#I am so heckin tired o(-<
thebookofcircus · 2 years
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Lucina my void kitten with her big ol 🥺 eyes
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iguessitsjustme · 4 months
Jack o' Frost Ep 1 & 2 Thoughts
I have time today (because my job gave us an extra day off this weekend) soooo it’s time to liveblog Jack o’ Frost since it won my poll. I’m gonna do two episodes at a time for the liveblog just because they aren’t that long. I got my snacks, I got my drink, I am ready to dive in let’s gooooo
I was promised good music so that’s what I’m watching for honestly. I don’t know how much I’ll comment on the music, but I’ll probably talk at least a little bit if it’s that good.
Oh so we start this show in the middle of the drama. Love that. What’s happening. I guess I’ll find out
One thing that I lovehate about Japanese dramas is how much they utilize silence. I love it when shows do that but as someone who gets distracted easily and lives on a busy city street with a lot of noise competing for my attention, it is hard to watch Japanese shows sometimes.
Happy birthday. Time to break up.
These Japanese boys do run. Have they thought about a career in track? But also it makes me so tired to watch. *eats chip*
Is this a fucking amnesia story?
I went into this blind. I don’t know anything about this show. Did y’all trick me into watching an AMNESIA show? Do y’all hate me?
I can’t help but notice the very obvious color coding of these boys. Their coats are very coded. Do I know what it means? Nope. But it’s obvious enough for me to notice. Or I’m getting better at noticing. Which I count as a win for me.
Ooooo I love a good pajama set. I want that one. Looks cozy.
Okay okay. He had a head wound. He had bandages on it. He washed his hair? And the wound? Is gone? Where go? Why bandages? Head wounded outside or inside? What?
Real quick, is Tomoko single? Asking for a me friend.
Ohhhh nooooo he only forgot his boyfriend. What specific amnesia.
Okay EP 2 time let’s get into it. Right now. Right away.
Oh you want a do-over? Well isn’t that just great and dandy. You’re gonna run into the same issues. Just because Ritsu doesn’t remember doesn’t mean the issues aren’t there and don’t still need to be addressed before you two have any hope.
I’m actually gonna pull my hair out. This is why I hate amnesia stories. They’re always so unbalanced. Poor Ritsu.
Alas. Tomoko has a boyfriend. Things aren’t going well though? He better treat her right, or I will. Anyway she gives good advice to whatshisname (I’m not learning it until he fucking tells Ritsu literally anything about the two of them). The only thing she should also tell him is to TELL RITSU ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP Jesus H Crhist. This is why they had issues I’m guessing. This dumbass doesn’t know how to communicate.
I would like to go to this coffee shop actually. Seems very cozy.
Oh I didn’t really talk about the music did I? I love it. It’s very, very classical and that’s pretty much all I’ve been listening to lately so while I have issues with the heckin fuckin amnesia plot we got goin on…at least the music is absolutely gorgeous and doing it’s job well. Anyway. On to episode 3 I guess.
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ferallester · 9 months
okay I no longer have the energy to finish this, pls enjoy a third of pinof react #3 and my rereaction
oh wow immediate smack with literally zebras and conclussy— DAN
when they said dapwe pinof my reaction was ‘nobody’s called it that’ and then I think someone did so
I fucking love their conversation about the algorithm
their outfits do in fact suck in pinof 7
nose pressure <3
“Spock sideburns” FUCK OFFFFF YOU’RE RIGHT BUT NOW I WANT TO KNOW YOUR TREK OPINIONS (I have already said this but I reiterate it anyway)
“oi!!” *Phil laughs in the background*
I’ve paused on a very Dan derp of his I’m way too tired for this
Phil: *attempts to explain himself and gives up* (dork)
what the fuck is going on in the bottom of Google
grass hair babey!!!!
Dan’s hair evolution apparently boils down to side parting straight to side parting curly
what even were those boxers Phil
piss mention
Phil fails at the singing but not entirely the Scottish accent, nice
fuck the stress mushroom!!!! I’ve never seen how truly gross it was until now tho ewwwww
they make fun of them moving to Dan’s room and then their only reaction to it is that the lighting sucks, okay
wish they’d reacted to the king of the universe moment
Dan fails maths, and worse, I believed him in that second because I was sleepy and on my way to work LMAO
god bless the John Cena memes
phulge 🙄
rubber chicken scream my beloved!!!!
SOUND BARRIER I keep referencing it in my fics help, it’s up there alongside ‘stay still’ ‘stencil’ from the bloopers
the fucking heart hole— 😭
the nacho fic makes me incredibly uncomfortable
Phil shut the FUCK UP we KNOW you’re touching (affectionate)
I’m trying to read their reactions to Phil saying exhaust pipe sexily and currently I’m just getting gay disgust
Phil’s Grandma’s Lore is fucking iconic
hand thing
boys shut the fuck up
I cannot fucking believe their window was open
I also can’t believe Dan actually trusted Phil enough to do a trust fall
old merch talk!!!!
sneeze fetish 😭
love that the sneeze fetish site is not only in New Zealand, but that it’s a government site
pinof 8!! my first pinof!! their haircuts are fucking awful
ADORE the outfits tho
they say that haircuts make them look startled— yeah that tracks
fucking cowards, Bork and Boof are both heckin valid
did we even fucking realise that they were probably trying to get that ad bc I distinctly remember we were just excited to get so much content
Phil can’t spell <3
weird soft launch
YAS CAT!!!! YAS CAT!!!!!!!!!!
violence, “we touch very early in this one” shut the FUCK UP
tiny dan on Dan’s thumb is so fucking funny
Dan is INCREDIBLY violent as a lawnmower
can’t believe Phil said yaoi
Dan meanwhile is just a horny mess who likes Wang™️ (and can I blame him? nah)
the boys, upon hating the mannequin challenge: fuck it we sleuthing
I am too tired to figure out what film posters are hanging up
the weird water edit leading into the boys talking about how they used to edit together 🥺
also fuck I’m only a third through and it’s a quarter past one in the morning, I’m doing the rest of this tomorrow
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mysmistree · 2 years
I have been SASSED for my longer text posts and being told that I am NORMAL and a COMMON BREED of internet user. And so for that reason I must abuse the character limit system!
Bwaaaaaaaaaah! I am scary internet girl here to claw your face off! That's not true I don't actually want to commit violence, I'm being dramatic to fill the gaps in things I wanna say.
The world is pretty heckin' spooky some days, but you know some days it's kinda cozy, like warming hands in front of a cozy little jack-o-lantern.
