#I am a Tubbo main though so
sweetie-peaches · 7 months
I was hyperfixated on the enneagram test for 6 fucking weeks, I now have the impulsive urge to assign any character from any fiction a enneagram personality type. I have to
Q!Tubbo is 5w3
The 5 personality type is the thinker, they want to break everything apart, understand it fully. They tend to prioritize their intellect over other things, often the Thinkers guard themselves by withdrawling from people
The thinker fears that they will become useless or incompetent.
From sleeping at lasts song Five, which just describes the personality types
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Think about when he first joined the server, tubbos interrogation of Cucurucho, how he was fascinated by them, wanting, /needing/ to know more.
But also, his wing (a secondary personality type that influences the primary) is 3
3 is the Achiever, a threes basic desire is to just..be seen as worth it, someone to be understood and listened to, they are terrified of being worthless. The achievers often struggle with workaholism and competitiveness to prove they deserve their place.
Watch any interaction Tubbo has with anyone the server, how he fights for someone to understand him, to /listen/
Again from sleeping at lasts Enneagram album, Three
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Tubbo slowly healing from these insecurity, with his daughter, with morning crew. How he feared he wasn’t worthy of their love
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tubborucho · 22 days
I saw my mutuals write those and decided that I also want to say a few words.
My whole life I loved being part of the communities. I’ve been heavily into fandoms since I was 10, and now 12 years later I can firmly state that QSMPblr community is definitely in my personal top 3 of all the fandoms I have been in.
It’s been such a fun and emotional and thrilling journey with so many ups and downs and I would never refuse to repeat it all over again. I met so many wonderful and incredible people because of this server that I can’t thank the universe enough.
All of my mutuals and followers made most of my 2023 so happy, and continue to do so in 2024, and I really need this joy with everything that happens outside the community itself.
(I am sorry this text is all over the place, I am struggling with concentration atm)
And I am so elated and a bit surprised for how many of you I became one of the favorites blogs here. I mean, I jumped from barely 150 followers to around 820 since september, and it’s all thanks to having so much fun liveblogging and theorizing with all of you.
Despite everything, I think Purgatory 1 was my favorite ever time period here. Yes, there was a lot of frustration and negativity but I don’t think I’ve ever felt such a comradery as back then, with my fellow Soulfire mains. I was in the post limit jail every single day, because I just could not stop chatting with all of you and reblogging incredible posts.
I also hold very dearly the moment, where Bad showed Tubbo the Soulfire Base Recreation. But the main reason is not even that this happened, but the fact that so many people on tumblr, in dms and even in Bad’s chat were LOOKING FOR ME, because they knew how much I’ve waited for that to happen. It was just so heartwarming to wake up to dozens of messages and mentions. I struggle with ‘nobody really cares if i am here or not’ syndrome a lot, so it made my day to see that people do.
I also want to say special thanks to some of you (even though each and single one of you deserve a separate paragraph). Under the cut:
@qtubbo and @mikaikaika. I love both of you so much, our 247 crew maybe on a kinda hiatus, but every moment we spent together is so special to me. We had so much fun, and I couldn’t ask for the batter gang to gash about the lore and cool posts together.
@lionheartedmusings. I am pretty sure you do not open tumblr these days, but if or when you see this: I am so glad that I got a chance to be your friend. We held so many incredible discussions together, and I am so proud to see your success and happy to be at least a small part of it.
@ultra-raging-ghost @dappersautismcreature @born-in-hell @comradeboyhalo @bigboobyhalo @mangofanarts @haloberry @halo-chainsaw @kadextra @skullhalo @aesthetic-gem and all the other ghosties here. Man, ghosties and tubblings alliance is honestly the best thing that ever happened to this community, and I loved all of your posts and liveblogging of Bad’s lore even when I didn’t have a clue what’s happening. You are all so smart and so great, ghosties never deserved all the hate them and the streamer got, I will fight for you always.
@terezicaptor you always match my freak. and that’s everything anyone in the fandom can ever ask for.
@itsbebebrainrotting @cheese-water @soulfireblue @galatoma @phatcatphergus @angelpaperclip @an0nfr0mth3d3n @flojouno @dozyrogue @charliecuntcicle @sweetmoons @kqluckity @h3xt0r @wackytheorist thank you for everything, i see you in my notes very often and most of you posted a lot about soulfire (which are always bonus points from me ahaha), and i am very glad you are here💛
@sweetie-peaches @routeriver @snopiah @thepenguisalive7 @piecanl @shumistar @diornies @flowerquib YOUR ART MY GOD YOUR ART OH GOD OH MAN OH GOD OH MYGOD SO GOOD SO INCREDIBLE OH MY GOD
@etoilesbienne and @pommunist i think both of you have the most based takes, and i almost feel smarter when i read your serious posts.
I definitely missed some people I would love to thank, but honestly, as I said, all of you deserve a special thank you. So if you read this, you are awesome and I love you.
I am not leaving the fandom. But it’s always nice to appreciate people around you.
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terezicaptor · 4 months
Am I the only one thinking jealous Fit thoughts whenever he shit talks town of Fobo, especially since its usually a dig at Tubbo AND Foolish and their alliance? Like I've noticed how he's gotten kinda passive aggressive about Foolish too after their convo about town of Fobo and its driving me insane
I was making jokes about it but now I'm actively thinking about it ooo 👀
Fit has been more and more upset about how Tubbo has been treating his relationship with Pac but like...
Fit being jealous over Fobo??
Fit intentionally built his home close to Tubbo's... when if he really didn't wanna see him there's tons of empty map to go to...
Yeah yeah he keeps talking about how Tubbo is homophobic but Fit knows Tubbo is gay, so clearly that is not the whole reason.
Fit is a very tough love kind of guy... he's upset at Tubbo for not reaching out to him and Pac too. He knows Tubbo is having issues but he thinks Tubbo should go to him and Pac instead of them having to go to Tubbo.
