#I can get a bit irrationally nervous talking about this kinda thing but
Hey I’ve heard you have your own sparrow rare pair with nick
may I offer nick doing gender-fluid sparrow’s eyeliner.
👀👉👈 Who me? A rare pair? No no… I would never… And certainly not one that’s doomed to be unpopular in light of popular fanon, no, that would be so foolish of me…
(You know, the thing about rare pairs is, a lot of it is just people taking their favourite characters and making them smooch, and yes I am no exception)
☺️🌸 and yes, you absolutely may! Truthfully I’d accept this with any form of Sparrow, though the specific appeal of gender fluid Sparrow is one that I’ve toyed with on my own time 🤔 (true for Lark as well actually? Ik this isn’t about him but… Well idk truthfully I’ve never been the type to get super caught up in those kinds of HCs necessarily but for some reason when it comes to Lark… Idk it interests me a bit more for whatever reason!). Anyways yes! This is very sweet fluffy and up my alley 🥰
:] Eventually Sparrow would try doing Nick’s eyeliner too I think! Maybe those art skills would come in handy…
😤😌💜 Thank you kindly for the offering!
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oozeyboozey-archive · 5 months
How do you deal when you know you’re being irrationally jealous? How often do your admit you were wrong?
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there's a pause at the first question before looking back to answer the question. ❝ i think i can count on one hand the amount of times i've been nervous. ❞ and all of those were years ago. ❝ there was this one time when my dad gave more attention to my brother than me , and i was a bit petty about it. got all grouchy and sparring / playtime was over. didn't last long. dad caught on pretty quick though , so that didn't last long. i guess i'm just . . not a jealous person really. ever since that one time it wasn't something that i ever experienced. before or after. so i suppose the best way i could say , is i get pretty petty. but it's been a while. so things might have changed. ❞
❝ how often do i admit when i'm wrong? i mean . . . fairly often. my brother's a fuckin genius and is usually right about most things. oh . . you were talking about more than that? ❞ there's another pause. her lips rolling before she looked down to her feet. ❝ it uh . . doesn't come up much. but i'm not a fan of being wrong. i just kinda get short for a few minutes i guess. nothin serious though. ❞
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gureishi · 3 years
dude okay so this is kinda specific and also probably not very original or anything ekdbsisj
how do you think saeyoung would react/feel if (during the apartment days), his MC started crying (or almost) after that one (or maybe two? cant remember, and im only halfway through day 7 on the current playthroygh) time where he just... got really mad n yelled... hhh his expression was scary,,
getting yelled out is already a lil agitating for me... and I know i would be automatically already a lil sensitive cos i would be nervous from the last few days (rsd would nerf me) -- meaning i would be a lil more emotional/easily affected than usual ;;;
on top of that ive never had a guy yell at me djvdjdj so it would be a lil scary, i wont lie.
wanna clarify: the crying wouldn't be on purpose lol, i would definitely try n hide it. easier said then done though... OTL
jsvfsh this is so long n specific n kinda personal to me?? im sure im not alone regarding the general idea though. anyways jdbdjs sorry lolol-
and im jus asking for your thoughts or maybe HCs? whichever you feel works best!
also sorry if we've talked about this before i have a bad memory-
btw ur amazing love u
Love you too dear Four! And oh boy do I relate to this. I do not handle being yelled at well and would, without a doubt, cry multiple times in this scenario (/ω\)
Saeyoung reacting to his MC crying in the apartment 
He’s never felt like this before. He sort of thought he’d been through it all: wrung every last bit of love and fear and desperation out of himself till there was nothing left but the things that make him useful: his clever hands and his brilliant (weary) mind.
When you speak to him so tenderly—hovering just at the edge of his space, eyes full of something he can’t (won’t) identify—he feels like his heart is too big for his body, and he can’t think straight, or see straight, or make his miserable mind form the words he needs to say to you.
He’s angry because he can’t understand why you’re gazing at him that way, like you’d do anything to ease the pounding in his skull; he’s angry because none of his words are getting through to you, and he doesn’t know how to make you understand that he’s not the person he made you believe he was. And he is angry because he knows, without a doubt, that he’s in far too deep already, and that if anything were to happen to you now, his desperate heart would break for good.
He knows how to lie (it is, in his opinion, the only real skill he has)—so he does. He tells you he wishes you’d leave him alone—tells you to stay away—tells you he feels nothing for you at all. He raises his voice (but oh, as the stinging words tear from his throat his heart wants to crawl out of his skin and throw itself into your arms).
You say nothing. Good, he thinks; and he forces his attention back to his screen (eyes blurry, hands shaking). He hears the sound of your footsteps as you retreat to the farthest corner of the apartment, and something inside him seems to go with you—since the very first time he heard your voice, he thinks, a part of him is always with you. With every day that goes by, that part gets bigger: soon, there will be nothing left of him at all.
With his eyes trained on the screen (and most of his attention on you), he hears the tiny sounds you’re making: shifting, he thinks at first, getting comfortable. Maybe even going to sleep.
But no: you are so quiet only somebody with senses that have been heightened from years of training (years of hiding, and fleeing, and fighting for his life) would hear. But there’s a whimper—a vague, almost indistinct sniffling.
Oh no. Oh god.
Oh god oh god oh god.
Years of agency training have taught him to turn his back on people who are begging, or whining, or crying—but he’s never been any good at it.
And this is you: and his scrambled mind races, his heart drumming so loud against his ribs he is sure you can hear it. He would, he thinks wildly, do absolutely anything in the world to never hear you make such a miserable sound again.
Before he realizes what he’s doing, he stands. The room spins; he’s weak, and hungry, and angry, and scared; his stomach is in knots and the darkened room seems to tilt sideways around him. 
You don’t seem to have noticed that he’s moved; you’re hiding your face in your shirt, back turned to him—and you are still (so very still). He doesn’t remember how to breathe.
“Uh...” he says, and the sound echoes horribly in the dull, sparsely furnished room. You say nothing. He clears his throat, takes an unsteady step toward you. He’s not thinking rationally anymore—not thinking about scaring you off, or keeping you safe. All he wants is to see that look in your eyes again: that soft one, the one that makes his hands and feet feel too big and his skin seem to burn and his breath catch in his throat.
“Are, uh...are you okay?” he rasps. You’re still ignoring him, which is a first; your face is turned away, so he goes to your side, kneeling on the floor beside you. You sniffle. He feels like his heart is going to burst.
“Yeah,” you say—and unlike him, you are not such a good liar. Without meaning to, he reaches for you: finds his fingers (of their own accord) doing what they’ve been itching to do since the moment he first laid eyes on you. He touches your hair—brushing it off your face, tucking it behind you ear.
Your eyes, he thinks (fiercely, irrationally): he needs to see your eyes.
“Don’t believe you,” he says. With a sigh of exasperation, you turn to him: oh, and your eyes are blazing, red-rimmed. And he is the one who has done this to you—he is the monster who has made you suffer.
His mind seems to have driven itself into the ground. Suddenly, he can’t remember how to do anything at all.
But his body moves of its own accord, because his heart has always been eons ahead of his (brilliant and foolish) mind.
“Hey,” he finds himself murmuring, brushing your cheek with his rough fingertips (and he knows he shouldn’t, but now that he’s here, he is finding it almost impossible to resist). “I know,” he says, without even quite understanding what he means. “I know.”
You watch him; and there it is again—just for a moment, that softness deep in your eyes that sets him on fire.
“I’m sorry,” he says, the words springing to his lips before his brain can get in his way. “I’m so, so...I didn’t mean to...I never...”
You shake your head, and your hair falls into your eyes again. He brushes it back, finding that there is nothing—nothing—in the world quite as wonderful as the feeling of your warm skin under his fingers.
“I get it,” you tell him. “You don’t need to apologize.”
“I can’t...” He makes himself take a deep breath, and regrets it instantly as his senses are flooded by the warm, enticing scent of you. He feels you all around him now. “I didn’t mean it,” he says quietly. “Please. I can’t stand to see you making that face.”
You force a watery laugh, and the effort you are making for him is almost too much. His mind races. For a moment, he imagines how it would feel to wrap your small body in his arms—to press his lips to your temple and feel your heart beating against his skin.
“How’s this?” you say. You offer him a passable impression of a smile, and he wants to throw himself at your feet.
“Terrible,” he says. You laugh, and it sounds a tiny bit more believable this time. You are looking at him, and there it is again: that softening in your eyes that makes him think (just for a moment) that there could be a happy ending for him after all.
“I...” he starts. What? He can’t tell you how he feels—what he wants—what he is afraid of. Not here. Not now. Not yet. “Please,” he finds himself whispering. “Can you...just give me a little more time?”
You nod, and there is a strength in you that nearly knocks him off his feet.
“Yeah,” you say: and this time you sound like you mean it.
Against his will, he pushes himself up—makes his way back to his miserable little corner of the room. But he pauses—turns—and you are still waiting, still watching him. Of course you are.
“I’m gonna make it right,” he says, not quite meeting your eyes. Never, he thinks: he will never ever make you cry again.
“I believe you,” you say.
It is the first time anyone has ever told him this.
His heart shivers.
“I won’t let you down,” he says—promises. He means it with all his heart.
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stargaze-sunflower · 3 years
(Not) Okay
Summary: After finding out that Dewey had been researching their mom on his own, Huey and Louie are surprisingly forgiving. Dewey doesn't think he deserves it.
