#I am *extremely* self-conscious about this one if it wasn't obvious. :)
zylphiacrowley · 7 months
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I'm sorry my hands are shaking, I don't normally feel this way...
<previous - next>
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A TOErrible PEDIcament 😏
Mini crack fic because I said so. Fight me :)
Poly?Lost Boys x reader
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"No." His words were blunt, his face unamused at your suggestion.
"Oh, c'mon, David, they look weird! At least let me file them or something..." You begged, already having a little pedicure baggy in your hand. It seemed you had been planning this for a while considering you even made a little kit just for this.
"I'm not saying it again." David huffed though it was honestly due to his slightly damaged ego. He was a vampire, why did he care what his feet looked like? But then again...what was wrong with his feet?! "Go bother one of the others."
And like that the man had shooed you off as he continued to sit in his wheelchair, brooding about who knows what. You knew what. It was obvious that you had made him at least a tiny bit self-conscious, but you decided to leave it be and head off to find one of the others.
Going to Dwayne next, you had peeked your head into his room after giving a soft knock. There he was, sitting on a dirty beanbag you guys had found not too long ago, a book in his hands. As his dark eyes scanned the pages, he barely acknowledged you until you set the bag down, staring at him with an extremely pouty look.
"What's the matter, Puppy?" His deep voice asked, barely glancing from his page as his other hand went out to gently pat your head.
"Hey, Dwayne...may I give you a pedicure?" You asked casually, not seeing a need to try and disguise your words like you had David. Dwayne was much more forward and expected at least somewhat the same back.
"Hmm..." he gave a small hum, his eyes finally straying from his page as he looked at you. He didn't respond immediately, and his face was a bit unreadable but once he spoke again it was apparent there was a tone of amusement. "Perhaps another time."
That wasn't exactly the answer you were looking for, but you couldn't really complain. He hadn't said no afterall, so you could definitely shoot your shot at a later time.
You had opened your mouth, trying to think of a way to convince him but quieted down once he spoke again, his dark eyes going straight back to the spot he left off on.
"I'm sure Marko or Paul wouldn't mind."
"I'm sure Marko would have a fungus or something on his. He'd probably enjoy me down there..." You said with a melodramatic shutter at the thought. Dwayne had gave a small laugh. Or well, if you could call it a laugh. It was one of those amused sighs of air that counted as a laugh.
"I don't doubt that. Good luck, Prince/Princess."
And with that you were sent right back on your hunt. Two down off the list it seemed...did you really want to go to Marko though? Afterall, Marko was a sadistic little gremlin, so who knew how bad his feet were compared to the others...
"Psst! Paul!" You called out, knocking on the door frame before peaking your head inside, though you were met with both blondes looking up at you. Oh great...
"Hey, Bunny! What's up?" Paul asked, seeming genuinely happy to see you. Well, there was no turning back now...
"Paul, take your shoes off. I wanna give you a pedicure!" You spoke, trying to avoid Marko's confused gaze before Paul almost immediately agreed.
That was so...easy? As Paul instantly went to undo his shoes, your expression have off just how surprised you were, causing Marko to snicker.
"What? Am I not going to get offered one?" He asked as Paul went to work off his socks next.
"Marko, I'll deal with you lat-...." You had paused, completely dumbfounded by the way Paul's feet looked. They were normal??? That wasn't right.
"What fuckery is this?" You let out almost comedically, though you were nothing but serious.
"Hmm? What's the matter?" Paul spoke, tilting his head in a confused manner. Were you expecting different? Your reaction caused Marko to begin laughing his ass off though as he put the pieces together.
"I think they wanted...you know." Marko nudged Paul, allowing him a second to slowly pick up what he was laying down.
"OH." Paul spoke, it clicking now before his face had easily morphed into his other form, his eyes gold, fangs out, and his face looking eerily similar to a bat. Almost as if out of thin air his feet had morphed into just the same thing. Eerily similar to a bats. Though it was definitely uh...not the best to watch considering his big toe had completely moved out of place to act as a...toe? Thumb?
