#and stuff with Zen is weird
khaotunq · 8 months
two parallel lines by khaotunq (stilinski)
It wasn't that Boston was free from blame – far from it: he was absolutely mostly to blame – but Boston's very transgression there proved the rule. Boston, when caught, didn't lie.
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evadingreallife · 9 months
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savage-rhi · 5 months
For the WIPs, how about Everything, Zen 😘
@seradyn AHHH BIG THANK!!! 💙 I don't have a whole lot done on this one cause I'm still plotting out things, but I do have a little snippet and a summary!
Edit: also adding the song that inspired the story, title and characters
Summary: It is said in the holy book that when Lucifer fell from heaven, he was plunged into the depths of hell and awaits the apocalypse. What if hell wasn't a firey pit of despair, but in fact, living as a human being for all of eternity?
Zen--the most recent reincarnation of Lucifer--after several lifetimes has finally pieced together a way he can break free from the reincarnation cycle. With the aid of Sawyer--a woman with her own troubles and tribulations--Zen seeks the legendary 10 crowns or "horns" of The Beast to return to heaven.
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"So," Sawyer let out a sigh. "When this little road trip of ours comes to an end and you go home. What happens next?"
Zen raised a brow and shrugged. If he were more honest with himself, he hadn't thought that much ahead of the game. Not that he'd admit it out loud.
"I suppose I try and break bread with my father," Zen scoffed. He then smirked as another amusing thought came to mind. "Maybe sing kumbaya with Michael while I'm at it. Hell, maybe pops would like a souvenir from--"
He paused and frowned, looking at the inside of the diner trying in vain to find something that popped out. "Bumfuck Montana, or wherever we are right now."
"Bumfuck Montana," Sawyer repeated. She sounded so unimpressed that Zen could feel his pride take a few steps back. "That's original."
"Oh yeah?" Zen smirked. "You think you can do better?"
"I probably could," Sawyer admitted with a grin. "But I don't need Satan on my ass for the next decade or however long I got left."
"Eh," Zen's eyes scanned over Sawyer in a scrutinizing manner. "You don't have much going on there, ass wise. I wouldn't fret."
"Asshole," Sawyer growled under her breath.
"You walked into that I'm afraid." Zen snorted.
Although Sawyer smiled and laughed off his counter, Zen could sense a little more of herself closing off to him. The way her shoulders firmed and the subtle twitch of her fingers against the coffee mug had him uneasy. His therapist from the late 1800s stated such unease from physical tics was due to abandonment issues. He remembered laughing himself to death over that, but admitted perhaps they had been onto something. He hated it when someone pulled away. It demonstrated a dishonesty that infuriated him to the core.
Zen felt eager to verbally rip Sawyer apart, but reminded himself of how fragile her current state of mind was. He gave credit where it was due. She was certainly a phenomenal actor, pretending nothing got under her skin. That was a quality he had come to admire about humans over the centuries. How their resilience was impeccable. He couldn't say the same for himself as he ruminated on his earlier feelings of disgust.
What happened at the truck stop bothered him a great deal, and he wasn't the one who had been assaulted. He may had "saved the day", but the damage had been done. It was clear in Sawyers eyes and the way she had carried herself since then.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Zen murmured.
"Not really," Sawyer replied. Her eyes scanned over the diner, reminding Zen of a meerkat scouting the plains for hyena. "It's not the first time something like that has happened to me. I'll get over it."
He felt the hairs on his neck stand, and blinked a few times as his mind pondered more than it should've on Sawyer's remark.
"You're not alone in your misery. If it's any consolation."
Sawyer's eyes landed on him, sensing a familiarity in his cadence. It took her but a few moments to register the weight. "You too?"
Zen nodded. He sunk further into his seat as he relaxed and stretched. "You seem surprised."
"I didn't think...since you're, you know who, that you'd know what that's like--"
"I've lived many lifetimes. I'm not a stranger to bodily harm of the highest. Be it male or female." He interrupted, offering a small grin to soften the blow of his confession for her sake. Zen felt something akin to shame shortly after, and dismissively waved his right hand. Trying to tell Sawyer without words not to think too hard on anything. He focused on the birds in the parking lot outside the window. Watching them peck at stale leftover french fries someone had tossed.
"I'm sorry," Sawyer softly replied. He didn't have to see her face to tell she felt foolish for whatever assumptions she had held of him.
"It's whatever," Zen shrugged with a grin. He realized how odd that must've looked considering the circumstances, but didn't linger upon it.
Once the birds took off, having their fill, did he look at Sawyer again. He bit the inside of his cheek.
"You don't me owe me your past or anything you've been through, but I do want you to know that so long as we travel together, that won't happen again."
"How can you be certain?"
"I'm not," Zen admitted. "But contrary to popular belief, I keep my word if you'll have it."
