#I also noticed that a lot of the paintings on the wall in that scene look like Dutch impressionism
spoilers for iwtv s2e4
my thoughts after a rewatch:
i know claudia hates the baby loves window play but she ate up that little song
the lulu role really is so humiliating :(
louis’ expressions whenever he watches these plays always kills me lmao he hates theater kids
louis and armand talking over each other to daniel
armands theater notes lol
claudia no eyebrow big eyeliner look is kinda cunty ngl
im a fan of sam the irish vampire
making claudia be lulu all the time oooh armand i hate u so bad
almost threw up watching louis and armand give different answers to the companion question IN FRONT OF THE COVEN that shit was so embarrassing
i wouldve kms if i was armand
vamp catfight
armand stuck in this situationship dont worry king we’ve all been there😔
literally telling each other i love you and still having the what are we conversation
“do you notice how hot the room gets when you two talk about the secret” plsssss
louis only able to use the fire gift when hes angry👀👀 gee i wonder if thats gonna come back👀👀👀👀👀
louis going🤨🤨 to the schizophrenia question like it came out of nowhere
armands face while louis talked about dreamstat why not just shoot me in the head
loving these dutch angles whenever daniel dissociates and gets an armand memory
santiago looks so good in the gold suit? robe thing??
claudia santiago friendship is killing me santiago i know what u are
claudia killing the guy singing baby lu
i like that you can tell claudias french has gotten better. nice small detail
i love scenes of louis and claudia just talking about non vampire things
santiago mimicking louis was pretty cool
buffoon sighting!!!
whole dinner scene bangs
the guy saying theres smth “fragile” about armand in the photo louis took and louis saying “no he’s anything but” and then the guy saying “you’ve captured the soul he hides” 🤌🤌
louis would never survive a 4 hour art school critique
daniel telling a girl he’d only do her if she had a paper bag over her head??????
claudeline truthers how are we feeling
context for the eating paper clip in the trailer
armand is so down bad its sick
madeline tailoring a yellow dress for claudia😟😟
the whole claudeline interaction was great
the way armand talks about marius
“no one has painted me in 400 years” fuck
madeline period blood moment. theres so much here about femininity and maturing might make a separate post about this scene
armand pinning claudia against a wall armand i hate you so bad
we already know that armand is powerful but seeing him choke and manhandle santiago really solidified that i think
picked another one over me!!
delainey is ACTINGGGGG
louis not believing claudia about armand ooooh louis i hate you so bad
love makes you stupid clock it
louis still referring to claudia as his daughter in his head (thru dreamstat)
louis just actively talking to himself girl do that in your head
park bench moment <3
“wanker” i giggled sorry
that suit is his favorite on him :(
“im a little wet” and armand instantly pulling out an umbrella, armand lighting his cigarette, armand calling him maitre
louis calling him arun and armand calling him maitre and then louis throwing away the lighter this fucking scene is cinematic art
the other coven members calling santiago maitre
i kinda like that daniel can hear them arguing from another room. i feel like its a very human experience? really domestic? even given the circumstances
armands eyes were never brown!!!
san francisco flashback episode might kill me im not kidding
insane way to end the episode
ok this was much longer than i thought it would be but this episode has a lot in it. each episode gets better and better and this is definitely my favorite of the season so far.
i am LOVING louis and armands relationship and also both of their story arcs and characterizations. their dynamic is kind of the opposite of what i, and i think a lot of other people, expected but it still makes total sense and im enjoying it a lot
god i love this show
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i was messing around with my gifs and noticed this record player in Blaine's office -
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(which is to say that I noticed it before but this time I actually paid attention) and realised that I recognised it as the one from Blaine's grandfather's room in the hospice:
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The Devil You Know (Part 1) - The First Sin
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Pairing: Demon! Captain John Price x Reader
(No use of y/n)
Warnings: This series will contain scenes of a violent and sexual nature, I will be more specific as I write more parts.
Summary: Reader is a soldier hanging on to their last gasp of life, trying to summon a demon associated with soldiers and battlefields in order to aid them. Unluckily for you though, the demon isn't interested in a short term deal. He finds himself quite attached to you, and he doesn't want to let you go.
Disembodied hands shook wildly as they set about their terrible task. At least that’s how it seemed to you - appendages moving around a blurred screen, drawing dirtied red symbols with panicked uncertainty. You swiped another slick fingerful of your blood into the dusty concrete and clenched your aching teeth together, finishing off the last curve of the sigil with a snakish hiss.
 “I call to you…with the blood of my battle wounds. Jo- Jotan, I will be your willing servant.”
You looked around, eyes darting wildly for movement or any sign that your ridiculous little saving grace had worked. Though nothing happened. You blinked feverishly, feeling your lip wobble at first and then your entire body shake as you absorbed the facts in front of you. You were actually going to die. 
A cackle broke out into the room, competing with the baying gunshots outside to break the walls of the decaying shell of a building. It was you. You were finally losing your mind, absorbing the facts in front of you with detached horror.
Perhaps the ruins were an office before, but now it was the final resting place of a desperate lunatic who’d decided to decorate their sepulchre before laughing themselves into death’s arms. The cruelty of it burned in your throat and stang at your eyes, soon searing hot tears into the ruined flesh of your cheeks.
It was a foolish last ditch effort anyway, you mused, collapsing onto your back in the middle of the blood seal. A stupid myth you’d clung to in a final attempt to save your life, a ritual told to you by someone that was long dead themself. If they presumably hadn’t bothered to use it, then why would it do you any good? 
“Oh dear…I’m not too late am I?” cooed a soft rumbling voice. 
Your eyes opened wide, the owner of the call demanding to be seen. That murmur fizzled in your ears and vibrated in your blood, forcing your hands to scrabble at the ground and set you into a sitting position again. 
When you finally rose, you were held in place by the stranger. His onyx black eyes pinned you into place, watching you twitching and panting like a caught mouse. Apparently you amused him with this. His lips pulled into a grin, revealing a row of white teeth that curved into points at the canines and outer incisors, it was the smile of a predator. As if he needed to advertise any more warning signs. 
His body was big and broad, his chest a large plane of solid flesh dusted with soot and soft dark hair that matched his bristly beard and hickory hued hair. His large arms were decorated with similar etchings to the ones you’d messily painted, both of them circled in two iron bands at the bicep and forearms, they looked like they could crack teeth in a pinch. There were also a few bands on the thick dark tail that waved behind him too, a detail you only noticed as it seemed to lovingly caress the shadows around his legs.
It was what finally confirmed for you that this was him. The fabled demon of battlefields - Jotan. 
“You came,” you whispered.
“You called,” he returned, tilting his head at you. “Surprised you managed to complete the circle. You’ve lost a lot of blood, Sergeant.”
“I…I have,” you replied, feeling another wave of nausea roll through you. 
“And I suppose you want me to do something about that?” he said, mouth twisting into a wry half smile. 
It was almost worse than when you’d seen his fanged teeth. He looked positively ready to devour you, his gleaming eyes fixed on you like a tiger. You were just waiting for him to pounce, breath catching in your dry throat as you anticipated the killing bite. Suddenly you’d forgotten that it was you that called the terrible entity here, that he was supposed to be serving you rather than terrifying you. 
“C’mon now, Love. You clearly knew enough about the ritual to get me here…aren’t you going to follow through?” he prompted, leaning down to meet you at your level. “It’s rude to keep a demon waiting, you know.”
His arms folded over his dark trousers, crossing over each other at his lap as if he were asking you to do something so completely mundane. He tilted his head at you again, flicking his eyes up to the doorway on the other side of the room as it started to shudder and bang. Voices were worming their way through the debris, shouts blasting in through the cracks. 
Bang, bang, bang.
You didn’t have much time. Not that your body would be able to hold on much longer anyway. 
“I want you to- please…take me back to exfil. Get me the fuck out of here and safely back to base and I’ll do whatever you want,” you said, voice cracking as you made your plea. “Ask anything you want from me, Jotan. Just get me the fuck away from here.”
His eyes curved into shadowed moons, once again he beamed at you. It felt like the stifling room heated a few more degrees. To add insult to injury your lungs began to struggle, it felt like your body was in its last stages of failing.
You briefly wondered if all this just might be a delusion. Maybe your head was presenting you with him as a way to cope with being turned to pink mist by the men that still called from the door outside, as a way to forget about your torn up arms that’d been sliced open by the bombings, and the bullet hole that had been weeping silently in your leg.
Bang, bang, bang.
“I’ll tell you what…I’m feelin’ generous,” the demon murmured, reaching out and forcing your chin up with in his charred fingers. “I’ll take you back to base, just like you want. And now…I could ask for your soul in return, for you to be my eternal servant when you do meet your end, and I really could have you do anything for me. However I won’t do that. Instead, I want to lend you my power. Just for today. That is my only offer.”
You frowned, a million racing thoughts crashing through your mind all at the same time. You’d made peace with the fact he’d ask for something awful, known it even. This clearly had to be a trick. Nevertheless, your head throbbed perilously and the door and furniture you’d messily propped in front of it were going to give way.You didn't have much time. 
Bang, bang, bang.
“What will I do with your power?” you asked desperately, looking from him and to the end of the room. 
“Let me worry about that,” he chuckled. “I’ll guide you, Sergeant. All you have to do is agree…that or let them flood in and kill you.”
Bang, bang, bang.
He motioned to the thundering door and raised his brows at you. At that point his dark eyes were like vortexes, they dragged you into his orbit and had you falling under his spell. You knew logically that whatever was going to happen was going to change the course of your life forever - and not for the good. Even then, you couldn’t find the strength to deny him, couldn’t hold enough faith in a glorious next life to accept that you’d leave this one. 
“Fine! I accept,” you said, eyes wet and heavy. 
An animal growl rattled through your bones and shuddered throughout the skeleton remains of the office space. Your body flinched back, responding just as your instincts wanted, but the demon didn’t allow you to retreat. He was quick - arms lashing out and moving like a whip. He gripped your neck like a farmer does to his chickens come dinner time, and just when you were ready for the snap, your body jerked violently. 
You forced yourself to your feet, no, you surged upwards like you were under possession. Your legs didn’t feel like they’d buckle anymore, they felt renewed. Your heartbeat was steady like a punctual train, and your breathing returned to normal, better than normal even. Everything in you felt like it was new, like someone had taken out your broken parts and given you an upgrade. You smiled, lips curling over your teeth unnaturally.
Wait- were those…fangs poking into your bottom lip?
There was no time to wonder at the strange way your mouth felt. Your head jerked up and suddenly you were greeted with the second worst sight of the day. The enemy soldiers had you surrounded, they flooded into the room like a locust swarm and pointed their guns at you, faithfully looking toward their Captain for the authority to execute. 
Normally you would’ve shuddered, or maybe even fallen to the floor, but you held fast. Your breathing remained calm, but your vision went dark. That’s not to say you passed out, but a thick hazy filter seemed to descend across your eyes. Then just when you were about to question it, your arms reached out as if you were being puppeteered and your entire body unwillingly  shot forward. 
There was no time to even think to connect your actions to the seemingly absent demon then. Instead you latched onto the soldier in front of you like a bear and sank your teeth into his neck. The man screamed, and yelped, and made all sorts of inhuman noises as he struggled to try and pull you off. Though there was no helping him. You continued to bite at his arteries and savage him until his screams were silent and overtaken by the men around him. 
Gunshots rang out, but none pierced you. Men beat at your back and pulled at your arms, but you didn’t break your hold. Copper filled your mouth, but you didn’t spit. You smiled with glee and licked at your own salty tears, disengaging from your target only when you were ready.
Little did you know, this was only the beginning of the butchery. 
“For fuck sake, get yersel’ to the sink ye riot!”
You jumped out of your thoughts and hazarded a quick look up to your worried manager, following that up by nodding silently and running off to the bathroom. Fuck. All that you could do was grimly stare down at the blood while it merged with the clean tap water and remind yourself that it was fine. You weren’t outside the wire anymore, you were just wait staff in a small restaurant, and you didn’t need to worry about bleeding out anymore because the biggest hazard you faced now was apparently picking up a dirty knife the wrong way. 