Ao3 Link Word Count: 1737
Dewey didn’t usually have difficulty sleeping. Not like Louie, who’d always had more trouble than most, or Huey, who got caught up in his head sometimes and couldn’t seem to shake it. Dewey wasn’t like that. If he ever couldn’t fall asleep, it was most commonly caused by lingering excitement over an adventure they’d gone on that day, or the anticipation of an adventure they’d go on tomorrow. He was used to those types of jitters. He could handle it.
He couldn’t handle this.
It was late enough in the night that it was now classified as early in the morning, and Dewey hadn’t slept a wink. He’d been stuck tossing and turning and staring up at the bottom of Huey’s bunk for hours, at this point, and he was sick of it. He wondered if this was how Louie felt, when he was too restless to sleep. He wondered if this was how Huey felt, when he couldn’t quiet his mind. A little irrationally, Dewey wondered if he’d ever sleep again. Dramatic, he knew, but he was getting desperate, and he was so tired. A demon dog had chased him today, on top of the emotional typhoon he’d had to endure, and those things together tended to be exhausting.
(“How could you keep this from us?”
“I was trying to protect you from a potentially devastating revelation!”
“Or you just kept it to yourself so you could feel special. Classic Dewey. She’s our mom!”)
Dewey’s breath hitched as the scene played in his head for what had to be the hundredth time in the past few hours, and he brought his hands up to drag them down his face in frustration, groaning quietly. He tried to tell himself that it was over, that Huey and Louie had forgiven him for keeping secrets, but all he could remember was the looks on their faces when they’d found out what he’d been doing. All he could see whenever he closed his eyes was Huey’s hurt glare, and Louie on the floor cradling their mom’s jacket, smaller than he’d ever seen him.
God, he’d messed up so bad.
‘I messed up I messed up I messed up—’
The thought was echoing in his head, bouncing off the edges and coming back stronger – louder. It was all he could think, and his lungs were growing tighter and tighter, his breaths coming shorter and shorter, and he was blindsided with the worry that he was about to die, that this was his punishment for keeping secrets and hurting his brothers when all he ever wanted to do was keep them safe.
He tried to swallow, but his mouth was dry. All the moisture in his body seemed to be directed at the tears that he’d just noticed were rolling down his face, and he kicked his blanket off of his legs in a fit of panic, suddenly unable to cope with the feeling of it against his skin.
The rush of cold air that followed the removal of the blanket shocked him into being able to focus just enough to hear someone climbing up the ladder to his bunk. A new and different type of panic overtook him then, because the last thing he felt he deserved in that moment was sympathy. Or worse – pity. Whoever it was had been through enough today without adding Dewey’s little freak-out into the mix.
He wiped at his eyes frantically, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to hide the evidence of his fragile emotional state, but trying anyway. The mattress dipped next to him, and Dewey chanced a look out of the corner of his eye.
It was Louie, of course, because who else would it be. If Dewey was having trouble sleeping, then certainly his brother had to be struggling as well. Louie had issues falling asleep on good days. Still, though—
“Sorry to wake you up,” Dewey said, his voice shaky but not quite as obviously distressed as he thought it’d be. Maybe he could be an actor one day, after all. “I mean, did I— Were you—?”
“I wasn’t sleeping,” Louie said quietly, pulling his knees up to his chest and leaning against the wall next to him. He shrugged jerkily, and it tugged at something in Dewey’s chest. “I just— I dunno. Are you okay?”
“Am I okay?” Dewey repeated incredulously, still feeling very much like he’d run a marathon and was seconds away from passing out. “I should be asking you that. I’m the one who— I got us into that whole mess today! I’m the one who didn’t tell you about— I didn’t— I—”
(“Louie, are you okay?”
“You kept a secret about mom. That is not okay.”)
“Hey, Dew?” Louie asked gently, though with a slight tremor to his voice. Dewey hummed to show he was listening, though it was higher pitched than normal. “Can I— Is it okay if I touch you?”
Dewey took a brief moment to process the question, nodding his head almost immediately after. Louie grabbed his hand, and Dewey held on for dear life, forcing himself to reconnect with the present and keep himself grounded. It was only working a little bit.
A sob caught in his throat. He was tired, and he kind of felt like he wanted to go home, but he was already there. It was a confusing feeling.
What he really wanted was to feel safe, and whole, and loved, even though he’d made the worst mistake of his life. Even though he wasn’t sure if he’d earned it.
“You’re okay, Dew, I promise,” Louie said, and he sounded worried, scooting a little closer on the bed. “Breathe with me, okay?”
Louie brought their connected hands over to rest against his chest, demonstrating slow, even breaths. Dewey did his best to follow, and it took longer than he felt like it should have, but Louie never rushed him, and he didn’t seem angry with him.
Eventually, the vice around his chest and lungs seemed to loosen, and his mind cleared a little. All he was left with was his exhaustion, and yet he still didn’t think he could fall asleep. Regardless, he leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, avoiding Louie’s concerned gaze and yet still holding tightly to his hand.
Somewhere outside, an owl hooted.
“So, uh, do you want to talk about that?” Louie asked after a few long seconds of silence. Dewey could feel his younger brother’s heart pounding, and he felt a stab of familiar guilt. “I mean, panicking and all is never fun, so… I mean, usually I’m the one who needs the help, so I don’t know if I did it right. The helping part, I mean, ‘cause Huey usually does that. This kinda felt like the blind leading the blind, you know? But I hope you— I hope you feel better, and if you want to talk about it, I, uh, I can listen.”
Dewey blinked in surprise at the rush of nervous words that had just come from his brother, and he turned to look at Louie, who was looking back at him anxiously, but with care in his eyes. For some reason, it made him tear up.
“Why would you want to?” Dewey asked – blurted, really, because he certainly hadn’t authorized that coming out of his mouth. He could roll with it, though. He kind of wanted an answer, anyway. “I was terrible to you and Huey today. I’ve been hiding things for months, I—”
He cut himself off and looked out the window to pull himself together. There was no moon in the sky tonight, and that bothered him, for some reason.
“…I’m sorry,” Dewey finished lamely. It didn’t feel like enough. “I’m so sorry.”
“We forgave you, Dew,” Louie reminded him, squeezing his hand. “It wasn’t, like, okay, but I don’t blame you. Huey doesn’t either.”
“You should,” Dewey insisted, swallowing past the lump in his throat, staring at their dark bedroom. “I know it hurt you guys. I know I messed up.”
“I mean, yeah,” Louie said, though not unkindly. “You’re not perfect, Dewey. You’re gonna make mistakes sometimes. I’m sure Mom made mistakes, too.”
“I’m not gonna lie to you,” Louie continued, cutting him off. “It did hurt me. It still does, honestly. But I— I mean, I get it, I guess.”
Dewey stared down at his bed, feeling the pit in his stomach like a weight dragging him down.
“You were always the one who was asking Uncle Donald about mom. I knew it was important to you.” Louie pulled his knees tighter to his chest, still holding Dewey’s hand and not seeming keen to let go. “I guess I never really gave you much reason to think that it was important to me, too.”
“She’s our mom. I knew you cared about it,” Dewey said, and then he sighed. “I just— It wasn’t much, at first, but it went from 0 to 100 real quick, and I didn’t want to pull you guys into it. I didn’t want you to get hurt.”
“Oh, but risking yourself was fine?” Louie snapped, and Dewey winced. His voice softened when he kept speaking. “You’re my brother, Dew. I want to help. You don’t have to carry all this on your own.”
“I thought I could wait until I had good news to tell you,” Dewey said quietly.
“In this economy?” Louie asked wryly, and Dewey snorted.
“I guess it was pretty stupid,” Dewey admitted, his shoulders dropping.
“We’re all entitled to our moments of questionable intelligence,” Louie said, pressing closer to his side with a yawn. He lazily raised his free hand to poke at Dewey’s chest. “I forgive you. I’m not holding a secret grudge. I really don’t have the energy for it.”
“Yeah. Okay,” Dewey said, a smile tugging at his beak. “No more secrets, Lou. I promise.”
“Does this mean that you’re gonna tell me where you hid the TV remote?”
“Come on, let’s not get too crazy.”
Louie giggled quietly under his breath, and Dewey grinned, resting his chin on top of Louie’s head as his younger brother collapsed onto him.
“You gonna stay here for tonight?” Dewey asked, already beginning to draw his blanket over them.
“As if I’d leave,” Louie said, casual as ever, and Dewey’s grin fell into something softer.
Yeah, things were okay.
