#I also do not believe anything he says until he actually shows me a reservation
atethirty · 2 years
This guy invited me to Soho house on Sunday and said he’d let me drive his lambo and I’m annoyed bc that’s the day my temu haul is supposed to arrive and I really wanted to assemble my new makeup setup than entertain him and talk business
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bloodbenderz · 6 months
there was a lot of mistakes made in the live action but the worst one without reservation was that the creators did not understand patriarchy and they did not understand women's liberation outside of an american context ( or any context if we're being honest )
it's easy to see on a surface level how that fucked up katara's whole character how she wasn't allowed to have her character defining moments how she wasn't allowed to be angry or even excited or impulsive but i think it doesn't really become clear how deeply wrong the show's conception of gender & patriarchy is (and the implications for the political landscape of the show) until you get into how they destroyed sokka's character too
sokka's whole Complex is born of patriarchy. i'm not trying to do men's rights advocacy here but in my experience when a people is under constant threat, constant assault, constant violence (much of which is gendered) and the traditional "protectors" or "providers" of that people are men, the masculine role becomes protecting women and children. i am not saying this is a good thing or a bad thing but it is true the narrative of violent resistance is overwhelmingly about men. to be a man in a time & place like this means fighting to protect your women, & to die for them is honorable. that is where sokka gets this idea that he has to be a warrior & he has to fight & if necessary die for katara & the rest of the tribe. it's about duty. everyone has a part to play, a role to fill
everyone including women! which is the other half of this. the duty of women is to keep up the home, to maintain a country worth fighting & dying for, to raise children so that the community can have a future. it becomes especially obvious in the context of the show when you see how the nwt lives & in specific how yue lives and dies.
many women participate in patriarchy. many colonized women participate in patriarchy. most of my family comes from or still lives in a country completely devastated by colonialism & its aftereffects & many women in my family believe wholeheartedly in the idea that everyone in the house has a role to play. it's not because these women are stupid or they hate themselves. but when you grow up believing that men & women are fundamentally different, and seeing that women are in specific danger because of their gender, it actually makes a lot of sense to expect the men in your family to protect you, and to raise your sons that way.
in practice that means that men aren't really expected to do anything around the house, especially when there's no actual danger. my aunt literally 2 days ago told me this lol like she doesn't make her sons do anything bc she wants to let their lives be easy before they have to go out into the world & take care of their wives & children.
what does women's liberation look like when an entire community is under threat? colonized women have been dealing with this question as long as colonialism has existed. the writers of this show don't even pretend to understand the question, much less to formulate a thoughtful response to it. they just say oh, well, katara, yue, & suki are all the exact same type of liberated girlboss for whom patriarchy is no significant obstacle.
which brings us back to sokka lol. sokka, at the beginning of the show, has completely subscribed to patriarchy, has integrated it into his sense of self. he has a lot of flaws, but he also has a lot of really good traits. his bravery, sense of honor, loyalty, work ethic, selflessness, all of this came from him striving to be a good man. he would die to protect katara, because she's his sister. he also has her wash his socks & mend his clothes, because she's his sister. even after he meets suki, humbles himself, & expands his view of the role a woman can play, he doesn't completely disengage from patriarchy. at the end of the day he believes in his soul that a good man's duty is to fight & if necessary die for his people, & that's exactly his plan. this is a very real psychic burden. pre-aang, it's also largely fictional & completely ridiculous. we're SUPPOSED to think it's ridiculous. he's spending his time training babies & working on his little watchtower. the swt hasn't been attacked since their mother was killed because it has been completely stripped of all value or danger it once held for the fire nation, & everybody knows this. there is very little "men's work" left, aside from hunting & fishing, which is so damaging to sokka's self image he resorts to toddler bootcamp to feel useful. the contradiction here is comical. it's also completely devastating. that's supposed to be the fucking POINTTTT like colonialism & patriarchy convinces this young boy he needs to be a soldier & die for his family. & you know what he does? He acts like a young boy about it. they didn't just leave this unexplored in the remake they completely changed the circumstances to 1. make sokka incompetent for some reason 2. make his "preparations" seem less ridiculous. Which ruins the whole character. Possibly the whole show.
all this makes the writing of katara & the other women infinitely more offensive to me. katara is a good character because she believes in revolution. she wants to liberate her people from imperialism, & she wants to liberate women from colonial gendered violence, traditional patriarchy in her own culture, & the complicated ways those things interact. it is LITERALLY the first thing you're supposed to learn about her. she's the PERFECT vehicle to address the question of women's liberation under colonialism. one of the things i was most looking forward to seeing in this show was how labor is distributed in a place where almost everything that needs to get done is "women's work" & how it affects katara & sokka's day to day relationship when their lives weren't at risk constantly. what actually are her responsibilities every day, & how do they compare to sokka's? how does her grandmother enforce these traditions with katara & sokka, & how is that informed by her own experiences in the nwt? what does patriarchy look like in a tribe made up of mostly women & children? it's so important to who katara is & what she believes! but why bother exploring any of that when u could instead make her a shein model who has nothing in common with the source material except her hairstyle lol.
yue is actually even worse to me bc yue is supposed to be sokka's counterpart. she's supposed to show you how destructive it is for women specifically to internalize this gendered duty so completely. it sucks for sokka, but he is a man & thus his prescribed role gives him some agency. yue's role affords her no agency whatsoever, & this is the POINT. to make her someone who's allowed to break things off with her fiance if she likes, who sneaks off to do what she wants when she's feeling stressed, whose will is respected as a monarch, like what is even the point of yue anymore? in the original the whole reason she was even allowed to spend time with sokka was because her father knew she was with a trustworthy boy. her story completely loses all significance when the dimension of patriarchy is removed from it. the crux of her whole story is that she is not just a princess but the literal & spiritual representation of the motherland. that's what women are supposed to represent during wartime, at the cost of their own sense of self. in order to fulfill her duty to her people she gives her life to them in every single way that matters.
it's just so unbelievably frustrating (and WRONG) that the only types of characters for these writers are "soulless misogynistic fuck" and "liberated american-style feminist." there's no nuance at all! they don't bother exploring how real love manifests in patriarchal communities, & how patriarchy defines the limits of that love. or how for so many of these people their idea of goodness, morality, & honor is gendered. or how imperialism affects not just individuals but entire cultures & their conceptions of gender. but why do any actual work when you could completely change sokka & katara's general demeanors, their entire personalities, & their roles in the tribe so you can dodge any & all nuance
Anyways. in conclusion. it was bad
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lost-and-ephemeral · 7 months
Helloo><!!! I love your fics sm ueueue!!! I was wondering if it's okay with you to write about Zayne and Rafayel with a very childish Mc who loves a lot of cute stuffies!!! Mc is really bubbly and gets excited and happy over all the little things and just like Rafayel, they are a painter too:DD!!! except Mc doesn't get attention on their art which makes them sad... But overall, just a mostly bubbly and cuddly Mc on both if its okie><!! Tyyy!!!
HCs: Childish Beloved (Zayne, Rafayel)
Pairing: Zayne x reader, Rafayel x reader
Tags: fluff, established relationship
A/N: Thanks for your request, sweetheart! I'm also sorry it takes me a lot of time to write requests. So much work, so little time irl.
-`♡´- MASTERLIST -`♡´- 
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You're the exact opposite of Zayne, but that's not a bad thing.
Opposites attract. It works the same way with him.
Zayne is pretty reserved and quiet, so he needs a bright person like you for the perfect balance.
Your babbly and childlike demeanor makes his heart melt with love.
Even on the coldest and gloomiest day, you are able to shine like the sun itself.
It's hard for him to show affection, so your cuddly personality completely overrides that little flaw.
