#I also tweaked on his clothes' design i guess it looks okay
hauntingjasper · 4 months
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(Headcanon!) Do they know something he doesn't
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kairiscorner · 10 months
what are you... wearing? — hobie brown x reader
request: reader wearing the I ❤️ my bf shirt she wears it w pride too ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️ a/n: and ofc, a hobie ver bc why not (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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you and hobie had pretty opposing aesthetics--for while he usually wore darker colors and more punk-like, bolder clothing; while you were more of the calmer kind, the more pastel and soft kind of aesthetic. though the two of you would always earn unwanted and unsolicited stares from other people you two would pass by, neither of you cared, you two were in love, so what if they wanted to stare? hobie hadn't let that bother him before, he's used to getting stared at, but he was worried about you if you were okay and didn't feel too conscious about these nosy people's stares. you had told hobie before that the stares didn't bother you too much, though you wished other people could just mind their own business.
it had also happened before that people mistakenly thought hobie was your family member or a really close friend, never as your boyfriend. you've had many people approach you and ask you for your number, but you always declined because you already had hobie, but they didn't know that until you cleared it up. it secretly frustrates hobie that not everyone took you two seriously as a couple, hence, you found the perfect solution for that: the very shirt you were wearing with pride as you walked down the sidewalk with him, hand-in-hand. the shirt read: 'i💗 my boyfriend', with a picture of hobie's face in the heart. as other people stared at you two with mixed reactions, you and hobie both smiled widely at them--with hobie also wearing a shirt that read: 'i💗 my partner', with a goofy selfie of you in the heart.
the first time you showed hobie the shirt, he was surprised you put in the effort to put his face inside the heart, with a good picture of him, too. "wow, love, didn't... expect you to have to say it aloud. but y'know what, i love it, i love it more than i love it, if that makes any sense." he says with a flustered chuckle as you giggled with him bashfully. "y'know what, i can't let you hog all the fun." he says as he takes a blank shirt of his and pulls out some spray paints and newspaper clippings. hobie immediately got to work and began to put the same words on his shirt with a few tweaks, designs, and a lot of pictures of you, mainly silly ones you never wanted to upload on your social medias or show to your friends out of fear they might tease you for them, but ones you looked genuinely happy and most beautiful in.
once hobie was done and the paint and glue all dried, you smiled widely out of embarrassment and delight at how adorable the shirt he made that was very you-themed and you-centric; your little compliments had made hobie's smile widen and the fluster in his face get even more obvious as he spoke to you in broken stutters and kept chuckling as you kept giggling and looking up at him with a bright smile. fast forward to now, with you two walking hand-in-hand happily among a crowd of people passing you two by the sidewalks and streets--many of which were staring at you two and whispering, muttering under their breaths how they never would've guessed you two were a couple if not for the shirts--and just enjoying each other's comforting warmth and touch as you two can finally make it known: you're each ther's, nobody else's.
tags !! @k4tsu3 @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @toneystank-3000 @ii01vq @maxoloqy @popeheywardssecretgf @arachnoia @solecitoszn @conitagray
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magicalhideoutengineer · 10 months
You’re very specific with color choices for the costumes your characters wear, and have sometimes struggled to find a shade that will photograph in the right way. How did you end up with the specific shade for Newt Scamander’s blue coat, which he wears throughout the film?
The thing is, a lot of [Scamander’s] creatures had sort of luminescent color, and I wanted him to have a sense of being one with them, but not standing out, like he’s in some neon outfit in the middle of the street. I came to this blue with a lot of green in it, and it has a little bit of brown undertones. It’s an interesting blue because in different light, it photographs differently. I didn’t want it to pop too much, and I played with it a little bit.
It was a wool that I had in my sock, actually, that I dyed to get the color that I wanted, so it was a process to get the color right. Taking more yellow in, putting more yellow out. Little tweaks with it, but I finally got to a point to show it to the Davids—that would be [director] David Yates and [producer] David Heyman. Eddie [Redmayne] and I were all over it, we loved it, but we were like, “Well, I guess we’d better show it to them, because it’s a big commitment.
At first, they were like, “Whoa. It’s kind of a blue-themed coat.” I was like, “Yeah, but if you put it around black and navy and the colored coats—the grays and all the colors around it—it’s still going to work okay. It’s not going to be the only thing you see in the frame.” That was how it evolved and how it became what it is.
We played with the shape of it a lot, that coat, because Eddie squats down on his case a lot—does a lot of up and down movement—and he has a sideways gait to him that he evolved for Newt. It’s almost like an animal walk, in a way. I really wanted something that served him, too, and we did a lot of rehearsals with it to make sure it all worked for him, with his acting.
Certainly, one of the other standout pieces would be the dress and headpiece worn by Carmen Ejogo.
It’s funny. It was a funny show, in the sense that I find these weird things in my journeys for different jobs. Sometimes, they sit in my storage room for a very long time, and then all of a sudden, they have a place. I had this piece that was actually based on an Indonesian wedding crown, and I disassembled it and reassembled it in a different formation, but the elements in her crown were all disassembled from that.
She wears a turban the rest of the time, just to set her apart from people. I wanted her to have this sort of tribal beauty to her, but also feel powerful. The back of that’s kind of a turban, but the front’s a huge kind of garden crown, and it gave her scale. She was in quite a huge room for that shot…I mean, it added probably ten inches to her height. Not to mention the shoes I had on her, but just to give her a very vertical and powerful sense in a room of powerful people.
It suited her face. She has an exquisite kind of beauty to her face. Not everyone can plunk that on their head and look good. [Laughs]
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Don't you think it's just a bit racist to turn Mammon, a non-black POC, black and darkening Simeon, the one black characters skin to be darker? Especially on official artwork?(and no excuse about them being angels and demons so they're not *technically* any race, if that's the case then lightening Simeons skin is equally okay by that logic, which is obviously also terrible and racist and should also be called out when it happens).
Okay I guess this is a very debated topic but 1, none of them have confirmed races - just because they're pale doesn't mean they are white. They could be Asian - just like if they have darker skin doesn't automatically make them black. There is no canon race of the characters, we don't know their racial history.
But some of the characters EG: Diavolo, mammon and Simeon all obviously aren't white - it's clear from their skin alone that they are a person of colour. (and maybe even Barbatos)
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My example as this is human world clothes; no one else dresses like this (except for the Japanese culture event) and it is obviously has many references and design to east Asian clothing. So there could be an argument that barbatos is Asian which means, he isn't white.
I'm glad you acknowledge that turning a darker skinned chatacter white/pale is racist itself as we call that "white Washing" something that happens alot in fandoms and just racist artists.
An act someone does to make an obviously non white chatacter white because they believe it'll make them look more appealing and they wish to erease the characters culture and race for racist reasons.
But turning an already non white chatacter darker isn't racist. Now, forgive me - I am a white man who bases his opinions on non white voices on what is racist and what isn't. As I wouldn't know what it's like to have faced racism myself and doesn't understand or spot all the things that are engrained in our perspective and society because of my race.
So, by listening to these voices I have been told that making a chatacter black or POC isn't bad or racist. of course, not everyone will agree but most voices I hear are the ones that say it isn't racist.
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These are the posts you're referring to, my HC/redesign post. I got their skin tones from doing their skin colour and adding multiple - now for mammon there was a few tweaks with vibrance and changing the tone from red to orange.
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My headcanon's are that Simeon and mammon are both Indian with mammon being a black Indian. So I made them look how I HC them.
That is the whole point of these redesigns. Though, editing your HC on official artwork is common in multiple fandoms I have in so I don't really see the issue of editing official work because at the end of the day - your HC is just a HC and won't change canon.
But many people do racial HC as a way to show representation where there isn't any or add more diversity where it might be lacking. Or perhaps, to make your favourite character look like you because you can't find good rep in media.
Not all reputation is good reputation.
But on the topic of changing colour, here's some comparisons I've quickly done with official art and my edit.
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Not all of these skin tones match and even in a few its closer to my edit than the official art work I edited. Lighting does come into play of course but are these artists also racist because they've made Simeon, whilst his skin tone more vibrant, darker than his official sprite? Shouldn't you be posting about why this is 'racist'.
I also did comparisons with mammon but Tumblr has an image limit.
Also speaking about colour racism; what about Diavolo? In my edit I changed his skin to be darker but here's the thing, I was matching it to look like his demon form as the Devs are known to make Diavolo darker when demonic. Which is rooted in colourism.
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Obey me has this strange thing of have their colours closer in the grey scale than anything vibrant which is extremely noticeable in their darker skinned characters. But once again, another example of changing skin colours in official art done by hired artists.
Again, are you making posts about this? Are you calling out actual racism and colourism in game and in the community or are you just going into anon on random people's Tumblr posts trying to say their racist for making a chatacter darker?
I don't see how me making them darker is racist or is even comparable to making a character lighter/white. Because while they don't have canon ethnicities and races it's so obvious that there are characters who aren't white.
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Ladybug: A Young Avenger
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Hey Everyone, I got prompt for a civil war ML crossover fic but I was really into Team Iron Man on Ao3 for longest of times and, after endgame, I kind of need some team fluff. So I tweaked the prompt. It’s still team Iron man; just… not the way you’d expect. (Also did anyone know else know that Penny’s last name was Rolling?)
It took Tony Stark all of five minutes to figure out Ladybug’s identity.
“Jarvis, buddy?” Tony called out.
“Yes, sir?”
“What’s up with teenagers and being bug-themed heroes wearing inappropriate costumes?”
           The A.I took a moment before answering, “…I, for one, blame Vine.”
           Tony sighed. First fifteen-year-old Peter Parker aka Spiderman. He took the kid on an as an intern the second he learned about Spiderman. Now fifteen-year-old Marinette Dupain-Cheng aka Ladybug.
           He groaned.
What could he do? He needed help.
           Captain America needed to be stopped. The Winter Solider needed to be taken down. Team Cap had gone too far.
           It was war.
           Getting Harley Keener, a mechanical mastermind to agree to be his intern was a bit like chewing nails but Tony always knew the kit would agree. Getting Peter Parker, a child genius with a bright future as a scientist, to agree to be his intern was a piece of cake. Honestly Tony could’ve asked for the kid’s soul in repayment and Peter would’ve asked if he wanted on a silver plate or if plastic was okay? Getting Riri Williams, an engineering prodigy to be his intern, was easy. Too easy; her mom practically threw her at him, all while making him swear into a recorder that he wouldn’t sue. No matter what. Introducing the kids to his labs made him feel like Willie Wonka hand-delivering the golden tickets.
           They were all future scientists and engineers like Tony. They grew up worshiping at the altar of Stark Industries like ever future MIT graduate did.
           Marinette Dupain-Cheng, on the other hand, was an entirely different beast who played an entirely different game. She was a fashion prodigy who had designed for stars like Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. She had interned for Style Queen Audrey Bourgeois, had her clothes walk the runway during Paris fashion week, and had a summer job that somehow lasted over a year, working for Miranda Priestly, the editor-in-Chief for Runway Magazine when the scary woman took over Paris: Runaway. Said job ended when Miranda when back to New York. Marinette only prayed to the fashion gods. So when Tony Stark, god of the nerds, showed up at her door, she only blinked once.
           Said girl sat between her parents, with cool blue eyes glaring at him suspiciously. Luckily Tony was smart enough to bring Pepper with him.
           Pepper Potts smiled at the family in front of her; two bakers and the daughter, who made the most delicious macarons that she ever tasted. “So you see, after Tony came across Marinette’s wonderful re-design sketch of his suit on her website, he was very impressed with her talent.”
“But to take Marinette on as an intern?” Sabine asked. “Excuse me, but Marinette has always leaned towards the arts than science.”
           Tony gave the woman his best charming smile, “What is science if not another form of art. We both create, strive to better our talents, work to make names for ourselves; experiment and test out hypothesizes. Granted no one in my field ever created the disaster that was crocs.”
           Marinette narrowed her eyes, “Didn’t your father help on the Manhattan Project?”
           Pepper cleared on her throat. “Tom, Sabine, before anyone agrees to anything I’d like to go over safety procedures in place. Would you mind stepping outside with me, I could use a bit of fresh air.”
           Tony and Marinette just stared at each other as the three left the room. When the front door closed behind them, Marinette leaned forward, “What do you want?” Her patience had reached its end.
“Aren’t you being a little rude?” Tony smirked.
“Aren’t you a little old?” Marinette snapped back. “What do you want?”
“I want Ladybug’s help.”
           Marinette flinched back in shock. Her heart raced in her chest. “How do you know?”
“I’m Tony Stark,” He shrugged easily, picking up a mint chocolate Macron. “I know everything.”
           Marinette fought the fear racing through her, and steeled herself like Miranda and Audrey had taught her, “So Iron Man’s wanted Ladybug as an intern? So what does Iron Man get? What does Ladybug get? What does Tony get? And what does Marinette get?”
“You made clear distinctions,” Tony said approvingly, his business-side gearing up. “But I am Iron Man.” He said. “You come to New York for this spring break and for the summer. I get Ladybug’s help in handling a personal issue that has developed within the Avengers. Ladybug gets training from the Avengers. Marinette gets to add Stark Industries and a personal letter of recommendation from Tony Stark to her resume.”
“On the condition, that identities stay secret from the media,” Marinette crossed her arms. “I don’t suppose I can hide it from the rest Avengers for very long. And I get an additional letter of recommendation from Pepper Potts. Pepper takes my friend Chloe on as an intern; she’s the hero, Queen Bee. And only one who knows my identity, besides you. Also, I actually do get to help design your next suit. My expenses?”
           Tony smirk widened. The girl knew how to cover her bases. She even wanted to have an Ally with her should things take a turn. “All paid for by me. First-class all the way. You and Chloe will stay in the Stark Tower on the same floor as the other interns.”
“Other young superheroes, you mean?” Marinette guessed, causing Tony’s eyes to twinkle in joy. “Spiderman, Iron Heart, and WarIron. Based on their sizes, I had guessed they were young; teenagers probably. Why didn’t you ask Chat Noir too? Or why aren’t you? Because you’re not, you would’ve mentioned it by now?”
“You mean the Agreste kid?” Tony said, not noticing Marinette’s eyes widen in surprise. “He’s not serious enough for me. I play games but he goes too far. Surprised you haven’t dumped him yet. Get a better partner.”
           Marinette took a bit of a macron to get a moment to think. Adrien was Chat Noir. In retrospect, it made a lot of sense. Both were socially immature, and a bit naïve. Each had an idealistic view of things and didn’t let the real world break them of it. For example Adrien and his dealing with Lila’s lies. Chat Noir and Ladybug turning down his advances.
“Very well,” The bluenette finally agreed. “I agree to be your intern. Shall we discuss my salary now or later? Well, need to before I or my parents sign any contracts.”
           It was Tony’s turn to narrow his eyes. Not one; not a single one of his interns: Harley, Peter, or Riri ever asked about how much they’d get paid. They’d all assumed it was an unpaid internship and was surprised when their contracts included a salary. “You’re a shark.”
           Marinette hummed, “You should see me when there’s blood in the water.”
           That was something Tony was looking forward to seeing.
           The official paperwork was signed three days later; Marinette was officially a Stark intern. Due to go to Orientation for spring break in New York in a few weeks.
           Those weeks flew by. She let Fu know she’d have to go back and forth for a few weeks. She didn’t bother telling anyone else. Her friendships in the class had dwindled dramatically. While most weren’t her outright enemies, her classmates tended to avoid her. If they couldn’t do that, they were beyond cold to her. It was Lila’s doing. She got her hooks into the class, who all wanted to tie themselves to the golden goose, and when it was clear that Lila and Marinette didn’t like each other, they picked sides. They chose their meal ticket over their lifelong friend.
           Honestly, it made Marinette almost wish that Lila had lied about her instead; accused her of being a bully or something. Anything. Because at least then her ex-friends would have somewhat of a reason to be ex-friends. Even if it wasn’t a very good one. Instead, they were just bad friends all on their own.
           Still, Marinette didn’t mourn their loss as she sat in the back of the class with Chloe on a Sunny Tuesday morning, and they were living for New York that Friday. She had a steadily rising career in Fashion. She had worked under Miranda Priestly and Audrey. From them, she learned it was best to drop fair-weather friends and how to spot wannabes, fame-seekers, and gold-diggers from three miles away.
           She was happy with Chloe as her bestie. The girl had turned a new leaf and proven her loyalty to the point where Fu made her a permanent hero. And the Blond had been ecstatic when Pepper Potts had shown up at their door. She had hugged Marinette a full five minutes for getting her the internship. All while screaming with joy.
           Both girls were excited to go. Though Marinette did encounter one downside. The night before, Jagged Stone and Penny Rolling; or as Marinette deemed them #RollingStone, called her. Or rather Penny did the talking. Jagged was trying to wrestle his newest jacket away from Fang’s teeth. Penny offered Marinette a chance to spend her spring break traveling around on tour with Jagged, as his personal stylist. Marinette had no choice but to turn the job down. She loved her honorary Uncle Jagged but she already signed the contract.
           That morning Lila had spun another set of lies. The first was about helping Tony Stark fix his Iron man suit when she was traveling in America. The second was about the newest song Jagged Stone wrote about her. It was exhausting to listen to but the class hung on every word.
           Bustier had just finished her first lesson of the day when she invited Alya to stand up.
           The glasses-wearing girl grinned at the class, “So as everyone’s aware; there’s a class pool party is this Saturday; first day of spring break, baby!” The class cheered. “Everyone who’s invited should’ve gotten their invitation. Don’t want any drama,” She cast a cold look to the two girls at the back of the class. “Invite only. So no party crashers. Marinette, Chloe what are you doing this Saturday?” Alya smirked at her call out that the two girls weren’t invited; that they were the only ones who weren’t.
           As if on cue, the classroom’s door burst opened and in walked Tony Stark, followed by a very apologetic looking Pepper, “Marinette; it’s time to go! Grab Pepper’s minion and let’s go.”
           There were gasps from the class. Max sat up straight. Iron Man was in front of him, in his class, this was the best day of his life.
           Marinette just sighed, “Did you kick the door open, Tony?” Disapproval clear in her voice.
“I can’t go now!” Marinette explained. “I have class. We weren’t supposed to leave until Friday, remember.”
