#I am very sick rn
naoisbroke · 5 months
Some ideas for how magic works in the STF universe for my fic! Some of this *may* be able to be Headcanons? I’m not far enough yet to see whether or not there’s anything notable to contradict it yet. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy!!
One of the main questions I had was what the difference in a witch vs a sorcerer was in the show. I mean, they both use magic, right? But isn’t Cedric’s mom referred to as a sorcerer? And wasn’t Ms. Nettle’s disguise referred to as a sorcerer as well? So, then, if female sorcerers aren’t witches, what defines the two? It isn’t good vs evil either, because Lucinda never calls herself a sorcerer, just a “good witch”
My idea thus far is that witches (and wizards) are born with magic inside of them that they can harness and use at their will, whilst sorcerers command the magic in the areas around them.
I guess technically fairies could be considered witches as well under this rule, but I figure fairies are more of a non-human species, while witches (in my reasoning) are a human species.
This makes two categories of humans that use magic: either they’re a witch born with strong magic in them that they control, or they’re a sorcerer who commands the magic around them
I also like to believe that witches can’t do what sorcerers do and vise versa, but I’m open to changing that if the need arises.
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Danny has the ghost flu. It's not contagious. So what's the harm in answering a summons from his favorite group of heroes in the sky? Coddling. They knew IMMEDIATELY that something was up and now they aren't leaving Danny alone. On the plus side, he's in space! On the downside, his powers are acting up with the ghost flu and they just aren't letting him go home.
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mushed-kid · 2 months
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i tried rendering and turns out i fucking hate it !
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queen0fm0nsterz · 10 months
thinking about the Lady again and she actually is the Character Ever.
Starting off with her design. How ridiculously simple it is, right? Her yukata is plain brown and has a single layer, her wig (and yes, I am positive what she wears is not her hair but a wig soley because of how easily it comes undone... that kind of hairstyle is meant to STICK when done with actual hair) has no decorations befitting a woman of her powerful status and her mask is nothing but... empty. You could mistake her for a mannequin and you wouldn't even be wrong. It's by design, after all: she is as insanely important, as a figure, as she is anonymous as a person.
But then, it's with amusement that you note that that boring, unexpressive mask is called the "Rascal's mask" when unlocked. It's such an oddly affectionate nickname stemming from a person so utterly despicable. And then you notice her hair. Her long, black hair that should be hidden under her wig, as the hairstyle goes, but are instead hanging out freely. Not very traditional at all, right? You could almost read it as a small act of defiance of... something. Now, what that thing is, I doubt even she knows. Maybe it's just her way to seek individuality without having to step into zones she does not want to touch.
And then, of course, the lack of shoes. It's not uncommon for people to wear slippers in the house - especially for the Japanese - but she just... doesn't. In that small, small way, she is similar to Six - and every other child in the Maw running around barefoot. Except she's above running, of course. She's got the privilege of floating like a ghost so that she may never touch the ground.
(The only time when this rule is broken is when she fights Six, poetically enough. You can see her visibly step back.)
These strange little things are the first things that push you to wonder about her as a person. Not the title, not the Lady of the Maw: the individual behind the mask. Who is that person? What is she like? Is there a way to answer these questions? I think yes, if you know where to look - but is it worth to ask these questions considering what she does?
That depends on you. Me personally, I think there is narrative worth to be found in what she has to hide. Her foil, Six, finds value in the aspects of herself she does not hide: she is very unapologetic in her selfhood. The Lady isn't, for the most part.
(I wonder if that would make her envious of her younger counterpart in a different context?)
Frankly, looking back on her choice of attire, the fact that her personal bedroom is barely decorated is not surprising. She only has the essentials: a bed, the vase with the key, a few pictures of importance (of people long forgotten, herself included no doubt) and... an ungodly amount of misplaced clothes all over her quarters. All the same yukata, repeated over and over, maniacally folded and arranged in towers, but never where they're supposed to be.