“Fucking hell,” you chuckled, quietly facing yourself in the mirror and taking a pause from the gory scene below. “It’s just a tiny cut.”
For a second, so quick you only just registered it, black eyes flashed behind you. You jumped back and hyperventilated, doing everything you could to stop yourself from screaming. Though it couldn’t be helped. You forced your hands over your mouth and yelled a muffled cry into your palms instead and rode out your panicked heartbeats until you could be sure you wouldn’t collapse. 
You did a double take, searching the mirror for those horrible eyes or any other signs of their proprietor. However, there was nothing else to see but a pathetic ex soldier, black tile and cheap imitation herringbone wood flooring. Suddenly you felt absolutely ridiculous. 
You slipped your hands from your mouth and covered your eyes instead, rubbing at hideously embarrassing tears with anger. That stupid therapist you were going to was so wrong, you thought bitterly, you were never going to make progress. You constantly swore that you could see those demonic eyes wherever you went, and sometimes you even thought you saw him. Well not the demon exactly, but a man that so closely resembled him - just without the tail and black eyes. 
It’d been a full year since you’d been honourably discharged from the military, and even in all that time, you still hadn’t healed. Sure, the cuts and bullet wounds had made miraculous progress and faded to tiny scars, but inside you may as well have been a shooting range dummy right at the end of target practice. While your superiors had seen fit to dedicate you with a medal for the miraculous fight you put up against the enemy, your head still hadn’t gotten to grips with just how you did it. 
Multiple therapists had put it down to repressed memory. They told you that whatever had really happened must’ve been replaced with that accursed demon summoning ritual that you dreamed up in an adrenaline filled haze. They said you might remember it all eventually once you’d healed more, or even that you might never get the answers you sought. There was no footage from your vest cam, and no other eyewitnesses left alive to say what had happened. Just you and your janky, wacky memories.
“Hey, Riot! You gonna come back on shift anytime soon or do I have to explain to Marco why the big bad ex-soldier is dying over a little cut?”
You turned to the door and smiled to yourself, feeling your chest grow lighter the second you heard that voice. Emily always knew how to pull you out of a funk. With that in mind, you shook your head, felt your goosebumps retreat away and stepped out into the scorching warmth of the restaurant. Once more back into the fray. 
“The big bad ex-soldier had a lot of blood coming out that little cut,” you shrugged, “can’t be creating a healthcode violation, you know that.”
Emily raised one of her thick dark eyebrows in question and put her hands on her hips. Oh no, this was the serious stance. In fairness, the tables were mobbed that night and she’d been run off her feet by two difficult tables that were ‘not getting acceptable service by any definition of the word’ as one of them had apparently said. 
“Put a blue plaster on it and get back out here before I give you a real war wound,” she growled. 
Your eyes widened, but you still smiled despite yourself. 
“You’re the boss!”
You rushed off to do as she said, ready to come back out and assist her, and if necessary neutralise any threat to her sanity. Emily was one of the few people you’d reconnected with after coming back home, and anyone that messed with her henceforth, was now messing with you. 
She’d seen you out and about at the park one day, taking one of your ‘haunted walks’ as she called them - only because you had trouble sleeping and would walk around in a black hoodie with the hood up. It was like something clicked, after being so reluctant to share anything with your family, or military buddies that tried to reach out, it was like you’d found your key. You’d babbled to her about how badly you were struggling to adjust to civilian life, leaking your frustrations like a bled radiator, and she accepted you. She listened without pity. 
Now while you wound a plaster round your silly little cut, you watched her zoom round the tables with true gratitude. She was the only reason you’d gotten the job, and been able to integrate back into real life. As much as you had your moments of frustrations, and had brief run ins with your PTSD, you at least had something to distract yourself with. Something that grabbed your attention and set your breathing straight again, when before you would curl in the corner of your room and scream for many minutes at a time. 
Once the plaster was affixed, you fiddled with the cracked old first aid box and wrangled it shut, stowing it back into place with a thud before rushing back out to the floor. The smell of garlic and pasta filled your senses, and the voices of the patrons roared rapturously in your ears again. The normal hustle and bustle of the place set you back into your rhythm and the ramped up tempo sent you hurtling toward the kitchen. 
“Where’ve you fucking been?” one of the chefs groused, “we’ve got a million plates for table ten here that need serving! I can hear them bitching from here, get moving!”
“Had a little accident getting the plates to Frankie,” you said, motioning to the plaster and your fraught KP behind the pass. “Good to go now!”
Rather than stay to hear the chef's curses, you rushed off with the plates and delivered them to the table, plastering on a smile as the customers moaned up a storm to your face. After offering them your apologies and promises of free sides, they hushed up and all was good again. You tended to your other tables and resumed duty as normal, rotating around Emily and the other waiter, Michael, like little clockwork toys. You all ticked along perfectly, leaving full stomachs and mostly happy faces in your wake. 
“Can you take this to table thirteen, please? I gotta piss like crazy!”Micheal ordered. 
He handed you a steak that was positively dripping in blood, almost setting you off again were it not for the fact that you were so confused by his request. There’s potatoes and salad and sauce on that plate, you thought to yourself, its not a body, just a hunk of meat.
“There isn’t a table thir-” you started, soon trailing off. 
Michael had long since dashed off before you could correct him and you sighed to yourself. Great, now who on earth could this be for? You knew every table in the restaurant of course, your knowledge on the place was near perfect with Emily acting like a drill sergeant during your probation stages. However, you didn’t know where thirteen could be, because it didn’t exist. Most people knew that restaurants skipped that number because it was unlucky. Apparently not Michael though. 
“I believe that’s for me,” called a rumbling voice. 
You frowned and looked down to the man before you, startling as you realised that a table had been placed where it shouldn’t have, and in turn you were standing right over a poor customer. No wonder Michael had made the mistake, you had no idea where the table had even come from. Though you were too embarrassed to worry very much about that in the moment, you needed to recover in front of the man before you made an idiot out of yourself. 
“Apologies, sir,” you said with a nervous laugh. “It’s been a busy night. Can I get you anything else?”
You placed down the food in front of him and were glad for it after you’d made eye contact. There was something strange about the man that made you jump. His stunning blue eyes captured your gaze and made you feel like you were in the middle of a laser sight. You gulped and looked away for a second afterward, trying your best to compose yourself.
“Thank you,” the man said softly, still fixing his eyes on you. “This is perfect.”
His sly grin struck you as familiar, but when you studied the man more, you couldn’t place him. He had a dark peacoat draped over his chair and wore a black shirt and fitted jeans. His beard was trim and cut close to his jawline, and his hair was near perfect, combed back neatly over his head. Everything about him was perfectly ordinary, perhaps would’ve been completely innocuous if not for his eyes. 
You could’ve sworn there was a little black band circling the pupil, but just as you thought you’d lost yourself in them he chuckled at you. Causing your face to flame up in burning shame. 
“I’m so sorry for staring,” you apologised, holding your hands up in appeasement. “I don’t know what that was about, sorry. You just seemed familiar for a sec.”
“Oh really?” he laughed, “Don’t happen to know a Jonathan Price do you?”
“Jonathan Price?” you repeated questioningly.
“My name, sweetheart,” he grinned, showing off his pointy canines. “Though you can just call me John if you like.”
“Oh my god, my brain’s going tonight,” you laughed, trying to get yourself away from him and the bloody steak that seemed to ooze with every passing second. “I’ll stop bothering you now, Jonathan! Enjoy your steak.”
His name sat heavy on your tongue, as if a fizzy sweetie had stung at the nerves and left it swollen and red. Jonathan. There was something about it that didn’t fit right. An unnatural force wanted you to turn round and call him a liar, demand that he reveal himself for who he really was. 
Though you didn’t put much credence in unnatural forces anymore. Not when unnatural forces tended to be symptoms of your mental illness. Instead you shook your head and kept working, making a note to yourself that you needed to get more sleep that night. Sleep and meds usually helped, and you were praying that they’d set you right again the next day. 
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spinnysocks · 3 months
TLG Outlanders Jumanji AU that i have suddenly become obsessed with :) buckle up
i'm mainly basing this off of the 2017 movie, with elements of the 2019 one too
wema, tunu, dogo and kijana are playing when they find a hidden cave, they go in and they find lots of weird paintings on the wall and the floor. ever the inquisitive one, dogo steps into a circle in the middle and they all get sucked into... Jumanji?? or maybe in the TLG universe it's called Mchezo
the adults look for them. the leaders (plus kenge and sumu) and the idiots (plus mwoga, nne, tano and neema) go in two groups to search since the kids were missing for a while. the leaders find the hidden cave first as sumu noticed it in his small size. they get sucked in, and eventually the idiots find it after them
they turn into human versions upon entering the world. yeah they're pretty freaked out lmao
the premise is that they go through trials to "prove" themselves, at the risk of their 3 lives, to get to the final task of saving the kiddos. i'm thinking each of them get a task focused on their skills but all of them are at the will of it, aka any of them could lose a life in any trial
i think the Strengths & Weaknesses bit would be funny. kiburi has no weaknesses, he says smth like "I'm too good to be weak 😏" and then 'Pride' pops up hfgdhdh. tamka's weakness would be cake because i think it'd be funny. nduli's is picking up cool rocks. i would say goigoi's would be sleeping but he'd lose all 3 in an instant. the list goes on
reirei is mad because she gets the boring map-reader job lol, despite that she saves everyone's asses so
i imagine sumu is like Milo, he gives them the information in a really deadpan tone lmao. it's like "... Oh no..." "Spit it out, will you?!" "... Mandrills. We should go" and he just continues spilling knowledge while they're running for their lives lmao
you know how in the second movie Bethany/Milo is a horse? yeah nne and tano are straight up just themselves- they're hyenas but realistic, like they didn't change 💀 they're just there doing hyena laughs and absolutely savaging people in the fights
the ostrich scene from the second movie would be funny. maybe the hyenas are the drivers 👀 NONE of them trust their lives with janja, chungu or cheezi but somefuckinghow.. they don't die
in a trial where the leaders are really trapped, guess who sneaks in and saves them? Ushari!!! that was actually all of their reactions as soon as he spoke and they knew it was him. shupavu hugs him on impulse and then gets awkward about it lol, they're happy to see him
ushari explains how he didn't actually die when scar was destroyed but he escaped the volcano and happened across the hidden cave. he's been trapped ever since and obviously presumed dead. he's been stuck with 1 life because he needed the others to complete the rest of the trials :(
there's a dance fight where kiburi has to defeat the guards without being all guns blazing about it. literally the same as the scene with Martha. it's so funny at first bc he doesn't know what the fuck to do - i hc him as demi, he can't flirt with someone he doesn't know😭 - but when a song (prolly rap?) starts playing he beats their asses easy
little did they know the exact same thing was happening on the opposite side of the building, just with the idiots. tamka, nduli and neema also get their cool moment of beating people up, dance fight style! it's mainly tamka because he actually DOES have a strength in acting :)
the leaders and the idiots enter the building at the same time and it's an "Oh Shit!" spiderman pointing meme moment lmao. from this point on they do the trials together
the vultures fly the helicopters. you can imagine how well that goes. it's just like in the movie where something immediately breaks 😭 i think it'd be cool if kenge was the one to fix the helicopter, giving him a hero moment! imagine it
"Kenge, you did it! :D"
"Guess I did"
"Um... Oops"
"What Janja?"