(This is a gift for @reesiereads Ily)
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shyrose57 · 3 years
2: At first? No. Ran was the first one who noticed when something was off but Ranbob brushed it off as him being tired. Though when he saw that his brother was still acting that way he kept checking in, til "Ranbob" eventually snapped at him one day, scaring and hurting Ran enough to get him to stop. His parents and Lias and Memi also noticed, but Lias and Memi didn't ask as often because Ran told them not too, and when Memi asked Ranbob gently told her its ok and to not worry. Lias was hesitant to accept this but eventually did, with Ranbob promising to tell him if something was wrong, a promise he sadly broke. Ranbob was close to his family, especially his younger siblings, and loved to play and study with them. He had a lot of friends at first that he played games with and joked around with. Though after he started to get out under more pressure and the introduction of Dream he got distant, lost all of his friends (even though he still cared for them), didn't play with Lias or Memi nearly as much, started skipping dinners and not talking to his parents or Ran. And when Dream was mostly and fully in control, he stopped talking at all, and ignored everyone. Lias desperately tried to get him to talk but that just resulted in a harsh stare with a silent promise, Memi tried to hug him, which he then pushed her away, and when Ran tried one last time to talk to him, but "Ranbob" just punched him and walked away. When his parents tried one very last time to intervene, that's when it got fatal. The Gladiators where horrified at what they read, finding it hard to believe and making them sick to their stomach. Benjamin caught them reading it, though he simply sadly smiled at them and said, "I read it too. Its horrible isn't it? He didn't deserve to go through that. But we'll help him. We'll help him be free and be himself again, I promise you, and everyone else. We'll save him." They felt like they where staring at a ghost, it was unnerving, to see such a happy and young Ranbob, knowing what will happen to him that will wipe him clean of all happiness. And it felt disrespectful when they caught sights of Ranya, Seth, Lias, and Memi. Cause they never knew them, and now they where looking into the such happy and gleeful eyes of dead people who don't know the torture their son and brother is going through. (And that went for everyone)
3: This is literally Ran's mentally when it comes to being stabbed, "I've been stabbed multiple times before and I haven't died. Therefor, I am immortal." Yes he is :). He gets threatened with Benjamin because if Benjamin finds out he isn't eating or sleeping Benjamin will force him to eat every bite of a full meal and force him to go to bed, sitting next to him and reading to him until he falls asleep. Which sounds nice, but considering Ranbob doesnt want to "bother" them, its a threat to him. Raq will always cause problems, he's a expert tracker and because of that he's able to hunt the groups down. He often will pop out of nowhere and attack the group, chasing them down until someone turns around and attacks him. Often Ran attacks him by looking Raq directly in his eyes, causing him to flee. Cause even though Raq wants to get Ran, he knows very well if they make eye contact he will lose a battle no matter what he does, so its best to run and attempt to blind him at a later point. Ran his very happy to be on the road again, and if Ranbob wasn't there (who's keeping Ran on edge and preventing him from fully enjoying the trip, though its mostly just Ran doing it to himself), he would be non-stop talking and running ahead of the group. But even with Ranbob there he's happy to finally be moving again. 
4: The gladiators did not witness it first hand, rather they heard screaming and went to check it out, worried and alarmed. And when Ranbob went into the depressive state did Benjamin come over to them and explain what was going on and what was going to happen. When then Jackie offered to help keep Ranbob company while Grievous and Watson offered to go along with Cletus to find Ran. When they heard the scream Jackie was scared and nervous, Grievous was anxious and on edge, Watson was calm yet curious, and Ran was mad and on edge. And when they found out what happened, Jackie felt bad and sympathetic, Grievous felt sad and a bit guilty, Watson was sympathetic and felt bad for him, and Ran was pissed. 
5: Isaac and Benjamin just kinda accepted it and went "Yes he is like a lost puppy and we love him for that.", Charles was embarrassed and instead of responding properly he muttered out an excuse and left, cause he was not expecting to be confronted with Ranbob being like a puppy at all and didn't know how to respond, and Cletus just stuck his tounge out and blew raspberries. And Ranbob was just purely embarrassed. 
6: Actually first thing Ranbob got when he arrived to the fishermen house was wrapped up in multiple fluffy blankets and had a hot chocolate shoved in his hands. Also whenever he goes into a depressive episode or wants to go back the fishermen just bring out emergency blankets and quickly make either hot chocolate or tea and Ranbob loves it every single time. 
7: Ranbob is mixed, he loves it being back as it reminds him of such good times, but it also doesn't feel right when Charles says it because Ran was the one who made it. It only sounds right when Ran says it. Ran is angry that Ranbob is letting someone else call him Bobby (which he is also sad about), but is also mad that he's mad that someone else is using it. But he's also happy its being used again, and is happy to see Ranbob still enjoys it. Grievous of course notices it, but doesnt look into it, and so does Watson but he also doesn't ask about it, determing it to be something the brothers themselves have to talk about. 
8:Because if it was Porkius or literally anyone else, they wouldn't of helped and would've watched happily as the two fought, waiting until one fell and even encouraging the fight. But they also jumped into the area from the stands and Cletus specifically placed himself between the two, pushing Ran back and yelling at him (which rarely anyone does) when Benjamin then came up to try to calm the raging enderman down, while Charles checked on Ranbob, and Isaac kept look out for any sudden movements between the two so he could intercept the potential attack. Plus when Isaac saw the other group approaching he ran to meet them, asking if they knew Ran and when they said yes, quickly stating a plan to safely restrain Ran long enough until Ranbob was taken to safety. Then leaving Ran to the group, but also saying how he wanted to talk later. 
10: Sounds like the certain town just may be the ruins of the Greater SMP. So I'll probably have Wilburs Decendent (which I dont currently have a name for, if anyone has one please feel free to suggest one!) As a popular performer there and also the towns historian, so when our groups get there Wilbur is able to provide information about Dream, Ranboo, basically everyone and the history of the SMP. Most likely going be a part of the story when Ran truly starts to slowly believe that his brother didn't meant to do everything he did. 
11: Yep, he knows Ranboo used to have bad memory (not how bad it was, just that it was bad) but he's never read it because Mizu never had the actual book, it was only told in tales and stories that Mizu had. If that makes sense. Ranbob will get plenty more hugs I promise you, though that also means he gets hurt more. 
12: Kinda but also cause I enjoy writing angst. 
Ok ok here's some fluff: These all take place a good week or 2 (or longer) after Ran forgives his brother and the relationship gets better. Watson walks in on the two sharing a blanket and sleeping against eachother. With them leaning on eachother and leaving almost no space between them. Ran finally calls Ranbob Bobby again and Ranbob cries and hugs his brother tightly, Ran is shocked but quickly hugs back just as tightly. Ranbob gets to finally pull a big brother move and tease Ran about his "nerdy" habit of reading so many books, Ran tries to fire back that Ranbob literally picked a idol that requires you to be a bookworm but he simply shoots back that Technoblade also requires you to be a bookworm. Its been spotted multiple times of either Ran or Ranbob having their tail wrapped around his brothers wrist or leg, and the two aren't very far apart now. Jackie jokes about being replaced by Ranbob and being heartbroken, basically draping himself over Ran and whining while everyone else laughs at Rans distress. Ran and Ranbob eventually agree to merge their two hauntings, which is extremely rare and is the biggest sign of trust and love there is in enderman language. Ran reads to Ranbob one night after a bad relapse, which ends up soothing Ranbob much sooner than anything else. 
I also have a more mythical idea of fluff that probably wont be in the main story, but im willing to share it if you want. 
2: Only his family noticed? Dang, okay. I’m irrationally attached to his siblings now that they have names, and this only hurts me. Do the gladiators have any noticeable changes in behavior towards Ranbob and Ran after reading it? Also, who may Ranya and Seth be? I don’t believe I saw them mentioned earlier.
3: Technically, he’s right. He hasn’t died yet, anon, and he’s been stabbed multiple times, he could very well be immortal. I guess he should probably do his best to not get stabbed again though, I hear it’s kind of bad for you. 
Ranbob: *Not doing something he should do for his own health*
Benjamin: *Self Care But As A Threat(Gently)*
Ranbob: *Does it*
Also, even though I acknowledge that Raq could be a genuine threat, all I can imagine are Team Rocket shenanigans. He keeps trying to blind him in various, complicated ways, and fails hilariously. One time he actually manages to do it only for Jackie to take him out or for him to turn around and accidentally look Ranbob straight in the eyes cause the poor hybrid was trying to knock him out without a fight.
4: Yikes, that must have been pretty scary, just hearing everything go down. If I may ask, what exactly happened with Ranbob? You said there was screaming?
5: Well, at least everyone’s come to terms with it. Ran uses people as tote bags, and Ranbob is the local puppy, and it is what it is.
6: Very good! He needs it! Also, do they just keep them on hand? Just-he looks a tiny bit sad and Benjamin pulls blanket and tea out of thin air and burritos him. 
7: Aww. But also, ouch. Oh well. At least we can get Ran eventually picking the nickname up again.
8: Oh? Interesting. Sounds like these guys are pretty quick on their feet. I can see why it’d impress the gladiators.
10: That? Sounds so cool? Oh, I really like that honestly, I can’t wait to see where you take that.
11: Neat. Is that where he got the idea for his diary, or? And why? Why must we suffer in order to take comfort from the kinder things in life? Why can’t Ranbob just have hugs without pain? 
12: Did you genuinely just admit to aiming for my feelings with that last one?! Anon, how could you! I’ve been injured! My heart, Anon! 
13: AWWWW. To all of this. So fluffy, and cute! Just what we needed, thank you! Also, more fluff, you say? Please share, we need all the fluff we can get.
Have a good week, Brothers Anon, and thank you for the lovely fluff, and equally lovely pain. I’m excited for more!
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97-liners · 3 years
HAHSHAJ heya it's Sol! If you don't mind I'll stay on anon for just a lil longer, nothing to do with you personally (I've been following your blog for awhile and you're lovely!!!) but honestly I just get irrationally nervous about being perceived online 😅 The anxiety will relax over time tho so pls give me a lil bit and I'll get out of my head funk eventually, and off anon! Talking with you is really fun!!! 🥰
HAHA okay about the Carat thing 😂 I was actually suuuper into SEVENTEEN's music when they first debuted, and went to their high touch event/showcase in 2017 when they visited my country! It passed by in such a blur that all I remember is that I made a goddamn fool outta myself in front of Dokyeom cos his megawatt smile all up in my face was just so unexpectedly overwhelming that I yelled out "BAM" and whapped his palm out of sheer panic HAHA 🤠 Knew their names, but at the time there wasn't as much content out variety-wise and over the years I kinda drifted away. More of a casual fan now, so I don't really feel like I'm deep enough to call myself a legit carat (yet?)! Also I just really like your writing style and voice, so at this point I'll give anyone you write a go because I know I'll enjoy the ride regardless 🥰
Did you just say,
Thick thighs????????