Every time you hug him unexpectedly, Zayne's whole body tenses up at first and then slowly relaxes in your arms.
Just don't melt that Mr. Snowman completely.
Don't mind your babbling, unless he has some very urgent work to do. Don't be upset, it's just that sometimes Zayne has lots of important work to do and he can't make a mistake.
After hard day at work he will 100% fall asleep to the sound of your voice.
Always praising your art, even the smallest sketches.
If you do a little goofy sketch of him, he'll carry it in his wallet. Always. He just won't admit it openly.
But one day you'll find out anyway. Zayne will just chuckle at your happy reaction.
When you get excited about the little things, he just shakes his head and smiles.
He can't believe that such a sweet little being could love someone as cold as him.
He doesn't mind that you in love with every cute little thing you see. Because, well, you're cute too.
Sometimes he will unintentionally look for something you might really like.
He's literally spoiling you with plushies and sweets.
You have a special warm place in his heart.
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Rafayel isn't bothered in the slightest by your personality or your behavior.
He is an expressive and bright person in his own way.
Just loves listening to your babbling while he's painting. You can talk about anything that comes into your head, Rafayel won't say anything against it.
You're really cuddly person? Great, he doesn't mind and actually loves this too. He's pretty affectionate himself.
But he still blushes every time you get him into your arms. Cutie.
Perhaps sometimes it is your warm embrace that was missing for him to so wanted inspiration for his latest painting.
And speaking of paintings, he's just in awe of the fact that you're an artist too.
He'll be sure to ask you to paint something together with him.
Don't be surprised if at one of his next exhibitions you'll see this painting, even with an indication of your co-authorship.
Rafayel thinks that you and your art deserve all the love and attention. And he can provide it.
He will tell everyone that his beloved is really talented.
With you he is even more playful than usual.
You're his little sunshine. He's happy when you're happy. So when you're excited over something small, he can't help but chuckle and smile.
Loves seeing you all joyful and excited, because your joy is contagious.
If you see a cute thing you like, you'll have it right away.
Even in all available colors and variations if you want so. Rafayel can afford it.
Won't stop until he gets all the toys you like out of the claw machine.
Just never ever leave him. Rafayel won't survive without you and your adorable personality.
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pathetichimbos · 11 months
guys... I gotta talk about this. bear with me, it's gonna be a rollercoaster.
<nsfw under cut f!reader implied but not outright stated I guess>
Thomas having sex for the first time.
Oh boy. Oh boy. So many thoughts.
I don't care what anyone says. Thomas is a 30+ year old virgin. We stan him. We love him. We're gonna ruin him.
But first, let's talk about all the stuff in his life building up to it.
So, as I've stated many, many times before, Thomas was primarily isolated from kids his age when he was 13-14, so he didn't really have an outlet to explore anything in a safe manner with anyone. (Not that it would have been all that safe in the first place... these kids wildin')
And we also know that he grew up in a pretty conservative household (a.ka. patriotic god fearing americans), so we all know that he was most likely too embarrased and ashamed by his own attraction to explore anything by himself either. (whoo boy been there buddy)
And we know that as an older, proud, southern woman, Luda Mae most likely did not have any sort of sex talk with Thomas other than telling him it was for grown, married folks only.
But, you know what we didn't know?
Charlie wasn't around to have the talk with him either.
I was rewatching The Beginning (oh wow, really? what a surprising turn of events) and something I've heard dozens of times before caught my eye.
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1952. Sergeant Major 'Hoyt' was a POW in the Korean war.
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August, 1939. Luda Mae finds a discarded newborn in the dumpster outside the slaughterhouse.
Depending on the month (but we can assume it was many, many months), Thomas was 12 or 13 when Charlie served in the Army.
So, while Thomas is dropping out of school and isolating himself from his family and peers, the only sense of a father figure is serving / being held captive by enemy soldiers.
And personally, I don't believe Thomas and Monty are that close. Monty doesn't seem to take any sort of interest in Thomas, and Thomas was a little too willing to chop his legs off. So I sincerely doubt he was any sort of help.
So, really, I wouldn't be all that surprised if Thomas doesn't really know what sex is. He has a general idea of the meaning and that it's reserved for marriage, but other than crude, most likely misogynistic comments from the older men in his life, he doesn't really know anything about it.
So, when he actually does meet someone (and tie the knot) and all of those feelings come rushing in, he's more than overwhelmed. It takes a long time before he can actually handle going all the way.
For the first part of your intimacy, it's a lot of soft talks and encouragement, and explaining everything to him. He has no idea how to make you feel good, so it's up to you to show him literally everything.
You have to build up to the actual sex, and even after you do it for the first time, he's going to need you to keep hold of the lead until he's familiar and comfortable with it all.
He's a mess when you finally do it. He's clinging to you, trying so hard not to hold you too tightly, a whining mess in your ear, burying his face in your neck and panting wildly. It's awkward, and bumpy, and he finishes way too fast (and you don't even get the chance) but the way he melts into your touch with that blissed out look in his eyes makes it worth it.
And trust me, he gets better. He's a quick learner, and as long as you tell him exactly what to do, he goes from a fumbling mess to making your toes curl in no time.
He spends an ungodly amount of time watching and learning what gets you going. The sounds, the sights, the movements, everything.
He could spend hours on you, but he's still new to this, so he gets distracted really easily.
He lives off praise, the more you give him the more fuzzy his brain gets until he's a whining mess. (He makes a LOT of noises). He loves when you leave scratches. (Nothing too deep or scarring, but the feeling drives him crazy). He likes when you tug his hair to make him look at you. (He's big on eye contact, specifically when you're more 'making love' than 'we've got five minutes before someone walks into the kitchen').
....Now this next thing I'm gonna say is going to upset plenty of people, but hear me out.
Realistically, I don't think Thomas enjoys going down.
I know, I know, it's a SUPER unpopular opinion as pretty much every headcanons him as being super into giving head, BUT, I have my reasonings.
It's not that he dislikes the act itself, and in fact, I'm sure he actually loves it, but we do have to remember that he has a rather severe skin condition mostly centered around his face.
This means his skin is super sensitive to certain things like strong chemicals, intense fragrances, hot water, and anything with a high acidity.
And going down with absolutely cause an irritable flare up that will hurt. A lot.
So, no, realistically, I don't think he'd do it, just for that reason.
Do I think he'd enjoy doing it if he could? Yea, absolutely, I just don't think he can.
Anyways. I don't know what this was. But it would not leave my brain, so. I guess this is my introductory to the smut I want to start writing. Who knows. We'll see.
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This is Our Reality [END OF ARC]
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So...Nico Himuro really left...And she left the Symmetra Matrix behind?
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She wanted you to keep it. I think it was just one final act of kindness on ERR0RM3SS4GE's part.
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*After saying their goodbye's to Kuripa, Shuichi and Kaede return to Shuichi's office. Shuichi sits on his chair, head in his hands while Kaede sits on his desk next to him.
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Are you feeling okay?
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I definitely feel better now. Kokichi helped talk some sense into me.
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I...I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any reservations...In fact, I don't think I'm gonna be able to get any sleep tonight...
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You will when the exhaustion kicks in. Staying up and fighting for over 24 hours is gonna take a mental or physical toll on anyone.
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I can sing you a lullaby if that helps.
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Hehe...I'm not a little kid, but...that actually sounds nice.
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Honestly, at this point, I think a vacation is called for...
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Ahaha. Yeah, that sounds nice.
*Kaede shimmies along the desk until she's in front of Shuichi, and she starts to lift her legs and hug him with her thighs.
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Are you thinking...A vacation for the team or...some kind of honeymoon...?
*Shuichi lets himself be pulled in until he wraps his arms around her.
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Well, I could be persuaded to have some alone time...