"I dropped the jewel 😶"
"YOU WHAT?!?!"
janja loses a life in that scene from the rhinos 😭 do i wanna traumatise mzingo that much? idk. i just feel like that is such a janja thing to happen. fridge's character is janja-coded lmfao
that scene where fridge pushes spencer off a cliff? yeah that obviously happens. i'm thinking reirei and janja squabbling. would be funny if janja pushes reirei off impulsively and he just stands there, in shock, waiting to get yelled at when she respawns 😭
there's one of those Step On The Right Pieces trials. kiburi is being all cocky, steps on the wrong one and loses a life- bro gets absolutely humbled lmao. i think the skinks would be good at that trial for some reason
some random trial ideas: a "sleeping lions" type trial for goigoi. a "follow (copy) the leader" trial for mzingo. a food temptation one for the idiots??
jasiri definitely has a trial where she helps someone or shows that the "bad guy" NPCs can be good or somethin. that's probably the last trial before the finale
at the last trial they all work together to save the kiddos! it's really wholesome at the end because they saved the kids, they actually achieved something, they worked together, AND they got ushari back! :)
based on the second movie, i was considering a different version of this au where janja purposefully enters the game to prove himself and it's more of a lesson of how it's not just about his strength, but the strength of all of them
janja just thinks he ain't good enough, especially not being leader of his clan anymore, but it's through working together when the others come after him that he realises that ain't true. just an extra thought i had :)
might make a follow up post because i came up with this in an afternoon just for fun 😭
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fagboyfriend · 3 months
i rlly like ur composition, i wanna know about your process :D
thank uuu !! yeah so like. composing a scene for me generally begins with a vague idea that i want to get down as quickly as possible- and for me that usually starts with finding a setting. I knew that i wanted to draw a) a group of roomates gossiping in a crowded kitchen and i wanted there to be b) one figure in the extreme foreground and c) lots of plants. i do use some tools to figure out perspective, mainly the csp perspective ruler. Usually i start by finding a picture i like similar to the vibe im going for- but instead of referencing anything else- im purely interested in perspective. sorry to anyone who is shocked i dont generate all of my perspective purely by myself- i can draw in perspective fairly well but i struggle to make straight lines and this is easier to make grids with than the line tool lol ^_^ i try to use it kinda more like spellcheck on typos than like something to fully rely on. this is the video i learned this trick from:
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i saw the left photo and realllly loved how the cabinets alligned with the wall- so i used my ruler tool to draw out my inital plotted points from the image- basically the linear movements i was most interested in and then i turned off the image layer and worked with those lines and the ruler tool to move on. eventually i had this:
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which was enough for me to put my characters in for the inital round. if you notice- i made a looot of further adjustments as i go on. this sketch is not a final layout, its so my characters have somewhere to be! i cannot draw someone standing on a floor if theres no floor, nor leaning on a table that doesnt exist. i can’t draw my characters without a background, but i also cant finish my background without accounting for how my characters can comfortably exist in it!!
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this was the like.. very basic start. i knew the positions of two characters- but i needed to change a lot not only to fit them better but to allow for the other two figures i had planned.
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okay.. a little better. i widened the kitchen, closed the fridge door.. added a chair and fit in all the figures.. but this is waaay too dramatic. only two figures are actually interacting- and they are at wildly different energy levels!
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this is where things started to make a little more sense characterwiss, so i was ready to refine backgrounds and figures and unite the two.
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inital base sketch. much better layout.
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okay- this is where im getting my footing but things seem.. really really off. You can see me working on my framing here- theres some good linear movement from left to right here- but not vertically. It’s hard to notice the figure in the far back, so i need to redirect the viewers eye to move upwards as well!
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this is where i decided to zoom out, add an interesting vertical element to the left of the image and make it clearer whats happening in the foreground. i had to account for some stuff by adjusting the cropping, but i paid attention to that as well.
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annnd- thats what a clean sketch looks for me! i have all the elements of my scene accounted for, and things are clean enough to read.
the next step for me would be transfer! essentially- I print the image of my sketch out, resizing and taping pages together so my sketch matches the size of the paper i want to paint on, and then i use a lightboard to transfer my sketch with pencil onto my paper. Then i refine the sketch a few times on paper before stretching my watercolor paper (essentially just prepping for painting) and inking with a brush and colored ink before going in with watercolor, gouache and ink, then usually finishing with marker, colored pencil, pastel and ink. it’s a lengthy process but a lot of fun lol. but sketches for me can be like.. 15 layers of different roughs until im happy with just the sketch. there were more images but im on mobile and theres a 10 image limit 😭😭 im a bit masochistic but i believe that if i dont have a good sketch i dont have a good painting!!
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starfleetshrimps · 1 year
i love star trek bc it's actually a high school theater production most of the time. We focus a lot on the over-acting, theatricality of the actors and the directors, and that's all well and amazing, but /I/ want to focus on the /TECH/ bc ASHAijnjsdnbhgaARREghghhuuagjkshdmhbAHJBSSHJHIEJBnkjsdjhbsdhjBmahbsjshsbHkjnswkjshsn yea.
FIRST THE SETS?!? they're so silly and stupid? i know they get a lot of shit but the amount of work (not to mention styrofoam) that went into building individual sets for each planet they went to? like sure about 50% of the away missions take place in the california desert (the arena, *cough cough*, etc) but the rest of them have individually made sets that look PRETTY GOOD MAN. they get the point across, they're FUN, and innovative, and they really don't reuse planet sets all that often as well.
PLUS they used traditionally /theatrical/ cycloramas with painted backgrounds and classical cyc lighting (reminiscent of mariano fortuny's domed cyc! i WILL talk more about lighting) which look really cool and once again get shit for being unrealistic.
it's not supposed to look realistic it's supposed to look cool as shit. and it does. shut up. <3
if you view the sets as being modern TV sets then yeah, they're weird, and they look sorta bad, but THEYRE NOT modern TV sets: they're THEATRICAL SETS FROM THE 60-70S. AND I LOVE THEM.
while it's true that some shows in the 60s were developing new lighting styles specifically for TV, remember that in the year 1950 less that 10 percent of US homes had a television. this shit was new. COLOR tv was ESPECIALLY new. nobody knew how to light these things! and actually why would you need a new lighting style, we already KNEW how to light dramatic productions, why would we ever need to reinvent the wheel Stanley Mccandles, Mariano Fortuny, and Gene Rosenthall already invented says Gene Roddenberry and Jerry Finnerman (the head lighting designer). and oh my god i am so ridiculously glad. because the lighting. is so good.
i HAVE seen others talking about how good it is in the super early episodes (Charlie X and the conscious of the King, etc.) and i do agree! but i disagree that the quality goes down. i think it just got a tad bit more subtle as the show went on and it gets less in your face, harder to notice. but i noticed. because I'M the WORST (and also a lighting tech)
the impossibility of listing every example of amazing theater lighting choice they made is absolutely horrific and nasty so i'll just lost some my my favorites:
the cyc! i mentioned before but the cyc they used on away missions was only painted when they needed a specific scene in the background, otherwise? that bitch was LIT. and i LOVE IT.
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any of the scenes where they light spock's face have green and half pink? or even just washing the walls behind him? i eat that shit UP. the METAPHOR. the CONFLICT. i will acquiesce that green and pink are (and were) pretty goddamn industry standard gels (color-films) to add to lights, for subtle contrast, but this is not subtle. it is LOUD. was it purposefully done from a storytelling perspective? no idea. is it cool as shit and interpret-able as hell? absolutely. also sometimes they do it with just green when they want to emphasize his vulcan-ness and other him a bit. like they do it a lot when he's in his room in amok time. anyway.
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whenever they shutter a light so they can emphasize a character's (kirk, we're talking abt kirk here. and *sometimes* spock, and also Charlie in Charlie X but yeah mostly kirk) eyes when they say something #Deep, or just pre-commercial break closure worthy line. it's so SHJSDJBFEJNKN. to add onto this, they'll do a striking half-wash over half of their face sometimes in conjunction and it looks So Good
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The GOBOS. sometimes, they'll just throw light through a gobo, or wall screen, or something, for /visual interest/ and it looks so silly i love it sm. does it make sense from a realism pov? nO. but star trek is a theater production actually and they lit everything using mainly naturalistic techniques! amazing!
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honorable mentions: the glowing time donut, and the entirely random colors in the hallway.
there are so many other examples but this post is long enough lmao. notice the lights next time you watch tos!!,! please!!! <3
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papakhan · 12 days
Episode 1
Fuck it, I'm gonna do it anyway. Here's all the notes I took when watching episode 1 of the godawful fallout tv show. enjoy. I'm gonna run through this with notes I made while I watched the show so formatting might be kinda weird, I haven't done anything like this before so bare with me. I will try to explain things as if you the reader have not seen the show. This is gonna be very long and heavy on the hate and the spoilers.
Content warnings:
gif of the fight scene violence
self harming
Things I liked:
Vault Dwellers reusing the same wedding dress and everyone who'd worn it writing their names on the inside. that's sweet
"don't lose your head" vault poster during a firefight
Johnny Cash
I like Brotherhood Clerics but they totally fucked up the ranking system
The vault dwellers just painting over the blood on the walls
Horses are canon now
Goofy wasteland urban legends like "a feral ghoul does not abide a chicken"
That's literally it. Now it's time for everything else. I'll break it down into character bits since that's what the show does
So Cooper Cowboy ghoul man is divorced and he's at this birthday party in I'm guessing Hollywood overlooking LA. It's a beautiful sunny day :) Bare in mind that in this scene the nukes drop so Bethesda has already fucked their own lore of the nukes dropping at 9:40am in Boston would mean that it should be 6:40am in California. Sunrise in California in October is 7am, btw. So already we're fucked. Real "design documents are a waste of time" behaviour on display here.
Anyway, nuke goes off. Now let me ask you something. What's one of the most infamous things about nuclear bombs? The flash, right? A nuclear explosion is bright enough to blind a person. Fallout 4 understood this, at least a little, where the flash of light from the bomb would fill your screen even if you weren't facing it, which is how nukes work. Closing your eyes in the face of a nuke would be pointless because the light would pass through your eyelids. There's even reports of people who held up their hands to shield the light and could see THEIR BONES THROUGH THEIR HANDS. That's how bright they are. They are horrifying weapons of mass destruction.
The nuke that hits LA is not a nuke, the flash of light on Janey's face (cooper's kid and the ONE SINGLE PERSON who notices a NUCLEAR FUCKING BOMB) is more akin to a camera flash. again. she is the only fucking person who notices a nuclear bomb go off, everyone else at the party is distracted by a TV of all things.
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In the time between the ""flash"" of the bomb here's everything that happens before Cooper and co feel the shockwave
Janey notices the pathetic flash and looks up.
She holds up her thumb in the "vault boy" way
Cooper comes out of the house and walks over to Janey
He crouches down beside her and says some bullshit along the lines of "i got some cake for my favourite cowgirl"
Janey says "was it your thumb or my thumb?"
Cooper looks towards the source of the nuke and slowly stands up, watching it for a moment
He says "that's just a fire janey" as the smoke unfurls into a very obvious mushroom cloud
He realises that it was not. just a fire
then they get hit by a shockwave
This takes almost a full minute and none of the segments is supposed to be slow motion. Listen I know that light moves faster than sound and heat but come on. It's way too slow and also. dead fucking silent. also the shockwave comes before the mushroom cloud but who cares.
Anyway cooper gets on a horse with the girl and rides off down the road in the direction of LA. good job dude.
I've already read up about yknow who it was who wanted the nukes fired and I know that it was Barb who wanted the nukes dropped on America for?? vault tec profit??? so uh. why did she let Janey go to a birthday party with Cooper?
x3 Incest jokes may not seem like a lot but it was 3 too many for me. I hate the "good karma" noise that played when Lucy got arranged married. I said I liked the vault poster of "don't lose your head" but I hate the way Lucy keeps getting her inspiration from Vault Boy I'm sorry but its annoying and dumb to me. Interconnected vaults in LA is also. dumb. you're telling me The Master didn't notice these fucking things? you're kidding. Look at it, it's not even hidden in a cave or anything its just out in the open.
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Way to retroactively make the Master look like a moron, though I know they do this to Mr House later on. ugh.
Her intro makes it sound like she's supposed to have Tagged Skills in repair, speech and science but she displays none of this in the later episodes I have seen, in fact her speech seems like utter dogshit so what was the point in introducing her in a "game protag" way if none of that was gonna get used later?
Anyway, lets get onto the raiders. If you know me, you know I love raiders. They're a cool and interesting critique of individualism and "might makes right" and also aesthetically just kind of fuck.
Now, knowing what I know about Moldaver and her being the current ?leader of the NCR remnants, that implies that the people she has led into Vault 33 are former NCR citizens or soldiers, right? right?
