#I am slightly insane about the whole anime rn
shrews-art · 1 year
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Trying to get the hang of his design so I can draw gay shit 😌
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Live Reading: The Salt Miracles
I am only doing this for The Salt Miracles and not the other stories in The Winter Spirits because it's too much effort and I'm already going insane. I'm also going in 100% blind, I have absolutely no idea what it's about or whose perspective it's following, but my lord am I nervous.
I haven't even started yet but I just realised I've been calling it The Salt Mines by accident and put it in a twitter post oops-
I'm chewing on glass and gnawing at the bars of my fucking enclosure
This (not) reading is more indicative of my mental illness than my actual diagnoses
If St Hilda is a fucking asylum I'm going to commit several crimes
I already love Mhairi she's so fun
Wait why is it changing to another dude Mhairi was fun :((( ik I'll probably like Flint but Mhairi is cool and I want her to write a proper female mc for once
Wait wait wait if the salt is pink it's probably Himilayan, and that along with Russia was where Mori said there was a weird no-clairvoyance zone thing so ??? I'm going to lose my marbles
Ohh nvm it's algae, that would've been cool
Okay Flint is also a priest, we have two priests now
"... I've been, you know, head first in a bucket the whole way" yeah okay this is a Pulley protag and I love him
" 'A whole...Christmas selection?' 'Nuts' " that may just become my new Twitter bio (probably not I like my Glass Onion reference too much)
He has a portable camera so this is probably taking place in like the twenties, but Kodak as a company was founded literally the same time tlfop was happening which is funny
Motherfucker are we getting animal-human hybrids???
I like fog as a metaphor, especially in tlfop, so I will probably write out something about it later
"...beehives, or cairns (graves)" this sounds like when Mori threatened Ito's wife who was allergic to bees
Why tf are there pilgrims??? Ik they're not like the Mayflower types of pilgrims, but what kind of religious journey thing are they doing???
I also want to write about the complete lack of respect for government officials and just general authority from the pulleyverse protags bc none of them have any fucks to give about authority figures
"...in his unofficial capacity as the bishop's shoulder-angel" PLS-
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was mentioned and now I'm 1.) thinking about tlfop again, and 2.) am fairly certain that this story takes place not far from the events of tlfop, because the first Sherlock Holmes book was published in 1887 and he references them as being "new:
"...now the bishop didn't believe in miracles"
"I'll be Eve in a cider factory" tbh I don't understand what that means too well rn but I love it regardless (ik Eve bit the apple and all that jazz I just can't wrap my brain around the metaphor please don't explain the Bible to me)
I auto-filled an Irish accent for Kerryn in my brain so when he called Flint "Father Kang" I thought he meant "King" for a minute
Okay so it starts December 18th, which is also the date that Mori said he would come back to Japan if I'm not mistaken??? (Edit: I WAS RIGHT AND I FEEL LIKE GOD)
But I must be slightly off because X-rays weren't invented until 1895 :(((
Also I know Kerryn is probably the secondary lead but there's something off about him I don't like, I can't put my finger on it
Either Ms. Pulley messed up her math or I don't know what an advent calendar is, because I was under the impression this was in December, so how tf has Rosemary been on the island for 38 days if she's been there since September??? She would've had to have come in November for that to be true
Flint out here profiling people by name like his name isn't fucking Flint (I also definitely laughed and thought of Batman when I read Bruce's name for the first time)
I can't handle references to the winter king rn don't do this to me-
I stopped to make dinner because I'm hungry, I started at like 5:30 and it's now like 7:35 and I have some yummy pasta and pumpkin tea (I also had like 1.5 margaritas)
I can finally use my insanely eurocentric art history class notes to explain the imagery of what Flint describes in Ezekiel's angels; each of the four creature's heads is representative of the four apostles who wrote the bible, and that coupled with the biblically accurate angels coming down from on high are clear indicators of the second coming in art, meaning the previous priest was preaching the end of days to these people
I've always been such a sucker for Catholicism in gothic media, especially when it comes to imagery, so this all is right up my alley
THE O W L ? ? ?
"...the Almighty had forgotten about the United Kingdom" she's so fucking real for that
Honestly??? The Bishop sounds like he'd be a good love interest for Flint. Maybe it's because I don't like Kerryn that much even tho he's the standard choice, but the whole "hearing them talking to you in times of stress" thing is a fun thing I like with all the pulleyverse couples and it happened with the Bishop so. Hmm.
