muhuchhh wohohorrshehehe thhahannn ihiddd ehevvveherrr ehheexxpprhehecctt!”
Sam says through residual giggles. falling back next to Punz.
“Hehehehe yehehaha lihihitttllhehehehe sohohommehheetthihinnggg ihihi lehehhaharrnehehedd.”
Punz says still giggling residually as well.
“Oh really? I’ll have to keep that in mind.”
Sam smirks softly as he slowly gets up and reaches out his hand for Punz.
“Oh shut up and let’s go find you your pumpkin yea?”
Punz says blushing softly as he takes Sam’s hand and the two are off to find Sam a pumpkin.
“Alright alright hehe, Oohh that one!”
Sam exclaims jogging over to one excitedly.
“Oh yea it looks practically the same as this one! Wait so you’re telling me we didn’t even need to do all of that?! This whole time there was practically the exact same pumpkin right here?!”
Punz says exasperatedly in a playfully way.
“I guess so but don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it punzo.”
Sam says smiling knowingly at the older.
“Oh whatever you enjoyed it too if not more!”
Punz says cheeks flushed again.
“Okay- I… you know let’s go ahead and get these pumpkins back and start carving yea? Yea alright let’s go.”
The end
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Hi! Can I ask an ikevamp request where the boys find MC's sketchbook and is filled with drawings and doodles of them? If all of the suitors is to much, then just do for Jean, Will, Theo, Mozart, Leo and Comte. Have a nice day! ^^
Bruh this is a genius idea @jeanstan . First of all thanks so much for this request and second of all of coarse I will do all the suitors. Why? Because I’m awesome. No I’m kidding, I’m literally the most clumsy, airheaded  person on this planet. Think brain fried Kaminari energy. Also I’m really sorry this took this long. Anywhooo let’s get into it shall we. Tags:      @nad-zeta​
Ilevamp suitors finding mc’s sketchbook
you where just chilling in his armchair and doodling him when sleep over took you and fell asleep
being the gentleman he is he picked you up and set you down on his bed tucking you in nicely
then he noticed your sketchbook on the armchair
not even mr. Perfect-guy can resist tacking a little peek at it
so  he just looked at the page that was already open
an there he saw a pretty good drawing of him
Comte to his brain: take a peek you said. it will be fine you said. why are you looking through it. you said.
yup he ended up going through your entire sketchbook
he then wrote a little thank you next to your most recent drawing and set it next to you.
when you saw his little note you blushed, but at least he liked it
Leonardo da sleepy
you where both just sitting in the library
you got a bit hungry so you left to get a snack but you accidentally left your notebook there
you know this guy has a thirst for knowledge and that includes figuring out what’s in your notebook
he will pick it up and flip it open expecting to see notes or random drawings
nope nope he sees a bunch of drawings of him with notes like * damn that smile owns my heart* or * UUUUUUH why is he so annoyingly adorable*
This guy has the biggest smirk plastered on his face. when you come back into the room
“ I didn’t know I was annoyingly adorable Cara mia”
cue you turning tomato red
you where sparring ( or where watching the boys spar whatever fits)
after a few rounds you decided to get a drink and offered to bring drinks for the boys too
Jean excused himself and went to the bathroom and Leon was left alone
now your sketchbook was already just on the ground next to your hoodie
he didn’t touch it ‘cause he’s nice, but now..
he decided to take a peek
and he saw a sketch of him sparring
he flipped through it and found more pictures
him sleeping, him laughing, him teaching the kids the best thing that would describe him in this moment that meme: mha heart mah soul
and you catch him with the notebook in his hands
he just walks up to you and hugs you
little bean
he stumbles across it by accident, literally stumbles
you dropped it and he tripped on it
he’s like the f is this?
he picks it up and opens it
oh my Lord
he’s as red as an apple ( pun intended😏)
there are a bunch of doodles of him some where he’s holding Harry, some where it’s only him looking through his telescope or just off into the distance
you: Hey Isaac have you seen my...
Isaac: no I haven’t seen the notebook, idk about a notebook, what is a notebook even
poor boy
you just hug him and reassure him you’re not mad, when he mumbles an apology
precious bean yes Isaac, Jean and Vincent are all beans. COME @ ME
so you carried that notebook around everywhere you went and while he is not as attentive as Arthur he still noticed
so when you left your notebook in his bedroom after bringing him breakfast he couldn’t resist the urge to take a peek
when he sees a bunch of drawing of him he’s..torn
on one hand he’s moved and is actually happy that you drew him on the other he doesn’t understand why you would want to draw someone as impure as him akgkgakgskgfau LOVE HIM PLS
when you come back into the room you panic a little ‘cause he’s staring at it with a blank expression
but then he apologizes and your panic melt away
he ask you why you drew him and you if play the “because I love you” card he will be shocked and happy and confused and surprised...( the list is so long A decided it would be best to just ad an etc. over here)
you hug him and reassure him he is important and you love him
ok so he knew that the sketchbook was important to you right of the bat
being the annoying sweet person he is he decides to pester you more then ever
“ Whatcha got there Luv?” “It’s my notebook” “Can I see what’s inside” *flashes a severely annoyed look* “Arthur this is the 7th time today and i have the same answer. No.” “ Oh come on doll it’s just a peak” “It is closed for a REASON!”
Yeah you might have snapped at him a little but his ho guy ain’t giving up
so of coarse when you leave your notebook in his room he will act like he didn’t notice until you leave and then he will scramble out of his chair and nab the notebook
he opens it expecting a diary or just a bunch of notes only to come face to face with a bunch of pictures of him
he’ll raise an eyebrow and keep looking until he finds a very beautiful and realistic drawing of him sleeping with Vic and he looses his shit
he’ll run to you and pull you back into the room to cuddle and tell you how much he loves you no he’s definitely not crying
you don’t get what’s happening until he tells you he saw your drawing and you will turn slightly pink but honestly you just can’t be mad
ok so we all know that when he finds this notebook he’ll be stone-faced  
you ain’t getting no type of emotion out of this tsuntsun
that is until he’s in public
once he’s in his room oh boy
at first it’s just a hint of a smile, but it gets bigger and bigger until he’s smiling like a dork as he inspects your drawings
he’ll never admit it but the fact that you drew him really warmed his icy heart
he even finds one where he’s by a Christmas tree smiling and a little note next to it saying “I’ll make him smile like this one day”
he closes the book and puts on his stone face again and leaves his room
in the corridor he runs into you
“ Hey, Wolf?” “What do you want.” “Isn’t that my notebook?” “Yes it is.” “So why do you have it?” “....Inspiration.”