Staring at his feet for a second, you had sighed deeply.
"Welp.... let's get this thing on the road..."
"Don't take too long, Dove." Marko stopped you though, "Because I'm next~!"
@britany1997 :)
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ilaiyayaya · 1 year
I can't believe I already missed on the 2nd day 😔But it's okay because I said so! And because I didn't plan to post every single day anyways.
Recently I've been thinking a lot about my friendships throughout my life, specifically how distant a majority of them have been. When I was in school I would pretty much find an entirely new friend group every year and almost completely stop talking to whoever I was friends with the year before, it usually wasn't because anything bad happened that ruined our friendship or anything like that, it's just that the few months of summer break in between school years was enough for us to drift apart. It's extremely rare for me to keep friendships that last longer than 3 or 4 years max, and even most of the ones that do last longer still aren't that close. Even my oldest friend, someone that I have known for pretty much my entire life, I cut contact with for nearly 3 years over misunderstanding the severity of a situation that barely even involved me, we started talking again a few months ago, but it's pretty obvious that our friendship is somewhat strained and it's 100% my fault. I really hate that I'm like this, that I've always been like this, that I'm so horrible at forming connections, and in the last few years, especially during the worst parts of my NEET period, I've come to realize how massively detrimental it is on my life as a whole and especially my mental health.
A couple years ago a friend that goes by M@ said something to me that like, really changed my perspective on how little I've truly connected with people in the past. It wasn't anything big, it was just a simple, innocuous, kind of out of nowhere question after I changed my profile picture on Discord from what it had been for years before that, an OC I had made for a server called Endless War, to an Umineko character (there's my daily obligated Umineko mention +1 Umineko point!). He asked something along the lines of "Gurren, when did you go full anime?" (Gurren was what I went by online in most spaces up until very recently), which at the time fucking blew my mind, this person was one of the people that I had talked to the most within said prior mentioned community, a community that I had been a part of for multiple years at that point, and yet I shared so little about myself that they didn't even know that I was that into anime. For reference, my Anilist profile says that I have completed 334 total anime (this number isn't entirely accurate because it includes shows with multiple seasons, for example Teekyuu alone takes like 10 of those spots, but point is, beeg number) so basically I've watched a lot of anime, I've been watching anime for a majority of my life, a lot of my hobbies and interests are directly related to anime, I am really into anime, and I guarantee that M@ was not the only person who didn't realize that, because I never mentioned it. I never talked about myself or my interests ever, I always felt too self-conscious about myself to do so, like that I would annoy everyone around me and that they would hate me if I talked about things I liked, and it resulted in really weak friendships with even some of the closest people to me. Believe it or not, sharing stuff about yourself doesn't necessarily make you self-centered or annoying, it just makes it a lot easier for people to relate to and connect with you.
Honestly it's not easy opening up to people still even after acknowledging that I desperately need to do so, but I really want to change that. This blog is one small part of reaching that goal, because even if I can't easily integrate mentioning stuff about myself into normal conversations, I can at the very least have a specific space that I can use exclusively for that, because here I'm pretty much just talking to myself, and opening up to myself is slightly easier than opening up to others, and like yea other people can read me talking to myself, but like, I don't care lol. Therefore I'm allowed to talk about whatever the FUCK I want here, and nobody can stop me, and that's why my next post is gonna be about this really cool Genshin Impact statue I got the other day like it's so cool I can't wait to talk about it like it's the coolest.
But yea having close friends that you enjoy being around and that enjoy being around you is kinda awesome and good and I love my friends :)
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who-is-muses · 6 months
Jonathan has an awkward, crooked genuine smile. One side (typically the left) is thinner while the other shows more teeth, it doesn't quite extend to his eyes- even if there is some obvious other emotion in there like delight or general happiness, there's still a hint of uncertainty, some amount of "am I doing this right?" Not only did his individual experience with autism make it difficult to read other people as a child- something he obviously worked extremely hard at as he grew up- he wasn't around people that smiled often in his formative years. He had to copy the expression from others once he was older, teaching himself and feeding it into his more natural responses, but it always looked a little off. And he's very self conscious about it, which of course doesn't help him smile any more frequently.