Long-form writing requires a lot of thinking, I've realized. I'm wordy but not thinky. Words! They're super funky. Like what IS a behest? At your behest I tell thee such! Like I have no hests to be nor behs to est. And yet I behest thee. Maybe there's a whole reason behind that but I don't know. I'm tired and also bored but mayhaps I'll write more in the future and outline more of my personal thoughts and jazz but revenge is best served warm and it got cold while I was typing this.
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Aaahhh my old friend; too anxious to sleep, too tired to be awake
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milkybunbuns · 4 years
fights with nekoma
w/ Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Yaku and Yamamoto - gn! reader
w/c: 1.5 K - about 300 per character
warnings: A lil bit of fighting amongst you and your fav bois :((
RAINBOW masterlist!
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Okay, so we’re starting with the amazing scheming captain
He is literally the most wonderful boyfriend and will make sure you’re alright and show you off all the time
But recently he’s been really stressed with nationals coming up and the workload of almost heading into uni
One day he gets back from volleyball practice - Lev was being super annoying and managed to spill water everywhere which he had to clean up and Yamamoto has slammed into him when spiking
So to say the least, he was very angry
You felt that ✨ v i b e ✨coming from him
So, as his ever so wonderful s/o, you walked up to him to comfort him
He was still by the doorway taking off his shoes, he didn’t even bother to call out your name
He probably didn’t notice you either, too busy in his thoughts
So then, when you touch him, he jolts
You ask him what’s wrong
He tells you to back off
You ignore him cause you have to be there for him through thick and thin
That really pisses him off more that he already was and that was the last straw for his patience
This boi was sick of life, he was annoyed and angry
He starts going off at you, telling you how you’re so bad and stuff
This makes you cry, first the sniffles, but he’s too busy ranting to realise your glossy eyes
You start full on crying, running back to your bedroom
He realises you ran off and finally snaps out of it
He feels rlly bad and apologises
You don’t forgive him cause it really hurt you
So he decides to make it up to you, not through whatever way you’re thinking rn, talking to yer perves out there lol
He buys you lots of gifts, devotes all his time to you, takes you on dates, uses dumb science pick up lines on you
Eventually you cave in to his charms and forgive him
Even so, he still apologises again, even tho you assured him you forgive him
He doesn’t want a repeat of that to EVER happen again
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Normally he’s a rlly chill dude
The two of you almost never get into fights
Even when you do, he almost always immediately caves in
He just can’t be bothered to fight back cause he knows your always right
He has huge respect for u
But this time you decide to scold him again
He doesn’t think you’re very right
You’re talking about how video games aren’t important and he’s too obsessed with them
Although he loves you, he’s gotta stick by his video games
Very loyal boi to his video games
So, he finally decides to speak up for himself, tired of your blabbering
“You don’t have any right to decide how I spend my time!”
He didn’t mean to say it that loud
At first, you’re lowkey shook
Kenma legit never raises his voice
You must’ve hit a nerve
You feel bad
But to protect your pride, you continue on arguing
Soon, you realise your arguments are ridiculous
They aren’t even good and don’t even make sense
Yet, you stalk off to blow off some steam at the park
There you meet Kuroo
He gives you some advice on what you should do
After all, he has been Kenma’s friend since forever
You follow his advice
And you wait for a day before you do it cause ur still kinda mad ngl
You guys don’t sleep together that day
And you can’t sleep without him
So you stayed up all night, not even a wink of sleep
You missed his warmth
So first thing at like 4 am (he had to get up early for volleyball practice which was at like 5) you went to his room and stood against the wall waiting
When he FINALLY wakes up, you immediately begin apologising
He can’t even make out what you’re saying
I mean, after all, he just woke up
He sees your eyebags and is rlly worried
Asks you about what happened to you
You sheepishly admit you didn’t sleep
He frowns at you and pulls you into the bed with him
You sleep like a baby and he’s happy
The two of you compromise :))
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Lev and you always fight over the stupidest things
That’s guaranteed
You were manager for Nekoma
They were currently practicing after school
And here the two of you were
In the middle of the volleyball court, bickering like idiots
The two of you are so lucky that Yaku and Kuroo haven’t arrived yet
Surprisingly Kenma is already here, but he makes no move to stop the two of you
This is normal, he’s used to it, as long as he can play his video games he couldn’t care less
The two of you were arguing about whether Yin or Yang was better
You thought Yang was the best cause legit any colour mixed with white makes pastels
And EVERYONE loves pastels
If you don’t like pastels, idk what to say
Lev was spewing some shit about how Yin was so cool cause it was dark and edgy like ninjas
He wanted to be a ninja
You were legit laughing at that
Who would not notice a 2m giant sneaking around
You didn’t laugh tho cause you’re too nice
And you don’t want karma to bite you back in the butt
And Lev’s smug face if he actually became a ninja
The two of you couldn’t decide
So you both asked Kenma
You legit shoved your faces into his, blocking his view of his console or whatever
You ask him whether Yin or Yang is better
He deadpanned and replied grey
The two of you were so confused and stared at him blankly
Finally he explained that Yin and Yang needed to be balanced and could not survive without the other
You both awed at his smartness
And at that moment, Yaku entered
Just the mere sight of the two of you made him angry
So he slapped you both, for your own good
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Yaku the absolute mom of the team
Being a mom means he’s also vry good at arguing
Literally wins every argument
Makes you wonder why he didn’t join the debating club
Lev told you it was because Yaku would frighten everyone away with his ugly face
He got promptly slapped, kicked and hit with a volleyball
“Serves him right”
That’s what Yaku said
You know better than to question the mom
However, one day you got dared to argue with Yaku
And guess who dared you?
Wow, yeah I would’ve never guessed, Lev
You wanted to protec your pride and dignity so duh you did it
You’re no coward
But you seriously forgot how scary Yaku was
You immediately starting sweating bullets when he stared at you, hands on his hips
You regretted it
Would not recommend fighting with a fellow mom
Who knew moms were so scary, brrr...
His precise words were
“Y/n L/n, whatever is passing through your pea head mind, I want you to stop it immediately.”
Yeah he could tell what you were going to do once he saw you approaching him
I guess he had ears everywhere...