So anyway enough half hearted analysis let's fanon gossip this shit up
Fit doesn't know how to approach Tubbo with his jealousy, he lets it fester, because he doesn't know that the annoyance he feels for Tubbo is jealousy.
And then Foolish steps into the picture! And suddenly Tubbo is with him all the time instead of Fit and Pac!
He tries his best to convince Foolish to back off with his homophobe comments because he knows Foolish has a boyfriend, but Foolish doesn't even care!
And then he hears they're coparenting their kids and he doesn't even know how to describe how that makes him feel. Didn't Tubbo used to love spending time with Ramon and Richas? What happened to that?? He should be coparenting with him and Pac!
He isn't jealous because that would make no sense though. Fit already has a boyfriend, and he can't get another one, that would be cheating!
...he ignores how Pac seemed interested in the idea of multiple partners when he realized Tubbo had both his husband and Fred. Well, he didn't have Fred exactly. He doesn't know what's going on there. Not the point. Pac is allowed to check the menu as long as Fit is always his main course. That's how he justifies it to himself.
He wonders if Pac wants more.
That's why he's checking Tubbo out. For Pac. No other reason. That's why he moved near Fobo. In case Pac was interested.
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zombiifyd · 8 months
dont you ever think abt how qphil kind of never had time to process what happened to him in the birdcage?? because that's all ive been thinking about when i was vodwatching. and i mean it like,
the day he came back, he awoke in his basement, still in the mexican independence day clothing. all of his things were on him that he had left behind, in a security craft chest, and two new items. an amapola and a potato. the torches he had placed were gone, the trapdoor leading up to the main room was suddenly there even though it was gone. and he was panicking and in despair bro. and then, not even minutes later, pierre shows up.
and phil isnt one to be vulnerable around people he doesnt trust with his life, we've kind of seen that a little bit. of course, he likes pierre. but he doesnt trust him as much as he trusts fit. so he pushes down his emotions, as much as he could, the exhaustion evident in his voice. and then pierre went and then (if i remember) etoiles came by. which brought up his mood, if only a little, but the way phil was so evident like "i was just asleep man!" (but the uncertainty in his voice is THERE. because the birdcage felt real, the weeks he spent there surrounded by birds and the only sustenance he had were golden apples. and he was given a book by cucurucho to tell him to wake up, so obviously this was a dream right??)
then he gets thrown into an event. like he cannot sit down and even think (even if he doesnt want to) about the reality of that "dream". the only time he kind of does was when he relayed it to tubbo and then they went to go check. and then when he relayed it to fit as well and then they checked again. and phil has said that the place freaks him out, it genuinely does, because what was clearly there... wasn't. he was so sure.
and dont even MENTION the birds oh my god. because he never got to process it, he doesnt even believe anything is real. from the parrots and hummingbirds around him. (WHICH ARE STILL THERE AT THE DREAM SIGHT BTW, there are parrots, hummingbirds, and toucans which arent even meant to spawn there like HELLO???) but the fact that he is still so warm towards them because they were his only company for WEEKS. the hummingbirds listened to his rambles and the parrots did too. and the way he's collecting them and putting them around his base because its just so quiet without his eggs. and when he was at the birdcage, at least the birds made some noise to keep him some what sane and
and. OOUGHHH...... i am so not notmal im sfucixnnf.....
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artistnerd24 · 4 months
(TLDR: I’m depressed that Jaiden is gone and now it feels like a huge chunk of my enjoyment of the server is gone. I completely respect ccJaiden’s decision to leave and am happy that the stream where I found her playing Qsmp led me to find such an amazing fandom and such a talented creator who I want to still watch in the future (seriously though, I would not have found her incredible animations if it wasn’t for that stream). I will probably be taking a hiatus from Qsmp though because now such a huge part of my experience is now gone and I realized how I’ve been prioritizing this over real life which has been damaging my mental health. I don’t know if I will return to the fandom or not (I probably will because I am way too addicted but it depends what life shows) but if I don’t, thank you Qsmp for allowing me to be part of such a great experience :D)
… just heard the news that ccJaiden is leaving the project and that qJaiden is dead…
I hope that ccJaiden feels better, I know how overwhelming Qsmp can get and I respect her choice to leave very much…
But… is it okay if I just feel very depressed now? Jaiden is who got me into QSMP, she has been my main for months and I loved her and her content and was planning to make so many animatic, arts, and fics about her (in fact she was one of my biggest driving motivators for it). She was truly such an amazing character. I loved her lore, I loved her personality, I loved Bubbleduo, I loved the Jaidens, I loved the idea of her and Empanada meeting… I just loved her character… she and her streams helped me feel better a lot… it’s the main reason why I’m still in the fandom… but now… with her gone I actually just feel like a huge chunk of my love for it has been ripped out, and I’m just sad. I’m sad that we lost her and everything that could have been in qJaiden’s future…
But hey! If it weren’t for me discovering her through a Qsmp stream that was recommended to me, I probably wouldn’t have become a fan of ccJaiden’s animations and probably wouldn’t even know about such an amazing creator! I’m happy that ccJaiden was able to be apart of this server and that now she will be able to do more stuff that she loves and doesn’t overwhelm her.
But as for me… I might take a hiatus from Qsmp for a bit…
If you look at my posts you probably knew how much I love Jaiden’s character and how she is probably my favorite thing about the server besides Gegg but he’s gone too…
There is a part of me begging me to not leave this fandom. I’m still in love with so many other characters’ stories like Tina, Tubbo, Phil, Bagi, etc.. But there has been so many times that situations and other events also just overwhelmed me and made me detached from real life and now with one of the main strings keeping me attached to the server gone… I don’t know if I want to still stay or not, so I think a hiatus would be good for me to just think things through.