yup now he has that notebook with him on the piano and only let’s you get it back if you want to doddle in it some more
you where cooking in the kitchen, whipping up some pancakes for the brothers
Theo came in to complain that there wasn’t enough syrup on his pancake and you flashed him a death glare and told him to get some from the cupboard
as he grumbles to himself h notices your sketchbook  on the counter
and he proceeds to open it and go through it
he sees a bunch of pretty decent drawings of him and he’s surprised
he’ll act all tough but he’s really happy
“ Oi, Hondjie! What is this?” he shows you your most recent sketch. The one where he’s walking King with a faint smile on his lips.
you instantly go bright red
“ Put that down! You where not supposed to see that! There not good just put it down”
he’ll sigh and pull you into a hug
“ I like it”
smol bean
you left it in his room and he just wanted to take a peek
and he opened it up and saw a punch of sketches of him
they even had notes like “uhh stop moving you hand” or “how can someone be this pure”
he’s moved
will go and find you and apologize for looking in your notebook and will tell you how cute your drawings are
all in all he’s a sweet little angel but like who expected  anything else
funny how he can’t remember your name but can remember exactly were you hide the sketchbook when you can’t take it with you
yup this guy just went and took it
he has no shame
he flicked trough it and smiled to himself
the drawings where adorable and funny and he loved it
you strait up walk in on him with the sketchbook and he just smiled at you
you turn pink trying to explain why you drew them
buuuut he just twirls you around and pules you into his lap smiling and you go over the drawing together recalling happy memories  
did somebody say Sebastian appreciation hours
You can’t really hide anything from Sebas can you
you went out to get groceries and he was cleaning up around the mansion
you had left your notebook tucked behind one of the library shelves and as he was dusting he found it
he opened it not knowing it was your notebook
he realized soon enough though
he just starred at the pages full of drawings of him
you waked in and he just calmly put the notebook down
he asks why you drew him and you turn pink
as you try to formulate a coherent response he sighs and makes his way to you
he gently flicks your forehead and smiles
“I never said I didn’t like them”
ok so lets talk about our dear yandere boy Will
you hang out a lot at his villa
usually you are accompanied by Vincent
but today he remembered he had a painting to finish and left
you offered to walk him to the gate and he gladly accepted
however you forgot your sketchbook on the dining table
William instantly noticed this and couldn’t help but take a peek
he’s shooketh
the drawing are so cute  he really likes them
you come in and he smiles at you
your kind of embarrassed because 1 you didn’t want him to see that and 2 he asked you if you could draw in front of him
“ The way thou hand moves across this paper mesmerizes me”
you turn bright red but your happy he likes it
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evdarcy · 3 years
An Unusual Hero C6S3
Please remember, this is unedited and unfinished, but will hopefully fill in the holes that were left and answer some questions without leaving too many others. HOWEVER I will answer all and any questions if you want to leave me a comment.
Next update - Tuesday 04/05/2021
An unhappy squeal of surprise jarred Luc awake. He sat up quickly—
‘Fuck!’ he called as he smacked his head on the roof of the too small car. He rubbed his forehead as he looked around, trying to work out where he was and what had woken him.
The driver’s door was open and over the top of it he spied a tree line far in the distance. With the air cold and damp, a gravelly pathway under the car, and the sounds of splashing water and short gasps of breath, Luc was betting they’d stopped by a lake or river and Sarah was trying to use the freezing cold water for a wash or something of the like.
The TV star shook his head as he climbed out the little Hyundai, closing both his and Sarah’s doors. He glanced around, taking in the beautiful sight of the Grand Teton mountain range before honing in on his… captor? He shook his head, that didn’t sound right. He’d ran off with her of his own free will, but then it wasn’t as if he’d had much choice. Between one gun and the other, hers had seemed the less threatening.
God, Luc hoped he hadn’t been wrong about that.
He glanced down the the lake’s edge. He’d been right, Sarah was knelt beside what Luc knew to be icy cold water, splashing it over her face and shivering with each handful as the water dripped down her nose and chin.
He took a deep breath and released it before he called down to her. ‘Keep the doors closed.’
He quickly turned away, finding the nearest tree and unbuttoning his jeans before relieving himself against the bark.
‘Oh God,’ he moaned in satisfaction as his bladder emptied. What an idiot he’d been yesterday refusing to go when Sarah had offered him the chance. He’d partly refused just in case she’d left him behind, that she’d call The Demon and offer him over if he left her alone. The other part of him knew if he’d got out the car yesterday he’d have called the police on Sarah.
‘The car smells,’ she called back to him. ‘It needs airing.’
‘Rather the smell of us than raccoon piss,’ he shouted back. ‘Or a bear getting nosey.’
‘A bear!’
He chuckled as he heard Sarah scrambling around on the shoreline, her footsteps crunching on the gavel as she hurried back up towards the car. He shook himself off and was about to tuck his dick away when a stranger stuck their face in his. He reared back at the intrusion, stumbling slightly, until his back hit the car.
‘What the—’
The woman was the same height as Sarah, but had long, thick, auburn hair, sparkling green-blue eyes and a tiny petite nose and chin that made her cheeks look round and full. Luc knew his mouth was hanging open, but she was beautiful; fresh faced, wide-eyed, and the way her hair tumbled around her round face made her look innocent and vulnerable.
Although the terror in her eyes probably helped with that latter part.
‘What do you mean a bear?’ The voice was definitely Sarah’s. ‘Are there freaking bears around here?’ Luc tried to fathom what had happened as he watched this woman’s head snap left and right as she scanned the line of trees on the other side of the car.
‘We’re in Wyoming,’ he said, slowly. Perhaps she’d been wearing a wig? A false nose and chin could also explain away the changes. But how hadn’t he realised? He could usually spot prosthetics a mile away.
‘Do you know how many parks there are up here?’ he continued, his eyes taking in her new profile; her narrowed eyes were framed by long dark lashes and her nose had a little lift to it at the end. ‘We’re probably not far from Yellowstone.’
‘Where Yogi and Boo-boo live?’
‘Er, they live in Jellystone, and they’re not real.’
‘Oh… Fuck off!’ she snapped as she folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. Definitely still Sarah. The bite in her tone mirrored what he’d heard yesterday, although the flicker of annoyance in her eyes was different.
That was why her eyes had been odd yesterday. There had been no emotions within them. He hadn’t been able to read her eyes, only her facial expressions—which would have been hindered by the prosthetics—and her body language.