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spitzyyyy · 1 year
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this might be the funniest thing to come out of a scrapped draft of a fake outer wilds care manual
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
What if I did another F/O take over event for February? For my birthday? But this time instead of it being every F/O it was only the Ideal Polycule? Would y’all interact with that? Just askin
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Guess who just downloaded mystic messenger again 🫦✌🏻
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tgcg · 3 months
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this is my element (+ album)
asking me to pick my fave album is like asking an orphan matron to pick her favorite baby boy
thats some weird and cruel circumstances to put upon me i feel like it changes every damn week like a rota
i mean what if my beats misbehave and i gotta put 'em in time out i cant play permanent on that theyre too cute
but yknow what i can show you one thing thats been on my mind lately
so when i was a kid we had this skateboard vid by "element skateboards" on DVD
they were this skateboard kit slash apparel company that was all about progressivism and shit and they did these much lauded comp tapes of dudes riding around on their boards and doing the dopest of macho tricks on the shit
flipping it turnways
putting the rock in the house like a big man
we had some of their merch actually
so anyways the one we had back then was This Is My Element
released 2007
mostly clips from cali i think and i mean the camerawork is fucking insane on some of those shots
this is gonna sound lame as fuck but i prob spent so many cumulative hours just peelin through the footage and ogling the shit outta it
that framing was tight
so you may be asking yourself or me
dave you genuine dicksucker i asked about your fav album not your favorite sordid ass display of smooth dudes hardcore riding and grinding them boards in public dude you have a problem
ok well that wasnt a question first of all so jot that down
but anyways to THAT i say
listen to the music
the whole thing has an original soundtrack of ambient beats
got some abstract hip hop jams, got some more indie stuff, lots of acoustic sampling
HELLA underground
and basically every track minus one is done by sampler beast david p. madson AKA "odd nosdam"
dude is my hero seriously
he is the master of the beat machine i shit you not hes always been kinda my idol on this stuff
aside from bro obviously
anyways he had an E-mu SP-1200 which is a really oldschool sampler invented by dave rossum in the late 80s
revolutionary to the hip hop scene
nosdam had this mega distinct sound to his music that i always wanted to replicate on my own beats
still do
i dont know for sure if he used it on T.I.M.E. but he uses some of the same samples from "vol. 9" which was exclusively SP-1200 so im gonna get a lil j’accuzi on that
it couldve been a boss dr sampler SP-202 though idk
he had one of those
so aside from beating the shit out of the pause/resume button to flip my whole cranium at the cinematography or whatever i would also kinda play it on loop to listen to the soundtrack and space out at 2am
the lonely broner seemed to free his mind at night
ok shit broner is good but i didnt mean it like that
that was goofy lets just keep movin
it was the only way i had to listen to it back then but i mean the video is 50 mins long so its basically just an odd nosdam album with accompanying ambient skater sounds and random expletives and whatever
random car sequence
yknow what i dont think people respect enough?
the dude who catches all the "mad stunts yo" on camera
i swear to god at least half the time hes ALSO on a board and that shit is bananas to me
bros gotta be on some whole other level of zen to skate good AND catch all them glamor shots of his fellow skater
thats like an express ticket to the ER imo
the ambulance is already on the scene watching you like an eager crow watches a half dead dog
ok gonna go ahead and lay it out flat
not great on a board myself
kinda dogshit at it actually
so maybe im not exactly an arbitrator of skateboard heinousness
but i always kinda liked watching THEM do it i mean who doesnt?
whats an even crazier layer to stack on the "dave" cake is
and dirk told me this because unfortunately it kinda happened post-2009
he would do all these collabs with one of my childhood favorite underground rappers david cohn aka serengeti
surrounded by daves left and right dude even before all the time travel horseshit
thats like
serendipitous as fuck i think!
if sburb was just a revolving door of artists called dave that i could bump fists with
instead of other mes in various states of aliveness tending toward extremely dead
i wouldve probably given it something higher than 2 stars on my TGN review
so yeah you ask me my favorite album its T.I.M.E. by odd nosdam i guess
bump that shit on a walk your mind will go places unknown to man
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Tfw your vibe dies before you can nut so you write 161 words exactly for your fic out of spite while you wait on it to charge
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killsaki · 1 year
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final girl. ☆ surely all the girls being murdered in your town having something that fits your own description is a coincidence… right?
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izuku midoriya x female!reader
4k words | part 2 (tbp)
cw/tw : yandere!izu, quirkless/loserboy!izu, stuttering, stalking, drugging, thighfucking, facial, male masturbation, noncon, somnophilia (kinda), alcohol, oc side character, kidnapping, murder (mentions).
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“you’re not seriously going out, are you?” comes from your doorway, you turn towards the voice in just enough time to catch sight of your roommate inviting himself into your room, as he always does, before plopping himself down on your mattress.
you sigh before answering, knowing he’s about to spout some of his repetitive nonsense.
“of course i am, fuzen.” he blinks at you with his usual unamused expression, heterochromatic eyebrows slightly raised in a way that you’ve come to learn is a signal for you to ask more about what he’s saying. you take the bait. “but, why do you ask?”
“you’re the target of that serial killer.” you purse your lips at his immediate and dramatic response to stop yourself from laughing, you really shouldn't entertain him all the time. he’s mentioned a few things that could probably cost him his job for disclosing the, in his words, eerie similarities, that you have had with all the victims of recent murders.
it started with things like how they all had your eye color, or that they were all described to have your height and build. you passed those off as generic things, but fuzen didn’t. it spiraled into things as specific as one of them having your hair. well, their hair, but it was the same length as yours, the same color, and her body was found with it styled with the same way that you’d fallen in loved with and wore repeatedly that week. one girl was found with copies of the jewelry that you frequently wore, another even had her nails done almost exactly like your new set.
the longer it went on, the more insistent your roommate became about you listening to what he had to say. but you always changed the subject, figuring that the less you know the easier it’ll be to shake off the cold feeling on your back you sometimes get after leaving the apartment.
“i thought you were a stealth sidekick,” you laugh him off, yet again. ”when did you get demoted to a detective?”
“why does your room feel weird?” he asks suddenly, adjusting his sitting position like he’s been made uncomfortable while he looks around your space. “has someone been in here?”
“uh, yeah, me.” you suck your teeth at him before turning back to your vanity and get back to finishing getting ready.
“why don’t you believe me?” he asks, you can tell he’s a little irritated and it makes you feel bad for always brushing him off.
“‘zen… i know you care about me, i’m sorry.” you meet his gaze in the mirror, finding him already looking back at you. “maybe you’re just overthinking because you care about me?”
he nods slowly, before cracking a grin and shaking his head, “nah, i’m probably just jealous because i don’t have a stalker.” he rolls his neck and you wonder how much truth is in his words. “though i’d probably prefer it without the murder.”