His smirks and sneers absolutely have that effortless sinister or cool air to them, but even in his more "normal" looking smile, he's still uncertain. Like he's been put on the spot by his own emotions, a not unfamiliar feeling for him. It's especially frustrating for him in moments of strong emotions, which tend to exaggerate the expression.
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actualtext · 2 years
Dec 8, 2022
1. What is going on inside your head right now?
I feel like the more I know about anything, the worse I feel. For example, learning about my homelessness. Or learning about anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc. I feel like knowing about these things and being able to identify them when they are occurring only makes me feel self conscious and broken.
I think the assessment made me realize I'm not taking as good care of myself as I previously thought I was and that makes me kinda sad. Haha I thought I was doing so well but there's so much to improve on and that thought makes me feel tired. I've been sleeping a lot more than usual since we last spoke and I still feel sleepy. There are circles under my eyes thats I've noticed lately..
2. What negative emotion keeps cropping up the most lately?
Mostly that no one wants me around. It's a silly thought because my friends love me, deep down inside I know they do. They make it obvious whenever I see them. But when I'm not with them I always feel like maybe they don't like me or miss me. It especially hurts me when I try to make plans with them and they have to cancel for some reason. It feels like they just don't want to be around me.
3. What has made you the happiest lately?
I told myself I wasn't going to date anymore after the traumatic event happened with my cousin, because I would be leaving soon but also because I wasn't ready to trust men. I tweeted something about how it was kind of difficult to function normally after a traumatic event had occurred, and an old friend liked my tweet. This old friends name is Jaime, we dated briefly but I went off to college in a different city and he stayed behind. We hung out a few times since the incident with my cousin and I told him what went down. I've been talking to him a lot lately about how I've been so bummed out and he always does something to make me laugh and feel better. He's a very comical character. Always makes me laugh so I think the rekindling of our friendship has made me the happiest lately.
4. The last time you felt this way, what did you do?
The last time I felt extremely anxious, I ruined a friendship. My pal Leo didn't know how to tell me that he would be less involved in my life cause he got a girlfriend. I thought he just hated my guts. I kept asking him if I had some something, and if he hated me. He wouldn't ever give me a straight answer so I thought the worst. Ultimately I came off as clingy and overbearing cause I was doing everything to not lose him, and then I did. 🙃
5. What holds you back the most from moving on from negative emotions?
Probably me forgetting about any reassurance I've received. I have a terrible memory so sometimes I'll forget how someone consoled me and go back to feeling how I felt before the consolation.
6. Which emotions are you trying to avoid right now? why?
Right now I'm trying to avoid feeling like a complete screw up. I was asked recently to participate in a panel discussion, but what I hate most about those is the part when they ask about where I am now. I feel stuck as if I haven't accomplished anything lately and that kills me. It's true, I haven't accomplished anything lately, but I wish I was okay with that, rather than feeling like less of a worthy person because of it. I don't wanna do the panel. I'm probably going to cancel, even thought I would consider it an achievement.
7. What is your inner critic telling you lately?
That I'll end up like my mom, severely depressed and unhappy. She had a hard life though, and while I have also had a hard life, it's not as bad as hers was. I feel like I'm in an ocean of sad feelings and I'm trying so hard to stay afloat as opposed to drowning in it but I'm getting so tired of fighting the current trying to pull me under.
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
Shy s/o doesn't think they deserve them
Bang Chan
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° He loved your shy personality, he just wanted to cuddle and praise you all day long. Even though you are a naturally soft person, that also comes with a lot of insecurities.
° Your boyfriend is a hot aussie leader with a heart of gold who fans call daddy, you can't but feel that you don't deserve such a God like boyfriend. And he can see it bothers you.
° Chan is a sweet heart who will check in on you as often as he can even with his busy schedule, he knows having an idol boyfriend can be stressful and he wants to comfort you.
