#I am here to meme and shed brain cells
anarchic-miscellany · 6 months
Reading "One Piece" for the first time: Part 7 This is more like it, maybe I'm just getting old, but I like that there is more character interplay, interactions and bouncing off of each other, true conflict, not quite merely a rubber idiot roudhouse kicking a nuke into the King of Ferrets or whatever the fuck the author has this week. The Idiot, The Himbo, Meme in Progress and now The Giga Chad and the Brothers Chucklefuck are in a tiny boat looking for the Cartographer with a Brain Cell, who jacked their ship and buggered off whilst they were recruiting the Giga Chad and battling a man made of guns. Now they've arrived at basically Hawaii, which appears to be Nami's village. It's pretty enough, and being ruled over by a hench fishman and his fish man army who are extorting the place, oh and his nose gives Usopp's a run for its money. Knowing this series they'll probably actually do that... Anyway, she's betrayed them all only not really only she has only nobody in the crew seems to believe her. It's endearing, yes, that they all believe that this girl they've known for about 8 minutes would never betray them, but also: guys. Come on. Giga Chad I get: he's horny. But the rest of you? Arlong is the villain here, and I dig him, he's one of the better ones so far. I am surprised at the restraint, again, in having fish people appear but it does raise questions about genetics and the like: do they reproduce with eggs? Is it asexual? Are there fish women somewhere? Oh God.
DO NOT SHOW ME BUSTY FISH WOMEN! THIS SERIES IS HORNY ENOUGH! PLEASE GOD NO! So, they see the palace run by King Scalestorm, and Zoro's first thought is: "I mean, we can take them." Naturally the brothers chucklefuck (Johnny and, the other one) tie him to the mast. Alright, that's a funny joke, series, touche. I appreciate the sense of humour this manga has, but when it swings for the fences emotionally thus far it does seem out of place. Is the cham in the series that it goes to 11 when there are emotions involved? That is the vibe I'm getting.
Meme in Progress Usopp continues to endear himself as my joint favourite guy, by simply strolling into the village and figuring everything out: apparently the houses were all just flipped over and cast aside like they'e kids with fucking Tonka Toys throwing a tantrum. Correctly, he deduces: "Nah mate, I ain't going NEAR that." See Usopp, you and me can hang. Like, you're a person, with identifiable normal feelings, you're a justifiably ordinary guy in this universe of mavericks and people who punch God in the face on their way to buy bread and splitting the Earth open with a wave of their hand. He meets a grouchy seeming lady, and a boy she's yelling at for trying to get himself killed in the path of revenge against Arlong, and he's an endearing little scamp by standing up for the kid. Good Guy Usopp. I like you, you're one of the few characters here I'd actually just hang out with like a normal person. Arlong has corrupt cops (sorry, cops) under his payroll and basically does what he pleases. A good villain here, he's what a pirate is: and I like the whole eugenicist bully angle. What's the bet that that never comes back as the author gets bored and moves onto, oh I don't know, fucking cockroach tanks piloted by cyborgs or something. Nami is attempting to get a shed load of money to buy her village out from under his thrall. Conflict! Nice! It's a cool thing where Zoro just attempts to kill himself to test if Nami is actually evil enough to let him die, and true to form she dives in to save him, though more likely was the fact that she was attempting to stop him from murdering the water. The insanity is kept relatively tame here, which is my kind of jam: I HATE people who recommend stuf with "oh it's mental, you'll love it!" Like, no, I need contrast to the insanity, it needs to build, it needs to balance, it needs to let release tension and steam. It needs plotting and pacing and character and growth. It's why I'm never playing that fucking piece of shit "Exalted", stop recommending it to me, Tobin and Sam, fuck! Anyway. The Idiot is, thankfully, out of the way for most of this, chilling on his boat and napping, but unfortunately he has Giga Chad with him, so we have less Giga Chad this chapter. But that is fine, as we get more of the nonsense of the crew and a villain I actually like. My friend who got me into this, however, also raises a good point: if there are fish men, what is sea food? Are they eating the young of the fish people? Because I am team Arlong if that is the case. It's nice to have this character development, and some stuff for Cartographer with a Brain Cell to do, even if none of them buy her "betrayal" for an instant - but that fake stabbing of Meme in Progress was pretty cool, good job guys! And it ties into this desperation and world building in the village - people left at the mercy of criminal gangs because cops won't help, as 1. They are cops. 2. There are dudes who can tear apart the skies with a yodel, or whatever fucking bullshit super power the author has pulled out of his ass this week Good job, world and character and stuff. So anyway. The Himbo takes out a palace of dudes all by himself, and the Giga Chad kicks the ocean so hard that his boat fucking flies. THERE we go. I was starting to think you'd lost your touch, old boy. So now Johnny and the other one have legged it, and the Idiot is napping rather than fighting. I for one appreciate it, it has been a tad dull with him doing stuff. Also I think Sanji wants to fuck a mermaid, and Nami. And Nami AS a mermaid. Follow your dreams, bro. They are going to square off with fish mafia man, and try to save this village. So knowing these guys that means they will befriend the fish man and destroy the place.