She huffed and shook her head when he refused to back down from her hard stare, dropping her eyes down his body to the floor. But her eyes grew large and a flush to her cheeks flamed the apples of them red. A small squeak of surprise came from her lips as they fell open and Luc glanced down to where she was looking, cursing himself when he saw his dick still hanging free and easy from between the flies of his jeans.
‘For fuck’s sake,’ he hissed, quickly turning away from the woman’s eyes and tucking himself back into his jeans. Heat filled his own face and Luc knew he’d be bright red for a few minutes. Once his zip was secured, he stepped to the side and began to walk towards the water’s edge, avoiding facing his partner in crime until he wasn’t the colour of a tomato.
‘So what happened to the hair and eyes—’ He began to call over his shoulder, only to stop when he saw her following him. Luc had been a star for many years, he’d had fans, super fans, and outright stalkers; bodyguards, teams of security, and once a police escort, but never had he been followed the way Sarah was tracking him now. Her back was to him, her was gun out and her head darted left to right as she tried to take in everything.
Where had the steel-balled woman from yesterday gone? Clearly Sarah was a city girl and not a country gal; she might be able to stare down death when it came in the form of a gun-toting terrorist, but he’d bet every nickle and dime he owned that she’d run from a room screaming if a spider scurried from a corner.
He sighed and stopped, putting his hands on her shoulders he turned her around to face him. ‘Sarah,’ he said, pushing her gun down so she didn’t accidentally shoot him. ‘Here’s the deal. If you see a raccoon just run and shout at the furry bastard. If a bear comes charging at you, get to a tree and climb. The cubs can haul up it, but the bigger ones shouldn’t be able to—’
‘Shouldn’t?’ her voice squeaked.
‘Now, if it’s a wolf—’
‘Get in the fucking car, Luc!’ Sarah wrenched herself from his grasp and turned, running up the tiny hill to the little black Hyundai. Luc couldn’t stop the laughter that fell from his lips, a throw your head back guffaw, right from the belly.
‘Now, Luc!’ she screamed as she slammed the door and began to hot-wire the engine again. He chuckled all the way back to the car, shaking his head as he went at the irony. He hadn’t laughed so hard or so freely in what felt like a lifetime.
The car coughed to life in the cold Wyoming air as he settled himself next to Sarah, a smile still playing on his lips as they pulled away.
‘You’re in a better mood,’ she muttered, looking at him from the corner of her eye before fixing her gaze back on the track to the main road. Luc hummed in agreement; he was. Sure he was on the run, sure the life he knew—the fame, fortune, and fans—was over with, hell he might even be murdered tomorrow, but he was free.
His smile grew bigger at the thought, a show your teeth, shit-eating grin, Casey would say. He turned his attention out his window, taking in the landscape to hide his smile from Sarah.
Snow still covered the mountain tops that surrounded them and the chill in the air made him glad he’d never chosen to come camping this far north on hiatus. The boys on set had been hinting at attending one of the Dude Ranches that had been springing up over the last decade or so, but nothing had ever come of it. And the idea of Casey, Nick, Marc, or Robson surviving in a ranch setting was hilarious. He imagined Tony would’ve been fine with it, and BB would’ve probably outshone the lot. Sophie… He shook his head. That girl didn’t go anywhere there wasn’t an electrical socket for her hairdryer.
A twinge in his chest brought him up short as it hit him; he wasn’t going to see any of them for a while. Or, perhaps, ever again…
‘Where we heading?’ he asked, trying to swallow the ball of emotion that suddenly seemed lodged in his throat.
‘We passed a town about an hour or so before we parked up last night,’ Sarah told him as she pulled back onto the 191 and this time headed south. ‘We need to get a few things and figure out where we can lay low for a while.’
‘Why don’t we just go back there?’ Luc asked, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb. ‘There was a cabin in the trees that looks like it’s been locked up for the winter. Its owners probably won’t be up this way until the summer.’
He said cabin, but it had looked little more than a hut when he’s spied it through the forest. It probably had one or two rooms and no running water or electricity.
Sarah frowned at his suggestion, pulling her lower lip between her teeth as she considered it. ‘But it’s May, summer’s nearly here, they could return at any time.’
‘Nah,’ he shook his head. ‘Summer this far north doesn’t start until July. We’d probably be fine. It’s off the highway,’ he added as an incentive. ‘Probably better than a motel with our current situation.’
‘But… bears?’ she said it quietly, her head hunching between her shoulders as she drew them upwards. Luc had to stop himself from grinning again, she was definitely a city girl. ‘Or were you lying about them?’ She narrowed her eyes as she glanced at him. He held his hands up as he shook his head.
‘Absolutely not. But I can get some things to help keep all the nasty wildlife away.’ He watched her as she considered his words, her finger tapping on the steering wheel again.
‘No bears?’
‘None.’ He crossed his heart. ‘Scouts honour.’
‘What about wolves?’
‘I’ll keep them away too.’
‘Fine,’ she said. ‘But if I wake up to a bear in bed with me, you’re being its bitch.’
Any questions, please drop them in the comments. Next update on Tuesday!
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All 65 ho! 😤
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
I mean I guess kind of sometimes? As someone with ADHD, object permanence is a big thing so if I don't see you, you aren't real xD
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
Um, it varies, actually. Generally speaking, I'm not afraid. But sometimes I have lots of nightmares and the darkness is awful and I will deadass sleep with the light on. Also while I'm not afraid, if I hear sounds, I am terrified xD
3. The person you would never want to meet?
Jason Mamoa. He seems like a fine person but something about his appearance triggers my fight or flight.
4. What is your favorite word?
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
I think maybe either a birch or a weeping willow?
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
That's not yellow
7. What shirt are you wearing?
I'm wearing a green Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time shirt that my sister got for me a few years ago at Fan Expo.
8. What do you label yourself as?
Panromantic asexual. Gender identity wise, demigirl. I recently learned what omnisexual is and I'm curious, but I don't want to come out again so panromantic it is xD
9. Bright room or dark room?
Bright! Lots of sunlight for plants and reading!
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
I was being trained at work
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
I think 18, just because mentally I'm still there.
12. Who told you they loved you last?
My boyfriend :3 I miss him.
13. Your worst enemy?
Dickface. He called me his step daughter once and I almost fucking lost it in that Tim Hortons. I had to fight so hard not to say anything. I was also fighting some pretty rough food poisoning that week so I was not in the mood to argue xD
14. What is your current desktop picture?
On my computer? I think it's a rat xD it's either me with Cortana on my shoulder or Willow peeking through some bars, I can't remember.
15. Do you like someone?
I like my boyfriend. A lot. I mean I hope I do since we have been dating for 6 years xD but I also have a celebrity squish. Patrick Dempsey. Motherfucker. Yes. That smile. Those EYES.