So the ""fall of shady sands"" according to the show is 2277 and yeah sure okay that's during new vegas' time and sure okay right todd howard promised that this didn't de-canonise fallout new vegas. however. it's 2296 meaning it's been 19 years since Shady Sand's.......decline. and 15 years since New Vegas where we last saw the NCR. And i know that the NCR aren't exactly the good guys To suggest that in less than 20 years the citizens of shady sands have been reduced to Bethesda-style raiders who:
Are unable to use utensils such as knives and forks
Can't grow crops
Don't know how to use cups
Will rape a woman, wipe his dick on a curtain, and then try to murder said woman
Shoveling fistfuls of cake into their mouth during a firefight
Threatening a pregnant woman
In another episode one of these guys is interrogated/interviews and shows their asshole to the guy talking to him.
is fucking ludicrous
Anyway Monty looks like Jerma
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Anywayyyy how come only Lucy's pipboy picked up on the radiation from these outsiders huh? everyone else was wearing a pipboy during the wedding, they sat next to each other, those geigar counters would have been going off. what? they had them on silent out of respect of a good Christian wedding? if you try to convince me that's the explanation I will eat your liver. Bethesda raider style
anyway no.2 girlypop (lucy) straight up pulls a knife out of her wound which is medical petpeeve no.9394328 for me but then its immediately resolved by a stimpak. I hate how stimpaks in the show are used exactly how they are in the game. I was under the impression that it was a video game mechanic and not how it actually worked in the narrative. What's next? Jet gives me extra action points or some shit? I'm so tired
the fight scene sucked. the choreography of the raider guy shooting a vault dweller through the head of another vault dweller just kind of looked like shit and seemed impractical, clearly just there to be like WOAH THATS COOL it wasn't cool it looked clunky and weird. do not fucking tell me that fallout is supposed to be clunky and weird I will kill you.
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the doors cutting the raider in half was also dumb since its been routinely established that the dull and ominous "thunk. thunk. thunk" heard deep in the bowels of a vault is a door that's trying to close but there's something stuck under it, if they could just slice a whole man in half then they could cut through a table or skeleton in game. Also irl I'm a health and safety officer and that moment made my toes curl. lol
It jumps from Lucy to Max and then back to lucy but I'm just gonna continue talking about her shit here. quick fire round because I've been yapping too long already
Her little brother looks way too old to be acting like a teenager this much.
Chet (Lucy's cousin and ex boyfriend. gross) wants to come with her thank god he doesn't
why doesn't she give a shit about the sky
Why doesn't she give a shit about the ocean
"stupid blimp is back" is at the very top of my notes, lol. anyway I still don't understand where they got this thing from
Latrines made out of stacks of tires is so dumb. like I cant even explain how dumb that is. surely rubber has better use for that. surely. just shit in a hole in the ground like everyone else please for the love of god
I know the twist with Daine and let it be said, having your first on screen transgender character cut themselves with razors to get out of the military is not, in fact, Bethesda trying to be on the side of transgender people, it is in fact them making fun of us, okay? do we understand?
hiding baby max is a fridge made me so angry I blacked out. do not remind me of "kid in a fridge" ever again.
Anyway Bethesda finds it so difficult to keep the BOS consistent to the point that they are all so different from each other with little to no explanation as to why they've changed so much. In fact it feels like to me that at some point between fallout 3 and fallout 4 Bethesda has totally mixed up the BOS and the Enclave, since now the BOS hate ghouls for no reason and want to colonise the wasteland. This is just that again. Once more, no design doc behaviour.
Quotes from the BOS i think suck ass
"Duty of the Brotherhood of Steel is to secure the wasteland"
"Flesh is weak by steel endures"
"Violence is a tool we use it to bring order to the wasteland"
When Max is getting interrogated for being a suspect for cutting Daine with razors, mentions "send me to Eden or wherever" and it confused me so much. The only Eden I knew about was John Henry Eden from Fallout 3. Turns out I think what they're trying to reference is New Eden a BOS base from. Fallout Brotherhood of Steel 2?? of all fucking things?? really strange I can't imagine what else he could possibly be referencing though. This is literally just thrown in for the loreheads and I hate it.
Anyway after being a suspect for cutting Daine with razors and also failing his classes Max gets a promotion! this is not explained. They also brand him which people a lot smarter than me have discussed at length about why branding a black guy on screen in your fallout show is a bad idea. Read it here.
I don't really understand why the BOS all do shit in latin now, I know some of them had latin names in fo1 but IIRC Frank Horrigan of the Enclave was the only person in the og games who spoke latin. it feels like Bethesda wanting to capture the interest of people who liked the Legion. maybe that's a reach but given how much right wing propaganda is in the coming episodes I wouldn't put it past them.
Cooper again
I am not calling this idiot The Ghoul that's fucking dumb. what like he's the only one? ever? dumb. whats up with him being buried huh? did Todd not want to tell Nolan that ghouls arent actually zombies and arent actually undead? that just wanted him to jump out a coffin because oooh spooky zombie. honestly just kill me.
My notes: "Don't tell me the ghoul is in that grave I can't take it"
this guy gets dug up once a year and gets pieces of him cut off and put back?? why? for what purpose? how is he down there without eating or drinking? is it a kid in a fridge moment where ghouls don't need to eat or drink, well he drinks a whole lot of water in episode 3 so that's afucking lie. get real. the glowing IV? what is that??
the yodelling is really gonna piss me off, isn't it.
Not him ending the episode on the same quote he said to his daughter. whatever.
Rating: 3/10
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swxuell · 1 year
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Summary: Stephen Strange needs your help to defeat The Scarlet Witch but nothing goes as planned..
Warnings: 18+ONLY, sex, detailed sex scene, fingering, penetration, strap-on, public sex
I prefer to warn : English is not my first language, I am still trying to learn it. I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes. This is also my first attempt at writing a story (I don't know what I am doing to be honest) and I'm a little ashamed of the mediocrity of it. But I hope to improve very soon. Have a good read!
It's been a long time since you haven't heard from Doctor Strange. Not that you mind, you never tried to contact him again since the last time you saw him, four years ago. And yet, the weight of those years only made you feel increasingly vulnerable. You owe him and you hate that.
You had found yourself in an unfortunate situation, which had put you and your loved ones in danger. You asked for help from all the wizards you knew, but it turned out that the only one who didn't turn his back on you was Stephen Strange. He was the only one to reach out to you, it is largely thanks to him that you are still alive today. You owe him a lot.
However, it is well known that nothing is free in life.
That's why you weren't surprised when you found out the identity of the person who rang your doorbell. Stephen Strange stood on your porch with a strict look in his eyes and his arms hanging down.
« Stephen Strange, what a surprise! » you say with a smile on your face to seem confident.
« Nice to see you y/n » an awkward silence took place as you unconsciously found yourself detailing him from head to toe. All these years and he hadn't changed that much.
You stepped back slightly so that he could get in « come on in, make yourself at home ». You took him to your lounge where you sat down on your big black leather sofa at a reasonable distance from each other. You could notice that he was detailing the nooks and crannies of this room, letting his eyes linger on the paintings hanging in the walls.
« Can I get you anything? Are you thirsty? » you ask him while standing up with the aim of going to see in the fridge what you can propose him. But you are suddenly stopped by Strange's voice.
« No, sit down. I don't plan to stay long. I have to talk to you about something important » he replied, while scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably. He was trying to look as calm as possible, probably not to scare you. You understood then that something serious was going on.
« Have you ever heard of The Scarlet Witch? » your eyebrows rose in amazement. « Of course I know her! Well, not personally but everyone has heard of her at some point » a perceptible excitement could be felt in your tone of voice. You wanted to hear more about her, about one of the most powerful witches in the universe.
« Well, let me tell you that it is not only a myth. The Scarlet Witch is now present in our universe and could destroy it. »
He then told you everything he had to say about The Scarlet Witch, how dangerous and powerful she was. She wanted to kill a child with the sole purpose of stealing her powers.
To be completely honest with yourself, you got a little lost in his words. You did not perceive the reasons that could have pushed the witch to this point of no-return. Doctor Strange had mentioned something like « fake children » and a « robot husband ». In spite of your incomprehension you did not dare to intervene. All these words seemed to be full of meaning coming out of his mouth. You didn't want to look foolish. After all, you understood the essential part, didn't you? This witch was a threat that had to be eliminated.
«Y/n, you know why I came. I need your help » he blew quite low. « You must help me save the girl, and the universe for that matter ». He claims, while standing up, expressing the end of this conversation. He was waiting for an answer. Obviously a negative one was not an option. That's why you answered with confidence « you can count on me, I will help you ». By way of an oath, you shake hands and look into each other's eyes.
Your instinct immediately told you that you had made a mistake, but you decided not to listen. What do they say? Oh! Yes... « Trust your instincts. Intuition doesn't lie ».
When you first arrived at Kamar-taj, you broke out in a cold sweat from head to toe at the sight of all those wizards.
There where hundreds, if not more, all busy and frantic. There was so much movement that you didn't know which way to turn. You stopped for a moment to look around. You had forgotten how huge the temple was and it seemed even bigger with all these people.
You could hear their thoughts, they were overwhelmed with their emotions. Most were terrified at the very thought of the Scarlet Witch. It was quite difficult to see clearly, the sky seemed to get darker and darker. Was it the wizards' state of mind reflected in the sky? Or was it one of the famous witch's tricks to scare you? You don't have a clue.
Suddenly a loud noise piercing the sky startled you, followed by a howl « Operational! ». It was a witch who was probably testing the effectiveness of the cannonballs. It was imperative that you channel your anxiety, but with all these people running around it was going to be hard.
« Follow me » Stephen commanded you, as he mingled with the crowd. He managed to make his way with ease, which you did not because most of the people around you don't seem to mind getting in your way.
You are elbowed in the ribs by a wizard who was walking very fast. He didn't even have the courtesy to apologize or give you a look. This had the effect of aggravating your annoyance.
You finally manage to reach Stephen who is accompanied by the Supreme Master. « Wong explains our strategy to her, I’ll go check on the girl » he explained as he walked towards the entrance of the temple. You still hadn't met the famous child and you were dying to.
« Let's see who's back! Are you planning to expand your library? » asked Wong while laughing. He apparently remembered very well the time you tried to steal books containing dangerous spells that are only available to the Supreme Master. You snuck in during the night thinking you could do it so easily. Luckily for you, Wong never blamed you. Still he had assigned you to the worst household chores for over six months. You had to admit to yourself that you missed the temple.
« You still remember it » you murmur with amusement. « Always » he returns your smile and then adds « it's good to see you again. You know you're welcome here, right? » a questioning look takes over his face. He really wants to make sure you know you're one of them. Wong always wanted you to fit in. « I know » you smile sincerely touched by his words. « But I'm still mad at you for never coming to visit me » you added with a false air of annoyance. « I could say the same thing » he said « But I have an excuse, I have to manage a whole temple. What's your excuse? » he smiled, knowing full well that he had got you with that one. You're both laughing at the same time. « Now come, l'll show you where you'll be placed ».
You walk towards some steps that lead you to an upper floor. You have a bird's eye view of all the wizards. Wong explained the strategy and your role in it. You were accompanied by three other wizards.
After making sure you understand all the instructions. Wong walked away, leaving you and your sidekicks. One of them then approaches you, a smile on his face. He looks quite nice and very confident. Before he can even open his mouth to speak to you, he is cut off by a shrill cry that makes each of the wizards present tremble.
« Wanda is here! » everyone turned in the same direction. You quickly realized that Wanda was the name of The Scarlet Witch. The vision that was happening in front of you made your blood run cold. You could feel the terror rising in you and in those around you. A huge red smoke was spreading as it headed towards you. It was such a powerful, deep, red. You don't know how to explain it. You could feel the rage emanating from it even at that distance.
Doctor strange entered your field of vision, trying to calm the troops who were running in panic to get to their posts. « We need to be in cohesion if we are to beat her! Get ready wizard » he exclaims. He could not completly hide his own apprehension. You feel fear coming from him, he is afraid of the outcome of the fight.
Time seemed to stand still. You felt like she was doing it on purpose. Wanda probably liked to know that your fear only increased as the wait went on. You were all at your posts, in combat position, ready to react at the mere sight of the witch. You had come to terms with using her first name. A petrifying silence had taken place in the temple, you could hear the breathing of your teammates.
