#I am champing at the bit
tarotmantic · 2 years
joe trohman might not have liked mania but i did 😁
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reikunrei · 5 months
all i really need to know about my experience w the byIer fandom is that when i decided to jump into the st fandom here in feb-march 2023, people were already complaining about the tag being dead and everyone being quiet and boring. that was, what, less than a year out from when st4 dropped? that’s how fast the whole thing cannibalized itself? and it’s still gnawing on its own rotting corpse instead of trying to do something else? whew
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lordsardine · 5 months
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The OC Switch - Portals
I was supposed to write about Teatime. Wild wanted to meet Aaliyah and now it's nearly 5am. Rip to me I guess.
@neverchecking, I hope I did your girl at least a bit of justice but this is from Wild's pov so I'm blaming him.
Wild shook his head lightly as he stepped out of the portal. Every portal was always a little disorientating even with his experience of Sheikah Tech. The feeling of being magically transported through time and space was vastly different to the colder electric feeling of moving from shrine to shrine.
Rolling his shoulders to remove the vestiges of discomfort, he pulled the Sheikah Slate from his belt and glanced at it, frowning. The map was acting oddly. In most Hyrules, all it showed was static and the same blank page he’s had at the very beginning of his adventure. In his own Hyrule and in Cal’s, the map was filled out and clear, providing up-to-date information regarding the weather and the time.
This place however made the map glitch and a box popped up stating ‘CONNECTION ERROR’.
Which had never happened before.
Time finally stepped through the portal and it fizzled out behind him. “Sound off.”
Various voices called out, but Wild didn’t, too distracted as he poked at the screen.
“Wild and I are here.” Cal reported quietly. He’d been standing quietly next to Wild, curiously glancing over his shoulder.
“Wild? Is there something wrong?” Time turned to the two which also made the whole group turn towards them.
Cal shifted uneasily. They had only picked up the Hero of Calamity a few weeks back and he still had a habit of freezing up whenever attention focused on him. He’d loosened up, but there was still a ways to go.
Wild jabbed at the screen again. “My slate’s being weird. This isn’t my Hyrule, at least according to this, but it’s glitching.”
Suddenly, a bolt of light connected with a nearby tree, leaving a scorch mark and causing every single person to draw their sword.
“Identify Yourselves!” A feminine voice demanded. Both Wild and Cal froze.
The voice was familiar. Too familiar.
“Who are you to make demands when you attacked first?” Warriors said, taking a step forward only to pause when a woman stepped out from behind another tree, pointing a glowing bow directly at his head.
“Princess Zelda?” “Your highness?” Both Wild and Cal spoke at the same time, but denial shot through them.
This Zelda was clearly a bit older than either of theirs. Her hair was pulled back into a long braid, showing off the almost lightning-like scars that trailed up the right side of her face like a warped mirror of Wild’s own scars. The scars ran down her neck and under the sensible tunic and leather combination most travellers wore.
There was also the way this woman held herself. Confident without excess and comfortable enough with the bow that it held steady even as eleven swords were pointed awkwardly in her direction.
She looked like their Zeldas, but it was very obvious she wasn’t.
She glanced at them both briefly. “You are certainly neither of my heroes if you call me by that name. You came from a portal reeking of darkness. Identify yourselves else prove yourselves a threat to this land.”
“My name is Time and these are my companions. We are seeking the one who is making these portals and transporting monsters through them. Please, we mean you no harm.” Time sheathed his sword and held up his hands. “We also seek the Hero of this land. We believe that Hylia has called him to defend Hyrule once more just as she has with each of us.”
The woman snorted. “I have two heroes of courage under my protection and they shall come only if they wish. She can come down here and ask them herself if she wishes to toy with either of them.”
Sky and First looked as if they desperately wanted to object, but since she was still pointing a glowing arrow at Warriors’ head, they both bit their tongues and tried to still their impulses.
Still her eyes caught on the aborted movement and she stared at them. Something had caught her attention and her eyes narrowed.
“Is that the Master Sword?”
The group tensed as Sky nodded. She stared for a moment then nodded. “Then step forward and put it on the ground. We’ll see if you are who you claim to be.”
Cautiously, Sky took a few steps past Warriors and jammed the Master Sword into the ground before retreating to Warriors’ side. Her eyes squinted at him but let him remain next to the other.
Wild cast his eyes about as each of his brothers all shifted uneasily. They’d been thrown off guard by her appearance and knowledge and it was hard to make a choice. She hadn’t been entirely unreasonable. They had come from a dark portal and it was eleven to one. It wasn't unreasonable that she wanted to defend herself.
And she claimed she had two heroes to protect. How in the name of all the gods had that happened?
The woman smoothly approached the Master Sword and pressed a knee against the blade which glowed and let out a strange chime.
The woman glanced down at it and softened. “I suppose you can vouch for all of them, Fi?”
The sword chimed again and Wild nearly dropped his sword. Just who the hell was this woman?!
The sword chimed once more then dimmed and fell silent.
All tension in the woman dissipated and the bow vanished in a flicker of light. She wrapped a hand around the handle and pulled it easily from the ground. She smiled softly as she tested it’s weight, like she was greeting an old friend. “I apologise for my behaviour, but we’ve had issues with imposters recently and word of these portals unleashing strange monsters has everyone on edge.” She looked up towards him and Cal. “I take it neither of your Zeldas had visions when she was a child?”
“Visions?” Wild asked weakly. Next to him Cal tensed up, clearly uncomfortable with this woman who looked so much like their Zelda looking at them.
Her ear flicked, but her expression stayed gentle. “I had visions when I was younger. And a major personality change if your Zeldas are anything like the one we have to deal with.” Exasperation was clear in her voice.
“What are you talking about?” Wind burst out, voicing the thought they were all thinking.
“Oh, sorry. My name is Tia and I am a version of Zelda, specifically your Zelda.” She pointed at Wild.  He couldn’t help but stare. This woman was supposed to be a version of his Zelda. Like Cal was a version of him specifically. Impossible.