Asking for a friend, who is certainly not me HAHAHA
Real talk though lmao dear lord you make the best case for beautiful man inside and out choi seungcheol 😭😭😭😭 I'm so, so impressed by the stories of his leadership and by the way people talk about it!? 'Attending every single meeting pledis meeting about svt so they don't get mismanaged' PLS MY HEART 😫💕 (oh after school :'((() That's a good, caring, responsible and caring man right there, everyone needs someone like him in their lives ugh ✊GOOD GOD, AND HE'S A NATURAL CUTIE????? WITH STRONG ARMS AND STRONG THIGHS?!?!;?! A BUILD A HOME FROM SCRATCH KINDA BODY?????? A MAN WHO IS THOUGHTFUL, AND GIVES OFF 'PROTECT ME' VIBES AS MUCH AS HE DOES 'I CAN PROTECT YOU' ONES!?! PLEASE I need to sit down... I'm already sitting down but I need to sit down harder
You make a very convincing argument 🤧 Seungcheol seksi wormhole here we come eheh ⛷️
bro!! you met seventeen?!?!??
ok ngl. until november 2021 (yeah two months ago), i didn't know anything about seventeen and i will admit that i thought they had 17 members (a reasonable assumption for someone who didn't know anything about svt!!). i think they first came on my radar in 2017 when they dropped don't wanna cry, and i listened to that song on repeat over and over and over again and tried to learn the choreography. i think I always knew that they made bops? like i listened to clap when it came out because it was an iconic bop. i liked left and right because it's also an iconic bop. i listened to rock with you because it's also a bop.
i only really got into svt because i started watching going seventeen in november after seeing a gifset of them playing shout in silence in the tribal games episode. more specifically, hoshi being completely terrible at shout in silence made me watch the episode, and one thing led to another....
before i got into svt, i really only could recognize woozi by sight (because he's smoll and cute, or that's what i thought before i learned the members). i knew of jun, because he's a living meme in chinese kpop fandoms and also because nct china-line talk about him all the time, and shortly before i started watching gose, i was obsessed with minghao, because he's exactly my type.
anyways all this to say: if anyone's a fake carat, it's me LMAO
i completely did not expect to become so obsessed with seungcheol but it just sort of happened!!! like ngl, i didn't even think he was one of the more attractive members at first. but he's got an insane body and huge thighs and arms. like, the boy is THICK. and i've always been bothered by kpop-buff guys like johnny who are actually really skinny and look like they'd snap like a twig if they tried to lift a really heavy object, but seungcheol looks STRONG. and then it spiraled from there!! he's so cute!! his laugh is an instant serotonin boost! i want to protect him but i also want him to protect me!!!!!!
anyways sorry for writing a literal ESSAY lfajslkfdjslkdfjl
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jenomark · 5 years
The tells NCT have when they’re really upset and how you think they want to be kinda calmed down from tears or anger when stressed?
+ This whole thing is made of pure assumptions only! I did base things off of what I’ve witnessed as a fan, as well as what my opinions are surrounding those things. Please don’t take any of this seriously. This is not meant to be taken as the truth.
Taeil: I’ve noticed that he avoids the looks of other people when he’s upset. I personally think it’s because he feels embarrassed, but who really knows. In my opinion, I don’t think he wants anyone to see him being vulnerable. I think he’s the type of person that needs his friends and family to calm him down, and to make him feel better.
Johnny: I’ve never seen him have a lot of negative emotions, but I imagine his face is really blank when he is. He might raise his eyebrows a little, but the rest of his face will be so stone cold. To calm down, I think he would need a sincere apology. For Johnny, a mutual respect is important.
Taeyong: His eyes are very expressive. When he feels emotions, they get very watery, kind of like a cartoon character. When he’s upset, it’s not much different. Also, when he gets upset, I’ve noticed that he talks a lot. I think distractions would calm him down, but they would have to be his chosen distractions.
Yuta: Since his face naturally looks upset sometimes, it’s hard to tell when he’s really upset. We don’t see it as often because he brushes off his feelings a lot. I kind of feel like he might appear as if he’s bursting to say something, and that is how they know he’s upset. To calm him down, I think he would need to talk it out.
Kun: As much as he might put his feelings aside, he gets visually upset if something really bothers him. Kun’s patience really helps him in this area, because I think it takes quite a bit to truly piss him off. He does joke around a lot when things aren’t in his favor (or fair), but I think it’s part of his humor. To calm him down, he would need to be alone and surrounded by things that make him happy.
Doyoung: You can tell he’s upset immediately, because he can’t hide the annoyed look on his face. He kind of has that eye-narrowing thing going on for him. To calm down, he just needs to feel like he’s being understood. Not taking the time out to understand Doyoung is like poking a bear with a stick.
Ten: When he gets annoyed, he looks to other people to see if they agree with him. Ten kind of always has that “Can you believe this shit?” look on his face that only comes with people who aren’t aware of their own behavior. To calm down, I think he just really needs to complain to someone.
Jaehyun: I think he gets bent out of shape easily. Jaehyun hides it well, so we don’t see it often. When I think about him being upset, I imagine him as someone that stays consistently annoyed. I think he calms down through a little aggression, probably working out, or something where he is in control. 
WinWin: The face he makes when he’s angry or irritated is so different than his normal, happy face. I feel like, when WinWin does show he’s upset,  everyone in the nearby vicinity is able to feel it. I think avoiding him is probably best in this situation, so that he can calm himself down with his games.
Jungwoo: He cries a lot, but I mostly see him cry because he’s happy, or nervous. During that time, I know he doesn’t like to be bothered by too many people, because it makes him more upset. People like that tend to always feel like their feelings aren’t valid. When he’s upset (irritated/annoyed), I see the way he watches people. It’s kind of like he’s trying to figure out why they’re like that.
Lucas: I’ve never seen him visibly upset. The closest I’ve come to any emotions beyond happy or sad, is seeing that video of him being upset at the price of groceries. However, I don’t see that as a real example, because I don’t think that was an accurate display. In my opinion, I think Lucas’ tells are harder to find. I don’t think he’s down for starting the conversation, but I definitely think he’s a talker.
Mark: When he’s upset, I feel like he can’t leave things alone. To me, he seems the type that needs to let someone know that he’s upset with them (while expecting them to know  exactly why). Honestly, calming Mark down when he’s angry is probably difficult. I feel like he carries a lot of feelings with him, feeling each one until they eat away at him.
Xiaojun: He gets visibly annoyed a lot. I haven’t seen him seriously upset, but he’s annoyed by anyone doing something he doesn’t like. He’s definitely the type to let someone know when he isn’t pleased. I don’t think there is any way of chilling him out when he’s like that, because I don’t think people take him seriously.
Hendery: He doesn’t like people who are disrespectful of his space, of his whole being. I can see the irritation on his face when fans crowd him too much. I think he struggles a lot with feeling grateful for people, and also wanting to speak out about how those people are mistreating him. To calm down, I think he just needs people to know where he’s coming from, to listen and learn.
Renjun: I think he acts irrationally, at first. He might be a little whiny, a little loud if he feels like his point isn’t getting the reaction he wants. I think he might be the type to storm out and come back as if he was never mad in the first place. To calm him down, I think he’s one of those people who appreciate a sincere apology in his favor.
Jeno: According to the Dreamies, he cries when he’s angry. I feel like you would be able to sense his feelings before the watery eyes, though. He probably wears his emotions on his body and expresses them through his arms and legs. To calm down, it doesn’t take him much. He just needs a moment to recollect himself.
Haechan: He gets annoyed when people don’t do what he wants, or people take his intentions too seriously. He is very good at pushing people, because he doesn’t know how to deal with things, and he doesn’t want to look like a weak fool. With him, he doesn’t know how far is too far. I think he gets frustrated by how misunderstood he feels, as well. Like Mark, I think he also can’t leave things alone, but he’s more of an aggressor in that situation.  To calm him down, he needs to either be put in his place in a way he understands, or he needs to eventually come to the conclusion on his own (which he will). 
Jaemin: I think his anger ends up turning into a life lesson for himself quite quickly. I think he wants to come from a place of being visibly upset, but I think Jaemin catches himself, and his feelings come out a little too cold. I think he deals with his feelings in ways that he finds practical and useful. He won’t explode unless someone just isn’t getting the point. He handles things very seriously and maturely. 
YangYang: I feel like it’s probably hard to make him upset. Similar to Hendery, I think he doesn’t like being disrespected. I think he gives people too many chances with his emotions. I think his anger is more emotional on the inside, which is how I think he might differ from Hendery. Where Hendery is more outwardly annoyed, YangYang keeps his feelings on the inside, and I think they chip away at him a bit. To calm him down, I think he requires both tough love and a softer touch.
Chenle: Maybe his hurt feelings come from not being appreciated enough. I think, with him, his kindness is so selfless that he expects others to be similar. I think his face looks upset, but he’s the type to deny anything is wrong. He’ll always have the happy face for the benefit of others. To calm him down, I think he looks for people who hold the same values as him. A love of good people, in my opinion, keeps him going.
Jisung: When I think of him being upset, I think he can be unexpectedly verbal. He might not say the right things, but I think he tries to defend himself as best as he can. He’s definitely having conversations with himself just to find the right words to say to confront someone. For him, I think the telltale signs of him being angry are the way he reacts to the person who made him upset. To calm him, he needs to say what he needs to say, and no one can mock him during his peace. 