What seemed like an eternity later, a shadow emerged from all the fog. She was finally there, the most powerful witch in the world was only a few feet away from you.
Your eyes couldn't leave her even though you couldn't see her very well. You wanted her to get closer. Everything was quite dark, the clouds were heavy, everyone was very quiet and the tension was at it's peak.
The red smoke began to disappear, leaving you with a better view of the witch. She was terrifyingly beautiful, if that's possible. The kind of beauty that frightens. An angelic face that makes you want to trust her, but an evil smile that betrays her true intentions. She looked like a witch like you have never seen before. You could feel all her power deep in your soul. She was so powerful, you could sense it. Her presence is enough to make you lose your balance slightly.
Time resumed as you saw Stephen rise into the air to speak with Wanda. He was probably trying to persuade her to turn around and give up. But only a fool would think that would be enough. Unfortunately, from where you are standing you can't hear their discussion. You can only see Wanda's face which seemed to have become gloomy, sad.
Then all of a sudden, she tilted her head gently, bringing back her little mischievous smile. Her evil aura took over. You had a gift for sensing these things. Her mind began to think so hard, hatred was filled in it. You soon realized that today you were not going to fight against one witch but against two. Wanda and The Scarlet Witch.
Suddenly Wanda violently attacked Strange with her powers. Rage through her eyes could be seen from where you were standing. However, the shield of magic you had prepared in advance protected him. It was supposed to be powerful enough to protect the entire temple from any attack. The way it shook in response to the witch’s constant attacks made you doubt it’s effectiveness. You needed much more to stop her.
« Strengthen the shield! » shouted Wong. As you predicted, the shield was not enough. You all concentrated in unison to combine your strength.
A grunt came from Wanda’s lips, she was getting impatient. Then…nothing. Calmness took it’s place. She stopped attacking. For a moment you thought she would give up. If only..
She could feel your powers from where she was, they called her. She stopped all movement to plunge her gaze into yours. You were there, among all those wizards trying to stop her.
Your big, frightened eyes, fixed on her, would cause the loss of this temple. She decided that you would be the one to ruin everything.
She focused on you, only on you. You were the only one who existed for her at that moment. And she was determined to get inside that little head of yours. « Fortify your mind! » was the only thing you heard before everything disappeared.
A strange feeling came over you, everything was a blur. Your vision seemed to drift. You were still in the same place, but you seemed to move. It was your mind, it was being dislocate. A parasite was trying to take control of your being, to get inside your head.
You suddenly felt a grip on both sides of your hips. A presence was behind you. It seemed to want to dominate your mind. And this indescribable smell invaded your nostrils. You were dying to smell more, it was addictive.
An evil aura was in your mind, it was filled with malice and lust. That’s when you realized that a demon was by your side. Wanda was right behind you, you could feel her lips against your ear whispering indecipherable incantations. One of her hand slowly began to move down the outside of your thigh and caressed it. With her other hand she moved your hair to gain access to your neck.
You couldn’t help but let yourself go. Her voice was so soft and she made you shiver with every exhale. The way her hands caressed you made you forget everything. « That’s it relax, let me into you », you could only concentrate on her Russian accent that sounded so good, her husky and soft-spoken voice, and especially in her hands that gently caressed you.
Your head felt so heavy. You had to push her away and as fast as possible but her presence was so appreciated by your body. An inner battle took place between your desire and your reason. You couldn’t let her into you.
« You’re going to do everything I tell you, okay? » she took your hands in hers and you couldn’t help but squeeze them as if you were about to fall into the void and she could save you.
« Use your words, answer me » she whispered in your ear and slowly brushed her lips over your neck. « Get out of my head » were the only words you managed to say. And all of a sudden you push her out of your mind. You don’t know how you had the mental strength to do it but you did.
You take over and open your eyes violently. The first thing you saw was her. Still on the air, she was staring at you, looking surprised and even annoyed. She didn’t like it when you pushed her away. A smile that you can’t control takes place on your lips. You felt proud and powerful, you had managed to repel such a powerful witch. You felt the previous passage of her lips still on your neck, giving you shivers in your lower stomach. You wiped your neck violently to try to detach yourself from the sensation.
The witch did not seem to appreciate your little victory, but she would soon put you in your place.
Upset, she turned sharply and fixed her gaze on another wizard. You couldn’t tell who, there were too many people. But no more than five seconds later, he took off running, giving Wanda the opportunity to cross the shield.
Chaos then took over. You all started to attack her under the orders of Wong. Strange had rushed into the temple to join the girl. Everything went so fast, you all realized how dangerous things were. Wanda was attacking one of the towers directly while deflecting each of the attacks that were thrown at her.
You absolutely had to protect the cannons that managed to do great damage to the witch. But Wanda received a big cannonball and by rage, she killed all the witches you had to defend. You are shocked at this vision of horror, their bodies propelling themselves to the ground and Wanda does not even take notice. She killed them without remorse. Cries of horror are heard from all sides. She doesn’t even take a break and attacks other wizards directly.
You are not used to seeing this kind of scene, which is why you felt so nauseous. You even had the impression that one of them was looking in your direction. You must avenge them! Caught up in the adrenaline, you were no longer afraid of anything.
It was time to use your powers to stop her. You concentrated on her and inflicted an immense pain that made her scream. She got up rather quickly and gave you a dark look, which could have killed you by itself. She started to walk with a sure and fast pace in your direction. You began to back away quickly while not letting go of her gaze. However, you were not alone. Wanda had not yet killed all the wizards. One of them managed to touch her and immobilize her with his powers. You took the opportunity to get inside her head and prevent her from using her organs properly. She couldn’t take in any more oxygen and was chocking to death.
You though you had succeeded but she got up with difficulty propelling everything nearby at the same time, including you.
A kind of red smoke appeared around your neck chocking you while you were still on the ground trying to soothe the pain caused by the fall. You felt yourself being lifted into the air, your hands being forced behind your back. You could not move « stupid girl » exclaimed Wanda. « Look what I’m going to do. You’re the one responsible for this! » she spat these words in your face. Her Russian accent became much more pronounced.
Wanda brutally and bloodily killed a group of wizards who were still down from the shock. You shouted, hoping that this would stop the witch from continuing. But this made her smile.
« Please! Stop! » Wanda strangled a young wizard to death. « You tried to kill me maliska! You almost hurted me ! » she answered with an ironic tone.
She killed the last remaining wizards, one by one, forcing you to watch. You tried with all your might to get out of your bonds but nothing could be done.
« The best for last » Wanda brought you back to her with her powers and let you fall to the ground. You let out a groan of pain.
« You know I’m still waiting for an apology for what you did to me earlier » she pulled you up by your hair, forcing you to look into her eyes. Her look was playful, she did it all for fun.
You spit in her face out of hatred. She had killed all your people. Even though you didn’t know them, it was still traumatic.
« What a bad girl. I’ll have to teach you some manners » she laid you down with force, your back meeting the stony ground hard. A groan of pain broke through the barrier of your lips. « I like that sound » smiled Wanda, now kneeling between your legs. You could hear her thoughts and they were so inappropriate.
You couldn’t do much being bound by her powers. « You are a monster! Leave me alone » you shouted, struggling as best you could.
« You’re the one trying to stop a mother from being reunited with her children » she pressed your head hard against the floor, you felt like it was going to explode.
« Stop please! I beg you! It hurts » you can’t do anything but beg her and hope she takes pity on you.
« So now you feel the pain you put me trough earlier. Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you ». She took again your head in her hands, she was practically lying on you. You thought it was your time, you were going to die here, unable to defend yourself. Your head smashed against the ground.
But in a last useless attempt, you pushed strongly your hips against her to try to move her. This caused the witch to release her grip. She glared at you « I’ m tired of you ». Still placed between your legs, she stood up lightly « let me think about a painful death. You made me waste too much time » she strangled you with all her strength. You recalled the movement that had allowed you to push her away. You only wanted someone to appear and save you but no one came.
« Do you do it on purpose detka ? » she asked you with a smile. You couldn’t answer, feeling the lack of oxygen. You could feel death taking you away. She released your neck just in time. You took a huge gulp of oxygen and then started coughing endlessly.
Wanda, on her side, took your legs and opened them more widely, placing her hips well against yours. She starts to move back and forth against you. You don’t realize it right away, too busy trying to stabilize your breathing. « Rule number one, when I try to get inside your little head you don’t push me away ». You were wearing thin pants that allowed you to feel all the friction.
You were so weak, you could barely move. « Will you let me do all the work maliska? » she asked as she took your hips in her hands and moved you against her. You wanted more, but you didn’t want the witch to notice. You try your best to control your moaning.
As if that wasn’t enough, Wanda started showering your neck with kisses. Fear of being caught dominated your desire, you pushed your head back and forth to try to push her away. « No please » you whispered not being able to use your voice properly.
Wanda stopped all movement. She remained fixed on you probably reading your thoughts. « No one will see us, look they are all dead » she stepped back slightly to let you contemplate all the dead bodies on the floor. You felt so disgusted to want her in such an inappropriate place and time.
« I bet you’re already all wet for me, come here so I can check ». You feel your hands being released from their grip and instead of using them to push her away, you don’t move. She pulled your pants off violently and plunged her hand into your underwear. « So wet » she smiles at you, you notice that darkness taking over in her eyes. She withdrew her hand too quickly, you wanted to feel that touch again.
She stops all movement and looks into your eyes. You have the impression that she has this power to freeze time. She intimidates you and you don’t even dare to breathe. Her gaze slowly settles on your lips and without you expecting it she kissed you violently. You can’t contain yourself and kiss her even harder.
You don’t know what is wrong with you but you can’t wait, you want her to touch you. So you take her hand and guide her once again into your panties. However, she doesn’t move, so to feel that friction against your clit, you start to move your hips while moaning softly.
She stops the kiss and watches carefully what you do without acting. She then slowly starts to circle against your clit, making you moan with relief.
« Let me do it » she whispers while sliding two fingers of her other hand into your mouth. Without even giving you any instructions you start to suck on them. She spreads your saliva on your clit « fuck » you already want much more when she had just started, you want her fingers deep inside you.
« please », you sound so desperate.
« what do you want? » she asked you while slowing down her movements. She was playing with you. You were her little game, her little break.
You groaned with discontent, still not being able to say what you wanted, you were ashamed. « Use your cute little mouth to tell me what you want or I’ll stop » she threatened. You could feel yourself getting wet at her touch.
« Please » was the only word you could pronounce. « You can do it baby. What do you want? » she was so sweet which threw you off even more. « Please, I want your fingers ». While continuing to play with your clit, she used her other hand to push two fingers into you. You were so wet that they slipped easily. « Was that so hard to say? ». You shook your head from side to side, her fingers felt so good inside you.
It goes too slowly, so you allow yourself to push your hips to speed up the movements. She gave you a dark look that made you stop immediately. However, it is quickly replaced by a small smile, she has an idea in mind and you are dying to know it. You try but you can’t get inside her head, probably because of your lack of concentration.
While gently fingering you, she uses her magic to make all your clothes disappear. You are completely naked in front of her. She leans in gently and kisses your chest.
« You are beautiful » you can feel that her evil aura has dissipated slightly, explaining this change in behavior.
She starts to suck on your nipple which makes you let out a long moan. You dip your hand in her hair and guide her to your other needy breast.
Her fingers go deeper and deeper into you and are less and less delicate. She starts to be quite rough. « Wait please can you » she stops you from finishing your sentence by pulling her fingers violently away from you and covering your mouth. You can feel her demonic aura returning and more present than ever. « Rule number two, you don’t try to get in my way, use your magic against me again and I’ll make you regret it ». You feel something quite big enter you. Your eyes widen in surprise. Wanda’s eyes are still on you, she opens her mouth slightly and frowns while slowly pushing her hips against you. You both moan at the same time. « Oh fuck » she moans.
You don’t have time to question the origin of the thing with which she penetrates you that she starts to go back and forth more and more quickly making you cry out in pain « stop wait! ». Your words do not cross the barrier of her hand still present against your mouth.