The two of you have never had fights before
That’s just how well the two of you fit together
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Yamamoto would totally worship the ground you step on
That’s just how he is
In his eyes, you are the most amazing person to have ever stepped on this planet
Maybe even better than Kiyoko-senpai...👉👈
Total simp for you
Would listen to your every command
So heckin in love it’s rlly cute
But he won’t be afraid to show his ‘rawry’ side to you
Idk how to describe the ‘rawry’ side, but like around hot people, he would probably act rlly nicely and then behind their backs when they ain’t looking he would totally be all manly and stuff. And pervy
You should be happy he trusts you that much
But you rlly break his trust when you tell Lev about his embarrassing moments
You told Lev to not tell him
But Lev with his stupidously big blabber mouth can’t keep it shut
He taunts Yamamoto and that boi be rlly angry
He demands to know who told him
Lev accidentally let’s it slip out
He forgot
Yamamoto is rlly upset
Ignores you when he gets home
You start to wonder why he’s ignoring you for ‘no reason’
It’s dinner and he hadn’t even come down
You’re rlly mad
So after you ate you barge into his room yelling at him
He’s rlly angry cause u just broke his trust and starts yelling at him
Things start to get a bit physical
But fortunately, by the next day you figured what had happened at organized an apology to him with the help of his team
He immediately forgave you seeing what you had done
And you never did that again :>
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buggaberry · 4 years
ML Blog Appreciation Day!!
ohuuhuhoho i heard it was that day,,, and imma comin’ to appreciATE AHAHAHAHAA
@seasonofthegeek oh my heckin’ goodness she was like,,, one of my first favorite writers in the fandom and then I eventually joined a discord server with her and she’s the sweetest darn bean my gosh she’s talented and like draws too and gAH--
@secretagentspydetectiveninja waHAHAHA im loVE you ur so amazing and sweet and fun 2 talk with, aish’s writing is also mMM yes 10/10 and the amount of iconic things they’ve made is kfkjhkajshdf
@nolongervoid the sweetest beaN!!!!! Also the thing’s she’s written are aaaaaaaahhhh, real good (and u never let me let go of the daping thing >:|) love u~~~
@jattendschaton iM LITERALLY--- they’re like the sweetest human being on the planet I literally, I caNNot. They have done the most adorable cosplays of Ladybug, Marinette, and Adrien, I always loved them so so much. Their writing is also amazing, they’re so sweet and delightful to read (and they always have the absolute sweetest tags on all their reblogs my goodness).
@adrienaline-rushed-art I’ve known u since I was like,,,, 14??? 15?? My goSH, but regardless, you’ve grown so much as an artist and as a writer and I absolutely adore everything you create, I feel like I don’t express that enough. An amazing bean.
@lesslinette hhhhhh she could steal my soul and I’d say thank you omygod her art is-- aaaAAAA and she an absolute sweetheart.
@marinoodles aaaa ur so goofy and fun and just like adsfjhdh sO nice, quality meme-age also im lvoe u
@megatraven veR sweet im love they made quite a few really cute drawings and stuff and aaaa i met chu long ago but u are amazinnng
@mikauzoran iM CAN’T MY GOD I COULD SCREAM ABOUT YOU FOR HOURS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Literally sO talented, knows how to get you in the feeLS, beautiFUL writing, and just ajdsfljads such a sweetheart, I would go back and read her works hundreds of times.
@mireilletan yOU, anoTher talented and amazing writer but also amazing artist gaAAAhhh I love the way you akjdflakjd WORDS. Yes. And you’re super duper nice and aaaaaaa I loaf yuo qAq
@ominousunflower i love u and our hamster so much aaaaa, but for real he just writes,,,, so good. You can stab me in the heart a thousand times and make me cry or feel super duper soft and hnnggg when I teLL you these people are literal writing goALS--- so preTTY
@galahadwilder Very sweet! Also writes so good I love, my goodness the talent
@thewritewolf if u wanna read some fluff he is like tHe place to go, I don’t generally read a lot of fluff but aa a a a aaggh I love it a lot
@overworkedunderwhelmed I’ve read quite a few of ur things and they’re so a a a a!!!! They’ve been here for a long time and honestly they make some mmmm yes quality stuffs i yes love
@tides-miraculous aaAAA gotta stan the nino content and all the muslimah miraculous wielders, they’re and incredible artist, I was always in awe of their works
@thelastpilot moAR NINO-- I love their writing very very much, as well as their art qAq 
@botherkupo agaiN YES writing is vER gUUD and I lovE theM they are so sweet
@chatalyst they post so many iconic things oh my goD, she also writes verY good and is mucho skillzzz
@chataclysmes ahHAHAA rarepair heaveN?? Also very nice!!! And!!! Amazing artist!!! Whom I love!!!! Very much!!!!!! Yes!!!!!
@discoveringmiraculousartist OH MY GOD THEY’RE SO SWEET they’re doing the work of like ajdsfadlskjfhmy godsh. If you wanna find new ml artists you go thERE, they honestly do so much, they do so much work, and they’re so kind and my goodness gracious me oh my
@landturtlealyce wAAAAHHH VERY GOOD ARTIST VERY SWEET BEAN all the heartus
@fizzyarts i cry at the skill, like,,,,, their art good g od
@siderealscribblings a verY good writer, they’re so good at like interpreting characterization and emotions it’s like jfhadskjffj oh my guacamole 
@masilvi the living heck moar talent artist the ladrien is VERY GOOD in this house i love u
@chatnoirinette ur so sweet oml, and also verY good art, you’ve improved so much and I love ur writing too qAq
@zeknoir the l u kadrien my dude also u have nice writing and u are nice aaaa X3
@marikittynoir huAHAAHA more cute art!!!!! also a sweet!!!!! i lub
@emsylcatac wAHhahasdkjadsfh I love u so much ur so talented kjafndsjfn
@bugaboo-n-bananoir u ver skill!!! ver nice!!! i lubu
@janaikam she has some neatO writing and I like a lot and she’s honestly a really amazing person too I-- aaaaaa <3
@bugabisous VERY AMAZE TALENT GIF makeR and sweet bean
(o goodness gracious this is getting long and im loosing braincells but there’s so many >:O I’m gonna cut here but if ur under the cut I don’t lobu u less or anything I just don’t wanna abuse the people who see me on their dash)
@honeychats THEY HONESTLY HAVE DRAWN SOME PRETTY DARN CUTE THINGS and they are ver nice!!!!!!
@yeet-noir gAAAAHHHH i love yo so much I kid u not ur iconic
@amimons aaahhahahaa talented artist and so kind!!!!!!!!
@terrible-miraculous-ladybug-aus thamk yuo so much for all the times you made me wheeze so hard my lungs came out
@leviaana your art!!!! is so good I love the way you color SO MUCH it’s so pretty and soft!!!!!
@sweetsweetsweetie hnnnngggg ur ability to make backgrounds god I wish it was contagious and ur comics are so good!!!!!
@wintertundra-art hmhnmnmgf they do vberry good art and aaa their trans!au is the best
@ladybeug i just o my gosh i love them so much their art and just-- can i die 4 u
@ladyblargh they’ve done so many iconic things i--
@buggachat if ur not following her already i--- aMAZING art, quALITY content YES.