16. The last song you listened to?
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
That power hungry cheeto. But only if I wouldn't get caught.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Dickface. He is a child abuser and just a shitty person all around. I called him a stupid idiot on my birthday and lost my fucking mind because I didn't actually mean to and he looked PISSED.
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
I don't know who, but I would make them cuddle because I am touched starved and need a fucking hug xD
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
I'm doing this all in my phones notes so I can't add a picture, but I love my tattoos and piercings! I have both nostrils pierced, my septum and snakebites. Tattoo wise, I have the Triforce of Courage on my left hand, a small blue hard on my right thumb, a beautiful memorial rat tattoo on my left leg, Midna's Fused Shadow on my left arm and Expecto Patronum on my right wrist. I. Need. More.
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
Not gonna lie, I'd probably jerk off xD
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
If I shared it, it wouldn't be a secret.
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
I... don't know
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
I would stick with my normal Subway order: lettuce, tomato, red onions, LOTS OF PICKLES, cheese, black forest ham, mayo and salt and pepper.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
Not gonna lie, I would probably get some Subway and maybe some candle making supplies.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
California. I miss my boyfriend. Let's go.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
Joke's on you, I don't really drink alcohol! I would instead request all the apple juice :')
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Pet rats for everyone!!!!
29. What is your favorite expletive?
I enjoy cunt :3
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My little stuffed lion. I would also grab my teddy bear seeing as they are always together.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? (Tw rape for this question)
I mean... all of these experiences have made me who I am. But if i can erase one experience without changing who I am, it would be nice to not have been raped.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
I would say Indonesia because volcanoes! But I am also very gay and I don't believe that is a gay friendly country... so... maybe Japan? All of this assuming that the boyfriend is with me. If not, then California.
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
My grandpa. I really miss him... I want him to see how far I've come and I want to spend more time with him.
34. What was your last dream about?
I have been having a weird amount of sex dreams lately...
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
Rat mom? I like to think so! Shameless plug, but I have a blog here called @ratpotatoez where you can see my beautiful chonks. I'm also on Facebook and YouTube.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
I mean yes? But not for like an overnight stay.
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
38. What is the color of your socks?
Fuck socks
39. What type of music do you like?
Depends on my mood. I love heavier, alternative rock but my heart will forever belong to Simple Plan.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
I think they're both really lovely!
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
I don't like football. The only sport I watch is hockey.
43. Do you have any scars?
I am covered in self harm scars (I'm working on covering them up with tattoos). I don't really have any scars with cool stories. I had one that went down my arm but somehow it healed??? Someone in gym class accidentally took a chunk out of my arm with their finger nail and I had a hole in my arm for the longest time!!! I also have a scar on my knee from when I was really young, maybe 3 or 4. I was balancing on some bricks in someone's garden and I lost my balance, fell, and hit my knee on the brick. I remember there being blood running all down my leg as I screamed and cried. So that was fun.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
I don't know. I do know, though, that I want to go to culinary school. I also want to go to school for creative writing.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My weight. I gained 100+lbs when I went off my anti-depressants and I swelled up like a balloon. I've felt like shit about myself ever since.
46. Are you reliable?
I sure as shit hope so!
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Was it worth it...?
48. Do you hold grudges?
I try not to, but I think I do ._.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
"I just really want to punch this horse in the face, okay?"
51. Are you a good liar?
I think so, yes. Trauma does that to you.
52. How long could you go without talking?
When I get super super drained, I go mute. I can stop talking for days at a time.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
I once left the hair dressers with essentially what was a fucking bowl cut. Yea, I wasn't thrilled. I refused to remove my hat.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
Yes. At 3AM. Because fuck a healthy sleep schedule.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
I can do an okay British accent and an okay Indian accent.
56. What do you like on your toast?
Butter. Just butter.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
Um... I don't remember the last time I drew. Actually, that's a lie. I tried drawing a "small town doctor" while playing Drawful. I drew a very tiny doctor with a city skyline behind him.
58. What would be you dream car?
Literally anything with the popup headlights.
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
I talk to myself in the shower. Granted, I do that everywhere xD it's the only way I can work through my thoughts. I also cry in the shower a lot.
60. Do you believe in aliens?
Yes. We can't be the only ones here.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
I don't really have a favourite. But I do like D. Mostly because it's the first letter of my boyfriends name, but also it reminds me of a woman I helped while working in tech support. She needed help figuring out her gif keyboard so I helped and she was so excited when I told her how to search for gifs. She then started giggling like a little girl saying she wondered what might happen if she searched for DICK. She made my day xD I think about her a lot. I hope she's doing well.
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
Don't do this to me...
64. What do you think about babies?
I like babies a lot. Like so much. I have super colourful hair, too, so they seem fascinated with me :') but their little chubby cheeks omg
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
Fun fact: I actually really like the smell of wet dog. It's kind of a really comforting smell.
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glassesofroses · 4 years
Limerence || Chapter 2
Her eyes flitting around her planner made Olivia realize just how many meetings she had today. She might as well skip lunch. Meeting at 10 to discuss at large what next years Comic Con should hold, keeping new movies in mind, as well as previous interviewers. Though the Con just ended, there wasn't anything that would stop Marvel from preparing for the next years fest. Lunch at 11:30 with Jeremy Renner as he became a quick friend as she made her way into the business. Meeting at 12:45 with Anthony and Joe Russo to discuss event scheduling of the upcoming Spider-Man movie, Captain Marvel, and the unnamed Avengers 4 movie. Multiple events, multiple places, all across the world, and she would be running it all. Lucky for Olivia, she held her sandals in hand and ready for her lunch, determined to get some rest and relaxation with her best friend.
"So good to see you again Mr.Dorf, what a successful year this has been, especially with all of the breakthrough movies such as Black Panther and Infinity War." Olivia grinned, her right hand meeting his calloused yet inviting palm.
"Don't count out Tom," He pointed jokingly at her, referencing to the young Spider-Man who just this year seemed to have a career starter.
"I wouldn't think of it," For the next ten minutes, everyone gathered around the table, spoke their name if they were new to the board, and caught up.
During these instances, Olivia stayed quiet, laptop directly in front of her taking avid notes. Once in a while she would jot something down on the small pad of paper to her right as she knew if you wrote something down, you were more likely to remember it. Everyone seemed to have the same idea, writing what everyone was saying as they would have to relay it to their bosses. While Olivia was standing up, prepared to state her case of new ideas she created, ahead of blonde hair passed in the nearby window. The very same blonde hair that created a lump of nervousness in her throat. She bit her lip as they made eye contact, his blue eyes stinging into her very soul. Chris Evans. The godly man next to Chris Hemsworth, or basically any other Chris in the Marvel Universe.