Fliny's whole color metaphor for logic + Thaniel's synesthesia sounds like another essay for me
The optimism of Flint and the pilgrims is really going to make the horror aspect of this all hit so hard I'm excited
On that note, I love how the stones that looked like beehives so readily became cairns as the tone got darker
My computer started updating as I was making this and I was so scared that I lost everything but thank fuck for tumblr drafts
Anyways those salt rocks are a grade A prime example of Chekov's gun if I've ever seen one
The rocks are fuckin BIRDS???
The fear of machinery is something we have seen in Pulley novels before, especially around this time period, but it's just making me think of the Mars House and how that would tie in
That was fast
"The islanders didn't leave a hundred years ago. We're walking in them." this line goes so hard, especially because it includes the audience in the "we"
OOO altitude sickness, very Bedlam Stacks-core
The cloaked devil imagery and unforgotten knowledge description is giving very much Edgar Allen Poe and it's gorgeous
I cannot say I care at all about Kerryn becoming salt but damn was it a creepy twist
And the way she physically started crumbling??? Genuinely horrifying
It took this short story for me to realise that that scene in twofs where Mori is giving his side of the argument with the priest in the future where he actually did go to the wedding, he's arguing about the story of Lot, which likely was derivative of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Wonder why that would come up. Hmm. A mystery.
"He could taste it -- something electric." PLS I'M GOING NUTS-
What in the fucking Cthulu-
Oh Mhairi's back!!! Yay!!!
Alright maybe I spoke too soon with the whole Bishop and Flint thing
Wait it's not Flint??? I thought Bruce was Flint for a second
Oh f u c k dude that was HEAVY
That's so nuts
I literally do not have words what the fuck was that ending
It was really good and clever and fun but w o w
Ending thoughts: I genuinely have none, that was terrifying and beautiful and cool as FUCK, and I think if Ms. Pulley started pumping out only horror novels from now on I would be in full support. It's a really fuckin out of pocket move considering her previous works and even her last short story that had a relatively happy ending but my god it was good. 10/10, very creeped out. Also the sign at the end??? Knowing Flint probably wrote that out and put it around his own neck like a noose??? That's so fucking hardcore I can't believe it. Utterly amazed.
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tommyssupercoolblog · 11 months
14 & 15 (for the ask game!)
14. Read any good Omegaverse Fanfiction lately?
OH MY GOD okay so it's not finished but. Me and Seán are reading this altrverse/jse egos series; the series title is "Jack and Anti au (I know what I am, so you?)" By "authorisunorthodox" and it's REALLY REALLY GOOD. As of rn the series as a whole has 40,629 words, spread across 8 works. I FUCKING LOVE IT IT'S SO POG. There's smut in work 8 chapter two so you can skip that if ur uncomfy, altho of course that's. The most recent update rn.
I HAVE IT BOOKMARKED ON OUR AO3 (linked in carrd but also it's "Mishka_Blackbear") and the comment I left on the bookmark is:
Literally Everyone: hi anti we care about u :)
Anti: how fucking dare you actually
15. What's your favorite part of Omegaverse? Either the fact it's so like. Soft and instinctual and my autism makes me feel inhuman anyway (plus I'M kitty omega so. Miscefelis is such a big comfort) OR how open it is to interpretation and all the different lore and worldbuilding you can put around it, plus different genres and stories. To this day I want a DND style setting with misce characters so bad that everytime I think about it I go slightly insane. Or like, a slice of life sports comedy. OR A CRIME DRAMA ANIME THING??? Anyway yeah
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nonsensegnomes · 2 years
bestie what are your top nine favorite movies atm
oooh good question <3 well like i said i'm discovering i've covered way more ground in tv over the last few years (which i'm gonna rectify soooooonnnnnn i think, got a lot of exciting recs from that recent tag game!!) so this is pitifully basic, but like in terms of what i'm thinking about Right This Moment:
the hitcher – slightly deranged about this ever since i saw it last week, a movie perfectly tuned to my preferences <3 love love LOVE the main performances & the dreamy atmosphere & the cinematography; just! the americana of it all!! plus there is soooo much to dig into, like the folkloric resonances (i mean the vanishing hitchhiker story HELLO), the gay panic (as in the actual original homophobic meaning) every shot of the first half hour is just LACED with, that scene where he puts the coins over his eyes in the diner.... obsessssssssssed.