A bedroom is the reflection of yourself. Of your inner world. The fact hers looks so barebones is quite telling about who she is. Or isn't. She herself may have some trouble trying to figure that one out.
I think that, in a vacuum, it's easy to assume that the reason she's so displeased by her reflection is soley out of vanity. That is definitely part of it, but I don't think that's all there is. Because after seeing the mannequins that all look just like her, the four women in the picture who also wear her same exact clothes... and that hidden quote.
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This quote, which is from Alice in Wonderland. Specifically from a conversation in which Alice expresses how she doesn't recognise herself anymore because of how many times she grew big and small during the course of the day. She is not the same person she was before entering Wonderland.
I find the way she clings to the dolls and the music box to be much more... sombre when keeping this in mind. In a way, that scene is reminiscent of Monster Six clinging to her music box in the chaos of the Tower; an attempt to attach to something safe. For the Lady, it's even more personal. Those are her toys. Her song. No one can take them from her and claim them as theirs. These materialistic tomes are physical proof of her identity. She likes dolls, and she likes to sing that song from her music box. Surely, that much is something.
But a ceramic toy and an old music box are not really enough to placate the inner turmoil. Hence the broken mirrors, the hidden statues... the hung down portraits with their eyes scratched out - from times of the past. There is a person looking back in the mirror which she does not recognise. That can't be her, right?
It isn't. The reflection is but a faux image of her outward appearence. The inside, however... much like this concept art shows, she is melting away. Rapidly decaying no matter how much she tries to stick to her youth.
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Because at the end of the day, that's what she's doing, no? The toys, the music box, her appearence... all of it, just to cling a bit more to the person she used to be. Point being that I doubt even she remembers what she used to be.
You'd think a person like this would be inclined to feel at least some sympathy for all the lost children wandering the Nowhere. A sense of kinship, perhaps, or even just... basic human compassion. She has proved to have very human emotions, after all. This is where she proves you wrong. Whenever you think she's stepped the lowest, she always goes lower.
In her humanity, she is brutal. Relentless, ruthless. She offers no sympathy to anyone and has no empathy to spare either. She is very much aware of what's going on under her roof: she not only allows the Maw to continue being the way it is in spite of having the power to change things, but she actively engages in its despicable practices. She has petrified children in her quarters, as well as their ashes - of which the use is unclear - and then she is responsible for the Nome population and exploitation being so large and so eerily heavy. She's twisted necks, broken bones, murdered innocents.
The Shadow Children are, to me, one her greatest offenses. I don't think they serve any particular purpose other than... being there because she wanted to make them. Children ripped away from their life because of her whims. Not even in death can they rest because she can get her hands on their souls. They're nameless, forgotten shadows with blank masks: they're just like their creator, in that way. Ripped of all individuality and devoid of everything.
Everything she sees, the Lady devours. Not a creature is safe from her shadows and her wrath, especially if they come and actively intrude in her activities. She's twice as aggressive if the Maw is at stake.
The Lady's personal bedroom has another motif piece which I did not previously mention: the Maw wallpaper. While Roger and the Chefs have wallpapers that portray them with her, the Lady... does not. She only has the Maw. She's not part of that picture.
The Lady can't let the Maw change its ways. She is the Maw. The Maw must survive: so must she. To change the Maw would mean challenging herself enough to bring about a change; to her, who does nothing but lament what she lost, that would be too much effort. Too outside of the comfortable zone where she can survive in peace. Miserable, but unbothered.
... For the most part. Until Six comes around.
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ineed-to-sleep · 7 months
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Me rn
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peachtaglia · 5 months
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elliott stardew valley....... my wifme,..... i think that it is so funny that one of his loved gifts is a whole live lobster what on earth does he do with that thing..
My farmer is a loser fisherman more than they are a farmer. and,, somehow scored elliott????