*The two of them slowly start to kiss deeply and passionately.
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In all seriousness, please let me know if there's anything I can do to help you Shuichi. You and I are a team, you know? We gotta be there for each other.
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I know Kaede. And I do trust you more than words can express. It's just...I'm not really sure where we go from here.
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Well...I guess we just take our time, huh? Nothing wrong with living in the moment and appreciating what you've still got.
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You're right...
*They start to kiss again, but suddenly...!
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SHUICHI! Haah! Haah! Are you here!?
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H-Hey! Keebo! Kind of in the middle of something! Do you mind!?
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A-Ah! Sorry! N-No! I really am sorry, but this is important!
*A little bit disappointed, but also heavily concerned from the look on the robot's face, Kaede pulls away from Shuichi as Keebo, panic-stricken, rushes over to his desk.
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K-Keebo, calm down! Wh-What's the matter?
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I'm sorry, I know that you really need to take a break, and I'm sorry for barging in on the two of you, but it's urgent!
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I did as you asked and I started investigating Rantaro's Symmetra Matrix. And when I managed to look into it's database, I found something unbelievable!
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Wh-What did you find?
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Trust me...You won't believe me if I tell you! I NEED to show you! Right now!
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And not just you! Everyone needs to see this! Please, help me gather everyone up, and meet me in the tech lab! You know where Kaito and Kokichi last were, right!?
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Kokichi too? Just...what did you come across!?
*While Keebo returns to the hospital to gather everyone up that remained with Himiko, Kaede and Shuichi go and find Kaito and Kokichi. After a short time, they reconvene in the tech lab.
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Oh...Good...Everyone's here.
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Keebo! You alright?
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marukrawler · 1 month
Kinda sad how runo's character couldn't never interact with S3 Dan, the most kind and empathic version of him. I like to think he would've been really nice with her at the end of the day she was her gf during gi in Julie words. Not even an indirect comment of him telling runo he would go for a while the show couldn't give :/
yeah, it would've been really nice if s3 showed that dan had learned what his constant absence did to the people who cared about him and how he wanted to make an effort to at least say his goodbyes to them because of that.
in s2 dan was pretty obtuse to how runo felt about being left behind until she actually verbalized it, at which point he thanked her for always waiting for him.
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i think it would've been a great testament to his growth if s3ep13 had been about dan running around town, trying desperately to let runo know that he was leaving so she wouldn't feel abandoned again. zenet would see how close dan and runo were and disguise herself as runo in an effort to steal drago. dan would eventually see both runos but be able to discern which runo was the real one based off something only he knew about her. (so basically take s3ep13 and replace julie with runo.)
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i think that could've greatly redeemed the danruno ship for me lmao but oh well.
somewhat unrelated but another thing is that julie was hesitant about confirming dan and runo's relationship status in s2 when asked about it, but had no such reservations in s3. i do strongly believe that it's because the writers wanted to tease the idea of danmira so they couldn't have dan and runo be in a definite romantic relationship (or else their mc would be cheating.) but the fact that julie just straight up said dan was runo's boyfriend in s3 implies that the writers weren't teasing danfabia as a potential ship. this also goes hand in hand with what i've been saying about there not being anything in canon to support danfabia.
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danieyells · 3 months
Thinking long and hard about leo selling photos of the mc to a kind of black market going on between the ghouls, most people stay away from them or at least don't get too close to ghouls so the mc is a pretty easy target for their energy 😞, it started as a joke between him and Sho like 'oh~ your little crush isn't as innocent as you thought, I found a fair bit of nudes in their phone *flashes it*' 'shut up, those must be ai generated' 'if my next video reaches a million views I might allow you to get a good look'
until he sees how awkwardly ren might lean to see slightly down their shirts, me might or might not know someone with a phone bought outside Japan that doesn't make noise when taking photos and he might or might not have an up skirt/ hacked nude of them, so what's his price for the hypotheticals? And slowly he begins to get a small business off of the scholarship student.
To some degree he is judging his clients, it isn't like it was that hard to get them, are they lazy or just so much of a loser? He also hopes the photos haku bought were for mister perfect because someone so reserved must have a dirty secret and people say the shy ones are the worst. You just notice how awkward some of the boys get around you during missions
I mean it depends on the ghoul and the house and why. . .like it seems like some people get pretty close to the ghouls but definitely not like. Emotionally.
But oh god. . .somehow you reminded me that Leo makes AI generated pics of women to scam perverts with online. He could absolutely use that shit to make fake MC nudes. What a powerful thought anon lmao
Sho knows he does this stuff so he doesn't believe any of it's real--until Leo takes a pic(not of MC, just in general, because Leo does not trust Sho not to rat him out) of in front of him using the foreign phone and he doesn't hear a camera shutter. And he just goes "Dude." Because only the kind of guys they steal from buy that kind of shit is he really using it for creep pics of someone? Sho's judging Leo--but Sho's always judging Leo. He always goes along with whatever Leo's up to anyway, so who cares what he says if his actions don't line up. He's curious, he knows he is~
But Sho knows Leo doesn't like MC. So surely he wouldn't go out of his way to get creep shots. Right? Nah, he's just editing pics he took of them, throwing them at some AI software to strip them. He has to be. Not that he hasn't gotten closer to doing way worse things with way grosser people but it's hard to tell where Leo draws his lines. . . .
Not that Sho minds if they're not innocent. More fun for him--
So Leo can't fool Sho. Not that he'd get any profit out of Sho, maybe a fun bet or something. But Ren looking a bit too long when they stretch and their shirt slips up and shows off their lower back, or their pants slide a little far enough down to show anything underneath, or at their legs when they wear shorts/short skirts or their ass when they walk up the stairs or down their shirt when it's a bit unbuttoned. . .Leo's suddenly so friendly with the little loser. And anyone he sees 'admiring' the MC. . . .
(Leo puts an arm around Ren and Ren says it's sexual harassment. Leo grins like his little demonic self and says "you wanna see some real sexual harassment?" And Ren's pissed off until he gets a glimpse of MC's face on the phone--)
It's the more. . .passive ones who're most interested. Leo knows it wouldn't make sense to offer it to someone like Jin or Taiga who'd just strip them if they really wanted that. Nah, he needs to offer to the ones who've got no prospects. Kaito, Ren--wait why's Haku messaging him about this? He's seen him openly flirt with MC--and heard him flirt with other girls. Like, actually doing a good job at flirting. He could probably talk them into sending nudes. Well, all the more reason to suspect they're for Subaru.
He's used to judging his clients though. He makes a good amount of his disposable income from perverts like this, he usually just doesn't have an actual real person's face to consistently attach to the nudes he generates. Besides, it's not like he doesn't get the appeal. . .not that he would ever admit being attracted to that NPC, not before they said it. But he doesn't generate them for himself, he's not that desperate. It was just to test the software and tease Sho at first. If he wanted their nudes he'd get the real ones, from the source. And he wouldn't share them--not for a way higher price than he's charging for the AI generated crap anyway.
On missions and while helping out around each house you notice some of them are acting a little strange but. . .you've really got no idea until you get a "didn't I tell you not to give away pictures of yourself so easily?" from Haku and you're just ?????? And if you did send anybody but Haku nudes you're just wondering how tf Haku found out--unless Zenji caught you taking pictures and you didn't notice. And I can't decide if Haku would tell you what Leo's up to or leave you to figure out where pictures of you are coming from yourself. It definitely won't last too long though. If only because I can't see Leo restricting it to the ghouls if general students were offering cash. . .the word would spread too quickly.
It'd be very awkward for everyone involved--except Leo who'd just be annoyed that you put a stop to his little scam.
