#I am being 100% genuine
pinktwinkiezoppo · 1 year
I wish more people shipped Ben and Zak
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twistmusings · 1 year
Who would be into vore?
I'm gonna be real, chief, I don't mind answering the question but I'm not sure if this is a genuine question or you would like a shitpost.
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mondschein14 · 10 months
This is the best German production I have found so far and it does many things right, such as Grantaire having long hair
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sentientsky · 10 months
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Final Fifteen Idiots ft. my actual real-life diary entries from when I was a teenager.
yes i am running out of material, why do you ask?? (This is so embarrassing I’m so sorry in advance aksjakdjskd)
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 4)
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helluvahotmess · 4 months
'I want you to continue to be who you are.' what if i fucking died what then
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blobpsycho · 1 year
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This gif perfectly encapsulates what I love about Tome. All girls have been this gif. Like remember having undiagnosed mental issues and your family makes you go on an outing that should be fun but you’re just pissed off constantly because youre a 14 year old girl? Tome gets it.
Like YOU’RE GOING SOMEWHERE TO DO SOMETHING THAT SPECIFICALLY PERTAINS TO YOUR INTERESTS. But youre a 14 year old girl and nobody will ever take you seriously and you’ve just got this pit of hopelessness in your stomach despite the fact that nothing is technically wrong
so even though youre on an outing planned for you you can’t shake the feeling that everyone is just making fun of you for being so upset over seemingly nothing. These are your friends and family, you deep down they wouldnt do that, but why else would they go out of their way?
They certainly wouldn’t do it for you, right? I mean nothing’s even technically wrong. You’re just being a crybaby and they all must think youre just being a dramatic teenage girl. And you are and you know that you are so why can’t you just get over it and be normal?
And when you finally can’t take the pain that’s screaming in your chest because everything feels wrong wrong and everything is going wrong and everything is wrong wrong wrong you can’t help but cry. And you’re embarrassed and you’re furious and you’re supposed to be mature and you’re supposed to not care but you cry.
Crying feels worse than the growing internal discomfort did because now everyone is looking at you. They’re staring in uncomfortable suprise at what you’re sure is the most unsuprising sight in the world - a 14 year old girl crying. You want to go home but you can’t. You’re 14. You can’t do anything on your own.
You react to the terrifying ordeal of being reacted to the only way you know how - with anger. You monologue through hot tears and sobs and snot how you didn’t even wanna be here and how you just *know* everyone is just doing this to make fun of you and how they should just go on ahead and leave you wherever you are (you know this can’t happen. They wouldn’t leave a 14 year old girl somewhere unfamiliar on her own) and something in you hopes that they’ll yell back, that they’ll treat you like you’re irrational and make you feel justified in your anger.
…But that doesn’t happen. The silence persists but you realize that it’s more contemplative than judgemental. They’re not afraid of you, though you think they should be. Rather than letting them say something sentimental about caring and being concerned or any sappy bullshit that will only serve to make you cry more, you wipe your face on your sleeve continue on your journey.
The day gets better. After everyone gathers that no, you don’t wanna talk about it, it almost feels like nothing happened to begin with- besides the slight exhaustion you feel every time you blink and the intense stress sweat you choose to blame on anything else.
By the time you get home, the day is mentally logged as a good day. You decide - albeit tentatively - that maybe you’re going to be ok. Maybe you won’t be a 14 year old girl forever.
You go to bed and have the best sleep you’ve had in months.
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spookygibberish · 1 month
Made a faintly insane list of of every animated movie I have good enough memories of to feel confident ranking, although some of them I would probably move around if I saw them more recently....