           Tony waved her off, “Details. Spring Break starts now. Queenie, Mari; chop-chop! New York is waiting!”
           Bustier decided to step in. She may not always be the best teacher but she refused to allow a strange man, even if that man was Tony Stark, to take away any of her students. “Mr. Stark, can I ask what you want Marinette and Chloe for?”
           Thankfully, it was Pepper that answered as she closed back the classroom door, “They have been employed as interns for Stark Industries. They’ll be attending orientation during their spring break at Stark Tower.”
Max actually fell out of his seat. Because this couldn’t be happening. Stark industries rarely ever took high schoolers’ as interns. Tony Stark only chose the best of the best. How could Marinette land the job?
“Marinette’s my intern,” Tony grinned. “Blondie’s Pepper’s. Who else is gonna teach her how to rule the world.”
           A slow smile spread across Chloe’s face, “With an iron fist.”
           Tony pointed at her, “You scare me. Pepper get your intern!”
           The other students were amazed. Marinette was Tony Stark’s intern. Chloe somehow got Pepper Pott's attention. What had they missed? Why didn’t Marinette tell them? How?
“That’s what we’ll be doing this Saturday, Alya,” Chloe drawled. “In New York, hanging with the Avengers.” Causing Alya to flush with anger. “We couldn’t come to your pool party even if we wanted to. Which we don’t.”
“He found my sketch of a potential Iron man suit design,” Marinette explained, continuing the story Tony had told her parents. “He loved it and offered me the job a few weeks ago.”
“Weeks?” Nino asked. “And you didn’t tell us? Dudette, not cool.”
           Alix nodded, her arms crossed, “Yeah I thought we were friends!”
           Marinette and Chloe just looked at them like they were stupid.
           Alya put her hands on her hips, “Mr. Stark, why didn’t you ask Lila Rossi to be your intern? She helped you with your suit before. She’d be much better than Marinette!”
           The girl in question face turned bright red, “This can’t be happening.” Lila muttered.
           Tony looked honestly confused, “Lila? Who’s Lila? No one ever helped me with my suit except the kids I already got as interns.” He looked at Pepper. “Do I know a Lila Rossi?”
           Pepper shook her head, and turned fierce eyes towards Lila, “Miss Rossi, please refrain from lying about Tony Stark and or Stark Industries. Or we will sue you on the grounds of defamation.”
           Lila squeaked. Sue? She couldn’t be sued. Her mother would kill her if she got a lawsuit from Tony Stark.
           It was the rest of the class’s turn to look confused.
           However, before anyone could ask any follow-up questions, the classroom door burst opened again. Jagged Stone strutted in, followed by a very apologetic look Penny and happy Fang with, what looked to be, the arm of a leather jacket.
“Marinette!” Jagged yelled. “What’s this about you not coming on tour? I need my favorite stylist, love.
Marinette just sighed, “Did you kick the door open, Jagged?” Disapproval clear in her voice.
           The bluenette just shook her head, “I have plans this Spring break. I’m sorry.”
“Plans?” Jagged whined. “What could be better spending your Spring Break with a Rock Star? You can even bring your Blonde. Penny could use an assistant!” He paused, finally noticing it wasn’t just kids. “The bloody hell is Tony Stark doing here?”
           The two famous men eyed each other. The women they came with just looked so done with the world.
           Tony crossed his arms, “I got custody of Marinette for Spring Break; you snooze, you lose.”
“What?!” Jagged hissed. “She’s my designer.”
“She’s my intern!”
           Jagged glared, “I knew her first. By rights, I get custody.”
“I have a contract that says otherwise!” Tony taunted the Rock Star. “Her future is Stark Industries.”
“Her future is Rock and Roll!” Jagged yelled back.
           Both men glared at each other.
           Both women groaned. How was this their lives? Why what was this their lives? What bus full of nuns and orphans did they rob in a past life?
           Penny smiled, “Marinette means the world to us. I’m her honorary Aunt Penny,” She held out her hand for Pepper. “Jagged’s her honorary Uncle. We’ve known her for years. Contracts were already signed?”
           Pepper nodded, “Tony doesn’t play when it comes to his interns. He won’t budge. Trust me; we’ve done this three other times. Marinette’s his kid now, all but legally.” For now, Pepper didn’t bother to add. Every now and then she found discovered a new set of adoption papers with one of the interns’ names on it; one time she found three sets for all three. Plus if Tony kept hinting any harder, May was going to gut him.  “She’ll be in New York for Spring break and all of the summer.”
“Summer!” Jagged whined. “He gets custody for summer too! No!” he shook his head. “Not happening. Call our lawyers, Penny. We’re going to family court!”
           Tony blew him a raspberry. Tony Stark blew Jagged Stone a raspberry. The class could only blink, trying to process what was happening.
           Marinette just wanted the earth to open up and swallow her.
“Marinette already designed your clothes for the tour,” Penny tried to placate. “They’re amazing. We can call and skype if we need any additional tips. We have a concert in New York over spring break so we can go and see.” They didn’t. But Penny would be damned if she could have one booked within the hour. Anything to stop jagged from mention family court again. “Most of our summer is free too, we can visit Marinette whenever we want.”
           Jagged huffed but didn’t say anything.
“Well not whenever you want,” Tony teased.
“Family court!” Jagged hissed.
“Tony!” Pepper said warningly. She was not going to let this going to court. No matter how lovely Marinette was. “Be nice.”
           Tony pouted.
           Marinette raised her hand, “You guys know that legally my parents still have custody of me, right?” There was no answer. “Right?!” Nothing.
           The bluenette just sighed.
           Alya took that moment to break in, “Jagged, don’t you want to say hi to Lila? She’s right here,” Alya pointed to her bestie. “Oh, can we listen to the songs you wrote for her? Can you tell us how she saved your cat from getting hit by a plane?”
           The look Lila gave Alya could’ve killed a thousand men.
           Jagged looked affronted, “Lila? Who’s Lila?” He looked at his fiancé. “Penny, do I know a Lila?”
“No!” Penny glared fiercely at Lila. “Jagged Stone has never written a song about an underage girl before. He has never owned a cat. What parents and airline would careless enough to allow a child to rush onto a runway for a pet? Refrain from spreading any further slander. Or we’ll hit you with a lawsuit so fast you’ll get whiplash.”
“I’m allergic to cats by the way,” Jagged told the class. “All fur actually. That’s why I got Fang here.” He pointed the crocodile who had made its way to Marinette for cuddles. “I’ve had him for twenty years. He’s the only pet I’ve had all that time.”
           Marinette rolled her eyes and took the crocodile in her lap.
“Twenty years?” Kim’s eyebrows furrowed. “Whoa, that’s long that we’ve been alive.”
           Nino glared at Lila, “Yeah it is.” He finally realized the girl was lying. Most of the class had in fact.
“Enough of this,” Tony waved. “Marinette, Chloe, time to go. Leave the dinosaur.”
           Bustier took a deep breath, “No one is taking Marinette or Chloe anywhere. Until I get a note from their parents verifying that is. I’m going to have to ask you all to leave.”
           Penny and Pepper nodded understandingly. Jagged and Tony just looked shocked.
“But I’m Tony Stark!”
“I’m Jagged Stone, love!”
           Bustier just rolled her eyes and shooed them out of her class. It took some handling, and eventually, the women had to drag the guys out. The teacher shut the door with a sigh of relief. She brushed off the imaginary dirt on her clothes. “Marinette,” She called. “If you could tell any future visitors to wait until after school to pick you up, with a note from your parents that would be most helpful.”
“Sorry,” Marinette blushed, a deep dark red.
           Bustier walked back to her desk before pausing. “Is that Crocodile still in my class, Marinette?”
“I think he’s here for the rest of the day,” Chloe shrugged. “Unless you want to invite Jagged back?”
           Bustier paused. No. Never again. “No. No. Fang can stay for the day.”
           When the lunch bell rang, Marinette found that it was easier to avoid her classmates' questions, as they were too busy yelling at Lila. It wasn’t long after that Ladybug had to take down Lila’s seventh akuma form.
           Marinette and Chloe left that night to New York. Somehow he managed to convince their parents that missing three days of school to study in the most advanced building in the world was a good thing.
           When they got to Stark Tower, they were given a quick tour. Then Pepper took Chloe to show her where she would be working. And Tony took Marinette the workshop where three other kids were already working.
           The oldest one glanced at her and snorted, “God he kidnapped another one.” He was the tallest in the room with dark brown hair and a smirk on his face.
           The other two snickered.
           Tony looked affronted, “Oh please; your parental units practically threw you at me.
The younger looking boy smirked, “Aunt May threatened to shank you next time you took me out of school early.” He had light brown hair and big brown eyes
           The genius pointed, “You tell Aunt Hottie to leave me alone.”
“HI, I’m Marinette!” She waved happily. “He keeps mentioning he has custody. And I’ve become moderately concerned.”
“And you should be,” The other girl in the room laughed. She was a pretty brown-skinned girl with black wild curls. “Name’s Riri.”
“Harley,” Said the first boy who spoke.
“Peter,” The other boy introduced.
           Marinette nodded and eyes them, “WarIron,” The pointed at Harley. “Iron Heart,” Then at Riri. “Spiderman, right?” She pointed at Peter.
           The three looked at Tony with questions in their eyes. Tony raised in hands in surrender, “Hey, I told her nothing.”
           Harley eyed the new girl, “You’re from Paris, right?” She nodded. “Ladybug, I’m guessing.”  Marinette blushed. “Welcome to the Young Avengers, I guess. Why’d he bring you in?”
           Marinette shrugged, “He said to there was a personal problem happening with the Avengers. He wanted my help.”
           The teen froze. Peter just shook his head, “You didn’t, Tony!”
Tony looked sheepish.
“What?” Marinette asked.
           Riri rolled her eyes, “That personal problem? It’s called ManHunt.”
“I’m sorry?” Marinette asked. She was going to have to hunt a man?
“It’s a game,” Harley explained. “Team Iron Man versus team Cap. One team hunts the other in a sort of hide and seek type of thing and tries to capture as many members as they can. Last time we played it, Team Cap crushed Team Iron man. It’s why Tony brought us all in. Revenge.”
           Said Man didn’t look one bit ashamed, “Rules were since Thor and the Big guy are gone I can bring in whoever I want to replace them.”
           Marinette tossed up her hands, “You brought me here to play a game?” Unbelievable.
“No,” Tony said. “I brought you here to take out the Winter Soldier.”
“Say what now?”
“Welcome to orientation,” Was All Tony said to her question.
           The kids trained together for a week; Chloe, a girl named MJ who was Pepper’s other interns, and a boy named Ned who was a tech intern, were brought in as well. When it turned out that Kagami was in New York City for a fencing tournament. Tony was happy to bring in the scary girl as well. (And somehow get her mother to agree to let her stay for Spring Break) He made practice stealth and learn hand signals. Tony drilled them on the Team Cap’s strengths and weaknesses. They reviewed videos of previous missions until they had everyone’s fighting style memorized. Tony went over body anatomy aka where the best place to hit them was. They memorized plans and scenarios to take out each specific member of Team Cap.
           The teens spent a lot of time in the lab creating gadgets to use against the Avengers. Each one straight out of a spy movie.
           As far as Tony was concerned this was War. And there would be no prisoners.
Team Cap consisted of Captain America, The Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, The Falcon, Antman, along with several Shield employees which included Fury, Melinda May, and Coulson.
           Team Iron man consisted of Ironman, War Machine, Vision, Maria Hill, The Wasp, Quicksilver, Daisy Johnson, and a bunch of names Stark employees: I.E the interns. (Black Panther refused to participate. Though he and sister would watch from Wakanda.)
           Each team had a total of thirty players; no more, no less.
           The game would take place at the compound. Anything area within the compound legal territory was free to use. The living room would be home base and were all ‘out’ people had to stay. Until they were freed. Or until every member of the hiding team was captured and then it was Game Over. Everyone could communicate with their own team using special mics; normally only taken out for missions. However, those imprisoned in the home base couldn’t communicate with their team.
           On Saturday, just before sunset; the main superheroes of the avengers met up. Tony facing Steve. Rhodey glaring at Bucky. Vision versus Wanda. Hawkeye to QuickSilver. The wasp against Ant-Man and the Falcon.
           Steve smiled, “Tony.”
“You ready for war, Cap?” Tony asked.
“Training exercise,” Steve corrected his husband. “I trust your team is ready.”
           Tony smirked, “Oh you have no idea. Your little spies are already hiding in the shadows.”
“Like your team isn’t?”
           The alarm went off.
           Tony suited up, “You have 1000 seconds, Steve.” His helmet shut. “I’d get running.”
           Steve rolled his eyes. His team split up, running into the growing shadows.
           The game had started.
           Marinette waited, hiding in the shadows on the roof. Her ladybug costume was all back with little red polka dots; mostly easy to move around body armor. This wasn’t her actually Ladybug suit; Tikki, while willing to create a new suit design, decided it wasn’t a good idea to involve magic. So Marinette designed herself a new suit, and Tony help her trick it out.
Tony had pointed out the all-good hiding spots located in the Compound. She was the overly large landing pad. She forced herself to stay completely still. Even when she saw the Falcon take flight with WarIron right on his tail.
           The smallest of moments caught on the corner of her eye, the glint of metal. An arrow, she realized. She smiled. Hawkeye.
           She watched the man take stock of the room, looking in every possible place a person could hide. Unfortunately for him, Marinette had a bit of luck on her side.
“All clear on the roof, Cap,” Clint said into his mic. “I’ll keep a lookout from up here.” There was silence as he listened to Cap’s orders. “Okay. Will do. Stay invisible, got it. Over and out.”
           The second the conversation had ended, Marinette through a smoke bomb at his feet. Before Clint could even finish saying, “What the he-” Marinette was on the attack. Using the smoke to her advantage, she swung her yo-yo at Hawkeye’s feet. The String wrapped around his legs, tripping him. Five seconds later, Hawkeye was hogtied on the ground.
Marinette touched her mic, “Tweety Bird down. Bringing him to home base now!”
“Copy that, Ladybug,” Tony said. “Be careful.”
           Clint looked up at his assailant; expecting to see Tony or the Wasp, any avenger. Instead what he saw, was a teen girl with a scary blue-eyed glare on his face, “Who are you?”
           Marinette leaned down, “Your reckoning.” She hissed.
“What the fuck!” He said as he was thrown over the girl’s shoulder and carried to home base.
           When Marinette got to home base, she saw Harley putting a rather put out Falcon on the ground, Spiderman with five webbed up shield agents, Chloe had brought in two, Kagami and Riri brought in six. MJ and Ned both brought in one random shield agent. Marinette tossed Hawkeye on the couch.
           It had been twenty minutes, Clint knew by the clock on the wall. Twenty minutes since sunset and the game had started. And they had already lost just over half their team to a bunch of teenagers.
Clint couldn’t help but wonder what the hell had Tony unleashed on them.
“Foghorn Leghorn secure,” Harley said into his mic. “Tweety in his cage. The shadows are all accounted for.”
“I’m Tweety,” Clint told Sam.
           Sam paused. “…Am I Foghorn Leghorn?”
“Wasp and Vision on their way with The Blue Fairy,” Tony’s voice rang their ears. “They’ll play guard dog. QuickSilver is down; Miss Tuffit got him. Seven minions gone; Captain Hook and his jolly crew got them. Over and out.”
“Queen Bee, MJ, guard the Home base until they get here,” Harley ordered. “Guy in the chair, Mj, back on monitor duty. Fulfill mission Top hat ASAP.” They nodded and left the room.
           Top hat was important. The two were trying to hack into Team Cap’s communications, once they did; it was game over.
“The rest of you complete the assignment,” He told them.
           Then all split up again. Vision and Wasp arrived with Scarlet witch just as they were leaving. All three avengers gave the kids confused looks as they left.
           It would take Marinette another hour before she came across another member of Team Cap. And she didn’t so much as come across, as she did respond to Peter’s cry for help.
“Captain Sparkles!” Peter yelled in their earpiece. “Training yard. I’m trying to hold hi-No I won’t give you back your shield! Hurry! Over!”
“I’m around the corner,” Marinette hissed into the mic as she ran for the yard. When she arrived it was just in time to catch the shield that was flying at her face.
           She held the shield tightly in her hand, feeling like Wonder Woman, as she stared down Captain America.
           Steve looked at the young girl who had joined the fight, “My shield, miss?” He was aware that Spiderman had landed behind him.
           Marinette smiled sweet. Then she launched the shield at him with such brute force, he was lifted off his feet. “The Name’s Ladybug.”
Steve didn’t catch the shield in time and it bounced back to Spiderman.
           Captain America glared at the two teenagers.
           Then the fight was on.
           Spiderman hits Steve with his shield, distracting him. The shield falling to the ground. Ladybug barges Captain America backwards. Steve shoulders her to the floor. Marinette lands on the ground; pain flaring across her shoulder. Spiderman punches Steve who just lifts him and slams him against the ground. Spiderman raises a fist but Steve twists it. A web shoots out of his hand, the sound of a small explosion fills the training yard.
           Marinette takes the distraction to trip Captain America and jump up. As Steve falls to the ground, Marinette uses the electro-shooters that Riri made and shocks the dear life out of him. It wasn’t enough to bring him down but then Peter added in his own shocking web-shooters.
           Yet Steve still looked ready for another round of their fight. Marinette quickly picked up the shield and slammed it across his head. Steve Rogers fell forward in a slump.
           Spiderman webbed up with quick-drying cement.
           Both teens breathed heavily; struggling to catch their breath, tense from the fight. Marinette could even find it in herself to unclench the shield.
“Captain Sparkles is down, over,” Marinette said into the Mic.
“We’re bringing him in, over,” Spiderman added.
           There was a moment of silence.
“…What the fuck?” They heard War Machine say.
           When Marinette walked in with the shield in one hand and helping Spiderman carry Cap with the other, the avengers present quietly lost their shit. Kagami nodded, where she stood over Fury who looked more pissed than ever before in his entire life. Chloe stood over Coulson, who just looked put out. MJ and Ned looked overly pleased. Their mission had been a success but it only lasted long enough to get Fury and Coulson. After that, Team Cap was smart enough to ditch the communications, figuring something was up.