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ineffablydelighted · 11 months
[Cute Omens #6.1]
The Supreme Archangel Aziraphale returns to Earth for the first time in five years to meet Beelzebub's replacement, the new Duke of Hell, aka... [Yep. I'm definitely not the first who explored this option, you just know where I'm getting at, don't you? 😎]
Aziraphale: *enters the Resurrectionist, a little worried* *does not show it, of course, he's supposed to emanate respect and authority* *has become quite good at it, actually* *salutes the pub owner* Hello, sir. I believe a seat has been reserved in the name of... Heavell, I believe. *understands the pun JUST NOW* *closes his eyes in pissed off by that new Duke of Hell already*
Pub owner: *uneasy* *rapid movements* Oh, hum... yes, yes, Heavell, of course, the person asked for the private area... one year ago? Or was it two? I am not sure, excuse me. Please follow me, Sir.
Aziraphale: *follows him in brand new clothes he learned to like and rearranges them* The... private area? *remembers the last time he came here* *feels something rather painful in his chest but chooses, as always, to ignore it* You have one, now?
Pub owner: Yes. It's been... three years or so? I no longer live upstairs since I reconnected with my dear wife Saddie so I thought it would be nice to... *has no idea why he gives so many unnecessary details* *stops* *clears his throat* Anyway, yes, I do have one! Mind the stairs, Sir, they are pretty narrow.
Aziraphale: *nods agreeably* *walks up the spiral stairs after him* And, have you... ever... met Mister... Heavell, before?
Pub Owner: Not that I know of, Sir. Have you not either?
Aziraphale: *calmly* *in theory* Not that I know of.
Pub Owner: Here we are... *opens a wooden door revealing a pretty cozy room with forest green sofas* Please be seated, you're in advance, I believe.
Aziraphale: Yes, I am. Thank you, Sir.
Pub Owner: Would you like a drink while you wait for your... contact?
Aziraphale: No, thank you, I will wait until they have arrived to make an order.
Pub Owner: Sure. *closes the door* *leaves*
Aziraphale: *sighs* Heavell, for Heaven's sake...
[Twenty-or-so minutes later]
Aziraphale: *looks at his pocket watch, again* *frowns* Of course, the Duke of Hell has to be late... Have they no decency?
Crowley: *pops on the sofa in a weird position because Crowley* *does not have his glasses on* *speaks casually* That's kind of the point of demons, Angel, don't you think?
Aziraphale: *startles* Ah! *recognizes Crowley* *eyes wide open* *strange movement at the corner of his lips that vanishes as quickly as it appeared* Oh. *severe final face* *sighs* Sir... Heavell, I presume?
Crowley: *grins* You sound as if you understood the joke only thirty minutes ago.
Aziraphale: *will never admit Crowley is totally in the right* *cold* No, I sound as if of course, I should have known it was you, of all demons, who came up with something as... lame.
Crowley: *presses his chest and opens his mouth, falsely offended* *sneers* Says the one who thought calling himself Mister Fell while being an Angel was funny. *theatrical arm movements* Come on!
Aziraphale: *wants to end the small talk asap* Can we, please, not dwell in the past? I'm not here for that, Mister-Heavell-Duke-of-Hell. I'm here to represent Heaven as we negotiate the terms of the upcoming War or Wars following Heaven's Second Coming.
Crowley: *half-amused half-annoyed by his attitude* *obviously chooses to be provocative* Wow, look at that, who's got already so full of himself with that new twinkly title of his?
Aziraphale: *eye-rolls with the subtlety of a 3yo* *colder than before* *also weirdly detached* Looks like you acquired quite the twinkly title as well.
Crowley: Yeahhhh... I still have no idea why they gave me this position, I haven't done anything to deserve i- *snaps his fingers* Oh, wait, that reminds me of someone... *runs his finger over his chin* Who can that possibly be, um... *tilts his head at Aziraphale* Oh! Found him. *waves sarcastically* Hell-o!
Aziraphale: *annoyed* So that is how low we've fallen, Crowley? Are you really going to spend the night mocking me?
Crowley: *looks at his nails* Well, you called me lame first, so...
Aziraphale: Could you stop acting like a child for two seconds and talk to me?
Crowley: I AM! *gradually gets up on the sofa* And that is already MORE THAN YOU DESERVE, YOU F- *points at him* You... *makes the most unsincere reverence* SuPrEmE ARSE-AnGeL...
Aziraphale: *hits the table with the palm of a hand* You're the Duke of Hell, for Heaven's sake, sit the fuck down and act like it!
Crowley: *more theatrical arm and leg movements* Oh, oh, of course, happy to oblige, my Lord... *walks until he is very close to Aziraphale* *does not sit back down though*
Both: *weird low-angle look*
Aziraphale: *closes his eyes for a little while* *sighs* *looks back at Crowley* Now, if you please could let me know when your tantrum has finished, your Dukeship, that would be lovely.
Crowley: *severe look* *suddenly grins* Actually? I'm not here to talk. I've never been here to do that.
Aziraphale: *raises one eyebrow* Huh?
Crowley: *abruptly jumps on Aziraphale with a human-sized sack and traps him inside* *dry voice* I'M HERE TO ANGELNAP THE CURRENT SUPREME ARCHANGEL, SILLY BOI!
Aziraphale: *has not the time to pop himself out of this situation that Crowley already popped both of them in Hell*
To be continued...
[Yep, I'm uncool like that. Nope, I do not regret a thing.]
Navigation time!
[While needing you to consider that, most of the time, the scenes are randomized and do not necessarily follow one another at all - OBVIOUSLY THOUGH 6.2 WILL FOLLOW 6.1 EVENTS I'M NOT THAT DEMONICAL OKAY?!]
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goodluckclove · 4 months
Songbird Blog Takeover II: Scott Skylark Kaufner Intro
Hello, everyone!
First off, I should say that this isn't Scott. I'm his sister Tenzin, stepping in to craft a bit of an intro post on his behalf. Katy suggested that we just explain the concept well enough for him to do this himself, but I kind of shot myself in the foot fifteen years ago by making the internet out to be a singular entity that already knows about him. It was the only way I could get him to go online without someone else in the room, but I can't exactly back track and finally explain the whole concept of all of you being individuals with your own lives.
it would either fascinate him or push him into a massive existential crisis. He's agreed to use my old iPhone to post today (I showed him speech to text since touchscreen keyboards are hard for him), and that alone is such a push in the right direction that I don't want to rock his world too hard beyond that.
Anyway, here's what you need to know!
My Brother: The Basics
Scott is 30, Greek-Romanian, and an intersex man (Klinefelter's syndrome). He's an alloromantic asexual - I think sex-repulsed, but I haven't asked him directly for obvious reasons - and could be considered gender nonconforming.
He is also Traditionalist Birthright, and up until the age of 12 was raised entirely without gender.
Because of this, and as he lived exclusively in a witch town until his late twenties, he has nearly zero experience with most forms of bigotry. He does not think his upbringing was unique and does find his form of gender expression to be at all remarkable.
He definitely knows about ignorance though. He's not stupid. Once we were in a gay bar in Portland and a woman who was flirting with me made a sort of fetish-y remark about me being Nigerian and Scott heard and lectured her for ten minutes about the importance of broadening your horizons so you don't make "foolish fucking comments to nice people you've just met".
Scott doesn't know that much about birthright culture. Believe it or not, being a Traditionalist actually means he refuses to learn anything about his own history, instead choosing to see himself as a little creature being cared for by a loving and bountiful earth.
There's a whole thing with birthrights surrounding their middle name. It's considered a special rite of intimacy reserved for loved ones and the most trusted individuals in their lives. His first name is Scott, but considering that he thinks you are all one being he's known since childhood, I'm pretty sure you could call him Skylark if you want.