Qsmp is truly such an amazing experience and like Jaiden said, Quackity has done so much and made something so very cool, but I think I just need some time away from it. Get back to real life again you know? I will probably be back, I’m way too addicted to these Minecraft cubitos leave, but in case I don’t… it’s been amazing to meet you guys and thank you for letting me be apart of this experience, it was incredible :)
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faye3414 · 3 months
I am going to be addressing the Wilbur Soot allegations. The reason I am talking about this is because I've looked up to him a lot in the past plus this is a serious topic and I think it is important to talk about. Ok, I personally, am not taking any sides just yet until further thoughts from different people, different perspectives to look at, just to kinda get a better view on everything, to really look at it all. Cause this situation has only started to be talked about recently. Yes, there is full evidence Wilbur did what he did, Wilbur "apologized" and admit he hurt Shelby so yes, obviously, this did happen, which is really shitty. However, it is still good to get full detail on perspectives. And I just want to say, for all victims, I am so sorry for what anyone have had to gone through. Another thing I am sorry about is how many of you, myself included, have been a fan of Wilbur Soot for a few years or longer. I have, and I know a lot of you also have, found comfort in Wilbur's content and who he was or who we all thought he was as a person. Like a lot of people, this is a genuine shock to me as I know it is for a lot of people who know Wilbur personally, seeing as he originally seemed like a very genuine, kind, and good-hearted person. I really looked up to Wilbur. I've been watching Wilbur for a few years now; his content helped me through a ton of different tough times, I found comfort in a lot of his streams and the things that he has posted, I thought he was a good person. This is just disappointing and it pisses me off how first of all, quite a few of you people are defending this situation and justifying or trying to justify Wilbur's actions, even though, as I'm sure most of you have seen (if you haven't, go watch), what Aimsey said on their thoughts on the allegations, they are right, this isn't some damn Twitter drama. This is real life shit that needs to be talked about and taken seriously. Don't defend Wilbur, support Shelby and all other victims of any kind of abuse. Another thing: I want to reassure all of you, all of you who have supported Wilbur and found comfort in him and his content, you are NOT a bad person for that. None of us knew he was a bad person until recently; that isn't your fault, you're not a bad person for that, none of us could've predicted that this had happened. Last thing: Kudos to Ranboo, Aimsey, Tubbo, Jack, and everyone who has shared their thoughts on this for taking this seriously and addressing the main issues here. Thank you for anyone who read through this. Have a lovely day/night. :) Remember, support the victims. Take care.
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yourkindofboy · 11 months
the new minecraft community is so wack lmao. i always avoided any dream smp/adjacent content like the plague until recently, despite the fact that i am an avid minecraft enjoyer because they were the internet's current most insane fandom. i've just now gotten brave enough to watch some of those content creators and poke my head into some main tags and HOO, shit is weird!
first off, i ended up liking a lot of the content made by most of the creators i was scared of. i was always terrified of tommyinnit, tubbo, wilbur soot, and then dream team. now, after actually watching their content, i enjoy them! sans dream team, did not like their vibes. the new wave of brits and europeans though, they were a lot of fun.
fan spaces though??? they're about as bad as i expected but still good lord lol i got used to not seeing content like that and then boom suddenly we're back in the phan frerard spn trenches except there's a bunch of factions and all of the factions hate each other. i think i will also main tag this post with a bunch of ccs just to see what happens
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acutecoral · 8 months
Anyways, that was a fun first day! Especially given my main povs are mostly in Red Team, which...well, I honestly did not expect them to have spiralled that hard the last half an hour? It was glorious to have witnessed though. Despite the frustrations and drawbacks, they really did claw it back?? Somehow??
I'm still sort of in a state of being overwhelmed, since I had like 14 tabs on and swapped between povs when I had to, and somehow that hit a level of stimulation that wasn't debilitating but just enriching for my brain which is one of the funniest things that came out from this.
We enjoyed seeing Charlie tryhard at being tactical??? We didn't realise until he mentioned it, that for a good 3 hours, he had not cracked a joke and went off being a spy and eavesdropper to help protect and give an advantage to his team. Like damn.
Carre was a GOAT?? HOLY SHIT???? And also, it was great that Cellbit managed to help bridge the communications between Carre and the rest of the team, after having gotten really great at spanish thanks to Roier. But man, that was unexpected but pleasant as they rallied with each other to fight back and complete the quests.
But my personal favourite moment is how BOLAS?!??!?! started fucking spiralling. The frustration had built up so much, the event pushed them SO HARD, that they threw out their Whole Ass character arcs out for EVERYONE IN THE TEAM TO HEAR. I am not sure if that was just them being meta so it's not actually a canon confession, BUT!! THE FACT THAT THEY DID!! THEY FUCKING TOLD ALL OF THEIR TEAMMATES THEIR DEEPEST SECRETS.
It's funny!! Like MAN. WHAT A DAY.
Other fave moments:
-Etoiles being sad about killing Jaiden and Philza. Him wanting to be with Red and have fun with his broooosss. He kept apologising lmao
-Tubbo and Carre's beef, but Carre apologises and Tubbo forgives him, that was really sweet
-Etoiles and Roier!!! Yessss give me more interactions of their cubitos thank youuu
-Bad being BOLAS?!?!?!?'s enemy #1 LMAO
-Foosh fucking CRITTING BAD, JESUS THAT WAS SO QUICK??? He did not escape damn
-Carre being hunted by Tubbo and Niki, and Cellbit helping coach him on how to hide his name in the map and he manages to kill Tubbo and Niki instead, JESUS
-Charlie's rants, nuff said
-Charlie and Cellbit fucking doing a stick fight pvp (Etoiles would have loved it so much, please let the man chill with Red next time he misses his friends)
-Tubbo and Aypierre??? Team up??? Oh my goddd, I'm so happy to see them working on the same side, like reminded of the fact that Aypierre had wanted to adopt him when Tubbo was first announced to join LMAO
-Fit reverting back to his good ol 2b2t self, my man is toxic, let’s go, it's good enrichment for him, probably reminds him of the Incursions he participated 🥰
-SPREEN AND DANTDM CANONICALLY DEAD??? I mean, I feel it's a bit of a sad reveal since that means they don't have plans to come back to the server, but at least their characters got some sort of closure...?