“Who’s left?” Spiderman asked in the Mic. “Over.”
“Stoneheart,” Kagami answered bitterly, referring to Melinda May, into the Mic so the team could hear them. “She took out Daisy and got away. Hill is after her now.”
“Jon Snow and Miss Tuffit,” Chloe said referring to the Winter Soldier and Black Widow. “Iron Man and WarIron are after Small fry. War Machine has eyes on Miss Tuffet.”
“I’m closing in on Miss Tuffit, over.” War Machine said.
           Marinette looked at her team, pressing on her mic, “Guy in Chair, Mj, I want you on Stoneheart’s tail. Spiderman go be back up for the War Machine. Iron Heart, meet me on the Location 12. Over.”
“What are you going to do, over?” Harley asked.
           Marinette clenched the shield in her hands, “I’m going to go tell Jon Snow that Winter Is Over. Queen and Dragon with me. Over.”
           The battle with the Winter Soldier was epic. The showdown happened in the gym. It turned out they weren’t hunting for the Winter Soldier, the Winter soldier was hunting for them. The second they walked into the gym, the doors closed behind them.
           Bucky jumped down from the rafters. He stared at the girls. He had seen them fight. None of them fought with any ounce mercy but plenty of skill. But they were clearly just kids. Just Dames in over their heads. He’d go easy on them. “Shall we, Ladies?”
           Ladybug, Queen Bee, Iron Heart, and Dragon shared a look before giggling.
           The Winter Soldier only just barely stood a chance.
           The girls laid Bucky gently on the floor on home base. He grunted and glared at them.
           A few minutes later, Tony and Rhodey walked in with the Black Widow. The last of Team Cap.
           Tony smirked, “Game over.”
           Rhodey shook his head, “Record time; two hours and four-two minutes. Beats the last one by about seven hours and sixteen minutes.”
           Then they debriefed. Video of the fights and footage was seemed was shown so everyone could see where they could improve. The image of tiny Ladybug clocking Captain America in their head with his own shield was rewinded and watched seven times.
           Tony fell over laughing, “I’m putting on Youtube!”
“I will divorce you!” Steve snapped but couldn’t fight the smile on his face.
           Once The random agents of shield and Stark industries left, Steve glared at Tony. His team had gotten demolished. In record time. “You brought in outside heroes, that’s not fair.”
“No,” Tony laughed. “I brought employees of Stark Industries as agreed upon. Everyone meet WarIron,” Harley lowered his helmet. “Iron Heart,” Riri lowered his, “You know Spiderman already,” Peter took of his mask and waved. “MJ, and Ned” Both teens nodded. “Ladybug,” Marinette took off her mask. “Queen Bee,” Chloe glared as she removed hers. “Dragon!” Kagami took off her black mask. “The interns. Otherwise known as the Young Avengers.”
“Oh, fuck you too Stark,” Clint complained. “Did you see what they did to poor Bucky. He’s the deadliest assassin in history, and I felt they went a little rough.”
           Bucky nodded with a wince, “Can I have my arm back.”
           Steve looked at the bluenette still holding his shield, with a charming smile.
Kagami glared. She held the metal arm like trophy. “Spoils of War.”
           Marinette giggled.
           Being a intern was going to be fun.    
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19red · 3 years
hello, this is me trying to strong-arm my brain into stopping the constant tweaking and re-tweaking of the same stinking 3k so I can write on and get to the good parts of this project namely p and j having all the sex thank you very much
The day after Patrick and Jonny bang a chick together, Patrick wakes to the weight of an alien limb squashing his bladder. The alien limb belongs to a furnace-hot, tentacular mass plastered all along his back. The mass smells oddly familiar, kind of citrusy—as if it stole Jonny’s body wash.
Patrick squints his eyes open. A blade of sunlight filters through the half-drawn curtains and stabs him in the face. Right under the window, Jonny’s suitcase dribbles clothes onto the floor.
It shouldn’t be hard to put two and two together, but Patrick’s really dumb first thing in the morning. Plus, he needs to pee. Bad. Which is pretty distracting.
He paws at the tentacle swung over his waist, fingers catching on—a beaded string. Did the alien mass steal Jonny’s bracelet too? Patrick struggles to lift his head. He wants to see.
The alien mass stole Jonny’s whole arm. What--?
A growl spills in a damp, ticklish huff into the crook of Patrick’s neck as the mass coils itself closer. Something hard pokes Patrick’s ass. His nostrils fill with a waft of scent his hindbrain understands as so viscerally Jonny that recognition smacks him dizzy.
The mass is Jonny. Last night, he and Patrick banged a chick together. That thing wedged between them, growing firmer by the second? That thing is Jonny’s—
Patrick’s heart plummets straight to his dick.
It’s okay. It’s whatever. Patrick isn’t gonna freak over a physiological response. Bodies are also really dumb first thing in the morning.
“Jonny,” he says, wriggling to catch Jonny’s attention. Jonny has always been his go-to guy in a crisis. Except, in this instance, he is also the crisis itself. Jonny’s hips buck forward once, twice—Patrick stops breathing for the handful of seconds it takes Jonny’s sleep-drenched, horny-ass body to lose interest and stutter back into relative stillness.
Fuck, Patrick thinks. Visions of impending awkwardness swarm his brain. If Jonny were to wake up right now, full-mast boner pressed to Patrick’s ass, and discover the tent pitched in the front of Patrick’s sweats, he might rush to conclusions. Their ability to make direct eye contact would definitely endure permanent damage. They’d have to restructure their life with the aim of reciprocal avoidance. Patrick would have to request a trade. Jonny would probably drop out of the NHL. He’d forsake hockey and society at large and end up trampled to death by a giant moose while he hides from Patrick in the Canadian wilderness.
Fuck, Patrick thinks again. When a whole minute drips away and Jonny doesn’t stir, he thanks the hockey gods. With very little, very slow movements, he dislodges the arm pinning him to the mattress. By the times he’s free, the light slanting in from the window changed the angle of its assault to his pupils. Still careful, he slides the covers off himself, sits up, swings his legs off the bed. His feet land on the floor just as a variation in the pattern of Jonny’s breathing alerts him it’s all been for nothing. Jonny is awake. Or, like, as close to awake as Jonny manages to be coffee-free and before noon. Which is not much, thank fuck.
“It’s early,” Patrick reassures him. Jonny gets real pissy when he doesn’t get his full eight hours. Patrick doesn’t want to get stuck with Captain seriously cranky and his legitimately lethal death glare on the flight back to Chicago.
Jonny hums, lids fluttering open and back closed immediately, dark lashes kissing the top of his cheekbones. Patrick expects him to just roll over and sink back deep into snoring, the man is easy like that, instead he plumps an arm over the empty space next to him and mumbles, “Come back,” so low Patrick feels the vibration of it in his belly more than with his ears. Jonny must think Patrick’s some chick, maybe his ex or the one from last night.
“Dude,” Patrick chuckles to clear his throat. This is prime chirp material. Jonny’s such a clingy loser. “It’s just me.”
The side of Jonny’s mouth that isn’t squashed into the pillow tugs up in a smile, then his eyes tremble open, searching the space in front of them for Patrick’s, as if he knew where to find him, as if he weren’t surprised. It’s a bit like being punched but with weird, devastating gentleness. Patrick’s left breathless and dazed, a slow ache spreading below his ribs. “Sorry,” he says, legs moving on their own accord. “Sorry, gotta piss.”
Jonny flops onto his belly and sprawls across Patrick’s side of the bed. With a sigh, he hugs Patrick’s pillow to his face. “Be quick,” he whines—or maybe not. It’s muffled and Patrick is already halfway out the door so he can’t be sure. It doesn’t really matter.
“Where’s Tazer?” Duncs asks in lieu of good morning when Patrick shows up at breakfast almost two hours later, no captain in tow.
Patrick chomps on a hunk of strawberry toast and shrugs. Contrary to popular belief, no clause in his contract bids him constant awareness of Jonny’s whereabouts.
Duncs squints, clearly feeling entitled to a degree of eloquence involving efforts of the verbal variety and resenting their lack.
“Don’t tell me he’s sick,” Shawzy says.
The legs of Stromer’s chair screech against the floor as he scoots away from Patrick. He ends up almost in Brinsky’s lap. “It better not be catching.”
“Oh my god,” Patrick puffs the words fat with annoyance. “He’s sleeping. I mean, I guess he...” He is for sure. No chance Jonny is still waiting. If Patrick barged back into his room right now, Jonny would laugh, would tell him to stop trying to make things weird. Patrick knows this rationally. Yet some spiked grip squeezes his insides with the same vicious strength of an anaconda trying to crush itself a snack.
People can’t die from upset conscience, can they? Especially not if the upset is unquestionably misplaced, right?
“I mean,” Patrick snaps after a second, “the fuck do I know.”
Duncs eyebrows shoot halfway across his forehead.
“Whoa,” Stromer gasps.
“Wait,” Shawzy says. “Are mum and dad fighting?”
Patrick grinds his molars. Everyone’s so fucking pressed. It’s not like Jonny is a regular at team breakfasts. In fact, unless attendance is mandatory, Jonny prefers to limit the number of people upon which he inflicts the ghastly spectacle of his slow de-zombification to a minimum.
Patrick casts his mind back to the last time the two of them didn’t resort to room-service during game trips. He dredges up both no recollection of that happening in years and the stomach-sinking hunch that maybe this is weird. Maybe he should have gone back. Maybe that would have been the normal thing to do.  
“Shut up,” he says, to the voice in his head and everyone else. He grabs a pitcher of coffee and fills his cup until it brims. “Don’t talk to me. I’m waking up.”
“He’s rubbed off on you,” Shawzy appraises.
He’s more right than he’d probably care to know—nope. Patrick yanks his thoughts away before they can trip over that precipice and splat into the phantom embrace of Jonny’s body and its heft, its warmth, its neediness.
“Shut up,” he repeats, and with big emphatic motions designed to put a period on the conversation, he whips out his phone. He trusts the mindless scrolling will work its time-warping, mind-numbing magic and when he’ll look up next, all the weird will have been purged from this day.
Between sips of coffee, he pores through the stats for the last game, skims the emails in his inbox and rage-reads a review trashing the new Twilight book. He considers sending the link to Erica so he can vent about the snobby assholes who think they’re smarter than everyone else just because all the books they read are boring as fuck, but she’s probably at work already. He scrolls through his contacts. The one of the chick from last night jumps out. Her name’s Chelsea, which is pretty lucky. She was hot, Patrick recons, and thinking that feels normal. Feels safe. Feels like something Patrick would love to feel more of, thank you very much.
Hi, he types, riding the spur of the moment. This is Patrick from last night.
Stupid and risky, his inner Jonny warns. Never give your number to one night stands. Patrick ignores him and for the sake of clarity and glory, adds, The one who made you see god with his tongue.
“Look who’s joining us,” Shawzy’s voice announces just then.
Patrick’s gaze springs up, landing squarely across Jonny’s chest. Patrick knows it’s Jonny’s chest even though he doesn’t let his gaze climb up to the face attached to it for confirmation. The chest is sailing across the breakfast hall toward Patrick. Well, not toward Patrick specifically. Toward Patrick and the rest of the guys.
“Morning,” Jonny mumbles, dropping his scrambled eggs on the table and his ass between Seabs and Crow.
Patrick’s phone chimes.
well hello patrick 😜
“Slept well?” Shawzy probes, feigning innocence. Patrick’s hackles rise.
“I guess,” Jonny says.
Patrick allows himself another quick glance. Jonny looks good, which means like his usual self, which means nothing like a dude who went through the transformative experience of witnessing his best friend o-face.  It’s kind of annoying, actually. Patrick’s nerves are all fried. He’s half-convinced in the right light anybody could look at him and simply—tell. Patrick Kane got off with another dude in the room and enjoyed it. For a blink he’s fourteen and trying to fight a guy almost double his size who called him a cocksucker, that slammed him against the boards and told him not to bother standing up since everyone knows he does his best work from his knees.
His phone chimes again.
“Tell me the truth.”
totally hit me up again next time ur back here
Patrick’s heart rate spikes. Would Jonny even be up for it?
Won’t be for the rest of the season :(, he types.
Maybe things feel weird because threeways are a novelty, maybe they just have to work up an immunity. People have threeways all the time and afterward their lives go on undisrupted. But if you’re ever in Chicago… his fingers are so clammy they smudge the screen when he hits send. He reaches for his cup.
“Did you keep our Kaner up all night?”
Patrick’s head jerks up.
“What?” Jonny says, flat.
For the first time since Patrick sneaked out on him, they make direct eye contact.
Shawzy drones on in the background, “Saw you trying to score that hot--”
It last precisely long enough for a sip of coffee to get its lanes mixed as it plunges down Patrick’s throat and somehow u-turn its way out of his body through the nostrils.
Patrick’s lungs try their best to turn inside out.
“Dude,” Shawzy says.
Stromer slaps Patrick’s back a couple of times, hard.
Duncs throws a handful of paper napkins in his general direction and winces in open disgust as Patrick snatches one mid-air and uses it to dab at the liquid leaking out of him. “Gross.”
“I’m fine, thank you,” Patrick informs them tartly between fits of coughing. Some treacherous asshole on his right is fucking cackling. He sweeps the table with an encompassing glare and catches Jonny’s eyes again, all dark with concern. The back of Patrick’s neck prickles with embarrassment. “I’m fine,” he repeats, steadier, and Jonny looks away so Patrick does too, hurriedly withdrawing like from the touch of something scalding.
He zeros in on Chelsea’s new message.
might fly in for a couple of weeks around christmas actually
Patrick latches on to the conversation, blocking out his surroundings, trying his hardest to look busy. Fuck everyone and Jonny too.
We could catch up then if you have time ;)
totally 👅🔥🍆🔥, she texts. And after a moment, say hi to porn dick from me btw
Patrick bristles. For some reason, the thought of this random stranger sitting around with her head full of pictures of Jonny’s dick makes him hitch. His chest riots with some misguided protective instinct. Jonny would be insufferably smug if he knew, no doubt about it. It’s not that big.
it is! 100% porn worthy
You don’t know what you’re talking about
I’m just saying, are chicks even into that? he writes, just to be an asshole but also because he’s pretty sure chicks hate porn. It’s supposed to be a feminism thing. Erica once made him a whole speech about it or whatever.
big dicks? They are
their also into porn btw this aint the middle ages AND they have way better taste in it then men
Can you prove it? he asks, hoping it sounds flirty and not confrontational. He wants this chick to bang him again but not over the head with a blunt instrument.
maybe if u stop trying to outdick ur bf with ur personality ill send you some recs
“Who are you texting?”
Patrick elbows his cup off the table and scrambles to catch it before it crashes against the floor. “Fuck,” he mutters, shaking his coffee-soaked hand.
Jonny laughs and at the sound, Patrick’s heart stumbles, then sprints up his throat. “You’re a mess,” Jonny says. He stole Stromer chair.
“Yeah, no, fuck off.”
Stromer is nowhere to be found. He and the rest of the guys must have migrated to the lobby. Patrick picks up the phone from where he abandoned it to make the save and shoves it deep into his pocket just as it pings.
Jonny quirks an eyebrow. He’s smiling.
It feels like Patrick trudged around all morning with a lead rib-cage before the universe caught the glitch. The sudden slack from gravity makes him giddy.  “Don’t be nosy.”
“I’m not!” Jonny protests, all put upon outrage. He flicks Patrick on the hand. “Just saying, team’s gonna suffer if you sprain a thumb.”
A laugh bubbles up Patrick’s chest, loud and easy, and just a little embarrassing.
For a moment, Jonny looks impossibly pleased but then he catches himself. “Everything alright, yeah?” he asks, turning bashful. His eyes drift to the small heap of crumbs he’s sweeping together with his pinkie.
Patrick nudges his thumb against the back of Jonny’s hand. “Yeah. You?”
Jonny’s lips curl up at the corners. “Of course,” he says, looking up, gaze dark and soft.
Of course, of course, of course. Jonny would never let anything happen to them. Patrick stomach flutters. “Okay,” he smiles, dimples out, and Jonny beams back. Time goes fuzzy as they stare at each other in silence—until the ping of an incoming text makes them both startle.
“Again?” Jonny bitches. A moment later, his forehead creases and he puts his serious face on, “Everything okay with your sisters?”
“Yeah, no. It’s not--” Jonny’s eyes flicks to Patrick’s mouth. Patrick hadn’t realized he’d been chewing on his bottom lip. He stops and it tingles, his own breath turning chilly enough to sting as it laps over the bite. “Just-- the chick from last night,” Patrick’s tongue says forgoing any input from his brain. It’s fine. It’s whatever.
“Oh,” Jonny says.
The world keeps rolling. Unfortunately, so does Patrick’s tongue, “Yeah. She’s cool. She was fun.”
“She was okay.”
Patrick can’t believe the understatement. “Okay? Just that? You’ve got some tough standards, man. She was--” as he searches for the right adjective, it suddenly hits him that Jonny has more experience, at least when it comes to threeways. It’s fucking unfair, but entirely possible, the mind-blowingest sex of Patrick’s life would barely chart as okay for Jonny. While he was dating Lindsay, the two of them got up to some kinky shit, Patrick’s pretty sure. Not that he spent any time thinking about it. He licks his lips. “It was hot, right?”
Jonny scoffs. What an asshole.
“Fuck you.”
“It was hot,” he grants. His cheeks are turning pink. He means it.
It feels like scoring the game-winner in the Stanley Cup final. The rush of triumph makes him cocky. “Hotter than the one you had with Lindsay?”
Jonny scoffs again, to Patrick infinite delight. “It was!” Patrick surmises.
“Lindsay’s hotter than her.”
“No way,” he is so offended on Chelsea’s behalf, he barely registers the deflection. Lindsay dumped Jonny. No matter how she looks, her insides must be rotten. Patrick hates that Jonnys is still hung up on her. He kicks Jonny’s foot to make sure he has his attention. “Maybe we should try again. Chelsea’s coming to Chicago around Christmas.”
“Is she?” Jonny kicks him back. “You two move fast.”
“She’s got family there, I think.”