Scott is very passionate about Greek Mythology, music (He's been playing the piano since the age of two), breakfast foods, gardening, being outside, cats, bugs, food service, libraries, medicine, and uplifting movies about animals. He has seen The Adventures of Milo and Otis twenty-one times. I know this because I have also seen The Adventures of Milo and Otis twenty-one times.
That's all I can think to say. Scott is not at all technology or internet-savy beyond what he's needed to know for work and what he watched me do from over my shoulder. I'm kindly asking that, in turn, you dial back the chronically online high-octane absurdo-nihilism and just be nice to him. He's frankly excessive in terms of allyship, somehow being both sex-repulsed and deeply sex and kink positive (please don't ask why I know this). Katy him what he thought of the furry subculture and he nodded very seriously and said that he found them all very impressive. I don't know what that means. He refused to elaborate.
Scott just told me that he's taking the phone and going out to "show the internet his day". He seems excited.
Please, please be nice to my brother.
This is a Songbird Elegies blog takeover! Find out more about what that means by going here!
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bengiyo · 10 months
Theory of Love Rewatch Ep 12 Stray Thoughts
Last time, Third caught Khai in a compromising moment with Ching Ching and reacted to the betrayal he always expected by trying to hurt Khai back. They had an ugly fight that they both walked away from bloody, and Third ended up cutting off contact with Khai. Khai tried to reach out to Third, but didn't know what to do, so still got the tickets and waited to go on their beach trip. Two sided with Third and decided to skip in solidarity, but Bone didn't know anything that had happened and was dealing with his own shit. Third, realizing Khai thought he'd been abandoned by all of his friends rushed to see him at the train station in a moment that really worked for me this time. Meanwhile, Lynn broke things off with Two who is sorting his feelings for Un. Bone did the mature thing and supported Paan and Gab on their relationship journey.
Khai has come a long way. He is right that no one would believe him about Ching Ching, and it is frustrating to be trapped by your own reputation.
This conversation works really well because Khai is finally attuned to how Third feels. Third has never really wanted Khai to suffer (even if I did), and so Third visibly regrets how hard he pushed Khai away without asking any follow up questions.
"Today is not normal." Well look who finally learned how to talk.
Ep.12 My Dear
It is nice to see this friend group back in equilibrium.
Okay, I was not expecting the grilled chicken to be a whole quarter of a goddamn chicken on a stick.
I like this scene where Khai runs into Jam at the beach. He's always going to be nervous about his relationship history with women now that he knows how it impacted Third. Third also has to wonder what things will look like for him if they break up.
I like the UnTwo scene on its own, but I do think they are the weakest part of this show. I think they're meant to offer additional flavor on long-term pining, but they never really resonate with Khai and Third for me.
Oh, Third, I feel you on all your insecurities about Khai, but you came on this trip. Please try to enjoy it.
Third is so fascinating. It's like watching the second lead throw away victory constantly. I get him. Sometimes you get used to being lonely and hurting. Hope becomes scary because it is so uncertain.
"Khai, don't break my friend's heart." I love you, Two. White is one of my favorite OGs.
I do love how literally Khai is taking this list.
People love to queue. Very egalitarian of these girls to all go in for just one lick on Khai.
The commentary on the romance genre feels unintentional here. Het romance has done a number on queer people letting that inform their understanding. Third and Saengtai come from the same messed up place of thinking someone else should "just know" when these ones won't say what needs to be said.
We didn't think the lighting team because they're still working for this grand gesture.
The audience must be so confused. They can't read these cards.
I'm not personally one for grand gestures like this, but returning the Love, Actually presentation to Third was probably the best way to do this for him.
I'm actually getting so emotional about them starting a production company together and winning an international award together.
It feels right that even together, Khai has to still chase Third a little bit.
I think the core storytelling is actually very strong. I have my own hangups with Khai because I know so many guys like him, and I still question the intent of this story to present this ideal since the Khais of the world are not watching this show. Still, I actually like that this is a story about filmmakers and how the presentation of love has informed their own relationships. It's useful to talk about the romance genre itself and how it has informed romantic identity. I do think the show went a bit far in the Khai Sucks deep end and didn't necessarily pull out of it.
I'll reserve my revised verdict until I watch the special tomorrow, but I am generally feeling like this project is more worthwhile than I did in 2019, though I don't know that this was really written for gay people at all.
This rewatch has been brought to you by @lurkingshan, with support from @waitmyturtles and @neuroticbookworm who often listen to my gripes and intense dislike of Khai and the people in my life he reminds me of. Tagging @twig-tea by request.
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vinhteer · 1 year
Some rambling about itsfunneh's YHS and Kyran's and Alec's friendship
Just finished watching the 1st season of YHS!
It's.... KIND OF A MESS? Once again the plot is everywhere and they're not very good at pacing.
Slightly unrelated to the plot; what bothered me the most was the outdated gender roles being pushed on every time.
 --"You punch like a girl." (not the extra misogynistic flavour in this quote) "I'm going to roast marshmallows.. LIKE A MAN!"
There's also another episode where they're looking to buy a present for senpai and Kyran said that Gold shouldn't buy perfume for the former because HE'S NOT HER BOYFRIEND?? ANYWAYS This was 7 years ago and I'm not saying you should harass or cancel the krew for this or whatever (it's extremely pointless and it won't go anywhere). I'm just criticising it because this type of generalisation leads to stereotypes. AND THEN these stereotypes both dictate the way you behave because you're scared that people will put you down and brush you off.
ANYWAYS, I didn't mean to make a long ass paragraph about this but here we are.
Pushing aside the ordeal abt the writing pushing these gender roles, there's a paradox about that and the relationship between Kyran and Alec. It's kind of funny because there are some elements in their dynamic that could become a good conflict between them and it could also say a lot of things about how society works and how words have a lot of power.
- Kyran is your shy reserved weeaboo who's often played as the comedic relief because of his tendencies to just suck at physical activities (me asf)
- Alec is the shady hardworking stereotypical bad boy. He's a murderer's henchman solely because he needs money to support his family.
There is a lot of potential to talk about what boys (and equally girls) have to endure in society and how it can be dealt with.
HEADCANON STUFF HERR!! But if you tweak some stuff, Kyran has the archetype of the guy labelled as "too feminine" because he's not athletic and actually voices out his emotions. But evidently he doesn't want to be seen as feminine because it has negative connotations; when he says "I'm going to roast marshmallows.. LIKE A MAN!" it LITERALLY sounds like he has a fragile masculinity because... society. And I'm not blaming it at all haha... I feel like we've all experienced a slice of this.
Conversely, there's Alec who actually fits into the masc category; he's effortlessly athletic and doesn't feel... much I guess. He doesn't really voice out his emotions like AT ALL but he is put down often because he's kind of seen as a delinquent by most people.
So there's this whole thing between the fear of being called feminine as a masculine individual and being feared by most people simply because of the way you dress/act.
I think that's already a really strong foundation for what will ensue next.
So in season 2 we get to know how they first met in kindergarten.
Kyran was getting bullied by some random dude. But Alec just beats the crap out of that person (which he refers alec as the "MEAN BOY", once again supporting my stuff with Alec being seen as a bad person. But thats just my interpretation of it, like there are so many and tbh u would call anyone mean for punching you if you rhink youre right ig). To me it just kind of makes their friendship a little more complex!
1. it shows that Alec genuinely doesn't give a fuck about who Kyran is as a person because regardless of who he is, that kid was doing something wrong. Alec is a decent person for standing up for someone who couldn't do anything against what was happening at the moment. I know they were like 5 but it shows that in nature Alec instinctively does things for what he believes is right (and it's not the only example of Alec doing something nice).
2. To me it says a lot about how children just don't care about who they're playing with based on physical attributes or whatever UNTIL society makes them learn that it DOES matter.