It was known throughout the office that she had the ever so slight crush on him. He looked amazing, he was sweeter than a peach pie, smoother skin than a baby's butt, and hotter than a beef brisket. His smile could knock someone out. Maybe it wasn't so small, but she hid it well, or so she thought. Being a single mother didn't exactly bring in the cute boys, but one could dream and did Olivia dream.
"Ms.Wilder, your presentation please," Mr.Dorf, the head of Comic-Con, smirked, aware of the slight presence of Mr.Evans.
"Hm?" Slightly unaware as she was still in a daze, but soon snapped out of it," Oh! Of course, sir!"
She had come in contact with Chris on a various amount of time, working with the actors on set, off camera, in their homes. Everyone was friendly, friendly enough the some of them, but there was something about Chris that just drew her to him. Maybe it was the muscles, maybe he reminded her the very least of her ex-husband, or maybe he was just an amazing guy who could be an amazing father, who owned an amazing dog, and had a smile that could knock her out. He's a good guy.
Even though they talked a lot, Olivia rarely tried to get out of the imaginary friend zone that she had put up. With every guy that came up to her, she felt she shouldn't talk to them, as if she would betray her son somehow. That being said, not a lot of people knew about her son. Jeremy, her bosses, and a few other people who have accidentally met him know where she rushes off to on emergencies.
Olivia couldn't imagine dating now, not with a 14-year-old son, but without trying she's cockblocking herself. It is the endless cycle of dating. Wanting a cute guy who's good with kids, not wanting to scare the guy away with her kid, back to square one. She always felt though, that if the time came and she told a guy and he did get scared away, she would defend herself and her son. Blatantly stating the guy was scared of commitment or whatever popped into her head within those few seconds.
She wasn't scared of showing her son off, hell, she wanted to, but with being in the press so often she didn't want to attract any of her own. Single mom around a hot ton of hot guys every single day, some of whom are in relationships, doesn't make a very good article. She had to think of her future, her son's future. Back to where we started.
"Hey Jeremy, yeah I'm on my way I just got caught up in my own thoughts," Her pumps thunking against the tile floor of the office as she strutted towards the exit.
"I already ordered drinks," the older man chuckled, "the first day of school, I ordered you a something extra to help with the nerves."
"You really shouldn't have," Pretending her damndest to be mad but wound up with a smile.
"Oh I should have, just get here would you?" A light click signaling the end of a call.
The Parish Cafe in Boston, MA was their meet up. Casual, beer friendly, sandwich hub. The perfect place for two high maintenance high rollers to hang out. Feeling a little more on the uppity side, and Jeremy knew it, it was a Ginger Smash, something Olivia would get when feeling more anxious than usual. Consisting of gin, ginger, cranberries, lemon, and apple cider, it was the perfect drink to go along with the humid, almost, fall day. As Olivia arrived, her heels sounded loudly through the daytime slumber of lunch hour. Jeremy stood and opened his arms wide as his companion thrust herself into them.
"It's so good to see you again, I just saw the movie and it was amazing, I cried," Olivia admitted, not ashamed.
"Of course you did, you cried horribly at Green Fried Tomatoes and it was your 13th time seeing it," Jeremy laughed as he slowly sat in his chair.
"First of all, it's Fried Green Tomatoes, and secondly, it was only my 11th time watching it." Her inner teenager sass entering the room with a whole lot of pizzaz.
"11th time my ass, but, I'll let this slide as Harry is going into 9th grade. Time sure flies," Raising his beer to his mouth to take a gulp.
"Don't remind me, it just seems like yesterday when I was pushing him out of me in a  hospital room," Olivia pretended to reminisce fondly, getting a sour look from Jeremy in return.
"You don't have to remind me of that," Setting his drink down," the usual?" Motioning towards the Baked Mac & Cheese.
"Nope, I'm feeling a little spicy today," Her head going down in her menu at the thought of Chris walking the halls of her office.
"Oh? Do tell why," Jeremy leaned in, his fists underneath his chin in a girlish manner.
"I think you alrea-"
"I already know but I want to see how red your face gets when you say it out loud," He taunted her.
"I was in the first meeting of Comic-Con 2019 and I saw Chris through the window and we made eye contact as he walked past the office," She rushed out, her face showing light shades of pink.
"You've known him for 7 years and you still have a major crush on him, I don't know how that can be, I've never known anyone who'd had a crush for that long and didn't act on it," Shaking his head in disbelief.
"It's not like I can waltz up to him and say 'hey, I have a 14-year-old son and I want you to take me to dinner you big beautiful hunk of meat'," Olivia's arms flailing in the empty cafe.
"I think you should say exactly that, those exact words," Pointing at her then glancing over to the waitress who was heading over to their table.
"What can I get for you to today?" Her fake smile obvious at the one person who is an actor and the other who works for actors.
Taking a deep breath in, "I'll try The Bravas," closing the menu and placing it at the edge of the table.
"And I'll have The Bondir Basket," Topping her menu with his and nodded his head in the waitresses direction.
"Thank you," The two said at the same time.
"Bravas, you got some balls trying that."
"Well I did say I was feeling spicy today," Olivia shrugged coyly, "it sounds so mouthwatering too, the chorizo, prosciutto, manchego, hot sauce, brussels, it just sends tingles up my spine."
"The most satisfaction you've gotten in a while," Jeremy looked away while sipping his beer.
"Hey!" Olivia laughed, tapping his arm, "not fair, it's not like there's a section at the bars for single moms waiting to get hit on."
"That's very true. Your other option is just going to a bar and having a fling, I think you deserve it after being how many years without sex?"
"It'll be 7 years this January," Olivia mumbled through her hand, hanging her head in shame.
"7 years, the last time I waited 7 years was when I was still a virgin. You need to get some, you'll feel better after you do."
"Oh yeah? I think I'll feel better after I eat this sandwich. Now get out of my sex life!" Eyeing the potato salad that was coming her way.
"Fine, fine, whatever you wish."
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thesaltoforion · 5 years
As the Story Goes...
[Part 2]
"A perfect score?" I whispered as I stared at the grade postings. Hundreds of students swarmed the board, locating their respective names. A few noticed my score and either clapped me on the shoulder or gave me scorching looks.
"What did I tell you?" The Messenger said.
"I hardly remember anything I wrote down..." I walked away from the board, face hardening.
"Something wrong Starshine?"
"I wanted to do it by myself." I murmured.