“Sure,” he sounds skeptical. He admitted it was hot, why wouldn't he want a rematch? He and Patrick and some hot chick, she doesn’t even have to be Chelsea, she can be whoever. Small and blonde, like Jonny likes.
“Or we could find someone else,” Patrick says, growing more committed to the idea each second it lives in his brain. “Just go out and see what happens.”
“You think that’s smart?”
Patrick rolls his eyes. “I think you’re boring.” He goes in for the kill, “Captain serious.”
“Fuck you.”
“I’d even let you pick, I don’t care.”
“Starting to sound a bit desperate there, Kaner,” Jonny flashes his most punchable smirk, the one that’s a little lopsided and always makes Patrick squirm.
Patrick starts a mental list of ways to wipe it off his face. Maybe if he shoved two fingers up Jonny’s nose… “What?” he asks, kind of distracted.
“I’m just saying, If you want to see me naked that bad, you only have to--”
“Fuck you,” Patrick sputters. “I was being generous. Bros before hoes or whatever.”
“I’m telling Erica you said that.”
The thought is terrifying. “Don’t,” Patrick shrieks, so loud people in their proximity stop mid-munching to give them the stink eye.
It’s their cue to clear off, a pretty timely one, considering they barely make it on the bus. They’d probably be yelled at, if they weren’t Kane and Toews.
Jonny saunters past Colliton’s glare and flops down next to Seabs. Patrick takes the two seats right behind, stretching out until he’s almost horizontal.
He checks his phone. Chelsea sent him a text and a link. The texts says, one of them looks a bit like your boy. you’re welcome. The link-- Patrick slaps the phone face down on his thigh.
“You okay there, Kaner?” Jonny asks, glancing over his shoulder.
Patrick feels his ears burn redder than the Hawks home jersey. “Yeah, no. Real peachy.”
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
(I apologize since this is going to be a lot)
My OC is Ren Suzuki, the Ultimate Fashion Designer. He’s a very sweet boy. Ya know how I said Gina was the love child of Makoto and Sonia? Well he’s probably the love child of Gonta and Mikan. A very very precious boy. He’s pure, innocent, a bit naive and gullible, but overall, a sweetheart. He’s very friendly to everyone, just wanting to…well, make friends! He takes his studies and schoolwork very seriously, never wanting to miss an opportunity to do his best and show his greatest work. He’s very confident and an optimistic hard-worker. He may be sweet and innocent, but he’s not shy. He enjoys being in a large crowd and talking to people about…literally anything! With an outgoing personality, warm demeanor, a compassionate heart, and an innocent mind I think the Ultimate boyfriend would fit him more than the Ultimate fashion designer
Apperance: Ren is a pretty tall guy, being 5’10, with a slim built. He has short, dark brown hair in a wavy combover and ocean blue eyes. He also wears thin round wire-framed glasses
Usual outfit: He wears a blue and white flannel button up with a black tie underneath an unbuttoned navy wool vest, black jeans with a white belt, and black leather ankle boots. He also has two silver studs on each ear and several platinum rings on his fingers
Ren grew up with his two parents and little sister. They have always lived in poverty and always worried about how to provide for the family. His parents were notorious ‘job-hoppers’ and were infamous for jumping around jobs in order to make as much money as possible. Unfortunately, word got around and their reputation got tainted. Almost no one wanted to hire them, which made finding a job and earning money more difficult. Ren realized that in order to support for his family, he had to pitch in and do whatever he could. He was very young at the time, so he couldn’t get a job himself. One day, he saw a broken sewing machine lying outside a neighbor’s lawn. There was sign near it that said “Partly good sewing machine. Take it” which Red happily did. From there, with a bit of tweaking and fixing, Ren finally repaired the machine and began to sew. Sew, sew, sew, til his heart’s desire. He began to make clothes for his little sister, himself, and his parents. He was relied on to create clothes and his family was always grateful for his help. He even made formal clothes for family events/reunions. Even professional interview clothes for his parents whenever they had new job interviews! Ren practically grew up with a passion to design and make clothes and it always stuck to him. Eventually, word got around, this time in a more positive light. He began to sell clothes and take commissions from neighbors. Not only did his family receive nice clothing, but the neighbors around them paid good money for Ren’s creation. His father even pleaded with Ren to apply to Hope Peak’s academy as the “Ultimate Fashion Designer” and use his talent to gain ultimate success in his own life. Ren, at first, declines saying he would rather stay and help his family, but they insisted and practically got down on their knees and begged him to apply. And, of course, they accepted Red with warm arms
His love interest is Mahiru, and finds her very comforting and sensible. He loves her ‘big sister’ attitude and developed feelings for her. Like all men, Mahiru was a bit hesitate about him, but she eventually warmed up. Hajime is a bit frustrated since it’s obvious she favors him over all the other boys on the island. Mahiru always denies it, but her blush whenever he’s around and talking to her just gives it away. Ren gets along well with her, but he has the innocence of Gonta here! He’s too clueless, and oblivious, and realize that she is in love with him, let alone, noticing that he fell in love with her as well. Hiyoko bullies him a lot more than anyone, probably even more than Mikan. But it’s only because she thinks that Ren is stealing Mahiru away from her. (Luckily???) he doesn’t really care or mind what she says. Hiyoko even goes as far as saying he’s gay, but Mahiru snaps at her when she says it. His best friends are probably Nagito, Hajime, Kazuichi, and Mikan. Hajime and Nagito because they enjoy his company. Kazuichi, really because he likes to tease Ren about Mahiru. But he always retaliates by teasing him about Sonia. But he doesn’t mean it. Ren is too pure to notice sexual innuendos or even pick up on what he implies. A conversation between him and Kazuichi would go something like this
Kazuichi: So, Ren! How far did you go with Mahiru? *smirks, winking*
Ren: *smiles sweetly* Oh, very far! We took a long walk together on the beach!
Kazuichi: Eh? No! I mean….did you see her…..body?
Ren: Of course! I see her body all the time! Otherwise, how else would I know what she looks like everyday?
Kazuichi: Man, I mean—
Ren: Speaking of, Mr. Kazuichi, you said you were going to hang out with Miss. Sonia today, no?
Kazuichi: Well….she had to cancel since she was busy a—
Ren: Ooooohhhhh. So I’m guessing you two didn’t go that far like me and Miss. Mahiru did. Right?
Kazuichi: *blushes beet red* DAMMIT!
He also gets along well with Mikan because she’s grateful that ‘he takes Hiyoko’s bullying’ and kinda ‘distracts’ Hiyoko from her. Because he ‘saved’ Mikan, she wanted to thank him by taking off her clothes, until Mahiru overheard their conversation, blushed, and rushed to stop her before Ren could speak. This is how the conversation went:
Mikan: Ummmm…..S-Suzuki-kun?
Ren: Huh? What is it, Miss. Mikan?
Mikan: I…..I just want to t-thank you for keeping H-Hiyoko away from m-me. Ever since you came, s-she’s been t-targeting me less……
Ren: *grins* Oh, it’s not a problem at all, Miss. Mikan! I am just trying to be a good friend to everyone!
Mikan: B-But I feel like I s-should thank you in s-some way…..
Ren: Huh? Miss. Mikan, you don’t need to do that. I don’t need any thanks at all other than being your friend—
Mikan: Let me take off my clothes. Will that make you happy? *fumbles with her apron*
Ren: H-Huh?! W-Why would I want your clot—
Mahiru: *beet red, running to them* *snatches Mikan’s hand* NO! No, no, no! That won’t be necessary, Mikan!
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that-one-bi-wizard · 3 years
First chapter of my first Animaniacs fic! It’s mainly centered around my OCs and their backstory, so I apologize in advance for the lack of canon characters. Here’s the link to it on my ao3! The first chapter is under the cut :3
“Ms. Norita, you wanted to see me?”
The newest CEO of the Warner Brothers studios turned to face the young man that was entering her office. She grabbed a tablet off her desk and started scrolling. Once she found what she was looking for she nodded. 
“Ah, yes. Alan Harris, right? Close the door behind you and take a seat,” she told him. 
Alan closed the door and slowly walked toward the CEO’s desk. He sat down, but she remained standing.
Alan was a bit nervous. He had never been called into the boss’s office by name before. With that, he couldn’t help but feel like this couldn’t mean anything good. 
Was he about to be fired? Maybe he had made a mistake somewhere? Had a toon done something and blamed it on him?
Worst case scenarios flooded his mind.
Nora walked up to him, not looking up from her tablet. “Harris, I’ve been going through your profile. Graduated as the top student in your animation classes. Has been working here for three years now, and has worked on several animated projects, correct?”
The young animator swallowed and nodded quickly. “Uh, yes ma’am.”
“Perfect,” she said. “I’m a very busy woman, so let’s cut to the chase. I need someone with your set of skills to tackle this next project I have planned.”
Alan nodded again to show that he was listening. He leaned forward.
“I need you to bring back the Warner siblings.”
Alan sat there for a moment, then blinked. “Um… the Warner siblings, Ms. Norita?”
“That’s what I said.”
Alan adjusted his glasses. He cleared his throat. “Oh… but, um, didn’t they disappear a few years after the show ended?”
Alan was somewhat familiar with the Warners. He hadn’t been here when they were around; however, he did hear stories about them from others that had been around at that time. He also knew about the show. 
He hadn’t been the biggest fan, but when reruns of the show came on, he’d sometimes watch it or just have it on for background noise. 
Nora looked up at him for the first time since he walked in. “I know. That’s why I want you to bring them back… as a remake.”
“Remake the Animaniacs, ma’am?”
“Did I stutter?”
Alan opened his mouth, then closed it again. 
The CEO sighed in frustration. “Look,” she said, scrolling through her tablet and turning it for the young man to see, “See this?” She pointed at a graph. “This is a graph showing the popularity of the studio back in the nineties. And if you’ll notice, one of our more popular franchises was the Animaniacs. It’s what the people want to see, and if that’s the case, then we have to recreate its success.”
Alan ran a hand through his long, brown hair and scratched the back of his neck. “Aha… well, I guess I can try to redo them. It’ll just take a while since I’d need to do some research and get their personalities just right-”
Nora held up a hand to stop him. “That won’t be necessary.”
“I want you to make them but differently. They need to be hip. They need to cater to the kids and teens of today, not that nineties crap.”
“Oh,” Alan sighed, “uh, I guess I can do that-”
“Also,” she continued, “I don’t want them running around causing chaos in this studio. We run a business, not a circus. I want you to take out all the zaniness and wackiness of the original ones.”
Alan blinked. “But, then they wouldn’t be the animaniacs anymore. They’d just be…” He thought for a moment. “...normal kids.”
Nora waved a dismissive hand. “Well, we all have to make some sacrifices. Now, you think you can do that for me?”
“Perfect! Have them ready in three weeks. See you then.” She shooed him out of her office and slammed the door shut.
The tall man stood there for a moment, trying to process what had just happened.
He was just asked… to remake the Warner siblings… without the traits that made them the Warner siblings…
Alan blinked and stared at the office door for another moment. “Oh, okay,” he called to her, even though he doubted she was listening, “Uh, see you then!”
He turned and left the building.
He didn’t exactly know what he was going to do or how he was going to do it, but he knew one thing.
One way or another, this was going to be a mess.
The days flew by all too quickly.
And Alan had nothing. He had drawn a complete blank.
He had a few sketches and drafts of characters that might’ve been what the boss was looking for, but they just didn’t feel right.
He didn’t watch the show all too much, but he knew that this wasn’t the Warners. All toons had their own charm to them that set them apart from humans. That’s what made them, well, cartoons. So taking away the chaos and zany nature didn’t seem right.
If it’s what Nora wanted tho, he would have to come up with the perfect replacements somehow.
More days passed, and the deadline grew closer.
Alan was running out of time to finish these characters.
He worked day in and day out to try to find the perfect mix of cartoony and realistic. Every work seemed to lean too far to each side. It was hard to strike a balance between the two. 
As the deadline got closer, Alan began losing sleep, trying to perfect these toons that were supposed to replace the Warners. 
Finally, there were only two days left.
Alan had nothing. All he had were a few drafts that he had thrown to the side. He didn’t particularly have anything he was proud of. Nothing too noteworthy.
He might have to ask Nora to extend the due date…
He sat at his desk at home, trying to think of something, anything really, that would help him get an idea.
He sighed and set his head down on the table. It didn’t help that he still had to actually color and actually animate his characters.
He turned to look at the bin where crumpled papers laid scattered everywhere with sketches scribbled all over them. None of them had been what he wanted, but he guessed three of them would have to do with the deadline being so close.
He walked over and reached down to pick out a random design. Hopefully, one of these would suffice.
He opened a crumpled piece of paper and looked down it.
Well, these would have to do. Maybe they would even buy him time for the moment being until he could make new ones.
He brought them over to his desk and began tweaking them up a bit.
These three didn’t seem anything like the Warners. In fact, they seemed like exact opposites.
They wouldn’t be Alan’s best works, but something was better than nothing.
The three were nothing like the Warner siblings. The only thing they had in common was their species. Not clothing. Not personalities. They didn’t even have the same child-like charm the originals had.
They weren’t the Warners.
They were completely different people.
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Peregrination > j.jk
Chapter 11.
Tenderness (n) - feelings of deep affection ; devotion
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Jeongguk wakes up with a jump as the door upstairs slams closed. He groans quietly before feeling your naked body press closer to him as you tuck your face closer to his chest. Yesterday feels like a dream, a beautiful experience that Jeongguk couldn't possibly wrap his head around. He finally did it, you were his girlfriend! He smiles up at the ceiling raising his eyebrows, you wriggle against him and he takes this opportunity to look down at your naked figure. "Wow." He whispers tracing his fingers delicately over your tattooed arm. He almost had an idea of how this would be but now that he fully gets to experience it is something so amazing on its own. You turn away from him as you continue to sleep. Your hair splayed out over the pillow. Jeongguk sits up before leaning in a kissing your bare back. He slides out of bed trying not to wake you before slipping on a t-shirt and sweatpants getting ready to sneak over to the door. The room smelled like sex making him smirk, he really got to do that with you. He opens the door quietly opening his mouth as he sneaks out.
He steps into the hallway trying to be feather footed and slowly closes the door behind him. Jeongguk peaks down the long hallway, his eye drifting all over to see if he could locate your parents. He was nervous to see them after what you both did last night. He guessed they they heard you both, it was pretty loud as he replays the night in his head. As he walks down the hallway, he takes in the childhood pictures of you. The ones of you with your parents at Disneyworld Japan, you on a set of swings, you without three front teeth as you smile making him chuckle and lean back against the wall. Jeongguk smiles to himself as he pushes himself off the staircase wall and continues down the hallway. He looks at a picture before doing a double take, your parents had put up the picture of your birthday two years ago. It was a selfie of you and Jeongguk smiling on the London Eye. He folds his arms before sniffing, “Aish, look how cute we are.” He mumbles to himself before sighing happily. Jeongguk finally gets to the end of the hallway before peaking up the winding stairs. The house was very quiet. He scurries off towards the kitchen before finding a note on the fridge. “Gone out for the day, see you both tonight! Mom is making samgyetang.” Jeongguk smiles widely before thinking back to what your dad was saying to him yesterday. Your dad was making jokes about how his son-in-law needs to know the business of ginseng so he could pass it on. He also made a joke about how ginseng is good for a mans sex drive. Jeongguk snorts before opening the fridge and grabbing a water bottle. Maybe if they’re out of the house you both could go on a date!
Jeongguk jogs back to the room before opening the door, you were just getting up, rubbing your eyes. “SEXY LADY!” Jeongguk screams loudly in English with a smile before jumping on you. “Kook!” You yell laughing, smacking his arm. Jeongguk looks down at you as he fixes his position. “Hi, sexy.” He mumbles before bending down and kissing you gently. You kiss back before smiling. “Parents?” You ask him as he jumps up and down above you, “They went out for the day.” You look at your phone before nodding. “It’s Sunday. They went to church and then they’ll go to a bible barbeque.” Jeongguk snorts before bending down and kissing you again. “So then, I know how to start our day.” You raise an eyebrow, “How?” Jeongguk licks his lips before looking at your breasts, “The best way possible.” He whispers rolling off of you. He pulls you on top of him before putting his tongue to his cheek. "Let's go on a date." He says before wrinkling his nose. He giggles as you lay down flat on his body. "Unless you want me to fill you up again." He whispers gently into your ear, making you blush. "It's a bit sore." You admit making him chuckle, "A date it is then. Put on some clothes." He says before tweaking your nipple. "Yah!" You yell smacking him on the shoulder. He chuckles before picking you up and setting you down on the floor. "We can to the garden that you like or we can walk by the water." You tell him as you open up your small luggage. "Ah! That sounds fun!" Jeongguk cheers clappily quickly. You grab a black bra and panties before slipping them on. "I'm not going to put on any make up on today, you'll have a fresh boyfriend look today." Jeongguk says happily before jumping out of bed. "You don't need make up." You tell him as you grab your ripped black jeans and a short at the front, long in the back t-shirt with the Gucci symbol all over them. "Oh! I got you that shirt." Jeongguk says smiling widely you slip it on before twirling around. "How does it look?" You ask as he walking towards you putting his arms out. "You look beautiful, as always." He says before bending down and kissing you wrapping his arms around your shoulders. He pulls away before smirking. "Baby?" He whispers before wrinkling his nose, he tilts his head looking at you expectantly. "Baby." He says louder making you snort and nod. "Yes." "Baby." He says seriously before fixing your hair behind your ear, "Yes?" You ask louder. He puts his tongue to his cheek before widening his eyes. "BABY?" He yells and you snap your fingers before nodding understanding. "Babe." You say back and Jeongguk gives you his bunny smile. "I love that word from your mouth." He says before picking his suitcase up off the floor and throwing it onto the bed. "The garden will be beautiful today. I brought my camera so we can take pictures!" Jeongguk says oulling his camera out of his suitcase. "What should I wear today?" He asks as you comb your hair. "Anything you want. You look good no matter what." He tilts his head before looking back down at his clothes folded nicely. "I'll go simple." He says pulling out blue ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. "Which belt?" He asks holding up two designer belts. You swallow looking at the expensive items. "The black one." He nods happily before slipping on boxers. His whole aura oozes confidence and sexiness making you bite your lip. "Are you going to fix my hair today hairstylist or can I wear a hat?" You smirk over at him before grabbing your comb. "I don't have all my stuff to do your hair." You say as he sits on the bed putting his head back so you can comb his hair. "I'll be so sad when management tells me to cut your hair." You say as he scratches over his half sleeve of tattoos. "Oh, so you like me because of my hair? Shallow." You roll your eyes before kissing the top of his head, "Shut up." You mutter before combing through his thick brown hair. "I want a cool hair color." You raise an eyebrow. "Do you mean cool as in when you fucking dyed your hair half red on your own to get back at me for not being able to hang out with you that night?" Jeongguk chuckles silently opening his mouth wide and nodding his head slightly while laughing. "Should have just said you were going to hang out with me." You shove him with a breathy scoff. "Wasn't my fault that you're a baby. You were filming!" Jeongguk wrinkles his nose before turning around and hugging your waist. "But now I'm your baby." You laugh putting your head back as he rests his cheek on your breast. "Oh, comfy."