“i don’t have a stalker.” you retort while he chuckles to himself before standing.
“you know,” he stretches his arms, fingertips touching the ceiling as the hem of his shirt lifts to reveal his toned stomach, something you quickly look away from. “that habit of immediately denying stuff that you’re anxious about is gonna bite you in the ass one day.”
his mouth is good at keeping you from being attracted to the rest of him.
“but not today,” you speak matter of fact, “because i do not have a stalker.”
“right, yeah.” he sniggers, clearly not believing a word from you. “didn’t you say you felt like you were being followed home the other night? you should think harder on the description—”
“anyways!” you cut him off, knowing that he’s not going to stop talking unless you make him. sometimes you’re not sure if he actually likes having conversations with you or just the sound of his own voice. “shouldn’t you get back to tying some red thread between the pictures and articles hung up on your wall mr. detective.”
“fuck off.” he flips you off from where he’s now lurking by your dresser, leaning against it as he’s focused on checking his phone. “i know you think i’m joking, but they put me on the west end so i’ll be patrolling over by the party if you–”
“oh! my rides here,” you lie, jumping up to slip past him and out of the conversation. “so, i’ll text you when i make it back home since you’ll be on patrol and i won’t see you again tonight, right?”
“wait!” he calls after you, annoyed by your sudden escape, as you slip on your shoes. “text me if something happens with your ride and i’ll walk you back!”
“bye, fuzen!” you yell back, walking out the door. “love you!”
/// /// ///
maybe… fuzen wasn’t just talking to hear his voice. maybe, there’s a small possibility that you do have a stalker.
you could chalk it all up to your roommate giving you anxiety about the whole situation, or that you’ve had a few too many already. but you can’t deny the fact that from the moment you stepped out of your apartment building until you climbed into your ride’s car, you felt something watching you.
it was a hot gaze, a familiar one. it could’ve been a neighbor, you reasoned to yourself as you waited for kirishima to arrive, and that theory sounded best as you repeated it to yourself at the party, laughing with him and his friends and downing drink after drink. until the chill on the back of your neck reappeared, despite how warm your blood is from the alchol. and no matter how much you looked over your shoulder to try and find some kind of source for it, there just wasn’t anyone there.
“you good?” sero asks when you fail to reply to your name being called.
“huh?” you turn to him to find the whole group looking at you with concern, your face flushes at how ridiculous you must look, being so skittish. “oh, i’m fine,” you force a laugh, hoping it seems genuine. “think i just had a little bit too much.”
“no sweat.” kirishima nods towards the glass door behind him and you try to ignore how sero and denki exchange glances. “let’s go get some air.”
“yeah, okay.” you hope the earth swallows you whole as you follow behind him.
you regret coming, regret not shutting your door while getting ready, regret letting fuzen talk his mouth off at you for so long about it. you’ll chew him out about it tomorrow.
you take a deep breath as you walk out the glass door, kirishima’s large palm rubbing soothingly on your back helps settle the nerves. there’s a comforting warmth that takes over the anxious heat as you lean into him.
“sorry i’m being weird.” you mumble as he guides you into his chest, melting into him and the sound of his steady heart beat.
“you’re fine,” you feel the arm holding his cup raise, the pause between his words meaning his downing the rest of his drink that smells way too strong. “don’t worry about it.”
the two of you sway for a bit, his arms around you and your head on his chest with the muffled music as ambiance.
it could be blamed on the alcohol but in this moment, you’re thankful you have kirishima. thankful for how it took absolutely no time at all for you to get comfortable with him, how it felt like an instant connection when he silently prompted the two of you to play tictactoe in the margine of your notes. something that quickly snowballed from passing messages to walking you back to your dorm, and then hang outs as his frat house.
he’s always offered himself as a stress relief for you, making sure you’re comfortable while you’re with him and pressing you about it any time that you seemed tense. there’s been a few awkward moments where you thought he’d tried making a pass at you but he’s always been quick to clarify. plus he’s so warm, like… really warm. his arms feel like a blanket around you. god, how is someone so big and bulky also so soft? you could probably fall asleep like this, surrounded by him.
“hey.” you’re pulled from your thoughts, and from where you were tucked into him. “you knocking out on me?”
“sorry.” you giggle, at his ever playful expression. “you’re just so comfortable.”
the smirk on his face is a harmless one, you think. and it’s awfully pretty.
“bakugou needs me at the beer pong table.”
“i don’t need you, fucker.” you hear the blonde shout from where he stands at the door. did he yell at him before too? “they just don’t want me to embarrass them by beating their asses by myself.”
kirishima laughs. ”you stayin’ out here?” you hesitate, but nod. you feel better, but the thought of facing his friends again so fast is a little too intimidating. “i wont let anyone come out here and fuck with you.” he squeezes your hip before chasing his friend inside. “come watch me when you’re ready!” the redhead calls to you from where he now hangs out the door, his toothy grin clear as day even from this distance.
you only wave back, your dizziness telling you it’s not a good idea to raise your voice right now.
you let yourself stumble back against the wall before pulling your phone out. you try three times to call fuzen and it immediately cancels before you realize you have no service where you’re standing. you curse under your breath as you push off the bricks and force your legs to carry you around the corner of the house. finally a full bar of service, you have to focus on the blurry phone icon while your thumb finds its way there.
why is everything so hard?
you manage to fumble your phone before you’re able to start the call. it feels like there’s a brick in your skull with how heavy your head becomes as you bend over to reach for the device. just as your finger tips touch your screen, there’s big, rough ones which grab at your hips. you don’t have time to scream before your arm is wound behind your back and used to press you against the brick of the house. you lose any hope of grabbing your phone and yelp as your chest and cheek sting at the harsh contact. your vision spins as you blink in the dim light, you can’t even make out the shape of the person behind you.