@therealscribblingmama I have so many of their things bookmarked, they are a reaLLy good writer
@miracu-less such CuTE art im in lots of love
aaAAAAA alas im getting tired but there’s probably like a bAJILLION more i really am sorry if i didn’t get you or anything like that because I do genuinely lob yuo. if u ever made lukadrien content or smth 10/10 all the screams for you u might not see like ur account but I definitely saw what u made and cried over it bc i like live in that tag 50% of the time
@megs-ils you seem to be very nice and you make so much art I’m honestly baffled and it’s also really good, like,,,,, much skill
@amyahue AAHAHAHAAHAH so cuteeee their art is so cuteeee and it makes my heart go kaboom
@tizzymcwizzy ohmygod I love the way they draw chat its so cute and like the winGS and the DHAHDBAKFSM yEs
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allthingskakashi · 4 years
Nothing much, I fell asleep at the wrong time and now am mentally prepared to be an owl for the night. Not like I didn’t stay up until dawn every night anyway 🙃🙃
And yes, defff agree that Kakashi would use such cheesy lines once you start dating and are super comfy with each other.
Ugh. I need me a Kaka-sensei ❤️
What projects to you have, bb?
I actually fell asleep pretty early last night cause i was dog tired but i was awoken at 6:30 today by my cats @#!*!*#dvsvsj
I have 3 projects oh god and 2 of em are group projects i don't like group projects 😩 We need to create a PR campaign in one and in the other we're basically making a newspaper and im supposed to work as a sub editor. And this other project i have, im doing it on the effects of Naruto on viewer's mental health for which i need to create a survey questionnaire thingy which I've been planning on bothering yall with but i need to create the damn thing first and the deadline is on the 20th so i should p r o b a b l y get started
Also yes a kaka sensei who doesn't fr i dream about what it'd be like to have him all the time, when I'm stressing out, when im feeling down, even when im doing dishes rhshsj
I was having a heckin good time today morning of imagining a morning sex scenario of riding kakashi when i was like half awake half asleep BUT THEN I WAS INTERRUPTED
Anyhooo i hope you have a good day today bb ❤️
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jaskanetic · 4 years
Fun Fact about me:
I have this weird low-tolerance to some medicines
Which means I can get super drowsy and legit HIGH on things that shouldn't make you feel that way.
For instance: Midol. An over the counter pain killer. I will take it for cramps, and sometimes for toothaches.
The limit for Midol, is 6 pills a day. I have taken 2 today, and already feel woozy and tired and giggly.
I took 4 Midols, AND an 800 Ibuprofen, because the pain was SO BAD.
The ONLY thing I remember doing yesterday, is going grocery shopping with my mom and sister.
And my mom proceeded to explain my behavior on that trip.
And she explained me as: sitting in the front seat smiling and bouncing around being like "Why am I the only one in a good mood lmao??? I had so much fun today is so GREAT!" In 100-and-something degree weather after an hour long trip in Walmart.
Then when we dropped my sister off, I apparently stood outside the truck with my door open DANCING AROUND while eating a cookie until my mom told me to stop and get in bc the AC was running.
I legit remember nothing else from yesterday.
And now that I think about it, the good portion of my morning since I took some painkillers AKA, M i d o l, has been a blur.
So basically
I am a very very very weird human being and can apparently get super high and giddy off of heckin pain pills which AREN'T SUPPOSED TO MAKE YOU HIGH IN THE FIRST PLACE????
Even in the past when I would take Ibuprofen, it would turn me into a giggly bitch. Like.
Why @ my body ajdhwjdbdnf
It's kinda hilarious tho-
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ltleflrt · 5 years
Ltleflrt’s Writing Year in Review
Once again I felt like I could do more this year, so this is the theme for the decade.  But I got SO MUCH DONE too!  And more than I did last year, so I’m happy to see an improvement :D
Total 2019 Word Count: 215,491 Total 2019 Kudos: 7,581 Total 2019 Hits: 63,620
My 2019 Fics:
Dreaming in Digital: 173,818 words (44,142 from 2019)
When Dean finds a deactivated sex bot, he knows it’s his lucky day.
Set in a Cyberpunk world where global warming and climate change has driven most of the human population into domed cities, Sam and Dean hunt rogue tech and science experiments gone wrong in the shadows, protecting the lives of those the government doesn't care about anymore. On a trip to the dump to scavenge for valuables Dean finds Castiel, an Angel Industries sex bot, which is worth his weight in credits. But when he turns the sex bot on, he learns that Castiel is sentient.
Artificial Intelligence is illegal, and for good reason, but Cas doesn't put off dangerous vibes. That doesn't stop Sam from researching his creators while Dean's off making friends with the android. If there's someone out there creating a robot army unconstrained by the 3 rules of robotics, Sam's going to make sure the operation is shut down for good.
Castiel just wants to exist. He wants to read and work in the Winchester's greenhouse and have movie nights with Dean. But he also wants to understand. Himself. His unexpected reaction to Dean. What it it means to feel.
I started this fic in February 2018, and finished it in April 2019.  As of this post, it is the longest thing I’ve ever written.  And definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever written.  You know that saying about blood, sweat, and tears?  So true. (the blood was from a cat scratch when Kitty Cas tried to jump in my lap while I was writing and I got clawed, but it counts!)  I am proud of the results, even if I got tired of it and cut out a bunch of stuff I wanted to do.  2020 goal is some timestamps!
Where The Heart Lives: 12,876 words
Home is where the heart is, but it's nice to have a cozy little love nest too.
A collection of related short ficlets without a plot. Just small glimpses of Dean and Castiel being happy and in love.
This was a 30 day art challenge called Cottagetober, that I turned into writing prompts and added a 31st day since it was an October thing and I wanted a ficlet for every day.  Writing these fluffy snippets every day made me very happy, and I think I might do something similar in 2020 if I can find a list that sparks joy.
Reunited: 2,681 words
Castiel has changed a lot in the 10 years since he was a shy bookworm in High School. But it seems like few of his previous schoolmates have grown up much, if the revival of the rumor mill as soon as he walked in is any indication.
Dean Winchester certainly grew up, though. And he seems far more interested in Castiel than the rumors.
Written as a prompt from  @melilovesmakeup-blog, this little fic spawned much joy, and inspired a prequel from @bendingsignpost, which is honestly so dang flattering.  I love this little universe, and I’m heckin’ glad I randomly decided to take prompts.
Cloud Nine: 2,254 words
“Hey, angel.” Dean’s voice is warm with love and pride, and it makes Castiel squirm in his bindings. “You think you can take more?”