-RUBIUS???? LOGGING IN??? BEING TURNED MORTAL???? Too bad with issues on his game not working, that sucked, hope that works next time and the admins help him to fix it and he joins!!!
-Bad??? Stealing Jaiden's strawhat??? BRuhhhhhhh
-Charlie goading Bad to a battle?? I think that was hilarious, but then the Sun Became A Deadly Laser and Charlied dried
-Phil did the entire Casulones emote oh my god, they finally did it
-But!! Red chose him to be the leader, and I thought that awesome, that's so deserved
-The bonfire, live sacrifices, and planned descent to cannibalism 🥰🥰
-Charlie joining other peoples vcs near the end and just BROKENLY checking in on them and telling them the plans of BOLAS???!?!?! and literally giving them the coords to their base LMAO
-Baghera killing Phil, Phil waving her goodbye before DEAD
-FOREVER SAYING THE WORDS THE BLACK CUCURUCHO GAVE HIM???? Not sure if anything came of that yet, but OHHH BOYYY
-The post-event wind down where everyone is chatting and vibing and talking to one another, that was a vibe and was really chill as everyone played tetris and watched each other's streams, and complimented Tina's tetris skills
Honestly, I'm sure there was so many fun moments despite everything, my streamers had fun despite the frustrations and discouragement
I am ecstatic where they may change about things going forward! I trust Q and the Admins to listen to the feedback from people and see how they can shift things to balance it out. We'll see!
Until then! Back on the bus we go!
Remember to stay clear of the pvp! You don't want to find yourself in the way of an axe or a sword swing!
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bleue-flora · 4 months
@cleofast300 hope it’s ok if I respond to your tags from my essay (linked here) and lol no need to apologize for writing lengthy paragraphs as far as I am concerned. I certainly can’t judge and am always happy for more discussion. :)
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On that note, you are very right it is more so about what c!Tommy himself believes. His perception is not that of the audience or at least it really shouldn’t be that of the audience, while as you said he can believe he is the hero and justified that does not make him one. And the difference between audience perception and character perspective is what I kinda talked about in the essay that came out before this one (linked here). Where I try to highlight how it is less about what the characters think about themselves and others and more about what we think of them, which can be derived from a variety of factors... anyways straying off topic.
While I would say he is certainly not self aware and that does play a role in his character, I’m not sure I would say it is his biggest flaw. For one, it is not the cause of all of his conflicts, though I supposed you could argue that is it the underlying problem for which the rest of his flaws spur from. But I’m not so sure. he is certainly not the only character without self awareness. Most importantly though, I do not think his character arc revolves around self awareness. Because he doesn’t over come that in the end. He becomes aware that c!Dream has feelings and emotions, but he doesn’t recognize what he did to hurt those feelings. He doesn’t gain awareness for the part he played. There is no remorse. As you said, the ‘sorry’ was about the nuke not for how he hurt c!Dream. For self awareness to be his biggest flaw and the one he over comes, he’d actually have to gain awareness for how he hurt people. How he hurt c!Tubbo, how he hurt c!Dream, how he hurt c!Punz… etc. He’d have to gain awareness for the part he played in the mess. Instead, we have a ‘sorry’ that is about the future. About realizing they wanted the same future all along and that it’s too late for that.
You are right of course, it was about him learning to see the world in its complexity and not as the black and white - hero and villain- one he wanted it to be. Though he is hardly unique in that viewpoint, so I’m not sure it is a strictly child perspective as much as it is just a naive and deluded one. Plenty of other characters share this perspective of the world and it is less about age but actually about the stages of psychological development (but thats a discussion for a different time). In fact, the main theme of the dsmp as a whole is about realizing that the world is complex, that people have different perspectives and things aren’t always cut and dry like we want it to be. It is easier to believe you are the hero and everyone who hurts you is the villain. But I will say, although c!Wilbur exasperated this ideal, he did not create it. The disc wars were already a thing. C!Tommy had that belief long before c!Wilbur arrived, he just used it to manipulate him, but that mindset was already there. That idea that he was the hero of the story was already set. So yes, c!Wilbur used him to be his little soldier pinning him up against c!Dream. Yes, he was abused and manipulated, but that only makes him a victim not the victim.
But just because in the end he realized that c!Dream was not one-dimensional, doesn’t mean he becomes self aware. It broke the cycle of violence, yes, because he realized they wanted the same things and the violence this whole time was actually useless. But that doesn’t imply that he feels remorse, realizes he hurt people, that he plans on being better and changing his behavior, that he no longer sees himself as innocent, that he is aware of the things he caused, that he no longer thinks he’s justified, that he realizes how Wilbur used him. It only showed that he realized that people are complex, with feelings and emotions and motivations, who are flawed, who can be hurt just like him. His views on people changed, but honestly we don’t even know how far that ratified his world view. Whether it just changed his perception of c!Dream or others as well…we just don’t know…
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swordfright · 2 months
I'd love to hear your structural hot takes
I already rambled a lot about this here, but alright okay yes I got more. I am here to talk about bullshit and nonsense after all 😤
If we're still talking about how DSMP is a prime example of New Media, and various frameworks you might use to understand it as an example of New Media, then I think it could be useful to bring up the concept of the violence hub.
