#I am nitpicky as fuck
frickin shite that was the worst small group I've ever been to in my life
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capn-twitchery · 6 months
i so badly wanna try doing a meme that i used to see circulating where people would send in one of their ocs + one of yours and you would draw them under the mistletoe
but i can't FIND IT!!!
Tumblr media
will have to make my own post smh. have to do everything myself
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coockie8 · 3 months
why are so many of your ocs super overpowered though??
Ever since I was a really little kid, I've been very frustrated with the fact we invented all these super awesome powers and concepts for story telling purposes, but then, somewhere down the line, decided we actually aren't allowed to use like any of them because it's "bad story telling", or some other such nonsense.
Like, no, if I wanna write an impervious, God-like character with a cheeky personality and barely addressed flaws that everyone loves, then I damn well will, and if you have a problem with that, then clearly you are not the target audience.
Not everything is for everyone, and some of you people seriously need to learn to make your peace with that.
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soldier-poet-king · 8 months
Tell me WHY this place hasn't been using standardized date formats up until now so not only do I have the pre 1900 encoding problem to contend with but ALSO I have to deal with conflicting date formats meaning it's telling me a bunch of 1950s stuff is in 2050 like FOR FUCKS SAKE THE ISO FOR DATES EXISTS FOR A REASON I am going to have to manually check close to 5000 dates. And this is only the first (and relatively small) record set of maybe 900 records out of several dozen-thousand
Everyday I am astounded by the fact that this place has existed Like This for the last 25 years. I'm. I'm.... We're information professionals ffs. YOU LIVE LIKE THIS?????
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salemoleander · 4 months
Extremely relieved hours 🎉
So there's a new thing I'm supposed to do at work after the end of every month. Except part of the (oversimplified) task is to move Things from Folder A to Folder B, and I could NOT find Folder B to save my life. I've actually tried to do this task several times this month, got stuck, and bc I stupidly kept starting it around 4 PM (it was supposed to be easy!) there was never anyone online to ask about it, and then I'd forget.
It turns out the reason I can't find B is because I do not actually. have access to B. And now I do! So I can actually do this!
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mcybree · 5 months
"if you happen to fall in the subcategory of people who are really into third life and also rain world lets talk. please. i have an au come back"
i am staring at u with my artificer plushy in my hands
*walks onto the stage. taps mic.* um. Jimmy sliver of straw incident. *jumps off the apron breaking all of my bones immediately upon contact with the floor*
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buck-yyyy · 11 months
after two weeks of relative freedom regarding what i eat, when i eat, when i shower, when i go to bed, what i want to do with my time, etc etc, spending this next week in a hotel room with my parents is going to be fucking Rough
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dykeredhood · 7 months
Fascinated with the fanfic I read where the junior officer reader insert character had a stateroom as her quarters on the Imperial Star Destroyer 😐
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dear god people are being overly literal
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littencloud9 · 4 months
#i am SO fucking sick of people who love to shove it down my throat that they dislike taylor swift just bc i said im a swiftie#LIKE OKAY. DO YOU WANT A MEDAL#im saying i like her music im not saying shes a god or a saint that i worship and follow 24/7#‘her music is mid’ ‘her lyrics are like a teenage girl’ bitch youve only listened to fucking shake it off and blank space#and even if her music didnt speak to you i dont CARE lmao#why do people insist on making others feel bad for something they like just bc it’s popular#sorry i listen to the blonde white woman. how does that affect you in any way#the most annoying part is that they bring her up ALL the time. commenting on her fan pages or on posts that dont even mention her#cause how are you this obsessed and you claim to hate her#AND YEAH. THE FAN BASE SUCKS ASS SOMETIMES. some swifties are creepy and invasive and have no boundaries i get it#but that’s literally every celebrity fandom lmfao#you can shit on her for her terrible environmental practices. or her business moves that drain money from her fans#cause those are objective and frankly true#but why is she the only celebrity that gets shit on for it. why dont you carry that same energy to other artists#it’s genuinely so nitpicky and annoying#football fans get to be crazy about their sport but swifties getting emotional over her concerts are immature and brainless#be so fr. im so tired#tldr if you dont like ts u dont have to force it in a fan’s face. youre not being more mature or smarter#youre just an asshole#vent#i guess#sorry. this is such a trivial issue but alas
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stopthefeeling · 10 months
So rwrb adaption wasn't quite as horrific as I was expecting, there were a lot of my favourite moments from the book and in particular Zahra was impeccably cast.