#Apparently “It's Such a Beautiful Day” is my favorite American Animated Movie which is not something i REALIZED before I made this...#movies i haven't seen since i was a little kid aren't on here which excludes a lot of Disney Classics. I have seen more animovies than this#i made up the word animovies to fit that sentence in that tag#also i watched all of the nge reboot movies but it was several years ago and I genuinely do not remember anything that happened in them#i remember not liking them compared to the tone of the series or original movie or thinking they contributed much#despite ostensibly fleshing out the world more#the lower you go on this list the more deranged it looks#i am not actually a big Pixar stan or anything. i do feel like this list makes LUCA being my highest ranked Pixar movie make sense tho..#like. contextualizes that choice by laying bare my Proclivities#i have not watched as much complete and utter dogshit slop as Emily#i DID make her watch Igor (2008) tho it was like... not actually terrible but i went in with my expectations on the ground#i made this list when we were watching strange world and strange world didn't end up on this list on account of me not actually paying#enough attention on account of the deep thought i was putting into this instead#texting#off topic#I have not been having an easy time doing creative things so you get movie and book opinions#i feel vaguely apologetic for some of the choices in this. but not really. It's ranked 100% by how much i enjoyed it there is no pretense o#objectivity
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pinacoladamatata · 28 days
Target Solas may be saving my life actually
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tj-crochets · 7 months
Went to the doctor just for a check up and he basically just told me "your body just processes sugar very well! :) :) :) It's a good thing! :) :) :) It can't possibly be the source of your symptoms even though eating fixes it :) :) :)" But there was also a moment when talking about my iron deficiency that is possibly one of the funniest things a doctor has ever said to me, up with the cardiologist who said "you're a medical mystery": He was going over my blood test results, and said "Your iron levels haven't gone up at all, they are still extremely low, but you're not anemic anymore" And I was like how am I not anemic anymore??? And he said "Your hemoglobin levels have gone up...somehow..." while frowning at the blood test results on his computer. It was very "somehow, palpatine has returned" lol
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blue-thief · 20 days
it's been so long since i've properly sat down to read a fic im gonna be ill /pos
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waitineedaname · 3 months
I am a little confused about the transmigration timeline in svsss because like. Shen Yuan died because he was so outraged about PIDW's ending, right? But Airplane died after reading his comments and had a draft of another chapter he was planning to post. So what does that mean? Am i missing something? Was it not actually the end of PIDW because Airplane intended to post another chapter? Did his draft get posted as the final chapter and that's why it was so terrible? Should I just not worry about it?
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musicalmoritz · 1 month
Shocked to see discourse on Sydney Novak’s sexuality, I thought the show made it incredibly obvious that she’s a lesbian. Not just that she likes women, they made her disinterest in men very clear through that scene where she said she suddenly realized why she didn’t like Stan. I haven’t watched the show since it came out so I can’t go too in depth with this but her journey was very clearly leading in the lesbian direction to me, like they could not have made it any more obvious. People need to learn that media analysis goes deeper than what’s shown on screen, a large part of it is being able to read between the lines. I think that’s why a lot of canon queer characters get their sexualities denied by the fandoms, some fans just refuse to use their brains lol
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bonefall · 1 year
Did you man beam Drizzle? If so, why not just pair up Rustle with Cranberry instead? I get for the amazing ship name but I'm curious about the choice /gen
I totally forgot Drizzle's original gender, but also, I really don't want to overthink it. I'm so tired of overthinking it. I wanted CranberryDrizzle funny ship name and it was getting exhausting to plan out where every pairing in several hundred cats would be getting their kits from
Rustle is going to die at some point after having two QR kittens, and Cranberrydrizzle is going to have 2 important litters (Sunstrike and Emberfoot in the first, Fernstripe in the second). I have done an exhausting amount of work (weeks of planning and hours of work at a time, scouring the wiki and facebook screenshots, redrawing tangles, reading through suggestions, writing out full posts of changes and creating new groups with their own histories) untangling broken fragments of family trees and like... I'm tired. No more shuffling. I deserve Funny Ship Name. is this too much to ask
Boy Drizzle is just the easiest answer. I'd like for Drizzle to just be transfem but I was also told to avoid cats being trans just to have kits, which is ALSO frustrating me at this point, I don't like this weight of "perfect representation" that's being put on me when I'M not even perfect representation as a living human queer.
Do I let Drizzle be transfem and "break a rule," or change them to a boy and "lose" a lesbian pairing? It feels gross to me to have fallen into a mindset where I'm treating queer relationships like quotas or rigid rulesets
I feel like if I 'get something wrong' (like forget the gender of a Missing Kit or a side character, or handwave 'where did these kits come from' with 'trans/queen's rights' without considering a real secret surrogate) I'm going to get smacked upside the head and be forced to hyperfocus on one small part of a massive project when I already have a million other things to work on.