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rottysphere · 1 year
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kill a man
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month
Hi Uncle Neen! HYH! It sucks to see you struggling cuz you are a big inspiration of mine :( but you said you did your makeup the other day. Can we seeeeeeeeee maybe?
d'awwww ksahdlkdss, you are so sweet, nonnie! thank you so so soooo much, baby! xx i really needed this. i hope i heal ( i will...i have to, i am too much of an asshole to let god win, fuck him ) and i hope you heal from whatever harms you as well! you can do it! mWAH!~
-- also brb crying ;-; <3333 whenever y'all tell me i inspire you, it seriously makes me want to cry; you mean SO much to me, so to mean so much to you; it's Everything to me, my love. thank you for believing in me, know i believe infinitely in YOU and will keep fighting the good fight, living authentically and modelling pos behavior on this blog bc i take being a role model very seriously. :')
BUT ANYWAYS! sakhdlasd oh my god aaAaaAAAaa please!!! YOU ARE SO CUTE, THIS IS SO CUTE OF YOU, hELP AAAAA!!!!!! but yes, of course, of course. considering i am super bacteria nina right now and had to resign from my ( admittedly ) trash job and am no longer, at this moment, an education girlie ( besides on here, ofc, educating you on my two gay sons in love ), i can freely exist and post pictures of myself again! thank you for for giving me a safe place to do that. <3
i'll elaborate on what 'safe' means to me down below, but just for context i took this...sigh...last week, when i was told i would 'all better', just trying to feel like myself again after a month of being unmadeup and unfitted and ugly and troll-like and on death fucking row and fucking miserable as hell, i had my new hair appointment lined up, was about ready to take life by the balls again...and that shit BLUE BALLED ME SO HARD AND SAID *ravenstan vc* JK, BABY!
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okay, sorry i have some really bad scarring and wounding up there by my neck so i had to cover her up but...there she is! the she beast!
as for posting pictures of myself just...please...PLEASE BE KIND. and i wish i meant that as a joke, i mean it very, VERY seriously. i am at a point right now, where i look my very fucking worst, i am weaker than i have ever been in my life, there are abrasions all over my body, which per the results of my culture ( i was right...several fucking times and no one would listen to me ) my body is trying to kill me and right now...it is Winning. ( i'm not gonna lose tho, dw, i am a nasty bitch from hell and i refuse to die this ugly, i fucking won't; choke )
i know we shoot the shit on here and are funny and clown eachother, you guys are my family; it's what families do, but my boundary is that you can say i am pretty and be objectively kind or Please do not send me anything At ALL about how i look; i CANNOT take it rn. i know were just joking, but please, please, PLEASE Do NOT compare me to any ugly creatures, make me feel weird about any part of my face, tell me i look blurry, say anything is too big or too small…
please don’t meme on me abt my appearance...Ever.
it’s a very sensitive spot for me and makes me v anxious.
all this to say, i love you; thank you for being my home.
-uncle nina, single ravesey mother and human petri dish
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crybabydaydream · 24 hours
hey i just thought you guys should know in case you want to use this info against me for horny reasons that im pretty much always on the verge of tears and it takes little to no effort to make me cry
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mochinon-yah · 7 months
Happy super late Valentine's Day! (2)
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Behind the scene (bloopers):
"Yeah, pose just like that!"
"Like this...?"
"Mhm! Now, do a creepy, almost crazy-like smile! Rather than a villain look, i think a crazy one fits you more."
"—or you could just smile."
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SORRY BUT I COULDN'T HOLD IT IN ANYMORE AAAAA- white day isn't really far off, but i don't wanna keep rin waiting for too long lmaooo. I should've posted the finished artwork at feb 14th but yea, stuff happened and school was (and still) killing me-
ANYWAY CAN I JUST SAY THAT I LOVE COVIELLO KLNFOEIJFOW- i would be delighted to draw more of covi, maybe as a chibi next time >;)
Anyway @meimeimeirin or @zhongrin, this is your lovely baby <3 I hope the drawing matches your expectations lol. I actually wanted to draw their official clothes, but i was like gosh, i wanna see hot covi. Though, in my defense, their top was supposed to be sleeveless (because that's hotter), but then i was like "wouldn't it be uncomfy if you're doing a pose like that while being sleeveless?" so that's what happened- yeah no, it's actually because i rarely draw sleeveless top in the past, so i thought it would be safer if i didn't draw it.