”don’t scream.” the stranger speaks in your ear, though slightly muffled, it still makes you freeze all the same. the adrenaline delays the recognition of the cold blade at your back, a knife. how were those girls killed again? you immediately nod, further scraping yours skin against the jagged edges of the brick. fear courses through your veins as he takes hold of your free arm and brings it back with the other, wrapping a large hand around both to keep them in place.
you try to plead with him when his knife moves from your back, the threat of it gone, or maybe all the alcohol making you bold enough to speak.
“i haven’t seen your face.” you whisper, hoping it was low enough for him to allow it. “you don’t have to kill me, you could just let me go.”
“let you go?” he asks, surely it’s your intoxicated mind, but he sounds genuinely confused, almost hurt by your words. “i can’t,” he mutters and you whine as your heart hammers in your chest. “i f-finally have you.” you hear the man sigh behind you before he presses his face into your neck, you can hear the echo in whatever metal he has wrapped over his face as he inhales deep against your skin and your body instantly reacts with chills shooting up your spine. “you smell so good.” he begins to pant as his free hand gropes at your body. “so m-much better than any of them did.”
“please… don’t,” you beg when he reaches your breast, where he squeezes it just enough to hurt before clumsily rubbing his fingers over your nipples through the cloth.
“but i knew you would.” he continues as if you didn’t speak, as if your words don’t matter. “you’re the b-best, the only good one, only you.”
his hand drags from your chest down to your waist where he starts to struggle with your bottoms. and your eyes begin to feel with tears at the inevitable.
“please just let me go.” you try again, hoping for just an ounce of pity. “i really won’t tell anyone.”
“i’m sorry.” his body pressed up against you, shoving you farther into the hard wall, ”i’m sorry, angel,” you finally realize just how much bigger the man is than you. “im just–i can’t stop. i need you.” his grip on your arms disappears as he opts to use his large stature to keep you pinned, with both of his hands to work your bottoms down to your knees before he’s humping against your ass. “i wanted to wait– wanted our first to be special.”
the deadweight feeling at the back of your mind aches to takeover, the dizziness, the fear, the effor it takes for you to just breathe right now it far too much, so you succumb to it all– making you completely helpless. all you can do is stand there and hope he’ll let you go once he’s had his fill. not that it’s easy, there’s bile churning in your stomach when you hear the click of his belt, feel the shuffle of him tugging his own pants down.
you have to bite your cheek to stop yourself from crying when you feel the heat of what has to be his cock prodding between your thighs. the only thing keeping any distance between its heat and your most vulnerable parts is the underwear holding the last bit of your dignity together. but once he wraps his arms around you—which squeeze you so tight you think you’ll burst— and he angles you so your hips stick back enough for him to rub between your thighs while pressing up against your cunt, you’re sure you’ll throw up regardless.
he, however, groans at the contact. “s-so warm.” you can hear him begin to pant as his hips start rhythmically pressing into yours, the force alone enough to jolt your body against the wall. “f-feel so good.” you can taste blood as you hold back your sobs. it feels like an eternity passes, each groan and inhale against your nape makes you more nauseous until your body has had enough.
being pushed too far from the fear, the drinks, and the pain, it causes you to collapse on yourself. everything seems like it fades as you fall slack in the stranger's arms. maybe if you die while unconscious, it’ll be okay. at least you won’t feel the pain.
sounds come in and out like you have bad radio service, your eyes too heavy and body too weak to get a good sense of what’s happening, but you hear—
“t-this? my girlfriend drank too much s-so i’m j-just—“ comes from somewhere around you, somewhere close.
“awww!” you hear, whiney and dragged out from some girl who definitely had more than you tonight. “you’re such a good boyfriend for babysitting.” your heart aches when you try to fight, to move, to scream and you’re far from successful.
“i wish my boyfriend let me drink that much.” if you could just tell one person what’s happening, if you could just show even a little bit of struggle, someone could save you. “you’re even carrying her! so cute!” if someone could just see your face, maybe they’d see that this is not who you arrived with, someone could tell kirishima. “you guys get home safe~!”
you feel like a boulder is set on your chest, the weight of your failure weight bearing on you when everything’s quiet again.
/// /// ///
you don’t know how much time passes before you’re able to bring yourself out of your useless state until you’re finally able to blink your eyes open and take in your surroundings. it’s all blurry at first, but the furniture in your line of sight slowly starts to resemble that of the setup you have in your room. there’s your vanity, your nightstand, this is your comforter, a weak smile works its way onto your lips.
you could cry from the relief. whatever happened, whether it was all a dream or something you won’t be able to remember, you don’t care. you’re home.
you toss your head back into your pillow, taking in a deep breath, catching the smell of what's likely your own sweat before you try to stretch your arms out, the needles stabbing into your hands making you feel the need to shake them to fix your blood flow. but they don’t budge, and the sound of metal clanking makes you shoot your eyes open and then you feel it.
your grogginess to blame for you not being able to the cuffs that encase them before. nor the sinking weight that kneels beside you, a large figure looming over you looking that much more daunting with the light behind him illuminating only his towering figure as he hunches over you, huffing and whining with his cock only inches from your face.
your lips tremble when the false sense of safety washed away and you look up past the movement of his hand, slowly taking in the dark green mess of hair that falls around his face, the chunky metallic mask that causes each of his heavy breaths to be echoed before you meet his eyes, the wide, terrifying green gaze that burns back at you makes you wish you were still unconscious.