So unfortunately the most honest answer I can probably give is that im tired. I'm really tired. Overthinking minor details before making every single tumblr post is draining me. I forgot the missing kit's original author-assigned gender and didn't scroll to the bottom of Onestar's wiki page to check it before posting. I like the ship name. Cranberrysplash somehow gets pregnant twice, but I was told to avoid trans bioparents, yet doing that is making things even harder after I had to do weeks of work to make a good tree in the first place
I'll figure out Drizzlefall's gender when they become relevant in some context
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Went to the bookstore today and asked about their mythology section and this frickin guy had the gall to be like "Yeah it's over here, but these are really dense and difficult so let me show you the children's mythology section." I was so baffled I didn't say anything. Normally I would've been very offended, but I couldn't help but laugh because I was like "I've been reading those massive textbook-esque mythology books since I was a literal child as research for my novel, sir. But sure, show me the kid's section, I like reading kids' books too."
#i talk#I genuinely think he just phrased it really badly and was just being stupid#which is the ONLY reason I was like ''yeah alright I'll let you live''#but I was very amused by that entire interaction#Went up to the register later and he got excited over some of the audiobooks I chose and we had a nice chat about that#I saw he was reading a BNHA comic which surprised me (especially after his previous comment)#and I told him I heard it ended recently and he said he was glad to hear that since so many comics he read as a kid just went on and on#and never ended#I think I've reached that age where I'm just like#''I can recognize you're not being an asshole you were just a bit stupid. Bless your soul''#Coincidentally the big textbook section was right in front of the checkout counter#which was funny because I DID just sit there and flip through a bunch of things for almost half an hour#That reminds me I really do need to read 100 and one nights (Arabian Knights) sometime. That's like the one Big one I've never read#Beowulf too that's the other big one#I just need to find really good audiobook versions of them. I can't sit down and read anymore#Another interesting moment from that same bookstore:#I overheard that dude and his coworker / boss talking with an older guy#and the guy said he was a psychic or something#and the bookstore guy was like ''Can I ask you a question then? I am going to judge you for it if you get it wrong though''#pftt#it was all very lighthearted but I was just like yeah that's my city alright#I miss seeing those random interactions and random moments
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why is everything (showing other people respect. being patient and kind. not flying off the handle about stupid things. emotional regulation and self-control. et cetera.) so easy when I'm not around my parents and so so so so hard when I AM around them?
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llannasvsp · 5 months
Same Anon.
I do want to say that while you did come across as a bit aggressive, you're opinion is entirely valid. I do not want you to think I was claiming otherwise.
This is your blog; if you don't want people to mention Greenflame here, that's your choice. I was just simply saying that we shouldn't metaphorically scream and shout at the people who do ship it.
Again, you're totally valid, and I agree with all of your points; I just don't want the Ninjago community to turn on each other like I have seen others do in the past.
No, and that's why I appreciate you bringing that up.
I tend to get very passionate about certain topics and then I come across as very aggressive. I do that if I'm passionate about things that I love and things that I hate. I kind of need to dial back a lot when it comes to that. Which is why I deleted the posts because in hindsight it did seem very much like I hated people who ship greenflame which is just... wildly untrue.
I think maybe I need to journal some things before I say them hah.
Basically, at the end of the day, the situation boils down to this: I am not comfortable with greenflame, I would like it if people do not talk about greenflame on my blog, but if you ship it, I won't like... throw you off a cliff or whatever those 2014 anti's threatened to do.
And like I said, the movieverse is a different topic, because I personally think they're in the same grade or like 1 year apart so movieverse greenflame does not bother me. It's only the show that makes me uncomfortable.
Once again, thank you for bringing this up in a kind and not demeaning way, because truly the last thing I want to do is hurt people, and I can totally see how those posts would have come across as me being intentionally hurtful, which was never the goal, I was just venting. Which I need to dial back on and/or filter in the future.
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