The garden as you presumed earlier was gorgeous, so many flowers were in bloom on this fine spring day. "Look at these flowers!" Jeongguk says happily picking up the camera around his neck. You smile folding your arms as he pulls down his face mask. Your parents town was relatively quiet and the people that owned houses around here had lots of money, not many people went to the garden but just to be safe you both wore face masks. "This is a very healing place. You remember when we came here with the guys? The day when Taehyung was chased down by the bees?" You laugh with a nod recalling the incident. “You guys always have so much fun going out. It’s so nice to see.” Jeongguk picks the camera up and takes a few shots of you walking ahead of him. “You’ve been a big part of that too, y’know. You are a big part of us even if ARMY and others don’t see it. You, Jisung hyung, Ha Won, you all make us who we are. You’ve been with us for so long that you’re our family too.” Jeongguk says looking down at the pictures he took of you before smiling. You turn your head towards him and smile widely. “You’re all my family too.” He smirks before tilting his head quickly. “If it’s family we’re talking about I would be the equivalent to your husband while Namjoon hyung is your annoying older brother, right?” Jeongguk asks stopping next to some white daisies. You roll your eyes with a snort. “Yeah, yeah. Exactly.” Jeongguk winks at you before pulling down his black face mask. “Let’s go sit down. My legs hurt.” Jeongguk mutters before walking next to you, “Why is that?” He stops for a second before intertwining his fingers into yours. This was your first time holding hands and it just felt... right. Your small hand fitting perfectly into his as he begins to swing them cutely as you continue to walk. A small smile plays on his lips as he scratches at his neck. “Because fucking you really took a toll on my legs.” “Yah!” You say smacking his shoulder with a laugh. “You asked.” He mumbles before spotting a bench betwen two shaded trees. 
You drape your legs over Jeongguk’s as you lay back on the bench your arm underneath your head. “I still can’t believe you’re my girlfriend.” He says more to himself than to you. You lay there happily before your brain begins to run scenarios that were less than ideal. You feel guilty on one hand because you really aren’t from this life but at the same time you are. It’s almost as if your brain was fighting, one half on one side and the other half on a different side. If Jeongguk were to find out that you wren’t the same Y/N one hundred percent how would he feel? Would he be okay with it or call you a liar? Would he leave you for not being exactly the you he liked? You pick at skin on your lip as Jeongguk runs his tattooed hand over your clothed calf. “I’m going to ask you a question, and this time you have every right to say no.” Jeongguk says out of nowhere as he stares off at some multicolored pansies. This takes you out of your own thoughts as you look up at him craning your neck to look at his handsome face.. He turns his head and looks down at you, his big doe eyes boring holes into yours. “Do you want to move in with me?” 
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queenlua · 4 years
001 for Claude
how i feel about this character: i think at this point he's my fave dude in 3h.  just.  a++ character.  he’s cunning but not callous.  can be manipulative as hell, but somehow it always feels like he’s being real nice about it.  his lil’ spiritual musings ricocheting from atheist to agnostic to “maybe there’s a Something” etc were infinitely charming to me.  killer design, charming/fun, would have a beer with, he’s just.  so many excellent things.
(busting out a readmore ‘cause i got longwinded~)
all the people i ship romantically with this character:
short version:
i love claude/hilda, provided some wrangling is done.  marianne/claude is quite cute.  claude/lorenz has grown on me a ton (thank you, glorious fanfic writers!).  also… okay honestly claude/everyone, to some extent
long-winded version:
so i think the ship that makes the most sense for Claude is whatever’s most politically advantageous for him.  dude’s not callous about it, he’s not an asshole about it, but dude has priorities.
unfortunately this ends in, uh, Claude/Byleth, which is just not a ship i’m at all excited about, Byleth is not a character, etc—
so this means every ship that i’m actually interested in requires some wrangling to make it work.  often this is pretty straightforward (there’s plenty of political power to be gained from marrying any of the Leicester nobles, etc), and works fine.  but this kind of thinking sorta sets me down a path to think of other fun little tweaks that can be done with canon, and god he’s such a fun and flexible character that at this point i’m intrigued by the dynamics between him and just about anyone.  like i saw some Hubert/Claude the other day and i was like, sure, hell, i can reverse-engineer some universe where this works, sounds fun, etc—
i mean maybe this is just “i like Claude so damn much that i’ll fuckin’ read anything with him in it if the prose looks good,” and, y’know, fair
all hail the fandom bicycle
my non-romantic OTP for this character: leonie, hilda
my unpopular opinion about this character: oh, actually, i guess an exception to the claude/everyone thesis—dimitri?  i don’t see it.  dudes say like four lines to each other in canon, tops, and i can’t really imagine any interesting tension/sparks/conversation/etc between the two of ‘em.  to be clear: i intensely admire folks who make ships up out of whole cloth, so you go fans, but i am very bemused :P
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: god, so much. i wish we'd gotten to see Claude during the timeskip, doing Whatever The Fuck He Was Doing to hold the alliance together.  i wish we’d gotten to see more of him with Nardel/Nader and with Judith.  honestly i almost just want a sequel—i didn’t *mind* VW’s plot too much, but it felt like a prologue, right?  claude’s real story starts like 5 years postgame…!
oh, and another support conversation with Cyril, jesus christ
my otp: i like him with hilda and lorenz both, for very different reasons
my cross over ship: idk
a headcanon fact: uhhh let’s see, some stuff off the top of my head:
* prior to the DLC coming out i was like “this is totally the kind of kid who would exhaustively map out all the steam tunnels under his university during the first two weeks of freshman year.”  then you tell me Abyss is real?!  no way Claude didn’t know about that shit before everyone else.  he was just playing dumb the whole damn DLC
* i think he was probably pretty damn salty about Almyra when he *left*, but upon realizing Fódlan ain’t perfect either, he got Disproportionately Way More Proud Of Almyra Than Ever Before and it’s super-sweet.  i just love people lovin’ their homes ok
* dude is slow to anger, careful about not making it obvious when he’s annoyed/pissed—but i can see him totally just ghosting people when he decides he is Done, just, nope.
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expolikestoart · 4 years
Fam-ILY au headcanons post!
listen I love them a lot and I want to talk about them even if no one else really cares
Character Designs
Sleepover/Movie Night for the boys
The Picani Family
the Picanis have a day once every week where they all watch a few episodes of Avatar together. tis law.
Emile is genderfluid!! So sometimes they're Patton and Dee's dad, sometimes they're thier mom, sometimes they're their ren. Patton and Dee tend to just call them their dad though, just cause it's easier to explain to the other kids. And it doesn't cause Emile any issues so they don't mind. They were a pronoun braclet a lot. (tbh they're really just happy their kids sees them as a role model.) (He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, depends on the day)
Patton likes to play with his stuffed animals a lot!
his favorite blanket is his weighted blanket
Dee is HoH so the entiree family knows ASL and he wears hearing aids.
Dee's very passionate about octonauts and his favorite episode was the coral reef snake one. (his favorite character is tweak)
Patton and Dee are bio siblings but they're both adopted by Emile. Emile had a partner during the adoption but they broke up a few years later and he(the partner) never offically had any custody.
at the start of the storyline (maybe writing a fic) they just moved and Emile and him broke up.
Emile keeps pictures of them in his wallet and Will talk about them whenever someone asks.
Emile is a children's therapist in this AU, and specifically works with kids who deal with learning disabilities.
The Kingsley Family
When Remy was like. 17 he got in a relationship with this one girl and they did the do. When the twins were born, she left. He hasn't heard from her since.
His family wasn't that supportive except his Great Aunt Becca who's a wonderful woman. She lived with her partner for years until she died a year or two before Remy moved in.
So they all live with her now.
Roman likes to sew little costumes for his stuffed animals. Remy helps.
Roman begged Remy to let him join dance classes. Remy doesn't currently have the money to take so he's saving up to let him.
Remus is in that weird kid phase? You know the one where they're weirdly obsessed with like. Death and witches and shit? He's in that phase.
He also makes "potions" and shit outta stuff in the kitchen. 50% of them are probably poisonous. Remy lets him drink absolutely none of them.
Remy's Bi and proud. He hasn't really dated anyone since he was 17 but. He's open to dating again. But only if his boys like them.
Remy works at a few different places. He's the manager at a coffee shop when the boys are at school and at night when they sleep he works at a gas station. Neither has great pay but he's doing his best.
Roman and Remus have very active imaginations. It has led to them waking up Remy or Becca due to monsters in the closet more than they like.
Disney! And! Pixar! Movie! Nights!
Remy and Aunt Becca have most definitely made scrapbooks of the boys together. (even though Remy might deny it to keep up his tough guy image)
The Cogsworth Family
Brian showed the boys some of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Logan fell in love with the show immediately. Virgil doesn't like it as much but he likes to see Logan excited so he watches it too.
Virgil freaking Loves Gravity Falls though. He likes to try and find monsters in the apartment complex and nearby park. He swears he heard a hide behind once. (Brian played the sound effect on his phone and placed a speaker in a tree to make him happy)
Logan only likes certain textures with clothes so Brian makes sure that when they go clothes shopping Logan feels them first.
Logan has a prosthetic foot (it doesn't show in the family portrait because his socks and shoes cover it up) ((he also has a barbie doll because her leg was a prosthetic))
Virgil likes to draw a lot, especially monsters and stuff that he sees on tv. It's really cute looking half of the time but sometimes it kinda worries Brian.
Brian is Trans! And Aro/Ace. The kids are his. He had them pre-transition. His family wasn't supportive of him transitioning so he doesn't really talk to them. Has been on T for 5 years. (He/Him)
Brian's a bit of a space nerd so he likes to watch documentaries on them and the kids will often curl up on him and watch too.
Brian's compiter has a metric fuckton of baby photos of the boys!
They go to the park because he tries to keep them as healthy as possible and hopefully his kids will make friends. Both are painfully shy.
He's a security guard/Janitor for Walmart's l a t e shifts.
The Sanders Family
Thomas isn't adopted y e t but god is Anton working on the paper work for that because bitch that's their son now and they love him.
Thomas still is the goofy guy we know, happy, enjoys Disney, likes to sing and stuff.
Since Thomas is old enough to join the school choir he did and he loves it.
Anton and Thomas met the others because Emile was Thomas's therapist and once Anton asked Emile the best thing he could do for their kid and Emile commented on how that they knew it was scary, cause they had the same thoughts when they adopted their kids.
Emile is no longer Thomas's therapist due to him no longer being impartial since that's his kids friend and that's kinda iffy so now their friend is.
Anton is nb and pan-romantic ace. (He/Him, They/Them)
Both of them are kinda chaotic at times and sometimes you can find the two of them trying desperately to bake but there's batter on the ceiling and flour in Anton's hair. (they can't bake but anton can cook so it's okay)
When Thomas gets adopted all the others will be invited to see the signing.
Thomas didn't get to watch most Disney movies while in Foster care so Anton is showing him everything.
He also didn't get to see the Barbie movies so guess what else he's watching because Anton insists.
Anton still has an appreciation for fine arts and has a painting hanging up in his Living room framed and right next to it in just as fancy a frame is a drawing Thomas made. (it's a family portrait that Thomas made with stick figures. When he gave it to Anton, Anton c r i e d.)
Thomas has two friends from before he writes to, Joan and Tayln. He writes them letters every few days. They write back and everytime he gets one he's like!!!!!
Anton's the most well off of anyone in the squad so he tends to give gifts to the others when they find something.
All of them
The Parent Group are all very supportive of their kids interests, and also have meetups while the boys have playdates where the drink they're preferred hot drink (Emile likes Tea, Remy and Anton like Coffee, and Brian likes Apple Cider) and bitch about the shitty PTA moms and work (not emile though he loves his job and has patient confidentiality so... no)
Roman and Logan both love Percy Jackson but in different ways. Logan read all the books. Roman read the comic book adaptions and listened to the Lightning Thief Musical.
Virgil and Patton like to hunt for monsters together in the apartment complex and park but everytime it happens they both get a little scared and run if something actually looks spooky.
When all the kids became friends they had Patton teach them ASL secretly for a couple of months to surprise Dee. They showed Dee and he c r i e d. Happy tears of course but he was so surprised that all of them learned that for him.
Virgil, Dee, Remus, and Roman all have the same Recess break on the little kids playground so they play pretend together a lot. Usually it's Roman and Virgil vs Remus and Dee, but sometimes they switch it up.
Patton, Thomas, and Logan are the Big Kids, but also are kinda the weird kids too so they don't have much friends outside of the group. But it's okay, because they got each other and they like to hang out.
Patton has punched some kids cause they made fun of either his friends or Dee or maybe his Dad. He will throw hands. Logan might hold him back. Thomas will hold him back but only after a punch or two.
Remy once joked about having one brain cell in front of the kids and all the kids who weren't his got very alarmed and started to make him realize he was smart but Roman and Remus went: yeah you do. He's never been so heavily burned before or since.
Roman and Remus don't do the weird twins finishing each other's sentences thing but Logan and Virgil do.
Patton still makes puns but not good ones because kid's humor is nonsensical so half of the time he'll go up to Logan and Thomas and try them on them and every time they're both like "???? what did you just say????????"
They will all go and do fashion shows where Roman and Remus will take the others and drape them in sheets and cutains and blankets and have everyone walk the fake runway while someone sits out and judges.
Remus, Dee, and Virgil try to do magic together. It doesn't always go well but they try.
Roman, Patton, and Logan will try to play demigod but Patton has no clue what he's doing.
Roman and Remus showed Thomas some Disney sing alongs he could play on his tablet. Anton thinks their son has a lovely singing voice but also. they doesn't like hearing him sing at 6 am when they're barely awake. Can someone hold a grudge against a kindergartner? Ask Anton.
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Survey #235
“the monster you made is wearing the crown; i’ll be the king and you be the clown.”