° Felix was baking brownies, which you usually helped him out with even if it is just to cheer him on as he does his thing. But both of the aussies noticed your missing presence.
° Chan waltzed up to his studio, where you often hung around when you were at the dorms. Once he walked inside he noticed your figure curled up in a chair.
° You were scrolling through some messages that were sent to you via Instagram. None of the messages were pleasant, and Chan's heart broke as he read the truly gruesome ones.
"Maybe they are right. Maybe I don't deserve you." you sighed, slumping back.
"Don't say that, you are a beautiful person inside and out who I couldn't survive without." He reassured, taking your phone away as he cuddled into you.
Lee Know
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° Minho always liked you since you first met during the shoot of hellevator. He was pretty obvious with his fondness of you, but you never believed that he could like you.
° Later on once you began dating, he soon realized how low your self confidence truly was. So he made a promise to himself to try and increase it as much as he can.
° Many fans would threaten you for 'taking Minho away', but Minho would shred the letters before you could see how many there truly were. He knew it would hurt you.
° Minho is very affectionate towards you and likes to show you his love through touch. Whenever you seem down, he will cover your face in small pecks until you begin to smile.
° Has seen how come fans and staff treat you, pushing you around and telling you that you aren't worth his time. Minho took it into his own hands and protected you from them.
° He doesn't like seeing you upset or feel like a burden to him, especially since you are so special to him. Minho asked Chan and JYP if he could take at least a week off, they said yes.
"You didn't have to take a week off just for me, I am okay with your schedule." You explained, ruffling his hair.
"I know you're okay with it, but I needed to get away just for a while. And I miss you everytime you're not with me." He replied, gently placing a kiss to your head.
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° Will do anything to make you see for at least a second how important you truly are to him, he usually sends you hearts and does an adorable aegyo voice when talking to you.
° When you first began to hang out, you were very distant and almost never said a word. Changbin wanted to get to know you, so he constantly made efforts to befriend you.
° Once you opened up you Changbin, he noticed how self conscious and self critical you were of yourself. His confusion as to why you hate yourself only grew stronger.
° Every morning when you both get out of the shower, he will stand you in front of the mirror and poke every feature on your body saying that it is gorgeous and perfect.
° Likes knowing that you feel comfortable around him and that you have him to go to when you are feeling down. He wants to always be there for you and support you.
° Won't admit it to you, but he once teared up while you were asleep because he picked up a hate letter that was directed at you and he was worried that you read it.
"Your eyes, stunning. Your tummy, adorable. Your ears, cute. Your lips, kiss able. Your butt, squishy. Your shoulders, gorgeous..."
"Binnie you have five minutes before dance practice, you should really get going now."
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° Hyunjin is known to be a visual God in all of kpop, even though he is also VERY talented. Many people have a crush on Hyunjin, and you happened to be one of the many.
° His personality was addictive to be around, his looks were God like, and his talent was insane. Thus making it harder and harder for you to see how much he truly adored you.
° You saw yourself on totally different levels, you alwere at a ten while he was in the thousands. Your thoughts always doubting a scenario where you two would date.
° Assuming Hyunjin was just being nice to you, it became very hard for Hyunjin to clue you into that fact that he liked you. Everyone knew this except for you it seemed.
° Jisung, being a close friend to both Hyunjin and yourself. Took it upon himself to try and arrange a way for you to not be so self critical and completely oblivious.
° The next afternoon, you walked into the dance practice room which was now turned into a full on romantic dining area. Shocked as you saw Hyunjin with a rose in his hand.
"Is this for me? It can't be... There must be some sort of mistake or-"
"No mistakes, I've liked you for a while and thought I was being obvious enough. But Jisung told me that I should simply confess."
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° You and Jisung have been dating for a while, and you watched proudly as Stray Kids gained more and more popularity as they deserved, since they are talented kings.
° The hate comments sent towards you, and the jealous fans or occasionally staff members and idols. Those never used to bother you, but they became more frequent.