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parchmints · 6 years
JuLance Day 30 - Soulmate
Check out my thread on twitter to see all the prompts at once (the tumblr app messes with formatting so I recommend twitter if you’re using mobile)! All prompts connect together to form one overarching story!
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day 30/31 - Soulmate
Set right after day 26 (First Kiss) 
(Okay this is about as angstless as you’ll ever get from me. It’s so self-indulgent but it’s my birthday so I’m valid. Just one more to go!)
Day 30: Soulmate
When they get inside the house, they do their best not to track mud and water in, but it gets everywhere anyway.
Keith winces at the mess near the front. “Sorry, I’ll clean it up.”
“Let’s not worry about that right now,” Lance says, squeezing Keith’s hand. “Change first, clean later.”
“You sure?”
Lance leads him upstairs to the linen closet and grabs two fresh, white towels, then gives one to Keith.
“Here, give me a sec and I’ll get you something to change into,” Lance says, running off to his bedroom. He rifles through his drawers and finds a couple pairs of sweatpants and a loose-fitting t-shirt. He sets aside one pair of sweatpants and digs out a tank top for himself, then swipes the clean clothes for Keith and darts back into the hall.
Keith is still in the exact spot he left him--dripping wet, soft and vulnerable, and Lance’s heart swells in his chest.
He loves me, he thinks. And I love him.
Keith ruffles the towel against his hair, white and black mixing together, and Lance can’t believe how cute he is.
“I think these should fit. You can change in the bathroom down the hall and if you want, I’ll wash your clothes for you,” Lance says, handing over the dry garments.
“Oh, you don’t have to--”
“No, don’t worry about it. I have to wash my clothes too, so it’s fine.”
With some lingering glances and awkward smiles, they both head to their designated changing areas--Keith to the hall bathroom, Lance to his room--and get dressed. Lance flings his clothes off, dries himself with his towel, and puts on his fresh clothes as fast as he can. He knows he has hours before anyone is home, so he and Keith have some time together, but he doesn’t want to waste a single second.
Once he’s done he gathers up his wet clothes and waits for Keith out in the hall like a helpless puppy. When the bathroom door opens, Lance immediately perks up and goes to it, Keith already one foot out the door.
Keith holds his wet clothes far out from his chest, so as not to get his fresh clothes dirty, and Lance scoops them up from him.
“Go ahead and hang out in my room for a bit. I’m gonna get this going and clean downstairs real fast,” Lance says with a little smile.
“I can help.”
“No, no. You’re my guest. Plus,” Lance says, taking one hand to tousle the towel draped over Keith’s head, “you need to dry your mullet.”
Keith rolls his eyes at him, but he’s smiling. “Fine.”
“I’ll be right back.”
Making good on his promise, Lance speed walks to the laundry room while Keith heads for his room. As he’s throwing clothes in the washer and pouring in detergent, Lance feels a restless energy bubble underneath his skin that’s pulling him back to Keith, that desires to be in the same room with him again.
Get this done. Just get this done, he thinks, starting the washer. He then makes his way downstairs to clean the mess at the front door, which thankfully, isn’t all that messy. There’s so little dirt that he can just pick it all up with paper towels and disinfectant wipes, while the bulk of it is just water.
He kneels down to tidy it all up and while he does, all he can think about is the feeling of Keith’s lips on his. Lance can imagine it so vividly that he can feel the ghost of the sensation on his mouth and it’s making his heart race.
Because Keith is upstairs. In Lance’s room. In an empty house.
He’s suddenly aware of how easy it would be to sneak more kisses in, to hold Keith close to him just like he’s been wanting to for so long.
A big dopey grin spreads on Lance’s face and he works faster.
As soon as the floor is clean, Lance washes his hands in the nearby kitchen sink and dashes up the stairs two at a time. As he approaches his bedroom door, he gets irrationally nervous, just like when he saw Black landing on his lawn twenty minutes ago. Everything is just so new and exciting that his body doesn’t quite know how to react; he’s so used to keeping his feelings and affections in a tightly-lidded jar that the prospect of being able to share them freely has him all over the place.
With a shaky breath, he opens the door and as soon as he sees Keith--in Lance’s dark grey sweats, white t-shirt, and sitting on his bed--all of his doubts evaporate like steam. He’s still a little nervous, still feels his stomach tie in knots just from looking at Keith, but it’s all from a place of joy instead of fear.
Because Keith loves him. He said so himself.
Keith’s looking around at Lance’s room which is just a mess of pictures and birthday cards on the walls, knick-knacks and seashells littering every surface, and clothes sprinkled on the floor. His attention turns to Lance as he enters the room and Keith gives him that same smile that turns his insides into goo.
“All dry?” Lance asks, walking over to the bed.
Keith cards the towel through his hair again with a gentle shake. “Getting there.”
“Here,” Lance says, a little laugh underneath his breath. Standing over Keith, he brings his hands to the towel and Keith’s hands float down to his sides as he does. For several seconds, they’re quiet as Lance roughly massages the towel over Keith’s hair, the rain outside still pouring rhythmically.
It takes just an instant for their eyes to catch--Keith’s big violet eyes peeking out from between the white towel curtaining his face--and for Lance to lean towards him. Keith cranes his neck upward to meet him halfway in another soft kiss that has Lance’s stomach filling and swarming with butterflies. The kiss is slow and languid, because, after all, they can take their time--there’s no ticking time bomb threatening them and no more passionate confessions left to be said, so they can just enjoy each other. With a sharp inhale, Lance moves to crawl onto the bed with his hands pressed into the mattress on either side of Keith for leverage. Keith scooches himself back to give Lance room and they have to separate for a moment while they adjust, but as soon as Lance is fully on the bed, hovering over him, they connect again.
Lance can smell the rain in Keith’s hair and the fresh cotton from the clean clothes he’s wearing, and it’s making him dizzy with how intoxicating it is. Making matters worse, Keith lowers himself fully onto the bed and hooks his arms around Lance’s neck, bringing Lance down with him. Lance’s heart leaps up into his throat at the gesture, but he doesn’t skip a beat, still pressing kisses onto Keith’s wanting mouth and letting a hand gently run up-and-down Keith’s side.
Nerve growing, Lance breaks away from Keith’s lips and presses kisses to the corner of his mouth, to the strong line of chin, and then, slowly, carefully, down the long length of his throat. Keith lets out a satisfying, shaky breath and Lance smiles into the base of his neck before pressing another kiss to his collarbone.
“Can we, uh, take a break for a sec?” Keith asks, voice wrecked and body going still. Immediately, Lance’s head pops up to look at Keith, eyes wide in horror.
“Oh no! I’m so sorry! Was I making you uncomfortable? I’m so--”
“No. Lance, stop. I’m just...not used to this. It’s kinda overwhelming, that’s all,” Keith says, moving his arms so his hands land on Lance’s shoulders. Taking a closer look now, Lance can see how red Keith’s face is.
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, of course. But you’re okay?” Lance asked, still a little worried.
With a small smile, Keith lifts himself up a bit to press a chaste kiss to Lance’s lips. “Yeah. I’m doing pretty great, actually.”
“Oh,” Lance says, dopey smile forming again. “Good. Me too.”
With a big sigh, Lance flops over so he’s lying next to Keith, the length of their arms pressed together pleasantly. Keith takes Lance’s hand and intertwines their fingers, his skin hot to the touch.
“So…” Lance starts, leading.
“I don’t know, should we talk about stuff?”
“Like what?” Keith asks.
And Lance considers this a moment. There was a lot they needed to talk about--are they boyfriends? They’re in love, so they should probably be boyfriends. When do they tell the others? Do they ever tell the others? Would they even be okay with their relationship? Are Paladins allowed to date? What about on missions and stuff? Would it mess things up? Would they make bad decisions over each other?
The flurry of questions has Lance sitting up, all of them hitting him like a bucket of ice water. Keith, a little startled, is quick to follow with his brow furrowed. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No, no...sorry, I was just thinking that there’s probably a pretty big discussion we need to be having,” Lance says, a little shaky.  
“Okay, sure. What about?”
“Well, just,” Lance starts, deflating. “Is this okay? Are we allowed to do this as Paladins?”
“I mean, who’s gonna stop us?”
“No, I know. I just meant...is it gonna distract us from missions and stuff?”
“I don’t have any immediate plans to make out with you while we’re saving planets, Lance.”
“You don’t?” Lance asks, with a grin.
“Right, yeah. Sorry,” Lance says, going somber again. “Like, is it gonna mess with our priorities? Are we gonna be more likely to save each other than a refugee or something?”
“Do you--do you just not want to do this?” Keith asks, voice more vulnerable than Lance has ever heard it before.
“No! No, that’s not it at all, Keith. I want this more than anything, I just...think we need to talk about it.”
Keith sighs. “Lance, I already prioritize you on missions. No matter what, I’m going to do whatever I can to save everyone, but if I have to choose between you and some random alien, then I’m gonna choose you. Every time. It doesn’t matter if we’re in a relationship or not, that’s just how it is.”
“I told you, I’m in love with you. You’re going to be my priority whether we’re kissing and holding hands or not. So, I guess…” Keith says, thinking. “I guess I just don’t think it’ll change the way we do things that much.”
“It’ll change,” Lance says with certainty, but a small smile has found its way onto his face.
Because it makes sense. Whether they’re together or not, the way they feel won’t change, so it won’t really matter.