I love finding new ways to write non-traditional a/b/o!  One day I was driving around, and thought you know what I need?  Dom!Omega!Dean and sub!Alpha!Cas.  Not a lot of it out there yet, so had to write it myself.  And I really want to revisit this and write a prequel.  I Have Ideas!
The Git (you) Up: 1,323 words
Dean's been crushing on his new neighbor across the street from afar. When he gets an invitation to a neighborhood BBQ, he's finally going to meet the hottie. Now if only he can get the courage to talk to him.
I saw a ridiculously cute video on the internet and I was inspired!
Burning For You: 1,998 words 
Due to their busy schedules, Sam and Eileen hire a wedding planner. As Best Man, Dean steps in to help as much as he can. The fact that Castiel is gorgeous and immune to the dangers of Dean's touch is a bonus.
Another prompt!  I do prompts like never, but I’m so glad I did and got this one.  I had an immediate, and visceral need to write this fic as soon as I saw the ask, so thank you very much @alessariel!  This prompt was for both of us! :D
To Build A Bower: 633 words
Dean decorates his home to attract a mate.
Look.  Look.  I just really fuckin’ love bower birds okay?  Okay.  Thanks for the prompt @zarauthforsaken!
Special Delivery:  2,012 words
Castiel accidentally gets a package meant for his sexy neighbor.
Another prompt! From @queenandthree <3 
Fun story about this fic, the premise was originally going to be used in Satin and Sawdust, but got discarded.  I’m thrilled I found a reason to use it in a short story!
Work Life Balance: 2,227 words
As leader of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, one of Dean's duties is to balance Order with Entropy, and enforce the will of the Fates. When Castiel's nature as the demigod of War urges him to destroy more than he should, he seeks out Dean's council.
A prompt from @kazshero!  I have had Four Horsemen headcanons for years, and could never come up with a story for it until I got this prompt.  Super grateful for it!  Death!Dean is my jam :D
The Menagerie: 1,452 words
Baby the Pegasus is giving birth to her first foal. Dean and Castiel are there to help her through it.
A prompt fill for @nickelkeep!  An excuse to turn Baby into a pegasus!  FLUFF! <3
A Trip To The Beach: 734 words
Camp Counselors Dean and Cas take the kids on a field trip to the beach.
Yes, this was definitely based on a conversation I had with @jupiterjames.  When I got the prompt from my bestie, I *had* to make it about us lol
Quoth the... Wait that's not a Raven: 930 words
Dean, Castiel, and Sam are paranormal investigators. Tonight's haunted spot is a Pet Store.
A prompt from @purgatory-jar!  And to be honest, I may revisit this idea with something longer someday.  Writing TFW as paranormal investigators is too much fun to pass up :D
Hunter's Caress: 142,229 words (WIP)
Castiel Jameson won't rest until the outlaw who murdered his brother faces justice, and Dean Winchester is the only man alive who can help him track the villain down. Some say Winchester is a cold-blooded killer himself; others say he'd been wronged his whole life. All Castiel knows is that the desire glinting in Dean's green eyes is even more dangerous than he is. Castiel fights to keep his mind on business, but during the long nights on the trail with the dangerously handsome hunter he finds himself dreaming of yielding to Dean's illicit kisses and losing himself in lawless passion.
Dean Winchester is about to hang when Castiel saves his neck with his crazy plan. But dying might be better than spending day and night playing nursemaid to such an infuriating city slicker. He appreciates the stubborn detective's desire for justice, but he'd appreciate Cas a lot more if he'd stop being a lawman long enough to just be a man. He certainly has all the right equipment. Dean aches to run his fingers through Castiel's dark hair, yearns to know how Castiel's golden skin will feel against him. And before the coming of the next dawn, Dean vows to teach him the pleasures and sweet rewards of a Hunter's Caress.
I’ve had this idea since the first year I started writing Destiel fic, and it’s been sitting in my WIP folder since 2014.  I don’t want to be done writing Destiel, but I’ve been struggling with my writing for about 2 years now, and I’m afraid it will only get worse when the show ends and the fandom starts to slow down without new content.  I figure if I don’t do this story now, it’ll never get done.  And that’s unacceptable, because this has been on my mind for far too long to let it never see the light of day.  Of all of my stories, this one is the most For Myself thing I’ve ever written.  And based on the way it’s going, it’s probably going to overtake Dreaming in Digital as my longest fic by the time it’s done lol
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heartsfortxt · 5 years
txt reaction to you performing and being a good singer.
¦♡ ˎˊ˗ request :: "bc i wanna feed my theatre kid and love for txt at the same time, could you write txt reacting to their s/o being so heckin good at acting after seeing them on stage?? (and singing but thts optional)"
(i was kinda confused at first because i didn't understand the request but the person was so nice to explain it better to me through private messages 🥰❤): "ah nono thats fine!! i mean i did send it when i was dead tired (still kinda am since i just woke up for school) hgkgn ANYGAYS, txt reacting to seeing their s/o perform onstage for a play/musical"
¦♡ ˎˊ˗ a/n: im sorry for not keeping my promise, hhHHhH im starting to get slow at updating for all you lovely people !! forgive me and my st00pid a$$ T_T <3<3
gif credit to the owner!
- yeonjun ♡
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yeonjun would get sOOoO excited and all smiley tbh :') you and your voice was ethereal, he sometimes wondered if you really were a human being or an angel from the heaven above. if the other members would be there he would try and mock them about having you all to himself AHSSJJS 🥰
"she is amazing isn't she ?? too bad she is mine mwehe >:)"
- soobin ♡
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let's say that, he had been hearing you sing several times but when he saw you singing to the musical, it sounded totally different, it was more clear. he would fall in love over and over again 😔😔 how was it possible for someone to look so stunning plus singing so effortlessly at the same time ? he had no clue AT ALL !
"i think i just fell more in love and i now i can't get up."
- beomgyu ♡
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baBY would have the biggest smile on his face :)))) he would be so happy!! beomgyu couldn't wait to shower you with all the compliments after the show. you were a piece of artwork infront of him, no doubt. this boy is head over heels for you aGHahhsj 😭💘💗💞
"you were so amazing !! i love you."
- taehyun ♡
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taehyun mouth would be slightly open. he was so stunned. was it really you singing ?? he couldn't believe his ears !! when you would be done performing and meeting his backstage, he would still have the dull expression on his face 😶😶
"*silence for the who knows of years*"
- huening kai ♡
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fanboy kai: activated 💘💞💗💕💖💕💗
for real, he would be the biggest fanboy of yours throughout the whole musical show. you never failed to amaze with all those talents of yours <3 (i love kai so much and you should too)
"can i just say: wow and i love you so much ??"