° This slowly picked away at your already small amount of confidence, over thinking everything you do or ever did. And Jisung began to notice your distressed state.
° After a performance he went up to you back stage and leaned in for a kiss, when you barely responded to it and looked around the room nervously, his heart twisted sadly.
° Jisung took you to an unoccupied dressing room, and locked the door behind you. He cupped your cheeks gently as he rested his head against yours. A small sigh escaping him.
° You felt all of the built up sadness and anger rise out of you, as tears slowly sprinkled down your cheeks. Your hands clinging onto his back as he embraced you.
"Shh shh shh, it's okay. Just let it all out, it'll be okay. I'm here for you, you know that."
"I'm sorry, I just felt like I don't deserve you and I shouldn't have been so distant, their words just really hurt."
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° Felix knew it was going to be a bumpy ride seeing as he is under a huge company and his band is very popular, but he was willing to go through all of that with you.
° You and Felix were best friends before you started dating, he knew you were shy and quite distant when it came to people. He started to find it cute after a couple years.
° JYP himself has criticised you for interfering with his idols's lives. Even though you didn't interfere and honestly helped Felix calm down throughout the schedules.
° Felix was disappointed by some fo the fan's toxic behavior towards you, knowing that those types of comments will stick with you for quite sometime. You made him happy and he wished others would see that.
° The other members and artists under JYP saw you as part of the big jyp family, but even their support couldn't stop the sadness that brewed as more hate letters were sent.
° You didn't want to stress your already overworked boyfriend, so you tried to find a quiet spot to cry in. But Felix knew you too well, and knew where you would hide.
"I'm okay Lix, I don't want to stress you out since your already on a hectic schedule today. I'll be fine I swear."
"I won't leave until I know for a fact that you are okay, the practice can wait. You need me right now and I'm going to be here for you."
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(He looks so cute! I couldn't help myself lol)
° You were also a beloved idol, and many eoopel actually found your relationship with Seungmin quite adorable. You felt lucky that there wasn't so much hate directed at you.
° Even though you both seemed to have it easy compared to other idol couples, you couldn't help but feel insecure when Seungmin treated you like a queen/king.
° Many fans of yours knew that off stage you are an adorable shy bean, but no one except for Seungmin knew why you would become so shy and distant towards others.
° Your shyness came from extreme anxiety and self image issues. You never had much confidence, and Seungmin made many goals to try and bring your confidence up.
° One day after a hard performance, you sat in front of your dressing room mirror and let your tears slide down your cheeks silently. Letting your anxiety take over everything.
° Seungmin walked in with a box of celebration cupcakes, only to have hsi smile fade once he saw the tears rushing down your features. He felt his heart sink.
"I'm sorry Seungmin. It's stupid really, but I just don't feel like I deserve you."
"Y/n, we are perfect for each other. I spoil you with love and affection because you always make me feel special and loved."
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° You knew how beloved Jeongin was, by fans, members, idols, netizens, family... Everyone. This sent a large amount of pressure towards you once you began dating.
°Jeongin loved your quiet and calm personality, it was a nice break from the loud JYP building and Stray Kids dorms. Your shyness is what attracted him to you.
° He liked cuddling with you in your apartment, talking about nothing and everything as a random movie played in the background. It was his favorite place to be.
° You both were open with anything that was bothering you and never let something stir inside of you for too long. He wanted to be your safe haven for when you need one.
° One weekend when he was staying at your place, he noticed you seemed more quiet than usual and asked you what was bothering you. Since something clearly was.
° You snuggled into his chest as you clung onto him tighter, sighing in defeat knowing you will have to admit your feelings even though you think they seem silly.
" I feel like I don't deserve you. I mean, you are Yang Jeongin a literal angel."
"You deserve the universe and everything in it, I love you and only you. Don't put yourself down, remember how much I care about you."