"Even the president needs help sometimes. Stop trying to be such a lone wolf."
I wrote two more midterms and handed in four assignments. The Messenger whispered the answers in my ear and told me how to write my essays. I focused on getting close with my professors and getting involved with school activities. Slowly, I became acclimated to the cheating. Eventually, I started to feel proud. Perfect scores on all of my work and not a single person could catch me.
I started to wonder if I could get away with murder.
It was only a hypothetical contemplation.
"I want you to do something for me." Said the Messenger one day. I was sitting in my dorm, reading.
"Like what?" Hopefully nothing dire or drastic.
"Nothing dire or drastic, Starshine, I promise. But I figured you owe me a small favor after everything I helped you with."
"Fair enough."
"I want to teach you how to use magic."
"... that's it?"
"Did you think I was going to make you assassinate someone?"
"Kind of."
"I know."
"So... magic? Thought it wasn't real."
"Really? You really want to tell me that? After everything?"
".... Fair. How do I go about... doing magic then?"
He chuckled, "It's easy."
First, he had me practice meditation. I thought it was a little cliché, much like the novels I read as a boy. He didn't say anything about that. I learned how to dismantle things, tear apart atoms and rearrange them into new things. He had me make teacups out of bed linens and paint out of tomato soup. It mesmerized me, the way my magic flashed and glimmered. He said I had the power of creation.
Then one day, into my post graduate studies, he told me to fill the kitchen sink with water.
"Put your head in it." He ordered, quietly.
"... Alright." I sucked in a large breath and submerged myself.
"Now breathe."
I obeyed, unable to do anything else.
I wrenched myself from the sink, coughing and spitting. Water dripped from my face onto the floor.
"Starshine, what was that?"
I continued to cough, "I did as you asked."
"No you didn't. I said breathe, not drown. Go back in again. And this time, try wrapping a hand around your mouth."
Water still burning my nose, I went under, carefully slipping a hand over my mouth and nose. Breathe, he said. I focused my magic, this time, arranging the water into oxygen.
I accidentally made all the water in the sink disappear.
A few tries later and I was able to transfigure only the water near my nose. With more practice, I didn't need to hold my hand to my face anymore.
A month passed before I mastered the technique.
Then the Messenger took me to space.
The first time, the vacuum nearly compressed my body into nothingness. I learned how to activate a simple shield spell before leaving Earth again. Translucent and blue, it encircled my body and kept a good amount of oxygen inside while protecting me from the lack of outside forces. I drew fuel for the spell from Earth, even while I floated above the atmosphere. I only lasted about five minutes before I became fatigued.
"What's the point of even trying?" I gasped, teleporting back to my small kitchenette.
"There's a favor I owe and I'm banking on you to do it for me."
"Why can't you do it?" I wrenched open the fridge and fisted my hand around a water bottle. I gulped the whole thing down.
"Because I taught you how to do magic so now you owe me something."
"No, you taught me magic because I owed you for helping me with my school work."
"Yeah... but I'm still helping you ace your classes and I'm still teaching you magic on top of that...But if you don't think you're up for it-"
I tore into an apple, "I never said that, ass hole. I'll go to space but it'd be nice if, in the future, you'd tell me what your ulterior motives are. I can do anything, thanks to you and this magic. You don't have to keep holding it against me." The core landed square in the trash bin, "I am yours and willing."
"If you must know, there's a powerful alien warlord in a neighboring galaxy. He needs my help - or yours, I suppose - to claim some lost territory."
Now the exercises had a purpose I could see to. I pushed myself and spent days in bed, passed out from exhaustion.
Finally, the day came.
"Are you ready?" He asked, as I stared down my portal. I patted my satchel, packed with two water bottles and minerals I stole from the chemistry labs. Finals were to start next week. My books remained on my shelf, dusty and useless.
"Of course." I wrapped a red scarf around my neck. Space tended to get cold.
"You won't need the shield today. The Zhaktari survive in a similar climate to yours so you'll be able to breath on their ship. When you arrive, introduce yourself as ‘Starshine’ and refer to Prince Vraxx as ‘his Lordship.’ He’ll love that."
I nodded, thankful I wouldn’t have to spend my energy on the shield. The portal swallowed me as I passed through it. Blinded for a few seconds, I appeared on Prince Vraxx's ship. I saw a beautiful array of galaxies spread out behind the transparent walls and ceiling. The floor was black and cooled my feet through my shoes. I inhaled - my lungs didn’t fill up all the way - and smelled the breezy scent of wet pine.
The sharp end of a spear suddenly pointed at my throat. I looked up the staff and saw the frowning jowls of a large, green, three-eyed alien. He dressed in gold armor, accented with imperial red. He could’ve snapped my spine with the click of his fingers.
He snarled something in a language I couldn't understand. I stared, wide-eyed and frozen. I didn’t think i could beat him - even with my magic.
"Relax, Starshine, Vraxxie's gonna get here. He speaks about two thousand languages. English has to be one of them."
A voice barked from somewhere behind the towering guard. Immediately, he turned and knealed. Prince Vraxx, in all his glory, stood with his nose in the air and his chest pushed out. He marched toward me. The jewels on his head gleamed, accenting his velvet cape and sleek armor. He shot me a look with his large, beady eye and I knelt instantly.
The Messenger chuckled.
The prince said something and the guard stood up and left. With my head bowed, I didn't see where he went.
"Stand up." He ordered. I obeyed. "Who are you?"
"S-Starshine. My name is Starshine...your Lordship."
He grinned, "He finally paid his debt. The fucker. Come, Starshine, you have work to do." He turned and I followed him to the front of the ship. There were no walls or separate rooms. Only a very conspicuous opening in the floor. It probably lead to some private quarters. I felt light headed by the time we reached the controls. I slipped my hand over my mouth and drew upon the water in my satchel for air.
"Something the matter?"
"The air is a bit thin."
"Poor thing, your system isn't optimized like ours. So wasteful." He called to one of the shipmates and sent them away somewhere. "She's getting you a helmet."
"Thank you but it'd unnecessary."
"You're here to do work for me. Important work. I want you functioning properly, as you should. Even if your magic is strong enough."
I wondered how he knew about my abilities.
The helmet was black and simple, like a motorcycle helmet. I put it on, relieved to see that it worked. Then Vraxx put me to work. He showed me the enemy formations and I told him where and how to attack. I was thankful I took the History of War class back in boarding school. Earth military strategy looked very different from whatever they were doing in space. I spent well over a day on that ship before the prince seemed satisfied. I helped him take most of the territory back. He felt confident enough to do the rest of it on his own.