Tia smiled wryly. “I know it sounds complicated, but the long and short of it is when I was seven, I had visions of Ganon and what I assume was your adventure. I got brief glimpses at the other heroes, some clearer than others but you were the main one. A few months ago, my Hyrule merged with another version of Hyrule that was on a similar timeline. We’d both gone through the Calamity and… some other factors which I promise I will explain in a better location.” She added hurriedly before Wild could interrupt. “The main difference between our Hyrules was me and the consequences of my actions versus an additional Champion in the other Hyrule, a Sheikah Champion.”
Wild and Cal couldn’t help but tense up at the idea of another champion. One they could’ve failed and probably had in this version of Hyrule.
“Her name is Aaliyah and she basically attached to the hip with Link. Well, that version of Link we refer to as Sage and my original version we usually call Champ. The convergence was very confusing, but the end result was some people merged with their counterparts, others remained separate due to the fact they were too different or.. not dead really.” Tia explained, finishing awkwardly.  
“What do you mean not dead?” Warriors asked with a baffled expression.
Tia’s expression wavered for a moment then she licked her lips and looked directly at Wild. “The champions. Revali, Mipha, Daruk and Urbosa. They’re alive alongside others like your sister. I saved them.”
Wild felt the world go blurry. The champions? Alive?
And… a sister?
The world went dark.
Ten minutes later, Wild had recovered enough to walk back to Tia’s encampment. She was leading them next to Time and Warriors, who’d seemingly forgiven her for holding him hostage, discussing the portals. He noticed she kept glancing back at him worriedly.
He wished she’d stop.
Cal hovered by his side. It’d been hard at first, confronted with a version of himself that had won. But something about the other had him sliding him into the same place in his heart where he kept all of his brothers.
And now…
“Why didn’t you tell me we have a sister?” Wild asked quietly.
Cal winced and his lips pursed. He blinked several times and steeled himself. “I… I had hoped you would at least remember her a little bit. I haven’t seen her since I joined the knights.”
It was clearly a sensitive subject and Wild was no stranger to those. He dropped it.
But something else bugged him. “Do you have a Sheikah Champion?”
Cal shook his head. “No, we only have five of us plus the Princess. The Sheikah never had a champion.”
Guess that was something else different about this Hyrule. “Wonder what she’s like? Zel-Tia said they were attached at the hip to her version of us.”
Cal hummed in agreement before a loud laugh in interrupted all conversations through the whole group.
This voice was again familiar. A little rougher but still undeniably his own voice.
Tia’s shoulders slumped. “I’ve been gone for twenty minutes. What on Farore’s Green lands have they been up to?” She muttered before breaking into a light jog.
Bursting from the tree line, Wild saw a version of himself, older and more ragged with shorter hair and a strange black arm, laugh as yet another version, one with longer hair and similar arm bands, wiggle helplessly in the grasp of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.
She had gorgeous short white hair like moonlight on snow. Her lean body seemed to weave through the air like she was the wind itself. Her smile lit up her entire face and Wild swore not even stars would outshine the gold in her eyes. He could see the way her muscles flexed under her silken dark skin as she casually tossed the wiggling counterpart directly into the river.
Gods, he wished that was him.
Cal let out a small quiet noise like a mouse being stepped on.
Wild nodded in agreement.
Yeah, he felt that.
The gorgeous Sheikah stood on the edge of the river, arms raised in victory as she laughed brightly. The sunlight seemed dim in comparison.
“Who the hell are these guys?” The growl of his own voice grabbed his attention for a moment and he glanced to see Tia linking her arm with the rougher version of himself and giving it a light squeeze. He seemed to be glaring directly at him and Cal who was still glancing at the Sheikah.
“Link, this is Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, and Link. They're heroes from past eras.” She said entirely with an innocently straight face, pointing to each of them in turn. He adjusted his arm around her shoulders and pinned her to his side, angling her away from them.
“Those portals with the monsters apparently connect to other times which is why I felt like I recognised some of them. These heroes have been dragged around trying to find the culprit.” Tia leaned against him.
The counterpart glared briefly at the group then down at her. “I thought you were talking to a korok.” He growled again.
She poked him in the forehead. “Well, maybe if you didn’t terrify the poor things, I would’ve brought one of you along but since you all decided to set fire to the Lost Woods...”
He slumped under the weight of her stare and seemed to grumble under his breath. "That was an accident."
Wild would’ve paid more attention as Time introduced himself properly, but it was stolen by the way the pretty Sheikah woman was now yelling at the river.
“Come back out here and face me!” Her voice was sweet like a bird song that could listen to for hours.
There was an explosion of water as the long haired version popped out from under the surface.
“Hey. Hey. Hey, Aaliyah~ Guess what I’ve got.”
Aaliyah. Even her name was beautiful.
She crossed her arms and smirked before she paused and pointed down at the possible hero who’s grin only got wider.
“If that’s fish you’re about to throw at me, I will make you eat it raw.”
“Close but no.” And with that, he threw an octorok at her.
Letting out a shriek, there was a flash of steel as she elegantly sliced the creature in two with her sword then gracefully launched herself at the cackling hero, sword left in the ground.
Wild felt the air leave his lungs in a rush.
That was amazing.
“YOU DAMN FUNGUS!” The ragged one tore after him as well, the water becoming a swirl of white foam and splashing.
Tia sighed and moved to pick up Aaliyah’s sword. “Honestly, I’m just impressed he caught one.”
Honestly, Wild was just plain impressed.
Tia can be Queen of Hyrule or she can fully corral the trio. She's good but no one's that good.
Wild is just like fully got the rose-tinted glasses on and so does Cal while Sage immediately has their number.