the black phone – okay so i watched this last night & it might fade from the faves over the next few days but rn i can't stop Picking at it. genuinely Disturbed me a couple times so 🙈👍 ethan hawke ATE, the little girl playing the sister KILLED it, and my friend pj should've had more screentime so the sets of siblings could parallel each other or something but wcyd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i am a little I Can Fix It about some of its clunkier plot points, but the main conceit of the phone fucked soooooo hard i can forgive it 💖
it 2017 – listen. i have been feeling this rewatch approaching all summer & as soon as i get my grubby hands on a projector (as god intended this movie to be watched <3), august is going to be thee month for it!!! idk it just has a very dear place in my heart 💕 like everyone else i did have a 2019 breakdown despite its many Many flaws, but the first one remains That Bitch w/ the perfect pacing & ending... coming of age film that just happens to have a clown in it babey!! also always going to care about eddie kaspbrak unfortunately 😔
nausicaä of the valley of the wind – my fave ghibli movie!! What Is There To Say. it was the first one i saw before i was aware everyone went insane about like hmc & princess monoke (which i also adore!!), so at first i was just Captivated by the animation genius & the Weirdness & the design of those bugs... it just plucks at something in me, like this is PRECISELY the kind of post-apocalyptic story i can enjoy, like what a coherent & hopeful environmental message that's, well, not subtle but certainly managed with a very deft touch!!!
fight club – sorry for being a film bro :/ anyway go look at this important piece of LGBT history
the death of stalin – love a comedy where everything falls apart around & also due to a bunch flailing back-stabbing incompetent idiots, so of course an armando iannucci joint always hits the spot <3 just SUCH alarming pettiness & cruelty that you have to laugh in the face of it ohhhh my godddddd
southern comfort – okay so kinda cheating with this docu, but it just impacted me sooooooo deeply the first time i saw it & i still go back and rewatch every once in a while. despite how sad it gets at the end, it actually is one of those things that gives me Real hope bc the whole thing is just about love & community & the radical Comfort transness allows you to find in yourself 💕💕💞💖 i would definitely rec it to absolutely everyone, it's only 90 mins & absolutely Life-Changing; i think there was a clip going round here a while ago about how affirming t4t love can be, and imo that just sums up the whole vibe. rest in power robert eads ✊😔
fire walk with me – well this is my favourite movie of all time despite the fact that i can NEVER ever watch it again ✌️ like i am well aware that it is technically kinda all over the place, what with david seeing fit to make the first half hour just "fbi procedural david bowie cameo now THIS character says something ominous & incomprehensible" but also. i Do Not Care bc the next hour + a half made me cry so hard it took me like 5 hrs to watch it; jesus CHRIST she was just a kid who needed someone to reach out and help her!!! laura i would have done so much cocaine with you & kept you alive forever!!!!!! also lynch's weird cryptic storytelling just appeals to me personally bc the way the meaning comes more from the audience's emotional response makes it kinda work on the same level as a folk tale for me, which i loveeeeeeeeeee unpicking; saw a post once about fwwm being structured like the saint's life of a martyr and !!! that is exactly It!
stardust – an all-time favourite, i mean the costumes! the pacing! the fun twists on fantasy tropes! the sheer CAMPINESS of it all!!! the way the plotlines converge in the end WOWED me as a child and to this day every time i watch another fantasy movie i'm like. Well You're Not Stardust Are You :/
& honourable mention to those films always occupying some part of my brain, that i can mouth along with from memory just because they are so comforting to me: tsn, the princess bride, 10 things i hate about you, pride 2014, bend it like beckham, saw (this nearly made the main list but like. too obvious.), the parent trap (1998 version), the karate kid
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sneakupandhitya · 3 years
OHHHGG MY GOD.....yes i am. i love hxh so much.......i cant put into words how happy this ask makes me i feel like im making everyone i know insane because i talk about it so much. warning for upcoming rant in three two one! penis! i got into it last may and was so obsessed.....once i finished the 2011 remake i was. So depressed though lmao. i get ridiculously invested in shows to the point where i feel bad and guilty if i get into something else at the same time like im being unfaithful or something...so anyways after i finished i started watching the 1999 anime, the movies (slightly atrocious, very messy but charming and hunter hunter content nonetheless), all that...i spent the whole summer drawing and watching and sleeping on the floor. i was really sad but it was good time! eventually though i tried to get into other things, which i did....but recently one of my friends started watching it. Rookie Mistake. now i wont stop talking to her about it lol along with one of my close friends whos already finished it who has to deal with me Speaking in Tongues basically about hunter lore. i need a lobotomy, im sweating, im shaking, im a pointless animal, i can no longer Restrain Myself. i will be talking about the sillay minecraft grass block boy and his gay little pals at your wedding. to your kids when i babysit them. in the nursing home to the very exhausted nurse whilst she attempts and fails to make me eat my jello cup or my peas and carrots. ANYWAYS again, some s tier characters imo are gon n killua (obviously....i love gon so much though. i kinda relate to him a lot) knuckle, nobunaga, meruem, pakunoda and uvogin...alluka...bisky..leorio..i love so many i feel like most of(looking at you palm 💀) the characters are so well written. im