#I actually headcannon that he's aro-ace
theratshaveinvaded · 22 days
Cave Johnson is Aro/Ace
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rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
Any other LGBTQ+ Headcannons that are canon is the comic??;)
*patiently awaits Cupioromantic Donnie*
hmm... had to think about this for a while and talk about it with co-author, but here's what we got. we mostly base this stuff on how plausible it is in show/if there's evidence for it. with a dash of personal experience. This only applies to residuum, btw. I have different personal headcanons for these characters outside the comic.
april: lesbian. this is mostly based off of the fact that most aprils get with their caseys & the comment she said to dale. which could be taken as disinterest in dale specifically, but she seemed more concerned with impressing that popular girl earlier and that reads as more... saphic, i suppose. or at the very least homoromantic.
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raph: raph is just raph. we look at him and basically just *tv static*. go crazy. all we got is jokes or stuff that has too little evidence to support. so, yeah, he's whatever you want him to be i guess?
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leo: trans. already said my reason in the other post. also, gay. if gay were a power source he could power the entirety of the united states for five months straight without a single power outage. failing power grid notwithstanding (< thats the actual word. its supposed to be mushed together like that. wack.).
donnie: as much as i'd like him to be ace/aro spectrum rep, he just doesn't have the evidence in show for us to apply it to him in this comic. it's funny, for being hc as ace so often he sure is the most outwardly romantic/sexual turtle in the show lmao. one! cherry: "you're so cute, but you're so mean! why do i always go for your type?" two! astrogirl?? (whatever her name is) he is very very romantic with her. he has a type y'all. also just look at those two, he's a leg man lmao (bootyyshaker9000 anyone? ha!) anyway. and with the bromance/instant chemistry he had with that one guy in the purple dragons... Pan. or possibly Omni as he does seem to favor... cute brutal femme... Yeah. Omnisexual.
(you have no idea how fucking bad i want this boy to be ace spectrum. hes got the colors y'all!! The Colors!!!!! but alas... i am bound by my canon plausibility creed for this comic)
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mikey: ace. possibly ace/aro. he shows interest in literally no-one. we're aware that the common hc is pan but... we know a pan 13 year old, and let me tell you ahahahaha, kids going through puberty are very uncomfortable to be around sometimes, especially around their partners. or crushes. and mikey... well, that boy is ace behavior personified lmao. aces in the back you get what we mean right?? right??? anyway commiting to aroace
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#residual asks#rottmnt#i really get a kick out of he/him butch lesbian raph and ghostbear-sexual raph#but i'd never use those seriously. or at least in this comic#co-author says what they get if they really had to choose for raph is ace homoromantic#but otherwise...#he's just raph#like we can't apply any identity to him. and we really mean ANY identity. not even straight or umbrella terms like queer#its a very odd feeling#i also really like trans april but we don't have enough evidence for it#in fact there's actually counter evidence- but don't let that stop your dreams y'all. it just stops ours :P#sorry for stepping on your donnie dreams anon#but honestly i think that label applies more to 2012 donnie imo#i really do personally prefer ace/aro donnie. but i'd make everyone ace if i were able lmao#co-author would also do the same thing ahaah#i just don't like depicting romantic relationships. or attraction ahahaah#with mikey... we get why people hc him as pan... but like its a fandomism stereotype#that literally every fandom applies to optimistic friendly characters. and honestly i really don't like the fandomism stereotypes#i just find them... unenjoyable i guess#cuz like y'alll... your sexuality isn't inherently determined by your personality or vise versa#cuz like i know for sure that in fandom spaces- if i were a character- i'd be stereotyped as pan or a hypersexual cis het#to which i am neither. at all.#and co-author would be stereotyped as the demure femme book lesbian#which they are VERY much not#and i know this because i've been fandomified by people in my life more than once#it is a very uncomfortable experience y'all#whoops rant in the tags#residuum#rottmnt residuum#residuum wb
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spaceboibrainrot · 10 days
Pride month!
That means it's time to talk about queer rep and headcannons!
First off Zim, he's the main character so I'll start with him, Irkens conically don't have separate genders (and yes I am taking this tweet seriously)
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As well as Zim blatantly not being able to tell the difference between male and female in humans and Zim on multiple occasions when it is not necessary, cross dresses, examples off the top of my head are issue 17 of the comics, the deleted montage in Tak: the hideous new girl, and walk for your lives
It is also implied that most of the characters are aro or ace in jhonen's eyes
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But also zadr is supported by a lot of the crew and jhonen is a hypocrite, now onto Dib
Dib is definitely implied to trans right? Like this poor kid gets misgendered in the comics twice
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And I definitely see him as bi, he had a crush on Tak who presents as female and ZaDr is endorsed (actually now that I think about it he just likes Irkens lol-)
Now for other queer characters, we have that trans rat lady, a gay couple in the background of walk of doom, and Groyna –who if I remember correctly has been officially stated to be a lesbian who is in love with her "best friend"
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All and all happy pride<3
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lostsoul1217 · 4 months
You want to know the one thing that keeps pissing me off in the Hazbin Hotel Fandom? The fact people disrespect the fact Alastor is AROACE
I'n case you don't know what that is here's some very simple explanations:
Aromantic means that you feel little to no romanic love. You basically don't really care about dating, you don't feel romantic love. You can still love people but not in a romantic way like you would with your Boyfriend/Girlfriend or Husband/Wife.