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miasma-of-fear · 3 years
[ When I say Jon has an awkward, crooked genuine smile, these are good examples of what I mean: ]
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[ One side (typically the left) is thinner while the other shows more teeth, it doesn't quite extend to his eyes- even if there is some obvious other emotion in there like delight or general happiness, there's still a hint of uncertainty, some amount of "am I doing this right?" Not only did his individual experience with autism make it difficult to read other people as a child- something he obviously worked extremely hard at as he grew up- he wasn't around people that smiled often in his formative years. He had to copy the expression from others once he was older, teaching himself and feeding it into his more natural responses, but it always looked a little off. And he's very self conscious about it, which of course doesn't help him smile any more frequently. ]
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undefined5posts · 4 years
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Credit: Jordan J. Lloyd
I've been trying to dive deeper into politics, discover the genuine roots of our society, the origins of our beliefs, and the consequences of our economic system. It's a big, long, wide journey and through multiple sources such as articles, images, videos and multiple social media platforms, I've been trying to educate myself more on important subjects.
Communism, capitalism, libertarian, conservative, the left, the right, the history, the impact. It is scary to commit to everything because once you start, you simply cannot stop, once you start waking up your conscience about the horrible reality, the lies, the truths, you cannot put it back to sleep. You can't just ignore prejudice, especially when you're extremely conscious of it's omnipresence. I have continually tried to build my own opinions all while actively creating bullet point arguments in my mind because I just know that at some point I will have to defend my thinking, and I want to do it right.
Now, I am so far from being enlightened, I am a beginner and an amateur in all of those themes, but I am trying, which is the only way to start and grow.
So to tell you about my beliefs, I am a militant human rights activist, I believe in equal opportunities regardless of gender identity, sex, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race and disability. This is a fact, not a belief, but the system was obviously not built to protect all people, its wasn't created to serve everyone equally but to grant a privilege to some and harm others. The current state of the world is not a slip, an accident or a misfunction of our brilliant system but a testament of it operating remarkably well. I believe that equity leads to equality, and I believe that we cannot "fix" methodologies that were immorally created with absolutely no honor whatsoever. I believe in reproductive rights, in legal, safe abortions for anybody who needs one. I believe in the decriminalization of marijuana. I believe that the death penalty is a despicable punition that should be banned as soon as possible. I believe in defunding the police and the military. I believe that it is a shame that I even have to talk about police brutality, I don't want to have to say that it is one of the most horrible things our world has originated, I feel extremely dense when I do because it seems like the most obvious certitude and I refuse to believe that this is a controversial statement. I believe that everything I have just stated, along with many more, isn't anything grand but the bare minimum, the bar is low, and yet, we still have the fight for basic human decency.
Humanity has become an option. We have normalized supporting people that represent everything wrong in this world under the name of tolerance. The left has never claimed to be tolerant towards hateful beings, We have never accepted homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism and sexism. We cannot, for exemple, accept nazis, as too much tolerance inevitably leads to intolerance. This picture explains it perfectly:
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I consider myself a communist/ socialist. The two terms still confuse me a little, some say they are the same, some say they differ quite a bit. What I know is that socialism is the transitional period between capitalism and communism. At the end of the day, the final result and goal is a stateless, moneyless and clasless society that will provide to each his need.
Our capitalistic society has brainwashed us way more than you may think. It is the root of so many of our issues, the underground demon of our problems. Every idea, thought, belief, and misconception of ours were all affected by our current economic system. It has sold us the billionnaire dream which is one of the most toxic things capitalism has offered. We have looked up to billionaires for way too long, why are they so idolized? Most of them come from high upper class families that can easily afford to invest in their inventions and creations. After starting up their companies and occasionnaly stealing other's people ideas to ultimately get undeserved merit, they then can start to properly exploit their hardworking employees's labour. And for unlimited hours and a minimum wage which probably won't even suffice you to survive, you will have to either pick up more shifts or a second or even third job, especially if you have a family to support. All while the CEO barely does any of the work and gets all the praise and money. So no, they don't all come from really poor families and have built everything for nothing.