“We’ll deal with it,” Keith says, voice low as he leans in closer to Lance before pressing his lips delicately over the freckles on Lance’s shoulder. It sends a fuzzy, warm feeling through Lance that he hopes never goes away.
And suddenly, all the other scary questions buzzing around in Lance’s head quiet and still. They don’t have to have this discussion right now--Voltron is always going to be there and for now, while they’re off duty, they can just be with each other.
Lance hums as Keith takes his lips away from his shoulder and Lance finds his hand again. “Yeah, I believe you.”
“Good. You should. I’m always right.”
Lance scoffs. “I know for a fact that isn’t true because you thought I didn’t like you, which you really could not have been more wrong about.”
“You told me you just wanted to be friends! What was I supposed to think?!” Keith asks, bristling.
“I never said that!”
“Yes, you did!”
“It was when I came to apologize for the whole training thing and you were coming out of the Green Lion.”
Lance blinks at Keith, remembering the moment clearly. “That’s not what--you completely--I was trying to be supportive because I knew you liked someone else!”
“Shows what you know!”
“Pidge told me. Pidge is a genius!”
“Pidge, like you, is an idiot and after I kill her, I’m kicking her out of Voltron. Hilario can be the new Green Paladin.”
Annoyed, Lance tackles Keith around his middle and takes him down to the bed, squeezing tightly.
Keith lets out an “oof” at the impact before he asks, “what are you doing?”
“Cuddling,” Lance answers, pressing his ear into Keith’s chest.
Hesitant at first, Keith slowly wraps his arms around Lance’s shoulders and lets out a contented sigh.
Lance hums at the warm contact and closes his eyes. “This okay?”
Keith is warm against Lance and with the rain’s continuous downpour, Lance has never felt cozier or safer in his life. He could honestly fall asleep any second, but there’s still a couple buzzing questions in his mind he does want the answer to.
“So, question…”
“Yeah?” Keith asks, voice curious.
“That day at training…”
“Oh, god. What, Lance?”
“Were you going to kiss me?”
Keith lets out a groan. “Oh my god.”
“Come on! Tell me!”
“Yes! Obviously. I thought you knew and that’s why you gave me the whole ‘your friendship is important to me’ speech. It took like, all my willpower not to.”
“Really?” Lance asks sweetly, craning his head so he can look up at Keith.
Keith’s thumb traces back and forth on Lance’s shoulder blade and he smiles despite his embarrassment. “Really.”
Lance grins at him and his heart flutters in his chest. The way Keith talks about him--it’s all like something out of Lance’s dreams.
“Okay, what about you?” Keith asks.
“Were you gonna kiss me on the ferris wheel?”
Lance laughs and buries his head in Keith’s chest before looking back up at him. “I was absolutely gonna kiss you on the ferris wheel.”
“Wow, okay. Maybe we’re both idiots.”
Lance laughs again, low and pleasant. “A match made in heaven.”
“Something like that.”
“So, okay. One more question.”
“Go for it.”
Lance’s mouth goes dry. He probably shouldn’t be as nervous as he is to ask, but he’s never been very logical when it comes to Keith per what’s been demonstrated.
“Um, do you wanna be boyfriends? Officially?”
Keith goes still beneath him and Lance looks up to see his expression. His eyes are a little round and surprised, but his face quickly melts into an easy smile.
“Yeah. I do.”
Lance smiles into Keith’s chest and lets out a shaky sigh, heart thundering in his ribcage. “Cool. That’s super cool.”
“Pretty cool, yeah,” Keith says and Lance can hear his smile.  
They fall silent as they both wrap their arms tight around each other, feeling safe and warm and honestly? Feeling like they’re home.
And Lance knows their relationship is only a minute old and that he’s probably just in the honeymoon stage, but it feels like so much more than that--like this is it. Yeah, maybe they put a title on it just now, but they know each other and they’re in love, so he thinks he can trust his instinct. Holding Keith, here, in his childhood bedroom while the rain sings them a lullaby, there’s not a single doubt in Lance’s mind that he finally found his soulmate.
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souliloquyyy · 6 years
Meet The Cast: Infinity & Delta
@gottaenjoythelittlethingzz tagged me! Thank you!!
I’ll be doing this with Infinity (Fin) and Delta, the twin MCs from Rules For The End Of The World!
1. On a scale of “is occasionally forced to bathe” to “Instagram model with sponsors to hoe for” how involved is your OC’s skincare routine?
It’s pretty darn involved for both of them. They absolutely love makeup and that stuff. I, however, do not. So it’s a struggle to write. Which is why I’m not going to attempt to explain their skincare routines.
2. What are your OC’s food preferences (flavors/textures/spiciness/calories/ when and how they eat) and how did they get that way?
Infinity definitely likes soft, warm sweets like cupcakes and brownies. She has a major sweet tooth. There’s not really a reason, she just does. She isn’t super strict about how/when she eats, but she’s definitely the kind of person who doesn’t use a plate if she doesn’t have to.
Delta, while she enjoys sweets like everyone else on the planet, prefers spicy and crunchy foods. She likes chips and salsa. She likes eating raw jalapenos and other hot peppers. Delta will snack all day long if given the opportunity, and, like her sister, rarely uses plates or utensils.
3. What’s something pointless/petty/unimportant that IRRATIONALLY ANNOYS THE HELL out of your OC?
Delta gets annoyed when people don’t understand anarchy or talk about government in front of her.
Fin gets annoyed when people assume she is also an anarchist. She hates people assuming anything about her, honestly.
4. What’s your OC’s response to being asked for money by a homeless person?
Infinity would not give them money but would buy them food or something. She’s one of those people who doesn’t like giving money because she’s worried about how it will be used. But she’ll buy them food, clothes, whatever they need. She’s not heartless, just cautious.
Delta would probably pretend not to notice them. She’s not a very sympathetic person and thinks people should deal with their issues themselves rather than ask for help.
5. Does your OC get lost easily? What do they do when they do get lost?
Neither of them gets lost more easily than anyone else, though they do get lost occasionally. They live in a big city, it’s not hard to lose your way. What they do when they get lost is a different question, though. Infinity would stop and ask someone for directions, while Delta would wander around aimlessly until she figures out how to get where she’s going.
6. What would STOP your OC from Doing The Right Thing in a tense situation?
Honestly, this is a big part of Infinity’s story. She has two Right Things but can only choose one. And whichever she doesn’t choose will end badly. But it’s kinda spoilers. So I can’t really say. However, I will say one thing that will make her hesitate is if it puts her sister in danger. Despite their differences, they’re really close and would do anything for each other.
A lot of things would stop Delta from doing the Right Thing. She’d do whatever would benefit her or her sister.
7. Realistically, could your OC (in their normal circumstances- i.e. at their own house/battle-camp/spaceship etc.) keep a small child alive for a week if they had to?  A Dog?  A Houseplant? A rock with a smiley face painted on?
Infinity would end up forgetting about the kid at some point, so no, not really. She might be able to do a dog, but again, probably not. She could totally take care of a houseplant, though. She has a bunch of succulents and cactuses. She could definitely take care of a rock and would probably enjoy it too.
Delta is surprisingly good with kids and would probably be able to keep one alive for a week, though not much longer. She doesn’t like animals so that’s a no. She could take care of a houseplant, though she wouldn’t want to. However, she does have one succulent that she’s kept alive for a few months. It was a birthday present from Infinity. She would be capable of caring for a rock, but she would not enjoy it.
8. If your OC had to take the S.A.T. tomorrow with one night to prep, how would they do?  Both emotionally and academically.
They’d both be pretty chill about it, especially Delta. Infinity would be a bit stressed out, but she’d manage pretty well. They would do okay, grade-wise, but not amazingly. Probably about average.
9. What would cause your OC to choose to do something petty/pointlessly cruel?
Infinity would only do it for no reason in a joking manner or to someone she doesn’t like. Otherwise, it would take a lot to make her be mean to someone. She’s a peacemaker.
Delta would also only do it to someone she doesn’t like, but she doesn’t like most people, so, realistically, she’d be mean to just about anyone.
10. On a scale of “Complete and justified nervous breakdown” to “Conquer The Entire Galaxy and become an Immortal God-Emperor”, how well would your OC handle being abducted by aliens?
Infinity would be freaking out on the inside but be totally chill on the outside.
Delta would think it was cool and would totally Conquer The Entire Galaxy.
11. What song is 100% guaranteed to get your OC beyond excited and will be sung loudly and embarrassingly, either in public or the shower?
One of Delta’s favorite bands is Fall Out Boy, and her favorite song by them is Young And Menace (she also adores Centuries). She would totally rock out to both of those anywhere and anytime, no matter who is nearby. And she would not be embarrassed at all. She also really likes Fugitive by Halflives.
Fin likes How To Be A Heartbreaker by MARINA and would, like Delta, rock out to it anywhere, anytime, and not be shy about it.
12. What perfectly-normal-to-them-thing does your OC do that confuses/pisses off/terrifies their neighbors?
Delta’s belief in anarchy annoys and honestly scares the neighbors, and Fin’s pastel-grunge aesthetic confuses them. The girls are just super weird and their neighbors hate them for it.
13. Under what circumstances would your OC appear naked in public?
Both of them would probably do it out of spite or because of a dare.
14. What thing did your OC’s parents do that your OC wishes they had a better explanation for?
Name them Infinity and Delta. They like the names, they just wish they could explain them better.
15. How often does your OC “zone out” or do things on autopilot and how severe have the problems that have arisen from that been?
Delta rarely zones out.