Asexual means that you feel little to no sexual attraction. You do not feel sexually attracted to people or you just don't like it!
Yes, while some people who are Aro or Ace can still feel these attractions, it does not mean you can use that as an excuse to live out your fantasies.
I've seen so many people use bullshit excuses to sexualize Alastor or to shove him into a romantic relationship it's unreal. JUST LET HIM BE SINGLE! These fuckers are always like: "Oh but he hasn't found the right person" or "He just doesn't have good experience with it"
Seriously??? You're mad because a hot guy won't date or fuck you, that's all this is about. You can't let one fucking character not be in a relationship or be sexualized?
It's appealing.
Oh by the way for the people who go: "Well Viv is a terrible person and we don't have to take what she says as Cannon as we're removing the art from the artist!" IT STILL DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO INVALIDATE SOMEONES SEXUALLY!
Just let him be.
I've had someone come to me and say that "Al is just uncomfortable with sex because he's been through a lot of trauma. It's my personal Headcannon." Literally so they can ship him with Lucifer.
The fact people can't accept that one character is AroAce to the point they completely erase it from his identity is actually terrifying and really uncomfortable. Is this how you would treat actual people? Like, you would treat actual people like this? I had a friend who made me physically uncomfortable because of how much he didn't care about Alastor's sexuality. He didn't care, even after being told he just didn't care and got upset when no one would be horny with him!
For a long time I've questioned if I was AroAce because I don't feel sexual attraction, I very rarely feel sexually attracted to anyone, but because of what I keep seeing happen to fictional characters who are Cannonly AroAce and even to an actual person called Jaiden Animations I'm scared to even have that label.
I just don't understand why no one can respect that a person doesn't want to be in a relationship or like anything sexual. Why? I genuinely don't understand. It makes me so mad and upset, scared even. Just let him be. It's not as if it's a popular Headcannon, it's been confirmed in and outside the show! He's even shown that he's uncomfortable with it in show.
If I've made any spelling errors I apologize. I'm just upset atm.
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rrat-king · 6 months
bad guys headcanons?????
or alternatively, bad kids queerness headcanons 👀👀
ok i only have one bad guys headcannon and it comes from me like, incredibly misunderstanding the kalina thing the first time that listened through sophmore year
kalina was apart of sandra lynn's adventuring party before she went to work with pok and thats why sandra lynn could see her (this totally does not work with story cannon but was what i thought actually happened for like, a month before i went back and relistened cuz uh. i got very confused)
bad kids queer headcannons!!
ok sweet kristen is of course a lesbian and i stand by the fact that she is butch(talk to me about stone butch kristen i have thoughts). for sure polyamorous. if you ask her her gender, she will just say lesbian. fine with all pronouns but mostly uses she/her
so i know most people have fig as bi or pan(i even tend to draw her with bi pride shit) but i personally headcannon her as unlabeled. shes very against the system and i dont think she would be into labels as a whole thing just cuz it feels too limiting. she loves who she loves and its no one elses buisness. also poly. i dont have any strong headcannons about figs gender just that anyones interpretation of her is correct to me.
riz is aro/ace. its cannon so i vibe with it. i vibe with cis riz and ftm riz i just feel like he for sure is like. dude to the max. no matter what he is like. all dude all man. like spiderman.
adaine is an asexual lesbian. totally not based off of my best friend who is an asexual lesbian and incredibly adaine coded. for gender i think of her as agender with she/its pronouns mostly because of @20dimensionsoftangerine's properties of fics
fabian is bisexual but in the closet. not because of like internalized homophobia or toxic masculinity(which is dead now) but more because he doesn't realize that not everyone thinks of guys as inherently attractive and appealing. Once he figures it out he will be incredibly annoying about it but so is his right. he's cis and does drag sometimes
gorgug is pan and poly. gender fluid. uses all pronouns. all i know is that i love him
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Man, seeing the aro/ace discourse in media really makes it clear that these people live in a sheltered bubble and have never face any actual bigotry.
I just found out that there's people who think Will Byers from Stranger Things is aromantic. He's the most clear depiction of a closeted gay person imaginable. It is so incredibly obvious, there should be no debate. They like to appropriate the experiences of closted gay people and then get mad when people point this out to them.
Yea, there are a lot of examples of this. Good omens sticks out as the most egregious example in my head. Can I be real, I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that they don't like imagining gay people having sex. In my experience, it's not a case of "I don't think they're gay" but rather "I think they're gay and don't have sex". Honestly, a lot of people who claim to be a part of the gay community think that gay people are gross. They don't like to imagine us having loving sex. They like to imagine us holding hands and dancing in fields. Hate to break it to y'all, but sometimes gay men want to suck dick, and sometimes lesbians want to slobber all over pussy. If you're not going to be straight, people with "ace headcannons" think you should at least be pure lmao. If you're gonna be gay, don't you dare have desire.
Then there's also people who are just super annoying and think that everything should be about them. It's kind of insane, honestly. Gay people do not have NEARLY enough representation for people to be upset when we get more lmao. What kind of community gets mad when their members get representation? How are asexuals part of the gay community and yet don't like it when we show up on screen. That makes no sense.