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quatregats · 10 months
Sorry for continuing to be Unwell™ about Hornblower it WILL happen again
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primewritessmut · 8 months
WIP Ask Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
stolen from @falloutcoys bc i was JUST talking about all my wips and want to talk about them more
midori sour
cat loki
love is an apocalypse event (sylvie/oc)
what happens after "what the shit?"
in every today, i will find you
explicit monster john hours
In a Yellow Wood (published wip)
talking is sooooo boring
this started as a tag game, but i'm not into that so feel free to take it and run with it on your own
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kallowrites · 2 years
Just some nice fluff because the Doll deserves some peaceful, platonic relationships and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.
|| Bloodborne -- (female) OC & The Doll || 692 words || SFW ||
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I… I wish to rest. I know the night will not end, but I… I’m tired. I wish to rest.”
“You may rest upon me if you would like, good hunter. Though it may be a dreamless sleep, it is still rest for the body. You will need it.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
With some apprehension that was quickly overcome by a wave of immense lethargy, the Hunter slowly shifted her position sitting on the stone next to the Doll in favour of resting the side of her head in her lap. The dress was much softer than she’d expected, yet embodied how comfortable and cozy it looked… Made with such care. A vague memory crept into her mind, of elaborate dresses and gown, lavishly embroidered corsets and tightly-bound shoes. And yet… the Doll embodied none of this, but felt familiar all the same.
Fingers ghosted over her hair that was exposed after she’d removed her hat, a gentle knocking as the wooden joints shifted together. The Hunter had never been touched in such a way before… not even by her own mother. The Doll constantly pondered if the love she felt for the Hunter was real, but this certainly felt real. The love and warmth radiated off of her, and when it wasn’t with words it was expressed in full within her actions. Her eyes fluttered shut as she drew in a deep breath as she cherished this feeling. If the night was everlasting… She hoped this moment was an eternity.
Had the feeling of safe comfort not been as overwhelming to her mind and senses, the Hunter knew for a fact she would have wept right about now. It had been so, so long since she had last been held in any regard… But this felt almost as if she was being cradled in the Doll’s lap. She curled her knees up towards her chest and let her head sink further into the flouncy, heavy layers of the dress, being able to feel the unnaturally solid legs underneath despite it all. It didn’t bother her though. The Doll didn’t need to be flesh and blood like herself in order to mean anything to her. Too many times, those who shared that trait wanted nothing more but to spite her, and reject her existence. 
The Beasts wanted her dead. Blood-drunk Hunters, as well. Even back home where she’d travelled from, she had been shunned - She was a foreigner there, and she was a foreigner here. Very little changed, in that single aspect.
The Doll leaned over ever slightly, just enough that the fringe of her shawl draped around her like curtains. The Hunter caught herself reaching out to tug one of the edges closer to herself, seeking its odd warmth. Maybe it was simply her own body heat causing it, but it was far from unwelcomed. She met the Doll’s eyes after humming contentedly, and she was spoken to in a near-whisper, “Rest, good hunter. The waking world will still be as it was, when you awaken. Do not worry.”
Somehow, despite not even knowing it herself, the Doll’s words relieved her exact anxiety that was lurking in her heart. The urge to stay busy. The urge to remain useful.
But no, she still was useful. She had a purpose now - a goal to work towards. Good to do. It was more than she ever could have asked for, and despite the nightmares and the evil that threatened to destroy Yharnam… She found herself grateful for it, for had it not been happening, she may have never known this feeling.
Sweet, sweet peace as her thoughts finally slipped her mind, to leave her in an ephemeral state of emptiness… Aside from what she swore was humming resonating within her weary mind.
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chimerahyperfix · 1 month
just figured out Pokemon world champs r on
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heavyedit · 1 year
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i had a good view for state champs tonight 👍
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redlegumes · 1 year
Artist Claim Round 2 Baebee!
Super excited for round two of the Steddie Bang Claims because I psyched myself up to try to get a fic I was worried I wouldn't be good enough of an artist to do
I may still have 0 twitter followers (after deleting the bots) but ima tackle the Bang art like an anime protagonist
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pucksandpower · 1 month
I’m Gonna Wife You Up
Max Verstappen x best friend!Reader
Summary: in which your best friend wins his first World Drivers’ Championship, proposes through text, and confesses his feelings for you … in that order
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It’s just after 2 am when your phone buzzes on the nightstand. You groan and roll over, squinting at the bright screen. A new text from Max. You can’t help but smile as you open it.
Ik im drunk but listen
Im gonna wife you up one day
Thats all
Good night
You laugh out loud at the drunken confession, shaking your head fondly. Leave it to Max to make even his most romantic statements sound completely ridiculous.
The two of you have been inseparable since you were kids racing in karts together. As his career skyrocketed into Formula 1 and global fame, you were always there by his side as his best friend and perpetual voice of reason.
Well, most of the time anyway.
As you type out a teasing response, another text comes through.
Wait no
Im coming over
You barely have time to process it before your phone starts ringing, Max’s goofy grinning face flashing on the screen. You accept the FaceTime call and he immediately starts rambling.
“Y/N! Y/N listen. I just won the fucking World Championship! Can you believe it?”
“Yes, I can actually,” you chuckle. “I was there, remember? Sitting right in the garage.”
“Of course you were! You’re always there,” he slurs, words running together. “My biggest supporter. My good luck charm.”
“I think you might be overestimating my involvement a tad there, buddy.”
He shakes his head adamantly. “No way. I couldn’t do any of this without you, y’know? All those years of you kicking my ass in the karts, pushing me to be better ...”
You scoff. “Oh please, you were always the better driver. I just got a head start.”
“That has nothing to do with it! You’re just crazy talented. Why d’you think I’ve kept you around all these years?”
“Gee, thanks.” You roll your eyes, but you’re smiling. Drunken banter with Max is one of your favorite pastimes.
Suddenly, there’s a loud banging on your door. You jump, staring at it in confusion.
“Y/N? Y/N you home?” Max’s muffled voice calls from the other side.
You glance back at your phone to see he’s now wandering down the hallway, FaceTiming you from outside your hotel room. Of course the idiot wouldn’t think to simply text you a heads up.
“Max! I’ll be right there, just stay put for once in your life.”