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impvlved · 5 years
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––   f i n g e r s   d r a g   m o t o r   o i l   l i k e   p a i n t  .
                    “ ah, i mean, jeez... y’know.                        you sure you want a naked lady detailed                       on your hood ?  it’s just... ”  
a waste of a beautiful damned finish.
                                       “ what about a   d e c a l  , huh ?                                            'case y’change your mind ? ”
or, alternatively: meet teejay vanetten, local golden boy football star turned mechanic. 
( jack mulhern, werebear, he/him, & cismale ) is that ( fool in the rain ) by ( led zeppelin ) playing? guess ( tucker jeremiah ‘teejay’ vanetten )’s comin’ in hot! heard folks say the ( twenty ) year old ( mechanic ) was at the thanksgiving fair, ( winnin’ the love of his life one of those damned jumbo elephant squishy things, he swears, just as soon as he buys more tickets ‘cause this damned ring toss is a hell ton harder than playin’ football ever was ) when chaos ensued. during the glitch, ( he nearly lost his life in a werebear attack while tryin’ to get himself and his fiancee out from harm’s way ) .
b a c k g r o u n d .
teejay’s father, jeremiah, went to school with georgia duchannes’ mother, and was introduced to one of her close friends, katherine ( kay ), who would later become the love of his life.
in 1962, teejay was born. he was a bright, hazel-eyed baby boy who just couldn’t stop smiling. the vanettens would play the beatles and he’d bounce in his crib; they’d have living room dance parties before dinner. jeremiah and kay were the picture-perfect, most loving parents –– they cheered when teejay sipped from his first non-sippy cup. as a family, they share many laugh-so-hard-you-cry moments.
the vanettens are an outdoorsy family. they got teejay into camping and hiking very young, starting with setting up a tent and lanterns in their own back yard and progressing from there. teejay learned to whittle when he was six, and has continued the hobby ever since. ( he’s made georgia many a figurine. )
mr. vanetten owns vanetten auto, and mrs. vanetten worked as secretary to the mayor. growing up, teejay lived modestly but comfortably. teejay learned to change his first tire when he was in elementary school, and he was hooked –– throughout middle and high school, he’d bring his dad a soda after football practice and help him out at the auto shop.
local football sweetheart. teejay followed in dean hollis’s legacy, and as quarterback for the ferrets, people expected big things from this kid. he accepted a full-ride scholarship to play football for a D1 university and completed one year of studies there, before choosing to drop out and return home to help out his parents after his mom fell ill with a brain tumor.
for about a year, teejay has been home. his mother isn’t able to work any longer, so the vanetten household lives paycheck to paycheck, and teejay essentially runs the garage to allow his dad to take his mom in for treatments, etc. the prognosis isn’t good, but vanettens are hopeful people, and they’re prayin’ for a miracle. god works in mysterious ways.
around town, he can be found helping his neighbors garden, carry their groceries, etc. 
at the garage, he’s always playin’ zeppelin, queen, and hummin’ along. odds are, if you show up, he’s toe-tappin’ under the hood of someone’s vehicle with motor oil smeared all over the place.
his grandmother used to call him peter rabbit because his hair always flops in front of his eyes like peter’s ears.
goes by teejay but... it was supposed to be tj. in kindergarten, when the teachers asked kids to spell their names, tucker jeremiah just assumed it was spelled t-e-e-j-a-y because his parents never addressed him by his full name unless he got into trouble, and it looked right to him !   so that’s what he’s been goin’ by and spellin’ it like ever since.
he has that adorable southern drawl. that warm, lopsided smile. honestly folks, this here’s a heartthrob of a guy, ‘n he’s got no awareness of it.
he loves chocolate shakes and bacon burgers. corn nuts are a must. he does that thing at the drive-in where you get two popcorn bags ( one empty ) and toss all the m&ms and popcorn together like a salad.
not a coffee guy, so he drinks cokes for the caffeine.
t h e    f a i r .
teejay was getting slaughtered by the ring toss when the glitch broke out. he immediately searched the mayhem to find georgia, his fiancée, but once the two of them linked up and started their escape, they were attacked by a rogue werebear.
while finding his way to georgia, teejay pointed and helped as many people as he could to safety. he’s the definition of selfless, and his priorities were as follows: save georgia. save everyone else. 
he’s so heckin’ thankful his mother and father stayed home; they’d almost decided to go. imagine their horror when they heard the news...
teejay was unconscious at the clinic for about three days before coming to. he has nasty slash scars across his chest and ribs from the attack.
c u r r e n t l y .
strange things are happenin’. he can smell for miles. sometimes his own strength precludes him. he accidentally bent a tire iron in two. wha ?  he’s tryin’ not to make a fuss about it. everyone else has so much weighin’ on ‘em, the last thing teejay ever wants is to be a burden. but like. the wakin’ up in the woods with blood on his lips ?  he’s startin’ to think maybe that’s not just a night terror.
still runs the auto shop! and manages finances for the vanetten household. so he’s... run down. kinda stressed. you can see it in his eyes, in his smile. but lord, he’s tryin’.
a complete mama’s boy. and the thought of losin’ her? it’s killin’ him. her memory hasn’t been affected yet, but... the docs say it’ll soon see some changes. and god, he’s terrified.
drives a green ‘60 impala that he and his father pieced together and refinished with their own two hands. it’s his baby.
c u r r e n t    c o n n e c t i o n s .
fiancée – georgia duchannes. these two are letum falls’ token sweethearts, through and through. been best friends since birth, essentially, and even though they only started officially datin’ when they were 15, everyone knew they were devoted to one another long before. their engagement’s a quiet development, but ain’t nobody surprised, really. these two complement one another better than cinnamon sugar on a fairground pretzel. georgia’s assertiveness rounds out teejay’s people-pleasing. and jesus, they’re so in love. teejay’s only got eyes for his girl. he still makes heart eyes when anyone so much as mentions her, even now.
football teammate / dynamic duo – jesse torres.  on the field, these two were unstoppable. off the field, they’re inseparable. teejay and jesse made letum falls football history, and there wasn’t any doubt in anyone’s minds that they’d both go on to do amazing things. teejay accepted his full-ride scholarship, but jesse never got the chance. and now that teejay’s back and in a similar precarious situation with losin’ his mother soon? these two need one another more than ever. catch ‘em around town gettin’ into silly shenanigans, and being general doofuses. soft bros. we love.