Infinity zones out way too often. She has a very intense inner dialogue going all the time, so she gets lost in thought whenever she’s not required to pay attention, and sometimes even when she is required to pay attention. The problems can be pretty severe, for instance, zoning out while driving a car has nearly gotten her into a few accidents. Zoning out during school has gotten her into a lot of trouble with her teachers.
16. How strong or weak is your OC’s impulse control? What’s the worst thing that happened because of their impulsivity or inability to be so?
Both of them are incredibly impulsive and have practically no impulse control. I can’t think of the worst thing that happened because of this, because there are so many, but they’ve both gotten in a lot of fights with other people and have jumped into dangerous situations that could have ended in severe injuries or even death.
17. How does your OC sabotage themselves?
Delta argues with literally everyone to the point where literally everyone hates her, which gets her into a TON of trouble and danger for which she can only blame herself.
Fin does the same thing with her sarcasm, but not quite as bad because she’s only joking whereas Delta is not.
18. What’s the trashiest item in your OC’s wardrobe, when was the last time they wore it and why do they still have it?
I literally don’t know anything about clothing, so I can’t really answer this. But they both love fashion so they probably don’t have any trashy clothing items.
19. How dehydrated is your OC right now? Are they going to fix this?
Fin is Super Healthy and always carries a bottle of water with her, so she is not dehydrated in the least bit.
Delta doesn’t go out of her way to drink water just for the purpose of being healthy, but she’s always thirsty so she’s always drinking water, so she’s pretty much always hydrated.
20. What’s your OC smell like? No, not that “Vanilla and Anxiety” evocative stuff, realistically. Body odor? What have they been touching all day? When was their last shower? Did they put on any kind of artificial scent?
Seeing as it’s the end of the world and they don’t really have the time for deoderant and perfume, they both probably smell pretty bad. They showered at least a day or two ago, but they still have access to showers so they’re not super gross. Fin likes perfume and would wear it if she had the time, but, you know, end of the world and whatnot.
Thank you again to @gottaenjoythelittlethingzz for tagging me!
I’m going to tag literally anyone who wants to do this! Go ahead and say that I tagged you; I’d love to come read about your characters!
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totallyrhettro · 7 years
A/S/L?  Part 4
Word Count: 2637 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Brief mentions of sexual activities Summary: Rhett has an anonymous sexual relationship with someone online. Note: Starts near the beginning of 2016. Rhett and Link aren’t married.
Part 1
Previous Part
Rhett couldn’t breathe. He stared at Link, his green eyes gazing over the man’s slightly reddened face, his dark hair hastily fixed back into place. It couldn’t be… The suspicion rapidly growing in his mind just couldn’t possibly be the truth. Surely it was just a coincidence that Link was coming out of the bathroom at the same time Twink182 was supposedly doing the same thing. Quickly Rhett recovered his composure and just gave his friend a pleasant smile as he followed him down the hall.
“Where you been, man?” he asked. A fair question. Even if Link hadn’t just been playing with himself in the bathroom just then, he had been gone a very long time.
“In -N- Out was crazy busy. I was barely able to get a table. Then there was a wreck on the freeway.” Link ran his hand nonchalantly through his hair. “I only just got back. What about you? You get a lot of work done? 
“Not really,” Rhett admitted. “I uh, just came downstairs to get a drink.”
“Oh man, I’m so thirsty right now.” It was said so offhandedly that normally Rhett would have paid it no mind. Instead he unconsciously licked his lips. 
‘I bet you are.’ Stepping into the kitchen Rhett didn’t say a word as he grabbed an empty glass from the cupboard. He knew he was being unusually quiet, but he couldn't help it. He was turning over the possibilities in his mind, remember every single dirty thing he ever typed out to Twink182. If he and Link really were the same person... 
“Rhett?” Link suddenly asked, shaking Rhett from his inner confusion. Looking up all he could offer was a blank expression. “Were you listening?”
“Sorry, just… thinking about the song.” ‘Good enough.’
“I was just suggesting we call it a night for now,” Link said, leaning against the counter. “That dinner took way longer than I had hoped and I don’t know about you but I’m freak’n exhausted.”
‘I bet you are.’
“Sure,” Rhett said out loud. “Sounds good. You wanna pick up again Monday?” He really wanted some time to think about this, at least get his own suspicions in order.
“I was thinking we could get together tomorrow, actually,” Link suggested, sipping his water. “Maybe a change in scene might help. You could come over to my place.”
‘Like a date?’ was Rhett’s first thought. He violently shoved it aside, silently chastising himself. It was a crazy notion, even crazier than thinking that Link was actually Twink182. Yet he was hesitant to say yes to the invitation. For the first time in his life, Rhett feared what he might find over there. Of course, he felt stupid for the irrationality of that thought as well. Even if Link was Twink182 which he knew couldn’t possibly be so, it’s not like he’d leave his sex toys and fancy panties out for anyone to see. ‘He’d be more likely using them.’ Another rouge thought, this one leaving Rhett with images of Link in those silk panties on, a toy in his behind.
“Or your place, if you’d prefer?”
‘Crap.’ Rhett hadn’t meant to zone out again and Link was starting to get suspicious of his strange behavior. ‘Say you have plans, say you can’t make it. Whatever you do, don’t say yes.’
“Yeah, sure.” ‘Goddamn it.’
“Great! I’ll come around noon-ish. I’ll bring lunch.” With one last devilishly handsome smile, Link strode out of the kitchen. Rhett watched him go, unable to keep his eyes from that perfectly pert behind. Of course, he tried to get a good look at Link’s butt whenever he could, but this time he was also checking to see if there was a noticeable bump down there; maybe something there that shouldn’t be. There was no sign, just a wonderful view of an ass that never seemed to quit.
‘Calm down. It’s just Link,’ he reminded himself. ‘It’s not Twink182. There’s just no way.’ At the very least, it was highly unlikely, and he didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Surely there had to be some way to find out for sure without directly asking him. After all, if he just came out and asked Link and he wasn’t Twink182…. Rhett really didn’t want to have to explain why he was asking, or worse tell him who Twink182 was and what they had been up to. He’d never be able to live it down, or forgive himself.
That evening Rhett sat before his computer, staring at the IM icon on his computer’s desktop. During his drove home he had convinced himself that Twink182, a stranger he had only known for only a few months, and Link, his best friend of thirty plus years, couldn’t possibly be the same person. The chances were just too low. He tried to relax, and put the idea out of his head, but he just couldn’t do it. Staring at his computer, Rhett felt more nervous than when he had started this unlikely relationship. Shame was swelling deep in his chest and it wouldn’t go away.
‘Link would never have sex over the internet,’ he told himself. ‘He would never say those filthy things, or use a butt plug or wear panties.’ With a sigh of relief, Rhett nodded unconsciously. His best friend was one of the goofiest people he had ever known, and together they had done many a strange thing both on and off screen, but Rhett knew it was all for comedy. Deep down Link was straight and relatively normal. Not this kinky Twink182 guy. No. They were two different people and that was that.
Signing into IM, Rhett took in a deep breath and let it out. He told himself he was being silly for nothing, and there was no reason for fear. Even if this guy was Link he didn’t know Rhett was Rhett. No names had been shared, no delicate details or and information that could reveal his identity. He was completely safe. If things got rough he could always break it off, end it, and that would be that.
He didn’t want it to end.
BigRed84 is online
Twink182: Hey baby
Twink182: Missed you ;)
‘Oh god, what if this is Link? This can’t be Link. This might be Link.’
BigRed84: Hey
Twink182: Did you miss me? Today was amazing. I know I only came a few hours ago but I’m getting hard just thinking about it
‘He’s not Link. He’s not Link. He’s not Link.’
BigRed84: I’ve never done that in public before. I mean no one was there but still. That was crazy.
Twink182: Crazy good though right? I came so hard just from your texts omg
Twink182: Is my turn? You want me to make you come baby?
Normally Rhett would be all for it. It had been a thrill, and he usually enjoyed how Twink182 talked to him, making him hot and bothered with just words on a screen, but this time was different.
BigRed84: Can we just talk?
It was a big risk. They had talked very little outside of just sex conversations and Rhett wasn’t sure if Twink182 would be the type of guy to just talk. Maybe all he wanted out of this relationship was sex, or he wasn’t comfortable having more in depth conversations. It took a few minutes for him to respond to Rhett’s question, during which Rhett was certain he had made the wrong call.
Twink182: Having second thoughts about us?
‘Crap, that’s not what I meant.’ Although, to be fair, that’s exactly what Rhett was doing: having second thoughts… and third ones and fourth ones…
BigRed84: Don’t you ever have second thoughts about whatever this is?
Twink182: Sometimes
Twink182: If I’m honest
Twink182: But without you I’d probably go crazy
BigRed84: I thought I drive you crazy
Twink182: That too ;)
Twink182: Seriously though
Twink182: I kinda need this
‘Not Link. Not Link.’
BigRed84: You know that guy I told you about? That cute coworker of mine?
Twink182: The brunet with chiseled jaw and great ass? Yeah, I remember :p
‘Did I really say that? I guess I did.’
Twink182: You worried what he’ll think if he found out about us?
BigRed84: Very. But it’s not just that
BigRed84: I’m kinda in love with him
Twink182: You and I are in the same boat
Twink182: The hot guy at work I like. We’ve been friends forever but he has no clue how I feel
Rhett bit his lip, his heart racing faster before he could blink an eye. Did Link like him as more than just a friend? How long had this been going on? How long had he felt this way?
‘Not Link. Not Link.’
BigRed84: Really?