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l0sercat · 2 years
how about how some of the dbd cast would react to stuff you baked? (i like most of the characters, i think that ghostface or meg would be interesting for a couple examples)
(this is for the one writing request thingy ? :D
HELLOOOOO can do!!! Thanks for requesting <333
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He was in awe and thought it was cute
Someone actually baked something for him
"Aww thanks sweetheart" he says and kisses you softly on your lips
He would only comment once on it if it tasted bad but otherwise would shower you in complements
He would also be teasing you constantly in a loving way of course
Blushes and gives you a hug
"Awww thanks hun" squeezes you tighter till you tell her to quit it
She would love whatever you made for her and would share with her grandma (mom?can't remember lore T-T)
She especially loves brownies...*wink wink*
Albert Wesker
"Oh you made something for me? How cute..." He gives a charming smile
He caresses your chin softly and places his thumb on your lips
He takes the chocolate chip cookie you made him and pops it into his mouth and chews slowly to savor the flavor
He gives a small hum and nods "These are wonderful dearheart but I would recommend to let them cook more so they are a bit crunchy"
He takes another cookie and puts it in his mouth and chews a little and then connects his mouth with yours and kisses you to where you both have some cookie
When you guys pull away for air and swallow he licks his lips and smirks
The Trickster
"I'm not surprised you baked something for someone as talented as me"
He's so fucking cocky like that was not a good move, he's so fucking full of it
He's used to being given this kinda stuff
It means a little bit more to him since it's from you...
Don't expect much that just a quick kiss and no knives in your back :)
"Thanks but why?"
He's flattered and appreciates it but is confused
He will pick you up and hug you and flash you a big smile showing off his pearly white teeth
Will brag to the other survivors (especially Nancy and Jonathan)
"My girlfriend baked me something did yours?" He says in a snarky tone and a shit eating grin
She swings an arm around your neck and kisses your cheek
"Thank you love" she says as she pulls some hair out of you face
She smiles at you lovingly and takes the cupcake you made her
She takes a bite, icing gets in the tip of her nose
She tries to lick it off but fails so you grab her face gently and lick it off yourself
You pull away and giggle while she's tries to say something
She blushes and looks away and smiles bashfully
"Aw thank you darlin'"
She pinches your cheek and pulls a bit
She takes a macaroon and eats it slowly, savoring the flavor
She lets out a satisfied moan
"Soo~ good darlin' you need to make more"
She envelopes you into a bear hug with your face smashed between her boobs
(platonic! I headcannon him as Ace and Aro so everything for him is strictly platonic!!)
*Happy noises*
Someone made something for him?!
How wonderful! He's so happy!!
He had a hard time talking so he will show you how much he appreciates it
Whatever you make he will love
He will give you things too!!
He can't bake or cook but it's okay! He's trying:')
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jackrabbit-fandom · 1 month
Hi hi hi!!! I saw you write for one piece and was wondering if I could request something for luffy thats probably a little too specific..????
I headcannon luffy is somewhere on the aro/ace or gray spectrum and would just be so interested in reading about reader having feelings for him because hes like just you know luffy our boy😭 and luffy considers reader as practically oul mate type thsts how close they are.
Maybe like he feels just a tiny bit of something but decides to leave that until after he becomes king of the pirates but if its too hard you dont have to do this😭😭
Like doesnt have to be anything long or too grand and its okay if you dont want to write it🙏but thank you so much in advanve if you make it! ^^ (also hopefully no events that happen after sabaody because thats where i am right now im sorry but you dont have to if yoh dont want!😭💔)
AroAce Luffy headcanons (sorta)
So I'm not super versed on the aro part of the spectrum, but i am on the ace side, so i know more given that. Ether way, luffy is one of my favorites, and this is one of my own headcanons for him. More so, headcannon style then "story" cause im still trying to figure that part out, lol
Firstly, I'll say that to make this work, im going more so in the demi-romantic/sexual side. I am of the opinion that while he is slightly oblivious, and let's be honest, kinda dumb at times, luffy isn't completely clueless to these things.
Nothing too big here, gender neutral pronouns, fluff/tiny bit of angst, It's a tiny suggestive, but it's not really anything bad, Mabye, a bit of crack cause luffy
Sorry if this wasn't exactly what you were looking for. Like i said, I've never done this before, but hopefully, you liked it anyway
Having feelings for this guy would be kinda hard, mainly because he's very obvious when people do like him. Hed likely just assumed your best buds for a while unless you get the courage to just tell him. This can get frustrating when he's constantly hugging you and hanging around you.
If we do go fully on aroace luffy, it'd probably hurt a bit. He'd probably fully ignore your feelings for him or just not notice. It would be more so a one-sided pinning. If you're part of his crew, he likely clings onto you like he does with the others, which could also make things worse
If you confess to him now, he'd just straight up tell you he's not interested, or he doesn't care about that kinda thing
However, if we go more of a demi route and you confess, theres a few outcomes:
The first one is that he just bluntly says he's not interested, just like in the aroace one, which is kinda harsh but not fully unexpected. I don't think he'd mean it to actually hurt you, but he does mainly seem to tell the truth with these things
The second would be where he misunderstands your confession somehow? And it ends up as a kind of "i love you." "i love you too, buddy!" Thing which just gets awkward....