in the process of watching it again but im. All over the place. i started at chimera ant because i was so confused my first watch, got half way through but got too sad and rewatched greed island again. finished that, back at chimera ant again...almost done. my first watch i actually wasnt really a fan of greed island...i feel like it was just a training arc really, and i didnt think the antagonists were that interesting. after finishing hxh i kinda looked back on it as a lighthearted but Decent arc, a nice segue from the stress but (compared to chimera ant) Normalcy of yorknew to the craziness of what was to come next. however.....upon watching it again, after knowing what all happens later? greed island hits so much different to me. as of right now, greed island is probably my favorite....but all of the arcs are so good in their own ways. as for favorite scene....ohghh my god i have so many...i dunno where you are in the show, if youve finished it or not!! so ill try not to get too spoilery but i really love gon and killuas interactions. im in love with how their friendship is written and how at a glace it looks so...black and white but once you learn more about the characters you realize how interesting and more...grey they are?? they are so Neat. sorry for this long ass rant i could and Will talk for hours about it!! thank you so much for the ask, it really means the world ((':> if youre still watchin i hope you like it!!! feel free to rant about the sillay little hunters in my ask box id love to hear your thoughts <333
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astro-break · 4 years
Thoughts on the 12th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima. Spoilers beware
Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 & 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7 | Ep. 8 | Ep. 9 | Ep. 10 | Ep. 11
I am the definition of Fear.jpg rn please help
MTR are so cute, just celebrating their win. Look at how happy they are!
... Oh well thats new. I like how Ichijauku has a tiny bit more agency in throwing out ideas (it really shows how close her and otome trust each other) but it also completely retcons a part of hypmic lore that was established with the Drama tracks. If you’ve heard “” then you know what I’m talking about
ahaha doppo i love you so much youre so adorable you deserve to be happy
MTR as a family is just soo good. Both as familial or 
Hmm.... yes Samatoki has the right to be angry but that flattens him to a good for nothing thinks first asks questions later type of thug which is absolutely not what his character is. Especially with how the anime portrays him, it seems like there's only one emotion that he feels at any moment and that is anger. Which, fair he is an angry boy, but thats just one facet of his character. He’s also logical and not that sore of a loser, seeing that he still has room to grow (if you want an anime example, refer to the previous episode where he genuinely wonders what he could have done to treat Nemu better)
I think my biggest gripe with the adaptation is the flattening of all the characters TBH. I only really see it in Samatoki since I understand his character the most but I also see hints of it with Rio, Hifumi, and Gentaro. Most of the characters are just flattened into 2D tropes and made to act those tropes out. Which, y’know is the basis of each character but the series has built upon each character so well that its kinda jarring seeing them all so flat
I’m not sayin that I hate what the Anime has done with MTC but I hate what the anime has done with MTC
I expected a “Brocon” “Siscon” fight not this. What the fuck
☆ミ+。゜H A C K I N G ゜。+ミ☆
ahaha Ichiro you’re too trusting and pure for your own good
Okay why does all the animation budget go to making Samatoki look hot as fuck?
Ahaha they really do get along like cats and dogs. Jyuto being the voice of reason is kinda weird tho but oh well I can live with it
Tom saying “hai warat~e!” is so cute wtf?????? Lemme pet your head please
Im getting second hand embarrassment from Ramuda lmao
Slightly suspicious about how these group of reporters know the underground layout of Chuuoku so well
Oh well see I was right to be suspicious
That Unit name is really funny considering the whole Galatic Federation thing ahahaha
Oh that english! that was super clean and enunciated really well
Good intentions, bad execution. His reasoning is a bit flawed but its at least sound
hmmm usually I’d be happy about Doppo giving Hifumi his jacket but in this context not so much. See, Doppo gave it to Hifumi mostly because they had to fight, not because there were woman (which let me remind you Hifumi is deathly afraid of and the jacket acts as a wall between him and his gynophobia)
...... uh Interesting choices of microphones for Secret Aliens. Tom’s is a recording studio mic which makes some??? but not much sense. like Tom is a street photographer, not a radio host. Iris’s mic is.... I’m sorry what is that? Some sort of keyboard and.... something. idk what it is on her finger. And T. Rex just ripped out a purple dinosaur spine, stuck a mic onto the neck and called it a day. Nice
At least their speakers are somewhat better. Iris has Iris plants which. hilarious, but also very modern looking and sleek fitting of her more tech savvy nature as a hacker Theres also phone cameras which makes sense but the butterfly imagery which is present .... Fear.jpg. Rex again just went with a T. Rex Speaker which. Thank you rex for being very predictable, we love you so much. That soundwave looks like DNA too which is cool as hell. Tom.... Idk man Tom are you okay? What exactly is your speaker? are they those aperture umbrella things that photographers use? Im so confused, photographers in the fandom please help
YOOOOOOOOO THAT RAP THOUGH IRIS SOUNDS SO PRETTY?!?!?!? Can she please sing me to sleep? its so smooth and rolling. If I had to describe it, I would say that its the type of voice that I would hope would sing the ballads that I compose, the voice of a mother who still holds on to something after loosing everything she has fought for. 