Taylor as Alex did work better than I was expecting, I'm tentatively willing to admit I was wrong about him but Nick as Henry didn't work. The awkwardness from the book did not translate as much as it should've and the bleach blonde was super distracting and looked wrong.
Nora and Pez my beloveds were barely in it which was an injustice and I can't tell you how many times I screamed about June not being there. Rafael's absence was so felt as well.
Another major bugbear was Alex's parents not being divorced. I can accept Leo not being in it but a whole part of Ellen's character is being a divorcee.
Alex and Nora's dynamic felt all wrong too - their past dating life and making fun of it is so much of their relationship and she has to be the one he kisses at the new years party, it just isn't right that it was two random girls.
A lot of Alex's relatability comes from him being blind to his own sexuality - he had a fumble with a friend as a teen but it didn't mean anything, right? He is an Ally. Having the journalist ex cheapens it and makes his surprise at his bisexuality so much less.
I could nitpick with things like Amy's wife not being mentioned and Nora's attraction to girls being forgotten but if I started I would nitpick all day (where is Bea's party lifestyle?!?!?!) and nobody needs that.
So it was overall better than expected but so much (the quotes from the emails! Dear Thisbe, I wish there weren't a wall!) was missing that gave it the life and the uniqueness that makes the book so special.
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beansnpeets · 11 months
We're super busy at work with some private files, which is a good thing because money and also it keeps my mind distracted from life, but also it's a LOT right now and with everything going on it's a bit overwhelming. I'm at least glad that my first few months at this job were pretty chill because if it was this crazy when I'd started it would have been a bad time.
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crownin-thestars · 1 year
Okay I love the fanart of TCFSV like its all fuckin lovely, but it weirdly triggers me when people just like forget Ranboo has black and white dyed hair or Tubbo having bleached hair with brown roots
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Okay now that I’ve officially been smacked by Tumblr I guess submissions are the only thing I can do now. Weow. On the plus side I think I can properly link my playlists now so here you go!! 
Piko playlist
Oliver playlist
Fukase playlist
Moke playlist
Len playlist
I haven’t done one for Flower because she’s like. The normal one???
I mean she’s less fucked up than the others lmao-
Yeah I don’t know what to do now but woo links are neat
ok i finally finished listening to all of these and wooo 👀 inchresting inchresting... some very interesting song choices for some of these
i can def imagine/figure why some of these songs are here given past explanations of ur hcs but some i still found a surprise and it makes me wonder their significance... will think abt this 🤔
shkdjghskjgn FLOWER IS THE NORMAL ONE what does this say abt society /j
come on tho girliepop deserves a playlist too... just so the main memesquad (well i guess we're missing rin and maybe hio but shh) is complete...
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mrscoultxr · 2 years
I bitterly hate how the cave scene was handled in the show. Deeply in my soul. I’m gonna fangirl about Marisa all day long, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get to point out how ooc she’s being in the show. Alas, I guess we knew all along they’d never show the true barbarity and heinousness of Mrs. C. 
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dexaroth · 2 years
trying to use that one method of solving a problem by thinking of it as if you were explaining it to someone else to sorta force a new perspective on it and going crazier and madder each iteration until im so devoid of any mental capacity i just stare blankly into the dark of my drawing tablet and die of spontaneous combustion and rising from the ashes like an integer overflow time and time again for as long as theres a fuel to change the variables
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