And these facts are so bittersweet to me because in the camping episode of season 1, they just voice out each other's insecurities. It's not even funny anymore LMAO.
"you're a delinquent!" + Alec poking "fun" at Kyran for being childish/not-a-man-TM, but you could interpret him as just asking these questions out of curiosity. He's actually less confrontational than Kyran in the episode.
Despite knowing that they used to look out for each other and accepted each others' QUOTE AND QUOTE """""" flaws""", whatever outbreak happened between these two must have caused a huge impact on each other's perception of each other. An impact that made them internally say "people must've been right. Alec IS a bad person after all. Kyran IS too emotional."
There's another layer of salt to the wounds because deep down Alec probably also agrees with Kyran for being a delinquent because he's Yandere's henchman.
Some suggestions that could've made this story a bit more engaging and interesting, at least for me:
- making alec hate horror + gore would make more sense to me because his side job is to literally cover up someone's death and all of that.
- we get 0 reasons as to why Alec likes Funneh. I feel like they could've played on the fact that Alec didn't make any friends after Kyran and has always been viewed as the bad guy. But then Funneh just doesn't care about that prejudice and hangs out with him anyway?
- the 2 plots (funneh's life + yandere's killing spree) should've been a bit more intertwined. Murder cases in high school aren't peanuts. I feel like it could've been fun seeing Kyran dragging Gold and Funneh into this whole detective thing meanwhile Alec is reluctantly coming with them and having some inner conflicts. Actually, they should've fleshed out their reasons as to why they're doing this whole detective thing in the first place. There needs to be a huge drawing force as to why, yk? Maybe drawing some inspiration to Heathers and Be More Chill could've been fun too!
- Despite them being in America, I feel like we should've seen more people of colour? Like african descent americans. Their thing literally takes place in THE USA yet most of them are like... white or asian or mixed
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roxyteal · 2 months
Still thinking about that tourney result...
Dave had sincerely believed that this would've been more challenging. A blue creature from... Who knows where, or whatever he was, appeared at the very least physically strong. Dave wasn't weak, exactly, but exercising caution toward any of his opponents was key here.
But, to his surprise, it was like nothing hurt him. The one known as Denied was clearly giving his all, and yet... Nothing. Not even a scratch. It was... Strange, to say the least.
And as of right now, the blue man was lying on the ground, probably one hit away from total defeat. Dave didn't even do much to the guy. Had he overestimated his foe?
Feeling something looming above, he looked. And saw... Oh dear lord.
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The votes. It clicked for Dave suddenly. Those meant everything; power and skill increases, damage they may sustain, and who was fated to win to begin with.
It explained everything, but the disdain Dave began to feel was palpable.
Dave heard Denied manage to roll onto his back, staring up at it as well. "Ow- fuck, ow... Ugh." He paused. "Oh. Not even a single person's rooting for me, huh..."
The sadness in his voice wrought emotional pain, which was far more effective than anything physical the blue man tried earlier. Dave couldn't do this anymore, and dismissed his weapon. Besides, there was no way his opponent was going to get up anytime soon. All he could muster for a reply was, "Yeah... Seems like it."
"When I went into this, I thought I'd- Shit, ow, oh my God," Denied tried to say, cutting off from the pain he was in, showing in his strained tone, "I thought I'd do better than this. You know? Probably not win, but... At least... Do something. But... Nobody wants that."
Dave had to turn away, in order to keep himself in check, to blink away tears that began to form. He didn't even know him, never met him until just recently, but... God. It was like being forgotten by the world. Completely unfair.
"No one should be that popular." He mused, unsure if Denied heard him.
Hold on. What were the rules again? As if reading his mind, an info box appeared in front of him, stating everything there was to know.
It doesn't mention that contestants can't vote.
Dave glanced back, finding Denied had essentially curled into a ball, no doubt struggling the entire time. Dave... Really wished he'd pulled his punches, what little he'd done anyway. But, realizing that he wasn't being watched, Dave faced forward again, selecting his phone, and found the polls.
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He made sure to log off before finally turning back around. He put on an excited voice as he approached, arm extended to show him. "Wait, look! Someone voted for you! Just now! See?"
"WHAT THE FUCK REALLY?!" As if it'd somehow rejuvenated him, Denied yelled, rushing forward faster than Dave could realize it. This resulted in Dave getting clocked by the blue man's arm, knocking him right off his wheelchair, meters away. He'd also dropped his phone in the process.
He lay there, dazed, trying to put together what just happened.
"Oh, oops! You good?!" He heard the other ask, making it apparent that this was an accident. But even then, Dave had also lowered his guard, believing that there was no need for it.
Well... The votes did have to reflect on the outcome. Perhaps Dave should've braced himself.
"Y... Yeah, I'm fine," At last, he replied, sitting up. Oh, it wasn't going to be easy to get back. Or at least, that was what he thought, until he saw Denied carrying his dropped phone, and pushing his wheelchair over to him. "Ah, thank you."
"Of course!" Then, he flopped back down to the ground, as if whatever amount of reserves he had left had run dry. He was groaning, but his mood had improved. "Wow... At least one person out there likes me."
Once in his wheelchair again, Dave gave him a small smile. "Yeah. It just... Took them a while to find you, that's all."
This isn't like, canon or anything. I don't know who actually voted for Denied, but I thought it'd be sweet if it went like this.
Also, I don't know if my (and others') propaganda had much effect in the overall state of things now, but he's come so far, look!!!
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I am so proud of him. :')
(Feel free to vote here if you haven't yet!!)
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akehoshimystar · 3 months
Chapter 9
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Nagisa: Now that’s a cute bookmark! What kind of flower is this?
Ito: Yellow daisy. Its meaning is “as it is”.
Nagisa: As it is.….
Ito: ......I believe that your concerns and worries are rooted in your care towards your partner.
I pray that your feelings will be conveyed as they are.
Kiho: …….
Nagisa: Ahaha...Thanks a lot. I really got myself a lovely charm!
Enomura-sama’s eyes were welling with tears, but her smile was no longer cloudy.
Nagisa: …..Well, I'm off now.
As I watched her return, a sigh came out naturally.
Ito: .…..That sure was something...
Kiho: Agreed. I think it takes more courage than you could ever imagine. I hope it goes well.
Ito: Oh. Yeah... Well, that was very strong of Enomura-sama.
But the one who also amazed me here was Kiho-san.
Kiho: I didn't do much. All I did was craft my words to be harmless. Ito did even more marvelous job.
That yellow daisy you picked really cheered her up.
Ito: You think so? I’m glad to hear that... Anyway, it’s too humble of you to say something as if you haven’t just done something amazing.
From the moment you guessed the reason for her leaving, it was a series of great things from start to finish.
I literally got goosebumps when you found out about the proposal through fortune telling.
Kiho: Oh. I actually had a hunch even before the fortune telling. 
Ito: Seriously?
Kiho: Just a little observation and deduction. Do you remember the flower arrangement she reserved?
Ito: 9 Gerberas….
Kiho: Did you look up its meaning?
Gerberas were also chosen for the bookmark design. In flower language, they are “hope” and “always moving forward.”
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Ito: (There were several other customers who requested it besides Enomura-sama, so I thought it was a popular flower that’s often chosen as a gift...)
.…..Could there be a meaning behind the number of flowers, like with roses?
Kiho: To satisfy that curiosity, look it up later.
Ito: (….Oh.)
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Ito: I can only think of obvious reasons like there being a certain number of people who would find it annoying to receive one...
Probably nothing in particular.
Kiho: Oh yeah?
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As soon as I realized that he was smiling the same way as he did back then, I felt as if the dots were connected. When Kiho-san can't put everything into words, he just smiles beautifully like this. Instead of trying to falsify something that can’t be shown, he shows them what they can't see.