“o-oh.” he’s so loud as he shoots out his load across your face and the bare parts of your chest, thick and hot where it lands. you cringe as your name is chanted off his lips and you squeeze your eyes and mouth closed, not wanting to let yourself be any more violated than you already feel. your head pounds as you feel the urge to cry, but you can’t seem to force yourself to.
“i didn’t—i didn’t finish earlier,” you hear him mutter above you, “and it hurt—looking at you,” a hand smoothes along your hairline, making you jump at the contact, and he retracts. “s-sorry… you’re just… so pretty.”
“can i…” he starts and you’re not sure if you’ll be able to answer if he actually asks you a question. “can i take a picture? it’ll only be for me, i promise.”
“please…” your voice is weak and you have to try and gather some spit to swallow to allow yourself any more volume. “don’t…” your request is sure to be ignored, he’s seemed to do whatever else he’s liked.
“you’re r-right,” you feel the mattress rise once he disappears from beside you, “another time.”
you try to test your voice again, you’re not sure how long it’s been since what you can last remember, but if fuzen wasn’t on patrol, he’d be in bed. if only you could scream.
“i’ll clean you up, is that o-okay?” you don’t reply, only tense when the warm cloth wipes at your skin. “sorry, again. i feel like such a pervert.”
you open your eyes again once they’re clean, and staring at your curtains, you try to think. you can’t even speak, can’t move, can’t fight. how long are you going to be so helpless?
“are you okay? i know i probably scared you…” you wish you could scoff. “could you at least look at me?”
you don’t move to face him, not wanting to look into those horrifying eyes again. just the thought of him, next to you now, staring at you with them makes you shudder with fear.
“look at me.” he grips your jaw, reminding you how big his hands are as he forces you to turn towards him. you avoid meeting his gaze. not wanting to know if it’s just as piercing as before, instead, you take in the green mess of curls, how they stick about and fall into his face. you can see him staring at you, but still, skip over making eye contact and make out the freckles at peek out from behind the metallic mask that seems to be slipping, making you close your eyes again.
if there was any small chance of you getting out of here alive, there’s no way you can see his face.
“your mask,” you whisper, and his grip loosens as soon as you speak.
“oh,” he mumbles back. you can hear what you guess is him toying with it, but you realize as you peek up, was him removing it. “guess i don’t need this.”
with his face fully revealed, you can feel yourself sinking into acceptance of your fate.
“you’re staring…” you can visibly see him swallow, his eyes darting between yours and the floor. “am i attractive?” a soft smile grows on his lips at him complimenting himself as if you’d really said it. “i’m happy you think so.”
“i have a roommate,” you speak, voice cracking.
“what?” his eyebrows drawn together, face set in a scowl before he pushes himself from your bed. “you need some water.”
“he’s a hero.” you try again, even as he walks away and you’re sure you’re out of earshot. “a strong one, and he’ll be home soon.” you pick your head up to watch him throw the door open, and all of your hope for your roommate saving you drains as you stare down a hallway that doesn’t belong in your apartment; you’re not home…
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if you saw any typos, no you didn’t !!<;33
reblogs + asks + feedback appreciated !
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Bleach Headcanons : Oddities Part 2
More weird stuff that members of the Gotei 13 do. Part 1 can be found here.
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Genryusai Yamamoto
Enjoys knitting and spends his evenings creating intricate scarves and blankets for his squad members. He considers it a form of meditation and finds solace in the rhythmic clicking of the knitting needles.
Has a hidden stash of adorable cat-themed trinkets in his office, gifts from squad members over the years. 
Has a peculiar habit of conducting morning exercises with his subordinates, insisting on leading synchronized stretching sessions that include overly enthusiastic jumping jacks and cartwheels, much to everyone's surprise.
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Shunsui Kyoraku 
Composes dramatic, overly poetic love letters to his favorite sake brands, expressing his undying devotion and appreciation for their taste.
Is known to challenge squad members to bizarre competitions, such as a haiku battle or a contest to see who can take the longest nap. He always claims victory, regardless of the actual outcome.
Keeps a stash of disguises in his office and occasionally infiltrates other squads just for fun, but he's always caught due to his distinctively lazy demeanor
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Izuru Kira
Has a secret collection of adorable plush toys hidden in his office. Whenever he's stressed, he takes a break with these plushies, assigning different voices and personalities to each one. 
Creates a mini zen garden in his office and spends hours meticulously arranging the sand and tiny rocks, finding solace and inner peace in its careful maintenance.
Collects unusual stationery and spends his downtime experimenting with different types of ink and quills. 
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Toshiro Hitsugaya
Develops an unexpected fascination with ice sculpting and spends his free time sculpting intricate, mini ice replicas of notable Seireitei landmarks. He insists they're just practice, but secretly cherishes them in his office. 
Unintentionally is a magnet for lost animals in the Seireitei, and his squad often finds him shooing out stray cats and birds from his office.
 Becomes overly protective of the squad's refrigerator, labeling each item with his name and fiercely defending his snacks from any potential thieves within the squad, even going as far as setting up "ice traps" to catch unauthorized snack bandits
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Zaraki Kenpachi
Pretty sure he’s adopted a pet kitten that he secretly dotes on in his spare time. He refuses to acknowledge its existence in front of anyone and grumbles about "just tolerating its presence," but his squad members catch glimpses of him sneaking it bits of fish and milk.
Started a food stall called "Kenpachi's Cooking Corner" where he attempts to teach his squad how to cook. The sessions usually end in chaos and burnt food, but everyone participates out of fear of upsetting him.
Enjoys reading shoujo manga in secret and has a vast collection stashed away in his office, fiercely denying their existence whenever someone accidentally discovers them, insisting that he got them for Yachiru. 