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Hey um, so yesterday I had a thing happen, and I wonder if I could ask your thoughts on what it was, if you have any experience? I sort of had a but of a memory gap. One minute I was finishing up making breakfast... and the next I was waking up, with my breakfast 2/3 eaten on my desk next to me. I looked at the time, and compared it to when I'd looked at the stove while making eggs, and it had been 2 hours. I'm not really sure what happened. I think it was dissociative, but that's it. Knowledge?
Not really my place to say my dude, but if it worries you I suggest taking note of it (and any similar events in the future) and bringing it up with a therapist, counselor, doctor, etc.
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remnantoforario · 4 years
RWBY Volume 8 Episode 1 Thoughts
Welp, here we are. RWBY Volume 8 has officially started. CRWBY said ad nauseum that this volume was what all that set up in V7 was for. So as tradition (since V5) I’ll give my random thoughts on the episodes. These AREN’T reviews, just random things I thought while watching the episode. 
We’re finally going to get Cinder’s backstory huh? I wish I still cared.
Salem is VERY forgiving. Most other main villains would have had a “kill on sight” order for minions that have failed as much as Cinder has. 
I would ask how does Salem not know who Neo is, but I guess Cinder never thought to bring her name up when she was in Vale. 
To be fair, Cinder, Tyrian has done way better than you if we go by the tally. Really you bringing the relic barely makes ya’ll even. 
That brings up a question, why did Salem choose Cinder of all people to be her lone vessel for the Maidens? Why not choose four women? One for each member of RWBY? They could have been a rival faction and-you know what? Let me stop making sense. 
Salem has no idea what will happen if Cinder gets all four powers, she doesnt know what will happen when Cinder gets TWO. She might just blow up. I hope she blows up. 
Mercury’s new fit is trash. Looks like a Duel Academy reject. 
Emerald looks like a mint chocolate chip. 
I prefer Hazel’s old look, but I guess being sleeveless does help with his cocain-dust addiction. 
If Neo doesn’t stab Cinder this volume I will be disappointed. 
If Cinder doesn’t outright betray Salem this volume I will be DOUBLE disappointed.   
So you’re telling me there’s a slum full of Faunus in Mantle and they never thought to bring that up in V7? Was the montage and Jaune’s dumbass new hair really more important?
How did Ruby and the gang find Oscar anyway? They just fly around the city? Seems like a bad move with all the Grimm around. 
Actually the streets are just empty in general for a supposed invasion happening. People are even burning trash and barrels in the streets like hobos. This invasion is terrible. Where the Grimm at?
Oh look, it’s May actually having more than two lines. 
Her VA was hyping her up all through the lead up of this volume, if she doesn’t deliver...my memes are at the ready. 
Yes, Oscar, hide MORE important information. Not like that’s what got you guys here in the first place. 
Ruby: “Doctor what do you need to start Amity right now?” Well getting Robyn and her merry band of jobbers to return everything they stole would be a nice start. Just saying. 
Joanna’s voice is not as intimidating as she thinks it is. Should have got Clarine Harp. She’s great at playing tough women. 
Wasn’t expecting the first meaningful interaction between these two since V4 would be a fight, but I’ll take it. 
Yang actually calling Ruby out on how terrible she was as a leader last volume? I almost shed a tear. 
I love how when Yang tells Ruby “No” everyone else is legitimately shocked at this. It’s like she’s gone rogue from the matrix. 
“Maybe if we have Ruby and Nora say that they need to get the tower running, people will think its a good idea and wont realize they are being hypocrites for condemning Ironwood.” 
Great. MORE Renora drama. I still don’t get how CRWBY took the most wholesome ship with years of subtle build and made it annoying in just one volume. 