You hurry to the door and swing it open. There he is, leaning against the wall in a rumpled dress shirt and loosened tie, phone raised as he grins at you proudly. You can’t stop the grin that spreads across your own face at the sight of your best friend, for once totally carefree after years of endless pressure and scrutiny.
“Hey champ,” you tease, stepping aside so he can stumble into your living room. “Need me to give you a hand there?”
“I’m good, I’m good.” He waves you off, somehow managing to trip over his own feet and crash onto your couch. You wince as he lets out a groan.
“Yeah, you seem totally fine.”
“Shut up,” he mumbles petulantly, making you laugh.
You move to stand over him, arms crossed as you drink in the sight. His dress shirt is untucked and half unbuttoned, tie completely askew. His carefully styled hair is now a tousled mess, a few stray strands falling over his bright eyes. Despite his drunken state, an almost giddy smile plays at his lips.
“What?” He asks, catching your fond gaze.
You shake your head. “Nothing, I’m just … I’m really proud of you, Max.”
His grin widens and he grabs your hand, tugging you down to sit beside him on the couch. “I did it, didn’t I? I actually fucking did it!”
“You did.” You squeeze his hand, hardly believing it yourself. “World Champion at just 24 years old. You deserve this so much.”
He sobers a bit, blue eyes shining intensely as he holds your gaze. “I couldn’t have done it without you though. You’ve been there every step of the way. Through all the good times and the bad ...”
You open your mouth to protest, but he cuts you off.
“No, shhh. Let me say this.” He takes a deep breath, seeming to struggle to find the right words. “You … you always believed in me. No matter what. Even when I didn’t believe in myself, even when everyone was writing me off and calling me arrogant or reckless … you were always there to pick me up and set me straight.”
His gaze drops briefly before locking with yours again. “You don’t know what that means to me, Y/N. To have someone like that, someone who’s always got your back no matter what. Who calls you on your bullshit but also hypes you up more than anyone. I honestly don’t know if I’d be here without you.”
Your throat feels tight as you blink back unexpected tears. You’ve never seen Max be this open and vulnerable before. You reach up impulsively to brush that stray lock of hair from his forehead, making him catch his breath.
In a burst of uncharacteristic boldness, you decide to be just as honest with him. “Max … you have to know how I feel about you after all these years. How much you mean to me.”
He swallows hard, eyes flickering down to your lips for a moment. “Then show me.”
You search his gaze, trying to gauge if this is really what he wants, if he’ll regret this in the morning when he’s sober. But beneath the alcohol-induced haze, you see only sincerity and a longing you’ve secretly shared for so long.
So you lean in slowly, cupping his stubbly jaw in your palm as your lips finally meet his in a kiss you’ve dreamed about for years. It starts soft and tentative, exploring each other in this new territory. But it doesn’t take long for the heat to rise between you, years of built up tension boiling over.
His hands come up to tangle in your hair, pulling you closer as he angles his head for deeper access. You let out a soft whimper against his lips, reveling in the feeling of finally having Max like this, all yours. He inhales sharply at the sound, like he can’t quite believe this is real either.
You pour everything into that kiss — your friendship, your inside jokes, and countless shared memories. All the pride and protectiveness, the unspoken words you’ve held back for so long.
And Max gives it all right back to you tenfold, kissing you with an undeniable hunger and passion reflective of the fierce determination that’s shaped him into a World Champion.
When you finally have to break apart for air, you’re both panting softly, chests heaving. Max rests his forehead against yours, eyes shining with an unmistakable tenderness.
“I meant what I said, y’know?” His voice is low and gravelly. “I really am gonna wife you up one day.”
You let out a watery chuckle, feeling deliriously happy and overwhelmed all at once. Only Max could make a drunken proclamation like that somehow sound so sweet and natural.
“Is that a promise?” You murmur against his lips.
He captures them in another searing kiss, sending tingles down your spine.
“It’s a goddamn certainty, schatje.”
Max wastes no time in deepening the kiss, his tongue slipping past your parted lips to explore your mouth hungrily. A low groan rumbles in his chest as your fingers tangle in the short hairs at the nape of his neck, pulling him even closer.
“Max ...” you breathe out between heated kisses. “We should … move this … to the bedroom.”
He answers by nipping at your bottom lip teasingly before trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses along your jawline.
“Bed … good idea ...” he mumbles against the sensitive skin just below your ear, making you shiver.
Before you can protest further, Max is clumsily maneuvering to straddle your lap on the couch, never breaking the fevered kiss. You can’t help but giggle at his drunken lack of coordination as he nearly topples the both of you to the floor.
“Smooth moves there, champ,” you quip breathlessly.
He leans back with a devilish smirk, blue eyes sparkling mischievously. “You know me, schatje. I’m a regular Casanova.”
You snort at that. “Is that what they’re calling it these days?”
His grin widening, Max suddenly lurches forward to blow a raspberry right on your neck, making you squeal with laughter.
“Max! You’re too drunk for this, you idiot.”
“Never too drunk for you,” he husks in that low, rumbly tone that sends tingles down your spine.
Before you can formulate a response, his nimble fingers are stumbling through undoing the buttons of his shirt, pushing the fabric aside to bare his toned chest to your roaming gaze. You can’t resist reaching out to run your palms over the skin, relishing in the firm muscle and light sprinkling of hair.
Max’s eyes slip closed, head falling back slightly as he savors your touch. “That’s it … been waiting for your hands on me for years.”
You swallow hard, suddenly very aware of how real this is, how you’re both finally crossing that line after harboring secret feelings for one another for so long. Before you can overthink it, Max is tugging insistently at the hem of your t-shirt.
Meeting his heated gaze, you raise your arms obediently to allow him to undress you. His hooded eyes darken further as more of your skin is slowly revealed to him, lingering reverently on your body in a way that makes your cheeks flush. You’ve never felt so wanted, so desired.
Once your shirt is tossed carelessly aside, Max leans in to capture your lips in another smoldering kiss, hands roaming across the newly exposed skin of your lower back and sides. You sigh into his mouth, arching shamelessly into his touch like you’ve been craving for ages.