reluctant ally / sleuther – lee holmes.  teejay meets lee when bez introduces ‘em, and reluctantly agrees to help him figure out what the hell is happenin’ to him. because he doesn’t wanna bother anyone else with it, and he trusts the holmes’, even if they are a lil... strange.
older brother figure / idol – dean hollis.  dean hollis left a legacy here in letum falls, and teejay has always aspired to be like him. he was so thrilled dean would be makin’ an appearance at the thanksgiving fair, and now that he’s decided to stay? ample brother-type bonding’ll ensue.
w a n t e d    c o n n e c t i o n s .
witch / warlock friend.  someone teejay knows might have magical aptitude, and might approach about curing his mother. maybe it’s not possible. maybe it is, but this individual doesn’t have the skillset quite ironed out. either way, he can’t exactly go on and ask it with no premise, so... they’ve bonded over the past few months as friends. and he’s still tryin’ to figure out how to ask for help ( one of his weaknesses ) .
someone who helps out at the garage.  teejay’s footin’ it all on his own lately, and the workload can be tough. maybe this person helps work on cars too, or maybe they’re more customer-facing. they help round out the workload so teejay isn’t pullin’ 24-hour shifts. because honestly, some days, it comes to that.
high school friends / squad.  since teejay’s back in town, i imagine folks he went to school with were keen on reconnecting. teejay was well-liked and popular in high school, yes because of football, but also because he’s just genuinely an openhearted person. these folks could be from all walks of life.
best girl friend(s). he turns to these gals for shenanigans, and also, like... huh. how does he word this? relationship advice? not that he doesn’t know what t’do but uh... sometimes the female perspective’s kinda nice.
beer buds.  life’s hard unless you’ve got a cold one in your hand, and a pal to help knock ‘em back.
one-sided flirtationship.  yo. he’s oblivious. how hilarious would it be if someone was like... very clearly flirty with him and he just? doesn’t even? see it?
anything under the sun ?  i... am so open ?  i love plots ? hit me with the angst. the fluff. the anything.
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hoeiplier · 6 years
Im sorry to bust in and interrupt but I heckin loved that last post with a shy virgin! King :3c I just like seeing that in guys, being so shy and nervous... So easy to dom 💓💓
GOD UR SO RIGHT ANON also sorry had to write the best ship for this
King being a virgin is a well known fact around the egos. Almost a competition between them. Who can be the first to make King cum? Who can be the first to pull that pretty royal face down on their cock? Who can be the first to rip King’s clothes off and cum deep inside his ass as he cries out for more?
Well – it wasn’t a surprise when Yan was the first to do it. Between her murderous threats at anyone who looked at her Senpai, King, and keeping a watchful eye on him. Everyone backing off as soon as Yan lead him to her room to help “study”
“Erm, I’m not that smart in…math…or history…I’m – I’m pretty good in writing! If that’s okay, nothing fancy like your college classes must be–”
“You’re so cute when you ramble on, Senpai.” Yan sighed. Butterflies filling her belly as he caresses King’s soft cheek, rosy red and warm. His peanut butter beard gone for the day.
“I am? I…usually Google or Dark tell me it’s annoying, Doc and Silver try to…help me stop it? I mean, it’s not bad but I guess it can be tiring – like trying to get my point across is like trying to get me to stop eating PB and Js heh–”
“Shh, forget those dummies,” she giggles, her hand moving down his body. Resting on his inner thigh. Listening to his heartbeat pick up, big brown eyes looking up submissively at her. 
“O-Oh,” he gulps, “Yan? I, erm…” he blushes, “you look….really cute today, and I…I’m feeling weird, a good weird but still…it’s like, fluttering in my tummy and shivering down my spine…”
“That’s good, Senpai.” she kisses him gently. His head following like a stray dog, wanting more of her. Wanting to chase the feeling. Said feeling intensifying as she traced circles into his thigh.
“Wanna make it feel even better, Senpai?”
a dazed nod was all King gave. Blush heavy as he tugged her closer to his own body.
“Please, Yan…”
She smirked wickedly.
King’s loud moans mixed with Yan’s quiet murmurs. The bed creaking with each rise and drop Yan did on his hard cock. Riding him like it was her job, hips thrusting as she sat on the base of his throbbing cock. Her smile never leaving as she leaned forward to capture him in a deep kiss, swallowing his hurried moans.
“You feel so good inside me, Senpai.” she moans, moving his hair from his eyes, “you feel so hard just for me, Senpai, you feel so good. I just want to feel you like this forever and ever,” she rambles on, “do you want to fuck me? Do you want me and only me, Senpai?”
“Please – y-yes, Yan, please move!”
She smiles. Knowing he’s her Senpai forever now.
She bounces on his cock once more. Her inner muscles pulling him in deeper. The curve of her soft ass hitting the softness of his thighs. Her own panties holding on by the thickness of her thigh as she rode him.
Her own cock dribbled pre cum against his flat tummy. The mere sight of her Senpai under him was enough to make her cum – yet she held on for him.
“Who do you belong to, Senpai? Who’s…” Yan panted, “Who’s your mistress?”
“Y-You, please…please go faster mistress –” he groans, “I’m all yours, please! Please, Miss!”
Hmm, she could get use to that. Especially coming from such a  flustered submissive mess like her Senpai was.