Of course Jaune is the voice of reason. He didn’t do anything all volume 7 and Miles couldn’t hold back any longer. 
Hey look, Blake being useless. Glad that’s not changing anytime soon.
Penny is totally gonna give herself up about halfway through the volume. 
“Oh yeah, General. By the way, we’re doing your plan but we don’t want to admit we were wrong so we’re just going to act like we have the moral high ground over you.”
Well he’s not completely right. It will be 95% Ruby’s fault if things go south. 3% is on Robyn. 2% Ironwood. 
Maria is a glorified cab driver at this point. Why is she still here again?
Hey, AceOps. Can’t wait to see how they waste you this time.
I see they gave Ironwood his Vader arm. As subtle as mjolnir to the face. 
Winter remains the one Schnee brain cell. Weiss has half of one (still love her though).
Keep Robyn locked up forever. She’s terrible. 
DAMN! Guess his aura wasn’t activated.
I would question WHY Salem doesn’t know how the lamp works...but it doesn’t really matter.     
New OP is kind of mid, but then again I am one of those rare RWBY fans who never cared about the music in the first place. 
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lifeofnickripley · 5 years
Favorite Manga/Anime
Kay, so If I'm gonna start posting stuff onto here, guess I gotta do some journaling kinda stuff.(It is a blog after all) Alrightly then, guess I'll start off with something relevant to the original content I will frequently post, Manga/Anime. There will be a lot that I love that aren't on here, but these are my personal favorites.(LONG BLOG I AM SORRY)
Top Anime:
Honorable mention - Amon - The Apocalypse of Devilman OVA - Kay so I'll be the first to admit, I'm a total edgelord.(one of my bands is a death metal band) and this one is GORY!! It's depressing, messed up, dark. It deviates from the Manga storyline but I always go back to it, plus that ending OST is amazing.
10.)Monster Musume - I probably should be extremely embarrassed about liking this one...but I'm not, it's amazing. Perverted? Yes. Weird? very. So much weird T&A action goin on that it's nauseating at times? oh my god yes. That being said, IT'S HILARIOUS!!!
9.) Pop Team Epic - Ever wondered what it's like in hell? This show. This show is literally meme hell, to the point where you lose brain cells if you watch it too long. It's great. I recommend it, after watching a decent chunk I wanted to scoop out my eyeballs and play tennis with them. That may sound like a bad thing, but trust me, it's an amazing feeling.
8.) My Hero Academia - Kay, so I'm not caught up on this one, buuuuut it's motivational as hell. I don't think I've ever rooted for a protagonist to win at something more than I've rooted for Deku. The popularity of the show speaks for itself but, damn, what an awesome underdog show.
7.) Jojo's Bizzare Adventure - SONO CHI NO SADAME!!! JOOOOOOOOOJOOOO!!! I still need to catch up on this one too but I love this wacky, music reference filled, insane show. I doubt I can really say much that hasn't been said already bout it. So on that note ORAORAORAORAORAORAORARARA
6.) Noir - Highly underrated anime. Bout two female assassins, one played by Monica Rial. Refreshingly dark and realistic, this awesome tale is set in France and is haunting, to the point of where I still come back to it after years and years of watching it. Quality anime that has slipped under most people's radar.
5.) Mirai Nikki - I said I was an Edgelord, right? Think this one cements that status. Home of the best Yandere in all of anime, I doubt I need to sing it's praises. Yuno Gasai is a well known character for a reason. Love this insane series.
4.) My Bride is a Mermaid - I'll admit, when I first saw this on Netflix and began watching it out of boredom, I didn't think I would like it. Matter of fact, I was sure I would hate it. I don't typically like cutesy things, edgelord here, I despise things that are cute and cuddly (Cept for cats). But HOOOOLY HELL this one was funny. Best part is? It doesn't rely on pervy imagery to be hilarious, it is humor at its purest. Comedy anime at its finest.
3.) Samurai Champloo - Sa-sa-sa-samurai champloo! Woooo where do I begin? Three misfits, Edo period Japan, Hip-hop related adventures, and badass fight secenes? Count me in! Made by the same people who made Cowboy Bebop, even has Steve Blum voicing Mugen, so you know it's good.
2.) Saikano - Kay so don't judge an anime by its art style. I repeat: NEVER judge an anime by its art style. This one is cheesy, yes, and the English Dub is horrible. THAT BEING SAID, it really does not go where you would expect it to go and one scene in particular had me shedding...manly...tears-It's sad, ok?! That character didn't deserve that death scene!!!