The third is where he's known you for quite some time and has been able to get close enough to develop some feelings. With him, he's a very loyal friend, but in terms of relationships, he's not used to feeling that kind of love, i guess? So it'd likely take him a bit of time to get used to the feeling and figure out what to do with it. It likely does come with confusion and a few questions, but as i said, he's not COMPLETELY clueless. He knows what a relationship is, at least. You'd have to essentially be his soulmate, which in his mind is likely someone who has his sense of humor and can cook. Obviously, he has a bit more to that, such as he'd prefer someone who doesn't manipulate or hurt ithers for their own personal gain
If he were to start a relationship, i do think it would have to be after he became king of the pirates. He doesn't really want many distractions in his adventure when it comes to that kind of relationship. Plus, like i said, he'd have to be very close to you, so assuming you a strawhat as well, I'd give him plenty of time to grow attached. So once his goal was reached, he may be willing to try a relationship. I still see him as a very goofy person even then, so he'd probably still just treat you like his best buddy but with a new title.
Like i said, i dont think much would change when it comes to how he treats you. He's already very affectionate with his crew, so he likely acts the same with you. If you asked, though, i think he'd try to give you a bit more than the others, but it still wouldn't be a big difference. Though if you asked for a kiss... you might end up with the sloppiest wettest smooch in the world right on your cheek.
Given that he's inexperienced, he might ask the others for some advice which likely wouldn't end well, its ether zoro giving him the dumbest awnsers sense they share a brain cell, sanji attempting to give luffy 'gentleman lessons" and getting frustrated, usopp acting like a expert just to not be that, or him finally getting to nami and robin and getting actual advice. That would somehow backfire anyway.
On the side of Ace, i don't think he'd be very interested in that kind of stuff. It's been confirmed that he reacts towards the bath scenes and such due to usopp being there. He just doesn't strike me as the type to be overly active in that area, again i dont think hes clueless,i doubt makima never gave him and his brother 'the talk' he just doesnt care for it. It's just never been something he's been interested in. He likely overheard Shanks talking about it at some point but didn't really care.
One piece and luffy are not my own characters, though the headcannons themselves are mine
Sorry for any grammer or spelling errors.
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the-owl-house-takes · 9 months
if hunter had gotten together with a guy instead of willow i can guarantee you there would be virtually no hate compared to how much of it huntlow is getting in the fandom i'm sure of it. everyone makes up all different reasons why they hate it, some ppl r super deadset on their aroace hunter headcannons, some make up some weird ableist stuff like ''he's too traumatized to be in a relationship' or ''doesn't know what a crush is'', some people made up that huntlow is toxic and abusive (?literally what and how) but if hunter had gotten together with edric for example then no one would be screaming abt how it's too early for him or it's not developed enough or how him being bi goes against their headcannon so they're gonna ignore it, even if it was way less developed than huntlow was or happened even quicker. no one would be invalidating his sexuality either (and i say this as an aro ace person. stop doing that.) hell, many ppl who dislike huntlow because they apparently ''weren't developed or written well enough'' somehow ship hunter with edric despite them literally speaking to each other once.
ppl r allowed to have preference and dislike canon ships ( in fact u even can do it without making up moral reasons for it like you can just say you don't vibe with a ship instead of trying to come up with 100 ways in which huntlow somehow is objectively bad or problematic or badly written or wtv) or ship crackships ofc, i'm not bashing huntric here,, but there's definitely a double standard. and even thoguh people hate hearing it, some of it does come from biphobia and the fact that many ppl in fandom circles immediately see m/f couples as bad and boring even if they're made up of 2 queer ppl, completely ignoring their actual dynamic or other representation the ship gives ppl. and some of the hate even has hidden misogyny or fatphobia or mlm fetishism in there too. many ppl also just literally hate or don't care at all abt willow (can often be for reasons listed above). its a complicated subject with a lot of nuances so it's impossible to break it down in a quick ask but that's the gist.
again, because some ppl r gonna misunderstand on purpose, i'm not saying that everyone who dislikes huntlow dislikes it because of this reason, just that in some cases there is some subconscious bias and hypocrisy there.
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legandairy-horror · 9 days
Headcannons about how the Lightner crew show affection for each other because I can't stop imagining these dorks as the world's most confusing and disastrous polycule
Feral animal in all things, including relationships. Is very particular when it comes to physical touch and other displays of affection. Instead they give out cool rocks and other shiny things to people they like/care. Has had a crush on every person in their class at one point or another and simultaneously refuses to acknowledge it and refuses to move on. Subconsciously uses their pranking and general weirdness as an excuse to get closer to people without having to admit that they like being around them
That one "Excuse me, they asked for no pickles" meme. Is willing to commit any crime for the people they care about. Absolutely refuses to acknowledge the fact that they have feelings for anyone even after going out on several dates with them. Not helped by poor self-worth issues making he doubt anyone actually liking her let alone romantic feelings. Deeply infatuated with Noelle, strong feelings for Kris. Complicated for Catti (started out real rough but thinks dark magic is sick as fuck)
Lesbiab. Lasbein. Girls. Has such a low self-image of herself and tries so unbelievable hard to hide how weird she is that she just does not realize that every girl in class has been actively trying to date her and just assumes that they're all being nice. Not helped by some lingering Heteronormativity makes her just default to "Ah yes, boys and girls date, that's how that works".