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Mayuri Kurotsuchi 
Holds "Bring Your Weirdest Invention to Work" days in his lab, encouraging his subordinates to create the most outlandish and impractical gadgets imaginable. However, he always mysteriously makes his own invention vanish right before the judging, claiming it was too advanced for everyone else to comprehend
Holds a weekly "Fashion Forward Friday" where he experiments with unconventional clothing designs, resulting in outrageous outfits that his squad members struggle to comprehend
Has a peculiar habit of meticulously organizing his lab by arranging test tubes and equipment according to their color gradients, which nobody dares disturb for fear of incurring his wrath
Becomes obsessed with perfecting the art of making perfectly shaped and flavored jelly desserts. His squad members often find themselves unwilling taste-testers for his latest bizarre jelly concoctions
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saturnianprincess · 1 year
[𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝] 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫
In this reading, I will tell you all the details about your first meeting/date with your Future Spouse/Partner. How to choose a pile: Close your eyes, meditate on the piles if you feel like and pick the one your intuition guides you to. As always take what resonates and let the rest fly! Hope you enjoy this reading :)
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1 -> 2 -> 3
Pile 1
An unexpected meeting with your FS/FP is the first message I got! It feels like this will be very spontaneous or it might not exactly be a date but the vibes will very much be date-worthy. I feel those who chose this group, your FS/FP is a very unpredictable person (in a good way), they have a unique approach to life in general and you will definitely catch that when you meet them for the first time. You may also be embodying rebellious energy or just breaking away from the norms. For some, you might be in a mentally drained state before you meet. Anyways, there seem to be other people definitely involved in either setting you both up or maybe they invite you to a party or ask you to hang out with their friends. You both might go to a bar/club or some sort of place with music, people, and drinks. You may feel a bit nervous or anxious initially and may think that they might judge you. But those feelings will pretty much vanish when you start talking to them. They will make you feel very comfortable and from the entire experience, they will come across as a very emotionally mature person. They are your soulmate and you might get some weird inkling about that when you both meet. The energies on the date feel very calm and zen. Even if you are with a group of people, I see you both moving aside and having your own conversation and enjoying each other's company. Additionally, for some of you, I see that you and your person decide to go somewhere else. It's very spontaneous and I think it correlates to the energy of your FS/FP. Overall, the meeting leaves you both feeling very satisfied and emotionally content.
Extra messages: Ferris Wheel, Ice-cream from a cone, concerts, July, December, 7, 22, 15, angel number 777
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Pile 2
This date is all about you embodying your own power and trying out new things. You are challenging yourself to step out of your comfort zone. For some of you, I see that you actually might meet your FS/FP through a one-night stand situation or your ‘date’ is just a causal hook up. While for the rest, you might find yourself with a lot of options and people. So you go on this date as a something temporary and just for the experience. I feel like some of you or your FS/FP are not planning to date or get into a relationship. Some of you might get dinner with them before doing anything spontaneous. I see some expensive wine and a fancy restaurant. Your FS/FP really treat you properly, might even go shopping or just spending money on you. I don’t feel like they have to put that much effort. They are a real charmer and they know how to treat someone on a date. They have a lot of experience when it comes to dating. While on the date you both could bond over your childhood memories or your life as a teenager. I feel like you will realize how similar your life is to theirs, like many common themes and experiences. I also see that for some you might be reconciling or reconnecting with someone from your past or childhood. Maybe friends or neighbors who grew apart and reconnect later sort of trope (but this is for some people not everyone). You both will love to indulge in finer things and appreciate art and other luxurious stuff in the same way. Also, I am strongly picking up on financial abundance from your FS/FP. They could be financially well off or come from a wealthy family.
Extra messages: lion symbolism, red wine, October, November, 21, 4, angel number 222
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Pile 3
Alright so right off the bat, those who chose this group, your first meeting happens after a either an ending of a relationship platonic or romantic. Some sort of heartbreak and emotional pain. I am also picking up on financial instability or job loss for some of you. You will embody a different energy, where you reinvent yourself and undergo and massive spiritual and emotional purging. You will start focusing on yourself and filling your own cup. Once you reach this level of self-satisfaction and being content with who you are will you meet your FS/FP. This is a very fated person and you will feel it once you start making these changes. You will feel more aligned to your destiny. The date itself will be very much written in the stars. You and your FS/FP are very giving people and when you attain a balanced state of your energies together. I feel like the date will be something out of your regular routine. Most likely out of boredom and to seek some excitement you end up going to this random place which you never frequent or you randomly decide to go hangout with some people and thats when you meet your FS/FP. There is also a high possibility that you may have already heard of or seen this person but not really gotten to know them.