1.) Neon Genesis Evangelion - Ahhhhh yes. The creme de la creme of #toodeepforyou. Highly intellectual and artistic, this DIY amalgamation of a series hits many notes for me and came to me at a time where I needed it most. It's slow but if you allow yourself to be patient and analyze what is at first appearance a confusing, psychedelic nightmare, you'll find yourself in for a treat. Best part of the series for me? The movie End of Evangelion. You watch the series, you have to watch the movie. End of discussion.
Top Manga:
3.)Inuyasha - The original Manga that got me into anime/manga. Rumiko Takahashi's work is very near and dear to my heart. I just remember the feeling of reading these for the first time in Middle School, I don't think I knew manga could be this cool when I firt started. The demons were legit terrifying, you couldn't help but root for Inuyasha and Kagome. Mindblowing stuff for an 11 year old.
2.)Berserk - Probably the one manga I still retroactively read. Dear god, it's excellent. The story, the fantastic art, superb writing and character development. There is a reason I want to get the Brand of the Sacrifice Tattooed on my neck. Guts is arguably one of the most sympathetic anti-heroes ever written. This is another series that really entered my life at the right time. No matter what terrible things happen to Guts. He lives on, he fights through his literal demons everyday. Above anything else, he carries on. Will forewarn anybody hoping to check it out though, extreme depictions of violence and sexual violence. Series is not for the faint of heart AT ALL.
1.)Ranma 1/2 - Ahhhh Ranma 1/2. My absolute favorite. Every time I sit down and read this manga, I find myself genuinely laughing from one of the panels. In my opinion, Rumiko Takahashi's best work. It is an absolute comedy masterpiece. Pure craziness and absurdity. 10/10.
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Wonder Woman in the MCU
In an effort to jump start my muse, I pulled out an old writing meme from the LJ days in which you take a playlist and write for as long as each song plays.  I was hoping to get something started on one of my OUaT fics so of course my brain said “Hey, you remember that time ages ago when some internet idiot asked who would win in a fight - Okoye or Wonder Woman - and you rolled your eyes because of course they wouldn’t fight each other they would meet and respect each other immensely and fight side by side and also they would be actually be a really badass ship and OMG wouldn’t Diana in Wakanda and the MCU be fricking amazing? Remember that?  You should totally let that idea take over your brain right now.”  And it did and here we are.  And it wouldn’t have seen the light of day except I was talking about it with @holdouttrout​ last night and now I’m thinking about it again also yes I saw the posters for Endgame and fuck them I am ignoring them Shuri is FINE so I’m posting it in the hope that it will either purge it from my head or help it become something more than random snippets.
So...have some Diana of Themyscira hanging out in Wakanda post-Infinity War.  Other than finishing the final sentence and correcting grammar/spelling issues, these were written entirely within the time the songs were playing (which are listed after each snippet.)
1.       “You are free.”
 Okoye unlocked the door to his cell, her face impassive, her eyes fixed on the wall behind him.
 W’Kabi stood, slowly making his way to the threshold.  He knew it was coming – after the culling, there were too few to defend Wakanda.  Queen Shuri had no choice but to trust his word that those of the border tribe that had been imprisoned for their treason would stand once more in protection of their country.  
 He knew she was coming.  She would allow no else to complete this task.  He half expected some sort of threat, a promise of retribution if he betrayed the Queen’s trust.  But there was nothing, nothing behind those hooded eyes.
 (Burden Down, Jennifer Hudson)
 2.       Diana stood to the side as the remaining Dora moved through the ritual moves that began all training.  The training was more for comfort than necessity at this point, a chance to strengthen and maintain the bond between the remaining warriors standing between Wakanda and the chaos that was the rest of the world.  
Okoye was there as always, nudging elbows, praising those who corrected their stances without prompting.  Always standing.  Always leading.  Always the General.
Until the day ended.  Until she returned to her quarters.  Stripped herself of her armor and trudged quietly over to the bed.  The first days, she lay on her side with her arms wrapped tightly around herself, her body rigid until it finally succumbed to the exhaustion.  And even in her sleep, the lines on her face did not completely fade.