Too bad Iris doesn’t get a verse to Rap in but holy shit what? Secret Aliens just might become one of my fave divisions based off song alone
Ah theres the cancellers. Thats fun, nice to see that there isn’t an adaptation induced plot hole in this One instance. Lets see if they can patch up the other plot holes created because the anime and source material went into different places
Dice, bad. no cheating. Bad dice
Ahaha there the flash bomb. That high pitch wailing was awful though. please never do that again
Hah, typical Ichijaku. We love it
Oh look at them. Working together. How cute. I really like Rio and Saburo interactions mostly because theres so much potential
Oh noooo i worry for FP
That growl from Ichijaku though. That did things to my heart oh my god
Aww I do like that enthusiasm from Ramuda. I do hope that things turn out at least somewhat okay for him. He’ll probably suffer 
Wait why is Saburo’s left eye purple? Is it the lighting or something else? I hope its just the lighting bc if anything happens to Saburo i will be very very sad (I rewatched the episode and Saburo’s eye is blue all the way up till he gets hit by Secret Alien’s attack. Even in a brightly lit area, it looks purple... i hope it isn’t forshadowing but then again Saburo’s eye has always been a darker shade of blue so it could just be the yellowish lighting since Ichiro’s red eye looks fuchsia)
Ichijaku with an angry face is kinda hot ahaha. Her deep rolling voice of anger just. Ugh very very good. Major props to her VA for pulling it off
oh there’s a 13th ep
well thank fuck for a 13th ep bc if they ended the season like that i think id actually cry lol
Ugh so I guess that next week will be the last episode. I was so prepared for today to be the last episode but its kinda surprising that they have 13, slightly different from the normal season
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katobobato · 4 years
I was tagged by @staerrylights​, sorry for taking so long to do this :)
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise?
both online and sometimes irl i go by kato although some people also call me kate (which i used to hate when i was little but it’s growing on me a little)
2. When is your birthday?
september 20th
3. Where do you live?
in the uk, right near the very bottom :)
4. Three things you are doing right now?
listening to music, writing this and thinking about watching some anime
5. Four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
idk, maybe the dragon quest fandom bc they seem like fun plus the games are great. three more, um, idk moa maybe bc txt have some bops. i honestly can’t think of any more rn, i’m already too much of a multistan with everything (not just music-wise) :(
6. How is the pandemic treating you?
i mean, finishing college from home was interesting and starting uni from home will probably be just as weird. i haven’t gotten to go out all that much and my family are driving me insane. i also miss my grandparents because i haven’t been able to see them that much but i’m hoping to be able to see them and my friends some more now that the lockdown is lifting slightly.
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
okay so i’ve got two, love me harder - woodz and monster bc damn irene and seulgi snapped.
8. Recommend a movie?
idk, there are so many good ones. i’m currently obsessed with howls moving castle and spirited away so i guess one of those. (seriously tho, they’re so good)
9. How old are you?
10. School, university, occupation, other?
starting uni in october (a month late bc of the pandemic😥)
11. Do you prefer hot or cold?
i love both of different reasons. i love sitting outside in the sun during the summer but i also love snuggling up with a blanket and some hot chocolate in the winter and watching a movie.
12. Name one fact others may not know about you.
i used to do karate when i was a kid (that’s about the most interesting thing i have)
13. Are you shy?
with new people, yes, but as soon as i’m comfortable with you it’s honestly hard to get me to stop talking. i’m one of those ‘seems quiet but is actually loud af’ people.