What is your favorite move franchise? The Lion King. What was the last fast food you ate? I had a hot dog from Sonic and one of those pretzel twists things. What is the saddest book you’ve ever read? Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. Do you prefer heroes or villains? Villains. Duh. They're like, always more interesting. What is something you think is overrated? Uhhh coffee, for one. But like what you like. What political cause are you most passionate about? Gay rights. What country would you most like to visit? South Africa. Have you ever considered having children? Literally the only period where I wanted kids was later into Jason's and my relationship. Hell, I wanted three while he was always like "onLY TWO." Now, I don't want a single one, ever. I would be an awful mother for many reasons. If you ever took field trips as a child, which was your favorite? The zoo with Dad, my then-best friend, and her mom. One and only time I've seen meerkats. I was so excited I almost cried. Do you have any weird family traditions? It's not like, a tradition, I think, but we have a unique thing where saying "I love you mostest period" is something Mom, Dad, and my sisters have used for all my life. It's a way of saying "I love you more than you could ever love me, no arguments." Now Sara's been dragged into it lmao. Have you ever considered acting? Nope. Who was the last person you slept next to? Sara. Do you think you can be in love and still cheat on your S.O.? You can't "be in love" with a person and fucking cheat on them, no. Do you subscribe to any streaming services? We have Netflix. Idk about anything else. Have you ever been in a physical fight? No. What is the most embarrassing thing anyone has on video of you? I don't even wanna know. Did you ever get lost as a child? Yep, in a Wal-Mart lmao. This old lady helped me find my fam. What is your favorite condiment? Honey mustard. Or ketchup. Depends. Have you ever had an existential crisis? Very surprisingly, not really. Do you like country music? Begone, demon. It's still so weird to me that I loved it as a kid, but I really just grew up with it. What color are the eyes of the person you love? Brown. What is your favorite kind of flower? I looooove orchids. What town were you born in? Not the best thing to share on the Internet, eh? Do you know how to play any card games? I only vaguely understood/understand Magic: The Gathering. It's honestly really fun, but very complex in rules. It was Jason's thing so he got me into it. I miss my PS3 working because I used to have the "Duels of the Planeswalkers" on there, and doing it digitally is much easier and helpful. I loved it mostly because the art is fucking incredible. It was an old little aspiration to wind up designing the art some day and I don't think I ever saw Jason more excited. What is something about your childhood that you miss? Being more into video games than I am now alskdjf;awe. I'm more of a viewer of let's plays now than an active gamer; meanwhile, as a kid, video games were my favorite things in the world. Did you ever have MySpace? Do you miss those days? Yeah, I had one. Honestly though I can barely remember it (other than the song on my page was "Pocketful of Sunshime" lmaooooo as well meerkat-flooded), so it doesn't matter. What is the best television show you’ve ever watched? Meerkat Manor is my favorite show of all time, but as a proper show could have been better. AP made up their own shit and deviated from the KMP facts A LOT (guess what: Mozart killed a competitor's litter before; not exactly MM's her, right?), and not only was that confusing, but just annoying. Give me the real shit; don't just tweak stuff for dramatic effect. I could list a novel of lies in the series. Now, what I feel is the best show without a meerkat bias and just has an overall good plot. I kinda wanna say Supernatural, but the boys dying five million times got old. Possibly Fullmetal Alchemist. Are there any songs you can’t listen to because they bring back memories? I 110% refuse to hear "Stairway to Heaven." Have you ever saved someone’s life? Funny this is brought up after recent events. My sweetheart online bud had a cerebral aneurysm while having an extremely difficult time talking to me, and no one was home quite yet. Her final message was concerning and she didn't reply to me for a while, so I wound up messaging her again after a bit, and her boyfriend heard the b.net notification sound. Saw it was me and asked what was up. Told him, and he figured out she wasn't sleeping on the couch, she was passed out. He told me he never would have known if I hadn't said something. So does that count, even though I didn't like, physically save her? Have you ever broken any major bones? No. Are there any websites you’ve used for over 10 years? Good question? Idk. WAIT HOLD THE FUCK UP, KM's 10th birthday is coming up real soon. Wow. I know YouTube has been much longer. Idr when I joined deviantART. Maybe there's more, I dunno. Do you have any siblings? If so, what are their ages? My two immediate are 22 (ew) and 26 (double ew). Anything exciting taking place today? No, today was A N X I E T Y !! ! ! !! !! What are you craving? Okay so I have been MEGA in "the mood" lately and it's frustrating especially because I don't masturbate so I have like nO OUTLET. Who did you last hit? Nobody saving for when I was a kid repeatedly slapped my sister's arm for doing something I don't remember. How do you do in school? It depends on the subject, but in anything, I am a MASSIVE procrastinator, and I need to fix that. Schoolwork, good good, homework in the library, good good, but when I'm at home, I cannot seem to convince myself to work. As Sara puts it, home is like my "safe" place, and I don't want to bring school into it. Adjusting to school life again after like... two whole years or so of doing NOTHING at all, almost every day all day, is very difficult. I'm SO glad I picked school again, it's just a lot for a person who was so isolated and void of responsibilities to get used to. What’s your biggest goal? Right now, continue to improve my mental health. Fight social anxiety and AvPD. Who have you texted today? Just Sara. Who do you aspire to be like when you grow up? In most ways, especially in kindness, wisdom, relentless determination, passion, creativity, etc. etc. etc. etc., Mark. I think it's obvious he's Role-Model #1. I would loooove to be like Jane Goddall and Steve Irwin, too, feeling with such ferocious potency for animals and how they should be respected and loved. UM AND ALSO, EUGENIA COONEY IS THE SWEETEST PERSON ON THE ENTIRE GODDAMN EARTH AND I WOULD LOVE TO BE AS FRIENDLY AND PRECIOUS AS SHE IS. Oh, and then there's Shane Dawson. I relate to him SO much. He is the most selfless angel that seems SO down-to-earth and relatable as hell. I feel like he could be like, my best friend. Ahhhhhhh there are so many more, I love talking about my inspirations, but I'll chill here. Do you know if you want to go to college or not? I'm in college right now, and I desperately want it to stay that way. I'm fucking going somewhere in my life, and the education it provides will bring me closer to that. College is far from mandatory for everyone, but I feel it is beneficial for me. Do you like grapefruits? I haven't had one in a LONG time, so I don't really remember how they taste. I just know sour. What do you think of guys who wear eyeliner? *drools in Darkiplier* the fuck do you think Do you like online games? Only World of Warcraft, really. Who’s one person you care about more than yourself? Okay, real talk, and I hope this is everybody's answer. No one. I'm putting my goddamn self and my mental peace first for the rest of my life. Are there any pets you’re wishing for? I want another ball python. When’s the last time you used hand sanitizer? Two days ago when Mom and I stopped somewhere to eat. Wearing anything that isn’t yours? No. What type of bread did you use on the last sandwich you made? White. How many doors are in your house? Uhhh six. What was the last compliment you received, that made you smile? Sara said she was really proud of me, and to me, that's one of the biggest compliments you CAN give me. Think you need to lose weight? How much? ugh When was the last time you watched a VHS movie? I don't have a clue. We kept our VHS longer than most, though. We had too many movies on it. What event would you go back in time to see, if you could? Ummmm I dunno. Do you remember the last thing you said you wanted? To hug Sara. Who was the last friend you hung out with&what’d you do together? Sara stayed for a week. We did a lot. Who is the person, other than a spouse, that you are closest to? Sara. If you watched it, who was your favorite Hey Arnold! character? Oh my god, I hated that stupid show, but one of my sisters liked it. Have any good school pictures? or do they all just suck? There is literally ONE picture from elementary school where I think I looked pretty. Do you like trying on clothes or not? & Why? NO. I try to avoid it if I can. It's just annoying to change clothes for like five seconds. What are your thoughts on marriage? It's sweet, but I've come to find it... kinda needless for the most part? Like I know it has financial pluses and the symbolism is beautiful, but it's just that: symbolism originating from fantasies (imo, don't scream at me). It only adds pressure to stay in a dying relationship and makes splitting much more complicated. BUT, even with all that said, I personally want to get married someday, but only if I am *sure* about this person. It's the symbolism I like. That and it's so ingrained into my head that that's the "end goal" of relationships, so I'm pretty much just conditioned to want it. How long have you lived in the current place you’re living? Two years. Do you plan on moving anytime soon, if so where? I want to, but I am not in the financial position or at a level of independence where I'm ready for that. Are you more of a follower, or a leader? Be honest. This may alter with the situation, but mostly, I'm definitely a follower. Are your dreams/nightmares in black&white or color? I've heard of this condition before and it really intrigues me. I dream in color. Have you ever wanted to be some sort of hero outside of video games? I mean, define "hero." Like an action superhero in a literal way, nooooo. I'd die on Day #1, lmao. As a hero/inspiration as a person, of course; who doesn't? Will you admit that you’re at least somewhat superficial? I mean, probably in some places? How often do you go to the mall closest to you? Almost never ever. Our mall sucks and has experienced too many shootings. Do you still count with your fingers, even if only every so often? Yep. Like, always. Have you ever gone on a road trip with just friends? No. Well, I went to the beach with my friend and her mom, but just for a day or two because my separation anxiety from Mom got too bad oof. Without trying, do you act differently around different friends? Depends on the friend. I don't "fake it," just how reserved I am can move around. What was the last thing you drew/wrote on your own or someone else's skin? Probably a butterfly on my wrists when I was actively part of the Butterfly Project community. The last time you spent money, what was it on & how much did you spend? $1.25 for a drink at school. What’s the most money you’ve ever spent on one piece of clothing? Idk, but definitely not a lot. In elementary school, were you more of the bully or the bullied? Thankfully, neither. Do you like when a spouse is clingy, or can you not stand that? I'm sure to a certain degree it would be annoying, but for the most part, hell, I think it's attractive. Especially since I NEED validation you like me. How much do you say you walk in a week outside of school &/or work? Just around my house if you exclude school. Is there anything you wish your parents did differently in raising you? I wish they'd given us chores. Wish Mom didn't spank us. What would you do if the last person you texted asked you out? Lol yo we JUST broke up like an hour ago. We're not ready to get back together yet, obviously. Don't worry a bit, we're both cool. Still best friends, even. To compress a long story, needed personal growth and distance have brought us to returning to just friends. For now, at least. Have you ever received a scholarship? I think so... but not like a huge one, I believe. Who was the last person who got frustrated with you? Most likely Mom. When was the last time you mopped your kitchen floor? I myself have never mopped it. Or maybe once. What is your favorite work of art? I mentioned the Denialism painting in my last survey. What was the last appointment or plan you had to cancel? Plan, my next one with my psychiatrist. What spur-of-the-moment decision that you’ve made has had the biggest impact on your life? I don't know if any have truly changed my life. The ones that did (that I remember) were pondered over. Do you know anyone who is (or has been) a refugee? I don't think so, What is your best friend’s worst habit? She doesn't have faith in herself for ANYTHING lj;ljalwie Do you like spinach and artichoke dip? alksd;fjwei no Have you ever felt like you were about to pass out, but didn’t? Yep, a couple times. What was the name of one of your childhood imaginary friends? I didn't have any. What’s your favorite phase of the moon? Full. Do you wish you were richer? I physically refuse to be anything less than stable, hopefully even above that, once I'm independent. We've been poor all my life and it is fuck-ing HARD. It's stressful as a motherfucker and I am done with it. Very. What’s a middle name you like? Quinn. Fits a lot. I planned on giving that middle name to my hypothetical daughter. Are you scared of spiders? y e a h Do you weigh the same as your mom? No. Were you a Mary-Kate and Ashley fan? Like the average 90s/early 2000s kid. Coffee mugs, teacups, or water bottles? Uh, aesthetically? Teacups, probably. Bubblegum or cotton candy? Gum. I like the taste and texture of cotton candy, it is just RIDICULOUSLY sweet. It bothers my sensitive teeth sometimes. Do you prefer to drink soda from cans, bottles or cups? Cans. They get the coldest. Game you were best at in P.E./gym? Idk, I didn't excel at any. What do you have for breakfast on an average day? I'll typically just have a meal replacement shake or a Pop-Tart. Favorite non-chocolate candy? Sour Punch Straws (gotta be red). Favorite book you had to read for school? The Outsiders. Most frequently worn pair of shoes? My flip-flops, 'cuz they're easy to just slip on. Ideal weather? Cool but not windy (a light breeze is fine) with a partly-cloudy sky. Obsession from childhood? Webkinz. Favorite crystal? Dragon's breath opal. Favorite activity to do in warm weather? Swim or stay the fuck inside. Favorite activity to do in cold weather? Taking pictures in the snow. Five songs to describe you? "Get Up" by Mother Mother, "That's What You Get" by Paramore, uhhh... I don't feel like thinking over this any longer. My iPod isn't near me to scan through what I have, so yeah. Best way for someone to bond with you? Let's have deep philosophical talks about like the meaning of life 'n shit. Top 5 favorite Vines? Oh my god, this is impossible. To name some that come to mind first, in no order: "It's Wednesday, m'dudes *insert mating call*", "I cOUld'vE dROPPED My croiSSANt," "this is why mom doesn't FUCKING LOVE YOU," that one at a club where a girl is doing smoke tricks and the dude just goes "check that out" (or "wow," idr) or something similar (I couldn't find it), and omfg I adore that Snoop Dogg one with the little boy just semi-dancing to that iconic song???? I LOVE IT??????? Man, there are so so many more. Very honorable mention: "a d a m". Ads you have stuck in your head? None, thankfully. What is the first meme you remember seeing? Uhhh maybe Happy Bunny? Idk. Sci-fi, fantasy, or superheroes? Fantasy. Favorite type of cheese? American. What saying or quote do you live by? There's a lot I've picked up on and cling to. #1 is perhaps "Deal with life, or life deals with you." What are you currently stressed about? Some... things I realized about myself that disgust me. Favorite fairy tale? Shrek is a goddamn fairy tale and I will fight to the death against anyone who claims otherwise. Favorite tradition? I don't really have one anymore, but I remember as a kid, I would NEVER let Mom forget to throw some "reindeer food" outside for them lol. Talent you’re proud of having? One that warrants pride, exactly? Not just random talents? Well, uhhh. I suppose writing. I mean it modestly, I really do, but as a kid, my teachers all the way through high school always thought I was cheating or a parent did my papers at home. Some were only convinced by me writing in the classroom. I don't feel as good about my writing as I did in high school, but I am sill proud of excelling in it and taking writing anywhere seriously. If you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? I mean, name the game and genre here. Probably like "what the fuck" at like, everything, because I already do that. If you were an anime character, what genre of anime would it be? Like, based on my current life? I dunno. A sad and repetitive one with some bright days to it. Ohhh, and the color scheme and lighting vary with my mental state. Yo that would be dope. Character you relate to? lmao THRALL from WoW for being like "can y'all bastards just chill tf out" until he goes off to an isolated land away from civilization bc he's seen enough shit. Also compelled to help. Any good luck charms? I don't believe in those. Least favorite flavor of food or drink? As far as consistent flavors go, normally cherry or grape. Left or right handed? I'm a righty. Favorite potato food? Fries, when I wish they weren't. Earth tones or jewel tones? Jewel. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? Literally just Mom's. Not even mine.
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sabraeal · 6 years
#51 sounds really cute! :D
#51: things you said as we danced in our socks
Set a few weeks before graduation
Wide Florida Bay | Previous
Horns rattle from the tinny speaker, and thebriefest bass guitar, before abruptly cutting off. Shirayuki frowns as shescoops up her phone, flicking the screen on – that clip is so unsatisfying, she reallyneeds to fix it –
r u done?im doneim dooooooonnnnne
She glances up from the mixer whirring away, catching the bookbagslumped against the wall of the vestibule, abandoned the moment she walkedthrough the door.
I just got backObi still has one more though
ugh ofctell him hes an overachiever and he should b ashamed
(He’s been sitting like that for almost fifteen minute,pointer hovering over Add Class, hisdesignated selection time bleeding out, only fifteen more before the juniorsgets to start picking their classes too –
“I shouldn’t bother,” he says, toneless. “You have to applyfor it.”
She tucks into his side, laying her head on his shoulder. “Sodoes everyone else. You have just as good a chance as anyone.”
“You’re not doing it.”
She blinks, tilting her head up. “I’m not the one interestedin informatics.”
“It’ll be over my credit load,” he tries instead. “I’d need permissionfrom the dean –”
She tweaks his elbow, just hard enough to make him squirm. “Good thinghe’ll be your graduate advisor.”
It takes a bit for him to blush – or at least for her to see it – but there’s pink just under bronze on his ears, and that’s enough. “That’s not – that’sonly if Admissions all goes temporarily batshit and lets me in.”
His chest shakes, breath coming quick, and she slides her hand down,covering his. “You should do it,” she says, studiedly casual. “What’s the worstthat can happen? They say no?”
His breath steadies, but not easily. “Right. Yeah.”
The click is less than a second. “Fuck ‘em, right?”)
i don’t think i’ll tell him that
FINELAMEsuzus been done since yesterday bcuz hes a slackerwhen obi is done we should celebratelike unreal amts of booze celebrate
It’s – it’s not that her heart pounds, it’s just – quiet,now that the mixer is off. Everything is more – noticeable. Now that she – she’s –
She’s thinking about the last time they got drunk at Yuzuri’sbehest, looming over them as she poured more and more shots, tellingthem it’s a celebration, everyone has todrink –
– I don’t think you’dbe so hard to figure out, darlin’. Obi’s drawl is liquid in her memory,pouring over her like honey. Just have toknow where to touch –
uh sureI guess?
u guess?is there some sort of problem?
She thinks of Obi, chest heaving,slack-jawed, eyes wide – if I capsize inyour thighs, high tide – of what he’dlook like with swollen lips, panting down her body, spreading her legs –
Ugh. She shakes her head. Thewhole thing is just – just – a pop-up she can’t shake, an ad that keepsplaying over her day at odd intervals, only instead of it being for somethinglike experimental allergy medication or Cialis, it’s for Obi, like she suddenly needs to be reminded every few minutes thathe’s attractive and also experienced, like maybe she should consider –
no!everything is fine!
It will pass. It always does.
…whatever the ideas r percolating ill let u know what we decide but like def booze
This isn’t – it isn’t a problem. Everything is fine – very fine, the most fine.
All her papers are written, revised, and already sitting in drop-boxes, her only final is a multiple choice test about European History, most of which she learned just from living with Kiki for a year. If anything, she is set, living her best life –
Her whole body flushes, toe-tip to hairline, and she’s so busy trying not to think of skin under her lips, of hearing that in an entirely new context, that she nearly misses the slam of the door.
Obi tilts a long-suffering look toward her as he leans against the wall, toeing his shoes into the tray. “I’m glad that’s fucking done.”
There isn’t a problem, because whatever this is, it’s just a phase. Something that will definitely pass.
It just never takes this long.
“Did your test go well?” she asks, clearing her throat, like it might expel the images her mind is supplying as he saunters around the corner, shirt already pulling up taut torso, sun-bronzed abs on display.
“Hope so,” he sighs, balling his T-shirt up in his hand. “Otherwise Lata’s going to give me a few more of these for putting off our action plan.”
It takes her a whole minute to realize what he’s pointing at, to see the thick silver sprawl of scars across his back and not the way his muscles ripple beneath the skin, the way his shoulder blades make his whole back look like an anatomy model.
She frowns. “Professor Forenzo would never –”
“I know, I know,” he says, waving a hand at her as he crosses into his room. “Gimme a minute, I gotta get out of these clothes. It’s killer out there.”
“Right,” she replies, faint, definitely not noticing the way his hands settle on his waistband, definitely not thinking about his skin shining with sweat –
She doesn’t have a problem, it’s just – just that she hasn’t figured out a way to get him back, to close out this prank so she can – can stop thinking about that stupid song, and capsizing on thighs and what it might feel like if he –
plans decidedwe gonna go C L U B B I N G
Shirayuki’s teeth grit down, her hands bracing against the counter. This is fine. They’ve gone before, a nice little place above a bar in downtown Wilant; it’d been all 80s songs and they’d all had a little more than they’d bargain for, and Obi –
– you’re a squeezing hips, neck-kissing girl, aren’t you, darlin’? –
Ah, maybe she…shouldn’t think about that. He didn’t even remember it in the morning.
“You all right, Doc?”
She jolts, watching Obi settle on the couch, bare feet kicked up on the coffee table, arms sprawled out over the back, remote in hand. Her hands tighten on the counter, trying to ground herself, trying not to have her knees go weak as she traces the delicate bones in his feet, the strain of his t-shirt over his biceps –
if obi gives u shit tell him its obligatorythis is the price of fucking friendship okay
“You might not want to get too c-comfortable,” she stammers, stacking cookies, trying to look like she’s doing something in the kitchen, and not just – ogling him. “Yuzuri says we need to go out and celebrate.”
His head turns toward her, just slightly. “Celebrate what?”
“Being done with, you know…school.” It sounds weak, even to her own ears, and the grunt that comes from him tells her he agrees.
“We’re all going to grad school,” he huffs out. “We’re not going to be done with school for the next decade, if Lata has anything to say about it.”
“Well, it’s the end of undergrad,” she presses, feeling flushed. “And the end of our thesis work –”
“And just what is this version of celebrating going to entail?” he asks with a sigh. “I already have my sweat pants on.”
I’ve noticed is not the right thing to say. Neither is dumbly standing there, thinking how good he makes them look. “Yuzuri says we’re going clubbing.”