I cannot emphasize just how performative he views relationship. Raised on a healthy diet of Heteronormativity and Societal expectations he understands every relationship through that lens. "Of course the guy and girl get together in the end, that's just 'how it works'". Except it's not how it works, because people are often a lot more then what society expects from them. And he just never realized that there might be other options, that love isn't this destined thing that everyone one day accepts like fucking ex-caliber. That he doesn't have to do this if we doesn't want to. That he can just be friends with people instead of having to worry about all this forced bullshit. Yes I am head-cannoning Berdly as closeted aro/ace and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
Developed a crush on Kris & Noelle while she was teaching them both magic and never fully got over it. Also had somewhat of a friendship while they were younger and thus unjustly blames herself for not doing more to help them after Dess's disappearance and Kris's Possession. Combined with typical teen angst of "My parents are humiliating me by their mere existence." and she's developed a very distant and detached form of love. a very "I'm fine sacrificing my happiness if it means they keep their happiness" kinda mentality. Reason she doesn't get along with Susie at first is because she subconsciously projects a lot of her own anxieties and fear onto her leading to a lot of hostility at first.
Token straight and is thus the only remotely competent person here. Serves as the supportive rock for everyone and especially Catti. The first and mostly likely person on the team to suggest the completely reasonable advice of "have you tried talking to them?" and "you're probably overthinking this". It's part of why Catti fell in love with him, because he's the only one here who would willing and readily admit that he cares for someone.
Bonus Monster Kid & Snowy meme (not at all serious)
"Have you ever been walking down the street with your best bro and while you're walking you accidentally touch hands? You think to yourself - That was weird, but I'm not gay. - You are, you are gay". Source
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Jamari Blackwood (Ya’s Oc) Masterlist
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The human embodiment of hard on the outside chewy on the inside Jamari-
Character description
Halloween celebration
Hunted Down
Coming back from the dead
Scary movies
Haunted House
S/o trying to escape their werewolf mate
Werewolf jamari with a s/o who always gets lost
Succubus S/o
Random HC
Werewolf HC
S/o whose hesitant to live with him due to taking care of their sibling 
S/o whose flustered by his voice
Gentle affectionate S/o
S/o collapsing due to the pressure put on them from their parents
Scared S/o whose constantly trying to escape
Friendly S/o who cant bring themselves to completely abandon their ex
Happy energetic S/os fun behavior suddenly stopping
Pastry Baker S/o
Trans FTM S/o
Taking care of Sick Male s/o
Pregnant S/o
Abused S/o whos afraid to get into another relationship
Darlings clingy and dependent 
S/o has a thing for his piercings 
Darling who bites as a love language
S/o who feels safe in his arms
Darling who likes to knit
Waking up to find S/o missing from bed
Waking up to find S/o having a break down on the floor
Goth darling
Distant S/o cuddles up to him in the middle of the night
Wearing his clothes
Playing with his hair
S/o feels second place to his ex
Cubby and innocent S/o
S/o who has never been in a relationship yet and is nervous
Cubby S/o
Yandere Alphabet: D,E,F
Arriving unbelievably late for Valentines date
Soft Spoken and shy S/o
Yandere Alphabet: H,I,U,W,Y
Deaf Darling
Waking up to find his S/o making a surprise breakfast
S/o who constantly goes to the hospital cause of a chronic illness
Darling with a Eating Disorder TW
Chubby S/o getting bullied but hesitant to tell
Darling who has a hard time expressing feelings
Finding a girl with amnesia in a alleyway
Celebrating your birthday 
S/o coming home drunk not recognizing who he is
How Jamaris low empathy manifests 
Falling asleep on his lap during a movie
S/os his yandere admirer 
Baby whose clingy
Narcoleptic S/o
Putting up a fight even after being kidnapped
S/o who talks, moves and walks in their sleep
S/o w/ a little sister trying to break up with him
Baby who reacts physically to intense emotions
Psychoanalyzing him
Yandere S/o not wanting a actual relationship, just wanting to admire from a distance
Childhood Headcannons
Finding Yandere S/os secret room full of photos of him
Breaking up due to figuring out theyre Aro/Ace
S/os the child of a mafia family
Kidnapped S/o breaking down, thankful that they dont have to stress anymore
Pressured into breaking up w/ Jamari
S/o w/ Temporary leg paralysis
Baby who becomes mute when stressed/scared
Yandere S/o kidnapping Jamari
Big male influencer S/o
Amputee S/o who hates their prosthetic arm
Find out Crush is being domestically abused
Baby loving how their attacker said “Knife, to meet you” before stabbing them
Blind S/o who doesnt want to be in a relationship and stay independent
S/o who died has a twin that looks just like them
S/o w/ PTSD
S/o w/ OCD
Walking in on S/o torturing someone TW
S/o who cant feel pain
Calling him “cuddle monster”
Possessive Headcannons
S/o w/ restless leg syndrome 
Helping darling sell their BL manga
Possessive S/o whos also been cheated on before
Being introduced to his family
Kidnapped S/o crying themselves to sleep every night
S/o sleeps on a giant teddy bear instead of a mattress