14. Do you have any preferred pronouns?
15. Any pet peeves?
interrupting someone mid-conversation/sentence (i do this sometimes too but usually don’t realise and then stop myself so they can continue). i also hate incorrect grammar :)
16. What’s your favorite “dere” type?
tsundere (because they’re always interesting to watch and generally have some good character development) and bakadere (because they’re funny, cute and relatable)
17. Rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be.
7/10. i like my life most of the time and i have good friends and people to talk to but i do have family issues, not that i don’t love my family. i love them all so much but thanks to my granddad (whom i’ve never once met in my whole life) the whole of my mum’s side of the family, specially her, my uncle and my aunt, all have issues and ptsd which still affects them now which then has a knock on effect on everyone else. i’m a pretty optimisic person and look more to the ups rather than the downs, plus i do what i can to help the people i care about when i can, which helps me look at things in a more positive way no matter how crap life gets which is why i’d give my life a 7 because i know there are people who have it a lot worse than i do :)
18. What’s your main blog?
this one :)
19. List your side blogs and what they are used for.
@katoresources​ - this is for graphic resources i make and upload to deviantart
@katosficrecs - this is for me to reblog fics i liked and recommend
@katobobatoedits - this is for my edits, fan art and the such
20. Is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
i am a little weird but that makes me interesting and although i may seem socially awkward and shy (which i certainly am), i’m always up for talking to new people and making friends.
Tagging: @excusemin, @gettingtooemotional and anyone else who wants to do this :)
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napstablooks · 7 years
for that ask meme thing,,, do all of them >:Oc
oh god
oh god are you sure
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen, Fly On The Wall - Joey Pecoraro, Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens, All the Angels - MCR, For Emma - Bon Iver, and Shelter by Porter Robinson2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Nick Valentine’s voice actor.3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
”Before I could fasten them, light poured down on me and there he was without a shirt, holding a flashlight.”4: What do you think about most?
My friends.5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
”Ur gay lol”6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
I sleep with them on because I’m a cold bitch7: What’s your strangest talent?
I type on my phone so much I’ve memorized the keyboard. Is that a talent8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls are fucking hot
Boys are soft9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
god one can dream can’t they10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
a few weeks ago i think hah11: Do you have any strange phobias?
honestly none that I can think of right now but I used to be scared of the lamp in my basement as a kid I thought it would eat me12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
many times13: What’s your religion?
I’m agnostic!14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
probably walking! I love taking walks15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
I’m awful at photography so probably in front of it16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
oh god uh. good question. the front bottoms? got me through a lot17: What was the last lie you told?
honest to god it was that i wasn’t depressed when i was18: Do you believe in karma?
yes. not super strongly, but if someone does bad shit and something to happens, ima just watch from a distance.19: What does your URL mean?
it’s from Undertale! my favorite ghost kid!20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
greatest weakness: can’t take criticism because of schizoid.greatest strength: I’m very accepting and I care for everyone.21: Who is your celebrity crush?
MMMMM Krysten Ritter is my MOTHER22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
nah dude I’m underage and lonely23: How do you vent your anger?
by hurting myself. deadass. this isn’t to be dramatic. that or i scream a lot24: Do you have a collection of anything?
JOURNALS! i have over 2025: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
video chatting 26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
in a lot of ways no, but in some ways… yes. yes i am.27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
sound i hate: crunching of anythingsound i love: wood crackling fire!28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if nobody really loves me?29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes and yes!30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right arm: my therapy journal hahaleft arm: my teddy bear, Roger!!31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
laundry detergent! i just washed my blanket32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
a hospice in my town33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
West Coast even though I’m living in the hell of the east coast rn34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
god i don’t fuckin know 35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
to make yourself enjoy it as much as possible and help others get there along the way!36: Define Art.
something you create because of a feeling (or no feeling).37: Do you believe in luck?
Yes! kind of like I believe in karma.38: What’s the weather like right now?
it’s 7 am here and its slightly warm, but clear out 39: What time is it?
7:12 am!40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
Nope! don’t have my license yet41: What was the last book you read?
I think it was Sharp Objects42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
sorta - after a while it makes me sick43: Do you have any nicknames?
Bee, Robino, Robee, Rob44: What was the last film you saw?
A Beautiful Mind!45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
idk i think i sprained my ankle a few times but otherwise i don’t do enough to get injured46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
yep!!!!47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
Overwatch! it’s been an obsession since about july of 201648: What’s your sexual orientation?
not sure right now. pan with a preference towards girls maybe?49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
not big ones but yeah50: Do you believe in magic?
yes!!!!!!!!!!51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
yeah i’m a super angry person :/52: What is your astrological sign?
Virgo 53: Do you save money or spend it?
i spend it so bad lmao. i don’t have any rn though cause no income source54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
pizza :D55: Love or lust?
love, always. always always.56: In a relationship?
nope! just got out of one about a week ago.57: How many relationships have you had?