Before I get into all that I need to define another term: rhizomatic storytelling, which means a narrative that is decentralized, nonlinear, and intricately networked. Does DSMP fit into this category? I would say so, even though it doesn't necessarily fulfill all criteria. It's definitely decentralized (I've already talking a bit about how it's difficult to pin down the parameters of the "core text" when it comes to MCYTRP) and it's definitely a network of little stories coming together to form a cohesive(ish) narrative. But one thing DSMP isn't is nonlinear. It's a very linear story, in the same way that professional wrestling (which is famously fictionalized) is very linear. It's been pointed out by fans that the storylines in pro wrestling pass at the same rate as time passes in the real world - which is pretty unique! You can't say that about most stories, even most forms of serial fiction! But, interestingly, DSMP is the same: time in the story passes at more or less the same rate as time passes IRL, with the exception of periods spent in limbo. This raises some interesting questions about who determines linearity in a prosumptive (co-created by writers and audiences) piece of media. If you're looking at DSMP from the perspective of the CCs, it's a linear narrative in the ways I've just described. But if you look at it from the perspective of the audience (who are given the option to switch between streams, watch live, watch VODs afterwards, watch VODs out-of-order, or refuse to watch some streams/VODs altogether), then it can be - and often is - a very non linear story. In a straightforward narrative where the creators create and the consumers consume, this isn't even a question. But in the case of something like DSMP, which is a collaboration by creators and audiences, those lines of authority blur and we're left wondering whose timeline we're on.
So let's say, for the sake of this argument, that DSMP is a rhizomatic story. It doesn't check off all the boxes, but I would still say it qualifies for reasons I hope I've outlined above in at least a semi-comprehensible way. Well, there's this framework that's been developed for understanding these types of non-linear, decentralized stories: the violence hub.
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The violence hub was proposed as a way of furthering our understanding of these participatory “multithreaded” stories that offer many voices at once without giving any particular one of those voices the final word.
Personally, I think DSMP is sort of the perfect example of a violence hub story, obviously because of the way it's constructed (talked about this a lot already here so I won't rehash it rn) but also because, quite frankly, it is a violent story. DSMP is bleak as fuck. Warfare, conflict, and abuse are core motifs. Like, even in a fandom as divided as this one, it's not controversial to say that DSMP is a story that's fixated on suffering, and that fixation is one of its main selling points. Not all fans are interested in those parts of the story, of course, but I think it's safe to say a lot of fans find DSMP's treatment of suffering pretty compelling. This is why people are insane about Exile and Pandora and Pogtopia and, and, and. You get the picture.
The violence hub is also a useful way of looking at not just how the story is structured, but how it is consumed. When fans talk about a violent incident in the story, whether it's Exile or c!Dream's imprisonment or something else, oftentimes we talk about these events in relation to other characters' perspectives and POVs. What's c!Tubbo up to during c!Tommy's exile? Who does or doesn't try to visit Logstedshire, and at what points in the Exile timeline? What's c!Dream doing during the Exile period when he's not at Logstedshire? This interactivity with the incident (Exile) through various other POVs deepens viewers' understandings of that incident, what it means to the characters involved, what it means in the larger narrative, and most importantly - what it means to us, the viewers. The same thing could be said about any period that qualifies as a "violent incident" described in the article screenshotted above. Take Pandora, for instance: how many times have you heard someone say "You really need to watch c!Sapnap's prison visit to get a sense of what it was like," or "c!Techno's prison podcast is vital to understanding what happens in Pandora," or something else to that effect. We all have specific streams we see as crucial puzzle pieces, but we don't all agree on what those streams are. And, depending on which streams you see as vital, your idea of what went down during a particular violence hub incident may be very different from my perception of that event, and vice-versa. Be that as it may, consuming the story this way, rather than in the form of a traditional linear narrative, allows viewers to come to more nuanced understandings of not just the incident in question, but also why the incident happened, what other events led up to it, the later impacts it had on the story, how character relationships and dynamics may have shifted as a result of the incident, etc. The decentralized nature of this structure enables an understanding of the story that appropriately accounts for its complexity.
Now that all that's out of the way, I want to talk about the structure of the violence hub in relation to audience expectations. When the finale aired, I was pretty confused by a lot of folks' reactions, partly because of how I perceived the DSMP and how I see its structure interacting with its themes. To me, DSMP is a story largely about cyclical violence, so an ending where c!Tommy (a main character, driving force for the narrative, and sometimes the protagonist depending on who you ask) chooses to put an end to that cycle made sense to me. I never saw the finale as being about an abuse victim forgiving his abuser, I saw it as being about an abuse victim purposefully stepping back, seeing the cycle of violence for what it is, and choosing to opt out. This is a fairly unpopular interpretation of the finale, but it's one that I stand by because it's firmly grounded in the text: the dialogue, the scenecraft, the structure. Up until the finale, c!Tommy perceives the DSMP as a linear, centralized story - his own! He acts accordingly, rarely stopping to consider consequences or other characters' perspectives. When he's sent to limbo in the finale, c!Tommy is suddenly able to see into c!Dream's past memories from c!Dream's perspective. In this moment, c!Tommy's experience of the narrative ceases to be linear and centralized; in this moment, he is experiencing the story in the same way that we, the audience have been experiencing the story. c!Tommy, placed in the audience's shoes, is presented with what is essentially a "branch" to the violence hub that is Exile, that is Pandora, that is the aftermath of both of those arcs. Upon seeing that "branch" (the memory), c!Tommy is given context for some of the events that have happened on the server. This newfound context allows him to understand his own story as a part of the stories of the people around him. This newfound context enables him to understand the story in a way that accounts for its complexities. He doesn't forgive c!Dream, but he is able to recognize the cycle of violence and choose not to participate anymore.