But as the days passed and the burdens grew, she found she could no longer maintain her shield in this private space.  This sanctuary that Diana tried so hard to make for her.   Now, she shed her armor completely and moved with surer if no less weary steps to where Diana lay waiting.  Draped herself across the other woman, her head resting on Diana’s breast, letting Diana stroke the lines and the stress and the grief away with gentle fingers and silent understanding.  Helping her find some measure of peace in the night so she could wake up in the morning and don her armor once more.
(Hold on, Sarah MacLachlan)
 3.       Diana spent her last day in Wakanda walking through the streets, absorbing as much as she could of its beauty and strength and love.  She wore the traditional robes that her status as daughter of the Queen of the Amazons had demanded and she had always shirked.  But here, in this place that was so different from Themyscira but not so different at all, she could finally admit who she was.  Diana, princess of Themyscira, warrior and leader. And she could finally accept her purpose.  Not to simply fight for justice, but to lead others to fight for it as well.
(Ol’ 55, Sarah MacLachlan)
4.       Through the haze that surrounded her constantly these days, she could hear the buzzing sounds of Nakia and Diana arguing.  It was the same argument every day – Nakia urging Diana to return to the outside world, to take her place on the world stage. And Diana insisting that she could not leave Wakanda.  Okoye was too busy leading the warriors in protecting their home.  M’Baku was working to integrate what was left of the Jabari people into the lives of what was left of the rest of Wakanda.  Not to mention keeping a watchful and distrusting eye on the newly freed members of the border tribe.  And Nakia was trying to negotiate a peace with the chaotic outside world.  Only Diana was left to protect her.
Protect the Queen.
The Queen.  Leader of Wakanda.  But not Black Panther.  No, there was no Black Panther now that her brother was gone.  Brother, please come back.  I can’t do this.  I DON’T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS.
But there was no one else.  Her brother gone, ashes on the wind.  Just like her mother.  Like so many of their people.  There was only her.  Shuri. The unwilling queen trying to keep her people safe.  Trying to salvage what was left of their way of life.  Without T’Challa.  Without mother and Baba and Ayo.  Without half her team.  Without half her people.  
She was trying.  She was trying to do what was best, what was right.  And she knew Nakia was right.  The world needed Diana.  But Shuri needed her as well.  That constant reassuring strength at her back as she maneuvered her way through the ever-shifting landscape of this new world.  Rarely speaking, but always ready with a bracing hand or gentle embrace when it all became too much and the weight of duty and grief threatened to crush her.  Okoye was the Queen’s left hand. Nakia her right.  M’Baku her armor.  As such, they were often away, carrying out their duties.  But Diana was here.  Diana was her shield.
You cannot hide forever behind a shield, little sister.  
You are Queen now, my daughter.  You cannot think of yourself.  You must think of your people.
They are all your people now Shuri.
The haze was lifting.  Or perhaps she was finally pushing it away.  Pushing away Shuri.  Embracing the Queen.
“Nakia is right, Diana.” Don’t slouch Shuri.  A queen must always stand tall and proud. She  straightened her spine, and if her hands clenched a bit too tightly to the arms of the her throne, no one was cruel enough to notice.  Her voice echoed in the vastness of the room. “Wakanda is strong.  We stand.  We will continue to stand.  But the rest of the world is falling into darkness and despair.  They need your light.”
Diana said nothing, just stood for long moments with her eyes fixed on the Queen and on Shuri underneath.  She was so like T’Challa that way, T’Challa. My brother, seeing all the parts of her whether she showed them or not. But Shuri did not flinch.  She was young.  She was scared.  But she was Queen of Wakanda.  She would not think of herself.  She would think of her people.
All her people.
Diana still did not speak.  But she finally moved, slipping first one then the other gauntlet from her wrists and passing them to Nakia before crossing her arms and lowering her head.
“It shall be as you wish, your Majesty.”
(I grieve, Peter Gabriel)
The world was on fire.  
Three and a half billion people gone, but three and a half billion remained. And they were lost and frightened and full of rage.  
Thor was on fire.  As lost and afraid and angry as the rest of this world.  The rest of the universe.  A king without a kingdom.  A leader without a people.  A man without a purpose.
Oh, he had the Avengers.  But they were as fractured as the galaxy itself.  Full of grief and frustration, they spent more time arguing than planning. He rarely lasted more than an hour in their presence before he could take no more.  Eyes flashing, electric fire coursing through him and sparking around him, he would stalk through the halls of the palace and make his way outside, bringing lightning from the sky.
And this was where Diana found him.
(An Angry Blade, Iron & Wine)
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