4! only two of them meant anything.58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
no i’m a failure ;A;59: Where were you yesterday?
i was @ my house sleeping60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yep! a music box from my mom61: Are you wearing socks right now?
no they are evil62: What’s your favourite animal?
SEA OTTER!!!!!!!63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
i make them feel super comfortable around me! i love it when people are themselves around me, it makes me feel trusted. i don’t do it out of malice or anything ;-;64: Where is your best friend?
at her house a few miles away from me…i get to see her today!65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
-esuerc (is that how you spell it?)-mercysblaster-moon-goblin-mojavemessenger-welcome-to-far-harbor(these aren’t in order)
66: What is your heritage?
whitest of the white. irish or something? i think? fuck if i know anymore67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
streaming overwatch on twitch haha68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
trump.69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
fuck yeah dude who do you think i am lmao70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
i think so! i think I’m a very caring and loving person. id like to come to me for my problems, yknow?71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
fuck my job save the dog i can always find a new job but i can’t always save a dog’s life72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a - yes. i tell everyone.b - i enjoy myself the most i can. c - no. i’m not afraid of dying.73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
fuck. trust. i guess.74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
don't stop me now by queen! never ceases to make me smile like a dumb idiot75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
3309 hah76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
trust. absolutely. and being comfortable and putting everything out in the open.77: How can I win your heart?
make me feel trusted and give me love. lots of love.78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
of course it can! 79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
realizing that i am my own. nobody else’s.80: What size shoes do you wear?
9 women’s heck off81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
i always knew it would end like this! dammit!82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
smiling…a heart full of love.84: What is a saying you say a lot?
”big mood”85: What’s the last song you listened to?
Concrete - This Wild Life86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
PERIWINKLE !!!!!87: What is your current desktop picture?
it’s a cool map i found while researching DnD dungeon layouts!88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
trump!!!!89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
”why do you lie?”90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
i’d freak out but i mean if they just chilling they can be my friends91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
oh shit to freeze time obviously92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
the time that i had a long talk with a friend at 3 am. you know who you are. i can’t remember anything that good for the past few years.93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
being abused.94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
FUCK UHHHH carly rae jepson95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
hdkjhajk omg idk uhhh probably new york to visit my friend shivani96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
nah fam97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
yep!98: Ever been on a plane?
i have and i hated it99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
please, just let there be love.
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diableriepervert · 6 years
I didn't know if you meant 1 and 99 or 1 through 99 so I just did 1 through 991: 6 of the songs i listen to most are Drugs - Eden, Season 2 Episode 3 - Glass Animals, like real people do - hoizer, I know those eyes/This man is dead - count of monte christo, obsessed with you - the orion experience, strangers - halsey2: If I could meet anyone on this earth, it would be Keanu Reeves3. The book closest to me on page 23 line 17 says "that is really cute and not at all surprising"1: 6 of the songs i listen to most are Drugs - Eden, Toes - Glass Animals, like real people do - hoizer, I know those eyes/This man is dead - count of monte christo, obsessed with you - the orion experience, strangers - halsey2: If I could meet anyone on this earth, it would be Keanu Reeves3. The book closest to me on page 23 line 17 says "that is really cute and not at all surprising"4. The thing I think about most is what my life will be like when I live all alone and nobody remembers me5: My latest text message from someone else says "beef" and that's all6: I sleep in just my underwear and bralette 7: my strangest (best) talent is that where ever I go there's always a dog somewhere and I always spot it8: Girls… are amazing; Boys… are also amazing I just like girls a wee bit better because I'm biased and gay9: I've never had a poem or song written about me but I would die of happiness of someone did but that's unlikely so (shrug emoji)10: The last time you played the air guitar was two or three weeks ago11: I don't have any strange phobias12: Ive never stuck a foreign object up my nose13: I'm agnostic 14. If I were outside i would be (depending on the time of day) stargazing, watching the sun rise/set15. I prefer to be being the camera16. I don't have a favorite band, just a jumble of playlists that in no way relate to each other17. The last lie I told was telling someone that I would cut ties with certain toxic people in my life 18. I sorta believe in karma19. My url just sounded cool to me, if you want you can make up a background story about it for me20. Greatest weakness - wanting to help so many people no matter what they've done, greatest strength - not getting heated in arguments 21. Celebrity crush