The worst thing is that we've been so gaslit and brainwashed that we're proud of our own exploitation, we are wired to think that to be successful we have to suffer, work 10 jobs we all hate, constantly pick up extra hours, have 2 hours of sleep, have no free time to do anything we love, waste our entire youth, be depressed our entire adulthood, to finally have a few pennies to spend when we're eighty. We so strongly believe that this is the only right way to be successful that I don't think many of us have dared to question it's authority, and even if we do, we quickly accept that this a truth, a fact we cannot change and this is just the way things are.
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We have capitalized water, food, land, forests, oceans, space, and everything in betweeen. Money is social construct and we have deliberately let it take over our lives. To think about the wasted opportunities and the misery that we have to endure so others can enjoy life truly angers me.
Also, communism is not an ideology that has every actually taken place. Despite what they say, there was never actually a communist country. However, every nation that has attempted a socialist system, for exemple Burkina Faso, has thrived. But of course, once capitalist countries noticed that, they decided to murder it's leader. So in conclusion, the only reason socialism failed is because of capitalism and it's interventions.
"As President (1983-1987), Sankara initiated economic reforms that shifted his country away from dependence on foreign aid and reduced the privileges of government officials; he cut salaries, including his own, decreed that there would be no more flying in first class or driving Mercedes as standard issue vehicles for Ministers and other government workers. He led a modest lifestyle and did not personally amass material wealth. President Sankara encouraged self-sufficiency, including the use of local resources to build clinics, schools and other needed infrastructure. [...] President Sankara promoted land reform, childhood vaccination, tree planting, communal school building, and nation-wide literacy campaigns. He was committed to gender equity and women’s rights and was the first African leader to publicly recognize the AIDS pandemic as a threat to African countries. Although Sankara became somewhat more authoritarian during his Presidency, his ideas, and the possibility that they could spread, were viewed by many as posing the greatest threat. President Sankara was assassinated during a coup led by a French-backed politician, Blaise Compaoré, in October 1987. Compaoré served as the President of Burkina Faso from October 1987 through October 2014, when he himself was overthrown."
I have been reading and watching some amazing human rights activists, notably Angela Davis, Malcolm X and James Baldwin. The people that were villainized, labeled as violent and radical, when every single word that came out of their mouhs were pure facts. They are probably some of the most eloquent people I have had the pleasure of hearing. Every sentence, every argument, every single detail made so much sense and opened my mind to so many new realizations. This is the perfect exemple of how the media tarnishes the reputation of wise black women and men. I would strongly advise you to research more about them.
"Socialism & communism are demonized in the west to the point of erasing influential individuals' socialist advocacy. Heres a short list of people you may not have known were socialists/ communists:
Albert Einstein
Nelson Mandela
Frida Kahlo
Tupac Shakur
Mark Twain
Malcom X
Oscar Wilde
Bertrand Russell
Hellen Keller
Pablo Picasso
George Orwell
Shia LaBeouf
John Lennon
Woody Guthrie
Socialism & communism are not dirty words. Some of the most brilliant minds of our history were socialists and communists. Embrace it." Via @sleepisocialist on twitter
So what else can I say, capitalism has ruined our society and the way we act and think. I know a lot of people refuse to support communism because they think it's too much of a perfect ideal utopian world for it to ever actually exist. And to that I say, first of all, so you agree, it is a wonderful theory, and second of all, a world without racism, sexism, homophobia or any kind or discrimination could also be perceived as "too ideal to actually exist", but does that mean I'm giving up on talking, educating myself and others, protesting and trying to build a better future? Absolutely not. This is the objective, it would be so dumb to think that we just couldn't achieve that so let's not even try.
I want to talk more in detail about communism, theory, human rights, etc... but I don't want to make this post any longer. I will however be posting more about it soon enough.
I know this is a little different than what I usually post, but I want to speak, tell you all my own opinions, I don't want to just repost activism related stuff. I'll continue to do that, but not exclusively. I know it won't get as many interactions as my other posts, but this is what I needed at some point in my life, and if I could make understanding some basic informations easier to some people, it'll already be a great accomplishment.
Thank you for reading.
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