Darling liking to feel up his chest
S/o whose great at escape rooms
Darling whos not used to affection
How Jamari got his Scar TW
S/o whos allergic to the cold
Kidnapped S/o thinking hes going to kill them
Dead S/o coming back as a ghost 
S/o flinches due to their childhood 
Finding Yandere Male S/o covered in blood
S/o w/ Rejection sensitive dysphoria 
Traits Jamaris ex had that would set off his paranoia
S/o whos constantly stressed and control freak
Breaking his jaw in a escape attempt
Queer Platonic relationship with aromantic S/o
Autistic S/o worried to talk about their special interest 
S/o that squeezes his chest anytime they can
Begging for him to let you go
S/o got the flu
Fluff HC
S/o Calling jamari to save them from a horrible road trip w/ their mom
Kidnapped S/o attacking him whenever he gets close
What would make Jamaris mom disapprove of you
Clinging to Jamari, refusing to let go after hes been out on a job for awhile
Gamer S/o
Caregiver S/o
Comforting Baby whos having night terrors
Insomniac s/o
His family finding out about his captive s/o
Rejecting him out of fear of being apart of a pattern or being left for someone else
S/o has a coughing tic
Dealing with another flirting with him
Walking in to see s/o holding a knife to their throat TW
Kidnapping S/o whos on their period
Kidnapped s/o starts to dissociate a lot
Kidnapped S/o injuring him everytime he gets close
Jealousy HC
Daughter loves being w/ him
S/o whose a major sweet tooth with a bunch of filled cavities
Kidnapped S/o passing out due to fear the moment they woke up
Getting Jamaris mother to like you
Platonic HC
S/o saying “lol if you ever ask me again i’ll make sure you won’t be able to, tree trunk” when he asks them why their being so cuddly
Decora Kei/Kidcore S/O
Kidnapped S/o almost stabbing him in the chest
Jamari gets kissed by some random person and the S/O sees
S/o needs a video playing in the background to sleep
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts.”
“Sweetheart…what are you doing?”
“Shh, don’t cry. You’re safe with me.”
Touch starved S/o who constantly needs cuddles
How Jamari would pace your relationship together
S/o who has a ton of stuffed animals covering their bed
S/o whos basically the "what's this?" "affection" "disgusting- do it again" meme
Masochistic S/o
QPR with a aromantic S/o who wants to be roommates
Random HC about sweet boi jamari
How he would woo a closed off S/o whos like him
How jamari would react to the silent treatment
Baby whos terrified of storms
Talking his baby to sleep
Taking advantage of The Purge to get his baby
Haunted house
Weredog S/o
S/o got bit by a zombie
Zombie Jamari
Vampire Jamari
Dressing up in couples costumes 
Werewolf Jamari during The Purge
S/o thinking he loves them too much due to past trauma
Bumping into his childhood bestfriend darling
Baby w/ Glasses
Germaphobe S/o
Aro S/o being self conscious of their ‘non typical’ relationship
College student s/o
S/os friend acting as his wingman
Fast food worker S/o
Kidnapped Aro S/o
Artist S/o who constantly doodles him
Kidnapped S/o managing to constantly slip out the apartment
Kidnapped S/o doing what he says out of fear
Hero Prompt
Platonic Shape Shifter prompt
Platonic Hunted down
Kidnapped S/o wants to dress up in matching costumes
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Werewolf Heat 
NS FW bits of HC
Jerking it to a picture of you 
Finding Darling dry humping his pillow 
Getting hard while cuddling 
S/o who has only fans/sells panties 
Male S/o teasing him 
NS FW hc
Car Sex 
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this-ace-needs-space · 10 months
CHB LGBTQ+ Headcannons
Aromantic/asexual kids of Aphrodite and Eros
Trans girls are accepted into the hunt
Iris cabin giving out pride flags all of pride month 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Athena cabin creating fan theories on possible LGTBQ+ characters in fandoms
Hecate campers teaming up with the Athena cabin to make a potion that helps with transitioning
Trans/Non-binary campers going to Dionysus for transitioning
Dionysus only calling trans/non-binary campers by their preferred names
Leo making bracelets that tell correct pronouns for genderfluid campers
Flower crowns made by Demeter cabin with their pride colors on them
Pan Percy used to have a crush on Charlie
Some campers seeing Percy and Jason interact and thinking their dating
Ace Reyna
Demisexual Thalia
Lesbian or Bi piper
Bi-curious Annabeth having a slight crush on Piper
Sapphic Drew being nervous to come out bc of how she’s treated everyone
Aro/Ace Jason.. ??
Grover and Juniper being supportive allies
The camp store selling magical binders <3
Rachel can be heard singing along to Girl in Red
When a couple comes out, Apollo and Ares cabin dump them in the lake (a tradition started by Percabeth)
Athena cabin having a bookshelf dedicated to LGBTQ+ books and guides to acceptance if someone’s not familiar
Aphrodite cabin making jewelry for other campers (and helping Leo with the pronoun brackets?)
Frank might be demisexual? but straight ally??
Hazel having a little crush on a girl and covering it up bc she heard that people like her would go to hell
Dakota being gender-fluid
Leo starting to get better at the 7th wheel thing and realizing platonic relationships are just as valuable as romantic ones
Lou Ellen Blackstone being Lesbian (idk if this makes sense but.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Jason being fiercely supportive of his friends even though he’s the cis-est guy you’ll ever find
Piper also being gender-fluid??