Ito: (.…This person himself is like a flower.)
Kiho-san, please make sure to take a break. You’ve worked hard.
Kiho: Yeah. Thank you.
Without putting my thoughts into words, I quietly returned the chair that she had pulled out to its place. Kiho-san’s smile that didn’t seem to follow me too intently was as beautiful as always.
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A few hours later, we finally saw off the last customer.
Thus, concluding the event, “Florist”.
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Mao: ….This paper bag is the last one. Anything else I can help you with?
Ito: Thank you, I’ll let you know if I need one. There's only trivial stuff now, so that should be all for today... Ah.
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Kiho: I already repacked the items that I don't think I'll use anytime soon and stacked them in the aisle.
Anything else that needs to be carried?
Mao: Nope. Let's call it a day.
Ito: Thank you for staying up so late. Be careful on your way home.
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Kiho: You too, Ito. Yuzuru said he would go with you, so don't go out alone.
Mao, if you don't have any plans after this, how about I give you a ride home? I came by car today.
Mao: Oh? If you’re fine with it, I'll take you up on that.
Kiho: Sure. The trains will be crowded at this time on Saturdays anyway.
See you later, Ito.
Ito: Yes. Thank you for your hard work... Also, congratulations on being crowned “The Best Florist.”
Kiho: Oh. Thanks.
Mao: You were glued to No.1 spot from the beginning until the end. I wouldn’t say that comes as a surprise.
Kiho: It wasn't a big difference, I just lucked out today. I'll invite everyone to dinner once I've received my pay…
Mao: Anyway, Ito. You should hurry home as well. You stayed late yesterday, didn’t you?
Ito: Thanks for the concern. I’ll be sure to do that.
Mao: Alright. See you then.
Ito: Thanks again for today.
Ito: ……Haaa…..
(I'm glad it went well...)
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I quickly started packing up after closing time. Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief at the familiar sight… Before my body tensed up again.
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Tomose: …….
Ito: !?
In the restaurant where I thought there was no one… Onda-san was sitting alone in a corner, resting his chin on his palm.
Ito: (That sent me a chill. His presence was so little that I couldn’t help but startle once I saw him.)
(So he’s still here. Those who left the venue earlier had already finished cleaning up and gone home...)
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Ito: .……Good work.
Tomose: Oh. You’re done?
Ito: Yes. Kiho-san and Mao-san have just left.
Tomose: And you?
Ito: ………I just thought I'd turn off the lights and lock the door.
Tomose: No need. Yu is coming soon.
Ito: Nina-san?
Tomose: He’s preparing lunch for tomorrow.
Ito: Ah...I see.
(Is he planning to wait for him and go home together after they’re done?)
(Even so, Nina-san still thinks of doing more work right after his ST Dept. job. That must be hard.)
Wouldn't it be better if he had some help?
Tomose: Just go home. If you need instructions for everything, Yu alone is more than enough.
Ito: (Can’t say I disagree...)
Okay. I will leave you alone then.
Tomose: Sure.
I nodded at Onda-san, who looked away from me as if he had lost interest or wasn't even that interested in the first place. But before I stepped out, my feet stopped.
Ito: (.……He’s probably tired, not that he’s the type to chat cheerfully anyway. It’s probably best not to talk about unnecessary things.)
(But, I don't know when I'll see Onda-san again.)
Tomose: What?
Ito: As a result, I spent more time outside the kitchen today. I'm sorry that I left most of the work to you.
But thanks to that... Uh, that might have come off as inappropriate, but I was able to keep a close eye on the customers in the dining area all day.
The food was really well received. There were also lots of compliments on the presentation.
Tomose: ……
Ito: It was really helpful to have Onda-san join us. Thank you very much.
Well, I just wanted to express my gratitude. Sorry for saying that out of nowhere. I will excuse myself now...
Tomose: I simply acted as instructed.
Ito: ?
Tomose: “Respect what Yu spent time making.”
“Faithfully reproduce the visible shape without imagining the invisible Yu’s intention.”
I remember you said something along that line yesterday.
Ito: (Eh... Is that…)
I soon realized what Onda-san was talking about, but I immediately thought that he might have been a bit off here. What I was able to put into words at that time were more vague, superficial, and insignificant personal feelings. I couldn't explain in an orderly manner why I felt that way, or why I wanted to do that. I didn't say it. Or more like, I couldn't say it. This person just collected and ran with it from there.
Tomose: Although I don't think the instruction was given after a thorough understanding of Yu’s personality and preferences.,,,
I was convinced that it’s a way to show respect to someone you don't understand. So I merely followed suit.
Ito: …….
Tomose: In the end, if my work was adequate from a business aspect, then that was an accurate instruction.
There's no need for one-sided gratitude. Both you and I simply fulfilled our duty. That's all.
Ito: (Woah.)
Despite being aware that my apology and gratitude could be deemed unnecessary, I went ahead and did it anyway. The reply I got may not be “Same here” or “Thank you for your hard work.” Obviously, not even a smile…. But Onda-san’s unwavering words somehow made me incredibly happy.
Ito: (.…..Never have I thought Onda-san would say something like that to me.)
Thank you.
Tomose: Enough with that………Do I have to say something back too?
Ito: !? No, not at all.
Ito: !
Tomose: ….Great job out there.
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Yu: Same to you. Thanks for the wait.
……Yashiro is here too?
Ito: Thank you for your hard work. Sorry, I'm about to leave now.
Yu: You don’t need to be that alert. 
As he spoke, Nina-san picked up a blanket that was laid next to the counter.
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Yu: It probably won't take an hour. How about you rest a little bit.
Tomose: I don’t need that long. You won't be able to rest unless we go home anyway.
Yu: Yeah. Then, I'll wake you up when I'm done.
Tomose: Nghh….
Ito: (……………Hmmm?)
After that exchange, Onda-san folded his arms and leaned against the wall, closing his eyes...
Tomose: ……
Ito: (………Huh? ………Sleep? Just like that?)
Translator’s note - 9 gerberas have a meaning “I want you to stay with me forever”.
Chapter 10 >>
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juuheizou · 7 months
Tell me abt ur suzumutsu atla au rn 👀
Alright, here's what I've got. Big disclaimer: I missed the great wave of ATLA making a comeback and have not actually watched the show in many many years, so I might say something and you might be like 'well actually according to season 3 episode 12 that doesn't make sense.'
Haise and Mutsuki are both firebenders, Mutsuki being Avatar!Haise's first companion on his journey away from the fire nation to master the other elements and bring peace to the world and shit. I honestly never decided whether either of them are nobility or anything but Mutsuki 100% ran away from home to travel with Haise, but he's also really inspired by Haise and his avatar ways. Mutsuki might even believe he's a nonbender until one day a situation demands it and he suddenly learns he can firebend to literally save his life. His abilities start out very volatile and tied to his emotional state, especially fear.
Also the Quinx are Team Avatar. Saiko is an earthbender. Shirazu is a waterbender from the swamp and Urie is the son of a famous waterbender from the northern water tribe. The latter causes all kinds of tension between the latter two as Haise learns waterbending from them both and Urie CANNOT accept being put on equal standing with Shirazu.
Anyway, as you can see, there's an element missing from Haise's training. But one day, they encounter this circus sideshow type of deal and one acrobat is just... extremely agile, like they're all good but this one can practically fly, almost like they have a little extra lift above the others in the same show. They end up following this acrobat after the show because they're the heroes and it looks like someone is following them. A tiny acrobat with one leg and a walking stick might need help!
But it turns out The Mysterious Acrobat has a BIG secret that renders them totally capable of holding their own against the person following them. Their assailant tries to mug them and the acrobat uses their bending to make the mugger's chest explode in a great rain of blood. The rush of air from all sides of the mugger's body is unmistakable: Team Haise just found a living airbender.