« Let me ruin that little pussy » she continues her movements and the pain finally gives way to pleasure. You feel a desire in you to explode, to come.
She whispers in your ear « you are such a whore, you get fucked in the middle of all these dead ». She slowly withdraws making you protest loudly « no please please, fuck me! ».
You finally saw the identity of what was penetrating you, a strap-on she had created with her magic. It was huge and a bloody red color. You were such a mess at that moment, ready to do anything to feel her strap deep inside of your pussy again. She began to rub your clit with her strap while kissing you deeply.
Your orgasm was still close. She then pushed two of her fingers deep inside you without you expecting it and started to fuck you at a crazy speed making you scream.
It was so violent that tears formed in the corner of your eyes. « Say my name » she ordered you and like the little whore you are you repeated it « Wanda, Wanda it’s Wanda! » your voice trembled. At the moment when you thought you were finally going to come. She withdrew her fingers and you began to cry in frustration, trying to move your hips against her strap. She began to strangle you violently, preventing you from breathing. Your orgasm was ruined.
« Listen to me, if you get in my way again I won’t hesitate to fuck you in front of Stephen and show him what a whore you are who wants to be fucked ». She let go of her grip around your neck and started to suck on her fingers while staring into your eyes.
Shame started to take over and you put your hands in front of your eyes hoping this was just a dream and you would wake up. You felt her lips against your cheek, she gave you a kiss and then her presence disappeared. A few seconds later you withdrew your hands and saw her enter the temple.
There you were, in the middle of all those dead people, in full view of anyone, completely naked. You felt so dirty, but you had to pull yourself together and help Stephen stop the witch ! What had just happened was an unfortunate event, which you had to erase from your memory.
You stood up and stripped a dead man naked to take his clothes. The guilt was already eating you up inside.
You ran into the temple to bring help..
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hello everyone, as your resident annoying spaniard currently playing pokemon scarlet and violet i wanted to make posts talking about references to my culture within the games!! i don't know how many of these i'll make but yeah, i'm just very excited about all of this, i've been playing pokemon since emerald and i've always wanted a region set in my country :)
i'll post all spoilers under the cut but i have yet to make a tag y'all can block (suggestions are welcome!)
the first obvious reference is of course the players house! even though from the outside it feels more latinamerican than iberian to me (gamefreak has fucked up in some extense regarding that, i'll talk about it don't worry), the inside is clearly spanish
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everything from the paintings resembling a flamenco dancer and manchego windmills to the mounted plates (my grandma has some very similar ones, they're always white and blue or white and red) to the tiling in the kitchen screams spanish. you can even feel the popcorn walls (funnily enough the walls in my house are also painted in red and white/beige).
the next references can be found in nemona's mansion in the form of paintings:
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the first painting mimics joaquín sorolla's style, while the second one does the same with joan miró. also, and i'm gonna say this a lot but i can't get over it... the floor tiling. it's literally that. i've seen that exact tiling irl.
this is a very obvious thing... but bocadillos / sandwiches lol
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specifically this scene, of your mum giving you a bocadillo to have as a snack, is something repeated every day in the country; school and high school kids normally pack a bocadillo (or other snack) to have in the playground at break.
the worker trainer class looks exactly as workers in spain do, same outfit!
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now we go with more obvious ones, food!!
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first pic: paella (not with the traditional ingredients but it's something i guess); the 'juice with fruit' thing is most likely just sangría; escalivada is a vegetable dish from eastern iberia; tortilla de patatas (my personal favourite spanish dish); and finally the last food probably references gambas al ajillo, prawn with garlic and paprika basically.
second pic: patatas bravas can be found everywhere in spain, mostly as tapas or appetizers, and they're incredible. alfajores are usually associated with latin america, but it's true that they're also prepared in southern spain, usually around christmas time. coffee is a must in any spanish bar, it is a coffee country and café con leche is loved throughout spain. about quesadillas... those are mexican. pokemon slipped up with that one.
third pic: coming from the city that's most associated with churros in the country (one of the inspirations for mesagoza lol) i'm so happy they are in the game!!!! i love them and can't wait to get them in december dipped with hot chocolate, as it's traditional (i believe what we call hot chocolate is hot cocoa in other places?) i'm sad that there's no porras tho, that would've been a cool addition.
i imagine there'll be more dishes in other parts of the region, and i can't wait to find them all!!!
this one's very neat, the mailboxes are exactly the same as in spain :)
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the academy classes look pretty similar to public high school classes, the distinct green desks and chairs are particularly noticeable
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i'm not sure how this will be adressed in the english version so maybe this only makes sense in the spanish one, but it seems that the academy students are divided into sciences and humanities/social sciences/arts, just like irl spanish high schools
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once again... floor tiles. the floor game in scarlet and violet is off the charts, the one in your character's room is one of the most common tile design in spain
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that's all for my first day playing the game!
here's next post btw !!
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joycew-art · 8 months
Someone asked what my process was to make the Rickbot comic, so I thought I'd make a separate post to show it. The process was kinda all over the place and spread over many months from December 2022 up till June 2023, so I'll try my best to make it understandable. And if you have any questions feel free to ask them!
The idea
So it all started with the idea of; What if Rickbot came back? And then the idea immediately made me think of two things;
How would Rickbot react?
Why is he brought back?
Which ended up with these two scenarios in my mind;
A. Rickbot awakens and he's not happy B. Rick tells the reason he's activated again
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These were the very first scenes that started it all.
So then the question became, how do I go from point A to point B?
I would take moments from the show as reference for how they would act in these scenarios. And I'd take inspiration from manga and other comics of how I wanted the dialogue to flow and what the comic layouts would look like. In this case I knew a lot of dialogue would be involved cause these guys talk a lot! But I also didn't want the panels to feel too crowded and rushed so I limited myself to the amount of dialogue per panel.
Right now I'm writing it down like it was very planned, but for me this was often a very subconscious thing I did. I just thought up scenarios while I was taking walks or daydreaming in the shower etc. And sometimes these very specific moments would pop up that I would write down or draw out later.
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I would make mini thumbnails of how I wanted the pages to go and write the dialogue next to it. At this point I'm mainly thinking of what I want characters to say and how I want the story to flow. Sometimes I make multiple versions of the same scenario to see how it flows better.
At times I even only write down dialogue and then make the thumbnails for them later. I have a tiny a6 sketchbook for little thumbnails and ideas like this. These were often moments were I didn't know where I wanted to take the comic yet, so I would separate the two to keep it more organized for myself.
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As you might have noticed, not everything is the same in the final comic. I always fine-tune or change stuff up as I go. Sometimes things don't flow as well as I thought they did or some dialogue feels awkward or unnecessary.
Once all the pages were planned and I have a good idea of how the story would go I opened a new Clip Studio Paint file and used the comic feature to set that up.
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I would then copy the thumbnails I made in the page files and exported a thumbnail draft of the whole comic and 'read' through it to see how it flowed.
After I was satisfied I finally started sketching the pages.
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Most of the pages stayed the same from the thumbnail, aside from some poses or expressions here and there. But I would also change up stuff I wasn't satisfied with.
For example, initially the Prime panel looked like the left one, but I didn't like how the pose flowed with the text balloons. There was a lot of empty space as well. So I decided to redo it to the one on the right.
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Even now for the final version I'm thinking of resizing Rick a bit more. These kind of changes just happen throughout the process.
The backgrounds
I knew the comic would only take place in the garage, so to save myself a lot of time I decided to make it in 3d.
First I decided to sketch out the four walls of the garage as planes;
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Then I imported those in Blender. I did some simple 3d modeling to get the basic shapes for the counters and the cabinet et voila! 3d sketch version of the garage!
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I know this is a very watered down explanation, but trying to explain how I did it would take a whole new tutorial. And there are many other ones out there that explain it much better than I could. I was lucky that I already have some Blender experience cause of past works I've done for school and stuff.
But if you got the time to delve into it I would recommend it! For this here you only need to know the basics. Also Blender is free to download :)
This has saved me a lotttt of time drawing the same backgrounds over and over again!
Lastly I did the cover. That one has also gone through multiple versions. I had a vague idea of what I wanted, but I wasn't happy with the execution so I redrew that one as well.
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So that's the whole process so far. I do I wanna continue the comic once I got the energy to work on it again. Gonna do some test pages first to see what kind of rendering I wanna go for. Not sure if'll be in black and white, color or a combo...we'll see.
I hope this helps! And if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask them.
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HIIIII. Could you write Pelle with a Scene/Emo S/O and he helps them pick out clothes at hot topic.and then it slowly transitions into smut (nf) -🐞🔥
Scene? Emo? Or everything?
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warning : smut, kissing, fluff, comfort
Info : Hi dear @weezinrnween hope you like it and thanks for the request :)
Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
The mall in the city was the only thing that still had something for the group. Apart from the music store, the liquor store and the one store where all the dark and nocturnal figures of the town in Norway hung out. Including the town's notorious band with its deadly singer.
The two of them were dating and both needed new clothes not only for a new festival where their friend's band was playing but also because all the other clothes stank of smoke and beer or were torn and somewhat unusable.
Which is why Mayhem had sent them by car to pick up new clothes. The two of them were a long way from the parking lot and the paradise called Hot Topic amused them both.
The blonde running after his girlfriend behind her make up and the colorful top that Enegry drink didn't particularly notice in the store, but they were both part of the scene as if no one minded. ,,Look at Invader Zim," the blonde mumbled, pointing to the jacket with little cat ears as his girlfriend made a happy noise.
She put the jacket on his arm where there were already five other pieces and the blond could only open his arms to be there for her. ,,Mega cute, but I need more, the concert is in a few days," she mumbled and continued through the stores, looking for pieces and throwing them to Dead, who in the meantime had given it some thought.
They were both tense as hell, the whole band was tense before every big gig, and yet he'd had a few thoughts and had come to the conclusion that some distraction was needed.
A distraction he knew they both needed. The evenings in the house he spent mostly with the band, it was she who watched their series or put on make-up to go out with her friends to a club and take new pictures.
Which is why he made up his mind when his favorite was seemingly done with the shopping and went to get dressed. ,,I'll be ready in a minute," she said and winked at him before pulling the curtain shut at the back of the store, where the blonde was leaning against the wall. The relationship between the two it was funny a metal head and a scene kid.
He knew they were a little different, they both maybe had a different taste in music, a different idea of music, but at the end of the day it was the differences and the similarities that brought them together. When they painted their fingernails together, teased their hair or simply laughed together. It was all perfect. 
He waited a few minutes, looking around a little before he simply scurried into her cubicle, her startled noise not escaping him. ,,What's the matter? Don't scare me like that," she said, but still had an affectionate look on her face under her striking make-up as she watched him in the mirror as he undid the lace of her top and began to kiss her back.
,,What's this?" she asked a little curiously, leaning into his touches as his hands pushed her skirt lightly down. His fingers played a little with the waistband of her underwear.
When he saw how she understood what he wanted and followed the lust in hers, it seemed to be clear to her too. ,,Both a little tense, I thought fun would help," he reminded her and she turned to him, wrapping her arms around him. ,,Well then... here we go," she winked and entangled her boyfriend in a kiss, letting his hands slide her skirt to the floor.
The two of them didn't really care that they were in a store and that they could have been discovered at any moment, but neither of them would have cared.
Her smirk told him that she probably knew he had been planning this for a few days, that he needed to let off some steam as much as she did.
That the environment they were in, where they had my chemical romance in the background while they were having fun here, was perhaps the most romantic they had ever been.
His hand that wasn't wandering over her center moved up her body, pushing up the shirt with the colorful prints to massage the breasts underneath.
,,So sensitive," he quipped, chuckling when he saw her move her head slightly away from his gaze. His tease had always gotten her a little but at the same moment a gasp escaped her as his fingers found the sensitive nerve spot and applied a little pressure.
Her squeezing of his thighs, of course, did not escape him and was rewarded with a rewarding kiss and the start of the massage of her breasts. ,,Such a good girl," he murmured, biting lightly into her neck, not hard enough to leave a mark but enough to make her moan.