Percy gives Jason a bunch of flowers on Valentine’s day for their bromance
Post below is where I got some of the ideas | v
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hi hi!
goth kids anon again, but what r ur Stan and Kyle hcs? (both individual and stanky/style ones :])
oh boy... um. i have a lot to say on this one. so kyle headcannons first because hes my boy:
hes demiromantic greysexual, and very cis. he doesnt really see the appeal of sex, or desire to have sex with someone, but he would consider it if it was somthing his partner was into. he aims to help others, and because of that he often mistakes his pity or proclivity to others as attraction. in reality, he doesnt really "like-like" someone untill he knows them for quite a long time. (say... 3 or more years.) in post covid when he has kids, it actually has nothing to do with a relationship. he wasnt with anyone, but he still really wanted kids, so he got a surrogate. eventually stan came into the picture, but he wasnt the reason kyle wanted kids. with kyle's desire to help and watch people grow, hes always dreamed of having a family. parenting just seemed like the natural next step for him. its kind of like his counselling job. he couldnt ever see a future where hes not helping people grow. stan is also on the ace spectrum, but not aro-spec. hes extremely sex repulsed, but a massive (bi) hopless romantic. thats mostly what causes his relationsip-related vomiting. it doesnt matter if the action isnt inherently sexual. in his mind, if something feels like its going to far, or is out of his comfort zone, he catastrophizes and has that thought in the back of his mind. it bad enough that if someone flirts suggestively with him at the bar, their shirt is immediately covered in vomit. Also, hes a he/him nonbinary. 100% not a boy. also 100% not a they/them. in post covid, hes constantly doing anything he can to not be like his dad. and that means when kyle's kids come into the picture, he makes it his sole duty to be the most loving, supportive, caring parent he can be. (even before he and kyle are an item.)
erm.... any other headcannons i have i think ive already posted about, so thats it!
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proteovaldez · 4 months
Im gonna talk Jason, Reyna and Octavian. Reminder I haven’t read these books in like five or more years. Are these headcannons? Let’s call it that.
Wolf boy Jason should be talked about more. Also I like Octavian as a character cause he’s a little freak. And Reyna is my personal Ace/Aro representation. My sister and I have made little phrases to help others understand how we’ve characterized them. Octavian is “Dog eat Dog.” Reyna is “Dog and Dog.” Jason is “Doggie Dog.”
Now to explain how I think pre Hera/Juno Camp Jupiter was like. So in my mind time works differently at the wolf house. Reasoning, no way a two year old in just a year is Roman ready. So Jason spends a lot of time there. He’s a baby, so obviously he picks up on the wolf stuff and as a result he’s more animalistic. The only explanation why he was able to succeed at being a soldier at age three for fifteen years is because he is not the usual soldier. He’s a wolf first and a Roman soldier second. No matter how much training you have, it’s kind of hard to beat someone who is not afraid to bite and theoretically tear out your throat. I like to think he had longish hair. I mean I fully believe he refused shoes and his cohorts would brush his hair or give him head scratches. He has definitely bit an adult.
Now Reyna is just trying to do her job. I mean you’re telling me that Jason wouldn’t immediately investigate the new girl. He does and she’s cool. When did she get the metal dogs? Doesn’t matter she’s clearly good with dogs. Also both of them are great fighters and intelligent. I’m confident they bonded even before he became praetor. I fully believe they are in love. I mean like queer platonic love. Like the most they’ve done is holding pinkies when slightly stressed or doing each other’s hair. She cringes when he tried to hug her once. So when they both are praetors it’s her just silently begging for him to wear shoes at meetings.
Now Octavian, our favorite little freak of a teen. Octavian is a legacy, I’m assuming his parents live in New Rome. I like your think Jason went to a school and had classes with Octavian. Octavian has always been weird. Also he can read. I don’t remember if legacies are also dyslexic, but you’re telling me Octavian wouldn’t know how to read with no struggle. He would and he’d lord it over everyone. I just know he’s always been a little ambitious and power hungry. I mean what child with prophetic tendencies wouldn’t crave power? He definitely notices Jason is powerful and useful. He knows it’s better to be on the possible feral child’s side. Also he’s incredibly patriotic like most Roman’s are historically at least. He knows Jason is good for Rome and I bet he’s one of the many who thought Jason fumbled choosing the fifth cohort. Like he’s known of Jason forever and knows that Jason is all for the Roman cause he’s a child soldier. He can rely on Jason to be on the side of Rome. Now Reyna he definitely was wary until he actually met her. He’s a smart kid, so obviously he likes Reyna. He respects her greatly until she becomes Praetor. After that he has two separate Reyna’s in his mind. There’s smart, intelligent Reyna, and then there’s Praetor Reyna. The second one is an implied sneer. Cause I bet she’s had to alter her original ideas and plans to appeal to the council. Octavian has heard Reyna’s original plans and thinks they’re genius, but Praetor Reyna is a sellout.
The three of them are literally the most recognized campers at Camp Jupiter. It’s kind of hard to not at least respect your coworkers when they’re useful and technically are working towards the same goal. Like Reyna wasn’t there long so she probably was just pleased she had people to talk to. Maybe not friends exactly but acquaintances. And Jason likes people. Then Octavian likes useful people. Also they’re teenagers. I just know the three of them hung out and have stupid jokes, but only do so in private as they’re kind of serious people.