In one fluid motion, Max hooks his arms beneath your thighs and stands from the couch, your legs instinctively winding around his waist as he hauls you up against his chest. You can’t help the startled laugh that escapes you, breaking the kiss.
“Max! What are you doing?”
“Taking you to bed, of course,” he rumbles, already stumbling in the direction of your bedroom. “Can’t very well have my way with you on that tiny couch, can I?”
You shake your head at his forwardness, kissing along the sharp line of his jaw. “Is that so? And just what did you have in mind for this bed of mine, Mr. Verstappen?”
He shivers at your teasing tone, finally reaching the edge of your mattress and unceremoniously tumbling you both down onto the plush comforter. You let out a rather undignified squeak as Max lands half on top of you, quickly rolling to pin you beneath him.
Any snarky remarks you may have prepared immediately die on your lips when you take in his appearance — shirtless and slightly disheveled, those incredible eyes dark with undisguised want, pink lips parted enticingly. He’s never looked more gorgeous.
“You really wanna know what I have in mind?” Max’s voice is low and husky, making something deep within you tighten with anticipation. He leans down to trail scorching kisses along the sensitive column of your throat. “I’m gonna take my time exploring every single inch of you, liefje. Mapping out all those gorgeous curves of yours ...”
He punctuates the words by rolling his hips firmly against yours, allowing you to feel the unmistakable evidence of his arousal pressing insistently against your core. You can’t stop the whimpery moan that falls from your lips at the delicious friction.
Max grins wickedly against your neck. “That’s it, make more of those pretty sounds for me ...”
You tangle your fingers in his tousled hair to tug his mouth back to yours, unable to resist tasting him again. The kiss quickly turns heated and desperate, all tongue and teeth, both of you pouring out years of built up longing. Your hands roam feverishly across the broad expanse of Max’s back, committing every ridge and plane of muscle to memory.
Growing impatient, you begin tugging impatiently at Max’s belt buckle and zipper, making him break away with a breathy chuckle.
“Fuck, you’re eager tonight, aren’t you?”
“You’re one to talk,” you shoot back cheekily, finally popping open the button and shoving his jeans down over his narrow hips. “Pretty sure you proposed to me, like, thirty seconds after our first kiss.”
He sobers somewhat at that, eyes shining with sincerity as he holds your gaze. “I meant that. I really do want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Your heart flutters wildly in your chest at his words, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe. “Max ...”
He cuts you off by capturing your lips in another bruising kiss, effectively robbing you of coherent thought. When he rocks his hips again, you realize with a start that the last shred of his clothing has disappeared at some point during your heated exchange.
You break away with a shaky gasp, drinking in the sight of his fully naked form above you. Despite having seen him undressed countless times in a purely platonic context — in his driver’s rooms before races, passing showers when staying over at his apartment, that one incredibly awkward encounter in the Red Bull cold tub after the Singapore Grand Prix earlier this year — you’ve never truly taken the time to appreciate Max like this, to openly admire his body and all its lean lines and toned muscle definition.
“See something you like?” His teasing lilt snaps you out of your dazed reverie.
Cheeks flushing hotly, you lick your lips unconsciously before nodding slowly. “Very much so.”
His gravelly chuckle makes something low in your belly stir. “Then let’s get you out of these.”
Max tugs at the waistband of your leggings, helping to shimmy them down your legs and tossing them carelessly aside. You instinctively move to cover yourself with your arms, suddenly feeling very exposed. But Max just shakes his head slowly, emerald eyes raking over your body with naked reverence.
“Don’t,” he murmurs huskily, gently pulling your arms away. “You’re fucking stunning, every last inch of you.”
His worshipful tone makes you feel beautiful and powerful in a way you never have before. You keep your eyes locked on his, feeling utterly weightless as Max leans down to trail hot, open mouthed kisses along your collarbone and down the valley between your breasts. He takes his time exploring and tasting every inch of newly uncovered skin, relishing in the breathy whimpers and moans he draws from you freely.
But as his mouth moves lower, lavishing attention on the soft curves of your belly and hips, you begin to notice a subtle change. His movements are growing slower, more sluggish, those previously sharp nips and licks turning sloppier.
And when you tangle your fingers in his tousled hair to provide some gentle guidance, Max lets out a long, low grumble of contentment … followed swiftly by a rumbling snore.
You blink down at him in surprise, hardly able to believe it. This absolute idiot, this drunken oaf of a World Champion … has fallen straight to sleep on top of you, fully nude and still nestled between your parted thighs.
A burst of laughter bubbles up from your chest, loud and borderline hysterical. You shake your head slowly at the ridiculousness of it all, hardly caring that the moment has been completely ruined.
Because somehow, of course this would happen to you. Only Max could seduce you to within an inch of your life before passing out entirely mid-foreplay.
Still, you can’t quite smother your fond smile as you gaze down at his slack, boyishly handsome features, completely relaxed in peaceful slumber. Even sloshed and wasted, he looks almost unbearably sweet like this — finally free of the perpetual weight of stress and pressure he usually carries on those strong shoulders.
“Oh Max ...” you murmur affectionately, smoothing back the tousled chestnut strands from his forehead. “Only you could make me go this disgustingly gooey, even when you’re being a drunken mess.”
With a rueful shake of your head, you began the arduous task of gently maneuvering Max to roll off of you and onto his back beside you on the bed. He lets out a disgruntled grumble at the movement, snuffling adorably into the pillows as you tug the comforter up over his naked form.
Once he seems as settled and comfortable as he’s likely to get, you study his slumbering features for another lingering moment. God, he really is beautiful, inside and out. And he’s all yours now, in a way you’ve only dreamed of for years.
Smiling to yourself, you scoot closer until you’re nestled against his side, head pillowed on his muscular chest. You revel in the feeling of Max’s strong arms instinctively wrapping around you, holding you close even in sleep.
With a contented sigh, you let your eyes drift closed, safe in the knowledge that you’ll be able to wake up like this tomorrow — and hopefully every day after that for the rest of your lives.