is Mike Faust 22. I almost went skinny dipping with a girl once but then the weather got to bad to do so23. I bottle my anger24. I have a rock collection and a shell collection that I've had since I was really little25. I prefer talking on the phone over video chat so that way no one's gotta sea my freaky face26. I am happy with the person I've become but still recognise I could be better27. A sound I hate is an alarm clock and I love the sound of falling rain28. My biggest what if is what if I had decided to confront more people about things they've done to me or if that would've just made things worse29. You better believe that I am a strong believer of ghosts and aliens30. Sticking out my right and left arm I touch air with both31. The air I'm breathing smells like smelly dog 32. The worst place I've ever been to is this little house my mom was rebuilding that we'd visit every summer in LaSalle 33. East coast because I live there34. Most attractive singer of opposite gender is Brendan Urie35. For me the meaning of life is what is the best story you can make before time runs up36. Art is something that can convey emotion without through sound/display/ect.37. I believe in luck38. The weather right now is slightly rainey39. The time for me rn is 6:38 AM40. I don't drive 41. The last book I read was Emergency Contact42. Oddly enough I love the smell of gasoline43. I have one nickname (sommie)44. The last film I saw was mamma Mia: here we go again45. The worst injury I've ever had was when I was bike riding with my mom when I was little, we were going down a very steep hill and I lost control and hit a rock a flipped, pulling myself up I felt allot of pain in my hands and knees but only when I saw blood covering my hands and running down my legs did I start screaming, the second worst would be when I tripped over my down feet and my bones in my hand just sorta disconnected from my arm a little46. I've never caught a butterfly because I know they are fragile and I would hate to hurt them47. I have a current obsession with little nightmares at the moment 48. I'm bisexual 49. I had a rumor go around after I hit my head on a metal bar and fell of the play castle in elementary school that I was faking it50. I'm not to sure I believe in magic, I'd like to though51. I do hold grudges 52. I'm an Aries 53. I try to save money but then I see a nice book and suddenly all my money is gone54. The last thing a purchased was a book, and before that it was a different book55. Love over lust most of the time56. I'm single 57. I've been in 3 relationships that no one counts because with the two guys I only dated then two days and the girl I only dated a week, it's just that I try to give people chances when I get asked out but because there's no history or chemistry there I always break it off58. I cannot touch my nose with my tongue 59. I was at the movies yesterday 60. There is a pink bowl on my desk that I made61. I'm not wearing socks rn62. I love jellyfish63. My secret weapon to get someone to like me is to pretend I'm allot more interesting than I actually am64. My best friend is with her boyfriend rn65. My top 5 blogs on Tumblr are ikimaru, smileknife, cryptedspoon, roseebottes, and softwhispersinthenight66. I am half white half native American 67. Last night at 12 AM I was listening to music and reading 68. Satans last name is either something really deep with an intese meaning or something sad meaning69. Yeah but I don't every really do it that often, maybe once every three-four months or so?70. I am not the kind of friend I would want to have add a friend but only because I despise myself71. "You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?" You bet your ass I'm saving that dog, job be damned72. "You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?" I tell no one but I make sure there last memories of me are pleasent, and I'm not just afraid, I'm terrified 73. I would rather have love over trust74. A song that always makes me happy is Francis forever 75. My last four phone digits are 465376. A great relationship is built off of communication 77. Win my heart by loving me selflessly, talk through things with me, home with me, and understand me78. Insanity can spark more creativity 79. The best decision I've ever made was pushing my mom to getting me a dog and getting to know the best good boy in the world who I love more than everyone80. I wear a show size of 9 1/2 - 10 1/2 81. I want on my tombstone that I was loved by friends and family and will be remembered by many82. My favorite word is flabbergasted 83. When I hear the word heart I think love84. Something I say a lot is "Okie dokie" and "sorry"85. The last song I listened to is Diablo - Simon Curtis 86. My favorite color is red87. My desktop picture is of Homra from K project 88. If I could press a button to make anyone in the world explode it would be the leader of the group of people who bullied me89. A question that I would be afraid to answer honestly is "who do you hate the most"90. "One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?" I freak out a little on the inside but when I see that they're not really doing anything I try and make conversation with them91. "You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?" My super power would be to make people burst into musical numbers like the demon from once more with feeling92. A half an hour past experience I'd like to relive is just talking with all my friends when we all used to be friends with each other93. If I could erase any horrible experience from my past it would be when i got stabbed with a pencil in elementary school because i still have the scar94. If I could sleep with any music celebrity out my choice it would be kesha, no reason other than I feel like she'd be good in bed and nice to me95. That free airplane ticket takes me to Portland so I can visit my brother96. I no longer have any relatives in jail97. I have not thrown up in a car98. I've never been on a plane 99. If the whole world were listening right now I'd give some dumb speech about how we're all dumb and we all need to get along
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