Quiet enough not to be heard by the staff but loud enough to realize that something might be going on if you were standing right in front of the cabin. ,,Unfair," she murmured, giving him a playful warning look in the mirror as she stretched slightly against him, feeling him slowly hardening and his gaze also avoiding her through the rubbing.
,,Are you sure?" he replied and gave her another kiss while his fingers worked the fabric of her underwear, which was slowly forming a damp patch, letting him know that he was working wonders on her.
He continued to play with her breasts, lightly squeezing the sensitive nubs between his fingers. Her breathing increased and her squirming became more intense, knowing full well that her nipples were sensitive.
But that was exactly what he was aiming for, his lust could wait, he was having way too much fun to finally touch her again, knowing that they could be discovered at any time.
But when he looked in the mirror, he knew that the slight grin on her lips, the gleam in her eyes, was one of lust and excitement and fun.
Her wiggling grew worse as his fingers penetrated her, truly enveloped by her warmth. She first used her hand to cover the noises but he simply took them away and let go of her breasts for a moment.
Giving her a moment, a brief pause, a ,,I want to hear you" came from him, reminding her that in the end he was still the one she was sharing all this with. That they'd been like this before in this relationship.
The game of back and forth. He let go of her breasts for a few moments to take care of her sensitive nerves with his other fingers.
Her body pressed lightly back and forth, trying on the one hand to escape this sweet feeling and yet remain there. ,,Come on," the blonde mumbled, biting her neck lightly one last time, her moan slightly audible for a moment as the music in the store stopped.
His fingers from her wetness as he wiped them lightly on his pants, licking the rest clean and holding them in her wake, ,,Good sweety...I think we had our breather," he quipped and yet saw her agree with him under the strained slightly exhausted expression.
The two of them had finally found a moment together again in their favorite joint, Hot Topic.
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ambrossart · 1 year
Post Prom - “The Morning After”
Summary: A deleted scene from the epilogue of Dancing with Myself. This is unpolished and unedited. I just wanted to share it because I love Wayne. 🥺 Warnings: language Word count: 1,573
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Morning arrived a lot faster than you expected, the events of last night fading away like a pleasant dream. You woke up with a slight headache and smelled bacon sizzling on the stove. 
Oh no, you thought, and felt your stomach churn with dread. You sat up on your elbow, expecting to find yourself trapped inside the painted walls of your own bedroom. Instead, you found yourself staring right into the piercing eyes of a frightening, fleshless monster, grinning at you with a mouth full of teeth. A quiet laugh escaped you and you smiled back. It wasn’t a dream. You were in Eddie’s house, in his room, in his bed, wearing his Megadeth shirt. You looked down at it and blushed. Then you felt a warm weight next to you and your blush deepened.
Shyly, you peeked over your shoulder and saw Eddie lying on his side, snoring softly with his face half hidden behind his forearm. He was still wearing the chain on his wrist, but his rings were resting on the nightstand beside him, all but one. He must have forgotten to take that one off. 
A look of wonder consumed your face as you stared at him, your cheeks still burning with excitement. Admittedly, you felt a little silly getting all flustered over something as simple as this. Hours ago, you had this guy’s tongue in your mouth, but this—this totally innocent moment—had you blushing like a schoolgirl flipping through her anatomy book. 
Silly as it was, somehow waking up next to him felt more intimate than anything you did last night. Honestly, you weren’t sure you would ever get used to it. 
Outside, the clatter of dishes brought you crashing back to reality. You were in Eddie’s house, in his room, in his bed, wearing his Megadeth shirt… and his uncle was cooking breakfast for himself in the kitchen!
You slapped your hand over your mouth, smothering a yelp of panic. What were you supposed to do? How were you supposed to face him like this? Good morning, sir, I’m the floozy that went home with your nephew last night. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I drank your beer and made a mess of your kitchen. Also, I might’ve ruined your jacket.
Oh shit. Yeah, that definitely wasn’t an option. 
So now the only way out of this mess was through that porch door. It was well within reach, less than ten feet away. If you were really stealthy and really lucky, you could sneak out the door without him noticing you.
Quiet as a thief, as Elaria Quint, your old D&D character (who ironically enough was terrible at sneaking—yeah, her stats were absolute shit), you crept out of bed and searched for your clothes. You found your prom dress draped on the back of Eddie’s desk chair, but your shoes were nowhere to be found. Where had you taken off your shoes? You had them on when you left The Hideout. You had contemplated taking them off when you entered the house, but then you saw that Eddie had kept his on, so you left yours on too because you didn’t want to seem weird. Then they stayed on for most of the night even though they made your feet hurt, until… 
until things got a little heated and you two decided to move to the bedroom. Yeah, that’s when you had taken them off. You had tripped on your heels because you were a little tipsy from the beer (Wow, one can of beer made me tipsy. Damn, I’m such a lightweight), so you slipped them off and tossed them to the side, where they were now: 
on top of the washing machine, 
in the kitchen, 
where Wayne Munson was currently making himself breakfast. 
Fuck it, you thought. I’ll just go barefoot. Yeah, I’ll run out of here like Barney Rubble, I don’t give a shit. Yabba-dabba-no, fuck that, I’m not doing this right now. I’m not taking that walk of shame. No way!
You tip-toed to the door, took a deep breath, and poked your head out into the hallway. The coast was clear. The door was right there. A couple quick steps, a twist and a push, and you were out of there. 
You inched forward, stuck your hand out and… paused. 
What would Eddie think when he woke up and saw his bed empty? Would he think you left because you regretted staying? Would he think you were having second thoughts about him, about your relationship? Would he think you were being flighty and running away again?
He would. You knew he would. And it would absolutely break his heart. 
Oh shit, you thought. You couldn’t do that to him. Well, okay… This is how much I love you, Eddie. I’m taking the hit for you, just like in D&D. And you better save me when you wake up because I am not facing your uncle alone. 
You drew your hand back and—
“You don’t have to sneak around,” Wayne said from the kitchen. “I already know you’re there.” 
You sucked in a startled breath and felt your back straighten in surprise. 
“Oh,” you said. Well, great, I just had a moral debate for nothing. 
You shuffled down the hallway timidly while combing out your bedhair with your fingers. Eddie’s shirt went a little past your hips and his boxers stopped at the middle of your thighs. In hindsight, you should have changed back into your prom dress before leaving his room, but at this point, the jig was already up, wasn’t it? You could’ve been wearing a nun’s habit and he still would’ve made the same assumption about you. 
“Hi,” you said with a nervous tremble in your voice, “I’m Y/N…” 
“Hello,” Wayne replied with a deep drawl. He was standing in front of the counter in his work clothes, his eyes dull and tired. As soon as they met yours, you blurted out, “Nothing happened!” and he just nodded his head and grunted, “Mhm,” completely unfazed. 
“I noticed you’ve got a lot of mugs,” you said, gesturing toward them with your hand. “You must drink a lotta coffee.” 
“Mhm,” Wayne said, and raised his eyebrows knowingly. “Bit of a smartass, aren’t you?” 
“Only sometimes,” you said under your breath. 
Wayne’s eyes narrowed as you stepped closer. “I know you.” 
“I don’t think so,” you said. “Pretty sure I just have one of those faces.” 
“No, I do. You were yelling outside my house—pretty loud, too.” 
“Oh,” you said. “Yeah, that was me.” 
“You woke me up.” 
You cringed. “Yeah, sorry about that… Your nephew was being very stubborn.” 
“He does that,” Wayne said. Then he dropped his head and scratched the back of his neck for a few seconds. “Well, are ya hungry? I’ve got some bacon left, and I can cook you up some eggs, if you’d like.” 
Your face broke into a smile. “Sure.” 
“Have a seat,” Wayne said as he went to the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs. You sat down at the table and made yourself comfortable. 
No words were exchanged as Eddie’s uncle fried up some eggs on the hot plate. You sat in your chair and nibbled on crispy slices of bacon. Wayne had his back to you the whole time, letting the pan do the talking for him. The kitchen was silent apart from the quiet sizzle and crackling of hot butter, but not awkwardly so. In fact, it felt rather pleasant… homey, almost. You settled into it and let out a tiny, happy sigh. Then Wayne set down your plate, poured you a hot cup of coffee, and sat down across from you. 
“Thank you,” you said, and broke the sunny yolk with your fork. 
You were halfway through your breakfast when Eddie finally emerged from his bedroom, rubbing his face tiredly, his hair half as messy as yours. 
“G’morning,” he said to his uncle; then he looked at you and said it again, his tone warm and soft. He grabbed a slice of bacon off the table, swiped it through your egg yolk, and ate it while leaning against the counter. 
“I tried to call you last night,” Wayne said to him. “I wanted to see how your night went.”
Eddie’s eyes widened. “Oh…”  
“You told me to fuck off,” Wayne said, and you blew a huge bubble into your coffee and almost started choking. Wayne looked at you briefly, then went on talking: “Then I tried to call again and you unplugged the damn phone.” 
“Yeah,” Eddie said. “I"m very sorry.”
“Mhm,” Wayne said. “Don’t ever do that again, m'kay? What if there was an emergency?” 
You brought the coffee mug back to your lips, simpering. “So irresponsible, Eddie…” and he shot you a playful glare. 
“I take it you had a good night,” Wayne went on, looking at the both of you. 
“Yeah,” Eddie said with a small smile. “Yeah, it wasn’t half bad…” 
“Well, I’m glad,” Wayne said. Then he leaned back and folded his arms over his chest, took a single deep breath. “Now, would you care to explain how my jacket got so damn dirty?” 
You winced and shot Eddie a secret, pleading look. 
“Yes,” Eddie said. “Yes, I can explain everything…” 
As he turned to you, his lips curled into a loving yet vengeful smile. 
“She did it.” 
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epithetemporium · 1 month
Prison of Plastic but Lorelai hates everyone BUT Molly. Or I guess Prison of Plastic but she’s nice to Molly instead of Giovanni.
This is...actually really interesting. Lorelai is nice to Molly but nothing else changes
Molly essentially getting love bombed by her sister but she's still not helping
Lorelai not doing her chores, barely helping at the store, still spending all day in her bubble but as soon as she notices something is wrong or Molly is feeling sad she tries everything to lift her mood. Making little spells for her, barging into her room for some social time, trying to do what "sisters are supposed to do" and wanting to play with her. She's trying her best but she doesn't understand this won't fix anything. Lori is just painting over a wall full of cracks and mold and tries to forget all the problems but her being nice to her little sister won't help Molly work shifts at the store, missing school, having no free time and being neglected by their father. She tries to fill the social role but fails at everything else
She doesn't fall for Giovanni at all. Actually I doubt she'd even like him in this scenario. It's not just jealousy. Seeing Molly rather spend time with her friends already hurts Lorelai but Giovanni (or as he introduces himself "Vincent Murder") is something different. This isn't some kid from her class or something, this is an adult. While Giovanni has nothing but good intententions, it would make sense for Lori to be concerned her 12 year old sister is friends with a 19 year old who talks and dresses really weirdly....also there's currently some maybe dying man here as well (aka Rick) which isn't making this any better. I think every responsible older sibling would be somewhat disturbed to meet the "new friend" of your sister whom you never heard of they're 7 years older. Realising Giovanni fills out this "big brother" role for Molly and being someone responsible in her life only makes this worse. SHE is Molly's sibling. She's her damn sister! She can't she be enough? That's not fair! Lorelai is trying her best, really! She's being replaced as a playmate AND a family member
Lorelai being a sweet sister but nothing else changing is an interesting thought for an au. Essentially it's a different kind of abuse. Instead of neglect and cruel words Molly is showered by love from her sister, but nothing changes. Lorelai is nice and all but she still doesn't help and it hurts. It hurts to have people be kind to you and yet not being helped. Someone trying to make the frown of working all night disappear, but still not doing their shifts. It really would shift the weight of a lot of the emotional scenes and I really like that. Lorelai is attempting to put a band-aid on an open wound. It's just not enough
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all-hail-the-crows · 1 year
Maybe it's just because I've watched The Boy 11 times.... There's notice all the stuff that Brahms has in his room? (I went through this scene frame by frame)
A fridge, which means Brahms strong as hell, or the maintenance guys were very confused by the placement of his appliance
A mirror and sink, so he's probably not as stink and gross as y'all make him out to be (I just think he sweats a lot)
Microwave!! (I just think that's nice, sweet boy deserves his food warmed)
Several watches hanging for the ceiling
A violin and sheet music (I'm not the first to point this out)
It looks like he's got a little dry pantry, cans of soup, coffee?, pasta, something pickled and a box of what I think are crackers. So many cans of beans.