Just before slipping into peaceful dreams yourself, you can’t resist pressing one last featherlight kiss to the hollow of Max’s throat.
“I love you, my World Champion,” you whisper against his skin.
Max just smiles that brilliant sunny grin in his sleep, pulling you tighter against him. And really, that’s all the answer you’ll ever need.
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candiehearts · 2 months
“He’s My Person.”
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Paring: Hugh Jackman x Actor F!Reader
Summary: You and your co-star Hugh Jackman are in the eye of the public. Your fans always loving the dynamic between the two of you. However no one knew if you would be anything more than friends, not even you.
- oneshot, Hugh Jackman M.List, Navigation — other works!
Warnings: None!
Taglist: Just ask to be added.
I walked past the camera set crew, and smiled when I saw Hugh sitting in one of the chairs. The Aussie immediately stood up, and gave me a hug.
Today was the first, of many interviews for the press tour of X-Men Origins Wolverine. I had been so lucky to get a part in this film, and I loved filming every second of it.
The lights dimmed a little, and focused on us and the cameras started to roll.
“Welcome, welcome you too.” I smiled at her and did a little wave to the camera. “First I would like to say congratulations on your achievement in making this film.”
“Thank you, that’s really sweet.” I could feel red lightly forming on my cheeks at the praise while Hugh — like the professional he is, take the compliment like a champ. “Thank you, much appreciated.”
“Now we have a bit of a game set up for us to do, but first some questions.”
Oh gosh, I could feel slightly nervous, but Hugh placed his palm on my knee and slightly rubbed it with his thumb. Calming my nerves.
“Now Hugh, you’ve done X-Men for quite some time now, but Y/N this is your first time in the Marvel franchise.”
Hugh squeezed my knee slightly, and gave me a proud smile while he rested his chin on his other hand.
“Yes well it’s such an honor.” I couldn’t help but feel a tiny nostalgic when I remembered how I started my career and where I’m at now. “I had done some small films before, but nothing like this. It was truly a one of a kind experience.”
I was expecting for another question, but Hugh spoke up as well. “Not to mention Y/N is such an amazing actor — and she’s always fun to work with. She’s a very good sport when things don’t go right the first time.”
I couldn’t help the laugh that sounded like a giggle leaving my lip, a smile brightening my face.
“Careful Hugh I might think you’re flirting with me.” I wouldn’t mind that, and this teasing, flirting thing we do is something we’ve always done since we first met each other.
“You two are adorable.” The interviewer — Annie — commented. “What was your favorite thing to film.”
Oh god, this is a trap. The movie hasn’t hit theaters, and there’s only so much we can say before it comes out.
I slapped my hand over Hugh’s, “kissing Hugh Jackman.” That little bit was in the trailer — so it’s the safest thing to say, if not the honest.
Hugh didn’t his cute little laugh, a snort breaking free, before he regained his composure.
“I won’t lie, I 100% messed that scene up so I could just kiss the wonderful Y/N again. So I’ll have to agree with her there.”
My face started to warm in embarrassment while I hid inside my hands, all while Hugh laughed — his hand never leaving my knee.
“Do either of you have a date to the premier? If yes, then do you mind saying?”
My response came so quick out of my mouth I didn’t have a moment to process what I was saying, though that’s how I am a lot of the time. “Hey, Hugh, wanna be my date?” 
Hugh looked at you, and despite his smile, and the humor in his voice — his eyes were laced in seriousness. “It would be the greatest honor of my life, to walk down that carpet on your arm like eye candy.”
I blew him a kiss, teasing him before looking right back at the camera. “I might look fine right now, but trust me girls I’m screaming on the inside.”
The whole camera crew started to laugh, while I silently laughed as well.
“In ten or words less describe each-other’s character.” I gestured for Hugh to go first to which he took a moment to think, using his fingers.
“Badass solider that always completes a mission no matter what.”
Fuck. Alright.
“A military solider that can’t die, infused with metal.” Fuck I need another word. “Handsome.”
“Aweeeee.” Hugh leaned over and kissed my cheek.
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The sound of cheering was the only thing I could hear as I grabbed a hold of Hugh’s arm and made our way onto the carpet.
“God, what if I fall on my face?” I stopped just before my heel could meet with the carpet. Too nervous to go on.
“Y/N, you’re going to be okay. I won’t let you fall.” He laced his fingers with mine and walked us down the carpet, giving me the push I needed to get out of my own head.
The paparazzi photos started to flash immediately, blinding me but I had been used to this by now — so I just kept my focus.
Hugh leaned down to my ear, whispering a joke about how a photographer back would hurt tomorrow in that position, causing me to laugh.
The lights went crazy as he hugged laughed with me, “you look very beautiful tonight.”
“I might have to make you my date to every premier Mr. Jackman.”
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We made our way to the first reporter of the night, sticking close together.
“Good evening.” She was a pretty decidedly young girl, and you could see how nervous she was. “Hi/G’day.” Me and Hugh responded.
“So you two are each other’s date, any special chemistry going on.” The Aussie wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him, while I held his shoulder with my left arm. This position was suggestive, but it was teasing.
Unfortunately, to my disappointment we weren’t seeing each other.
“One day.”
One day.
You couldn’t help but give him a smile, and he returned it with the same exact emotion in his eyes. Care, and love.
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Over the next few years, you and Hugh had worked on a few projects together, but even if you weren’t, you and him always were close and kept in touch.
You would grab dinner together often, or sometimes when one of you were free and the other was busy on a set, it wasn’t strange that one of you would fly out to the other.
Everyone believed that one of you were together, especially after a video leaked of you and Hugh slow dancing at a house party together.
But whenever asked about it, you two would always either say, “not yet,” or “one day.”
You were having a premier coming up, and it was the only time that there was a chance that Hugh couldn’t make it. So everyone was wondering if you would bring anyone else. It was well known you didn’t like going places without someone close to you.
You sat with one of your co-stars and smiled at the interviewer that was asking the question on everyone’s mind.