"You'll have to teleport directly out of the ship. I have to keep the magic shields up, so we're not hit by surprise. But once you reach the star of Yenveir Roden, you'll be able to teleport home. The helmet should operate outside the ship, too. And I'll give you some garments that'll protect you from the vacuum of space." Vraxx explained, winding down the last simulation. He gave me a suit of armor similar to the ones the guards wore. It was smaller, to accommodate my size, and sleeker. A shallow hole sat in the chest plate. It nestled a hollow glass ball. I wrapped my scarf around my neck, over the armor.
"Mage armor. It's nearly obsolete, considering we now train our mages to be warriors. The sphere in your chest is meant to house excess magic, either if you want to store some for later or if you just have too much of it."
"Thank you, your Lordship."
"You're welcome. It was a pleasure working with you. I wish you a safe journey home."
I flashed out of the ship. Using my magic, I propelled myself forward, towards Yenveir Roden.
"Starshine... prepare to draw up a shield. Something might be coming at you."
"We cleared out the immediate are, though." I mentally rehearsed the steps.
"Yeah but there's still one ship. Set the shield so it absorbs the energy. It'll protect you from the blast better."
"OK." I amended the spell. Anxiously, I kept floating towards the star.
"You'll want to turn around and draw it up now, Starshine."
I stopped and did as he told me. Not a second passed before a shower of acid green sparks exploded against the shield. The impact pulsed light blue across the otherwise translucent surface. My heart pulsed faster. Two more beams collided with my shield.
"Do you smell that?"
I took a deep sniff, "It smells like... Wet pine."
"Enhance it with your magic."
"... wet pine and... and burning rubber, eugh. What is that?"
"Magic has a signature. It's different across all mages. There's the primary signature, something soothing, usually. The strength of the primary smell depends on the strength of the mage. And the secondary signature, a complementary and acrid smell. It's strength depends on the intent of the action."
"Interesting. You know, Vraxx's ship smelled like wet pine- oh. Ohhh... he shot me!"
"Yeah he did. And you're going to do something about it."
"But I’m not able to take down even one of his guards! How-"
"Just listen to me, you'll be fine."
"... Alright. How do we do this?"
On the Messenger’s instruction, I absorbed the shield and the power from the three blasts. I flew over to Yenveir Roden and took whatever power I could from it. I rearranged the photons into pure energy. My body vibrated with all the power it held. I manifested a small ball of bright blue energy and willed it to grow. It grew to be twice the size of Yenveir Roden. I cleared my mind and refocused. Swiftly, I launched the bright ball of magic in the direction of his ship, knowing it would hit, even if i couldn’t see it. 
A moment passed.
An explosion lit up the surrounding space for a brief minute. I watched an escape pod - coloured red and gold - eject itself from the reaction. My heart beat rapidly in my chest and I fought to catch my breath, the adrenaline wearing down and my body tiring. I opened a portal, tumbled through it and collapsed in a heap on my kitchen floor.
I passed out and slept through my first exam.
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deladane · 6 years
Day 16: Friday, March 16 ~ Sea Day #4
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Day 16: Friday, March 16 ~ Sea Day #4
I am so sorry to say that I forgot to take photos of today’s daily schedule.  On all of my previous cruises, I brought home all of the daily schedule papers so if I forgot to take any photos, or if I realized one of the photos was blurry and needed a re-do, I could flip through the pile of papers and get what I needed. This time, we were very tight on space and weight in our bags so I decided to leave all the papers behind. I thought I had taken all the photos I needed, and I almost never refer back to the originals once I get home, so why bother schlepping all of that extra weight?  Well, it looks like I did accidentally miss taking photos of the schedule for today, so I apologize for that.  
After going to sleep so early last night, I was awake at 7:15am today.  I couldn’t fall back asleep and I didn’t want to wake up DH, so I quickly got dressed, grabbed my camera, and left the cabin to walk around the ship taking lots of photos of the public spaces while they were still vacant.  I already posted all of these photos at the start of the review, so I won’t repost them here.  About an hour later, I arrived at the Solarium.  I was getting hungry so I stopped by the Aqua Spa Café for a light breakfast.  They have a bunch of options set out on individual plates, and the options remained the same for the whole cruise.
Dry cereal canisters
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Fresh fruit and turkey wraps with tomato, kale, and cinnamon sweet potato spread
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Avocado bruschetta on multi grain toast with mashed avocado, tomato, chive, and grated eggs; a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter, apple, bananas, and blueberries
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Zucchini muffins, banana nut muffins, and 3 types of fruit and nut bars (apricot/coconut/walnut/honey, pumpkin seed/chia seed/raisin, and dates/almonds/figs/apricot/honey)
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I picked out a muffin and an apricot and nut bar, and I ordered one of the juices from the menu.  This was the Purple Rain, made with blackberry, blueberry, pear, apple, and acai.  Everything was light and tasty, and it was a nice change from the breakfast I ordered from room service on all of the port days.
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After my light breakfast, I continued walking around the ship, snapping more photos.  At 8:45, I went back to the elevators outside of the buffet, planning to head down to the cabin and see if DH was awake yet.  When the elevator doors opened, guess who stepped out… DH!  We had perfect timing!  I asked how he knew where to find me and he had a funny story to tell me… When he first went to look for me, he went to the MDR to see if I was eating breakfast there.  Cervine was standing at the hostess stand and she told DH she had seen me stop by at 8am when the MDR first opened so I could take some photos, and then I left. Glad to see she was keeping track of me and that she let DH know I had been there!  That’s when DH decided to go up to the buffet because he was planning to wait for me up there, assuming that I would need to eat breakfast eventually. When I ran into him, I told him that I had already eaten a light breakfast at the Aqua Spa Café.  He thought that sounded good so we went back down there so he could get something to eat.  Of course I couldn’t let him eat by himself, so I took another mini-muffin and fruit and nut bar.  I also ordered a pina kale juice, made with pineapple, kale, cucumber, and I skipped the ginger.
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After breakfast #2, we went back to the cabin and relaxed on the balcony for a few hours, just gazing out at the endless ocean and watching the waves pass by.  At noon, it was time for our next feeding so we went down to the buffet for lunch.  The theme was Falafel and Kebabs, and they had a station set up with several kinds of each.
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I tried 2 kinds of falafel but didn’t care for them. The lamb kebab with tzatziki sauce and hummus was quite tasty, as was the pasta and pizza of the day.
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We took some dessert to go and brought it downstairs to eat by the pool.  I love red velvet cake, but this was very dry and I didn’t like it at all.  They made a huge apple pie in one of the paella pans, and that was delicious!  I was tempted to go back upstairs to get more but restrained myself.