Another thing is that i wanted to draw their mask, but i was a little confused by the design, so i just kinda went without it hehe 🙏 it would be fun if i experimented on this drawing to make it look more lively, but i didn't wanna ruin their image 😔👉👈 with theo, i was more comfortable since the clothes were all covering his body (i love rendering clothes' folds), but with covi, i was a bit confused... BUT HONESTLY IT'S MY FAULT FOR PICKING THAT POSE FOR THEM LMAOOO
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some lil slumber doodles for @sunnyys-jarss cuz cuz I wanted to practice using just colors instead of lineart...i have learned that I kind of hate it cuz it takes forever but they turned out okay i guess? but anyways here's the guy!
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kuromi-hoemie · 1 month
me n my manager are gonna be alone at the office tomorrow after hours and she stunlocked me saying she's getting us dinner and to start thinking about what i want to eat with a lil ;) like ma'am... I'll answer the question but god can i be so fucking real with you right now 😩😵‍💫 i won't but i want her.. i haven't gotten to be with her in so long I'm kind of nervous (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
i know i won't need to be she is such a sweetie ♡⁠ talking to her is like immediately being enveloped in warmth. ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ i am experiencing a whirlwind of emotions and really looking forward to tomorrow. I'm so happy she's back, i love her
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spilledmilkfkdies · 10 months
Fucking uh red string of fate AU for the Black Circle except they're all soulmates so it just looks like
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They are tangled the absolute fuck up. You'd think getting rid of one of them would fix it maybe a little bit, but it really wouldn't.
Istg when this writer's block let's me survive and I end up finishing my requests, you best believe I'm gonna start birthing the most mushy and cheesy trope filled fics, lactose intolerant people cOUNT your DAYS. I'm talking soulmate AUs, hanahaki, fucking coffeeshop sure why not- I'm shoving both of my hands right in there, just you wait. That is a threat.
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faithdragon36 · 4 months
When you think of it the premise of spider man doesnt really fit pecause none of the powers he got from the spider were spider related.. like he got Sticking to things (geckos). And super strength (ants). And Predicting tge Fucking Future (FUCKING NOTHING!!! NO ANIMAL CAN DO THAT. except maybe dolphins I guess I read something about that somewhere but it was probably wrong) . You could make an argument for detecting electrical fields but I Really dont think thats how its supposed to work. There are animals that can do that tho iirc
Web shooting??? GUESS WHAT. HE MADE A MACHINE. THAT DOES THAT. THATS NOT EVEN HIS POWERS. HES JUST THAT SMART plus like spiders arent the only animal that makes silk. Silkworms do that too. Take that marvel.
Dont even get me started on miles morales. I fucking love into the spider verse and miles and everything about that series. but. HIS POWERS ARE EVEN LESS SPIDER RELATED THO. invisibility?? SHOOTING LIGHTNING??????? Cuttlefish and eel respectively. ZERO SPIDER ANYWHERE..
Anyway my point is. No powers/“batman” spiderman au. Is this a thing. Please send fics
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fereldanwench · 10 months
why actually do my job when i can just drink coffee and stare at pictures of valerie while rewatching the same three youtube videos for 4 hours
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oohbuggypie · 6 months
if i can actually learn how to draw buff men correctly ill draw bald bull in a dress for u 🙏🙏
i think God came down 4 this one ANON U SWEET SOUL ... Bull in a dress will cure my ailments heal my partners who r suffering and grace the entire world with wellbeing .. bless u 🩷✝️
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