POTTED PLANTS!! I cannot emphasize this enough, he has living, almost flourishing, potted plants in his attic of a room. He's got to have a serious green thumb.. how are they alive? I can't even keep a succulent alive.
A keyboard piano
Sewing machine
At least six lamps
A star shaped light over his bed, string lights on the ceiling in no particular place
Fine, I'll acknowledge it: the greta doll
Little animal figures
A whole shelf of jars and a little drawer that looks like storage space, though I'm not sure for what
A step stool, as if his 6 foot 3 ass needs to be any taller (short man spite)
Several chairs piled high with books
A dresser, and it looks like he's got a few sets of extra clothes behind it
A segment of the famous painting: The Garden of Earthly Delights, which is about hell
Actually, he's got a lot of artwork on his walls, though it's too blurry to make out what it is
Little dolls and figurines plastered to his walls...
Stuffed owl, and a stuffed duck
What I'm fairly certain are bird cages, they are empty though
Whatever those harness things in the background are... Like.. what are they? What are they? I genuinely no idea but want to know
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This has been me trying to argue against the portrayal of Brahms as a pathetic sad sack. I mean he is, but he's also a capable guy and can take care of himself. He just hasn't had any healthy contact with another person in 20 years.
Anyway, I desperately want to get mercilessly railed by this man<3
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montydeservesamullet · 10 months
In defense of Montgomery Gator🐊
Yes im reposting this with new stuff because i can and because holy hell the gator deserves better.
Kindly asking you to stay civil if you decide to talk about this in the comments (i have seen some of y'all speaking about this and holy shit the name calling is just downright immature and rude)
So let's get into it:
Looking at the ruin scene it seems Bonnie was attacked at the bonnie bowl not in monty golf where he was last seen according to the missing report.
SECURITY REPORT - 12:24AM - Bonnie is seen leaving his green room in Rockstar Row heading East towards the atrium. 2:40AM - Bonnie enters the East Arcade. 4:12AM - Bonnie enters Monty Golf.
Unless of course someone moved the body from Monty golf to Bonnie bowl WHICH would definitely have been picked up by the cameras don’t you think.
And about the rug under Bonnie, it matches perfectly with the pattern of East Arcade too! not Gator Golf.
Not to mention the wall before Bonnie being messed up and the smashed bowling ball above his head, which again makes it seem like he was attacked there.
And about the green stuff around his chest, it doesn’t really look like paint? more like mould/dirt. (and monty doesn’t have green nails)
If Monty attacked Bonnie there literally wouldn’t be a mystery to it. It would definitely have happened where everyone and everything can see and there would be footage of it. The camera not capturing the said attack already says a lot that there is someone trying to hide the evidence for something which would not be needed if it was just between two animatronics.
It would definitely be mentioned in the game if the two animatronics had beef between them, or even with Freddy. There are reports everywhere in the pizzaplex, about pretty much everything even the most useless crap and you’re telling me that there isn’t any mention of the possible fighty fight between the two loved animatronics at all?.
If Monty wanted to be the main star of the show why would he go after Bonnie and not the main bear? Plus they’re robots. We don’t see the glamrocks attacking each other, expect when Roxy attacked Mimic (or generally the staff bots who are outside of the glamrock system.) I think Montys programming would prevent him from attacking the other glamrocks.
Also if Monty hated Bonnie he would have definitely destroyed everything and everyone in that said ride which would have reminded him of bonnie with his anger issues and all.
And about the ride, Freddy being the only one without the spotlight shining at him doesn’t honestly mean much. It’s just Fazbear entertainment pushing the narrative the same way they did in gator golf minigame, Freddy considers Monty as his friend which is such an important detail many seem to overlook. And yes the ride is obviously just the handiwork of Fazbear ent. to tell the story of why Bonnie left, but it does not, and i repeat, it does not prove that Monty done didly killed him.
Just to put in my two cents into the whole Monty hating Freddy thing, i personally don’t take it as canon because despite what we see in the minigame (Freddy literally being in a dumbster) Monty didn’t make the game. It was programmed by the fazbear ent. pushing more of the narrative of their rivalry or Monty possible being made to replace him (like just how quickly Vanessa for example was eager to put Monty as a front man when she noticed Freddy acting funky before slapping his shell on to a different endo)
But that being said i’m not against the theory either, it could definitely be true that Monty doesn’t like Freddy , and if we take the minigame as canon evidence, and again in the monty ride where freddy is the only one who doesn’t have a spotlight on him, i think we can safely assume that Montys feelings towards Bonnie are true as shown in the said ride. (even if Bonnie retiring thing was bull)
Why would Monty willingly use the same bass as Bonnie if he hated him. (He wouldn’t)
Monty gets his claws after Bonnie already was out of the band so he could play the bass, which he has NEVER used or reported to have hurt animatronics nor people, only using the said claws to do damage against gates for example. In all his jumpscares he bites the player, if Mr. Gator would previously have attacked people/Glamrock Bonnie with his claws don’t you think he’d use that method again if it has been proven effective.
MAINT LOG: MONTY - Montgomery's Claw upgrades allow him to play the bass. Following performances, he mostly uses them to cause damage. The fence repairs are getting costly.
His anger issues started only after he gets the said claws the staff literally has a report of it in the game. He has always been bit aggressive but not in like ”murder kill murder blood!!” way but in a generic stereotypical rockstar way, like smashing his bass and such. Keep in mind we only see Monty when he’s already in the hunt mode for Gregory and not how he actually is towards the kids.
Again throwing my two cents into the mix, anger issues are a major side effect of grief and he didn’t have the said issues UNTIL Bonnie died. It can be more than possible that Monty is in mourning too just as Freddy is.
Montys mystery mix has never been stated of being USED BY OR AFFECTED Monty himself just because it’s named after him doesn’t automatically mean he was slurping it down like a mad gator. It messed with chicas and only chicas programming because it’s pizza flavored, it’s green for the branding is my guess, not because it’s infected with a mysterious flavor that will make you go goo goo muck. (unless it has been stated then please do tell me with receipts. Saw someone mention the mystery mix for some reason so im including this here)
ERRANT BEHAVIOR REPORT - Chica's personality chip has always been a bit 'quirky', but the new Pizza Flavored Monty Mystery Mix Slushy Syrup has adverse effects on her programming. She has attacked patrons, employees and S.T.A.F.F. for it. It is recommended that Monty Mystery Mix should be recalled before we're inundated with lawsuits.
In the storyteller story when it ruins montys programming, it results on his violent rampages and eventually leads him be a shell of what he was, falling into depressive silences after the said rampages (this happens in the novel just wanted to point this out)
Monty frequently misses the main shows and prefers to stay above monty golf on the catwalks immediately debunking the ”wanting to be the best and stealing the spotlight” theory. He doesn’t like the limelight, the cameras are banned in gator golf hinting that he doesn’t like being photographed. Why would he kill someone for a spot he doesn’t even seem to enjoy? just food for thought
ERRANT BEHAVIOR REPORT - Monty didn't show up for the main stage performance again. We found him in the same place we always do, the catwalks over Monty Golf. We can't have a repeat of last month. Someone hit the hole in one and the hurricane bucket knocked him down. Both legs were broken and required emergency parts and service work.
NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY - Warning: No flash photography. Items will be confiscated and kept in Monty Golf security office.
As money hungry as the fazballs entertainment is, logically why would they ever keep an animatronic who is WAITING for a lawsuit to happen instead of fan favorite animatronic.
Unless the said fan favorite animatronic gave them a reason to get rid of him-
And just as a bonus i'm throwing in that the way Bonnie was destroyed (his limbs literally being torn from his body) which happens to be the exact same way the mimic kills his victims, is quite a coincidence. Which i KNOW very well that gets into a fist fight directly with the fact that mimic has supposedly been locked in the cellar for years and years.
At this point Monty is just doomed by the narrative and here i rest my case. (unless i find new evidence to support this)
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ystrike1 · 1 year
Averted Gaze R - By Rusena (8/10)
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I'm not sure if love is involved here at all. This is a painfully realistic horror story. Nothing happens until it's too late. Incest is a heavy topic, but it's handled ok in this case. The one sided attraction is presented as entirely creepy, and unwanted. The obsession also hints at a mystery, and I want answers.
Dahye has blond, wavy, frizzy hair. She constantly straightens it, but it is always slightly messy. She works in an ice cream parlor, and she's trying her best. Money is tight, but her parents are well off. She can live with them until she's ready to leave.
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Sexism is a pretty big issue in Korea. Daughters do not get treated like sons. Dahye has to do chores. Dawoon, her brother, does not. She feels suffocated, because Dawoon has always been the favorite.
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Dawoon is kind of horrible. His grades are shit. He's twenty and he dropped out of school. He has no goals in life whatsoever. He steals Dahye's wallet regularly, and he uses her money to buy gacha rolls. He doesn't have a life. He's the image of a failed son...but...
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His parents spoil him. She thinks it's creepy. She tries to be nice to her brother. She tries to care about him, but it's so hard. Every single chapter the situation gets stranger. Dahye has to vacuum, do laundry, and dust for everyone...including Dawoon.
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When she vacuums his room she notices a lot of issues. Big ones. Dawoon has been painting creepy faces on his bedroom walls. His parents seem to think he's interested in art...but...um...Dahye looks at his computer and sees something much worse. Her name. The word die. Rip. Tear. Slave. According to the notes she finds her brother wants to steal her, lock her up, use her, and kill her.
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The next scene is heartbreaking. Dahye tells her parents and they don't believe her. Dawoon tells a paper thin lie. He says he was reading a horror novel online. The victims name is similar to Dahye's. That's all. You're overreacting. She knows that's not true. The notes were not written like a novel, and she saw her name several times. He deletes them. The parents don't pressure him, and Dahye has to keep living like everything is normal.
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Dahye tells her best friend. Her best friend is...well...the best! She's supportive and she knows Dahye's home life is hard. She says Dahye has her full support, no matter what happens.
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Dawoon starts to get worse, because he knows he can get away with acting out now. He was caught red handed with hand written incest porn and his parents defended him. When Dahye speaks to him he lashes out, and he becomes even ruder than usual. Things escalate. Dawoons mother approaches him. She says she's worried about him. She wants him to stop playing games every day, so he pushes her. He shoves the mother that defended him to the ground, and she actually gets injured. She has to wear heat packs and visit the chiropractor...but still nothing happens.
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Auntie steps in. Auntie is the only adult with sense. She knows that Dawoon's mental health is in the toilet, because he doesn't go outside. Auntie thinks he should see a therapist and get a job. She wants his parents to shape up and act now, before it's too late. She tried to confront Dawoon, but he locked his door. Auntie peeked through his window, and she saw him...pleasuring himself...standing up near the wall covered in painted faces. That's not a good sign. He also didn't stop, even when their eyes locked. Auntie is extremely worried for Dahye. Dahye doesn't want to move out. She's not ready, but the situation is pretty dire. Auntie probably can't financially support Dahye, but she may have to find a couch to sleep on soon.
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Dahye hears Dowoon on the phone. Apparently, it's his girlfriend. He looks at Dahye, and he says he's disappointed.
If he didn't have a girlfriend he would totally (bang) her.
First of all I'm worried about this girlfriend.
Second of all Dahye needs to leave, now, but she's worried that Dowoon will attack her parents.
It seems like Dowoon got a girlfriend to replace his sister, for now, but he's getting bolder.
(My theory is pretty sad. Dahye might not be her parents daughter. She's the only one with blond hair, and that would explain why they're so obsessed with Dowoon. He's their "only" child. If that's not true life is just unfair, and Dahye has been taking shit her entire life just because she's not the favorite. Her parents are very cold to her most of the time. It sharply contrasts with the way they treat Dowoon. I'm curious, and I hope Dowoon doesn't win.)
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