“Are you sure you and Hugh Jackman are not dating.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the phrasing of her words.
“Hugh Jackman? Never heard of him.” The crew and your Co-Star started laughing, but you did answer the question. “No we’re not dating.” It was the first time the two of you were direct with it, and not being vague.
Overtime you grew to love Hugh, and to be honest you didn’t know if you could keep telling yourself ‘one day.’ Because in your head you two weren’t only giving fans false hope, but you were giving it to yourself.
“Hugh is away filming, you always take him to events, since he won’t be here will you take someone else.”
You were quiet for a moment, thinking through your answer.
“To be honest, even if I wanted to take someone else I don’t think I could.” You looked down to your lap before continuing. “Hugh is such a major part of my life. Really he’s my pillar. He will always be the one a I take, and if I can’t take him then I wouldn’t go with anyone else.”
“It sounds like you deeply care for him. Are you sure there’s no feelings?” She didn’t ask if you were dating, but if you had feelings.
“Hugh Jackman is so many things. He’s a great dancer, actor, singer. Full of so many talents — and I always love the fact that I am apart of his life. Because most of all He’s my person.”
You finally looked back up to the interviewer.
“If something were to ever happen between us, then it would have already.”
Sure you fans would be sad, and even you, but it was time to finally put the rumors to rest.
You were a little quieter through the rest of the interview, but still kept it fun.
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Hugh downed his drink. He was on a plane, flying back to you. He wore a tux so he could be on the ready to go so when he lands, he can confess, then they can make their way to the premier — where he can make it known to the world.
He was watching your interview, and when you put said that you two weren’t happening, he felt panic.
He cursed himself for waiting too long. But the truth was he felt like with his career going the way it was that maybe he wasn’t ready for a relationship. He was an idiot.
He felt terrible for leading you on so long, but he would make it right — and hope maybe you still liked him.
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By the time he finally landed you had just walked onto the carpet, alone. So he paid the driver extra to just step on the gas.
Once he was let in — the crowd started going wild. He was on the carpet, and he didn’t stop to take photos, or talk to people.
He set his sights on you and immediately started to hurry to you. And ironically it was like something from a movie.
The cameras all the sudden started going crazy, and you looked to your right to see what was going on, but was met with a Hugh Jackman out of breath, and grabbing your face.
“Hugh? When did—“ You were cut off by his lips pressing into yours. His hands gently leaving your cheeks, and resting on your neck while he pulled you closer.
You parted just a little, so he could whisper his confession to you.
“You’re my person too. I’m sorry for being an idiot, but I’m an idiot in love with you.”
A smile took over your face, finally your one day was today. “Just kiss me again, you bloody fool.” You didn’t need to tell him twice — and the camera was absolutely going crazy.
The rest of the premier, Hugh had a few lipstick stains on his face that he didn’t even bother to wipe away.
He was took focus on the smile that was on your face, the same smile that matched his.
The next day Hugh found a photo of you two kissing, with Ryan Reynolds shocked, smiling face, he immediately posted it, letting your fans know that your finally got together with the caption, “my person.”
You two also made that your locks screen and every time either of you are asked about your friendship with Ryan, you immediately talk about it.
© CandieHearts
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crushmeeren · 11 months
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♡ Todoroki/Fem Reader
♡ Master List Link
⇢ Everyone involved in this fic is aged up/18+.
⇢ Warnings; cursing, making out, dirty talk, Shouto is a champ at eating pussy/ass, fingering, vaginal sex, Shouto is a little subby in this
♡ Authors Note; I had to complete the headcannons for my favorite three MHA boys sooner rather than later. I love Shouto, he deserves all the good things and a lot of hugs.
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Shouto who comes off as cold, uninterested, a giant dick — but who is so sweet and so loving it makes your teeth ache. Who is the kind of person that writes down facts about you so he doesn’t forget — you accidentally stumbled upon the list in his notes app and promptly cried.
Shouto who never ceases to buy extra of what he’s eating so you can have some too, even if you weren’t hungry in the first place.
Shouto who doesn’t understand social cues very well. Who tilts his head adorably when he’s confused. Who wears a blank, spaced out expression on his face often when he’s unsure of what’s going on.
Shouto who lets you teach him how to read the room a bit easier, to understand body language and tone. Whose pretty smile could melt icy glaciers with its tender warmth. Who is so comfortable with you he makes all sorts of facial expression, which you take as a triumphant win.
Shouto who you met in high school but didn’t date until after graduation. Who you crossed paths with while battling a villain and you caught mid air as he was nose diving from the top of a building. Who was probably a bit delirious because he swears he saw you with a halo, because he “fell in love with an Angel that day.”
Shouto who loves to drink strawberry milk. Who has so many cartons cluttering the fridge in your home it drives you nuts. Who compulsively brings you a glass when he’s drinking some because he’s learned he can show you he loves you by sharing what enjoys. It’s so cute when you get a glass out of nowhere.
Shouto who decides to be a bit “rebellious” after he gets out of high school. Who decides to cut his hair shaggy and short. Who gets a nose ring, pierces his ears and acquires a tongue ring. Who is with you when you get your own body modifications, and often wears jewelry that reminds him of you.
Shouto who claims his absolute favorite thing in the world is to snuggle up with you on the couch. Especially when it’s raining and the two of you are wrapped up in a fluffy blanket burrito, watching movies and napping. If it turns X rated, well who can blame you?
Shouto who is a dry texter. We’re talking Sahara Desert dry. Who does still take the time to send you pictures of things you love while he’s out on patrol, especially of dogs that he encounters. Who gets so happy when you respond in kind, forming your own language with one another.
Shouto who tends to wear a streetwear style when he’s not working. Who likes to wear matching clothes with you. Who even bought you both a pair of matching underwear with your faces on them. You’re unable to resist, you’re technically sitting on his face all day… right??
Shouto who is terrible at almost every video game, but who can annihilate anyone at Mario Kart. You’re definitely not bitter about that. Funnily enough, the best part of game night when everyone is over is watching Bakugou lose his mind when Sho decimates repeatedly.