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There is a section of upright chairs and couches when you first enter the pool area on the starboard side.  Whenever we had trouble finding a vacant lounge chair, we could usually find a place to sit over here.  It was close enough to all of the action in the pool and with the DJ and activities team, but still far enough away that we could have our own little quiet corner.
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We pulled 2 of the chairs to the side and relaxed there until it was time for pool volleyball.  DH really wanted to play pool volleyball, but he was disappointed to learn it is only offered this one time through the whole 2 week cruise. They have a tournament where several teams compete and the winning team goes on to then compete against a team of ship officers.  Flory was hosting the event and when he asked for volunteers to play, DH ran right over to him.  They had enough people to form 3 teams, so Flory divided the players up and DH’s team was playing in the first round.  They had a few minutes to practice, and then started the game.
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DH’s team won this round, so they got out and the losing team played against the third team.  I think the third team won that round, so DH’s team got back in the pool and they played each other to determine who goes on to play against the officers.  DH’s team was really strong and they won the tournament!  They had a few minutes to rest, then Flory introduced the officers and it was time for the final round.  
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DH serving the ball
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The teams were pretty evenly matched so the score kept going back and forth for who was in the lead, but in the end, the officers pulled away with a victory.  To be fair, they probably have more practice considering they get to play pool volleyball on every cruise, whereas the people on DH’s team likely haven’t had as much experience.  In the name of good sportsmanship, everyone walked away with a medal and Flory lead the crowd in a rousing rendition of “We Are The Champions”
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Volleyball ended with just enough time for DH to get dried off before we had to go up to the Sky Lounge for music trivia.  At this point in the cruise, our teammates were counting on us showing up to help with the more current songs, so we couldn’t let them down!  There was no real theme today, just a bunch of random songs, but our team did really well. We scored 24 out of 30 points, but of course another team scored 29 points and beat us.  We were okay with that though because we were proud of our team’s performance.
After trivia, I wanted to go watch the hot glass show because this was the last one on our cruise, and DH went back to the cabin to change out of his bathing suit.  When I arrived, Tom was working on a vase with a pretty twisting pattern on the outside.
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It is so impressive how these guys work together so seamlessly.  This was Tom’s project, but Jeremy jumped right in there to do the blowing work. They worked together as a team with an almost unspoken knowledge of what needed to be done.
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When they pull out the giant gloves, you know the project is nearly finished.
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Right around then, DH showed up with a little treat. We get drinks like this at one of our favorite restaurants at home in San Jose, so he was super excited to find it on the ship.  This was the Margarita Coronita from the new menu at the Sunset Bar, and DH drew a lot of attention as he carried it over to the hot glass area, with everyone wanting to know what that was and where he got it lol
(yes, he is still wearing the medal he won from the pool volleyball tournament haha)
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At the end of the show, the gaffers raffled off 4 of the pieces they made during the cruise.  Since the next cruise would be the last one with the Corning Museum on the Eclipse, they wanted to clean out some of the older projects.  I really hoped we could win one of these because they were all so beautiful, but unfortunately, we were not that lucky. The man sitting right next to me did win, so I was close, but not close enough!  This would have made an incredible souvenir to bring home from the cruise.
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There is a funny story about that larger piece on the far right side.  That is a giant bowl with an irregular shape.  Tom gave a disclaimer when he picked that piece to be part of the raffle. They usually give out some bubble wrap to protect the pieces for transport home, but he warned us that the larger piece would not survive airline travel.  He said he normally puts a piece that large into a crate for special shipping, and that if we were flying home after the cruise, we could not have that piece.  He said that if the first 3 tickets he pulls belong to people who are flying home, they must pick the 3 vases, and then he would do another raffle for only the people traveling by car to try to win that large piece.  As it turned out, the very first ticket he picked belonged to a lady who lives in Florida, would be driving home from the cruise, and who really wanted that big piece! It was fate for her to get it!  I would love to see how she put that on display in her home because it was really quite large and heavy!
Tonight was our last Elegant Chic night, so after the raffle ended, we went back to the cabin to get ready.  
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After a quick photo shoot outside the entrance to Blu, we went to the World Class Bar for a few pre-dinner drinks.  DH had the Zacapa Old Fashioned and I had the Celebrity No. Ten.  I love how it worked out that they are on the same page of the menu for easy photographing hehe
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I don’t think I posted this yet, but this is the wine and cocktails menu from the MDR.  It was the same menu for the whole cruise.
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 Tonight’s dinner menu
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Creamy Salmon Rillette
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Elderflower Blush cocktail
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Broiled Lobster Tail (I requested 2 lobsters but only 1 portion of the side dishes)
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Creamy Wild Mushroom Risotto
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Dessert Menu
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We skipped dessert tonight because we wanted to hear Back Before Sunset playing in the Grand Foyer.  They always put on a lively set that is worth checking out.
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On most cruises, they do one of the big production shows on formal nights.  Eddy said that he likes to save that for the last night of the cruise to end on a high note, so tonight’s show was more subdued.  It featured the 6 core singers from the shows, each singing a Broadway showtune of their choosing, backed by the Eclipse Orchestra.  As I’ve already mentioned, we are big fans of Broadway shows, so we were looking forward to this performance.  They all have wonderful voices so it was great to see them show it off!  They sang songs from Motown, Les Mis, Cabaret, Guys and Dolls, Jersey Boys, and a few others.
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The ladies sang a “Single Girl’s Medley” where each sang one of these songs:  On My Own from Les Mis, Maybe This Time from Cabaret, and I Don’t Know How to Love Him from Jesus Christ Superstar.
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Then the men all sang Bring Him Home from Les Mis.
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After the show ended, they had another event called the Liar’s Club.  This is a game hosted by one of the women from the activities team, and the contestants are Eddy, Captain Leo, and the comedian from last night’s show, Dan Wilson. They pick a word that most people have never heard of, but it is really a real word, and the 3 contestants try to convince the audience of what the definition is.  After all 3 have had a chance to say what they think the word means, the audience votes by applause as to who we think said the correct definition, and then they reveal who really got it right.  They used 4 different words, and the contestants did everything from just stating “oh, I know that word, the definition is ****”, to telling a big long-winded story to explain the meaning of the word.  Some of their replies were funnier than others, but it was a clever game and we learned a few new words in the process!
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Does anyone know what zopissa means??
The show ended around 11pm, and we went back to the cabin to rest up for our last full day of the cruise.
Step Tracker Daily Total:  9302 steps; 3.761 miles; 18 flights of stairs
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