So, back to the thing I said about structure and audience expectations. As I mentioned, a lot of fans hated the finale for a lot of reasons. It wasn't to everyone's taste, and that's fine. But I would like to posit that one reason people didn't like the finale was because the rhizomatic structure of the story (which c!Tommy becomes aware of) subverted their own expectations about storytelling in general and this story in particular. I'd argue that a lot of people hated the finale because they were still clinging to the possibility of a non-rhizomatic narrative: one that has a traditional beginning/middle/end, one that has clear heroes and villains, one in which unambiguous good vanquishes unambiguous evil. Which isn't a bad thing to want, it's just...not what DSMP is, or ever was.
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guckies · 4 months
while i do agree that the new egg tasks rarely take in consideration single parents or external forces (travelling, events, meetups), i don't think the eggs are going to die from neglect.
the admins have shown that if the parents / primary caretakers is seriously unavailable they will try and get another member to take care of them (foolish counting as pepito's caretaker, roier being asked to do leo's tasks)
and we know that admins can and will play other eggs if their main admin is unavailable, i don't think egg neglect is an actual possibility anymore since neither party (streamer and admins) want that to happen
but i think they need to drop the whole non-parent penalty, or revamp it o_o since it makes everything much more complicated
Yeah it is very true that it is unlikely for the eggs to die from neglect now but there is always a possibility of miscommunication. Especially when the parent is travelling or busy and doesn’t reach out to the others in time or the egg doesn’t log on as much, which I think is why I’m having so much problem with it at the moment. Since a majority of the players are away and the system is really new, they others are not really going to be taking into account other eggs as much.
Really it’s just why now? We’ve know the dates for Eslands and the Streamer Awards for what feels like months now so it super strange in my opinion at least to be starting them now when barely anyone is able to log on. Plus again when so many people have expressed how they greatly dislike the tasks and cookies. Why are we still doing them if we don’t like them? Just to name a few: Fit said he thought it made sense that the tasks would go away naturally after purgatory due to the eggs surviving for months on their own; Phil even though he doesn’t really seem to care that much is never greatly excited to do them; Tubbo basically was speed running them mostly for money and typically procrastinated them before the reset; Foolish and Leo basically throw tantrums anytime the tasks are brought up and I’ve seen a bunch of viewers literally manifesting and praying the tasks were gone before learning they were back.
I think the admins are good when it does come around to it being a genuine moment of “maybe this egg might die” but I think they really lack in the hypothetical doom testing area before they put it into practice. The admins need someone with heavy anxiety and overthinking problems(like me lol) who would be able to think of every possible fault there might be. Like single parents who can’t log on as often aren’t always given support by others, parents/guardians to multiple eggs often experience the “how am I meant to feed multiple if I’m just barely getting one fed” every time it’s introduced and the “this task is impossible without another player & I’m the only one online” moments.
It’s just there are so many things that keeping slipping through the checks that we are already so aware of. So I think the best way to go about the tasks at the moment would be phasing it out or just plain making it optional. Especially since the tasks aren’t really liked at all.
By optional I mean, they just wouldn’t have to do it to keep the egg alive and it would be somewhat like the bounties. So the parents could do the egg quests for extra money and have the tickets be equal to something related to the eggs, like cosmetics or perks(hearts, armour, weapons) for the eggs.
But I heavily agree on the non parent thing, I think that really punishes single parents for no reason and kinda dampens the fun in hanging out with other eggs. Like Willy and Dapper, they aren’t parent and kid but if Dapper wanted to do the tasks with him that day then he should. Plus it could really strengthen their bond and make Willy want to play more as having an egg around kinda helps make the experience of qsmp more enjoyable especially when no one else is online.
Also I think the non parent thing and the tasks being the reason the eggs live another week does put a whole lot of outside stress on the ccs which I heavily disagree with. I think that this is a mc server to make connections and speak to people you never would have before. The eggs have proved to be great at helping with that so the stress of them dying because you weren’t able to log in that week kinda brings the whole experience down and negatively affects the chances of those situations happening. But if I had it my way the eggs would only be able to die the same way hunters of Artemis do, in combat (or possibly in natural situations).
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 2 months
whos your fav egg(s) / main streamer(s)? :)
Oh stars thats a loaded question. I'm forever fond of Chayanne and Tallulah, but I always get excited when I see Richas and Pepito.
Now for main streamers, I am SO unloyal. I jump between streamers so much. Of course since English is my first language, I watch a lot of Phil, Tubbo, Fit and Bad. I also watch Slime and Foolish, but not as much.
I also watch a lot of the non english streamers, mostly for the vibes lol. It's mostly Cellbit though. I do also watch Etolies, Roier, Baghera, Bagi, and probably a few others that aren't showing up on my twitch.
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atherix · 11 months
So... Since Tubbo's gone to the whole DSMP thing, he's back in contact with Phil.
And the reason he was originally supposed to marry cub is to have a link to Lady Death, right? And Phil happens to have quite a direct link to Lady Death.
Am I onto something or am I just farting around in my own head help-
Oh Scar's gonna have another direct line to Death than that :) Phil is... technically someone else's link to Death. But really it's Tommy who's the link. Tommy is Phil's kid and also directly linked to Death by way of He's Literally Her Son, and who has a link to Death through Tommy...?
His best friend :)
(Tommy and Phil have a strained relationship, unfortunately. Tommy felt abandoned (and remember he was still a teen when he became the sole guardian of Fundy, who was still a toddler when Wilbur died, so he ended up parentified in the end, just like Wilbur had been) and even though Phil had no intention of leaving Tommy and Wilbur behind (things happened and by the time Phil made it home Wilbur and Tommy had already left) Tommy's feelings are valid, and they make his feelings about Phil complicated (Phil is NOT a bad father there were Circumstances™ and he tried to come home, just there was no one there to come home to). Scar does not meet Phil again, at least not during the main story, but he DOES meet Tommy. And where will Tubbo and his little family choose to go when L'Manburg gets destroyed for good huh? .. :) )
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iminyourbookshelf · 3 months
Erm hi hey hello? Came to ask you some question (based on that one post you reblogged:D)!!