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minimoll7 · 6 years
do all that ask stuff bonch ;)
1: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?I’ve never smoked once in my life and I never will
2: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused?Single (tho lets be real here, I’m always confused. I never know what’s going on)
3: What if I told you that you were pretty?I’d probably be really flattered fhdugf
I answered questions 4-6 in my last post lol
7: Do you want to be single?Nah. I’d love to get a boyfriend someday and get married
8: Did you go out or stay in last night?*Hacker voice* I’m always in
9: How late did you stay up last night?I think I feel asleep at midnight?? Idk I just sort of fell asleep out of no where lol
10: Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot?I was in 8th grade, so like 2011 lol
11: Last three things you had to drink?Water, water and some water
12: Have you pretended to like someone?Unfortunately. Dumbest and most stupidest decisions I’ve ever made. I know I did it because I didn’t want to make someone feel bad but it was still a dumb decision in the end of it
13: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it?I’m assuming this means love in general, not like specifically romantic love because yes. I’ve said it to my dad like over a decade ago when I never meant it at all
14: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?No lol well, I’ve seen myself but I don’t think that counts fgydsgfd
15: Is it hard for you to get over someone?Yeah, I have a hard time letting go
16: Think back five months ago, were you single?Bitch I’ve always been single fhydsgf
17: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?Its like 12:29 right now fhydgsdf I’m answering questions ;)
18: Hold hands with anyone this week?No but I wanna
19: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?Never had alcohol, never will
20: What would you name your future daughter?Idk Robin maybe?? I love that name
21: Do you miss anyone?A lot of people :(
22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night?Haha bold of you to assume I kiss people
23: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?BOLD OF YOU TO ASSUME I KISS PEOPLE
24: Are you good at hiding your feelings?Depends on the situation and what I’m hiding. In some cases I can in others I can’t to save my life lol
25: Have you ever cried from being so mad?I cry easily from emotions so yeah I have. Most of the time tho its something related to my dad
26: Who did you last see in person?My parents ha
27: Are you listening to music right now?I sure heckin am my dudes!! Listening to the Hyrule Temple theme from Smash Melee
28: What is something you currently want right now?A break from stress lol also pizza
29: What is the last thing you said out lot?I’m assuming lot is supposed to be loud lol “Sorry that you can’t handle the truth” that or “puppy!” can’t remember which happened first fhydsgdf
30: How is your heart lately?Fine I think? Not a 100% sure what this is specifically asking for lol
31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?Only if I really need it
32: Are you wearing socks?Nah my feet are naked af
33: What do people call you?They call me the Great Apocalypse
34: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?Considering I don’t like anyone romantically, no. But I do like my friends platonically, so yeah I will ;)
35: Are there any stressful situations in your life?M a n y so many my dudes
36: Who did you last share a bed with?Myself ;) I’m crazy I know
37: Did you do something bad today?I ate junk food
38: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?That’s a good question, bold of you to assume I have a brain to remember stuff with
39: Do you get stressed out easily?Heckin yeah. I get stressed out so easily its ridiculous lol
40: Will you sing today?WILL I??? The world may never know!!
41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?Oof yeah all the time. Most of the time its simple stuff but I get anxiety or embarrassed so then I keep quiet. Sometimes the convo changes direction completely and its no longer relevant or important enough to bring up
42: Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?I go to like, most of my friends. There isn’t really just one person because I try to make sure I give my friends breaks from venting/negativity if I notice I go to them to frequently
43: Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?Nope!!
44: What are you listening to right now?The Title theme from Night in the Woods. I love it so much, its such a cool theme
45: What is wrong with you right now?Do you want a list. I can give you a list
46: What is on your wrists right now?My skin, maybe some hair who knows
47: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re weaW e a. My momma got my Zelda shirt from RedBubble lol
48: What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider?Hot chocolate I like it h o t
49: Do you make wishes at 11:11?Nah, I don’t believe in wishes lol
50: Are you a good artist?Sure am!! Someday I’ll get really heckin good to!!!
51: Love really is a beautiful thing huh?It certainly can be, yeah!
52: Do you miss the way things were six months ago?Not really lol not much changed, still hella stressed
53: Ever been on a golf cart?I don’t think so :0c
54: Do you have trust issues?Not usually lol
55: Ever stayed up all night on the phone, with who?I could never do that. I mean, I can stay up all night, my insomnia lets me do that no problem. But I’d get to tired, exhausted and really irritated if I was on the phone with someone the whole time
56: Do you own something from Hot Topic?I think one of my Zelda shirts is from Hot Topic. But I got it YEARS ago so I’m not sure
57: Do you use chap stick?Sadly I do lol
58: Have you ever slapped someone in the face?In a gentle, joking way, yes I have
59: Do you have a little sister?I am the little sister fdydfsgfg
60: Have you ever been to New York?Briefly, just on my way to Pennsylvania and then back on my way home. But I was a little kid so I don’t remember much
61: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?Of course! :D
62: Have you hugged someone within the last week?Yeah I hugged my momma!
63: What were you doing at midnight last night?Pissing and then falling asleep
64: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?BOLD. OF. YOU. TO. ASSUME. I. KISS. PEOPLE. fhydsgdfgfdsgf
65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?I have a few actually, but yeah!! :D You’re one of them, Zanky ;)
66: Were your last three kisses from the same person?Do I need to shoot your knees
67: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days?I’m going to shoot your knees
68: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?I’m used to sleeping alone so I think I prefer it. But having people sleep even in just the same room with me does bring me comfort
69: Will next Friday be a good one?I think so, it should be
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shookethbrooketh · 6 years
hello this week I’ve been working, sleeping, and taking photographs with my camera 💜
url: sorry i don’t get it! // nice!! // ooo snazzy! // how did you get this??? // this deserves a place in the hall of phame // other
icon: selfie- honestly?? you’re too cute // whomstve is that? // heck i love it!! // where did you get this i’m stealing it // i want 10 of those // other
mobile theme: lil bland and/or messy but i like it! // so nice!! // ICONIC! // the color scheme/aesthetic is too amazing // excuse me while i recover from all that beauty // other
desktop theme: default // p cool // i love it sm!! // dan’s passion for graphic design is quaking // how do you even do this give me lessons // other: i can’t see it for some reason hhh
content: not rlly my thing // bit of a mess but nice! // A Good Content™ // 10/10 // i would and probably will reblog all your posts // no original content but i’m in love with your reblog choices // other
following: ur gr9 but sorry no! // now i am! // heckin yeet // wtf of course i am ur an icon // we’re mutuals and ilysm // other
comment: “80% tired 20% also tired” is a big ass mood
rating: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10
tell me what you’ve been up to this week to get a blograte!
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With all the respect possible: Why the strict no-smut policy? I have no problem with it, I was just wondering.
No problem! I’ll explain. 
Little known Cole fact; I am asexual! Now that can mean a variety of things from ace to ace, but in my case, I am mostly a sex repulsed asexual. You have to be one hell of a person for me to ‘warm up’ to you; I often question whether or not I’m demisexual, but regardless of that, I don’t like mentions of sex. Reading it makes me personally feel voyeuristic, and writing it makes me uncomfortable. 
I’ve tried to write it, because I’ve gotten so many asks when I was in other fandoms to write smut, but it always felt stiff and empty. I like my writing to be full of emotion, and when I’m filled with ill emotion or dread when writing something, it shows. Many people in my old fandoms wanted me to write transgender sex scenes, often because they had a fetish. Their requests were along the lines of ‘‘sh*male’ and ‘tr*nny’ sin’. It was despicable. I didn’t understand why sex between people like me was a sin. But I felt like I had to write it; I was young and didn’t know how to stand up for myself. I wanted to fit in.   
I was tired of being pressured by people in my old fandoms and I was also very uncomfortable, so when I moved here, I wanted to make it explicitly clear that the Sex is a no-no. I hope you understand.  I know you’re not causing a problem, and I’m not mad; I’m just glad someone finally asked so maybe all those hecKIN ANONS ASKING FOR SMUT SCENES WILL S T O P omg I am bitter  
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