“Oh, no,” he says, firm. “No. I don’t dance.”
“She wants me to tell you it’s a non-optional social convention.”
“Is that how she’s getting Suzu to go?”
“Probably.” Her shoulders twitch in a shrug. “You know how she feels about this sort of thing.”
His eyebrows lift. “That there’s no better way to celebrated scientific achievement than to get trashed and grind on strangers?”
“Yes.” Not quit how she would have put it. “That.”
His look turns incredulous. “And you went for that?”
“It’s what she wants to do,” Shirayuki insists, because – because it’s not like she cares. It’s not like she’s thinking about the way he was dancing with anyone who showed interest the last time, wondering if he might –“She’s been here longer. Maybe this is the best way to celebrate. When in Rome, you know?”
“That is the exactopposite of an attitude you should have in Florida. Never do what people inFlorida do.” He rolls his head along the back of the couch to give her a flatlook. “It’s like you’ve never seenthe internet.”
She returns itwith a look of equal flatness. “We made it so the Olin maris can be bred in captivity. We’ve saved an entire species.We can spend one night doing what Yuzuri wants to do.”
“Yuzuri wants toget sloppy drunk and see if she can get Suzu to breed in captivity.”
“And we should support that.” She sighs at his incredulous look, padding out to put the plate of cookies in front of him. “Besides, I’ve seen you dance. You seemed – fine.”
That is definitely a word. That she can use. Safely.
“We danced at a gala,” he protests, “I wore a suit. Youstepped on my feet. That is not this. This is – swampy club dancing. It’s acircle of hell, not an activity.”
She refrains from mentioning the other time; she doesn’t think he’d appreciate remembering just how good he dances drunk to Come On Eileen, no matter how impressive it was.
“I think you just need to get excited.” She’s too used to his stare to shrivel under it. “You know, uh – get pumped.”
“Are you evenplanning on drinking?”
She grimaces.“No.”
“That is such awaste, you can’t even drive.”
She frowns. “Ihave my license now.”
He gives her apointed look. “You can’t even drive.”
She stares at himfor what must be a full minute before it hits her, grin breaking out across her face. “I have just thething to get you in the mood.”
“Aw, c’mon,” hemoans as she pulls him upright. “I’ve got so many Cutthroat Kitchens to watch. On this one, theycook spaghetti and meatballs and someone takes some lady’s garlic.”
“Look, you alreadyknow what happens!” She grins at him. “So now you can do my thing instead.”
He grimaces when she pulls out her phone, when he sees her bring up her music library, pleading, “No, don’t –”
“Why do you build me up –”
“I’m honestly concerned,” he mumbles over the tinny piano. “Do you know what kind of music they play in clubs?”
“–Buttercup, baby–”
“This is to pump you up!” she tells him, trying to guide him into a bobbing two-step, one he follows with the enthusiasm of a man walking to the gallows. “Get your blood flowing!”
“Oh my god,” he sighs. “Of course. This is your pump up music. Motown.”
“It’s uplifting.”
“You listen to Angel of the Morning when you get up, don’t you?”
Her mouth pulls thin. “That’s not Motown –”
“That’s not a no.”
“See,” she tries instead, “you’re getting more lively already!”
There’s a flash of teeth behind his lips, but he hides it in his shoulder. “Whatever, the song is ending. How about you put on an actual club song?”
Her finger hovers over her screen.
“This decade.”
“Fine,” she sighs, scrolling past her collection of 80s music. “I can do that.”
“Uh-huh, I’m–”
“Shawty had those Apple Bottom Jeans, boots with the fur –”
He stares. “All right, I’m concerned you don’t know what year it is.”
“They still play this!” she insists, starting to bop to the beat. “It’s on plenty of club mixes.”
“All right,” he sighs, taking her hands. “This is physically painful, Doc. No one dances like that at a club.”
“Plenty of people do,” she insists, leaving out that most of her club experience is seeing them on CSI reruns. She’s got a feeling he already knows.
“Come here,” he guides her closer, until their hips are almost touching. “Let me just – show you. End the embarrassment.”
“I’m not –” Embarrassing gets swallowed along with her tongue, because his hand hooks over her hips, her own right beneath, guiding her into a slower swing that barely involves feet moving at all. He’s not – not touching her anywhere else, but he’s so close he might as well be, and she’s just – aware. Of all of him.
He smells nice.
“Oh is this – grinding?” she squeaks. “I’ve heard about that before –”
“No.” His voice is entirely too deep. “This would be grinding.”
His hands tug on her, yanking her forward until his knee is between her legs, until every shift on her body brings her right down on his thigh and –
Oh, that is – that’s not –
Okay, maybe this is a problem.
“Oh,” she breathes, jolting away, right back into the wall. That should be it, end of moment, but she – she doesn’t let go of his hands, and then he’s crashing into her, just catching himself on the wall, her hands still twined in his –
“Sorry.” He swallows; she’s so close she can hear it. She can see it too, and the way his eyes are all dark, mostly pupil with a thin rim of gold. His leg is still between hers, and her hands press up by her shoulder, and he’s just – so, so tall –
If he’d just bend down a little, maybe she could –
“Eep!” she yelps, pocket buzzing. “That’s just – I think Yuzuri –”
“Oh,” he breathes, pulling back. “Right. Her clubbing thing.”
r u guys gonna be ready soon?i wanna b drinking already
Obi’s already wandered away, back to the couch, and she –
i think our night is already spoken forobi wants to stay inbut let’s do breakfast tomorrow
boobut i get to pick the place
22 notes · View notes
lilyvandersteen · 6 years
Puppy Eyes Chapter 13
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This is again from Kurt’s point of view, and unbetaed because I’ve been typing ‘till the last minute.
Thank you so much to everyone who sends me feedback - you’re wonderful and you spur me on to keep writing :-)
This story is also on AO3 and on Fanfiction.net.
The other parts can be found here: Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12
Chapter 13: Near Misses
That very same day, Kurt called his dad and pumped him for information, after assuring him that he was better, yes, and no, Burt didn’t need to fly to New York to come and see him.
He blanched when Burt told him Blaine knew everything. “And I told him he’d better give you an honest chance.”
“What? He knows you’re in love with him, and the two of you really click, but he’s slow to make a move, and you don’t want to egg him on, so someone has to.”
Kurt sighed.
“Any guy would be lucky to have you,” Burt insisted.
That made Kurt scoff. “Oh yeah, they’re just queuing up to date me.”
“They should! Maybe then Blaine would make a move!”
“Yeah, yeah, you’ve been ill and you’re still tired, I get it. Carole is nagging me to hang up and let you sleep. You rest up and feel better, ‘kay?”
“Okay. Night, Dad.”
Kurt felt awkward during dinner the next day. As well as he got along with Professor Scher, it was weird to have her over for dinner, and even weirder that she’d been looking after him while he was ill, however much he appreciated it.
Mostly, Kurt let the others talk, and that worked perfectly. They all assumed he was quiet because he was still feeling the effects of the flu he’d had.
Ashton was a laid-back guy with a great sense of humour and a flair for story-telling. They all laughed their heads off when he told the story of how his father, an art critic, and his mother, an art historian, met and hated each other on sight. “Seriously, it’s a miracle they ever got married!”
Trent proved to be a lot nicer than Kurt’s first impression of him had been, way back when he started walking ‘Devon’. Kurt greedily soaked up all the information Trent provided about Blaine, and listened open-mouthed as he told them anecdotes from his years as an ICU nurse.
“The doctor kept prodding her even after she’d told him it really hurt there,” Trent said. “Next thing we knew, she made this weird coughing noise, and the doctor looked up, and she projectile-vomited all over him. And then she turned to him and said, ‘I feel much better now.’ We had a good laugh about that at the nurse’s station later. Served him right!”
“But now you’re working at an art gallery, aren’t you?” Professor Scher asked. “So how did that career switch come about?”
“Well, after a few years, I was totally burnt out. We were short on staff, and each of us had to work for three. And I was so tired ALL THE TIME. Could never get used to working nights. So yeah, one morning when I came home from work, I saw this ‘Help wanted’ notice on the window of Vernon’s gallery, and it seemed like an absolute dream to work there, so I applied and got in, and I never looked back. My dad’s still mad about it, though. All those years of studying for nothing. All that money he paid for it.”
Kurt nodded thoughtfully, thinking of his father’s frown when he’d announced he wanted to study either musical theatre or fashion design. Burt had been a lot more enthusiastic when Kurt chose to sign up for a minor in graphic design.
“All parents are the same, I guess,” he said. “They want their children to study something that guarantees a good, stable, well-paying job. And the arts have a bad rep.”
Ashton nodded. “My mom insisted on me doing a minor in teaching, just so I’d have a back-up career. And I hated every minute of it”
“It might come in useful one day,” said Blaine, and Professor Scher added, “You never know.”
“That’s what my mother said,” Ashton pouted, and everyone laughed.
All in all, the dinner party was a success, and Kurt grinned and nodded when Blaine said, “We need to do this again soon.”
But the best part of his day was Blaine getting into bed with him and holding him close and tight. Kurt smiled as he closed his eyes and started to drift off. Just as he was on the cusp of falling asleep, Blaine kissed the top of his head and murmured, “I’m glad you’re better. I was so worried.”
Kurt’s smile widened, and he slipped into sleep happier than he’d ever felt before.
True to his word, Blaine invited Trent and Ashton over for dinner the following week, twice even, and the week after again. Soon it became a standing invitation: every Wednesday and every Sunday, the couple joined Kurt and Blaine for dinner.
After a few months, Kurt stopped thinking of Trent and Ashton as Blaine’s friends, and started to consider them his own friends, too. He met up with them for coffee or lunch, went jogging with Trent (and a few dog friends) every other evening and helped Ashton shop for clothes and gifts. In return, Ashton and Trent provided very welcome feedback on Kurt’s design projects both for school and for R/GA.
And then one day Ashton told Kurt that he’d inherited money from an aunt and had been looking to buy a commercial property, because it was Trent’s dream to have a gallery of his own. And would Kurt come along and check out a few properties with Ashton before he brought up the subject with Trent?
Well, of course Kurt would, and he went even further, using his free time the next few weeks to sketch how he envisioned the gallery, and to design a logo for it.
“I’ll do your website, too,” he promised Ashton, “once you start up your business.”
Ashton looked at the sketches and the logo, and beamed. “Thank you! Trent is going to love this so much!”
Trent did love it, and together, he and Ashton chose a property to buy. Then, while Ashton contacted contractors to renovate the building, Trent and Kurt teamed up to pick paint colours, light fixtures, furniture and everything else needed to kit out the future gallery.
Kurt tweaked his sketches according to Trent’s wishes, and grinned ear to ear when Ashton showed them to Blaine the next time he and Trent came over for dinner.
Blaine’s mouth fell open, and he shot Kurt a look he couldn’t really decipher before turning to his friends again and showing the required enthusiasm.
After they’d left, though, it became quite clear what the matter was. Blaine was jealous!
Usually, Blaine would sing and even dance while doing the dishes, but now he sulked and glared at the dishes he was scrubbing until Kurt rolled his eyes and said, “Seriously? You’re mad because I knew about the gallery before they told you?”
The corners of Blaine’s mouth went down, and he mumbled, “They were my friends first!”
Kurt laughed. “Come on, mister! Trent is still your best friend in the whole world. That doesn’t change because he’s now my friend, too. So stop pouting! How old are you, five?”
Blaine’s glower melted away to make room for a glint of mischief, and he flicked some sudsy water in Kurt’s direction. “Five and a half!”
Kurt yelped and then hastened to retaliate. They only stopped their water battle when the floor became so slippery that Kurt almost fell on his bum. Luckily, Blaine caught him just in time. Kurt giggled, because now it looked like they were dancing and Blaine had dipped him. And then Kurt forgot all about his merriment, because yes, that was Blaine glimpsing at Kurt’s lips for a second there. Would he? Would he really?
But Blaine just laughed and righted Kurt, saying, “We’ve made a bit of a mess, haven’t we? Sorry about that. It was fun, though.”
Kurt exhaled shakily and found a rag to wipe the floor with. His heart was still hammering, and it took a long while for it to quiet down.
For Kurt’s twenty-first birthday, Rachel insisted on throwing him a party at Callbacks. Elliott and Neil and Maizie were invited too. If it had been just an ordinary night out, Kurt would have looked forward to catching up with his friends and singing karaoke. But he knew, he just KNEW they’d want to get him as drunk as a skunk, and he didn’t like that prospect.
He confided his woes to Blaine, telling him about the one time he’d gotten drunk and then vomited all over a teacher’s shoes. “I don’t want that to happen again! And I don’t want to drink so much that I don’t remember anything the day after! Or that I lose my virginity to some random guy!”
Blaine nodded. “I understand.”
Kurt sighed. “I don’t get why people are so obsessed with alcohol. And me drinking it. I don’t like booze. It smells disgusting, it tastes vile, and it makes me puke. I want nothing to do with it, thank you very much.”
“Well, can’t you just tell them so?” Blaine suggested. “They’re your friends!”
Kurt rolled his eyes at Blaine. “They’re just going to tell me to suck it up and not be a party pooper.”
Blaine raised an eyebrow, his mouth a thin line. “They won’t respect your wishes?”
“Not about this, I’m sure. Didn’t your friends do that to you when you turned twenty-one?”
Blaine smiled. “The only friend I had at the time was Trent, and no, he didn’t do that.”
“Lucky you.”
“If you’re worried, I can make sure I’m there,” Blaine offered. “I’ll take Trent and Ashton with me. And as soon as you’re feeling uncomfortable, you come and tell me and I’ll take you home.”
“And if you turn into a dog all of a sudden?”
“Trent will look after me, and Ashton will look after you.
“Oh. Okay. Yes, please.”
The night of the party, Kurt went to Rachel’s loft to dress up to the nines and to pick an outfit for Rachel, too. Then, they both headed to Callbacks to meet their friends.
Once Kurt sat down at their table, his eyes roved over the crowd until he found Blaine, who smiled and winked at him. Kurt instantly felt better.
The party started with everyone taking turns singing karaoke. Kurt drank a diet coke, clapped and smiled and sang duets with Rachel and Elliott, and started to relax. Perhaps he could have a nice night out without being forced to do something he didn’t want.
But then more friends of Kurt’s turned up, out of the blue, among them Santana, and the first thing she did once she’d plopped down next to Kurt was sniff his drink and then taste it. “Porcelain, this is just coke. Why aren’t you doing shots? It’s your twenty-first birthday! Hey, bar tender, a round of shots for all of us!”
She collected the shot glasses the bar tender shoved at her and distributed them, slamming one into Kurt’s hand and shouting, “Bottom’s up!”
Kurt shot a frantic look at Blaine, who nodded at him and went up to the stage to sing a song. At first, Kurt didn’t understand how that could possibly help, but as usual, he couldn’t keep his eyes off Blaine, and when Blaine started singing, the corners of Kurt’s mouth turned up of their own accord.
As soon as everyone noticed his dopey grin, they followed his gaze to the stage, and his college friends smirked when they saw Blaine, and happily enlightened the others about Kurt’s humongous crush.
Kurt let them laugh and mock to their heart’s content, and used their distraction to exchange his full shot glass for an empty one. Brilliant, Blaine! Thank you!
When Blaine went back to his table, after a beautiful rendition of Teenage Dream that had Kurt’s heart twitterpating, Santana fixed Kurt with an intense stare, and he braced himself for what was coming.
“So you’re into Dapper Dan over there? Tell you what, Lady Lips, I’ll stop bugging you about drinking your weight in alcohol if you walk up to him right now and ask him to dance. And don’t worry, he doesn’t even have to take you up on the offer!”
The whole table laughed, and then they shouted encouragement at Kurt. “You can do this!” “Come on, Kurt, the worst that can happen is that he says no.” “Maybe he will dance with you, he’s such a sweetheart!” “You should try, I totes saw him looking at you during the song.”
So Kurt got up, made his way to Blaine’s table, and tapped the man on his shoulder. Blaine turned his head so fast it must have given him a crick in his neck, and looked concerned when he saw that it was Kurt. “Everything okay?”
Kurt smiled. “Santana dared me to ask you to dance. So, would you do me the honour?”
Kurt held out his hand, threw his shoulders back and put his poker face on. If Blaine said no, there was no harm done. He’d asked, so Santana had to leave him alone. But he really, really wanted Blaine to say yes.
Blaine stood up and took Kurt’s hand, to loud cheering from Kurt’s table. Up on stage, a girl was now crooning an Ed Sheeran song, soft and sweet. Kurt put his other hand on Blaine’s shoulder, felt Blaine splay his hand on his back, and started to slowly sway to the music. He was sure he was smiling like a fool again, but he so didn’t care. This felt amazing.
“Why did you take her up on that dare?” Blaine whispered, and when Kurt explained, he laughed. “I’m glad me being here helped!”
“Me too,” Kurt breathed, wishing that he could step a bit closer and feel Blaine against him. But there were too many eyes on him right now, so he kept a respectful distance.
Blaine leaned in a little. “You look amazing, by the way. That waistcoat is gorgeous, and it really brings out your eyes.”
Kurt’s cheeks heated up, and his lips felt dry as the desert all of a sudden, so he moistened them. Blaine’s eyes flicked down, and he moved a bit closer still.
Kurt tuned out everything around him and closed his eyes.
And then somebody bumped into him, hard, and a cold liquid hit his neck and trickled down his back, seeping into his clothes. His eyes flew open and he turned around, seeing a drunk girl who could barely stay upright, holding an empty martini glass.
The girl giggled and slurred a sorry, making her way to the bar again.
Kurt shivered, and Blaine was instantly there, soothing and offering help. “Do you want my jacket?”
Kurt shook his head. “I think I’m calling it a night. Thanks for the dance.”
He went to his table again, where he got congratulations and claps on the back, but all he said was, “I’m going to head out. I don’t know what she spilled on me, but I’m cold and gross, and I want to shower and treat my clothes for stains.”
Everyone nodded. Even Santana didn’t put up a protest. She only said, “I bet you’re glad I dared you, though. You’ve got game, Porcelain! You got your dance!”
Kurt grinned at her.
“Oh no, now his crush is gonna get even worse!” Neil moaned.