What's been your favourite arc so far?
What language would you like to see next?
Who do you mainly watch?
Who do you want to watch more of?
What's been your favourite event/ holiday?
How long have you been watching QSMP for?
Which egg is your favourite? And why?
Who's your favourite cubito? Why?
Who is a creator you want to see on the QSMP?
I am staring at you, with my big eyes. (Hope you're doing well!!:D)
I'm doing well, ty :D
Favorite arc: Codeflippa and what I'm calling the three extra entities. Basically when the Enderking, Madagio, and Creation had stuff happening all at the same time.
Who do you mainly watch?: Tubbo, he streams around when I free time most often and I've been mainly watching his POV for a while.
Who do you want to watch more of?: Bagi, ElMariana, and Etoiles.
Favorite Event/Holiday: Mexico independence day, I don't know who let them all cook with their outfits they looked amazing. Also pissa during Mexico Independence day AUGH my heart.
How long you've been watching: I originally thought sometime in July, though my first post was back in August/September. Whenever the election dinner was, was when I started watching.
Favorite Egg: JUANAFLIPAA MI HIJA!!! I think she's my favorite because she reminds me of my younger self except extremely exaggerated. Like I was a kid who was allergic to a lot of things and had poor eyesight. Also how she mainly had Tílin as her main best friend.
Favorite Cubito: Slime or Tubbo. Slime because I am a misclick family fan (been starving for months, qsmp awards helped a bit) and Tubbo because I watch him so much.
A creator you want to see on qsmp: Skeppy or Aimsey are kinda more popular choices that I think would fit well. A less popular choice, Roesalie. She's a Filipina mcyt, and she has very good energy and seems really sweet. She's also a great singer. She mainly streams in English so I think it'd be cool if she was given a chance to speak Tagalog more.
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callm3-q · 4 months
Tell the king, I dare you darling~
Bad is a little thief, and Ètoiles is a classic above average night and shining armor.
In the kingdom of Sol, run by Tubbo, and princess Sunny. When Bad, the best thief of the country quesadilla, steals something, Ètoiles has to deal with it, but, how? Maybe violence isn’t always the answer, maybe it’s Newley found love.
By the request of a lovely Anon from my Tumblr page
[Thief Bad]
[Night Etoiles]
Yes, my liege
You must go deal with the pesky thief that keeps stealing from the castle grounds
Of course your majesty, if I may ask, what have they stolen?
Mostly furniture, how does one person sneak out so much furniture unnoticed?!
Ah, I will deal with this as soon as possible my liege
Thank you Etoiles
My pleasure
Sol Kingdom, Midnight[12 PM]
Etoiles was standing guard of the front entrance, in hopes of catching the thief in their tracks. He had tried almost all other entrances during the previous nights, most being unless attempts to catch the unknown thief.
He was standing guard, still, as instructed, when he heard someone.
Hello! -Bad stated as he used his grappling squawk to dangle upside-down from the roof, inches away from Etoiles face.
Etoiles couldn’t get any words out, all he could do was stair. 
I examined the possible thief in front of me, his hair was long, it was black at the top, then it faded to blond near the ends. He had a sort of cloak on, completely useless in covering anything in the position he was in. He was wearing what looked to be a… Well, sort of like a one-piece swimsuit, but way tighter. 
He looked strong, not too strong though, I could definitely beat him.
A-Are you the one who’s been stealing all the furniture?
Welllll, I guess you could say that if you really wanted to. I’d say its more, on the liberating side of things.
are you just turning yourself in?
I got bored of never being caught, so I just thought I would tease ya a bit
I could just report you to the king right now
Tell the king, I dare you darling~
His voice echoed through the castle walls, it was beautiful. His voice carried deep, reverberating of the walls in a low, seductive growl.
…-Etoiles paused as he felt his face getting red, hidden by the mask he always wears. 
Aww, quiet now aren’t ya~ That’s one way to shut someone up, anyways, back to the main topic. A little friendly banter never hurt anyone love~
Well mon chéri, how can you be so sure I will abide, and not tell the king that you were here
tell me, darling, would you do that? Hmm? -Bad said, now standing on the floor, cupping Etoiles face with his hand.
It’s my sworn duty to follow all orders given to me by his majesty, if I do not then it would break my oath to the king
Well I wouldn’t want to stay much longer then -Bad paused as he shot his grappling squawk, sticking it to the roof- See you tomorrow darling, if you find me, that is~ 
And just like that, he was gone. Etoiles felt his face heat up even more, he looked at the ground. He was mad at himself, how could he let this happen… How could he let that thief get away… 
He was right there…He wasn’t even trying to get away! He was literally just dangling right in front of my fucking nose…
Etoiles took off his mask, and moved his some-what ‘long’ hair out of his face.
It wasn’t too long, but it could be considered long to most male’s on the castle ground. But in his defense he hasn’t had the time to get a proper haircut in a while.
He wiped the sweat from his forehead, it wasn’t even hot in the castle. It was cold, a little too cold for comfort. He let his hair fall back onto his face with a sigh, a sigh of disappointment. He couldn’t tell for what the disappointment was for, the fact that he didn’t catch the pesky thief that was right there, or… The fact that said thief left so soon…
5:30 AM[Early Morning]
Y-Yes… my liege
Did you catch that thief yet
N-No your majesty… I am doing my best your highness…
Catch them soon Etoiles
Yes sir…
10:00 PM
Etoiles was standing guard, the same place as the night before.
‘If you find me, that is’
Etoiles contemplated going to look for the thief, he wanted to, but doing so would mean leaving his position. Which he would consider a highly frowned upon thing to do… Ah fuck it, it would be worth it wouldn’t it? Getting to see- Catch, the thief.