Shouto who has remained tight knit with Midoriya. Who considers the man as his brother by extension, and who you’ve grown close to as well. Who goes to the #1 hero for help planning you a surprise party by sending Midoriya a series of increasingly concerning emojis until he agrees.
Shouto who loves to eat peach gummy rings. Who you have, on more than one occasion, woken up to eating the candy at 2:00 am. Who offers you one, which you casually eat and go back to bed. Who memorizes your favorite candy and leaves it for you to find everywhere.
Shouto who has told you the story of how he got his burn scar. About his father, his brother and all the horrors of his past. Who opened up to you, willingly sharing a side of himself others don’t get the privilege to see.
Shouto who has taken you to meet his family, to meet his mother. Who added you to the group chat with all his siblings, which is unbelievably entertaining. Who tries to fit his face with more than one expression when he meets your parents, but you make sure he knows he’s perfect for you just the way he is.
Shouto who loves you unconditionally. Who is your soul mate, your best friend. Whose love for you has grown bigger than a California Redwood tree. Who becomes your husband, who you love more than life itself. You’d start a goddamn war for this man.
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Shouto who enjoys kissing. Who loves to lazily make out with you. Whose cock starts twitching in his briefs when the kiss turns messy. Whose lips get slick and puffy as they press together consistently with yours. Who eagerly slips his tongue into your mouth, sucking on it and sinking his teeth into your bottom lip so roughly it stings.
Shouto who likes to spread you out on your back in bed, stripping you until your only in one of his large T-shirts. Who leers at you when he pushes it up your belly, gently letting it catch on your tits until he can watch them fall and bounce. Who makes you keep the shirt up around your collarbone when he sucks on your nipples.
Shouto who bites the skin on your sternum, plush lips tickling your belly as he makes his way to your pussy. Who grips the bottoms of your thighs and presses them backwards to your chest. Who stares at you with heavy lidded eyes as he licks from your pussy to your clit, making sure to swirl the cold metal of his tongue ring around it.
Shouto whose eyes flutter closed while he eats you out. Who makes you cry out when he sucks your clit, tongue ring passing over it with each methodical swipe of his tongue. Who praises you murmuring “your pussy is amazing angel, will you let me eat your ass? pretty please?”
Shouto who strips you both. Whose flushed cock stands full and heavy when you see it. Who flips you, yanking your ass in the air and shoving your face into the sheets. Who spanks you unforgivingly and grips the thick flesh of your ass to spread you open. Who chills his tongue ring even more and kitten licks at your rim until you want to scream.
Shouto who shoves two fingers in your pussy without warning. Who curls and thrusts them as he sucks on your rim until you cum so hard you see stars. Who pulls away from you, stroking himself for relief and speaks with a wrecked voice pleading “I want to put my cock in you so badly, can I please princess?”
Shouto who is aware you’re a pillow princess, but has hearts in his eyes, cheeks flushing bubblegum pink when you tell him you’ll ride him for a bit. Who props his back up against the headboard with a couple pillows, allowing you to flip around so your back faces him. Who holds your wrists behind your back as you ride him, letting out delicate and whiny moans while you make his toes curl.
Shouto who spreads you with his free hand, eyes glued as his cock disappears into your pussy while you bounce in his lap. Whose dick throbs, breathing hitching when you throw your head back and you moan “fuck Shouto, your cock is so good, you’re gonna make me cum!”
Shouto who reaches his limit, pushing you off his cock and onto your back whispering filthy praise in your ear. Who grips his shaft, teasing your clit with the tip before slipping his dick all the way back inside with one fluid roll of his hips.
Shouto who bends you in half, hooking your knees over his shoulders and folding you into a mating press. Who fucks you roughly, hips curling up with the intention to bully your g-spot. Who makes sure you feel each drag of his cock, coaxing you into cumming with a handful of strokes. Who gets you to cum over and over, little water balloons of warm pleasure popping and coursing through you.
Shouto who produces low moans when your pussy squeezes his cock. Who desperately pleads with you to cum one more time because he can’t hold on for much longer.
Shouto who makes you feel dizzy as you chase your pleasure once more while folded as a pretzel. Who cums instantly when your sweet cries hit his ears, praising and encouraging him all at once. Who pushes into the hilt, grinding against you as he bursts at the seams, panting to catch his breath.
Shouto who giggles with you as he untangles your limbs. Who flops down beside you, lacing your fingers together as you enjoy the leftover bliss.
Shouto who eventually gets up to clean you both. Who finds the shirt you were previously wearing and some clean panties for you to wear. Who pulls you into a hug, murmuring how much he loves you, planting kisses all over your face. Shouto who then goes to the kitchen and brings you a glass of strawberry milk.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 1 year
Fuck it, I’m conceding because there’s no way Boyd and Ed can catch up now outside of a miracle.
At least they beat Barney, so I’m counting that as a win.
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honestlyvan · 2 years
I think one of my biggest hopes for the dlc is to see if the agnus gang knew each other before the intersection. Like we got to see keves before, I wanna see agnus too!
I find that a little bit unlikely, personally -- I think the backstory is a huge point of contrast for the Keves and Agnus Ouroboroses, the friendship between the Kevesi and the way that they're still very emotionally supportive of each other even when they're not supposed to be contrasting with the Agnians being emotionally isolated, and trying to perform kindness at each other and at the Kevesi without knowing what they're doing. I think seeing the pre-intersection Agnians might be quite sad, because none of them might know each other but for the war.
Like, I wouldn't say no to it, I am very sure more of Itty Bitty Baby Mio would be chicken soup for my soul also -- I'm just unsure what there is to be gained from it thematically that wouldn't undercut some of the existing material. I still don't know if I like the idea of a cyclical war, but I could see them having been friends who couldn't meaningfully be pulled apart, destiny would always guide the three of them back together, as a nice development, but I find the text as-is stronger, and anything reinforcing that text would be a downer for people who just wanna see them be friends.
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