Extra messages: birthday cake, spring season, cherry blossoms, March, September, 25, 27, 8, angel number 444
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the-roo-too · 11 months
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candy -> kang haerin ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- your smile ehe like when she makes you laugh (especially by accident) and you go all smiley! it’s making her so soft <33
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- haerin’s a eyes girlie, the type to text/write you little notes like ‘i could see the sky in your eyes’ very cheesy yes
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- nuzzling into you like a cute little kitty, that’s all im going to say bro
dates (what’s her ideal date)- CAT CAFÉ CAT CAFÉ CAT CAFÉ 🐱 seriously, especially if they have cute drinks or something 🤭
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- that’s a little harder, she has a weird way of expressing herself. haerin is very stoic if yk what i mean, she’s kinda calm all the time. very important, haerin is very smiley around you too! like with her members she’s just kinda 🫢 and with you she goes 🤭
family (does she want one)- go play with barbies pls
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- who doesn’t?! tbh holding hands is all the pda you’re getting with haerin, sorry not sorry
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- kinda freezes and blinks really slowly? not a single thought in that brian of hers, doesn’t know what to do at all
jokes (does she like to joke around)- kinda? if you like do it first, haerin might do a little joke on you back, but she’s never the one to start it
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- cheek kisses mostly 👍🫡 keep it legal bro
love (what’s her love language)- touch!!! in the sense that during the day, she likes to be touching you somehow. like sliding her arm around you and laying her head on your shoulder, or patting your head gently <33 yes, touch 🫶🫶
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- you two totally volunteered at some pet shelter, and she met so many cats! haerin was very smitten before that, but after the volunteer work it’s like she didn’t know she could be that in love
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- you know how little puppies (or kittens for that matter) sleep in like a pile of puppies? well you’re a two people pile, keeping each other warm
oddity (what’s one quirky thing about her)- the kitty like behaviour, come on. i’m certain haerin meows at you if on a rare occasion you do something she doesn’t like
pet names (what does she like to call you)- because you probably call her kitty or something like that, she calls you her kitten! okay but if you get under her skin she says you’re a old grandma living with cats
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- haerin likes slow walks in the park! take my word for it, she told me herself
rush (does she rush into things)- rush into what bestie? give the child time bruh she rushed out of the crib if anything
secrets (how open is she with you)- it depends kinda? i would really say haerin is a closed off person but like expressing emotions comes a bit hard to her, saying stuff about her (especially sensitive things) is a little tough
time (how long did it take her to confess)- somewhere between 2 weeks and 2 years (haerin was having her moment ok.)
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- similar to injuries actually, haerin needs to process your behaviours. let’s be honest, you don’t get mad at her, so it’s not that bad even if she’s not sure how to react
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- haerin isn’t really keen on coming out, mostly because she’s afraid of what the public would do to her group and you
warrior (how often do you fight)- is silent treatment considered fighting? because that’s the most you do tbh haerin isn’t the type to raise her voice at you
x-ray (is she able to read you)- read you yes. act upon what she saw? depends
yes (how would she propose to you)- she’s two go look somewhere else
zen (what makes her feel calm)- you being calm too ok. if you’re happy, haerin is happy too <33
part of [the fluff series]
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aclaywrites · 10 months
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My English teacher, junior and senior year of high school (about two years after I found the library book, for those of you keeping score). I wasn’t scared of her, I loved her and I still do. I was a writer and liked to read so she let me and my friends sit at a special table in the front of the room. She had an 80s dyke buzz cut with a long ‘tail’ at the back. She would braid the tail with beads and bones and stuff, and make us read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and then gave me an A when I said I hated it because I didn’t give a shit about this man’s sadness. Weird old English Teacher Lesbians for the win.
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I know it’s kinda hypocritical (posting about it on social media and all), but there’s just this euphoric bliss that comes with being able to do things offline. When our local cell towers are down for maintenance and the WiFi is acting weird, being able to go to my phone and listen to whatever song I want, instantly, is so relaxing. Playing a DRM-free game is just so zen. The ability to do things offline is just such an amazing thing that just stays consistent, no matter what, and I love it for that. I get so tired of dealing with server time-outs, blocked IPs, CAPTCHAs, and having to wait for stuff to load or troubleshoot it. It’s just so nice to have a song play immediately or a game boot up in an instant. That reliability that offline technology provides is second to none.
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froggibus · 11 months
When You’re Feeling Sad - Cassidy, Genji, Lucio, Ramattra, Zenyatta
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Pairing: Cole Cassidy x gn! reader, Genji Shimada x gn! reader, Lucio Correia dos Santos x gn! reader, Ramattra x gn! reader, Zenyatta x gn! reader
Genre: fluffy headcanons
Summary: how they would treat you when you’re feeling sad
CW: feelings of sadness, hormones, feeling down, talking about feelings, emotional intimacy, the boys trying to cheer you up in their own ways
having a bit of a rough day and I needed some fluff with my favorite boys so here we are :) kinda similar to this, but oh well
honestly isn’t great when it comes to feelings
but especially not great with his own
one of his biggest love languages is gift giving so whenever you’re sad he’ll just give you stuff 
a cupcake from that place you’ve been wanting to try, a limited edition of your favorite book 
he’s not against some quality time sitting down with you either 
if you want to talk about your feelings, he’ll listen, but he probably won’t say much in return 
not that he’s not listening, because trust me, he is
he just isn’t sure what to say and doesn’t want to risk upsetting you more
so instead he’ll respond with slight touches 
a squeeze to the hand for reassurance, a kiss on the forehead 
once you start to feel better, he’ll propose a pyjama party and movie marathon 
and he’ll watch whatever movie you choose with a smile on his face bcs he knows it’ll make you happy
pretty well adjusted when it comes to emotions 
he learned from the best after all
insanely good listener 
like can sit there and listen to you talk for hours to try and understand what you’re feeling 
very good at empathising with you too
will hold your hand and rub his thumb against your palm 
makes sure to keep you well hydrated and well fed
he’s not the best cook given he spent most of his youth on more important things (like being a slut) 
so he’ll probably just order you your favorite takeout 
he’ll tell you stories of his youth just to make you laugh even if he’s embarrassed as hell about it
makes sure you feel loved and understood because he never wants you to feel alone
silly little music man 
he will do anything it takes to cheer you up
probably plays you a song on his guitar or something and changes lyrics to be silly/fit you 
his first instinct is to always make you laugh 
but he realizes that isn’t always what you need 
so he’ll put the guitar away and settle down with you
grabs your hands and says something like 
“let’s talk this out” 
let’s you vent whatever you’re feeling (or not feeling) 
and does his absolute best to listen even tho he isn’t always great at it 
your ability to express emotions has always been something he’s admired about you
and is one reason why you’ll forever be his muse 
and he makes sure you know it so you’ll never feel embarrassed to cry in front of him 
he’s an absolute brick wall when it comes to human things
but especially feelings 
he can’t experience the full calibre of emotions that humans do so it’s hard for him to comprehend them 
still, he hates seeing you upset and in pain, so he’ll try almost anything to cheer you up 
he can’t exactly fight your feelings so he settles on a more…pacifist approach 
probably asks Zen what to do lol 
treads very lightly with you and is super careful not to invalidate whatever you’re feeling 
goes for physical comfort before anything 
wraps you up in a blanket and holds you in his lap
he’ll even put his work away and let you cuddle up to him for as long as you need
weird but I feel like he would rock you?? 