Twink182: How perfect is this? Two kinky gay guys in love with their hot straight coworkers and we just happen to find each other? It’s fucked up and I love it
BigRed84: You ever think about telling him how you feel?
Twink182: All the time
Twink182: But what good would that do? He’s straight. It would only make things weird.
Twink182: What about you? You ever tell your guy?
‘How much I lust after him? How much I want to be with him?
How much I’ve always loved him?’
BigRed84: I guess I always thought I’d disgust him. That’s it would just push him away
BigRed84: I’d rather spend my life with him not knowing than not be with him at all
Twink182: Same
Twink182: I can’t imagine my life without him
Twink182: But I’m a guy and I have needs. I’m not looking for a committed relationship here
Twink182: Just some fun
BigRed84: Fair enough
BigRed84: Glad we cleared that up
Twink182: Wanna play now?
BigRed84: I got early thing in the morning. Tomorrow night?
Twink182: I might be working, but I’ll let you know
BigRed84: Goodnight Twinky
Twink182: Night Red :)
The next day Rhett was a totally wreck. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t make a final decision about Twink182. He wasn’t Link, but he could be, and if he was Link had he been harboring feelings for Rhett? For how long? Of course other than the coincidence of the bathroom, there was absolutely no proof that Link was the guy Rhett had been secretly having online sex with, but maybe it wasn’t proof that was was making it hard to discount the possibility. Hope. It was the hope that was blooming in his heart. Hope that Link could feel that way about him. Hope that they could be together like… that. It was a small spark, a tiny glimmer in Rhett’s heart, but it was stronger than any facts in his brain, and he clung to it like a life preserver. 
It was a little after eleven that Link showed up at Rhett’s house, a bag of burgers in hand, ready to work on their song for Buddy System. He had such a smile on his face that Rhett felt his heart soar. No matter what ever happened in his life to leave him confused, scared or worried, Link was there. He was always there, always capable of cheering him up just by being nearby.
‘God, I love this man.’
“Hey, Rhett! You ready to buckle down and get this song finished?”
“You bet.” Stepping back to let Link pass by, Rhett had to consciously restrain himself from just grabbing him and planting a kiss on him then and there. It wouldn’t have been the first time he’d had just instinctive desires, but it had been awhile since he’d almost failed to stop himself. Link looked so good today, better than usual, or maybe that was just Rhett’s imagination?
After downing the burgers and fries, the two men set down in Rhett’s living room. Link opened up his laptop to what lyrics he had managed to cobble together so far while Rhett grabbed up his guitar to play the chords he had thought up the day before. It was just like old times, as if nothing had changed, and for the next few hours it was. Rhett completely forgot about Twink182, and how he and Link might be the same person. He just focused on the music and hanging out with his best friend. It was simple, it was easy, and more than anything it was comfortable. It hadn’t expected it to be, with all of his suspicions before. Instead everything was just fine for most of the day.
It was late when Link started checking his watch. Rhett didn’t notice it at first, but the later the hour the more often he glanced at the time. It took him a moment to remember that he had made plans with Twink182 yesterday. If Link was indeed that man, it would make sense that he was eager to get going.
“You got a date or something?” Rhett ventured. Link looked up, startled, before showing off his famous crooked smile.
“Maybe. I’m allowed to date, aren’t I?”
“Uh, y-yeah. Sure,” Rhett managed, thrown a bit by Link’s answer. “I didn’t know you were seeing anyone.”
“Nothing serious. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you; I’m not sure where it’s going just yet.”
“No, s’fine. Just surprised…. That you didn’t tell me, that is.” His heart felt a fair bit heavier suddenly and the air in the room tasted much more stale. “You can do whatever you want.” The next few seconds felt like hours and while Rhett knew he should let it go, he had to know more. “Anyone I know?”
“I doubt it,” Link answered, looking down at his computer and not really paying attention. “We met online.”
“That’s a little weird, right?” Rhett probed, trying to be delicate. To his surprise Link glared at him, sitting back in a huff.
“You know, things aren’t like they were in North Carolina, Rhett,” he started. “People meet people over the internet all the time. It doesn’t make us weird.”
“I never said you were weird-”
“See, this is why I didn’t tell you. I knew you were going to get all judgmental.” Slamming his laptop shut, Link got to his feet.
“I’m not being judgmental, man!” Rhett held his arms out, pleading, as he tried to figure out why Link was flipping out so much. “I’m just asking if you thought it was weird.”
“No, you’re trying to tell me you think it’s weird. Well, it’s not. It’s perfectly lovely.”
“Alright, alright. Don’t have a fit.” Fit was an understatement; Link was practically fuming. Apparently Rhett had struck a nerve.
“I should get going anyhow,” Link stated, packing up his things. Rhett wanted to stop him, he really did, but he couldn’t think of anything that would make him stay. Nothing that didn’t betray what he knew, or what he thought he knew. Maybe Link just needed to blow off some steam. They had fought many times in the past. Link wouldn’t be angry forever.
“Alright. I’m sorry I upset you.” Rhett got to his feet, ready to walk his friend to the door. His expression of apology did give Link pause, but he had to follow through now. Backing down wasn’t in his nature.
“It’s late, we’re both tired. I think we should take tomorrow off, start fresh on Monday.”
“Sounds good, buddy.” Arms open wide, Rhett called Link in for a goodbye hug and after a moment’s hesitation, the brunet accepted it gladly. ‘I love you.’ Rhett wanted to stay in that hug forever, but he knew eventually he had to let go. His only solace as he watched his best friend, the love of his life, head out into the night, was that no matter what happened, he would always come back. ‘If nothing else, best friends forever.’
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semenguine · 5 years
have you guys been talking about what happened? rue asks. i shake my head. no, i don’t ask anymore, i say. it’s like popping a pimple before it’s ready, i swirl my drink. hurts and you get a nasty scar. she’ll open up when she’s ready, i guess. trying to pry her open just hurts both of us, i find. and it makes her cry and get secretive. she’s just been hurt so much i think. being vulnerable really scares her. even when it’s with me. she opens up sometimes about some things. i just try to be supportive then so she feels comfortable doing it when she’s ready.
rue nods. it’s crazy though, she says. a cult. i mean, you just don’t think... it’s crazy you guys found each other. a cult kid and a trafficked kid. at least you both get it, what it’s like living through that kinda intense...
childhood trauma? i fill in. rue winces. yeah.
yeah, i mumble. therapy’s really helping her, though. she hasn’t talked about trauma and stuff yet, but she’s working through things, um, with her personality disorder. she’s leaning into some stuff more, but, she’s really improving with negative stuff. like temper and black and white thinking. and she’s able to recognize when she’s reacting irrationally, stuff like that. her coping mechanisms, though... still not so good. but i’m sure they’ll get to that at some point.
rue nods and smiles. that’s really good to hear. and how are you doing, sierra? me? i’m good, i smile. i’m nervous but i try not to show it. i don’t want to talk about myself, not to rue, not to anyone.
i’m paranoid of getting people down. being a burden. doing or saying anything that could make someone sad. i could confess i’ve been suicidal lately, or i could not. after all, the past two, three days i’ve been okay enough. 
i haven’t been able to get to therapy, i say- always good to include some truth in a lie. but i’m doing really well, i haven’t been feeling badly lately. i don’t know, i’m just doing a lot better. maybe it’s a maturity thing. like something that comes with time. you learn how to live with all the stuff that happens to you.
maybe, rue says. she surveys me, looks me over, and then says gently, i won’t try to pry you open. i look down, embarrassed my lies have been seen through, but i offer a quiet thanks.  
when i get home eden is there, on the couch with the twins, under a blanket, all of them. hi sisi, eden says. hi eden, i say. have fun at the bar? she asks. i just caught up with rue, i say. had a little piña colada. 
she nods. i go to the room, in a bit of a weird mood. i take my makeup off and burrow under the covers. i fall asleep. when i wake up eden’s sleeping next to me. she begins to stir as i stir, disrupting her, i suppose.
she looks at me, her eyes wide and filled with the innocence only managed by the half-awake. are you okay? she asks this sleepily, wraps her arms around me. i stiffen before relaxing. i worry about you, she mumbles. her head droops. a lot. you don’t talk to me about bad stuff no more. how come?
my breath catches in my throat. my heart pounds and she won’t stop looking at me. did i mess things up, she asks quietly. by how fucked i’ve been lately? ‘cause i’m- i’m still me, sierra. you can still trust me, i promise. it’s okay to tell me stuff. like you used to. or just come ‘n say you need a hug like old times.
it’s not you, i whisper. she nods in understanding, pulls me close. holds me so tight. i whimper. and then, in her arms, i start to cry. it’s a’ight, baby, she says. voice soft. soothing. i was gonna kill myself after new year’s, i admit. 
it feels embarrassing and overdramatic to say out loud. i struggle with the words. i- i’m not gonna do it now. obviously. 
eden looks at me with concern. i don’t want to anymore, i shut my eyes tight. things are totally fine. i was just being me. being stupid me. i don’t know, i hiccup. i didn’t wanna worry you so i didn’t say anything. but i’m okay now anyway. it’s not really a big deal. 
why did you wanna do that? eden asks. frowning a little. i didn’t see another way, i confess. i... everything.. it doesn’t even matter, i say. i was just being dumb. like always.
you ain’t dumb, eden says. she lets me bury my head in the crook of her neck. i’d rather know than not know. 
i nod. i’m fine now. and i mean it. eden looks at me. smiles a little. promise? i promise, i say. she kisses me and i kiss her back.
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