At first Mutsuki of all people has reservations about taking on this unflinchingly violent airbender-- Suzuya, they learn upon approaching him about it, as Haise's airbending master. But Urie is just like 'if you want to find us a flying bison to teach him, be our guest' and Suzuya joins Team Avatar. Little do any of them know Mutsuki is going to end up being the closest to the person he wasn't so sure about having in the group.
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kurokoros · 2 years
No you're so right about Nancy. She could be such an interesting, cool character if her flaws were portrayed as such in the show. It's like me as a viewer sees okay there she was unnecessary mean to another character but that character doesn't act like Nancy's actions were hurtful (other than Steve in one scene). I know many hated her after s1 for her treatment of Steve, but I was already annoyed with her in s1. Before Barb went missing she was so fucking awful to Mike her 12 year old brother whose best friend was just went missing. There it showed me the true character of Nancy. You don't need to have a good relationship with your siblings to show some empathy, especially in such a severe case. And then on the night when Barb went missing, the way she treated her supposed best friend, forcing her to drink and putting her in the spotlight to humiliate her, just to show she's cool for Steve's friends. Even Steve was less of an ass to Barb in that scene. After Barb was gone she's now the victim, everyone had to listen to her only and if not they were bullshit. Funny how she only cared when it directly affected her, no ounce of empathy for Mike.
And then, after that, her behavior just got amplified by her trauma. I don't mind her being a cruel, calculated person who only cares about stuff when it affects her if those traits were properly explored in the show. They are just played off as her being a girlboss who doesn't take shit, it's really annoying how so many eat it up. Like yeah give her guns, which are useless, she's so badass, such a feminist.
She doesn't care about stuff, only how it benefits her. Justice for Barb was really about her, not even caring how she could potentially endanger others. Steve was made out as the villain for stopping her even though it was logical and he was in the right. So she dumped him for Jonathan, who always goes along to what she says because of his home situation, and he's afraid to lose her if he says no. I saw one take that says Jancy is superior because Jonathan indulges Nancy's ideas where Steve tries to stop her, like in s4 when he's the first to dismiss her plan to go back in the UD (after being maimed by monsters). They say it shows that Steve doesn't care and isn't listening when I think Nancy needs someone who says stop to her from time to time. Not shipping Stancy because they were awful, but this is such a ridiculous claim.
Yes. All of this. Exactly. You get it anon.
Also I've always hated the idea that Steve doesn't doesn't care about Nancy's feelings/opinions and doesn't listen to her. He's been in the right about all three of the moments (that I can remember off the top of my head).
The first was Nancy coming to him about the monster she saw behind his house (side note: the monster made a sound behind her and the cinematography didn't make it seem like she got a good look at it, so I wouldn't have believed her either), and that's not something anyone would believe at first. Jonathan didn't believe Joyce until Nancy was able to give a similar description of the monster. If Nancy had gone back to Steve with the picture of Barb and Jonathan's testimony, I really do think Steve would have joined the monster hunting squad earlier, if only because he wouldn't want Nancy going alone with Jonathan.
Steve was completely in the right about how Nancy's plan to whistleblow about the lab was stupid. In a show with actual consequences for the main characters, that plotline would have backfired and Nancy would never have been able to get the lab shut down. She's so lucky that she didn't get the Hollands killed for that phone call. Like, Benny Hammond was shot and killed just for knowing El was alive.
And, yeah, in S4 Steve was also in the right about suggesting they not jump into anything. He was the one who was just injured fairly severely, of course he should have reservations about going back when he was just strangled and had chunks of flesh ripped out of his torso.
Nancy's writing just has this weird dichotomy between her being the smart girl while also trying to make her the action girl, and they just don't work. Nancy is supposed to be smart. Let her be a strategist instead of giving her a gun and having her make the most rash and senseless decisions.
I'll be addressing a lot of my issues with Nancy in my ST rewrite series (assuming I ever get around to working on it lmao).
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snow-system-wol · 1 year
Thinking about Valdeaulin...
Some situational spoilers for Weapon Quests up through Emerald below cut.
Valdeaulin was looking out over the water, sat thoughtfully on a ledge, when S'ria approached him. He hopped up to sit a short distance away. They waited in a silence that was neither particularly comfortable, nor hostile – but certainly an awkward one. It was clear that S'ria had come here for a reason, not to share a moment of quiet companionship. The two of them were anything but friends.
For several long minutes, he simply dangled his feet over the long drop into the sea, and let the ocean breeze wash over him. Eventually, S'ria did speak up.
"For the record, I also feel hatred towards Gaius."
Valdeaulin looked more than a little thrown off by the unusual conversation starter.
"Is that what you walked all the way over here to say?" He scoffed. "Your past exploits already speak for themselves."
S'ria pulled his legs up onto the ledge and turned to face Valdeaulin. "No, that wasn't all. I feel that way towards him, and yet – I do feel guilt for killing three of his children, for steadily destroying what's left of his family. It's possible to feel both."
S'ria could see that some part of that struck home, but any reaction was quickly smoothed over.
"Is this you expressing reservations about going on with this?"
S'ria shook his head. "No. As ever, I'll do what must be done. If destroying the weapons means more death, I won't change course."
"Then please, say what you actually mean."
"Remind me what that deal you made with Gaius was, exactly?" 
Valdeaulin looked aggravated by S'ria's roundabout approach to the point, sounding increasingly terse as he spoke. "I will stay my hand until either he has finished righting his wrong, or he strays again from this path."
"Yes, that is what I remember. And I respect that, given I thought I'd taken care of him years ago." S'ria's jaw tightened. "What part of that includes harassing a grieving man for the sake of cruelty alone?"
Valdeaulin turned towards him so quickly that it was a minor miracle that he didn't slip off the ledge. "He– You don't understand. That bastard took everything from me! He doesn't deserve your compassion, not after the lives he's ruined."
"You think I don't understand?" S'ria didn't raise his voice, but there was a sharp edge to it.
S'ria hesitated for almost long enough to lose his nerve. He inhaled just a bit too shakily, and committed to following through with this conversation, despite the many reservations he felt. S'ria tilted his head back, fully exposing his throat to the taller man. He held down his growing sense of panic at being unable to properly watch Valdineau and stayed still long enough for the man to get a good look. S'ria let him make his own assumptions about exactly how the scarring came to be.
"Gaius van Baelsar and his ilk – Gyr Abania – he –". The words sounded like curses, the way he spat them out. S'ria paused and took a deep breath. "It is… impossible to overstate the impact Garlemald has had on my life. But I want to try to be better than they are. Execution is one thing, torture is a completely different transgression. I'd like to think that… I'm acting in a way my family could still be proud of, even if I couldn't know that."
S'ria could see Valdeaulin hold back a dozen different responses, looking as though S'ria had struck him. He turned to stare at the horizon, lost in thought. 
"Do you really think he's trying to redeem himself? Men like him don't change, can't change. One of these days… the Black Wolf will show himself for what he is."
S'ria sighed. "I don't know. I'd like to believe he is trying – and you'd like to be proven right. Just know one thing. If he snaps because you keep prodding at him over his dead children, it won't be proving anything about him. It will only prove something about you."
S'ria held back the urge to add that he'd possibly also lash out at Valdeaulin if he kept this up. It wasn't going to help, and they'd cross that bridge if they came to it.
Valdeaulin hadn't turned his gaze away from the water, but what of his face S'ria could see looked deeply conflicted.
"Leave me. I need to think."
S'ria dutifully dropped back onto less precarious ground. He hoped that conversation was worth it, risky and emotionally taxing as it was. They both could do well with a little space after that.
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