just something soothing he’s seen other humans do and figures it might help 
it does
once you feel better he is super flustered about being so vulnerable 
as soon as he notices you getting sad and mopey, he’s on it 
brews you a kickass cup of tea and probably makes you some comfort food 
even tho he’s an omnic he’s a surprisingly good cook 
brings you a mug of tea and a steaming plate of momos and settles in bed with you 
even if he can’t feel emotions to the calibre you do, he’s still an empath and hates seeing you like this 
let’s you lay on his lap and relax and talk it out 
probably reads one of your favourite books with you
or if you can’t focus you guys will watch something in bed 
strokes your hair and talks to you in his soothing voice 
will comfort you through whatever you are dealing with 
whether it’s something silly or something serious, your emotions are not something he takes lightly
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rfaromance · 6 months
Fluffy ZenZen? 👀👀 (little sister here to be a pain ofcsofcs)
Every visit to Zen's place became a new story to unfold.
The first time you went to Zen's apartment, the butterflies swarming inside of your stomach were so agitated and fervent that you swore you could still feel them to this day. Back then, part of the issue had been convincing Zen to allow you to come over in the first place. You respected his efforts to be a gentleman, but also...
You couldn't help but chuckle at how flustered he had been, blabbering about a "beast" that would come out "under the full moon" and how you needed to be "safe." It was endearing, but as much as you adored Zen, you wished he could be more upfront about his feelings. You weren't a child! Why did he have to make himself sound like some hungry werewolf?
His warnings had instilled a sense of caution into you nonetheless. You wanted to see where he lived and try to get closer to him, but maybe he had his reasons for wanting to keep a bit of distance between the two of you. Maybe he had skeletons in the closet that he wasn't ready to unearth just yet.
Rather than any skeletons, the first time you finally visited Zen's abode, you found... a whole lot of nothing, actually.
"Zen! This place is so bare!" You could remember your protests at the sparse furniture. "Even your refrigerator is growing cobwebs!" Did he seriously live on salads, water, and beer?
"I'm not a flashy guy!"
You both knew that wasn't the case. Zen was always eager to flirt and show off his body every opportunity he could. Why wouldn't his apartment be flashy too?
That was a major turning point in your relationship, when you began to see past his facade and realize he was actually more timid and humble than he wanted others to know. Zen put on an act of arrogance to conceal his insecurities, and his minimalist living space reflected who he was at his core: a simple person who was satisfied with just being appreciated and loved, not for his looks but for the comfort and kindness he could provide.
Each subsequent visit revealed a new side to him. Slowly, his apartment began to take on new life. You weren't sure where all his trinkets had appeared from, but the next visit you discovered an old costume hanging on a door, and the visit after that you found CDs from a variety of musical that he used to practice. (You teased him relentlessly for still using a Walkman to listen to those.)
"Zen? What's this?"
You stepped out of the restroom to see his closet door halfway open. While you didn't want to invade his privacy, your curiosity was too strong. A long, wooden handle was catching the faint light from his bedroom, and you couldn't help but wonder what it was.
"Handle" wasn't very accurate. As you drew closer to the closet, you saw strings running down the surface and knobs on the side.
"Y/N! Hey, hey, what are you doing, going through a man's personal stuff?"
You nearly jumped out of your skin as Zen's voice suddenly appeared behind you. You were so absorbed in the mystery in front of you that you hadn't noticed his approaching footsteps. "Zen, if you say things like that, I'm going to think you have weird secrets in your closet."
A deep blush spread across Zen's pale face like a rosebush in bloom. "That's... anyway, let's go back to the living room."
Swallowing the disappointment rising in your chest, you reluctantly nodded. "Okay." You didn't want to push him to do something that made him uncomfortable, after all.
You exited his bedroom and walked over to the couch, flopping down onto your favorite cushion. You expected Zen to drop down next to you, like always, but he was nowhere to be found. "Zen?"
A moment later, a shy pair of ruby eyes peeked at you from the doorway. "I'm rusty. Just know that, alright?"
Rusty? What was he talking about?
You had to fight to keep your jaw from dropping as Zen entered the living room with an old acoustic guitar in his hands. "But since you're so curious... I'll do my best to serenade you."
His hands trembled slightly as he sat down beside you, trying to place his fingers in the proper positions. "I'm lucky my parents didn't smash this girl when they found out," he mumbled, half to you and half to himself. "She carried me through a lot of tough times. I guess it's only fair to play her every now and again."
Clearly there was a story behind this guitar. A story that went beyond the guitar and to Zen's past, his story, his life. "Zen, you don't have to-"
"That should do it. Alright, love. You're very lucky to get a one-on-one show with me, you know? I wouldn't turn this down if I were you." The light returned to his eyes, and he turned to you with a beaming smile. "What'll it be, darling?"
"Hyun..." You could hardly choke out his name as tears began to prickle at your eyes and your throat. Hoping to brighten the mood, you decided to tease him a little. "Hm... how about a little Elvis?"
Zen's dumbstruck and slightly horrified look said more than a thousand words.
"... Anyway, here's Wonderwall."
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