So Etoiles left his assigned position and went to look for the thief, looking through every hallway and corridor.
Eventually he found the thief, sitting upside down with his head dangling off the front of the couch.
Oh! You actually came to find me? If I had known you we’re actually coming I would have found a better spot -Bad stated, getting off of the couch
Eh- Yeah… -Etoiles could already feel his face heating up, much to his dismay, he hadn’t even done anything… - Uhm… I-I was wondering if I could get your name, I won’t tell the king, you have my word
…Ok, I’m trusting you… You can call me Bad
Bad, ok. My name is Etoiles
Etoiles… That’s a really pretty name
T-thank you… -Etoiles felt his face heating up more, he wasn’t used to getting complimented
It’s my pleasure, just stating the truth, a beautiful name for a absolutely stunning man~
Bad took a couple steps closer to Etoiles, grabbing his forearm gently.
‘I can’t take this anymore… He’s teasing me a purpose isn’t he! Whatever… what matters right now, is that he is right in front of me, I can do whatever I want.’
Etoiles grabbed Bad by his waist, quickly pulling him into a long, drawn out kiss. Bad quickly reciprocated, he wanted this to happen, didn’t he.
Etoiles pulled away, still holding Bad close.
Are you gonna go and lock me away now -Bad stated, out of breath- I’m right here, you could just lock me up right now
Why would I do that -Etoiles said, in a low hum
I thought that was what you wanted to do
I never intended on locking you away, Mon chéri -Etoiles whispered, pulling Bad into another kiss.
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youphoriaot7 · 9 months
helloooo!! i am sen, nice to meet you all :D i've never actually used tumblr for fandom before, but i'm dipping my toes in here on qsmpblr and i've been having a BLAST (y'all may have already seen me in the tags lmao). figured i'd set up a pinned post so that you guys know a bit more!
sen – they/them – over 18 i write fic on ao3 here, and cosplay over on tiktok here! if you want more links, you can check out my carrd here! i'm a cellbit main, with frequent backup from tazercraft and fit! i jump povs a lot though, and i care a lot about lore events, so i'm always down to watch just about anyone. (i've watched a lot of etoiles, tubbo, antoine, roier, jaiden, foolish, bbh, and baghera clips, for example!)
making a tags masterlist below this (because things got out of hand on here VERY quickly lmaoooo) i'll add tags as things happen!
i'll make a fic/studies masterlist soon, as well!
qsmp qsmp memes | qsmp quotes | qsmp clips qsmp liveblogging | qsmp vodblogging qsmp headcanons | qsmp theory qsmp fanart | qsmp fic | qsmp drabble character study | breakdown qmongus | qatching up (when i miss a lot) opq | ordem paranormal the great brazil meetup qsmp recap
[just wanted to put a quick notice here! i know i'm doing these little recaps, but i don't generally catch everyone and every stream. and i don't pretend to! which is why if there's ever something i missed/explained incorrectly (or if you just want to go even further in depth about whatever pov you watched) please feel free to explain more in the rbs and/or tags!!! i always love reading the stuff because at the end of the day i'm invested in everyone's lore, but there's only so much i can catch. :') i'll always reblog it with the same #qsmp recap tag as usual!! <;3]
qsmp antoine | qsmp arin qsmp bagi | qsmp baghera | qsmp bbh | qsmp bobby qsmp cellbit | qsmp chayanne | qsmp cucurucho qsmp dapper qsmp elquackity | qsmp etoiles qsmp felps | qsmp fit / qsmp fitmc | qsmp foolish | qsmp forever qsmp german | qsmp goddesses (mine, mumza, lore) qsmp jaiden | qsmp juanaflippa qsmp leo | qsmp luzu qsmp mariana | qsmp maxo | qsmp mike | qsmp missa | qsmp mouse | qsmp myo (hope / memory) qsmp niki qsmp pac | qsmp philza | qsmp pierre | qsmp pol | qsmp pomme qsmp quackity qsmp ramon | qsmp richarlyson | qsmp rivers | qsmp roier qsmp slimecicle qsmp tallulah | qsmp tazercraft | qsmp tina | qsmp tilin | qsmp trumpet | qsmp tubbo qsmp walter-bob | qsmp wilbur | qsmp willy
guapoduo | pissa | fitpac | hideandseektrio | 4halo | createtrio | pacman | seekduo
disappearances (TW: KIDNAPPING – kidnappings) the federation are evil (federation-related) 00100001 (code related) isla quesadilla (history of the island)
pl;fuga (fuga impossivel—tazercraft, cellbit, felps) pl;childhood (TW: KIDNAPPING / CHILD ABUSE – baghera's past) pl;anarchy (fit's past) pl;presidency (forever's term) pl;paradise (fit's lore) pl;missing (missing federation employee) pl;bluebird (jaiden's past) pl;existence (TW: POSSESSION[?] – romero richas) pl;perfection (TW: DRUG USAGE – federation happy pills) pl;worse (whatever this black concrete/evilrucho thing is)
ev;chainsaw (yeah i have so much angst about this it needs its own tag shush) ev;corruption (TW: MANIPULATION – cellbit's corruption arc) ev;fedescape (cellbit & felps) ev;manipulation (cellbit's original black box missions) ev;jaidens (the dungeon, first and second times) ev;dinner (the election dinner) ev;jailbreak (TW: JAIL – tazercraft) ev;resgate (TW: KIDNAPPING – pac's disappearance/rescue) ev;arrival (arrival of nine new members) ev;memory (TW: MISSING EGGS – cellbit's forgotten egg investigation) ev;arena (etoiles arena fight) ev;watchtower (TW: KIDNAPPING – mike's disappearance/rescue/whatever the hell is wrong with him now) ev;hatch (TW: MISSING EGGS – whatever tf is happening to the eggs/couch codes—events may not be related though kgjfs)
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