Elliott scoffed. “Like it could get any worse.”
“True, that.”
The whole table laughed again, and Kurt made his escape, the glowing ember of that dance keeping him warm until he got home.
Early July, the wedding invitation arrived, and Kurt was happily surprised to see his name on the envelope as well. “I get to come, too?”
Blaine grinned. “Of course you do. You’ve been best buds with Trent for months now. Also, you’re the back-up best man in case I turn into a dog!”
Kurt grinned back, and started planning his outfit.
The weather was perfect that day – sunny, but not too hot. The ceremony was beautiful, and Kurt teared up when Trent and Ashton exchanged vows, wishing fiercely that one day, it would be him standing there with Blaine. Not much chance of that, but he could hope, right?
Blaine was as affectionate and attentive as ever, offering Kurt a handkerchief when he cried, holding his hand in church and putting his arm around Kurt’s waist during the reception. Kurt’s nerve endings buzzed, and his smile worked overtime when the other wedding guests all took him for Blaine’s boyfriend, and Blaine didn’t correct them. Not once.
After dinner, Ashton announced that he had a surprise for his husband, and brought everyone to the garden. The surprise was a fireworks display. However spectacular it was, though, Kurt found himself distracted by Blaine hugging him from behind, hooking his chin over Kurt’s shoulder and whispering in his ear. Kurt so wanted to turn around and kiss him, but he knew the initiative had to come from Blaine.
When everyone went back inside, though, Kurt told Blaine he wanted to stay in the garden for a bit. He needed to get himself together again. Blaine, instead of leaving Kurt to his thoughts, stayed with him, and danced dorkily to the music until Kurt had a giggle fit.
And then Blaine asked Kurt to dance, and it was magical, swaying slowly among the flowers and under the stars. Kurt never wanted it to end, and drew nearer to Blaine of his own accord after the dance was over.
He gazed into Blaine’s eyes, and Blaine looked back, his eyes dark and his expression awed. Blaine circled Kurt’s waist and tugged him a bit closer still, and Kurt went willingly, closing his eyes and puckering up, because this was it, surely?
But there was no soft pressure on his lips, and Blaine let go of him, and then he let out… a whine?
Kurt’s eyes flew open, and he cursed when he saw Blaine had been turned into a dog again. Really? Now? Did Mr Zakharov sense Blaine was close to breaking the spell and did he want to stop that from happening?
Grumbling under his breath, Kurt took Blaine’s collar and leash out of his pocket and put it on. He collected Blaine’s clothes and folded them, then sent Trent and Ashton a text to tell them what had happened and headed home.
That night, when he got into bed, cuddling up to Blaine in his dog form, he was still grumpy. So close. I was so close! Not fair.
A new schoolyear started, and a few weeks before Christmas break, Professor Scher announced that she was going to invite Sebastian from R/GA to talk to all the students that were graduating that year about the job opportunities open to them in the field.
Kurt, who had by now seen Sebastian in action several times, flirting and harassing his colleagues at R/GA, wasn’t very pleased about this development. Would Sebastian still be interested in Blaine?
That Friday, he got answer. Yes, Sebastian was still interested, laying it on thicker than ever around Blaine, who blushed up a storm and lowered his eyes to look at Sebastian from under his lashes. Whether Blaine was flattered or just embarrassed, Kurt couldn’t tell, but the interaction made him simmer with rage.
After the wedding, Blaine hadn’t made any more overtures towards Kurt, and Kurt didn’t dare bring up the subject, though he viciously shut off the radio any time “You Can’t Hurry Love” played. Almost a year had passed, and what did he have to show for it? He and Blaine had grown closer, yes, undoubtedly, but any time he thought Blaine was about to kiss him, Blaine was scared back into his shell by circumstances. It was frustrating beyond belief. And now Mr Slimy McSlimeball thought he could charm his way into Blaine’s pants and ruin Kurt’s life? Ugh. Infuriating!
Kurt heard Sebastian invite both Professor Scher and Blaine to R/GA’s Christmas party on the 23rd, bragging about all the big names that would be present. Kurt had been invited too, but like last year, he didn’t want to go without Blaine and leave him alone all night, nor did he want to take Blaine along and watch Sebastian hit on him. It seemed like that choice was taken away from him, though. Both professors accepted the invitation eagerly, and there was no way Kurt would stay at home while Blaine was out being seduced by Mr Sleaze Extraordinaire!
That evening, when Blaine rambled on and on about the famous people he’d be meeting at the R/GA party, Kurt just nodded, and as soon as he could get a word in edgeways, he said drily that he’d be going too. “Ellie invited me months ago.”
Blaine seemed taken aback for a second, and then beamed, “That’s right! You work there! This is going to be so great!”
Kurt didn’t react to that statement, choosing instead to clear the table and carry the dishes to the sink. He may have set them down somewhat harder than usual, but Blaine, chattering excitedly again, never even noticed.
So great, huh? I hope Blaine’s right, but I have a bad feeling about that party. I think it’s a recipe for disaster.
14 notes · View notes
alphaedd · 6 years
What's your opinion about the red leader/tord design?
ohhh, I’ll give it to you with pleasure anon ! I hope you’re ready, long rant ahead bc im an art student and that means, I’m Overly Technical, I Throw Personal Opinions Around, And I’m Probably Too Mean For What Eddsworld Is
for those who did not see it :
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so let’s start with starters. shape. when you first look at the design you notice immediatly : it’s triangles and rectangles (aside from the lonely ass knee pads. and belt which are just “shield” coded) what the fuck this mean ?? well, triangles = DANGURUS, S H A R P n shit. you get it, the codes for danger and stabby shit. it’s also the code for hierarchies n such cause pyramids. this guy is high in the hierarchies, this guy is made to step on people and shred them. curvy + pointy = teary. simple designs maths. its ideal for cartoon characters who are pretty outside = inside coded. after, ngl, they went /super basic/, whats “expected” when you go with that. rectangle legs and feet, triangle torso, square jaw, yadda yadda… they laid down the stereotypes and called it a day.
now let’s see the colours, which are treated pretty much the same. you have classic black for darkness, evil and death, classic red for blood, war and yadda yadda, eletric blue for electricity and basic robot aesthetics, gold for power and wealth and royalty, and of course because tord is a basic tankie bitch who wears the communist colours. theyre p average but at least they aren’t at full saturation so-
anyway. next layer of rant. the “themes” for the clothes. ok its just, obvious magneto copycat with a mix of the clothes from typical centurion outfit but robot and your average modern army clothes. we get it, honour, strenght, war, evil, yadda yadda. extra average. looks like the phantoms from the zelda franchise too. symetric but not too much cause arms. and tbfh they bother me- the robotic one just…. doesn’t make sence ? you have precise groups of muscles that are set in a precise way to move one way or another. and this arm simply just doesn’t respect them at all and they dont seem to be any sort of functional whatsoever in their setup. I’m not sure how he could lift his arms with his shoulders pillons setup this way. I also fail to understand how the robot exoskeleton on the other arm works, and I honestly find it God Damn Ugly like bitch ! that aint following no movement whatsoever. it’s fucking shapeless, yikes ! yea point being, nice try but it’s super average and the arms would need a Lot of work. also capes are terrible in modern fights because they get stuck everywhere and if there’s wind they can make it harder to be stable which is shit if you need to aim at stuff but w/e.
however, what’s interesting is a winks about the previous stuff, namely the black hoodie. it’s funny cause tord’s developpement went a bit like this, when you look : nerd who faps at hentai and loves guns -> asshole who doubles as miracle scientist with dreams a little too big to be good -> kylo ren- okay okay that was a joke. but point stands still, total dictator who is a little too edgy for his own good, literally wants to rule the world as an absolute god. it’s very stereotypical but if they had made part 2 of tord’s developpement a lil more funny, I bet it’d have gone well. they switched tones and its where it just didnt work. eh well.
so yeah summed up, its a very average design. hard to distinguish from your average mary sue. but, guess what ? mary sues can be pulled off with the right universe. they can go and make him a villain that smashes everything with little thoughs and… itd be perfectly in line with what he did previously. I mean, cmon. we’re talking about “I moved in the house of my ex friends and bugged them for ages and bullied them and blew up their house when i couldve just pretended to come for a visit of a day or just broken in to get the robot and be done with it, aka im an edgelord doing unecessary shit just for the sake of wrecking stuff”. of course that guy would want overdone outfits that barely look functionnal ! of course hed be like these stereotypical brute leaders ! hes a walking parody of them- after yeah, couldve done it better. couldve either pushed the evil even deeper into the stereotypes to make it ridiculous just like that outfit. i could see it with the new costume. that or, tord trying to be evil, but his outfit just… keeps getting in the way. stepping on the cape/getting it stuck in doors, barely being able to move his arms, constantly suffocating under the headgear, etc… could work. but I can’t see tomska make it work, sorry. i say a lot of things here but ngl, I’m 90% sure they didn’t think of even half of what I said when they did the design. so lol.
anyway, hold my faygo. i have the rep of being a wizard able to make anything look good n hot. so sit down and watch while i demonstrate. see also : tweaking a lil the design
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(didnt turn as good as planned so will give another shoot tommorow. i still cant draw hoodie hoods fdjskdjdsk)
Big Sib, [06.02.18 23:30]he goes out and poledances in the same outfit, probably
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kappasquad · 7 years
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I commissioned this drawing a long time ago to go along with the Graves’ post-spinal-injury midnight bath. I never shared it here, so I’d best remedy that. (There will be a few other unseen commissions coming up as well).
Artist: Lorna Ka
“You’re perfect, y’know that, don’t you?”
Misfit nuzzled his cheek against his partner’s hair, breathing in the subtle smell of lavender that was permeating the room around them; one of Tuca’s ideas, designed to calm Graves and promote a sleepy atmosphere for him to rest It was 3am…very much the middle of the night, but none of that really made much difference to Graves’ sleep schedule since he was still largely bed bound and had nothing to do all day but sleep. People would give him tasks as and when they came available, but nothing that kept him busy all day so he tended to drift off periodically, then be wide awake at night.
Misfit had filled the large portable tub with hot water and lavender oil, proposing a middle-of-the-night bath. The fire was crackling and warm, keeping the chill from their skin. Usually he just helped Graves in to the tub and let him wash himself as much as he could – letting him maintain his independence – but since nobody else was awake, he had taken the opportunity to climb in with him.
He had his partner’s back against his chest, safely reclining between his own spread legs. It gave Graves security and the comfort of some preciously important skin contact.
He had started the painful treatment prescribed by Nala Se which incorporated spinal injections of bacta at the site of his break. The injections themselves weren’t any bother because his feeling was still very poor, but as they took affect the pain was building.
The Kaminoan physician had given him an increase in his pain medication to match the issues he was uncovering, but it was also important to map the progress. In order to monitor the progress, he needed to feel these recovered feelings…even if they were uncomfortable. He was getting bouts of pins and needles that had been so disconcerting and uncomfortable that he’d wept but still refused to take the medication. It was a horrible feeling but it was immensely better than feeling nothing.
Any improvement was good, as far as he was concerned.
The pins and needles had morphed in to general aches around the base of his spine and through his hips, and that was why they chose to soak in the hot water. If Graves was going to refuse medication, Misfit just had to think outside of the box to ensure that he was as comfortable as possible.
Graves opened his eyes again upon hearing Misfit’s proclamation. His head was resting comfortably on his brother’s chest; enjoying the feeling of being wrapped within his strong arms, cradled by his body and the gentle support of the water. “You won’t be saying that when it comes to getting me out again without anyone’s help.” There was both humour and self-depreciation in his tone.
The whole experience had been difficult for him to adapt to; going from highly fit commando to cripple all due to some freak accident. He didn’t grudge anyone else for coming out relatively unscathed while he was left with life changing injuries but the injustice still gnawed at him if he let it. Had it been an injury sustained in combat, it wouldn’t have felt so bad, but this had been time off…a day out hunting. It was meant to be fun.
Brude’s arm was nearly ready to be removed from the cast, although the pins would stay in place. It had been a nasty compound fracture and had left a very impressive surgical scar behind, but Brude was wearing it like a medal. Few individuals had scars like that in a galaxy where bacta healed so thoroughly. Dita was the same; taking his painful lek wound completely in his stride. The young bounced back. That was just how life went.
He felt so old.
“We are old, cyar’vod.” Misfit kissed the side of his neck and held him a little bit tighter.
He must have said it out loud. Or Missy had turned in to a mind reader.
“Plenty grey anyway.” He humoured him, trying to force his mind away from the things that bothered him. It’d been three months now since he broke his back and he was around two months in to his treatment. Progress was slow – just like he’d been warned. He closed his eyes and purred as his husband ran gentle hands up his stomach, passing across the area with absent or altered sensation until they reached his chest. Any petting was much appreciated; he’d found a newly kindled need for touch since he lost feeling and control of half his body.
The sensations that remained were all the more precious when you couldn’t feel so much. He whimpered when Misfit tweaked his nipple and bit his neck simultaneously. The pleasure-pain line was one that Graves loved to teeter along, and his cyar’ika new just what he loved.
“So easy.” Misfit murmured, worrying at the bite mark with his tongue and teeth – intent to leave his mark. He had always been possessive, although it didn’t manifest in as strong a way as Graves’ own possessive actions.
“Only for you, bébé.” Graves dipped a hand in to his lap and gave himself a few half-hearted strokes out of habit more than expectation. He could achieve these semi-erections through erogenous stimulation because the messages from his brain were now making it far enough to bring about the start of an erection, but it wasn’t hard enough to do anything with and he couldn’t reach orgasm just through Misfit playing with his nipples and licking his neck. That didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy it though…
He gave up – completely unable to feel his efforts tonight. “Are you poking my back?” He couldn’t feel anything but the aching pain in his hips, but he could still make a pretty safe guess.
Misfit didn’t reply – choosing instead to bury his face in his partner’s hair to hide his laugh. He couldn’t deny it…he was enjoying this as much as he would always be, but he didn’t like to draw attention to it in case it put unnecessary pressure on Graves.
They still tried to have some fun, but really it always came around to Misfit having to carefully position himself so that Graves could finish him off. They couldn’t have a tumble…and his partner couldn’t just roll over to do the necessary. It was okay – and Graves never complained about not getting anything out of these moments – but Misfit still felt that he was somehow taking advantage.
He’d taken to doing a bit of essential maintenance in the shower if he had the privacy, which he often did now since his schedule revolved around caring for Graves’ needs. It was the first time he’d taken to doing this since the times they were sent out to work separately during the war.
Instead of letting his mind wander away to his own needs, he kicked himself back to the moment, feeling Graves tense a little against him in what he knew was a grimace of pain. The warm water was a good painkiller but it only went so far in treating the deep rooted nerve pain. But he was prepared for it, reaching over the edge of the bath to grab a little jar containing a cocktail of medication that he had prepared for this moment.
Graves took it with mild complaint but ultimately knowing that they were for the best. He didn’t like taking more than he had to but if he didn’t take them now he’d never be able to get to sleep. The water was a temporary reprieve from the pain. He couldn’t just take the painkiller alone because he had a weird reaction to medication. All through his life, the pre-measured sharps of painkiller that they carried in their medkit had made him sick, stims left him with a major ‘hang-over’ affect, he woke from anaesthetic wanting to kill everyone around him…
He’d just treated that as normality for him because every clone feared letting outsiders, Kaminoans, or trainers in on secrets that could be deemed as failures in any way. Misfit kept an eye on him and he was fortunate that he never had to have surgery until he was away from the Kaminoan gaze. He had flattened every medic, med-droid and technician who were unfortunate enough to be in the recovery room with him, until Misfit and E’li rushed in to calm him down. After that, a note had been made in his medical records so that his medic vode knew to keep him restrained when he was regaining consciousness after meds.
And now, he was fortunate enough to have the medical expertise and love of the community, and they had devised a cocktail that would provide adequate pain relief while incorporating an anti-emetic and something to make him drowsy. It was potent, and it only took a few minute for the effects to wash over him, leaving him sleepy and limp in Misfit’s arms.
This did pose something of an issue when it came to getting him out and dried – and to be honest, Misfit hadn’t thought this far ahead in his plan. Fortunately, Tryss chose that moment to make an appearance, startling Misfit and making Graves rumble sleepily.
The Hapan looked half asleep himself; his hair sleep tousled and his one concession to nightwear – some worn, comfortable pants – hanging dangerously from his hips. Nobody needed to ask why he was up…two youngsters, one with lingering traumatic memories and the other a mere baby, would do terrible things to your sleep schedule. There wasn’t many nights that went by without either Tryss or Varik stumbling through to make a comfort bottle for Bess, or to get a mug of warm milk for Haar’ika. He took one look at the pair in the tub, not even questioning the logic of a bath at this time of night. “Need a hand?” He helped Graves to sit up enough for Misfit to slip out from under him, then together they could lift the Alpha captain out of the tub.
Tryss waited until Misfit had hastily dried himself and thrown on some clothing, then he squatted down, threading his left hand under Graves’ thighs and his right arm around his back; a position that Misfit mirrored on the other side.
Before they could lift him, Graves let his head come to against Tryss’ shoulder, squinting at his exposed, lean body. He giggled and pulled what he probably thought was an alluring grin. “Come here often, handsome?” He couldn’t stop himself from dissolving in to more giggles, struggling to keep his eyes open. Tryss merely rolled his eyes, lifting on the count of three and following Misfit’s lead to transfer him to the towels that were laid out on the bed to dry him. He raised his eyebrows at the second Alpha, noting his adoring smile firmly in place at Graves’ antics. “Is he on the loopy drugs again?”
“Yeah…” Misfit pointed to the shelf that held a vast array of meds, and Needles’ meticulous notes on dosages. “The bed time cocktail is always the worst – he needs lots to take the pain away enough for him to sleep but the more pain relief he gets, the more he needs to balance the side-affects. It’s enough to put a bantha on its shebs.”
Tryss turned his gaze back towards Graves to help wrap him up in the blankets. The Alpha was already fast asleep, mouth slightly open and a deceptively innocent expression on his face. Give it ten minutes and he would bet money that he’d be drooling too.
“One bantha…or one stubborn Alpha ARC!”
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