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 7 months
i would love to hear about aro smajor actually 👀
ok so the first thing i am always obligated to say is that i made a post about aro life series!smajor a bit ago that real life smajor found and told me, and i quote "this might be the most wrong take about any of [his] characters". this is the funniest thing that's ever happened to me and has only made me double down.
also it should be noted that i am on the aro spectrum, so some of my hcs about this are affected by my own experiences on this front. i am also ace, which is not true of my life series!scott headcannons (he is so very gay), so idk if that's gonna color my thoughts, but maybe keep it in mind?
so the thing is that, as scott said in that reply, all his characters are hopeless romantics. hence it takes life series!scott until around double life to figure out that he's aro, and hence flower husbands in third life. the thing about scott and flower husbands is that most of scott's care for jimmy comes around after jimmy dies. he's pre-grieving jimmy the entire series, he's making the widow's alliance, he is constantly a little bit exasperated with jimmy (even if it's fondly most of the time), he's telling grian "once we lose our husbands to the war, we can be free". he's kind of treating jimmy and his relationship with jimmy like it's a burden the entire time he has it. and i think that part of the reason he is so affected by jimmy's death when he didn't really show that he cared about him while he was alive (in this interpretation) is that a: he doesn't have to perform any romantic feelings for the guy anymore, he just has to feel the care he has for him and b: very quickly after jimmy dies, scott loses cleo too, his only other Real ally and friend on the server.
he looses both of the people he cares about in one fell swoop, but he directs the grief and anger he feels about both of them, at least outwardly, into anger about jimmy. he says he wants revenge because they killed his husband, because he feels like he SHOULD care about jimmy more than he cared about cleo, even though he doesn't, he cared for them equally.
and so then last life comes around. and scott has what he has with cleo and pearl. and he realizes "oh, ok, hold on, this is actually miles more fulfilling than what i had with jimmy." but the realization doesn't immediately go to "oh i'm aromantic", it starts as "well maybe i just wasn't compatible with jimmy". but then double life happens and he is not a fan of the soulmate concept, especially not when his soulmate is actively killing him so he runs off with cleo again, and even when he finds out that his soulmate is pearl, he has no interest in pursuing that relationship, even in a platonic way. and it's mostly because she was being reckless and not looking for him, but he talks about it with cleo and that's when the aromanticism properly clicks. and it just recontextualizes literally everything.
anyways scott and cleo's relationship throughout the life series is a qpp and mean gills are canonically a qpp. it's important to me that you know this.
(also scott obviously allos can have qpps but also. if you didn't want me to suggest your guy was a little aro at least. maybe you shouldn't have said that :3.)
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Michael Yew headcannons (since he deserved better)
His fatal flaw is stubbornness/grudges
He arrived to camp around when Annabeth did and was claimed soon after (son of apollo, obv)
He has a good relationship with his mortal father and in the beginning would only be at camp during summer and occasionally winter
He began staying longer at camp after he became the head medic (a few years after he arrived, before Percy came to camp)
He and Lee were often the ones organizing campfire sing-a-longs
He taught most of his siblings basic medicine and archery, and would often teach some of the younger kids (including Will) how to play the triangle (he thought it was hilarious to see a bunch of little kids running around and "playing" the triangle, annoying everyone to no end)
He had a weird quirk where he would say things as jokes, and they'd then come true (I call this the "Apollo's dodgball")
He was the first one a lot of campers came out to, since he tried to give all the campers a safe space, and be open to listen (though the camp, in my headcannon, has always been accepting, many of the campers didn't grow up entirely in camp, so many didn't have someone outside camp that they trusted to tell)
Michael was the first one Will came out to, when Will told him that he had a crush on Percy
(A more general headcannon of mine is that Percy Jackson was the awakening of most kids around that age at camp)
He wanted to tell Will that the boy he was crushing on wasn't good enough for him, but it's hard to say that about Percy-freaking-Jackson
He's very protective of his younger siblings and was 100% the sibling that will confront someone who breaks their siblings' heart
This protectevness became even more after Lee's death
Though he was one of the best in the camp at archery, and he worked as a medic most of the time, the "gift" he got was seeing glimpses of his own future
As the battle of Manhattan got closer he began having dreams of stone, rock, and water, but when Will asked, Michael told him not to worry about it
He didn't want to die and leave any of his younger siblings to be camp councilor, or experience what he had after Lee's death
Before the battle of Manhattan, he went to his dad's wedding shower but couldn't make it to his dad's wedding, as it was scheduled a week after the battle
While he didn't see them very much towards the end, he was on good terms with his father's fiance
Michael actually had an okay relationship with Clarice, but as the war went on, and the tensions between campers became worse and worse, by the time of the last battle, they hated each other, and even Michael apologizing and begging her for her help couldn't fix it
After the bridge collapsed, he was alive for an hour or two, under a bunch of rubble (though he wasn't aware for most of it); his siblings never found him
He was given a place in elysium, where he reunited with his friends and family
Over half of his cabin had been killed in the war, going from one of the biggest to only 5-6 people
He had planned to become a poet or a professor after he left camp, often scribbling down notes between breaks at the infermery
His siblings still sometimes find little sticky-notes stuck to the bottoms of beds and behind bookcases
Strangely, some of these poems just appear in places they had already checked, some old and new, but all written in Michael's handwriting
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